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Sista Sistaaaa

Awaken Bake
173 Plays1 year ago

Hello one, hello all! Welcome back to your favorite podcast with your favorite starseed, today Kels is getting astrological and familial. Okay well kind of. Did you know that there are such thing as sister signs?? Well Kels is gonna teach you all about it. Well as good as her super pregnant brain can teach. 


Introduction to 'Awakened Bake'

Welcome to Awakened Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual pot, I'm sorry, podcast, from one girl, no joint, and a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the wise was Khalifa. Let's roll something and get the day started. I am about T minus two weeks until I can roll something and get my day started, though I don't know that that's what I'm going to do it.

Pregnancy Journey Begins

But yes, I am coming at you. This is Kels. I am very.
Very pregnant. So pregnant, in fact, that I thought last night I was going into labor. I called my doctor. They told me to come into the hospital, all that stuff. Got all excited, got all ready, got to the hospital. And while I was having contractions, it was just pre-labor contractions and I am not having the baby.
I mean, hey, who knows? It's a new day. It could happen today. I don't see it happening. I'm not feeling it today. I don't see that happening. But I was super excited. I really, really wanted it to happen last night because it was the full moon in Aquarius.
I have an Aquarius moon and I'm Aquarius sun and so I was like, oh my God, I really want my baby to be an Aquarius moon.

Astrological Inspirations

But speaking of astrological signs and my child that kind of inspired my episode for today. So today we are going to talk all about sister signs. So did you know, because I did not, that every sign, every astrological sign has a sister sign. It's the sign that's opposite of the zodiac of it, the zodiac wheel from it.
There are 12 zodiacs. There are six pairs. So the first pair is the Aries and Libra pair. Then there's the Taurus Scorpio, Gemini Sagittarius, Cancer Capricorn, Leo Aquarius, and Virgo Pisces. And while my child may not be born under the Aquarius full moon,
it will be born in Leo season. I'm having a Leo, which means that me and this little baby here are going to be sister signs. So I'm pretty stoked about that. Actually, a friend of mine, A'Janae from San Diego, was the first one to kind of talk to me about the topic of sister signs back after a yoga class that we did on the beach in San Diego. And she, it was the first time that we met and we were sitting, it was me, her, Chance, and my friend Nora.
And I had just met Chance and Ajanay and we were like talking and then she was like, wait, what's your sign? And I was like, Aquarius. And she's like, oh my God, I'm a Leo. Like we're sister signs. Crazy. Because also my due date is that same friend Ajanay's birthday. So I don't know. I don't know that the baby will be born on that day. But all I'm saying is there's a lot of synchronicities around this whole thing. And so I decided, why not talk to you guys about them? Even after Ajanay and I had that conversation, I didn't really do too much
research into what a sister sign was. I just kind of was like, oh, interesting. Like, that's a thing. And so.
when I put together that my baby and I are gonna be sister signs, I was like, okay, now I need to know everything that there is to know about sister signs. And while I probably didn't learn everything that there is to know because I'm super pregnant and my brain is absolutely fucking insane right now, I did learn a little bit and I thought I would share it with you guys. So, like I said, there are six different pairs. They are the sign that's opposite you on the Zodiac wheel.

Understanding Sister Signs

What a sister sign is, is basically your perfect,
other half by being, they have very contrasting perspectives, but extremely complementary energies. What that means is they're like our perfect mirror. They can be in any form. It can be a romantic partnership. Typically, friendships are a very strong place where people will find sister signs that they're drawn to having friendships with their sister signs, or they'll have one really strong connection.
Actually, Dani and her best friend, Emily, who you all know and love, are sister signs. Dani's a Libra, and Emily is an Aries, so very strong friendship. The reason that their friendship works so well is because of their strong complementary energies, but they both have very, very different modalities of how they go about living their lives, which is so beautiful, and it's such a cool thing to watch.
And while I have some friends who are Leos and stuff like that, I haven't had like a really, really strong Leo connection. And so that's why I was like, Oh my God, how freaking cool is it that I actually will have that connection with my child. And now that I'm thinking about it, actually, this is like just kidding me. My mom's a Leo. So how funny is it that my mom and I are sister signs and then me and my child will be sister signs. Oh my God.
Oh my God, that's crazy. Holy shit, I just blew my own mind. So basically your sister signs in life are going to be people who are incredible at helping to balance you as long as you have the key element to a sister sign relationship, which is open and honest communication. Because again, you are going to have those very contrasting, contrasting, contrasting me thinking about contractions, contrasting perspectives.
which is extremely helpful when you can communicate and have that like mutual respect and just like ability to listen and be open-minded with that because there's someone who's going to help you by mirroring what you're going through and helping you see other sides of it, helping you find other solutions to problems, helping you navigate the things that you're kind of struggling with. They're kind of like your perfect other half, like, but they have the energy that matches you so you guys are able to
connect still on that deeper, deeper level and you can build that trust and with when it's the right person, have that super deep connection. It is such a cool concept. I can't even believe that I never thought of this, but it's just such a cool thing that I don't know. I think astrology, we've talked about it. Obviously, we have all different episodes for all the different planets and stuff like

Astrology's Personal Impact

We've talked a little bit about our own signs, Danny and I, but there's just so much more to it. The more I learn about it, the more in-depth it gets and the more accurate it gets to me and my life, but then also when I talk to more people about it who, whether they have their own knowledge
about it already like and they can teach me things or if I'm they're saying things then I can ask them you know like are you a Pisces because I'm getting that vibe or whatever and then like they're like oh yeah and then like we can I can like all of these things like there's just so many synchronicities there's so much that makes sense with it and obviously like anything it's not an exact science it's not like 100% what you are is
what you are, how you're going to be. There are like, I forgot the name of it, but like my husband's a cancer and he's not a super cancer cancer. Like he does have like those sensitivities and those emotions, but then he's got a lot of ways that he's very much opposite of cancer. And so there's like the name of it, but like people who are opposite are in a sign, but then they're opposite of the sign. And then there's also like,
being people who are cusps, who are born right on the couple of days in between switching of seasons, switching of signs, sorry.

Navigating Pregnancy and Mental Health

And so I'm just really excited to learn more about all of this astrological shiz and also tell you guys about it. I think it's going to be one of my next deep dives into some more astrology and stuff after I finish my Reiki, which I'm almost done with.
almost a full Yankee healer. Oh my God, a Reiki healer. Guys, if you haven't been pregnant, prepare yourselves if it's something that you want down the road because my brain is crazy. You can tell I sound so out of breath. I feel like I've been like, it's just because I have no room left. My baby is taking up everything in me. I'm literally sitting here recording this in my underwear in a sports bra because I can't
I want clothes on, but I don't want the feeling of clothes. I've always had sensory issues, but they have been absolutely fucking bonkers lately. I want Cole to hold me more than anything, but I also don't want to be touched. I just don't know how to even navigate my life right now. I also don't know if this might be the last time you hear from me for a little bit, because yeah, I am pretty fucking close to popping with this thing, getting this kid out of me.
which is the most beautiful and also terrifying thing. Can't lie, I'm a bit anxious. Yeah, that's that's an understatement. I had my first I've been since I moved out here to Ohio, I've been dating different psychiatrists and therapists and like trying to find my match.
I think I finally did. I have a therapist who is incredible, who I've met with twice now. And then today I had my first appointment with my psychiatrist who also we vibed so well, immediately clicked. And I'm so excited to start working with her and we're also going to be working. Finally, I'm going to start working on navigating my ADHD.
what I want that to look like. We were talking about different like support groups. Obviously, for some people, medication is a great option for it, but I want to really try finding some coping mechanisms. And since I do have a very free life, and the sense that I work in my own time, I can do I'm home most of the time, especially now with the baby, like I am going to be a stay at home mom for a while. I can really live and schedule my life around my ADHD, not in the sense of letting it run and control me, but in the sense of
working with it and befriending it. So yeah, I'm really excited about it. I've got a lot of really cool things coming up and a lot of exciting stuff.

Anticipating Life Changes Post-Birth

And if I don't hear from you or if I don't hear from you, if I don't hear from you or you don't hear from me for a little bit, then it's just because I am pushing a human out of my vagina and learning, teaching it to suck on my titties.
Um, that's, it's going to be my life. And also finally, finally being reconnected with my sweet, sweet cannabis. Although, like I said, and I think I said this last, my last solo episode, I don't know what that looks like yet. I don't know if I'm going to do it. Like, obviously I'm tempted to like, as soon as I get this thing out of me, get fried on edibles. But I think in all reality, it'll probably be a couple of months before I really dip my toe back in. I think I probably want, I'm like nervous about
I'm a different person now, like hormonally, like physically. So many things are different now that I'm like, I don't know how it'll affect me. I don't, it's been so long, the longest I've been without it in my adult life for sure. Um, and so yeah, I just don't know what it'll look like. I don't know. I don't know so many things. All right. Well, this is just a quick little episode. Find your sister sign, tell her you love her or him could be either or.
And stay high. Bye. Wish me luck. Tell my vagina you love it.