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Ehhh .. 2023 was a thing? image

Ehhh .. 2023 was a thing?

The Bussy Next Time
14 Plays11 months ago

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Technical Challenges and Podcasting Dynamics

hello, hello. Hello. Hey. Hey. Oh my God.
You broke up from like half a second. No shade game, but I really feel like when you record podcasts, you have to go somewhere else, like to a friend's house or something. Because this is a struggle. Like the last five episodes have been you breaking up mid-census, and that's happy to like...
He's gonna do said really quick. Um, I just want to know why did we hit record just for you to have this epiphany moment because I don't drag y'all for y'all taking whatever the fuck we be going through. Usually what's going on here.

Importance of Recording and Visual Interaction

I just want us to record because all we're going to do is do the same thing that we're doing off camera. So I'm just like, for the sake of time, can we just press record and continue talking about the bullshit that we've been talking about? Even in the argument, it was still bits and pieces.
and then we press record and y'all want to drag me for actual dust and I don't really I don't really
Well, I don't, I don't care. I understand what you're trying to say. Then I say press record because we're just, we're just off camera. We're just doing all of this. So on camera, we were trying to get it together.
We're still getting it together. So what does it mean? I want to also point out, y'all, that we can see each other now. All people can see each other. So there's a lot of neck movement. Or does Shelly freeze? No. Shelly. She's just ignoring us. OK. That's what it is. There's a lot of animosity and stress in the studio.
I'm just trying to keep us to a time commitment. I agree. I feel like we get caught up a lot. We can put time every two minutes flat. That's it. How long? You said? An album, 17 minutes. And if we want to do a concert, 26 minutes.

Engagement with Listeners and Influencers

That's not for real.
So we have a co-host that's on our way out. Thanks, Shelly, for their time. They've lost it. Thank you. Great. Well, it'll be back to me and Bria from now on because Shelly is problematic. Oh, right. We were told by somebody.
No, we're not funny. They say their names, Ray. Ray said that we are not funny. Ray said those two bitches are not funny enough. They don't bother. They show this. Right. I'm pretty sure that we don't have A listeners this time because no one
Well, that's not exactly true. That's not exactly true, Ellen. Shout out to Yazzy, always. Always. Just faithfully. Yazzy, first of all, I feel like reached out to me and also like the last time I talked to her. Actually, anytime I talk to her, she's just like,
when are y'all recording more podcasts because I listen to it when I'm at work and you know she be going through it doing architecture things that architects be doing. I want to see the architecture. What's more black architecture? Right. Does she need a side piece because it's not like money? So she's just like, you know, let us. Yeah, she's doing the side piece because that's not like you have some money. You open that up, you know, that pulls into her. Open these cheeks up. Oh my god. Not open. But outside of
I don't even know what you said. But outside of that, no, I was going to say, didn't we like have somebody share? No, I'm being serious right now. Shut up. I'm being serious. No, I have a real thing to share.
I'm ignoring. Anyway, listeners, I'm talking to you. So we actually had someone share our story, share one of our episodes actually, or like our story on Instagram, first of all.
And we don't know if it was like her or one of her people's, like someone on her team or something, but we just gonna throw it out there that Angelica Ross, Angelica Ross, if you listen, if somebody on your team listens,
Somebody, somebody, somebody has like the Bussy Next Time podcast, like in their Instagram, you know, algorithm. And again, I don't know if it's actually you sister, but Angelica, if you would like to be. So, Angelica Ross, so I posted, you may Angelica, Shelly, we gotta come back to that because I don't have
I don't have time to fan me. I don't have time to fan me. I'm like, just hear about this. I'm like, I don't have time to fangirl. So Angelica Ross did a podcast episode with Dawn from the 80 Kane, although. There's a lot of unprofessionalism happening. There's a lot of unprofessionalism happening in the studio. I'm so sorry. We could have started over, but that's impossible when you put this in, baby. Sorry. No, absolutely not.
So, uh, no, so like, and so, um, and Jenna cross did an episode of her podcast with Dawn. Dawn was on it. I, um, they were talking about, uh, there's one of the, there's one of both of them talking about Janelle Monae's titties.
Um, which I agree is fabulous pair of titties. Um, and then, um, there's another episode where, I mean, other part of the episode where they're talking about, Angelica was talking about how like, she felt like she had messed up on certain things because her tradition came a little bit later in life. And Dawn was basically like, girl, it happened. It was supposed to happen. This was the perfect timing.
She was like, you know, you would have appreciated if it had happened earlier, because the version of yourself where you're figuring things out wouldn't have been as appreciative as you are now of that particular tradition and the joys that came with that. And so I shared that post on the bot ones page, and the post before that was a post about our
A post before that was a post about our episode, this one of these podcast episodes. So like, she liked the podcast episode first, and then she liked the part, the one after that, about the one after that about us, about the damn it post.

Ambitions for Growth and Consistency Issues

She liked the post about our podcast episode, and then she liked the post that I had posted of a story about her actual episode of Dawn.
So, I don't know. Wait, I don't know who Ananya is. I love Ananya. Yes, I love Ananya. Like, we post, I posted something and Ananya had posted and like they liked it. And I was like, I love you so much. Ananya, if you would also like to be on the show.
i think they also like live in new york now so hey they do i saw they left chicago once and moved to new york let's let's pull up like let's let's do it then i feel like we can ask if we're gonna come when we get a few more i mean at least get like a thousand listeners ooh a thousand girl
We have to be consistent, and we don't know what that is, do we? No shade. I feel like we could... Can we see the analytics of whatever the fact that you chose? Would you want to? Would you want to see that? Do people watch that show? I mean, you're the one who's like, ooh, a thousand... We gotta know where we're at right now first. I would argue we're at maybe at most five, and we know all five of those people. I've named them last podcast episode. We know all five of those people. I would say that our...
that our goal should be a thousand people by the end of this year. That's a good goal. We have to be consistent, we have to do marketing. Which means you hoes got to get up and put something on Instagram besides cute photos of y'all and y'all niggas and food that y'all go eat for dinner time. I promise. First of all, you are a person who was just vehemently like pushing against Instagram before the show started. Okay, that's my personal Instagram. I have said repeatedly that I don't have, I don't have
the login for the Instagram anymore. So I- Do you want it? If you're yelling at me that I gotta post some shit. You in Shelly. Okay. Well, you gotta share it. So do that. You said what about me doing what?
Now she not listening, y'all. And I really hate this. We're nine minutes in. I know what you keep talking about right here, y'all. I was supposed to be posting things that I'm going to do with some marketing. Shout out to Angelica Ross. That was the most exciting part. That was really great. That was fun times. Yeah, it makes sense. I'm about to fire Shelly as a co-host. I'm about to fire Shelly all together. I'm not doing this. Well, anyway, we going to leave that, I guess, to our podcast resolution.
for the year. Our resolution starts now. Yeah. Yeah. I thought it was a campaign. Again, we have to be consistent. I feel like that's the problem. We're not consistent. And I feel like our content is fun, and it's a key, and it's a good time. But we don't, because, OK. A lot of the girls, I've talked to the podcast, never actually have topics. They just get up here and talk shit. And I was like, that's crazy. I feel like the way that our brains work as a group, we need to have a topic. Because the girls would get up here and talk cash money shit about mad dumb shit, and it would be it.
I mean, if that's what y'all want to listen to. I said, so we came here to drag because it's a drag episode. No, I just think about like, like if we had to think about it, like what would, like, what would your goals be for like the podcast? What do you want to see this podcast become? I just, you know, I personally just want us to have a fun time, a non stressful time.
Consistently doing a bad kiss. I want the queer black people to just be able to enjoy themselves and also do this in a non-stressor inducing way and experience joy and fun. I'll be losing you a little. Oh, coming back. Yeah.
We got you. It's okay. But why are you, you're just like a not supportive co-host Tyrell. You're not, you're not, but it's okay. I'm here offering support, Shelly. And I agree. I also think I wanted to, you know, I most importantly wanted to be a space.
I'm ignoring the unprofessional. Yeah, thank you. I also wanted to, I'm talking to you, Shelly. So I also wanted to be a space where like black queer folks, you know, find us and they're just like, oh, look at them cool niggas over there, you know, having a fun time and having a key. And, you know, hopefully it will be cool if like people interacted with us a little bit, you know, if we had a little audience back and forth.
You know, all five of you out there, if you want to comment and share your thoughts whenever this episode is posted, that would be great. But yeah, that's all for me. Are you prepared to come back? Yeah, absolutely. I'm gonna let you, yeah.
You need to get it together, sister. Thank you. I agree. Shelly, I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you because of the things I'm laughing because of the way that it sounds. When it breaks up, it's like a robot, and it makes me laugh. I'm sorry. It's not you, babe. It's not you. I swear it's not you. But I think you are saying it's funny. You're fabulous, and I love you so much.
And contrary to Brea's belief, it was no shade. It was none of the sad. I just said, you gotta get us together, girl. I love you so much. And I love what you have to say. I love hearing you talk. Your voice is super hot and super sexy. I would like to see... I would like to see...
Yeah, I feel like I would like to see the same. I want to see more community. I want to see folks more engaged. I remember when we first started this a couple of years ago, it was just me and Brea being like, we talk shit all the time. Or what it'd be like to talk shit with people who think like we do or kind of engage with it like we do. And yeah, I do think that it would be really cool to see
us garner some type of support and again engagement and not because I'm like oh my god sponsorships and money because bitch I'm not that kind of girl. I think more so because again I think we've talked about some dope shit we've said some really dope some really
Um, we've said some really dope shit. We've done some really dope shit. We've talked about some really cool shit. We've all expressed a lot of real critique and feedback and honesty and like, it's a vulnerability. I, my personal business is in these, is in these episodes. Y'all ain't even started fucking watching because I'm listening and not watching, listen to it. Cause my business is in these episodes. I talk about family, exes, niggas I like, like y'all gotta give me, cut me some slack. My, my personal business is in here. So by all means, please engage. But you know, I think we've done.
I feel like if people knew who we were, there would be a lot more engagement with us. We have the range and not, I'm not gonna be shady, that was almost real shady, but we have the range to engage with a host of topics and we're able to have those conversations that some of our favorite folks can't. So that's what I will say. So come on. Ooh, you saying some of the girls still have the range, wow. Yes, but we know,
I'm just trying to be an instigator. You are. Me and you specifically have talked about this. Me and you, me and other folks who have listened to two different podcasts specifically, and we're all like, one podcast, we're like, y'all the ones, it feels like y'all are not invested. Also, the critique and the critical thought is never there. Love y'all down, but it never gives. And being a Beyonce stand is not as huge as you think it is.
Because it's not. And not offering Beyonce the proper critique is what's not cute. You being a stan is fine. But you not being able to really dig in there and have that really honest critique and that really honest conversation to bring your husband to the carpet as a Black queer Beyonce stan is wild.
Cussing out that person that wrote that wrote the article about Beyonce last year, and being like, bitch, you shouldn't have ever wrote it. Who do you think you are? You don't have the range. You don't have the range, respectfully. And we love y'all. They didn't say anything untrue, so I don't know. And that was about C2, right? Because I was like, then as a Black queer person, how exactly are you thinking about
access to our communities, access to like our culture, access to black queer folks and like how we move in the world. We can't have nothing to ourselves because y'all niggas like y'all get everybody to race. Oh, they're wonderful to make great music and they love us. They gave us one album one time. Get the fuck ASAP out of here. What the fuck are you talking about? Oh my God. Anyway.
Um, it never gave, but yeah, I just, yeah, I hope that people this year will be able to see it. I said a thousand is the goal, but if we get 250, 500, bitch, I'm grateful. Can we get more than 10? More than 10 is a realistic, more than 10 is realistic. I think I said a thousand because I feel like people that we don't know, like that would be great. If it's just some more people that don't already know. And your friends would be great.
So if we are friends, share it with your other friends. I had them go back to the first episode. Don't have them start now, because this is a Hot Ghetto Mess today. And the episode before this was also, that was the Beyonce episode. That was a good episode. I mean, we continue to be, yeah, I feel like we're offering good things even in the midst of Hot Ghetto Mess. So I feel like, you know. At 7.45 PM in the chat, Shelby did scream, Ghetto.
Um, and so I have to acknowledge that that sometimes do be the truth. We do be a little ghetto, a little, a little struggling over here, but it's not a good time. It is. It is.
And I do think about the work that goes into building a successful podcast or what we would consider far as a little bit to be successful. I'm like, yeah, we're not consistent. If I'm being critical of us, which we've talked about as a group, we're not consistent. We don't have consistent times for when we drop stuff. We don't promote the things. And we don't, I'm not gonna drag the editor, but we don't do the things.
I mean, you mentioned it, so I feel like you were already going to. We love Aaron. But no. Mentors his name anyway. I mean, I'm going to call him and be like, if you talk about the podcast and it wasn't nice, bitch, bitch, bitch, and more bitch.
Bitch, bitch, bitch, and more bitch. No, but you know, I think we, like, we do need to, like, stuff our pussies up a little bit. Ooh. Just a little bit. Just a little.

Social Media Challenges and Audience Values

I've been in our stories lately, so people have, you know what's funny? I didn't realize, okay, I posted some stuff about Palestine, like trans folks, and the girl, we had like six unfollows, and I was like, not the transphobia, or, and then I was like, it's either that or niggas was like, oh, I forgot I followed y'all unfollow. So I'm like, okay, also fair, because this has been a while. So if you're like, damn, I follow you, and forgot I followed you, what are y'all even doing? I'm like, that's for real. I mean, they could just be Zionists, so fuck them.
Eat gas. Yeah. Heavy on that. It's big fuck you, so. I mean, period, either way. But I was like, is it because you, is it because you were like, oh, I don't, your constant's not, like, you don't, you don't post those, so the constant's not giving? Or was it, yeah, but you were designing this piece of shit? I don't know. I translated the piece of shit too. Heavy on the ladder. Damn. Mm-hmm. Because we posted that, we posted that clip of, um, Darvish, Darv, and, um, I almost said Darvish art.
Because I don't think she uses her last name anymore. I think it's just Dawn. But when I posted a clip of Angelica Ross and Dawn talking about Angelica's tradition, that's when we lost like four of her posts. And then before that I had posted her from Palestine, we lost two followers and I was like,
So rude. Is it really a loss if we don't give a fuck about problems? No, not a loss like, oh, God, we're so sad, but a loss like, oh, I realize people haven't followed over that. And I guess because of the way, because if you recall, when we first started this podcast, we were still doing Baldwin. Like, people from Baldwin Singhedration, we just switched over the name and switched over all the stuff on Instagram so we could keep the same following. And those folks pretty much followed us consecutively because of what we were doing.
But when we changed things to the, to the, to the ball one second, I mean, to, um, the busy next time we were like, Oh shit, it's a podcast now. And we lost like maybe three of like, maybe like 10 followers after that. But for the most part, whoever follows after that stuck around. So like, because of how people showed up to us, I figured the politics was very similar.
And so to learn that it's not, I'm like, Ooh. And then I'm like, I don't know who I follow cause I didn't go look that hard, but I'm like, I wonder if it's niggas that we knew that showed up to the ball. One second duration space. It showed up to like, you know, it was something like where you're at the summit. Did you come to the virtual one? Did you act as where you transphobic? They just didn't say nothing. Bitch, we don't know the truth. And I would like to know, come on, Savvy. Don't jump you.
We just want to talk. We just want to talk. Ha! Just kidding. You know I don't want to fucking talk to your ass. No, I want to jump your ass. Come the fuck outside. I was trying to keep a cordial. I want to fight. I want a motherfucking fight. That's it. I want to see you in your eyes. Bitch. That's it. But nah, um, yeah, I think that, um, I don't know, I have high hopes, but we have to get it together as a group. That's all I'm saying.
Y'all know Shelly B. Busy. Shelly B. out here booked and busy. I can't deny that. Like, I thought Shelly was booked and busy last year. This year, the bitch is unfindable. I was like, where are you? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Where the fuck are you? Can't

Balancing Professional Lives with Podcasting

find for you either, to be honest.
I'd be working. That's all I can say. We'd be putting on a fix. We putting that shit on. Right. It goes up in the office. They can't compare. They don't compare. I just want to acknowledge that you are doing what everyone actually needs to do when they go to office. Put that shit the fuck on. Put it on. Put it in person. Put that shit on. My dedicated time for weekly leave in the house.
Because the cunt doesn't stop. I have to make use of the clothes I have. The cunt doesn't stop.
So, you know. And when guys hear this, there's no repeat outfit. There are no repeat outfits, bitch. You've been in the office for, what, like a year or something? I just switch it up, you know? Babe, there is, I have, right, I switch it up. I just make a hot switch it up. I have yet to see a repeat outfit at all. I'm like, what is going on? What's the closet actually giving? I've been to your house. Where are you putting all these clothes? I don't even see repeat outfits. It's everywhere, honestly. Right. I don't even see repeat, like, right. What is the truth? What is the truth?
It's, this is giving so much right now. But, you know. Y'all better used to be in the spotlight. If we become rich and famous, you got to figure that out. So I'm practicing now. So when we become rich and famous. Cause for that book tour. I would just say. Like the book tour that's coming in 2025 by the way. I'll just take the rich and not the famous cause y'all don't need to know me, but it's okay. They need to know about you and read your damn books. I mean, you know.
That would be great. Brice going to be a famous writer. And on some of your favorite TV shows, Abby Elementary, Call Her Now. Thanks. I don't know what I'm going to do. I want to be, you know, hmm. You're going to be running out. I'll be there. No.
I'm like, I'll be there. You're going to be running productions. It's out here giving documentaries, giving feature films. It's giving community care. You know, I thought that. And I loved, I will say, my job, by the way. Tyrell Coop Incorporated, all right. It's really Ty Coop Enterprises. Oh.
I'll be like, yes, that's what it is. Okay, we've cooped up, that's it. Ooh, cooped up. No, I'm still editing a documentary. I am gonna release my interview though, just mine. Actually, while we're on the topic. I feel like we should do an episode talking to you about your process in making this documentary before it comes out.
I don't know where the fuck you think you're going because you're talking about people doing all this stuff and people being famous. So here's what I think should happen. I think that we should plan, you know, a premiere for whenever the documentary is ready. She's going to invite all of y'all who are able to come to this live showing wherever it is. You know, maybe we could get it online and then before
And then after that, we can do an episode that's dedicated to talking to Tyrell about their process. I think that's an award winning idea. Thank you. OK, fine. Well, OK, here's the thing. So I'm excited because I want to kind of get, we're going to do a 2023 recap because I'm interested in how our 2023s went and the comparisons and the things. It was a choice. It was a choice.
What I will say is that I did want to have some sort of, um, I didn't want to have a opening, like a, whatever viewing party type situation or whatever. Um, I wanted to have two, cause I wanted to have one up here in the North with my, with my Northern bitches. And then one in the South of my Southern bitches. Right. Um, but I,
period. And I was like, or I could do well, like in the middle. Cause like, so to me, like Regina is like the middle point about the Eastern seaboard, personally. Like you said what? I said, but y'all still in the South, even though y'all don't need to say this. We are in the South. But I think the middle between like here and like where our home, like where I guess like a lot of your fan base is in like,
your community is in Virginia and Georgia or what I feel like in between in betwixt is like DC. See, I would say that. But if you're like trying to make like pick a spot in between like
Where I would tell you why because I'm driven. Not too much. I want to fight. I want to fight the girls in the comments.
No, I think that I said Richmond because I've driven up and down the eastern seaboard, lived up on the eastern coast for the last couple of years. And one thing I know for sure is that the drive from Atlanta to DC is like 10 and a half, 11 hours. The drive from Atlanta to like Richmond is like seven and a half, eight and a half, maybe.
And I'm trying to make it a fair, and also the girls flying, I gotta be careful about that. There are direct flights from DC to Atlanta and DC to Connecticut or whatever. And also- There's a Richmond airport though. You know what's funny? I mean, I don't know if it has direct from New York. It does not. And I would think that it had direct from DC, it doesn't have direct from DC either, which I think is weird because it's in DC art. I don't think it would though.
Anyway, but yeah, I was thinking about doing two, one in the North and one in the South. I hadn't really thought about the breakout because I'm still editing, fun fact. I'm still editing. We're getting there, we're getting closer. You gotta make us a trailer or something so we could post it. Yeah, the editor wants to do a trailer. The editor wants to do a trailer. That would be so exciting. We're gonna share it everywhere, yeah. The editor wants to do a trailer and I said, cool. Also, fun fact, Shelly was in
My documentary, you know what, while we're talking about 2023 Recrap, while we're talking about it, I could recrap.

Documentary Projects and Personal Reflections

Oh no. That should have been the title, 2023 Recrap. It could be editing. So we could edit this title. Absolutely. Thanks, Erin. No. Okay. So like 2023 recap. I decided to do a documentary.
I got funding to do a documentary and I asked three of my favorite black queer trans people to share their personal lives and thought processes and how they themselves with me. And it was one of the most amazing things I've ever done. And I feel like I,
So I've gone, like I haven't, my editor, the editor, my great editor has gone through and kind of broke everyone's interviews. And so I got to see everyone's individual moments with me and everyone's is so dynamic and different and there's so much like honesty and conversation and
I think transparency around like the feelings that we have in terms of like dating and not being in the binary and being, having our identities be dismissed by folks who are interested in us and like a lot of heaviness around like connection and care and love. Like one of my good duties, Cree, she, during her interview, she talks about, and this is a snippet, but she talks about how, she talks about how like,
loving people like having people love you and loving like and being loved by people in a harmful way um is a betrayal of love for each other so she's like you know i love she was like you know i love you i love you too much to like love me this way and so because of that i have to cut this off for our both our standing both our safety
And I was like, bitch, cut that into a snippet. Put it somewhere, put it somewhere. It's so good. Shelly talks about like, there's a part, and Shelly, and I use this interview, but I mean, I use this part, by the way. Swilling a little bit of the tea, not too much of the tea, but some of the tea. Shelly talks about their love for community. And it's like, at the very end of our interview, I'm like, you know, I'm like, is there anything else you have left to say? And Shelly's like, yes, like I'm grateful. And like, I'm very happy. And like, I'm very like,
proud to be a part of this community. And like, I'm happy to like see the things I'm doing and all the people are doing and people are like, I mean, like it's, it, like everybody offers something. I mean, rent offers, everybody offers something, um, truly. Like it's just, it's good. It's good. It's really good. I love this verse. Yeah, it's good. And on it. So I, and to be clear, I did shoot an interview.
Um, but I didn't use mine. Oh, no. I didn't use mine. I also feel old now, but I will respond. No, no, I mean.
Maybe this is an idea. I will have an idea. Before you said it, I will also send Shelly. So these are going to be seen it. I'm going to send you both my interviews so you can watch at your leisure. I love that. I love that. I'm going to release my interview as a part of like the marketing ploy. I was going to be like if there could be like
if it could be like part of the trailer or like an extended part, like preview or something. That interview was an hour and like 10 minutes. Okay, well, no, but like if there are parts of it that, you know, you wanted to share, especially if any of it like speaks to like why you, you know, like made the documentary and like, you know. So the person, our director of photography
Um, police, um, amazing police and, um, she did such a good job. Like it came out amazingly. It was shot beautifully. Like she caught a lot of, like, I don't think, I think I've felt good on camera recently, but like, there are shots where I'm like, damn.
That lighting is amazing. Like this person was great in this. I didn't like this outfit. I'm gonna look like, look so good. Like, but there's a shot that we have like in my house. Like everything is cleared out and it's just like in the corner and it is like.
Oh, it's so delicious. I love the production elements of everything. Shelly literally clearing up her apartment, her freshly moved into apartment. I can't wait to let people know that my house was not lived in. Still, it just got the least like, just moved in about six. It looks amazing. It's giving, it's giving stage. It's giving like... Did you see it?
I feel like I saw you show me clips of it or something like, oh, I didn't see all of her interview, but she showed me like part of it. And yeah, I was like, Oh, this looks so nice. It was like, I was about to be like, not too much on my house that people will be like, Why are you in a blank room?
Not too much, although I just went, we're going to get lived in. We're going to bring it on the show. But shout out to Hallease, because Hallease also helped put together the space for Shelly. Actually, to be honest, Hallease, the only thing I think I really had a hand in was my personal interview and another person's interview, because they were in the same space. But other than that, Hallease put together
like, orchestrated all of the things to make our interviews, like, look like they did. And so in my interview... So the reason why I'm not... Oh, this is gonna get... Okay. The reason why I'm not including my interview in this is because Hallease asked questions that were amazing, but they filled in the gap for the things that I didn't ask other people. So Hallease asked the questions that probably someone who was interviewing would ask me, like, why'd you do it?
how'd you meet everybody? Would you all meet each other? Like how do you, those kinds of questions, right? And so like, when I think about, when I thought about my interview and relationships, like the other interviews, they were completely different. Like my interview was asking me about it as a director or producer. Yeah, it was more like a commentary on the way. Yeah, it wasn't asking me as an actual person. Now some of the questions do get into the same questions I asked like my other interviewees, but at the beginning, it gives that. So
Yeah, I... Yeah, I... It was a lot. It was amazing and it was beautiful. But yes, 2023, let's get into her. How does she act? So was that your recap? Was that... It wasn't, but I felt like I talked a lot. So I was like, please someone else talk. I mean, is there anything else to do? Please someone else talk.
Is there anything else for you that you would say for like what 2023 was given? You, you had, you switched. So what else to talk? Um, fine. 2023 for me was, I mean, okay. I could go through this while it should have happened. I fell in love.
And if you're my friend, not too much neck like me, not too much on me. If you are by close, Judy, shut your face. I fell in love. I lost two really good friends. And that was a big lesson, because I didn't see that coming, because I didn't think that would happen.
I did switch jobs. Created one, period. She created her own job, period. I did. I have started doing like farming and growing stuff. I'm doing black queer spaces.
Um, so Baldwin's on the way back, by the way, that's coming back, just so y'all know. But Baldwin's coming back with some extra shit. So yes, it'll be Black queer spaces, but also I'm doing farming and growing stuff. Yeah, it's, um, it is, uh, yeah, it's, it's, it's a lot, a lot happened last year. I think,
I had to have some really tough lessons about life and love and respect and showing up for folks in community. It was wild. So if you could... What was I going to say? I feel like if you could sum up last year in
Like if you were to give it a book title or something, like given all of that information, you know, I feel like I'm doing my interviewee. If I could give my life a big title for the past year. Just the last year, just, you know, 2023. You could have just said that.
You could have just said that. That is very accurate for you, because I feel like you say that all the time. Because people really could have just said that, and no one ever just says it. And it gags me, because that's what happened last year. I'm thinking about all the things that transpired over the year, from the job change, to getting this grant and doing farming stuff, to losing friendships,
falling in love with people and then like liking people and like having these whirlwind experiences where like they were intimacy but like no sex. It was crazy. People could have just said that. I'm like, you could have just said that. You could have just named it, you could have just did this thing and you didn't do it. And that could have, we could have wear a lot of pain or we could have really gotten deeper or we could have really explored whatever, but no one did their job and said the thing. And if I'm the only person saying the thing, it don't work. It don't work. What about you?
Me? Well, I actually, mine is actually funny. Well, not the title, is it? Okay. My title is actually, I'm going to plug a book campaign that I'm working on because I'm going to give my 2023 the same title as that book.

Creative Writing and Representation Challenges

The name of this book that you all should pre-order because it is a YA Black Horror Anthology is called The Black Girl Survives in this one. It's so good. So I feel like that feels very succinct to my last year.
I feel like I was doing a lot, like just the other day, I mean it's fine if you read it, like I gave you an advance copy, it's okay. But I was going to say that like just recently I'm like updating my personal writer website or whatever.
And all right, but everybody should do that. Um, if you have a personal website, you should make one if you don't, but if you have one, you should update it because sometimes people be looking and people be sending me emails and I'm like, how did you find me? And somehow they do, you know, somehow they find me and they send me things.
Um, and I'm just like, damn, I haven't updated this website in three years. So let me do something about it. Um, but I was updating my website and I was just like, damn, what are the things that I've been doing the past year or so? So, you know, I did this fellowship program called unlock her potential. Um, it was a cool, uh, like, right. Thank you.
It was a cool fellowship with an amazing author. Tochi Onyebuchi is really great. He gave me a lot of feedback because for this past year, I've been writing this like young adult Little Mermaid inspired- Wait, he gave you feedback on perfection? What? He gave you feedback on perfection?
I'm just skirting past that. He gave me a helpful feedback and advice while I started writing my first novel, This Young Adult, like black queer retelling of The Little Mermaid. This is very cool. I'm not going to give too many details right now because I'm still figuring shit out. But that was an experience. Writing a novel was hard. You know, what the fuck?
Um, I heard about it, by the way, it's gonna be really kind. I would love for it to be. I don't think I haven't shared any of the writing yet because a lot of it I'm still with her ideas. No, but I've told you about it. That's the same.
I mean, well, I was one writing this because a lot of it, it takes place in North Carolina, where, because I was thinking, I was thinking of, I wanted to, all right, let's not too much, let's not too much.
Anyway, my grandmother's family is from North Carolina. And while I was beginning to write this book, I wanted to write. I wanted to write it set in a like fishing coastal town because one of the female leads is comes from a family of fishermen, but I wanted it to be like a black, lively,
coastal town of Fisherman and wanted to think about realistically where that would be and came to North Carolina and it's been really cool researching those things. In the midst of that also, I have been writing a graphic novel, which Tyrell is on the research committee for because I was just like this graphic novel that I'm now actually sending to agents because it's finished is about
is about, all right, is about, it's just a script. So I don't feel like it is that exciting to read. So let's keep it very- The graphics key. The graphics is amazing. There's no visuals to it. It's just the script. The graphics is amazing. It's just the visual. I mean, it's just the script for it. I don't have an artist to go with it, but I'm sending it to agents. It's about like- I'm trying to hype it up. Damn. All right. Let's, you don't need to laugh.
But they don't know, they don't even know. All right, I read it. Anyway, this is my recap. This is my recap. This is my recap. So can I, I would like to finish. Thank you. So that graphic novel, which I was like Tyrell, can I, is there, is, does Connecticut give like
Northeastern, white, like, small town university, because that's where I needed the setting, the backdrop to be. I was giving you names. We came to Whitewater University, so that's where we're at. In Connecticut, Whitewater, Connecticut.
It sounds like a very familiar school. If you are someone who lives on the coastal area in Connecticut, it's just like a very familiar school, but you heard of very white Italy this and is in the way of it needs to give that because the basically this graphic novel story is about a young woman named Nina, who is a college senior.
She's a front woman and bassist for her punk band, along with her sister and two other friends, but they are missing a drummer. And in her senior year, she's trying to like, you know, just like gather all the girlies so that they can do this battle of the bands. And she meets an amazing drummer and they also fall in love and, you know, deal with
honoring her mother's legacy who also started the band. So it's a lot of cool things going on. It's a coming of age story. But yeah, it's been a lot of that. But I say the black girl survives in this one, i.e. meeting me, just because I feel like, you know, I've just been struggling with trying to write and having this job, you know,
I'm doing this job, I'm doing things, doing well in my reviews and all of that, but it's hard to have a day job and like, you know, trying to do the things that also matter to you personally, the personal work that you would like to do. But I'm surviving, so that is, I'm here. The black girl survives in this one, is what she gives.
What I'm thinking about is, speaking of writing, we also definitely co-wrote half of a script. Oh, we did. That was the thing that we did. Which I hope we get back to, because that story was really giving. We're going to need some money first. But if anybody out there has grants and money that you would like to offer for us in our creative endeavors, because what we also heard
is that the girls don't want to fund no creative nigga shit. And you better best of fucking believe he says on to something. Y'all play, we can't have rap shit. You know what I'm waiting for them to cancel? And I hate this, but why do I feel like P Valley's next? I feel like P Valley's on the way.
No, so we're still over season three. They haven't started filming, and they said they got pushed back because of the writer's track, which we agree. Yeah. But I'm like, I don't know if P-Valley is going to survive, because I've also seen some of those actors and other things now. So I'm like, They gotta do the check. I'm like, I don't know if they're coming back. But I'm ready to come back and check Alisa. Yeah, writers, writers.
Girl, can we talk about it? It's not, it's in Harlem. Oh my God. I'm just, I'm stressed because I'm also like, I do not watch any of those shows, so. You still making good?
on the show, on the show, what you're saying. Oh, the show Harlem.
He thought we were talking about Jonathan Matrix's. Girl, I was like, what are you talking about? You said Jonathan Matrix spoke to him? I'm like, what are you talking about? I thought he was making up on him together. Okay, I'm back. I am back. You had me lost. I'm like, did they come out as queer and I didn't know about it? No. I'm like, diamond, fine ass, diamond is a queer? Oh, girl, we need to talk. This is so funny. Anyway,
Um, but yeah, but I definitely give creative folks money we deserve. And speaking of creative folks that anybody out there should be giving money to, Shelly, I, uh, yeah. What would you say is your, I'm like sashay into you. Like if the girls got so many, they want to, you know,
I feel like they should support you in your artistic endeavors, period. But if you would sum up the year in like a title, what would you say? That was fun.
Damn, Eko!
They had us in the first half. Yeah. I...
Wait, I forgot about the bargain stolen. Was it stolen or like it was stolen? Because it got stolen and then they found it and like it was like nothing wrong with it or something. I thought it was. Damn. Damn.
That sounds right. That sounds accurate. You're so ridiculous. You had dinner reservations that same night, I guess.
That's fair.
Can we talk about it? Because I didn't mention this, but Ross talked about it. I'm like, I traveled every fucking way. I took a three week road trip last year. I forgot. You were gone for like six weeks.
Well, still being clear, Bria stays the fuck still. Bria takes a trip once a quarter. It's once every three months. Bria decides to go out.

Travel and Personal Highlights of 2023

I don't have the energy. I don't have the energy to be getting up and going. Me and Shelly have a bag in the car just because you feel like you want to be, just in case I want to leave.
That's me. Yes, let's play the jam sessions. Because I would like to go to one, but by the time I see the fucking flyer, it's too late. That's what I said. I don't begin the notification. Man, Brea was like, Brea, you're about to go to one, but damn, but you never, like,
Like we saw the post and we were like, why do we know about this? Like, and why are you finding out like 24, like two days before? I'm like, I got you, now I can't even go. I had a plan for that. I'm also like, oh, great sex. Great sex was also a big part of 2023.
I was coming four times a day. Oh God, it was so intense. It was like crying and convulsing. Girl, I'm sorry.
Did you, did you get that breeder? Cause I didn't get that. Did you get taken out by Shelly? I had a birthday last year. I had a birthday last year too. I had a birthday. I had a birthday.
Oh, and what did I say? What did I say? The title of my movie, I said the title of my book title for my was you could have just said that start using your real chest to speak up and talk to me when you address me, my nigga, when you have a lot of energy in the studio. There's a lot. There's a lot. There's a lot of energy in the studio right now. You'll be fucking for real. This is crazy. Oh, my God. All right.
But all the stuff had already happened by then. That was 2022, not 2023. That's crazy. That's crazy. Great. Well, we have plenty of time. We have plenty of time to plan accordingly for the future.
Who knows where we'll be by December? December is so far away. Eventually, no longer even an item anyway. We're not even doing this summer dance anymore. In 2023, I was over it. When 2023 ended, a matter of fact, while we're talking about it, we can air diggers out.
You were the same fucking way, bro. Don't give me too much. My nigga, you were also out here. You were also out here dating that fucking infinitesimal other niggas too. Don't give me too much, babe. This is so good. One too many. One too many. Why? This is so much. One too many. Y'all, I feel like I'm due at ASMR. You are due at ASMR. I cut it out. Because I'm not going to talk about ASMR. ASMR that shit later. I'm not going to cut ASMR yet.
Wow, Shelly, that's crazy. Lack of like, oh, you know what? I put that, by the way. That snippet, I'm not going to give it too much, but that snippet of you getting me together during the group interview is also definitely a documentary. I put that shit in there. You should never said it. That shit was funny. I'm going to send you the clip so you can see it. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.
I'm going to, all I'm going to say is Shelly, Shelly, Shelly said, uh, part of the quote and part of what she's doing, they said in that quote was all I really know is you can have fun with your little fucking friends and then move to the other side of my couch and grab her cocktail. You are.
Yeah, we're having a cute time. And I want to be clear, right? I didn't sleep with, like, I slept with one person when I was in Atlanta and God, I slept with one person when I was in Atlanta. Um, and that is the only person of the group of people I was talking to that I slept with. So by the time, when May came, I hadn't done anything with anybody else, but you had bitches through the summer. There's a whole lot of there. Absolutely. Talk about one of your bitches in the summer.

Hopes and Goals for 2024 and Community Support

Not one of you. OK. There's so much going on. So I'm going to bring it back, everybody. Wow. As we wrap it up, yeah, because there's just so much negativity going on in the studio. I don't think negativity is honesty.
Because at the end of the day, at the end of the fucking day, children are putting on my face. This is really fucking insane. This is really fucking insane. If you want me, earn me. Do the same. Step it up. Let's say we're at time. So if you were to put
to propose a title for your new year for 2024, what would it be? Shall we do better? Oh, that's... You should've said it, you say it. Say it, say it, say it. You know, book, movie.
I wasn't watching about me until I was like, I was going to laugh at myself about me. About your own life, your own life. Well, I feel like you should say it then. You should type it out. What did I say last year? You should have said that. So you should have just said that. So just say that. What would mine be? One. OK. That's fair. I'm going to think about a real title though, in that case. I'm going to think about a real title.
What? Fuck you. This is too much. This is a lot. No, I got it. I said you're shooting your shot again. And I'm saying yes. Do you got this round? Oh, OK. I don't know why I posed this question. I don't know why.
I don't know why I say it. I can come to Jersey. It's nothing. I don't know why I posed this question. I feel like you're a good kisser, Shelly. Is it true? Oh, God. Oh, somebody. Somebody. Somebody get me out of here. Please. I got a brief. Also, one of my good duties. I don't want to traumatize her because we do every other episode. Thank you. Wow. I blacked out.
Ooh! Ooh! Are we doing Shabari? Can we please? Oh my God. Are we doing Shabari? Why don't I feel like Bria be fake prudent? Should I hate that journey for her too? I'm trying to wrap up this episode, nigga.
God damn, that's gonna be my title. That's gonna be my title for the year. Oh my gosh. That's my title, everybody. I'm wrapping up this episode, Nick. So, there we go. That's mine. I love that. I would love to be tied up by you. Nobody slips on child. Yeah, it's useful.
I don't even care. I'm about to go. I'm about to go girl. I'm about to go. You better go ahead and lock it down. Close out. I think a title for 2024.
Ate these bitches left no crumbs. Did it? End designer pumps. The Ty Cooper story. Okay. Also, that's not my line. Luxe threw out London from, from, what drag race? What season was she? 15, I think. Top four, by the way. Ate the girls up. Luxe did that. That was her, that was her part of her, her,
What's it called? Her verse for the final, for like the top four. Period. Like song challenge. So yeah. Ate these bitches, left no crumbs. Did it in the designer pumps. When they asked about Lux, let them know that she's the one. Blame it on that edit. Blame it on that edit. Blame it on that edit. Blame it on that edit. Blame it on that edit. Okay, I'm done. Um, I guess my real title will be I-T-G-I-R-L. Ah! You know that I'm that girl!
So yeah, maybe it'll be a mantra to remember for this year, but... You have us to remind you. I mean, you know. We'd be trying to, but you'd be giving us a mad neck. I don't believe that that's true, but anyway. Shelly, Shelandria. Shelandria.
You know what I would like from you, Shelly, in 2024? No, it's not. I was like, oh, shit. I was like, what you doing? No, no, no, no, no. It's a good thing. I would like to see more poetry performances, personally. Oh my gosh. Agreed. Because...
This is also something that reminded me of something funny. And I feel like you would find it funny, Shelly. There was like, did y'all see that video about this girl that made a poem about being an octoroom? I thought that you would. I figured you would. OK. Wait.
I'm gonna send it to you if you have it. So I haven't seen it, but I've heard people, I've seen like people reacting to it. And I was like, why do I feel like I missed something? So I laughed at the real video, but also there's this girl that I follow on TikTok who just makes like really unconventional like humor. And she has a couple of like TikToks that she does like mixed girl poetry. And there's like,
There's like slam poetry that she did as like mixed girl poetry that's like satire of that kind of poem. I'll send it to you if you haven't seen it. What did the light skin say? Is it like, I'm too black for the whites. I'm too white for the blacks. We can talk about it. You told me I was one. My blackness to overcome.
I feel like- What did it give? It was like three fourths something, one fourth, Coon. I forgot what it is. What? That's what it was. Yes, that's what it was. But all of that to say, no, no, no, all of that to say, my hope for Shelly is that we bring good poetry back in 2024. Wait, three fourths?
Instances in the hood is really out there doing amazing things. Did you say free force? Shut up. I'm doing commotion. We can talk about it later. Free force, and I'm like, what? But I just have to plug my girl and my cousin. Shout out. I'm being very serious right now, even though I brought up something unserious.
But Incense is in the Hood is amazing. And I just, yeah, I just miss you doing poetry. I miss good, good Black poets. So, yeah. Did you mean it? I didn't even mean to do that.
Another EP, another album? Yes. It's not a bookshelf.
Okay. I'm done. I'm done. We're good. We can wrap it up. We're good. Oh my God. Wow. That's crazy. That's amazing. That's so amazing. No, I'm ready to go. I'm ready. I gotta go.
I gotta go for real, but that was my last comment. Anything else from you all, thoughts, y'all? Yeah, so our world is not prepared to say goodbye, but as they get it together, y'all should follow us on Instagram at
Girl, we'll see you next time in as well, wherever. Yeah, the girls not included. I was trying to remember. I almost said Baldwin's second graduation, but that is not correct. Follow us as we'll see you next time. We are going to post more, so believe us. We're going to share. I'm collected. I'm collected. All right. I don't think so. Take a breath.
And follow us wherever you get your podcasts. Share with your friends. We want more followers. Get us to 1,000. Give us some commentary. Let us know what you thought of this episode. Anything else from the co-hosts that are gathered and collected? Bitch, I don't make me talk to a bad person. That shit is fucking wild. You make me talk and come crazy from that. I just said, if you're ready to say bye, you should say bye.
No, okay, I'm ready. God Jesus. All right. Shall we? Oh my god.
Yeah. Yes. Yes, of all of our titles. Tyrell, you ready?
Of course. I'm sorry. Let's just say bye. Just cut it. Just hang up, please. Oh my god. Bye, y'all. No, OK. No, I'm ready. I promise I'm ready. I swear I'm ready. Just say bye. OK. No, it is bye. And also, I've been posting on the Buzzy Next Time page. So if there's things that you want to share for your organizations or your jobs or events you're doing,
Yes, let us know. Or like in other cities, please let me know. Send them to us. If you have businesses, Black-owned queer businesses. Yeah, if you need a boost. Please send them to us. And I will be sure to share them. Okay, now we can go. Bye. Bye, everybody.