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Dr Rachel is Back and We Are Talkin Reiki!

Awaken Bake
288 Plays1 year ago

Please welcome back our dear friend Doctor, Reverend, Artist, Teacher, Reiki Healer, and so so much more, Rachel Terlop! You know and love and remember her from her episode about a year ago, she is back and better than ever. Rach, Dani and Kels are talkng about reiki again, this time Kels has been certified too and they are going to give you the low down from an healer's perspective, while Dani is going to speak about what it's like to receive a healing session! Obviously, the girls are aware they are three white women having this discussion so please know the intention is to share this beautiful practice with love and respect for all. 

Check out more from Dr. Rachel here:

Instagram: @rachelterlop

And be sure to check our her body positivity, award winning childrens book "Maggie the Moomaid" 


Introduction and Guest Appearance

Welcome to Awake and Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual pot, I'm sorry, podcast, from two girls, one joint, and a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the wise Wiz Khalifa, let's roll something and get the day started. What up, sluts? I thought for sure I was going to fuck that up. I cannot lie. I thought that I just fucked it up. No. I thought that I just fucked it up. I was like, oh God, what did I forget? What did I forget? What did I forget? No, I really thought I was going to, guys, I am.
Enjoy. Kelsey's high as a bitch. Yes, I am. Okay. So now that there's no bun in the oven, this bitch is just baking herself. And I love it. I love it so fucking much. This is what I've been waiting for. This is what we've all been fucking waiting for. Honestly, this energy. I feel like we need to cycle again. I know. I feel I guys I'm back. I'm back in better than ever. Holy shit.
I don't know if y'all remember if you smoked too much motherfucking weed, but Reverend, Doctor, Artist, Extraordinary, Reiki, Healer, Rachel, she was on this episode, not this episode, she was on this podcast like forever and a fuck ago at this point. Like it's been like at least a year I feel like. And she's also on this episode, yeah. She's on this episode, yeah. Hey Rachel, do you want to like say anything?
I didn't know if I should just like wait to be introduced, but I am trying not to laugh because your intro gets me every single time. I'm so glad every time gets me. Welcome, bitch. We're so happy to have you here. I'm happy. And I'm going to be honest, you guys, we're going to do our best this episode, but I am leaving you to two high little bitches. OK, unfortunately, I have like the tolerance of a 500 pound steel made man, but
But I'm going to be like more of the observer. I don't know what the fuck they're about to teach us, you guys.

Cultural Sensitivity and History of Reiki

They're going to go on about Reiki or some shit. I'm really excited to learn about it. I'm really excited to be like a student because this is something that I'm really interested in, but I'm not knowledgeable on. So I'm just going to kind of like.
sit back and let Kelsey and Rachel take the lead and teach us about the story of Reiki. But I do want to preface this by saying we are three white women doing our best to accurately and respectfully explain subject matter on the topic of Reiki healing. We do not claim to be experts. Yes, Kelsey and Rachel are certified Reiki healers and have gone through like professional training to do that. At the end of the day, we were all born in America and we are white.
So let's, we're going to like leave it at that, right? Other than that, have fun. Enjoy. Let's stay respectful. Okay. Let's not get nasty. Everybody, everyone shut up, calm down, listen. And the floor is yours. Good. Thank you. I so appreciate this. I will start my once upon a time story for you, but in preparation for this, I did work with a Japanese language tutor because I want to make sure that I'm like trying to pronounce things like
in the way they are said culturally. Come on, Ally. Go on, Ally. The woman who taught me Beth Souder, if you don't know Beth, she is a gem, but she's my Reiki teacher. And she taught me, and again, another white woman in America. She's incredible, and I've never felt so seen, heard, and valued. And also, we are here, so.
So Kelsey and I are gonna attempt to tell you the story of Reiki and it starts once upon a time. As all great stories do. Yeah. In a land filled with ancient wisdom secrets and we're talking about Kurama Mountain in Kyoto, Japan. And there lived a kind and gentle monk named Makao Usui. Now Mr. Usui, he was not an ordinary monk. He was on a quest to discover special healing power that could help people find balance and harmony in their lives. And the quest led him to the wonderful world of
Reiki. Kurama temple seems far away from Kyoto and some people might think that it is less important than the many other famous temples in Kyoto city center. However, Kurama temple is actually situated at a strategic point. It guards Kyoto once the capital of Japan against evil from the north. So Mikawa Sui, founder of Reiki, underwent 21 days of shugyo
which is like a deep mind body training. Yeah, I was about to say, what the fuck is shuggio? You're not about to just drop that without giving a quick explanation. So thank you, bitch. We needed that. Yeah. So deep mind body training, but like, okay, I don't know what your schooling is like, but mine was like stair step. Like you learn one thing, you go to the next step and you just keep growing. And like, it gets harder as you go.
Okay, Shugyo as like an educational philosophy is a circular and repetitive type of education. So like instead of just like always progressing ever upward,
It's, you are coming back to the same things over and over and over the same lessons, the same messages every day. So when we say he did like 21 days of Shugyo, that is him meditating on the same shit for 21 days. Oh my God. Okay. Okay. I get it. I could never. Okay. So discipline. So this takes discipline.
Yes. Oh my God. Can I take like anti-anxiety meds before? Or do you have to be? I know. I feel like you have to raw dog this one, dude. Wow. It feels like it. It does feel like a raw dog, but I just- No, I don't know shit, guys. Don't listen to me. Take your antipsychotics, okay? Yeah. So Asuhi also, he fasted and meditated near a massive cedar tree called Asugi.
Yeah. Okay. I'm making sure. I think you've got it as close as you're going to get. Okay. In Japanese, in Shinto religion, these old massive trees are worshiped as Kami, the deities that in Shinto religion. And on the last day of his training, Asui had a revelation about Reiki. So he's meditating on this sacred Mount Kram in Japan, and he has this realization that struck him. He understood that healing wasn't just about medicine or herbs.
herbs, but also about the energy that flows like within and around us. So he believed that if he could just like tap into this universal energy, he could help people heal not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. So he had this profound insight, right? And he seeks out on a journey to unlock the secrets of this energy. He travels all around, he studies ancient texts, he speaks with the wise old sages. And after years of searching, he finally found these ancient symbols, or
these symbols came to him, that would channel this healing energy. And that was like the birth of Reiki. Okay, can I talk about though how similar that is? That's a beautiful, amazing, wonderful story. But I just feel like everything is so fucking connected because I don't know if any of my Buddhists out there are listening. But um, if y'all know the story of Siddhartha Gautama, when he sat under that fucking tree, okay, this is so similar, except oh boy was on a mountain.
Yeah, but what damn like I like what these people go into nature. That's what the difference is. They go into nature and then they self isolate. I think when I just self isolate, I'm in like my shitty apartment with like YouTube and like the news and stuff. And I'm like, I don't know why I'm not fucking enlightened now. Like I actually feel like I'm getting worse.
I'm a gremlin and I can't figure out what's happening. I love you so much. Okay, but that's actually like really cool. I love how just like we're all connected. We're all mirrors and reflections of each other. Like, you know what I mean? I don't know. Again, I'm an ignorant white bitch. I don't know how separate or closely connected those two situations and people are, but that's just so similar. And what a beautiful, yeah.
Yeah, because we're just humans and there are only so many human stories and nature. Kelsey, I'm sorry. No, no, you're so right. I love it. Don't apologize.
Um, okay. So I have a question about Reiki. So now we all know the backstory. Uh, I just feel like what can someone expect though? Like when they're going into Reiki, if they've never done it before, right? They're the guinea pig. They're not trying to perform a Reiki healing on someone else. They want it done to them or they want a session performed, you know, on them.

Understanding and Experiencing Reiki

What should someone expect? Well, that person is the attunee is the word that I've
was trained to use. Oh, hard training. I would be the attuner and they are the attuni and they are receiving my healing energy, which is really just me working with the Reiki or the universal life energy. Rei literally means universal and Ki means life force energy. So that's what Reiki is. And so I, as a healer,
I am not adding any energy. I am not taking away any energy. I'm just helping their frequency kind of shift so that they're working better with the life force energy and they're more on the working, like it's not, am I explaining that?
Yeah, no, that makes sense. Like you're not like it, you know, it's not like they should be like, oh, what if you have bad energy that you put on me? You're not adding anything to them. You're not doing that. You're their energy is a certain way. And it may be, I guess, if it's like blocked, like you help kind of move things around, like it's their energy that you're working with and that you're just kind of helping move around. You're not like taking it away or. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. In terms of what you can.
Expect as well like you yourself if you're coming in as a client and you're doing this in person because there's Virtual and then there's in person or distance sessions rather What you can expect if you're coming in person is gonna be calmness either seated or Laying in my experience. I've worked with practitioners who have almost like a
Oh, a massage table that you can like lay down on, get yourself comfortable. Maybe there's a blanket or something to put on your knees, but like you can have eyes open, eyes closed. You do what you need to do to send yourself. But like from a practitioner standpoint, we're going through like three distinct phases. The first one is gasho, which is like, it's the first pillar of Reiki and it literally means two hands coming together.
So this is your time for your practitioner, like bringing left and right together, connecting the halves of yourself, the light in the dark. It's like a slow conscious moment of like two hands coming together. Okay. So like that's the first thing you're going to notice your practitioner too. Then they might move into the reiji ho part, which Ray, like Kelsey said, means energy or spirit. G, which is
It means to indicate or point out or express or display and then ho, which is the treatment and the method. So in the reiji ho or the second pillar of Reiki, this is when your practitioner is setting the intention. Visualizing. Yes. Yes.
coming back to the trust and the connection with that Reiki energy and committing to being an open channel for that source energy to move through. So like your practitioner, after their hands come together, they are setting the intention of like, I am trusting the wisdom of the universe. I, like the ego self is getting out of the way and the intention is just to be love. Yeah.
So that's that's beautiful as fuck. And also, Rachel, your voice is healing as fuck. Like while you were talking, I was like, the energy is going through the speaker is like, oh, thanks, buddy. I appreciate you. You are like the ultimate hype friends. Oh, hey.
Oh, but okay. Before Kelsey talks more about like Reiki as a noun, the third thing, like the third part of a Reiki session is going to be the treatment session or like the cryo. And so this is when your practitioner is going to like stand to the side of the client. Maybe they place their hands near or on your crown chakra, like let that guiding begin because they
Now that they've grounded themselves, they have to attune themselves to you and your energy. So you're probably going to have your practitioner start by like getting near your head and taking time to align themselves with you and notice how the energy is moving through them. And then literally that life force energy guides you to the next shock or the next area in the body.
What am I? No, so that is honestly like very spot on to what I experienced my very first time. We'll get into that later. But yeah, that's I'm like, Okay, yes, but you know your shit. Me. I've done one Reiki session in real life. And I'm like, Yes, Rachel. Good job. Yep, you were being quizzed. Great. He passed.
Yeah, no, I think one of the things that like draws me most to Reiki kind of ties into this that that's this idea that like every person is so different every Reiki session is so different like Reiki itself is just the word for the energy like it does not at all define the practice of
Reiki healing because like that is such a different thing like okay that I did not know yeah Reiki is just like the now like you know and like we use it as like shorthand for for the Reiki healing but like in in words it's just like it's it's the noun of the what we're using or what we're connecting to it's that life force energy however we are a
the ones practicing like moving it and stuff. And I really, there was a quote in my classes that I wrote down that I really loved and it was that there is your way, there is my way, there is no right way. And it was by Dr. Wayne Dwyer, sorry.
Um, or maybe it's dire. Hey, you know, whatever. Oh, I know that doctor. My mom loves him. Hey, see that guy. Um, and it just, she had used it as a reminder that like, ever since every person's energy is different, every person's way of emitting energy, like every single thing is so different about each of us. It's hard to know. And there's never really going to be like a wrong, like,
It might not work. You know what? That's a good reflection for life. Listen, you little greedy hoes. Listen, okay, we are all flawed and some things that work for y'all don't work for me. Stop telling me that I need to try a certain skincare topical. It's not gonna fucking work, okay? I need to do certain dietician things and I'm working on it. Leave me alone. So it works for one person.
might not work for other people. Exactly. I need fruit in the mornings, and then y'all need to go ahead and use your retinol. We are different. Okay. I have a prescription for mine. Leave me alone. Yeah, no. I don't know. As long as you're doing what feels right, that's the whole thing is that when I am channeling Reiki
what I'm doing is like, like Rachel said, like removing the ego. I'm, it is just, I kind of myself, like I'm just my shadow right now. I am just like behind me watching myself feel the energy and letting it take control. Kind of like Ratatouille almost like he's on my, it's on my head coming through my crown chakra and telling me like, okay, put your hands here.
Oh, and then like a visual kind of one of the symbols will pass through me. And then I'm like, okay, so now I'm going to think about this, but not thinking like conscious thinking, just thinking like now I'm going to direct my energy to that side of it or whatever. So that I can, like, it's just all very released. It's like the most giving up to like the universe that I've felt. It's almost like meditating. However, I think the idea of it helping
Someone else makes it almost seem deeper for me than meditating Yes, because like you are holding space for another person's energy and like you are beholding. Yeah Just the power in like you're a vessel. Yes. Yes. Oh my god. I'm so sorry No, please scream it. I love the energy bitch. That's all Let's go
Yeah, bitch, like that's so cool. Like you're it's and it's nice, too, because I feel like in other things we do in life, whether it's like work or like just giving advice to someone, like there's a lot of like, I guess, like personal or like internal bias that goes into things. So this is nice because like in this situation, like this isn't about you. You're no longer Rachel. You're no longer Kelsey. You're just the vessel for whatever the what you say it was called. What's the what's the client called to me?
be a toonie. Some of these words I am loving you guys. That might be my central New York accent saying a toonie.
But yeah, but yeah, that's fucking awesome. Well, I will say, too, I had the pleasure and honor of getting Ricky Sessions performed like Ricky Healings done to me by both of you guys. Rachel, I had done right. Rachel didn't do the healing to me first. OK, so we did this one long distance and this is when I was in San Diego.
So I will say there was like you were mentioning Rachel, you said like an overall calmness is what someone can expect. That was present in both of my situations, both long distance and in person. So okay, when I did it with Rachel, I decided that I was going to journal for that whole time. If you know me, I just I just be journal writer, making lists, whatever.
Um, so I was zoned out. I did it on my porch. My dog was outside. Um, I was like in comfy clothes. I was smoking weed and I was just zoned out fully into my journaling. Like I did not snap out of the zone. Like if you've ever been in a flow state, that's like basically what I was in. Like I was just writing. I didn't even like
planet it just like yeah, I was like whenever you are writing and you get into a flow state and you just go for it basically like word vomit pen to paper. But literally like I was drawing shapes I was writing random phrases or like concepts that would come to my head. And as soon as Rachel texted me and said that the session was over like that she had like cut off the connection or like closed it or whatever she said. And
It was crazy because it was not until that text message was received that I snapped out of it. I'm sure cars had driven by. I lived in San Diego like a busy area with not only like a bunch of cars driving by, but like active Nazi crack heads just on the street. And you know what? They weren't bothering me during that time. I was zoned into my journaling, like totally in the zone, in the flow state. And then it was crazy because as soon as you messaged me,
I snapped out of it. And so it was just like, I was like, Whoa, that was crazy. I felt that connection. Like I felt it the whole time that it was open. And when I went through, you were like, you know, let me know if you want to FaceTime or what you want to do or how you want to go about this. We like had a second for us to kind of like
process. And when we FaceTimed, I was just talking about or no, I let Rachel go first. And it was crazy. Rachel was showing me she did an artwork and what she painted, like it was like a finger painting, I think. And what you made literally like mimic the symbols I had written in my notebook. And if you know me, I'm not a visual artist. I don't draw art. I'm not you know, like girls like just those like girly aesthetic girls, they'll just sit there and draw like the most beautiful sketched eye you've ever seen. And it's like got
great lashes and like the corny is all detailed with the like glare also from like the light and it's beautiful. I can't do shit like that. Like at all I draw the same heart over and over and over and like scribble it in like I just can't draw but the symbols I drew matched what Rachel drew and that like beautiful collage that she made and it was crazy. You know who you remind me of? Do you remember that episode of The Office with Robert California where he writes his list with people on two sides?
And then Andy confronts him and he's like, what's with the list? And he's like, oh, it's just a doodle. Like some people draw their penises, whatever. Cause Robert California is a weirdo. And then he's like, and I just, you know, write lists. I write names. I do it. And I was like, that's you, Danny. Okay. I know the office really well. And I don't remember that. Oh my God. You don't even know my name. I'm the fucking lizard king. Love Robert California. We can talk about him all day long.
Hell yeah, bitch, as we should. I am so happy you said that, Danny, because like, for inquiring minds or people who haven't done a distance reiki session, people go about it differently. Like your practitioner might be sitting quietly and like hands together and just like in a meditative state.
and or your practitioner might be journaling or might be doing art like I am because like if I am processing something like painting is a self-soothing technique for me and like if I need to channel my focus or something I need to be doing something my ADHD is medicated and I also still have to accommodate for myself so like just in case people are like
Wait, what? She is painting your journaling? Yes, your Reiki session is your Reiki session and your practitioner has their own way of doing things. We are three white women in America. Period. What I love, Rachel, about that is that with Dani, you finger painted, which is not, I assume, your typical form of
painting. Not not like what you're always doing. So like, I find it so cool that when working with her energy, you felt the need to like, get messy, like, like you were like, I'm gonna, she said, this bitch is messy. So we're we need hands on, right? Like, what are we like, right? I feel like that's such a
intimate way to create art like you know like with your bare hands um and I think that's so cool because you guys hadn't met in person and yet you picked up so strongly on her energy that you had to like physically use your own hands to like create that's so cool
It was really fucking cool. And that was my for a long time. That was my only experience with Reiki. And I was still like a huge fan and I wanted to do it again. And then I went to Ohio for your baby shower and Kelsey. So I was going through a lot emotionally at that time. A lot was going on just like in my personal life. And I didn't know how to like put exactly what I needed or what I was feeling into words. I had the words for like I could tell you exactly what was pissing me off.
And what was causing me like emotional upset, but I couldn't tell you like how to fix it What did I need to like feel better to feel like healed or seen you know what I mean? And so I just knew like I was like Kelce I didn't even ask actually like you were just like hey while you're here I'm gonna do a little Reiki healing on you if you're okay with that. I said bitch, please. Thank you
Um, so again, this is my very first one ever in person and I laid down, I closed my eyes what Kelsey did. I'm not so sure because you know, like Rachel said, that was her practice and I have mine. But all I'm saying is I went back into that like zoned out flow state. I felt so much warmth and like tingles throughout all of my chakras and then
specifically in my heart chakra and my chest, there was such a heaviness that was lifted when Kelsey was done with the Reiki session or even throughout it. And there was another spot as well and I can't fully remember what I said, but I was just like, oh my gosh, as soon as Kelsey finished and I kind of slowly came back to, I was like, girl, I feel so much lighter and I have more expansion and a weight lifter off of my chest and more warmth and just like, I feel more grounded.
And Kelsey was like, I spent a lot of time over your heart chakra. So good. That makes sense. And it was just another like my eyes were shut. One thing about me, I'm not gonna peek. Okay, if you tell me close my eyes, I'm not peeking. So I didn't know that you were over my heart chakra. I didn't know that you were doing stuff with I think it was also a little bit of my womb space and a little bit of my throat chakra. Yeah.
Yeah. Oh, you remember, of course you remember. Um, but yeah, it was just so cool because when I told you about it, I was like, wow, this feels so much better. And this was so much better. Like you immediately lit up and you were like, well, that's where I spent the most time and did the most, um, hands on. I like, again, I don't know exactly what you did, but like, I think you said like you had your hands kind of like hovering over me and you were like using the energy and the intention that I was like forming the symbols with them. Um, and I have a lot of fun. Okay. So Rachel, I don't know how you practice.
But I love being a conductor when I create my symbols. It makes it so fun for me to be very dramatic with it for some reason. So the symbols are what you focus on, or if you're journaling, you can draw them. Or like I said, I like to motion them with my hands. And you do it to channel different types of energy. So one of them is the Chukurei, which is the power symbol.
I'm trying to think what the other ones are. Raku is the grounding symbol, right? Okay. I'm still newer to this. Okay. I'm like, um, and then there's another symbol that, um, we actually, I was taught to use like when I'm doing distance sessions. Um, and so like that's a different one. So there's all these different symbols that have all different meaning. Um, and so like with Danny, I was,
giving a lot of thought and like really channeling and conducting the power symbol, which is like kind of like a backwards, no, that's a normal way, seven, and then like a big spiral. And it just like was such a fun thing. And like, right, like I was just like giving like, Danny really needed to remember her power. And like, that was like all I would like. So it was so cool that after she felt like it was, that was the first time that like, it wasn't cold that I was doing it too.
or my dogs because I've been doing this since I've been pregnant here in Ohio. Like I'm not going to ask my 75 year old neighbor if I can do Reiki on her. Do you ever do Reiki on Phoebe? I have a little bit, but I get really nervous for some reason with her. Like I'm like, she's a baby. Yeah, her energy is perfect. She doesn't need me interfering with anything like. Yeah. Oh, she's good. Yeah, she is. She's so fucking cool. Rachel, what was your first in-person experience like you giving someone
Oh my gosh. My first in-person experience was wild. It was with, oh, my dear friend, Sarah Bosselman, we were sitting in her living room. We were talking about Reiki and I was kind of like explaining it to her. Our husbands are both there sitting on the couch, like we're watching football in Ohio because that's due on a Saturday in the fall.
She was like, can you do it to me? Like, can you do it? And I was like, yes, like, absolutely. Yes. And the boys are like looking at us like, oh, what are you going to do? And I was like, don't be weird. Like, don't don't make it weird. Right. Yeah. She laid down on the ground. You know, you prop yourself up with your couch pillows or like she got herself comfortable. And I remember like.
asking a few times like, do you mind if I like touch you? And she's like, no, go for it. And like she had her eyes open. Like we kept the conversation going or like they more did. I was kind of. Yeah. And I remember I spent a lot of time over her sacral chakra. And after we were done, I was like, can I ask, like, can I ask about how that felt for you or like where you felt that
And the sacral chakra is oftentimes associated with pregnancy and that womb space and that creative energy. And don't you know it? They were working through their own things. And so she got really emotional talking about how, yes, that is where I feel energy. Or yes, that's where I needed this. And so doing it in person is wonderful. And
doing it at a distance has been so interesting too, just because every distance session I've done has been different. Like one time this guy on Instagram messaged me and was like, Hey, can we like do a distance session? Cool.
I was up doing yoga and not just really passive moves.

Reiki in Practice: Personal Stories

I was moving. And I just kept getting this cycling feeling and this cyclical pattern. And I just kept moving my arms in a circle. And when you were talking about conducting Kelsey, I'm like, that's the only time I felt big is with this session. And I messaged him afterwards. And I was like, here's the motion I'm getting. I'm getting bicycle wheels spinning energy with you.
Thank you for inquiring through my Instagram, sir. He messaged me six months later with this whole long thing about how his life has been like a hamster wheel for him. And just like, it took him six months to be able to like articulate it back to me. And I was like, Hey, this, this is the journey. I am so glad you got something out of it. Like, yeah, dude, that just made my nipples hard.
That's awesome. That's so cool. And that's what I love about it. Like is how like it can bring people together. Like it is such a beautiful, uh, an intimate thing that you can experience with people without the feeling of like, like, I don't know, it doesn't feel okay. So I guess what I want to say is that you should always do this. Something like this was the people you really trust. Like I think it's a very important,
And give yourself permission to find a Reiki practitioner that you like vibe with. Because when I, before I found Beth and like, again, shout out to Beth Souter, like went to her for like all the years I was living in Virginia. Before I met her, I went to one other woman in person.
show up at this facility and they have massage and they have all kinds of other wellness things going on in this facility. So we had our own little room and she had her dog in there. And I'm laying on the table and the dog is jingling around and I love animals. And her dog kept sneezing. And when I tell you, I could not
get myself to calm down or settle in. And I didn't know if it was the sneezing or the noise, but she and I, there was very clearly not that connection there for whatever reason. And then every time I have worked with Beth, I have always felt safe and comfortable and cared for with her. So please check out the different Reiki practitioners in your area.
see who you do feel safe enough to close your eyes and like be beheld by. Yeah. Right. Because it is a big deal. Like, right. Like it is, it's a very, like I said, it's very intimate. Like you're very vulnerable. You're, um, I feel like there's a moment when you're starting a session. Um, and I feel this both as the attunee and the attuner, um, that like, there's a moment where like you've realized that like, Oh, that last wall has fallen. Okay. Now I'm really in like, now I'm really,
Connected like and like you'll think you're there and then it's kind of like when I meditate like I have a feeling of like, okay Yeah, I'm meditating and meditating and then it's like, oh no now I'm now I'm what I was just doing was meditated like, you know, like there's like Mm-hmm slight difference of like, ah, okay like a deep breath it's like the perfect feeling and it's just like I
I don't know. It's just such a alignment to, you know what I mean? Like you can tell when you're aligned with something and when the vibe is just not right. Right. And so like you can't, you're one, it won't work. That's the only way it won't work is with someone that you're not vibing with. And to like, you can't trust everybody to like something. There's some bad people out. Like, so like, there's, I feel like this is also something that sadly, there's a lot of like scammers and things like that, that are kind of involved when we have this conversation that are,
doing this the wrong way and like being very disrespectful and stuff and like I Hate that It really sucks Okay, I actually have a question because you were saying how um, and we've all been saying this whole time Like yeah, it's something that you have to do with someone you trust because it's a very vulnerable thing to do Can you do Reiki to yourself?
Yes, absolutely you can. Every day in any space in your house, yes, you can make time for yourself and
take time to check in with yourself. It is a beautiful and wonderful practice that you can do.
doing Reiki there. You're using your hands to heal. You're allowing that life force energy to go to that place where you're feeling pain and help you through that time. Oh my God. I love that. That makes sense. You're all little Reiki-ers. I'm a little Reiki practitioner. I'm not licensed though. I'm practicing without a license. I'm a fucking rebel. Well, and like if you do want to start like
or pardon me, Chelsea keeps saying a toonie and a tuner. That's one of the rituals that you go through when you're doing your Reiki training is that there's a frequency that you listen to and to become attuned with the energy.
There's trainings. There's courses on Udemy. If this is something you're interested in, you can find someone to help you become attuned and then go forth into the world with your Reiki practice and be a reflective and respectful practitioner. Right. Fuck yeah. Okay, cool. The more that this is available, that's just the more people that are
more healed. It's such a beautiful thing and it should be so widely available and unfortunately, people don't believe in energy. Yeah. Is this acknowledged throughout medicine or anything? Yes. Okay. It absolutely is.

Reiki's Growing Acceptance in Mainstream Medicine

2020 was the World Health Organization's year of the nurse. In 2020, they asked all the nurses and did a bunch of studies like,
what do you want? What is nursing missing? And the American Hospital Association came out with a study that already 15% of the hospitals in the United States are offering this, and 84% of the hospitals have a demand for Reiki practitioners. This is becoming more and more accepted and
Yes, you're going to have the people who say things are like woo woo. But like, if we're talking about spiritual and like, I can't see it in front of me, well, isn't everything like a little bit woo woo? You know what I mean? And like, at least with Reiki, in the research you're doing, like they are measuring the voltage, like the hurts that are coming out of people's hands. And practitioners are like,
able to move the scales. So after you do your conductor or however you visualize and do these symbols, the measurement of hurts coming out of the palms of your hands, it is there. So science, bitch. No. That makes so much fucking sense, honestly.
Oh, man, I wish I wasn't so high because the thought just started to like escape me a little bit. I hate when that happens. I know. I know. It was like it was like you were getting into. Oh, oh, yeah. I feel like I feel like medicine in general, like modern medicine, Western medicine. I feel like it's all still very. Kayla Kaiman would say it's all very witchy, like because. OK, what's the difference? People are like, oh, well, like I get what Rachel was saying. Like, you know, people might not believe it because you can't see it right in front of you.
But like, what is the difference between like, oh, a magical witch potion and then like someone taking a drug like a prescription drug like bitch, that's a potion. You just took a magic fucking potion like I smoke my weed. You take your Xanax. We're different people.
like do whatever works for you. I'm just saying. Like safely, whatever your doctor says to do. Yeah. And like think about the power of prayer. Like we all start the same way. We're bringing our hands and now I say we all start the same way. We all don't start the same way, but I grew up in a Presbyterian church and like
for prayer, hands come together. With Reiki, hands are coming together. There is that same intention and knowledge that this spirit can move through us. I'm always confused as to why people are scared of it or nervous about it because
It's the same connection with other worldliness. Yeah. Well, and I just like to know how how you said it was the year of the nurse in 2020 and the nurses are basically advocating for more Reiki. Yeah. Because it's like, Kelsey, your pipeline from nurse to Reiki practitioner is direct. Hey, you know, it was Reiki is something that I'm learning that I always needed in my life. And like I obviously, yeah, I had a calling to help people. I wanted to be there.
and I was and I did it and I loved parts of it and the parts of it that I loved were connecting with these people, especially the elderly people that I worked with. That was such a beautiful connection to have with these people at the end of their lives to be able to make them smile and give them their dignity. I loved those parts of it, but I hated the actual nursing part.
It just was not for me. However, Reiki allows me to build those connections, to get even deeper connections, because unlike nursing, it's encouraged to really get to know your patients and stuff and fall in love with them. And it's hard not to see someone in that vulnerability of being right near the end of life.
that it makes you really fall in love. It's a whole different level of love when someone allows you into their energy at a time like that in intense vulnerability. Now that I know what it feels like to be a Reiki healer that's tuned in and someone who's purposefully doing Reiki, I can feel that same feeling of how I felt when I was healing my patients.
And so I do have, like, I feel like I've always kind of been able to channel that and do that and like help people this way. And now I'm just actually like acting upon it because like now I know it's always been in me. Like this was meant to happen. Energy is real. Energy is real as fuck. Energy is what's allowing us to do this. Our little computer energies and the clouds and
into the connections with each other through time and space because, like, Dani, we still haven't met in person, but, like, we over. I fucking know. Right? That's insane. Yeah. Like, right? We're literally- Because I feel like you're one of my longest friends.
We're in California, Iowa, and Ohio. We're all in completely separate places, but as soon as we popped on together, I felt my energy right. It's so real and it is so affected by the people that you surround yourself with virtually too. That's very important.
And well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. It's the name of the podcast game, baby. You got to jump in when you can. Exactly. But I feel like Rachel needs to meet the glots in person too, because they would all vibe so well. Rachel and authentically Ally would be a match made in heaven. I really feel like I am Ally's match made in heaven, but I feel like Rachel even more deeply. Like you guys are very similar. Is that your friend in Cincinnati? He's the artist? Yeah. Yes. OK.
Yeah, I heard you you've mentioned this before. Yeah. Oh, yeah, makes sense. They're famous on this channel. Much like Reverend Dr. Reiki artist Rachel Reiki artist. I, I love Reiki artists. Yeah, take that as a that's what you are. Right. It's what you do. Like you I love that. That's how you're like signature is like that with your Reiki comes a piece of art.
I mean, you're out there doing literal bicycle interpretive dancing and finger painting. So I would say you're a Reiki artist. Yes. You have made my day once again. I love you both so much. We love you too. I'm so glad you could be here today. This is awesome. I hope I wasn't too high, guys. I hope I made sense.
You made sense, bitch. We all made sense. And if you didn't get it, that's your fault, not ours, okay? Gaslight, eight keep, girl box.
Thank you guys, though, for real so much for being here. I know that we've been a little bit MIA on the podcast. And honestly, that's because we have a lot of stuff going on for the podcast outside of the actual podcast itself. Right. So like preparation for this interview with Rachel, we also have our series with Kaylee Kiman. We also have a lot of stuff on the back end of a week and bake. Kelsey's been fucking killing it, learning about not only just about our analytics, but like she's been getting the stats for us, which is like really
really helpful like she's out here paying extra for the programs because y'all know me if it's not free like the free version i'm not doing it that's why i use 17 different apps to edit one picture because i refuse to pay for anything um but kelsey's been actually like purchasing things to like help make our podcast better and i'm so grateful for that also if you haven't checked out our youtube channel we are consistently getting hundreds of views up to up to the thousands area they are amazing so
That's a new, that's like a really new success, a new feat for us. So I am putting a lot of energy on that right now just because we have a ton of the works coming up for the podcast anyway already happening. It takes a lot of time you guys. And I am just, I'm just a 25 year old teenage girl. And I just had a baby. So she's a 27 year old teenage mother. I'm 28.
Oh man, sorry. No, it's okay. I forget. Yeah, your birthday did happen in January. Your birthday's coming up. Okay, I'm just being rambly and so... That's okay. Rachel, when's your birthday again, babe?

Lighthearted Closing and Personal Anecdotes

I'm July 11th. I'm 7-11. Ooh. Come on, 7-11, the famous. And I've still not gotten my free Slurpee.
No fucking way. Iowa, there is no 7-Elevens out here, so we'll be on a road trip to get one this year. Yeah, period, as you should. I grew up where there was no 7-Elevens, so I never understood the hype. Then I moved to Dover, New Hampshire, and they have the worst 7-Eleven in the world. That one is horrible. Absolutely horrible. I still was like, oh, no, 7-Eleven sucks. Then I moved to California, and I was like, oh, okay, so some are okay.
Yeah, dude, that was me with Wal-Mart growing up in Price Hill. We had the most shoplifted Wal-Mart in America. And not only that, but the vibe was like as a woman, I'm not safe here as a when I was an actual teenage girl, like a 17 year old teenage girl, not a 25 year old teenage girl. I was I would remember I would go to Wal-Mart and I would fucking dread going there because I love detention. I didn't care if someone called me as long as I was like safe. You know what I mean? Like I was
yeah, I am a bad bitch because I was the ugly friend for so long. Like I really was it was because it was my fault, you guys. I was malnourished. I was anorexic for too long. And I didn't go through puberty right away. Okay, I was very late bloomer. So once I bloomed, once I blossomed, okay, bitches, I was like, Yeah, y'all can cat call me like I know I look good period. But at Walmart, I feared for my life.
And I'm a Libra, so I was not, especially like in my youth, now I'm just tired. But in my youth, when I had more energy, oh, I went full out every single fucking day. Didn't matter if I wasn't leaving the house, like my face was drag level beat to the gods. Like I had like some, my ears were pierced like from bottom to top and I would wear like tons and tons of earrings in them. My nails were disgustingly long. Couldn't even like genuinely like, you know, that sound of Cardi B where she's like,
Do you know? Yeah. She's like, you know, that I scratch my asshole or I stab my asshole because her nails are so long. That was me. Oh, I could never tone it down even for Walmart. Like if I even if though I knew I'm stepping into like dangerous territories, I should probably wear like a paper bag. It didn't matter. I wasn't going to. I'm a Libra. Like number one, doesn't matter when I'm wearing number two. I was a teenage Libra. I am not going to tone it down. No. Absolutely. Oh, rising. Period. Bitch, you get it.
Anyway, guys, sorry. We do not dollar shine. No, we don't. Yeah. Hey, guys. Thank you for being here. Thank you for listening to the story of Reiki explained as best it could be from two very loving and sorry, three guys. I didn't explain it to you. I had no I had no involvement in explaining this. OK, let's be real. It was Rachel and Kelsey. So from from two white girls with the best of intentions and all the respect in their hearts.
did our best to cover the topic of Reiki. Also, I did want to let y'all know I was smoking Maui Wowie by up north before this episode. And I also smoked it before we had all of our meetings for this episode. And I just want to say, I fucking love it. It is the Reiki strain. So if y'all are about to do Reiki, I really suggest smoking Maui Wowie. It goes with this episode perfectly, whether you're listening or experiencing or whatever Maui Wowie by up north 20 out of 10.
Ooh, I want it. I want it in me. Yeah, it's worth the money for real. It's kind of a top shelf brand. Maui, wowie. Maui, wowie. All right, bitches. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you, Rachel. I have nothing else left to say. Rachel, could you just real quick shout out your Instagram handles for everybody or give any specific shout out that you wanted to? Oh my gosh, thank you so much. Last time you asked me to do this, I read you the Reiki precepts.
Fantastic. Hey, you're fantastic. Oh, gosh. Okay. I'm Rachel Turlap. You can find me at Rachel Turlap. And if you are interested in a body positive children's book, Maggie the Moommate exists and she is translated into 21 languages. So if you want to keep that energy of never dulling your shine, go with that and Maui Wowie. Maui Wowie. And with that, stay high. Bye.