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PATREON SNEAK PEEK- Latchkey Vids: Cop Rock Ep 3: Happy Mudder's Day image

PATREON SNEAK PEEK- Latchkey Vids: Cop Rock Ep 3: Happy Mudder's Day

Bad Movies Worse People
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Our newest Patreon-exclusive monthly show, Latchkey Vids, marches on as we dive into COP ROCK's third episode HAPPY MUDDER'S DAY! Gaines and Rose find themselves in deep on a domestic violence call, La Russo uses his girlfriend as bait to catch a drug dealer, Potts struggles with his morals as the Captain and Oz pressure him to flip on his partner and the Mayor has to deal with the public thinking she's "ugly enough to stop a train!" We get some great musical numbers including a soulful domestic violence song and an 80s pop song about plastic surgery. Bigger is better when it's underneath your sweater, indeed.


Introduction and Patreon Preview

Hello out there in listener land. We have a little preview here for you of our newest latch key vids episode available only on patreon at patreon slash worst people. This is on cop rock episode three, happy mother's day, in which the mayor is told how hideously ugly she is ugly enough to stop a train, I believe is said. So check out this sneak peek. And if you like it, go to patreon slash worst people for more.

What Defines a Cowboy?

See, I could have been a country singer. I could do that. Yeah. Yee-haw, jigadero. Here's your problem. How many trucks have you ever owned? I don't know. I know the 77 international scout is the answer. Not enough international scout international. That's not very cowboy. You need to have made a miracle. If you go off scene to scout before I had a full range. I'm saying you need it made in America. You it's called international, but it's made in America. It doesn't matter. It's like a Chevy. We're talking trucking. We need a Chevy. Most, most fucking semis are internationals. What are you talking about? International is a bad word for us cowboys. International Harvester is the actual full name. I had a full range. That's pretty cowboy.
Ford Ranger will work. It's got two names alike, Ford and Ranger.

Can Girls Be Cowboys?

That's cowboy. She was a beaut until she was murdered. Hold on, did you say she? I can't abide by a girl being a cowboy. What? Girls can't be cowboys. Why not? Because it's in the name, cowboy. But a few, because they're all girls. Not mine. I climb right up inside Stevie. Van Ray. Stevie Ray Van. Which was a woman. No, no it was not. Stevie Ray Van was a dude. I'm thinking of Bonnie Ray.
You know what I have to say to all this? It's a totally different song. Yippee-tai, yippee, whoa.

Cowboy Tropes in 'Cop Rock'

He's doing a fucking Kanye song or something. I don't know what he's doing there.
Whatever he's doing is working for me. I love it. well I love afterwards. He's like, why do we crush our gun fighters? Yeah. This guy misses the old guard like you wouldn't believe. Oh, but that's what I was saying. The first episode, he's got the cowboy guns. Yep. And he's got the thing he shoots. And then he's got the shotgun. And the second episode, he's got the shotgun and he's doing the like, you know, women was like horses and you could ride it. But then a bold this episode, he is just full on John Wayne. Women aren't people. Let's ride a horse. In case you didn't get this character progression, I'm going to hit you over the fucking head with it. It's it's a lot. It's not um shy about it at all. Look, they knew that we might not get renewed. We need to put all of these out right now.

Analyzing a Scene: Cowboy in East L.A.

It's really it's just really funny because he gets down there. He's in like, you know, like you said, like East L.A. or whatever, like a really bad neighborhood at the time. It's just riding this white horse through. I mean, it's a speckled, but, you know, right he's a white man on a white horse and a big hat looking down on these. he's Yeah, he was helping the poor ah black children all around him like a messiah.
Yeah, and they're like showing it's like footage from a fucking you can for 10 cents a day. You can sponsor a child. theys Like it's like kids behind a fence and shut out buildings behind them like that's just Detroit. And then that one kid follows it. No, he's not in Detroit in this one. That's Robo Cup. Oh, but then that one right after rolls him out like as he's running down the road and a tumbleweed blows by and Whitney was like a fucking course, a tumbling tumbleweed. There's ah always tumbleweeds in L.A. on the everywhere I go.

Patreon Promotion and Benefits

Thanks for checking out that sneak peek. Check out patreon slash worst people next for only $3 a month. You'll get our latch key vids episodes. Plus we have bonus mental health episodes. You get a newsletter. You can add free videos. You get some input into the show and we have some more stuff coming for you down the line. Thanks for listening. Patreon slash worst people latch key vids.
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