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Did Someone Say Beyonce!? image

Did Someone Say Beyonce!?

S2 E8 · The Bussy Next Time
8 Plays2 years ago

The gang talks shit, pop kewch and review the Queen's latest project. The renaissance has begun!

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Intro and Night Adventures

God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water, but the pussy. Let's start now.
Wow, we sound very mature and calm. No, please, y'all. Okay. Let's have a fun update, if you will. So I went to a silent party last night. And then I went to a bar last night.
And then I went to another bar last night. No, it was two bars in IHOP. Sounds like you're having a time. OK. Is it 5 AM? I am? We had a time. It was. It was. We had a time. We had a time. We had a time last night. OK. So real life, that's the case. It's so like the way that I am trying to nurse and take over with Evianwater and Diet Green.

Drinks and Identity Talk

Diet Green.
I am a diabetic and so a lot of the drinks in my arsenal are sugar-free or like diet something. They're not usually like the regular Deca La Girls.
It looks real crystal clear. Right. Straight from the mountains. Looks like you went up to the mountains and tapped it yourself. It does look like that. It looks like I just pulled it right from somebody's, you know.
Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Wellwater is really different. Look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look,
And our topic today is quite, it's a topic that will take up probably the whole conversation. Because I don't got nothing else to give other than that. This is it broski. I ain't got nothing else. So in case you didn't know who we are, you know, we're those girls. Cause I'm that girl. I'm that girl.
It's just that I'm that girl. Wow. Period. Wow. Bad bitch. Bad bitch on the bar, that's me. Yeah. I'm also trying to hit cuffs, so I feel like falling in love. I'm in the mood to fuck something. That's something. That really has a mood for everything. She really has a mood for everything. She really has a mood for everything. Shelly, would you like the entry?
Oh, hey, y'all. I'm Shelly, and I'm here hearing queer and ready to talk about if y'all don't already know who we're making references to. I'm ready to get to it. You're a loser, and you gotta stop listening to us because you wack. We can lose one of your 12 views. We can find another person. We can hate listen, hate listen, if you will.
Oh, you want to go next spring? Because I don't got it. Oh, I said bad bitch on the bar. That's it. Oh. I feel like every time we do this, I always think of my pronouns on nigga. And if you can't say nigga, you can't talk to me. Don't refer to me. Yeah, I hear you. I mean, it was chef's kiss. It's Thai bitch.
This is the Bushy next time. I also, a friend of mine and my coworker, saw the episode, saw the Bushy next time at my Spotify. Because we used my Spotify at work. And they laughed and I was like, yes, absolutely. Okay, but did they listen though? I believe.
Okay. I believe so. It's for the birds. I was like... Take a listen because we're playing. I mean, I definitely told them about it. So, yeah. But they definitely laughed at the title. And I was like, yes. Thank you. Anyway. This is a busty next time. Yeah. The topic today brought to you in part by, you know, Bria. Bria.
Did somebody say Beyonce?

Beyoncé's Album Deep Dive

Did somebody say Beyonce? Because you know... This album is delicious. I feel like we have to... I feel like we have to start it off because, you know, we had previously brought up Beyonce when Break My Soul came out. We did. And we were like, ooh girl. We were like... eyes open. We knew. We felt it.
What's happening? What's happening here? What are we doing? What's going on? You know? I know Michelle, Laundria, and I were... Oh my god!
Can we add Alandria? Shallandria and I, we're taking it in because as two folks from Jersey, you know, there are a lot of expectations coming into the music, you know? So yeah, maybe like first thoughts, reactions?
The whole album? Or are we going song by song? Oh my god, they did the whole album at first. Like the album as a whole, perhaps, and then going into it. Yeah, I think album first and then we can do like a pick your top three because my top three. Yeah, I have one.
Their top tier, my top three are top tier. My album as a whole, at least for myself, I think what I like and what I just was very delighted by the most by the album was the transitions.
I feel like things, I feel like I was thinking of, I don't know when and where Beyonce said this, but she just, maybe this was like that documentary interview thing that she did, where she, she said something like, I feel like people don't make albums anymore. They just like put out Hot Wrecker Hot Wrecker and he's very good at what time.
Okay, we're back. Yeah, so she was like, I feel like people don't make albums anymore. And I feel like the ways that she made this really cohesive, like each song really flows into each other and also like speaks back to each other was really lit. And I feel like as like a fake DJ, I also can relate to that because everything, every time... No, don't guess my head up.
every time I would listen, it was very hard not to listen to the whole album straight through because it just felt like each piece was like, you know, really enmeshed with each other, and I appreciated that. Yeah. I think my favorite part of this album is... Beyonce's vocals, pre-babies and post-babies,
We're getting lower octaves. We're getting deeper notes. It's feeling really rich. It's sounding really deep and soulful. Let me tell you something. Plastic off the sofa. Sliding into Virgo's groove. The transition, yes, but the voice, the notes, the way she was all up in her register, oh my god. It was just so good.
I will say there's a song that I can skip, and I don't know if other people agree with the songs that I skip, but... I have many. Many? It wasn't my goal yet. You do your thing. Not my goal. Not my goal. Do your thing. I can literally skip one.
Do your thing. No, finish what you're saying and then we'll root. Okay, now we're going to start this now because I am concerned. What songs are here of you skipping? Oh, let's, um, all right. So, um, fun facts. Um, I was like, Ooh, y'all haven't heard how I feel about the album until now. Um, how I feel about it, um, is,
Why I feel like I would skip a few and I now have to remember which are the exact few is because yes, it does have great transitions. Giving it to that, giving it to this feels like I can vibe and dance to it the whole time. But why I skipped some is when I am not in the mood to dance, it feels like, oh shit, this sounds like the last one. I don't want the same sound.
again. So then I might skip it, which is giving a few. But I'm just like, I'm like, yo, I love that some of them have like major catches. Like I'm going to say move is my favorite. This is transitioning to favorite. Like that's what I'm just like, it, the transition to get there and then to hear both Tim's and Grey Jones, that makes him go, okay, I can loop this one back around.
And I also want to hear a lot of Beyonce's vocals. So I go to plastic off the sofa instead of the couch. It was a house item. But I go there because I'm like, OK, I do hear the vocals that I was looking for.
But I don't know if we're supposed to be doing our top three now or not, but I think we could say skip since we all brought it up. I'm going to say because I have just a few and it's like not that I hate the songs. I just feel like if I really am like listening to the ones that I really love that, you know, I could like miss it. I could do without it.
So I think move is that for me. I also think fic is that for me. Oh, let me let me just like, cuz like when I so I first started listening to and mostly have been listening to the whole album on my could be because I've been like,
going on the train for work, which has been wild the past few weeks. So that was the first time I listened to the whole album. And so, like I said, I could listen to the whole album on my commute and start it over. But I feel like now that I've listened to it a lot, the songs that feel like, I don't know, they don't hit as much, especially when I'm out and about and I'm just like,
kicking the pavement, like, I don't know, are like those two songs maybe all up in your mind. Yes. Yes. Oh my god. Everything else, everything else, like, I'm fine if it's like playing or whatever. But like, if I'm not committed to listening to a whole album straight through without touching it, those are three that I would skip in succession. Wow. Okay, I have two. So
I am, okay, I actually like all up in your mind. I think it's like this, I don't know her, she does this vocal thing up there where I'm like, she sounds like Lady Gaga. I don't know, it's really weird. I like it, I fucking love it. It fucks with my head. So I too have three skips. Now the first like eight songs, nine songs, I don't know. That first like, from I'm that girl to like- Virgo's Groove is on. No, yeah, Virgo's Groove is good.
Um, yeah, that first, from I, from the first song to Virgo's group, I am in it. I'm in it. I'm in it. I'm in it. But I also skip fix. So I also, okay, this is my thing. I feel like church girl versus stick for me is going to always be church girl. Why are those paired together? Because in my head, I feel like they have the same vibe.
For me, they have the same subject matter in my head. I don't know. For me, they tie together. I'm like, if I had to pick one or the other, I would probably go with church girl. And also, so let me see. I'm skipping thick. I'm skipping the other one we mentioned.
Move? Yes, move. And I'm skipping America. What is it, America? That's a problem. Yeah, but the problem, I'm skipping America. That's incorrect. Yes. No, that's incorrect. I'm skipping America. No, absolutely not. Yeah. I hate that. Yeah. No. You think that could be me? I

Social Media and Music Reception

hate that. I'm not wrongfully disagreeing. Oh my god. Wrongfully disagreeing. And I'm going to tell you why. OK. Oh, there are some songs.
two songs particularly that actually were not in my top three or whatever weren't even in my top five but like when I first listened but because of the internet the songs like very fastly cranked cranked it up to uh my faves and that's alien superstar and america has problems
If you listen, it hits very different when you after like, I don't know if you've seen any of the videos related to like alien superstar like the magical girl transformation that people will put with the song playing like
I this, this video that has changed me is just like this transformation of Kita from Atlantis. And it's like her transforming with alien superstar playing like, I will send it I will send it to the group and it's something different. I didn't I didn't really love like alien superstar when I just listened to it, like upon first listen, but now I'm just like walking down the street just like fucking
Yes, exactly. Exactly. And so the same thing feels true to me for America has a problem. Because I don't know if you've seen videos like this, but the dance videos, there are two videos specifically with that song playing
over that just really did it for me. One is a video of like a bunch of black people in like the 80s at like a dance like it looked like a house party dancing and America has a problem is playing on top of it.
and I'm just like, this is beautiful. The other one is of Azealia Blake's, Dancing With That Machete. And it's for dancing. With this song. With the feathers and like, oh my god. And that was great. That was great. Oh my god. So those two songs are in my top now.
They just, you know, changed my top list. So I don't know if anyone saw the one of Roger, the alien from, from, uh, Oh yeah. I'm not, I'm not going to hold y'all. I actually, I like American dad a lot and I love Roger, even though he's a piece of problematic trash, but
him in all these different looks and all these different ways. They had him in his stripper look, where he would hit the real long rib. I was living. I was like, yes! Roger has been giving that look like 2008. That's what I'm here for. Roger has been surfing the girls since 2008. I love it. I love that video. I saw the one of like Pliqui from Lilo and Stitch. Deserves, yes. A queer icon. A queer icon. To aliens.
Yeah, um, but yeah, those, that is my opinion, but fair enough. Okay, well, I am actually skipping everything that y'all said. Like, so, also echoing that. So, it's giving things all up in your head. America has a problem.
Actually, which now I'm reconsidering it, but it's up in there. It's gonna skip alien superstar only because I'm hearing, like when I went from I'm that girl to alien superstar, I was like, it sounds like it's saying some of the same shit she just said. You skip cozy. No, I listened to cozy, but I'm saying when I hear both of them, they're talking about very similar things. And I was like, all right, you're popping your shit.
You that bitch. But it sounds like the same word. So it's not me skipping it because I don't like this song. It's because I'm like, wait, you just said this shit. Pick something up. OK. And then I actually, OK, so I listened to this on a road trip twice. We're just driving twice. And driving while listening to Virgo's group, I was like, I'm going to skip this song.
Maybe I can listen to it another time. Not my bank. Yeah, it's. All right. So Shelly's being banished. It was. I'm like, you wanted us to be on the same accord. Shelly's, Shelly's, this is Shelly's last episode of the podcast. Say goodbye, everybody, because when we come back. It's been blessed. Oh, it's epic. It's epic. Yeah. OK. OK. So when I say I feel like I'm not going to engage.
I feel like when I was like fic and church girls talking to me, I feel like they're talking about the same thing. Yes, that's what I'm saying. OK, that's what I meant. Yeah, and that's why I said alien superstar is not for any other reason, except for it sounds the same in what is being said. And when I was like, so yes, I will say like alien superstar is giving me bitch energy, but because it comes after, it's given like, I just heard you say this shit.
I mean, I think maybe for me, I don't really mind that. Because personally, I really didn't want Beyonce to give us any more Negro spiritual music. And I've heard this before. I said, please. So when Break My Soul came out and people were like, oh, Beyonce, I'm going to explain what I mean.
When people said Beyonce was gonna do a dance album, I was like, okay girl, that's stupid cute. Like, I don't know, like you do it right, it'll be great. But I just, and my friends were all just like, oh, we buying tickets to Beyonce, Beyonce is coming out soon. And I was like, I gotta listen to it. Because when Beyonce did that, fucking, I- Not no more Negroes. I couldn't, no.
I was not a fan of Black Parade. And I really, I really never felt moved actually to listen to, what's the one with the movie? It feels so good to be alive. Be alive? No, but like the whole thing, like Black is King. Oh, that one. So because I, it felt,
Even though some songs I heard were box, it felt very much hoteporee and I was like, ooh Beyonce, you're moving in a direction I don't really like. I said, let me get some shake my ass feel good sort of situation. Take us back to the game body. Take us back to the game body. And personally, I don't mind if that's all Beyonce is talking about. So if it's like similar things, like I'm the type of person, I'm going to listen to the same sound
Uh, like, I don't know. My, my neurodivergence in my brain is just like, ooh, I'm going to listen to the same sound. Every song. After, like, if I want, like, I would play the same song on repeat for an hour if I really get in my bag. So I don't really mind that.
perhaps. But again, this was also me coming off the heels of like being like, I don't know if I'm gonna see it for Beyonce if she's doing more black parade girl. I don't need you to talk about that shit girl. I don't need that. You're not the person.
Your family has it, but not you. Not you. You don't have it, and it's okay. You're one degree away from it, or zero degrees away from it, but not you. Not you. Not you. So yeah, I also was not like by parade either.
um i so here's the thing and this is so i'm gonna say okay i have i have feelings because i remember we dragged the fuck out of her for black blackest king because all the people like there were no queers on the album there were like no like invisible queers like or like black like queer trans whatever folks like and the actual blackest king like
And we were like, how did you, okay. We were like, how did you manage to create something called Back as King? And like, none of us exist in this realm that you created. I mostly felt like it was whole temporary because she was giving like, ooh, I'm going to dedicate this whole thing to my son specifically. Right. But I, so yes.
And no shade, but I think most of us are Blue Ivy stands. Of course. We don't know those twins. We don't have no updates. The only update I have is that Rumi literally looks exactly like Blue. It's the only thing that I know. That also makes sense. But I was like, yeah. I wasn't followed by Parade. I also did not watch The Tennis Movie.
with the Williams sisters. I did not watch that. I was not invested. Well, that wasn't about Beyonce. Well, no, but she did the song for it. I felt like if I had listened to it, if I had watched it, I probably would have actually heard the song. I mean, I heard the song. And maybe you've been connected, right? But I felt it because I watched the performance on the Grammy, which was good. Good performance. She sounded great. She looked amazing. Her body was snagged. We got to see blue. It was a real cute moment. I was like, I know for me,
I am not invested. And like, this isn't working either. And you know what? When you said nuclear spirituals, I also thought of freedom. Off the limit. I feel like. So you thought of freedom too? I mean, Kendrick Lamar is also... I feel like I got very tired of that song. But I didn't dislike it at first, but I got very just like, ooh, yeah. Kinda. Kinda done.
But yeah, so I personally love that all the subject matter was very closely related in the album. If we were to say favorites though... So I don't know, I don't remember what I originally said. Because like I said, my favorites changed. I had reported after my first listen... Okay, this is what I said originally.
my top three were Church Girl, Cuff It, and Heated. and I was giving Virgo's Groove an honorable mention. I'm that girl as well. and then like the in... within the album, like, transitioned to Break My Soul very specifically. because when somebody tweeted, like, damn, is Break My Soul the same song? like, this song got new titties or something? and I was like...
And I was like, actually, it's that transition from energy because it definitely feels different. And I actually like it a lot more than it as a single, which is funny. I feel like that never happens for me when a single comes out of anybody's songs. I actually like this single by itself before I listen to the album. And then the single is my least favorite song.
But yeah, so I changed my mind after the past few weeks. And I would say my favorites are, in no particular order, because I don't know, our alien superstar, Kuffit, in America has a problem. With Heated as like a top four, and then everything else. But yeah, those are my...
Okay, I'm trying to find, I had an original top four list with, and I can't seem to find where I sent it or who I sent it to. Yes. Okay, here we go. So I have an original top four with a honorable mention as well. So my original top four was Cuff-It, Energy, Virgo's Groove, and Heated with an honorable mention of Summer Renaissance. That's fair.
I will say that that has changed a bit. I think cuff it. Energy heated and church girl have now become my top four with an honorable mention to Virgo's groove. That's fair.
Yeah, because I can't stop listening to the four of those. Because I feel like falling in love, my nigga. That shit is so, I'm in the mood to fuck something up. I need some drink in my cup. Tonight we gonna drink. I'm in the mood to fuck something up.
Y'all weren't coming to get in the background. Y'all was like, I don't know what my background thing is. Oh my gosh, I can't. I never mentioned that. Because I was like, uh-uh, OK. Yeah, I was like, uh-uh, I mean, I don't know why. It's not. It wasn't. What about you, Charlotte?
It's y'all creating all these new mates for today. Okay. So my, um, what's funny is that I never actually got a four, even though I was Xing five, I have like five at the top as well. Um, so, um, so I will say in no particular order, um, cuff it church girl, um, heat it.
I actually have like six, whatever. I don't have a top, really. These are the songs I listen to. Maybe I'll say, okay, Cuff It, Church Girl, and Move and Heated, I would say, are my top four. The honorable mentions of songs that I also listen to are Plastic Off the Sofa and Pure Honey because
Your honey. Miss Honey. I really should put honey in the top because. This one's a faggot. Exactly. It's for the gays. And because shout out to DJ Mike Q, who's always fucking pumping that beat and eating the girls up, a Jersey DJ who was sampled with two of the songs that are in that one. And one of the songs that is being sampled in that song is my literal fucking one of my top favorite songs ever.
And it's called Feels Like That DJ Might Clue. And it's how the song starts. And I was like, is this my favorite? Cut, cut, cut. Yeah. So that is where I am landing here. Yes. So I think when I say my top four right, I feel like I'm still listening to the album. I'm still skipping, moving thick.
Yeah. I'm still listening to everything else besides what I said. These are the ones that still hit. The top is what I will listen by itself. You know what was funny? I feel like everybody, a lot of people I've talked to were also like, they're not getting into all up in your mind.
Yeah. And I want to say, and I want to say this. I had a very specific interaction while listening to all of your, all living your mind. And that's why. Okay. That's not him. I don't, I didn't say anything.
I'm a lady. So like, I mean, that's why I like it because it just, it feels so, it's just like her voice does this thing. It like changes. I'm like, is that Gaga? This is wild. Like it just, it feels good. And I like that it's kind of like wild. I like that it's kind of like, you know, just her like screaming on the track. I love that shit. But yeah, I think like the whole album as a, the album as a whole, I am still listening to, of course, like I said, with my skips, but
Yeah, I. This is a good album, y'all. This is a really good album. Delicious. It's tasty. It's nutritious. I mean, is that, you know what? Okay. I'm also going to say this. People that I've heard say they don't like the album or a whole bunch of heterosexuals.
I mean, can you imagine, like, being straight and listening to it? Oh, yeah. Oh, I don't get the vibe, but I'm trying to get into it because it's not for you. Yeah, it's not for you. And I will say, like, I think, like, so when she put like, when we start statement or whatever about the album was like, you know, I've dedicated this to like her Uncle Johnny, all the people like, you know,
the things, like, you know, the queers and black women, and I was like, I feel like this album was specifically made for us, so I feel like if you don't feel like you fit into any of those tiers of people, of course you may not be picking up on what you're putting down. And that's okay, because it's not meant for you. And the words of Stasi from Bad Girls Club, if the ass hope it's not meant for you, then give it to who it belongs to.

Collaboration and Representation

Which means that if you think this album not for you, pass it along to somebody else who may be able to benefit. That trapped-in closet cousin, you let him listen to this. That one cousin who lied about Muncha Carpet, you let her listen to this. That uncle. That uncle. That aunt.
Again, that cousin, you just slide it all over and say, Hey babe, I got a gift for you. This is the gift. This is for you. Bring your gay ass on out of here. We tired. Come do gay shit with us and stop playing so much. Oh my God. It's for them. Yeah.
Also, I'm not going to hold y'all. I feel like I know how much we don't. Azealia Banks is a very, we know how the girls feel about her. I still blast her shit because I feel like she's a talented artist. And y'all let other girls do real try for the shit. So I'm not going to cancel her. But I think that it would have been really cute if she would have been on this album. I just feel like it would have been really cute to see her do her thing on this album somewhere on a song.
I got dragged for that, but I stand by my statement. Oh, I don't believe Beyonce is gonna do that. Oh, absolutely not! Absolutely not! Beyonce is not gonna do that! Absolutely not! No, ma'am! No, ma'am! She is not gonna do that. I love that... Okay. If we're thinking of like... I actually...
I feel like I thought of this as a question, I had something else. Oh! I actually, well, I guess this is kind of related. My other two questions that maybe we can think through last is like, if there could have been another sort of feature, or like a remix or something, or somebody could have been featured, who would you want it to be and on what song?
And then I was like, if there was a visual for a song, what song slash what would you want it to look like? I don't have the feature answer, but I want a visual for Alien Superstar because I can see it in my brain. In a very like Lil Nas X sort of direction of like the very dramatic, like...
I'm like whoever's on that team I need y'all to get the same team girl maybe they can combine I don't know but alien superstar needs some intergalactic visuals okay Beyonce can call me if she wants
but i just need it to have that. so you know what's funny when you could you just said that some so somebody was like so someone okay so oh actually one of what go ahead no the last thing i was gonna say so i should i sent you the video of like key to like transforming and shit and the one thing i want to say because i wanted to i want beyonce to know i said it first is
and I need her to call me is because when I was seeing all of those magical transformations and shit to the song, I was like, Beyonce should just have a whole animated visual album. And I said, if she did that, that would be some next level shit.
Oh, okay. I want to say this. There's an artist who I feel like has dabbled in that before Beyonce. Well, no, I'm not saying like she's doing it first. I'm saying it would be good, it would work well with her music. Or it's like something like...
Like Renaissance like if she were to do that with the visuals they're playing with people who do especially like black folks who do sort of like anime inspired like music videos and shit, but I feel like
it would be something different and unheard of if Beyonce hired a team of people to make a sort of animated musical experience. So Beyonce, if you hear that anywhere, just know that I, Brie Struthers, said it first, and if you would like to call me, I have connections with people.
What connections are those? I know people who wanted an amazing job. What do you want? Oh, got it. No, got it. No, you said, you said, you said, Shirley said me and I was like, no, I don't think it's me. That's not my answer.
I mean, you can contribute to the vision and that's great. I will be very honest with you. I will recommend. If I were in the room with Beyonce, I'm going to say everybody's name for something. Everybody's fucking with my head. So you just got to let me know, what are you trying to offer?
Right. Because you know I've been writing this shit again, but like that's not the same thing. It's like, I'm going to come in and create a visual. You know, there'll be playing 12 people on a song to write. You can write a few lines. Good. Do you have a damn thing? Write your stands up. Write down. Exactly. Exactly. It's giving. Get the check. OK. Cash. So yeah, back to the features in Visual's conversation for y'all.
I can't think exactly of a visual except for probably pure honey. I really want to see the girls go up and I want to see a visual that really looks like a ball.
Like, but with people who are in the scene and not some actors and people, like, give me the commentators who are really commentators. And that was one of my comments about like one of her songs. I don't remember. Is it heated? Where she's commentating? Yeah. And I was like, why does she not have Kevin? Like, Kevin and Jack. Why? Why did she not have peaches? I was like, peaches?
I'm precious. I think it's precious. I also was like, we're with empty Deborah. There's so many sounds that could have happened. It's me sometimes. Okay. So the reason why I'm going to, I'm going to name the reason why I might sound like I'm not going absolutely 1000% up for the album. And it's because I'm always looking at where there could be more.
And I'm looking at where there could be more, because it's fucking Beyonce. It's not out of the reach of the world for me to have requests in the way that I do. And the requests in the way that I do includes, where is the commentator on the song that you want to commentate?
Yeah, I was gonna request. I'm so close. Um, I feel like that is something I had as that I've seen as a critique that I also agree with because Beyonce has the ability and it seems it does obviously like seem like she's trying to do the research or whatever, but I'm like, yeah, girl, just like actually bring people into this space.
And I feel like the other thing connected with that that I've seen people critique is the... There's like a remix to Break... Was it Break Muscle that has... Well, fucking Madonna? It's not even just that. It actually isn't even just that. It's the fact that... Like I saw a tweet that people are trying to drag this person forward, but I feel like they are correct.
in that this person is saying like, oh, like Beyonce is naming a lot of black cis women, where like half of the folks that she really should have been uplifting or like black trans folks are like, you did, you didn't call Kayce a killer. You didn't call Mickey Blanco.
Yeah, and people are trying to like boo this person, but I'm like, no, they're correct. If you're accountable to if you're going to do it, then baby do it. And I'm like, accountable is something that is also within reach. Like, like on heated, she was saying, like,
a an ableist slur and she just very immediately was like oh i'm like this is not something that and beyonce has like money power and access like she could do that there there's like not likely a world where she would call on like any black queer person and be like hey girl like i want you to be in this video or like
I'm going to use this line of a thing that you say or whatever, or just to reference them, or ask them for some advice about something for research purposes. And that person is going to be like, no. Bitch is Beyonce. I feel like most of the people that she is going to call on in specifics that are people like TS Madison or whoever else would happily... The fact that
Oh my god. My brain is blank right now. Big Freedia. The fact that Big Freedia has worked with her so many times and we still haven't actually gotten a Big Freedia. Seen a visual.
if it can then that. I'm like there are people that are willing to do this with you and you actually got to like give them more because you have the ability to. So why not? You know who else did that? Drake. You know who we dragged when we found out that Drake did a whole fucking video about Big Freedia and Big Freedia had to ask to me in the video? Drake.
So I feel like you can hold Beyonce accountable because she- Right. But you know what's funny? Everyone else got upset with Khaleese. When I feel like Khaleese was saying something like- Khaleese was saying- That ain't shit. Right. And that was like, so I was getting into it with the girls because everybody was like, oh, Khaleese is complaining, bitch, and girl, get your check and shut up. And I said, this is not the point. Khaleese was saying- I thought she's not getting a check. That's the point. He's not. Khaleese was like,
Khaleese was like, I know I don't own my stuff, Ro stole my shit. That's a whole other conversation. She was like, and really, I'm not even mad at Beyonce, per se. But she was like, the fact that you know that I am artists has been in the game for over 20, 30 years. You didn't have the respect for me to call me, to at least let me know that you were going to use my sample. And when I called you out about it, instead of calling me or contacting me or saying something, you took me off the album.
And I was like... And I feel like that said something instead of Beyonce actually... Or saying, no, I think like even the fact that Beyonce didn't say anything in response to like... She just is like, oh, well, I'll just take you off the album. Like, no, you're not going to say anything about the fact. Like, I think like it's the fact that you're still working with like Pharrell or whoever who has the masters.
when you're not acknowledging the fact that them niggas do grimy shit and your work is benefiting from that grimy shit. I feel like you being called out on that is something that's worth speaking up about instead of just being like, oh, well, I'll just take it off the album. Right. And I was like, and I felt, and people were like, yeah, it's like, like, you're just, you're upset because she's more successful than you. I'm like,
Y'all Beyonce stans, y'all are fucking delusional. Y'all are delusional, right? What's the name of the racist thought of anything else except the high praise? And I'm like, what's happening? And I'm like, I will, I'm like, I 100% do not guess like Khaleese, do not, like Khaleese makes

Industry Challenges and Artist Legacy

sense. Like as an artist, as a person who has been in this industry with you,
And now, who has paved the way for you to turn around and use my shit? Let me tell you something. Khaleez has been ahead of her motherfucking time. That bitch has been on everybody's necks since the Mikey fucking 90s, giving us bop after bop after bop after album. And all of her shit has been having to be terrific. It's been pop. It's been dance. It's been in this genre for a very long time. Khaleez has been that girl, the fashions, the looks.
Like, she's been that girl. Yeah. So I'm like, the fact that there are niggas in her comments like, who even is police? You are children. That's a problem. That's a problem. What gets me with the whole disrespect is that people, many times people are going to silence things that feel very valid just so that they could protect this idea. And I'm like, you protecting the idea and not even acknowledging accountability at all is really going to keep you in the corner by yourself.
what if Beyonce, and then when Beyonce comes out, which I don't know if it's possible, but if Beyonce were to actually say something and apologize, now y'all gonna be like, oh my gosh, like, maybe Kalise was, right? Like y'all just moving in whatever direction, whatever she says, whatever she says. And I'm like, uh-uh, that is a human being. I never want that level of like celebrity idol worship. Yeah, no. Beyonce is a person. A whole person.
it is not that deep. and also, like, not so quiet as it's kept, because it's not quiet, but like, Beyonce is also... and it's also the reason why I said I don't want Beyonce's Negro spirituals anymore.
Like, Beyoncé is, at the end of the day, like, a capitalist who has done things from, you know, like, a millionaire who's, like, a vajillionaire who's hoarding wealth. And, like, you holding Beyoncé accountable actually isn't even really hurting any of them, you know? So, at the very least, you should be able to, like, acknowledge the thing when Beyoncé does it. So...
And the hoarding wealth comes into things like the accreditations and all this other stuff that is going on. Would it actually be holding space and actually extending resources and actually giving a fuck about the other people? And here's the gag for me, too, right? Like, so I didn't know Pharrell was out here being triflated. I didn't even know Pharrell was out here, you know, moving like that. But the fact that Pharrell has own cases of masters and apparently has a writing credit on some of her songs, they did not write.
Yeah, that's what I was saying. Can you imagine being 19 years old, having all of the work you've done, take it from you, and you never benefit from aging? And the person who benefits from it didn't let it stole it from you? And you got niggas out here being like, let me get you. That means that when Beyonce said, I want this Khaleesi piece in here, I think she deserves to have her flowers.
She didn't ask Khaleet. She asked Pharrell. And Pharrell was like, yeah, clear it. It's a check. That is fucking crazy. That means that I am the person that wrote those songs, that sung those songs, that did some other stuff. And you don't even know it. And I don't even benefit from it. And you took your Cajun ass and decided, oh, my response is, I'm just going to take you off for some. I'm not going to talk about it.
And I feel like at the bare bones of it, even if legally that's fine, it's still just like people were mad at Calise for being upset. And I'm like, I too would be upset at any point. Like, Beyoncé or not, if I know that I have been lost, like you said, the ownership to my music and
any person could just go around me and go to these niggas that stole it from me and use it. I would be mad every time. I would be upset. Every time. Every fucking time. Niggas could do anything with her music. If it were somebody who was not Beyonce and just a problematic nigga just wanted to put
some something of Khaleesi's in the background or whatever. They could do that if Pharrell agreed to it. And I would be upset every time. So I feel like at the bare bones, people were just like, Oh, Khaleesi's hating or whatever. But like, bitch, I would be upset. And it's also about like the protection of what an artist curates and creates in this world that like, it's really not even for the whole fucking world. And to think like,
She has given so much to this world and this world is just taking it and swinging it around in her face and being like, bitch, I know you did a thing, but now I can do whatever the fuck I want with it. It makes sense why it can feel like it's hitting so hard because as an artist, you're putting your heart into what the fuck you're doing. She wasn't just like, ooh, I'm just going to make this for play play. She was more than likely extremely intentional being like, wow, I'm really proud of this work I did.
I'm really happy about this. I'm doing this. I'm going on tour singing it. Everybody loves this song. I've created a fucking classic that people reference in movies. I have multiple songs that I've done that with my artistry. But when it comes to longevity, sustainability, people are not giving it to me. Yeah, I'm going to go the fuck off. I'm going to go the fuck off because people are not even giving me the credit, my flowers, and the love that I deserve.
Period. Just because 20 years down the line, there are these little ass kids that don't even know who the fuck I am. Y'all know who the fuck I am. Right. We've been together. We were here together. We were all the same. Like, we were all, we were doing, like, we were all, we were paralleled, right? Like, your career is bigger than mine. But like, when you were out, bitch, I had, I was also out dropping shit. You were not dropping shit in the vacuum. Like, I was also putting out work and giving looks and starting out for mutualism.
in the early 2000s. They were on the same top 50s. Every time we would be listening to their playlists, their videos would keep me up equally like they were probably doing. And somebody made a comment, because I guess Kalisa's husband...
passed away I guess last year or recently or so like a little while ago um I would say within the within a year ago and people were like oh she's just grieving and this is how she's handling it and I was like the death of her husband has nothing to do with you niggas taking people's music and people's musical like the like the rights to their artwork and your work my husband right what the fuck does he have to do with you with you being fucked up and it's people just creating story I think it's every not everybody
I think it's so many people creating stories about how they just don't want to see truth and validity and the fact that somebody is saying something that doesn't feel like deep and high phrases towards Beyonce's existence. And I'm like, how could y'all say that about somebody talking about like, staying or like where their status is in their career, being the reason why she can't say what she wants to say.
Does it make any sense? And y'all act like bossy is not a fucking, like, what? Can we talk about get along with me? Can we talk about get along with you? Can we talk about get along with you? That video. I just want to get along with you. Try me.
Cause I see the one that makes you happy for the thoughts that I don't get is I don't know how niggas is like, Oh, I don't like, I haven't heard this song because you're a fucking loser.
Because you're a fucking loser. And you know what else? Let's go back to that Madonna shit real quick, because bitch, I didn't let it go. Oh my god. Ooh. OK. Ms. Giselle Knows Carter.
Now, Granny, I'm not listening to this. I'm not giving you one of my streams. But I was, from what I did here when I heard the first 20 seconds, it seems as though it's not like an actual collaboration, but like, it's just bold. It's like the song bold, I guess, combined with like,
break my soul or some shit. But I'm trying to figure out, but I'm trying to figure out why you thought Madonna was the girl for you to do that with. Because she has stolen so much from the Black people. Literally. And the song that she spoke, when she spoke. I have actually seen some of the girls in defense of it. And that's where I'm going. OK. Yeah, y'all. Because the girls, they're not the white women. Yeah. They were just like, oh, the folks that are mad don't know.
that Madonna was like putting people on. She was not putting people on, she was stealing. She was stealing like the woman that she was to be able to take over because so many people were literally out here in the streets talking out the side of their neck talking about Madonna did something for Vogue or created it or it's like something else because she comes up with a song and it's really giving like
I was like, intention, impact, whatever. Because sure, of course, Madonna was using Black people to put in her videos and bring on tour and whatever, whatever, because Vogue was hot, whatever, rain. But that doesn't mean that what she was doing wasn't what it is. People being like, oh, she was uplifting, blah, blah, blah.
And I was like, but girl, that wasn't actually the intention. The intention was to steal from those folks and to make a name for herself while using Vogue with her at the face of it. She was not grabbing the girls from the balls and
making them their own songs or like whatever like like making their own careers of whatever the fuck like no she was not doing this in an uplifting way and i don't know how to be leveraging her resources for the girls absolutely right is it the same woman who posted her son like her her black adopted son on instagram and called him a nigga girl oh
Did we all forget that? Did Beyonce forget that? And let me be clear, this is the same bitch we just said earlier, went into a song with S.A. Banks. But we'll do a song with Madonna. So I am trying to understand what the fuck is the, where's the bar?
What is the bar? You won't do a song with Azealia Banks because you think she's problematic if she's talking about faggots. But she'll do a song with a bitch who call black people niggas, call her black son niggas, and stole from black queer folk. Now, granted, Azealia Banks calling people faggots to be extras is a mess. But you know what the fuck else? You know what the fuck else Azealia does? She makes music for the girls.
I've been fucking them all day. Fucking them all night. I've been fucking them all day. I'm fucking them all night. That is, what are we talking about? What are we talking about? I was in the two, one, two. What are we talking about? Hey, I'm a licorice bitch. You know, I'm looking for we niggas if we niggas rich. I make his motherfucker, but you would jiggle your dick. Like, what are we talking about?
What are we talking about? What are we talking about? So it's cool for her to fucking do a thing with Madonna's bald, you know, bald head and white ass thing. It's the bald head. But it's not OK. Because I'm like, what are the standards? Like, what are the standards? And like I said, I just don't even include the other black artists we got that you didn't include. The ones that have been out here putting out songs. Girl, when I tell you,
Cake's a Killer's flow is unmatched. And I have yet to see people give him his flowers. Yeah. Period. I am still listening to Goodies. And that song came out, like, I don't know, eight, nine years ago. What is happening? Yeah. Ooh, baby, don't you just stand there. I know you like what you see. Pause pressure over my body. Please, please remind me of me. That is Cake's a Killer, girl. What are you giving? I don't. What is the? OK.
You know, I'm done with it. I'm done with it. Overall, good album, gorgeous gowns, beautiful gowns. Yeah. I definitely feel like if Beyoncé... No, not if. Beyoncé needs to hire the girls for whatever is going on with this album that she... whatever further that she can. It has multiple parts to it. Because, like, the tours, the music videos,
the live performances, whatever it is, the girls need to be all up in through it. So I'm watching you, girl. I've got my third eye. Yeah. So one had a...
Somebody had a theory that it's like the three acts aren't like albums, but like the first act is like the album, second act of individuals. Did you know that? I completely forgot that this is act one. Yeah, this is act one. This is act three B. So the answer is horror. So the first act is
The second act is the visual and the third act is the tour. And I'm not used to it. I thought it was going to be more music. I don't need the tour to happen right now.

Innovation in Music and Visuals

There's a lot going on in the world right now. I already held a festival I'm worried about. I'm not going to be able to do that.
Honestly, I'm also saying it's a person who bought a pair of more ticket. Yeah
I'm buying a flight, but I'm like, bitch, you better get travel insurance. You need to get me Campbell CDC suit with no, I'm getting I'm getting there's like a very like there's like a Darth Vader mask that my friend has that they wear on the train. And I'm like, I'm getting that before I'm getting on a plane.
And if there are any gloves that go up my arms. Who's up for the pokey mocks? I'm wearing gloves. For the pokey mocks. I know. Oh my god. New York got me tripping out here. I'm really tripping out here. Don't y'all... Like, isn't there something in the water up there too or some shit going on? I said what? It's in the wastewater. Rats have it. I don't know. It's just like... It's locked in.
on every part. What in the fuck is going on? It's the apocalypse. It's the plague. Is it the end of times? Because if so, I need to call Frank Ocean right now to help out with my pussy eat from the back immediately. Is the Lord sending the trickets? I don't know. If this is the end, someone needs to tell Frank that I want every piece. Spacious. Period. Someone tell Frank I want the smoke. If spacious or landing, I just want to be in there.
Yeah, the only thing that... What is time to dissent?
Yeah, the only thing I have is just that if this is the end, like, for the collapse of our world, I saw like this tweet that was like, is the end of the world supposed to be this expensive? And I also put that out there. Because I would like to try to rag it. I would like to rag things out in a reasonably priced, like, single bedroom apartment. I would love that. But that's just not possible. And I just feel like it's very raggy because
how am I supposed to shake my ass to these Beyonce songs and just try to dance it away if everything is on fire? And I just feel like everything is on fire. It's expensive too? Like can't we just pick? I think it was really disrespectful of how it was at the beginning of the pandemic, how it was like a year after
And me looking at prices of things and being like, ooh, they toss this shit out for free, for two cents, for $5. This is cute. My nigga, during COVID, I was going on trips to places because the gas was cute. I was getting to other states in six hours because nobody was on the road. The gas was two something a gallon back then? Wow, how times have changed.
It was so good. Food felt like, ooh, if I can and I get some corn, I'm going to go to the grocery store and the prices are still making sense. Julia, I went back and was like, this shit was $2 when it started. How the hell you get to $7? My friend bought some milk, a gallon of milk, and it was $5.
Oh my god. I said I drink almond milk and oat milk. Oat milk costs $5 and it is not from the cow. So what the fuck happened here?
And to be clear, the oat milk is still just about $5. So your cow's milk went up, I don't know, $3? $4? And you're paying oat milk prices, baby. Just drink the oat milk. Just transition. Just drink the oat milk. Just drink the oat milk. It's excellent for you to do fucking better. But yeah, it was really getting me when I started seeing. When I went to the spa one time,
And it was $60. And I was like, okay, period. Because it was unlimited. It was all day. Why the fuck I tried to go back? I was like, bitch, you really got to look back around and treat yourself. Get your bones, feeling relaxed. You should go ahead and do it. That same shit said 115. And I was like, if you want to throw a fucking bow, then you want to throw a bow. Because why the fuck would you play in my eye? I know what you were before. Why are you doing this?
I can't do that. You're waffling. And it's a Tuesday day to go. And you're the day? Tuesday month? I said it leaves like weekend price. Right. I don't want to know what their weekend price is about. We weren't going. We weren't going, so it don't matter. Weekend price is $115. The weekday is $100. There we go. I'm like, I miss. Yeah. So it's $15 cheaper. I don't.
15. And I'm like, look, y'all are really playing in the face as if the girls didn't see what the prices really were. And we didn't see that y'all really had the money and the funding to the fourth issue. Y'all could afford giving it out for what it was. Wow. That's wild. Help me. God help me.
I don't have anything else. I'm just going to dance in France. Oh, I didn't. Oh my gosh. I didn't answer the question. You said who would I want to be on a feature? And I'm saying this not because I did see some commentary that was just like, oh boy, people want to bring his name up once it's an uptempo album that's coming out or like
like y'all are bringing his name up only because of like Drake and Beyonce's album. I just want to preface this as like,
Anybody who knows my body knows that I'm a Kei-Trenada fan, sister, very big girl. Period. Oh my god. Oh my god. Really? Yeah. That? Of the fucking beginning, I am a big girl. And while I was listening to the album, I was like, so are you not realizing there's intersections and accessibility right here? Like Kei-Trenada, a whole queer ass person that's right next to you that you've cut a fat on this shit in the transitions?
doesn't tend to every fucking

Album Critiques and Industry Trends

transition. Can we also talk about, I want to, but can we also talk about, I also thought about amorphous. Oh, amorphous? And I was like, that nigga has been mixing two songs that don't make no sense and we all bob to you. It's like the beginning of the pandemic. So I'm like, I don't know why this, like that didn't occur
I just want to acknowledge that on the album, I saw something that didn't make any fucking sense as to why did you feel like you had to do this as a collaboration. I want to know why the fuck is Sabrina Claudio in the writing credentials. And I was like, oh, the background vocals. Look at that. So I was going through every single song trying to see if Kate Renato was. I still haven't done that. I haven't done that. And I'm going to go through the writers credits and I'll come back and like,
a solid 10 seconds to let you know that I was very confused. I also know that I think if I'm not going to take a sip, produce one of the songs or something. I did hear that. Yes. And I also saw a lot of heterosexual black men on this album. And I was like, so my question is how many faggots were thrown, how many faggot words were thrown around before Beyonce said something in the studio?
because I just did that happen where people were being called F4s behind the curtain. Like what was it giving? Like I would like to know, like we're like always these fans will eat this up. Is it giving tape calling us sissies? Because the issues of- Is it giving tape calling us sissies at the pride event? It's tape calling us sissies.
Because the answer is also known to that as well. And the girl was like, yeah. And once Hank was like, give it up. Y'all ain't stopped. Y'all just need to give it up for me. And they started dancing. They started screaming his name. I had to pack my shit so quickly. Fuck you, Tank. You can drink that, motherfucking cute.
You're not, it's giving, you thought you were a 10, but you say that and it's giving non-existent, then we call it that. Girl, he was more handed-fused. Right. But the song that, oh, and this is what really, it shook me. It really shook me to the core. It's the song that this little problematic bitch has the credits for. It's fucking plastic off the sofa. Oh, no. Has the credits for the background vocals.
And I was like, this is unacceptable. And then... Is Chloe and Howie on this song at all? People have said they heard it. I saw this song. They're not afraid of it anymore. This is how I found out about Sabrina. This is what happened. I saw the video of Chloe doing the plastic off the sofa challenge. So shout out to Avery.
Shout out to Avery, who started it, Avery Wilson, who started the challenge. And I was like, I love this because the singing girls are really fucking doing it. So she was doing it. Yeah, she was doing it, but she was in like a studio. Like she had like the mic. So then I was like, OK, Bet, maybe this means she's giving herself like she's putting it out there that she did background vocals. So I went to the credits to be like, is that Chloe?
Is Chloe doing a thing there? And that's when I saw this fucking little white girl and I was like, what the fuck is it not Chloe? This isn't me. It's not, the math is not math. So Chloe and Halle were busy while she was doing this? That's what I was saying. Deeply booked and busy on being signed to her, but two books.
Yeah, that is also a feature I would like to happen at some point. And I don't know why it has it. It doesn't make sense. Why do I feel like artists will do things where like they know that people can see this thing for them and they know what they're doing. And they'll be like, oh, you want that? I'm going to do the opposite. And I'm like, why are you going to be a dickwad? I don't understand. I feel like Chloe and Howie would definitely eat on a lot of the sing songs. Like the actual sing.
like give me give me you vocals it would be delicious and I feel like I don't know initially I thought oh like Beyonce wants to give them space to like be their own people and I'm like that's great but like we've seen we're seeing the fruits of that labor like now is the time like you know like
as you were similarly doing songs with like Megan Thee Stallion or like whoever, like the girls that are like coming in the space, why wouldn't it make, like it makes the most sense to do this with Khloe and also like no shade to her because I do like them. But some people don't really like like Khloe singles that she's done. And I feel like Beyonce featured. Surprise is delicious. I've been enjoying mine.
It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy. It's not my pussy.
So I feel like Treat Me was an audition for this. And I feel like Beyonce missed that moment because she clearly auditioned, got the role, and then never got called back to the first audition. Like, I imagine, yeah. And Khloe would be more than happy to shake some ass. More! Yes!
Chloe would be like, oh, I forgot. Remember that one time you called me to shake ass in front of you for sorry? That was cute. I'm not her. I'm popping this pussy all over the stage. I'm popping it. I am breaking open legs. I am Gucci popping all over. Y'all don't know what it's OK. We had an outward test. I think we've done it. I think we've done it.
So yeah, folks out there, have you listened to the album? If so, what do you like? What do you not like? If you didn't, let me get closer. If you didn't, you're a punk pussy bitch. Wow. And if you did not watch, listen, sorry, listen to the album, that makes you a lehuzaher.
I would definitely recommend it. I definitely recommend it. I sent it to Ty and Shalandria, but if you have not seen the edits for some, like, they're so funny and also so great. But maybe I'll share some on the Instagram. My favorite edits.
related to the outfit. You should share it on the Instagram page for Bussy because we don't post nothing up there. I will do that. I will do that today. I will do that. I will do it. We had messages and news like, are y'all still recording? I will do that all of these weeks. I was like, yes. Leading up to the episode, yes.
So before we go, we have an announcement. So we all know, I don't know what we all know. I think I mentioned it would be an episode or two ago, but a bitch is in grad school. Things are heating up. Things are getting too spicy with the pepper.
Too spicy for the pepper. So I am, we are taking a really quick, short, cute hiatus. We will be back sometime in October. We will let y'all know closer to the date because I'm working full-time and going to school full-time. Bria's busy. Shelly's out here making art and, you know. I'm trying to relax the rest of this. Right. We, the rest of this is, what summer? What rest of the summer? My summer, y'all don't understand.
I have nothing. I have no responsibilities. My summer youth program ended like three days ago. I have nothing to do.
You were talking about how I have not heard from this bitch since. I didn't even get it. I'm sorry. I might have got a text five days ago. I'm sorry. I text every so often to let people know I'm alive. That is it. My dad texted me this past week and was like, your brother asked about you. He said he hasn't heard from you since your birthday. I was like, father, I'm sorry.
I've talked to a lot of people since my birthday. I'm sorry, but I just, I fell off the face of the- No, cause like you were doing work and then I was doing work and I was like, somebody please send help. Like I was, work stuff was happening, grad school stuff was happening. I was like, yeah. I'm going to take this break that we have. Relax. I have to write some things.
some agents I have to send some
Yeah, I did a pitch event on Twitter where I pitched the manuscript, the graphic novel thing I've been working on, and some people requested it, so I have to send it. I have to get back into querying my book. I'm also currently, right now, in an Afrofuturist, Black Speculative Fellowship, so shout out to who do not. Y'all should go. For the 12 people that listen, y'all should go.
No, but I should go like look up what they're doing. They're called doo doo knots. I think they have a Kickstarter for an anthology. Yeah, go support them. I think they have like two weeks left until they're supposed to meet their goal. So please go support them in the work that they do running like this black speculative space for black speculative writers. I love that. So let's live.
Um, yeah, I, I will be resting at one point during this break. Um, Austin will be, what is the, um, because I feel like that breast things had a very, like you had, like you was, you was doing, so you shouldn't be doing, like you sound real grown and you sound grown.
You actually been booked and very busy, so I don't know how much I believe you're resting. So from after Prima, I don't know what the fuck happened. You were booked and then like after June, you were like, oh yeah, I am doing shows here. I'm looking on Instagram. This bitch is building. I just talked to you. Where the fuck are you now? It's like, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Nobody knows. Nobody knows. I know what the mystery is. I don't know. Where the fuck are you? I was like, I want to know where you at. Where the fuck are you?
I think for me I have to start doing like something that's like more real leading if I'm gonna be on social media like a recap or like a don't type thing. You know what? A recap would be nice. I can't do real type shit. No, a recap would be nice. If you gave us like a vibe update of all of these and you put like the clips together, it's like a newsletter.
People could maybe. Oh, I like that. OK, period. You want to see. You're hired. How do you still give me another job? I can't take it. Well, I'll give you intellectual property. I will give advice. My consultant.
Yes, absolutely. I feel like we have all this to say. Please do that. I mean, I... Hey, but can y'all not believe the fact that I am gonna... I mean, I don't need y'all to believe it. I know I'm actually gonna do it. I am gonna rest. I don't believe it, but I love that journey for you. I don't. But I'll believe

Closing Reflections and Life Updates

it when I see it. I brighten very that. Y'all don't see me. And in the not seeing me, I am resting during those moments. Okay. Okay. Right. Mm-hmm. That's right.
today? No, it's not. My next gig because I'm resting. No, it's not Tuesday. I'm going to be in Jamaica for a week. So I'm going to be in Jamaica for a week. And then when I get back, I was like, I really do want to have two weeks, well, a week of not doing the most. So I have my gigs towards the end of August going into September are giving fun times. Really fun.
I'm doing a really weird party in September, which is going to be a lot of fun. And then all of the end of August.
And y'all, so while y'all are out here creating and DJing, you know what I'm doing? You're in school! All you have to do is pretend like you read. That's it. Oh, I've already decided that I'm not reading shit that is not appropriate. You're not, you're not gonna read it all. All I have, all I would do is read like a very quick brief of everything and be like, do I know enough that I could, I could say one thing about this article?
If I'm one person you can text and bounce off ideas of, um, did you, did you get what I got? Okay, cool. We have the same page. And like, wait for your moment. When somebody brings up something from that article that you wrote, you got to just, you got to hop on it. My thing for me is I was like, I don't know how the people want to navigate this, but I know for a fact, I'm not reading the hygienist of the page for percent every week.
What I do know is that if it pertains directly to me and what I want my thesis to be about, I will read those for sure. But if it's not about my thesis or not about what I'm studying, I'm not reading that shit. I would remember the things that were most interesting to me.
but I feel like the only... most of the things that were related to that were if we were maybe watching a visual and responding to it, or I had a black... it was like dreams in surrealism class that I really liked. it was great. because it was all about afro surrealism. and that's when, of course, the stuff was most interesting.
Yeah, I'm not reading all of this shit. Even at this point, they sent out articles for us to read, because I have my first training. I have my first orientation training, and they sent out two. It's my first day out here, bitch. What the fuck? My niggas, they, let it fact real quick before we get out of here, I'm just, OK. So we have our first orientation on the 12th. They have it so that the orientation is 9 to 4,
I was like, why? I'm editing papers. Hit the highlights. Hit the highs and the lows. Thanks.
Like that, I had to read two articles for that. And then we have our orientation from our actual cohort is the same day as the first day of classes. And that's from nine to four. But get into it. I have less. That's why you want to go to class. Why would you do that? No, I do. I have a class from 4.30 to 7.
Oh, so I'm like, so I was like, wait, are you expecting, are you expecting me mining to go to that class after this? Cause the answer is so either I'm going to class or I'm showing up to this lady.
But I'm not doing both. I would probably show up late. I would be like, what's the maximum amount of hours that I'm willing to give to this day? And if that means that I show up to this orientation at 2 PM, that's what I'm giving. And I'm going to do two to seven, but I can't do nine to seven. And I wanted to have this conversation on social media, but people don't listen to me, and it's fine, because I'm not that girl. But thank you.
But the fact that I think a lot of the people in my cohort, like the group checks and more or whatever, I think most of us have full-time jobs. So I'm like, I am confused as to why y'all think people can give up their entire lives for school. And let me be clear, I'm not giving you my full-time salary with my good health care benefits. I'm not giving that up to sit in the classroom with you every day or work on campus. You don't pay enough.
Right. And not just that I have a specific skill set that I literally have built a career off of. I would be a dummy. I'd be a fool to be like, yeah, let me just not do that and come here and work for less than what I deserve and no health care. Or health insurance that's real shitty because you're a school. So yeah, I think that like there I am
I am interested to see how this is going to go. Because I'm going to tell you all right now, if it's come down to school or a check, I'm going with the check. As you said. So if school gets in the way, if school gets in the way, we make my money. No, we're going to return in October and see what happens. Check into us, bitch! All right, well, if y'all need us, you know, we'll post.
Maybe some cute, fun, funny things periodically. I think we all should be posting something to that page because people are really like, who is like, I will kick it off this week by posting Beyonce edits. Oh, I won't. Okay. I know that you won't, but I'm just saying.
No, I was going to say I feel like what we should do is just, you know, maybe post some personal stuff about us or post some personal things up there. People also forget that Shelly would be a co-host until late. And like, I thought about three of y'all, but it is. But Shelly's the one on the page. So niggas don't even know.
I'm definitely... I don't even have the long... I was about to say I don't even have the long game. So you thought that this was the time to be saucy, right? Okay. Huh? I was making an observation. I was making an observation, but I couldn't if I wanted to. I mean, in their defense, I also don't post it on my cell phone that day. I don't know why. Because what do I say? Okay. Anyway.
I'm going to be posting my favorite edits because they make me laugh and bring me joy. So I will be doing that for the next week or so.
I was also going to say, y'all have plenty of episodes to share with your friends while we're gone. Bitch. Share with your friends. Yeah. We got like 14. It's been a year. Wow. Look at us. It's been a year, y'all. But today is the anniversary.
You know what it's giving? Legs and... I know, but they can really believe the words came to introduce us to that show. Let's get them girls. Oh my god. Alright. I gotta go. On that note. Okay. We will see y'all. In October. We will see y'all. Season 2. Be prepared, bitch. Follow the Insta. Be blessed. Bye.