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Bey and the Haus of Mess

The Bussy Next Time
10 Plays1 year ago

The gang is back for season 3 and the queen is in trouble!

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Reflecting on Previous Interactions

Wow. Yeah. Not no gain. That's how embarrassing for both of you. What? Not what? That's the energy it gave. No gain. Those real tired beats that y'all was trying to come up with a couple seconds ago did not sound great.
Can we just sing the song of our hearts? Like, why does it have to be so disrespectful? That my hip was doing a little flick so that my booty could gyrate a little bit. And that's why I wanted to get too hard on the beat. Because I was just like,

Balancing Energy and Positivity

wow. That's so wild that you were like, oh, let's not come into the episode with no bad energy. And immediately, you start being a hater. And it's just like, wow. Why do we get that?
That is what you said.

Confrontations and Arguments

Let's not start arguing. Let's not move. I gave you bitches a ton. I said, I gave you bitches on my podcast. You don't be messing with what I was doing. You just asked bitches. You broke ass bitches. You broke ass bitches. I'll see this right now. I'm here to explain. You broke bitches. Tonight we're dragging today, so I don't know if you want to be acknowledged or not.
It's heavily giving that person your name teenage years. This is my group, everyone. Act accordingly. Because we can sing your luggage. We can sing your luggage. It's better for you to catch your flight. It's better for you to catch your flight.

Forgotten Songs and Laughter

I could not believe she said that to that girl.
But it's on camera. And it's in the studio. That's really wild. We could send your luggage. She said, you could go now. She said, we're going to pack this shit up in a box and ship it to you. She said, yeah, that's fine. You don't want to make sure I fight about my stuff. You can send your luggage. You know what?
That's very great.

Beyonce and Political Silence

Y'all can't already tell. We could give as many references as possible to realize what direction we're going. But for the group. Wait, I forgot what I called the pod. I forgot. Didn't I tell you what the name of this episode was? The Kushi Pussy. No. OK, you did? I named it and I didn't write it down. I didn't write it down. Oh, it's not Hose. It's Hot. No. I'm not going to hold you. The name of this podcast, the name that I came up with and I used because I forgot yours.
Um, it's being the house of mess, but the house is H-A-U-S. Yes. But I was reading it wrong. I saw something funny. You did. It was good. And then I forgot. It was good. God damn it. It might come back to you. We're not going to publish this for a while, so it might come back to you. All right. Well, if you're listening to this, either way, you know what it's about. Right. Um, we've come to drag your fav. You want to pay? I'm too nuts, you ragging!
You know? You know what I thought? Balenciaga! Like, we got Balenciaga. We all come with it. We all say it's hanging at the top of the thing and she's like, what's your last words? My career!
But yes, y'all, today we've come to drag Bianca Giuzano's card to third. Um... Esquire. I'm turning it long. Esquire. Come on back to you, y'all.
or turning it a law. I, you know, we can start in a lot of different places with this. There's a concert. I mean, okay. Maybe we could start with like, what we've talked about before. So we all know that Renaissance is an album. It came out, you know, over a year ago at this point.
And when it came out, we listened to it just like so many of us and we talked about it here on the podcast. But yeah, since then, so much has happened and transpired.

Concerts and Cultural Critique

We could talk about our feelings about the album and such, you know, it
Yeah, I don't even know. I don't even know. I don't mind picking it up here. Yeah. We had the conversation last year when the album came out. Me and Bria were fully blown stands. And Shelly was like, bitch, this album is missing the girls. Where are the girls? Where are the mixes? Where are the whatevers? And we were like, oh my gosh.
You're a hater. I don't think that said you were a hater. We did not call you a hater. We just said that we liked it. I think you're putting 20 on 10 about that. I think people may have called you a hater. Our four listeners called Shelly a hater.
No, I was on a campaign saying how it felt, so who knows who was the big one. Right. So yeah, when we first had this conversation, so we can start there. We can revisit our initial remarks and talk about if we feel like the critique that... Because actually, I remember in this episode, we talked about this, both Bria and I also offered critique about how we felt about the album as a whole body of work.
I also feel like the context of the concert, which also provides further context to the album. I feel like I don't remember exactly what I said or Shelly. Shelly can offer her critique.
What we should do is also point, because I don't want to skip this, but I want to be clear. The reason why Beyonce is coming back up and why this is coming back up is because she, we all know she released her Renaissance. Excuse me. I'm just a man. Okay. Bring it back. I'm sorry. Okay. Don't you write. I'm sorry. Okay. So, we all know that Beyonce released her Renaissance.
of film and theaters. And she has been very silent on what's happening in Gaza and Palestine, which is about the same place. And so when we found out, when people and folks found out as fans and as supporters and the general public found out that she was releasing her movie in Israel,
We were all like, bitch, what are you doing? Pull the plug, pull the plug, pull the plug. And this is not the first time she would have had to have pulled the plug

Appropriation vs. Authenticity

on Israel. She did it before with another concert. And so she said nothing about it and then proceeded to continue to show her movie in...
So, yes, we have come to get our light skin. Our light skin Creole washed out mama together because sometimes you have to. And I feel like it's also like I feel like the large like we are mainly talking about Beyonce in this context but I also feel like
I would encourage people to think about, you know, your other faves as well, because it's not just Beyonce. There are plenty of other artists, entertainers, or who have not spoken or have said very like, ooh, wee wee woo woo, like all of us, we're all in this together as
Not high school music. Bullshit. I was like, I didn't mean to bring high school music. That is true. In the girls, when the first one happened, there were celebrities who had signed a petition that was like, protect Israel or whatever, or end Hamas or whatever. Yeah, the girls were signing lots of petitions. They were signing a lot of petitions. They were all white. They were all white. There were a lot. I feel like I definitely saw some other people. Niggas signed that petition.
I'll recall. The other Tyler James Williams were two that I remember, actually, which is very unfortunate for me. Yes. Also, I forgot Miss Mama's. She's white, but Miss Mama's also from Abbott. Which one? Lisa and Walter. Yes. She was blocking people who were criticizing her about her views on Palestine.
Yeah. So anyway, anyway, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna veer off too much, but all of that to say that I feel like the broader context of this is goes beyond Beyonce because nobody else, you know, I feel like I've seen a lot of people, even like influencers or just, you know, whoever. And some people in defense of someone like Beyonce being like, Oh, well, what is our, you know, why does an entertainer or an artist, you know, why does a celebrity need to say something?
We don't get there, but I mean, some people are seriously making the argument. Some people are seriously like being like, why do I have to say something or why do I have it as an influencer? I'm not like, do you want to get into it? I'm saying we could circle back to that because I feel like we were talking about somebody else. But yeah, but all of that to say, I feel like we should be looking at everyone, you know,
It's beyond, you know, just Beyonce, but also you should be critical of your own faves as well if they are not saying anything or they're not saying the right things. Unless your favorite Frank Ocean, like mine used to be, and I think it has never said anything at all. I mean, even then, I honestly don't think, you know? I honestly don't. If it's not what it is, he's like... If it's not what...
I feel like Erin never takes it out, so I don't know why she takes it out. Yeah, so we listened to the album, and I feel like some of the critiques that we shared, and I'm sure Shelly could get into her own about the album itself, but I think thinking about the album in the context of the show, right? So again, full disclosure, I definitely did enjoy the album.
I definitely got my life at the concert. I had me a time, like, alien superstar down. And I was having a moment. But I feel like in thinking about it, I feel like there were a lot of things that I feel like further added to the context of the critiques that people were bringing up, especially like those critiques that Shelly had about like, ooh, why are we not featuring the girls like XYZ?
um the ladies and gentlemen throughout the show definitely was okay i girls take me out like what are we what is this about i'm a binary babe i'm like i don't really
Yeah, okay, so I went to a show where, so I saw her in Foxborough, which is like- I saw her in Seattle. Period. And Shelley- Come on, so no clue I was going international. Not with no clue, I agree.
I'm sorry. But like, I remember, like I had paid good money. I mean... Those were really good seats. I had delicious seats. I remember saying that when they posted videos

Capitalism and Celebrity Silence

on Instagram and they're sending me my photos and she was like, bitch, how close are you?
You were like in her coochie. It was very wild. I have never, I, yeah. I was like, damn. Right. And I was like upset because I was like, as a black queer person, I showed up to the show because Beyonce claimed it was with the same space.
for all the three years and the girls because I'm like even the girls were doing ballroom a lot of them are not just sis a lot of them are not just like a man or or even like like really it's a it's a spectrum of the queer of queerness in the ballroom scene so I was like caught off guard when she was like ladies and gentlemen how are we I was like ladies and gentlemen
And I remember being so disappointed because I was like, you claim to have created this space. And the first thing you do is resort back to binary language. And I was like, if you say this space is for us, then it needs to be completely for us. Right.
It wasn't, like, it wasn't, it wasn't. And I was like, yeah, that is also very telling too. Um, I think Cal Beyonce loves to be almost at a cultural grifter. That's a bit much, but I do think that it's there, right? But I think for me, that's harsh language. Um, but I do think Beyonce has done a really good job of capitalizing off of
Black queerness in particular, when she knows it'll benefit her and her, it'll benefit her and it'll benefit her.
career and her family and her pocket. One of the girls wanted to support Beyonce. We're going to buy a ticket. We're going to get a shirt. We're going to buy a surprise box. I don't know what's inside. We're going to purchase her perfume and never have even fucking smelled it. We're going to do all of that because we go out for the girl. And it's not her first. I remember even when B-Day came out and she did freedom girls for all the queers. And the girls were like, we've been supporting you for years. And that was a critique back then.
So yeah, ladies and gentlemen. Something else I was thinking about. I feel like I was thinking this. I hope the barbs don't find.
Um, this, but I was thinking this because stay with me because there's like a reason I heard by chance, not that I went to go listen to the new album, but I heard that ladies, I heard a song.
And initially, I thought it was a Jersey club mix. Okay, so we heard the same song, but I was like, I don't know. No, no, no, wait, wait, let me finish. Let me finish what I was gonna say. I start bopping because I'm listening to it on TikTok. You know, it's always like silly, like little mixes on TikTok or whatever, niggas just be throwing together some shit. You know, I sent y'all the Jersey club mix of Puller Express one. And I ate up, I ate up. I put that in like one cheek. So.
I listened to, I was listening to that. And I thought it was a mix that somebody had put together and then I realized, oh, like this is actually like a Nicki song from her latest album. And that made me think a lot that I feel like
is the aftermath of Renaissance and it's like very, it feels kind of weird but it seems like, you know, like this push into like Jersey Club and House that I feel like Shelly also brought up when the album first came out.
And I was wondering, Shelly, if you had like noticed, I mean, we know like Drake dropped that like flop ass album. But I feel like people like I feel like Renaissance like push.
started to like push people towards like house and jersey club music, but I feel like it doesn't feel like in an authentic way if that makes sense. But yeah, Shelly, I know that you had thoughts. Oh my gosh, so many thoughts, views, and opinions on the shenanigans of how people will really just snap, snatch a
Jersey Club. And then also shout out to the whole area of it's not just Jersey, it's Philly, it's Baltimore. It's like the historic, like that club music. So, and for me, I just felt like people are scratching and just trying to fetch for anything they could. They're just like,
crying, anything that they're like, ooh, this will get me in these places. This will advance me in this way. I think it's heavy on the non-understanding who they are as creatives and really on some how can I expand money and capitalism and performative shit because it's on some, for real, for real, one of the really great interviews that I saw with Missy Elliott
was that they were like, Missy, who influences you? Like, who are your influences? And Missy is like, nobody. I am. And like, oh my god. You can really hear. Who is influencing Missy? Missy. Missy. But the girls over here doing some bullshit being like, oh, let me just grab for anything that I feel like will put me on or get me on or do this or do that.
baby nobody even said you had to do that because and we didn't want it we didn't want it we didn't want it we really did it and i just feel like a lot of them are doing everything they could to try to quote unquote stay in the know or to stay in whatever they think is the spotlight
which is so unnecessary as an artist and a creative because you just create for yourself and you need to preserve what is your own integrity because the people will be able to follow it. Like, I think she'd be forgetting, like, baby, you're old enough for the people who are listening to you in middle school, high school to remember you. Like, you don't have to be like a, oh, right.
I was listening to you all throughout high school. I remember vividly going to Six Flags to go to Fright Fest, and we only listened to Onita. The whole bus ride. The bus ride was an hour and a half. On a loop. The way. Girl, you didn't have to do that. None of us were like, oh, we can't wait until you kind of glitch and switch up and don't know which direction you want to go.

Art, Ethics, and Capitalism

But that's a
I'm giving a glitch and switch off. Like, if you see it, it'd be pretty. Bitch, because I went on the playing with the wine. I'm the baddest in the school. The way that I played that song, Back to Back to Back, Back to Back, Two Back, Two Back, Two Back, it just never ended. And I feel like for me, it's like at a point where I'm like, I haven't streamed her music
in a long time, but like because she was so ingrained in me, I'm like, you know, I could sing itty bitty picky to myself when I feel like, you know, you know, I don't need to. But I feel like what you said is like so real, especially and they're like bringing it back to Beyonce about like, you know, I feel like, um,
that article that I'll bring up later, points to, I think it was a variety article. But that article that I saw, Shelly, I don't know if I shared it with you or if you saw it, but
I feel like talks a lot about like what you both were talking about like if Beyonce is like sort of like using these other like sounds and like, you know, different groups that she doesn't even like belong to and using that as a means of like reaching for capital.
Oh, go ahead. I just heard about something. I was like, y'all remember when A. Marie was supposed to drop one thing? And they said that Beyonce had a song that was similar to it, or something like that, or had recorded a version of it or something, trying to drop it before her. So she had the surprise, drop it, and buckle her label and put it out.
which is wild because when you imagine if they snuffed out one thing, that's so wonderful. And you know who's been speaking out about Palestine and colonization? Amaree. Amaree. Who's been posting about shit for a long time, not even just recently. She's been like, girl, I read books.
Like, I'm not kidding. Shout out to Amory. Shout out to Amory one thing because I still listen to it. You know what? You were talking about songs that Michael was bopping to. That's the latest song, I feel like.
Because it's just all over TikTok, right? And it should be. People don't give anyone credit. They really don't. The shadow thing. They should. But no, I was thinking, I remember that. And I'm like, that's like, that was like, go-go. We were like, how did you even end up here? Yeah. And I will

Activism and Celebrity Responsibility

also say that as an outsider looking at a person who's not in the music industry, but who is a consumer and a connoisseur, I would say, of music, right?
So when things become trendy, like how the industry will, you know, swoop in and kind of take over whatever that is to develop their sounds to fit the whatever's happening in the moment. And then oftentimes think about that now because I'm like, what's happening is
But I'm thinking about how social media has now exacerbated that experience to the point where if you critique a sound, or you critique a whatever, it came from someone else. And then this is like, you can't critique that because that's Baltimore, whatever. That's Jersey Club. That's whatever. The girls are offended. And I'm like, the offense, I don't think you would be the folks who are bopping. The offense, you would be the folks who took that without giving the credit, without knowing where it came from, or knowing where it came from.
and being like, I don't have to cite my sources for this because I'm also a musician. And like, I was like, I forgot one of these little niggas, drabbers, whatever, did a fucking interview a little, like, months ago. And he had like a, he had like a, it was a, like a house music, like, beat that he had sampled. And the girl, and one of the, and it was like, oh, like, do you know who this is? The great, this is a great sample. He was like, no, I like how it sounded. And I was like, fuck it, I'm gonna use it. And I was like, that makes me so mad because like,
What the fuck do you mean? I don't know who that is, but you sampled it? Right. So even before you decided to use it, after you decided to use it, you didn't think, oh, let me look this person up. Let me see who this person is. Let me listen to the original song.
You don't like, fuck it, I just like it, so I'm like, that's not, that's not how the history should be. Right. The history should not be shared in that way. There's a whole, like, when I think about Frankie Knuckles, right, in house music, the girl was like, oh, I stay up on the beat. Why? Do you even know who that is? It's important, you know, where it came from and how it came out for disco. Like, are you aware of the things that were happening with House when it was created? Like, you don't- What kind of queers that y'all are all stealing from because House music is queer as fuck? It is, and the band always-
I was going to say talking about like sexy red, using quote unquote ballroom. Exactly. Using quote unquote ballroom, but you're giving Trump supporter and you're using, of course, words. Like it doesn't. I was like, wasn't she just a Trump supporter? Like maybe two months ago. That's it. It still is. Ain't no way. Using slurs in her music. What slurs?
I'm not gonna- In this gay song? Not in this song. It's a previous, I think in previous music. Sexy Bae, I was already over her a while ago anyway, so this is okay for me. I was already over her shit anyway.
And I feel like, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what I was gonna say. I was thinking about social media. That's what I was thinking about. That's where my head was. Oh, yeah. Because it's so easy to pick up shit and use shit without knowing who it came from, like what their source is. OK, I posted a video about this on my Instagram page two days ago, where I was like, these new dances, I don't know what's happening on TikTok. I don't have a TikTok. I know. I don't want one. I don't want to see one. I'm good.
but like i remember when beyond they were doing a freak they were they had made up a dance a freakin dress by Beyonce at the when you put it on the little break and when you put it on it's an invitation focus on your house okay yeah and i was thinking to myself like why is choreo so wore down in basic
when the actual choreo for that breakdown in Freak'em dress, when she was in those sticky chills. It was amazing. It was amazing. I was like, why? And there was another song I saw, because it was another song that had a fly ass dance break, and they were bam, fucked it up, and put some little eight count that was real easy and simple.
And I was like, the artist who put the work into that, disrespectful, right? But then I realized how easy it is to come up and swoop something up like that, or be in the moment, right? Something is part of what comes in the moment if you use that sound and get a million followers and now you're going, you're getting food out on Instagram, you know? Instagram sponsored strips and shit. I get it. But like, I'm just like, that doesn't work for like the richness of the culture and the history behind those songs, behind those things.
You fumble in the bag, kiddos! Yeah. And I was like... So bringing this back to Miss Mama's. So in the aftermath of the tour completing and all of that,
and us all seeing and experiencing the concert. Of course, we all know at this point the things that are happening, the genocide that's happening towards Palestinian people. And so with the Renaissance film that had been announced at the end of the tour, not you're giving cordial right now,
The Renaissance film. How does the Renaissance film do it? The freakin' dress card. The freakin' dress card. The freakin' we can put it on the stage. OK. I can't. So the Renaissance film announced the concert film, which I had already guessed was happening. But they announced, I had definitely guessed, and I said that they're going to wait until the tour is over to announce it. But that's exactly what they did. You said what? Did that phase two or whatever the fuck?
I don't actually know. The girls argued about whether it was act two or not. I don't think I saw anywhere official that it was, but if I'm wrong, I don't care. But you know, so they announced it at the end of the tour. And many of us, as soon as tickets were available, bought tickets for when the film would go, would premiere December 1st or whatever.
We got an early viewing scene. You know, whatever. But then, you know, the attacks against Palestinian people, they'll have already been happening. But the escalation of attacks against Palestinian people happened starting October 7. And since then, you know, the girls, the girls saw
When looking into showtimes for the Renaissance film, they saw that there that or actually Beyonce posted on her website or some shit, all of the showings of where the film was going to be screening and the girls were like, I mean, Israel, um, what's going on?
What's going on mamas um and so at least from from what I saw like leading up to the premiere of the movie I saw a lot of people being like hey girl what's going on with this what's happening um you know blah say blah
Um, I don't know. Uh, if, and also it was giving bitch, don't do it. Yeah. Alert alert. People were sending emails. People were tagging, uh, her publicist. I also was thinking to myself, like.
So I was talking to another friend about how this happened, like this movie deal situation. It obviously had to be booked and put together before the tour was even over. So I'm sure I said maybe even before the tour, maybe like during the tour, Beyonce notified this deal with the coin and was like, we're putting this out and everybody can see it on the Amazon. But I was like, I'm confused, bitch. As you and your husband said, what's better than one billionaire too?
Correct, right stay with me stay with me And both y'all together technically have two billion dollars over two billion dollars, right? Why the fuck could you not break your your agreement with Israel like like to like do a thing, right? And I'm mad for all the ins and outs in a nitty-gritty of what that could look like and maybe she really couldn't do that but a part of me feels like you told about how you have so much money you got all these rocks in this jewelry and you you're kicking crystal off the bar and
OK, great. And you're wearing a blood dot from Jesus. OK, anyway. You get all this money, and you talk about how you have all this money, and you tell us all the time how broke we are. I'm sorry. I don't have any money. We are broke bitches. OK.
And you're trying to tell me you couldn't figure out a way to make this happen or make this not happen on your diamond, on your watch. You couldn't do this if you wanted to. I feel like it was a decision not to. Maybe it was financial. Maybe it was a commitment to something ridiculous or something. Maybe there was some legal whatever. And you didn't do it. And it shows. And you still have that publicly made statement. You have not said anything. You have not shared anything. No resources, no nothing.
as people keep saying, people keep saying like, Oh, why do folks, like I've seen so many people being like, Oh, like why do people expect Beyonce to do certain things as a celebrity? And I was like, because culturally, bitch, you take from us, right? Like, and not like one, you are a human being and I expect you to have him to see other people. You claim you do, you talk about how much you do. I would like to see it.
And I'm like, yes, she donates all these places and gives money away and does all these things and all that is great. But I think times like this, your voice is important. It could be used and you don't have a platform of over a hundred million fucking Instagram followers, bitch, make it work.
Right. Also, I just felt like people are so... No, you could go ahead. I'm gonna rant. I'm sorry. Oh, because now I'm gonna rant. Now I'm gonna rant. But two... I'm like, the niggas who were calling you out were Black women and Black queers who have probably supported you for the last 10 to 15 years of your solo career. We alone have been the niggas that have been attending your concerts. I don't think... Now, I will say this. Black women and Black queers, in this case, also includes Black gay and queer men.
I do not believe in a group, I do not believe in a stadium of six head men going to show up to Beyonce concert. I just don't. We are not, no shame. We're buying the merch.
Or we got our boyfriends and girlfriends and partners buying us the merch. Or we're saving up our coin because every year you drop something, we want to show you one. But that is us. That is Black women and Black queer and trans folks who have been supporting you and your career. We were the ones who were calling you out, or calling you in, I would say, to be like, hey, this is fucking crazy. Say something.
You pulled from our culture and you pulled from our folks and had our folks on here with that little white girl, what's her name, Honey Balenciaga? Okay. Who also was problematic that we literally- It had to be like, why don't you shut up? And that's it, yeah. You're a problematic white person. We have said that and named that. And you were like, hmm, culturally don't give a fuck about what y'all are saying. Like, baby, you have all of these other people. Number one, you have the foundations of ballroom. And the foundations of ballroom is not giving a white girl.
It's not giving any of the white girls. No. We love the all-black houses. We love the houses that preserve what the culture actually is. We love the culture of black and brown folk. Anybody who ain't white, white people are not of the centering. You're talking about pretty much anybody who ain't white. I think the main thing that comes up for me that it has me thinking about more and more is just how attached people are to capitalism.
and how much they will do anything in this world to make sure that they still have what they think is a healthy relationship with capitalism. But irregardless to anything, it will not be mindful of the humanity of who they are. It won't be mindful of, bitch, the memories will have, the legacy that you'll have. It won't be mindful of any of those things. It'll just be rooted in what capitalism is. And even with all these conversations of what's being talked about,
and settler colonialism that's specifically happening all over the world. But also what is happening in the place that we all live in currently is that you're so in love with capitalism within a place that we're not even, for the most part, indigenously not fucking from. So you just are so excited to be like, ooh, I'm going to have this capitalistic relationship
on a place that's doing the same exact thing that we are talking about, another place that's not okay. This is a settler colony in which you are quote unquote thriving in. To thrive in this place is one of the wildest fucking things in the world because I just was talking about this recently where I was like, to quote unquote thrive financially is on that level and in so many other levels
is in many ways, it's attached to anti-blackness, because there's no way in the fucking world, in the way that the world functions, that you can be quote unquote successful in certain ways and not be anti-black. And I was thinking about that. Oprah, is that you? Oprah. I was thinking about that in context to the tour itself too, because I feel like thinking a lot about
the ways because I mean, contrary to what people like to make excuses for, you know, Beyonce is a capitalist, and there are no, you know, ethical billionaires in this situation. Not one. And I was thinking after watching the film, because she's talking about like how the concert is made and like,
you know, great feats and, you know, really, really crazy, very expensive equipment, you know, a whole lot of moving parts put together for it. But even in the context of things that are happening right now, and even if like, you know, though, of course, we as Black people do also have a responsibility to like, speak up about like these things that are happening,
just Palestinian people, even if Beyonce didn't feel like talking about, you know, things that were happening to other Black people across the diaspora, like what's happening in Congo, in the Congo?
And the genocide that's happening there is also very directly related to all of the fucking tour equipment that she's using, all of the technology that she's using for this show, all of the shit that, you know, the materials, the minerals that are mined for that technology shortly like goes towards creating the equipment for her show and like to not also like
speak about that to be using your capital in that way. It goes back to obviously a lot of critiques that people have had about Beyonce. I was going to bring up the article, but before that, I was going to mention what Tyrell said about why niggas, why celebrities have the responsibility of speaking up about those things.
is because like the BDS movement committee
said in their own words, again, we don't know necessarily what the terms, whatever. People were making a whole lot of excuses about what Beyonce could and could not do. I personally don't really believe any of that. But even if there was some sort of legal agreement that she could not break or whatever, the BDS movement talked about how
Uh, someone like Beyonce or also Taylor Swift because many people were like, Oh, I know what I mean. Why don't I, I'm gonna, I'm, I'm only bringing it up because there were people, you know, in my algorithm being like, Oh, I don't see y'all calling out Taylor Swift, blah, blah, blah. And we already called that white bitch out. Maybe it's also because the people who are calling out Beyonce are calling her in because they are fans of hers.
maybe you don't see people on your timeline calling out Taylor Swift because they don't fucking like Taylor Swift. I don't keep up with Taylor Swift. I don't know what that white bitch is doing. I had, I was quite literally dragged to her concert. But I don't know. You just matched my window at all. Because I didn't even think about the fact that that was why niggas weren't calling out Taylor Swift.
That is the reason. You don't see people in your algorithm talking about Taylor Swift. Because I am a nigga who likes the type of niggas who do not like her. And I am personally not concerned about that. Yes, Taylor Swift deserves to be called out, and it is absolutely deserved. And that is exactly why the BDS movement called out both Beyonce and Taylor Swift at the same time. Because Taylor Swift really quickly, that BDS, it keeps my brain, maybe I'm a little nasty.
Boycott divestment sanctions so yes for anyone who did not know Yes, so the boycott But that remember like that's not what that was
But that movement called out both of them at the same time. If they had not called them out, I would not have known that Taylor Swift. I didn't know anything about the movie aside from being dragged there. Three hours of bullshit. It really was three hours of bullshit.
Whatever. In the middle of the night with my nose. But I am not a fan of that lady. And just like her, I don't know what every other fucking celebrity or famous person is doing if I'm not fans of theirs, right? Right.
calling out calling out like oh y'all doing this because I saw some people being like oh y'all calling out Beyonce but y'all not calling out these white people and blah blah blah maybe I don't like these white people sister maybe I'm particularly disappointed in Beyonce because I have been a fan of hers for so long and then to speak towards what the movement said about the reason why it is so important is because we saw in the aftermath we saw clips of
colonizers and genociders in Israel using break my soul as a genocidal chant and that shit is very hurtful and problematic to see. Now the BDS movement has said
that even if, for whatever reason, Beyonce and Taylor Swift, these super powerful ass people, probably some of the richest women in the entertainment industry, even if they did not have the means to back out of these deals with AMC because it seems like it was AMC that made the distribution decisions.
Even if they could not do that, they said, even if artists do not have the power to cancel complicit screenings, they should at least publicly demand it to distance themselves from Israel's genocide and apartheid against Palestinians. All the things that Israel
Israeli people and Zionists have been doing in the aftermath of that have been like oh Beyonce, oh my god Beyonce loves us. They're using that as an excuse because this bitch has been silent and that's what the fuck she gets. And maybe I think the last thing that I'm gonna say in my rant right now
is the offering that maybe also some people have said that we are also assuming that we know what Beyonce's politic is. Beyonce, we don't actually know. We don't know. That's what happens. That's what happens when you don't speak up and say what you're about.
We have an idea. We see what her stupid ass husband said. I mean, we, but she's also like, I mean, no shade, but it seems like she, she might be friends with some people who are Zionists. Like I've seen her some things, you know, but when you don't speak out and you don't say what you're about, like that is a, that is the consequence of that. And that's the type of shit that your work, this work that was supposed to be about black queer people ends up supporting. Right. Right.
And I think the thing that's very like, hmm, girl, how did you get there? It's like, when you even have people that you can call your quote unquote friends, and they will be in this, like, they will have this political state, or they will be okay with causing harm to other people. Did y'all just never have a conversation at one point? And you never understood who they really were? Because how could you have
friends, for real friends, that you actually trust, call in the late night hours, like, fuck this nigga, Sean, he sucks. Is that his name? Sure. There's his name. Yeah. You know, these are the people you call and they could be like, I don't like your black asses anyway. Like you could have people who just don't even give a fuck, or maybe you have the people who are like, we actually care about
Y'all and y'all black lives because y'all are part of the elitist black lives. Y'all the good niggas. Maybe they're all sitting there and respectability politics kee-keeing their way through things. One thing about me, everybody know I don't even let white people in my house.
If I do not have an engagement with you, so the fact that everybody knows my fucking body like that, the fact that we have the question, we don't even know your body like that is very
And it's, and it's also very purposeful that she get fit in this middle of the line. Whereas, Oh, well I extended grace to these black queer folks. And I also extended grace to these palaces. Like she didn't within the palaces. And I can also argue and say, I have this for Israel too, because now you know what? That, that whole, that whole, that bullshit, the, the, her and her whole kumbaya, let's get around to, um,
Like that's all said together. It's old. I don't want that shit. Keep that kumbayashi to your motherfucking self. We got shit to do. And I was going to say, I'm going to bring it to the article.
Um, two, um, cause a lot of people had a whole lot of shit to say that, oh, the person who wrote this is unprofessional and blah, blah, blah. And it's like, y'all think that this person is unprofessional just because your critique sheet, they are critiquing your fav. So like, let's, you know, like, let's just be for real. Um, but that is literally all of what this person
was saying in the through the lens of Renaissance and in the context of Beyonce's whole career like Beyonce has used like black radical politics calling herself Malcolm X like all of this other shit. Um, but without actually saying anything.
like she she uses like these images and she uses like the language of other people who are doing the work but without actually having to make a stance on anything and I feel like that or reading a material because I feel like you cannot say your support like you love Malcolm X or you fuck with Malcolm X or
and then have your own niggas out here being broken poor. No shade. I also said this a little while ago, sort of the friend, cause I would Beyonce give so much. I'm going to show me the receipts.
And first of all, if you're willing, by the way, if you want to be a billionaire anyway, if you follow all these folks, your Malcolm X and your Sophie Carmackos, your James Baldwin's, if you follow these folks, you know, these folks were uninterested in upholding capitalism in any way, form. And some of them are arguably more socialist and African, and pan-Africanist, right? And if you didn't draw attention in your homework, you wouldn't know that. Which means that if you follow them like you say you do, your ass wouldn't be out here like, I'm trying to make another million dollars off a tour. Or I'm selling a perfume for $150 and no one smelled it.
Right. And my concert tickets, my concert tickets with rent are $2,000.
Plus, whatever you got to pay to the ticket master for the fucking fees. And Mama's just talking about quitting her job and all of this other stuff. You don't leave it! You don't leave it! You don't leave it! What do you know about that? Let's talk about it, because I don't know who this is. It's a girl named Tina Ward on YouTube.
She did a YouTube video months ago talking about how Beyonce is unrelatable. And I said, one thing you're not doing, it's helping a lot. Beyonce is unrelatable. So I think that Beyonce understands how social capital works and how social capital leads to her getting actual monetary capital, right? Or how we use it to her getting actual money.
She, again, like, for example, break my soul. We talk about quitting your job and falling in love and running around and being free and shit, not realizing that niggas who are coming from that perspective of thinking about quitting their jobs, we got rent to pay. We got bills to pay. We got families to take care of. We got kids to raise. We got siblings to support. We don't have the option for that, right? It was unbelievable and unbelievable to be honest. And it's not, I think about eliminate too sometimes and the fact that like,
If you have black girlfriends, I don't know if eliminate would have ended the same way. If you had other niggas in your circle, who you- I wouldn't have told Beyonce to leave then. Right, who you could relate to. I'm like, how the fuck did he cheat the album? He had a miscarriage and da, da, da, da, da. And you stay with this nigga for what, debt, money? What's the reason? We're like, sister, you don't have enough money to damn self. We keep being told what's better than one billionaire, what to.
So both of you bitches are billionaires. What's happening? What I have a question about, and I'm going to use her words now against her. Ms. Venance, what do you mean by this chorus you have that says, freedom, freedom, I can't move. Freedom cut me loose. Singing freedom, freedom, where are you? Because I need freedom too.
I break chains all by myself, won't let my freedom rot in hell. Baby, what chains are you breaking for the collective? It sounds like you're making them. It's not giving that when you're saying freedom, like it's not giving you me liberation. It's giving you mean cosplay freedom because I don't understand how cosplay freedom sounds.
wild. I need you to write something. I'm really over here brewing. I may have been a little quiet on this side, but it's like, I just really am so frustrated that I know I can scream to a wall.
And the things, it's just so many parts of it that really deeply frustrate me. But it's also just like something that other people were critiquing like, hey, all of you spiritual girlies who've been profiting and capitalizing off of these predictions y'all are saying are going to happen in the world and what y'all are saying about all the spiritual stuff. But then y'all are very mute and quiet about what is happening right now.
And y'all are not talking about anything that would have to do with community, that would have to do with all of these readings and spiritual connected things that y'all are doing. And Oh Girl is one of them too, because baby, why would you even come into the spiritual girly side of things and create a spiritual album and talk about all these other things?
when at this point it's not giving. Oh, it's on Beyonce's head and Yemayah is on Solange's. I'm going to tell you something now. The Solange thing, I can see. I can see that Solange is offering. The Beyonce.
She might have been there with Solange when Solange was going through her initiation. Or something tells me that Solange was like, bitch, come on. You need to get a straight ass. I think Solange is literally like, girl, don't get dragged down by this shit. And she's just like, I'll be OK. And she's like, bitch, come here now. And then she probably was helping her.
But at the end of the day, you can only help somebody but so much when their soul is getting wrapped up in other shit like dick and capitalism. Because girl, what are you doing over there? What are you doing in your house? In your household. What's happening there? I'm not wrapped up in either one of them. So I see clearly.
No. I think the disappointment really, also while we're on the topic of the girls giving feedback, a lot of the girls were like, oh, I can't believe that like,
Um, y'all thought Beyonce was making black queer anthems and I can't believe that y'all allowed her to use this album. Right. They're like attacking us for feeling seen or like being disappointed. I've seen a lot of people being like, Oh, why do you expect Beyonce is a capitalist? Why don't you expect? And I was like, what I think is wild though, was that every person in this fucking country participates in capitalism in one way or another. Were you going to work and get a check? That is a part of capitalism.
and you wouldn't really get into it, really Marxism. Because who's the bourgeoisie and who's the proletariat? Right. If you got a job, sit with me. If you got a job, if you got a job, that makes you what? What does it make you? What does it make a worker? Yeah. A worker with me. You're a worker, bitch.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was so sorry. You got a snipe from the hood. I'm like, you are the proletariat. You are the working class.
Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Taylor Swift, these other people I can name who give the fuck, all of those people are in the bourgeoisie. You are working, right? And they are benefiting, even if it's not directly because they own Amazon, right? Maybe they have a share, they have stocks in Amazon. Who knows, right? I don't know what some of these portfolios look like, but I know for a fact they invest, because they're not stupid. They're getting blood diamonds. They're getting ads for blood diamonds.
Right? Like, so to critique people for finding joy at this album and being like, how could you do that? Well, also let's keep it a buck. How many of y'all are making music and making shows with us in there?
It sounded like it came from a different direction. I'm sorry. Somebody sent me something and I clicked on my message and started playing. I was like, ooh, girl, not that. I was trying to close the window and I was like, oh, girl.
All right, go ahead. I'm sorry. Yeah, no. I'm like, yeah. So I feel like I'm going to get into it too, right? Like, yes, we have lots of critique from Beyonce and her politics now and how I feel like this album has so many gaps. But it's also the first time we're playing it was the actual body of work that was for us by us. Not for us, but for us. It was meant for us. And it was very clear that we were the direct targeted audience.
Yeah. I think Beyonce has given hints to the girls in the past, like B.Day, right? Like I am Sasha Fierce, right? But she's never been like, I fuck with the gays. And also like it's not just Beyonce who has like accessed like a politic or language.
And like people, I feel, or just like the only person that you could critique, right? Like I feel like about like critiquing your faves in general, like somebody brought up this week, like Janelle Monae hasn't been like very actively saying. And I'm hurt. And it is, yeah, like, you know, they might not be at the same level of like access and capital as a Beyonce. You know, like,
you know, like the language that Janelle Monรกe accesses about like queer joy and, you know, like living in a fascist state, you know, having queer politics and all of that, you know, they still, but this person was like, they, I noticed they got real loud when it came time to push voting and endorsing Democratic candidates, but they have been silent about, you know,
about these genocides today. Which is also interesting because Janelle Monae is actually one of the Black queers. I think that there's a little bit of, and I'm gonna get, if anyone here listen to us as far, give me some grace. Actually don't, but keep it cute because I will cuss you out. The way that I have a little bit more room for Janelle Monae, not much,
but a little bit more because, you know, when it's a part of the black queer community. So I feel like that call it is a calling of also like kinship, right? Like Beyonce, our call of Beyonce feels like I'm a fan of yours and I expect better from you. But it will be, it will be a call out of kinship and care that is rooted in the fact that we are both black and queer. And I have
I see you, right? And you see me, we see each other. Now listen to me. If you see me, then you can hear me. If you want, you can hear. Right. Like, my thing is, like, I'm hoping that, like, that call in holds a bit more weight, because, like, we are community, and we are, you are actually one of the girls. Beyoncรฉ potentially one of the girls. You are one of the girls. And I would hope that, like, that carried, again, there's a little bit more weight. And I'm hoping that carried a lot more weight, but, like, it would, like, but that she,
Janelle will understand where we're coming from. Because that is disappointing after seeing a amazing tour and being like, damn, this little black queer person saw me to be like, now you're silent on something that affects all of our lives. Right. Yeah. I also experienced this a few times because I've gone to the shows and things like that. And while being at the shows, like, you know, I've wear like a Kufia to the shows, all these things just really sitting with leaving the house and going to do certain things. And I'm like, hmm.
What people are really just pulling up like, let me do my one, two, three, and everybody's like, yes, we love it. And let's go home and just be in our own la la land and not acknowledge it whatsoever. And after the few shows that I had gone to, which I had bought the tickets a little while ago, but when I was pulling up to the different shows, I was like, wow, people are not
saying things. And not too much on No Name in person, but like No Name was on their lives saying things. But then when I went to the concert, I was like, you didn't say anything during the concert.
I don't get why that would happen. But I mean, shout out to Aja Monet, a poet, which the poet was having a little hard, but like, Aja put a whole flag on her stage and was talking about it and having folks a part of the show and things like that. And I was like, yeah, I think I just need to position myself in places that I know people are going to say or do something because like, it's like certain things about being an artist like
even me personally, I've been doing event where I did an event recently. And I had to pull up with the flag with artists against apartheid and be like, all right, y'all, this is a cute thing. I guess we could keep it cute. But just when a name we are not fucking with genocide displacement, we're not fucking with apartheid, all the rest of these things, because y'all gonna know my fucking body. I don't care if I have
for followers or if I have 400 million followers, you're going to know my motherfucking body. And I think the issue is that a lot of people are moving in ways that they are able to be puppeted and be puppeteers because they're not letting people know like, hey, you're going to know my body regardless. Because at the end of the day, if you're so nervous about money,
And people who will be able to platform you with money, maybe money is in abundance and so is other forms of currency and exchange. So if you're going to lose out with you billion here, with somebody who has billions worth, who have an endless amount, like if you were to act right, maybe you could actually go into certain places that have a richness of minerals and a richness of other things. And maybe there's certain type of things that could be bartered, not to say you should exploit any of those things, just saying.
that if there's any type of bartering that can happen, that could helpfully not destroy lands. And maybe you could do that instead of being like, ooh, I wish I would induce a $2 million endorsement. What are you being endorsed by, baby? For real, for real. And what does that mean if that brand acts a fool to them and you and I endorse and support that brand? Because I don't know if I think the girlies are starting to understand. And maybe they understood the whole time. And maybe I just didn't care enough to engage.
I remember, I remember following certain YouTubers and being like, Oh, and like, you know, certain folks on Twitter, Instagram, like a long time ago. And I was like, you're getting a notice for people who are being dragged for their politic, for like putting kids in like harnesses, like all types of wild shit. And I was like, do you know what that means?
Like when you say that you fuck with this particular brand, even after they did these niggas, they did niggas wrong. What did that say about you? Like, do you think that that now means that like you're not against it by association? And I know we're talking about, and people are like, oh, that's not fair. People are like, you know, people are their own people. They are, but I'm not going to slap my name.
on something when I know that knowingly. Yeah. I'd be different if I was already part of the campaign and the campaign hit him up with what? After my account was some wild shit. I was speaking up against the, and I already cash that check. So I mean, it's what it's gonna be. But like for y'all to actually be out here, like working with brands and working with companies that you know, like nigga around here at the top level of McDonald's who was getting paid big bucks.
I'm sure of it to come up with ideas about how to go to McDonald's. I know it is. When people do that whole like, oh, let's be worried about their own coin and like money and the face of all these different things. It's just like, baby, you could do a lot with year one.
want your one platform, but you choose not to. But all the other when the people are coming together and now have caused there to be an $11 billion decline for fucking goofy ass nay. And it's just like, you don't even like, it's just really wild that people are like, Oh, let's like, hold on to the people like what you're saying, let's hold on to the people who are problematic, that I probably should
divest and move away from and I should boycott them motherfuckers but instead let's side with them and then when I come out with a commercial like are y'all all holding on to a Starbucks and McDonald's commercial the only person who can hold on to and mind you it's actually like all of the fast foods are on the list but like yeah
We're never like from what I know. I'm not coming from Mary J. Blige because she had the pressure.
It was a moment. But just know, if she decides to circle the block and do that again, now we're going to be like, girl, what's going on? What are they holding on to? Because whatever you're going to come out with, when we peak, especially the people who have been doing the BDS work, who have been doing the boycott divestment sanction work, they're going to be like, girl, we already told you not to fuck with them. And what? Now you're in a fancy commercial? Bitch, we said no. No.
And I think what's interesting too, right, is like, because it's weird an hour, but I was thinking about how like I've also seen people, and I'm not, obviously I'm not Palestinian, so like I'm not going to give it too much, but how some of y'all have been erasing the queerness of like the queer history that's within Palestinian and
within a Palestinian culture and history is wild because it reminds me how you only race black queer folk, like the work that black people have done in black communities, in black history. And I saw the parallel and I was like, that's wild because why would you assume that there are Palestinians who aren't queer, who aren't gay, who aren't like trans? Do you think that like
We just not, like, that's wild. Like, not on this another. They go everywhere. It's a numbers game. And it's also in the way that, like, Black folk, Black queer folk, and Palestinian folk have been fighting for liberation and talking about how our liberation is connected for so long. And it's just, you know, the girls don't be reading, but. I mean, the answer to them is I support them, because I support all shit. I would encourage the girls to read, but, you know.
And if reading is not something that works for you in the most accessible ways, get the Libby app girl. Get your niggas to read. You don't have any of those names on the phone with somebody who will tell you something. Having fun isn't hard when you have a library card.
The last thing I was gonna say, because I don't know if we're wrapping it up, but the last thought that I had
like thinking just about like capital and like art like not even just like famous people but like you know i've seen influencers talking about how like oh i'm not political i don't know what's going on like i don't feel like why would you even want to hear me say blah blah blah blah so first of all um i'm of the argument that every person every human being is responsible of you know speaking out against you know a genocide of a people like that's just period
It doesn't matter if your platform is two people or 2,000 people or 200,000 people, it's whatever. Even if you don't have any money and all you have is talking to your homegirl at the beauty shop about what's happening in Palestine. That is a human responsibility that we all have, right? Right.
But I think about like what you were saying Tyrell about like the ways people like sell. What you both were saying about the ways people kind of like sell themselves and the way that like that's something that's required with capitalism is selling yourself, selling your morals and your ethics and twisting those things. And I feel like something that people have to really take upon themselves is like really
really focusing on like, what are the things that you believe? What are the things that you, where it's escaping me? Yeah, like what are you going to stand for if nothing else? Because if you let, you know, you can let this money have you acting crazy. And that would be really tragic. And bringing it back to Beyonce specifically,
You know, people have said a whole lot about like, oh, well, what could Beyonce do? What could Beyonce do? Open her fucking mouth. Opening her mouth in her purse because Beyonce has the ability to remember.
And even just like talking about today, today was a call for a general strike, which I know a lot of people, we're talking about the things that they was accessible to them in tomorrow, because I think the general strike is going to extend into tomorrow, which if you're listening to this is December 12th, which is when I think they're voting against, voting on the ceasefire again.
But I was just going to say, thinking about what it would mean, imagine the platform that Beyonce has or someone akin to Beyonce, whoever your fave is, if it's Taylor Swift, if it's Lady Gaga, I don't even know whoever the fuck. But imagine the platform that they have and what would it mean if Beyonce could have posted. Now, the last thing I'm going to say, because I'm a drag,
is that in the aftermath of the film coming out and we know that she's seen the criticism cause she's been posting about it and she's been saying stuff, you know, talking about how she's seen other things on the internet and blah, blah, blah. Beyonce is still posting her cute little gowns and she's still posting like all of these other things in the aftermath. And I feel like at this point we've given her the opportunity. People have given her a lot of grace.
to say things and do the things. And she is repeatedly showing us that she doesn't give a fuck. At the same point, you know, she is posting her, you know, rhinestone, whatever that bleached ass wig, you know, she's washing out.
She was watching. Her publicist is going on Instagram, Yvette don't ever be logging on most of the time, but her publicist got on Instagram to let the girls know that the film is only in theaters and that it's not going to be streaming. And that's the only thing that she said.
So we know the girls are online, but it's actually a choice that Beyonce has still not said anything, even after surely seeing the criticism and the calls for action that she's seen about it. Imagine if somebody like Beyonce would have actually used that to speak out about Palestine even just today.
Even today, in the midst of the general strike, imagine these people are begging and pleading for people around the world to say something, to speak up, to do something. And imagine what it would mean if Beyonce put her money and her words into action and would have actually done that. And she still didn't do it.
So that's one to leave y'all with. But even if it's not Beyonce, if it's whoever you listen to, whatever artist you like, whatever actor or whoever it is, whatever. The people that you, we're all in community with each other and have that responsibility. And if they're choosing not to say something, that still is saying something.
I do think, I think I thought about too, the fact that they are, the United Nations, the United Nations, the UN is meeting. Because girl, what power do they have? I'm so confused. And I was going to get into it. I was like, even if Beyonce- If somebody else knows. I was like, even now- I took AP history, but I'm just kidding. Maybe I'm the child that was left behind, but this don't make no sense to me. Maybe it's crazy.
I'm not sure of all the ins and outs per se, but the articles that I've read and the lawyers that I follow on the, on the Instagrams were like, basically the UN does not have power to
to force Israel to do anything. So basically, all the countries over the U.N. can say, we don't fuck with it and we want you to stop. Israel could ignore them if they choose to, but I'm not going to do that. And I've also seen that for whatever reason, the U.S. is one of the few powers that are part of the U.N., one of two. I forgot which the other one is. I think the other one abstained, right? And then the U.S. was like, no.
Yeah, that has the power to veto the UN decisions, which is very confusing to me. Because why the fuck is that? It's supposed to be United ass niggas across the world. Why does the US? United niggas. I didn't mean that.
That was funny. I have a really quick question on some geographical shit because I did not pay attention in a lot of... I can promise I can answer. Right, me neither. I think it might be a simple answer. I'm not exactly sure, but I wasn't paying attention in history. I'll just name that every time they talked about white people, which is pretty much every day. Every day. Those two moments when they would glitch and talk about the niggas, I'd be like, I'm here. But I have a geographic question. It's been like UN headquarters located in New York.
Oh, good question. That is a good question. Wait, why did I think it was in like Europe somewhere? I didn't think it was. I never, well, I thought about where they meet up, but I don't know. They meet up everywhere. Like, I don't know. Oh, no. She, no. Shelly, don't do it. It's 405 East 45th Street, New York, New York, New York. Okay, so I just wanted to follow up and say,
conspiracy or whatever it could be. It's given the United States made the United Nations, and they're the ones who are. I mean, there's probably. Yes. Why the fuck is it on this soil? And why are y'all the ones who are like, just kidding? I created something that I can plot twist, take all of the power away from all of y'all niggas. Somebody smarter than us. You tell us the history of the United Nations. Any of y'all listening, I hope you're listening. I don't know.
I don't know if the four people who listen to us have more time out there than we do. But if there happened to also be more than four people listening to this. It's Ray and Yazzie. I don't know anyone else's. No, I do. Kamel listens. Hi, Kamel.
I don't air listens, but he has to. Okay. Well, if any of y'all or anyone has more knowledge than we do, let us know.
I mean, as it should be, it should. Why know what other people listen to? Y'all got a big ass family in Jersey. Why are y'all listening? We have a family of hotels. I don't think we have. Oh, fucking with my mama. I would definitely be like, Ma, here you go. Yeah, I would send it. I would send it. I'll send it to the peoples. But one of the last things that I was going to say is just to also highlight even more that today is one of the global
strike days and if y'all would like to um any of the four people or the masses that will continue to just like find why um if y'all would also like to you know boycott and divest from so many of these places just on a long-standing thing you can do it from every fast food chain so any fast food chain you think of just
Don't go there. Also, it's easy opportunity to support local businesses. If you have a local grocery store that does like... Those two new coffee shop girls, Starbucks is not even good. And like, even like a subway. Go to somebody's corner store. If you live in New York, go to somebody's corner store.
No follow Keith Lee and see where he shouts out. No, no, no. In defense of Keith Lee, this is off topic. In defense of Keith Lee, it was because niggas were sending him to these places. He asked people for recommendations and they were sending him to goofy ass places.
That's like going to Atlanta and instead of having soul food or instead of going to the south instead of going to the south and having soul food or when you do have soul food you decide you're gonna put something on there that'll make fucking sense like why would you do that if we didn't ever tell you to do that?
That's why we're saying we're like, you could have just did that or gone to somebody's Jamaican like spot. I don't understand. It's giving like you took the recommendation, just went with it. And it wasn't given like you actually were being mindful what you're doing, but whatever.
So yeah, like back on the, you know, going to the local spots that actually hit, don't go to the gentrified spots that are displacing people, fuck them. Researching where you're going, researching where it is that you're doing. Also there are the Instagram chefs, so you can, the people who don't even have the finances, the means, and can't work against all of this red lining and these banking systems to even get storefronts. So go ahead and go to when they be having their food, because their food
be hitting no harder. Go to all of the different places and divest from this capitalistic, monstrous world and just don't lean too much into the goofiness because this is one thing and the last thing I would say from Miss Mama's because I feel like this is something that is happening for her and I hope it doesn't happen for anybody else who is listening, anybody else who can hear me.
the grandmothers really hit when they said this when they said stand for something or you'll fall for anything because it's really giving you if you could have stood up stand up stand up stand up stand up
But you could have just, we would have been the foundation, baby, we could have helped you even if you slipped just a little bit from your foundations, which our foundations are giving sinking sand into capitalism. So baby, all that.
We're going to go ahead and work on the divestment from YouTube, baby, because what the hell was that? Yeah. That's why I didn't go see the movie, because girl, you got me fucked up. And I love that for you, because I bought that ticket. I bought it super early. I thought I bought it really, really, really early. So I was like, when I tried to get it, I was like, yeah, girl, you're going to the show. And I was like, I don't want to? Yeah. Y'all.
Well, on that note, anybody got anything else? Just check your faves. That's all I got. Check your faves. How about get better faves? Or don't have faves at all and stop putting some of these cattles. I saw somebody talking about how we're leaving this like, it seems like we're leaving this era of celebrity worship because Beyonce is kind of like the last
the like real celebrity. You know, she is really like a people celebrity, like she is like the celebrity celebrity. And now that like, you know, people are being more open to being cognizant of, you know, like don't stand don't stand anybody. And maybe that is possibly the reason why a lot of people are holding on to her because they're holding on to this like
idea of celebrity and idol worship and whatever. But yeah, like you everybody out there got to stand up and you know, just just yeah. We thought y'all should do better. I'm all right. Well, I think we covered everything. Are we all feeling good?
I feel good. I feel good. The last thing I just want to be very clear on is free all of the oppressed people in occupied lands, fuck settler colonialism. Unfortunately, we are on colonized land, fuck imperialism, and all of the rest of that shit. Life supremacy, patriarchy.
Fuck patriarchy, white supremacy. Period. I be in all of that shit. So although we could go down the list and free Palestine, free Congo, free Haiti, free Puerto Rico. That shit in Haiti and the fact that no one's really talking about it still gags me.
Well, we have time because we have a platform. We can say what we want. On today, it was on Miss Mama's because we got to that. This is not a temporary thing. So just so y'all know our body, we will be back talking about the fucked up things that are happening to oppressed people.
And we share resources. We share, you know. I do. We share the knowledge that we have. We're using our platforms and we can also use this one to do this. Yes.

Support and Global Awareness

And Motash, shout out to Motash. Not really a shout out of like things that I love that they're doing this, but grateful to Motash and Wizard Basand. Yes. Follow them if you want to stay updated. They're also very tired. So they need other people. They are very tired. And I was so, yeah, I, oof.
Yeah. Well, also, before I forget, too, not before I forget, but I think it'll be a good idea. Make sure you go to your research on the other seven occupations that are currently happening around the globe, because Palestine is not the only one. And I also want to say this before I go, too, which is, oh, God, come on, girl, we need to get together.
I ain't going to be before your love. Right, bitch. I won't be before your love. I won't take much time from you, but I just want to chuckle ahead and get up out of here. But yeah, I realize that there's also a conversation, too, that centers around children and youth, Palestinian youth, to be exact. And I think that that is super important and needs to happen. But I think I've noticed that a lot of people, too, have kind of forgotten about the adults who have also lost their lives and who are doing work and who are doing things there.
And I don't feel like there's a holistic understanding of what it means to be an adult and lose what like, you know, like, you know, I, it feels like I understand that folks are the rallying cries like children and women and women and children, or really just children at this point.
But there are other folks who are adults who lost their lives, who also deserve to be living. They deserve... Palestinian men deserve to be free. Yeah. They also deserve to see their fucking adults. They deserve to go out and get married, or have children, or travel, or see the world. Elders who are older than fucking the Australian fascist state. Yeah. So I really want to also keep in mind that, yes, protecting the children, supporting the children are important, paying for those funds, help the youth.
do not forget that there are fully grown adult folks there who did not deserve this either and who do not deserve to have their deaths or their experiences be dismissed or minimized to make this more appealing to the masses. A holistic full picture is also great. It's also good and it's also needed. But on that note,
I think I'm finished. Free everybody till it's backwards. Backwards, forwards, and bouncing over the day. Upside down. Upside down. Now I say bouncing over the day. Oh my god, give me a hand. What? I'm delusional.
Yeah, we've been in here for a long time. I'm sorry, I'm delusional. I heard this recently, this is the last thing I'll leave it on, but my Aja Monet show she was specifically talking about, she was like, make love with a revolutionary. I'll tell you, it's one of the best things in the world.
And on that note, not to say you have to have sex, not to say you have to do any of those things, but if you want to be in community with someone who's doing revolutionary things, go ahead and do it. And if you want to also... Not be in the whore, but okay. Bye, y'all. Bye. Bye.