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Ep 115: A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge w Runt of Jivin' Scientists image

Ep 115: A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge w Runt of Jivin' Scientists

S2 E60 ยท Bad Movies Worse People
74 Plays3 months ago

For the final week of our Tucson Music Scene month, we ventured out of our recording dungeon to Brickbox Brewery to record with the owner of the venue and a world-class hip-hop artist, Runt of the mighty Jivin' Scientists! We talk about the second entry in the Freddy Krueger oeuvre, A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2: FREDDY'S REVENGE, directed by Jack Sholder and starring Robert Englund, Mark Patton and Kim Myers. Widely considered one of the gayest horror movies ever made for its undertones of homosexuality, this one breaks all of the rules set forth in the original film, with Freddy running slipshod through a bunch of unsuspecting teens in the real world. We've got a great performance from Englund, really starting to find the character's comedic tone, and some gruesome special effects. There's also a gym coach in leather daddy gear, so that's a thing.

Go check out Brickbox Brewery for live music, beer and food at 220 E Broadway Blvd in Tucson, Arizona

Listen to Jivin' Scientists wherever you stream music including Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube or check them out on their Strange Famous Records page

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Introduction and Venue Jokes

Welcome back for the final week of our Tucson Music Scene Month. This week, 1-2 Freddy's coming for you. I'm Derek. And I'm Whitney. I'm Jack. And I'm Brent. And this is Bad Movies, Worst People.
It might sound a little odd. We are recording on location tonight. Yes, on location live with the whole audience. At Brick Box Brewing, which is owned by our good friend, Runt. Yup. Downtown Tucson. What's the address? 220 East Broadway. 220 East Broadway. Come down to Brick Box Brewing because you can get some cool beer, live music. Hopefully there's people here next time.
They are closed today. So don't think that we're just hanging out in an empty bar. I mean, we are. but That's exactly what we're doing. All the chairs are up, so it's different. Don't paint a different picture than what it is.

Freddy Krueger and Childhood Fears

But yes, so Runt brought us Nightmare on Elm Street to Freddy's Revenge. Yes. Now, I got to ask, are you a Freddy fan, a horror fan?
So, Freddy's special to me, I think, because it was a time in my life as a child where it was something that truly struck terror into me as a kid. Yeah, same. And the reason why I picked this movie was I just recently rewatched it. And I'd watched it a lot as a kid. It was one of those movies, right? Like, I shouldn't have been watching as a kid when I was able to. Oh, yeah. My parents would let me watch that for some reason.
they assumed that my like eight, 10 year old brain could digest that this wasn't reality or whatever. And there you are not going to bed for three days in a fucking row. Yeah. You know what I mean? So like, um, yeah, I just picked it cause it, it for me,
I'll say I'm a fan of the fact that I enjoyed watching them all the time growing up and I enjoy them. um But for me it's it's the movie right before it took a turn into being a lot of other things. Yeah. It's kind of like all becoming self-aware. Like Halloween for me is that same thing. Like the first two Halloweens, of course before the third, but I mean the first two It was right before it took a turn into being a lot of other things. like Yeah. Where they start. It starts being self-parody. Yeah. Self-aware. Well, what do we just do? Halloween 3, Season of the Witch. Yeah. And we also do resurrection. Oh, Halloween resurrection. for We did that for October. Yeah, that was bad. yeah And plus, I couldn't save it. threes wild because Halloween 3 is wild because it's...
There's the original idea of what Halloween was supposed to be and what three fits it to, right? So I kind of feel like it's one of those things where. The second Nightmare on Elm Street, for me, was starting to slide down this road of the killer inside of you yeah type idea. You know what I mean? which we've done I feel like we've done this before. We just had ah the one with Jason that wasn't Jason. Yeah. And then we had another one where it was like the person was the, was that we thought was a hero, was a killer. We just did another one. Was it Sleepaway Camp? No. was it Are you thinking of Kursu?
No, I'm not thinking of Kurisu. Or being the guy that was the monster. Topo Chico. Topo Chico. Whatever his name was. Yeah, we just did Halloween 3 with our friend Matt. And we talked all about how that has nothing to do with anything, but it's kind of awesome. And that's the time I learned that what you just said, Derek had told us, it was supposed to be an anthology kind of thing. It wasn't always supposed to be Mike Myers, but the studio was like, yeah, that's what sells, dude. He kills. The first one just hit so hard, they were like,
ah So I guess that for me is like that. I remember watching this particular one was because was dream warriors next I think yes, so the one dream warriors is the one that had like the Nintendo kill scene I think so. Yeah, where he's like playing the person as it I can safely say I've never seen this if if If what you're describing is in the movie, I have not seen that. So Dream Warriors, that one really stuck with me as a kid, but it had like it had gotten funny. And granted, I'd probably gotten a little bit older. Yeah. but I mean, you did. Yeah. and this But this particular movie, for whatever reason, always stuck with me. like
Well, in this one, like the first one, Freddy is a scary nightmare killer. This one, he's getting more jokey, but he's still a scary nightmare killer that just can become real, question mark. Yeah, I'm confused on the rules. But then after that, he just goes back. He gets full on like he's doing a type five for everybody. Yeah. So we've been doing for Friday the 13th, we've been doing a Friday the 13th just randomly selected.
And I never really got into Friday the 13th. I never got into Halloween. I was a Freddy girl. Sure. My sister was five years older than me. So this came out in 85. She still is five years old. I was six years old. And she had me watch this shit. Yeah. My brother was five years old. I mean, same thing. Absolutely love the Freddy movies because I was terrified. Yeah. We run into this all the time in our lives where you're like, I watched that at that age. Like, yeah, but you shouldn't know. Yeah. Just because you watched it when you were five years old doesn't mean your parents were supposed to let you. It's not OK. You were busier back then. I didn't have the older sibling. I was just doing it to myself. You were the older sibling. Oh, you got your brother good with that, didn't you? No, he didn't pay attention. We didn't really hang out. You were six years apart. We didn't really hang out until I was 19.
I think for my family, it was like watching the movie was something my parents had spent money on, right? Like we went to the movie, the video store and whatever we picked out, that's what we had to watch. And we weren't watching it as a family. It was us picking what we were individually going to watch. And I was, I was in love with all the art of the covers. You waited your turn until you could have the VCR. Yeah. Yeah, I mean it was totally like not a that like I said the whole thing with that was I think about my parents letting me watch stuff and then and then I'm ahead I'm like yeah cuz they already paid for it so my dad was probably like I don't care what the fucking movie is it's entertainment we paid for so good You're gonna go watch that for the next two hours. Did I come from behind the black curtain? Then I don't care if you watch it
curtain He'd be like, I can't believe you got back there. What's what's going on? Hey, good job for getting back there. Yeah.

Queer Subtext in 'Nightmare on Elm Street 2'

to Find something good. But I don't know if you guys know this or if you picked up on the subtext, which is pretty heavy, but this is considered the gayest horror movie ever made because there's a man inside you trying to come out. Yeah, so the whole thing is I just picked up on it now that you said that like I wasn't looking at that way. The the lead actor, ah Mark Patton is because he wouldn't have sex with that chick. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff. So the lead actor Mark Patton is gay at the time. He was in the closet because it was 85 forced to be in the closet. Well, later on, he quit acting because he was tired of Hollywood's homophobia, because later on he was playing a gay character on some show.
But then he tried to do an interview or something with like a gay magazine and they were like, well, you can't do that. People don't need to know you're really gay. And so he was like, dude, fuck Hollywood. And he went to theater where it's more acceptable at the time, at least now. No one gives a shit. Right. Yeah. Good job with Disney for just being gay.
But yeah, the whole thing with this is like he's a dude, but there's ah a quote unquote evil inside him that he's trying to hide from people. And yeah, the part with his girlfriend when they're making out and then he runs away from her and goes to his friend's house. And that now that you've done it, it makes so much fucking sense. And then he penetrates him. Uh huh. You know, like he ran away from having sex with a girl to go to with that that shirtless dude's house while he was sleeping. Yeah, we've all been there.
And the apparently, according to Mark Patton, the dance scene where he's unpacking his room, which is yeah hilarious. It's a great scene. The dance stuff he's doing with like the butt bump and the the jerk off thing. Yeah. He came very popular in gay clubs for a time right after the movie came out. And this movie was it's widely considered for a long time, at least like one of the one of the worst, if not the worst nightmare on Elm Street movie.
But it was also insanely popular with the LGBTQ plus community. I can definitely not call it the worst. No. Yeah. I don't think I had seen this one. I thought I had. Maybe I did, but I didn't remember it while you were watching it. This is definitely my second time seeing it. Yeah. And I was watching it and expecting, like, just awful, which is fine. That's what we're here to do. But I was having a good time. Well, the effects are phenomenal effects. We love dummies. I just never forgot him murdering everyone at the pool party. like
That stuck with me my whole that's that was the only reason I ever but thought Freddie was a badass. I was just like, yeah, he just killed everyone at the pool party. Well, the birds is what stuck out for me. I think I like him for the same reason that you guys are both talking about. He's a character. I mean, like Jason and Michael between the two of them. Don't say a fucking word. Yeah. This guy is just like one to buckle your fucking shoe. Yeah. Three for your mom's a whore. Five, six, your dad likes dicks. Yeah, he's the worst. Seven, eight, eight, eight, nine, 10. I need some gin.
Um, but real quick, I'll just do like tail of the tape. As Jack says, uh, this is directed by a guy named Jack shoulder who, who didn't direct a whole lot. Uh, he did that movie renegades that you mentioned. Is it Lee diamond and Kiefer? Yeah, he did that. He did a movie I watched called by Don's early light, which is like a political thriller with a Stacy Keach where they destroy the world, which is fun. That's a bummer.
And then he did a movie that we tried to watch for superhero month, but yeah it was it was impossible to find a watchable version. Oh, it was a TV movie from Fox, but it was it's called Generation X. So it was an X-Men movie. But we found it. It's impossible to find. I found it on YouTube. We hit play. Jack was with me and it was just like not watching this and do that as the worst resolution I've ever seen in my life.
I mean, maybe if he was on a tiny ass box TV instead of a what do you have? Like an 80. Yeah. Like maybe if you watch on your phone. Yeah. On your phone is the way to watch. Yeah. But he did that and he did one episode of the Tremors TV show. Oh, good for him. Well, he'll be back then. And then this writer, David Chaskin, wrote basically nothing else. He wrote a movie called The Curse with Wil Wheaton. Well, we will.
That's about it. So these people didn't get to work a lot. This movie was, however, pretty successful. It only cost $3 million to make, and it made $30 million. Oh, damn. That's pretty good. Yeah. Can't knock it for that. $3 million is a nothing budget. 300%. I mean, at one point, they've got a guy bursting out of another guy. That alone should be worth like $3 million. Yeah. It's going to cost more. Yeah.
I mean, that's the thing. You know, with a lot of these movies now cost so much to make because they're talking to spend all their money on special effects in the computer. In the 80s, guys were like, we got a million dollars. I'll make you an army of ticks. Yeah. The big guy, Savini. Tom Savini. Tom Savini. I mean, he's yeah he's like a master of that, making it work for a shoestring budget. Is this able to be? Can anybody stream this right now?
Yeah, it is on HBO Max right now. Yeah. Oh, OK. That's how you watch it. Yeah, we've been doing that at the beginning of the episode and I forgot to do that. I can find it. Yeah. In case people want to watch it. Oh, of course. yeah I bought the box the box. That's why I was like, I know I had to have seen this, but I wasn't remembering shit when I watched it. So yeah I was pleasant surprised. I just like like like Derek. I was like, oh, God, here we go. Yeah. I probably shouldn't be watching this alone, not because of the

Mark Patton's Hollywood Struggles

scaries, but because of like, fuck, this is stupid. Yeah. And I'd like to be drinking and laughing with somebody. But I had a really good time.
I did laugh at one point, I paused to go to the bathroom, and it was close to the end where there's the rat on the walkway. It was screeching. I paused like, well, that's dumb. That's just dumb looking. But they didn't mean for me to pause it. They were hoping you were just doing a fluid watch through. Yeah, right? There's one more thing before we get into the movie. They tried to do this without Robert England.
Really? Why? Just like so many heavy makeup. Did he not want to do it? No, at first they just didn't ask him. They were like, because they didn't want to give him more money. So then they gave him in the first one. So they just hired a stuntman to do it. The budget is $3 million. How much could he be asking for? Honestly. Well, they did that for two weeks. And then the producer was like, you know what? We're just going to hire Robert. The stuntman's not doing it. What else is he doing? Is the stuntman the bus driver at the end of the movie?
I don't know. I don't know. Could Because the movie starts with Robert England as a bus driver. Yes, it does. I thought it was going to be a cameo. Then I was like, oh, no, no, they're doing It's Freddie. Like, it's. Yeah. Yeah. Because it starts out with ah Jesse Walsh, who's played by this guy, Mark Patton, who, again, didn't do a whole lot else because of Hollywood. yeah And I agree.
And he's on the bus. He's in his Uber nerd outfit. Like he has this. Yeah, I want. Pocket protector and every year when this started, I was like, this character is going to irritate the fuck out of me. Yeah. And then when he wakes up in the in real life, he's not quite as creepy or. Yeah. Sweatiest sleeper I've ever seen, dude. Well, he's in a boiler room. This is this is a whiskey drunk nap. Yeah. For sure. You wake up like, God, I got your bed laundry. The gin drunk. Like he has three sheets for the win. Oh, really? Yeah.
You don't sweat more with whiskey? No, Jim. Oh, man. Weird. I don't sweat. Just kidding. I'm a i' like a dog. I just. There is no. only see been loaded yeah And I'm tired.
But yeah, so they but they end up passing these girls bus stop who are laughing at our hero, I guess. Yeah, we'll call him that. you and He's the protagonist. The protagonist would be Freddie, really. OK, yeah. Which, by the way, we're calling him Freddie. They're calling him Fred, and I cannot stand it. ah Fred Krueger. Like, dude, no, Fred was his dad. Come on, he's Freddie. Mr. Krueger. It just sounds so, I don't know, like just formal. Well, they are referring to the newspaper articles and stuff. And I don't think you usually see like a story about a serial killer. And it's like, well, you know, Billy, it'll say William. William Billy. Billy, Billy Pattian.
That's weird though, cause it's like after that's a sign of the pop culture, his involvement changing yeah his name amongst, they probably set out for him to be Fred. I think in the first one they call him Fred the whole time too, but the title of this movie is Freddy's Revenge.
so They call him Fred in the first one, huh? I guess because Fred's Revenge. Was it originally supposed to be titled that, though? I don't know. I didn't see that. It could be. It strikes me as one of those movies where it's like, it was supposed to be Fred gets out and kills everyone. They did Fred's Revenge. Ah, Freddie sounds better. And they were like, it sounds like a courtroom drama. Yeah. It's a Phantom of the Mall. Fred's Revenge is a lot like Montezuma's Revenge, but you just eat way too much mayonnaise. It's in Montana. It's in Montana.
Oh, that mayo sandwich isn't sitting well. Yeah. Here comes Fred's revenge. But I do love this part, because the bus takes off and drives out into the desert. And Whitney knew immediately she'd seen this, because she was like, I think the bus drives off a cliff or something, yeah which isn't exactly what happened. It's close enough. But like the ground collapses. It takes a while, but I love the miniatures. They have like the whole ground collapses, and the bus is just balancing on these two like rock ledges.
And like he's chasing the kids to the back and they can't go all the way to the back because it'll fall over and like it looks fucking cool. it' looks cool yeah Yeah, not a problem with the miniature. I honestly couldn't even tell it was a miniature at first. Oh, really? Yeah, it was just like, wow, they really did. I just knew without even looking at the budget, I knew they weren't going to have any fucking computer graphic. Well, it's 1985. Yeah. 1985 computer graphics. Think of the last starfighter. Yeah, I'm all right.
Good movie. Just needs to be updated. and We've talked about it before. That's one that I'd be OK with being remade because you can make it look better. Yeah. Don't remake RoboCop. It looks fine. Yeah. ah But he wakes up from the nightmare and he screams. And this is another one of those things that's part of the people say and he says as part of the gay subtext is his scream is very feminine. Very much so. He calls himself the first male scream queen. That's how I definitely love it. That title. Yeah. It says it's due to a combination of factors. This is ah like a quote from him. It includes the film's homoerotic subtext, the fact that he's often depicted on screen screaming like a girl and because he viewed the character as a closeted gay man. And also he's shot like a girl a lot where it's like he's in bed and the sheets are up and he's getting naked and it's it's all the stuff you would normally see in a horror movie for a girl. This is the first one really where we have a dude.
I think his nips, the only nips we see. There's a documentary, there's actually two about Nightmare on Elm Street that came out about the same time, but there's one specifically about him, and it's called Scream Queen, My Nightmare on Elm Street, and it's all about him. I really want to check it out. I just heard about it doing research for this, and I was like, I'm going to watch that.
But yeah, he wakes up and I couldn't, the family's sitting around having breakfast and the box of cereal is Fu

Trivia and Humor in Horror Films

Man shoes. yeah I catch that. That's why you hold that that's what Hulk Hogan ate. And then his little sister says, why can't Jesse wake up like a normal person? He's a night tears. Yeah, you know.
teenager puberty something I don't think I did that but you didn't wake up screaming every day in your did I not go through puberty you might not you move it just came out balls dropp if my balls are gonna drop more than this we have concerns there was nothing to go through you just ki know i out born with t yeah I was born with a beard and a full set of balls yeah and they changed my doctor diapers and living hell beer in the bottle it was risky And i' ah I don't know if anybody else here, I know you guys aren't really I don't know if you're familiar with the movie Death Wish the original with Charles Bronson. Yeah, I can't say Paul Kersey, which is the character's name. But then they make like five of those fucking you might be under shooting. There was five of them. Six of you include the reboot, which okay. Okay. Five is right.
Yeah. But the mom, Hope Lang, played Paul Kersey's wife, who Jeff Goldblum and his friends murder at the beginning. OK. Yeah. Yeah. As soon as we were watching it, I was like, I know this. I know. I think I saw Jeff Goldblum kill her once. Yeah. That was in my, like, Grandpa Jack's library of movies you watched quite a bit. Yeah. That's your new name, Grandpa Jack? For sure. Not Grandpa. That First Death Wish is a great movie. Yeah. The other four are fun in their own ways, but that first one is awesome. And about a third of it takes place in Tucson and was filmed here.
No shit. They go to Tucson International Airport. They're at Tucson. They're driving around. The guy he meets in Tucson, though, who's supposed to be his local connection, is definitely just a dude from Texas. They act like that's what Arizona is. He's got a big cowboy hat. He's got a big Cadillac with horns on the front. Minus the horns on the caddy back in the 80s and 70s. That is what Arizona, Southern Arizona was like. He's also the one who introduces Paul Kersey to guns. Yeah. I mean, we are still the Wild West out here.
Kind of ain't that wild. Get a little farther out of the city. We're kind of we're kind of coming down now. The dad does not like this kid. I got stepdad vibes. but I don't think it's a stepdad. No, like ladies that he can't talk to me like that. Normally you'd hear like dad can't talk to me like that. That's the other thing is that that points out that it's the gay because he's like, fuck you. There's something wrong with you. Yeah. What do you're not my son? Yeah. but Later on. I believe the drug move was quite a lot.
Yeah. Later on, when he's freaking out and the mom's like, he needs to go to a psychiatrist and the dad's just like, no, he needs to get beat. Yeah. Yeah. He needs that tough love, dude. If he I'll give him something to cry about. That's that 80s shit, man. Go pick a switch. So then we go to school. We have Lisa, who's the love interest. Is she Meryl Streep Jr.? That's what she said. She looks like Meryl Streep Jr. Also, she played Pam on Seinfeld.
I saw she was in one episode of Seinfeld, I was wondering. Yeah, where Jerry's Date-ner and Kramer wants her, switches her hair to a scrunchie instead of the clothes. Oh yeah, the scrunchie thing. She looks also just like, what was her name? Natasha McElhone or something? McElhone, Californication. Californication, David Duchovny's wife, and never ex-wife. She even pulled up a picture online and it they did like, had someone had a side by side. Kim and Meryl Streep. Oh, was it Meryl Streep? Yeah, it was Meryl Streep and Kim Myers.
I mean, it's the same facial structure. It is. She was in ah that Pretenders show. Oh, yeah. He's running into that a lot lately. Yeah. And she's also in the Pretenders movie or the Pretender movie I didn't know happened in 2001. Yeah, she plays the dude's mom. Uh-huh. And that that dude, I think it's Jared. Put a little respect on it. Jared. Jared. It's J-Rod.
but Then we meet the most exciting character to me. We have Marshall Bell, who plays Coach Snyder. I love Marshall Bell. um We've had him on the show before. He was in Cherry 2000, but he plays a bad guy in Twins. He's also he' been on the Airheads Patreon. Oh, yeah, he was in Airheads. So he's the SWAT guy. Yeah. Only one teeny little skid mark. And you think I'd start a World War 12. Yeah, he's the bad guy in Twins. He's in Total Recall. I can't think of the character's name, but he's got Quato in his chest. But the character has a different name. Yeah. He's also in Starship Troopers. He's one of the officers. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I love this guy. And he's an asshole, much as he is here. He looks like he leaves his his underwear on the ground with the skid mark. I'm just going to make a judgment call.
It's probably him. He has the look. yeah If you were looking at a pair of underwear or skid marks, Michael, I think I know who it is. Well, it turns out leather underwear doesn't get skid marks. Yeah, I didn't even think about that, dude. They are definitely shaming this guy for being gay and having a little kink in his life. Yeah. Well, I mean, and there's that whole thing where, like, he... So they... What the fuck's his kid's name? Jesse and his friend Grady get into a fight. I recognize Grady, by the way. He's it from... ah He didn't recognize him. Weird Science? Yeah. No. the The friend, Grady. The friend. yeah He's from Weird Science. that's ah That's the only thing I knew him from.
OK, that's right. No, i read he's Robert Downey Jr.'s best bud in that movie. Yeah, there's shit heads. I recognize I'm older also, but he's been in like TV shows and shit that I've watched. He looks like a dude that's from Seinfeld, but it's not him. I checked. I looked. I looked. I looked hard. But like they get into a fight and the coach makes them do push ups as a punishment. And Grady even says he's like, he gets off on this. Like he gets off on watching us do push ups. He goes to the S and&M Club, which he has some other he has some other words to say, too.
I think he uses the Q word. Oh, okay. you can't go to ah You can't go to an S and&M club if you're straight, right? You have to begin. Oh, yeah, you have to be. Either way, he's some sort of deviant. yeah Society won't have it.
Well, I like Grady's relationship with our main guy too. He's like, do you not like me? He's like, um you're fine with you, dude. I'm just killing time. I just felt like pantsing you. I think it's because he's like the new guy. they um Jesse is the new guy in the school. And so they're just like pushing buttons, like how guys were in the 80s.
he's ah He's kind of an asshole, Fred. Well, he can't go to the party later in the movie because he's grounded for shoving his grandma down the stairs. I think that was a joke, though. Fredy made him do it. I'm sure he just... Shove your grandma, bitch.
I what he deserved in the end. Yeah, I guess so. Can we push it all ladies downstairs? No. Throw mama from the train? Yeah, I mean, this is the 80s, so your grandma was like definitely old. It's not like, you know. Like, dude, Jeff Goldblum's your grandpa. He's sprying shit. Whitney's now a grandma, kind of. She's only in the 40s. You can't shove her downstairs. I was 39 when I became a grandma. Wow.
Not from my daughter from her older brother. Yeah but Yeah, so there's it turns out that the house they moved moved into is Heather Langen camp's house from the first movie And I think this is the only time that that happens I think the rest of the movies like it takes place in this town and a lot of it might be on Elm Street But I think this is the only time that house is and is well she's also in it Nancy the character Nancy is in a a lot of the other one well She's definitely in the next one and I think she's in the street She's in the psych ward in the next one, right? Yeah. And then she's definitely a new nightmare, which we'll talk about one day, which is, but that one's like a meta one. it's yeah west It's the only other one I think that Wes Craven directed. Um, i think you're right because it's like the people from the original movie are getting stalked by Freddie in real life, including Robert England. Oh, yeah.
It's a documentary. I have a fun fact about, I have a fun fact about Robert England. Well, not Robert England. I think I've told you, but when I became pregnant with Zoe, I had to find an OB. And then I had my first meeting with Dr. Frederick cruiser on October 31st. And he looks like Robert England. You're like, no, I'm switching hospitals, dude. I'm sorry. Something personal. You know what? It is personal.
You look like fucking Freddy Krueger and I'm not having you put on a glove in front of me. The kicker I had to have as a Syrian. Oh, shit. You didn't have to. No, I just wanted to. It was an emergency. I'm back on board with this guy. It's got people up for 40 years now at this point. You can't even see my scar. It's a baby girl bitch. What I do is I get inside of you first in your brain. We just cut out from the inside there. Did he call you a fucker or bitch at any point? He's like, you stupid bitch. Are you ready to push far? Was it the prime time joke? Which one is that one then? Ready for prime time, bitch. Yeah. He comes out of the TV. Yes. See, that's self-aware. And this one, he never calls anyone bitch, but he does call that one kid fucker, which really made me laugh. Well, he ain't coming. Yeah, well, he was a fucker. He's talking to Freddie like he's a dog. Yeah, get out of here. Oh, my God, right?
But so Jesse's home and he's having another dream. It's still dreams at this point. and He hasn't come to the real world yet about Freddie burning stuff in this like boiler under his house. Now, is this real? Does this I've seen this in movies. Did houses really just have giant furnaces? Yes, because probably not in Arizona. Yeah, I've like, i've always I mean, i I don't know, man, in the buildings, we had like central heating, like it's electric. No, you had an older houses. So this is the 80s. So this house is probably from like the 50s.
eighteen fifty s as i think from home mal alone boiler 1850s It's like the furnace room where you have to it's a wood stove It's a wood fed furnace you go down in the basement and put wood in your heater That's why you have one of your kids live down there. Yeah fucking log on people used to have more 17 you should be on your own by now get out of my house you bum is a job when I was your age I already had a tenure you like your brother he got fired by the time he was 17 sawmill we wouldn't have to pay for wood for the furniture your pockets on the way out they won't even know one log home every day when I was your age I was burning pedophiles down the street Get a job, you bum. How many pedophiles you lit on fire? Yeah. Yeah. Weak generation. But this is a cool effect because he's like, he's, Freddie confronts him and he's like, hey, you've got the body. I've got the brain. And he like peels off his head. Beautiful. This is where I, right here, it's like, I'm going to like this movie. I don't care if it's dumb. I don't care if it's not well, like done well. The effects. This is like, this is going to be great. Yeah. Yeah.
So it's the next day, he hasn't been sleeping well, so he falls asleep in science class, and the snake is crawling on him. I thought this was going to be a dream. Yeah. but Yeah, why wouldn't it be? But this fucking teacher is just like, fuck you doing to my snake? Yeah. Get your own fucking snake. If you want to play the fuck off me, I'll place you. I love that it's just one fly. a Fucking good. time Yeah, ah like ah oh my sleeping My nightmare Yeah, I thought it was also gonna be a dream but the teachers like get your own fucking snake, dude Yeah, this is my Monty but he puts it back in the cage and there's no top on I'm like put a top on the thing if you're gonna have a boa in your
Classroom. You're not a good teacher. It's there. It was open. It was against the wall. Oh, OK. You're not a good teacher, though. These kids can get up in class, grab a boa, and put it on Sleeping Kid before you notice. Yeah. And then you're not even mad about that. Yeah. All right. Quit horsing around. It's because Freddie did it. So nobody actually got up to put a snake on him. No. No, Grady. Shitty Grady did it. Grady was on the other side of the room. He's very, very sneaky, sir. This teacher is, well, much like, what's his name? Mr. Story from Saguaro High School.
I don't know who that is. Oh, he's a faculty. Yeah, the guy from the faculty that's also in Starship Troopers. He's a teacher. He's also in Seinfeld. All right. as Mr. Kruger. is he Yeah, that's hilarious. He's George's boss when they work for the smoothing company. Oh, man. But he goes to Festivus. This teacher is like that teacher. He's just talking and he's on autopilot. and He's not paying attention. So Grady could because Grady and his friend were eyeballing Jesse sleeping. So he easily could have gotten up and went across the room. and this This is whiskey in this cup. You can do whatever you want in my class. I don't I don't care. I'm all rumbed out.
He got hired as a shop teacher. What am I doing here? Now I became the shot teacher. Let's take another shot teacher. and so This teacher pulls a cow heart out of his desk. Oh, yeah. That's why I thought it was a dream. I was like, it looks like a London broil. I mean, I did look look at it like I could slow cook that. Yeah. Put a brine on it.
Hey guys, I'm getting really antsy today. I've been in the house a couple days. Um, I want to get out. Can we go somewhere? I have some things to do. I mean, I don't know if you know this music box, uh, the adult beverage place that is they have live music almost like minimum twice a week, sometimes much more. And like as a fan of somebody that likes staying on the East side, I can't think of a place that does as much live music with zero cover.
Can I get shots there? You can get shots there. You can get drinks there. You can get beers there. You can get pudding shots. You can get yellow shots. You're putting me on. I am not putting you on. This is real. Oh, they've got karaoke. They've got unhappy hour every Wednesday. You know I love karaoke. Saturday nights, they've got open mic stand up comedy. Yeah, so there's plenty going on over the music box. We can go down there to 6951 East 22nd Street in Tucson, Arizona. Oh, right there at 22nd and Cole? Yeah. Did I mention no cover? Like everything we just talked about is no cover. No cover. No cover charge ever. Just drink alcohol and enjoy your friends. It's just like my insurance. There's no cover. Music box lounge. Check it out. All right. First round's on me, boys.
Then he goes home and he has to unpack. Dad's been telling him to unpack for days. This is where we get the dance scene, which is very funny. But not just the dance scene. He dumps a box into his drawer. He's like, how do you like that, Dad? Flips it off. At one point, he's shoving clothes in his drawer, but it's only open an inch. I'm like, just open it all the way. You can do a better shoving, Jeff. I know you don't want to fold your clothes. Open it all the way, dump the box, close it.
Who puts shoes in drawers? He's like throwing shoes in there. People with really clean shoes are really dirty drawers. No one was specific about that. He's like, dad doesn't want to see shit in the room. It's all going in the drawers. Oh, that's right. He's going to unpack correctly. You can't say that. He wants to go to Lisa's house and go swimming. That's right.
And Lisa comes over right as the climax of the dance. He's standing up on his bed and he's got it's like a party pop, a party popper thing. Yeah. And he's holding it up to his crotch and pumping it. And as soon as mom and Lisa walk in.
Which is mine made noise. I guess I should have called. Yeah, I love mom. and Mom isn't mad. She's just like, OK, then I'm glad there's a girl coming in. Yeah, you pal we have been worried. We keep hearing about this Grady guy. Your father is the most concerned, to be honest with you.
but they find Nancy's diary. It's got stuff in it about Freddie murdering people. Cause at first they're just laughing at it and he's like, read this part. He climbs under my sheets and stabs me with mean what? This just got really uncool. Who doesn't dust off a book when you pull it out of the cupboard? Everything in this house was moved out except for this diary. Yeah. Because it was hidden underneath a little thing. It's just like a box in the closet. it's That's just a poor moving company. Yeah.
Or they saw it, they knew it happened, like, I'm not touching that diary. I'm not cleaning that room. You touch that one. You pack that room up. Yeah, I'll burn it. The diary's haunted. That room is 100 degrees. How do we know that's not how Freddie got in? They just pop open the drawer, they look at each other like, nope, the clothes are back up. You didn't see that, did you? I definitely didn't see that. I did a lot of things in my life. I'm not touching that. You might be right. That could be a thing. It could be how he got into it. That was a talisman to him, is the diary was so cool. It's just bull trucks, if you will.
and and we we finally get like the kind of the the last nightmare really of the thing is he has another dream about going to the basement the glove is in the boiler which he doesn't seem to think is weird even though every the other dreams the boiler was you know burning and when he takes it out Freddie comes out and he's like kill for me And he like rubs his hand on the thing and it hurts me to watch on the boiler. Oh, because it's like sizzling. I was just like, i look at Freddie's face, dude. His whole body's a fucking callous. Yeah, that doesn't bother me. But when you just hear the sizzling, I'm like, oh, it's not like nail trauma or maybe you want to cook up some spam. We've all been in a kitchen. We've all burned ourselves on ovens and things.
I'll take a fucking cast iron out of the oven, set it to the side, and I'm like, I've literally moved this. Oh! I've witnessed you do that. And I've been cooking most of my fucking life. It's like that scene in Grandma's boy. I'm not new to this. When he pulls out the pan. Fuck! I would never waste food. I would take it. He puts a banana in the oven in that scene. What kind of banana? A fermented banana? Not anymore. It's got too hot. Cooked out all the good stuff. Banana fosters. Banana foster my children.
I had a banana, now my kids are in foster care. I had a banana foster care.
But the next scene is the, uh, so they've been complaining about the AC not working in this house, which this kid, by the way, this kid, Jesse's response to waking up, sweating every night is to always put on long sleeves and long pants and walk around his

1980s Lifestyle and Movie Quirks

house. Gotta keep that heat in. Yeah. This is a cold sweat. but again It's okay. It's a dry sweat.
This was the eighties where of the father of the house, the man of the house could not call a plumber or an AC guy. It doesn't need to be fixed. It just needs to start a free on. Yeah. I'll do it. I love that. It's kind of getting hot in here. It's like it's 97. I'm like, you noticed at 97. Yeah. Also my AC gets like 80. I'm like, something's wrong.
Disturbance in the vehicle that is sitting in a leather chair and doesn't notice till other people start know there's one scene he is fanning himself with the he just guy that's being a real sad the exactly fucking it's gonna cost more money you don't touch that yeah now yeah yeah You see the house I don't know how we're living here you got no one knows what I do for a living You got a job yet? You don't get to get put the AC on. Yeah. Sorry. We have a friend truck who, whenever he goes to his dad's house, puts a 20 down and turns the thermostat down. Because his dad's like, hey, dude, it costs money to keep his house cold. He's like, well, here, here's a start. yeah this This will buy my night. 20 will cover the day.
I'm the opposite. I'm like, don't touch the thermostat. Quit turning it up to higher temperatures. Yeah, that's the thing. i'm Having no kids, I missed out on getting to yell at kids for touching my thermostat. But mine would have been like, all right, who just did it from 69? That's ridiculous. Now it's all like smart thermostats. You get a notification on your phone. Kid, touch the thermostat. Hold on.
and shot collar them. Pay extra for that. But apparently 97 degrees is the correct temperature for parakeets to explode. yeah yeah we learned That actually makes sense.
Cause this bird is flying around attacking the dad and I thought this was a dream also. So did I. I feel like it should be. This might be a Freddy thing cause Freddy has inhabited Jesse at this point. Yes he has. Which isn't clear until later. I think the birds fell asleep and Freddy got in there. Yeah. I guess that's true cause they put the cover over and Little Sister is like. He posed a black bird, it's Freddy Kroger.
I'm not happy about it, keep going. but It's a good thing it's not a live show because that would have been just flat fucking silence. You're like, ooh, yikes. like The little sister's like, quiet, the birds are sleeping. I'm like, dude, fuck you, and fuck those birds. You what, here, every fucking morning at 5 o'clock that wakes me up, fucking birds, this is my time for revenge. They don't give a shit. This is Jackie's revenge, yelling at birds when they sleep.
Hey, you get out now. ah But yeah, the bird flies around the house and bursts into flames and the dad burns right into flames. The dad first blames it on a leaky gas pipe, which OK. And then turns around and blames it on Jesse. He's like, you used a cherry bomb? I'm like, first of all, that explosion wasn't big enough. Second of all, are you saying he fed this bird fire cracker?
I don't get it dude. I just on what on how long of a fuse because you didn't see him do it. Yeah He's a genius for having a remote detonator in the 80s, dude. Yeah, you fucking figured out a remote for rebo of that a Really slow-fed regiment of gunpowder mixed in with that cheap bird seed. yeah We're on to something. Dad's got to blame everybody. It's either mom for the cheap bird seed or his son for being gay. I mean, for blowing up the bird with fire crackers. For blowing what? The bird. Oh, wait. Oh. He has a blowout with his parents. He goes out in the middle of the night again.
This time with no shoes. Walk around the house he had shoes on, but to walk down the street he didn't wear shoes. And he ends up at the gay S&M club. Oh, somebody's lounge. Ron's place. Don's lounge. Ron, Don. Ron Don. Ron Don. Ron Don. Sounds about right.
What was the drinking age here, you think? 18. It used to be 18. Because I mean, he has a young looking dude anyway. So I mean, I'm like, are they going to serve him? Oh, yep. They served him. They didn't care this high. They came in with no shoes soaking wet with his shirt open. And the bartender was just like, well, everybody else here is a little older. They need some twinks running around. Hey, no shirt, no shoes, no problem. Come on in. Yeah. Well, no pants, no shoes, no problem. If you have a shirt and shoes, there's a problem.
I would still wear shoes in a bar. He does get caught by Coach Snyder, though, who stops him from drinking. Yes, he does. So that's what makes me think he's not supposed to be drinking. Because he's only 17. But the drinking age is probably close enough that this bartender's like, you look 18, dude. I really don't give a shit. Or it's probably 19. It was 19 for a while. I'm sure there probably wasn't like a state liquor or a city liquor board at that point, either. Sure. Yeah. Like, what are you going to do? I think that was the feel of Indiana or whatever the hell they are. After Spuds McKenzie was put down.
I haven't heard that in a while. Post-spuds. Yeah. This is weird. Coach Snyder takes Jesse back to the school to make him run laps. Yep. Punish him. In the middle of the night. But he's still wearing like his leather. What are you taking to his house? Come on. Well, he's he's doing it in his leather vest and pants. His leather daddy outfit. He's setting up this jump rope like it's about to be needing a safe word.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I was like, is this teacher about to start tying this? That's what I think. Because like the way he set it up, he quilled it nicely and patted it gently like, don't worry, you'll get your time to shine. But it gets turned around on him. Oh, I did want to point out real quick, there's a poster hanging in his office that says, it's a fact, pot hurts.
and Which is a nice 80s throwback. Where'd you get that fact? I want to hear, cite your fucking sources, pal. Nancy Reagan. Just because they just cause they talk about her reefer madness. Pot makes you play jazz real fast. Faster, faster. Red hot, Johnny. Let's go driving. But yeah. the There's a poltergeist in this room, basically, because the basketballs start flying off the shelves. I like the tennis ball cannons that are literally making cannon noises. Oh, yeah. um This shower head thing, it looks like it's pretty decent water pressure. Yeah. i get that But it's also the level of Jesse's neck. And Jesse is not the tallest of people. He had to bend down to put his head in. Did you shower at school?
I don't think anybody showered in my school. Okay, when you were in sports, right? We didn't do it during school, but like a practice and stuff. Or after a game. Yeah. so like Especially because games were on Fridays. Like, we're going out after this, dude. I don't want to smell like jock. was we just We just did the faculty in October and... and We talked about that. i Maybe not on the on recording. Yeah. But I was like, who the fuck showered at school? and I mean, I just think you're playing football and all yeah I never played sports. So learning the hard way, not myself, but people on the team sandals in the shower. Oh, yeah. The fungus. Yeah. I'm just peeing it. Oh, God. It's not a jellyfish.
But it actually, your urine does help ah deflect. ah The fungus? We are not a science podcast. Don't pee on your feet. Or do whatever you want to do. It's actually really good for your feet. I meant pee on the jellyfish. It's not the jellyfish sting. You pee on that jellyfish and it's sort of dominant. But it helps if you have like dry feet peeing I'm not gonna pee on my feet You never sneeze twice again
I told him to put poop on his lip, let's see if he does it. He's gonna go home and pee on his feet. But yeah, so the jump rope ties around the the coach's wrists, drags him into the shower, and mounts him on the wall. It is giving him the world's hardest rat tails, because it is breaking cheek skin. Every time it does that, whoosh. Yeah. And it's a new towel every time. Yeah. It's got blood on it. There's got to be a wet towel, doesn't it? I mean, it works with dry, but it's better if it's wet. Oh, definitely. That's why all the shower heads are on. ah Just the moisture is getting the towel nice and soppy. And hot. Soppy is not a good word for towel. I didn't know soppy was the word, period. I don't think it is, but stop being. Either way. With a towel? Thank you, no. No, I think you've created a world that perfectly describes the situation. and so
But the steam fills up the room. Jesse's watching all this happen. And then out of the steam where Jesse just was steps Freddy. So this is when we know. Definitely that he's taken over and he slashes this dude to death in the shower and then the police bring Jesse home and they're like, um does this belong to you? Does this belong to you? We know what drugs they are. you um Yeah, we found him on the highway naked.
Uh, you might want to keep but like a short leash on him. And he's like, please don't say leash.
And then P E T it's P E T S D. go fuck right Sorry. i get you was tree be at that moment almost spirit it up and I also was about to think about finishing what you said, but I did it in the wrong order. So my head said P S T D. Well, i applicable if this coach had his way.
So then he the next day he goes to school, the cops are there, somebody killed the teacher and he's like, oh shit, I thought I was dreaming. Yeah. Well, that was real. A little fingerprint, the soppy towels and there's footprints everywhere. He goes out in the morning and confronts his dad about the first movie.
Oh, because Grady was like, did you live in that house with the on Elm with the white truth? Do you know what happened to that fucking house? The movie took place in that house. Let me tell you, brother. The girl went crazy watching her boyfriend get slashed in the room in the bedroom across the street. He didn't get slashed. He got sucked into the bed and then gallons and gallons of blood sprayed on this. Oh, from not being slashed.
you you bleed i'm not slash you got blender you got stopped stopp ah If freddy's got that hand going and he starts juggling that kid like they're ben wall balls I mean you're gonna get slashed and you're gonna get a little nick. That's how you get soppy. Yeah soppy in there That's how you make soppy joes What's the guy's name, Joe? Oh, Soppy Joe is so good. No, what's his name? I don't remember. Johnny Depp. Soppy Depp. We saw a whole court case about that.
yeah A jar of cocaine. A jar on my bed. Amazing jar of cocaine. A mega pint of wine. Which doesn't sound bad, honestly. I'm jealous. Right? I have a mega pint of wine. All of it checks out. Nobody was surprised.
Was anybody watching that like, oh, he had cocaine and wine? Johnny Depp? No. He was America's sweetheart. Wait, it's not Robert Downey Jr., right? He played that nice boy with the finger knives. I had that playing at the brewery the other day. Oh, Freddy Krueger?
Fingernives, come on. Edward Scissorhands. Freddie Scissorfingers. The Korean knockoff version. Freddie got fingered, man. Tim Burton watched Nightmare on Elm Street one time. but He's like, what's better than a guy with five blades? Ten blades. It's only four blades. no late on phone too There's no blade on the thumb. It's only the fingers. I think you're wrong. Check the tape. Check it.
I don't have it with me. Yeah. But so Jesse and Lisa go to this old power plant where apparently Freddie worked and I could have sworn Freddie was a grand custodian

LGBT Themes in Horror

at the school. I think that's from the reboot. Oh, OK. That's the lore that I know. Or it might have been something they introduced later. And the first one, all they say is he was killing kids. ha Well, there's the TV show. The very first episode of the TV show, they're explaining that.
Oh, is it on there? Is it Freddy's nightmare? Freddy's nightmares? something yeah Something like that. Something like that. I've been more like actually having the trial. and Oh, OK. They explain that. Wait, there's a TV show? Yeah. Oh yeah, it's horrible. I've never watched it, but I've been wanting to. The 80s. Or maybe the 90s? It was like late 80s. Like on Fox? Or are we talking? Yeah, it was like network TV. But what about a network? Yeah. Huh. Something USA would put that on. Oh, yeah. Right after Renegade before Silk Stockings. It's the early days of cable. They're like, we need anything. Yeah.
But yeah, they're just there to look around and talk about how Freddie murdered people and introduce a location for the end of the movie. And also just get a look at the world's most terrifying dogs. Yeah. The dogs with the baby doll mask. Well, that's Rottweilers with baby faces. Is that later? Baby faces is until later. OK, but it's at this location. Yeah, yeah it's terrifying.
Yep. No, it's awful. Yeah. You want to make a dog scarier baby face? Yeah. So we have like basically the climax of the movie. Now we're at the pool party that Lisa has been talking about the whole time. This dad is fucking everything.
I love this dad. He's like, is your dad going to play DJ like last time? He kept playing like, I don't know, Perry Como albums or some shit. And then there's the dad grilling and just fucking... The worst looking burger patty ever. Well, he's a dad of the 80s, so he's smacking that patty, getting all the juices in the fire because he wants a cool flame up for these high school girls. You see that, Susie? I made the flame go bigger. He's cooking for these kids. They don't give a shit about them. These kids have been getting into my scotch. They don't care about medium. It's also the first time you could buy burgers in a box. That was a new thing happening, flash freeze. Yeah. Honey, frozen patties. Yeah. Frozen. You got a little bit of a fallout first, so they get nice and dry. We can have these in the freezer forever. yeah
You bring it up to room temperature, so there's no chance of pink. ah Gross. But Jesse's freaking out. He's telling Lisa what's going on. He's like, I can't sleep. I can't stay awake. I don't know what the fuck to do. I need i got to get out of here. And she's like, I won't let anything happen to you. And they start brown and brown cow.
And he starts licking her body. He doesn't know what to do with these boobs. Yeah, he's not sure how boobs work. So he's just going down the middle. And then this giant gross Freddy tongue comes out of his mouth. And he's like, oh, I got to go. I don't hate the time. If she would have seen it, she'd be like, where are you going? Where are you taking that big thing? Just push it down further. I didn't know we were doing this. Let me sit on your face now. And it curls out. But it's also got like warts all over it. Yeah, it rubs for her pleasure. It's ribbed for her pleasure.
ah you You obviously aren aren't only fans enough to see like the dragon dildos. All right, pal, you've seen the corn cob dildos Yeah, but this is like whoa. This is on a physical human body. This means you're getting HPV It could be fine Buy the ticket, take the ride, man. Exactly. Put a condom on it. It's the 80s. Yeah, there's no condoms yet. STDs didn't exist. Nancy Reagan hasn't been out. God just came out in like the 30s. Yeah, but they were straight, so it didn't affect them. Exactly. Can't catch it if you're straight.
Oh, mommy. But he runs off to Grady's house and confesses that he murdered the teacher and all this stuff. And I just want to point out that Grady listens to a lot of different music, which you didn't see in the 80s. Yes, he does. You see these posters in his room? He's got a stray cat poster. He's got a Zappa poster. He's got a David Bowie poster.
He's got some guy named Liman, who I had to look up, who apparently did like live performances of like the never ending story and shit. Like, I don't know what the fuck this guy listens to. King Cobra, which looks like a hair metal band, especially was very seen like you chose your fucking scene. You wouldn't have this eclectic group like we nowadays you can have this shit. Yeah, it's expected. But back then, it's like you got a stray cat's poster. You better take all that other shit down. If you put your playlist on shuffle, you're going to hear a hundred different genres now. Uh-huh. Maybe your mind goes from trick daddy to Inya. Trick daddy is good, though. So is Inya to get the right mixture of drugs. Yeah. And the right partner. I will sail away. Oh, man, it's exactly what I feel like doing right now. Meanwhile, though, at the party, the parents go to bed. And I love the fact that like they're basically like, well, these kids are busy. We're fucking. They shut off the lights and immediately the kids turn on loud music and start drinking. And it's like,
You know I didn't fall asleep because lights are on. A little tacked, my friend. I like how the mom gets him in the room. It's like time for bed skinny. He's like, well, here's my chef's apron. That's code for fucking. Yep. I will not be back. I'm going to have a five minute marathon and a 20 minute nap. They also have bed whiskey, which is pretty nice. Are you going to upgrade your game to bed whiskey? Did you ever go to this guy's house? And it's just like, oh, I need something to drink. And he'll just be like, well, here's the TV whiskey. This is recording whiskey. That's editing whiskey. It depends on where he's sitting in the room. He's kind of like Oprah. Like check under your seat. Everybody gets a whiskey.
Well, because like I'm sitting at the table, I'm editing. I don't want to have to get up and go pour another whiskey, so I just got a bottle. Oh, I'm sorry. You don't you don't have to explain yourself. Yeah, that makes sense. I like it. I like it that you live like a bootlegger. Yeah. Lift up an armrest. There's more whiskey. Call for my dog. She's got a little tiny barrel in the collar. Just enough to rub on your gums so you don't get withdrawals. Yeah, I don't have bed whiskey yet. OK. Yes, you hear that, wife? Yes. Why does bed whiskey sound like a disease you can't share?
How did Derek go? He's a pretty bad case of bad whiskey, man. We got bad whiskey. Ooh, damn. Did it have a cure for bad whiskey yet? No. What's the movie with Fred Ward, where he's sleeping on a pullout couch that had bad whiskey? Cast a deadly spell. Yeah, cast a deadly spell. He had bad whiskey. He had bad whiskey. By the way, the cure for bad whiskey is bed gin. No, shower gin.
Is that like bathtub gin? No, shower gin sounds bad. Shower scotch is how you shut you should start your day. Yeah. oh I mean, it's like you've talked about the hierarchy of flasks, right? Oh, yeah. And if you put gin in a flask, you've got a problem. That's the worst thing to put in a flask. If you just got gin hidden around your house, you also probably have a problem. But you're better at it.
It's like a grandma move though, like you can get away with that. It's not, it's forgivable. As a grandma, you I guess I'll forgive a grandma for doing it. I'm not going to push it down the stairs. It's all Aunt Teresa back there's got a gin on the second level of the shelf. but That seems reasonable. Tucked in her purse between a couple of pieces of butterscotch.
Right next to the Precious Moment dolls. I feel like whiskey, tequila, and rum. Sorry, he's met my grandma. He's just gin and Precious Moments. Holy shit. Are you from Missouri? Is that what's going on in there? See Kansas, actually. Oh, it's pretty close. Topeka. Topeka inside her purse and see a bunch of gin. And where there's originals. What were you saying? I think there's three liquors you can have in a flask, and that's whiskey, tequila, and rum.
Because you get a Coke from a restaurant and you're like, and yeah, I would go with an order of whiskey bourbon scotch.
One bourbon, one scotch, one whiskey. and Two tears. I could go with tequila. I love tequila. I could do it. I don't want to, but I could do it. I bought Chuck a shot of tequila the other night. Did you? he didn't Yeah, you took it. Did I? You did. I watched you.
yeah ah You can't hear or see right now, but he winked and pointed. I'll just add in a sound effect of like. yeah yeah i did i I don't remember that. go Good thing you would live walking distance from the bar. It explains my weird poop, so.
Yeah. Yeah. Tequila gives you weird poops. I don't know. I was pretty drunk, I guess. Welcome to poop gas. I guess I just don't normally have bad bad poops, worst petty. I just don't drink a lot of tequila. It was right before you left, though. It's usually your ender when you shoot tequila. Also, what didn't help is the only thing I ate that day was like 20 bucks worth of grocery market stushie. Yeah. That's probably why the poop wasn't good. It was the tequila. I'm pretty sure. The two ounces of tequila that you had. Who's ever gotten sick off of a warm California rule? Never. Tequila every time. Not not a germ or bacteria can live in that. Salmon looks like it's partially cooked. Yeah, it's a new thing we're doing. It's called air frying. yeah
it's But back at the house, he's talking to Grady and this is another, this is the big line that people quote for the the gay subtext thing. Cause he's like, something's trying to get inside me. And Grady's response is a little weird. Cause he's like, yeah, she's female and she's back at the cabana. And I'm like, she's trying to get inside of you. Yeah. You're flipping things a little weird. He's innocent shit though. He's an open-minded guy. Yeah. He's an early peg. He's like, you can put it in my butt as long as you're a lady. Yeah, but the Jesse, on the other hand, he doesn't care either way. He's like, I don't care. Just do it. good he just Go back to the pool house and let her get inside you. He's like, she's back at the cabana and instead you want to sleep with me. I'm like, well, that's pretty heavy handed. Yeah. And the writer of this has confirmed that like he wrote it this way. It's all subtext that he included because he wanted to have all that stuff in there. But originally in the 80s, he was like, no, nothing gay here.
Because he wanted to work more in Hollywood. Exactly, because you couldn't admit it. Now he's like, yeah, of course it was gay. You seen it? I mean, I didn't get it right away, but I'm also pretty fucking obtuse.
Yeah. Well, so. But once you said it made perfect fucking sense like this speech here. Yeah. Just being a ashamed, running away from a fucking right headed Meryl Streep. And even if it wasn't intended in the screenplay, the lead actor played it that way because he's like in my head, this guy was gay and couldn't tell anybody. Yeah, because I'm gay and I couldn't tell anybody. Yeah. So what is it? Art impersonates life. It takes life. It takes art. It's ah it's a fucking vicious circle.
But so Grady,

Grady's Unattended Sleep Experiment

see, he's like, don't go to sleep, just watch me sleep, okay? If I do anything weird, if I dream weird, wake me up, which I'm not sure how your friend would know. don't I don't sound weird or nothing, but just watch me sleep. Listen to my breath, no music. And Grady is immediately like, he's asleep, fuck that, I'm going to sleep. He went to the channels first. He's like, nothing's on, dude, I'm sorry. yeah this is This is all just white, black, static ants, I'm done.
I mean, that one station had the national anthem on, but that's about to end and go right back to static. Yeah, that means everything's over. Yeah, so you know it's time to go to bed. What

Critique of American Work Culture

did you do if you worked, like, nights? I guess you had a VCR. America just told you when to go to bed. It's like, oh, you want to watch TV, get a normal job, don't put a fucking graveyard shift. Quit being a bartender, asshole. You know, you'd have a great yard shifts shift. back then. I felt like there was like one guy, security guy at a junkyard, maybe that was probably everything. Nothing was 24 hours. This is going to sound racist, but the ones that were 24 hours were immigrants that were willing to do the work instead of like, well, they're not American. They can have weird hours, okay? Everything was open

Jesse's Transformation and Movie Rules

7 a.m. to like 9 p.m. at the best. And if you were working after that, that's your problem. Fucking, oh God, did that thing you do. I don't think I want to
Be open on Sunday if that's what you have to do to have a business. I don't want to be in a country where you have to be open on Sundays. Be open on a Sunday? But so Grady starts to go to sleep, and immediately Jesse starts to change. And this is probably my favorite part of this whole thing. It's happening.
Is this the one, or is it the next one, where we see Freddie's eye inside of Jesse's mouth? It's this one. It's this one. Because he changes again later, too, but this is where he does the full-on chest burster scene, right? Yeah, it starts, I think the eye starts first, or it's the gloved hand. Well, first the claws start, I think. The Wolverine claws come out of the tips of his fingers.
And then, yeah, you see Freddie's eye in his mouth. Oh, no, I think that's with Lisa. ah was the i yeah I wasn't sure which one it was. But I mean, this is where I get confused about when it like is is, what's it, Grady Awake? But then the parents come out and they're like, all right, we got to bust this door down. So this is Freddie coming into the non dream world. Yeah. And that's that's one of the that's the big problem that both Wes Craven and Robert England have with this movie. Wes Craven had nothing to do with this one because he didn't want it. He thought.
Number one was number one and that was it. There isn't supposed to be a number two and it was also supposed to have a different ending where it was actually happy and it wasn't like actually everybody's dead. yeah um So he wanted nothing to do with this. He did come back for three to write it. He didn't direct it. But that's their big problem is they' like this breaks all of the rules we set up. Freddie can't be in the real world.
Although in almost every movie, the goal is to try to pull him into the real world to kill him. Yeah, I don't. It doesn't really break the rules, but he when he gets in the real world and those other movies, he doesn't have control over the fabric of reality. It's almost like a

Inconsequential Roles in Iconic Movies

movie that had that many sequels kind of breaks its own lore.
Yeah. huh I mean, we've watched sequels for all these big horror franchises, pretty much, and none of them follow any of the rules that people say they have. Oh, God. No, there was one. they Was it one of the Halloweens or one of the Friday 13th? I asked him about it and he's like, don't bother. Don't bother looking into the fucking lore. It's going to change movie to movie. I'm like, oh, that but yeah. There are people who will insist there are rules, but they they're not.
Basically, it's like, what can the budget handle? Sure. Let's do that. Sounds affordable. I mean, good. But so Freddie bursts out of this dude's chest like a fucking alien. In an epic fashion. And it's great, because it's this dummy that's like twitching, and he just peels it open, and it completely stands up, and it's it's pretty fucking cool.
I was happy

Freddy's Merciless Killings

with it. I thought it was beautiful. Did anybody recognize Grady's dad? Grady's dad. No, no. He's Ferris Bueller's dad. Oh, really? Yeah. Who's barely in Ferris Bueller's day off, so you can...
I was like, one of these guys is Ferris Bueller's dad, as soon as he came on the street. When she said Bueller, I was like, he is not Ben Stein. You look terrible, Ben. Dude, if Ben Stein was in a Friday, or what are we watching, Nightmare on Elm Street movie, I'd shit my pants. I'm Freddy, bitch. Do you think Ben Stein has Asperger's, and that's why he is the way he is? No, he's just Republican. Just kidding. I mean, he was Nixon's speech writer. Yeah. That's pretty Republican.
i think that's spot on for Republican. I think that's like a member of the party. When people ask about your party, you just show them a picture of you writing Nixon's speech like, oh, we got it. Say less. Oh, this whole thing that I wrote? That entire philosophy of your party's based on? It's either that or I used to give blowjobs to Ronald Reagan. Which is not that far. So he kills Grady, stabs him through the door while his parents are outside, which is Fucked up. But pretty cool. You can hear your kid trying to get out of his room and you're like, open the fucking door. And then just like four knives come through the door and blood is running down. You're like, well. I'm sorry. What the actual fuck is happening in there? Would you not kick that door? Right. Well, they can't. Freddie has his magic powers. Don't. I would still try. Because even when the police get there, they're like, knock this door down. You can hear him ramming into it. And it's nothing. Oh. I think the data first. Then how did he jump out the window? Well, because Freddie let him.
No, but like weren't the cops surrounding the house? They all went inside. It's a small town. There's only like four cops. There's only one way in there. They don't know procedure, dude. They don't have a SWAT team. They've got the four Yocals that work there. Yocals? Bunch of different versions of Wylie Coyote. But yeah, he escapes the house, covered in blood, goes to Lisa, confesses in another scene. So now he's like, I killed the coach. I killed Grady.
I tried to kill my little sister, which we didn't mention. Yeah, just because it's a quick scene. He goes into her room. and You hear Freddie's voice like, wake up. And then she does. He's like, back to normal voice. I go to bed. And then he's got the glove on like, oh, shit. I didn't know I was doing that.
um This is the pool party we were talking about and the kicks off with the hot dogs beginning to explode. Bears are fucking popping open. and just cooler Whoever worked on that cooler for the special effects, is that's great. yeah go and I love the, it's just like a fucking Red Rider wagon full of beer.
I guess that's what I was thinking. Radiofly. Yeah, Red Riders, a BB gun. That's right. I got I got my I got my nostalgic movies mixed up. I got a radio flyer wagon on my third birthday. Brag. I know. Right. What a flex. What a fucking flex. You're not a wagon as a kid. It was awesome. It had like the on the back It had a wood panel that would come in and out. Oh, yeah It was so you could load stuff in but my parents like here. It's a kid's toy Get in it. We're not carrying why didn't still great was yeah, I still I would own a wagon right now Yeah, no, you can get an awesome one from Costco that folds into itself four wheel drive tires. I'm surprised I never died because we would just jump in that shit and ride it down the street. Oh yeah, you put the handle right back to you. You could turn. There's no brakes and we live in a cul-de-sac but the end of that street was the major crossroad of our neighborhood. So I'm riding down the cul-de-sac right into the...
fine You were you were just envisioning um the Jamaican bobsled team and well run existed yeah thank you all and and in life. well the i star story budd I didn't know about them. I think that came out in 92. Cool runnings. 94 maybe? I don't know. I should know that.
ah We'll talk about it one day and then we'll know. Do my best Dougie Doug.
But this is Lisa is explaining to him like, Hey, I read the journal and it turns out since that you created him by summoning him from your dreams. You can fight him. You can fight him. We, we brought him here with our fears and our screams or something. I'm paraphrasing. Yeah. Sounds good. how good Thank you. It works because that makes the diary thing work also.
Although I'm not paraphrasing, I was taken directly from the movie. Don't quote me. And that's when Freddie attacks Lisa inside the house. Outside the pool is boiling. Yeah. Yeah. And there's still people in it. They're like, it's warm. You have a huge hot tub. This is amazing. The whole fucking town. This is heated? You got to wait till your dad went to bed to turn this on? if you If you thought he was mad about touching a thermostat, wait till he gets this bill. You touch the pool thermostat?
And she's yelling at him. She's like, Jesse, I know you're in there. And you get Freddie like, there is no Jesse, only Zool. Jesse is begging and it's it's very weird to hear Jesse's not. You don't notice how whining his voice is until it comes out of Freddie's mouth. He's like, Lisa, please kill me. so Did they film some scenes without Robert England?
That's what I'm thinking, because some of them don't look like him. Because there's a couple times where it just looks dark. His hat is lower. His face isn't lit. We know his face. You're not hiding anything. It could be that maybe they used some of the scenes they filmed with the stuntman. That's what I'm wondering now that you said that, because watching it, it's like, dude, fucking show me Freddy's face. It's not a reveal. Yeah.
We have a whole movie about it. Yeah. And I actually read a thing like they had like no reference work for remaking Freddie. The the guy who did the special effects had like a handful

Creative Foley Work in Movies

of photos from the first movie and the first movie. Yeah. There was no like book of like this is what we did. So he's just looking at like grainy VHS footage like. All right. How do we do. So maybe they just didn't like the mask.
but lit up and closed up because he's working off of kind of, I don't know, a copy of a copy. Yeah. And he made them a little bit. I think he looks a little grosser in this one. And this is also when they added the eyes. He looks a bit more so soppy. And the first one he doesn't, he's soft to bottom. I think in the first one he doesn't have the red eyes either. I think this is they added that because they were trying to, the guy said he was trying to make him look more demonic than this one.
so But yeah, just what Freddie needed. She does stab Freddie. And it does not go very anticlimactic. She just stabs them. And it sounds like someone just like slapped a fucking mixing spoon on a pillow. Have you ever had those dreams where you go to punch somebody and it's just like, it doesn't connect. I don't dream about punching people. The fully work your husband would do. Slapping a wooden spoon on a fucking pillow. Like what's that? What's that sound like? I've watched a lot of behind the scenes about fully work. It's very interesting. You know, it's a wet shirt full of jello. Yeah, true. Yeah, like E.T. E.T. walking around. Yeah. Did you know that? That it's a wet shirt full of jello. The sound of E.T. walking is a wet T-shirt filled with jello.
That makes sense. Those people have such a fun job, man. I agree. I said I'd love to do that.

Pool Party Chaos

um And then Freddie, she throws Freddie through the window and he disappears. And then he bursts out of the pool deck and dad's just like, well, ah first you boiled my pool. Now you got pool demons? Now you destroyed my deck. You know how expensive that is to replace? That's that cool deck shit. I wanted to have BDE, big deck energy. yeah All the other neighbors are like, man, I wish I had a deck that size.
He comes running out with his rifle, and that first shot is like five feet to the his right. Oh yeah, open crowd of people. I thought she had done something with the barrel. No, that's the second shot. But still, like you were firing. If you miss Freddie by at all with any of this spread, you just kill the kid.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I thought he was going to shoot a kid because all the kids are on the fence behind him. The fence is now like electrified. They get out. Fire is on fire. This is officially the worst pool party I've ever been to. Not going to lie. The best. Imagine the acid you're on at that point. What the fuck? I think I see the pool on fire. No, we all see that.
and hunts in the wagon man i'm telling pop how How many shows did you eat? I took a hero dose before I got to this pool party, man. Now there's something inside of me trying to get out. Just lets out a mean burp. Oh, there it is. Thank God. One of these kids dies because the other kids trample him to death and get over the fence. It's always good to panic. There's one person Freddie didn't kill, technically. um One of the other kids gets his guts ripped out. And the courtroom is like, look, that wasn't me. Your honor, know my client simply has scared the children. He did not, in fact, snap the neck of that boy. He was trampled. I would say it's negligence on the father's part. Skinny, what do you have to say for yourself?
ah But then there's that kid who starts talking to Freddie like he's a dog. Hey, we're all friends here. Calm down there, good boy. You're okay. Like, we're here to help you. Freddie want to snack them? And his response, help yourself, fucker, and just fucking stabs this kid. Oh, that's just so much blood coming off of him. Because if he didn't kill this kid, he just saved everybody. Because if he doesn't kill this kid, you just now found the guy that brings an acoustic guitar at every college party. yeah That's who this guy is.
ah so freddy is doing it with your honor i think my client freddy did the world of soviet i like uh robert england's like uh there's pantomiming that's going on here his acting i guess it just is but like when the kid's talking to him and he's like giving him like this head cocked look like You really trying this? Well, that's why I talk to him like a dog. Is that why the dogs? Is that why dogs do that? Are you really are you really doing that to me? I'm going to fight your face off. What'd you say, bitch? You go outside and then like he just walks into the wall and which turns into flames and disappears, walks right back into hell.

Surreal Hallucinations and Terror

as one does. And so Lisa decides ah he must be at the factory. Yeah, where else would you go? We were there earlier. We were there earlier. Why would we why would we go there if he didn't go there later? yeah It's got to come back. This is the third act, right? Is this Chernobyl's chainsaw? Chernobyl's chernobyl's factory? Yeah. Check off cement factory.
Chernobyl's power plant. There we go. Come on, it's Chekov, right? So it's a work camp. But this is where we see the Rottweiler of the baby face. This nightmare fuel. It is. Keep that. I grew up with Rottweiler. And to see that. Oh, yeah, I own a beautiful Rottweiler. And like it was it was mean looking if you didn't know him.
This is worse. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'd run away from, well, any dog with a human baby face or any baby. It's not mine. What's that movie? What's that movie that we were talking about? ah You guys brought up with Tim Allen, where he's got a shaggy dog, the shaggy dog. I officially never saw it. I was talking about the big guy. So it's not a human face. They give him the human eyes. Oh, OK. She was saying they see on like Tim Allen's face, but it's just his eyes to this dog. I'm like, you can keep that.
I mean it sounds like a dog. That's how Freddie comes back. Everyone's terrified of this. Freddie's in the dog. But she's tripping balls walking through this place like because Freddie had bit her leg. She starts feeling ants crawling out of the wound. She's trying to wipe them off and then realizes it's not there. She falls off the- Are we sure they didn't take acid?
That's what it looks like here because she falls off the scaffolding and then realizes she just laid on the ground. We do have the little rat that gets in her face and turns into a demon and a cat that eats it and turns into a worse demon. So everything here is just nightmare it up. Yeah. She just turned it up to 11 of nightmares. Yeah. This is this is what you would normally see in a dream, but he can control reality.
No, he's he's controlling your subconscious or your wake in her head. Yeah, yeah he's in her stuff. He does can kill you. So it's not just in her head. Like, I mean, psychosomatic baby. But like she freaks out on her leg and then there's a bunch of ants and she's wiping it off. And then she's like, oh, it's not there. Yeah. Falls through great. Not falling through a great anymore. like But the rat, I think the rat and the cat could have killed her.
Those also might just be real. I saw those dogs with baby faces. yeah These might just might be demon animals in this place. yeah That's how you protect this abandoned power plant. yeah Again, there was no one to work the overnight show. We didn't like graveyard shifts in America. Look, how do you feel about the demon babyface dog? I don't know, but he's willing to work. I really can't find anybody to do

Freddy's Defeat and Unresolved Threat

the shift. No one's going to show up. Yeah, doing his job 100% on no break-ins right now. He works for baby food. It's cheaper than dog treats. Sorry, he eats babies for food. You misunderstand me. yeah
But this I was I was really hoping we'd get a musical cue here. It's 1985. They've got the song because this whole thing ends with like she starts telling Freddie like, Jesse, I love you. Please come out. And he starts bleeding out of the place where he stabbed her. And I was waiting for Power of Love by Huey Lewis to start playing. Because literally this whole thing. yeah Yeah. Great song. I love that fucking song. And then she kisses him. She kisses Freddie, which is disgusting. But that wartime.
Yeah, she was just trying to get back to that that pool house moment. She's like, he thinks I didn't see it. but I saw that. I don't know if you caught it. Did you see he actually had a giant boner when he ran away from her? Oh, really? Oh, are you sure it was like a Little Mermaid thing where they just added it in? No, it was definitely pitched when he ran away. I was like, damn, Jesse. Well, it's for aerodynamics. I think in front of you breaking that wind. Yeah, it's through the air.
I'm sorry, they don't allow Olympics tongue. What do you think? All of a sudden, Viagra becomes a performance enhancing drug for sprinters. You can have a boner, but it's going to have to be a natural boner. See, we'll test you. But he keeps telling her, like, if you kill me, he'll die with me. And I think she's saying no. But then I think at one point she's like, I think he'd rather be dead than be you. Yeah, he said kill me earlier. He did. Yeah. yeah I mean, you know, I would rather be dead. Basically, just tell me studies him and we get along.
She just keeps yelling I love you until Freddy starts to melt like the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Yeah, everything starts lighting up on fuel. That is the power of love. And he does burst into flame and we get a nice flaming dummy. Oh, it's beautiful. At first it's a flaming stuntman. But when it falls over dead, that's just a dummy that someone shoved into the stick. The animatronic one where like the face is melting off and it's just like, Oh, I love it. Like I said, it's like Raiders. It's like we have the layers of like paint that like when you melt, you don't have white and red layers. Like there's red. Sure. I don't know where the whites coming from. Your eyes. Your eyes melt. Does your bone melt? Baby. I feel like there's melting going on as much as charring up. The steak melts. This is the power of love, though.
so different it's It's a love melt. It's not Celsius. That's that's where the white's coming from. It's coming from all the love. The power of love is white. We know how love ends. I never thought of it like that, but like when you cook a steak. Sure. It gets burnt. It doesn't melt. There's nothing runny involved. The fats will dissolve, but they don't turn into white goo. Yeah, they sizzle like that hand. They sop up real good. Now I don't want to eat steak. That's not true. You're still going to sop it up. Let's make some bacon. That just makes me want steak, to be honest with you. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to take a lot to turn me off with steak. Like, oh, rancid steak. Ew, but steak. I can get a non-rancid steak.
But yeah, she looks up, the corpse is there. It's just a charred husk of Freddy. But it's moving? It starts moving and Jesse bursts out like the Phoenix from the flames. Back to Ghostbusters. I was thinking of Rick Moranis. Yeah, back to Ghostbusters. I wish it would have been like a hand coming out of his face. I was kind of hoping it would have been more Ace Ventura too. It's kind of hot in those Freddy's.
So then the movie is at a conclusion. They're back on the school bus. Everything's great. Bandages on his wrist, like he slit his wrists. Well, he's been burned. Oh, OK. He had a dude come out of him. A razor finger dude came out of it. yeah He's he's usually probably going to have some bandages on his wrist. You know, he's usually used to dudes coming into him. Yeah. and And then he's no longer driving a car. He's getting on a bus. Well, because his girlfriend rides the bus.
Yeah, he just wants to ride it with the girlfriend. She doesn't want to ride in his car because she's, ah she's like, I saw that first movie. The car turned into Freddie at the end. We're not doing that. Yeah. Also, you just killed a bunch of people. Why am I riding with you anywhere? I like to do public transit for a little bit. Then we figure out where it goes from there. She loves him. I mean, when he's leaving his his house, he's like fucking just happy, go lucky. And his mom's like, ah you know, I have fun. He's like, I'm glad I'm going to have a great time. I can't believe I'm going back already. It's amazing. I can't wait to see it away with everything. Yeah. i can I kill the teacher. Nobody cares. Brady's fucking dead, which is good because he used to talk with his mouth full so much. he Oh, really annoying. oh That was so gross. I showed up. I showed up. will sort of
and Hold on this mouthful of food. I'm going to swallow it because it's been sitting there for 10 hours and he's just like, um and then off screen. Oh, God, it's set food. But he does. Jesse does have a freak out like, oh, the bus is going too fast. It's my dream all over again. And then it stops and he's like, i I'm just PTSD, PTSD. It's fine. PTSD. But then the the the hot friend we didn't mention, she's a pretty face, but she's basically just ah employ Skeleton other than that. Oh, yeah, which was not great, but she's 80s body. She's a hot friend ah She's like, it's okay. Jesse. It's all over fucking Freddy hand bursts out of her chest They drive off into the desert the end i Don't like that ending cuz I like so it's not over the movies not over you just shut the camera off Yeah, there's still a bunch of shit about to happen in this desert. It's basically the end of the first movie like what ends We're like and that's the ending Wes Craven didn't want where they they leave Freddy burst through the door and grabs the mom and pulls her in and then the car turns into a Freddy mobile and drives off with all the kids in it like essentially is everybody on this bus just fell asleep and
Like, is that what happened? Freddy is real? Question mark? Sure. I don't know. You can't kill him. Somebody's going to add us. Until Freddy's dead. It's the last movie. Hey, Freddy Mercury, let us know. Yeah. That Freddy's dead. Well, no, the guy that writes us on YouTube. We have a YouTube fan who comments on stuff about horror movies and lets us know how wrong we are. Sure. I mean, I'm going with a guy for Freddy, but Shane's on mine. I know a girl named Fred. Oh, no. Not Freddy.
but his username is Freddie Mercury Z something something, but yeah. We like this person. We like them. But so that's the end of the episode. We'll go around the table here for recommendations. We'll start with our guest. Do you recommend this movie? Definitely. Yes. I mean, you recommended it to us. Yeah, it was me to begin with. But just because you told us to watch it for this show doesn't mean you actually like it. Maybe you can yes you you could have been trying to torture us. I actually didn't watch this movie. I just wanted of you idiots to do it. I definitely recommend it.
yeah Wife I I 100% recommend this. I've always said that I'm a Freddy girl. I I love the cheese It's not super campy, but I love the cheesiness in it. I love the the special effects We will always go on on practical effects over your computer-generated shit um It's just I still remember being terrified and having to turn off my light and run and jump onto my bed because I couldn't be within five feet of my bed. The under bed? I know adults that still do that. It's you, you're an adult. No. You're not an adult. No, I have a drink balloon by the door. I don't just jump. A zipline in the bed like an adult. But yeah, I definitely recommend. Yeah, same. I mean, I got no caveats or qualms, dude. It was a fun watch by myself and mostly sober.
at like your level of sober. Yeah, the soberist I'm going to speak like. No bed whiskey. Yeah, that was bathtub whiskey. I watched on it. Never mind. I recommend it, too. I thought it was a good time. I honestly expected to just be like, oh, here we go. Yeah. I've watched some of the later ones more recently and they're a little bit more. Oh, here we go. Yeah, same energy there. Didn't you buy this um box set and then Cazzo wanted to watch them also or was that the Jason's? She wanted to watch Friday the 13th with me. Okay.
um I also I went to go put this on letterboxed. Our friend, the classy alcoholic, who's been on the show with us before, had his review on there. Oh, I can't wait. And it's just funny because I was like, wow, this is a lot of the stuff I was thinking. So he gave it three stars. He's like, ah well, it's not a bad film by any means. It definitely suffers in comparison to the first that it's mostly due to it being boring a lot of the time. And then he just ends with Hughie Lewis singing The Power of Love. Like minded individuals.
So, Ron, you have some ah some stuff you want to plug in? Yeah, let's plug yourself. Oh, yeah. We're going to want to phrase it a little differently. Can I plug you? No, keep trying. I think with the content, did I plug away? I'm OK with that. <unk> and I'm an equal plugging opportunist. I love it. Yeah, the Brick Box Brewery is the brewery that we're at now. We're open Wednesday through Sunday.
um Saturday and Sunday we're opening noon every other day at four. We do a lot of live music, live events, event space mostly. You guys just got ah the hip-hop awards. What would you guys best hip-hop venue? City Golf Club? City Golf Club. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. yeah No, it's a great hip-hop scene, dude. Tucson needs that. Yeah, we're we've been ah we've been ah a space for a lot of people. I think that's kind of been our model is just operation wise to be available to just about everybody, I think. And I think it's a nice flow in here. Like I've been to other like a little smaller venues. Yeah, it just I've been in here when it's been packed and I haven't been suffocated.
Yeah, we have a good and that's the good thing about the size of our building, I think, is we're kind of like anything over 100 people is packed in here. It feels packed as far as shows go. So a lot of the smaller shows that we do with like 50, 60 people, they actually feel good. People and the energy is like different, you know. Yeah. um But yeah, we're we're basically at 300 Below venue downtown, one of the last our size that books live music.
And yeah, we've been doing that for a couple of years now and kind of just with the hopes of continuing to keep a space for creatives here in the scene. When you said you just had one of our other guests this month, Ty from Swigfoot, you just had them here too, right? Yeah. So it's everybody. It's not just hip hop. Yeah, we do all different genres. We're really, we kind of book on the assumption of people reaching out to want to play something. we All of our shows are free to play. ah We don't charge for sound or any of the things that we provide here, which sets us apart. It makes us good for touring acts and stuff. That makes it easy to get into for sure.
And we definitely want to, we give everyone a chance, um you know, the courses sometimes when it's not really our speed and that works itself out after a show or two. Yeah. We find out, you know, what people want to. The crowd speaks, dude. People vote with their dollars. Yeah. A lot of it for us too is just professionalism. Like, you know, we we have a really, a very talented team that works here on all fronts. And if people come in here and they're not being professional about that,
you know, treating it the way that we are, we usually tend not to work with you again. So that's kind of like our only big thing that we keep on mind at all times. Match energies. Yeah. Well, and and you know something about trying to be professional and playing music because you're in a hip hop group, too. My favorite, actually. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah, I do did that. Still do that for years. um Javin Sciences is a group that we have. And yeah, I think this brick box is kind of an extension of what you know what happens when you get to a certain point and you take those skill sets and pivot them into a different career path. and What you wish you had when you were performing. Yeah I think it allowed me to be able to see what I kind of think was missing from what I was doing when I was touring and stuff um and to provide a space that
kind of an incubator in a lot of ways. So like kind of provide a space for people to learn about how to do things in a professional sense. A proper way. Yeah. I don't want to say the right way, but a proper way. Yeah. And and we're really like a big, that the goal here is to be a stepping stone for, we have kids that come here and look over at Rialto in in their head. They're like, one day I want to play there. And it's a cool, well, if you get good at playing here, everyone that books of the Rialto comes over here and grabs a bargain to beer. So they're going to see you eventually. This is how you get there. yeah yeah good Stepping stones.
So for us, we're really ah we are a brewery. We are a distillery. We are a commissary kitchen. We are a restaurant. um dude The food is delicious. Our venue. Thank you. um and So is the beer. The beer is fantastic. I kind of think that we, you know, our, our goal is to be more of a space than anything for the community. That's kind of been our driving goal since I took over about six years ago. So I love that. great And at the, at the end of the episode here, as we've done with the other episodes, we'll play a song for you guys from driving scientists. Do you have one in mind?
Oh, that's a hard one. I think Derek's got a few really... of hit your i mean I have all of them. so yeah i that See, that's always a hard question because I feel like I don't know, especially right now, like i I feel very disconnected from those moments so far ago, you know what I mean? so like it's It's hard to select something that embodies kind of everything that I feel like we are. It's football season. I'm going to do 20 on the Chiefs. 20 on the Chiefs is always an easy go-to for sure. So I have a fun story. It was Derek's birthday, and we were doing the Golden Mile, where Derek planned. We don't want to hear about your sex games.
or thirty first are you a sopper about it was this thirty First birthday and Derek planned this whole like we're gonna hit these 16 places or whatever 12 places. Yeah, we had a modest 12 It was the intention was one drink at every place. Foxers don't go that many rounds. I don't go that many rounds. I was the only one who went that many rounds. And he had met you before, but like you kind of knew who he was, but not really. And then he was just so excited. He was just like, oh, my God, fanboy out a little bit.
And ah you bought him his first beer. Oh, yeah. Well, thanks for being here to do this this podcast after that. I'm glad to hear that scare you off and stand you. It was seven years ago. Also, I call him fanboy. But also, ah wish I wish I was part of you.
And you made me a root beer flow for free. The very first time I saw Jiven Scientist live was at a venue that no longer exists here. And the next day I went to Thunder Canyon Brewing, which is what Runt bought to make Brick Box Brewing at their original location. And he was our server. He was a server there at the time. He walked away and I was with my ex-girlfriend and I was like,
I think I just saw that guy play a concert last night and I had to ask him and he's like, yeah. And I was like, all right. And I was like, do you have like CDs or anything I can buy from you? And he's like, he went and got CDs out of his car or whatever. And he's like, here, just take them. Oh, good man. And so from day one, I was like, love this. Like, love this dude. Love the vibe. It's great. So I always love getting spotted like serving tables because people like would almost make people angry.
We did like, a show right when I got down here, we played with Kerris one at Rialto and the next day I was serving and this lady's at a table. We're kind of packed in here. She's at a table with like 10 people and she's all, what are you doing? And I like just show up to the table with some water. I'm like, I'm gonna get you guys waters. But I mean, like, what are we, where are we going here?
And then she's like, no, I just saw you on stage yesterday. What are you doing serving tables? And I was like, I got a job. like Let me ask you this, lady, did you buy any of my merch when you were there? I didn't think so. Did you do go see KRS1 because I was playing? No, I'm pretty sure you did it. You just casually dropped. You were opening for KRS1. KRS1. Thank you. Oh, yeah. I know you know. It's just you are you're so fanned out right now. I am. There's a lot of weird shit like that where ah That's the other thing though, I've been doing it for almost going on like almost 30 years at this point. so like there's There's a weird like...
yeah There was moments in time where there was things happening that just I literally left. There was a show that I i played Dell here, Dell the Funky Olmesebi in a reality one time. And I couldn't get off of work at the Tucson Mall. I worked at a coffee shop and my boss was like, first of all, I don't know who the fuck Dell is. And I'm like, have you ever heard like gorillas or like, so I don't i know. I don't know any of this shit. I was like, I can't work. I have to go play this show. And she's like, I will shit my pants right now on shift.
You don't want that. And of course she's like, look, you have to work tonight. OK, so I at that time pulled down the chain and put a back in five minute sign, flew downtown, played the show and in a sold out crowd and then drove back to work. And within within the span of 20 minutes I was mopping a floor at a shitty coffee shop. it's the Being in the Tucson music scene to any degree here, even the people that have much more success than I have, it's very much within 30 minutes you're mopping a floor here. The reality of the situation here is like,
you're those moments where you see people playing at certain things, they're all doing the best they can to get by. just And recognize the labor of love. Oh, yeah. Because it's not paying the bills. We're definitely not getting paid what we should be yeah and never have, you know? I was going to say, that's part of the reason we're doing this. We have a modest, very modest listenership, but we're like, we want to bring some attention to Tucson music because there's a lot of good music here. But yeah I'll tell people like, oh, we're going to see this local band. And they're like, oh.
Yeah. And I'm like, no, that doesn't mean local doesn't mean bad. Yeah. If I wouldn't if i wouldn't have said the L word. yeah Yeah. So my question is when it's going to start with a statement and then a question. sure So when we saw you at Colorado Springs for the Sage Francis thing, you kind of got gypped.
You like at the very end where everybody got a freestyle. Yeah, and do shit. So show this is mildly I got in front of my high school girlfriend With her husband ah the now husband at the time who loves nothing more than slug of atmosphere And I'm on stage about to have my look I fucking made it Yeah, maybe not the way you thought but now I'm just as good as everything you ever thought was good Yeah, and then time was up. Yep, but also I work Sage runs the label that I work on yeah, and when you work for somebody you You listen to what they say. And he looks at you and goes, we're out of time. So yes, sir. Because it was not our venue, so it was a hard curfew. Yeah, it was a hard part curfew. So you don't have hard feelings about it, you understand, but also pumped. Bro, being at the table period is is well beyond anything I ever wanted to imagine. It's a good table to break bread at. That was actually a fun thing, because we were in we were going to Colorado for vacation anyway. Yeah, we were just going to be there. And then I found out about the show, and it was the day we were after we were supposed to leave.
So we were just like, we just asked our friend who was who we had stayed with for a couple of days. Like we stayed in Colorado Springs, went to Denver and we were supposed to go straight home. I was like, can we just come back and sleep at your house again? Because we got a show to go to. It was in Denver. The show was. And we just drove back down to Colorado Springs and stayed an extra night because I was like, we're staying another day because I'm not going to drive home and know these guys are playing.
this huge fucking crowd yeah like. And you saw us walking up when you were playing. So my question is that weird guy from seven years ago that couldn't talk and he fucking saw me. yeah I just gave him much a bunch of CDs to shut him up. Root beer fucking floats. here ah damn So my question is, and you can totally say now, would you want to drop a little freestyle? Like, do you need it? Oh, I'm going to say no. I would feel so weird rapping. I know. Right. There's no music. It's all echoey. It's.
Also, the other thing about that is I think that because it's not like it's something that isn't is unorthodox, right? Like your rapper rap. Yeah. But you need to be in a group for it. You can't just have to be in a certain mindset, right? I think there starts to become kind of a.
which this is wildly deeper than it probably needs to be at this point. But I think there starts to be a point where like it becomes that that moment becomes kind of pretty sacred to me and important to me. Where we're in the sense of it it's been shared so many times in so many situations that mean so much that it's very hard to talk about Freddy Krueger coming out of dude I could do it, but I don't know really where that... Where does that go? Well, and and i and I think like not to take away from the, I want you to hear my song and then digest it yeah and not think about when I slipped up and said, Freddy's coming out of the guy. Does that make sense? Yes, it does. It makes perfect sense.
It sounds like somebody who thinks before they speak, and that is not us. Yeah. ah Historically, if you go back and listen to these episodes, that's not what we do. Not my suit. Wow. That's why I edit afterwards. yeah We don't do live podcast. Fix it in post. Well, so ah guess'll we'll go with 20 on the Chiefs. Yeah, that seems good. It's a popular song, and it's football season. It's the most popular song that we have, and it's probably. Is it? Yeah, definitely. it's the Well, then I wonder how much that's attributed to them actually winning at some point, whether the song was really good or not. Because your your streams are going to go up once they've won a Super Bowl, right? Yeah, we were just playing music on the way down here and I Watermelon Sunshine was one of the ones that came on. I hope that's one of my favorites. Just it's that long, slow thing. And then there's that ending. It's a weird song. The changeups are weird. Yeah. What does it mean? Fucking beautiful. It's provocative. Yeah, I love it.
But so you guys can check out Jiving Scientists on all the social media. You can check out Bricksbox on all the social media. You can come down here if you're in Tucson or if you visit Tucson. ah What's the address again? 220 East Broadway. oh He can't read. I can't read. that's backwards it says It's It's EO77.
ah Boss. That's his boss. That's his boss. That's his boss. So our next week's episode, this is the end of our Tucson Music Month. We want to thank you guys for tuning in. Next week. Thank you.
next week will be our second anniversary episode but we have yet another guest coming on because we'll have Steve from bucket of chum who we've had on the show before it's our Canadian friend yeah he'll be here for our revisit of the movie Miami connection which is one of the first movies we covered The first one Jack was on. yeah I have gone this many times of not being on a podcast or watching that movie fully. Now you have to. Now I absolutely have to. Do you want to come by next week? Are you going to force me to watch Miami Connection? I'll let you.
It's a phenomenal movie. But you can listen to our original version of the episode on our Patreon at patreon slash worst people for only three dollars a month. And this month's Patreon episode to tie into our music theme was Whitney's Choice and its Empire Records. Fuck yeah, bitches. What's the guys there that's coming?
in the movie. He's the big. Oh, it's it's Rex Manning. Rex Manning. Oh, Rexie, you're so sexy. Yeah. Say no more. More than more. I'm going to give him my bitch. I'm going to give him my card. Tyler, you weren't a virgin ever. I know your father is. Oh, I've seen those music videos.
But, that's it for this week. I've been Derek. I'm still Whitney. I'm Soppy. I'm Ron. It's okay. It's all over. We're gonna be fine.