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147- Is Trump accidentally turning the USA vegan? image

147- Is Trump accidentally turning the USA vegan?

Vegan Week
108 Plays1 month ago

Dairy farmers in the US are warning that if Donald Trump's new deportation measures take full effect...there might not be anyone left who is willing to do the dairy industry's dirty work. Paul, Kate & Ant dissect this, as well as nine other stories from the week's vegan & animal rights news, as they ponder: Whilst it may indicate another bell tolling for the dairy industry, can we really celebrate such an inhumane state of politics? 


Enough of the Falafel is a community of people who love keeping on top of the latest news in the world of veganism & animal rights. With the Vegan Week podcast, we aim to keep listeners (& ourselves) informed & up-to-date with the latest developments that affect vegans & non-human animals; giving insight, whilst staying balanced; remaining true to our vegan ethics, whilst constantly seeking to grow & develop.

Each week we look through news stories from the past 7 days in the world of veganism & animal rights.

If you spot any news stories that might catch our fancy, or have an idea for a discussion topic, get in touch via


This week's stories: (deadline for this is 28th feb. see for more context)


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Paul, Kate & Ant


Introduction and Episode Overview

Hello everyone, welcome to your one stop shop for this week's vegan and animal rights news. I'm Anthony, joining me for this episode as well at Kate and Paul. But that's enough of the falafel, it's time for vegan
they call the media and say, hi, sorry. They're arguing like, oh, poor Woe is me. Hang on a minute. You always pick.
As long as you didn't get the wee brilliant with the horns you'll be all alright. Does veganism give him superpowers?
No, I cannot fly around the city. I don't have laser vision. Hello everyone, it's Kate here. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Thank you so much for joining us today. Hello everyone, this is Paul and that's enough of the falafel right now. Let's get on and see what's been going on in the news this week.
For more details on the upcoming news stories, including links to our original source material, check out our show notes for this episode available on your podcast player.

Cultivated Pet Food Innovations

Okay, we're gonna start off the show by taking a peek into Kate's shopping list because she is somebody who lives with a dog and it's been a bit of a momentous week for those of you who might have dog food on your shopping list because in the UK now,
For the first time anywhere in the world, as much as we think anyway, cultivated dog food is on sale. So pets at home, which is the UK's biggest, quote, pet shop. Wellstock, chick bites, which sounds horrendous. It's a treat made from cultivated chicken, not ground up chickens. um They come from cultivated meat firm Meatsley.
which collaborated with plant-based dog food brand The Pack to meet them. So this is a limited edition launch. So i know I know what you vegans are like. You don't go scouring every single pets at home um and be disappointed and come come knocking at our door because we're telling you now it's a limited edition. Brentford, London is the place to go. So literally one pets at home in the whole country. like other cultivated meat food that has already been released. We covered this a few months ago. It's not 100% cultivated meat, so it is combining plant-based ingredients with cultivated chicken, in this case, um and the idea is to provide dogs with, quote, real meat, but made without slaughter. Kate, I mean, the the immediate question that we need to ask somebody who lives with a dog is, would you buy it? ah No.
but But because my dog, she's a plant-based dog and she's actually, I won't go into the whole story, but she's actually reversed lymphoma and her limph lymph cancer is getting smaller on her she on her vegan diet. And so no, I wouldn't because I think probably even though it's cell-based meat,
it will still have some of those pro-inflammatory things in it. but even So I am still celebrating because I know that so many people, they live with a wolf that needs animal protein. And so if they can get their wolf, feed their wolves cultivated meat rather than actual meat from a live, that what was a live chicken, then I think that's absolutely fantastic.
I think, I'm not sure, but I think this particular stuff has come from, cells from an egg originally, but they won't actually need to keep going back to chickens or and or eggs, which came first. and They won't need to go back to them in order to keep producing it. I think now they've got the cells, it's just gonna carry on um in some so um sort of bioreactor. Much like a sourdough starter.
Well, exactly, very, very much like a sourdough starter and it's a chicken starter. Anyway, yeah, so apparently this has made huge, huge impacts right across the world in the US and everywhere. It's been massive news and been on all TV stations, radio stations, and yeah, I think it's absolutely brilliant. And I'm hoping that maybe, I don't know what you guys think, but if people are gonna You know, people are so... I even have met vegans that are feeding their dogs grass-fried beef or something. Do you know what I mean? And I'm like, what are you doing? But people are so precious about their pets.
that hopefully if people are willing to, well this is only the start obviously because it's it's snack food but you know hopefully it's the beginnings of pet food in general because it's massive it has a massive impact so many animals are killed to go into pet food and then perhaps human food and people more likely to eat it themselves if they're going to give it to their precious dogs and or cats even. Great. Yeah it's very it's very telling isn't it the fact that it's been approved to feed animals but we're kind of saying well yeah we need to just check a bit more before we recognise it as safe for humans it does does show that sort of speciesism and um saying ah do you know what we we love our pets but not enough to really thoroughly check that these things are okay but like I say okay I think it's
I think it's a step forward, isn't it? And we live in a speciesist world, so we've got to advocate for animals within that that framework. I mean, you you mentioned the the fact that so much of the slaughtered flesh that is consumed is is within the pet industry. 20% of this story says 20% of the meat consumed in high income nations, including the UK, is consumed by companion animals. So it's it's propping up that industry. that's That's the profit margin there, isn't it? you know if you if If you remove that, then those industries are even less profitable. Remove the subsidies and they are positively making a loss.
Anyway, let's let's move on. Move on from Meatly.

Conservation Efforts and Ethical Debates

What is it? Clearly a momentous thing. What is also a momentous thing that has happened in the last few days. This comes to us from Protect the Wild, their sub-stack. Bird shooting ends on a huge Scottish estate after takeover by Conservation Company. This is the news that thanks to new ownership, bird shooting is now banned on a 15,000 acre estate in Scotland's Ken Gawne's National Park and we've we've covered stories about bird shooting and grouse and things like this and the fact that it is is very normalised particularly in Scotland in the UK s as well as of course around the world but oxygen conservation
have purchased the Doorback Estate in December of last year. They've got this huge land portfolio now over 43,000 acres, lucky old them, but they seem to be doing good things with that. They're a conservation-focused company and on their website they say they aim to protect and restore natural processes. I guess, Paul, that you could interpret that many ways. I mean protecting and restoring natural processes could mean that it ends up being quote regenerative agriculture and they could be slaughtering animals and things so we've got to be a bit skeptical but this this does seem like ah ah a victory for animals I'd say yeah it does I think there's ah there's a little bit more if you scratch beneath the surface but you're quite right they've brought up this you know 43,000 acres over three and a half years
It's not just up in Scotland, they've got land, I believe in Cornwall, Wales and Norfolk, so they're kind of you know reaching far and wide. Interestingly, you know there's some statements that they've made, which are you know pretty good from our perspective, so we don't believe in killing things for recreation. That's a pretty staunch comment there. And I noticed that they're also yeah know with with associated to this banning of the shooting. It would mean that they no longer do practices like moor burning, which obviously bad for the environment. That's only done to keep the ground better for shooting rather than any other sort conservation reasons. but um and a And they also say that they're not going to allow drag hunting or badger culling on their land, again, all all sounding very good.
what they well One oddity in this is that they do, however, allow for deer culling. So it's not all good news. And I think we've heard this in a few stories. They they do say that there's a need from their perspective to allow a degree of deer culling to protect, I guess, some of the so the ground, essentially. So not all good news. But it is interesting. I think it feels good in general. I've noticed that they're financed by the Tridos Bank, which is a bank I bank with, and others might do as well. there generally of a very ethical bank but it's not perfect I think it's fair to say. Yeah, it's it's interesting that whilst we could have a situation we were talking in the previous story like imperfect ways of gradually dialing things up to be better for animals,
If you have a patch of land where the same amount of slaughter happens, but it's happening in ah in a different way, in a more selective way, in a sense that's making the the web or the system less complex. If you've got a patch of land where 10 different animals are being systematically killed in different ways,
that's 10 different practices to eradicate. If you get to a stage where there's only one left, let's say it's only deer culling that's happening, then that's the last thing to fall. It's it's not a net change in animal deaths, but we're kind of getting closer to a point where you know There's only two or one things to fall, if if that makes sense. I know that might sound a bit woefully, but it's it's still gradually dialing things towards a future where it it it could be seen as completely cruelty-free land.
Yeah, yeah. And I mean, it's also telling to some degree, and I'm certainly not making excuses for this, but the deer culling isn't done, I gather, as a sort of a trophy hunting or sport kind of way. I know it doesn't stop the killing, but they're not inviting the sport and the profit from that. So, okay, definitely not perfect, but it feels like it's a lot of good things as part of the land being taken over by them as opposed to if they hadn't.

RSPCA's Animal Futures Project

Yeah, absolutely.
Okay, let's move on to what is a clearly going to be a very divisive story. Towards the end of this month, as we record in February 2025, there is a big consultation that the RSPCA have been putting up. They call it the big cons...
and they don't call it the big conservation that's the previous story they call it the big conversation i'm clearly a closet dyslexic there they say animal futures are in our hands the ah rspca animal futures project which launched last year 2024 imagines five potential scenarios for animals in 2050 the choices we make today whether it's how we use tech the pets we buy the food we eat will determine what the world will be like for animals tomorrow um and they have launched this this consultation where you can join in the conversation online. You can um send in your opinions. And actually, if you if you go looking for animal rights and vegan news and animal news in the news this week, you'll see lots of different regions of the country have got the same press release, but adapted for their region. So it's one of those where I was thinking, hang on, this is the same story, but it in many, many different
local newspapers. um So if we take Oxfordshire, for example, the headline reads, Oxfordshire residents invited to have sale on animal welfare. um So the the press department at the RSPCA has clearly been doing a good job. And on the face of it, they they're saying, you know, come on, join the conversation. ah We can shape the future. Kate, you've had a look at this. What's what's been your take? We've got a couple of weeks where we can have our say, as can any local resident across the UK. What's your take?
I mean I was initially a bit kind of triggered by some of the some of the things they were saying but and and how they word things you know making out as if it is essential really to to have animals within our food system and it just reminds me a little bit I don't know if I'm being a bit overly critical here but I have been involved in these sorts of things before, because they're actually asking people to get together in groups, have a lovely coffee morning, and they've got, if you go on their website, they've got, they've got, it's like four subjects, which are how we use animals, animals and technology, farmed animals and food, animals in the wild, and they have like a, like, ah you know, kind of where we are now,
what may happen in the future and ah what we could possibly do about it to mitigate it you know different scenarios or what sorts of things we should be worried about but of course um I don't know who else has been involved in these things you sometimes get these like you get called to a group perhaps in your local community to discuss some project or other And it's a brilliant way of, you know, if you've got like leading questions to kind of blend out dissenting voices and dare I say opinions that you're not wanting to follow up. You know, I've even seen one person's voice described as the majority view, if that's chimed with what the people who are leading the the project are trying to to push forward on. But yes, so there's also feedback on the c assist on on the the website as well because people have obviously been having their meetings and feeding back some of the questions. Or there's also podcasts as well if you want to listen to those. But the feedbacks on the farmed animals section, people saying they've got strong concerns about animal welfare and living conditions on farms and some people opposing farming animals in general. so that
They're obviously vegans replying, replying back, ah which is good and we want more, and people concerned about the environmental impact of farming and advocating for meat-free diets. Some people worried about the fact that that welfare standards might actually lead to higher prices in supermarkets. And we don't want that, do we? And whether or not we want to compromise on that. Anyway, there's all kinds of stuff there to go could go and look at. And I think as vegans, a lot of us will have very strong opinions on it.
So it does say, share your thoughts and respond to others below by the 28th of February. So I suggest that we do, whether you want to do that as a group or whether you want to do that just yourself, you know, I do think so. So, you know, if I can just witter on a little bit more, some of the things on animal farming, yeah, they're so, so vitally important, but So one of the podcasts is about ah robot pets. Are they ethical? Are robot pets ethical? I'm quite perplexed about that. you know Are they suggesting it's cruel to leave a robot pet at home or cruel to feed it electricity instead of a meat based diet? Do you know what I I don't know. You're kind of shoving all these things. It kind of waters down
the most important things, which is how we're treating the billions of sentient animals within the farm system. I don't know what you guys think.

Veganary's Global Expansion and Transparency

Well, I think it's like a radio phoning, isn't it? I like the idea.
of it and of course it's democratic, sociocratics, getting voices out there and not silencing voices and and enabling people to cast an opinion but it's it's also a bit like sort of lifting up a rock and looking underneath it sometimes you can you know oh gosh what's all what's all that i don't necessarily want to hear of all these opinions or what have you but actually it's as far as i'm concerned it's it's unquestionably a good thing to be getting getting voices out there and and end hearing opinions and yeah a lot of them we're not going to like like if we walk down a metile in the supermarket we're not going to like that but actually sometimes you have got to address the concerns and and and and get things out there and this is the the forum to do it and some of them
we're going to bulk out and go oh god what are you talking about that for or really like the price is the most important thing for you but you know it's it's out there and it's i think that's a good thing and like you say it's a call to action we've got time to do something about it and there are follow-up consultations too it's not just get your voice out there by the 28th of february otherwise you've missed your chance i think it's a good thing and uh we we might need to have vegan friends that we rant to afterwards but you know this is an opportunity big organization get your voice out there if you make a point well enough it might be listened to I guess. Yeah it's it's is's commendable I think to have the open discussion I mean as with all things like this whether you have um work feedback or I don't know like when you get planners wanting to build able a load of flats somewhere and invite people to come and give their views on it
It's very open and democratic, but it's what happens afterwards. Do those things get acted upon and used? So if there is a vociferous view on against you know the labeling on on meat that we've talked about many a time, then what happens then? But I think got to make sure that.
U.S. PCA are in a position where they're damned if they do, damned if they don't. They've invited the comments. That's great. I mean, that's that's open. um There's probably a bit of marketing there for them as well, if you're being honest, but um it's kind of really what happens next. I think for me on this one. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we'll see, won't we? We will see. We'll follow it.
follow it with bated breath. Something where I think we can be a lot more sort of unilateral in our celebration and our and ah i'll praise and what have you is the usual sort of post January bit of feedback from Viganary reporting back on progress and indeed their plans for the future. They announced this week that they celebrated 25.8 million global participants in 2025, which is a record. My theory with Virginia is they do a very, very good job, but I reckon each year they find new ways to increase the number just by saying, yeah, they came on our website. That'll do. They participated clearly, but now we we can't really quibble with the fact that they're doing a very good job. well I think so anyway. So yep over 25 million participants across the world and indeed the big press release that's been going up this week is the fact that they are expanding into new countries shortly including China. So the timing of the lunar year falling between late Jan and early Feb makes it a challenging season for lifestyle changes according
to Viganury, but the team at the China Vegan Society conceptualized V-March, which is a fresh twist on Viganury more tailored to the Chinese calendar. Over 50 businesses have already committed to being part of the campaign by launching or promoting plant-based products, and many more are expected to join. So what do you reckon, Paul? This is a country with over a billion people living there. like I guess that's that that's the place you want to target veganism to have the biggest impact yeah i mean of i mean i think you've covered the article pretty well there the bit that did jump out for me was about the moving to china and the change and and kind of molding the campaign for that obviously huge population there have been i think if i remember rightly and i'm happy to be corrected i think there have been political
have been sort of political pressures on people to reduce meat over there as well, if I remember rightly. So it's in it's interesting. And and ah yeah, you know, if you can get China on board with some of this stuff, then great. um I guess the only other thing I picked out from the 25.8 million participants that they reported, they did talk about new campaigns in other countries like Canada, Peru, Malaysia. So I'm taking that to be um areas that they've either newly focused on or sort of resurgence in the in the focus. Canada, I'm sure, I've been on before. I don't know about Peru and And I think using partners in those countries, which is obviously the best way to do that if they've got, so I guess, strong representation or something already set up. But yeah, the the China bit sounds really interesting. And yeah, I guess seeing the results from that will be really, really cool.
Yeah, absolutely. And we've got to give it to the Ganyuri for a continue to adapt and you know find find new ways to keep things going throughout the year. And it does seem to be a ah good sort of low stakes approach, no pun intended there. And just as they say themselves give it a go for a month see how you feel sort of thing see see how easy it is see if you want to take a selfish the effect it has on your body approach you know see if you feel any better as well seems to get people my yeah my only thing with vegania i do often wonder every year i think is like how many of the 25.8 million know people that are already vegan and if we can start to be more transparent about things which i think we should be it's like okay
How many of these are new people that may or may not carry on cuz that's what we really want to know about it if. Five million those people were already vegan and just signing up like can you really count those i don't i don't think we should be but um you know that's just my take on it. um mixed figures are good, I know, but um I think maybe, I think they're in a strong enough position to kind of take that next step, I think, really, to to do that. That'll be my opinion anyway. Yeah, they normally do some good infographics. I know Kate is big on making ah infographics, that's one of her particular strengths, and I've always liked the Ganyuies, and they normally will be transparent with with how many of the participants
are vegan and and very often the stats they release in press releases don't include the vegan participants. There's no need in a social justice campaign to lie is there and to exaggerate things, it it would rather undermine things. so Let's hope they continue to have that sort of integrity to things. Now we started this section off with a little peek into Kate's potential shopping list.

Vegan Skincare Alternatives

Let's have another little peek because we can reveal this week that there is a new vegan glass skin serum without snail mucin. Mucin? How do you say that, Kate? Any idea? Mucin, I think. mucin. Well, I will take your word for it. The glass skin trend usually relies on snails, apparently. of according We've got this one from Plant-Based News. So, popular skincare product that promises to give glass skin. I'm not sure. I mean, Paul, would you be after glass skin? I didn't release it. What's the appeal of that? it
doesn't sound, I don't know, it makes it sound like you're something hanging up in a pub. Yes, yeah indeed. Well power apparently people like it, apparently people like it um and Boots, big pharmaceutical and cosmetic supplier in this country anyway have launched, or they are stocking anyway, a vegan version. So this is from the skincare brand bma or b y o m a again um not doing very well with this story don't have to say anything don't know what anything is i should just hand over to kate i think but this glass skin beauty trend originated in korea
usually relies on serum made with secretions harvested from snails. What could be more wonderful for your skin, I ask you. But this one is derived from Japanese roots and plants, and the brands say that this plumps the skin, reduces water loss, and strengthens skin barrier function. Kate, come on, give us your insight. Me and Paul don't know what we're talking about here. Can you shed any light on this?
How do you think I do?
Oh my god. I don't wear makeup. I don't use, I don't even use soap on my skin. I don't think it helps, honestly. I guess, I don't know. It's just... weird it's like the opposite of like what people normally do which is to map down the sheen on their face it seems to me it's like the opposite it's quite strange i suppose it would if i used it it might catch the light off my wrinkles which might be really appealing i don't know but it's yeah it's really odd just like to say hooray it's a it's a vegan product for some sort of very strange very very non-vegan product i guess if you've got beautiful young skin maybe it does look
lovely to have a ah nice sheen on it I don't know but anyway yes kind of farming snails for mucin or mucin like you're saying is just revolting because apparently it's hand hydrating and antimicrobial and may reduce signs like ages aging and with wrinkles and skin tone and sagging. But honestly, I just think that's probably a load of ah rubbish and isn't couldn't possibly be true. But yeah, farming snails is a hideous thing. And actually they're quite, there's been some citizen science things on snails, hasn't there? I don't know if you remember where where they sort of discovered that snails have a homing instinct.
up to about 10 metres possibly more and when somebody I knew once told me and I was quite horrified while I was listening they they cleared out all the snails in their backyard put them in a bin bag took them through the house for to be collected by the bin men the following day. But when they woke up in the morning, the snails had somehow got into the house, trailed all the way through the house and back out into the backyard. I mean, i mean that's yay. I think, wow, incredible. We just don't know the half about small creatures, do we? We really don't.
And it's incredibly cruel how they extract this mucus from these poor creatures. You know, they spray them in salt, they kind of really agitate them. Sometimes they even just take the whole shell off. I mean, it's revolting, isn't it?
And basically, I've got another plug for the Plant Based Health Professionals podcast in a nutshell, guys. They've just had a fantastic skin specialist on called Star, and I've forgotten her surname, but she'll give you all the lowdown on all the healthy vegan foods to make your skin glow and luscious and some various treatments. So there we go.
Well, if it stops people rubbing rubbing snails on their faces and um producing a It says in this article that the the secretion is a stress response. So like that that the it's it's predicated on abuse and horrific things. So anything that stops that happening for those people who want to have glass looking skin, then great. Hooray, hooray, hooray. Right. Last little quick one before we move on to our pick for

Advocacy and Media Campaigns for Animal Rights

the week. Paul has been looking at adverts, particularly
a new one released by Viva I'm a big fan of Viva I think it's fair to say and they are releasing a new cinema advert very often their ads are shown in cinemas dairy is scary they are focusing on the dairy industry and they need to raise £40,000 basically to get this to show more widely I think that that was my understanding of it Paul like this this video is is there it's ready to ready to air it's going to get some coverage
but they're launching a campaign to to try and raise funds to get it to to go a bit wider. Do you want to tell us a bit about the video? yeah yeah so this cs so crowdfund campaign trying to reach one million viewersin and i've made a donation i should say and we all can it's a really good advert i think well okay i will qualify it it a sixty two second advert it's pretty creepy actually when you watch it ah do wonder whether it might for the wrong audience people might mock it and laugh it a bit but even if that is the case then it starts potentially starts the conversation which is what it's about. The current funding level I just went on and checked before we came on was up to £10,666.50 so not bad but you know a quarter of a way there a bit more a bit more yeah so it's available to watch on Viva's website um so have a look at it um you know I think these sort of campaigns when you get like tube poster campaigns and
that kind of thing. I think it's I feel it's often a bit of a duty for vegans to kind of contribute and chip in and help push this because you know we can't do this by ourselves but we can come together as a crowd and fun together and you know pay what we can afford it could be a pound it could be hundred pounds If you've got the money, put it in and get the message out there much stronger as a group doing this sort of approach to um advertising, I think. I guess the advert itself, it basically focuses on the well-known separation of calves from their mothers.
they they certainly historically what's happened to them in terms of the destruction of calves as a waste product or potentially put into the system again to be um part of the dairy industry in some cases. I suppose we know farmers are going to play back the usual shtick on this, which is that calves are taken away for their own protection, which is obviously bollocks. And ah yeah, you take them away to destroy them later on. Brilliant.
Yeah, and I know now that that this i've I've seen on websites actually recently that there seems to be a push where they're saying, well, we're trying to reduce the destruction of calves at birth as waste product. We're putting in them in and making them into beef. So hooray for that. Hooray for that ah ah more extraction of profit ah hopeful for the animals.
Yeah so yeah that was it in a nutshell I think. I mean obviously I'm trying to once again draw attention to animals being treated as objects and particularly that cruel practice of taking away calves young from their mothers just to produce milk that we don't need to drink. Yeah I think obviously it's brilliant we have organizations who are advocating for animals and they are you know they're making that the the core function of their work. I think I really like the fact that that there is a little section if you follow the link in the show notes for this one Viva sort of justify well why why a cinema advert you know why why are we particularly targeting this and and
that they talk about the fact that it's an immersion based environment where there are no other

Sustainability in NHS Hospital Menus

distractions. and They cite data that says 87% of cinema goers recall ads weeks after watching them. I just think like the the more we can be informed and hone our approach and become more and more better really doing this stuff for advocating on behalf of animals the better the outcomes for the animals and I think well done for viva and indeed anyone that is kind of not just doing their advocacy but thinking about it and reflecting on it saying oh how can I make that better
So but yeah, good for them. Right, we're going to be back in a moment and Kate and Paul are going to different places to sample some hospitality and some food. ah Paul is going to a Michelin star restaurant and Kate is going to a hospital.
Right Kate, what is up with hospital food then? Are you just going to have a whinge about just how bad it is? And you know, we all we all know that hospital food's not so good. So what's what's the news here? Yeah, so NHS hospital menus and food choices are showing little progress in offering more sustainable plant-based options according to a new study by Plant-Based Health Professionals UK.
The study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics analysed 36 NHS hospitals and looked at sustainability plans along alongside the menus on offer across those hospitals. Using this analysis, a scoring system was created to assess the quantity and availability of plant-based foods versus meat-based meals.
Isabel Sadler, the daughter of the study, commented, despite the and NHS's commitment to becoming a net zero health care service by 2045, Our analysis reveals that hospital menus currently show little alignment with sustainable practices. With the NHS serving 140 million patient meals annually, there's significant untapped potential to reduce environmental impact through menu changes. Some of the most significant findings of the study included all of the analyzed hospital menus serving processed meat
Despite its Group 1 carcinogen status, it found that less than 50% of NHS trusts had any plans to increase plant-based portions in line with sustainability goals.
and that meat from particularly damaging ruminant animals like beef, lamb and goat were prominent on menus. A concealer survey conducted in 2024 asked 2,000 people in the UK if they would welcome efforts to add more sustainable vegan options to hospital menus and over a third of the survey participants responded that they would be open to the idea.
Plant Based Health Professionals UK is moving forward with a plants first health care initiative in an effort to help health care menus introduce more vegan options with the backing of other climates and health organisations. Can I ask, Kate, is a really important lot of data there that's that's highlighting the state of things. And as you said at the top, not a surprising one, I think, that any of us who've gone into a hospital with a plant-based food lens. Generally speaking, you're going to come away.
not feeling particularly positive that's going to be our analysis. I guess the question is what can we do about it because actually there's a lot of pressure on the NHS and they will be used to reports and data coming out that says oh you're doing a rubbish job as well as lots of people saying oh well done thank you you're doing a great job but actually just kind of saying oh you're doing a rubbish job is not really going to help is it that like what what can we do about this?
Well, for a start, um we're only holding them accountable to what they've already said they're going to do. very And, you know, and each NHS Trust has themselves written their own Green Plan.
So basically I think the study looked at those green plans and then decided how green they were and then they looked at the menus and I find it really rather shocking because they actually sent out 50 requests and basically they've only ended up with 36 that they can analyse and that was freedom of information requests. Surely they they should have had them sent back and sufficiently detailed that they could be analysed so and then they've yeah they've they've looked at how planet friendly their menus are how healthy those menus are and also how well the hospitals are promoting or making plant-based food vegetarian vegan
more acceptable for people and more likely that they will choose them, i.e. by kind of using these what what people are talking about, nudges, to to help people make up their minds. And I find that really interesting because, you know, as vegans,
We're the ones that, you know, people get dumped. the Oh, would you like a ah meal? Oh, yes, please. And nine times out of ten is a meal, um a meaty meal, isn't it? Or chicken or fish or something. It's, you know, it's animal based. And then we're the ones that have to say, hang on a minute, can I And most meat eaters don't even think about it. They just get the meal, they eat it.
you know they don't question what it is they're eating whereas if it was the other way around and you know people were offered a plant-based meal the majority of people accept would accept it and eat it and think oh that was delicious whereas and you know and and making the meat eaters opt in So, hang on, I want a meat meal. That's a kind of nudge. They're not going to quite do that in the hospital. I don't think they have other ideas of how to do it. I mean, that that the best nudge has got to be the quality of the menu that is there. in the first place and and and looking at these menus, 97% of them have that well well--known health food, sausage. 39% have got corned beef. It's 2025. Why are people still eating corned beef, for goodness sake? like It's it's clearly clearly not something that in ah a place of health and rejuvenation should be served. A point I wanted to make was actually the fact that they reported in this study that
where a hospital outsourced its catering it was generally doing better for plant-based eating than if it was doing it in-house and I know this is a bit reductionist but like when I was running a business something that I learned and is generally ah put forward as ah as a good idea is that actually outsourcing things very often gets it done to a better standard because you're sort of putting the accountability onto someone else who's just focusing on that you know if you're busy running a hospital worrying about oh gosh and what are we going to do for the food how are we going to make the menus blah blah blah
no just outsource it and maybe maybe that costs a little bit more but actually if the the goal is these targets that have been set or people getting better or climate ah climate goals and things like that then actually you've got to get it done to ah to a high standard so perhaps that is the solution just outsourcing it to somebody and you can say right these are our goals meet all our goals for us thanks very much let us know when you've done it Yeah, I was surprised at that. Then again, not really, because my local hospital doesn't outsource. And the food is some of its questionable. I mean, they try their best, but you know, honestly. Yeah, that's interesting, isn't it? That is interesting. But what I think is really good is that they now have a scoring system in place
where they allocate points to various aspects of the food, and they can use that now as a baseline for measuring, hopefully, progress. you know ah you know and And the hospitals now know they are going to be measured every so often to see if they are making any progress because of course they were just sitting there before and it not thinking about this at all I guess um and maybe it's it's going to stimulate some improvement so let's hope so because in ah New York they've made great strides in Canada as well they're making great strides so
you know we we've got other places around the world making massive improvements and hopefully this could be a blueprint for us. I mean the NHS stands to make to save a ton of money let alone anything else just not just on the meals because hopefully they will be a bit cheaper but also hopefully people it will nudge people into making better healthier choices in their own lives once they get home and perhaps a drop in chronic disease rates. That's also and what we hope. But another interesting nudge, though, I'd just say, is just how meals are described. So having like the vegan sticker on something, us as vegans, I would be like, oh, great, the vegan one, I'll have that one. you know But of course, it it puts a lot of people off because they don't identify as a vegan.
or they just immediately think all vegetarian, they really think, oh, that meal's not for me. I'm going to have that one. Instead, when they found that if they describe them, you know, they describe it as delicious, herby, whatever, and then people are more likely to choose it. So I think it's all really kind of interesting stuff, I think. And um yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing how this develops.
One thing that I'm involved in and I can recommend other people look at doing as well is I do a voluntary role with the hospital and I'm on the nutrition and hydration committee for that hospital for that trust and that's allowed me to ask some very direct questions about vegan provision of food. I'm playing it safely because you have to go through motions. The next thing I want to look at is a bit more around the sustainability and the Type 1 Castagen stuff. But um it's been interesting to see the trust that I work with. they are They have been trying to make changes in terms of always offering a vegan option for every meal.
at least one and then the other bit that was a real problem was for the people that actually worked in these crazy shifts and everything to making sure that those vending machines which were crap at one point were offering again multiple vegan options if people just want to get some kind of i don't know if it would be like a cold pasty or something like that so there's something there so you it's not great still but i think there's i think from a very small sample that i see i think there is some slight improvement happening and I think there's also some national guidelines that are starting to form and push down on them a bit more. um It's slow you know it's like public sector works like this unfortunately. Well done Paul that sounds great.
I do love the thought of Paul being like a vegan sleeper agent inside the N8. It's just like biding his time and then just BAM! Getting him with the hard questions. When are you removing the bacon? it's It's really good because literally you get on there with the the head of the... head of the head of the whole catering operation and all yeah and that may involve direct catering, some outsourcing, it's usually a bit of a mix. Gone are the days of, I mean I've got quite a background in hospitals in terms of being very young and eating at hospitals and being in creches and stuff. You always used to be on site um and that's long gone now because obviously cops just can't afford to do that and outsourcing is pretty common in a lot of places now.
you can get If you can get that vegan option on the top of the menu, apparently that's even better. so yeah Yeah, I should keep plugging away at that. it's ah yeah Yeah, well, it's is's is's great that this data has been collected and like you say, Kate, that that scoring system means it can just be a thing where where progress can be monitored and and checked and there's that accountability, isn't there?

Vegan Fine Dining Achievements

Another scoring system that's been about 425 years now is the Michelin star to recognize chefs and or restaurants that are pretty darn tooting the peak of the peak.
um according to the Michelin organisation and Paul is bringing us news this is probably the biggest story of the week in terms of the number of places this story has appeared in a London vegan restaurant getting a Michelin star Paul tell us some more Yeah, I think this is really good. It's a very positive story. So, Plates in London, which is run by Kirk Haworth, who people might remember, won a great British menu, Series 19. He was really innovative and even won the fish course with his vegan fish menu. It really, I think, drew a lot of attention.
there then he had his restaurant, he's now got a farm and a place he can go and stay over in, I think it's France, might be Italy. So he's really making strides here, now been awarded Michelin staff for his restaurant. it's Obviously it's the pinnacle of achievement for restaurants and cooking. And I think for me, we talk a lot about normalisation and to move a vegan restaurant into this sort of the the kind of elite higher echelons and and slightly, um you know, kind of um Old-school thish type thing with these restaurants is it brings it totally removes that kind of oh, it's all just hippie cafes type view and it's like no wish serving you know top-notch stuff here and I think it will mean that people that are kind of
like to go and eat at these restaurants generally and have got the money to do it will be they go going there and sampling this sort of food so it's great um i'm actually booked to go in soon um you have to book many months in advance i'm off there i'm off there not not too far away i'm really looking forward to it especially now it's got mission staff yeah i think it's really great i mean it's for me again it's all about the normalization and just and just getting that message out there that Well, good food is good food, you know, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. I um have not been to ah this particular place, but I did ah last year for my partner's birthday. We went to, oh, I've forgotten the name of it now, but the the head chef is Alexey Gaultier. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Gaultier restaurant. Yeah. Been there a couple of times. Oh, there we are. It's just named after him. That was easy. I forget that. But that's in Soho, also in London. yeah um And the restaurant itself doesn't have a Michelin star.
but he instinct is sort of yeah yeah he he has um led restaurants that have been given that acclaim in the past, again completely plant-based restaurant and you know it's like you say Paul it's is about getting in the media and letting people know that it it can be done um and it doesn't doesn't equal deficit, it doesn't equal sacrifice. Yeah, you definitely need to save a few pennies before going to these institutions, but that's, you know, that's that's part of the shtick, isn't it? any Anyone fancy anything in particular from the menu? Have you weve seen what's ah but' on there? Some very fancy sounding stuff. I think it tends to be more of a, you know, it's like a 12 course thing, but like the Guilfiers like that, it's like a, you go there, you have your eight courses, nine courses,
tour of course is you might have wine with it as well, I mean Guilfier is great, I mean I know we we're not kind of here to plug stuff but yeah that's an experience, been there a couple of times, it's it's a great place to go, it's a special so special time out isn't it I think. so Yeah, yeah, yeah, if if you're just ah popping in for a working lunch you're perhaps missing the point slightly but um ah the the on the BBC coverage of this story the picture is of a Hmong and Urad being lasagna in a miso and chive sauce. I don't even know what an urad bean is. Come on Kate you're our legume expert. No I don't really know what one of those is like. There are so many beans though aren't there. Do you know I'm glad there's 12 courses because some of those things look like you know a teaspoon of something with a
bit of a grain of sand on the top or something. I don't know, you'd need 12 courses. It's a difficult your experience. I mean, it's it's good to have the full spectrum, isn't it? Because i i think I think vegans have pretty much proven they can do, I'd say, more the junk food end, which I love, and it's great. um It's kind of proven the full range of of culinary skills and and offerings, isn't it, at the end of the day? Absolutely, absolutely. Well, my pick of the week, just a quick shout out really for the latest Animal Aid campaign.

Dairy Industry Challenges and Labor Issues

They've done a big old press release. um They have got um a big campaign called Terror On Our Tables. They've launched it this week, the campaign which comprises primetime TV adverts, nationwide billboards, targeted display and social ads, as well as much more.
and they say it's set to reach millions of people across the UK with one crucial message that the terror on our tables is far from the story we are fed. So for the campaign's launch they're turning our attention to dairy. A lot of focus on the dairy industry at the moment. I don't know whether this is like a There's been some sort of secret meeting of of the big the big um animal of animal advocacy charities and they've said, right, come on, let's all go for dairy. you know It's on the decline. Let's finish it off. Or whether it's a coincidence, but that's what they're deciding to do. ah They describe it as one of the most terrifying methods.
of exploiting animals and we can't disagree with that. For the next four weeks they're going to be taking over digital billboards across the entire country popping up in major national publications and reaching millions of people via social media but best of all as they say anyway ah taking the campaign to primetime tv so by the time you're listening to this this will have already started they reckon this will reach over two million people in in one go basically on channel four and more four in the uk plus a further 17 million viewers across sky they reckon this is the first time that an animal rights group has confronted the dairy industry in mainstream tv ads
um So loads of Sky channels including Animal Planet, National Geographic, Sky Sports, and more. they've put there You can see the link in our show notes. You'll be able to see exactly what time these things aired, though I don't know why you'd want to know in the past, um because this will have already happened. They've also, crucially, in terms of you know people following up or wanting to know more, they have revamped their website. um It invites visitors on a, well, sorry, it's not their website. It's a website for the campaign.
it invites visitors on a visual tour of life from a dairy cows perspective from the separation of mothers and babies to confinement and eventual exhaustion. um The site has been designed to be striking a creative tool for educating non-vegans on the terror inherent in dairy and at the end of the journey users are invited to pledge their support for a dairy for free future. So, listeners, if you've got someone who's on the cusp or a vegetarian who just couldn't give up cheese, you know where to send them. And yeah, do do give the site a ah look around, increase their clicks and and all of that. If you also want to get involved by some, I was gonna say some direct action, it's not quite direct action, but some in-person activism. They are running a week of action for dairy cows
on the streets from the 17th to the 24th of February so the week that this show is coming out you can get a free action pack from them including 100 leaflets to distribute, two posters for display, a sticker sheet which just sounds fun doesn't it? Who doesn't love a sticker sheet?
um as well as a guide to running your own outreach um and tips for leafletting. So I thought this was i thought this was really really great and then good for animal aid. I think Animal Aid and Viva are the two organisations that I think do some of the best sort of direct advertisements and campaigns in this country. Obviously sea better kind of well known for their work as well. But I think these guys, ah they they they they hit the nail on the head. From what I recall, they get decent feedback on the approach. Things usually tend to look professional. Yeah, so it's so it's great. I mean, I think we have to put money behind these things to reach people as much as we might hate marketing as ah as a thing. It's what can help change. So we've got to be involved in it.
I think Go Vegan World, they also do some great ads, don't they? You know, billboard marketing, um including the dairy one, you know, milk takes babies from their mothers. And I have that on a t-shirt, so. If you want the t-shirt, go to Go Vegan World and get it from them. So, be your own billboard. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I'd say it's it's also worth sharing this if you if you do click on to the link in the show notes or just head over to their website.
if a new vegan documentary comes out very often people will be excited about that and if if they're already vegan they'll they'll give it a watch and actually this this campaign website that they've got here it's it's well produced like it it takes you a few minutes to flick through it so it's not like sitting through a whole film anything like that but but give it a click through and share it you know because actually these things is not just about convincing people to to ditch animal products themselves, but actually if we can invigorate ourselves, renew our motivation, revisit our reasons for but living the way that we do, so long as we're we've got the mental wellbeing to do it, because obviously these things can be upsetting.
I definitely think it's worth having a visit and refreshing yourself um in these things too. But you might disagree with me and if you disagree with anything we've said or you've got some new stories we've not covered or a different take, we'd love to hear from you. And here's how to get in touch. To get in touch with us, just send us an email at enough of the falafel at gmail
We see ourselves as a collective, our listenership stretches all around the world and everyone's opinions, questions, feedback and ideas are what helps shape the show. Go on, send us a message today, enough of the falafel at gmail Okay, just enough time for one last story. You hear Kate's voice every episode on anything from Enough of the Falafel doing her best Florida accent, saying, we're not doing what, oh, forgotten the quote. What is it you say, Kate? We're not doing that in the state of Florida. Really, really badly murdering the American accent. Not in the state of Florida. Have you been working on that? No. We do still get listeners from Florida and for anyone listening in Wisconsin known as the U.S. Dairy State, there's another opportunity for you here, Kate, because this is the first... I won't make it, I won't make it.
um This is the first article we've ever had from the Financial Times, but the headline basically was ah a Wisconsin dairy farmer saying, if there's no immigrant labor, there's no milk, no cheese, no butter, no ice cream, we'll all have to go vegan um because, as you may,
be aware of if you're into your global politics or if you're based in the US. Donald Trump has gone all deportee in his politics, lots of worries there for for people in terms of um what will happen to the immigrant population there.
and As John Rose now, a Wisconsin dairy farmer, says, if Donald Trump does deport all undocumented aliens, Americans are going to have to get used to a whole new diet. So his farm in western Wisconsin is almost entirely reliant on, quote, foreign workers, i.e. people from outside of the US or who come from outside of the US.
um and US President Trump's pledged to initiate the biggest deportation plan in American history could, he said, destroy that workforce and threaten the future of his farm. Trump has made immigration reform a cornerstone of his second presidential term. Immediately after being sworn in, he deployed troops to secure the southern border, citing a national emergency, but business groups are expressing concern about the impact this will have on the agricultural sector which they say could not function without immigrant labour. The dairy industry itself is particularly vulnerable
produce growers can recruit legal seasonal workers to harvest fruit and veg under the H2A visa program for temporary farmhands. But there is no such system for dairy farms which require workers to milk cows three times a day all year round. One source from a dairy farmers quoted as saying, let's say the people in Washington could wave a magic wand and make all these people disappear.
you'd have dead cows piling up outside the dairy farms. The industry would die a horrible death within 48 hours because no one would be there to slaughter the cows. let alone milk them." I mean, quite a weird quote, that one, but I think we get the point. Trump allies, such as Vice President J.D. Vance, have argued that choking off the supply of easily exploitable foreigners, what an awful quote that is, will force employers to hire US-born workers, but Rose now, the aforementioned dairy farmer, questions whether there are any native-born Americans
who would be prepared to work on his farm. This is typical for American agriculture, the data backs it up according to a survey carried out by the National Council of Agricultural Employees in 2020. Just 337 US-born workers applied for the nearly 100,000 seasonal agricultural jobs advertised between March and May that year. So 0.3% of the vacancies were applied for by US-born workers. A story that might raise conflict in listeners. Kate, Paul, what are your thoughts on this one? Obviously, Americans don't want to do those shitty jobs.
you know, and and I guess, you know, slaughterhouse workers as well, nobody wants to do those jobs and who can blame them? Not unless you're absolutely desperate and have no other means with which to feed your family and to do these hideous things. The more pressure that can be put on the dairy industry in particular, the, well, the better for the animals, maybe not initially, and but Yeah it's, gosh, is is this a yet another sign that Derry is going down? Maybe not as quickly as we'd like but is this yet another nail in the coffin?
It's a bit like they've not really looked at what happened with Brexit, isn't it? When you think about, we've got very current examples of what happens when you discourage cheap labour to stay in the country and then what happens, ah making it very difficult to just harvest crops. I i don't think I'd really associated, um I'll call it foreign labour from their perspective with the milking. I think I had with the farming crop.
um getting crops in but and and perhaps with the slaughter but not so much with the actual milking bit so that's actually quite interesting i don't know why i didn't see that um so that's quite an interesting new new bit of information for me i think yeah i mean it's an absolutely deplorable story in so many ways in in terms of the the language that is used i mean i i'm guessing the financial times is going to be sort of more of a conservatively leaning news outlet than than others but but I mean that that quote from or paraphrased quote I should say from JD Vance like choke off the supply of easily exploitable foreigners I mean for goodness sake and I think I think like you say Kate this is I think that the take away from ah an animal rights perspective is that this is an example a very clear example of how people don't want to do this work and I think we can use that to
to highlight that issue, um but I do think we have to be careful on on the language we use and how we... It would be very easy to say, oh, isn't that great? Isn't that great? Well, that is not it's not great that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people who are fearing deportation and things like that. That's awful. But yeah, it it it just highlights the fact that this is work that no one wants to do. And in fact, that is what really, the people who are not sensitive to exploitation in animals, if if you don't care that that a chicken has had to die, if you eat that chicken, do you care about the fact that a human is being forced to do something horrendous that really no one really wants to do, that people with real privilege
in your country, in your county, in your town, the people who've been born into privilege, they don't do those jobs. They don't want to do that. The only way you're getting that thing on your plate, aside from the fact that a sentient being has been killed, is by someone who has no other option to get money for themselves, is having to do that repeatedly. That is what your financial choice is leading to. And I i think that could be an argument that I'd be interested to see if if the animal rights movement and the vegan movement was to make more of that argument. Look at what you're asking your fellow humans to do for you. I'd be interested to know how much impact that would have, actually.
I think it's interesting because I've spoken to so many people who are clinging on to the the kind of vision of the pastoral scene with all the cows skipping along with a buttercup in their mouth and you know and and know all the kind of the the dairy workers you know out in the sunshine and the green fields and you know and all that sort of stuff which is obviously not true and to to to read this in the ah well, I presume report this is Financial Times but reported in the US that actually Nobody wants to do this. It's so awful. It's so bad Nobody actually wants to do it unless they have no other option. Oh, maybe it isn't as lovely, you know um Yeah, I might I might snip this out and I keep it in my pocket for the next time somebody says oh but oh we would miss the lovely you know oh they're having a good life uh no they're not and neither are the people that work there so you know Well, not the most positive story to finish the episode with, but do you remember when we were talking about mung bean lasagna and we were talking about glass skin and, you know, victories in veganery? It's been a great show. And if you've enjoyed it, there's a little something you can do for us if you can spare a moment.

Podcast Promotion and Listener Engagement

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Thank you so much everyone for listening. Just so as you know, Vegan Talk will be available from Thursday the 20th February with Anthony, Juliet, Julie and Kate. Apologies Julie. um And this is going to be a mailbag show where we get to hear some of your lovely emails and comments about our show. Thank you for those that have written in already. Thanks Katie. Anyway, that is enough of the falafel for this episode. Thanks Paul, thanks Kate, thanks everyone listening. I've been Anthony and you've been listening to Vegan Week from the Enough of the Falafel Collective.
This has been an Enough of the Falafel production. We hear just a normal bunch of everyday vegans putting our voices out there. The show is hosted by Zencaster. We use music and special effects by and sometimes if you're lucky at the end of an episode you'll hear a poem by Mr. Dominic Berry. Thanks all for listening and see you next time.
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