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9 Plays2 years ago

Christmas? New Years? Habari gani? What's the hype? The queers discuss holidays!

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Chaotic Beginnings and Introductions

Why, what just, okay, well. I'm sorry, it's just funny. I'm sorry. You weren't so close. You were. So I was, I. You know what? I just find it funny that. I just find it funny how.
This time, we weren't even close. I had hope. We were mid argument and chaos. We were. So I don't know what it is. It was conversation and banter. It was giving banter. It was. Honestly, what you said was some bullshit, because that's not even accurate. What I said was some bullshit? Yes.
Why did I say, hey, can we start the episode actually starting it? And y'all were like, let's start it with violence. And I said, how about we not start it with violence? And then we started the episode, and you didn't have to come out with weapons and violence. I have no problem with it starting with violence. OK. OK, so what did I say that was untrue? First, you know what? I'm a good person. Hey, y'all. I'm Leah.
You had me cussed out, too. Hey, Maddie. Hey, everyone's getting cussed out today. How y'all doing? So I'm going to start with Shelly, and then I'm going to move to Bria after I'm done with Shelly. What can I do? I'm introducing myself to the audience. Are you? I'm starting the episode. Are you trying to know you're being messy? I'm not being messy. I don't know what's going on. You never know what's going on, do you? Hey, y'all, I'm Bria. You know what? Hey, I'm Shelly, and we're the Chavez.
You don't have to worry about me. I am my way out. Oh man. But if you're going to have a show this podcast. You could be a show this too if you want to.
I'm going to ignore that. No, because you could be a chalice to it. Let's do it. I mean, you know. And I know. You know what your entry point is? Anybody else? Yeah, I make, no, I, y'all, I, y'all, I. Period. Y'all, I. Whatever. It's going to be Hateration and Holleration. And the dance-a-ree every time. You absolutely write every night, every night. I don't know. I like it. I need some Mary Boots, actually. Wow, it's been two minutes. Yeah, we're doing great. Hey, y'all.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, before we start the episode, I have made a comment,

Listener Feedback and Podcast Popularity

right? Y'all want to sponsor us? We'll give you a shout out. Okay, great. Hit us up at the busy next time on Instagram or something. Yeah, that'd be fine. Okay.
All right. Well, I made a comment last week, the last episode that last week, that was like three weeks ago. Sorry. I made a comment over the last episode that nobody listened to the podcast. We got like 10 listeners and some people felt the type of way. And I got messages from quite a few people and my personal
life, but also I guess people who who listen who were like, they want a shout out for being one of our 10 listeners. We can shout them out. Most of them are my friends. So I'm gonna say, you know, thanks to the listeners. I mean, Valerie is the person that listens. Hey, Valerie, it probably doesn't change. There's only 10 people. No, it doesn't. No, we're getting more.
Okay, well, are you bringing some with you? Do this one more time. Like, it's fine. It's fine because one thing one thing that y'all are gonna
definitely be able to do is definitely not worry about me because absolutely not. Not when I post it and not when people be responding to my story. Like I'm not holding their hand to make it there, but I'm giving some interaction while he's doing an amazing job. And we're going to share this, this special episode. What's this episode about y'all?
I didn't know you were actually going to do it. Okay. Well, you know what? I won't. No, I really did. I didn't know you were actually going to do it. If you reached out to me and said, you listen, thank you very much. People sent me like screenshots. It was like,
They were like, excuse me. Right. I will. All of you know. Also, fun fact, you know how Spotify is a Spotify rap thing? Yeah. Apparently, we made it to four people's number one podcast. Top podcast. Top podcast. OK.
I said, I said, well, I said, well, I said, well, who are these people? Who the fuck are you? Y'all want a gift basket? Like, who are these? I know who one of them is because one of them told me that they only had Spotify to listen to the podcast. Wow. That's dedication. But I don't know who the other three are. And I feel like one of them was probably me because I listened to it every single time. Yes.
Wait, what I think? No, I wouldn't. I don't think I don't. I feel I think the read was in it was like the read into other things. Yours. Yeah. Wow. Not even that. It's more frequent. I'm sorry. It's probably the frequency in life that our fault. I'm not saying it is. I'm just saying like,
The process that come out more often is probably the ones that I listen to more. I also feel like we have talked about doing this every two weeks and nobody can commit. We don't have to do that. I don't think it's a bad idea to commit, but I just was like, the girls are unable. I am usually able. You just don't want to. No, I don't have a problem. Yeah, Shelly, what's your... Oh, wait, Shelly.

Balancing Podcasting and Life

is it because you're busy and traveling? Is that why you can't commit? Is that what it is for you? I do not have a lack of commitment. I do not have commitment issues. Is it communication? What is it? It is giving, like, sometimes we do too, and then sometimes we don't. And I'd be available when we do this, but as of right now,
around my birthday. Y'all were gonna get the next episode at the end of January. Our birthday for Capricorn season, my availability is not giving to other people at this moment in time and life. So it's giving, I love y'all so much, but we'll be signing off for Capricorn season. So capacity will resume after that for all other seasons.
I was thinking, too, because I was like, OK, we said we were going to do two episodes

Holiday Hype: What's Worth the Excitement?

this month. We've only done one. And the first one we've done is literally on the 11th. I was like, are we going to be able to squeeze another one in? And it's what we have to do tomorrow, because let's do that. Capricorn's thesis, two out of three of the episodes. The host of Capricorn is giving grace. It would have to be before, like,
Okay, we'll have our strategy meeting afterwards anyway. So the topic is holiday hype because I have been looking at a lot of things and I'm like,
I have so many opinions and views on what people are getting hyped about during this time. Something's amazing. So great. I love it. I'm here for other things. I'm like, please sit down. So first I'm going to start with a this or that, just to see how y'all feel about things.
Yes, it's giving the facilitator came out and I said, let's do an icebreaker. Okay. Because our ice is giving, I see. You know, Tyro was trying to- Look at this list yourself. Tyro was trying to say that you weren't prepared. Yeah, right. It's fine. It's fine. Whatever. It's giving notes right here and it's fine because it's also giving itinerary. All right, let's say that. Wanting to attend an ugly sweater party or a pajama theme party?
Hmm. I do love a nice, wet tour, but I personally would prefer to be in my pajamas and be comfortable. That's my choice. I'm out of answering. Let's move on.
No. How are you not going to answer it? Oh, you just wanted to, y'all. Okay, Tyrell is wearing a sweater right now, so maybe two of them. I am. Hold on, ugly sweater. It's ugly sweater. It's not an ugly sweater. It's not ugly, but I'm saying you're wearing a sweater.
No They're just wearing a sweater with the episode period it's been nice. We'll talk to you on like in a couple weeks. Bye Anyway, I would go with the but shot with wait. Do you have an answer? Are you okay? Okay. Oh my god. Okay. Yeah, I wouldn't do either. I
Is that an option? Sure. What if you were invited by people you love and both of them would? I would. I cannot promise you that I would show up to that. But what is your reasoning? So I'm not like a big. What's your reason?
I'm not a big ugly sweater, ugly pajama kind of girl, but that's just not my big pajama. Oh, it doesn't have to be ugly. The pajamas don't have to be ugly. The pajamas is just pajamas. Oh, but then I don't own anything in that alley, in that lane. You don't have cute pajama sets.
Oh, no, you're supposed to wait. Okay, I heard ugly pajama or like ugly sweater. It's ugly sweater, specifically. Or pajamas or pajamas. Okay, I misheard. So I would say pajama, and I have very cute pajamas. And shout out to Fenty, even though we're not with your shit right now, Rihanna. Shout out to Fenty because I have very cute pieces from her, so I could do a pajama situation. Okay. No.
No. I would go with, it's funny, you know, it's more like potato tomato. I'm like, y'all say pajamas, I say pajama. I'll go with the pajama beans. And I really have wanted to get one of those like corny ones from my Target, but like every time I go during this time, it's like nonetheless. But I want to match with like other people and it'd be like really corny. It's giving family photo. Yes, I want to do that one time, but I also want to give the girls soap.
Like I want to give spice and I would do pajama. Okay. Hot cocoa or eggnog?

Holiday Preferences: Drinks and Activities

I actually, I'm going I enjoy a nice cocoa, but I think I'm gonna say nog. I had I voted for both every time. No, I have to preface it by saying I don't dislike this other thing. But the other thing is not offended. It's an inadequate object. I just it's the cancer. Um, but I bought a really good oat milk nog.
It's so good. It was bussing. Also fun fact, did y'all know that like, it like a lot of like, like genetically black people oftentimes become lactose intolerant, especially like we're just like preach those become lactose intolerant, especially as it relates to like milk in the US, like maybe you don't have an issue with like milk and other dairy products in like
other countries, like you go to Africa, maybe you would be good, but like.
I think after a certain amount of time, we lose the ability to digest lactose in the way that we experience it in the US. Fun factoid. Not a fun factoid, because I really like cheese and dairy. I mean, mac and cheese has a grip on it. Mac and cheese is really... I'm going to eat it forever. If my stomach hurts real, then it's whatever. But oat milk nog is really good. It's so good. So that is my answer. Yes.
Um, I also am going to, um, Hmm. Am I? I'm actually going to do a hot cocoa, but I'm going to do like the more elevated one and not the Swiss whoever with that blue box. Okay. Okay. Yeah, not Swiss miss, but like the ones that come in like that canister and you do a little scoop.
with some dark chocolate, like some real, like, actual dark chocolate powder, some larger marshmallows that are not the janky ones that come in the switch. In the second, like real ones that are happening. And just like a hot cocoa bar of like different things you could put in there. I like also for my spirit to feel a little warm. So that's my answer.
period. I'm going nog. Nagiana. And I say that because I don't like chocolate.
I think a lot. But dark chocolate doesn't. I do. I used to hate dark chocolate. And I think growing up is realizing that dark chocolate isn't nasty. It was your palate. It was your palate. It was. It was. It was immature.
It's because we have Reese's. I don't like chocolate peanut butter combinations that much. Which is funny because I don't. It's too much to me. Here's the gag. I just told it to somebody else. I don't like chocolate and I do not like peanut butter. But for some odd reason, Reese's cups seem to work for me. Oh, yeah, Reese's. I don't mind those things individually, but I actually don't really like them together. It's too much. And I'm an eggnog girl. Also, give me the liquor in the eggnog, please. And thank you. Yes. I don't usually feel like I want
But it depends. It depends on who makes it. I'm going to spikey spike. Yeah, I want it all. I want the drugs. I want it all. Okay, question for y'all. What do you think is the most oversold and under-delivered part of the holidays?
So what do you mean? Like something that's hyped up, but not actually that great? Yes. Thank you for the translation. Okay. I needed clarification. I just needed a fair amount. I don't know. I mean, I don't know. Because I'm like, are these things that my family does? Or it's just things that I see other people do that I'm like, that's probably not that funny.
Um, my first, my first response was like Christmas caroling. Um, my family does not do that. I feel like that personally would not be fun to me. Um, singing at strangers houses at night in the cold. Um, but I don't know. I'm trying to come back to me.
I think. Okay. Will do. You know, yeah, we definitely do not. Knocking. Hello. It's like Trick or Treat, but like in reverse. I don't know. I don't know. You're giving the treats. I don't know.
I don't know. It's too cold in Jersey and New York to be doing shit. And we're not friendly. We don't. Right. Don't open the door. I can't believe you made me come to the door. Right. Over this. Over this. Get out of my face. And I heard you two doors down. I already heard you. Look, two doors down. I was praying that something happened to you. That you wouldn't come. You wouldn't be in my door. Right. Just stand in the middle of the block with a microphone and then leave this block. Oh, come all ye faithful. Hey.
And in the middle of the street, just give us a performance right there, and that's fine. And even then, I'm gonna be like, okay, you couldn't do this any other time, like, never? Because who the fuck wants to hear this? Oh, I have another. I have another. Well, this is not Christmas-ish. I don't know if it's just Christmas. I was gonna say Black Friday shopping. Oh, yeah, we're doing all holidays because we have... Okay, great. My other one is physical in-person Black Friday shopping.
which many people after Black Friday happened were like these these actual discounts are not actually giving like it's giving like up to 10 or 20 percent off and I was like I'm not getting out of the bid to like for 25 cents yeah like girl get the fuck out of my face so yeah that's my other that's my other answer
Well, that's what mine was. Mine is the sales are not in detailing at all. They're not. They're not. If it's not 75%, everything must go 95% off. Like Spirit Halloween does when they have that group every single time. It's not doing it. Honestly, truly. Yet. I am upset, but it's okay.
I'm upset. Okay, why? Okay, so this is an aside, because it's nothing to do with the topic. But I just got my septum pierced. And I now have a snotty nail.
I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I wanted one. I want to get a septum and the other side of my nose pierced. Oh, that's gonna be very queer. It is. It's like the queer induction. All of my other queer non-binary friends are like, yeah, just the transformation of the nose is what it is.
When I tell y'all I'm so annoyed because, like, I'm trying to blow gently. And it's just not- It's not giving. It's not giving. It's not. And I'm like, also, I'm mad because I got my septum pierced and I got two cartilage piercings. I got another cartilage piercings on both my ears. I thought you already had those. No. What the fuck is happening? I don't know. I thought you already had, like, the bar in your ear. Yes. Yes. Yes. That's true. What is that? What space is there?
It's down here. You're definitely giving somebody's grandma. So where are you putting all this? Right, right. There's no more room. No, I got it. I got it done on Wednesday. And these last couple days have been struggling. Yikes.
This like, because I'm sure it's just a cold, like something like that. Or maybe I'll just go, there's a dog in the house and I'm allergic to dogs. I'm learning. I'm, I think I'm allergic to dogs and there's a dog in your mama's house. Girl. Okay. Also, nevermind. But
But no, I am frustrated because I'm like, OK, so how do I deal with this without dying?

Holiday Challenges and Humor

Whatever. I'm going to probably. I'm about to flip this bitch into my nose and let it heal that way because I cannot, cannot, will not, can't not deal with this any longer.
OK. That's what it's giving. So I feel I'm going to push it up into my nose and let it heal like that because bitch, I can't do nothing else.
And hopefully it'll also help with my movie getting to my actual nose to wipe it properly because the horns, the horns, and I'm like, oh God, is that snot underneath the horn? It's giving another turn. And I can't see, and I can't see because I'm just thinking that if I get up, it's gonna mug up the sound. Okay, yeah. Anyway, to get back to the show, to answer your question,
I was going you said I heard sales and I heard caroling. I was going to say the traditions.
depending on your family dynamic, because like- Be more specific. Yes, please. Okay. Like what traditions? My family- Right, I was like, messy! Messy! I didn't know what I meant to be! We've been messy! I didn't, you know! I was just like, what traditions don't you like? Like, do you not like playing games? Do you not like stalking sufferers? Do you not like- No, okay. So I- Opening gifts on Christmas when we play.
I, so not, okay. So I have done a try, I've mentioned this last year, I have been trying to get my family to do something, some sort of tradition, like together. And I feel like the tradition part for me is overrated now. Like I have no, I have no longer, I'm like, okay, well fine, fuck it.
I'm trying to fly based on this country every Christmas. Just trying to do like a routine thing. Yeah, are they trying to put something together? I feel like because niggas are so extra and difficult, it makes it hard. When my aunties like pass over the like, to our generation, like you have to put together like
The my aunt does this, the like, what is it? Why is it Secret Santa? I always feel like we end up going to a white elephant party. But yes, our family does Secret Santa within ourselves. Yes. And if my aunt doesn't plan it, like we're just not, we're just not gonna do it. So I definitely am just like, I don't know what's gonna happen when it's like when we're the older aunties and like we're supposed to be planning and coordinating stuff.
Um, we also are supposed to be, well, we used to do like new year's day brunch, which is like waning. Really? It was always good. Like new year. I never realized how important new year's day brunch was. It was really great.
My eyes would be so hungry after a long New Year's Eve night of being like drinking everything. Just my sister. My debauchery? Yes, so much. All the way up until, because you know it's New Year's Eve, so all the way up until six, seven a.m., whatever time it was.
And then the New Year's Day brunch was at 1 p.m. I was like, oh, I will be there. And not really one, not really, honestly, 1 p.m., though. But it was like, it was unlimited food for like the whole day. We wouldn't all be together, but the food would be there. So it's like, all day. You come in, you come in, right? You come in as you see that. Whenever you are, you manage to get up and make it. Yeah. And then when your cousins come, you go for a walk and then there's unlimited food when you come back from the walk. Right.
See, I feel like
We didn't do that, but we used to have, so Christmas, it would be, so Christmas would be breakfast quiche, or like a breakfast, and then we would have different, we would open gifts, whatever, and then it would be dinner later on in the day, like around, you know, five, six. We would have like breakfast quiche, and like biscuits, and there'd be like fruits, and coffee, and juices, and stuff, and then like open gifts, of course, that's cute. And then after that, we would have dinner. And now you're feeling for me. But yeah, New Year, even on your own.
If you were out here drinking and being a hood rat, then bitch, that was on you. And you were going to be, yeah, I happen to insist, I happen to insist. I think I'll make the introduction to the year so wholesome because we would be on some real hood rat hood rat shit with our friends. It would be so great.
You just you go home with like, you know, I've heard and also Bria has has has texted me while the debauchery was taking place. So yeah, it's just really the time between us like going to sleep waking up
i just always remember the one year we were just at a random one of your random friend's house the phones have died everyone died we had to wake up at a certain time to like go to your house or like something and we're just like i don't know what time it is we're just we just have to get up and i woke up early and i'm just like
looking, I'm just concerned. Cause I'm like, I don't know how to get Shelly up. Like, I don't know. I don't know what time it is. I don't know how to get over here. Shelly's the one with the keys, like Shelly drove. I'm just like, I don't know what's going on. And we managed to do it. We get in the car and we're like, huh, like, like, like Viking yell. We're like, ah, let's go. And we go and we make it to your moms and we take a nap.
We take a nap because we're like, our family's not really together. Like we know that they don't have it together. Like the plates are not set up, whatever. So we take a nap. And by the time we wake up, we're like, oh, we're hungry. It's time to eat. And that was a great, that was a great experience. Yeah, I'll just never forget the year that I'll wait for you. There was a year where
We went to a telly, okay, a hotel party. And we stayed the night at another hotel room than where the telly was. And I left my keys in the telly, I'm safe. And I went back the next morning because it was time to go to the New Year's Day brunch. And I was like, okay, well, I'm gonna make my way out of here so I can go home, change and go.
get food and I went back to the telly and they were like, they had no idea where my keys were and I'm like, there's a 1000% chance that my keys are here. I did a little investigation and then this one guy was like, oh yeah. I think he described the keys to me and he was like, oh yeah, somebody threw those out the window last night and I said. Out the window? Out the window? What is the reason?
I was so mad. I went downstairs, walked outside, was straight underneath the window where the telly was. My keys were in a bush. Why would anyone do like that? Wait a minute. Also, I'm thinking because not a way, not a lot of hotel rooms. You can open your windows. Where were you? It was like one of those places in Jersey that like
You know, you try to be away from human beings. So it was like one of those places off the highway where it's like just the hotel. It's giving from out of it and it's stressing me out. No, it was like at a holiday end, which was so weird that I was like, what? Like it was a tall one too. We were like on the 11th floor or something.
And they were like, out the window it goes. And I will always remember that was me trying to get to my family's gathering because I will. That is so funny. Oh, man. I don't think I have any New Year's Eve.
Okay, no, overrated. I think you're talking about things being overrated and the girls being out of control. I think the whole New Year's Eve kiss is a fucking scamiana. I'm here to tell you why.
Come on, Scan. So, a couple years ago, I was being a big girl out here in these streets doing the adventure with my friends. There was a white man. So, you know what? Let me be, okay, let me be clear. All righty, this is how we make it here. All righty, this is good. No. You led with the drama. Right, exactly.
I'm not even giving, I'm not even setting the scene. It was me and all these other black queers together. So originally I didn't have no place. I was at home and I was like, I don't, you know, I'ma watch, you know, get some popcorn, maybe have a big glass of wine, like Olivia Pope, and watch the snows, period. And like, that was the plan. So my friend probably was like, yo, what's what you doing? I'm like, nothing. So I come out. I'm like, all right, cool, I'll come out. I put some clothes on. I put some clothes on, get real cute. Meet them at this really cute bar.
And there's all these black and brown people there. There's a couple of whites disperses out. And I don't pay them much because they white. I don't pay them no attention. One of them who was, and I would say this man was very handsome, piece of trash, very handsome, comes around from the bar and sits down for time and says, hey, I'm like, hi, you know, really like very demure, very, very young, very, very, you know, I was giving
And he's like, what's your name? We're describing that there were touches on Tylo's body that were giving legs and hips and body. They have legs and hips and body. Body, body. Let's see them girls. OK. Let's see them girls. No, I was like, OK, this is cute. He was cute. So he asked my name. I gave him my name. We're chit chatting. And 12 o'clock hits.
And I say, fuck it. So I kiss this man. After I kiss this man, he proceeds to tell me that he is the blackest person that he knows. And then he explains to me how his black church lets her wear the kids a cup and light the candles. I was simply.
I said, I said, so is this a punishment for my ancestors? Like, no, you know what, I might know. It couldn't have been them. It couldn't have been them. This behavior couldn't have been them. Because that was wild. I was like, this cannot be their doing. This cannot be their doing.
I and every since then I have in mind you see before that like because usually like I I'm not usually out on New Year's Eve so like I don't usually do the whole like hang out my friends kiss people kind of thing that was the first time that had ever happened to me and it was also the very last fucking time it ever happened to me because what are y'all out here doing?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's better to not. It's overrated. And also, I don't know where your mouth is, but if some of y'all queers be on your second date and they're going to parties and being like, let's make out. Girl! I saw TikTok where like... There go the streets. Okay. Good battery. Sorry. But I saw this TikTok where the girlies were talking about making out in the club and then getting COVID after.
And the girls were like making out with girls and then the other queer guy was like, girls. What's going on? What's happened? I witnessed it. I've never been a kiss a stranger.
I feel like that's, I don't know. Sometimes I'm like, do people really do that? But I guess. I mean, I did it once and look what happened to me. I feel like that was never my experience. I also feel like, so also listen to my sad love life. I've never, I've also never been dating somebody during that time. So I don't know what people do. Same. I don't know who I do. I think last year we were just at home.
But when you're home alone. A few times, because you just get to live the life. Right. When you're home alone. We just find a relationship. Me, Michael, and his mom were just drinking some champagne and watching the competition program. Right. But who are you doing? And who is Michael to you?

Romantic Holiday Moments

Oh, my boyfriend. My man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, whatever. My man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man, my man,
I am going to be a little cheesy when I actually am dating somebody during the time from Christmas to New Year's Eve, collectively. It's fine. I'm going to do the kiss for midnight, and I'm going to do the mistletoe kiss. I want to do those. I've never done a mistletoe kiss, but I feel like we don't put out mistletoe, so I feel like- Well, I would put it up if I know I'm dating somebody and they right here, so I could be like, oh.
Okay. Well, maybe I should get something. I just want to act out a scene. I'm a, I need a scene partner so that I can do it. Okay. So, okay. I'll go find someone. Put it up. Okay. Still have fun in your relationship. All right. So, I was losing my face, right? I was like, um, the other thing that I think is oversold, underdelivered is the tree experience of New York.

Disappointing Holiday Attractions

Oh, yeah, that wasn't even like it's not even I'm not literally do everything to go to it. And I'm just like, I never go see I'm not a go see the see the ball drop, go see any of that. What?
I'm not doing that. There's too many people. It's gross. Yeah, but you go when you're like 19 or 18. Yeah, but even when I was 19, I didn't want to do that. Even when I was 19, I didn't want to do that. I just want to be about... No. And we showed up at 1207. LOL, we were late. We missed the chance. Also, I'm like, who on this call is 19?
Who what? I said who on this call was 19. But even when I was 19. I know, but I'm just saying those are things that I did that was, you know, it was a time. I was never, I was never, was never. So we've now talked about the things that are the ghetto that are not worth it. So what do you think is worth the hype during the holidays? I'm going to say my first two things is the food. The food is always going to be okay. Yeah, period. The food is really always worth it.
And the other thing are, the Christmas plays, when I used to be going to the church, the Christmas plays. Being in them was also kind of weird. I used to put on a show. I used to put on a show. Am I a star? Am I acting? It was one year. There was one year they needed
i was i used to i was like seeing something i think i maybe had a solo or i just had like one of like a side part or something but i also was like a was i the innkeeper i think i was the innkeeper didn't have no lines but but okay i was supposed to be this innkeeper man and the only thing i was supposed to do was just like like tell mary and joseph like they can't go to the end like be like get the fuck like go
And all I did was point with pizzazz. And everybody laughed. Everybody laughed. And I was so proud because I was like, yeah, yeah, I sold it. Like, I did it.
I ate it up, left no crunch. You left no lunch. You left no lunch. I ate it. I ate my part. And that was the last minute addition. I was an angel. I think it was something to do with that too. I don't know what the story was, but I was an angel. And they were mad because I was an angel. So first of all, I sung. Who was bae? Who was bae? Who was a girl? I was going to a daycare.
And they were a religious Christian daycare. I went, yeah. I should have been there the first time. I had a role in Christian elementary school. I was the carpenter, I think. Worked. I was a carpenter. Well, with your hands, I can see it. Yeah. And I was like, okay, they were like, you can be the angel. And like me, like another person at the daycare or something, we were like, we'd be like, whoa, no. Our voices, our vocals, whatever. And
I was the angel. Also, I'm pretty sure I was really flaming back then. It was giving gay period.
And they were like, OK, we can make it back. The foundation of the arts at the church. OK, so first of all, I got to this really long gown thing. And I was like, it's giving dress. Yes, it's giving. I was feeling the fantasy. And then when I was going down the aisle, I was like this. It was like, OK, y'all don't watch you fall drag waist enough. But sometimes when the girls are on the runway, they'll spread their garment out and walk on the runway. I was like, yes. You were really understitching.
Yes. Walking like this with my arms right now holding the garment on both sides while I put down an album. I know. When you have this little thumb thing where you could like stick the garment on your side. Yeah. And at the end, you know, we all give our applause. And then having like seeing something with the other girl who's also together. I think her name was Deja. I'm, I think, I'm proud to her, proud of Deja.
We ended up having a duet singing thing together. And after that, at the end of the thing, the play, everybody was like, oh, you weren't supposed to move your arms. And I was like, you know, they were like, angels are like stoic. I was like, well, I was freaking happy. And I was a happy-ass angel, a happy angel. Why should I be happy as an angel? Why should I be happy as an angel? And also, when you make a snow angel in the snow, are you or are you not moving your goddamn angel arms? Oh, they're giving you that.
like what angels have this that's what we know right but the girls were upset because i ate the roll up and left no crumbs and i was like if you're mad because like my boy i think like i think my mom or something she was like
Yeah, that was a good role for you. And I was like, I know. That's what I know. I didn't gain all of it. What you needed to gain. Right. And then I did another play, but it was like...
It was for a friend's performance being in college. Yeah, it was fun. But they were in college when we were on the scene. We didn't go to the same school. So it was cute, though. But yeah, look, I ended up doing that. And I was, I'm not going to, OK, I'm not going to shape it.
Okay. All right. Well, no, I'm still not shamed to be a messy, but like the, the particular things that I did, the, the role that I had was, was messy. And that, and then hindsight, we talked about it and we both laughed at it, but I don't think they find it funny when I put it in this podcast, but they also listen. So I'm like, let's not want to lose a listener. Let's not want to do that. All right. Love y'all. Shout out to y'all. Like we did it at the beginning. Shout out to listeners. All right.
Wait, you had something else for this one? Yeah, I was gonna say, yeah, so definitely loved the Christmas plays. I was, I think I was drawing the carpenter in one of them. And I was supposed to like build Jesus a boat. And my Christmas in the Christmas thing. And then like, I'm supposed to like be holding the boat and then like, I'm supposed to like,
there was like a fish attached on the inside and i'm supposed to like flap it out and like throw it out there another moment where people laughed and i was like yeah built for the theater i'm like i'm having i'm having a great time um but aside from a good christmas play i feel like i really i don't do this enough but in my neighborhood my neighborhood used to be more festive i think people are older now and they don't like care
um but in Virginia they definitely um would dress like very dramatically people would go there them white people would like really decorate their houses and lights would be a light a thing and they would do like whole Christmas like there would be like Christmas competition yes and they would put signs out for like the winners like the first second place winners
But I think anything involving going to see the lights, I didn't go to Busch Gardens enough. I feel like I haven't even really gone to like super fancy like light show, Christmas show, where you drive through. Wait, if you're from Virginia, specifically Newport News, you have been to the Newport News part Christmas lights at least once.
I feel like I didn't do it enough that I was younger. And they gave. And the girls could argue, well, this is real boring. But as they've gotten older, they switch it up every year to give us a different performance and a different theme. And it's cute. Also, Busch Gardens lights, I've been going every year since I was maybe in my 25, 26, since the first year I'm not going because I'm not at home. So I am upset. But those lights also really do give. Yeah.
So I would love to do a more like light show with some cocoa. Like, ooh, we drive through in the car, we walk around. Wait, so we not loot?
I mean, yeah, we could also be good. We're not doing drugs. I'm saying, so it's like... Well, we got to drive at a speed of two, you gotta add something spicy in there. Look, this is a long ride. Yeah, so I think a cute light show is the other thing that I would love to experience even more. I think it's lit. What I wish you could do for a light show though is to put your music on.
And you play the songs that it syncs up to what you were playing, because it's something about those songs that they're not. But yes, yes, that is awesome. I like to listen to songs by Black people. And when I go to them and they be having the, like,
the more like KT100 version of a more kid-bop, like happy-go-lucky version. I said, no, this is not it. At least give me a slow ballad by Whitney Houston. She has at least 75 songs that are holiday songs. Honestly. Not that. Not that.
But I offered up my answer that I don't know if there's anything y'all wanted to answer that is actually worth the hype for the holidays. Yeah, that was
I don't think I, I mean, I do be getting off my looks. I'm not going to hold y'all. It's quite weird. Right. The things that I have been pulling off and been giving to girls this holidays season has been uncompared. And to be clear to you girls, when my birthday comes and the photo that I post, I post Instagram for like months.
The one photo that I will post this year. Bria made a face, but I feel like this could be. I'm talking about myself. I'm just like. I'm about to say you've already seen part of that fit. I don't know what I'm giving for myself. It's turning! I'm not talking about you. It is working. Ooh, I love this. I'm about to throw up post notifications now. Right, everybody do that. Be prepared. Right, I mean, part of the, so like part of the, of my birthday, because again, I'm turning 30, December 24th.
And so I planned this trip with five very close friends. Shelly was uninvited because Shelly be fake. With five very close friends. That's fine. I invited myself and Axe to be there.
And I said I would even be a part of 12. The date, I believe. The date birthday celebration is more exclusive. I'm not even going to that. So if you go to Atlanta, you know. Wait, did they? OK, don't do that. Sorry. No, I didn't invite him. I didn't invite him to go. I was on the planning committee, even trying to help for the girls who wouldn't be able to go, because I said I would be able to go. And I even gave ideas of how people could
So don't- Well, the reality is the time right just would like more things to do for themselves on their birthday, I feel like. Did you not say that on the other podcast? No, I'm just saying like, I think there's some things that you do. No, I think- No, can you let me finish? Damn. I'm saying, I think there are some things that you would like to be able to do for yourself as a gift. Okay, so I am someone
Okay, I won't say that. I enjoy spending my birthdays with people, but they are just the experts at certain things I would prefer to do on my own.
One of those things for me is that typically it's a travel. If I'm traveling for my birthday, I'm going by myself. It's not a solo travel situation. This year, it is different, so that's not what's happening. You could also go somewhere else.
Like you could plan a, I mean, I don't know, like if you're just like, ooh, like the money, like, oh my God. But you could like, you could plan a trip in January too, like fucking. I thought if y'all didn't think about that too. Don't worry about me. Oh, we're not. We're not Africa. We're not. Because you already know that. I'm just arguing. The visa is
Please stop. I'm just offering as a suggestion, you could go somewhere for yourself, like you had a bond to you or something. And this is where I'll be able to come back. What I'm saying, what I was saying was that Brea and
Bria and I and a few of my other very close friends will be in this, in Rhode Island. And so we have them planned. And so one of the things that we're planning is outfit based. And it's based on a very popular album. I really hope mine is good. And so my song is... Cute. It's fine because I would've ate y'all up for the whole album, even though I don't think it's the best album. Because I can't say it's the best album.
I'm giving you the grace because your birthday is first so I'm gonna let
You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You would've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could've had it! You could
Amazing. Segways into the next question that I had. Is it about songs? Yes. What holiday song do you think should be played on repeat or songs do you think should be played on repeat all holiday season?
Okay, well, I have I have like, I feel like I don't I was gonna say controversial. I feel like it's not really a Christmas song. But now I'm feeling like it also doesn't have to be Christmas. It's just giving like, what do you what do you I don't it's not technically related to the holidays at all. But the movie in the songs, the soundtrack going together, it gives Christmas holiday Jesus.

Unexpected Holiday Music Choices

So I'm talking about the Prince of Egypt. The Prince of Egypt is not technically a holiday film, nor is the soundtrack technically a holiday film. But it's giving. It gives. So when you believe like that, I feel like should be on the playlist slash played throughout the year. So that is my first suggestion.
Did y'all see sis that just bought the Prince of Egypt basket when she was like at home? Bro, that was so funny. Oh my god. She was really playing her mama. Like, what you doing with that Prince of Egypt? You said it Moses up the river. Just walking out target with this basket.
um but yeah i'm trying to think of other songs beyond just like the very regular you know all i want for christmas um i'm not a big holiday music person either like i
I am, I am. And I think I really, I gotta go in the cut. Cause I feel like there are some songs that I get tired of. Like I love this Christmas, but I don't love this Christmas. And I think it's really because I think it's because of marching band. That's not like a regular occurrence. When we were in high school, we had like Christmas themed shows because we had to play in Christmas parades.
And there were certain songs that we had to play a lot. This Christmas is one of them. And I feel like taking me back to like, this was a tradition that was a tradition for a period of my life. So playing in these Christmas parades, it's very cold. You're wearing like long johns under your like uniform. You're trying to put things in your regular like marching band gloves. It's not really helping.
Right. It was ghetto. It was very difficult to play in the cold. You're trying to keep your instrument warm. That doesn't really work out well. I'm cycling. I'm cycling. People end up sounding like bounce that ass. Right. It's just...
And then I think that is also at a certain, that was also at a certain time where they started putting us in the back. So then we can't hear behind percussionists. We don't even know what part of our band. I don't care, some people don't even work there anymore. I'm gonna drag because, yeah, so all of that to say, there were certain songs that we learned and had to play on repeat during the holiday season. This Christmas was one of them.
definitely do not like playing that song anymore. but i do still love, at least the original, i don't really like a lot of the remakes, the covers. yeah, i gotta think of some other ones. y'all give some suggestions.
I feel like no shade, but I still want to pop this pussy and shake this ass during the holidays, too. I mean, I feel like they're like... Never said that these have to be holiday songs, y'all. I asked the question, what songs do you think should be played all holiday season? Oh, just any song that should be played during this time? Yes. So what I'm also including is a New Year's Eve. We're not singing Eight Days of Christmas. That is a popular pussy.
playlist. So what are the songs? I feel like this is wild, but I would add if I was creating a playlist for the holiday season generally, I would add cuff it. Yeah, I would also add church girl because it would make somebody mad and that's fine. I would include one of my
One of my favorite hood rack classes pussy be thinking.
By Lady, I would also include, you know, we've got to slow it down, give some R&B. I would do some Ari Lennox. There's a song by Ari Lennox in Lucky Day called Access Denied. That is Alexis Denied. Another one. That's me. I love that song. I would fight to let these niggas know that they have no access to make their losers. So try to keep that energy.
Yeah, it's giving I think those are the kind of songs I would have on my playlist. Oh, oh, go ahead. I think I had. I want to add one more to my playlist, but I feel like it's not. Go ahead. It's you know, I'm looking for it now, but I think that OK, it's a song that I just got into. It's called You Make It Worse by Raleigh Richie. Oh, it's very like I can't explain it. It is very earthy for me, very Capricorn energy.
Um, add that too. I am actually a very like black be black Christmas mix person. Like I do enjoy a good, um, like black people's versions of Christmas songs. Yeah, the original. Right. So aside from, you know, the Mariah Carey and Donnie Hathaway of things,
I enjoy an ice like Boyz II Men, Let It Snow. I enjoy a nice Destiny's Child, Eight Days of Christmas. I enjoyed the Eartha Kitt Santa Baby. I don't like any other version of that song. I love a Give Love on Christmas Day with the Jackson 5. I'm trying to see what else.
Oh, Sunday at Christmas, but the Stevie Wonder version. Oh, Slay Ride by TLC, yes. What's the last one you saw? Slay Ride by TLC, and then my last one is The Temptation Silent Night, but that's just like... You know what? I bought myself a record player. Yes.
Uh, and I went out to buy records and I was looking for presentations album. I know that that's probably really hard to find, I would think, but I was looking at the fact that if I wanted, I couldn't know that that's what you want.
I won't be there, but I'm still going to get you something. I'm not engaging with them because they also have to go to freaking Africa and then let nobody know. I mean, just really. I'm going to a family reunion. I heard what you said. I heard what you said and what you said was supposed to.
I'm inviting you to their birthday in Atlanta. Honestly, if you want to pull up in Rhode Island, we can add the community address.
Okay, so we'll figure all these things out offline of if Shelly will actually be able to make it to where I was being invited to 10 days before it happened. What day will you get there? This Friday? Yes. That's even more immediate. So I don't have 10 days. I actually have
Five. Five. Amazing. Love that for me. Cut it in half even more. All right, so what is on mine was Eight Days of Christmas and the song that I need to be played all season long on a repeat. I have to go to YouTube to get it because I don't think they ever published it on my streaming platform. We did. I need to find it. It's DMX's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Oh my God. Yes. I have to. I have to listen to it and I have to bang on the table.
And like, you know what, that was a hug classic. He did so well. So all of this to say that I will be gifting y'all our 10 listeners that will be growing, bringing in more people.
Yeah, moving all the shade and petty to my tongue. But yes, I'll be gifting off the playlist.
And just letting y'all know in advance that the playlist will have some Hoorah, Hoorah to Bakery. It's not giving, we are only going to be wholesome. Also want to shout out somebody who I'm going to put on the playlist. It's my sis Brie Black. She just came out with a Sounds of Christmas album. And that shit is eating them up. Brie Black is a violinist that also sings. Period. It's really popping. So that's going to be on the playlist as well.
It's going to give a little bit of jazz, a little bit of hood back. I'm also going to put Shibuya

Crafting the Perfect Holiday Playlist

on there and the other songs that you have because you're going to see the progression as it goes like wholesome, put the lights on your, around your house, all that stuff. And now all the lights are up.
The food is ready. Time to shake ass or time to go out with your friends. So I'm trying to get, I'm trying to get, so I'm at a friend's house and I'm trying to convince her to put her Christmas tree up because she didn't put it up yet. Cause I didn't get to put one up yet. And I'm not listening to Christmas music. I'm listening to Paul. Stop. Pop that. I'm popping. I would have, I would have, I would have, I would have, I would have
Look, I'm really trying to, it's my perspective of what I want. It's my perspective of what I want. Look, that's it. Literally, that's what it's gonna give. Well, I have to say, the eggnog will be in tow, and I will be shaking his ass while I'm on the tree. Period. Yes, so shout out to the ass shaking that we'll all be doing, because I'm gonna be doing it too. And also- Where in Africa?
Where, in Africa? Yes. Oh, OK. But I will be doing. Right. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'm going to be shaking ass here, Africa. This is International Ash Shaker, OK? Ooh. This is a well-traveled. Is it? Not really. I literally told you that for sure. Right, Ash. Y'all already, this is the last thing that I had. And y'all already said some things. Oh, what is that? Oh, y'all.
I think y'all already kind of touched on it at one point, but do you have a favorite holiday movie or show episode? Oh, actually, no, I have a lot of answers for this. Okay. That wasn't gonna be my answer. It's okay. Okay. Do you have a favorite holiday movie or show episode?
Um, taking it with show first. Live action. I love the Living Single Christmas episode. I love when they sing. That's like one of my favorite moments. Love it.
I also, is it Christmas when like Dwayne and Whitley get like trapped in the car and they kiss? I don't know, I don't remember. Other thing was, not Christmas, but my favorite episode of Bob's Burgers is for Turkey.
Wait a minute. That's my favorite episode of Bob's Burgers in general. But it's the episode where Tina is planning this erotic
Like, this erotic Thanksgiving play, and Jean and Louise are trying to get out of school early. Wait! And so that's really fun. I love the songs. Yeah. I have movies, but I'll let you go.
I was just going to say the only thing I thought about to go with the Babs Burgers thing was the episode where they're after the Bleak Inn. That's one of my favorites. The Bleak Inn. Wait, what episode is that? It's coming. You wish that he was never born. No, and that's the episode where Talk to him and him sing a thing. Okay, I don't watch that one a lot. Twinkly Lights, Twinkly Lights. That's a good song. It's a good song. Oh my God, it is. It is.
And I love that Blinken storyline because it had a two episode arc and I lived for both episodes. I lived for multiple episodes, yes. I will also say in general, I love the Halloween episodes also for Bob's Burgers as well. The Valentine's Day would also be slapping. The one, I really like the one where
like Louise and regular size Rudy kiss. And you know what's funny and I think that the running joke on the show now is that like, every time we talk about the two of them is always like Louise's platonic friend Rudy and I'm like, okay, we get it but like also like art like what is going on there? What's going on here? Right. Um,
I think of movies. I really like watching a good like animated Christmas film. So I love, I like, I don't really, I love like Jim Carrey in this role, but I don't really like the live action Grinch. Like it's, it's a little bit too camp for me. It's a little bit too much. I like the original like Grinch animated film.
Um, it gives what you need to give. It gives the black person singing the Grinch. Um, I don't know who that person is. I have to look it up. Um, but I love that. I love the like Mickey's once upon and twice upon a Christmas. Um, I don't know if there's any others. Yeah. Anyone else?
This is not like a, I really was trying to figure out like, is this a movie that has to do with the holidays? Or do I just think that it has to do with the holidays? But I really love Soul Food and I watch it during these times. And I really, it's just like regular Sunday days, but it feels very holiday for me. So I watch it during these times. Yeah, but Preacher's Wife is my number one go-to.
Soundtrack eats them up. Whitney did Juanita's to be done to make one of the best movie soundtracks. And I used to always watch it and be like, why does she still end up, like in my head, I really was like, so her and Denzel are like going, are like in love with each other. Like that's. And she does. And it's like, she still, she still stays with her man. Wow. Wow. She was an angel and she was like, well, all right, see you.
And it's just like, he wasn't supposed to be falling in love with her and stuff. But shout-outs according to the events at Angela Bassett. Well, mainly shout-outs to Angela Bassett. I love them so much. I love, I love them. Yes. Love them. Love Black people. Right. Yeah, I think that's it.
they're probably, I feel they're smooth. Yeah, I was gonna say they're probably more like, I don't know, I feel like they're, they're used to be good, like, whatever is happening outside. They're used to be good, like, like, what? No, I was gonna say there was, there used to be good, like, white Christmas movies, like, that I really did go up, like, I don't know. For Christmas, this is what I used to think of. Oh. Or what's the one with Matthew McConaughey and it's like,
the ghost of his Christmas is past or whatever. I don't remember. But yeah, I already put the time here girl. I know what it is. Thank you. Thank you. Um, so that was, did you not see my message? Cause I definitely was ahead of you. Were you?
Did you see my message in there? I mean, also, we said we were trying to have an episode of less than an hour, an hour and four minutes. So what is the truth? We didn't say, well, we start, the beginning was a whole lot of not actually starting the episode. It was your necky, but that was your fault.
I'm not blaming you for this. I really like to blame other people when the episode is long. Let's just put that out there. Sure. Sure. Let's blame you for it. Yeah. I was answering Shelly's question, but now I'm done. Thank you so much. I came to this thing a little prepared. Thank you, Shelly, so much. These were great questions. They were fantastic. I mean, we're going to take notes.
Since we're doing a sharp bounce wrap up, I just wanted to name that we are doing this in the spirit of just having like some memories tapping into inner child, naming joy, just because very often and many times not going to, not acknowledge that the holidays can sometimes feel very isolated. They can feel like they bring up so many memories that are not associated with like happy thoughts.
This is also reminding me I just watched the Abbott Elementary episode of Holiday Hookah. Oh my god. You're ready to get into it. It was so good. I'm not going to spoil it, but I really love that the set is going out of the school. They're really giving a budget, and I love this for them. I also, not to spoil it also, but I also love that Ava is the star this season.
He's picking up the looks are eating. Oh, that coat? And then the fit from last time where her titties, like, were titties. Like, yeah, love that. So. Yeah. Janelle is really doing it. And I'm calling her Janelle because I'm already manifested not with friends because she's really, she's really. Yes. Funny people connect in real life.
Yes, yes, I'm very excited. Her, Arilytics, and myself will connect. Best friends. So yeah, I just wanted to name that. I'm excited that we get to have some joy and some memories happening. Period. I did have another thing I was going to talk about, but at the end of the day, we could talk about it any other time because... Maybe we could post it as an Instagram thing.
Oh no, the other thing I was going to talk about was reclaiming girl I guess time, but no, there is none of that on today. All right, that is all that I have. Y'all go be blessed. Whatever feels like love and warmth for you, I really hope that you do have that. Whatever feels like comfort and joy for you, I hope that you have that and whatever feels like love and warmth for you.
Oh, thank you, Shelly. Wow. I think so. I'm going to say we're going to see people probably in another episode. OK, so we're not recruiting anything else for December. So we're not doing another episode. No, I mean, I don't know. OK. See you soon. Bye. Bye. OK, sorry. Bye.