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PATREON PREVIEW Ep 92: Airheads (w {BLEEP}) image

PATREON PREVIEW Ep 92: Airheads (w {BLEEP})

S2 E36 · Bad Movies Worse People
61 Plays7 months ago

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THIS IS A PREVIEW OF OUR LATEST MENTAL HEALTH EPISODE AVAILABLE ONLY ON PATREON! One of those classic 90's stoner comedies where no one smokes weed or even talks about it, but you know what's going on. Brendan Fraser, Steve Buscemi, Adam Sandler, Michael McKean, Ernie Hudson, Chris Farley and MORE! Fraser and company have a band called The Lone Rangers and the only thing they want is to hit the big time and get their single played on the radio. The pursuit of this leads them to slightly.... kidnap and hold hostage an entire radio station full of people and kick off a large-scale riot in LA. Hilarity ensues. Tune in for a fun one where we spend way too much time talking about poop and Nazis!


Episode Teaser

Hey listeners, here's a quick preview of our new episode available now on Patreon at patreon slash worst people. For only three dollars a month you get this and so much more!

Helmet Humor

He looks so beautifully natural filling this. hemet with godishs teeth Well because you know what he's never done in a movie. I guarantee at some point at a party there has been a helmet filled with cottage cheese or a similar substance. Maybe a baseball helmet maybe not ah like a football helmet but we know we got it. One of those motorcycle helmets with the spike on top. Uh-huh, the Kysers. Yeah. That's World War I shit. Didn't let me wear one of those.

Nazi Memorabilia Discussion

Yeah, because he collected Nazi memorabilia. That's World War I shit, though. Yeah, but it's a precursor. I'll be splitting hairs. They were threatening castration. But they weren't Nazis, yet. They weren't. But they were.

Hitler's Art Career Jokes

Just because Hitler wore short cut off shorts all the time. That's what got him into it. yeah You know, what else is he going to wear when he's painting? I'm painting, I'm hating. I just don't know what to do. I need flexibility. I just want to see fucking Hitler with the overalls with nothing under it. I'm just trying to express myself, you know. I'm rural. I'm very rural right now. I am an artist. I'm going to paint this dog. ah Maybe that's what happened. He was painting all those paintings. Nobody liked him. And there was like a Jewish art critic. Well, that's a theory. That's actually one of the theories is like he because he was a failed artist. Yeah, there's a lot of different things going on there. But either way, I'm sure none of them are as funny as I was suggesting. No, I'm sure it's like I'm just going to draw this a little symbol. It's got a couple of wings on it and oh see how that goes. Look at this eagle. The eagle sucks. Looks like it's made out of iron. I'm going to put you down.

SS Acronym Reinterpretation

what ah What? It's a super special eagle. I'll just do an S and an S. Super special. ah Never knew the SS stood for it till right fucking now. Super special. We are the SS. What does that mean? Super special. Hizzer likes us a lot, you know. But we're secret tip too. Shh. You've never been to his cookouts. He gave us schnitzel.
He feels amazing. I'm going to have to ask you to gt stop right there.

Dark Bratwurst Humor

His veal is made out of human child. All right, you went too far. makes the bestra was yeah brat worst He makes the He makes the worst bratwurst. It's made out of actual brats. Why do you say bratwurst? Throw another brat on the barbie. Exactly. He slow burns everything. I hear he likes to smoke it.

Historical Cooking Wordplay

He uses gas in that sparkle. I like to cook it hot and fast, the blitzkrieg style. Yes, he doesn't. Well, you're going to hell. Like you were saying, he doesn't even sparkle. He only uses propane. Only gas. Quick, check the hot dogs for fillings.
Lemmy, you bastard. I don't know how we got on this except for Lemmy's short shorts.

Editing and Censorship Jokes

God, you go from Lemmy's short shorts to fucking he's got a car with human kids for wheels and slow cooking bratwurst. This laugh right here is what I'm going to hear when he's editing this. family Oh, because he's going to forget that we said all this bullshit. He's like, well, there's no way there's not this stuff with airheads. Let me just edit this quick episode of Airheads, one of our favorites. It's a family-friendly episode. They kept it PG-13, and we just did 10 minutes on Nazis. God. Come back from that.

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