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THE CHAKRA SERIES: The Solar Plexus Chakra image

THE CHAKRA SERIES: The Solar Plexus Chakra

E10 ยท Awaken Bake
162 Plays3 years ago
Another installment of the Awaken Bake chakra series!! Today is all about finding your self confidence and inner spark. Get comfy and get ready to get high (vibe). --- Support this podcast:

Introduction to 'Awake and Bake' podcast

Welcome to Awake and Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual pot, I'm sorry, podcast brought to you by two girls, one joint and a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the wise Wiz Khalifa, let's roll something and get the day started.

Celebrating the 10th episode with gratitude

episode 10 episode 10 what um so yeah this is our 10th episode we are super excited super grateful yeah did i mention super excited like i'm sorry 10 episodes boom boom boom two a week from the jump more incredible is all we're saying and we recognize it and thank you for recognizing it too because
And thank you for being here with us and listening and helping us get to the 10th episode. I really feel very- You're part of this too. Community, right? We've really connected with people and yeah, I'm really excited. And I also just can feel the growth and see it and so it's very rewarding and wow. It's for it to be my first.
our first like adventure and anything's like this it's like wow okay we're doing good and that's awesome i was a podcast virgin before this oh my can make took my v card exactly it was my first that was so nervous in the beginning and now look at me and now look at us now we're doing it like twice a week we always did it twice a week honey
Well, no, actually maybe whatever. But either way, we're incredible and we're very grateful because we wouldn't be able to be incredible without you and all your love and support.

Exploring the Solar Plexus Chakra

So thank you so much. And let's get into this episode. OK, another chakra series. And now we have done the root and the sacral and it's time for the solar plexus.
so this is the third one we're going from the bottom up don't forget so this one is like so we did our right our base our root like your collar or collarbone not your collar she makes you mean coccyx yeah you know something
Yes, that's what I meant. Your butt, to then your sacral, which is like right below your belly, butt, inner navel, and then now right like kind of your stomach area. Yes. So the solar plexus is like the tummy area, which that's a really easy way to know if it's imbalanced is when you have a lot of tummy issues when you're having any type of tummy troubles. That is usually one of the signs
And we'll get into the emotional signs later. But here's what you need to know. It's the color yellow.

Balancing the Solar Plexus with Crystals

It deals with your personal power, your willpower, and your self-esteem. And if you have any crystals, if you're into that, I recommend Satrain or Amber or Tiger's Eye or Yellow. Yellow, Jasper. I love my Sunstone.
Oh, I love a sunstone. Yes. Yeah, it's very good for this. And yeah, I'm really showering with it. I was about to say, don't you shower with that one? Yeah, because I love the feel of like, especially like, and it's got a very, I don't know, like when we say like, think yellow, like it's like right when you meditate like that, and you're thinking about your solar plexus, like you're supposed to try to feel like a yellow energy. And like that crystal really like when I hold it and like meditate with it or like, it's like a very, like I get a very clear like, yeah, I just started doing it. I like zoned out and I was like, yellow solar.
it's kind of crazy because yeah when I do it it's like it's I don't know at first I've put a lot of like thought into like when they would be like in meditations like picture this color this beam of light I'd be like okay I have to imagine the but it it's not like
more gentle than that yeah but like it's not intense yeah it's different i feel like for every person like yeah i feel like if i tried to explain what i do exactly exactly exactly and that's also also that's also because there's not really like a wrong way to yeah yeah these kind of things
But yeah, sorry, a little tangent. Yeah, I know. I mean, honestly, that's like the main point of it.

Recognizing Imbalances in the Solar Plexus

And like recognizing if it's imbalanced, like I said, you can look at the physical symptoms like getting ulcers or constipation or diarrhea or even like tummy nervousness, just tummy troubles in general. But there's also some emotional sides of it. Like have you been having emotions or feelings of self doubt or lack? Yeah, lack of confidence, like anything like that. That's also a way to tell if it's off like you're
If your personal self-esteem is going on. And it's also like a very, um, it can be a, like when it's im- im- imbalanced, like it is aligned. I'm trying, I'm saying imbalanced. When it is balanced. Um, it also has like good physical feelings too, like the butterflies you get in your stomach, like before like a date or something, that's your solar plexus, that's like your, that piece of- It's activating. It's activating. Me and I get butterflies when I say I say I'm like, oh, it's activating.
But yeah, no, so it's like it's a cool thing and it's like right but like it's all about right your feelings of your confidence things like that so it's a very it's funny how it really does flow like you go from like your grounding to your
into your sacral and like right how you're feeling about like your emotions and stuff but then your solar plexus is like how you control them or like write your power so like they build on each other um and so at this stage it's really like an important spot of like okay you can't really can't move past anything more because you know next is that your heart chakra so love and you really can't move on to love without being confident in yourself and your love so it's a very important um

Enhancing Self-Confidence through the Solar Plexus

like, part of the chakral system or the chakral... Yeah. What's that? A chakral what? Like, what's a group of them be? Um, chakras. I don't know, babes. Our chakral series. It's very important, like, right. It's just very important, like, right, connecting with... Do you all hear the puppies? Yeah, sorry about that. They're singing. A car went off. You have a beautiful voice, Stella. Stella, come on. But, um, yeah.
It's just like, um, cause nothing else can get, you know, better until you work here and so it work in this area. And it's just, uh, especially if you're someone who has like body positivity or anything, anything like that, like troubles, um, working on your, uh, solar plexus is extremely beneficial because you need to sit and.
Yeah, definitely that love. So I'm like, yeah, I guess if you've never really had a relationship with yourself or you struggle with a relationship with yourself, a great place to start is working on healing your solar plexus because it really is like the beginning of that. I would agree completely. And I was actually thinking when we were researching this when I was having like really bad ulcer issues is when I was like super insecure and like not really feeling like confident. Like I like I could specifically remember a time and like
where I was last year at the time where I was like having really bad ulcer problems and it was in alignment with when I was not really feeling that good about myself. And when you're insecure you're very stressed and so like your body has a natural reaction which is that your stomach like that's it's it's just it is like it's the natural way of where that like that stress affects but it's a certain kind of stress like right it's not uncommon and people you know don't know that that's what it is and that's a big piece of it is that you know take a look at your relationship with

Practical Tips for Solar Plexus Health

yes um so how can we balance this out what can we do to like kind of fix it um this sounds so silly but look this goes hand in hand with every chakra that you have since this one is yellow you want to wear yellow and you want to eat yellow foods so like bananas even mango for me i love mango yes yes it's been like um
Oh, I think our husbands just got home. I hear them. But yeah, no mango is like my favorite one like thing to eat but like right dressing in yellow and also just like affirmations, of course, you know, but making them about like I am so strong. My favorite is my strength and power have no limits. Start, yes, focusing on your personal power and your personal confidence.
and your ability to get through and do anything because you can and so it's a very you know our last episode was about feelings and I think a big a big piece of our time now was our solar plexus and working on healing that relationship because we were tested in that way too and any struggles that we had with other people or other things were just reflections of some struggles we had with ourselves and like our own insecurities and we got through it and we're killing it so yeah

Episode Reflection and Closing Thoughts

and wow I'm having another realization even just a couple weeks ago I was telling Isaiah like I don't feel so good about the way I look blah blah blah and I was having tummy issues and I have been feeling a little bit better about myself and I was literally thinking today like wow my stomach's been good that is crazy and TMI but uh hey
And also a perfect place to end it because it's a true story. It's like why don't we end it with hearing that Dani is finally regulating. She's good. Good. So on that note, stay high. Bye.