Vegan Week

Weekly vegan news show, with headlines, commentary & discussion.

Enough of the Falafel is a community of people who love keeping on top of the latest news in the world of veganism & animal rights. But there's one problem: We've had enough of all the "falafel" out there!

Each week we release two different shows, hosted by a different combination of everyday vegans. No celebrities; no influencers; just normal vegan people from across the world!

With the 'Vegan Week' podcast, we aim to keep listeners (& ourselves) informed & up-to-date with the latest developments that affect vegans & non-human animals; giving insight, whilst staying balanced; remaining true to our vegan ethics, whilst constantly seeking to grow & develop.

A few days later we release another weekly show: 'Vegan Talk'. Here we'll pick a topic affecting vegans, or the animal rights movement & go into a bit more detail, whether it be through philosophical musings, weighing up different viewpoints, or simply sharing our own experiences. 

If you spot any news stories that might catch our fancy, or have an idea for a discussion topic, get in touch via 

Thanks everyone for listening; drop us a message to say "hi"; it'll make our day!

Much love, from

Ant, Julie, Mark, Dominic, Kate, Paul, Carlos, Luke, Rich, Tom, Alex & everyone else at the Enough of the Falafel collective!