Vegan Week

Weekly vegan news show, with headlines, commentary & discussion.

Enough of the Falafel is a community of people who love keeping on top of the latest news in the world of veganism & animal rights. But there's one problem: We've had enough of all the "falafel" out there!

With the 'Vegan Week' podcast, we aim to keep listeners (& ourselves) informed & up-to-date with the latest developments that affect vegans & non-human animals; giving insight, whilst staying balanced; remaining true to our vegan ethics, whilst constantly seeking to grow & develop.

Each week we look through ten of the top news stories from the past 7 days in the world of veganism & animal rights. Afterwards we slow things down & home in on one topic in particular and pick it apart in more detail.

If you spot any news stories that might catch our fancy, or have an idea for a discussion topic, get in touch via 

Enough of the Falafel is also on Facebok, Tiktok & Instagram @enoughofthefalafel.

Thanks everyone for listening; drop us a message to say "hi"; it'll make our day!

Ant & Rich