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Veil Of The Void: Reforged - Buttless In The Void! image

Veil Of The Void: Reforged - Buttless In The Void!

Roll Players
57 Plays9 months ago

Today, Our new friend, Trever (Mr. Void) runs a test of his revamped game of Veil of the Void: Reforged!! Meet a reflective monk, a healing plant lady, a man with space in his face, and another plant person who loves technology! We investigate a mysterious distress signal beyond the void from a space craft that disappeared a half a millennium ago! 

Trever's Linktree for Veil of the Void: Reforged

Funinstallers Linktree


Introduction to Veil of the Void Reforged

Baby, good morning, good afternoon and good evening, ladies, gentlemen, non binary folks of universes known and unknown. This is role players and welcome to a well, I was going to say welcome back, but you haven't seen this before or heard it. Welcome to a new thing that we're trying. We have a new creator, well, new to us, a creator of a new game to us called Veil of the Void that he is a rather veil of the void reforged because it has been reforged in the
deep vacuums of space and and all the other places that you forge avail. So Justin, me, Cass and Adrian are all going to be players in this game. And we are just going to let our new friend Trevor kind of introduce what we're doing, what the game is going to be. And then we'll just kind of roll from there. So Trevor, please take it away. Introduce yourself. Tell everybody what we're doing, what your game is. Give us your elevator pitch, man.
All right. Perfect.

Meet Trevor, the Creator

Well, hello. I am Trevor. I'm the creator of build the board reforged, as you said. Um,
Ville the Void, just as a quick little thing for people that don't know, is a sci-fi fantasy tabletop role-playing game that has been designed with a major focus on narrative and your character's stories, role-play, puts a huge emphasis on that. Really lets you dive deep into creating basically the perfect character that you've always desired to play. And we're gonna be playing a one-shot today,
you know, mainly to something more one day. But yeah, for now, for now, it's all one shot. That should be pretty fun set in the sci-fi fantasy universe of the void. Yeah. So so do you just want to jump into jump into the setting and what we're doing and where we're going to be and who we are? Sure. Yeah. Unless there's anything else you want to go over. This is your moment, man. So whatever you need to say.
Uh, well, uh, I would like to announce cause I know last time we were talking, uh, I didn't have this, but fail the void reforge is set up for international shipping. Now. Uh, I just got it finalized so people can actually purchase it, uh, at no extra cost to, uh, basically everywhere in the world that shipping can go to. So that's awesome. Congratulations. I know that was something you were working pretty hard to get there. Yeah, it took a while, but I got there. I'm finally okay. The biggest thing was getting the.
the print on demand to look exactly as I want. Cause I'm, I'm a big proponent of quality for my community. It's something I strive for is to make stuff as good and close to perfect as I possibly can. Uh, and that's the part that was taking forever, but now you can purchase it from print on demand and it'll be the same quality as if I shipped it myself in theory from a stick. It seems like it

Game's Global Launch

works. Yeah, that's awesome. Congratulations.
Thank you. Yeah, it's very exciting. I really want to share, Ville, the void with everyone that I can, as I do believe it's such a fun, enjoyable game. So it's good to be able to include my international folks down as well. Now, do you have plans put into place for intergalactic delivery? Once it happens, yes.
OK, just want to make sure that that's just on the table because we do have some friends out there, some listeners, people on Zipsorper were really asking for it. Yeah, it's true. Like they don't want to be excluded and they want to be able to get their hands on an actual book. I understand. Yeah, I do the best I can to make sure you're not going to be excluded. Yeah. I mean, those of us in the reflection realm are like, OK, like where's ours? You know. Yeah. Yeah. Well, thankfully, you could probably get easily get a copy when you're there. Oh, yeah, that's true. I guess it's all backwards, though.
Yeah, it's backwards. But yeah, I think if you're in that realm, it's probably easy enough to read. Yeah, that's a good point. All right. Well, do you want to just get into it? Yeah. Yeah. We'll go ahead and dive right in. All right. Hit it. If everybody's ready. So.
So, basically, we are going to be opening up here, our group, our fantastic group of individuals that we've got here. You're all part of what's called the Explorer's Guild in Veil the Void. It's best equivalent to an Avitra's Guild.

Mission Briefing: Explorers Guild

They don't really belong to any one government. They work alongside individuals, but they're definitely one of the biggest groups that hire individuals that are interested in exploring the galaxy. They finance a lot of adventures. They're also big responders to threats and stuff within the galaxy as well, based on how the individuals would like to
perform and act throughout the stars, of course. Now, for this current session here, we'll open up on one of our unique fighters as we're currently flying through the vast stars near the destination point of Zion, which is one of the central points of the galaxy. Our four intrepid adventurers are heading towards
somewhat of the unknown. Recently, near the center of the galaxy, there was a ping, a static SOS, if you will, that was sent out recently. The Explorers Guild, being the first to receive such a notification, has hired several teams to go inspect this strange ping that was at the center. And your group is one of those individuals,
each promised a hefty reward for information upon arrival. And if you could assist in any way possible, they're not entirely sure what's happening, as it was a pretty distressed and yet clouded SOS response that was sent out. Now aboard our highly technical ship, as this is one of the few
fighters in the galaxy that actually has a jump drive and is actually fairly spacious for a fighter. It also has a artificial intelligence aboard named Eli, which has introduced itself to you all in the time that you were getting settled aboard the Starship. We're heading towards the best jump point to head towards this area. They did give you a brief description of what you may be heading into.
They aren't entirely certain, but it does look like an old Starship that went missing about 500 years ago has returned. And that is where the SOS alert is coming from. Outside of that, they said to be basically prepared for anything as they're not entirely sure what may be at that Starship's location. Of course, the fighter that they gave you does have the most advanced
cloaking devices and should be able to get you through most of the danger upon arrival, if there is any, of course. Now,

Character Introductions

if you four would kind of like to introduce your characters for those listening so that we can get a good idea of who we are here and then what we're up to, whoever would like to start first with the introductions. Adrian, why don't you start us off? What's your character?
My character is called Boxwood. And for those people that don't know plant names like I do, Boxwood is a certain kind of bush. And that's because Boxwood is kind of like a sentient bush because of playing the raised topican, which are like sentient plant people.
And so my character is like a bush with like arms legs and like a face. And he plays the class of architect because he wants to know everything about technology. Oh, it's perfect. I forgot that was your class. Oh, shit. I forgot that. Yeah. Oh, it's it's such a good class, too, which for those listening, architects are heavily about inventing things on their own. They're great about creating
Basically anything your imagination could come from as long as it doesn't require, you know, artificial intelligence or something to control it though, you know, you can break the rules and as you'd like. That's awesome. Yeah. Justin hit us with your guy.
Allow me to unmute myself so I can speak. Um, I am Corpus. Um, that is the name given to me by people I've met, uh, because I was born into the world from the celestial realm. I am a galaxy in a glass like body. I have no features, uh, smooth like a Ken doll. Um, but I wear some nice sort of like, um, I would say like a mixture of, um, like maybe like
kind of basing us on a picture I saw in the character sheet or the race sheet that our pal Trevor here gave us. They had like sort of like a little like half shoulder Robey thing on like some sort of like close to almost Indian kind of garb I imagine is what in my head head cannon story at least I wear. So that's sort of like a nice little nice little like sort of wrap he wears over his glass body and he's a what am I a negotiator? I'm a talky guy. I got no mouth but I can talk as if I had one pretty well
pretty good. I can make you hear my words that I want to say. Um, he's got a noble background, uh, and also a political background. I just remembered, I saw my sheet and I'm fine. I'm not to, not to brag, but I'm part of another guild. I'm part of two guilds guys. I'm part of the merchant's guild also. I mean, I'm kind of, kind of a big deal. Yeah. If you are, if you're part of the, the merchant's guild as well, they thankfully work in tandem, almost hand in hand with the
the adventurer's guild granted, you know, when you sell a lot of, uh, uh, collected items from adversaries and monsters throughout the galaxy, you need some way to sell it, uh, whether legally or not. Uh, though, you know, if you ask the merchant's guild, of course, they would never dabble in anything illegal. No, I can back that up a hundred percent. Oh, absolutely. I'm certainly never once sold anything illegal. Oh, interesting. Um,
Tell us about your, your little person. All right. Uh, so my character is mulch and she is a topic in naturalist. She looks like a black delia flower humanoid type person. Um, and she summons tiny magical fairies to help her heal. And she practices flower magic, obviously.
And she hates garden gnomes and is obsessed with taking them down. Whoa. To be fair, I mean, those garden gnomes are a bit tricky. Sometimes you have to deal with those as they arrive. Uh-huh. And their noses are so weird. Whoa, whoa. And it doesn't have anything to do with that they stole and kidnapped and killed her lady that used to tend to her garden that she was in at one point.
So like before she was captured, she was a white witch of the land that she lived in. And so before she was captured, she gave some magic to Mulch. So now that's where she got her magic. And so she's gonna go after those fucking gnomes. That's a lot of lore. That's beautiful. I love that.
Now I have to I have to add even more evil gnomes to this universe. Thank you for giving me something beautiful to work on. I appreciate that. Yeah, that's great. Gnomes have shown up in my games before. It's fine. It's true. So you're a topic in as well. Mm hmm. Nice. And I am a
What are they called? A reaper, a mimic reaper. Well, I guess the reaper is the race. The mimic is the class. Yes. From the the realm of reflection. So a big part of my character is kind of set up is that like they're pretty much rubber, your glue. So whatever you do to me, I'm going to make you do to yourself kind of thing.
So like, you know, and we can learn more about his motivations as we go. But yeah, he's just so he just he's just a dude. Ordinarily, he'd be wearing like some sort of very interesting robes or something from his universe. But he vacationed a lot in the in the central realm and found that he liked that much better there. And so kind of adopted more of like a human kind of dress. So even though his skin's kind of prickly with like these kind of purple
like shards he wears like a ripped up dirty gray hoodie that he just keeps up over his head a lot and he has like these big old oranges purple eyeballs that I think are gorgeous but most people don't like to look at but he's just he's just a peace-loving guy and wants to make people stop being mean all the time
But he's also a jerk himself. So he doesn't want people to fight. You can fight with your words, just not with your fists is what he likes. Ah, yeah. Sometimes it takes a jerk to beat a jerk. Right. Like sometimes you have to bully the bullies and like make them realize what they're doing to other people. So they stop. So it's it's a means to an end, not a means to be mean, if that makes sense. There you go. That's a quote right there.
Yeah, so he's essentially living embodiment of I'm rubber, you're glue, but also fuck you. It's first. Yeah. All right. So we're on we're on Eli or on the ship and Eli's our computer man. Yes. So we are on one of the few rare prototype starships, actually, that was designed by the collective of species here.
They're very, it's a very advanced starship with, you know, no expenses spared on it, of course, for safety measures. But yes, we're currently flying through open space as we departed from the main guild headquarters on Zion. And we're basically just heading over towards the quick jump port.
Now, as a question, does is anyone in our group a pilot or will our A.I. friend be piloting us there? Oh, shit. No, it's not me. Not a pilot. I mean, not much. No. Could theoretically, but purpose, are you a pilot? I don't have like any pilot skill, but I have like a six minute mentality, so I have that for myself.
So if we get into a bit of a sticky situation, I'm sure your character could figure something out, but thankfully the AI is fairly advanced. Being an AI and not a VI, it actually contains basically the farthest intelligence that they've been able to develop. So thankfully, nobody should have to fly the Starship if they're incapable of doing so.
But yeah, so we'll be heading over there. Now, your characters most likely have not known each other for too long as the Adventurer's Guild pulls together parties fairly quickly. Do you have any conversations with one another before we head to the jump point? Oh, by the way, I forgot to say my character's name is Sling. I don't think. Ah, yes, I don't I don't remember you saying that. Yeah, sorry about that. Well, are we going to say Adrian? Sorry, I just want to make sure I realize I didn't tell my name.
Yeah, I was just like, I think so. Like this meeting is just like outside of the ship or are you already in the ship? We're already currently in the fighter sized vessel heading towards our jump point. Yeah, we're on board heading to the jump point already, brother.
Yeah, basically they just gave you the brief introduction of what the mission is, reconnaissance and rescue if at all possible of the SOS signal that's going on. They have not given you too much information as they themselves are not entirely sure what may be out there. But basically you all are first contacts as rescuers as the need arises.
They're not

Docking with the Starship

entirely sure what will be there, as it was a vessel that disappeared 500 years ago and has randomly returned to our galaxy. But there may yet be species on board that have survived. There are those who live for more than 500 years. But it's best to be prepared for anything that may arise from traveling. I want to go up to the AI and ask it, how do you work?
A vast question. Greetings. My name is Eli. I am your electronics learning intelligence. As far as how I work, it is quite the definition, but if you would like, I am more than happy to download some general specs for you. Yes. I totally know what those are, but yes, give me those. I'll have three general specs, please.
They sound delicious. Yeah, they sound yummy. Wonderful. I am more than capable of also putting it in layman's terms of some basic needs of how I operate. However, I am, or at least I was at one point, a prototype, if that assists you in any ways. I have been techno-transferred into this artificial intelligence and I am now at your service.
That's fascinating. And then try and go below the console and open the console and start to look around all the cables and everything that connects it.
Sure, yeah, yeah. If you would like to inspect a little bit more and see what you can learn. Are you going to be trying to interact with these chords a bit more to the point where we might need, say, a mechanics check or a programming check? Or are you just looking over the basics of how it operates? I just want to look at that and figure out how all the things connect together.
Wonderful. Go ahead and make a general mechanics or an analysis check for me. And then we'll explain how this kind of works for those who are listening. In Veil of the Void, you have what are called virtues. They work a lot like attributes from games such as Dungeons and Dragons, which a lot of people are very familiar with.
the number that is in your virtue determines your base dice pool. So if you have, say, six in your mentality and you're going to be performing a mechanics check, you would start with a base of six dice. I also see on your character sheet that you have a plus two in your skill points for mechanics, correct? Wonderful. So that also means that as it is a skill check we're doing,
You can add a pip to any number, meaning that you can turn, for instance, a four to a five, which in Veil of the Void is a success. You're looking to meet a number of hits in order to succeed at check. So fives or sixes, count as hits.
And then you also, as you have additional bonuses in your mechanics for bonus dice, you get to add plus two bonus dice to your roll. So adding that to your base of six, we should be at a grand total of eight dice. If my math is correct, I could be wrong. Yeah. That sounds like math. Okay, good. It's a little questionable with simple math sometimes if I'm going to get it right.
That's four successes. Beautiful. Yes, that is indeed. That is a beautiful role. You almost actually critically succeeded for the first role, which is super funny. And at this case, shocker, considering he always does this. Adrian hacks, Adrian hacks, roll 20. He hacks. Yes. It's a German hacking engineering. Yeah. It all makes it on good cars. And now they just work on destroying the Internet.
You know, that's fine. Yeah, it's fine. The Internet's fucked up anyway. Yeah, yeah. Good job, Adrian. That's what Adrian. Yeah, we're being supportive and positive in this situation. We're on the same team. Good job. Good job. I'm just saying. I mean, I'm not. So yes, with that role for successes, you got a six to fives and another six. So that is how you got your four.
Yeah, you open up the side panel to which you definitely notice that Eli notices, however, he's not too concerned as he does have fail safes. You do notice that there's oddly a few wires within the system. It's mainly heavily within a programming system, but over a bit of tinkering and looking around without attempting to
hinder or harm the machine itself. Yeah, you gained a little bit of knowledge on the inner operating systems of this Starship in a whole, as well as how the AI is connected to it. You also kind of store that information for later, just in case you might need it. You never know what can happen. It's always good to know your vessel before you venture off with something. Okay. Yeah.
You can hold that information on the side for a little bit, but in case anything comes up and you do need to interact with the ship, we'll just say that you get an auto hit die due to that role. And if that comes up, we'll explain that as it arrives. Bushman, you're going to get your batteries all up in the console. Shut it. Well, I'm just looking at the at the AI.
You're gonna get your berries. I don't have berries. I don't have berries. Oh, all right, carry on then.
Sorry. And I come walking in. Speaking of berries in the console, the refuse receptacle is full of twigs again. Yes, one of the bigger problems with having bush individuals in your starship. Yes. We got two. It's either hair in the drain all the time or leaves in the receptacle. Yes, an unfortunate downside.
being connected to nature. Right. So what are you doing? I like hide my arms and legs. I'm like, I wasn't me. Look, I'm not going to. I'm not going to hurt you. I was just telling you not to get your bear. Now I'm feeling terrible because I assumed you had berries. Now I look like a dick. So I'm now I'm embarrassed that I wish I could pull my arms and legs into my pants or something so I can hide.
I'm sorry. Yeah, it's fine. Please. I'm not trying. Where's the other? Where's the other twig person? Don't we have to be on the ship? I think so. Yeah. There's one that was like, Oh, Jesus. Where were they? Oh, space Jesus. How big is mulch?
Um, she's about five, five. She's like a human size. Okay. So she's not just like a little, a little berry bush or something. No, she's, um, like sitting on the floor, crisscross applesauce and like just conjuring different like flowers and stuff in the, like in the middle of the ether, just kind of making them appear.
What do you want? She's a teenager. I'm trying to blend Jason Statham with my bad Scottish accent and I'm really struggling with it. I love it. I couldn't decide what the voice I wanted to do.
That's like a good time. It's really hard. It's so hard. Okay. Hi. Nope. That's Jason Statham. Hang on a second. I got to put some

Decoding Starship Messages

Scottish in there. There we go. Um, no, I was just, uh, I was just curious the way it was. That's all. No, no, no problem. I just want to know, like, did we talk to the robot? Like we're trying to find the space Titanic or something. You know, it popped back up on the radar somewhere. Like, do we know what we're supposed to expect here or what?
I was told not a whole lot, so I guess we're going to find out when we get there. Eli will chime in as your conversations have arrived. You see his little appearance as he can teleport throughout the ship. He shows up between the two of you, which now that you actually see his full-on form, he does also take on the appearance of a well-dressed Celestia wearing a very clean outfit.
I can give you a bit more clarification as some of our early scans have arrived, if you would like. Sure. Yeah. Okay. Do it. Let's see how this Eli works. Of course. Uh, as for clarification, the area we are traveling to is closer to the star, to the star origins of the galaxy itself. Um, the near heart of the galaxy, which is
a curious place for a starship to be, but nevertheless, we do have preparations inside this fighter so that we ourselves will not be brought in by the gravitational pull. Our basic scans that have returned to us as of now from the most recent update from the guild that I have received states that it is indeed a confirmed return of the Leviathan class starship.
as a basic understanding of what the Starship was. It was the first of its kind, a prototype, if you will, of a vessel, the Viathan class, in fact, one of the biggest class of Starship, that was formed and created in a collective workspace of all of the major spacefaring species that we know of. That sounds cool. It is. It was quite a marvel at its time. However,
Shortly after final activation, the starship did vanish, and so we're not entirely certain where it has been or how it has returned now. It will be safe to prepare for anything, as the organics often say. We're not gonna be bombarded, like, if we show up and they're like, oh no, it's another ship, and they start shooting at us or anything, right?
I do not calculate that to be of any concern, as it is an SOS signal that they themselves have put out requesting assistance. However, this ship is well prepared with the highest advancements in covert operations. Our stealth drive is operating at 100% capacity. Upon arrival, they should not detect incoming, unless of course you request the
uh, Starship to make itself known for docking or other purposes. I'm just saying, I spent a lot of time on the intergalactic web and I gotta tell you, it could be clickbait. It's all I'm saying. Could be clickbait.
I suppose that is a possibility. I will factor that into my general scanning and calculations upon arrival.
While Celestia's don't have a face, you could almost see it as if he's giving you this side-eye eyebrow raise out of curiosity. Don't you raise your galaxies at me, sir. Where's the other space face, by the way? He was just here a second ago.
I'm still here. Oh, Jesus. Slick right up on me. Sorry, was I standing against the window again? Yeah, sometimes. It's just it's it's just hard for me to tell if like it's you or if I'm looking into actual space. Understandable. Yeah, sorry. I also don't have good peripheral vision in my hood. Yes, you could take it down while inside the ship, but it is your prerogative. No, I just got a haircut I'm not I'm not too happy with, so I'm just going to keep it up. I've heard. That's a mood.
That was actually the name of the haircut that I picked and now I hate it. That might be the point, though. Yeah, I think I think it's supposed to give you emotions that you've never. Yes, I've only experienced rage for quite some time or everlasting peace when I'm doing yoga. So I'm trying to regulate that. So maybe this mood will come back to help me later. Anyway, Eli, do we got a we got a like
do anything? Like, are we close or what? Thankfully, we have just reached the jump point. If all of you are ready, I can activate the jump drive at will. Allow me to sit down and buckle up.
I would suggest, yes, to sit down and prepare yourselves. If you have never jumped before, it may be a bit taxing for just a moment. You may feel a slight bit of nausea, but don't worry, it will pass with time. All right. OK. All right. So you are on my chair and put on my seatbelt.
Yeah, kind of get that seatbelt. Thankfully, it's advanced enough to hopefully have seatbelts on the side. Yeah, I want to go flying off. I want to go like full spaceballs and, you know, not strap in when they when they go insanity mode or whatever that was. Yeah. Yeah. Insane speed, ludicrous speed, ludicrous speed. It's gone bad. Now, that's a good movie.
It's the best. I test, that's what I need to watch again. Okay, so perfect. After you all sit down and get settled.
You do hear a slight whirring noise as the jump drive actually begins to charge up, which for Boxwood, as you've done some general understanding of technology and the like, you do know that it's quite rare for a fighter of any class size to have a jump drive aboard. So, you know, it is quite impressive that the group was able to to find such a thing.
And I clean over to Corpus. Hey, did you know that most fighters actually don't have a chump drive to set actually really cool. Yes, I was aware of this. Thank you for sharing the information though. You're welcome. Well, perfect. So right as the worrying kind of comes to a halt for just a split few seconds.
It's as if all time has stopped. You feel like if you yourself cannot, if you do breathe, as if you cannot even take a breath, as if for just a moment the heart stops, as everything around you kind of just comes to this perfect stillness. And then in just a flash, you see this bright blinding light upon transportation, and now you have arrived to your destination.
That is my favorite part. The blending light that is. Yes, it is a bit intense if you have not experienced a jump before. However, due to general experimentation, there should be no negative effects. And as I said, if you do currently have a bit of nausea, we also have some Starship transportation pills that help affect with that. You know, I do have a question for you, Eli.
I've never have a walnut before. What do you think will come out of a walnut? That is a good question. I do not have an answer for you. I would not recommend doing so aboard the Starship, but potentially upon landing, it may make a most interesting experience. Foxwood, do you not see a buttonist?
Do you not have a primary care botanist that you see? No, not really. You shouldn't. He would perhaps be able to answer such questions. That's true. I thought Eli might know as well. If you would like, I am connected to the galactic internet and I can perform a quick research for you. Please do it. In doing so, it takes like a few seconds as it's an advanced artificial intelligence.
Based on what I have researched here, it does look as if depending on what type of topokin you are, of course, it would be a mixture of sap and twigs of some sort. It's just as I hypothesized. It's just as I hypothesized. I know it. Do Reapers have mouths?
Uh, they can consume food. Uh, so yes, they, they do have, uh, mouths. Okay. Yeah. Cause I just imagine my guy has like, like a sub zero or a scorpion, like face guard, like that covers like the lower half of his face.
That is fairly typical for Reapers to conceal the majority of their being. A good way to think of Reapers is elementals. Elementals that basically contain themselves within a humanoid structure. But they do have mouths and they are capable of partaking in the wonders of delicious foods and drinks throughout the galaxy. Excellent. Then you'll hear kind of like,
from like the back the back half of the ship like as as sling gets up you just you're just like yo yo Eli I'm gonna need about 17 of those pills so he will a little a little floating droid will come into the room carrying like a little tray that has one of the pills aboard
Is this 17 doses, what? Is this 17 doses, what? Is this 17? This should be the adequate about based on your current body weight and the species type that you are. I would recommend consuming. All right, that's not what I ordered, but I guess that'll do for now. 17 doses based upon your current size, weight and species would most likely put you into a coma or an overdose state. I would recommend this for your best health and safety.
Luckily for you, I'm not sensitive about my weight anymore. I do yoga. I apologize if I offended you. I am by no turns meant to offend based on your weight size. As recommendations, you are currently within the proper, uh, uh, being prized state that, uh, repress should currently be within. I knew it. Although in the reflection realm, we call it the IMB. I suppose that

Preparing for Starship Dangers

would make sense. Yeah.
Oh, all right. Things starting to kick in a bit. There we go. How's everybody else doing? Y'all good? Don't be ashamed to take a pill. All the sap is still inside me. Oh, is that like your. That's that's I don't know how to feel about that sentence, but I'm guessing it's a good day, right? Or it's a bit strange of a sentence, isn't it? Yeah, all the saps inside me. Yeah. Where it's supposed to be. Yes.
I didn't think you were a sappy guy. I'm very sappy. Oh, are you really going to bring the mood down? Are you going to be like Eeyore and Winnie the Pooh? Nah, I'm actually quite an optimist. Right. All right. How are you doing back there, Mulch?
I'm fine. If I could get some birdseed for Harold. Unfortunately, I do not have any birdseed on board, but I can put it in order if you would like. Okay, I'll just give him some flowers. She like twinkles her fingers and all of a sudden some flowers grow out of the top of her hand and she just like reaches over and hands Harold. She has a sparrow named Harold.
that follows her around and he just reaches over and starts pecking the seeds out of the sunflowers that she has in her hand. That's adorable. Has he been here the whole time? Of course he has been. How is that? How is that little thing not made in a pill? What are you made of? He's a sparrow. I don't know what a sparrow is.
It's a bird. I mean, why don't you just call it a bird? It's a sparrow versus a bird. Is a bird a different species to a sparrow? Oh, my God. I am not going to be able to live through this one. I don't know. I don't I didn't research birds when I was on 12chan. OK. Oh, my gosh.
I guess that's being added to the universe now. Thanks. I guess I'm going to have to go through and make a make a troll species now, particularly an Internet one. Like quite literally, there's just Internet trolls. All right. Corpse boy, let's do the thing.
Where are we going? I'm already ready and waiting by the door. So as you guys are having this conversation, the starship itself actually begins rocking back and forth for just a moment. As you all see that the area here has actually become very dark, which is strange for space. You know, there's usually some sort of light.
But you see, as if the starship itself has passed through almost a barrier of some sort. The starship itself is also picking up a rather large movement from outside. Wait, is it just me feeling a large movement? It might be my belly after the pill, but is anybody else feeling that? No, I think I felt something too. And I don't like that.
I'd like to investigate the situation. OK. Let's say it's a bit dark out here. Let's let's say let's perform a general observation check, which does require judgment, I believe. Judgment. Judgment, yeah. So I have. And whoever would like to perform an observation check, please, please do so if you would like. That's two successes. Fuck yeah, I'm going to do one, too. I'm going to observe.
once I remember how to. Sling is still just getting a stomach in order, so I don't think he'd observe anything. He's not very observant at this moment. He's trying. You're doing that thing where like if you feel sick, you're like really trying not to focus on it. Say I say I didn't know how to roll an observation roll. So you start with the number that is in your judgment. OK, so for Corpus, I believe that's five. I have a five, yes. Perfect.
And then it looks like you have one point in your observation as well. That does not give you any bonus dice, as only two and five skill points give you that. So what you would be rolling with is a basic of five dice. Okay. And I have to do that, if I click my judgment button, will that roll five? I'm doing it. Did that do what I was supposed to do? Yes, it did roll the five for you.
Excellent. Unfortunately, you did not roll any general successes there, but. Oh, man.
uh yes that that unfortunately it's fairly dark outside but you know as you are a uh Celestia you're fairly used to space itself so uh you can actually as you are Celestia while you didn't succeed that check you yourself do know that it looks almost as if you're flying less through space and more through the void itself hmm
which is peculiar. Usually the void is well beyond our central realm. It's the area in between the multiverse, basically. Ah. Peculiar. Hmm. Maybe the Fire Fang came from another universe.
Wait, that's just the veil of the void. We worked the title in there. Reforged. It's been reforged. They reforged the veil.
Oh, it's that way. The ship came back because it's re-forged. Oh, it all makes so much sense now. I knew it. What a clever advertisement. Meanwhile, we're standing next to like a big Hollywood sign. It just says Vail of the Void. You just keep blinking Vail of the Void and then re-forged afterwards. It's like, yeah.
It's a little bit like blinky. It's got that like weird sometimes, you know, the E goes out. Yeah. So what is the veil of the boy? What's a boy? What's a boy, guys? Great questions all around. But it really makes me want to roll some dice right now. You guys want to roll some dice instead of rescue the ship. So that's not my voice. Hang on a second.
So I don't exactly know what we do from here. It's not my first time responding to an SOS to a ship, like we pass some sort of barrier. Eli, do we see where the ship is yet? I have detected, although some of my sensors are currently being thrown off, that the starship is in the center of this strange barrier. I am directing the starship there, though it does appear that there are other non-starship
individuals inside this area alongside us. No need to be concerned. I'm certain my protocol has dictated how to proceed forward or even with such a strange occurrence. Okay. I'm sorry. I apologize. Wait, you said that you detected some lifeforms? Yes, there are currently five individual lifeforms located outside of the Starship.
And at that moment, Boxwood, you particularly see off in the distance, almost what looks like a four-finned flying space whale. Look outside the window. I see a space whale. It's like the one that swallowed Pinocchio or whatever. Space Pinocchio, yes. Amazing. I thought they were all 102 extinction. Apparently not.
You're telling me space wells are real. That's a real creature out there. Yes. I can't see it, Boxer. Where is it? You know, just, just look at my fingers pointing. It's around in that area. I, I like, I, Lamis over here with his arm. I see it. Excellent. Beautiful. Yeah. So you do notice, uh, for this one in particular.
it gives off the shape of such a whale, and you do see that its eye as you give more definition to it, and Boxwood points it out, the eye almost looks as if it's like a shining star centered at it, and the skin of the creature itself gives off
almost as if it's like camouflaging itself with the inky blackness of this void with the occasional white dotted star far off in the distance. So you can barely make out an outline as it moves throughout the outer space area of this fighter. I think we should try not crash against these. They will probably not end well.
Right, I'm still a little bit confused, but does anybody know how to navigate around this kind of thing, or how to avoid such a thing so we can get where we need to go? I'm sure Eli is totally capable of avoiding those.
Yes, we are currently getting ready to dock with the Starship, if all of you are ready. I have detected that something appears to be heading towards us, but I don't believe it hasn't noticed us. I will be activating evasive maneuvers for a moment. However, due to our gravitational field inside the Starship, you shouldn't feel or notice any differences.
And then that you kind of see that it's rotating itself and the ship begins violently shaking as a massive creature that you're not really able to tell flies directly by the starship. It does. It does look like it. It ignores the vehicle itself. But Corpus, you remember tales long ago of
terrifying creatures known as void worms. And while you cannot see the entirety shape of this creature, the sheer mass and presence of this creature kind of gives you the sense it might be something along those lines. So it's a good thing the ship avoided it. Indeed. Again, strange to find any of these creatures as they're natives to the void.
in this general area in particular. I hide inside my bush. So that sounds scary. That's a fair reaction. Yes. I also tried to hide inside his bush. You must have consent. You got room in there. No, that's only enough room for one man in here.
It's just enough room for the twigs. In the berries. In the berries. Where's my berries? So was that thing, was that space whale a different creature from the space worm? It was, yes. So you all kind of gather that there are a multitude of species that are found within this area, which again,
Quite peculiar. However, Eli just lets you all know that he has sent docking requests with the starship, and as you all look outside the windows as this massive creature has passed by, you do see an enormous vessel. You

Uncovering Starship Secrets

can tell that it seems to be rather advanced, even for being 500 years old.
It does look like as if some of the metal plating on the outside has been somewhat eroded and damaged, which is to be expected over 500 years of no maintenance. However, rather than that, it looks like it's still in operational condition. There are lights on the outside of the Starship. It does seem as if their shield is currently activated as well, which is peculiar for a ship that's been gone for so long.
Yeah, so you all kind of see this massive Starship vessel in the center of this strange barrier void thing that has been created. Do we have phones like smartphones or something like a smartphone? Yeah, you have phones and connective devices.
Cool. Yeah, I want to go over by the window and get a shot of me with with the big space well in space. We're taking a selfie shot. I love the space. Well, yeah, you know, I'm going to be if I'm going to, you know, I'm going to get back and I'm going to go on all my Internet friends. I'm like, yo, you're not going to believe the shit that I saw today. Posting it on social media for clout. Yeah. Hashtag space whales. Hashtag save the whales. Save the space whales. I found one. We have to propagate them.
Someone needs to call Star Star Trek. I know they were looking for a whale before. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Somebody somewhere out there, Space Captain Space Ahab is looking for Moby Dick, Space Moby Dick, Space Dick. Oh, gosh. Yeah, yeah, exactly. That's great. One day I'll find my white whale.
um so uh while he's doing that mulch is gonna like look at him very curiously because uh she's all about nature and everything else so like technology is still like a weird thing for her and she's gonna look at him and like kind of like grab onto his wrist and just kind of like maneuver his hand around be like what is this in your hand right
like you are lucky I'm taking a panorama and I'm a shot right now because otherwise I'd be losing this what are you doing it's a phone it's it's a hyper intelligent phone a hip what you mean what's a foot it's hyper intelligent phones hips for short you use it to like
talk to people or to do mostly videos or play games. Like there's just one way. If you, if you bite, if you take off your mask and you bite at the screen, you can like eat the food that's on the screen. That's kind of fun. She looks at him and just blinks, just like confused because she's like, what? And then just walks away. Hang on. Hey, pose. Just do something that looks cool and I'll take a picture of you.
He looks really closely at his phone. He got like a super up close picture of her face. Half of it's in there, half of it isn't. It's just like the first picture someone takes not knowing. Yeah, exactly. You might want to consider a career maybe on only plants.
Oh, gosh. You're adding so many things to my universe, I didn't know I wanted to. Have we started docking into the ship yet? I just had a thought that we should maybe, I guess I'll say it as Corpus. Perhaps we should hail the ship and make sure everything is all right before engaging with it. Eli sent docking requests, so that probably takes care of that.
That is a good point though. If you would like to reach out when you can.
I find it's always good to communicate as well. If it's been gone for 500 years, I feel like we need to communicate first. Very smart. That's a smart thing to do. I like your thought process. I'm pressing buttons. Would someone like to hail the bridge here? I think our talker should do it. Probably our talker, I would assume.
Yes, I do that I press the intercom button or wherever I gotta press Eli Eli Connect connect me to their communication array, please One moment. I will send a communications request because like the little Yeah, it's very old you know 500 years ago I really like that ancient rock
A communication line does open up and Eli lets you know that it has been connected. You may proceed as with your request. Um, did we get a, did we get a name for this thing or we just know it's a big Leviathan ship? Uh, so it, it was known, uh, as the, um, as the star Jonah originally when it was eventually built. And do we have a name for our little fighter ship?
Uh, yes, we are a fighter class, uh, two one five. Uh, and that's what most people refer for the calling code for this one. Okay. I'm going to try. I remember all that just now, um, hailing star journey, or this is fighter class one, two five. Did I get that right? Yep. Uh, you see that the communication line while open, uh, no one
physically responds. However, you do get a typed input on the screen below, although it does appear that, you know, full mic connection lines have been established. And you do see kind of garbled wording in responses as if you're looking at it in
It's a bit complex to read. You're not sure if someone's properly communicating or if it's a language you're not sure of, but it does seem to fall within common, as there are a few words you can make out. I do. Let me scroll down through my list here. That was a fun trip. Let's head back, guys.
I have something that involves knowing how to, understanding languages that I don't know. Where is it? It's true. Where's that little sucker at? Universal understanding. When I successfully perform this check, I can speak, you know, I can speak on, nevermind. I can't read it. That's all right. You can still, let's go ahead and have you perform a speech craft check. How about that? Yes. So speech craft does use your charm.
Nice. So your charm, I believe, is five. Frick, yeah, it is. Yeah. And then you have two points in your speech craft, so you would actually get to add plus one to that as well. Oh, plus one. So if you want to, I don't know if you enabled the macros. I did make a difference.
I'm sorry, what was that? Are you rolling them from the bottom? There we go. Zero successes. Plus one. So actually, go ahead and roll the 66 instead of the 5D6. Oh, that's how that works. Zero successes. You're very good at rolling. This is probably the worst number of rolls I've seen in a very long time.
Damn, Adrian fucking hacked it again. Yeah, seriously. Stuck in all the good roles. This is clearly a very advanced code. Yeah, you know, your general awareness from where you've been, both with your merchant history and and the connections that you've performed. Why you did not succeed at this, which I promise you, the dice do have all the same number chance of rolling.
You're not entirely sure if it is another language that also includes some common or if it's kind of garbled up. After a bit of inspection, it does look, you are able to determine that there is a word of help in there, it looks like they're requesting. Hey, I know that one.
Yeah, it also looks as if there's another one that says caution or concern. You're not entirely sure. It kind of looks to be either. It's a trap. It's a trap. We should prepare for anything when we arrive. And with that, the starship does properly dock. Oh.
Sorry. What are you moaning about? It was a ship, it was a ship, it was a ship. That's funny. Moving on from that situation there. Immediately upon docking with the Starship, it seems as if it's activated its automatic docking procedures.
Eli does inform you all that he is connecting to the starship to allow for better access to the ports, as there haven't been much of a response. So this should give him more of a direct link access to this general area here. Yes, so you guys are officially docked now. And it looks like that the airlock is capable of opening
He does do a quick scan of the general area inside just to make sure that the life support system is active. If not, then your environmental suits will engage. But all clear, it looks like. Eli doesn't form you all. It does appear that their life support system is currently in activation, though I cannot get any more information.
I apologize. It does look like it's safe to proceed forward if you would like me to activate and unlock the airlocks for you. Why are you getting weird, dude? I apologize. There was some curious coding I'm not entirely used to upon docking with this star ship.
I taking a bit of processing to examine this code. Uh, I look at, I look at box when I say, uh, box would you are somewhat knowledgeable in terms of technology and things of that nature? Correct. Yeah, correct. Yes. Um, would you know, perhaps perhaps we should limit our ship's connection to this ship in case, in case anything bad is coming through the wires.
You know, that is not the worst idea. So yeah, let's do that. Yes. Don't, however that happens, you make it happen. Yes. All righty. Let's go ahead. You guys are much more prepared for these sorts of things than my other parties. I like your caution. Uh, I've used to people just going, yeah, let's connect. This is fine. Like no other strange, uh, awareness of these codes.
Well, you know, just through us cycling out, you know, game masters and stuff over the years, we've learned to just just cast doubt upon everything that we do. That's a good way to even if it's just like, hey, it's Timmy's birthday. Here's cake. What the fuck's wrong with the cake? And I live through LimeWire. I know a thing or two about that. Oh, yeah. You know, you're you're experienced.
Yep. That's fantastic. Yeah. So go ahead, Boxwood, and make a mechanics check for me. So it's the same as it was earlier. You start with the base of six, and then you add your plus two dice so that you're rolling eight. That's free successes.
You can roll, apparently the, uh, all the luck in the system or the hacks. Yeah. The hacks, whichever way. Uh, you know, the hacks are just like determined luck, right? Yes. Uh, you do get an auto hit and try to like disconnect like Eli from the other ship.
Okay, yeah, so you do also with that roll, you get an auto hit die, because as I said earlier, due to your success that you had any operations with the starship, you would get an auto hit die, which for quick explanation of what an auto hit die is, it means it's an extra dice that you get that you don't have to roll, you just immediately set it aside as a six, so that you know you automatically get one success on your check regardless.
But yes, so you kind of open into it you pull up a panel Going through a bit of operations here you do manage to Put up a I guess an access gateway point for any incoming data it does look like Eli has downloaded not so much willingly, but a good amount of code has been implemented into his
software as it is, but it does look like you've stopped the remaining of information from being spread. Can I take a look at the code it was sent? Yes, actually, I was going to ask you to do a thing for me here. Go ahead and make a just a basic mentality check for me as you look over this code.
Yes. That's free success. Wow. You're, you really have hacked the system. I'm beginning to believe this now. Uh, the conspiracies are true after all. Uh, as you read this code.
It's unlike what you've seen before in your exploration. You're fairly familiar with programming and the codes that are typically used.
the majority of it throughout the system, there's usually like one language and that's considered to be Dataleth, which is the highest form of communications with programming. This seems to be corrupted, highly corrupted in fact. In fact, as you read this language, you've you almost develop a headache, kind of this piercing pain. And for just a moment,
You feel as if the code itself was developing a personality and looking back at you, if that even makes sense as you were reading, uh, before you were able to shake off the feeling. Oh, my tricks are hurting. What is this shit? Ignore it. Um, can I like delete the code?
Uh, yeah, go ahead and make a programming check for me. I know that's a bit different than the mechanics. But I believe programming also uses mentality. So it's the same. It would be just be six dice. Are your twigs also hard? I say we just blow it up darling. That's free success again.
Oh my goodness. And then he has one tip so you can turn that to a four. You really did hack this. I'm believing this now. It's just the Adrian show now. It's wild. You just completely hacked it. So surprisingly enough, that's actually not enough to delete the code. I have a pip to make it for successes.
Even with the four, it doesn't look like that's enough to delete the code. However, it does. You are able to isolate it to potentially prevent it from affecting Eli anymore. Okay.
Well, okay, well that went different than I thought it would. Well done. I have a pip. Well done, Boxwood. So I hope this doesn't hurt Eli, but I have stopped the evil code. Excellent. Thank you for, unfortunately at the moment, it was able to pierce even my firewalls. I appreciate your quick response. You're welcome. I would recommend caution as entering this Stasha.
I will have a blast already. Wonderful. All right. So, hey, why don't Corpus, why don't you go first? I have no problem. I'll follow behind you, you know, just to make sure you're like, yeah, I'll jump out if something happens. I like how you're sitting in the person with the lowest armor in the party.
I got a lot of HP though. That's true. Hey, you know, you have quite a bit. I could take an out here too. Let's just, let's just, let's just try to talk our way through it. You know, maybe. Do you have any way to see if there's anybody that can communicate clearly? There's life forms aboard. So it says Eli over here. So why don't we, um, you know, anybody know any random languages or words that could just shout out that might get someone's attention. I have a way to do that.
You wrote like 50 times. I'm talking to someone else, Boxwood. Okay. I would like to hear Boxwood's idea. I like fighting Bushman. Go ahead. I have learned to like feel vibrations. Feel vibrations? We've all learned how to feel vibrations, Boxwood. But it's more like that. Like vibrations in like a bigger like area.
All right. Interesting. Do you wish to elaborate or? Yeah. Yeah. But what is this vibration feeling that you are? Is it as if someone is walking through an area you kind of pick up on the tonal like drops? Oh, I got this in the character creation. It's called Super Sensory. Ah, OK. That makes more sense now. I was trying to picture if I wrote something that gives plants the ability to know moments more.
I may not know my rules, but I know that I didn't write that. And I asked you if I can do that for like sensing metal and stuff. OK, well, with your with your general, you kind of like feel around it. You don't detect any general vibrations outside of what the starship is making in and of itself as normal. OK, as far as I can tell, there's like no bad vibrations.
The vibes aren't bad. All we got is some good vibrations then. Let's go, boys. Sorry, Ventures Guild. The vibes were off. We had to come back. The vibes were off. We were not prepared. We had to leave. Send good vibrations, bro. Eli, open the airlock door. All right. I have connected and the airlock should be opening now. And as it does so,
a bright white light kind of illuminates the room that you're in, taking some basic steps outside, cautiously looking to the left and right. It does look as if you're on a small docking hallway. You can see that there are other airlocks along the sides of the starship. It doesn't look as if there is
anything that you're able to immediately notice down the hallways. In fact, it looks as if it's been, for the most part, fairly pristinely taken care

Exploring Starship Mysteries

of. There's not really much dust to be seen. You know, there's several benches that have been well intact and
You can tell that while it hasn't been trafficked anytime soon, it doesn't look like there's a lot of thruway traffic. You do see, you know, what looks like some footprints that were left behind, but it looks like they've been there for a while. It actually is kind of strange compared to how clean the area is to see something that's almost upon further inspection. It looks as if each
like step had kind of not really a city key, but it's kind of worked its way and like burned into the floor. Is there a Wi-Fi signal? The starship is giving off a connection signal, if you would like to connect to it. It's OK. That's good to know. It is still active. You do notice that the ship itself
All of it seems to be working, even as you leave this area, you know, the little holographic panel pops up so that you can interact with the doorways and. But it seems abandoned. It seems abandoned, at least in this section. It is a Leviathan class vessel, which takes sometimes it takes upwards of a day to class from across from one end to the other because they're so large if you're just walking.
But this area of the Starship, this docking bay in particular seems to have long since been abandoned and yet still well maintained, which is quite peculiar. Does insight work specifically for like speech or is that also for like, or would that be a judgment thing? Like if I'm trying to kind of get a better beat about the environment around me. So there's a few different ways when we can tackle that. So.
Inside is typically when you're interacting with others. It's not just speech. It's like body movements. It's the way they're interacting with you in general. If you're trying to get a sense of your general surroundings and understanding, most likely it would be observation. However, there does appear to be what you can kind of see as you guys enter into the room. There does appear to be
a artificial intelligence, virtual intelligence system that's in operation. It's currently flickering back and forth between two different poses, giving off a various different, well, come, well, come. Well, come, why do you come? So real quick about the character sheet, remind me of what an auto hit is.
Yes. So an auto hit is a extra dice that you don't roll. It doesn't take away from your dice pool. It's just an extra dice that you get on the side. And we just automatically consider that to be one hit. Cool. Could I do a quick observation roll? I don't I do have an auto hit in it and one plus one Pippi. So that would be my judgment. Right. Yes. So it'd be six dice base. Yeah.
Fucking. Come on, Adrian. Why are you hacking all my roles, bro? You really are. How did you? Yeah, how I missed every single thing I have rolled a high instead of three. Jesus Christ. This is the worst I've ever seen. You can let Adrian roll too many times. You took all the good ones. I'm actually going to let you reroll because it's not a it's not it's not that hard of a check. So.
I mean, I did get, I do get one auto one, right? It is true. Uh, we'll, we'll, we'll give you a reroll though for a general inspection of the room. Watch this less successes. Here we go. All right. I'll take a pity roll. I don't care.
Less a pity roll and more of a it just kind of makes sense to give you a roll reroll in this case. But yes, so with that, you can also use your pip to turn a four to a five and you can also use your that would be four successes if I do that, right? That would be four successes. And I'm going to take four successes. That's more than the past ones you rolled, Adrian. Take that. You roll. Yeah, man. You're really defeated. Yeah, I got him. That's funny. I've never seen.
this bad of rolling everybody but the one person who hacked the system welcome to role players yeah yeah the first group i think i've hosted for that i've seen this bad of roles so that gets you should take pride in that um can mulch look around to see if there's any like potted plants
around in the area that they're at. Yeah, sure. So we'll do we'll do the first one first and I'll let you know about the plants. But so what were you looking for with your general observation check again? Well, you mentioned please correct me. But didn't you say you said something about footprints and that there is like an acidic something left behind. Was it on the footprints specifically?
so it's less of an acidic like that's left it's more like upon general inspection of it like looking more towards it as you guys like walk into this hallway it looks as if something i guess burned its way through the room as it walked it looked like it
It's it's hard for me to describe it, but it's as if acid kind of like burned into the ground, not all the way through. Does it look like leaving the residence of a footprint? Does it look like a snail trail or is it like look like actual steps were taken during this look like something dragged across? Ah, yeah, it does not look like as if it was dragged. It does look like as if it was intentional steps. It has been fairly eroded, so you can't make out if it's like
boots or something that they were wearing or if it was just bare feet, whatever. But you can tell that it definitely wasn't something being dragged. Right. Yeah, I was just curious. It was just like a slug beast or some shit versus like something like slug beasts. It's it's more of a legged individual. OK, cool. I'm going to I'm going to use my sexy finesse and just like do like a little pirouette dance to kind of like just like
dance my way across the room to like a like wherever the next hallway would be or the next exit would be just to kind of like always be moving. That's my thing is I'm always moving. You've got to move with the groove. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just like I'm in my flow. My flow spirit now is like I'm always trying to I'm ready to move at all times for now. I'm in battle mode just in case something wants to jump me. OK. OK. So you proceed cautiously, but effortlessly down the hallway.
As far as mulch, what you were looking for, you do see that there were several plants that they did maintain on the starship, as it's always good to have some form of those aboard your ship, but it looks like they have long since not been taken care of. Okay. Fairly withered just the pots left over, basically.
OK, so she has life's gift. Oh, would she be able to heal one of the plants and then try to get some information from them, like talk to them? I like that idea. Yeah. Let's go go with that. So you will need to make your arcanic check and hopefully we can get that there.
So go ahead and do that check for me here. I believe you will use judgment as a naturalist. So you'll start with four dice. And then you should have two points in our canting. Yep. And then a plus one bonus dice. Yes. So you should be rolling with a total of 66. Perfect.
you're able to turn that you got one success so we're good there you're able to turn that four into a five with your pips uh and yes and easy is what we were looking for which is just two of those so you're good perfect say you you you kind of you know
gather this little life-giving seed in your hands, you know, kind of infusing it with the dead plant. And as you do so, it does spring back to life rather quickly, you see, the
the soil becomes fully re-enriched. The plant itself grows in size and you do see that it was what looks like some rare foliage as it does produce this beautiful red flower at the top. And it does look like you're able to converse with it. As a naturist you do understand the Silnatura which is the language of the plants and the trees and all that.
She is going to see if she can ask the flower what basically happened to cause this ship to look abandoned. Okay. It does give off like response feelings to you.
um it's not able to like fully communicate communicate um but it does give feeling of what it is um as it doesn't have eyes it's not able to fully detect what was in the room uh but it does have a sense and it does give off this understanding
As if something had walked through this area due to the like vibrations and the flow of the air currents as it was walking through with rapid steps determined, probably going towards deeper into the vessel. It also recalls pain. It remembers being hit with what would be considered to be like a plasma weapon.
You're not sure if it is reacting to like a blade that came down to cut it or if it was more of like a ranged weapon. Attack, but it does seem as if it came from deeper down the hallway that you guys are in. Based on what you can kind of determine from the general
you know, feelings and explanations of the plant. It looks as if something was walking down this hallway and was being attacked by others, from what you kind of determined. Okay. She's just kind of follow the vibrations on her own, just not saying anything. Okay. It does also seem to give off
concern and a warning for you being on the ship as, you know, one that it has recognized, uh, as a life form, um, informing you that it does seem as if something like wicked this way came. It's not the best being on your, on your guard. That can't be anything more scary than God and I'm stalling.
These God and gnomes. The ship full of God and homes. Little did we know it was the gnomes that took everything over. It all makes sense. I knew it. Literally a living nightmare. God can't trust gnomes. Those hook nose bastards and their weird little top hats. Exactly. You can never trust them. They are trouble incarnate.
All right, yeah, so you're proceeding downwards. We have our dancer that's proceeding down the hall as well. I'd like to do another little thing before we advance. Okay. I'd like to assemble an Imperatron. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you pull out your little droid creature. Is Boxwood, does he craft
like more mechanical stuff or does he go into like the like techno-organic field and craft some uh uh things that are made from like plants and metal uh i know some people like to do that when they play the topo key yeah yeah i thought about that but i think since he wants to like learn nothing about our technology i think he like leans more into that instead of like mixing it
I just wanted to make sure that we let others know as well, like with Veil of the Void in particular, you can definitely do those sorts of choices. So an Imperial Throne is kind of like a book that like accepts people, like bad people if they get too close to it. Yeah, so it does harm and hinder those that walk too close. Yeah. That you consider to be adversarial.
So I like assemble this and tell it to follow behind me. All right, perfect. So yeah, you use 20 of your scrap that you have installed in your system here. And you do summon. I'm not going to make you make a check just since we're out of combat here. But you do quickly pull it together. And this little bot kind of hovers around you and then follows after you. Good, follow after me. It seems like things were in place.
Man, I should have went to a different college. I didn't learn how to do anything like that. Is that a plant thing? Did you make a metal thing? I would. How'd you do that? You know, after I started, it's actually very simple. You just take like a bunch of these parts and sort of these parts and then you put them together and then you have like a thing that I can walk. Ah, yes. Ah, yes. Um, I guess, I guess, uh, someone should talk to the, this, this glitchy AI thing, or VI, whatever you call it.
This one, yeah, you're not really sure if it's an A.I. or a B.I., but it it's at least one of the communication devices or communication software. OK, and as it's as it's saying, well, come, I'm going to come over and say thank you. Greetings. Hi. Welcome to the Star Star Turner. Thank you again.
What can you tell me about this place? We have been in operation for 600 years at this current time. Oh, fascinating. Who is in charge of this vessel? That would be the artificial control at the heart of the vessel. Currently,
our captain is no longer involved. Interesting. When did he die? Current death records. I'll just talk normally now because it's always hard to do those kind of things. Just remember that he's currently consistently glitching in and out. We have his death
uh, date noted as, uh, 457 years ago. Interesting. Um, when was the last death noted? Or most recently, the last death aboard this vehicle, uh, was noted as 1.5 years ago. Even more interesting. And how many people currently reside on this vessel?
Currently, there are zero active life forms. I kind of glance around and everybody else is doing all their weird shit they're doing. I'm like, hmm, interesting. Ah, yes. None of us are life forms. I see. That's just like, ah, I could tell somebody, but they're all doing weird shit. Um, and anything else I want to ask, uh, any, anywhere you suggest me to go as a newcomer to your vessel?
There is a new arrival zone for orientation and greeting if you would like to proceed. And it does show you a very glitchy map of the area, but it does show you like a welcoming zone is down the hallway. And then it also shows there's a med bay if you have any health concerns or risks. And of course, if you're looking for formal introductions, it does show you
a general pathway towards the artificial core of this starship. Well, all right, I'm going to try and remember as much of that map as I can, and look and see where everybody else is going, and everybody's sort of walking directions. I don't know if they're all different directions or what, but when I turn around, I'm going to look. Yeah, you see that the Mulch and Sling have gotten pretty far down the hallway.
Moltz kind of like quickly following a different pathway that Sling is. Sling is kind of all over the place doing these fancy finesse dances as he proceeds down the hall. A gorgeous Viennese waltz. Exactly. Friends, would you like to go to the welcoming center? I mean, aren't we already in the welcoming center? This is the Docking Bay.
All right. I forgot this thing's huge. Yes. I mean, that's as any place, any good place to like, um, go. Right. Yes. Yeah. The request from the guild was, you know, reconnaissance and rescue. If there were any survivors. I'm fine with it. Let's go. Let's go see what you find out on the talkie box over there.
Well, the registered captain died 400 years ago, give or take. And the last person to have died here was only one and a half years ago. And no one else is alive on this vessel. How many people were on this thing originally? Did you find that out? I didn't ask that, no. But it's going from however many that was to none.
Eli will chime in to let you know, as he does have connection to your communication devices. At the time of disappearance, there were 22,500 individual support. That's a lot.
If you would like to give me calculations, let's see here. It seems that roughly over 500 years there was 25 deaths per year. Yikes.
Oh, character, I say, yikes. Right. So then perhaps let's just let's just go door to door, go knocking. Let's start at the at the community center and then we'll just go door to door, knock and see if anybody else is left. Indeed. Yes. I also witnessed on the map it showed me the directions to the to the artificial intelligence core that runs this ship. And given that our ship received some strange
signals I look at box right now I'm not technologically minded signals I guess it got there um perhaps this core is either corrupted or who knows what but we may need to be cautious if we go there as well well you should probably go at some point of course yes I mean gotta take a look at least
And as you're communicating as well, you do see that as you guys are proceeding down this hallway, it does kind of connect into a greater welcome area. But along the hallway itself, there does appear to be several TV flat screens. And
Let's see here, I believe it should be Sling, who has, yeah, inside an observation. Sling, you notice as you're dancing down this hall, wonderfully, by the way. As I want to do, I notice while I dance, it's a gift. Yes, it is. You notice as you perform this waltz down the hallway, communicating with the others,
Occasionally on these screens, they normally are portraying a movie about the Star Journer's trips and how this will assist with the greater galactic safety and security. Occasionally it glitches out and you for just a moment catch
eyes in the background crafted of like a digital coding, um, staring at you, uh, before going back and re, uh, starting the video itself. The others have not noticed this, of course, but what was the, what was the video originally of again? Uh, so it's like a, I guess almost like a propaganda video of how the ship is and in operation, it's kind of giving the specs and it's like, this Starship has been crafted by,
the multitude of species, spacefaring species throughout the galaxy is first of its kind and is set to provide better safety and security for the galaxy and to go in exploration where none have gone before. Obviously. Obviously. Yeah. I don't know if he would necessarily say anything right away because like he doesn't
You know, like he's trying to get rid of all of the all of the Internet negativity that he lives with sometimes. So he's just like, I don't know, that could be anything, you know, like maybe some crazy special effects. I don't know anything about this place. You're seeing some weird stuff online. Some weird shit on some weird shit on 12 Chan. So I'm not. Yeah, I don't know. So I think.
I think he would just probably just keep it to himself for a second and just maybe notice if there's anything else like that, like he's just going to kind of keep he doesn't want to alarm his compatriots unless he sees like a pattern. Yeah, sounds good. Yeah, so I think that in the back of your mind. Yeah, I think I would just keep it and just, you know, try to make a make an educated guess before I just start making everybody panic about everything they see. Yeah, seems good. All right. So as you all proceed down, this does open up into a large
welcoming zone and you can see like the welcoming area it has a full you know functioning cantina with you do see some robots behind that are currently coming online as you guys enter into this room some droids that seem to be in operation the cantina itself you know there's
Nothing on the tables. There's some backpacks and some various different articles and documents that have been laying around the area. You do notice more, however, upon entering into this room itself,
uh what looks to be plasma markings and scars along the walls as if there was a battle to that potentially took place here um though you know it has been heavily cleaned and repaired by uh what you assume to be like the little cleaning droids uh
that appear to take care of this area. And Boxwood, you also are immediately drawn to this beautiful sanctuary of like nature that they have connected to this area behind these glass like observatory rooms to which it seems to be heavily overgrown and taking over the room itself as if it hasn't been really taken care of. But it is in and of itself, you know, life that is still aboard this starship.
Mulch takes a beeline to that room and just like she disappears into that room. OK, yeah. So there's like a little opening there that you can you can go inside to kind of walk around. It's like kind of like a botanical gardens type situation. Yeah. I, on the other hand, would like to see if I can find some of those cleaning droids or something like that to like take them apart and like collect more scraps.
Yeah, there's like a little mouse cleaning Roomba that's going along, but the grounds there, you know, a little futuristic Roomba. He's like a crocodile hunter on like hunting a fucking Roomba and then just take it apart. He just wants to assemble everything. Isn't she a beauty? A Roomba 5000. Want to sneak up on it? Gotta take a closer look. Let's see what she's been eating and punts.
Rocky Rocky, there's skinflakes in here. Yeah, so well, upon, you know, gathering one of these little space rumors, you do see that it does contain like within the the trash area that it has. It is. It does contain a ton of ash. Mm hmm.
You can also see that it seems to have recently removed and dumped off the stuff to the trash bay, but it does seem like as if it's still been consistently collecting ash over these years from various different areas. I don't like the thing that I collected ash, because ash means that something burned and I don't like fire.
That's fair. As a walking forest, you typically don't like fire. Not really. Yeah, you want to stay away from its ash hole. Oh, gosh. That's a good one. I respect that. So you're able to take it apart. A lot of the usable scrap will say that you can get like tin scrap back from it. OK. Well, I want to rummage all the shit on all the tables.
All right. Yeah, action notes. That's a great catchphrase for like a continuing series for someone just like they walk into a room full of shit and they're just like they crack their knuckles. I want to run it. Yeah, that's a good one. It's like it's clobbering time from the Fantastic Four. Yeah, that's fantastic.
All right, yeah, as you look around the room and then begin going through the stuff, the backpacks and things around the room, it doesn't look like there is anyone here to claim or gather any of this, so it's probably all yours. You do find several credit chips that amount to a total of 4,000 credits. Those are all useful.
I know you also find several clips for weapons. So slow down here a second. Where do I put my money and how much did I get again? Yes. So on the third page of your character sheet, there is a equipment and item section. You can add that to your currency at the top left. Holy shit. I had twenty two thousand already. You did. I'm rich. How much richer? How much richer am I now?
Uh, you're up to 26,000 now. Fuck. Yeah, man. It pays to go on jobs. It does. It's a wild notion or just try job. Um, okay. Yeah, I find that. And he says, I find some ammo clips, I guess you said. Yeah. So you find some, uh, general ammo clips, you find five of those. Nice. Um,
You find some data tablets that have long since died because no one's charged them. Oh, you also find as you go throughout the room more, you find several skeletons that have been piled into the back of the the Cantina area like on purpose.
Uh, it looks like, yes, probably the bots have gone through and gathered them as it looks like they were trying to put them into the shoot into the, uh, into the, uh, uh, refinery to, to, you know, remove trash, burn it all that. Um, I guess I should investigate those little suckers. See if they show any signs of anything happening. Uh, so the skeletons themselves, uh, don't seem to be.
making any movement. You notice that they haven't decayed, as you would normally expect from a skeleton that's been around for who knows how long, considering the last death was 1.5 years ago. Yes, indeed. Interesting. Okay, you do notice that there are several strange metallic pieces attached to the skeletons, however.
Interesting. Um, Boxwood, I need your expertise again. Yes. There are some strange metallic bits on these bones. Oh, really? Yes. If you're finished disemboweling that Roomba, I could use your help. I have, and I found some ash in it. I don't know if that is like any concern because something might have burned.
Hmm. That's interesting. Yes. Yeah. But yeah, I'll take a look at that metallic thing. Great. Here they are. I pointed them. All right. And while you guys do that, we'll go over here real fast to mulch. Mulch immediately upon
entering into this room, it feels off. It doesn't feel like what you're normally used to with plant life inside this area. The trees themselves, upon detecting your presence, seem to be warning you to leave, to run. It's not safe here is what they seem to be repeating in their concerns towards you.
Is she able to inquire as to what they're so afraid of? Yes, they communicate with that. Yeah. So they they inform you that there is, I guess, an evil aboard corruption. It seems as if it's worked its way into the very fibers of the starship.
And says, as you're another living creature, that it can affect you too if you don't leave in time. That this is a place you should not be, that no life should be here in general. Okay. She's going to go back out of the room and she's going to stand there in front of the others and look at them and go, we need to leave and we need to blow this place up.
There may be valuable scrap here. We could sell it to the merchant skilled, or through the merchant skilled, I should say, because I am the merchant skilled. You see? I am the bird squad. If you are wanting to salvage anything evil, that is up to you, but whatever is on this ship is not good. And we just need to destroy the ship because now it is ingrained itself into the ship. So I'm just warning you now.
This is not good, and we will all die if we stay

Corruption on the Ship

here. That is a pessimistic outlook. I am just warning you because that is what has been told to me. Are there plants? Yes, the plants have told me everything. We need to get off this ship and blow it up.
I love that it's the box, which sounded like he was in disbelief that she was talking to plants as well. Yeah, for sure. The plants talk to me. Yeah, sure. You talked to plants. OK, they told you something bad was going to happen. All right. You're freaking weirdo.
that's when do plants move and talk crazy you know that you're a plant i'm a what he like he like doesn't believe that he's actually like a plant he thinks that he's a robot or something that's what i was saying i'm wondering if adrian forgot that he's a plant because he's because he's telling him about robots
But he actually just like acknowledging the situation. It just sounded. It sounded so funny. She was like, oh, I just learned. You're like from a plant. That is very funny. So funny. I think I'm a fucking lost all sense of my voice now. I think we could we should totally just. You're done.
Uh-huh. You weren't that high-pitched. I think we should totally. Have you breathed in some of the ash that is floating around that he kicked up in that room? You see a helium balloon flies off in the distance? Yeah, I was just going to say we should totally just blow this place to hell. Well, my friends, unfortunately, I must tell you it's very hard to get the ordinance request for this ship. Half of this ship alone would be astronomical.
Um, without any evidence of what's going on, I, I, I fear to say that no one will, um, pay to destroy this place. This seems kind of hard. Like how would we even blow up this place? A lot of explosives boxwood. A lot of a lot. We could find the self-destruct button.
Ah, yes, as all ships should rightly have. It's like on that. It's like on that classic movie space bulls with the lady with the vacuum cleaner. Exactly. Exactly. As you guys are communicating, you see that there are several exit ports to this room and each one of them closes behind appearing to lock down the room that you're all in. Now you've made a ship mad.
No, that's not true. Tell her that I also want to blow her up. Okay. What's the thing as well? I'm going to, I'm going to call activating. Oh shit. I was going to say, I'm going to unsheathe my, unholster my plasma pistol.
I told you so. I told you, I warned you. You guys hear a a reverberating clanking noise as something proceeds down the hallway door that is the only one that's currently open.
as a red light begins flashing, and I need everybody to roll initiative for me. So to do that, you roll 1D6. You just roll 1D6, and then you add whatever your finesse is to that result. OK. 1D plus 3 for me. I got a 7 total. Nice. I got an 8. I got an 8. Roll 1D6. That's a 3 plus what?
Uh, whatever your finesse is. My finesse is four. So seven lucky number seven. Wait, what? Oh no, I have a four. I got a, I got a whatever eight. I got an eight. You got an eight. Okay.
And then Boxwood had, what, eight as well? I don't think I have any. And mulch. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Here. I'll write my thing. And my eight. Did everybody get a fucking eight for me? Yeah. Way to, way to suck. I'm the, I'm the, I'm the fucking.
I'm the graceful one of the group and I'm going last. Your heart's not in it. You just want to leave. Dude, that's my fucking, that's my life. That's my luck to you. That's how it always is. I always go last as well. Hey, you beat the, you beat the other guys. So good job. I was trying to look on my skill set to be like, do I have anything that helps me go faster?
Do you have awareness? Awareness gives you plus one if you have that expertise. Awareness is a skill. Should I have awareness? Yeah, awareness is an expertise. It gives you plus one to your initiative roles. Where does that live? I got a nine then, baby. I believe a second page. I'm going to add that to my thing. You've got a nine. I've also got awareness. I don't think I have awareness. I don't see it on my character sheet.
Then you don't add plus one sucks to suck. Everything's coming up. Corpus. I'm going to die first. Yeah. Everything's coming up. Corpus. That's under the general expertise and the big paragraph page. Yes. Yeah. Don't have anything like that, bro. Yeah. I don't believe you do. On our own defensive skills. That's what you want to get shot at in a minute. You will. You will need that. Yeah. I have a question. We'll we'll need those. Yes. The four by four health by is I'm a difficulty, right?
Uh, yes. Okay. So on our tokens here, uh, the green bar is your armor difficulty. It's just makes it easier for when we're attacking and the red is your current health. Um, and I'm looking at your, your, your, your thing here for sling. Uh, it does look like you have the awareness expertise. You actually put that in your, um, frequently referenced area on page one.
I did. So, yes, you would also be at eight with everybody. Oh, I do. That's right there. I wrote it in that place because I wrote it there thinking it would make it easier for me to find and lo and behold, I made it harder for me to find how it's supposed to work. It's one auto hit die to insight and observation. That's why I have that skill. Yep. That makes sense. Oh, see, I thought I had something. I was like, why else do I have those auto hits over there? Fuck.
It's all right. Remembering all the stuff like you get used to it when you're running a full on campaign, but otherwise you're fine. So yes, you're at eight with everybody else. Okay. Okay. So perfect. So yeah, as you guys prepare for this, this room area here, a rather large
robotic mech enters into the room carrying a what looks like a runic inscribed hammer. Oh, God. You also know near. Yeah, basically. You also notice that it's it's been heavily corroded. And you also see what looks like this red.
almost malefic, like energy flowing through. It's the the entire body of the creature. It's of the mech itself. That doesn't sound good. They look bad. Yeah. So, yes, Corpus would be first. You actually tied with the robot, meaning you get to go first before it does take that robot. You suck. Can I can I I don't know how the actions work. Can I do a shoot at it? And can I also am I also allowed to talk to other people?
It depends on how many actions you have but if you're trying to shoot so usually in a round you have a action you can take a movement you can do an Extra action that you can take and then a reaction that you can do either on your turn or outside of your turn. Okay? Usually it does describe If it takes an action or not, so for instance if you're trying to do like a negotiation tactic usually do require a
in action to perform. Okay. Um, my thought was to maybe try and tell, uh, Boxwood to do something, but anyway, maybe they're sort of just trying to fight it. I'm going to do a shooty shoot and then probably try and get further away from it. Fair enough. Uh, so yes. So to perform your attacks, um, you're going to be firing your plasma pistol, I assume. Hell yeah. I think that's the one you have.
So you're going to make a weapons mastery check, which weapons mastery uses finesse in this case since it's a ranged weapon. And you always add plus two bonus dyes to your total whenever you make any attacks in this game.
It would roll six dice. Hell yeah, brother. Let me did zero successes again. I line up a shot. I don't know how you're this lucky. But yes, your first fire does miss. What are you what were you trying to do with like you said you wanted to allow one of your allies to do something?
Well, I was gonna suggest something to box would to try with his technological abilities Okay that wouldn't take in action if you're just trying to suggest to do something as long as you're not trying to actually So as I run in a panic Like behind some tables and shit. I'm gonna I'm gonna yell over boxwood Boxwood if this does not go our way perhaps you should try to unlock one of those other doors for us All right. All right, I'll do that. Okay, cool. I'm gonna hide
All right, well, the massive mech then gets their turn here. Oh, I forgot to do this here. Hmm. That looks like a big mech. How big are we talking? Like, how tall? It is about 12 feet in height. Oh, so it's quite large. It's a big boy. It's a big boy. That is there, yes.
Oh, it's got friends. Cool. It it does. Yes. You notice that there are other smaller mechs that do enter into the room as well. As they're they're following after the defense protocols of this, this creature. I, you know, yeah. Does is blowing up the ship still on the table? Of course. Oh, good. Good. Yeah. Yeah. Good.
Just, all right, so the big bad here is going to charge forward at you. Let's see, he's going to go directly towards these two here.
Well, so yeah, he will rush forward towards slinging Corpus as that was the immediate one that shot towards them was Corpus and then Corpus fucking ran and hid somewhere. Yeah. So that was the closest Corpus is more like, yeah, I'm over here. So he as he immediately charges afterwards, you do see that.
in its movement it seems to be held together less by you know what you would typically consider to be a full you know complete mech and as it steps like the armor plates kind of pull apart only being controlled and you know held together by this red energy that's flowing through it. Any technology I have encountered before?
No, you have not run into something like this before. However, mulch, as mulches are only mage in the party, you get a sense that this is not really the mech that's in control. You get a more of an idea that it is a creature that's controlling it, or at least some sort of magical entity. Like inside the armor?
Yeah, it seems as if it's like embedded itself into the armor. It's like the it's like the goo they used to move the the the Statue of Liberty and Ghostbusters. Yeah, I don't like that sort of certification there. It's kind of like just like that box would you do see as well inside this electrical

Battle with the Mech

energy you you've
pick up a lot of the same coding that you saw when you were protecting Eli from the invasion of this aggressive code. So you kind of can determine that if you hadn't done that, the coding itself might have taken over Eli. Then Eli would have turned evil.
Yeah, Eli would have been evil. Oh no. That's kind of what you can determine from that. But I swung and I missed because I'm so bad at rolling. Sling just manages to dodge out of the way as this large impact hammer just swings over the head. I'm looking down on my phone real quick trying to catch it on video. Like, I missed that shit.
And because you looked down, you just dodged out of the way. Like, wait, what happened? All right. We are on to either Mulch Boxwood or Sling. You all are tied for your initiative so you can choose to go however you would like to proceed. I suggest we go on the turn out of the thing. I have an idea. OK, Mulch, go for it.
So Mulch is going to do, she's going to summon two tree guards to defend her. And that's her spell or her ability that's called the Last March. Yes, it's your once per day ability. And it will place a one by nine wall of vines.
Um, between me and the adversary. And so she's going to summon those guys and get them to start swinging with their, uh, vine swords. Vine swords. Very nice. I like that. Uh, so we, you're summoning your two little guards, uh, your little tree friends here. Uh,
And then putting a wall of vines up in front of you. OK. All right. We'll just let's say these are very, very little tree friends. You got a little happy friends. That's cool. Yeah, a little happy tree friends. Uhh. Topican ability. Yes, that is the once per day topican ability. It's very helpful. And how would you like your little wall to be placed? Oh, like right in front of her.
OK, so you produce this this wall of fairly tough vines that wrap around and then provide some general protection. And that would go ahead and take up your action there, I believe. But yes, so you do provide sling some protection as well. So yeah, at least from some of the incoming ranged attacks that are inevitably going to be there. So good job. That was that was good thinking.
Now, it would be either Boxwood or Sling, whoever would like to be next. Go ahead, Boxwood. Can I send my little bot to do something and do something myself as well? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your bot can move on your turn. OK, then I'll say to my little bot that he should run towards the demolisher and like shock him.
Okay. And I want to go to a door on the left, I think, and try to open it. Try to open the door console or something and try to hack it or something. Okay. You can go ahead and perform a mechanic check for me to see if you can work your way in there. Mm-hmm. And then architect. No, mechanics was eight, right?
Yes, it was 86 that's for sex. It really didn't really did hack this Yeah, so you're you're able to partially open the door okay, you can see that you're fighting against a the coding of the starship itself to try to get in there so but you are able to open up a
partial open it partially. And it does go into another connecting hallway. That looks like you can probably fit through the door. Okay. If you want to leave, you have opened the door.
He says to the robots and says like you guys leave Be interesting to see if you guys do something where you could just completely avoid the fighter Yeah, we're just like they're just like oh, that's why we're so angry. We just want to leave we don't know how to get out of this giant ship Thank you, you're our savior We've been praying for years
For years, we've just wanted to escape. Mm hmm. All right. Yeah, your little imperatron does its damage as well, which is your level and electrical damage. I see the three damage to noise. Get a shock in the little Mac.
All right. We are on to Sling now. I was trying to think of what to do because he didn't hit me. So I was like, well, I can't misdirect his damage because he didn't hit me. True. I know. I was hoping to hit you so that you could do that. But yeah. So I was like, oh, well, I can't really show it rolling. You can't really show off that skill. So I think because a lot of my moves are reflective.
It's true. There are things you can do. So I couldn't prepare, right? I could deja vu something, right? Yeah, you could deja vu your your time there to prepare your turn and interrupt whichever adversary you'd like. Yeah, because I can don't I have an ability where if I get close to somebody, I can like also reflect or something.
Yeah, they have they have quite a few different things. So whenever your allies attack, you can use their ranged weapons to perform attacks as well. Right. So I can do that as a reaction, right? You can. So I think if I prepare to give myself an additional reaction, then I can take advantage of that twice on the next round. Right. You can, which is why I wanted to hold last instead of going first. And they so that way, like if I didn't get hit, I could potentially just mirror what they're doing against this guy a second time.
Yeah, this does give you two reaction to use in the round until you take your next turn. Right. So I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to use my deja vu ability where I can sacrifice my I can sacrifice an action, right?
Yes, that takes your turn. So you sacrifice the action there. Yeah, and then I'd use three MP to prepare so I have five MPs And so then I'm just gonna like get ready. I'm gonna like be psyching myself. I'm like, all right This is your time big boy. Let's go And so like I'm just like I'm trying to I'm just like keenly watching what might while keeping an eye on the big boy and the guys in the back I'm trying to watch what my compatriots are doing because I'm gonna like try to just
do what they're doing if they decide to attack this boy next turn. Okay, sounds good. Because that's pretty much what I can do, right? I'm gonna stay right in front of it too. Okay, perfect. I'm gonna actually I'm gonna like bunch up closer to it some like right up in it, maybe it'll be harder for it to hit me with his big old hammer if like I'm where the handle is. So I'm gonna try to get close to it as I can since it's a big ass hammer.
You could also if you want to engage its reaction system, you could move one square, which would give it a reactionary strike against you if you would like to try to then use your mimicry ability. If I step into it versus step away from it. So if you step away, if you move around its threatened area, so any of the squares that are adjacent to it.
That will also cause it to attempt to hit you. Oh, no, I want to just get in there closer to it. I want to be like as I don't know if this is a mechanic in your game, but in my head, the guy would just I would want to get, you know, if you have like a really, really big weapon where the blunt end is like 10 feet out, I want to get closer to it. So if you're going to hit me with anything, it's not going to be the hammer end of it. You know, so I think he's trying to close in the gap to like get closer to it. So like just in the fiction, it makes more sense to maneuver the abilities I'm going to do.
Of course, I just didn't know if you wanted to like mechanically cause it to attack you this turns that you could use one of your reactions for free to try to hit it back. No, as long as I as long as can I use two reactions on two different turns on the coming round if I don't do that.
Yeah, then yeah, that's absolutely what I want to do is if I'm not going to do my reaction, make sure I gave you the option. Yeah. So that way either I can mirror one of them and I have the option to like if one of the dudes in the background shoots at me or some shit. So yeah, I'm going to prepare because like we have a lot of people in the room and there's a big guy in front of me. So I'm just prepping to get my hands dirty on the next round. Understandable. OK, perfect. Yeah, I'm just going to get as close to it as I can and then just like fucking just get myself ready.
OK, OK, cool. Yeah, so you're getting into the position where it's a little harder. Yeah, I'm just I'm trying to get up his crotch. OK, it's personal space. I got you. Yeah, I'm getting there. I'm going to like play balls like a boxing glove. You know, if it had any, I'll find you'll find the back ones. All right. Well, with that, you're prepared to go. The Rangers are then going to attack each one of you.
one shot per person, which Boxwood does get shot. Sling gets shot. The other two manage to avoid because I roll horribly. But yes, so Boxwood, you will get hit for three damage as this Ranger in the back fires a plasma shot towards you. Mm hmm.
It does manage to find its way through the walls since you're currently working on the
the area there. Unfortunately, the field wall does not protect you, so. I changed it to like. OK. Don't worry, I gotcha. And then for Sling, it actually fires towards you and I rolled an eight on its attack. But I believe you get to reduce that by your judgment, since you're a mimic.
Uh, yes. So, uh, so that's by six. So I would take two instead. Yeah. However, since you're mimic, you can use your reaction to immediately fire that damage back. And instead of doing only the two, which is what you reduced it to, you would get to do the full eight damage back to the creature. Uh, you know what? I'll do that since I have a spare one to use on someone else's turn now.
Um, so yeah, I think that maybe the two damage I get is like, when I catch it in my hand and I'm just going to like do a quick little spin and fuse it with like a purple energy glow and it just whip it right back. That's beautiful. Hot, hot, hot. And then I'm going to sit around and just fucking like chuck it like a football back at the guy. That's fantastic. Yeah. The plasma round fires through just manages to make it through the wall hits you and you're just like, take it back. Hot, hot, hot. Yeah. Yeah.
You would fuse it with the reflection energy, so it becomes this like purple flaming plasma bolt that you just fling back at the individual that hit you with it. Does it look like it hurt him all bad? It did. It hurt him quite a bit. I'll teach you to shoot at someone else, you prick. Actually, no, shoot at me again. I want to finish off. Wait, no, never mind. You know, shoot at the big guy.
All right, yeah, so you'll take that and that is their turn and it is now back to Corpus Could I can I do a quick like yell out to my friends? Of course Can somebody hack these douches or what? Or fucking wall. It's true. That is a way to proceed I've got you family
I think there would be a bit of a problem because I would need to get close to them. That is true. There is an open doorway. Bye, Boxwood.
All right, well corpus how would you like to proceed good and I hearing that quick little conversation I'll say just just an escape route bucks What do we should try to kill these things? I don't have an accent. Never mind
We should try and kill these things before we flee. And I remember when you mentioned Kasmin, she had a once daily power. I have a once daily power. My celestial providence. I can rip a tear in the celestial realm and link the life force of adversaries together. Up to five, which I believe is how many we have in front of us.
Convenient and designate one is the main target being the big in And the rest of them take half 50% of the damage that he gets Very nice for two realms. So I'm gonna do that. Whatever that looks like a little little Yeah, I wish she'd done that like a turn sooner. That'd have been awesome. I forgot all about it Okay, yeah, I'm not normally fighting I was gonna ask if I could throw that ball at the big boys. She's right in front of me It's like I've been so cool
Um, but yeah, I do that. They have like, I guess, like, I don't know, weird little like space looking connections between them or something. And I don't want to shoot that big old son of a gun with my gun. Yes. All right. Beautiful. Go ahead and make your, make your attack. I also believe that that gives you a bonus to your hit. Let me just double check. Uh, yeah. So go ahead and make your, make your attack here.
Because his dad's a pistol. He's a son of a family. How are you rolling like this? So bad. I got zero again. You roll a zero every time. But it's absolutely impressive.
Real quick, it is different roles every time, too. I don't understand. Can I do a quick pause just to kind of ask like for the audience and for us, like for people who may be interested in the game, how does like success on an attack work? Like, how do you know if you hit? Yes. So it's based on the opposing creatures armor. Hey, you actually managed to roll successes there. But so basically in this game, a difficulty is determined by
Typically, for instance, an average level difficulty requires three hits, so fives or sixes. In this case, instead of it just being a determined difficulty that the GM comes up with, it's based on the adversary's armor. So if someone has light armor, for instance, it's only an easy difficulty, meaning you just need two dice to hit it. But that's how attacking works in this game of distributing and figuring out your difficulties to hit something.
Gotcha, gotcha. So like the armor class or the difficulty type determines how many successes you need to hit.
Yes. Yeah. So it's based on the adversary. Cool, cool, cool. Now, I miss. Yeah. Our corpus just is not built for combat, but he's got other things he could do with like he did with the celestial providence just there. Use your words, man. Maybe you can communicate with the thing. I probably do have some weird abilities I keep forgetting about, too. It's true. You do have your negotiation tactics, which you can always try to use to to. Hey.
mess with individuals each turn. I remember one new thing I can do. This is why I decided not to be the talker. That that may be more fun if you were the talker. Yeah, so you do have several you let's see you have. Yeah, so you have you have quite a few manipulation tactics you can look at, which I believe are on page 124 for you. But yes, so you did link them all together. So that's actually pretty good. They all share damage. Yeah.
Super helpful. Okay, the demolisher is going to take a little bit of damage from these vines that he's standing in here as well. So he'll take five damage from the vines, which means that the other people end up taking three damage each because of our Celestial Providence over here. Well done.
Yes. Cause he starts his turn in it as well. Look at that. You guys are linking together and getting the average spread everywhere. Uh, so yes, that would be three. And in this game, you always round up. So 50% would be 1.5, but that just means they all get two damage. So, uh, very nice. You guys are tearing through the health about as fast as I thought you would. How's that? How's that guy that got pelted with the ball looking?
Uh, he is on the very edge of death. In fact, uh, one of its legs has been shot off by the plasma bolt that you had. And it's just kind of hovering there trying not to die. Uh, okay. So the demolisher now is going to attempt to hit you sling as he's still next to you. And you're literally right up next to his junk. Um, as you said, I can't, I can't perchance, uh, just for future reference, I can't mimic other people's dailies. Can I?
I also have a realm ripper moves. I thought it'd be funny if I did his and then did mine. So there's just like three holes ripped in the fucking in the world, which would be very funny, especially with how area effect stuff and realmic energies interact. I'll do it. Can we create a singularity if I summon mine and he summoned his?
You can create similarities in which I've actually had several one shots in because people have decided to mix and mingle various realmic energies. As you can say, I could slash right into where his is and fucking like the celestial realm and the mirror realm like just fucking collide for a minute.
Yeah, you could. You could always attempt it. We could rip the whole ship apart. Exactly. If that's failed the void for you. You just said at the end of the game, though, it's going to kill us. Don't do it. You might survive. It's OK. I just keep going home. I just jump in the portal. You're just like, all right. All right. Perfect. Well, he is going to attempt to attack you.
He'll get the same dice for his attack, but he's not going to get to inflict as much damage because it's much harder to hit you with the end of the weapon, so he's just going to have to try to hit you with the butt of the weapon. Don't let me, bro. So as I just realized, as a reaction, I can do my let me stop you there. When do I have to? It says to stop at the end of his attack. Do I have to wait? You can say whenever I'm making an attack, you can say, let me stop you there. A rebuttal. No.
uh yeah so he's going to attack and then you're just like you know how much you don't do that and something is programming deep down says wait wait a second what I mean there is a poly there is potentially a creature inside of it that understands you so someone someone might understand you
Yeah, so what you need to do here for, I believe it is, let me stop you there, right? Okay, as a reaction, you can interrupt, do I need to perform a contested check at all? Yes, so you go ahead and roll your speech craft check here, which I believe you have five charm, and then you have two points in there, so you would roll with six d6.
I also roll and my mentality is... What is happening? I rolled like 11 pieces. This thing rolled free and it beat me. I'm sorry, that was actually a roll. That was a roll for something else. No, I rolled zero successes on my roll as well, so you can go ahead and reroll your check. So whenever you tie checks. Oh my goodness. Did I program this right?
Are you rolling on the map? I guess you are. That's interesting. Yeah. Did you try? Did you try rolling just slash roll 66? They must, they must have did the, they must have did the bad luck update on here. They must have. Yeah. I mean, you can try slash roll 66 and see if that works better.
That's incredible. Those are my kind of roles when I used to play D&D. Yeah. Well, see, you got a six there, so maybe it's just really bad to, you know. Well, it's weird. Still, I'm fucking up. I'm like, oh, well, wait, good, sir. One moment. Don't hit with yours, please. Shop right there. Stop right there. Sorry. I never really had to do this under pressure. I've only practiced on a mannequin in my house.
Well, thankfully.
I also rolled zero successes again on my checks. He's actually only got two mentalities, surprisingly enough, so. Damn. I'm not rolling well at all on this creature coding here. So we'll take the second 66 for brevity's sake here. And yes, you will go ahead and interrupt his turn as he's attempting to swing down. You just go, ah! You stumble your way through, but you manage to get there.
He's more confused by your stumbling. He's like, huh, what are you saying? Like, are you saying words right now? Don't do that. Oh, and say we did. And you not. All right. Perfect. All right. Then that's his interrupted turn. So we'll go on to mulch a box, which are saying whoever would like to go ahead. Boxwood. All righty.
I pull my plasma pistol. Oh, yes. And shoot it at a big guy. Wonderful. Yeah. Yeah. So to perform your attack. I'm also going to use my art of the act plus ability that I can use as a reaction. So you can let's see here. You perform your check here.
So you would be using weapons mastery, which uses finesse since it's a ranged weapon. So you start with a base of five. And then you add plus two dice to that. So you would roll with seven dice. Oh, dang.
Oh wow. Whoa. There you go. You did it. You got a zero. What happened? You guys, you guys are the absolutely most unlucky group of individuals that I have. Does my opponent, does my friend have to hit in order for me to mimic the attack? No, you can make an attack immediately after they perform their same attack.
Damn, a lot of these use a lot of MP and burn through it. That one I don't believe does. Would that be a mimic strike? I think as a mimic strike. I would be a mimic strike. Yes. When another ally attacks a target, you may sacrifice your reaction and one MP to attack their target. In melee, you make attacks that use their ally's weakest weapon. Yep. So I don't believe Boxwood has a melee weapon, so you can just use the plasma pistol.
Um, it does use your, uh, weapon since you're a mimic. Uh, so you would roll with six, seven, eight dice. Eight joys for just so am I mimicking shooting this thing in the balls or am I mimicking the power of the weapon because I'm in melee? Uh, you're mimicking more of the power of the weapon, but you can manifest it as a pistol. It's really however you'd like to manifest it.
I just want to make it look, you know, like I am just shoving like a bunch of energy just punching it. I don't want to actually shoot. I just want to punch the energy upwards into its crotch region. Well, that sounds good to me.
I could do a finger gun. That is kind of funny. I'm just going to do a finger gun. Let's go. Sounds good. All right. Go ahead and do a finger. So that's eight of them, you said. Yes. Eight D6s. OK, here we go. That's four six. Can I run one up to a fiver? Do I have a pip for that?
Uh, you have one pick, but it seems like the three won't be able to get you to anything in particular. So these are all five. All right. Okay. However, what if I can I carry one of these? Uh, well, so to crit, you need.
five natural successes. However, I was going to give you an auto hit die anyway, because of how close you are to this creature. It should be very easy to hit it. And you're hitting it in a funny spot. So in the grinal region. Hit it. Yeah. So what you're going to do is roll the critical table. There should be a little button there at the bottom left for you. I've pressed it. I got a three. Yes. So you got a five. So you get a roll with an auto hit die on your next check against them.
and oh they're stunned thanks that's great it means i don't even get an attack i don't know why it rolled that extra three at the bottom that's why i thought it was so that's the extra d6 of damage that you get to add to the attack as well excellent um so yes anytime you critically hit an attack you get a roll on the critical chart which is very fun and then you also get a roll add an extra d6 of damage
Um, so for boxwood, his main attack does a grand total of one D six, go ahead and roll one D six damage. Do I get the charge up bonus? Cause he charged it up before he shot it. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Because he does get this. So you would actually, I wanted to do it because he said he was jacking it up. Yeah. He wasn't proving it. So yes, you would get two D six that you get a roll for damage as well. Judy of them plus this three, right? Yep.
Uh, how's it 10 plus three 13 works really well. And then because it's an attack, you always get to add
the virtue number that you attacked with. So in this case, judgment. So you did a whopping 16, 17, 18, 19 damage with a finger gun to the dick, 19 damage with a finger gun. And he is looking rough. And, uh, funnily enough, the one that shot you earlier is now dead. Fuck you. Oh yeah. They get distributed damage. Distribute damage. Did they all take, what is it? 50% 30? What was it?
They all took 10 damage. Oh, yeah. One finger gun to the 10 damage. Everything else. Yeah. One thing just did what? Let's see here. That's 40 plus 19 grand total. Thanks to our negotiator. Can't hit anything, but gosh, darn it. He can. He can link people together later. Maybe bind with all three of you. You did the 60 damage to the total.
Yeah, so just like my little orange crystalline eyeballs just like flash purple for a second when I see him shooting his gun and missing and my brain just like processes what that blast looks like. And I put my finger gun up to the dick of this thing. And I'm just like, I'm finger gunning you, bitch. And it just like my thumb cocks down for a second. Just.
That is that is a beautiful imagery. Yeah, I just like to think that my brain is teamwork. My brain just downloads the information I see. I'm like, Oh, got it. Precisely, precisely. Yeah. And see, this is what I love about Bill Boyd's combat. Like it's super teamwork based. So even if, you know, one person can't shoot because they're cursed.
It still works out at the end. Like you guys all still get to. That's great. I needed to use that last reaction to do something before it was my turn again. I didn't want to go to waste. Yeah. And that was actually just your reaction, too. So look at that. Anyway, so you shot at the guy Boxwood. Sorry to jump into your term, and that's kind of my whole thing. That is how mimics work. I'm just going to yell out. You did it, Boxwood. You did a good shot, lad.
It did it! That's great. I'm fine with that. Alright, perfect. So that would be either Mulch or Slink who would like to go next. Go ahead, Mulch. I just did a whole thing.
And this thing is done, right? Yeah, he is done. Thanks. Thanks. Yeah, the big boy's done for a turn. Yeah, he is. So am I able to send my tree guys to go attack while I use vine lash on this corrupt demolisher? You are indeed. Yeah. Thankfully, summons get their own actions on their turns.
Um, you could just tell them where to go and I will do all the roles for you. You just tell who they want to attack. Um, and they will go do so at your command. Okay. So she's going to send one of them to the one on the left and the other one, uh, to the one next to it on the right. And then she's going to use vine slash on the big guy that's next to sling. Okay.
Perfect. So you want, uh, you're just for clarification, you want your little guys to go attack the, the Rangers in the back, or do you want them to attack the big guy? Okay. The Rangers in the backs. Since they're all still connected. Okay. Perfect. Yeah. So the one in the back, uh, he will attack, uh, and I can always roll when I'm attacking myself, uh, they never roll, but I've tried to hit you guys. But when I'm attacking myself, my roles always critically hit. Uh, so yes, the little,
melee tree friend that you have here dashes towards the one at the back, swings the great blade formed from Yggdrasil's roots as it is, swings it directly into the creature, splitting it in half as the robot falls over, collapsing. The other one is arranged so he doesn't actually have to move, he stays right behind you, pulls out this bow crafted from leaves and twigs into a great bow, firing the shot,
I don't critically hit, but it does just enough damage to finish off that one as you kill those ones. And then go ahead and perform your arcanthic check to see if you can cast a vine lash. Okay. Lash him vinely. Yes. And so of course to do that, it is your judgment plus two bonus dice due to your arcanthic. So you roll a 66.
I feel like we're making Trevor feel better because he's, he's recording this sick right now. I feel like he's improving. Right. Yes. Or do I get, or do I do seven since I have a plus one bonus dice? Uh, let's see. Is it, uh, are you, is this spell an attack? I always forget. Uh, I gotta look again. Let me see. It is actually so yes. So it is indeed. So you start with four, you get to add plus two bonus dies from the attack and then plus two bonus dice.
So you're rolling with four or five, six, seven, eight, eight, six, get wrecked. And I got one success. Hey, you have to affect that. So you do have the one skill point that you have in there and then you got an auto hit die because of the critical success that Sling rolled with earlier. So that will hit the creature. So you can go ahead and do your vine lash. Sit down. Lashing the vine towards it. And I do have
Feral Strike, which is whenever I roll two of a kind of three or four, and it results in a successful attack, I can inflict a Feral Strike, and so I add my vitality virtue to the attack damage.
Oh, wow. So you got quite a bit of damage here. Look at this. So yes, you do sling out this vine, this thorn vine at this creature kind of wrapping around it. I believe a grand total of let's see here. It's your vitality plus your judgment here. So that's eight plus 10 damage. So 18 damage as you fling towards this creature.
Which kills the last one in the back here. It does a full on. Yeah, that hurts this creature and you can tell that it is on its very last limbs. It is almost there. And thankfully you can also move the adversary by four squares in a direction you would like him to go.
OK, she's just going to toss him away. As far as OK, you know, it's awesome. One thing that's one thing that's fun as well, just as so for explanation here, if you move an adversary through any of your allies, I was about to ask if I could kick it back against it. You could what? So, for instance, if she if mulch moves them, like, let's say it moves the instead of four things to the right or to the left instead of just away,
you would both get to make an attack against it for free. Ooh, cool. Can I just throw it against the wall then, like right next to where Sling is at and then we can attack it again? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So if you want to just fling it across the wall over into that area there, then yeah, you can go ahead and do that. That would allow Sling to perform an attack and you to perform an attack as well using your just general weapons.
Could I turn this into like a a momentum thing just for flavor instead of it being like me punching it? I love flavor. Like could I like as as it's kind of being flung, could I just like take its momentum and try to like throw it extra hard into the wall like a German suplex or something if I succeed? Yeah, I let's let me look at this here. Go ahead and make a balance check for me. A blanch you say. I have I have a two. I think I have a two in both.
I have plus four skill points in. Dodge, which means you can add one pip, one bonus. I like that idea of it getting moved towards you, you dodge out of the way and then just do like a backhanded kick. So go ahead and do a dodge. Yeah, it's either that or I guess I have plus two bonus dice on balance. So should I probably use that instead since I have one more dice to roll? You'll get plus two bonus dice extra. So that would be plus four bonus dice. You do get.
Um, the three skill points that you can reroll with as well. So that's true. Yeah. You know what? That's a good point. OK, we'll do that. So that would be what? Dodge would be. Let's see. That would be four plus four is eight or four plus three. So seven. Right. One, two, three, seven dice. Yep. Math is hard. It is hard. Three successes and I rolled a bunch of twos.
Yeah, three successes do hit. Don't worry. You only have four twos. You don't have five. So you don't critically misses or critically miss the role. Can I reroll those twos? If you reroll, you have to reroll the whole child. Damn. Yeah, you can't just reroll the twos themselves. All right. That's fair. That's fair. OK. All right. So yeah, I'm just going to try to use this momentum. Just like do just like like an extra force push to make it hit the wall harder to break it.
All right, so Mulch flings this creature, and as they're coming in your direction, you kind of like do a flip over it in this like little dance move that you have through that you've been practicing, kicking it with extra force as you kind of like attach a reflection rocket to your kick, kind of pushing it forward, and it slams up against the wall. So you two combined together do with the impact enough to actually kill it, and it breaks apart. Something fall out of it.
Yeah, you see actually almost what looks like a little robotic core kind of drops out of it before slinking away into one of the vents. This little coded creature begins running away. Oh, where's a robo Roomba when we need that? Where's those little vacuum bastards? It was destroyed. Damn it. And one of your room wants to go suck it up. Plant them.
So, yeah, there you go. That was our first little taste of what the combat's like. All right. As you can see, it's very interactive amongst players. Yeah. Which is it's why I love the combat in this game. It's very like, yeah, let's you know, it goes out of the way like, oh, can I do this? How can we interact with each other? Corpus really screwed over the fight in a great, beautiful way by the big guy.
You brought it in the end. You crushed that fight there. And then Boxwoods attack, triggered Sling's attack. So you guys did great. That was a very, very, very good comment. The moment you were like, I'm going to charge my attack, I was like, well, I know which one I'm copying. Exactly. I know which one I'm going to do. That's why it's very fun because he's able to copy other people and stuff.
And that's why the mimicry points are theirs because in the past, I've had some balancing issues with the mimic. They've probably been the most difficult to balance because they're troublemakers, but sure. They're fantastic. Yeah, so the emergency lights are still flashing as this has gone on, and it does seem like more robots are coming this way, but Boxwood has opened a doorway that

Approaching the AI Core

you all could probably squeeze through and close behind you if you would like to.
Indeed. Yeah. Can we just shut off all the emergency shit and go, you know, blow this place up already? There's nobody here. We're saving. Yeah. I suggest we leave before more robots come. All right. Our mulch is little plant people still with us, too. Yeah. Yeah. We have like a little motley crew walking around with us. That's probably like a control.
Hey, you got your little little tree friends over here, uh, for a little bit before they dissipate. You got your little, uh, your little plunge. Wow. Okay. My tree. Yeah, your tree. There we go. There we go. Um, all right. So yeah, you all squeeze through the one, uh, that, uh, that runs around. Can she send it through the vent after that little robot?
It was a little goop. So, yeah, your plants will dissipate pretty quickly. They last for five rounds. So that's about, you know, a minute's duration. How you could always try to send if you have any spells that you could cast. Let me let me see if I do have Harold. You do have Harold. You can hear this whole time, just like hanging out. He doesn't get that, but he does do action.
He is interesting though, if you look at what the little guy can do as a naturalist, your companion animal can after you cast a natural spell, your little guy can leap to an enemy within seven squares and actually root them and deal some damage. Or you can use them to heal your allies during combat after you cast a spell as well. So Harold actually does do quite a bit.
I missed that part. Yeah, it's a 112. It's one of the fun ways of using your companion animal to do stuff. So Harold's just like on the bench. She's like, she benched me. She hasn't called me once to do anything. Granted, we only took a little bit of damage in that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's fine. But for future references, just so you know. But yes, as if you would like to go in there, that's perfectly fine. You can do so otherwise.
Um, I believe you have summon beastling, which you can use, which is a spell that does not take any difficulty to cast. So you can just summon a small little beast if you would like to follow them. Yes. I'm going to do that. All right. Perfect. Uh, what do you summon? Like a little weasel or something like that to squeeze in there. I'm going to say she summons a chipmunk. Oh, I love chipmunks. Alvin. So cute.
All right, the chipmunk chases after it. And what's interesting is you can also look through the eyes and ears of the creature so that you can see what it's sensing as you go through these doors. Yeah, it's one of the one of the cool spells. The spells in Veil of the Void are particularly fun. I really enjoy them.
All right. So you guys get in there. Boxwood closes the doors behind you to prevent any of the individuals from following you guys. You kind of like here banging on the doors. They're trying to get in. But, you know, Boxwood has successfully fully closed those doors to prevent any interference. Get rekt. Yeah. Yeah. Robots can't go through doors. They're not fire.
Yeah, they're not fire. So Boxwood, you do see as you were programming and working the code that you were working with there as well as you close the doors and fighting back against. It kind of gives you, again, an uneasy sickly feeling as you're as you're trying to fight back against it. But you do see a note like hidden in this corrupted code.
that seems to be requesting assistance help it says over and over again before the door finally shuts and you discovered that the originating place is from the core of the starship itself okay so i like turn around so my working fury right now is what's happening on the ship is
that like an AI is like controlling the ship, but there was like an evil energy or something. It's corrupted the AI, but the AI is still fighting against the evil thing. But it's making it kind of hard for the AI to fight back. Delete corruption? I guess, I don't know if this will help either, but do you think, not we, we want to- I can cry. It was sad to say, we may have to kill the AI. It was kind of hard, but I tried on a ship and it didn't quite work very well, but I can try. It would just stop the AI from having power in the ship.
Oh, you guys didn't wear your life support suits out here. You do. You always have your life, but I feel like life support and everything. I barely ever look at you guys. Meanwhile, the, the celestial who does not need life support is like, Oh yeah, that's right. You organics do need that. I wonder what it's like to breathe. Come out here in a wing and a prayer. Don't need nothing. Yeah.
You do breathe though, so you need a little bit of an atmosphere. Can you turn your head somewhere where we can see the sun so that our guy here can get some sun? That's an interesting idea. I haven't heard someone try to do that one before. Can we use our Celestia friend as the light source? Can you walk your brain somewhere where there's a star? There is a star within
my body, but it is in a place where most other organic life forms of you to be taboo. I like whispered out over to over to the mulch. I think he means his butt. I do mean my butt. That's wonderful. I love I love these conversations. There's a button side us all.
Well, you don't have a bot? What? You know, I think you want a deep voice back because now I'm perplexed. Are you telling me that you don't have a bot? Of course, darling. I don't have a bot. Oh, I'm buttless. Damn. Buttless in the voice. I think I read that book.
Yeah, that's something that's from one of the Smut Isles. Yeah, it's like some romance novel. It's just like buttless in the void. It's like the Argonian maid. Buttless in the void. Oh, no. Bestseller. The New New New York Times bestseller. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It all makes sense now.
You read that on your for your your 12th. Yeah, 12th. Fanfic. Yeah, that was that was where that was when I knew I needed to get off the Internet for a while. And you're like, oh, man, I've spiraled down. Yeah, I've returned. Yeah, I'm doing I'm doing my own fanfic now. I got to get off this shit. All right. So we're we're we're going to go pursue the the the core then. That's what we're doing. Hi, Corpus boy. Which way is it that way?
Nice! Yeah, thankfully Corpus does have the map to proceed forward. Alright, as you proceed forward, you do see the closer that you get to this this core, the more deteriorated it seems. The walls are beginning to pull away from themselves as panels are falling down, lights are beginning to blink. You do see also that the closer you get to this core, it looks like there was more of a battle
And you do notice as well that there are shapes of people on the walls that appear to have been annihilated in an instant turned into ash so you kind of just see a silhouette of what they were.
You also see a broken backsliding on the floor as well as almost what looked like scythe shaped arms from some sort of creature just sliced into the wall before one was potentially shot off as it's still there in the wall just unmoving. A scythe was from a creature is in the wall.
Yeah, it's as if the like some it seems to be like an organic material that hasn't really deteriorated over time, but it looks like it's been stuck into the wall and then shot off by something. Wow. Mm hmm. Yeah, you can quite kind of as you're.
all running hastily towards this AI core. You can pull some of it together. So we'll say like you get like an extra 10 scrap as you're quickly like, oh, this part's too good. Let me pull that. You know, the rest of you guys are running and he's occasionally like, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. This remote control still has the springs in it. This mech's hands look fantastic. Give me just a moment.
A triple A battery. You haven't seen these in years. And yes, as we proceed forward, uh, the gravitation of this room gets a little bit bouncier, uh, as we get closer to this core and we switch over to this little room here. Um, but yes, you all notice that there appears to be a cylindrical room that you're in with a large crystal in the center of the room.
Uh, the crystal, as you look into it, each of you kind of feels a pull towards it. Um, uh, as if energy is being pulled, uh, from multiple different realms into this area, for instance, link, uh, as you look into this crystal, you swear that you see remnants of your home world as if it's a.
calling to the realm of reflection at the same time. While Corpus, you see the deepness of the void and space itself. And then Mulch and Boxwood, given your connection to the realm of Adareth, you all see these misty trees, energy from the realm of Adareth in this area.
And it seems like this core is currently being held together through Arcana Tech means there's several panels that you seem like you can operate with. But it is very, not esoteric, but very unique in design. Something everybody's not used to working with.
Which makes sense because at the time it was a prototype ship. So it's combining everybody's knowledge to create something that has yet to be invented before this.
However, that's being said, it doesn't look like there's anything immediately in this room that's attempting to attack you. You do notice that again, a lot of the floor has been torn away, kind of consumed by this ever active core, leaving just like little floating stands and stuff, and a long way drop that goes pretty far from what it looks like. So it's not really floating, but it's more of the like moon effect where you can jump farther.
So it just takes you a little bit to fall down towards the ground. Yes. If you do not jump properly. Yeah. They have a moon in Germany too, right? Okay. Cool. Yeah. Yeah.
So we would still. If you like, go away. You see, it looks like there's been a large again, you just see these reminiscent things of just battles. There was something that happened aboard the ship that you're not entirely sure precisely is yet, although your theory was very, very, very good that you were coming up with earlier. The panels do interact as you guys enter into this room.
Um, and it looks like you're able to interact with the ultimate, uh, with, with the AI core, if you'd like, um, mulch, you do sense a lot of arcane energy pulsing from this as well. Um, and based on it's like.
feel to the arcane it you do get this like kind of sickly feeling calling to you from within this as if it as if the arcane current itself is being corrupted but you get a battling sense as if there's something inside that's trying to prevent this from interacting with it she pulls out her wand of battle and shoots her wand at the core see if she can destroy it
Okay. That's a quick response there. Go ahead and make a Arcante check for me then.
Uh, and it's the same as it was last time. So it would be the, um, base of four. Yep. Okay. Now that one's, that one's not good. You know, you do have determination. Determination lets you reroll a check. So if you would like to spend three of your determination, you can reroll that check. Definitely going to do that. Yep. Definitely going to do that.
So you were told, oh, hey, there's something going on here. And you said, you said, I'm a shoot this thing. Yep. I'm a shooting. Sure did. She doesn't care. I feel like. Yes, you fire out this wave of arcade. Maybe you shouldn't like to notice that the force seems to consume the energy that you've thrown towards it less than damaging it. Hmm.
That was a bit brash, don't you think? Well, it had to be destroyed somehow, darling. I don't know how else to do it. It's evil. You have to get rid of it. I mean, why would you destroy it on me in the same room with it? Hmm. Well, that was interesting to watch, wasn't it? I want to go to the conference if I can. Of course.
That makes it a little easier than I thought it was going to be. It's fine. So you're able to gain like full access into this system. You do take a whopping 15 damage from interacting with this as the arcane current like backlashes into you as if it's something that doesn't want you to interact with it. Mm hmm. Thankfully, that doesn't kill you. But as you.
Yeah, it definitely hurts, especially because you're not an arcane user, so it's not a sensation that you're used to. Oh, does anybody else have memories of a bonfire all of a sudden? I can feel my leaves burning. That smells. I do love a good fireplace. Mm-hmm, yes. Although where I come from, they're called firebonds, but same difference.
Arif knobs. Arif knobs, yeah, that's what they're called. Bonfire is spelled backwards. Yep. Boxwood, are you all right? I will try talking to the AI.

Understanding the Vessel's Corruption

No. There's something about this thing. Careful. It's like Ray doesn't like me. Meanwhile, I'm in the back. Yes. So this is a quarter from the Great Leviathan. Lost five hundred years ago. I'll try to look for it. So I'm just doing my own little my own video for the future live stream or future video. You're an influencer. I've said before that this is going to be my big break right here. This is it. This is how I defeat the Internet.
You found the way. This is the way. All right. So yeah, Boxwood, you're fully accessed into this system. You see, as you're connected to this, it actually locks your hands into place as well. So you are locked to this console. But it seems like you've been given access to it.
to which through a little bit of maneuvering, and actually thanks to the arcane energy that Mulch fed to it as it was Natura, and Natura is actually completely against corrupted energy, the AI seems to activate once more to the point where it can actually communicate with you all. You're welcome. I have no idea that's what may happen. Oh, according to plan, says Mulch.
Well, just like I totally knew this was going to happen. See, you doubted me. I still think it was a bad idea. Wonderful. As you as you. This AI comes back online and it takes on the form of a younger Alon, so like one of the elves of the universe. And it looks over each of you and it says what?
What are you doing here? The living? I've... You can't be here. You must leave. This vessel is not secure. It's not clean. You asked for our help, darling. Hey, no face. No face, man. Why don't your sweet talk it or something?
I was allowing our friends to talk at the same time as they are on the same tree wavelength. And then I was like- Every fucking time. Every time. But yes, if you'd like to respond, Corpus, you're more than welcome to.
Don't be a robot, just, I don't know, hack the magic. Basically right now, you go talk about what you're locked into to give them the chance to potentially interact with. Yeah, your hands are glued to the console. I would like to look at this little holographic image of a person, and I'm going to say the following things.
Yes, we are aware that there's something terrible here, and we are hoping to, in some way, remove it. Do you know anything that you can tell us about it? It's providence, it's weaknesses, because I still don't know, hand to head, that that's what happened earlier with the nature magic. Those are my questions so far.
Yes, my memory is somewhat fuzzy. I've been fighting against the corrupted, infested code that has taken over the vessel. But I remember during the original testing and launch of this device on the christening day, the reality core, which is what this is behind me, malfunctioned. Instead of granting us control and to general
the veil stream transportations. Instead, it warps the starship into the void and it overflowed, breaking the veil between every different realm, completely annihilating many of the crew on board. And even worse is it opened up a pathway into the realm of chaos and the demonic energy there, those foul creatures that were inside managed to find
its way into our code itself, beginning to corrupt it. That's not good, you guys. No. The ship should not last where it is. It must be destroyed, but the destruction of the core itself could potentially wipe out a good portion of the solar system. I've been battling this for...
unthinkable amount of time. I don't even know what year it is or what timeframe it is. So why for you to fight the corruption? I need some way. There must be a way for your team, your group here to shut down this call once and for all.
I still don't know for sure what happened a second ago with the magic, but I think mulch when you did that rash tactic of firing at this volatile piece of equipment here, that perhaps you did something good to it because it looked like it had a wave went through it. Perhaps you could do more of that and subdue the negative energies within while he does some other technological mumbo jumboree.
Yes, I have healing power, darling. You should probably heal him too, he looks pretty burnt. I can heal flesh and metal. Anything with Arcana, really. That could potentially work if you counteract the corrupted energy on the inside potentially. We could restore the crystal into operating functionality and prevent it from warping between a multiple of realms once more.
And you, the Reaper, I can sense a realm of reflection upon you as well. Perhaps you could amplify the Topekin's natural magic there. You know, perhaps I'm still learning how that works with magic, but I could give it a go. Channelling the energy might just be enough of what we need.
I'm game. I just want to get off this big thing. So let's, let's get to a gang. Come on. Let's go. We're going to be heroes. We're going to be heroes saving the galaxy. Yeah. I was looking at my arcane mockery, but I don't know if I have the MP to do it unless that's just, if you're in a fight to do it automatically. Uh, well, yeah, you can just.
You can just do it mimicry energy. Basically, uh, if you'd like, you can use your even use your once per day realm like ability to tear into the reflection realm, giving mulch a field in which they can cast their arcane through. That would cause a reflective increase in power. Yeah. That's literally what I was going to say I was going to do. Well, perfect. We're of the same mind. Almost word for word. That's exactly what I was thinking.
Well, perfect. See, that makes everything even better. Yeah. That big old. Rending swing, baby. Yes. So what are we. So you're going to fire your nature juice at this thing. I'm going to power it up and then what. We're going to. It's going to

Cleansing the Core

maintain the access point so that your shield is removed down.
And Corpus, you could even inspire the group giving each one of them an auto hit die that they could potentially use on the check that's required. Oh yeah, I have a thing somewhere. I was looking through your stuff. You do have the ability to inspire others through both your noble as well as through your negotiation tactics.
It's wild, right? I got to allow me to help. I can give somebody an auto hit die. And apparently as a noble, I can do something similar. I didn't know that. So it's the first time Justin's looking at his character sheet since we made it a few weeks ago. It's all right. It's a one shot at me. I don't expect you guys to remember everything.
But yeah, okay. Okay. So you'll allow me to help, which will give everybody an auto hit die on their rolls.
Um, and so I don't know if Sling, if you actually have to use a role, um, I think you could just activate it, right? Yeah, man. I'm going to crack it open. Like, uh, like, like a, like something you crack open, like an egg. That's what I'm going to do. Crack it like something that you crack. Okay. Cool. I was going to say it's way, but I don't know why I was thinking that.
Now, snap it like you would like a kick at like a you just you get the two. Exactly. So you you kind of like punch into the veil as it tears asunder in this room, which just kind of like interact with the the crystal itself. As you can see, it's a beginning to absorb some of the energy from the reflection realm mulch. In front of you, you see like this realm of
of brilliant purples and colors and mirrors all along the walls. But you can tell that if you place, you shoot the energy properly through here, it would probably reflect off of these various different mirrors, enhancing your arcane potential. Okay, so I'd like to make something with a little bit of flavor then, darling.
of course please do that's the whole point of these things okay she wants to call of the elements and um oh okay call the wrath of nature and the fury of the arcane and i want to spin my staff around my head and slam it into the floor and summon a swarm of elements to go into the opening
of the oh okay and then flood it through the reflection area in front of you that's good flavor from my reflection hole jamming the energy through the reflect yeah yeah that's great
Yeah. That we're we're we're we're giving this we're giving this whole system a colonic irrigation. You really are. Hey, sometimes you have to wash stuff out in order to get instead of instead of coffee scented, it's like fire, water, air and earth scented. Exactly. As well as naturally, it's everything. All right. So just go ahead and make an accounting check for me. So as before, it'll be we'll actually give you a bonus die for this check.
Yeah, so that's the 86. The one success you get a auto hit, thanks to our negotiator there. And then since you have two points in our canting, you can turn one of those fours to a five, which gives you the success that you needed to cast the spell. Perfect. Yeah. There you go. Thank you, negotiator, for encouraging us. Yeah. Now, Boxwood, I need one final mechanics check from you, and let's hope you don't mess it up. Nope.
Three successes, okay. Your hacking into the mainframe is still there, I see. All right, well, all together with how it is Sling unleashes the field of reflection as Corpus is giving out some commanding words to encourage you all as he's helping out with the plan there. Boxwood continues to fight back against his corrupted code, preventing the shield that was protecting it from closing back up
And meanwhile, Mulch is swirling around, calling all of these elements through, which shoots through the reflective field that Sling caused, bouncing all around, gaining its energy and power up as this huge blast of elemental energy just shoots into the Crystal Core itself. As it does so, you see that this creature that was inside and maintaining control of the AI Core
is shot out as the swirling elements drives around. In doing so, Boxwood, you'll be released from the controller as the AI allows you to go. The shield re-consumes itself and the... Yes. You turn into a bush hiding around as this demonic creature is hovering over the field. Did you say you gasp in bush?
Don't you mean, don't you mean grass in Bush?
Wow, I'm going to leave now. Oh my God. Would you rather stay? I can't believe you would do this to us. Whoa. Man, people are going to make it rain by this book. I'm glad you could soil this. Don't be dirty, Cass.
So the demon dies from all the puns. You're welcome.

Session Reflection and Closing

The energy attempts to reattach itself to the core, but as it has now protected itself, the elemental energy just wraps around it consuming the creature and actually preventing a boss fight that was going to happen. So well done team working together.
With that, the AI has been reestablished into the Starship, and it is attempting to now wipe out much of the console, and you guys have managed to fully regain control of the Leviathan class. Sweet, let's take it on a Joyride. Joyride! I'm a native of the KG. Joyride this space. Let's have a big, let's build a big space mall in this thing. Yes, as well.
I also want to type it into the console. But yes, you have completed what the guild has sent you out here to do. None of you have died either, which is a rare occurrence, so good job. But yes, that was our three hour time limit for our one shot.
Yes, most of the time I can complete stuff in the time frame. So yeah, there was definitely I've been GMing for like 20 little little. Yeah, there's definitely some like, hey, here's just how we're going to get through this so we can just screen wipe. Of course, that's kind of what happens when you have three hours. Yeah. Not too shab. So so you.
First of all, thanks everybody for listening and Trevor, you know, tell everybody where to get your game. I'll put some links in the show notes as well. Like what, what do you want to say to the people? Of course. Uh, well first, uh, thank you for allowing me to host for you guys. That was fantastic. Very fun. Um, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully everybody had a good time. It seems like we were having some fun. After all this, this game system is all about having fun. Literally our trademark. You know, a slogan is this is going to be fun because. Yeah, basically. We're working on doing that too through fun and sellers. Yeah, there you go. No, we trademarked. This is going to be fun. It's a I think I said that all the time whenever I started designing this and people are like, you should just use that as your slogan.
But yeah, so Veil of the Void is all about fun. The best place to find it is over on or
You can go to our link tree if you want a really nice organized link, which is linktree slash veil of the void. From there, you can find all of our stuff, including our several free supplements that we have, the demo books so that you yourself can begin practicing the game and see if you want to end up purchasing it. As I said earlier, we also now have the book available for international shipping, and we're always looking for more community members to join us and have a good time.
And I'm always here to help teach the game and help people make characters and stuff. I'm very interactive and into my community because I really love my community. And I want to share this game with everybody. So I'm always there if people have questions and want to make their own characters. And yeah, I think I think that's about it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And so, yeah, check out the game. You can, as you heard at the top of the episode, we we got international shipping now. So.
Everybody all around the world. Come get some. All around the world. The realm of. Yes. The rare realm of Germany. Yeah. Or beyond the stars. Yeah. Well, hey, well, thanks again, Trevor, for for running this for us. The realm of the show to it.
Of course, yeah, no problem. Thanks for thanks for having us. Appreciate getting to do these sorts of things. Yeah, character creation is a lot of fun. The customization is really cool. I like the kind of mix and match mentality of it. It's very, very much full of flavor. I think it's cool to just kind of like touch up however you want it. Yeah. And, and yeah, the success system is pretty cool. So
Check it out and it won't be the last time you hear it on the show. I'm planning on getting a little my hands dirty a bit more with it so I can run some more series with it down the road and hopefully have someday maybe even Mr. Void, Trev yourself, perhaps I can run your own game for you.
Oh, that would be fantastic. I do really enjoy playing the game and like really enjoy play. And then you can tell me if I'm doing all right. So maybe one day we'll get that. There's no way to play this game wrong. So. Oh, that sounds like a challenge. Listen up. Oh yeah. We'll fuck it up in a fun way. That should be in a beautiful way. There you go.
I look forward to it. Well, players, we fuck it up in a fun way. Hey, you know what? Did you really mess it up then if you did it in a fun way? Yeah, that's right. All right, guys. Well, as always, thanks for hanging out. And we usually end with like some sort of quote or something, but I didn't come prepared. So, Trevor, say something that you think is motivational or a fun quote that you like. Hit us on the spot. Go. Well, as with all stories,
If you join into Vale of Void and play it with other people or just any tabletop game in general, remember it's going to be fun. And we're all here for fun. So have a good time. Yeah.
Doesn't look good already.