Introduction to 'Not Sorry'
KateLynn Bundy
and welcome hi to the very first episode of the Not Sorry podcast. My name is Caitlin. I am your favorite tough love bestie. This is so exciting. I have been trying to start a podcast for quite some time. This right now will be my Fourth attempt, I'll admit it, I have no shame, but after the last one ended, against my will, um I knew I still wanted to do something, but it took a lot of convincing, a lot of gumption, a lot of
KateLynn Bundy
back and forth, what am I going to do? Is this really meant for me? um You know, after three times, its you kind of get a hint, right? but Maybe maybe this isn't this isn't meant for me. But you know what? I love podcasting so much. And what does it matter? Who cares? Just do it. And ah that's the kind of person that I am, is that i'm I was so good and tired of thinking about it.
KateLynn Bundy
So we're here.
Life in Tennessee and Personal Traits
KateLynn Bundy
We're doing it. And Walter is joining us at the very perfect moment. This is my cat Walter, if you're watching on video or any clips. The second I start talking, he um he like comes out of nowhere and like finds me. But yeah, like I said, my name's Caitlin. um A little bit about me. I am from Nashville, Tennessee. Born and raised, though, in Omaha, Nebraska. I'm a Midwest girly.
KateLynn Bundy
Um, but I've been in Tennessee for going on, well, 14 years, it'll be 15 in August. So some people say that I am a native, but don't tell the natives that. Um, anyway, I, yeah, I've been here for a minute and I love it. I've lived all over the city.
KateLynn Bundy
And right now I'm living kind of in the downtown area. Love it. Live here with my boyfriend, two cats. I'm a Scorpio. um Let's see what else. If you're into the Enneagram, I am an Enneagram 8, if that's not obvious for those of you who know anything about it. I will be talking a lot about that kind of stuff because I am a personal growth queen. I love preaching it in a fun, relatable way.
Theme and Inspiration of the Podcast
KateLynn Bundy
And that's kind of what I want this podcast to be about is that person in your life that you need to kind of give it to straight, you know? And I love pushing my punches, if you will. And I have gone throughout a lot of my life keeping my mouth shut because I have very intense, loud opinions, if you will, ah because I'm definitely an extrovert.
KateLynn Bundy
I love helping people, but the way I like to describe myself is like a tough care bear. Have you seen that meme? Yeah, that's hilarious. I loved it. I've saved it. I saw it in like 2015. I'm like, this is so me, that little tough care bear. So that's how I came up with the idea for this podcast. heb was that like the past okay the past podcast that I had, I loved. And they should have been something. They should have been. But I had i was doing it with like another person. right Other people were involved.
Challenges and Decision to Go Solo
KateLynn Bundy
And um that always makes things more difficult with other people in the mix, other schedules, other opinions, other whatever.
KateLynn Bundy
And it just made it difficult, ah especially the last one just really broke me. But if you hear my street, I'm very sorry. I live on a very busy street. So until we are popular enough to do in studio, we got to put up with it. Anyway.
KateLynn Bundy
Yeah, after the last one ended, it was really, really sad and it really should have been the one, you know, and it wasn't. I made peace with that and thought like, okay, well, if I'm going to do this again, it has to just be me.
KateLynn Bundy
Because you can only really can rely on yourself for the most part throughout life. um And that's no shade to the people that I've tried to do podcasts with. It just wasn't meant to be. And um I could talk all about that. But still love those people. They're still in my life. We're still friends. But yeah, so I realized that i just it needed to be me. And it although it would be fun with another person, a lot more entertaining.
KateLynn Bundy
I'm entertaining enough. Like, I'm so much fun. I'm hilarious. And you'll find that out, like, don't worry. But yeah, so the best thing that I thought I could do was just be myself, right?
Tough Love Style Explained
KateLynn Bundy
And so that is the kind of friends that I am in my friend groups. Just ask anybody, all three of them. And I am that friend that is like,
KateLynn Bundy
Really tough love. And like, for example, here's a good example. but ah We were a group of us were out of ah dinner for someone's birthday and we get to talk in and one of my girlfriends was kind of going through a rough patch with in her life like being a mom and ah and a wife and just kind struggles that she was going through and she was saying I can't remember what it was but she's like oh and you know this is XYZ is something that i'm I'm working on and X blah blah blah and I'm like yeah what are you doing though like how are you working on it and she like
KateLynn Bundy
It was like, um, well, nothing. And we just busted up laughing because I'm genuinely curious. I'm just someone that's like, oh, you're, you're working on it. Great. Yeah. What are you doing? Like, how can I support you? Like what, you know, can I,
KateLynn Bundy
offer any advice, blah, blah, blah. I grew up in a house full of men. So i I, as a woman, I still, I have that like very fix it mentality that men do. And I often need to remember to shut up and listen. So, but that was just like one hilarious moment where I was like, because for the Enneagram, I'm the um the name for the Type 8 is The Challenger. So that was just a classic moment of who I am as a person, where I'm like, oh, my love. But I come off as like really aggressive. So um yeah, like I said earlier, I often have to like like reel it in, keep my mouth shut. There's a time and place to speak. There's a time and place for your intense opinions and all that stuff. So I um thought a podcast.
Podcast Format and Audience Interaction
KateLynn Bundy
is the best way to just unleash the beast, right? This is the American dream, starting a podcast, right? um Well, anyway, I hope that is a good kind of overall intro to what we're we'll be doing. For now, we'll be doing each episode pretty short form, like 30 minutes. I really want this to be fun and easy listening while you work or while you drive.
KateLynn Bundy
I listen to a lot of um lifestyle podcasts that are just easy to listen to and that's what I really want to give to the people, give to the women of the world. and um yeah so Each episode will just include a topic, something that's just grinding my gears. you know or something that's on my heart, on my mind. And I definitely want to get to the point where y'all can write in, whether it be on like the socials or via email, which you can see that information below. If you want to DM me or anything like that, if you need help with anything, need my advice on anything, I will do my best and we'll take it from there. So I'm really looking forward to getting to that point
KateLynn Bundy
because it will be a fun moment. But for today's topic, we are still in the beginning of January. Nope. What's today? The 22nd? Damn, it's the end of January. It is the 22nd of January for me at the moment. So I thought none other than the beat the horse even more dead with your New Year's resolutions.
New Year's Resolutions Focus
KateLynn Bundy
Um, and I think it's a good time to talk about it because who knows when this episode will actually even be published. It's still going to serve as your reminder to think back of what did I, what resolution did I say I was going to do? How's that going, huh? And maybe offer you a little bit of a boost of motivation to pick back up that language learning app or the running routine or whatever. Because usually by the end of January, that's when these things tend to wane, if you will. So my personal ones are definitely still health and fitness related.
KateLynn Bundy
For those of you who don't know, which is every single one of you, um fitness and like health is a huge part of my life and I'm super passionate about it. and I've learned so much over the past like four years of consistently being with a coach. um so I'm not a coach or anything, but my TikTok account is all about that. if like sharing what I've learned because I've gone to the school of hard knocks, if you will. And it's all about like sustainable fitness, how to stay motivated, all that stuff. but um
KateLynn Bundy
That's usually the New Year's resolution that people have is lose weight or get back into running or do yoga once a week, whatever it is for you. That's usually the one that people have. um Mine is definitely still that. I'm going to Turks and Caicos in May with my coach, actually. She's also my actual best friend.
KateLynn Bundy
which I don't like tossing that term around a lot because all the friends I have in my life are my best friends. There's no one better than the other just so we know. But um yeah, going to Turks and Caicos, are you kidding me? I actually have to be beach ready because I might actually be proposed to. Don't tell anybody I said that.
KateLynn Bundy
That's a, just a ah running joke between me and my boyfriend. We've been together for three and a half years. And when we first started dating, I told him a couple of times, I told him like, Hey, if we're hitting four years, bra, it's time. And, uh, he's never in a rush to do anything. So.
KateLynn Bundy
Anyway, that but we'll revisit that topic. but well Actually, along those lines, another part of my resolution was for him and I to sit down, do our 2025 shared agendas, you know goals, things like that, financial, um our personal health ones. What was the other one?
KateLynn Bundy
ah travel, you know, we just wanted to plan is more of a planning session that we had. And we were looking up by the house, things like that, just planning our future together, because like, we're, we're each other's person, like forever. So that's what we did. And it just made like things a lot clearer. And I'd always imagined in the past, I have quite the dating history. We'll get into that.
KateLynn Bundy
at a later time, but I had always imagined having a partner where I could sit down and whether it be once a year or once a week and just say, okay, well, what's coming up? What are we doing? Where are we at with this? How's this going? you know Like the logistic, unsexy side of marriage, especially when it comes to
Planning Future Goals with Partner
KateLynn Bundy
I, like pretty much everybody, just cannot stand the conversation. I'm mediocre with money. I've gotten a lot better with it over the years. Now that I'm in my 30s, my 20s were shit show, which I imagine is for the majority of people, right? It's just me.
KateLynn Bundy
um So I just wanted to, like that that's the goal of mine to get to that point with my partner where we can have these like healthy conversations where money isn't a thing that's tearing us apart. So we sat down and and talked around it and it was very preliminary, nothing crazy, but we definitely have shared values and I am just so grateful for him, but that's not what this episode is about.
KateLynn Bundy
so I want to talk to you, especially if you have the health and fitness goals. This is the good time to really be like, oh, okay, am I still doing that? And if you aren't, that's okay. We just need to put together a better plan that fits your lifestyle. The problem a lot of people run into is comparing themselves to um fitness influencers, right? Which is not necessarily bad or wrong. It's just you have to only not necessarily compare and you unconsciously do that, right? Well, I want that body. They do this workout and they eat chicken and rice all day long or something.
KateLynn Bundy
or whatever thing that they're doing just to get views like you definitely have to be wary of those sorts of things but you have to evaluate like your life and your lifestyle like okay this fitness influencer love love that she does these kinds of workouts because I also like to work out like that. um She seems to be eating a diet that I enjoy as well, or something like that or aspire to be, you know, again, can't take everything on social media as dogma. But yeah, definitely take inspiration from those fitness influencers or wherever you're getting your information really.
KateLynn Bundy
and evaluate like where you went wrong. Like, okay, we're going to the gym five days a week and then I'm getting 10K steps a day, gallon of water, and I'm only eating salads for lunch and only lean meals and no carbs or whatever. Like all of that is already just too much. I don't even do all that. And I've been at this for four years now.
KateLynn Bundy
Yeah, four years. So the thing I like to tell people is like, okay, let's scale it back. If this is a true real goal of yours, which it should be for everybody's because Like I always say, exercise is the cheapest form of healthcare care and as well as your food. But I mean, duh, that's obvious.
Realistic Fitness Goals Advice
KateLynn Bundy
But it should be everyone's goal to move more, make better food choices. It doesn't have to be perfect, bro. Like I still eat my Oreos. I still have my little snacks, but it's all about the word balance. Everyone hates it.
KateLynn Bundy
But it's so true. like You can see these people with six packs and see them like eating a burger. And you're like, how do you eat like that and have that body? Bitch, think about it. You're seeing them eat one meal of their entire life. They probably planned to eat that 1,000 calorie burger.
KateLynn Bundy
You didn't see what they ate the rest of the day so that they can fit it into their calories or what kind of workouts they've been doing that has them having a really good metabolism. You know what I mean? so Try not to be so drastic in your um judgments when you see things like that because people who have been doing this for so long plan. It's all about planning.
KateLynn Bundy
so I'm really getting off on a tangent. I told you, like this is a subject I'm super passionate about because it can be so attainable for everyone, but we're so hard on ourselves. We think that we have to do these 10 things, otherwise not. I'm not a cold turkey person. I'm going to quit smoking. I never smoked.
KateLynn Bundy
I'm gonna quit smoking and then they stop smoking and that that's that that I'm not like that and I think there's a very few elite people who are actually like that who decide something and then actually stick to it bro kudos hats off right but where we fail a lot is that you know we think we have to be like these fitness influencers who've been doing this forever. And also it's social media. You don't see what they're doing 99% of their day, how they're planning it. And if they're a real one, like if they're honest and real about what they're posting, they plan everything and have been doing it for so long. So don't be so hard on yourself. If you are a real, real beginner, like take it easy on yourself. So what I always tell people is, um
KateLynn Bundy
One, pick something, pick one thing. Like, um excuse me, where's my water? Oh, I forgot to get my water. oh Okay, it's mine. i'm If you're a true beginner, you have to start somewhere, right? Everyone hates hearing that. But it's true, get over it, deal with it and move on, right? So start with one or two things.
KateLynn Bundy
And I'm telling you exactly what I did in my early 20s. Although my 20s were kind of a roller coaster, I didn't have a lot of direction. But this is the catalyst of what really got me moving and got me into the life I have now and the discipline that I have now and the routines I have now. um I got so sick and tired of being so overwhelmed and not being being able to do everything at once, um eating all the healthy meals and doing all the workouts for one week and then just being like
KateLynn Bundy
I can't, you know, I just want to eat that burger or have those cocktails or something like, you know, human experiences, like desires that we all want. Right. So I got so sick and tired of being overwhelmed and feeling like a failure, honestly. And I just wiped this light clean. I said, all right.
KateLynn Bundy
I can't do it all at once. Let's do like one thing. Like you loser. Just do one thing though. And I decided water. Okay. That is 100% a healthy thing. I know for sure it is something that I need to be doing consistently. Like that it's facts. Like that was easy. So I did that. I just did that. And if I felt like working out, I'd work out. Like I didn't stick to any other plan other than drinking a gallon of water a day.
KateLynn Bundy
Sure enough, I, all my headaches went away. I was sleeping better. I, um, my mind was clear. I got better at like just a little tiny boost of extra energy. It was so weird. I remember realizing, I remember the moment when I realized that really cool. And then I started getting compliments from people. I'm like, they're like, Oh, okay. And you're like, you look really good. And I'm like, well,
KateLynn Bundy
And I'm like, oh, you know what? I i don't remember the time the time lapse, but when I started to drink the water, I did take like before pictures. And when I got that first compliment, I was like, oh, I forgot. i check those Let's take those pictures again. And sure enough, your girl looked different. All because of freaking water, bro. That's a no brainer. And I don't wanna fucking hear it.
KateLynn Bundy
like what I like I just don't like the taste of water. Get over it. You're an adult. Get over it. Just drink water. Don't drink ice water, especially if you're a girl. That's not good for you.
KateLynn Bundy
Oh, I guess I should explain that, huh? um It's a Chinese medicine thing. Yeah, ice water constricts. So if you have gut problems or really bad period cramps or really bad periods or long periods, drink hot or room temperature water. I rarely drink ice water. um And I've heard so many stories of people who have had infertility problems. I'm not a doctor or anything like this. Definitely looking up, read about it. But this is ancient Chinese medicine, which you should all be getting into because that has been around for
KateLynn Bundy
tens of thousands of years. Like, what's wrong with us Americans? Anyway, um, yeah, give that a shot. Honestly, like if you do have gut problems, just see what happens. Just take ice out of your water. No fucking ice coffee. No, ma'am.
KateLynn Bundy
Not right now. um Anyway, so back on topic. I started noticing all these differences and like even my skin got better and I was like, okay. And that just kind of started snowballing into better, healthier habits because I felt better. I looked better. You know how that goes, right?
KateLynn Bundy
And, you know, things go up and down. I gained the weight bag and blah, blah, blah, because I wasn't as consistent. But that just always stuck with me that how important the basics are. So again, if you started that New Year's was resolution and you're like, oh, I'm such a loser. I can't do anything. I can't finish anything. I'm not disciplined, blah, blah, blah, blah. None of that is true.
KateLynn Bundy
You just didn't plan properly. It's okay. Like you just got to sit down and just kind of wipe the slate clean. Add on a couple of things that you know you can fit into your life, but are, but it's also a little bit of a challenge. Like ah it pushes you a little bit more to, Oh, I gotta wake up a little bit earlier or I've got to hit the at the gym, after work, or whatever it is, you know, just gotta plan it out a little bit better. Drink your water, just make more intuitive choices when it does come to your eating. You don't have to put together a whole meal plan right now. You're not dumb. You know what's healthy for you. You know the better meal options at a restaurant. Like, you're not dumb, right? Okay, stop being so hard on yourself. And the other important thing to remember
KateLynn Bundy
is that motivation is an emotion.
Discipline Over Motivation in Fitness
KateLynn Bundy
And what do our emotions do every single day? Change. It goes away. It comes ah ups and downs and all these things. So please do not rely on your motivation alone to drink the water, plan out this thing, or go to the gym. like it's It's just not going to be there. And you'll hear it from every fitness influencer, like honestly.
KateLynn Bundy
And I fucking hated hearing them. But what did you do though? What did you do? As if there's some magic pill that keeps you going to the gym or some robot to drag you there, right?
KateLynn Bundy
It's just, there's no straightforward answer. You just do it, you know? And that's kind of a mindset hack is that like, okay, I'm not feeling motivated today, but going to the gym, that that is something that's important to me, you know? And I want longer, a longer life, more longevity, healthier life, ahh blah, blah, blah, whatever it is.
KateLynn Bundy
cuter butt, you know, whatever the original goals were, you just kind of remind yourself and you're it's almost kind of like a brainwash of how you start to fall in love with it more and more and more and more.
KateLynn Bundy
I said that in a recent TikTok video that I made, um, speaking to people who are true, true beginners when it comes to the gym and working out, um, you have to start with the falling in love process because it's going to suck. If you force yourself to do like the program of some influencer or what you think you need to do and busting your ass like five days a week, like no,
KateLynn Bundy
Let's scale that back, honey, because you'll do it for however long and just hate yourself. You might feel better, but you'll hate yourself because it sucks. It sucks. You have to fall in love. ka Use your brain. Use some psychology. okay What do you actually like to do?
KateLynn Bundy
there I don't care who you are, there is some form of movement that everyone kind of likes. Even if it's just a teensy-weensy bed, even if it's as simple as walking. I love walking and I fucking hate cardio. I cannot tell you. I just don't. If the zombie apocalypse happens, I'm walking. I'm not running from them. I'm telling you that right now.
KateLynn Bundy
but um But if you love Zumba or yoga or that cycling class, like whatever it is, do it. If you like it, do And fall in love with how your body starts to feel after you do these things more and more and more. Getting there might be a little bit of a challenge, but like there's there's always something. When I first started working out, I was at a gym that offered classes like most do, and I would look at the list of ones. I'm like, that sucks, sucks. No, no, no, no. And one was like a boxer size. I was like, that looks kind of fun, because I'm a also a very physical person.
KateLynn Bundy
So boxing was like, that sounds stress relieving. So I did that and it was like a hit class, you know. But it was like an hour long, and I just liked it more and more. And the fact that it was a class was also another psychology hack that I knew about myself because I am the most punctual person ever. I hate being late. Even though I never signed up for these classes, you just literally show up. They don't know who's going to be there or nothing. But the idea that I'm doing this class, I have to get committed to it. I have to do it now.
KateLynn Bundy
So if that's you, that is a huge, huge hack you need to use to your advantage is like, Oh, I'm a punctual person. Let's sign up for a class. Um, because I can't have anyone be disappointed in me for being late. I got to show up, like use your brain to and who you are as a person to your advantage and just kind of sit and think about that. But.
KateLynn Bundy
All that to say, I know it was more focused on like the health and fitness stuff, but um I am super passionate about it and I hope that kind of helps steer you in the right direction.
Positive Perspective on New Year's Resolutions
KateLynn Bundy
When it comes to other resolutions, I used to hate, I used to hate that bandwagon. It was so cliche.
KateLynn Bundy
And just like everyone's like, but I got over myself and thought like, this is actually fun. I love New Year's resolution energy. It is a new year, new beginnings. It's fun. So like, let's lean into that. So um yeah, I still have my health and fitness ones. I am the big one for me. That is a challenge is I've always wanted to learn Spanish.
KateLynn Bundy
Learn another language at least, and it's so good for your brain. And I want my kids to be bilingual one day when I start having kids. It starts with me. So I've been doing a little, it's called Jump Speak, a little app where it's more conversation based. So you kind of learn a little bit better, you know, versus just pure memorizing. So that's where you guys can keep me accountable. um Don't talk to me in Spanish yet.
KateLynn Bundy
But um anyway, that is pretty much everything. I'm so happy. Oh, see, this is like every hour. You probably can hear that. Anyway, usually it's much louder.
KateLynn Bundy
Anyway, we will talk over it. I'm so happy that you are here. Thank you so much. This is my actual dream that I want to create into something huge.
Dreams and Impact of the Podcast
KateLynn Bundy
i'm I've always been such a big dreamer. And another reason why I started the podcast is like, yes, I want to I want a family. I want to accomplish those personal life goals.
KateLynn Bundy
But I want more. I want to contribute more to this world, have an impact in this tiny little corner of humanity that I take up and try to make the world a better place just by having fun and trying to help people be better humans. Right. So I do have big plans for this podcast and your support. Like it means everything. And I know the people who are probably listening to this now know who I am.
KateLynn Bundy
So I really appreciate your help with listening and subscribing and all of those things and reviewing. And that's a big one too, that that really helps the ah algorithms on the podcast platforms, just so you know. um And for those of you who are my friends who are listening, I need actual feedback.
KateLynn Bundy
because we are going to evolve. This podcast will evolve as time moves on. So if there's an area where I can improve, like not having a crackly voice because I left my water over there, please let me know. I'm always trying to be better and turn this into something beautiful and fun and awesome. So Again, thank you for your support. You can find the socials down below and my email ah address below too, if you want to write in. I love you. And again, thank you so much. Bye.