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Ep 122: Films We Would Be Buried With Part Deux image

Ep 122: Films We Would Be Buried With Part Deux

S2 E67 ยท Bad Movies Worse People
68 Plays2 months ago

Last year, we had our friend [BLEEP] on the show to interview us about some of our most and least favorite movies, borrowing the questions from the Films to Be Buried With podcast and we had such a good time that we invited him back to toss some more questions at us. Plus we had a little surprise for him as well.

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Introduction and Podcast Theme

Welcome back. We have another special presentation because we're on break and we're not working. But we are working. We are. We're doing something. So last year we did a Q and&A and we had our good friend Bleep come in and ask us some questions. Hi Bleep. Hey.
Glad to be back. We had stolen those questions. Borrowed. Yeah. Appropriated. Yeah, because you know we gave him credit. We give him credit. From films to be buried with with Brett Goldstein, with Rory, with Rory. It's Roy Kent. And this year we're doing the same thing kind of. But I took the rest of the questions from that and then added a couple of my own. So we're going to do that. Get to know your podcast or Q and&A. Happy fun times. I'm Derek. I'm Whitney. I'm Jack. I'm Bleep.
and this is bad movies worst answers i was even going to say like worst questions but the questions are good it's worst answers
Damn, he set us up there. So yes, we're back. Bleep is here to ask us

Round-Robin Q&A Format

questions. Yeah. and Which which way are we going on the question asking? I say we go around the horn the way that we do our ah intro. So. OK. To counter. Boom, Bambi. He's Derek. You're Whitney. I'm Mary Jones. All right. You're the Thrupple. Well, you've usually got a good punch line for your outro, so we save you for last. It's like when you get a Kool-Aid dehydrated and sniff it. That's my punch line.
I'm ready to go! Was it before or after you had the sugar? Man, my notes are starting to ocean spray. Dude. I'll wait. No, I'm done for the rest of the day. That's the last funny thing I'll say. OK, I was going to say Jack met a girl that can do the

Scariest Movies Discussion

soul stealing link. Oh, yeah. Ro Ro. It fucking. Yeah, I know I was there. She got a good one. Yes. It's a soul stealer for sure. I almost asked if it was just a one eye wing. I was like, that'd be a really weird two eye wing. Right. like Oh, my God. All right, let's still let's start here. and Derek, what was the film that scared you the most? And do you like being scared? um So I love scary movies. I don't know if I like being scared because I've never been scared by it you don't like being a scared, a scared, but the one that scared me the most.
was not a scary movie. It's not a horror movie. It's a documentary. Weird fucking answer. Called Trinity and Beyond, colon, the atomic bomb movie. And it's literally just all the footage of, all the declassified footage of nuclear testing that America did.
And it's like they're setting off nukes in the clouds and they're setting off nukes underwater. And there was even a thing before they for the environment before they did the ones in the air, the one in the air, they were like, well, it might light the atmosphere on fire, but probably not. We're going to give it a shot, much like the movie Oppenheimer. Wow. um But I watched that movie and it also includes footage. And this is the part that really fucked me up from ah Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And it's not, you know, not like full on footage. It's out of the plane. So they're past it, obviously, as the bombs going off. But you just see this like sprawling city and then just like this always little tiny dots of buildings and then just like. And it's just like that documentary ended and I just sat there and I was like, well, and I was like, I'm not joking, not over exaggerating like a month. I just walked around feeling super existentially like disconnected from the earth. I was like, oh, man.
That's it. so will it takes So it takes a documentary to really get you. Yeah, which I think I'm probably similar to like their reality. But yeah, like the the real horrors of the things that we can do to one another. Yeah. and And there's more than just and a nuclear thing. But that's that's yeah one piece of it. Like it's not true crime stuff or anything. I'm like, yeah, there's creepy people everywhere. That's fine. It's just like. But us creating a fucking mass murder weapon is going to kill. all of us, maybe light the atmosphere on fire. We don't know. Well, I guess we were lucky not to be born into the fifties then because they just literally lived under that thought that um yeah starting at the fifties and into the eighties a bit. Don't we, though? Well, we still had a sweet as bomb shelter in. I think I think it's verified in the eighties or maybe it was in the eighties at like the height of US Russia tensions. There was a Russian signal that came into the main.
you know the main person who could launch a nuclear strike saying they were under attack and they had one hour and the american bomb or whatever thing they had missile sensors or whatever said they were getting an and intercontinent you was told that they had less than an hour and they were getting bombed. see The first bomb was coming to Moscow, the first nuclear bomb. And he decided not to. Even in that moment, the he decided not to. And he could have launched a strike based on false things. And I'm pretty sure it's verified that this happened. And the Russians took him out and killed him. I was going to say, I'm pretty sure he died for not following orders. He did somehow live through this. But the only reason he lived is because they were like, oh, yeah, it was a wrong.
It was wrong. It wasn't a test. It was actually an error. Yeah, it was an error. I mean, just think about that. We got you. That was playing. I guess you remember that thing that happened in Hawaii a few years ago where that that message went out to everybody in Hawaii on their cell phones. That was like there's a ah disaster and dudada it was like from the presidential something something text. It was a big thing in the news. Everybody in Hawaii got this message and they thought, well, here comes the end. That's just on your cell phones. That's all connected the same way. that All those computers are. Yeah, it happened, man. Yeah.
You think anybody right now is going to not flip that switch? It can happen. You're getting scared right now. You're scared. Pick scares me. If this would be the scariest movie I've ever seen. Well, now mine's lame. Is there anything, anything that makes us existential that you have to answer? No. What was the film?
No, we no one can answer a documentary now. What was the film that scared you the most? And do you like being scared? OK, so I like I haven't been scared really from a film in a minute. But the one that sticks out the most for me is Dolls. um My sister had me watch that when I was very young. You have a thing against all that. Yeah, that's it. To this day, I fucking hate me. I own that movie. Stuart Gordon. That's a good movie. He's going to make me watch it.
I hope that I'm not as effective. I think the test is like watch it alone at night. And that's the test. And you're like, if it is, what is the 80s movie or? Yeah. So that would be the test. Like, is this still scary? And paranormal shit. That's a paranormal. And Derek probably watches movies alone at night a lot. Oh, yeah. But that would be that would be a good test for me, because that's not something I especially a scary movie that I do. So that'd be the test.
Yeah. Right. ah and And you said you don't like being scared? and No, I love being scared. Oh, OK. I do. Oh, you like jump scares, right? Yeah. More than anything. More than like a. Because it makes me laugh. when like When we went and saw a smile, she liked it more than I did, because it was I was like, just retitled this jump scare the movie. like Yeah, it was awesome. Oh, so you're like.
reaction is to laugh. Yeah, because you're like, oh, I'm scared. That's funny. Yeah, I got fucked up. My sister really fucked with my head. yeah go My dude, my mom was like that growing up, like no matter what corner you're going around, there might be someone to jump out. Yeah. Whatever closet you go into, whatever door you open or close, there might be something on the other side. And I was like, this is the way. And she and then like I saw a couple of years ago ah We were hanging out for a family party and my grandma was doing that to my mom. I'm like, this is where it came from. Oh, are you doing it? Do it to the I barely do it to to my kid. ah The one I'll do is I'll like they'll get home or something. i'm pretend I'm taking a nap and I'll put a bunch of pillows under the blankets like I'm sleeping on the bed.
And they're all like trying to wake me up or they're like, come on, get up and like slapping the thing. And they're like, so like we will jump on to the pile of pillows and I'll come out of the closet. ah That is fucking you come out of the closet.
That's when I came I'm not in the closet All right, Jack. What was the film that scared you the most? Uh, so I have I had another one like The critters I watched really young and it scared me, but then we watched it as an adult Like wow was ever fucking scared of this so the descent because the descent is a for me scratches that like I This is terrifying. It could also be real. I don't like this. There's no way there's cave people like that Caves I don't mind being scared. It's just like I think I've said before I barely watched horror movies and scary movies growing up So as an adult, it's more it's it's a lot less scary. Yeah production there. There's this so yeah, I don't mind being scared It's just a tougher thing to do unless you tell me you love me. That is terrifying That is terrifying. So love actually is probably the

Movies That Made Us Cry

worst movie ever made. If that was on the podcast, I'd quit. I was about to say we should do that movie, but I guess not. I will quit. We need a deck. I quit. Yeah. Find somebody else to do this.
But you could just bash it, I guess, for like, I mean, that's what we'd be doing. Yeah, that movie. All right. All right. You should have your boss on that episode. We're going to get our fucking sponsorship pulled if we do that. We know shit. All right. Next question, Derek, what was the film that made you cry the most? And are you a cry? I am not a crier. Movies don't make me cry. Can I can I guess what made you cry? Go for it.
Is it endgame when Tony Stark dies? Okay, so yeah. Or Homeward Bound. Homeward Bound never made me cry. It made me very sad. Yeah. But i I was a little kid. I wasn't in touch with my emotions. Like you are now. Like you are now. One single tear rolled down his cheek when Tony Stark died. And I was just like,
Well, he's going to miss him a million. You know, there was another one. I was between two and it was that and then the other one that makes me just look like a big fucking sap. But we're here to have people laugh at us. Right. Yeah. The notebook. Oh, oh. It's just all the women love that. And I can't really make fun of it because I've never seen it. Oh, my God. It's so sad.
Is it Costner? No, no, Gosling, Ryan Gosling and that girl, Kevin Gosling, his name is turning to like him. Rachel McAdams. Rachel McAdams. Yeah. And yeah and Ryan Gosling is directed by Nick Cassavetes. And the older couple is hearing up right now directed by Nick. It's such a great movie. But yeah, have the ending is just so sad.
So and i'll believe and is is it a common thing for movies to know? Not at all. Not at all. No, I usually when stuff happens, I look over at her and she's like, shoot up the game for me. who was I was just laughing. Is she a crier? I'm definitely a crier. I am super emotional. um But when I was 10, I cried my eyes out at the League of their own. OK, I was is the sister thing. I was in the theater. Yeah, there's so many late levels to that and went, oh, my God, I'm going to cry. Just think about it. Oh, you fire that movie insights that yeah movie. Yeah. Yeah, it's a beautiful movie. Yeah. Now, Regina Davis, Tom Hanks, number one actress, number one actor. So much my Madonna. ah
And it's my second favorite, Rosie O'Donnell. Does the show remake even get a single tear or do you know the show remake? What? The remake. Have you seen the remake? I've never seen the remake. I've not. I've heard it's really, really good, but I have not watched it. You know, I'm not good. It's a yeah. Who's in it?
ah Abby from what's the girl's name? That's Abby and Alana. Yeah. Broad City, Broad City. It's Abby from Broad City. OK, she's phenomenal. She's really funny. They lean into the lesbian thing. Yes, that's just like that's just like a that's the it's the ah subtext. It's almost like you're talking about the subtext almost.
Yeah, but I mean, the original movie, the lesbian thing is there, but it's not like they don't want to do it. Yeah. This show is like did my eyes are still very ladies fucking. But um she is a crier. Yeah, she's evidencing Jack.
So mine is one that no one's gonna think is sad because it shouldn't be but I will give you the premise. I was dating Kendra at the time we had just had to put our beautiful Rottweiler to sleep and then we thought let's go see a nice like fucking movie so we watched Peter Jackson's King Kong and and fucking Andy Serkis's emotive face like when this gorilla is dying I'm like I'm just losing it in a theater just like I don't even care fucking waterworks dude I'm not normally a crier like yeah I get sad at movies but like oh that's sad lump in the throat kind of thing but for physical tears this is the only one I could even think of
Yeah, I'm sure I'm an idiot with everyone like this guy's you're crying to a fake gorilla. No, but that that made me cry. But I was also on a hero. Oh, that's right. Yes. So yeah, I just especially in a theater, it would takes a lot for me to have to cry in a theater like and and I cry at fucking trailers. Popcorn is almost empty.
We should all go to the lobby. The Channing Tatum movie with about the dog, I think it's called Dog, that came out. The trailer starts and she's just like, but it's the fucking music. Animal dying is always going to be a rough thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The editing, the sound editing can bring bring a lot of emotion. Yeah. there's can I'm a musical empath, as Jack has pointed out to me.
Oh, yeah, absolutely made that right. No hedge like, oh, i'm sad yeah, literally. And Williams gets me at most every fucking jobs. All right. Well, get ready to flip that frown upside down because do the headstand. What's a film that made you laugh out loud the most?
L.O.L., if you will. What made you lol? This one's a hard one because I love a good comedy and I'll watch them 150

Comedy Films We Love

times and still laugh at every joke. um I thought about like the big Lebowski and stuff, but I think I got to go with Shaun of the Dead.
OK, I think Shaun of the Dead, just because like a big Lebowski is one of my favorite movies and it's hilarious. And I laughed the whole time watching it. But Shaun of the Dead is just like one after another, after another. And it's the same kind of like subtle like they have the straight up slapstick and the goofy shit. But it's that that more subtle, like just the things that are happening. You know, so that you've got read on you, you know, so big Lebowski. And it's just almost one, two, three. Yeah, exactly. Joke, joke, joke. Sorry.
um Big Lebowski is a much more intelligent comedy like throughout the whole movie. Sean, that's very intelligent, but it also gives you that dumb funny that you need. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's going to get you laugh out loud a lot. I also love that you're right. So yeah, that's probably your favorite director. He's up there. gottaway I don't know if I've seen anything besides hot fuzz. Really? What what else would I i mean? i I mean, a little bit of the devil one world's end of one. ah um baby driver and last night in Soho, which is the one least the least amount of people have seen. But Scott, I love it. Oh, Scott Pilgrim. I recently rewatched all of his movies. I went through because I was like, let's do it like a ranking. Right. And I went through and watched them all and put them on letterbox. And I think it was just like five stars, five stars, five stars, five stars. And I got to last night in Soho and I was like, well, it's not as good as the other ones for four and a half. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Fucking give me five. I remember you spaced.
He did Space. That's what I love that show. I remember when you when we we we because we saw last night Soho together and I really enjoyed it and you're like, yeah, that's a little disappointing. Yeah, in the theater, I just because it was very different from what he had done before. Yeah, that's what I was expecting. But when I rewatched it, I was like, this is just as good. Yeah, almost just as good as everything else. Yeah, it's pretty decent one out for sure. with Well, well, dude, I I'm. the The husband and I love laughing, so we see comedies a lot. I really didn't know what to say. How you need for a couple. I really didn't know. That's how we bring joy into our lives. Right? Not the marriage thing. um I had to go with something that one year, my old roommate and I, Alan, and our friend Randy, of at least once a month would have dinner and watch Super Troopers. Oh, good answer. that was That's the most quotable to this day.
Yeah. Will make me laugh every fucking time. Movie. Yeah. The the quotable, the quotability of that. But when's the last time you watched it? Because like we've just discussed it recently. We watched it as much as you're talking. Yeah. Like yeah for sure. That was just you had to have extremely easy. Yeah. Yeah. You just get home from the bar like it's just an exactly what it was like. And let's quote it. But.
If I watched it today, I wonder if I would still laugh as hard. I'm like, yeah, that was funny, but I watched it. We watched. We just watched. We're going to. We don't. We haven't done it in like three or four years. I'm guessing we're going to laugh. Yeah. But if you do it more than that, you probably. I think we watched it right before the new one. The second one came out. Oh, God. So seven years ago. And then whenever I got the Blu-ray of the second one, I think we watched him again. And it's still funny. Yeah, it's still held up for me. And a lot of it might be nostalgia. You're watching it and you're just like, you're laughing because you remember how funny this is. Yeah, but it doesn't always work that way because we watched old school, which was a fucking LOL movie at the time. Yeah, it was. But we overdid it. And we watched it almost as much. We watched it. Me, him and his wife watched it and we're just like, it's not its fault. But he's like, you look at it and go, oh, that was funny instead of actually laughing. Nobody in Super Troopers has been shoved down your throat the way that like Will Ferrell was. Big fact. And I think that's a big part of it, because Will Ferrell was one of the funniest parts of that movie. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I love me. You could shove Vince down my throat all day. You could shove Will. You could shove even Luke Wilson, right? Luke Wilson? He's not great in that, but I like him. I think you just get tired of.
I personally got tired of Will Ferrell and like I think he's funny, but like whenever at a certain point it was like, here's a new movie starring Will Ferrell. And I was like, a little cold out there, isn't it, Frank? Yeah, I got to. We're going streaking. My favorite part is when Juliette Lewis is like smoking a cigar. She's like, I'm sorry. I'm here for the orgy.
And yeah, yeah ah a sorry. ah Yeah, Super Troopers, that is. Maybe my answer like that is I it's that was one there's one other question where I'm like, o yeah ah yeah jack Honorable mention to Anchorman because yeah, let's see now talk about quotability. I mean to this day we still quote that but scott This is before I was a fucking stoner, I was a little kid, and I don't know why I found it so funny, but Qijin Chong

Relatable Movie Experiences

up in smoke, I still to this day can remember how bad my face hurt, and how bad my stomach hurt, and just like, I was like, I'm gonna die, and I am fine with this. Like, laughing so hard, I was like, Chris Frods...
I didn't get my Finkelstein shit kid joke. No, because that's not in that movie. That's not their album. No, it's in the movie, too. Oh, is it? Yeah, it's it's not my most watched movie by any means. It's just like I was probably fuck like 13, maybe 12 and just thought it was the funniest. And this was not high yet. Not high. i Nice. I was aware of drugs and drug use because of my mix call because of my blood most and drug addict addicts go to Catholic school. I was aware of all the drug culture, but never had done it. I'd been box wine drunk once, maybe twice, three times maybe. Stacey Keach is the cop, right? hu yeah Yeah. I haven't seen that movie since college.
Shoot the moon. Dude, I had the same reaction like 11 years old, 12 years old. I'd kind of known what weed smoking culture was. Yeah. i hadn't Well, your spoiler, your mom was a partier in the 80s. Yeah. Weird. But she wasn't a weed smoker. But I just mean like you knew that culture.
Yeah, ounces were being floated around of some of the Mexican merch. He knew what flipping keys was. But yeah, that one was just fucking crap. For whatever reason. And the other Chichin Chong movies are great, but that is, I think... Yeah. It's Labrador, man. You guys got any drugs in there? Pfft, not anymore. And then the first time you get stoned and then watch that movie or any Cheech and Chong movie, it's even better. We might do a 420 movie soon where we just get super 420. And I wouldn't mind doing that one, not Corsican Brothers. Up in Smoke or How High? Because How High might be one of the greatest stoner comedies ever made. I love me some Method Man.
OK, well, then you do Coke and watch Nice Dreams, the fucking Cheech and Chong, where there's a lot of cocaine in there. I stole the money. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry. We're going to get an ounce of cocaine and do the movie Blow. Ooh, or Scarface. He's having a watch it for the first time.
I don't know. The movie's three hours long. It might not last. You got some for me. You got some for me. That segues into the next question. Which film do you most relate to? Please don't say well. Please don't say well. Derek. I'm a hairy guy that loves cocaine, so cocaine bear? No.
I don't know. I was trying to think of something like cool and like film guy and profound to say. And I do i just I was like, I don't know, Clerks. I thought Clerks. Because it's just so like. I want the first time I watched it, I was like, oh, that's like people doing things. I know these people. I am these people. Yeah, I worked. I didn't work in a grocery at a convenience store. I worked in a grocery store when I saw it. Tomato potato. Same thing. Just, you know, less freedom. More ground to cover. ah Because my life is like it was kind of like that, except for like without the zany adventures in the hockey. Was Patrick the Berserker?
My life is like a ticking clock berserker. Would you like some making fuck berserker? Did he say making fuck?
I know it's a fuck with you. It's kind of a stupid answer and it's probably been given 100 times, but it's just so real. No, but the reason for the answer is good. It's real. It's relatable. You don't relate to a lot of the other like, hey, i'm I've never been a superhero.
What's your remember man? What's the movie you re relate to the most? Well, Donnie Darko, because you see, I was having these troubles as a teenager and then all of a sudden there was this like time dick that kept pointing me in the right direction. Yeah. So I talked to a rabbit, shot a guy.
one So mine is between two honorable mention and then pick one. All right. So so the one with the lesbians. that Go fish. Go fish. That being the bisexual girl, thousand percent. That's exactly what it's like. The lesbians are like, um, you're not gay. And then the gay straight people are like, you're not straight. And you just don't know where you fit in for people who don't know. Go fish because most most people don't. so Yeah, I've not heard that.
It's a movie from, I believe, 94, same year as Clerks. And it's another black and white, lo-fi, independent thing. And this lady made it with a bunch of women. Yeah. And it's just basically it's Clerks, but it's lesbians hanging out in like apartments talking about stuff. It's like Chasing Amy, but it was made by ah like an actual lesbian. Yeah.
And, yeah, there's a part where one of the girls ends up sleeping with a guy and then, like, she goes through this, like... gauntlet A gauntlet, if you will. A gauntlet. Yeah. It's like a fake... It's like a hallucination trial that she's on. Like, there's people that are, like, judging her and everybody's like, oh, you're not really gay. And I wouldn't want to sleep with a girl who slept with a man. Well, that makes sense so why why you say... Yeah. Because you're, what, 94? You were you... I was already out. Were you aware? Oh, a thousand percent. Okay.
quite related i was i was in eighty s yeah yeah I knew at a very young age what do we say last I like Jim in the holograms so also like ah ken from barbie yeah i like fine And then the other one as an it's fucking waiting Oh,

Challenging Films and Podcast Hurdles

being in a restaurant that's fucking seriously. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's is it a little exaggeration in the sense that I've never worked with anybody that put pubes on anyone's food, but a lot of that you can hear it said clerks and being in the industry, then that's the one that I yeah have as soon as you said that. Yeah, me too. That was like, see yes, it seems so cartoony, but like and there is exaggerated stuff just like in clerks. But oh, but like she's if you've been there, you know, she's screaming at everybody in the kitchen and she comes out and she's like,
That is that is Brandon I worked with Brandon I used to serve with Brandon that was me and that was motherfucking him Fucking no cheese on fucking nachos nachos have fucking cheese. Anyway, I just said hi guys. How are you doing today? Welcome to shenanigans My yeah, and then I love you Monty I love you too. but Yeah. Did you ever see Slammin' Salmon? Yeah, Slammin' Salmon. I worked at a seafood restaurant when that came out. So it was that's definitely much more exaggerated. I never worked for a guy that was going to punch me if I had lowest sales. But you guys did have to get up and dance every hour. So maybe it wasn't too exaggerated. Not too exaggerated. That's right. And that was because the kitchen was backed up. yeah So.
It's pronounced me drop it. He's not going to sound like that when I say it. I eat drapes meat. I just let me point to the picture where he's standing over a guy with a fucking body bag over him and blood coming out and he just looks goes. That's the fight there. He's dead. It's so fucking. Rest in pictures, Michael Clark Duncan. I love I love Broken Lizard. I've seen everything they've done. Absolutely.
Well, yeah, Club Dread, man, that's amazing, too. All right. which's what Oh, really? like to Oh, so I might actually give a more fucking pretentious answer than Derek thought he would with eternal sunshine, of the spotless mind. Oh, philosophical of like, if you could erase your memories, would you kind of thing? I feel like you would. I definitely would. It's not that. but its off So you didn't watch the movie, right? Then I watched it right. And I disagree with it. It works. I disagree with their. No, it works for him. It doesn't work for me. Clockwork Orange did. Yeah, you know. But so, yeah, that's definitely the most relatable to me. I am that sad guy. I see that. I just ah yeah, i I delete a lot of shit, dude. We're laughing. Yeah, that's why that's why I do this. I can laugh instead of fucking think about it instead of cry. No, I just distract myself with my own voice. Oh, there you go. Really terrible.
this But it is distracting. It's waking. Hey, guys, I'm getting really antsy today. I've been in the house a couple of days. um I want to get out. Can we go somewhere? I have some things to do. I mean, I don't know if you know this music box, ah the adult beverage place that is. They have live music almost like minimum twice a week, sometimes much more. love And like as a fan of somebody that likes staying on the east side, I can't think of a place that does as much live music with zero cover.
Can I get shots there? You can get shots there. You can get drinks there. You can get beers there. You can get pudding shots. You can get yellow shots. You're putting me on. I am not putting you on. This is real. Oh, they've got karaoke. They've got unhappy hour every Wednesday. You know I love karaoke. Saturday nights, they've got open mic stand up comedy. Yeah. So there's plenty going on over the music box. We can go down there to 6951 East 22nd Street in Tucson, Arizona. Oh, right there at 22nd and Cole. Yeah. Did I mention no cover? Like everything we just talked about is no cover. No cover. No cover charge ever. Just drink alcohol and enjoy your friends. It's just like my insurance. There's no cover. Music box lounge. Check it out. All right. First round's on me, boys.
Hey guys, I don't want to sound needy here. I'm needy. But we have a Patreon at patreon slash for people And it only costs three dollars a month. Three dollars a month is nothing. And I know times are hard right now. Real hard for me. Inflation's up. You can't afford your groceries. Can't eat. But you can't afford three dollars a month if you love us. Give us three dollars. Super love us. Please love us.
We're not we're not begging. I'm begging. We're not pleading. I'm pleading. We're not down on our knees. Oh, boy. I mean, my knees hurt. They've been on that on so long. But we do kind of need the money. I need the money bad. We need new equipment. New equipment. We need to do remote podcasts for all of you. I wouldn't mind eating. We need to have video. I wouldn't mind eating. ah We need more drinks. Food sounds good. and So please, check out patreon slash worst people. Please check us out. You get a

Listener Engagement and Feedback

bonus episode every month and we're going to have more content coming for you. I'll send you pictures. ah Thank you guys. Thank you so much. Please give me more. Patreon I'm being held hostage here. Slash worst people don't pe allll out of here. They're going to kill me.
Derek, what was the favorite, going wrapping up what, the season of the podcast? Yeah. This will be the last episode of the year, this one. Nice. All right. I mean, so i could I could obviously say like the obvious stuff if you listen to the episode, stuff like Stone Cold or or Hard Target. We did those because they were favorites. OK, so yeah, your favorite. I'm going to go with and like obviously mental health movies and stuff. I'm going to go with my favorite, like surprise favorite.
The one I went into thinking like this will be silly and fun, but it's going to be stupid. Would you guess? Almost heroes. I was going to say, no, cloak and dagger. Oh, oh yeah, because that was a shippered movie. was Yeah, it was a shipper movie. And I fucking loved it. Like we've what we were you really did. That was my first time seeing it. And I was sitting there like this movie fucking rocks. Yeah, I definitely had a similar reaction.
because I'm like, fuck, a shipper movie from the 80s, the kid from E.T. God. o it's It's one of the only movies we did that I had watched. They hadn't watched before that, like but at the end of my letterbox rating came out. I think I did four and a half. Yeah. good Like it was such a good fucking movie and I didn't expect to like it at all. i You know, I listened to most of the episode and I didn't know how that you guys liked it that much. So I'll definitely yeah. Yeah, we all recommend it was a full recommend. OK, yeah, I'll definitely give that a watch.
So I didn't know if it was supposed to be like your favorite good, your favorite bad, your favorite mental health. favorite So i would I just went with favorite unknown, like one that I was surprised with. And it's watch out. We're mad. Watch out. Oh, oh get yeah. yeah yeah or mad yeah whichever one of the fifteen titles but yeah don long mom I mean, that one, I think it was the most fun to watch with the guys. It was the most fun to record with the guys. And that song just it's a fucking earwig. Yeah. And I loved it. And they didn't overplay it. And then the balloons. Well, I don't know. I think they overplayed it and then family guy. And then it came back in. All right. These last four times have really been slaying. Yeah, it's ah it's the how I met your mother. Yeah. It's where it comes back around.
So for me, right? Yeah. most um Man, honorable mention is going to be almost heroes. Yeah. Because that was a fucking blast and a hoot. And to see him watch it for the first time. Well, no, that Derek didn't want to recommend it when we started recording. And then at the end, he got it. He's like, this is so much fun to talk about with my friends, really stupid quotes. But I knew I was going to like that one. Yeah. So mine is Godzilla with Vern.
Because what a shit movie. I even text ah but before I came over is like, you let me know when you're done. because I'm not watching the end of this movie again. So you're almost taking a different direction. It's not even your favorite film. It's your favorite thing that happened as a result of this terrible. yeah film Yes. Yes. OK. No good answer. Yeah. It was a movie I absolutely hated. I came over here thinking like, oh what are we going to fucking talk about? It was the most fun. toers and It was one of the funnest because you get to see it on a big budget. Yeah. You're not going to take old Matthew Brod dick flat noodle.
the The ammunition that you were able to create. Because like Derek said, like it it it would be stone cold or hard target. Like if it yeah we're talking about just that movie. But Stone Cold was fun. Those are bangers and we knew they would be. Yeah, exactly. So this was your favorite that because of the decision. Yeah. Yeah. The Godzilla 98 because it's not a fun movie. Yeah. We had a fun time. getting Listen to that lovely. podcast We need to have Vern come back. Yeah. Anytime he wants.
Did he do another one after that? He did. Down on the song of the south. Down in the south. Which was great because that dude has so much fucking Disney knowledge that is in the episode, Whitney's like Disney Channel didn't exist back then. He's like August 5th, 91, honey. Like, did he even have to fucking Google it was just like, I know the. I think he said 80 something. I was going to say he's listening to this right now. Like, well, he's wrong.
It's 89. Hair of phrasing. He knew the day and date that that episode that that channel yeah he started about without googling it. I was watching his hands. yeah And he panned and mimed it perfectly. He definitely crossed his leg and

Bleep's Movie Insights

was like, um, love. Listen here, hon. Sweet. All right, sugar pie. I was like, oh, bless their heart. Is this the final question, bleep?
All right. Final question to Derek. What film almost made you want to quit this podcast? OK, so I mean, I could quit you. I came up with this because there's been multiple times rejects like if we do this, I'm going to quit. But I haven't done it once, though. I'm not going to quit. You know, I'm not going to quit. It's a bad movie podcast. That's what I'm here to do. Even if I hate what I'm doing. But in his collection of you can't see my fingers quoting films.
But the most grating thing that we watched all year, even though it turned out to be a pretty good episode, was fucking Wild Angels. Yeah, I couldn't with that movie. Like, I was just like, oh, we're doing Stone Cold. Wild Angels is a biker movie. We got Peter Fonda. We got Bruce Dern. I can save this movie. Oh, I'm dead. I'm still in it, but I'm fucking dead. He still saved it. I really did. I really did love Weekend at Dernie's second half of that movie. But like.
It was just so in that fucking Yoko Ono esque like scream. Hey, you want to play three songs at once in the same church? God. Yeah. So that's the one that put me almost over the edge. Uh huh.
Um, me? yeah Yes. So ah there's two. One. That's not good for anybody. One. um I have refused to be on the the episode multiple times, um but also still forced to watch it ah is Miami Connection. I fucking hate that movie.
I hate it. It's deep. I don't know how she can be so wrong about this. Like, it's just so no, no, no, she's not wrong. She is wrong. No, she's not. People can have their own opinions, but not about Miami connection. There's wrong. And then the other one.
Oh, Empire of Ants. Yeah, that's the one that I say. Bagger Vance. I haven't made him like Jack. Fuck you. Empire of Ants. I love. I did not hate Bagger Vance. Thank you. It's a delightful film. But no, for the whole movie, just. I wish that's what he sounded like. Yeah, that's nothing. No, it was some high pitched up to eleven. I was like, well, I can't get that high decipo decibel decibel.
jack um That that was close for me by the way entire Empire of ants was that's what oh my god. Jack was literally about so walk This is this is sphere Me so fucking much. Technically that comes out next week. Fuck. All right, well but it's okay Go, we've already recorded it. It's fine people know for it no i can people know the behind-the-scenes magic Go for it. What else do we do? No, go for it. All right. There was. So fear is the answer. Fear is my answer because we watched it this year. Yeah. Sorry. Look ahead in the fucking sausage being made. You guys have to wait a barrel of a sausage. You guys have to wait seven more days to hear about how Jack doesn't like this movie. And the recording is fine. Like yada yada. Like I just I looked at the cast and I was like, oh, fuck you guys. Sharon Stone. Yeah. Dustin Hoffman.
Sammy Jackson, Leaf Schreiber. Yeah. Queen Latifah's farting around somewhere there. Oh my God. That was the most depressing part. I thought it was going to be so good. And just watching the movie, dude, like fucking picture me, arms crossed, scowled my fucking own TV. Yeah. Do you think it would have helped if you watched with us? No.
Unless we were doing beer bongs. No, it would have helped. It always helps, Jack. Boofing beers. Shove that button on the button. Help me do a handstand. Yep. This is how we drink here. It would have helped. It always would. and Yeah. Because we would at least done like our own little commentary shit. But at the end of the day, that movie was so fucking trash and we watched trash movies. Yeah, but it wasn't supposed to be a good one. That's a high budget trash movie.
Yeah, Derek and I had a hard time watching it together. It was rough. it It was hard not to play on my phone. I have an honorable mention that I just thought of because you're talking about high budget trash and it just made it came flooding back to me. Transformers. transform Transformers the last night. It was like but number that number five. It's one with Marky Mark.
Oh, it's never good when someone's like five. They don't know. Yeah, they don't. So bad. So it's four. I think shy of it. Three. So it's five. You're right. And then and then there because then there was dinosaurs. Second Marky Mark. Yeah, there's dinosaurs. And then, oh, bro, what do you got against me? Anthony Hopkins. Transformers movie. That movie. know just face Why were there more dinosaurs in the last night than there were in the one about dinosaurs? Because they suck.
um Michael Bay. That one was just so that one. I didn't even think about it because I had blocked it out. That's why it didn't come up. Yeah, that one was is very close because I remember talking about during the episode, but like I paused the movie at one point because I had to get up to go to the bathroom or do something. And we had watched an entire movie and there was an entire movie left like runtime was like I was just like, this is fucking honorable mention. Six Underground.
Yeah, that was a fucking boring, sinful piece of trash. That was years ago. That was. Yeah, that was last year. Yeah, that was. That was. It's going to be Bay, wasn't it? Yeah, but that's still I mean, it's one we've done. Just say the honorable mention. It was fucking garbage. It was. It's also one of our most listened to episodes. I have really. I have a question. Six underground. A Michael Bay Netflix original. Yeah. What?
with Ryan Reynolds. So the idea of it is actually pretty exciting when you if if you read it on paper yeah like these. Yeah. Six. These six special agent or specialist people all have their deaths faked and have an underground let's ring. They run ryan Reynolds and they only go by their numbers. Yeah. That sexy chick from Andor. Oh yeah. And some other.
the like Oh, that kid. And this is kind of James Farbo. Thank you. This is Big Budget Garbo. Or how does it? Oh, big budget. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's Michael Bay. So it's Big Budget Garbage. What's James Franco's little brother? Frank, Fred, Dean. Stop yelling names at me. John. Is it Reginald? Garibaldi. Gunta.
John Jingle Timer. Dave. Dave. No. how was It is. Dave Franco. Davey. Davey Franco. Davey Franco. You don't know him that well? But so that's it for our questions. No, I have one. I have a question. yeah I have a surprise question.
I have to do research tippy tep tippy tep. Yeah. So I'm going to keep going to the right. So you'll answer last. OK. Oh, no. Hold on. Let me research. maybe for me Now we're into the improvised part of the podcast. I mean, it was all kind of improvised. We had we had about four hours to think of our. answer Thanks, by the way. i I think we came up with great answers being like on the spot. Pop quiz, motherfucker.
What is the next shitty, lovable movie you want to do? Shitty, lovable movie. Oh, see, now I'm on the fucking spot. ah Cherokee Kid with Sinbad. All right. It is terrible. And I love it. So we have to watch together, though, right? Oh, yeah. This is you. If you watch this sober, well, maybe we'll see. But yeah, I want to do Cherokee Kid next. Bleep.
OK, slightly thematically, then houseguest. Oh, I love that. Sinbad. Another Sinbad. OK, is there a trend happening? Great Phil Hartman. If he says kazam, I am out of here. You guys did the one where he's a cowboy, right? Or no? No Cherokee kid. That's what I just said. The only Sinbad we've done is first kid. First kid. uhu Oh, Cherokee kid, first kid. Yeah.
uh i mean jingle we got we got we got schlock and load coming up this next year yeah we're doing it's invented doing action movie trash trashy action i mean we're gonna throw in some normal trashy action invasion usa no i thought about it that was one of the first ones that came to mind i had about a dozen that popped into my head immediately and then i started staring at my movie shelf trying to figure out whatever
Um, I really would like to make everybody watch, make everybody watch Undefeatable, which is a movie starring undefeatable. Oh, I want you guys. I wanted you guys to get songs probably better than this. It's a it's a it's a movie I'm pitching for schlock and load and you haven't heard of it. So want you guys to guess who the star might be.
cyndia rothroch Cynthia Cynthia, Cynthia, Cynthia. Yeah, that's what I said. It is Cynthia Rothrock. Is it? And it is it is top notch action. Like all the people in that movie are martial artists

Memorable Episodes and Challenges

in movies. So they're not just martial artists who are trying to do movies. That doesn't usually work out. OK, these are people who do martial arts in movies. They are martial arts stunt people. But also they didn't have the money for like.
stunt people to play the actors and actors to do the act. I'm going to tell you right now. So white person is not going to like it because it's starting to sound a lot like Miami Connection and I'm loving it. There's no songs. I mean, there's songs, obviously, but not like and I watch a lot of Cynthia Rothrock with him. So yeah, and you probably you probably don't like. So the soundtrack isn't worked into the play. Right. It's not it's not explaining what's happening. It doesn't bother me. But all the actors are so to the pharmacy for a little bit of plan B is a little too excited last night.
I couldn't pull out and not in time. Cynthia, Cynthia, Cynthia. But the the acting is just so fucking horrendous. But we also we do get a part where a guy gets his eye gouged out and she says, I'll keep an eye eye out for you. Yep, I'm in that. So that's great. All right. Yeah, it's it's great action. It's just really, really bad in every other way.
And I don't know how Cynthia Ross Rock made like 40 or 50 movies at least and never got better. Her acting never. She was actually a better actor in her Hong Kong days than in her 90s American days. I don't. Lamas had five scenes already. Top to bottom. Same. But I love her. I love. him I love him.
Before we wrap this here caught up, I am um would like to ask the the prosecutor some questions because he has had his way with us. So ah Bleep, I would ask you, sir, ah what was the film that scared you the most? And do you like being scared?
Oh, OK. Yeah, I love being scared. I like haunted houses. I like scary movies. yeah um I have to avoid the evidence of his mother scaring him. Yes. I like it. It took to like. ah But mine almost all have to go back to childhood because not much scares me now. right Like it's almost hard for me to think of anything that scares me now. So it all has to be once I saw as a kid. And it was it was one of the ah Friday the 13th. I don't know which one scare you. And it was ready coming.
The what? The open border. He went very. He all of a sudden got real southern. I'm just saying in this economy. ah But but yeah, it was one of the Friday the 13th. Freddie's coming to like a sliding glass door. 13th or nightmare? Sorry, Nightmare on Elm Street. yeah yeah Sorry. but Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. That'd be stricken from the record. Yeah. Sorry. My client did say, not me on Elm Street, foist. Nightmare on Elm Street. Is that what I said? Not me on Elm Street. That's the one you need to say now. And I don't even know which one, and it was like Freddy coming up to the siding glass door. And sorry, I had two minutes before the podcast started to make a little list. Well, I wanted a surprise witness.
And once you are. Yeah, so just as a kid, it scared me so fucking that might be, too. He walked through a sliding glass door and that didn't he? And then and then I heard your guys podcast. It's the one where something like someone's in their body on a bed. Yeah. Yeah. So he comes out of him. Yeah. Yeah. So it's the gay one. I love that one was. I mean, that allegedly the gayest one. Your honor. It's no longer a legend. Your honor. It's gay. It's been confirmed. Queen Queen is phenomenal. Derek, I love your documentary. Oh. You know, the documentary he's talking about, the so one, the actor, the main actor from that did the documentary. And about it kind of shows that either the director or someone really important, the screen, the scriptwriter was like, I didn't know that you didn't know what was going on. And he's like, no, I had no idea that we were portraying his homosexual. It was not the time in American media to be portrayed as homosexual. Right. I didn't know that that's how it was going to come across. And the director's like, sorry, I thought we kind of communicated. Yeah, and it wasn't always a really interesting documentary about it. Cool. Now. I really want to watch it. It's damn good. I'm going to interject really quick just because by coincidence, I will objection objection your honor objection. I will allow it sustained. I'm not the honor. I'm the prosecutor or the defense lawyer. One of the defense. But the honor he's somebody over there. He doesn't have any lines. He doesn't have any lines. He can't have a ah woman judge. Oh, funny He was a funny, funny man. The judge does have lines, but he only sings songs about how he's killed. I just want to interject real quick with a comment we got on our YouTube from the Nightmare on Elm Street episode that we did with all the scientists since it happened to be the the movie you brought up. ah The evidence is allowed.
And I love to give people who are interacting with us some kind of recognition. Yeah. Because we don't get a lot of it. For sure. Not yet. Well, I want to promote people doing it. I will read your shit. Is that like reading tea leaves? All right, don't flush it. I can tell you your future. Oh, boy. Looks like there's going to be some fiber in your future. We're going to have an influx of emails of people sending us their shits now.
Well, then we're doing a video. Yes, yes. It'll be our new Patreon segment. Rate my shit. Oh, you guys remember that website? Rate my poo dot com. No, that was a thing. but Anyway, um so on the street to Freddy's Revenge with run from driving scientists and brickbox brewing, we had a person comment and the name I'm going to just say and craft justice 8516.
But they commented and said, I know the original and dream warriors are regularly praised movies in this series, but I'll always have a soft spot for number two, just because of how much it helped awaken me to myself. It's just a cool thing. Like I was like, yeah, i don't and I commented back. I'm like, I don't think you're the only one, you know, but people who may have feelings inside and they watch it and they're like, huh?
Yeah. All right. I get it. I do also

Debating Ross from Friends

stab people yet. I still I do feel the urge to murder people. I feel like there's somebody inside of me that was seeing some wild things on the oath. I would probably back it off a little bit if I was to advise you. way You are my photographer and strike that from the record stricken.
ah After a short recess, we are back. and First and foremost, Bleep, are you a crier? And ah what movie made you cry the most? um Well, then, ahll yeah, I'll start with, I'm not much of a movie crier, um not John Cryer.
Not it makes it a little. It definitely makes it a little easier to have a lady with you when you're watching a movie to feel more acceptable. So sometimes whens it with my wife, it'll be more it'll be more likely that I would. But it's not very common. um I put here, well, mostly just documentaries also. But but no wonder you and husband are friends. Yeah, there's not even one in particular, just mostly documentaries. um But Darjeeling Limited is one that I can remember.
Um, you know, just the, the, the brother relationships. I only have one sibling and it's a sister, but just that, that family relationship, uh, dead dad, just all of it. Like, it's just, it's very impactful. It goes on in Darjeeling and I love Wes Anderson movies. I love the cast of that.
Um, a good a lot. So there were like three of these movies that you guys said that I wrote right before the podcast when I write when I got them that you guys already said. So some of them are going to be in here. Oh, OK. And then, uh, honorable mention. Shit, what was the other one? Eternal Sunshine. Eternal Sunshine. Yeah.
Yeah, just like thinking of it just very existential and being in a long term relationship since I was young. And they just kind of reminded me of my relationship. So seeing how that could go wrong or alternate versions of it, it was just like you could instantly this could all be gone. And was just yeah, those are I think you two are pretty solid, though. Yeah, a lot after having years. Yeah, a cry. Turns out turns out. What is the film that made you laugh the most? And did you in fact piss yourself?
ah Probably isn't it true and my initial answer was Super Troopers was the first thing I wrote down um So thou I'll call that on ah honorable mention and then days and confused was yeah that's a good one You know just every time you put it on you and your friends would just be If you get internal sunshine in that movie and go back and watch it again. Yeah, ah don't forget don't delete it out of my mind though Okay, I don't want to forget about it. Yeah good answers um Now, which film do you most relate to as a poison if you are in fact all human? Okay, so legend my answer isn't, it's not exactly that I guess I relate to the character, of this or that, but it's just relatable as an artist and it was Amadeus. And not only do I love that movie, but it's also just human condition in general.
like that is chalierri being a terrible backstabber who's jealous of this kid who's phenomenal and you just you just see so many aspects you see his dad who's doubtful of him being a creator you see his you know just everyone around him it's just incredibly the king what's that tell you about a higher society what's just there's so many things that kind of I can relate to humanity based on that movie, not me as a person in the character. Yeah. No, I get it. Now my answer feels stupid. Surprising.
Schindler's List. Schindler's List is my new character. You relate to Schindler's List? Yeah. Were you one of the Nazis or one of the Jewish people? Because it's not a good answer. you I plead the fifth. OK. Smart man, your honor. Yeah, he accepts it.
He, I said he, accepts it. Fucking women judge. I mean, we all know women judge. Hey, we all know women judge, but there's no women that are judges. Oh, where the hell did that come from? Judge Judy's a woman judge. She's an animatronic person. Not real at all.
and She gives a bad name to the rest of us. Not a real judge though, either. ah What is your favorite film we discussed this season? Now, this is a tougher question for a man who wasn't on all seasons.
um so yeah i'll do so honor Honorable mention of one I just listened to and didn't get to be on would be Almost Heroes because I fucking love that movie. And it was a one that I was going to email Derek to do. Were you jealous? I was a little bit jealous, a little bit, but I listened to it and was fucking hilarious. I mean, I'm pretty sure it was his name, Ty. I'm pretty sure he knew it better than Jack. Oh, no, he did. So anyone who knows the movie better than fucking Jack, they should be on the fucking back. That dude knows the notations of the violin.
for racking. So that's honorable mention of ones ones that I got to be on. My favorite would be Stone Cold. Yeah, Stone Cold. It's just it's slightly bad and very amazing. Yeah. Absolutely.
absolutely i'm I'm so glad that ah Jack brought Ty on. I met a wonderful human being that day, and I fell in love with him. I will ask the court to calm down. yeah um I would advise my client to keep it in her pants. Hey, I'm married. i'm just given she's She's married to me, but she fell in love with someone else. And he's married, too. It's just towards me, but I'm in fact not married. I'm married to my cat. I am married to my jaw. She gestured to the spot where Ty was sitting. Fair.
Now, this might be another tough one, but is there a film that made you want to quit this podcast? Yeah, not one that we've we've done that I worked on. But if I had to do some of those derkas, maybe like I don't know if the ants one was one of them. Yeah, that would be one. And I can't think of the other ones. They're just it came from outer space was like a fifties one. dude We slept in a movie.
Glowing recommendation. Nuna readers. Nuna readers. Dads. Nuna readers of that. Yeah. Well, for the final question, then, is there a trashy but how to do phrase it trashy, but lovable? Yep. Is there one of them you've got cooked up in the hopper? um Let's see. I did make a I did make a list of movies that I love. They're bad. So it might not be able to do it quick enough.
um Well, they done we can time for us to ad lib a bit and see what happens. We could also like edit the space. Makes it hard for my man here. He did send us a request. Do we have an email? Can have this photographer read it back?
Special Bulletin, this just in, we have a brand new email. Yeah, from the from the news desk itself. I mean, email from... Puppies, why are they getting cuter? Deep Throat revealed, get your newspaper.
so sir Hey, little newspaper kids, get out of here. A newspaper girl, I've never even seen one of those. yeah but This email comes from Bleep. And he says, I request that you assholes watch the creepy gross sadistic Japanese horror film suicide club, also known as suicide circle in Japan. Oh yeah. It's the early 2000s killing yourself has become trendy and groups of people are coordinating mass suicides. There are no smartphones and they are texting with T nine. No wonder they're ending at all. Wow. This is in this movie once.
This is the literal version of if your friend jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, will you follow? Luckily for viewers, luckily for the viewers entertainment, it is brimming with J-pop rock musical numbers and schoolgirl suicide. And yes, I believe there are panty shots. hu And either from, by the way, 2001 to that. Well, and you know what? There's some truth. I mean, there's I don't think people were coordinating mass suicides and they weren't doing J-pop musicals while they did it. But bummer.
There was a very big trend in Japan. I don't know. It might still be, a for all I know, of young people, especially committing suicide. Well, I mean, it's a cool thing to do. It goes. I mean, it's cultural back to the 1700s. Yeah. Sepuco, Sepuco or whatever, however you pronounce it. And it just increased as modern day, but even hard still. But I could see it's actually the same thing.
But I can't even imagine it's an increase in numbers. It's just, you know, it's more about now. Well, if you watch, there was a thing I took a class in college because I needed an extra elective credit. That was just about anime. But he mostly taught us about like Japanese culture via anime. And one of the things he showed us was a thing called Serial Experiments Lane, which is kind of like The Matrix, if it was more depressing.
um And it goes very much into that. I mean, it starts with a girl trying like you see a girl trying to jump off a roof and kill herself. And it was so was a big part of the culture. But there is a second half to the email because the subject is or dot, dot, dot in a complete 180. Oh, you already said this one. House guest. House guest with Sinbad. I've emailed that one, too. So so either Suicide Club or House guest. Yeah, I i think I emailed in and I was like, this would be a real bummer, though. So if you don't. want such a bummer. Simbad and Phil Hartman to fucking warm your hearts, guys. They're dentists, or so they say. This movie might be my love of Simbad. Like, this is where it stems from. Yeah, I think so. It's the most Simbad watched movie I know of in my life. yeah Yeah, that's the special bulletin. And now, back to you, Kathy, with the news. Well, it's raining cats and dogs outside right now.
We're ah the foleyman here looking over here at the traffic right now. This seems to be a big old pile up on I-10. Speaking of raining cats and dogs, we we got to do cats and dogs at some point, right? Or the truth about cats and dogs. Well, those are two different movies, but yeah. Truth about cats and dogs? There's also cats and dogs. But the truth about cats and dogs, that's Janine Garofalo and Uma Thurman. Yeah. And David Schwimmer? No. It's a company?
No. I don't know who the guy is. It's not Schwimmer. David Schwimmer's in some rom-com where he's not sure if his girlfriend's trustworthy so he has his best friend try to hit on her and of course the best friend in her fall in love and then David Schwimmer's like I'm sad. Oh so he's Ross.
yeah yeah i'm sad because this time i don't like dinosaurs This was an episode of friends they were gonna do and they decided not to so I'm just gonna make it into a feature like film Did I rip on David Swimmer? But he's a genius is he yes. Have you seen run fat boy run? No, have you seen band of brothers?
Yes. Some swimmer is so fucking good. Is that drill? But he's not phenomenal in friends. He's just he works. No, character he's he knows he's a set up man. Yeah. His his job is to feed Joey and Chandler. Yeah. So fucking well and be a wet blanket piece of shit. Yeah. way Easy. Fuck your monkey.
he's He's better than people give him credit for. Yes. But he is David Schwinn. But Ross is an out. I hate that character.

Run Fat Boy Run Discussion

I love Ross. Run Fat Boy Run is I think the only movie he directed. Sign me up. Definitely a movie he directed starring Simon Pegg. So I saw it. The movie. It'll be an episode. No. I don't remember liking it at all. OK. Yeah.
But anyway, did you watch it with us? Did you watch it with beer? Did you watch it with any caveat? I definitely watched it with intoxicants because I think I watched it with Patrick. Yeah. Try watching it with us. Maybe it'll change your minds because you watch it with nitrous. Did you watch it? Did you watch it? Did you put a little bit of salvia between your teeth? Did you watch it while you pee? Did you? Did you wash it and eat soup? Don't watch it while you poop. Hey, hold on. It's not counted out.
But that is the end of the year,

Podcast Milestones and Future Plans

the end of our season break. Happy New Year, guys. Happy New Year. Thank you for coming on, Bleep. Congrats on another year. for bleep how So how long has it been in general? So this will be 121 episodes. Yeah, we're starting our third season. So starting third season. Yeah. yeah We haven't we haven't missed a week and then we've got the Patreon and well, did we just do our anniversary of the episode I first was on? Yeah. Yeah. Miami Connection was at the beginning of the month. That was that was our seventh episode and then our hundred and sixteenth episode. Well, ah congrats on another year. It was a badass year. I listened to most of them and they're fucking cool.
Yeah, you can laugh my ass off. I listen to this, but no, no, I think you guys know the best ones to listen to are the worst movies. That's true. Sometimes, yeah, when you're just shitting. You were you were one of our first patrons. You're not the first, but one of the first. Oh, nice. Yeah. Second, I believe way to really backhand compliment him. I love it. You are the first you fucking loser. Well, no, that goes to Chris. That's true. He's the first one who actually listens.
I'm I'm definitely a podcast enthusiast. So when you guys started when I was pretty pretty excited, so I was always love first there to listen. Yes. So we'll get some of those emails made. Maybe we'll do Armageddon for it's going to be bad. Yeah, you can do that. Yeah.
but Yeah. So do you have anything? You're here. Yeah.

Guest's Band Plug and Drownuary Introduction

Plug yourself. do You have anything to plug right now? I released ah three short little EPs. I have a two piece punk band and we go by gripes and it's stylized with an exclamation point at the end. So check it out on Spotify, Apple Music, most places, hopefully. We had gripes exclamation point. yep Yeah. right And if you pick one little EP, there's christ great That's actually their shortest song too. which is like to-da-dadada typespe Yeah, that's our three second song. Most of them are like 10 or 15 seconds mostly. Like it's some good thrashy gritty punk. I love it. Thank you very much. ah Yeah. If you pick one album, check out the inch by inch one. It's like probably 10 minutes. Listen to it. Is there a song you want to use for our outro?
um I'm thinking maybe like a little bit better or a or what's the what's the very last one? Old Head? No. You're asking the guy who's not in the band what the last track is. Well, i have I'm sorry, i'm just i'm I'm on the album. So yeah Death Breath? little bit I would say probably a little bit better. Okay. Good one.
And also look below in the episode description. I'll have links to where you can listen to the albums. And do you guys have social media or is it just? I don't believe so. OK. Maybe YouTube. Maybe YouTube. I'll put some links where you can listen. Yeah. ah Next week's episode will kick off season three and it will be on Jack's favorite movie, Sphere.
yeah This one was hard for him to just you think wrong. Oh, we're kicking off. Drown you, Larry, with Waterworld. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Jack's favorite treat. and So it is Jack's favorite movie. And then a week later, Jack's least favorite movie. ah You son of a bit. You get him in with the good highs and the bad. It's a whole month. Drownuary dedicated to movies in the water, underwater, water based catastrophes. It's going to be a good time.

Patreon and Farewell

it It is. And don't forget to check out our Patreon at patreon slash worst people. It's three dollars a month. You get your bonus mental health ah episode every month. You get really access to hot took shots first. You get a newsletter. There's a new one. We have our new segment, which you guys got to hear last week. And if you haven't listened yet, the episode's there. Latch key vids, latch key vids, latch key vids where we're going to be talking about forgotten or never known television shows from the 90s that had one, maybe two seasons. And we're just going to go through that. And it's it's it's excuse you. Hmm. And it was a really fucking good episode to record. And yeah, again, I think I said this on another episode, but I hate to toot my own horn. But I think it came out pretty fucking well toot, toot, toot.
So that's it for this year. I've been Derek. I'm still Whitney, guys. I'm Jack. And I'm Bleep. Good night, and go fuck yourself. There you go.
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Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na.