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Influencers actually influencing?? image

Influencers actually influencing??

Awaken Bake
175 Plays1 year ago

Here are some great Influencers I recommend following:

Pageant Queen Pixie  (YOUTUBE)

Authentically_allie (IG)

Trinity (etherealtrinity) (YOUTUBE)

Bria Jones (YOUTUBE)

The Flow Network (YOUTUBE)

Sarahmleto (IG)

Kaliekaimann (IG)

Lynette Adkins (YOUTUBE)

Daisyb (YOUTUBE)

Radhi Devlukia (YOUTUBE)

Divinely Luna (YOUTUBE)

Biancataylorm (IG)

the.holistic.psychologist (IG)

Mickey Atkins (YOUTUBE)


Introduction and Host Update

Welcome to awaken bacon educational high vibrational mystical spiritual pot. I'm sorry pod cast from one girl one joint and a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the wise was Khalifa let's roll something and get the motherfucking day started. What up sluts. It's Danny I'm back with a solo episode because Kelsey is hanging out with her girl Phoebe her fresh newborn we love you PJ. Love you Kelsey. Love you Cole and

TikTok Drama and Spiritual Awakening

the pups.
Anyway, you guys today, I want to talk about how some petty tik tok drama has kind of sent me in to a spiritual awakening question mark question mark. I'm not on tik tok like that. I am not on tik tok enough to know that there's drama. I rarely ever go on tik tok unless I want to post something and I really don't go on there to like check anything other than do I have likes or comments because I'm self centered.
But I've been seeing on YouTube, everybody's covering this DIY interior design drama. OK, you guys, I'm going to give you the lowdown. I'm going to give you like the really quick. What's it called? Too long. Didn't read. I'm going to give you that. Basically, there's two girls, tape, boop or tape, boop, beep and car enjoy. I don't know if I'm saying like if I'm pronouncing any of those right. But however I like sounded out and said it, that's like about what the spelling is. OK, you got it.
Anyway, one girl, right? She was mad because another girl was inspired by her for influencing like this girl, like they both have millions of followers. And they do DIY, do it yourself. I'm going to teach you step by step how I did it, how you can do it and link everything you'll need material wise in the description. So they like, yeah,
She wasn't, one girl was inspired by another girl. She did a couple of the same things as her. And then the girl blocked her, made a TikTok video, shit talking her. But then she came around a few days later and made an apology and said she was, said that she was hella wrong for how she handled that and what she did and that she was just wrong in general for making the video.

The Influencer's Journey: Impact and Reflection

I'm not gonna lie. It's not my business. It's not my place to forgive her. But the apology, I was like, well, good for you, bitch. Like, yeah, you did address the things I wanted you to say.
Any type of hate on the internet fucking sucks. So I feel bad for the girl who was like blamed for copying when literally she was just like, hey, I was inspired by this person. She gave them credit all the time. It's simply just a petty little take talk drama situation. But it, you know me, bitch, I can't make anything simple. I have to overthink. I have to dissect. I have to reflect.
Why was this for me such a big eye opening moment? Number one, it humbled me a bit because I don't usually think people are like copying me, but sometimes I'm like, oh, my God, like it's like I make a move like this and then someone else does the same type of move that I do. And then it's like, well, yeah, bitch, you posted on the Internet.
because you want to be an influencer, you want to influence people, you want to inspire people. So when you see that happen, why are you pissed? And it's like, you're right. Get it together, bitch. Like so it was humbling for me as well. So I was like, Oh, girl, better you than me. I would never I honestly would never have gone that far as to do something like that. For me, it's more just like sometimes in my head. I'll be like, Oh my gosh, I feel like they're kind of copying me not even copying like I sound so full of myself because like, why am I so special that someone would copy me but it's simply because I am a Libra.
sun and a Leo rising and I am full of myself and I think that I am the star because I am a star. Anyway, I appreciated the self check real quick. I was like, okay, you know what, this is a big lesson you learned and a small lesson I learned from your big lesson. Thank you very much.
And I do want to say something about influencers, by the way. I actually fucking love influencers, not the toxic ones, but like I love people and I love social media for that exact reason because I have found life changing people to follow who I otherwise never would have come across. These are people who don't come from wealth, from fame, from, you know, that type of exposure. You can literally come from nothing. But if you have a fucking phone or access to Internet,
You can have social media and you can blow the fuck up and you can influence people all around the world. And I love that so much. That's like, that's the coolest fucking thing. I feel like I was born in the right generation because I love this shit. I love being part of it. I want to be included in it all the time. Like I know I will be the first to say I'm chronically online. I'm on social media way too much. But I love it. And not only is it like, oh, my job and I love it for my job. But even if it wasn't my job, I would just keep doing it for fun.
And I want to shout out those people who go into influencing for the right reasons because they genuinely have a passion of something. They love something or they just have some type of urge to want to share with the world so that people can be happy, be inspired, be entertained. Not the people who are like, oh, I'm going to make people feel insecure and want my life and think I'm rich and just do it for the money. And you know what? Live your life, Boof. That's why you're doing it. That's why you're doing it. But I'm not talking to you and I'm not. I'm not saying thank you to you because you're not helpful, but I don't hate you.
Next thing about influencers, they really work. Influencers really be influencing,

Role of Influencers in Personal Growth

okay? So for example, everybody and their fucking grandma loves to post sunset pics. And for the longest, I was like, why the fuck does everyone in the goddamn world have the most beautiful sunsets in their life except for me? And then I sat back and I said, well, I don't really go outside that much.
Maybe I should just go outside and look up, bitch. Like, I probably have beautiful sunsets too. And this might seem simple as fuck, but it's stuff like these are the people I follow, right? And I'm going to give a whole list in the description of people who I think you should follow. It's going to be a big range from like micro influencers, even macro influencers, like people of my caliber, you know, like less than 10,000. But we so far, bitch. I mean, we're on the way up. Okay, nothing is permanent. This is all a journey. We're going up.
up to people who already have millions of followers. So these are the type of people that I like to follow because they inspire me on a human level, not on some like, Oh my god, I'm comparing myself. I wish I was them. I wish I looked like them. I wish I had their life. No, like these people are so big on like, in the words of J Cole, love yours, which crazy lol, I have J Cole lyrics from love yours tattooed to my ribs. If you want to guess which ones they are, you can guess but I don't want to hear one motherfucker.
Every time I tell people this, they're always like, oh, you're so basic. Is it this line? It is that line, you stupid fuck. OK, don't call me basic. It's a good line. It's a powerful line. If you can guess it, good for you. DM me privately and I'll tell you if you want.
Basically influencers actually really do fucking inspire me. And I do also want to give them credit, give them a little bit of props, because I see people sometimes say, how the fuck can you be a spiritual influencer and talk about being present and being mindful and meditating if you're on your phone all the time? Baby, if this is your job, and also like, I'm sorry that you just don't get it. I'm sorry, you're not built for it. Some of us are built for it. Some of us are not and you don't have to be that's absolutely okay. But also once you're good at it, and you've been doing it for a while, it really doesn't take that fuck along.
Taking a pic of a sunset, it takes about 20 seconds max. And then you have the whole rest of your fucking day. Like, it's just really not that deep. I totally am down to be on the, hey, let's shit on influencers. Let's talk shit about them when it's warranted, but not all of them are warranted. So I'm here today. Yes, we started off with some petty take talk drama, but it has made me just realize I fucking love influencers.
So recently, I've been seeing a bunch of influencers, like I love people who are just raw and real, right? And a lot of them will be like, when they go through something hard and they share it, they usually end up during their healing process, going back to things that they've always loved, things that have always fulfilled them, even stuff from like as young as when they were children, what fulfilled them, right? So for a while, that was kind of frustrating me, because I was really reflecting on this. And I was like, a lot of the stuff I did as a child, I've given up because it simply wasn't healthy for me anymore.
However, that doesn't mean I have to do the exact same thing I did when I was a child. It can transform and grow and take other forms, but it can still be that same like core beginning.

Returning to Childhood Joys

So what I'm talking about mostly is like I was an athlete and a dancer, which being a dancer is an athlete, but I just meant like I played soccer and like swim team and volleyball and all that shit. But then I also did after like sixth grade, I kind of was just a dancer and actor musical theater, all that shit, right?
So basically, I realized throughout my adulthood after a while that some of that stuff I was doing was becoming toxic for me and unhealthy for me. And I realized it wasn't even bringing me pleasure anymore. I was just doing it for other people, but I did not want to do it. That doesn't mean that I don't still like to be physically active, bitch. And I don't still love the creativity that comes with dance. And I think that I'm fucking good at it too, bitch. So there's this quote that I love and it's progress equals happiness.
And basically, I think I need to start learning something new. We talked about this a few episodes ago, right? I need a new craft or something, and I want to be able to watch myself go from an absolute beginner, like just sucking face to the floor, not good, eat shit. And that's how I know I'm going to be with pole dancing, because that's what I'm about to start doing, because I have no upper body strength.
I love being physically active, but I don't have the upper body strength and I've tried to just like, you know, not actually tried to pole dance, but just damn, I even tried to just swing on a pole once and I my arms, my little arms, they just snapped like twigs. I couldn't take it. So I know I can only go up from here.
And I'm realizing like, okay, that's one thing like, basically, I've been having an epiphany like, yeah, that is something from my childhood that I want to go back to. I did not pull dance as a child. I just danced. But I love using my body. I love expressing myself physically with my body. I love dancing. And this will be fun because it's like, I'm just going to teach myself to do it. I'm just going to rent. There's a place in town where you can rent out a studio privately and just do whatever the fuck you want.
And I've already found people on YouTube that I'm gonna just teach myself from that. I'm pretty good. You know, one good thing about being a dancer is a lot of times you have to learn choreography from a video. So I'm very good at teaching myself how to do something from watching someone else do it from a video, especially when it comes to like physical movement and stuff like that. If you want me to build something and you like have a video, no, bitch, can't do it. But if I have to use my body and express myself or dance, I can do that.
Anyway, I'm really excited about it and it feels really aligned and it feels like I just haven't been this excited and felt at home doing something. And guys, I haven't even started yet, but I'm just like that excited about it.
Also, growing up, I was such a little fashion icon. I'm not saying I looked good all the time to everyone else, but to me, bitch, I was serving every, every fucking day. The way I looked was 100% intentional, whether or not it was a serve. I don't know, but it was intentional. And to me, it was like, yes, bitch, mission completed. I am that bitch. I'm so hot. And so recently,
yesterday, my mom sent me a box of like the rest of my shit from home. And oh my god, the jewelry, honey, I was stylish as fuck. I had crystals like crystal jewelry, crystal necklaces, earrings, bracelets, way before I even understood like the deeper meaning of them, I was just naturally drawn to it. And it's just so funny how like, even in childhood, even as like a teen, I was already drawn to what I'm doing now as an adult, like
I still love crystals. I still wear them all the time. And now I just have a deeper understanding and appreciation for them. And for all of the people who want to say that spirituality is like witchy cult in like a negative way. I don't worship the crystals.
But like I could fuck you. OK, sorry. And then the last thing I want to talk about in terms of influencers, guys, this episode is all over the place, but I don't give a fuck. I love this type of vibe where I can just like talk and go on a ramble. But anyway, another reason that I love influencers is these pitches are really good at romanticizing. And I love romanticizing. It's one of the ways that I get through life. Like if I am kind of depressed,
or not depressed. Okay, that's a little extreme. If I'm kind of depressed, I just need therapy and like some real healing time. But if I can feel myself kind of slipping into a funk, what I will do is start romanticizing. I'll start intentionally enjoying life. Gaslight yourself, bitch. Tell yourself you're having fun and you will have fun. Again, this does not apply to severe mental illness, get professional help and treatment. You can always talk to somebody. But
We're just talking about if you're slipping into a phone because we're not on our shit, we're not on our game, we're not being mindful, we're not being intentional with our mood.

Influencers and Tackling Overthinking

Something about influencers. I just love that I can always go online if I need someone to like, especially with the people I follow. Like I said, the people I follow, I'll put them in the description.
If I go online, I know that they're going to be posting something, at least one of them is going to post something that's going to make me feel better or somehow align with me. These people are also very in tune with their spirituality and the collective consciousness. And so when I go online, a lot of times what they post is exactly what I need to hear.
And it just inspires me to be more, not even like them, but to take inspiration from them in terms of enjoying my life the way they do, right? My relationship privately, I can't tell you how often I overthink things all the time. I have the most amazing husband in the world, but I overthink things.
But when you go on Instagram and people will post like I follow a lot of therapists as well. And they'll post like, hey, this is relationship anxiety. This is from trauma. This is that it's so validating and it makes me feel so good. And then usually they'll post like this is how you get over it. And I am genuinely influenced by these people. I'm like, oh, cool. I will apply that. I will try that. And it fucking works. Like I don't always talk about that because like I said, it's a private situation for my relationship. Isaiah isn't even usually like aware that I'm doing it because this is something that like
Look, you guys, I just recently got a new therapist, so I was really just kind of doing my own thing, coming up with my own little methods for a while. And a lot of times, I'll find myself just overthinking in my head. I become my own worst enemy and I put myself mentally in a situation and in a state of mind that's not even real to the reality. I mean, it feels real to me, but it's not actually what's going on. And this just reminds me, following these positive influencers, it can really snap me out of it and remind me, actually, I am grateful
my brain might be lying to me and I just have a lot more fun when I'm being intentional, when I'm purposely romanticizing, when I am purposely going about my day with the understanding, basically, that I'm in control and I actually get to determine how I feel and how my day goes. It's just, I don't know, you guys. A lot of times I slip up mentally and that's why I really just appreciate positive influencers online.
I don't know if I want to say influencers because I don't want you guys to think all influencers are positive influencers. You know what I mean? There's so many people who just basically promote wealth, cars, Starbucks, jewelry, and there's nothing wrong with that. But it very quickly becomes negative. And I'm talking about the people who post like, hey, if you're going through something traumatic, if you're dealing with, you know, complex
post-traumatic stress disorder. If you're dealing with abuse from childhood, the coming up in your everyday life or affecting your relationship, or if you're dealing with a breakup or if you're dealing with feeling lost, like I love people who are just real as fuck about what they're going through and they share it online, not for clout, but just so they can genuinely help people. I'm so grateful for it. And I just wanted to give all of those people a shout out today. Don't forget to check the description box, because I'm going to list a lot of them.
Hilarious, too, that this DIY interior design TikTok drama is what got me on this tangent. But I have been kind of invested in it once I heard about it. I was like, OK, but what really is the tea here? And you know what? We all have human moments. I think that this bitch had a human moment. Now, she might be a whole ass evil person. I don't know because I don't know her life. Right. But I'm just saying it was a really good learning moment for me as well, because I was like, oh, like she fucked up.
She probably feels bad and she's probably gonna learn XYZ from this. And it just was a good reminder for me too. Like, hey, there's a lot of.
First of all, humble yourself, bitch, okay? Because you're trying to influence people too. So don't be getting mad when people are influenced by what you're doing. Second of all, it made me realize, wow, I follow a lot of positive influencers that I'm actually so fucking grateful for. And influencers, they get a really bad rap all the time. And there's a lot of really

The Dual Nature of Influencer Critique

great ones out there. And hopefully I'm one to you guys. And Kelsey, as I'm sure to you guys, awake and bake, we try to be. But if there's so many that I follow who are amazing,
I'm sure there's so many more that you guys follow. So feel free to let us know about that. And I just kind of wanted to be a little bit more positive about influencers today because I'm in a good mood today. So today I'm choosing to look at influencing as something positive. Now, if you meet me on one of my PMS days, a really bad PMDD moment, I might just go on a rant about how we should demolish influencing as a whole, right? But today there's so much good that comes out of good quality influencers. Oh my God, I love it.
And see, that's the duality of man bitch, okay? I can admit that today I'm singing their praises, but I might be talking shit tomorrow. Y'all know another duality example is something about me. I will shit talk the Kardashians to Helen back, but I will watch every goddamn episode. It has my full attention. And like I said earlier, I'm not a perfect person.
But that's why you're here, isn't it? You're not here for perfection. You're here because I try to be real with you and hopefully we can all relate. I feel like you guys are my friends. I feel like I have a pretty good hold on who listens. Like it's the same people who listen every week, who comment every week, who are on our Instagram and our YouTube every week. So like, I really feel like I do kind of know you guys.

Authenticity and Audience Connection

I understand that's like a parasocial relationship and I'm not about to try to be calling Ballinger and befriend you guys and text you and
make you work for me for free. All I'm fucking saying is, I kind of am aware of who follows us. And I love it so much. And I feel like we're on the same page. So I do feel really comfortable just like shooting the shit with y'all being a real influencer, a real person.
I'm not a regular influencer. I'm a real one. Sorry, that sucked. Thanks for hanging out with me today, you guys. Honestly, I think I just needed a reason to talk about the TikTok drama with the interior designer, the DIY girlies, because I haven't seen a lot of people I know talk about it. And it's simple and silly. Sure. I mean, damn, I feel like TikTok makes drama out of anything because
that doesn't really feel like a big deal to me. But it was big enough that I wanted to share it and talk about it. Like why could I not just make this episode like I want to talk about the positive aspects of influencers, the Libra in me bitch had to throw in some gossip. So here's the tea about some interior designers on tik tok. And this is why I'm inspired. Like it's just, it's just funny. I'm not a perfect person. Love y'all stay high. Bye bye.