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FREE PATREON PREVIEW Ep 120: Violent Night image

FREE PATREON PREVIEW Ep 120: Violent Night

S2 E65 · Bad Movies Worse People
49 Plays2 months ago

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Movie Scene & Female Character Realization

a bunch of dudes with scissors, which is pretty sweet. Super sexy. Very diehard with a vengeance, yeah which is one of the sexier movies you've ever seen. ah This chick, a fucking powerful blonde chick with knives. I didn't know I had a type. Oh, I thought you were talking about because of i knew that about jey Jeremy Irons.

Captain Planet & Toxic Character

yeah that ah How well do you remember the Captain Planet cartoon?
I watched a lot. I had a realization the day we were talking about the bad guys. There's a blonde girl that has her hair over her face. Yeah. And when you move the hair, it's like a chemical burn. And I was like, I loved her. And I was like, oh my God, I've loved toxic women my whole life. Even fucking little kid looking at the, it's a literal toxic burn.

Elon Musk's Hasbro Ambitions

And I looked, it was like, well, maybe she moves in with me.
I mean, of course I watched Captain Planet. It was kind of like Power Rangers without robots. ah Five teenagers with magic powers. Elon Musk going to fuck up your fucking fandom. Elon Musk is trying to buy Hasbro because he wants to own Dungeons and Dragons. Also Hasbro also has Transformers, G.I. Joe Power Rangers. I think he man that might be Mattel.

Imaginary Elon Musk Action Figure

that might be a Mattel it might be I can't remember but also I think he just wants a fucking action figure of himself yeah no you must make an action figure of me no one's going to make one unless I make them make one I have karate chop action and also I throw money I fight pedophile I fight a karate chop pedophile push the button goes pedophile chop i throw money blind and pedophile chop i win number one x is great yeah his other hand has a cell phone that just says x on it you are executed get it because i own x pedophile
So they go to lock themselves in the panic room, but Johnny legs is there waiting for him. I hope your neighbor was walking by with a dog. and We're just yelling petedal i cho pedophile. pedophile money at you and I chopped pedophile.

Santa's Hilarious Hostage Escape

Harold, did you hear what's happening next? door
uh but yeah so he takes the family hostage kill anyone else you find santa overhears this and he's like oh fuck i gotta get out of here yep but his reverse cocaine is not working it's not because because it's like it's i think it's supposed to be that whole like there was like someone in a song with like the red nose and the twinkle in his eye and i think that's the combination but it's not working because he's been drinking maybe i'm thinking i think it's also like because he's sitting there going like like Nobody gingerbread ornaments or whatever and trying to do it. So I think it's like he's got to be in the Christmas spirit. And right now he's worried for his life. So yeah like yeah Christmas cookies, ah milk that's not skim. Mrs. Claus. Oh, now I'm just horny drinking at a dive bar. Just me.
Oh, you know, I'm sitting next to you at the at the dive bar. And right here. And right here. So this guy, Tinsel, finds him and they have a little a little row, a tussle. And basically, I mean, I'm not going to. We're not going to describe all the action scenes. It's a lot of good action. You should watch watch them. Yeah. But basically, tinsel, he ends up he's trying to choke Santa out with Christmas lights. Santa throws him out the fucking window and then the lights pull Santa out the window as well. Fucking lights, man. which But this guy gets impaled on a giant icicle ornament, I would assume. Yeah, I guess it's right next to some reindeer. This one is to lag mites, mice. so It's going of ice. But it wouldn't just like that wouldn't just. I mean, I guess if you're stripping off the roof and with a dangerous thing to be happening is a dangerous household.
This roof is like a castle. It's not like it's just like up and flat. It's there's no yeah I imagine told you guys by the time I almost died on Bongwater, right?