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2022. Bitch we'll read you! The gang does their review of last year's shenanigans.

--- Send in a voice message:

Opening & Humorous Banter

Oh my gosh.
Ooh, 21, can you do something for me? That's not the direction I thought we were going. Can somebody see me doing the body thing? We really have to work on getting a visual, like a visual.

Feasibility of Paid Content

Okay, so here's the thing. We've been talking about, because we can record ourselves on a platform that we use to record the audio. And honestly, I've recorded a video before, but our editor never used it.
Um, and then somebody was like, Oh, you should do your visuals over on like a Patriot. And I was like, only 10 of y'all listen. So I feel like, would y'all pay money for that? Right. I'm like, ooh, it's only 10 of y'all. So like, all right. Why, uh, you know, would you pay $5 to watch the visual?
Would you? That's a good question. And you know, while we're on the topic of feedback that we want from the people, a certain wonderful listener, should I be messy and say a name or should I?

Listener Feedback & Humor

Okay, I won't. Actually I will. Ray, a certain messy listener and close friend of mine, Ray said that the two of us together were not funny.
enough, and that Shammy brought the spice. And we were like, gooped, gagged, bald-headed, and confused. Honestly. Because we were like, what do you mean? Like, we've been giving you the joke. Also, here's the thing. Me and Bria have a very dry sense of humor. And I like it because we get each other. We get each other. So the girls who get it get it, and the girls who don't don't. And I feel like, Bria, I feel like if you agree with Ray, we would like to hear that feedback. And also, bitch, that's rude.
Well, you're gonna experience it for this episode because Shelly has left the building.

Birthday Wishes for Shelly

Shelly is over in Africa right now. A little mixed Africa. So yeah, Shelly is in Africa going to enjoy her birthday. So send Shelly a bunch of love on her Instagram maybe.
Um, her birthday is on the 18th. So whenever you listen to this, you know, she'll see it eventually. So yes, but we're here alone.

Improving Engagement on Instagram

Wait, I will also say that what I would love for people to do, cause I'm going to like our Instagram.
Add to pussy next time in case you don't follow it. Cause you stop saying it and I think you girls stop following, which is wild. We just assumed you knew. I just assumed the 10 people who listen already do follow it. We're not getting new listeners. We're not getting new niggas coming back. So no, I actually post.
I'm going to start doing birthday posts for all the folks who are supporting us because I used to do it. I used to do it like a couple of years ago. And I, yeah, stop. But also like, if you see niggas cash apps and you listen to us, like send my niggas $5, right? Like we'd be doing this shit for free. We don't make no money off of this. And it's fun. It's not too late to send them some money. Yes. My birthday was September 24th. I am now 13 years old, bitch. Oh,
30, flirty, and thriving. But we're gonna get to that because that's part of the topic. But yeah, no. Yeah, I feel like if you see the girls, right? And I post the photos and the things that celebrate our homegirls who are helping us put this podcast together or who are actual co-hosts, please send them a little bit of coin. We deserve it. And also, they deserve it. Again, we do this for free. Not saying that we wouldn't do it otherwise, because we do do it otherwise. But we're doing it for free.

Unpaid Work & Listener Support

A lot of time goes into this.
like them as currently as you would like them, but the work that goes in, it goes in. Right. So if you see those posts, please get off of the girls a little tip, just a little something, something, a little for their services. Right. Yeah. When Shelly's post goes up, send my nigga some coins. Period.
But yeah, so give us your honest review of this episode as well on Instagram when it goes out. You know, if you want to tell us, oh, Boudesh, it is whack. Bring back my nigga Shelly. You can let us know. But from now on, Shelly is gone. Don't try to take it upon yourself to read the podcast because you bitches aren't those girls anymore. Tyrell was just like, hey, we don't want to go a long time without giving y'all a little something. It's true.
Here we are.

Avoiding Repetitive Holiday Content

Because I mean, that would have been over a month. If you want us to keep that shit, let us know. If we had waited to do the episode when Shelly got back, that would have been over a month. Hey, you know, I'm here for whatever. And Loki, we gave you two episodes.
about holiday stuff. And what we were thinking about the brand was like, yeah, let's not do another holiday episode. Because it's still like, you know how there was like an air of time. Love Bob's Burgers now. But it was a time I feel like during the pandemic where it only felt like we were getting holiday episodes. And then it was a long span of time where there was nothing else. That was it. We were going to get a holiday episode for Valentine's Day. And I was like, ah, this is so strange. Like, we're the regular episodes. But it was just like,
I don't know how filming and doing the things in the panty went, but it was like, girl, this is what we're able to do. This is the bread and butter. So this is what we're getting. Right. And then we're like, we'll come back when we have more time and we're also not sick and taking care of families and, you know. Yeah, it was rough. But yeah, so I was like, that's what it's giving and I want us to like,
You know, the holidays are about to be over. Keep it cute. And I'm going to tell you the truth. Also, let's just give

Reflecting on 2022 Events

this a topic. Are you ready for the topic? Yeah, I'm ready. We did our housekeeping thing. We told y'all it was just the two of us. So if you want to click off now, you ain't shit, but that's cool. Not click off now, bitch. OK, so our topic today is 2022 and review. A lot of shit has happened.
This year? You know, I feel like I need to look at my photo gallery because I don't... Oh, I didn't even... I was gonna make... Okay, sign out to like coming into the street. I saw Quinta made this very cute, like it's so cute. She looks amazing. Okay, so y'all should go follow... y'all should be following Quinta Brunson anyway.
But if you're not, follow her on Instagram. And she made this very, very cute year in review visual to church girl, which was very timely. And it ends with her holding her Emmy. And I was like, bitch, this is so fucking cute. I'm going to cry. So I was like, oh, I want to make a cute little Canva visual about my year. But then I was like, damn.
I had to go through all these pictures and shit. So I actually didn't, I didn't start, but I was like, Oh, like what happened this year? So I'm going to be doing that while, while we're talking. Cause I'm like, what did I do? I mean, so, I mean, I'm like January, we had, I must say we had a couple of girl, I guess is all, we were like, what is happening on earth? Like this is the most couch I've ever seen. Um, and I'm just like,
Oh gosh, like, oh no. Okay. So I can start currently. We can start currently. We can start with, for me, and well, I guess like, in terms of like the media and the girls acting up, Tory Lanez went to jail.

Tory Lanez's Sentence Discussion

Yes. That did happen after two years of him popping shit. And these men, the way that black men have rallied for Tory Lane's and then he's in jail and the girls are silent is wild. I don't hear near fucking apology. Also don't really think we need one. Maybe make, I think make deserves one. But personally, I don't, it didn't happen to me, but I think
What I'm thinking is the apology that you would give would probably be sorry and fucked up anyway, because you probably still really feel like Megan's a liar. And we all know that she wasn't. And so I really feel like your Drake's, your, did he actually do something? I feel like he did. I don't know if he actually did, but I feel like he did. Let's just mark it down. Right. I just feel like he did. Whoever the other girls that were talking shit, plenty of other, what would that be? The baby. Right. What would that stupid nigga name? The one that came out of the baby's defense?
With the dreads, not Lil Uzi Vert, that's not the right one. It's another Lil Yachty, that stupid nigga too. All of these niggas that were like, oh my God, I can't believe it. All of you niggas that were on the social, on the social medias and on the interwebs, getting your rocks off, some people being shot, making jokes. Fuck all y'all. Cause we knew what it gave. So now the little Michelin man is a... Stop. He is in, he is in.
The Giselle. Also, I would argue and say I'm an abolitionist, and so do I think that Giselle is right for anybody? No. But do I understand why folks feel like there's some type of justice being served in the current state of where we are as a society, thinking about incarceration? Yes, I do. That's real. Yeah. So that happened recently. Oh my

Vivienne Westwood's Legacy

gosh. OK, so we're recording this as of December 31st.
Vivian Westwood is gone. I'm fucking stressed because I told myself that if I ever got married, that was gonna be the white woman I was going to to get my fucking dress made. And now you are telling me that the only woman I envisioned making my dress is gone. That's, yeah. Fantastic creator. I mean, if you don't know who Vivian Westwood is, of course, his mama's made like, you know, bags and clothes, but bitch, her wedding gowns,
I don't know if anybody's ever seen Sex in the City, the movie. Okay, Bria, why would you do that? I didn't even say that. It was a subtle shade for me, but you tried it. I literally- But you tried it. No, but we all heard you. Whatever, whatever. We heard you. Okay, the dress that
Uh, Carrie wears to get married to Biggie, and well, they don't get married, but, well, then beginning. But the dress that Carrie wears to get married to Big, with the bird in her, with the blue feather bird in her hair, and it's like gold and like this off white, that is a Vivian Westwood gown. Bitch. It is my dream gown. Hmm.
I'm flabbergasted at my dreams. Now granted, also, I'm a plus size bitch. And I don't think she makes shit for fat people. So I feel like I was going to have to pay good money for my dress to be made, but I was willing to do it. Because I would look and feel like a fabulous bride. Great gowns, beautiful gowns for real. Literally, literally great gowns, beautiful gowns. We lost Barbara Walters? We did. I don't know what's happening.
We also, I was going to say on the fashion tip that, um, losing Andre Leon Collie happened this year, actually. It did. Did it? It happened at the beginning. It happened like January 18th. Oh my heart. Yeah. That was also really hard. I also think like not just because he was a fucking fashion icon, you girls couldn't take.
But more so because he was a black queer icon, like everybody, all the blacks, so, okay, not to be like doing like the whole age thing. But like, I know that like me being 30 when I was growing up, I knew Andre Talley was. I had seen him and stuff. I knew who he was. I didn't know his impact until I was in my, you know, early twenties, but like I knew who he was growing up. And I think that would want to be only like black fat queer people that I would see
or have access to regularly, or like regularly enough where I recognized him like by face and by name. Oh, that was tough. Virgil, Virgil's album didn't happen this year, did it? That was last year. I think that might've been this year. I'm actually, I'm like, I'm looking up as a reminder to myself.
I'm about to say, cause you got all the girl I guess is in the little dark. And Bria's not one thing, she is what? Organized. I wasn't really prepared cause I told you I wasn't coming with anything. Coolio happened this year actually. Oh my God. This is a lot. Coolio happened. Oh my God, this is a lot. That was a thing.
Oh, heavens. Oh, heavens. I really have forgotten about that. Nichelle Nichols happened this year also. Right. Right. From Star Trek. Bill Russell, basketball icon, Mary Alice. Oh, man. There's a lot. Yeah, it's a lot. Oof.
But yeah, it was, it was, it was definitely a lot. It was. Coming into the year and also. Leaving out. Yeah. Yeah. Leaving out to lose like Vivian Westwood and Barbara's watch was like, what a day

Notable Losses of 2022

or two apart. Like what? And Barbara's, Barbara watches interviews. They were giving. Girl. Okay. Um, but yeah, um, they, they also,
Tracy Braxton, dawg? Oh, I feel bad. I forgot about that. She did. I forgot about that. She did. We would talk about that too. Oh, goodness. All right, I got it. I'm like, can we have something else? All right. But yeah, it was definitely a time for niggas to get their reckoning.
Ooh, you know who we didn't mention that definitely died? I was noticed. OK, we're on the same page. We're on the same page, bitch. Because period. Because he showed up on this list. He did. It's so not notable. Yeah, I was like, I don't know if he's notable. I don't know if he's somebody that the girls were upset about. Period. But it did happen. It did. But it did happen. And you know what? I think very similar to the Tory lanes and all of that.
I feel like, um, same energy. I think, uh, healing while black actually made a post that I was like, yeah, this, this whole thing about like the legacy that you leave with, um, Oh, that's who I should have asked. Oh, to be on the show.
Josh, you want to do this film? Right, no, but you know that he listens, right? He listens. Like, he like, well, he will, he messaged me and was, because like, the last episode we had, I made a joke about how we only had 10 listeners. And then the episode after that, I was talking about criminal stuff. And every episode since then, he's been like, I listened today. Like, hey, I was listening today. And I am like, ride or die, nigga. Ride or die. Come on the podcast. I feel like that would be a great clip. Right. Also, I feel like we could talk about what happened to all the other podcasts that you put.
earlier this year. We talked about it. Well, well, anyway, that's, that's not the point. No, it's not. It's not. No, no, no, no, it's not. Great work over there. Go follow healing while black. He's lovely and brilliant and smart. But yeah, he made like this post about how, you know, Tory Lane's
Kevin Samuels, the nigga. Oh, yeah. And Andrew Tate, who actually just, you know, went to fucking jail. Period. Hold on, wait, Gaston. Right. Got arrested. His brother got arrested in Romania. Got himself arrested. Because he's a fucking, for trolling a 19 year old. And it's Greta Thornburg. I just, you know, I don't know if you saw Glass Onion.

Andrew Tate's Arrest & Influence

Not yet. I'm watching it today. I'm OK. So I won't I won't spoil it for anyone. But Benoit Blanc love, honestly, fantastic character. But he basically at a point. So he he says something about this like plan, this mystery that he's, you know, uncovering, unraveling. And he's like,
This is dumb. And another character is just like, it's so dumb. It's brilliant. And he's like, no, it's just dumb. And I feel that way a lot about these niggas that are just like, I don't know, just like,
using their platforms in these ways, they're just not, they're not smart. And it's very clear that they're not smart. And it really bothers me that they have so many people following them and hang on their every word and letting them say, hey, you don't need to read books. What are you reading books for? You don't need to think for yourself, whatever. The way that people were talking about how Andrew Tate has mobilized and like, not mobilized, galvanized all of these
these like younger kids, like, you know, younger boys into like this, like indoctrinated these kids and like also men, cause y'all are fucking simple, into like these very like homophobic, anti-woman, like this nasty forms of like thought and how like it's stuck, right? Like it's sticking. And to also have this be the same person
And you know what? Okay, so like, if I'm being honest, the sex trafficking didn't surprise me.
because I feel like this is also a man who I will say I've never, I've caught his clips on Instagram and been like, please stop showing me this nigga, block all of that shit. And if you post it, I don't give a fuck who you are, you are blocked too. But I have caught the clips about him talking about women being less than him using women just for pussies. Like if you're married for fucking, like if you want to fuck your wife, you take the pussy, she can't tell you no. Who the fuck, what are these niggas doing? And so with that kind of rhetoric, with that kind of belief, with that kind of,
deeply rooted misogyny and misogynoir, particularly for Black women, like, yeah, I can imagine that you would be a person that would do something like that. Like, I am not. It makes sense. It tracks for me. Yeah. I'm hoping that 2023 is the year for more niggas to get their reckoning for, you know,
RTI and Tani still don't like a case about them being like sexual harassers or on breakfast or something? I don't know. I didn't forget it. I don't know. Just because you went quiet, bitch, don't let me be forgot. Because I did not forget. I don't know if that was something like that. Didn't that happen this year? Didn't that happen this year? It might. Wait, didn't we lose? Oh, we did lose offset this year. Who? Was it offset? Oh, yes. Yes. But also the girls had feelings about that because apparently he was in trouble for sexual assault or rape or something, too. And they were like, don't bring that up. He did. Y'all love trying to protect Black men's legacy, even when they cause harm.
No shade but Kobe Bryant was another one that y'all were like, you don't bring that up now. What?
When you die, everything you do is left behind. All the things, all the choices you make that have harmed other people, all of that stuff, if those people are still living, it's still affecting them, it still exists. You don't get to dismiss people's entire, and that's also a part of your legacy. Talk about a legacy, Josh, right? Talk about a legacy, right? I think you don't get to remove the bad parts of what you left behind when you are gone because all of those things had a kind of impact. All those things together impacted somebody else. Now, if it didn't, nobody knows.
Well, that's the thing. But if everybody knows it is a public display of mess or it's a public display of harm, you don't get to opt out of that because you're like, oh, this is a black man. We need to uplift him. Bitch, you did some fucked up shit and we all know about it. And we all know you did it. Yeah, no. I feel like that's something that's primarily reserved for me. Oh yeah. Preservation of legacy and whatever. Like even just like,
like this notion of food and legacy and blah, blah, blah and having a bunch of kids and fuck it up. Nick, we talking to you. Take a fucking break. Take a fucking break. It's weird and it's giving like football team and it's making me uncomfortable. I don't even know what they could be doing at this point, but. I think it's like 11 or 10 or I don't know.
It gives a lot and it's just like, it's this obsession with legacy but not actually doing good things to like preserve it or whatever. And it's just a lot. I was going to say, speaking of preserving legacy, I don't know. I was like trying to form it into a snazzy question. But I was going to say, what is something this year that you did in preserving your legacy?
I think this podcast is a good one. I think that there's a year of us, I mean, just me, you and Shelly chopping it up and talking shit and a lot of like black queer, you know, I think like feelings. We talked about like relationships this year. We've talked about our love lives or lack thereof. Shelly has hit on me at least seven times on this podcast.
The past is the gag. Yeah, no. I think that this is something that I've done. I left graduate school. So for those of you that don't know, when we started this podcast, when we came back in August or September, yeah, I was in grad school. I think I might have talked about it maybe once on the pod. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe once. But after that, I didn't mention it again. Yeah, I dropped out. So I finished my semester. I came up with a 365.
And I did really well, right? But I'm not going back. And I would drag them for filth, but what would be the point? Because there are still Black students who would go to this program and I don't know. I can't name, I can't figure out what, I'm not figuring out, but I don't know.
I feel like there, I would love to say whether black students from coming from going into that program, um, in particular, but I know that that's difficult to convince black, especially when you're a person who feels like you don't belong or like you don't feel like you shouldn't have a shot or like you don't understand why you were able to get a shot to go to grad school. Like you're a person who has, you know, a posture syndrome and stuff. So yeah, all that stuff said, I won't say that, but yeah, I,
I left, so yeah, I think that was a legacy for me because it's opened up me, like new doors for me to do other things. Yeah, I think the way that I, well, I mean, 30, it's not a legacy moment, but I feel like turning 30.

Personal Growth Reflections

The way that I did it. The way you were talking about it. The way that I was...
You're just like, bitch, I don't have time for anything else. Everybody has been literally doing what I want. Anybody and everybody has been getting it. I mean, it doesn't matter who you are, parents, grandparents. I don't care. And people, it is so funny because people were like, oh my gosh, Tyra, you're always so like direct and you're always so aggressive. And I was like,
I don't agree. And why I don't agree now is because I feel like the girl that y'all said that I was before I turned 30 is that girl now. Because she doesn't have the time. She don't want to. She don't want to. What about you? What do you think? Oh, no, I can hold that. That's what later. What do you think you like? What was your legacy and whatnot for the 2022 year? I feel like
I'm like, I gotta go to my pictures. I'm like, what did that mean? Wow, not that. I thought of one, but I guess we're not gonna talk about that. Okay. Well, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. That's what the podcast is. Anyway, I will say that I think my largest one is basically like I was doing this,
mentorship this year. And it was to help me get into publishing to get into like the field that I wanted to find a way into. And it, I keep thinking it's very funny how things turned out or whatever, but it's like, you know, the mentorship was basically supposed to end in December. And by this time, you know,
that that's kind of like it, whatever that's like the run of the program. But I finished it with a new job like having, you know, in the process of doing this. I got a new job and I, you know, got into this position to do
something that I've been trying and failing at trying to do for a long time by myself. I don't think we have to talk about that. But it's really been a struggle. I feel like when I was working with my therapist and stuff,
You know, it was really just the struggle of me talking about how I felt like I was never going to like be in this position to do this thing. And really me like talking to myself about like, what did I want to do if I'm going to be like, you know, if if like, if writing as net is not like, because they just don't pay the girls enough. You know, so if I have to find something to do that can sustain me,
you know, for my life, then like how do I make this a thing? And I've been trying really hard and not had a lot of success for the past few years or so.
Um, so yeah, I feel like it really was, and I remember having this conversation with my therapist of feeling like, like, I know that I'm good enough. Like that's not like an issue. Like that's not the problem, but it's just like, what happens when you know that you're good enough to do something and that's still not enough. You know, like, you know, that you're capable of doing something, you know, that you, um, you know, you're, you're even better at other people.
at whatever skill you have or whatever. But still, that's not enough to be able to be successful in what you're trying to do. Because whatever the reason, capitalism, not having racism, sexism, whatever. So I was really struggling with that with my career and writing and all of that. And I still feel like I struggle with it a little bit, especially as I get towards the end of my 20s and whatever and all of those feelings.
I started this new job. I'm here in this place. I also am going to be doing a writing mentorship this year with a writer of black science fiction. So I kind of like trying to tell myself that, you know,
reminding myself about the being good enough part instead of worrying about the not making it part. I think what was funny too, so I'm not going to give too much away because we haven't really started doing anything about it yet. But thinking about a legacy right for 2022, me leaving graduate school,
has given me a lot of room to think about the things that I wanted to do, and I want to create something. And I put, actually, some of y'all who, the 10 listeners, I think about 80, y'all follow me on Instagram, so you probably already fucking saw it. But no, there is, I want to create something, and I have enlisted a fantastic, fabulous, wonderful writer.
Like, oh my God, who would that be? I asked Bria to help me write it and produce it and maybe direct it so we can figure out how to get that. Oh, girl. Oh, that's different than that? Look at me either. Look at our backgrounds. Like, what are you talking about? I know that someone has said something to me about like a film.
like intensive where like people go through and like they shadow folks and learn about the camera. I have some resources to share with you actually. Oh yeah, and work. Cause I need all this shit. I all hope you can get it. But I, yeah, okay. But like I am excited cause I think that, so I, I, I love the stories of like the Issa race. Cause I want to come back to that cause Issa, like Issa has been successful this year as well. Yeah, with rap shit. Quinta gave us
A wonderful show. We got Abbott Elementary. I'm going to also shout out Babsburg. We're going to come back to that because Bob, these last couple of episodes of Babsburgers have had me in my fucking feelings. Everything, everywhere, all at once also came out. So you girls who haven't seen it get the fuck on it because that movie is amazing. And I don't know why they snubbed my homegirl. My goodness. But she should have been in every fucking category. Anyway, come back to that. Come back to that.
Yeah, I realized that one of the things that stopped me from doing, from creating these things is realizing that there is a bigger system at play and like there isn't, there are, like we're not in media the way that I want us to be in media. Like I'm watching the show, sort of. It just dropped in second. And if you look, sort of is a great show about a, I believe that they're, they're not Pakistani, are they?
I think they're practicing. Oh, this is on HBO? Yes. So Sword of has two seasons. I don't know. Oh, no, it got renewed for a third, thank God. But it's about this brown person, this brown, queer, trans feminine person. They are practicing. Oh, well, go me. Thank goodness. I don't want to fuck it up.
Um, but yeah, like, I just finished season two, and it is probably one of the best shows I have seen with Brown representation and Brown folks. Yeah, of course I've never heard about it. Which is wild, because I watched, yeah, I watched, the first season came out... Oh!
Random Acts of Flyness is also what they also talk about. Can we talk about it? And here's the thing, Random Acts of Flyness came back and the only reason why I learned about it was because this is a page. I asked Random Acts, yeah. Oh no, the Instagram page posted something about an episode or something while the first two episodes dropped on HBO, go watch an hour or some shit. And someone shared it and was like, what the fuck is this and where did they come from? Because there was no promotion there.
Like, okay, and like, I get it, the girls played their Beyonce, but when we haven't heard from you from like four or five years, you can't just drop shit like Beyonce. We need to know so we can go watch it and support it, because the first season was amazing. Also, it was like 2016 when we got that season. 15, 16, whatever it was. It was like a good night. It's been a long, it's been a long time. So yes, I still want to see it, but also I got to know that it's coming out so I can go watch it.
And maybe that was purposeful, because I know at one point in time, they weren't even sure if they wanted to do another season. So maybe this could very well be the last season. Who knows? I mean, I wasn't expecting it after a certain place. Yeah, I was like, whatever. But yeah, no, I say all about to say that I'm excited to... I think part of...
that legacy would be whatever we come up with and create and producing shit like, Oh, how did I get here? Oh yeah.

New Media Ambitions

I would say I've been like, it's a, I would say that like, it's a, it's a bigger industry, right? That, that doesn't open doors for us. And as much as I admire Isa's and again, like the Isa's, the, the Quinta's, um, a couple of like black queer writers, right? I admire their hustle and their move. Um, J.R. Bland is another one who I think about like,
Keep talking, stop being weird. You'll be a weird, anyway. I admire those things, right? I think that I don't want to wait for them to make room for me. I don't want to try to break into the industry because I feel like if I wait to do that, we'll never have, well, I'll probably not be waiting for my chance. I mean, and like black people have been like breaking into things,
50 years, as long as the industry has existed. And they're still the first of this and the first of that. The first of that, right. And so I'm like, yeah, I don't want that. So yeah, I think for me specifically, I want to create the things that I know we want to see. And first time around, we'll see what it gives. Of course, it may not be the greatest camera quality. It might not be the greatest acting.
But I want to say this is what I came up with and this is what we came up with and this is what we decided to do and it came out great for us. I think trying to do this in a year is very ambitious. I mean, I feel like it doesn't, I think it doesn't have to be, you know? Like I feel like it could be something that, I feel like especially if it's like a short project, like,
Even if it's something that's like, girl, we're gonna give it, we're gonna make like a teaser trailer that's like a minute and a half or something. Or like this project itself is like five minutes max or something. I feel like, you know. We also haven't figured out, we haven't met. We haven't sat down. We haven't met.
And if y'all know somebody who funded some shit like this, please send them our way because I have an idea. If you know people who fund, if you are especially Black and you, you know, have knowledge of the film and act or
make costumes. I don't know. Whatever. Girl. Okay. Uh, can we talk about anything to the girls? Right. To the girls. So look to the girls who I'll scout, who, if you want to come help scout locations, like also please, girl, let's talk about it. Cause I'm like, to be honest, that scout locations part got me stressed because if anybody remembers what insecure miss mama was talking about how they was still in shot and sneaking and like we're dropping around in the middle of the night to get there at their takes. And I am like, what? I think finding
like the house is probably gonna be the... Yes, I thought about that. I was like, whose house would we... And I'm like, who would be comfortable being like, hey, can we use your house? Great. Can we take all of this shit out and put it back in? Yeah, I don't know. I can't offer my family's house for that. It's too much shit going on. No, I don't think I don't have a family house to offer.
No, my grandparents have a lot of stuff going on in there. Sorry mom. I'm going to listen to this. I'm going to say sorry mommy. She don't listen to this. Well, I don't think it depends on what you want. Is it like you want it to be more like older or like whatever? Because your mom's house, it's not that. It's not. I think they put those like 2017. It's very modern. It's a three story town home, right? It isn't a very suburban area, very much a suburbs.
Um, I think that's all in my head. I'm not, I'm not going to, that's all like like an older house, but I'm also thinking like, could we like rent one for a month or like something? I don't know. I mean, I thought that would work. It gives the last black man in San Francisco sort of vibes. Oh, I don't know if you've seen that, but, um, I've heard of it. It's a very beautiful house, but it's basically like, um, and it's, it's a movie that, um,
Oh my God, what is that man's name? I'm about to say Cheetie? No, from. Who we still love, by the way. I don't know what the fuck you're doing, but. No, he lives in New York, actually. You told me. Yeah, I think he lives somewhere close to where I went to school. Because somebody else that I went to school with said that she ran into him also on a separate occasion. I was like, oh, hi. I didn't think I'm going. I think he lives in Bed-Stuy or something.
The girls can afford apartments at best. Oh, I guess you can. I mean, yeah, you see he's an actor. Sorry. And I'm like, not the whole job, but the Good Place had several. It was so good. So yeah, that makes sense. Oh my God. From Lovecraft Country. What does that mean? Which one? Because there are like three Black men in that show. Four Black men. You know, the main one. Oh, you mean Tic?
Yes, but- Jonathan Majors? Jonathan Majors, okay, great. Oh. Okay, no, but Jonathan Majors was fantastic in the last segment. We're not talking about low-fracto-tree. Oh, I'm sorry? Traumatized, what the fuck? I don't wanna talk about low-fracto-tree, but all of that to say, I think that, I don't know what they did in working in that house, but it's basically about,
Jonathan Majors is playing the best friend to this guy, whose name I don't know, but his character's name is Jimmy, I think. And his parents told him, or I think his father or grandfather told him that he built this house or whatever, and that this house used to be their house. And then they lost it, and now there's this new,
couple living there and it kind of like goes about this new like white family living there and it goes through like gentrification and stuff in San Francisco or whatever and he kind of just like ends up squatting in this house while they like leave because I think the couple or the family is gonna like give it up or something happens and they're gonna get rid of the house so he ends up squatting in it and he's just like you know these two black men who don't really have any money and like
whatever and he's just trying to preserve like his family legacy and like try to figure out how to keep the house and blah blah blah um but it's a very beautiful house um and i think it's a good film talking about like i don't know just like legacy in like our stuff even um just like those sort of things come on somebody ran off with all my stuff period um but yeah i don't know if there are people in
the Georgia Atlanta area. No, not Medea, anything but that. Good looking. But you know, we can look into it. But yeah, also the other thing I was gonna say

Bria's Creative Journey

As far as like doing things, I'm working on like comic stuff and like doing things that I haven't tried before and like those things are actually gonna happen this year. So I feel like it's a good time to be, you know, trying. You've been teasing this comic book all year. It's a way to comic.
And it's because I've been working on it for a long time. So thank you very much. I've heard things about it. I'm like, where is it? I have pages. But, you know. You didn't send them to me. I didn't. But I can. I can. All right. You sent me everything else. Yikes. I'm a second class. I'm a red-headed stepchild now. Wow. Has Michael seen them?
I gave back. Say less. I heard. Say less. Because he's heard. No. No. Fuck all of that. You niggas get boyfriends and y'all start dating and shit, and then your other friends become ball-handed, right? Right-handed them children. Anyway. And if that's what it is, that's what it is. Five. That's great. Anyway, I'm working on a creative endeavor with you. That's like a beautiful journey.
Are you trying to erase my feelings? Was I silenced or was I silenced? I'm trying to bring it back into focus, right? So what I'm trying to say is that this is starting new things and doing the stuff that we want to do. And I would just like to say that I've been saying that I would like to read more of your writing since high school. I know that you're not a fan of those things that I was reading.
But I'm saying Facebook went up like I was really on the edge of my seat. Okay. I am never going to release what I wrote.
I'm glad that I have a copy. Yeah, Bria, I sent it to Bria because Bria is maybe one of the only, because I, okay, so back in the day when I had a Facebook in high school, I was writing on two platforms. I was writing a PG version of that story on Facebook. And then for those girls who were BGC Live, I was writing on BGC Live. I feel like I was reading the PG version, actually. Yes, you were. There was some, I was only reading what you posted
Yeah, no, yeah. Because the one you, the copy you have has all of it in it. Yeah. The raunchy sex outside. All of that. Yeah, all of that. But the other version was for BGC live and BGC live used to have stories, right? You can like, you can like go and write stories, post your stories, post your stories, whatever.
My story was in the top 20 for, like, months. And even when it moved out of the top 20, it was still, like, top 25, right? Which means... And there used to be hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of stories that people would write and post. And people would be, like, in my comments, like, oh, shit. Like, I love gay. People would be in my comments, like, oh, my God. Like, I love this story so much. It is so good. And then I put it on... PG version on the Facebook page. And the girls were like, I want more.
It was me, I was the girls. It wasn't, it was you. And I was so upset when you stopped posting. I was like, I did. It was other people. And so yeah, no, I did stop posting. And like, so BGC Live saw the ending.
Facebook did not. So I said Bria. I said Bria the entire thing. And so Bria got to see the ending. I feel like I never told you in person that I like really, like, I feel like I commented, but like, I never told you in person. We didn't talk, we didn't talk. No, because it was happening in high school and I was seeing y'all like every day and I would post, you know, the chapters occasionally. I feel like it was just,
And everybody, like, people in school would be like, I love this, it's so great. And then, like, I would go to school and no one talk about it. So I was like, okay, well, great. Let's do that then. Wild. But I feel like I should have, I should have been like, bitch, where the fuck is the rest? Because I was very upset that I didn't do it. And that's what, 10 years later? That's like 13, 14 years later. You brought that story until you actually showed it to me. Yeah. So no, that is like my worst version of my writing. I was the most unevolved version of myself.
But even at your worst, it was tantalizing. It was. It kept the girls going. The sex scenes were sexy. The sex scenes were sexy. There was a bit more to it than if I had the full uncomfortable approach. No, because people from family and stuff were on Facebook. And everybody knew I was how you doing. But the girls didn't know how how you doing I was. And I wasn't to find out from this that I was out here talking about sucking dick.
I mean... I mean, no, I understand. I just never knew that there was another version, and I meant that I did not. Should they have assumed that I was sucking dick? Absolutely. You know, this shouldn't be a surprise, yeah. When I was sucking dick at high school, to be clear, I was not sucking dick at high school. I was actually very whack in high school. I was actually... No, not whack. I was bitchy and mean, and people didn't like me, which is fair. But...
Yeah, I don't have a lot of my other writings. I think I've gotten rid of, not gotten rid of, but they've been, actually they've been, they're not gone, but they've been archived.
Um, and honestly, I think after high school, like the, like the excitement, like the fun pieces of writing kind of flew out the window. Cause I started college and I was required to write actual papers and, you know, really like, yeah. So a lot of the papers that I, that I have now, a lot of my writings I have now are specifically for school, right? Like they're from academia, like directly. Um, I haven't written anything fun in a long time, which is why I'm also excited about this because this idea that I, that I'm writing about came from a dream.
I love that. A very detailed, like if you, I, poor Bria, I, we, I sent you two ideas and you were like, I want to go with this one because the other one is not clear. And I was like, if you want the truth. Yeah. It was a lot of details to be thrown at me, but I didn't really understand what was going on. You ever like, cause like, so I, I remember, I remember my dreams.
I know all the time, but the ones that I do remember are the ones that I end up writing because I feel like they give me enough detail and like for me to write. I had a dream that I'm just gonna say the dream that I had a while ago that I still remember.
Like some parts of it didn't make sense, but I was able to like, piece it together, right? But it was basically like, so y'all know Spirited Away. And you know, like the witch Yubaba from Spirited Away. I had a dream that, and I don't know if it's just me, but I oftentimes dream that I'm myself, but not myself in other dreams. Like I dream as a character and not just as me. Like I'm not always myself in a dream.
Sometimes I might turn into myself later, but a lot of times I dream as I am someone else who doesn't exist, right? So, but dream me, character me, whatever. I had a dream that I was being chased in like this intergalactic, like fantastical library by this witch from Spirited Way. That sounds good. So I wrote, I wrote a story
And I basically turned it into a story about this girl named Satni who was raised in this fantastical place by spiritual beings of the sun, the moon, blah, blah, blah. And she ends up in this library and has to deal with this witch or whatever.
So of course I have to go back and do it. And I know it's just bad that I don't finish. Look, I don't know how many of Bria's, I don't know how many of your, do any of your friends listen to the podcast? Um, they do. Okay. So I don't know how many of Bria's other friends have also been given writings and like have never seen the other. One of my other friends has a story similar to like you and the Achali man. There's a story about, um, that I wrote.
There's this other story that I wrote about sort of like a future where people have like telekinetic abilities that are seen as very dangerous. So they get taken away by like what's called in this process called the collection. So they get like taken away when they like show people get taken away when they show signs of having this ability.
And basically, it's the story about this boy who has this ability and his siblings are basically trying to hide it. And my friend, Briana, if you're listening to this.
they're always like, so when are you ever, when are you going to finish the super kid story? When I tell you the way, like the one child weight man was a short story that you wrote. Like I'm thinking like five, six years ago. I'm like, and when I tell you it is probably one of the best things I have. And it was, and it wasn't even like, it's not been, it's just, it's just like what you have already, I was like,
I'm doing my best to get back into my short story back. The struggle is that I just be right in stuff. So it's either like I get to a place where like
I reach like, I don't know, like an issue or something that I have to fix. And then like, I get stuck trying to fix it. And then I move on to something else. And then two, three years pass. And then I'm like, bitch, what the fuck was I even writing? I don't know, like what I was thinking when I was writing this. Or I like try to submit a story places and I get a lot of rejection from that. And then I'm like,
Well, clearly there's something I need to fix or I need to figure out what other avenue I need to submit it to. And then I just feel like

Challenges in Publishing

I don't. Cause I have stories that are finished, but I have like four or five stories of different length that I've also been trying to place. One thing is I did, I did get published somewhere. I did have a story that was published this year, so that's cool. But you know, there's a lot of other things that I've finished that I haven't been able to place or actually
Sorry, last thing about myself. But I was going to say that those stories and like poems were going to be like they were originally a part of my thesis. And then like, I wanted to release them in like four volumes of short story and poetry collections. But nobody fucking wants the collection. So I just had
the issue of either placing those stories individually or having somebody like pick up the manuscript collection as itself. But I feel like personal struggles. This is when you'd be like, fuck y'all, I'll do it myself. And that's because I'm like, because I am like, I feel like I have like
Again, one of a very talented writer, right? Very creative, very talented. I don't. Yes, yes, yes. Right. But I also feel like I think like you do, you know, specular fiction, sci-fi, you know, it makes sense to me that a Black person writing something like this wouldn't get picked up from like, even like the smaller, the smaller, you know, publishing companies who may be like, oh, we'll go look at it. There's like one Black speculative fiction literary magazine that's like pretty notable.
but it only like I had to go back and check like they only publish like 10 like they do several like four or five issues a year maybe but they publish like 10 people at once in an issue and I'm like as popular as I know this magazine is for this to be the black speculative fiction magazine it's like they're not in my favor they are not they're not
Um, yeah, no, I, I understand. And again, this, like, this is what I was saying earlier about creating something like this story. I don't know. I don't think people, cause I have been talking about this and I don't, I'm not going to put it up here because y'all bitches is sneaky. And I don't want to go like, Oh, I thought about that too. I'm going to do it first. No, I'll fuck that. You should have did it before. Cause I'm going to do it when it come out and you hear about it, you hear about it, bitch. Uh, but no, there is, I'm excited cause and Brea knows I think a
like a few of my other friends who also listen to this pod note, I have been talking about doing this idea specifically for like the last four or five years. But because I've been doing college and moving and working full-time, there's no room. And I'm telling you, the ideas, the character arcs, I am so excited to really like get into this. Yeah, and there's a lot of,
I'm excited because I think that this will be something that I need for myself. Not so much for anybody else. I feel like it's, I've also felt, especially going back to what you said about being like, fuck it, I'ma do it myself.
with like making the stories you want to see and also just, you know, I've been in that place this year of contemplating. Like, I don't know if I should just say like, just suck it up and just be like, I don't, I'm like toeing the line between like, oh, I need to try harder to like find a place or I just need to figure out how to do it myself. The matter. And it's, and I get, I get stuck with that place because I'm like, well,
you know, if I publish it myself, like it's not gonna be some it's not gonna be a project that's like traditionally published in this way or whatever, like blah, blah, blah. But I don't know, I feel very much in and sometimes I'm like, Oh, maybe I need to be more patient, like blah, blah, blah, wait and do whatever but I feel I feel very much like I don't know if it's between me not pub ever publishing this thing and like people not being able to read it or just like
you know, just putting it out there and like maybe like a million people like it's not maybe it doesn't end up in Barnes and Noble, but like, you know, it's like something that exists that I do for myself that I know people have the potential to find and then I definitely feel that and support that. I mean, also, right, I think that there is
I think that there is something for me very special about going into this process because I feel like there isn't much that I think I've done that still exists. I love the ball wins, but...
that whole Instagram page we'd scrap and turn it into bookability next time. And I'm like, now let me be clear, all of the pictures, all of the posts and stuff are archived for us. So we have access to the Baldwin's Gmail where all of that stuff lives. But it's not public.
Yeah. And now the flyers and stuff are still out here. The event, right? I'm sure it's still up. The flyers were popping out. Girl. Oh, and also shout out to Aaron for putting that booklet together for, I mean, it was so beautiful. And the artist that we used, can't remember his name right now, but the art was amazing. It was kind of rude. Don't know what happened there, but the artwork itself was great. The artwork was so great. And they let us use it, you know, free of charge. So I really appreciated that.
But yeah, like we, like I don't, like there is no, there are like people, if you weren't, it's one of those things where like if you, like you had to be there to see it, right? But it happened twice, we did it twice. And we planned for a third and I was like, girl, I can't. But like, we did it twice. And there's, there is nothing with the accepting gift from like all the stuff that we have, all the planning stuff that we have, all of the flyers and stuff. But other than that, like there's nothing that I can say, like people can find and say, oh, I went to the thing unless you kept it. And I feel like maybe that's something that you've been,
more towards of like, I feel like going away from Baldwin to like the podcast and like whatever like I feel like maybe it's that you're transitioning more towards doing something that you feel like
has like a lasting impact. Or just like that you can circle back to as representative of like, we worked so hard and we did this thing and it exists. Yes. Okay. So let's get into it because as much as like, like, so, okay. Sort of, I'm not going to get away the whole plot for season two. I recommend, please, if you have HBO, go watch the show. I'm not going to watch it today.
But sort of, in the second season, there is a place that all the queers goes to and something happens into that place. And the person that owns it was talking and was like, hey, I built this thing and people didn't come.
And that was kind of like a theme about this place throughout the season with this particular character. And I felt like I bought what I'm like, I built this thing and people didn't come. Like I wasn't popular enough. I wasn't well known enough. People weren't excited enough. And I was like, I don't think it's the fact that we aren't online enough. We would post it all the time. We would do stuff like we were around, but I think that
what I thought the community needed, what the community actually wanted, or they wanted it, but didn't want it for me, was what I realized. And I was doing, right? Like, like, cause someone, people, all the people did it and y'all went to their shit, but I was doing it and the girls were like, oh, wow. And I'm like,
I'm not putting my soul into this for people to just not engage. And so I scrapped it. And even now, the podcast isn't as well known or as big, right? But I think that it's something that I love doing with two people that I obviously love and enjoy talking to. So this feels better, right? Because I feel like you can go back to this and say, oh, we created this thing. We put this thing out. And this is what happened.
right? And like Shelly said, if somebody wants to archive it, or somebody wants to come and listen to it one day, 10 years from now, we're all like, you know, older and doing other shit, like, and they want to bring it back up and say, Hey, how did y'all like, you know, I can see that being the thing, but there's something left behind to show
And why does this cut the readers in that place? That's what it feels like. Um, speaking of, uh, the re celebrates 10 years next year. And it seems like some things are transitioning. Yes. Well, crystal also graduates, I think.
I don't know if she does this year or next year. I don't know. I was just thinking like, damn, how long? Yeah. I've been to school for a long time. I was like, I think she's died. But I think a lot of us have have felt that even in the episodes, like both of them just seem like they are over it. I feel like I feel like it makes a lot of sense for them to be in the place that they're in with like Kid Fury, you know, maybe doing furious thoughts on his own.
and doing writing for television and other amazing projects. And bitch, that promo? It's great. It's great. And it's funny, because I've watched every one of these fucking YouTube videos. I was so into various thoughts, bitch. I have watched everyone. Bitch, bitch. Now, bitch. I'm telling you. And it's, yeah, I feel like when I think about that, what I want for us, not that it has to be some grandiose. I mean, I would love for us to be on some
Kid Fury, Quinta, like, oh, girl, we're going to be writing in somebody's writer's room sort of situation. But I think more so, I just want it to be the stuff that we're doing to be like representative of like.
all of the effort and the work that we put into stuff. And people can recognize that it's good. And also it could lead us to other opportunity. Right. Because, bitch, let me start. Kid Fury has been on my YouTube, to TV, to whatever screen since I was probably in high school. I had been watching Kid Fury for years.
It was giving like Kid Fury, Francesca. Oh, Chescalee! We love Francesca. I also remember when Kid Fury first moved to New York.
I don't know how many people remember him and he was there with the girl with the panda baby with a four year old kid. Well, and I'm sure those videos will probably be down cause messy, but like I know we'll talk about this baby giving too much neck all the time. Um, or like when, like when Crystal and first started doing the podcast, right? Like, I remember all of that stuff. So yeah, I think.
Yeah, I love that that is happening for them. And yeah, I also think, can we be honest? Yes. I also think that dreaming that big for me is fucking terrifying. It is. I don't like failure. It is terrifying. I don't like failure. I don't feel great about failure. So for me, I'm like, if I'm going to put up this effort, I'm going to cry and scream and lose hours of sleep. I don't want to work a full-time job and then still try to write this shit and put it out. It better be successful. And the reality is that's not how the world works.
I think for me, when I think about like, like I said, you know, getting a new job and like trying to be like, bitch, let's be realistic. Like, you know, I'm not I'm not necessarily the next like Octavia Butler, I'm not necessarily going to rise to like Issa Rae success or whatever. If that doesn't happen, right? Am I still going to like do this thing that I
really passionate about. Am I still gonna put it out? You know, and I think for me, it's like, I'm gonna do this thing because I think it's a good fucking story. And I want to share that with people. Like, to me, I'm just like, you know, my existential whatever is just like, I don't want to like, leave a bunch of stories that nobody else ever got to read. Like, I want, you know, because if I
I'm just like a regular bitch, like y'all are not gonna go through the effort. I don't think so. I think your friends would, right? I think quite a few of us would probably be like- I could leave that behind as a note, be like, okay, here's the password to get into my- Right, well, I think quite a few of us would want, even if you don't, a few of us would probably be like, we're gonna publish our friend's work some fucking way. Because I feel like someone else needs to see it.
And I would appreciate that. And I would probably request that if I had something that I knew that I was going to be able to finish. But I think I want to do the work of putting it out there while I'm here, because I'm like, I want to see other people having access to this thing that I worked so fucking hard on. So I would like to be able to see at least somebody else read this thing or experience this thing. So I feel like, you know,
If you look at, you know, the work that you're doing and be like, yeah, I'm doing this thing and other people are going to see it and that's it, period.
Yeah. And I feel like also, like the girls, I don't know how many times I've seen people, but art isn't about the artist. It's about this audience. No, my art is about me, bitch. And I just share it with the audience. That's me. That's me. My art is about me, and then I just share it with the audience. I'm writing for me. I'm writing the shit that I want to see, and then I'm going to put it out in hope. Not even hope. I'm going to put it out if you want to see it too. That's great. But if you don't want to see it too, that's also fine.
If you don't like it, it probably wasn't for you. It was never for you. And a lot of the times with the shit that I'm thinking about writing and putting out, it won't be for most of y'all anyway. Could y'all be transphobic and trash? So yeah, I just don't foresee that being the thing. But yeah, I think it's really hard. I think it's very scary for me to think about
What like, you know, what happening? Yeah, we're not even put myself out there. I think it's about what happens if people find interest in this thing and like the pressure that comes after that to create something or write something that's better than the last thing you've done. And I think about that too of shows like Insecure.
And shows, again, like Abba Elementary, right? Shows like sort of where like these people are in the writers room like, oh shit, like we made this great season of whatever. Now we got to come back and figure out some new, Bob's Burgers. Bob's Burgers has been giving me season after season after season of fantastic writing. I don't know who's in that writers room.
I don't know what's happening. And these last couple of episodes they've put out have been tearjerkers. Honestly, I feel like a lot of people can't say that the show, that they're like projects and whatever that are ongoing get, you know, understandably better. But I feel like Bob Spigar is that space in place. Yes. A show that started off great, but it's skyrocketing era, bitch. As long as it's been on.
And I feel like it could end tomorrow. And I thought about that. Fantastic all the way through. 10 out of 10. No, no. I don't know how much longer, you know, because I don't necessarily think they need
need to be like a Simpsons era, whatever the fuck, but. Right. Right. Because there are some shows. And I haven't watched the Simpsons, and I have no idea what's happening.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Critique

And although I do know that one of my favorite drag queens, Monet Exchange, is going to be on an episode of The Simpsons. Oh, period. Yeah. But I may watch that episode, but I have not watched the show. We're not too afraid. Yeah, I don't know what the fuck is happening over there. No.
But yeah, no, I think Bilesburg is the show that got better. Oh, The Good Place, another show. I don't know what was in that writer's room, who was in the writer's room, who was writing. But when I tell you that show, even the last fucking episode was delicious. I mean, the way they ended it with no answers and it was so well done and well, like the visuals for it. Like, yeah, I think that like that is, um,
That is, that to me is a sign of great writing and amazing storytelling. When your show only gets better from the bottom, and even like, so now while we're on it, because I know that I did want, I brought up a couple of shows that came out this year in movies that were great.
We should talk about it. We should. And I'm going to start with this. So you bitches calling Black Panther Wakanda forever made your fucking losers. You have the emotional empathy of a fucking teaspoon, and you don't love yourself. You girls, go find something to do. I just feel like, now, I know we talked about and we analyzed and we did critique things. We did. And I feel like, honestly, in another place and space, because also,
Ryan Kugler did an interview or something talking about his previous plan for the Black Panther sequel that he had to rework. And I think a lot about the potential of things, especially without big
fucking corporation influence, because I think if Disney was not Disney, and like, I don't know, like, if, if, if there was not input into, you know, what the original because basically, like, the, what he was going to do was that it was going to be a story about Black Panther T'Challa coming back from the snap, it was still going to be
more focused on the baby. It was going to be him coming back from the step, realizing Nakia had this baby. I think she would have moved on and been in a relationship with someone else. And it would have just been a story about transitioning from T'Challa's role as a son who lost his father to being a father who didn't have, trying to find this relationship with his son.
block, which also sounds very beautiful. And like fucking niggas who may have thought that they just like threw in to say as like a gimmick of some sort. He was going to be in there anyway. So I, so I, I, apparently there were specs like from the original, like storyline that had leaked.
Um, I had never heard or seen those things. I'm also not a lot. I did not know this. It was a surprise to me. I literally, so when needed the interview and I heard about the original story, I was like, Oh shit. Um, and I think that there is. Like to have to rework an entire story. Um, but yeah, my main, my main thing with how beautiful both the original idea and also this is I feel like it would have been.
much more profound with the potential of what story was there if Disney as a corporation was not involved because of the fact that the politics and whatever of the story I feel interfered with the story. I just feel like there were things that affected the story being able to be really about
their family and like, you know, just fucking coming together with fucking Namor and being like, fuck these bitches, like, let's fucking fight against the US government, bitch. But of course, like, that sort of story isn't gonna happen from Disney. So, you know, I think for me, it was just more so about like, being able to like, celebrate T'Challa's story and the legacy that he was able to like, leave behind as a character because, yeah.
The girls are like, I don't know, I don't know if you were a teen recast, T'Challa, or not. Oh, no. But yeah, but I also felt like people were, people were like, oh, well, people hadn't gotten over their feelings and their, and whatever. We could have just had an illusion. And I'm like, but you're asking a- There is no- Like you were asking Black, let me be clear. You were asking Black Americans to release, to like get over the grief of having their very first
Not prior to the very first, but one of the biggest marvel, it's hard for me to be like, oh, recast and we'll be fine because I also know how important it was to not just me, but all these other, again, black folks, particularly black American folks who are like, we don't see ourselves in this way. It was so good. So good. I can't imagine that. I think.
the issue I have with people within that way is just like folks not really being able to see like you know these actors are people and like they're doing this work to like be become this character for you know being the face of this character um and that's the legacy that they leave behind and like when you just kind of and it's not like
You know, it's not like somebody somebody being like, oh, bitches need to recast as Ramilla because they're fucking wilding over there. Like, yo, OK, no fucking bitches won't do that.

Tributes to Actors

But instead, like this real person passes, you know, Chadwick Boseman passes Kevin Conway passes, you know, the voice, the like this OG voice of Batman passes away or whatever. And it's just like, you know, and I think
Of course, Hemsworth even, he's dealing with like some health stuff and is like, from acting and shit.
And I'm just like, y'all like, there are ways to be able to like pay a tribute to like, you know, actors who are real people who are playing these characters. Like, this is not just like, like, I know capitalism is good capitalism, and it's going to be a thing and y'all love your comic book characters down, but like, real people are still real people. There are real people behind these characters who write them who
you know, draw them who voice them who are acting as

Empathy in Storytelling

them. And there's just ways to be respectful. Like, some at some point down the line, they're probably gonna make to say the new Black Panther and that's not like something that would be disrespectful, you know, right? Which is not something that's like disrespectful to Chadwick's character. You know, like there are ways to do and like
That shit fucking happens all the time. They're in the actual comics where like this character is gone or like the character dies and like their child, their spouse, like a new kid. Takes up the mantle or whatever. And it just doesn't, like there's ways to be respectful of like real people. And it's just like,
Y'all don't want to practice empathy. It's the issue. Instead of being creative and whatever, folks just don't want to practice empathy. And that's what's so annoying. Agreed. And I think it's wild, again, to ask the people who have that kind of representation to suck it up, essentially, for the good of this storyline, for the comics.

Themes of Grief in 'Wakanda Forever'

Bitch, fuck you and no shade them comics because like what Ryan Coogler was able to pull together was amazing. It was beautiful. It was touching. I felt it in my spirit.
And y'all be forget, this is really somebody's, their friend. This was their companion. That they're actually grieving. That's not, it's just like, looking bullshit. The interviewer had asked why,
why Chad, like, why he had included, like, why Ryan Coogler had included, like, the, um, the conversation. I mean, like, like, why he had, why he had included, like, the mysterious illness where, like, he couldn't save, you know, like, where, where, you know, Chadwick had the mysterious illness and came out of nowhere, not Chadwick, because that was the parallel. But, like, Charlotte had this mysterious illness, he came out of nowhere and sure he couldn't save him. And she was like, why was that the storyline towards the North? And I was like, are we going to act like that's not what,
Well, that's what happened, right? Like, he had this child, we had this illness that nobody knew about until the very end. And we know about that after he was already gone. And the folks who needed to know knew and the folks who didn't, didn't.
And we found out when we found out, right? I think that it was art imitating life, really. It was him writing a story. Because it made sense, right? And I thought that to ask that question to Ryan about why to include that, I'm like, it's pretty fucking obvious. And again, we're grieving. It's a movie about grief, specifically. And it's like, I feel like it makes sense because it's a movie about this person. It wasn't just a movie about,
T'Challa and the loss of T'Challa like they didn't just make that shit up like they they made this movie the way they did because they lost Chadwick and like that's
that movie was representative of that.

Marvel's Expansion & Character Evolution

Like that grief and shit, like I'm sure it was not just acting on all of these people's careers. And they talked about it. They talked about being on set and like some people like, you know, crying throughout the movie and like feeling very, you know, upset and like just feeling very, you know, kind of down. And I was like, yeah. And it's like these people have been working together for years. Like that's, that's like his family. You just expecting people to like just,
get over that and then start working with a new digger. And just like, I feel like it's cool. No, it is not cool. It's not. If 20 years from now, like there's a new kid playing like Black Panther, like cute, whatever, like it's it's whatever, because it'll be a new generation of people who are like experiencing Black Panther probably for the first time.
Right. Right. I just like it's not, you know, and like, fucking whatever the fuck Marvel is doing, whatever, all kinds of bullshit just connect. I'm also. Yeah, I'm also I'm also very tired. Right. I'm also very tired of them and whatever the fuck they got going on. So I feel like they they could be all right. They could take some time, you know, to figure out
whatever they're planning to do. And honestly, like Ryan Kugler is doing a great

Fan Speculation on Shuri and Namor

job. Personally, I would like to see Shuri and Namor fuck some shit up. That's what I would like to request. I don't know if anyone else felt it, but I thought that there was some tension between the two of them that was not just. I did too. I was like, is it the actor or is it the actual character? I don't think it's the actor because Letitia gives Letitia gives. Son. She does. OK. I use the way. She gives.
But yeah, I felt like a lot of people felt that people have been writing fanfiction about Shuri and Namor. Fanfiction, drama, fan art of them together. But it's good, bitch. But it's good. It's too much nag. So I think it's not just us. But no, Latisha gives stunts. Oh, yeah, I felt the heat.
I felt, I felt that, I was like, oh, they are into each other, into each other. It's not just. When he like gave her his like mother's bracelet or necklace or whatever. I don't know if you remember when she took it off, she was like, and I was like, bitch. Like when she took it off, like when she got back to like the surface and she took it off and she got the Wakanda, it was like, she looked at it a little bit. It was like, and it kind of like, I'm like, yeah girl, just say you want him. Because it's really giving that she want a piece.
Oh, man, which understandably so like we get it. But yeah, so I would I would love to see I would love to see more of them, honestly, because I think everybody acted down. Yes, what they what they were given. And agreed. It was really a time. And it was very beautiful. And also, oh, a drag for a drag for James Cameron, actually.

Cultural Representation in 'Wakanda Forever'

Um, because people are talking about how the, the, so we have Wakanda forever where, um, they are, you know, Ryan Kugler and the team working on Wakanda forever. Like they did the work to actually go into like, you know, paying respect to like.
And creating honestly, this new background for a character that already existed that like wasn't this, you know, like creating indigenous like Mayan roots for this character. And diving into that and doing so in like a respectful way, like the fact that they actually found like indigenous Mayan rappers to like record for on the soundtrack, bitch, I was getting my life. Really? Yes, they
They found a community, I forgot the name of the composer or the one who created the score. That nigga eat. But this man, yeah, he was like, they wanted to find actual indigenous Mayan rappers to like create some of the songs for the soundtrack for the score. And they like flew to there and like just fucking made a studio or like whatever and like recorded it with them.
It was literally just a handful of indigenous Mayan rappers in the world. And they flew to them and had them record this shit. So in contrast, right? So you have that. And then you have the fucking Avatar bullshit, right? Now, respectfully, the only- If you colonized bitches would have just done better with your communities, you would have fought harder. And I was like, so you want to get beat up?
I am not watching that shit. And wasn't anyway. Namor and him people is the only blue folk that I am respecting. Period. Period down. And I feel bad for those people who worked on that project and like had this man come out and say this fuck shit and they're like, ah, we worked on this for like several years and you just fucked all of our work up because now no one's like, the girls are dragging

Critique of James Cameron's Comments

it. I know the girls doing visual effects are tired.
Every time, every time you open your mouths, we are stuck having this wasted. But yeah, just like I just wanted to drag in contrast, because there are ways to be respectful about things that tie back to real life roots about stuff. Quite often, there are people, predominantly white men who don't. And yeah, just the amount of people that are be like, yeah, this kind of steals from
indigenous, Polynesian, Black roots, all sorts of things. And, you know, it's, I saw a white boy with dreads in the trailer and I said, that tells me everything I need to know. I won't be watching it. I will not be watching it. And then I was excited. It gives white savior bullshit and I am not in. I was like, Oh, I love Sigourney Weaver. Right. So I was like, Bet, want to see Sigourney Weaver? This is going to be lit.
Um, not the case now, won't be seen as a corner weaver at all. I will not be watching it. Um, so I'm not I'm not interested. But yeah, just in contrast. Um,

2022's Impactful Media

Anything else, any any other, you know, media that stands out for me this year, Beyonce gave I'm not gonna I'm not gonna rant. I can't do it again. But Beyonce really gave everything I had to take a break from that album. I appreciate SZA for giving me
SZA and Rina for giving me something else in the time after that. SZA did tell us to come and get some of this. What? It's a chicken salad. But it was great music this year as well. I'm trying to think of anything else. Everything Everywhere All It Wants deserves. Again, one of my favorite movies to come out this fucking year.
It is. One of my favorite movies to come out this week. I don't feel like I really cried. I never, I didn't, aside from, aside from Wakanda forever, there was no other film that like made me cry, just like sobbing in the theater, like everything everywhere.

Emotional Storytelling in Media

I, when I tell you tears, real nigga tears, I cried over everything
I cried over that and I cried, I, you know, cried, cried in, um, I cried, cried over, uh, back Panther. Yes. But the two of the, but the everything, I was not expecting that. I just didn't know what to expect, but that was not it.
But it definitely got me. I'm trying to think. Like I said, the last couple of episodes, as I mentioned, the last couple of episodes of Bottoms Burgers have been wild. I cried over the last two. I'm glad that I made everyone watch it. OK, first of all, so I had a birthday sitch happen a couple of weeks ago. It was a great day for me. How long has it been? It's been like two weeks? Two weeks. You said what?
No, I understand. Yeah, I think it was like two. I was looking like, yeah. It was two weeks ago. I celebrated my third with all of my friends. We met up with most of my friends. We met up in Rhode Island. It was a great time. Bria put on both episodes, the Thanksgiving episode and the Christmas episode of Bob's Burgers. Now, I had already seen the Thanksgiving one, so I knew what it was giving. But both of them were super fucking emotional and heavy. And I don't know when they took this turn.
And that's what I say about it getting better. Good writing, bitch. Good writing. But it is so good. Because it feels like they didn't even need to try to be funny. They know. It was emotional impact. And I feel like watching these characters for so long and their relationships with each other, it's just like damn.
Y'all really love each other, and I love it. Right. Well, I think what also gets me, too, is we've been... I know that there are people who want to know more about Bob's mom in particular, and we don't get a lot of... It's the movie? The movie? Did that come out this year? I think so. Yeah, I think it did. This year or last year? I think it was this year. I think it came out this year. I think it came out this year. I will say a lot of shade to the movie theater experience that I had.
Right, with those white kids running around? Yeah. It was not. They were not white, but they were running around all over the place. Oh, whoops. And it really ruined that experience for me. But the movie was great. And I feel like it definitely was a good transition into this season.

Representation in TV Shows

It was. And yeah. It was. And they recaptured some folks for next season, because they recaptured like. Period.
And if we casted Marshall as a black trans woman, they've recasted. They're obviously gonna have to recast. I forgot the name. They're gonna have to recast. Jimmy Pesto. Jimmy Pesto. Look, I don't. But that sounds like a very Jimmy Pesto thing to do. We were like, not you copying your character. Like you really, and also very, again, very stupid that you got caught because. And also fucked up your bag.
Why would you not wear a mask? Why would you not like? Well, how about you just didn't fucking go? I mean, yeah, but it's it's just like. You being who you are, you didn't think anybody would like fucking notice like if we didn't notice initially, you got back. I mean, he got back for a while. We didn't pick it up initially. Yeah. But when the girls forgot, you were like, girl, what is this? I'm very excited for. Yeah. And I you know what? It should be a whole episode about like Jimmy Pesto losing his voice or something.
And like Bob ends up like trying to like get into a beef with him somehow. And yeah, eventually he gets his voice back at the end of the episode and he sounds different. And he's just like, no, it doesn't. The writers' room. The writers' room. I can be in it. I can be in it. Get it. Y'all let me know. Yeah, I think I mentioned, I think I mentioned, I mentioned sort of, I mentioned what else?
Oh, oh, before I forget, if you girls didn't get into Wednesday, you are losers. I don't care. Why are we losers? Because the girls tried to make it sound like, okay, I love the Addams family, have always loved the Addams family. I enjoy the Addams. I did. When I was younger, I really wanted to be,
That goth bitch. Not Wednesday, I actually wanted to be Morticia, but that's fine. Oh, that goth bitch also. Yes, that goth bitch also. With a very fine husband. Makes a lot of sense. Right, it's tracking. But Wednesday, now there are some critiques, I get it. But overall, they got a black girl in color context, and I don't know how I feel about that. Well, she's supposed to be a siren.
Yeah, but I've heard of. What did you hear? No, I don't. I don't want to say anything. What's the truth? No, no, no. No, you're right. You're correct. OK, well, no. OK, well, what? I have heard critiques, but I'm about the black girl. Well, well, yes, but black people in general, but it's like Tim Burton.
Oh, yeah, no. And then I honestly as a Black person had critiques about the Black characters, particularly why you didn't watch the fucking show, which is telling because that means you're one of the losers I was talking about. And I said, why are we losers? I got it. It was a great show. Again, I did have critiques. I still have those critiques.
But it was overall a really, really good show. I think that Jenna Ortega was made for that Wednesday role. And she put her fucking... I didn't expect that she was going to do very well. She put her whole or tootsie into the... You know what's funny? Just like the fun factoid. I didn't know. So I knew that they said the original Wednesday was going to be... Christina Ricci. Yeah. Yes. I did not realize it was Christina Ricci until, like,
I made the connection. And then I was like, Christina Richie's in fucking Yellow Jackets. Like, oh, this is like, you know, how if y'all are not watching Yellow Jackets, you need to get into it because that that shit is wild. And Christina Richie's character is bonkers. Like, well, she's fucking bananas. Like that is wild and the whole time, whole time. It makes sense. And I think I think the casting basically Yellow Jackets is about like
this group of girls that are like in a soccer team, it like flashes back between the past and the present. It's about these group of girls who like in the 80s or like 90s or whatever, who are on the soccer team, they were going to fly to this championship and then they like, they're trained, they're trained, they're playing crashes and they are like stranded on this island for like a mad long, I don't exactly know, I think it's like 11, like two years or something like
Um, and then it like flashes back to the future to like seeing their adult selves and basically like how they have dealt with the trauma of that or have not, cause season one was a lot of neck and I was like, girl, what so much neck nigga is so much. I'm like, so I was like, I think, I think that actors between like their younger selves and their older selves are doing very,
Very great. I also love, who's the lady with the big titties? I forgot her name. Not who's the lady with the big titties. But you probably know who I'm talking about, so. I feel bad because my first thought was, oh, T.S. Madison. No, I'm talking about in this game. Melanie Lynskey. Melanie Lynskey plays one of, she plays Shauna. She's like the lady who's like,
in this tragic marriage. Oh, yeah. Oh, God. It's a lie. Girl, it is. Everybody's life is a mess. Everybody's life is a fucking mess. But all of that to say, I didn't realize that Christina Richie played like the original Wednesday. And I'm like, wow, look at that. Yeah. And then they gave, and then she has a role in this. And like the thing is, is that the, I know Netflix will pick this up for season two. I would imagine it would. Yeah.
Oh, also for you queers that want the, they not end up, I mean, they're about people in the show, but Heartstopper is very hard, it's very cute, it's very short. Heartstopper is good. I did not- I think they are getting a season two, also. Oh yeah, they got a, actually they've wrapped already for season two. Oh, I know.
So yeah, for those girls when I wanted something that was warm and cozy and queer, Heartstoppers, it's very cute. I'm actually watching it now because I didn't realize that I actually liked it a lot more than I thought I did. And I'm also in my feelings. You should read it. You should read it. It's also the comic version. I feel like the adaptation is very good and true to like the comic version. It is also it's it's free. You could buy it in the store. They have like, I think
all of the, I think all of the, except like the most recent volumes, but the comic is finishing, I think soon. I think there's like one last like volume of the story left, but a lot of things are very, like further explored and stuff in the, in the comic. Oh, cause I do not expect. Very cute. I'm like, I don't know if that's what I'm going to say together because it's giving, isn't he like a bisexual? Like didn't he say he liked it all? So I think. He is. And that's not, that's like,
That's, you know, that's that's very that's true throughout the rest of the story. It's not like, you know, he changes his mind or

'The Bastard Prince and The Devil Himself'

something. But they're just more, they're just like more expanding things that happened with like, you know, like Nick has an asshole older brother. They go on a trip to Paris, like Charlie has to deal with some mental health stuff and like, you know,
there are some issues that he has to deal with. Oh, I love that. Oh, also, one more. Okay, I have a few more. Okay. Because, you know, it's been a year, my nigga. It's been a year. It is, yeah. What is it called? The bastard prince and the devil himself? I heard of that, and I did not watch it. It actually was really good. Now, the girls are not wrong. There were a lot of people think about bisexuals always ending up with non-black and light-skinned people, and I agree.
Yeah, when there's a black bisexual man, he's always with some white girl or some white skin man, literally that is reflected in the show. But overall, also a really good show. A very, very good show. I have one. I enjoyed it. What do you have?

Impact of 'Turning Red'

Turning red, I think Kayla was here. They don't do my tummy like you. I'm never gonna make you cry. I really hope they give. I really hope.
that they do a spin-off of turning red following the boy band because Four Town really gives you what they need to get. Oh, I forgot the guy that sings that voiced Jordan Fisher. Thank you. Yes, Jordan Fisher. My brother loves Jordan Fisher. I didn't really know him before, but I knew that he had done stuff. I just didn't know.
No, William loves Rodden Fisher. But honestly, you know what would be hilarious? Giving away ideas. Put me in the Rodden's room. But what would be great? You know how they do? You know how there are these documentaries following not just celebrities, but musicians and they're going on tour and stuff? Oh, you could do that with them. That would be cute. If they did, like an animated documentary of Fortown going on tour or some shit. And that would be... That would be cute.
I want a four-tone t-shirt. I need a four-tone t-shirt of some sort with like the tour dates on the back. Very that, very like B2K 2000

Concert Anecdotes & Experiences

era. Okay, I have one for like Powerline from the Goofy movie. It's like one of my favorite t-shirts, but I really want one. I believe it. I just thought about that too, thinking about Axe. I saw JoJo.
This year. Come on JoJo, period. And it was one of the most. I went to a festival. Right. You were a festival girly. I went to a festival for the first time. It was great. I didn't get the Rona. It was great. I went to Vegas for a second time. And it was actually like, last time I went, I didn't really like have time to do a whole lot. And I wasn't like staying on the strip, but I was here. I was out here, you know, on the strip, having the time, drinking.
Getting high. I was like, drugs? It was a time. And I really did it. I saw Panic! at the Disco in concert. Which is why I'm jealous.
I mean, it was a hard time. You heard Paramore. Hailey Williams sung All I Wanted for the very first time. And I was like, why did I not go? Why did I not do this? It was really great. But we're going to see Paramore this year. So new things to look forward to. I am going to see Paramore this year. The album will be out by the time we go. Yes. I am going to see Paramore next year. I'm excited. I will be seeing them here in Atlanta. I will be seeing them.
twice, actually, in the same week. So that's exciting. Okay, bitch. Fancy. You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two- You had two-
Right. So then I was like, all right, well, I'm fucking going to go. So we both were like 10 a.m. trying to get these regular on sale tickets. And we just both happened to get tickets for the I got tickets for the New York show and they got tickets for the DC show. So work. Um, yeah, I do.
I have a Paramore ticket for next year. I'm excited. I also bought a ticket to see Joe Scott, which I think was a choice. I didn't tell anybody, and so... You didn't tell anyone. You didn't want to tell anyone. No, I didn't tell anybody. Masego is also coming in, like, April. I heard that. I want to see

Concert Plans for 2023

him, but I'm not... Like, I only know a couple of songs, and I feel like
Um, yeah, I want to give up my ticket. I mean, I feel like I don't think I should go if I'm not like, like, you know, a bigger fan. So I think like someone else should probably take this. I'm going to go see some other punk bands by myself, actually. Oh, every concert I've mentioned, I'm going to love. Well, bear more, I'm going with my friend, but I'm going to see two other bands. Um, they're more, they're smaller, more indie, general, edmish.
But I'm seeing the... Standing room only. Yes. Standing room. But the tickets were in my price point because, bitch, I was spending too much money on the festival. And then, like, all of these concerts, like, went on sale at the same time. I was like, Ari Lennox's tickets, I'm sure, have been sold off for a while. But I was like, I knew when they released that I was not going.
Yeah, no. I knew what they were like. She's having like, yeah, I'm not going to, I'm not fighting with the girls over tickets to get into that. I'm not doing one. But I was like, Oh, great. $27. I could do this. I can swing that. After work. This is great. Right. Cute. I'm just going to go to the Madison Square Garden for whatever the fuck. Actually, it's not in Madison. It's like in Gramercy theater.
I'm actually mad because I feel like I had a Paramore ticket for their show this year and I didn't go because I was in school and working and I was exhausted. And the resell tickets for that Paramore show were like $400. So I reselled my ticket for like $100. And I really hope the person that got it actually went to show. Really appreciated that shit. Because I waited until I'm going to waste the last minute and I'm going to hope that someone wants to go alone and they found a ticket and they're able to go and then they really enjoy the show. I definitely want to take it.
I'm like, I hope somebody, and I had a decent seat, so I'm like, I really hope that somebody really, really is, you know, able to get it. But yeah, I have a couple of concerts lined up for next year. There are a few people that I do wanna see that aren't on tour, and I'm just like, you're never on tour, so whatever. I feel like the only other person, I wanted to go see SZA, but I feel like people said the tickets were expensive, so I didn't look.
Yeah, I wasn't even gonna.

Music Festival Anticipation

But the only other person who I don't think is touring in America this year that I wanted to see was Rina. But I think she was just on tour. I'm upset that I missed that. Do you know Dua Lipa was on tour this year, and I'm really upset that I missed that. I'm really upset. I love me some Dua Lipa, and I couldn't believe I let that tiki go to waste. I didn't even get it. I didn't get it right. I didn't get it, but I was like, not my door dash or calling.
Girl, so unprofessional. Y'all see this. Girl, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
right before, right before the, when we were young festival, it was like the day before and it was like the same day as the Panic! at the Disco concert. So me and my homies Brianna and Theo, shout out to my friends. We decided to go to the Panic! concert late and like go to this listening party first and it was so cool and I have a picture, taking a picture with them.
And I told them that their music kind of inspired this comic that I've been working on. So yeah, they're so precious. They also have an album that's coming out sometime this year, I think like early 2023, so y'all should listen to them. And then yeah, I'm going to a Magnolia Park show I think maybe a few weeks later in the spring. And they have an album that's also out that I enjoy.
but I want to be more in my pop punk bag, punk rock sitch. And I also, I don't know, I feel like I'm enjoying, I feel like I'm enjoying going to concerts alone. More so, as Tyra looked at them about to fake join this conversation. Ragby! I'm talking to the listeners, Ray. I'm talking to the listeners alone, without you.
period. Okay, so here's the thing, because that was very unprofessional. It was. So I just started talking to the audience alone. Anyway, I was talking about the concerts that I'm going to by myself. And just talking about the fun that it is to go to a concert alone. The first time I saw Paramore in New Orleans, I went by myself and that was great. That was fantastic. I wholeheartedly wouldn't recommend going to a concert alone.
It's like it's like it's like a step up from like going to the movies alone like you really just get to enjoy this thing. I'm going to see Jojo by myself.
It's an experience. First of all, I cried because I love JoJo. And I had actually bought a ticket for what she was touring before. The pandemic and the pandemic happened. And we got refunds because she couldn't obviously tour. And I was distraught. And then I went and saw her. And I was like, first of all, I got there because I had to work. So I got there late. I was in the back of the crowd like super pissed. But I was around these other people who were also pretty dope. And I was like, let me tell you something. I can see.
I don't say it very often, and I don't talk about it too much, because I feel like people get real critical, and I don't like that. But I can actually sing. I can hear no, I can give you a vocal. When I tell you I was singing those lyrics to JoJo, my life was over, and people were like, yes! And JoJo had a moment where she was like, who wants to come on here to sing with me? And people were like, this person, you, him, him! And I was like,
Oh, no, girl. What if I cut the nose? What if you're like, girl, this is a mess. Like, I wasn't. But like, it was so good. And I think being able to, like, it was cathartic, right, to be able to scream some of my favorite songs from an artist that I have been admiring since after Get Out, because you, girl, stop fucking with her after Get Out. And that was not the case, because you dropped so many other great songs. So many whole albums. Yeah, so I.
I was, yeah, it was so, it was nice. It was great. Um, I'm actually very sad. I didn't get to go see period more alone, but it's okay because again, next year, next year is a wrap. I have concerts on deck. They are lined up. Um, and again, all of them are not that Jill Scott concert. I'm excited, but she wanted to know what else alone because girl, I was, I was, I'm telling you one thing I learned after this trip for my birthday was that.
I don't need to do any more group trips like that. I just don't. I think I also am just like, sometimes there are things that I like that I enjoy.

Solo Experiences & Enjoyment

I also went to an anime convention alone this year. You did. I have done it before, but I definitely was like, Uber, I don't have any issue doing this. Not one. Because basically, I have friends who I usually have gone with.
And one of them fucking broke his leg and like didn't want, he's been in a struggle, but he broke his leg and then like last year it was kind of like a lot. It was kind of a mess going to anime NYC. So like he wasn't sure that he wanted to go. And then my other friend, she got married and like moved away. She left New York. And I was going to go with my aunt and my cousin, but they didn't get to go because she just bought a house.
or whatever so they didn't come. And I was like, well, I'm gonna just go by myself. And I definitely feel like there are just some experiences and I don't know, like, I don't know if it's just like New York or like whatever, or maybe I'm just like older and I'm like, bitch, there are things I like to do.
that I recognize that there are not always going to be people who want to do the same, that are as committed to doing this thing. Because that's the thing. It's not that the girls don't want to go. It's that the girls are not as committed to making that thing happen. They're not as committed. They're not as excited. Maybe you don't really like this band as much. Right. When I told my- It's like, bitch, the tickets are on sale. We need to be
Right. And when I tell you like, so there was a festival that me and Bri were trying to go to that wasn't like Jersey or something. It was in Ocean City. Oh, yeah, we were like, I don't know what happened. It was going to be an Atlantic city. Oh, I don't know why. I think it was like the rules or something that were like, I think it was I think I just like missed the time to get
the pre-sale ticket and then like the regular ticket was like $400. It was like $500. And we were like oh yeah no. I can't do this. I can't and I was looking like okay well no and then like yeah I think that like I'm excited like my excitement is he Jojo I like when I went to go see her I knew that which is the me thing.
Yeah. Because most people are like, JoJo, I thought she stopped saying, I'm like, you bitches are gonna stop sleeping on my homegirl's fucking name like that. And it's like, I would have seen Paramore alone. Absolutely. And Will. Smaller bands that I'm going to, I just don't feel like I know anybody else that knows these bands that live here.
You know, it is so annoying because there's like, I know some bitches that would be so excited to go to this, but y'all live far away. Right. I mean, cause I'm telling you, I'm like, if you're like, Hey, pair more today, absolutely. I'm already about to say what are you doing? I got two tickets. We're sitting together. I'll just cash out me your money. Like that would have been what it gave. You know that I had that experience with going to the festival and you know, we all went to Vegas and had a time.
But I realized that, you know, I'm older now. Like I could just go to this convention or this fucking concert by myself, by myself and enjoy it. Also, I'm upset because Duckworth was supposed to come. Okay. So I love Duckworth. I want to remember who that is, but I love Duckworth so much. He was, he was right. He was supposed to come.
What is my building number? It's 15. Not you still in this like door dash moment. Wow. Well, Duckwerk was supposed to come. Hold on, make the left. Because I feel like, girl, it's not that hard.
Maybe it is. 15, make a left at the, make a left, make a right. Don't make a left at the stop sign after the trash cans. Now we know where talking about lives. You do not. Nah. You do not. Make a left at the stop sign or the trash can. I don't know. I don't even know what you just said. No. Damn. So can I have the building? I'm like, you're probably right in front of my building. And then I'm like, yeah, girl, just leave it. Anyway.
Yeah, I was gonna try to call it, damn it. You know, there are people, yeah, Duckwood was supposed to come and he didn't. And he canceled his show in Atlanta. I still don't know why, but he canceled his show in Atlanta. And I don't know if he plans on rescheduling it, but I feel like he fucking should.
I'm hoping that he does because I really want to see him in concert. But yeah, I have been, yeah, I realized that there are concerts and stuff that I love and things that I like doing by myself. I went record shopping by myself. My friend was like, let's go bioshopping. And I was like, yeah, no, I'm going to go by myself. That's something I enjoy. I enjoy, I love shopping by myself because I'm like, I got to be able, I have to have a moment in this store. I need to walk around this whole
situation, I need to like come back to some things sometimes, I need to calculate, okay, how much is this fucking, whatever the fuck, what am I willing to, like, do I really need this, blah, blah, blah, like, I have to have a moment. Right. So sometimes it's helpful to do some things alone. And I think I'm going into 2023 being like, yeah, that's okay.

Year Reflection & New Beginnings

Yeah, we're actually coming up to the two hour mark, so. We are, yeah, I'm like, let's end this. Don't know how we did that. Yeah, no, let's end this, because.
We got into it. I'm looking at this girl. What the fuck are we talking about? I'm looking at this girl be lost. And I think she came in like a different way. I'm like, what is happening? Tyrell needs to call their door dashers so they can get their food, clearly. Mama just confused. Yeah, Mama just confused. But is there anything else that you would like to note about 2022, leave behind, go into 2023 with? I'm going to say that I am just
2022 was a year, it was a choice, it was a thing that I did and now it's up and 2023 is coming and we're going to see what happens. Yeah. I think for me, I was like, go have a time. I was just going to say that I feel like if I were to like make it a caption or something, maybe not a caption because oh my God.
But I would just say, yeah, 2022, I feel like I'm satisfied with where I'm ending the year. And going into 2023, it's like that clip of Idris Elba from The Wire, I think, where he's just like, I want you to put the word out there that we back up. And that's what I'm going into 2023 with. Put the word out there that we back up. That's it. That's what I got. So yeah. And that we back up.

Closing & New Year Wishes

Um, but yeah, I, as we close, I would just say y'all make sure, well, y'all be well. I hope that, you know, whether you're with your family, you will have once chosen people, your dog, um, or by yourself that you are just enjoying and taking some time to yourself. Um, this time of year, um, don't, don't put a whole lot of stress into resolutions. Cause you know, I don't even know I was going into this. I don't even know if I made any.
this year. I feel like I didn't. If I don't write it down, then it doesn't exist. Well. But yeah, be sure to follow us on the Bussy Next Time podcast on like Instagram. I hope you're following us wherever you get your podcasts. And yeah, we'll see y'all. March your business. Bye. Bye.