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11 Plays2 years ago

After a short hiatus, The Bussy Next Time is back! Listen as Ty, Bria and Shell cover hot topics from ever thing here to queer!

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Introduction and Humor

God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water, but the pussy, next time. Oh my god, we were so good! We didn't have, I feel like we didn't have anything to say. Now we're gonna, how about hey? Hey. Wow. Hey. Hey.
A mess? Yeah, I mean, you know, more pussy, more drama apparently, so...
I didn't come

Title and Theme Song Discussion

up with it. I would like to draw attention to the fact that you're the one that freely put Bussy in the title. And nobody made you do that. And I just feel like this was, you know, thanks to my efforts that you've come to terms with the word Bussy. And that's great.
So anyway, hi everybody! I just feel like it's true, you know?
I feel like you really got to get this. You start singing every time and we don't have. Because I'm really waiting for the theme, like welcome to the Ignat time. I'm also mad because everybody who said that was like, Oh, why haven't y'all found somebody to do it yet? I'm like, you got fucking, I mean, if any of y'all would like to be volunteered for that opportunity, then you know, let us know. Or if anybody knows Solange, like,
Please send her in our direction because this really did the proud family, how the proud family needed to be done. And that would be an honor. I mean, here's also the gag, though. I feel like we got the same eight follower, shout out to y'all. I mean, same eight same listener. Shout out to y'all. We love y'all so much. Love it. But it's only eight of y'all.
But eight is connected. They always say that each person is connected to 10 people. So that means we have 80 people that we're connected to. I think that's my life. But you ate them listening. No, but you just got to hit somebody up. You hit somebody else up and hit that person up and get us a song. Period. Okay. My life path number is six, just FYI. I think mine is eight. Let me show mine is like two.
One of the astrology, numerology girlies, tell us what the fuck that means. Yeah, I know what mine is. I don't, somebody told me once, but I don't, I wasn't retaining any of that, so. I believe you. Wait, when I think about it, I did that whole, I know the mine is, but I could let these confused. My human design, my life path number, and my like, something else, all say like- What is the first thing you said? What? My human design is the one where they talk about manifestors. If you're like a manifestor, if you're a generator,
If you're a manifesting generator or like this, it's just talking about like how you like, what is supposed to be the makeup of how you call things into your life or how you use the power that you tap into. And I'm a manifesting generator. Okay. I take a lot of those. How's your spirit going personality quizzes? Okay, big per material. Okay, so
Um this episode today, so I'm gonna tell y'all the truth cuz I'm not a liar We uh
We're going on the fly. No, I won't say that because it's incorrect. Isn't it not? We literally planned this like two hours ago. Oh my gosh, that's very incorrect. We planned this two hours ago. So let's get into it.

Personal Moves and Podcast Hiatus

First of all, so the reason why we were on short break slash hiatus is because I was moving from Connecticut to
Virginia to look for a place in Atlanta. So in case the girls didn't know, I think, did I mention that I got into grad school? I think I did. I think so, but you can say it. Let's bring it up again.
I got into grad school, and so I'm moving to Atlanta. And so I'm here in Virginia resting, because I'm of the age now where moving this much is stressing me so much. It's really a lot. And it's no longer fun. I think when I was in my early 20s, it was a great time. I was like, I'm independent. I'm grown. I could do it. I was blank. I paid my own business, and I'm a bad bitch. And now I'm like, someone just hand me a glass of wine.
and turn on Bob's Burgers because I'm fucking exhausted. I don't want to do anything else. So, I was the reason why we were all hiatus. The hiatus apparently let the girls tell us it's supposed to be longer than a few weeks, but we don't have that many followers as it is. And so I was like, I don't think we should take two weeks off. We're not giving... Not all of this. Not all of this. It doesn't even matter about the number. It's giving quality, okay? Okay. Quality assurance. Quality assurance.
Y'all ready? Y'all ready? Check me. But yeah, I was ready to come back. And so I also have to drag the girls out of whatever life they were living to come back. Wow. And so, yeah, we're here. And this is, we decided to do, you know what, Bri, you, this is, this was actually- You wanted to give all of that introduction. I was- I did. I thought it was worth it. Okay. We don't- It's giving Brad Carthy. It's giving Rollout the Brad Carthy.
My red carpet look is very much here. My red carpet look is very here. Titties to the chin. Yes, thank you for the description. I'm like, can they imagine? They can't see.
They feel it. One of these days, we'll get a visual. One of these days. Actually, I would love it if people gave us feedback about her. That would be great. But again, I know it's only 80 y'all, so... Y'all would watch... No, the eight of them will literally text us all personally, because we know these people individually as an actual, like... Well, when we text y'all personally, make sure you share the snippets, because...

Episode Theme Introduction: Hot Topics

Anyway. So yeah, today's topic is about, we're gonna do, yes, we're gonna do a full episode of Hot Topics. Or as we like to call it. Girl, I guess. Yeah, so I gathered a couple of things. Let me make sure that they're in the order that I would like us to talk about. Well, it's an order.
Yeah, because I just feel it's it's like all over. It's giving a lot. I mean, grounded. There's just a lot going on in the world right now. And it's, it's, I'm trying to like categorize the mess.
So we're gonna start off. Thank you. Retrograde definitely tried to take me out yesterday.

Doctor Strange and Wanda Discussion

I thought I got like water in my phone, like in my speakers a little bit because I have my phone next to the shower. So I thought like the sound wasn't working. We fixed it. It's fine. But
We tried it. Better fight Marcus and the Monet and retrograde, baby. Yeah, so we're starting off with things that are a little bit more light. So first off is that Doctor Strange and the multiverse of madness came out recently. Wow, not you.
So yeah, Shelly, I will first ask, right? I literally was saying, I'm going to ask. No, no, no, no, that's not fair, because you didn't let me finish. You didn't let me finish. You didn't let me finish. You didn't let me finish. Whatever.
If you rewind and listen, you didn't let me finish. I said, Shelly, I'm going to ask and not assume. Did you go see the new Doctor Strange and the multiverse of madness movie?
The only reason why I haven't made it to see it yet, because I was out of the country when it was released. And I'm still barely getting my life back together while being here. So I forgot the things that was happening. Is that the reason why? So you saw the fact that it's strange.
I was still like, anyway, I promise it wasn't a drag. I was entering into it without judgment. But for those of us in the studio today who have seen
multiverse of madness. I was going to say that the two of us could give a quick little like non-spoilery-ish, or maybe spoilers, I don't know. Y'all could stop listening for a couple, not just turning off the camera, girl.
anyway. I just wanted to say, before we get to this, I just wanted to say what Shelly said. It's not like a brick every episode. And by the way, I was like, call the brick, half a brick, half a brick, half a brick, half a brick, half a brick. Wait, when you said your phone, it sounded like a brick. That's what I thought about. Call the brick, half a brick, call the brick.
Oh my god. I'm ready. Yeah, so I wanted to see, yeah. I mean, spoilers are not spoilers. I don't care. I mean, we could, well, it's been out for what? I mean, if you're listening to this and you want to listen to the movie, jump ahead.
you know i i mean see so we'd have to put like a timestamp we can we can just we don't have we can like put it in the post when we post it oh genius love that okay um so i did go see it as did brie you know first okay
I'm gonna put it like this. I know, so I will say that one of the things that was interesting about watching this movie was that it gave a horror film element that I was not prepared for. There were a couple of jump scares and I'm not gonna hold you. I was shooketh.
When she started snatching bitches up out of water. I mean, it is like to watch. So does the thing, right? I feel like one of my critiques about specifically like superhero or movies with like magical movies with like people that have powers is that a lot of the movies don't really give a lot of credence to like the particular character's powers.
Wanda, we got to see everything. We got to see Mother Break in reality. We got to see her doing power blasts. We got to see her lighting people's minds. You really got to see all of the things. Yes. And I loved that because I was like, most movies I watch don't do that.
Like most of the superhero movies you watch, DC is that you? You don't give enough credit to folks, you don't give enough credit to folks' powers. And so watching Wanda be able to showcase all of her powers and give this really supernatural element to, I mean, in the tunnel? Yeah.
I, the way she was walking with the broken leg and like the shoveled arm and like it was definitely possessed. It was so good. I really loved, um, I love Elizabeth Olsen in this role. I love, um, I support women's wrongs. I love that she was fucking niggas up, that she was literally when she, okay, the coolest part
is like they bring in all these old actors or just like bad bitches that are like supposed to be in, you know, the multiverse. And they have John Krasinski, who's been a fan cast to play Reed Richards for a long time. So that was cool to see. They had Ms. Mama's, Maria. Was Roach Shambo or was it? Roach Shambo or Shambo?
Monica's mom, who in this, you know, universe is actually Captain Marvel. They had, um, Cap'n Britain? Is that? Is it Cap'n Britain? I actually don't know. That sounds really wack. Um, I don't know the name, but they have her, um, coming in as we've seen in, uh, versions of the multiverse where Peggy, Peggy, um, becomes a super soldier.
And they actually realized that Black Bolt, the actor who played Black Bolt in So Is This, this is the most nigga name. So the character's name is Blackagar Bultagon, the nigga who can scream. That is his actual comic book accurate name, but his superhero name is Black Bolt, right? I don't know what the fuck they were on.
But the character is actually played by an actor. Some folks may, I think his name is Anson Mott, who is Christopher Pike in the Star Trek Strange New World show.
Um, but he also was originally Black Bolt in like, uh, like an inhuman show. There was like an old inhuman show. And he originally, and he played, he played the same character. He had like a whack ass costume. Like me and Michael figured this out after the movie. He told me that like, um, this actor, this actor, so a lot of people did it.
But okay, I will say this, I will say this. I won't say that I, the show didn't work. But I think for me, it was a diversity or what they tried to do with the diversity. And you know, I'm not gonna hold you back then. I don't know better. It was, you know, let me, let me Google to make sure I'm in the right spot. Cause if it's what I think it is, and I think it's worked. Cause I mean, I didn't watch it till I don't know, but
Also, my I love it is just for to fill in my voice. I really hope that I actually do. It's OK. I'm just trying to fill out. OK. Yeah, no, wait. I lied. OK. Inhumans was trash. But you got me over here echoing like, I love it too. No. So I had to think about what show I was thinking about. The show I was thinking about wasn't this. It wasn't Inhumans. It wasn't this. OK. Good.
But yeah, so apparently Anson Mount played Black Bolt in the original Inhuman show. And so they brought him back to play this character in the multiverse with actually like in the show, he used to have like a more wack costume, but they brought him back with a more comic book accurate version of Black Bolt's costume, which is cool. But all of that to say, oh, and they brought Charles Xavier, you know, Professor X and such.
and the actor who played him in the X-Men movies. But what I thought was a gag was just like introducing all of those characters, right? And then Wanda just comes and like- Girl, takes them all out and maybe, maybe- When Reed says Black Bolt can kill you with just one few words from his mouth. And she said, what mouth? And his mouth disappears.
in his head and she blows up his brain inside of his head. No, definitely what she did. No, he went to go talk. He went to go say what's happened to his cool head. Oh my God. I didn't even peep that he tried to talk. No, he tried to talk. So yeah, he was like, what mouth? And he goes, and it kind of like, so he mumbled like, what's happening? And like, he went to go talk and it's all back of his skull. That's even better. And I was like. That's delicious.
Basically, the point is that Wanda is out for blood. She kills everybody. It is not a game. But here's the thing. I support women's wrongs. And I love seeing Wanda do all of this stuff. I love seeing her do all of this so that she can get to her kids. And I'm OK. Let the girlies be the villains. That's all right.
That's fantastic.
But I think my main issue is that I feel like this is a large character jump from where we left off in the WandaVision show to here. And I know the idea, the end of WandaVision is she's in the cottage or whatever and she starts looking at the book or whatever. It's foolishness outside, sorry.
Um, she, she's looking at the book and then the idea is that the book corrupts her or whatever. And she like ends up being evil. But I'm like, I needed a little bit more from that because like, you know, she goes through WandaVision and she's doing
uh, morally gray things like keeping them niggas hostage or whatever with her powers. But like, it seems like she's a bit remorseful by the end. Um, like she at the show, like at the end of the show, it seems to me
So I feel like it's weird that they're they didn't give more like to her drastic sort of switch and it's and they just like the book corrupted her it's too late for her now and that's just it and then they fucking try to kill her off at the end and that's just it. I I will say that I think that at the end of the show it feels like Wanda has this moment of like
It reminds me of when you watch a show about a villain and they try to restore the villain's humanity before the ending. Yeah, it definitely was bad. And I felt like... But honestly, I mean, I know she was doing something bad, but I didn't see her as a villain for most of the show also because I feel like the tone of the show was unpacking her grief about losing vision.
but I think it's the way that she chose to unpack it. I mean, yes, obviously, obviously, like they're, they're painting it that she's doing something wrong, but I feel like the show doesn't focus on that. Like, I feel like it's not really until like we see Monica and like we see all of this other stuff that it's just like most of the whole beginning of the show, we're just like, Oh, what's going on? Whatever. And I love all of that. You know, that it's just like, um, Wanda having to like,
come to reality about the fact that Vision isn't, you know, alive anymore or whatever. And then creating her children and such. But yeah, I just feel like they try, they teetered back and forth too much, I feel like, about whether or not they wanted wanted to be like- Good or bad? Good or bad or a terrible person or like how bad is she? I also think that that's like the nuance, right? I mean, it's like, I think that that's like, I want- I mean, no, I just feel like they didn't do it exactly well, is what I would argue. Oh, got it.
I didn't, I wasn't saying that they shouldn't do it. I just feel like, I don't feel like they nailed it, you know? Fair. I do think that I have friends. Like I had a friend who I introduced to the Marvel universe before I left Connecticut and we watched the first Avengers together and he was like,
These girls are messy. This is morally gray. And I was like, I love the Marvel Universe because I think a lot of the things that these superheroes that folks with powers do are sometimes morally gray. We can really dig into Iron Man's ass. We can dig into the Hulk's ass. There could be conversations about how you do too much and why this is not great for humanity or why your behavior, even though it's well placed, is it the best idea overall?
And I love it about these movies. They are really morally gray. And that makes me happy. We all have this. I don't want to get too tied down in WandaVision because, you know, we could spend the whole episode. I think we could. We very much could. And Shelly is like in timeout right now. Right. It's really giving. I want to figure out where to insert a joke or any of those things. And I'm like, the way the context is set up is I'm going to sound like the class clown. Yeah.
it's okay um but yeah y'all let us know um if you liked it that was about 10 minutes so yeah y'all let us know um so yeah 20 minute mark ish is when we finish talking about it but yeah yeah y'all let us know if y'all liked it what y'all thought um yeah i feel like my only other thought is like i definitely thought the movie was going to be giving something else like i thought
at the end of WandaVision that like her kids were going to be in danger and like her and Dr. Strange were going to be fighting some other evil bitch together and maybe she would end up doing something morally gray in the process.
I actually say, I'm gonna say this, we can really move on. I thought that the movie was actually going to be centered around like the Scarlet Witch taking up a physical form, like another physical form. And our universe is Wanda having to fight her. That's what I thought was gonna happen. Right, but I was like, based off of like the way that the things were looking, like the way that the,
the promo came out, I was like, oh, I think that this is what it's really gonna give. And then I get into the theater and it is absolutely- That's what a lot of people said. That's the last thing I was saying. Like a lot of people said that the promo marked the movie in like a way that it seemed different than what it was. But, you know, y'all let us know how y'all feel and what you think. Okay, me too. Yeah, you let us know, Shelly.
Um, while at the movies, something else was previewed there. Um, so I don't know who in the audience has seen the original Avatar. Now I don't mean, I don't mean Avatar the Last

Anticipation for Avatar Sequel

Airbender. I don't, I don't mean that.
No, no, I don't think she's talking about the show. Did you see my face? I was like, no, nobody's ever. Nobody's ever talking about that. Nobody's ever talking about that. We're talking about Aang. Yeah. No, you mean Aang. Not Aang. Not Aang in the white people. Absolutely not. No, so I'm not talking about about that series. I'm talking about Avatar. What is this director's name?
Oh, good question. Oh, God, the blue ones, the blue. Yeah. I'm talking about the blue people from Wow. God. Wow.
James Cameron, Jesus Christ. All right. Um, so James Cameron Avatar, you know, the one, I don't know if you've seen the Shelley, but it's like one is an old movie, like old as in 2009, but like, it's like a completely CGI movie.
It's always Saldana's in it. Some white man is in it. I don't know. I think Sigourney Weaver's in it. Sigourney Weaver is in it. And basically these white people are like in the military and they're trying to like access this fucking secret fucking place that they can't access except by going virtually or some shit into an avatar or whatever. And like so this white man that's like
that is disabled, he gets into this chamber and he goes in and he gets an avatar that lets them look the same as the blue. They're called the Navi, I think. The community of people they're trying to colonize? Yeah, and it's very much giving somewhat Pocahontas is giving like... Oh yeah, the world is called Pandora. And the people are called the Navi.
I feel like if you, yeah, I feel like if you see a picture, you might know what I'm talking about. But so there is talking about the same thing. Okay, no, it's fine. I'm not recommending because I don't think it's that good a movie. Um, but they're making a sequel. Well, actually, they're making several other films. But the sequel to Avatar is coming out in 2022 at some point.
So yeah, it has been like over 10 years. Tyrell, I feel like you would have thoughts about how you felt about Avatar. Okay, so I will say I actually didn't think the movie, I thought the movie was good.
I also felt like it was two hours and some change. It was long. It was like two hours and like two hours and 40 minutes. Yeah. And I was like, bruh. And that was where all of the, it was before. It was too much for me. Absolutely.
And I will say that the movie is, so I will say this too, because someone else, I forgot who recently, someone else is doing, or there was a discussion about like another movie coming out, the second part of the movie coming out after like 12 years of some shit like that. And I was like, I think that's the stupidest shit you could ever do. Like 10 years apart between movies, I'd forgotten about it.
right i don't know if it's gonna invest it in the storyline anymore and here's the gag i have to go re-watch the movie which means that i have to go re-watch and you have to sit through you have to sit through the hours and here's the gag right i feel like after being like i've been spoiled by marvel because a two hour and 40 minute movie don't feel like two hours and 40 minutes i also would say i made it through justice fighters
uh Snyder cut this like yes yes it was I also I was like I can sit through this I had snacks I had a meal I was able to pause and take a bathroom break right had a bathroom break and I touched my legs and I went outside I had a cigarette I was all right I'm ready to get back into it and but it was the only version of the Justice League movie that I watched so oh I watched the first one that was trash but um trash but uh it um
But yeah, I think that when people do that right, I think the excitement about the movie and the anticipation for the movie dwindles over time. And people are like, girl, 10 years later, I didn't have two kids that got married. I can be part of a monkey. I'm not insane because, yeah, I think I'm a monkey. This reminds me of when Steve deciding he was going to apologize to us about leaving us high and dry from Blue's Clues. We were like, oh, I know.
I know you were adults now.
I know you have questions. No, we don't. We did. Well, no, we did. Right now, in this very moment, we did not wake up in the middle of a pandemic in 2022 and go, Steve, if you could just show up in this moment. Please give us the answers we've been seeking.
and we all we'd already moved on we all I did I did you know I did have a little tear I cried I had to be reminded I had to be reminded that we we moved on it's an ex that we did not ask to come back and give us this whole way I mean I don't think
Go ahead. I don't know. I was gonna say I definitely feel not emotionally invested in like what I was in 2000. Not all like a lot of the things that I was invested in in 2009. Like my Chemical Romance came out with a new song. So that's exciting.
Wait, what? You didn't know that? No! Oh. I mean, don't listen to it now, nigga, but like, you know, like listen to it after the episode. But, you know, yeah, like this came out in 2009. I feel like a lot of the reason, here's, I felt at least like looking at it from my adult cap, adult thinking cap.
is a lot of the reason people liked and thought the movie was so monumental was because of where CGI was in the movie and where we were at the time.

Stranger Things, Bob's Burgers, and Queen Sugar

Tyrell is absolutely looking up this song.
Listening to it and listening to it while recording. Learning the lyrics. But yeah, I feel like over 10 years have passed and so much has been happening in the wake of CGI. And I feel like it has to be more than like great gowns, beautiful gowns. And I feel like the story is not going to give. But that's just me personally. I wasn't that invested in the colonizer.
Right, the how to commonize this alien girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. That's really what it was. It was like alien Pocahontas. And I was just like, this is not. I, I remember like watching it when it came out because that was like, what, 20, 2012? 2011? 2009? It was 2009.
We were still in high school. Yeah, I was like a freshman in high school. I was a sophomore in high school. So I feel like me being me, I didn't have the mental capacity that I have now as a fully grown adult with two degrees, almost 30. I didn't have that insight that now.
Um, so like now I feel like I'm going into the sort of, okay, so are you going to atone for the, for the, for the, for your crimes? Are the people, are the people going to revolt, revolt on you and fuck y'all up and take y'all whatever? Like, are you going to see like, I'm not going to see like a revolution happen with these people? I don't think so. When I come through and be like, oh, all y'all, I want blood from everybody, including that homeboy, including the homeboy who we just, who, who, who, who've been over here trying to help. All y'all can die. If you're white, in a fake avatar, you can die. As an aside,
before I go, like the um you know what is like a film franchise that I feel like I want to revisit because I feel like they kind of did sequels pretty well like the planet of the apes like they are actually really good like the character development of what's the main character's name of Caesar like oh my god it's really good that's that I have Caesar really chat and later
I always, I reference those movies at least once a year because I referenced just looking at the world and the ways in which people are moving sometimes. And I'm like, wow, if only I knew there are plenty of seasons out there waiting for y'all.
Like, y'all are literally wowing. The zoos, they're going to cry out. Like, they're going to pull up on y'all. They have meetings about it. They can't stay in y'all. And all I know is I'm getting by the way. They were really on some good revolutionary shit. It was the most beautiful revolution. It was. Because the human dessert.
I was like, look, I'm not saying that. I should be exempt. I'm just saying. When you scream, no, I screamed. I mean, I'm also saying the way that the way that we discuss white folks and choosing white people to kill last, when a revolution happens. And we tried to, you know, we gave Tony Hawk a couple extra hours. A couple extra hours. We gave Tony Hawk. You said you gave Tony Hawk?
Yes, but Sater. I know what you're talking about. That's why I was like, Tony told me that we all grew up with. That had the video game too. He gives a couple extra hours. He said he appreciates the hesitation. A couple extra hours. I think I'll give, we'll just put a couple extra hours. I would give, of course, Dame Judi Ditch. I mean, it's a couple of white women who I feel like would deserve a couple of extra hours.
but you got to go. You still got to go. And I think that they, you know, they may spare a couple of kids and they may spare a couple of adults, but I mean, most of us will probably be on our way out too. Honestly. Yeah. Um, yeah, hopefully they like.
at least like maybe we might have a conversation maybe niggas will be exempt because right that's what i'm saying maybe they'll be like yo definitely recognize i've been peeping i've been studying i peep how you move right like i peep you don't take from the land and that you're not out here being dangerous love to see i'm like no we're dangerous but it's not like that yeah not in that way not in that way um
moving right along. I was gonna say the girls could add in, since we were talking about media and things to watch, I was just gonna mention some things that are out or coming out that people might be chatting about. So Stranger Things, the final chapter of Stranger Things is coming out May 27th.
So I think it's like the last season is split up into two. So the first half of the last season comes out in May and then the second half comes out in July. So that's a thing. Okay. Okay. Grace and Frankie. Okay. Grace and Frankie.
Yeah. What else? The Bob's Burgers movie comes out this month as well. So we're excited. You know, okay. So I have feels... So Bob's Burgers, okay. So Bob's Burgers is one of my favorite shows on this fucking planet. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite. It's my comfort show, I guess.
And so like, okay, so like when I had a mental health scare, like the 2017, I was in the hospital, it was a thing. And so the show that kind of helped me kind of bring myself back was Bob's Burgers. And it's funny, I started watching it because I had seen an episode of it on Cartoon Network one time, I think, or something. I don't know how I saw it. I think I saw it on TV. But I had seen it once and I was like, oh, this is kind of funny. And I remember I would like watch it to help myself fall asleep.
I definitely, okay. I started watching Bob's Burgers when I was in New Orleans. You did. And I was coping with the wrong. I was using, I was, I knew I was in a terrible place because my comfort show at the time was, it was like my first time starting Grey's Anatomy. Grey's Anatomy. So, and I was like, I was teaching and I would watch Grey's on my breaks and I would go home and I would watch Grey's at home.
And I would be so fucked up. And I just like, it was the first time I took a break from watching Grey's Anatomy like, like straight through. And I was like, bro, I can't do this anymore. So I put Grey's down for a while and I started Bob's Burgers because I had seen it or I'd heard about it. And I just like kept streaming it. And I was like, wow, this is really fucking funny. And it makes me, it makes me feel good.
We're just gonna do this. That hospital stint happened in like 20, I think,
17? It is 2022. And Bob's Burgers is still always on in my home. And even if it's not on, it's on like the watch. Because it's on Hulu. So I have my other shows I watch, like This Is Us and The Great North and a couple other things I'm watching. And then Bob's Burgers is always there because I always revert back to it when I feel like I want to. And that is all the time. So I watch three episodes of This Is Us and be like, you know what?
false burger snacks. And then I order food. I love that show. And I love the fact that they are giving us a movie. I'm also really sad that I feel like a part of me feels that this is coming to an end very soon. I definitely think it's like, you know, like, I don't think it's gonna be like a because it's been on for like, what, 12 seasons now.
So I definitely don't think they're trying to like Simpsons like this show forever, nor do I think they should like I think, you know, oftentimes, it's definitely good to like end in a good place. I feel like what's great though is like Babsburgers is a show that feels like
it feels solid and strong like the whole way through like i go back and i watch like all episodes i watch like certain episodes that i want to see like the holiday i watch like all of the holiday episodes if i was the holly ones um the holly episodes sometimes i just want to watch all of those the thanksgiving the thanksgiving episodes bitch the quirky turkey episode is it and the work hard that one and work hard or die trying girl are my favorite you gotta work hard
Or not trying, girl. Or not trying, girl. Ooh, you work hard. Work hard. Ooh, girl. You sound like somebody. Girl. There's so much. And so I think it's funny because my favorite episode of Babsburg is probably like in my top three is the one about the elephant. It's the one about the elephant. What is it called? Bro, oh my god. The Thomas elephant. Yes, lady. The Thomas elephant.
Oh my God. Wait, and hold on. OK, is that one? And it's one more. It is the Halvety episode where Todrick Hall sings the songs about life. That's the only compliment. That's the only compliment I'm giving Todrick Hall. Oh, the only one. That's it. But it's the one about the Bleakin. It's the Bleakin part two. I think it's like season nine or eight. But it is those two are probably in my time.
what the oh my god well topsy and thomas
And it's making everybody sick! Oil skills! Oil! Oh, that's... Oil skills! Oil skills! Oil skills!
That was so good. Um, if y'all want, honestly, we could do a whole episode. We could do a whole episode over. Um, but yeah, I'm gonna keep pushing. Um, yeah, anything else y'all are excited about watching? Um, I am currently watching the last season of This Is Us.
I haven't been watching it. I don't want to cry. It's OK. It's OK. Because I cry every episode. I also know that Queen Sugar, I'm watching Queen Sugar. And Queen Sugar is also, I believe, either finished. Like, the last season should be either airing or it's supposed to start airing. Something like that. I can't get this specific, but I know that it's supposed to be ending or it's already ended. And to those of you who did not get into Queen Sugar, you should be ashamed. Yikes. It is one of the most beautifully shot shows with Black people that I have ever seen. I like coffee ones. He farted with you and you did not get his number.
I mean, or smack that all on the floor. I wasn't prepared at the time. Girl, I wasn't prepared. Stay ready. So, you know, I just wasn't, I was like, wow. And none of y'all, none of y'all. Nobody got you back. Nobody hung out with them. At least like in New Orleans, like you actually meet celebrities very randomly and like all the time. And I was just like, it's just.
You know? But you're just saying the Kofi moment is just like every day. It was really one of several. I met like Daniel from Insecure. I saw Issa and Dro from Insecure there. And your friends with nobody. I met Essence Atkins. Love that. She was so nice. She told me and my friend. We were like at a rooftop pool and she told me and my friend we were beautiful.
Yeah, I'm excited for I mean I'm watching Queen Sugar it's very beautifully shot I think it's a it's a black-ass show about very
Black, it's just like, yeah, Black, but it's not, but I, so it's, it's, it's hard. It's hard. I feel like I don't want to say it like this because I think it's not, it doesn't give enough confidence to like, to the, no, no, not going to create it to the show, but it's really like the everyday lives, the everyday day-to-day lives of Black people. And it's country Black folk, but it's, but it's, so it's not everybody, it's not everyone's experience, but it feels very like,
It's the day-to-day, it's the day-to-day experience of like black people just living their lives in different forms and stuff. And I love it. The cast is amazing. I mean, Kofi always crying, but at this point I don't. Like, Kofi stayed crying in that show, but whatever. The cast is beautiful. The cast is amazing. It's so well shot. It's well done. The scripts are always amazing. And Michelle,
I don't want to fuck up this person's name. I love it. Ende Jello? Ende Jello. Ende Jello. Yes. Y'all try. We're not going to do this. We're not going to do this. She does the music, or I don't know if she's still doing it, but she was doing the soundtrack and the music for the first couple of seasons. You can tell. You can feel her. You can tell. You can hear her all in that. Just for anybody who doesn't know, Michelle, that we're talking about, if you ever watch Love and Basketball, it's the very, very emotional scene. I'll put you in the hot. I'll put you in the hot.
So they question mama the Spain now. They question mama the Spain. Our voice that pierces through that scene.
Y'all stupid. But we made love. Just gotta put it in context, just in case. He really just dumped Kyra Banks. That is really crazy. Girl, as he should have. A whole fiance. I mean, yes, but I'm just like, you were about to marry this girl. We ain't care about that anymore. We should have known Kyra Banks.

Critique of America's Next Top Model

I mean, somebody will allow her to have a show on her career where she, where she is on all these black people and the fuck with all these people's careers and talk from all these girls' hairs and they send them home for the next episode. Yo. Tried to, I think she tried to like fuck with somebody. Fates different people's faces. She tried to get whatever color she wants. And like, yes. Danielle from season fucking three. She said absolutely not. She was like, she was like, could you close the gap? Danielle was like, I'll make it smaller, but I won't close it.
Yeah. Also Danielle's photo and season three of her on the elephant with season three, whatever season she won. It's an elephant of her and it's a photo of her on this elephant in this gold dress. And she looks fucking amazing. I still reference that photo. What's happening? She looks so good. What happened to Lee?
all of them girls who knows they didn't get like they've been dispersed into the world even though i mean even the girls that want i feel like even the girls that won like i don't really the only person that i see to this day is um
Oh, Takarra didn't even win. Oh, yeah, no, Takarra didn't win, but I've seen Takarra. I've seen Yazmin. Yazmin's been amazing. Or, yeah, Yaya, I'm my best friend. Yaya was acting, and she's in something right now, and I don't remember. And Eva be doing something else, too. I forget. Eva be acting. Eva was also on a couple of seasons of basketball, but I'm not. Yeah, one of them shows. I think she just had a baby or something.
Yeah, but everybody else girl who I don't the other person that I don't even know what her name was It's the girl who goes like this. Oh Okay, how I'm describing it y'all is that it's the one that she crying and she like wow I really love you as she's swinging her that was that was the we were rooting for you
Yeah, no, wait, that was the same time when she screamed. No, no, that wasn't her. That wasn't her. No, no, no. I'm also thinking about the girls, because I remember seeing one of the girls still, it was a Latinx woman who I remember who had auditioned like twice and didn't get on the show. And when she finally got on the show, she beat them. She let them girls have it. She let those girls have it. And she won the season, but I have not seen her since. And I feel bad because she was so pretty. And she was so sweet. And like, I was based off of an edit for the show.
That's what it gave. But I wonder where she is now. Because like, some of these girls, and I know one of the girls, one of the girls was doing like a tell-all, and a couple of the girls from the show jumped in and was like, well, she is spending my career. And the girls were like, well, we don't see you nowhere, so what career do you want? I just wanted to look at it 24 seasons, and I only can remember two people who won.
That's really it. What exactly happened? OK, wait. What is happening? I remember another winner now. There was a white girl who won. There was a white girl who won season 10. Her name was Whitney. Y'all making me want to rewatch this on Netflix. Don't rewatch it. I remember Yolanda was the one I couldn't stand, right? She won season one, right? Season two. She's close enough. Yeah. Because it was her. I wanted the other girl to win so bad. It was her and somebody else. And there was Yolanda who won.
Y'all wanna watch this in this place? Yeah, I kinda stay in your wanna, yeah. I think your wanna was on my face. But I feel like I like that, you know, I can't remember. And then when it started getting older, they changed your song. They started doing all types of weird stuff. You wanna be on top? Anyway, I think we digressed. But yeah, before we go, Shelly, is there anything that you have been watching?
besides beaches and out of the country. Right. I know you've been living life. Because while we've been working. I was working while being there, unfortunately. So. Yikes. Yeah, it was not something I want to flex about. It's just the fact that I ended up staying a little bit longer. So the girl had to balance it. Oh, so you had money to stay in Puerto Rico. We were like, ooh, a couple more nights. Right. No, I did not. I did not. I was staying in my friend's house. My friends lived there.
Work. That's what it's giving. It's giving women a visit, my friends. And that's why I encourage my friends to move wherever they want, far and wide, because I will go visit.

Reality TV and New Percy Jackson Series

What am I watching right now? It's a show that I just keep going back to. And I'm just like, wow, do I watch anything else at this current state in my life? I watch Good Girls. And I'm just so locked in. I just keep watching it every time. I don't need to keep watching it. And I keep watching it. I didn't. I do not like that show.
I tried to get into it multiple times. I like this. I don't feel like I like the end of it so much. OK, don't talk about it. I'm not going to talk about it. I know that homeboy was in it, and he was foreign. I don't be a drug dealer nigga. He was foreign. I was like, oh. I said, I want to have a tryst for him, too. Lord have mercy. Yeah, so that's the only thing I feel like when I think about it, like, am I really a joke?
Do I watch any shows? I feel like I don't be watching TV so much. I feel like throughout the pandemic, I just haven't had the energy or the attention span to watch TV so much. I'll watch like a cute YouTube clip or something sometimes. At the beginning of the pandemic, I think this was during the beginning of the pandemic where how to get away with murder had a real tight grip on me, maybe.
I don't know. This is one point. I just kept watching that. But I'm not, I'm not watching too much of too many things right now. Maybe two episodes of the Proud Family.
Yeah. Oh, you know, the Hoseps had it out with the reboot because they were like, uh-uh. Why is Michael getting it? And who was like, why are they trying? Michael was giving. Michael was giving. Michael was really popping out to go to school. We should be acknowledging how nobody else wanted to actually pop out and get dressed every now and then. And Penny proud.
Yeah, other than not- Oh, and La Cienega, and La Cienega. I haven't seen La Cienega pop out yet because the episode that I saw is when they were saying La Cienega was having a malfunction of her life.
I feel like they've been, I've never heard of it. And they made her grow like all this hair on her face and like. They really, they really put a lot through it is from what I've heard. I'm like, what is going on? It was like. I am going to probably watch the circle again though, because the person who is. I haven't been watching any reality TV. The cover of it is the, it's somebody who does like these like funny skits with a bunch of queer women. And that's why it'd be like all the studs be doing this.
Okay, well maybe, you know, we'll see if we get into some new things in the future. Next. So Percy Jackson has a reboot or I guess like a new series or such that is coming out, right? So if y'all know or are all familiar with Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a novel series by Rick Riordan.
So I probably better watch that, but that's about it.
can't pronounce that white man's name. but the... and originally had two film series come out like several years ago where like Logan Lerman was in it, Brandon T Jackson was in it, some other niggas, whatever.
Um, so now they're making like a new series, uh, I believe, um, with a new cast. Um, they got new young people for the Percy Jackson series. Right. Um, so they revealed the cast, like a new person for Percy Jackson. Yeah. Like they're older. No, they're children. Like they're doing a new adaptation. It's a TV adaptation. It's a, um, it's a TV series.
and they have actual children playing these characters because Percy Jackson is supposed to be a child. So they're not, the same actors are not coming, like none of this, none of those actors are involved. Okay, so this is why I'm explaining it to you. So they revealed the cast for the Percy Jackson television adaptation. And so I can say that,
What are the names of these? Okay, so Percy Jackson is going to be played by Walker Scobell, who some people might know from that The Adam Project, I believe, is that movie with Ryan Reynolds that came out recently. Oh, yeah. And then Grover Underwood is going to be played by Arian Simhadri. Hopefully I pronounced that child's name.
correctly. I'm so sorry. But most of people have had the issue with the casting choice of Annabeth Chase.
Let me admit it. So as a preface, as a preface, right, Rick Riordan has stated like he was a part of the casting process for, you know, casting these characters. He had input. He approved all of the choices for the final cast. And then each of these characters, you know, assuredly beat out like thousands of other applicants.
So Anna Beth Chase, they casted a young 12 year old black girl named Leah Saba Jeffries, which I don't, I think she's been in a few other things, but I haven't, I don't think that I have seen her in something, if I'm not mistaken. But yeah, so they casted Leah Jeffries, much excite rooting for everybody black.
rooting for everybody black. Okay. And so much to not my surprise,
Leah Jeffries has received a lot of harassment and just a lot of people talking shit about a 12 year old black girl playing Annabeth Chase because allegedly she's supposed to be white or have blonde hair and blue eyes and like oh they don't care about her race but like Annabeth Chase is supposed to be this and she's supposed to be I think somebody's daughter I think she's supposed to be Athena's daughter or Persephone's daughter or somebody some shit and like I don't know whatever so the girls are making a big stink about it
I think TikTok like banned her TikTok account or something. It was very much stupid shit. But in the process, you know... Wait, who's TikTok account? The young girl's TikTok account. I don't remember exactly how, but like... But what would be the premise of them banning her account? Dunno. Dunno. I don't know. Her existence? Dunno.
Um, there's no, yes, there's no logic behind it. I can't tell you. Um, but yeah, unfortunately, you know, 12 year old girl has had to call forth and said, like, I don't know why tick tock banned my account, but I'm letting y'all know I'm not going nowhere. Like y'all hating on me, not going to do nothing. Like I still got the job. So I still have the role.
Yeah. And that's what she said. That is actually what she said. She shouldn't have to because she's 12, but whatever. But who's responsible for the banning? I don't know. Is this a TikTok thing? I don't know. I feel like the girls might claim it was an algorithm. So I don't know. But Rick Royden also made a post, I think this past week, calling out the people that have been acting racist.
It's a shame that this has to be written. Leah brings so much energy and enthusiasm to the role, so much of Anna Beth Straight. She will be a role model for new generations of girls who will see her for the kind of hero they want to be. If you have a problem with this casting, however, take it up with me. You have no one else to blame. Whatever else you take from this post, we should be able to agree that bullying and harassing a child online
is inexcusably wrong. As strong as Leah is, as much as we have discussed the potential for this kind of reaction and the intense pressure this role will bring, the negative comments she has received online are out of line. They need to stop now.
So yeah, he called out the girlies and was like, you not supporting me in my books if you're trying to harass a little girl over this role. And yeah, I just thought that was a fair drag and you know, more whites need to drag your fellow whites because a 12 year old black girl shouldn't have to like go
on social media to defend herself for booking a gig, but whatever.
Also, I find deep entertainment and white striking other whites because it always reminds me, that's your business. It has nothing to do with me. And the little black girl being involved with this is a reminder. What's going on with y'all and y'all upward amongst one another? That's y'all business. That don't have nothing to do with that little baby. Nothing at all. So y'all should figure it out amongst yourselves. Keep it to yourself. And that's it.
So love to see it. And I also do love the drama of white people. It's very entertaining because it doesn't impact me at all. The drama of black people, it feels like, wow, as a community, I feel something in my heart. But white people, I'm like, do your thing. I really don't care. I really don't care. Wow. Let's see for y'all. Let's see, zooming right ahead.

Jack Harlow's Album and Cultural Critique

Jack Harlow.
a couple of things okay it's it's giving it's giving it's giving a couple of things jack harlow released a new album i didn't know this nigga had other things out but apparently
this album, this article saying following the success of his 2020 debut. That's what they all say. I didn't know it was success. Who said it was successful? I know this hip hop In 2020, he had an album called That's What They All Say.
Um, but, um, whatever. So, you know, his career has grown since then, but the girls are dragging his latest release. Come home. The kids miss you. They say it's not giving. It's not doing enough. Um, they said it's weak. Um, it's just what the streets are saying. According to this, uh, website, it has a 2.2 out of five rating. Um,
It's just, that's Shelley's face. It's talking about limp rhyme schemes. Yeah, it's not giving. So I'm gonna say, I don't...
I don't really have a lot to give Jack Harlow. One, I don't really know. I'm very confused and embarrassed by the amount of like cis black women that were trying to claim this man was fine. Don't know who raised you. Why don't you say that?
Like, what the fuck? I just feel like even when talking about white men, like this, this, I don't know, but whatever. But yeah, other than that, the only thing I know about him is like being on that Lil Nas X song that he really doesn't need to be on. You know, we always ask, and I'm gonna continue to ask, why was there no Black queer artists available for him to do this song with? Artists make mistakes, and I feel like I'm gonna give
I'm gonna let that walk for now. But the only other thing I know about this individual as far as music is that he pretty much flipped this Fergie song. He pretty much flipped Fabulous. But that's the only thing I know. And I only know that because of TikTok. And the part that's popular on TikTok is literally just the chorus of Fabulous that's in the song.
So like... Is this song called Fabulous or Glamorous? No, or sorry, Glamorous. But it's, um... But the... The, um... I don't even... I don't know what his song is called that samples that quote. Okay, so that's the one song I heard. But that's the only thing I've heard and really, like, heard is the stretch. I can tell you. Because I've only heard what TikTok has allowed me to. Okay, so I... I heard the one song
I think it's called First Class. First Class, yes. And I listened to it once. It was actually on my way to the grocery store because I wanted snacks. You were feeling full of First Class. And no, incorrect. I was driving down the street, listening to the radio, because you know my phone was doing a thing. It wasn't connected to my car. I was like, fuck. So I'm driving down the street, listening to the song, and I was like, wow, this is Ted Ribley.
I also don't particularly care for white rappers, but... Yeah, no, me either. No one should. Oh no, see the girls argue with you. What about Eminem? Literally, Eminem is for his proximity to the black men that were OD putting him on. If we were to take him out of the context of the 50 Cent and the Dr. Dre and all the rest of that,
None of them. We literally do not need white people to rap like ever. I also think about how often like a lot of these are like this because somebody I had seen because heaven knows I hate social media. I really do. I was on our Instagram page and I am usually in once every two or three weeks and I had seen a post that someone had shared in their story that was like oh a lot of y'all rappers
won't just come out when y'all are in proximity to queerness. Because they were essentially talking about how Jack Harlow lived this song with Lil Nas X. And Lil Nas X's career was getting bigger. He was really popular. Everybody loved his album. And here comes Jack Harlow on Industry Baby and why that was necessary. And I was like, there are a lot of rappers I'm pretty sure that are queer. I remember, because someone just said something about, so is your button on your list? Because if it is, I will shut up.
Joe Budden? Why? I don't know what happened with Joe Budden. Oh, okay, great. Well, no, I'm talking about Kevin Samuels later, so I don't know. Okay, well, there, no, Joe. Well, no, I was going, I was going to- We're not talking about Gabe Biden. Keith, shut up! No, oh my gosh, no!
I was just going to talk. Okay. Anyway, say what you were going to say. Okay. So like somebody was talking about how like, apparently in the end of, in the interview, MMM came out, I was like gay at some point and it is kind of not so close to the round. I feel like I remember you said that, but I'm like, I saw the clip, but I was like, is this real or are one of y'all being a question? I don't remember girl. This was years ago. I don't know.
Let everyone know. But then someone else was talking, so Joe Budden also did, was also in like the, did that barbershop show in LeBron James, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he was on the show and somebody was like, oh, I heard, they were asking me if it was bisexual. And essentially, Budden was like, it's none of your damn business if I was. And he was like, also, it's nobody business, I don't deserve to tell y'all nothing. And then he proceeded.
to then get, no, didn't even do that. They ain't got the girls together because one of them was like, oh, I'm a pretty attractive guy. And he was like, why would you assume that you're anybody's type? Like, what made you think you that nigga? He was like, especially, I bet you a nigga said, like, what made you think that you are a type for, like, you are the type for anybody who's like not, who's not attracted to you? Like, you don't know what people like. And he got the girls together then, but I was thinking to myself, like, a lot of, like, a lot of the rappers used their proximity to blackness, black queerness, you know,
for success. And I think Jack Harlow also did this. And then while after doing that and getting this almost excess, then turn around and gave people crap. He gave the girls bullshit. I also want to drag because I think he either featured the baby or Tory Lanez or something like that.
And then talked about wishing Meghan well, and he still got love for her. Don't put your name in your mouth. OK, do you have Jack Carlo up here on your top topics again, or for your girl you guessed it again, for the situation with Brandi? I mean, I wasn't going to. I wasn't bringing that to the table. I was just bringing forth that his album is trash. If y'all want to offer the explanation, what happens? Oh, lovely. Wait. I want to offer India Irene's angle, because it's the same thing.
But, y'all take it. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone. I'm passing the phone.
still trash close enough um he got it he was he was on he was doing an interview and they played him brandy's um i want to say that it is i forget enjoy enjoy the skies
Pay the angel in disguise. And somebody was like, and somebody, I think earlier somebody may have mentioned to him that like, Reggie had a sister or whatever, but he, and during the interview, he was like, oh, Reggie had a sister. And if he didn't know that Reggie existed, and then he didn't know that Reggie had a sister.
It's just that he initially guessed that it was Aaliyah after being given a hint of who it was. Oh, see, I didn't watch that part. I think the boy's home. I didn't watch anything. I'm just kidding. I did. I think what it was, he couldn't guess who. Because the game was like he was supposed to guess who the artist was for the song. And he guessed Aaliyah. And then they gave them a hint and said something like, her brother has a sex tape or something. And that was what it was. They couldn't say Scooty Bikes?
I don't know. It's the fact that for the first time in my whole life, I've heard Brandy be referenced as Ray J. Now let's be clear because everyone has been saying Brandy's little brother. Wait a minute. Ain't that Brandy brother?
So you get Kim in your song and she's still going to shoot. Wait a minute, ain't that Brandy? Because you are. We know that. And you're being called Brandy. We're bringing your own song.
but it's the fact that we exactly he's supposed to know that stay in your place but for this little dusty white boy to have any nerve to move it around and say Ray J's sister disgusting and it's just like the also the audacity like you said to like insert himself in like black spaces and but know nothing yeah
It's not even like we're asking you, hey, play this song, do you know Signaturely, which you should know, period, if you're in the music of trying to sing or do a rap or do anything that has to do with Black people. I feel like you should know Black. It's like saying, you don't know Eddie James or Ella Fitzgerald. Okay, you don't know them. You don't know Brandy's voice, even if you don't know the name of the song. You don't know Brandy's voice, and Brandy just came out with a song with an artist last year.
I'm guessing Aaliyah, too very different. I feel like it was very just like, ooh, I'm going to just throw out a black girl. Throw out a black girl. A black girl's name. Throw out any black girl. You could have said, hey, it would have been just as off. Not. You could have said Anita Baker, just as random as you picking Aaliyah. I am also flabbergasted because
There are niggas in these comment sections, in these Instagram pages, on Beyonce's internet, acting like Jack Harlow not knowing who Brandy is, is acceptable. Somebody was like, it's not that big of a deal. Why do we care? It absolutely is a big deal. So y'all are not literally pissed off that there is a white person who is profiting off of their access to our culture.
and doesn't even have the decency to be like, wow, I should remove myself from a space I know nothing about. Like, you don't know who... The nigga is mine. We're not asking for you to do a history test. We're asking you to do a person who present moment is still doing things, still acting, still performing, still touring. Still doing shows. Oh, the whole entire TV show. I feel like the issue is people
And I'm talking to niggas. I feel like the issue was like, some people don't believe in gatekeeping our stuff.
And I feel like when you're letting white people into a space that they don't need to be in and you're okay with that, then you're gonna say, oh, it's not a big deal for them to like know the culture or like to know like the history of the music. Like they're gonna be perfect. Those are the same invite you to the cookout people when like you never want them. You know what? They don't deserve to even be in our proximity. This also reminds me of the white folks who were joined Divine Nine Awards.
and be shimmying and doing whatever the fuck they know. And then they'd be like, oh, look at him, he's shimmying on any of the niggas that I know. Girl, he's not even invited. The fact that you thought that this white boy's shimmying or doing whatever the fuck, like the other black guy, so he do it better than us, he does not. First of all, and second of all, he's invited.
No, he wasn't biting. Did you see that white girl that was like adulthood that was wildland? I think she was trying to read all these black girls like, I can do this and I can do that. And everyone was like, literally, you do not belong here in your proximity and whoever put you here. Just know that was a mistake.
It might be that one chapter, but it's not giving everybody. Wait, what? There was a girl that was a Delta. She was saying all, she was walling, saying all types of things, doing all these things. And black people were just like, little girl, you cannot do that. Like, why are you doing that? She was like, I'm a Delta. Like, basically I have my line sister, I have all these people who would like approve of what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. And black, a bunch of black women were like,
No, you literally cannot do that. Whether one person said that it was okay, or whether you have a whole crowd of people saying that it's okay, you literally cannot be moving out here in the streets. And she was really arguing with these Black women. And I'm like, your existence in these spaces is actually- And where were her LS's?
Oh, I think they kicked her out, but I think some people were supporting her. And that's where the issue is. Oh, I think they kicked her out. Because the thing is, that is so embarrassing. It is. And they should be embarrassed. And you know what? But is their fault for letting that white girl in the group in the first place?
We also talk about this we talk about and this is we don't I want to have a discussion of a divine 9 so bad now and the reason why I haven't brought it up is because I know that some of us have proximity to other folks where ever divine 9 myself included and I don't feel like beefing I don't play arguing I don't want all the regular niggas in my inbox in my comments and do whatever
But what I will say is this, this is also what happened. I think it's interesting that you have space for white folks to come in and take over and be in black spaces with black folk, but won't let black queer folks join these organizations when they are inherently a part of the conversation in the community, but you're trying to cultivate and build. You talk about brotherhood and sisterhood, but you let Jimmy
Ooh! Jimmy John! Jimmy John! Jimmy John! You know what? I feel like the Jack Harlow thing is giving, like...
that man rhymes cat and hat together and the girls applaud and they're just like, oh my God. Oh my God, it's like he's shimmying like the rest of us. He's doing it. In order to show, we love it. And I'm like, no, y'all acting like that is like, as much as I love listening to moon child and I love listening to hiatus coyote,
Seeing that they're on tour, I have nothing in my spirit that wants to go see them because that's going to remind me that these are white people that do R&B and it's going really FBI on the inside. I do not want to see this white woman sing R&B. I'm going to listen to the songs, but I'm not going to the space where I will be reminded that this is a white girl. No, absolutely not. I'm not going to that concert. I'm here for Jack Carlos Lander all the time. Thanks.
Yeah, next, another album that I've heard not great things about. So y'all tell me. I know what it's giving.

Kendrick Lamar's Album Reactions

I know what it's giving. So this might upset some people in the back, but I'm just gonna tell y'all what I've been told.
Kendrick Lamar has a new album. Kendrick Lamar? I heard one song. We all heard that one song. Oh no, I won't. I'ma tell y'all what I did. So Kendrick Lamar has a new album called Mr. Morale and the Big Steps.
This is his first album in several years, I don't know. And yeah, so on the one side of the fence, there are some girlies that are like, yeah, Kendrick's back. Conscious Rap is back. Oh yeah, let's get into it. I love it. On the other side of the fence, I have not listened to any of the songs. None of the songs, right?
I know that single came out where he made the music video where it's like doing deep fakes and he's like Kanye's face and all of these other people's faces. And yeah, I haven't, I didn't, it's not, I don't, I didn't watch the video because deep fake shit scares me, but so. What is deep fake? What is that? It's like when they can use technology to change, to like make it look like somebody, it's somebody else's face is like talking or some shit.
And you know, niggas can do that with old interviews or do whatever. They can alter footage to make it look like another person. That is weird. To make it look like another person is talking or saying certain things. I don't like that either. Right. But anyway, so he came out with an album. I did not listen to any of the music, right? But I did see some song lyrics.
And, you know, the first song, I just had to listen to it again. It's the first 30 seconds united in grief. Wow. I'm like, this is giving sweet. I don't know what's about to happen.
I also hate that they don't have the credits for the woman who's singing. I'm like, I hate when they do this to these rap songs, that they never give the credit so you can never find whoever's voice they're using out there. If I'm listening to it, I'm like, ooh, okay, I see this is going somewhere. The first line says, what is a bitch in a miniskirt? A man, something, I don't know what he says. But when I listened to it, I was like,
What song did you talk about? The first song. That's the first song on the album? Oh, I didn't. So like Brea, I actually saw song lyrics. I didn't listen to the song, but I went and looked the song lyrics up for the Auntie Diaries song, whatever it was. It wasn't even just that. I just saw somebody tweeting their way through the album, and they were posting different song lyrics for multiple songs. And I said, what's happening?
What's going on? No, but I had heard about the Aunty Diaries song specifically. And I was just like, Oh, no. Is that is that what it's giving? Yikes. Um, so I didn't listen to it. I don't know if you did. But yeah, I only made it to the second song and I made it 10 seconds into that song and I was sleep.
So yeah, I had heard about the song where he's giving a bunch of... I was trying to listen to it before I went to sleep. Not you zoned it out. Right. Oh, sleep.
Is this a lullaby? Great. I'm not invested. I'm not invested in this. What are you doing? It was not giving time to study. I don't know what I was. I just was like, let me put some new one before I had to sleep. Let me put some white noise on it. Hey, that was what you showed. Exactly what I was giving. You showed yourself with 14 faggots in it? Like, mind up. Oh my god. I think I actually purposely paused it. It was like, I need to go to sleep now. This is enough.
Yeah, so I heard about that song, I heard about all of the words, and I was like, surely, niggas aren't.
okay with this but you know I mean the people on my timeline were just like bitch what the fuck is this it's like do you would you want a white rapper do you want Jack Harlow to drop an album talk allegedly talking about racism while saying nigger nigger nigger like i used to say nigger right all right i don't say nigger now but i used to like i used to but i've learned i've learned i'm still gonna say it right now in this context but i've learned i will say
like so even reading like the lyrics like the misgendering of so this is the thing I told people so yes so in this song he's talking about his his recollection or like him his um rectifying his his I guess political views of gender with like the fact that his um his uncle is trans
Um, and also during the song, another family member comes out. Like, I mean, like he out another family member, um, a cousin of his is a trans woman. And so.
I'm just like... I don't have it. And mind you, throughout the entire song, there's a lot of misuse of pronouns, a lot of misuse, again, a lot of misgendering, a lot of, it feels like blaming your childhood for not knowing any better, but also me being like, we dragged you when you dropped your first, back years ago when you were using some other transphobic or homophobic shit, and the girls were like, what the fuck is happening?
like you got dragged before this before you drop this new album yeah and what did you learn from the last dragon you got and you know what to be honest this is also why i don't support a lot of these rappers because i'm like when you think again this is a man who had who did a whole album about liberation and did and i know he was not talking to me
Right. Or other Black queer folks. We are not a part of his idea of deliberation. We are not a part of his idea of freedom. And even in this song, you're claimed that, like, oh, I understand now. You know, whatever, I get it now. You don't. But you would say these. It's the fact that you're saying that you understand. And in the same breath, you're saying things that you're obviously knowing are disrespectful, derogatory, and literally pushing away the experience that you could have with somebody. Because you don't have to say any of these things.
And who said that you could be in charge of the gendering or storytelling of your family member? Even if they were saying okay with it, put them on the album and let them do an interlude about their own lived experience. Right, for a track or something. You over here fake in a rude two-pop, so how about you interview somebody who's alive? Oh my God. I don't understand.
On his album, did you listen to that song where he had a whole interview with Tupac? I didn't listen to the song. No, I didn't. No, this was like the last album where he had all these soundbites of Tupac was interviewing, like Tupac was answering questions that he was asking. And he's interviewing a whole person who's not here. So if you can do that masterful work, you can put somebody who is your family member who has a lived experience that can talk for themselves on the album.
Yeah, I definitely, somebody said like Kendrick is like, like the girls are going up for Kendrick when he's giving politics from like 2012. And like, we're just supposed to, we're just supposed to act like that's not it. And I'm just like, you know,
I really think that it's really that that really sums it up for me because I'm like, you know, I enjoyed older stuff. I feel like really to pimp or butterfly was the last project of his that I enjoy.
And I feel like that was a time for me like in young adulthood in college to like listen to like Section 80, Good Kid, Bad City, all of that. But it's just like, I've grown. I've grown. And I feel like in the same way like niggas was calling out people like J. Cole in the same way like
niggas call out Drake. You grow up and you're like, these rap niggas are actually really stupid and a lot of the people, especially a lot of the people that they try to say are conscious rappers, don't have the range and don't really deserve to be taking up all this space and to be talking about for the sake of free thinkers and radical thought or whatever. Right, because the things that they say, so many people cover it up.
with, oh, this is like the practice of like the person, like, this is who they are. And I was literally saying this because you're just one of J. Cole. I was literally saying J. Cole has all the access in the world. Like, Jermaine had access. That nigga said he don't read. And instead, he literally said he doesn't read. He's talking about how he doesn't have access. J. Cole got into that beef with no name.
Right? For a minute. No, no. Jay Cole initiated a whole woman who was minding her business doing book clubs during a pandemic. And he inserted himself and felt personally attacked just because she was doing book clubs and she was minding her business. And he was like, oh, I feel like this is a call out for me. Went to the studio with a lot of people who didn't stop him.
Yeah. Got it cut and then put it out at the same exact time. And admitted to the fact that he doesn't read, he doesn't do the work, but he doesn't appreciate this woman, you know, doing those things. And talking about things generically that has nothing to do with her.
And then when I was bringing this up to other people, I was like, I could literally go square with your name right now. I'm like, this is disgusting. Then people were like, well, somebody said to me, they were like, oh, well, nobody even said he was a conscious rapper. You're saying
Niggas say that all the time! Niggas say that all the time! I am saying that this is... It's the problem with me, and it's the problem I'm gonna always have specifically with cis people who listen to rappers like your J. Cole's and your Nas's, because he's also another nigga I'm like, what are we talking about? Like, keep it.
When we are talking about other people's experiences, other people's existence, right? And these rappers don't even have the respect to even think about us in these worlds that they create. It's telling, right? Now, I'm not even, like, even when it comes down to you rapping about your personal experience, right? These are also niggas who have been known to be homophobic or transphobic. J.Co. has definitely gotten dragged for being trifle on more than one occasion by the girls.
We also drag niggas like the baby. Not you out here talking about the girls having sex in cars and not getting HIV, as if these gays don't blast your music. Right. As if the queers aren't also out here singing to your song. If they're not right in front of you, like, at your concert. Y'all these are the same niggas, right, who will show up to the concert and pay the founder some dollars to be front row. Me and my homegirls would never. But some of these girls out here will.
And you can't even be like, if we get it, you have a predominantly straight and probably white, if you want to argue about it. OK. There's no argument to it. And I don't understand why we're so happy. Like, why you don't understand. Like, why you not getting it? Why you not? They're really giving. This is for families that drive Camrys and go to Disney. It's really giving. This is for the people that got two and a half kids and one dog and one piggy fence. Right. It's giving you clear family vibes. Right. It's definitely giving you clear family vibes. And the answer for me is no.
is giving a picture on the cover of a textbook. All right. With my family in your psych class? In your psychology class, do I kiss them? And the dog is perfectly posed, staring off into the distance. I hate those psychology book covers. Disgusting. Let's talk about the psychology of the family.
Um, so yeah, a couple more things. Um, zoom, like five. Um, so I mean, some of these things I am not as not, so you brought up the like Tory Lane's doctor line or something about that. You did. So I was going to pass it to Risha lanes because I didn't really look that up.
So I'll be on it with the hair flip. Right? Toriana, Skimiana, same girl. Skim. So there was recently a post that came out, or like a thing that came out, that claimed that a doctor came forward and confirmed that Megan Thee Stallion did not get shot in her feet, in fact, but that she stepped on glass during her altercation with Tori Lanes.
The source is not credible. This is all found on a part of the trial. It was all a lie. She lied. She lied. Party Bird. Carly Bird. She lied. It was all a lie. Yeah, so it was...
You know, people were like this, like it's almost like the doctor for the trial had proven this was fake. I mean, this wasn't true. Mind you, the trial is starting in September and they're like not even doing the things yet. And also, um, the person that they used was like, was like a credible source. It wasn't a part of like the bigger over what was ever happened, what was happening with the case. And so I'm still trying to figure out why one, Tory Lanez is still here.
And two, why Unigos are so invested in his career and the fact that he's, I mean, he's obviously trash, but why are the girls so invested in
his bad behavior. Like, why are we awarding him? Like, why is he even still able to perform at concerts? Why are people still putting him on his songs? Like, I don't know how great of an artist he is. Like, look at what you've done. And people, and I remember Megan Thee Stallion had also posted photos of her feet after she got shot. Unfortunately. Because y'all called her a liar. She was like, am I really a liar? And had to post photos of her wounded feet.
Disgusting. It's the fact that somebody will want to see that much pain inflicted on a black woman just to justify that she would have an ounce of belief in the story that is being told. I think she just did an interview with Gayle King recently, reliving that trauma, obviously still dealing with the pain of being traumatized from the shooting.
Niggas will still, you know, have the nerve to talk about she did it for cloud or whatever the fuck. Right. The one thing that I always think about when I think about Megan, instead, I always think about anything that's happening. The proximity that it's happening to her is approximated to Beyonce. So in my brain, I'd be like, Torisha thinks that
You're going to go against Beyonce? Right. Like what? What clout? Beyonce is not about to let Megan take an L. The thing is like, yeah, it was that whole, the second that I saw that she was signed to wild nation, I was like, Oh my gosh. Right. And every since then we've been seeing, because Beyonce did not feature on anybody's song for the last, I don't know how long. It's been a while. But featured on Savage.
Beyonce was there, the Grammys were here, they did all the things together, and I was just like, I love this for y'all. I love the circle y'all are in. I love the Khloe, Hailey, Beggin, and Beyonce. So anything else that's going on, Beyonce is gonna crumble it before it even touches Meghan. That's why all of this is just a joke. You could have whatever lawyer you want or whatever doctor you want to say what you want, but it's all
And Beyonce's not quite loud. You know what's funny? So Megan is not on this season of Legendary.
I think she's been very confused. Yeah, Kiki Palmer. So Kiki Palmer took her spot, which I'm at the hold of you. I love making it on the show. I'm excited to see Kiki Palmer on the show. I think it's going to be fun. I would love Kiki on the phone. But I'm just like, why are they still that? Is Jamila or Jamil still on that show? Because quite as this kid. I believe so, yes. Why is this cat a bitch? I would allow it to be as it's known. That's it. I don't know why Jamila or Jamil still has a seat at the table. And the girls were talking about why La Roach had a seat at the table and own legendary. But I was like.
I see it and LaRoche is also there. I see why Law is there for whoever put it together. I do see it. I see why Law is there and I also see the critique of why he shouldn't be there. Oh, absolutely. I heavily see the critique of why he shouldn't be there because when he first got there, I was heavy on the
Absolutely not. And then I started to see what it looks like for the overall. It's an HBO production. This person and their proximity to fashion is next level. Y'all are going to want that. And this person styles the people who are on the show. So y'all want it all together.
He also is the person at Boston. The person of style. And Celine Dion. He puts Celine Dion's fashions back on the map. That was all Marlboro. Yeah, I'm not going to say he's not doing it. And I get it, right? But I also understand the girls who are in the bar room who are like,
I don't know why this thing is even on the fucking menu. Yes. Like, was no one else available? And they were like, the guy that is like the host of the show, they were like, why is he not a judge? Why is he the host? And why isn't Deshaun? It is legit. Literally, Deshaun is a legend. Legend. Legend. Like, can outwalk, can eat these girls up. That's why when we would see, oh my gosh, what is her name?
the only person who has ever walked on the judges' panel. What's your name again? I don't know. What's your name? Naomi? Naomi. So that's why Naomi would talk directly to Deshaun and be like, we're the only people

Reality TV Representation and Legal Issues in Music Industry

who know. And I'm like, exactly. We're the only two. I will also say, like, this season, I don't know if you girls were drag race girls or know enough about drag race. But one of the people who is on the show this season from the House of Alabasia, I think, is Aja.
And Aja was, I forgot what her original season was, but Aja was on All Stars, I believe. Three, four, one of those. Either way, a drag race girl. I also love Aja. Aja puts out music for the ancestors. Mama is definitely somebody who's blessed something. I know that she also has gone through some processes for her spirituality. And so it's really giving that. And so I'm excited to see her on this season of Legendary because, you know, I think
It's gonna be cute, it's gonna really be cute. But yeah, as far as sorry ladies go, sort of niggas in the trash can, let's move on. Honestly, truly.
Um, we're getting down to just trash the bottom of the barrel. Um, so Ratnik is in trouble. Um, we know ASAP Rocky was arrested a while ago. Um, don't know. I think he's like out, but, um, the feds are doing.
a thing with the Rap Girl release, okay? I think, you know, I don't know what, I know that he was arrested at LAX like maybe a couple weeks ago and then he got, he was out on bond after that, but I think that was like over an alleged shooting in 2021, so don't know whatever is gonna happen with that. Or if Rihanna had that baby yet, but that, you know,
um not looking great and then and then speaking of speaking of rap niggas getting arrested um
Young Thug and Gunna are among 28 people who were indicted and arrested with young slime mobs that were charged with 56 count, with a 56 count indictment of RICO charges, RICO charges, however y'all pronounce it. What is that? I will explain it! I really don't know what it is, thank god. I'll explain it. So I really basically had to...
I had to look it up because I looked it up because some girl on Twitter explained it. But basically, RICO charges are like, it's like racketeering, something, something, something, right? And basically, it's like, initially, like RICO, see, this is the thread I was looking for. RICO stands for Racketeering Influence and Corruptions Act.
It was created in the 70s to take down to, shout out to Ashley Cartashdorian, SEGA, Genesis on Twitter, but it was created in the 70s to take down the mafia and generally used to indict large groups of people like gangs. But now it's like, you know, they're using it against Rapnick as well.
It was stuff outside. It's basically like if niggas are associated with a gang, right? So say niggas are a part of a gang and like two people like carjack a place and then they use the car for the organization.
niggas like commit a robbery in the car that they use like these other niggas like these other three niggas like commit a robbery in the car for the money that they're going to use to the work towards the organization and these other niggas fucking like commit arson and like they robbed this house and like you know that money is put towards the organization
Basically all of those people that are in the gang are gonna be charged for everything that happened that was put towards for the sake of the group. The 56 counts is for everything. So like, you know, the most notable of people that are associated with this young slime mob are Young Thug and Gunna. But like, it's not looking great because... I hope Chloe's okay.
I was like, you don't need to be around me. Because I hope that not one of them counts came around Chloe. Oh my gosh. The last I heard like niggas are the feds are trying because I think it's like, it's not even just the federal like, it's not like just federal charges. These are like charges that were based in
Georgia, I think, or under Georgia's RICO Act, which might be worse because of the stipulations. So it's not looking good for those two. But all of those people were arrested initially. And yeah, I think the last I heard is that they are looking
at using rap lyrics. Some of them, girl, are fucking yo, baby. Young Thug Cops about not having stuff to do with a body, but
I saw that body or something. That's how Coolio went to jail, talking about he had a body in the basement, and they got to his house, and there was a body in the basement. Oh my god. It's like, bro, is everything OK? Yeah, similar shit. They're trying to. I'm pretty sure. Basically, if those niggas are associated with murders and robberies and whatever the fuck else, then it's not looking to you. I don't really know, but that's what it is. Sorry to those men. Sorry to that man. Sorry to those men. Thanks. Good luck.
Let's see. Um, next. I'm going to laugh. I don't know those names. Definitely giving a kick. No, I'm going to laugh about what we're talking about. Um, and I'm not sorry about it. Um, so controversial YouTube controversial nigga with a microphone.
Uh, died, died alone. You know, Oh no, not alone. Okay. Not with somebody who knows him well.
Yeah, so, um, yeah, whatever. I don't give a fuck. Kevin Samuels died earlier this week, I want to say. And the girls on the interweb were having a time. It was funny doing on Twitter for me.
Um, but, you know, of course there were some niggas that were mourning. This is me. Mourning their YouTube pappy. Um. Over a nigga who was their daddy who ain't have no money. Hadn't didn't have no money. Nothing. The fact that his people don't have no money to bury him, they have to go fund me. Go fund me? No, had to go fund me to bury him. The face of six figures? Girl, the how to know?
We had a high value man. Didn't have enough money to motherfucking pay for his O2O. It's a low value funeral. A low value funeral. It's jokes. It's hilarious. You can't even cremate this nigga. You can't even cremate this nigga. I'm sorry. You literally, oh my god.
You couldn't even cremate this nigga. I'm laughing. We cremate him. He don't need to be thrown back into the desk. Marry him loose. Put him on top of the ground.
Listen. I'm not going where he going. That's all I know. That's all I know. Is that the way that my life's work has been done? I'm not following. That's all right. So many niggas on the internet.
Aaron, take that out. Many niggas on the interweb. No, no, no. Please run out. No, no, no, no, no. I don't care. All right. Claire for takeoff. Go. Many niggas on the interweb. We're arguing about, like, we're trying to make an argument about, like, should you say negative things about a person in death? Now, I say absolutely yes. One, I think it's funny sometimes.
No, because when Queen Elizabeth dies, I'm going to throw a party. It's gonna be hilarious. I came in for the tell all books. I cannot wait for the tell all book party. I haven't seen enough proof that that bitch isn't already dead already.
No, she was out. Allegedly. That don't look like her. No. Not that she was out in the streets. No. That's a deep fake. That's a deep fake. Somebody concocted those images. That's not her. I don't. I. I. Listen. OK. That's all I'm going to say. Because Mr. State, so Mr. State, OK. So people have made the argument about not doing that. And I'm just like, I feel like you get what you deserve in this life.
And, you know, I saw someone share like this my I'm a butcher it but someone shared this like Maya Angelou quote about like, you know, wanting to live your life in the way that you want people to like see you in death.
And I feel like, you know, sometimes niggas really just have to deal with the fact that the way that they're moving in this world is just gonna, you know, people, people are going to the world is going to move beyond you. And, you know, if you don't give a fuck, then it's whatever. But like,
You know, people are allowed to have opinions about you and feelings about you, especially if you're causing harm. Like that nigga caused harm. Right. Every single day. Every day. Somebody was talking about this and also about the Kobe Bryant situation with Kobe Bryant and you know, your daughter died.
and how his allegations of rape and sexual assault came up. And people were like, oh, you can't do that. He is dead. And it's funny, because there are victims who are left not, like, not only is, like, not, so he never had, he's never gonna be held accountable. But also, like, he left their lives, like, he left their lives ruined, right? Like, he called major harm to someone else and was never held accountable for his behaviors and his actions.
And now he's internationally being celebrated. And people have to see that. And even now, you know, I feel bad for like his other children and like his wife when they were married. I'm not sure. Now they also probably have to deal with the fact that like, not only like Desi left legacy behind, Desi always great things, but like he also was a rapist. Your legacy. Yeah, your legacy. Your legacy is what you make it.
That's really weird. People always try to make legacy seem like it's always going to be so sacred and so beautiful and all these other things. And I'm just like, no, some people's legacies are literally chaotic. That's like to say that all these people who have caused harm against Black people, why would I ever in any type of way be like, oh my gosh, you're dead now? People literally celebrated when the folks who had captured or stealing their actual bodies in their livelihoods passed on.
And I feel like even and I feel like like a lot of these because like you have niggas like T.I. and like I think T.I. and Joe Budden this was why I was bringing him up but T.I. and Joe Budden were like speaking out about like how problematic it was that like black women and like all of these other people were like you know
talking. Yeah, we're like making a mockery of his death and T.I. said it was like. He even asked you. What's worse is niggas will talk about Kevin Samuels like he was fucking Malcolm X, bro. And that's the thing that's getting me is that they're all acting like they want to be fake devastated. I'm like, but when he was here.
You were OK with that? So if anybody that you know put that there. They were. I feel like the issue is that they're more so seeing that a nigga who moves like this, this is how the world is going to react when you're gone. And this is how many that people are going to react. So niggas like T.I. and Joe Budden are scared because they know when they're gone, it's going to be the same. And I will also say that part of the reason why a lot of Black women were also very critical to giving a lot of feedback is because he died with a non-Black woman who was also fat.
You drag people about their weight and about how much money they made and they're all black all the time. And you didn't have nothing. And mind you, what makes it worse, right, is that someone else had made a point on Twitter that if this had happened, and he had been with a black woman when this occurred, he might still be alive. He might still be here. And I was like, I'm not going to deny or pay. But I'm also like, it's very, because even like when like, because like the Lago One Call came out, I didn't listen to it. But like, the girls were basically like,
Yeah, like the girl was like, she's not like she was ugly, but she also like, she didn't know his apartment number. She didn't know exactly like where he was, like where they were specifically. And I was just like- That's not like a lady she met. She met him the same night. Lady of the night. Woman of the night. But I was just like, I was just like, it's telling, right? How you talk all cash money, shit.
about black women. Dog black women. Every day. Right. And like took pride in how to, and mind you, another, there was a video of him going around to where he was talking, like originally that wasn't his platform, right? His platform was addressing black men and like some of the, like their issues with like dating. And he switched from that platform. And he, and during the video he was like, you know, if I got up here and I said to black women and talk about black women, I would get a whole bunch of clicks and likes and views and I would get a whole bunch of like revenue from it. And the sad thing is he wasn't wrong. Cause exactly that happened. That's what he did. That's how we all know who the man is.
But the thing that's really sad is that to think you would do all of that for your lived experience right here. You would do all of, cause all the time to all these black women and you thinking your own mind and your own ego that that's acceptable. But as your legacy, this is what's left, that you're a made of my creative and we're going to laugh at you.
forever and ever. And if we ever need something to draw back, to laugh about, this is what you've left. As long as Beyonce's internet is able to reproduce the things that have happened over time, what you have said will never be forgotten. When I have some children
And if they ever stumble across some messiness that you said, I'm going to laugh with them, letting them know how disgusting this man was. Absolutely. I'm just saving face for you, little boy. You could have did that yourself while you was here. I know a few people that I know personally were like, oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. No. We're like, oh, my gosh. We're like, oh, my gosh. This is why. And I'm not going to cut the person. They'll listen to the podcast in five.
but like the person that said it is a person like a family member and they were basically like this is why we don't fuck with like black women and like essentially like black queers because like we always go against black women like in public and we don't say face and I was like
This is a man who, again, made his platform about shitting on Black women every day. I got nothing for him. If Black women are like, I want to go right in the streets, I'm going to say, OK, well, what are you to bring, support? Honestly. What am I going to say? Don't do that. Because there are plenty of men who I'm like, and they're not even dead yet. As of now, I'm like,
don't know her, don't fuck with her, don't have anything to say about her. Celebrity or not, like who is that bitch? Don't know what, what is she, does she rap or act or sing? I'm not sure what she does. Like never heard of her. I'm not doing it. And I feel like the only thing I meant to say to add is just like people will also make it seem like you can't critique and particularly think critical of like black people who've passed away. Girl.
And I'm like, if it's about that legacy that you make, you know, if I have to critique niggas like Kevin Samuels, because he actually was causing harm and he was causing harm to people like me, you know, and a lot of, you know, the rest of these niggas will be fine with it, because he's not doing anything that's hurting them. But towards black women, towards black queer people, like, you know, those things, those things affecting us, like, I
feel like we deserve to be able to cackle, to cackle about it. So like, I don't know. It's what's in my pay at home. That's what I heard. Wasn't wasn't like, we drag games, Baldwin, Amber, Russell for the love of white men. Yeah. I mean, I think some people like think that when someone
When someone passes away that we're all supposed to have this sacred ritualistic ceremony for them and we're supposed to all highlight all the great things like when you go to a service and they have those two minute reflections and everyone talks about how they grew up playing kickball with this person and they always remember the good times. And I think everyone knows that as a ritualistic practice that they don't realize
that you do not have to inherently do that every time someone passes away. Yes, we could do that. If you ain't got nothing good to say, don't say none at all. But then at the same time, we could say whatever we want because that man was saying whatever he wanted every single day. It was a zit. You know what this reminded me of? There's an episode of Atlanta. I have not watched the show, by the way. The gag is he's in an episode of Atlanta that came out recently.
Oh, didn't see it. I'm not watching the season, but I heard that he's watching it. There's an episode of Atlanta this season where there's a black woman who was taking care of a white child. Oh my god. And then Chet Hanks is in it. Oh my god. Oh, wow. OK, well, there was an episode of a black woman
about a black woman who was taking care of his white child, and they go to the funeral. And at the funeral, a lot of some of the other white children that she had taken care of also show up. Oh, I think Chehanks was in that. Chehanks is there faking the Trini accent. Yes. No, I recall. And you said a trini accent? Yes. Donald Glover paid that. Yeah.
I don't understand why people would ever ask you. But at the episode, right, one of the daughters was like, I'm pissed off because my mother had time to take care of all these white kids in the audience, but was not here for me, my brother, or my sister. And her siblings are like, and the audience are like, you need to sit down. And she was like, no. She was like, I don't want to sit down. We deserve to have a mother who showed up for us, showed up for the other white-ass kids. And you know what? And where were you for us? And in grief?
the get like it's really for you like it's really for the people that are left behind that person's gone you know so i feel like if you know that lady's daughter feels like i you know what i want to drag my mom a little bit and just be like right on the podium you know i this is just something i feel like i have to say for the sake of my peace and my well-being right and it's funny because like during like during this funeral like part of the like the show was episode with the funeral um the white family gets up to leave
And the pastor was like, where are you all going? We still got to repass. And they were like, oh. And the pastor said something on the line. He was like, would we scare you to the young white boy? He was like, yes. And he was like, we don't mean to scare you, but this is how we be. He was like, this is how we deal with death in her. He was like, it's just us. It's our culture. It's who we are. It's people. And you shouldn't be afraid.
in that funeral, right? I'm thinking of all the girls who were out here thinking about Kevin Samuels and how some of us are the girls who are on the podium, like, girl, fuck him. Right? Let me get a plate. I just came here to talk shit about him and go home. Right. Literally, that's what all of us are doing. I really do think that I think why it also feels like, for me, it doesn't feel like I have a restraint.
Yeah, like a part of me is like, all right, I'm going to chill a little bit because I'm having a little bit too much fun with this. But I think the part of me that doesn't really have a threshold that I should stop is the fact that
In every moment that there was ever a conversation with him, he was dismissive and cutting off everybody else or hanging up on them and doing all that stuff. Then in this moment, we all are just talking freely. Like, he's not about to interrupt us. He's not about to talk over us. He's not about to do nothing. We can say whatever we want. We always could. And it's just like... I was also never called for Captain Hamels for nothing, because it's Captain Samuels.
period. Is somebody putting the thing that really is a question is that if any of these whole types are doing all this ancestral work, all of these, like they're really tapped into the masculine feminine, whatever they always want to talk about all the binary conversations that they're having. Are y'all putting Kevin Samuels on one of y'all alters?
Is he going to live in your home? Are you calling upon his spirit to live in your altar? Because if you are, then that is very telling of who you are. If you're not, that's also very telling of how you feel about him. Because I have people who I've never been related to on my altar. I got Nina Simone here. Apparently, niggas are getting
Apparently, niggas are getting Kevin Samuel's tattoos. Oh, I saw. I don't know. That's making it easier for the girlies that actually like these dusty people that might need to assist them. No, they're different, right. I will also say that when I had my author, I had James Baldwin. I had Marlon Riggs. I had Stensfield on my author as well. I had Lorraine Hansberry, right? I had a lot of people on my author who were not
who were not relatives. And so I too, but it was, ain't no way a hell. Picture walking into somebody's house and his spirit is floating there. No. Imagine if he's been like, hey Tyrell, we would like to see Kevin. You would like to see, no. I'll take this whole damn auction out, fuck around with me. We won't have nothing up here. What offerings? What food? What liquor? Where are you offering him?
A Bible for Jesus, because that's what I can do. No. Subscription, girls. Like, thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers. Subscriptions. Yes, he's definitely on the sickest shut-in list. That's the first sick shut-in and dead list. Shut down. Right.
All right, so last few things, getting into the politics and the raggediness. Yeah. Because the world is in a fucking mass of bullshit. Yeah, literally two things happened while we were recording, so I have to
Wait, what? Not breaking news. What is going on here? Unfortunately, because it's not good. What happened? Okay, no, we're almost done. So, Roe v. Wade and this baby formula shortage. So, yeah. The girls in the... I put those two together because I'm like...
I'm like, the girlies are really just trying to say what's going on with people's bodies. But at the same time, they are not giving a fuck about the babies that are already here. So yeah, that's great. So many folks already know that the Supreme Court, like,
consideration of overturning Roe v. Wade, leaked a draft opinion, leaked indicating that the Supreme Court may have the votes to overturn Roe v. Wade, blah, blah, blah. So the girls are out here going to marches and stuff and such in the streets and rallying in the such.
Many people have pointed out, you know, that this was kind of just...
This was kind of just building up, especially since all of the sort of anti-trans and the don't say gay bills have been going out recently, that all of these things have just been building upon each other. But now, coupled with this in a double whammy, is just the fact that there is a supply shortage of baby formula
In the US, where also in the US they... I think it's not permitted for formula from other countries to pass by way of the FDA or whatever. And it's just like, so the baby's not gonna eat? Wow, that's crazy. But yeah, the only thing I had to say about those two things was really one, Justice Clarence Thomas can shut his ass up.
Because I don't so the girls the girls are complaining because Protesters are going to the justices homes and protesting outside of their houses disturbing their peace Well, and I say hey

Social Issues: Roe v. Wade and Buffalo Shooting

what a wonderful kind of day to go fuck up these niggas day because um, I
How dare they? Y'all have the nerve to fuck up the rest of our lives, but are mad that people want to disturb your peace. I don't know. Oh my gosh. What you want. And then for Clarence Thomas to be like,
people, you know, we don't care about the opinions of whatever. So you don't care about the opinions of the general public that you're supposed to be represented, the viewpoints of, but you don't care. The thing is giving accuracy. That's the thing. I really also don't know if the justice is that, cause this is, okay, I got a couple of things that I'm going to come back to the justice thing. First of all, I, so Claire's comment is from Savannah, Georgia.
He's gonna, he's gonna, he's gonna get you. Oh, the embarrassment. And if you, and if you, okay, I'm gonna say this. No, how? I'm gonna say this too. I'm gonna say this too. So when I first moved to Savannah in 2016-17,
My job had me do a scavenger hunt, my job I took had me do a scavenger hunt around the city. And the last place we went to, it was like a whole week of a scavenger hunt when we went to all these different places and we had to go to all these restaurants to get this food and try different things. It was actually really, really cool. The last place we ended up at was the Gullah Geechee Museum of their fishing, their culture, which is in Savannah.
When we bought, because of course the person I went with at the time, my coworker, had did her research, she had asked about Clarence Thomas. They disowned him? They didn't disown him, but they were very much like, we don't know her. And I was like...
They were like, oh, they were like, yeah, he doesn't come home often. We were like, oh, OK. And then they were like, yeah, we also don't. We don't. We don't claim her. It was funny, too, because a lot of it wasn't just a response. It was like the body language, the facial expressions.
They were like, they were like, absolutely. We left there. We were like, we could be like, oh my gosh, that is a mess. But like, there is, so that was one thing. The second thing.
about the Roe v. Wade decision to be overturned. It's funny, because I was watching this YouTube video about this woman who's a black woman, who's a lawyer. And she was breaking down how easy it is for Roe v. Wade to be turned, based off of the way that the law was put into it. And because it wasn't codified, right? Yeah, so it wasn't codified. And it could have been. And niggas are dragging all of the girls that could have. But also, not just that, it's a very
Finly, strength, strong together case. And so they're like, it doesn't take much. It wouldn't take a person a lot to really, if they wanted to, attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade because of the very thin line that took place to put the case together. That's very tragic for all of us. And as far as the Shelley Frees,
No, no, no. Wow. I'm listening. Don't go. She was staring very intently. She had been digesting. And as far as the justices, right? Because let's get into it. I truly have believed, like, I remember doing, like, you know, taking my civics class in eighth grade, taking my U.S. history classes in ninth grade and 10th grade, and the world classes, like, you know, my world history classes in 11th grade. I just simply remember thinking about, like, talking about the process of, like, how
presidents go about picking justices and appointing justices and really thinking that, like, they don't appoint justices for, like, the publics, the general public. They appoint justices for, like, their own political. Right. So I'm like, when I think about the fact that, like, Clarence Thomas, oh, simple ass, did the shit that he did. But I also look like who appointed Clarence Thomas? Who did appoint Clarence Thomas? I don't know. I don't know. Tell me history. That was the late 90s.
The Anita Hill case was in the 80s, 90s, but was that when he was appointed? I think so. Yeah, it was leading up to him being appointed, I believe. So who appointed him? Wait, George H.W. Bush. Well, not H. Yeah, it's not George Bush Jr.
Well, George Bush Jr. didn't do too much, if anything. He left all the children behind. That's what it was. We also talked about how it really feels like George did not want to be president. He hated it. And that's why he would say one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard in my life. He said, I just wanted to paint, but I'm just going to be a war criminal. He said, I've got to do it. I'll do it. I'm like. I'm just going to be a war criminal instead.
I didn't want to be, he was like, I really just wanted to be an artist. And my daddy said I had to go do this ghetto shit. A lot of these justices to me feel like they weren't appointed for the well-being of the general public. They were specifically appointed. How ghetto is that? That's how our government operates. Right.
You didn't think about the whole people. You thought about who would benefit your platform and who would benefit the things that you wanted to get past while you were in office for those four or eight years. Or if you were a nigga who died two years, three years, depending on who you are. But the reality being that like these niggas are lifetime appointments. So it's just like until you die, until you step down or until you die. And that's just well. And it's just like circulating. That's the reason why so many of the things are like this. Like every now and then it's a trickle of knowing what's happening because
It's appointed. The public is not actually notified or like actually known of what's going on as a process step by step.
Yeah, these things are going on. And then there's the fact people who are doing this deep research, like, did y'all know that this thing has been passed? And it's the fact that Clarence, the fact that Clarence Thomas also had the nerve to be like, oh, this is an egregious broach of justice or whatever the fuck for us to find out that they were doing this shit behind our but not the fact that they're doing this goofy shit. Like, it's the fact that we learned about it.
I'm also very flabbergasted because I know her name is Katanji. I can't remember her last name. Katanji Jackson. Jackson Brown. I don't know when she starts her appointment on the spring break. I thought she was appointed over at the spring break.
I don't think it's been like a ceremonial kind of thing. Cause she's already, I'm like, I'm curious to see how that works out. I'm like, at what point? Like when? Cause like, are they trying to pass this before she starts? Yeah. Cause I'm like, I don't know.
Because they did something else like that with that little white woman that was, I think she was some type of judge. And she was either about to leave or she was coming in. And they needed that last vote. So they rushed it. They rushed some type of vote. It might have had to do with education. One thing about my mind is that I'll have facts for the day. And then the day after that, when I realized how ridiculous white people are, I don't remember nothing. But all I know is that they sped it up. And that's when Trump was leaving office.
When the orange man was leaving office, that white woman was leaving too, and they sped something up that I know drastically has changed a lot of things and still gonna impact us. I think I have to do it.
But yeah, I mean, I think about that often, like how these justices are not appointed for us. And yeah, some of them may align because some of them may have the same ideas as us, but like a lot of them were appointed for the particular person to get through what they wanted to get through, an officer to like really have somebody on their side to like support their, whatever they may be trying to do. Yeah. And also to uphold the things in which like that were created on the backs at the expense of the labor of black people and with the foundation that black people were not even
accounted for as human beings. So those are the things that they just keep us right there. They just want to circulate that for as long as possible. And that's why there's these lifetime people who at 40 years old when they started and at 90 years old when they still are unfortunately still there, they're going to uphold that same thing. And that is somebody's
most of their lifetime that they've experienced that way. And I feel like if you aren't moving with the signs, if you're not paying attention to what people are experiencing in this particular moment, every time you go to make a decision that's not informed, right? Not just about the general public and what people want, but what's actually happening. Where are the numbers? Where are the stats?
to show like the rates of like suicides for like black queer teens or teens and like trans teens and stuff like or trans kids like all the things that are happening in this country like the access to abortion for black women the fucking oh my gosh the death toll for women during childbirth like is outrageous like all these things are happening in your passing laws that will essentially harm those folks who are who are in need of those protections
And speaking of that, it is just also talking about like the whole hearted disregard towards people who give birth and also those babies when talking about like the formula shortage, for example. And there's so many people who were like,
just complaining on the internet about like, why can't women just breastfeed instead or whatever the fuck without without like just understanding all of the complications of like, how breastfeeding can be painful how babies can be allergic to milk, right? Um,
how it can how it can also just not be actually breastfeeding is yeah just like it's a lot you need all of these materials you need the time like it's just a whole lot and it's not always like the most um conducive thing for the person who's given birth and for the child
But people don't give a fuck. It's just so unironically funny that both of those things are happening at the same time. Because it's just like, what the fuck do you want people to do? I don't know. I feel like my question for Summer Walker,
is after you made that comment about the baby food. Oh, the baby food? What the hell? How are those couple of fruits? Oh my god. How are those couple of fruits in that apple and that orange or whatever? Oh my god. Coconut milk. How is that true? I was really like, where are you going with it?
You know, it's a formula shortage. I guess they want us to go on the summer walker plan because I guess. I'm curious, right? And I mean, I also have, I have friends who have babies, like newborn babies that are three, you know, a month old, two months old, who are like, I've stocked up on formula, but like, I will run out at some point and I am right.
And there were also people who chose to not breastfeed, right? Who were like, I don't want to breastfeed. It's painful. You know, someone is like their third or second child. You know, they were like, I don't want to breastfeed. Like, that shit sucked the first time. And Formula was just fine. Formula was just fine. You know, I take it. She was that girl. And that's the thing, a bunch of us is Formula Baby. To be honest. It's just like, look, and I actually remember this. You know, I was asked a bunch of folks who have had kids because
I know so many people are like, Ooh, I want to breastfeed now, but I also have to be mindful of like, generationally, we have not all been birthed in these same ways. My grandmother wasn't even born in a hospital. We're born in a hospital. Some people were breastfed and then some people weren't. Some people have formed. Like it all looks different, but it's like at the end of the day, we're all still here. We're all existing. Like that's not the thing that's going to be the determining factor to be like, this is what's really going to
like set them up like you you want to feel like like you're creating this amazing foundation that's really gonna set them up but like you actually don't know and i've seen a lot of different things happen with so many different folks when they have a kid it's also like the time when you're thinking about it that sometimes you have the energy to want to breastfeed
And other times you're literally exhausting. And sometimes it's like, girl, no. You want to shake that body. Hit that body together. Tell the daddy to do it. I'm like, girl, actually not. And the things that people don't consider is also the urgency of a child needing to be fed on the regular days. And be attached to you. There's also a thing, there's also sensory things of just
This being that was already sucking your nutrients out of your body, the trauma that there is of giving birth and then that being still having to be attached to you in some, like, girl.
Oh my gosh, I had one of my friends had shared her birth story with me a couple of weeks or so ago. And the fact that Mama, I don't know how she, I won't say she's not traumatized, but I will say the way she talked about it was that she felt like she was fine, but I was traumatized for my homegirl. And was like, what happened? And who didn't do what? And I'm listening to the story like, what the fuck is happening? But like,
For her, she was like, well, I'm also required to take care of the child. So yes, these things happen also. I have to keep doing it because I'm still raising another child. I'm raising a baby now. It's a lot of shit happening. I got to keep pushing through. And I was like, but are you OK? And I'm thinking to like, yeah, the country's not giving.
Yeah. Oh, it's not. It's definitely a lot. It's definitely a dumpster fire. From politics, to music, to personalities. All of this happened while I was in Costa Rica. And I remember sitting there and just staring up into the ceiling of the room that I was in and was just like,
Do I have to go back and engage with this? I don't. I really do not have to go back and engage with this. And I came back and so much was rushing my way and I'm like, oh no, disengage. Do not disturb. I can't.
It's funny too how often I have been done, I have a whole passport and so I've had a passport since 2018. My passport is fire. I still have not, please, I still have not left the country yet, but when I have traveled to other places or whatever, and I cut my phone off and disengaged completely, it is so weird to come back and realize that life was happening around me and I had no feeling about it. So much was happening. This was the first time I ever been out of the country and I was in the jungle.
And there's no Wi-Fi. We will only have Wi-Fi when we're at the house. So at night or if there's ever a moment where we're stopping at the house, that's when we have Wi-Fi. But I was so disengaged from the world, being at the beach, doing all these things that I wasn't working. I was just like, this is my life. I love it here. And the fact that I would walk back into the house and my Wi-Fi would connect and my phone would start wild and I'm like,
I could actually leave the phone here. To be honest. Honestly, Jay. I've been off work since the 28th of April. I go back tomorrow and not being attached to my phone, just having it. Bria has called me or texted me and I have responded to her from my laptop while watching Netflix.
I have not. This phone has or like my friends would call me and like FaceTime me and that would answer them from my from my laptop while I'm watching Hulu or whatever, like why I'm eating snacks. Like I was never access to my phone. And at this point, the notifications and stuff, I just cut them back on. You can't see it, but like I just cut them back on.
notification of being off is one of my favorite things. One of my favorite things I ever discovered was that bedtime thing where like at a certain time to a certain time. You know what's funny you like some like the people I know who use that will notify people when theirs is on. I don't.
Oh no, I don't tell anyone. I notified two people and the two people I notified were the two people that were the reason why I put it on because they kept calling me at 1am, 2am just to be like, hey girl, what you doing? And I'm like, I have to be up to go to New York at 6am. Do you really need to call me? And they kept doing it.
So I was like, I'm putting my phone on Do Not Disturb during the night. If you need me, call me before 11 p.m. If there's anything after that, I'm not talking until 8 a.m. Oh, wow. My birthmark has definitely moved on this arm, didn't it? It's market. Definitely. So the last one, more serious topic, but I was
Welcome to America, where I thought I was going to talk about one mass shooting today. But while we were recording, two more happened. So... Two more happened? Literally while we've been talking within the past. Where? Why is this not showing up for me? Don't know. Um, so... You know what is showing up for me? Therapy for Black girls. It's the only thing I see on my face. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Um, so first, uh, we know that there was, uh, the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, where this 18- Girl, the sound. Where the 18-year-old, um, white man went to a Buffalo supermarket, um, in a Black community targeting Black people, um, wrote a manifesto, and he streamed on Twitch, um,
with a gun shooting up the supermarket where he killed 10 people and wounded three others. I forgot the term. It's some white supremacist ideology that the
this dude was giving and like spouting he made like a 180 page port uh manifesto talking about what he was planning to do replacement theory okay um so yeah he talks about the replacement theory i guess talks about like the dwindling size of the white population and claims white people are being replaced by non-whites in a white genocide
Just sticking up the framing of that language is giving y'all have too much time with y'all to be so concerned about just now. Part of the issue is like people like this will learn about that like theories and stuff so like that is like a talking point for some Fox News host named Tucker Carlson who will talk about stuff like that.
And he said, I think he also said he learned about allegedly like this theory and this white genocide through like four Chan memes and whatever and like whatever the fuck. So yeah, so this was the thing that happened. And for the past, this happened, what, yesterday? Was time? Sad? Yes, yesterday. This happened yesterday. So literally one day later,
I don't have as many details about the two that literally happened within this past hour or so, but I saw that, and I don't know if these others were targeted in black spaces, but apparently a gunman went to a church in Orange County, Southern California,
a church named the Laguna Woods Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods and at least one person was killed and four were wounded. And then also at a flea market in Houston this afternoon, two people were shot and three were wounded. So yeah, to that I just feel like
I really don't know why the girls are very much, why the girls in office are obsessed with my coochie when you have people running around doing goofy shit. Like girl, we don't have the time. I don't understand why they're investing, like they're investing so much time and resources into like making sure that
women and queer folk don't have rights that children are being put in absolutely terrible conditions, that fucking niggas can't get fucking any pandemic assistance and can't find jobs, that they put police in all of these neighborhoods and in all of the fucking subway turnstiles and allocate more money towards that or Ukraine or whatever the fuck else. But y'all can't stop
these niggas from having access to guns before they go shooting people up who are minding their business, I don't know. But yeah, so I don't really have a whole lot of energy for the rest of that, but. That would be too much like right, so no. Right, I also just think about how the white psyche is not policed, like just how white people think and function is not policed.
A black person's thought pattern will be policed and researched. Like, yeah, not even the action, not even anything, but like even the thought pattern. Like I know plenty of white people I went to school with that I heard them talk and I'm like, they're going to be a murderer. They're definitely giving murder arrives. Like they're definitely giving that we could all die tomorrow at the expense of them.
I can see that from miles away because I will see this one. I see multiple white people arguing with the black teachers and always challenging them, talking about, you don't know what you're talking about. I'm like, I see that anger boiling up and I see them coming back after lunch with a gun. I see it in their face. Nobody's gonna, okay. Well, here we go, kind of twiddling our thumbs, but it's also just like this.
I just oftentimes think about how this psyche is so free. I mean, of course. Because it's free to do what it does. But white supremacy allows for that, right? Yeah, of course. You don't police what you believe to be wrong. As to being superior. Right. So if you believe that white folks and whiteness is to be upheld, that means the rest of us are just literally at the bottom of the totem pole trying to figure out what the fuck to do, right? And how do I exist? How to survive, right?
I feel like there is a point for me when, but I remember like hearing about shootings and stuff and like hearing about black folks dying and feeling numb, like not feeling anything. And I think that this is the first time in like, I would say years where I've actually felt some type of something, maybe not paying the disappointment.
or fear around what happens to us. It's just that we don't. I think it's more, for me, it's like frustration of we don't have to be living like this. We just literally don't have to do this. A country with all of the access and the resources and whatever, and we just don't have to do this. Yeah, we choose to.
Yeah. And not even we, because I don't think all of us as a society, we all don't. That's the worst part, right? We don't even have the opportunity to choose. Right. There are people making decisions for us in which, if it was my choice, we wouldn't be here. But I'm not the person making the choices. And yeah, a bitch voted and blah, blah, blah. But look where we are now. Girl. And the vote blew, no matter who girlies. I'm tired. Right.
Please, please, please, please. It's not great. Yeah, that's what I haven't felt. I don't think I really felt like some intense reaction to like hearing about a shooting of Black folks in a very long time, especially because I feel like
The way that people treat the death of Black folks is like the death and the watching of the death of Black bodies and the killing of Black bodies and the discarding of Black bodies. It feels very much like it's a TV show for some people.
Like watching us suffer, watching us be in pain, watching the harm that we experience in our everyday lives for some people. It's a fucking TV show. And I'm tired. This TV show that they love and always want a new season to be renewed because it is for their entertainment.
What would they know to replace it with, except for the constant feeling of the enjoyment of trauma and harm being caused to a collective of beings? And then I'd be thinking about the dumbasses who make stupid ass shows. Like, what was the show that came out with Lena Waithe, the one that she did on Amazon?
Oh my god. What's it called? Them? Them. I don't know what they're talking about. We talked about this in our Black Lives Matter. We dragged it on another episode. We did. But like, to think that like, so you watch what happens to all these Black folks, and then you make a show like that where like, the ending doesn't just, like the means doesn't justify the end. And you make a show where also like our ancestors are experiencing this, or Queen and Slim. Queen and Slim was the one that really had me up in arms because I had so many conversations with people that I was looking at them like,
What is happening up there? Because I understand what has been programmed and what has been projected and put and sent to as a message. But I also understand, is dissonance the literary person?
the space in between what has been forced to you as a reality and what you uphold as your own reality. And my upholding of it is that Queen and Slim clearly did not have to die. There are human beings who exist in any type of like any type of beings of the world that they do not have to die.
when they're going through an experience like Queen of Slim. And then people were just like, well, that's the reality of Blackness. That we are always going to get gunned down. So we always have to be murdered. That we're always going to die. And you also have to think about it going to a movie theater. This is not we're watching it maybe on our phones or our computer. It might be on Netflix. It might be on Hulu. We're watching this in huge theaters all together at the same time.
We're watching Black people be murdered, to which we've already created some type of fictional relationship with them for the last two hours. And then at the very end, instead of anything else happening to them, like getting on the plane and actually being able to leave, they die. I had a lot of people. I did not watch Queen Nislim.
I definitely did it. I was overly in the way of shit before this even came, before that even came out. So I was good. And I also remember thinking it was a love story. It was supposed to be, I think it was marketed as one. It was. It was marketed as some like, it was marketed as like Bonnie, some like black Bonnie and Clyde. Yeah, they were trying to do it. They didn't even know each other before this happened. And I was like, yeah, no.
I'm not watching that. And so I never saw it. I read the reviews. Some of the niggas gave it, you know, five stars up. I mean, five thumbs up or whatever. And I was like, yeah, the ones that I read were the ones who gave a little bit more nuance to their critiques.
Um but yeah I see all of that just saying that like I just I can't like I can't and I'm gonna say this too right like I'm also tired of living in a world where I don't have representation to see the happiness or the joy but I have all the representation for the pain right so like like I had been like I want to see a black queer love story.
And I had a friend of mine be like, oh, it's coming one day. And I was like, why can't I watch that shit right now? It's already here. The writers are here. The lived experience is already here. I'm like, so I got to be OK with watching us be slaves, watching us be enslaved, watching us be in relationships to violence and watch people perpetrate violence against our bodies and be OK with it, whether it's documentaries or it's regular movies or it's sometimes cartoons.
But I can't find joy or things that are joyous to me as a Black person because it doesn't, like, y'all, it exists, but it is very hard. Yeah. Like, I watched Random Acts of Flyness because I forgot that it fucking existed on HBO. I really wish there was some more shit. I was just like... I don't know why we didn't get more of that. Why? And I remember if they were saying... I think they were getting more grant funding. And then that's where we were waiting for. No, because originally they had been relight for season two.
Okay. I don't know what happened. Wow. Yeah, I have no idea. I just know that I really need some very regular, I just want a regular feeling, warm day-to-day queer love story. Well, I'm trying to. Not trying. You're drinking some lemonade. Not trying, you're already doing it, but you know, I'm not saying that we got to rush you. I'm just saying. I'm just. The things that, you know, happening, but I just don't want, I literally

Desire for Positive Narratives and Wisdom for Future Generations

I want an entire narrative that literally does not acknowledge the trauma at all. I can talk more about the experience of being Black and queer and trying to publish books at another time, but I do know, yeah, because we were just talking about, maybe we'll talk about this on the podcast later, but we were talking about watching shows like Heartstopper, that's on Netflix,
you know, watching watching like these shows that you know, again, like they're not so much about like the trauma of whatever we're like, white teens and white queer teens can have these experiences. But where are those shows for black teens and black queer teens? And it's not because people are not making them like, there are plenty of people that are out there and they're trying to do a thing and they're just not being put in a place where they can
um where they can thrive and you know um but yeah um that was it for all of the amounts of hot tops we stayed here much longer than i thought we would but um to wrap it up uh i want to close with some positivity right um thinking of a question thinking of a thought thinking of an offering um
Okay, all right. Just going into my teacher bag, I guess. If you were to, if you wanted to tell something to a descendant of yours, what would you say? Generations into the future. To give, you know, to give some hope, okay? To inspire.
I feel like I have a bullet point amount of things in my mind. So instead of trying to narrow it down and being silent, I'm just gonna maybe leave it to like three bullet points or something. Okay. One is to enjoy the experience of life. Another thing is that all things that you currently need in this moment of your life are
already accessible to you. You don't have to reach further than yourself. Another thing that I can, another thing I'm gonna say to my descendant is I don't know what color the book is gonna be and I'm not gonna, I'm just gonna pick a random color now and make sure that it's not that color. But I'm gonna say like, for example, there's a
Um, cause it's going to be, it's going to be the book of like, um, kind of like, like in those movies where they have a book of all the family secrets that somebody has forever. So whatever color, cause I don't want to put it the color out there and actually do like that color. So I'm going to say, um, look for this color book in this particular spot and it'll have all things that I've ever
that you need. So we'll have the pages of how to DJ or have all the recipes. Can you pass it over to me because I feel like you give me a DJ instruction. You give me a DJ instruction. I feel like every six months and then I'm like, I forgot everything that you told me.
I need you to write it down. No, but that's really what I'm working on. I need a video. I was talking to somebody about it, and they were like, oh, incestually, that's called the Book of the Dead. And she was saying, like, you writing your book right now for your descendants is an incestual, like, ritualistic kind of practice to be like an incest and training. So even though I just gave those two, like, sentences that I would say, the reason why I don't have so much to say is that I'm already going to write the book.
everything I want to say to them. I'm just going to say go to the bookshelf and look for this color and everything you need is going to be. I had a couple of things too. One of them was like to question everything.
Um, because I, from a young age, was told not to question things. Right. Um, well, I was told to question things, but I was told to question the things within the box. When I got outside of that box, my questions became inappropriate and ridiculous and problematic, and they became in, like, I didn't have the answer to become an intercessant, until we got to internet. And then I was, internet popped up, and I was like, well, bitch, I booed myself. You don't have to tell me. So, like, I would say question everything. Um, I would say to, um,
That's one. I think two is to deal with your shit as soon as possible. And I say that as a person who is, again, literally in therapy, still going and dealing with the shit that happened to me, like the trauma condition, the things that my parents did, the things that people have done to me in general and having to work through it. Like, don't wait until you're fucking 30. Do it now.
And maybe not now as in 10, but now as in 18, 19, 20. Start now. Don't wait until things are bad or until you're in the space where you feel like shit is on the rocks. Start now. Because a lot of this unpacking, a lot of this shit will take time.
Right. And some of this learning and stuff happens over your lifetime. So you'll never ever really be done, I think, on learning certain things. But I do think it's good to get a jump on it or to start it early so that when you are in your mid to late 20s, you're not getting smacked in the face with all of these new realities and these new things that you didn't know about. And my third thing will probably be to make sure you honor your ancestors and keep your altar.
together. I think that as a person who does not do it, and I think that that has come back to bite me because things have been happening a lot like very recently, like the way I'm not gonna hold y'all. Mercury and lemonade girl. Mercury and micro braids. Micro braids, lemonade, moony day, whatever you want to say girl, all the things.
I like I was like as a person who watched my grad school experience like start like like imagine I'm out of grad school yet can't speak to the experience like what's gonna be like get like being in there but getting to grad school like this all I applied back in like November October November um and like
From the day I found out that I got into grad school until now, things have just fallen into place. I got an acceptance. I ended up finding out that I needed to move, so I talked to my landlord. I got my whole deposit checked, my whole butt screen deposit back. He was really helpful in finding someone else to take my lease over before I was supposed to leave, so I'm about to pay him again. So shout out to my landlord, Lonnie.
But like also like even down to like the like the funding like when I first found out I got into grad school like a couple weeks later I learned they didn't have like any like immediate funding for me but they found funding for me to go so like everything has been falling into place and my peoples was like yeah girl that's just your work I'm like it's my work but I'm also pretty sure it's definitely my answer she's being like girl take your ass tell because I know like mind you I've wanted to live in Atlanta since I was 18
I am 29. That is 11 years of trying to move to that state, and nothing ever worked. I've spent a month here looking for a job and still couldn't get hired. I was, what the fuck? And like four or five years after that, now I'm on my way to Atlanta just for grad school. And I look at this setup, and I'm like, I know it's really hard sometimes to connect with your ancestors. I know it's very hard sometimes to honor and find space
for your feelings around the fact that the responses you want don't come how you want them to. They don't come the way you need them to come. But if you pay attention, they're there. And I am running that now as a person who was on the outskirts, who was on the outs of my ancestors. But I'm still watching the things move. Now, I don't even have to them, but they're like, girl, we're not mad at you. We can maybe get your shit together. And it's fair. That is fair. But I'm coming along. I'm chugging along. But I say all that in the States to my, do not let this practice die.
Because from what I know, I'm the only person in my family on my mother's side. And probably my father's side, too. I would arguably say that, like, does ancestral veneration and worship. So, like, do not lose this. Continue it. Make it into your own. And keep your altar right and tight. Because, bitch, I want Arizona green teas and skittles. And I expect it on the altar when it's my time.
All right. I was just talking to somebody about how I want an abundance of food because my grandma said I feed the arty too much and I'd be giving them too much food. I'm like, but that's what I want. That's a good question of like, what would I want? I want lemon heads. I want California rolls. I want fried chicken.
I want full meals, like seven part meals. I want soul food, Sunday meals, all the time. Don't go to a cookout. No, the thing is... Okay, the only reason why I say all the time is because if you have access to it, I want it all the time. Like at one point, I ain't have no access to any of those things. But at this point right now, in this current stage in my life, I still have Iremรฉ, my grandmother, to which when my grandmother makes big meals, all I have
to do is go to her house, get an extra plate and bring it to the altar. And that's, that's what I'm saying when I'm saying like all the time that I'm just like, look, if you have access to these cookouts and these little places that you're going with your little, I'm not saying when you go out with your friends for brunch, you got to bring me something back.
Bring me back a mimosa. But if you're going to a cookout and you're going to these places with an abundance of food and you know I would like that food because it's home cooked food and you come back and you have two plates that you put in the fridge and you don't bring me anything.
I'm sorry, but I'm putting an invisible little thing out, and you going trip over air. It's going to be me. I will also say, I now also cook for holidays. And shout out to my grandmother, Tilly. Rest her soul. But I made cheesecakes. I made a cheesecake last year and a 7-Up cake last year. And I didn't have an altar, because I was, again, I told y'all, we're married. We're not attached.
i remember thinking like i should have put something i don't have an altar but i should have put something somewhere in the windowsill something bitch because i feel like because i had made the turkey i had made the macaroni and cheese i had made the both the desserts and i was like i didn't put nothing on the altar i'm getting dragged for a feel as we speak
Because they smell the food. They see me cooking the meal. And they're like, so good. How many see you getting it all around you? And they see other people enjoying it. And they see you talking about how you just cooked it. And not just that. I also, the girls had liquor. The girls had wine. The girls were like, so where's my situation? So where's mine? So where's my taste? And where's my jambine? Like, where's my whiskey? And I'm like, what's the word? Where is the something? So yeah, no. I think those are my three things. And I definitely feel like that third thing and that first thing to me are probably the most important. Where? Where?
Um, I really didn't prepare to do that, but I don't know. I just was trying to be like, all right, that's all right. That's the facilitator that I am because I'm like, I'm going to think of a really long question and I'm not going to. All right. Um, cause I'm like, yeah, done my job. Yeah. Um, yeah, I guess I would say, um, just the things that are coming to mind.
Um, you know, the things that you need, I definitely believe are within you. Um, and it's really about accessing those things. Um, there might be people in your life or whatever the state of the world is that may try to turn you against yourself. You try to turn you against those things. Um, but definitely always believe that you have that.
I would also say, yeah, just thinking about the future is funny because I write in speculative things. But maybe I would say whatever I, because I'm thinking about Octavia Butler and a lot of the things that
She wrote decades ago in the 70s, 80s, 90s that is still, you know, calling into question the things that are happening in our world today. And I would like to hope and believe that I will become a writer of that sort and I want for my... I'm really ignoring y'all.
I want to believe that I will leave behind something that can prove as a guide of what to do and what not to do and how to move in this world into how to question the things in this world. And so don't, you know, like, don't be afraid to learn and study from those things, the mistakes that are being made.
in my life, in the world, around me right now, because I'll be writing about those things. And per like... yeah, I don't know if I have anything else besides... yeah, just... yeah, continue to move in the world in the way that...
You know, I'm just thinking back on legacy, actually, which is so funny. Full circle back to that moment.
But, yeah, just move and live. I, again, am hoping to move in the world in a way that will not make y'all embarrassed, first of all. Definitely hoping. I'm not going to have y'all out here looking stupid.
And I definitely would advise y'all in the same to move in the world in a way and leave behind, you know, the world in a way that you will be proud to say that you've done so. Yeah. And I think that's it. I love this for us. I think I'm gonna cry and journal about this. Oh, that's great. I'm glad we ended it in a good place. Now this episode is
Oh my God, it's almost three hours and I feel like no one's gonna listen to this whole thing. We say this every single day. We say it's gonna be, me and Tyra were like, oh, it's gonna be 45 to 50 minutes. That's it. It's just hot topics. We're not talking about anything else.
Right. The gag. The gag. But let's wrap it up. Let's go. I'm done. So, anything else as we close out? Anything for the people? Tyrell? Anything to say to let them know?
No, I mean, we're back. Now, I'm not gonna hold y'all. There may be another very short one. I don't know when this... I don't know when this next episode is coming out, but... No, I told Erin it'll be this week. But, um... But I will say that, like, there will be another hiatus coming up because I am moving to Atlanta.
uh and so and i'll be in your suitcase i want to not be in your suitcase in the atlanta airport and here's the gag because you know that i'm not flying there i'm driving there oh yeah so i'm gonna be sending your passengers the dance in the whole time
Standing up in the front seat, throwing my booty back. This is so much. Right in your face, right in your drive. That was me in the drive down to Virginia. What? Just being in the passenger on the footer. That was two weeks. It's been like two weeks and some days. Wow. What is time? I don't know. Right. Y'all went on the road trip two weeks ago and that was the day?
Look, you don't know when people don't tell you things, huh? Right. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? I went to Virginia for a very brief visit. Can we have like a? I went to go see my mom. That was it.
Right. And my dog. But she had no idea that there would be another hiatus sometime in June. Prepare for it because I will be moving again. I'm gonna be working somewhere else, so that's gonna be it. To be honest, right, he will be working. We'll figure it out after we get off air. We'll let y'all know. But yeah, this episode will be on this week, and I have nothing else to say but really just mind your businesses and drink your water. And hold each other close. If you are black and you watch this, I just feel like, you know,
go talk to some niggas go fuck these are the niggas because i'm down for my right go follow go pop pussy for 99 to 2000 go get a cocktail somewhere with your home girls i mean well i had a cosmo for the first time ever y'all should try that oh you're late
Um, excuse me, this is a sign-off, which means it's supposed to be genuine, fluid, smooth sounding and not drag-ish and hair-ation and holler-ation. If there were you, but there wasn't, I would just say no. I was on time. Thank y'all for listening. Um, it was great. I had fun. Um, yeah. And that's it.
MC Deborah, girl. MC Deborah. Know your black icons. Know your black icons. That's it. MC Deborah. MC Deborah. You should know your black icons. You know what? And all that know, and this is it. We'll see y'all next time. We'll see y'all in a few weeks. Bye. Bye. Bye.