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NIght Country & Constellation

Fright Central
49 Plays10 months ago

We talk about the lastest season of True Detective and the Apple series Constellation plus exclusive news


Introduction and Eclipse Discussion

Welcome. For real. All right, welcome back to Fright Central. I'm Doc, back here again with always Keck and sorry for the long delay, but work's been fucking shit recently, so. There's apparently an eclipse going on right now.
Do you know about that? Tomorrow, I believe. It's tomorrow? Yeah, the 8th. Alright, yeah. Some people apparently can feel the eclipse. Like, you know, like psychologically, like, like you've heard of like weird phenomena, people acting like crazy.
howling at the moon like there's apparently like an increase in crime and shit like that i was just wondering can you feel the eclipse like when there are like solar eclipse like do you feel it like psychologically
No. I don't either. I think that's crazy, John. Yeah. No, but I mean, it is an actual, like, phenomena. But, like, I haven't, like, read anything. I don't know. I just think it's, like, very interesting. People I've talked to, like, when I was in the hospital, it was a mental hospital. Get off to a real good start with this, guys. Quick story. I was in a mental hospital, and I was talking to a bunch of the other
Subsequently just you know happened to be female patients and they were telling me that they knew whenever there was a solar eclipse Like it didn't have to be on the news because they could feel it in their minds
That's true. Well, they were in a mental hospital, so. They were in a mental hospital. A lot of interesting characters in a mental hospital. They're not as bad as, you know, like, you know, you see like in the mouth of madness, Sam Neill being like dragged away screaming, you know what I mean? Like, you know, in the padded room. I've never really been in that. Actually, I was in a scenario kind of like that once, but all right.

Horror Series Updates

So we got a little bit of news. It looks like, you know, I've been a big naysayer because until I see it, I'm not going to actually believe that this Crystal Lake thing is happening. But you told me that you recently read that they had their first official writers meeting. Yeah, March 25th, Adrienne King posted to her Instagram that they had their first writers meeting.
with the release date is tentatively October 2024, which seems kind of soon for me, especially if they're just doing their full trial.
means they're not filming until the summer. But I mean, I guess if you're keeping it a lot of practical effects, like you could at least have like the first episode by October, maybe I guess, but I would see maybe trailer by October. Yeah, that's what I would say like, like, yeah, a preliminary trailer of just like, you know, their dailies or whatnot.
I guess it depends on how many episodes they plan on shooting and when the first episode they plan to start shooting. I guess if they start shooting in June, I mean, it could come out in October. I mean, if it's only like maybe like six episodes. I was hoping for more. I mean, well, I'm hoping for anything. I don't want to get greedy, but like October, if they're just having their first writers meeting and they haven't even
I don't think announced any cast grabs or anything like that. Or I haven't seen anything about anybody saying like, yeah, I've been cast to be in this. So I mean, that sounds very, very soon. I would actually feel more comfortable if they said like, by this time next year, you know, you'll have, you know, we'll be releasing the first series season, you know.
That would make more sense if it's like their first, especially considering we haven't had any Friday the 13th content in, I can't remember how many years, but we discussed it in a prior cast. It's been more in the decade. I think it was like 15 years we said that like before.

New Slasher Film and Fan Projects

I think we said,
There was maybe something in 2011 or was 2009? I can't remember. 2009 was the remake. But there's a slasher coming out this summer called Anna Violent Nature and it looks like a Jason movie because it's like almost like... Is that the Shother thing?
Yeah, I believe so. It's from like the perspective like the killer and it's just it looks like it's not going to be a lot of dialogue because it looks like you're just following like the killer from kind of like behind or whatever, not necessarily like a POV, but like almost like a third person view. It looks like from the trailer, you don't see his face at all. But like it looks like Jason just walking through the woods and fucking just murdering everything in his path. Like that with the view that
Like the kind of like iconic thing from Halloween too, like that, like kind of like, you know, the tracking cam. Yeah, we're just kind of seeing from behind like him and you never really see in the face. Yeah. So I thought that trailer, there's been a couple trailers that I thought looked pretty cool. It's coming out, but.
Who knows what they actually are gonna look like. But speaking of the Jason Friday 13th series, there's also a, you remember the game that ended up, they shut down servers and everything? Well, there's fans that are putting together a mod and they're gonna release it for free on their Discord and it's gonna have like new skins, like a Jason X skin. Oh, that's cool.
and other mods that they're playing on doing, and I guess they're going to run it on their own servers and stuff. So yeah, that Jason, that Jason X, like I'm assuming it's like when Jason gets like rebuilt by like the, um, that like nano thing that like put them back together, like
like at the like molecular level where he like came out and looked like he had like armor coating and shit like that like yeah he was able to survive in space like not just space like deep space he went through the atmosphere yeah with that dude
I mean, we don't know whether or not he survived that. He could have feasibly burned up, but you would just assume he took that. Oh, I mean, he landed in that lake on that new planet, so new Earth, so you could just start the series over from there. Yeah. Yeah, you just assume he survived re-entry. Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, oh, I guess I could talk about it. I mean, I didn't sign an NDA or anything, but I'm going to imagine. Mike, do you think anybody would really give a shit?

TV Series Revivals and Delays

I mean, I'm not going to mention who my source is or where I learned this from, but let's just say Dexter is returning with Michael C. Hall coming back. I believe it's going to follow the son in LA and Michael C. Hall is going to be like the ghost, like his father was. So he's going to be the hair. He'll be a car passenger. Yeah. Yeah. Well, he's going to be like, you know, he's going to be the father. Yeah. It's just going to be a role reversal.
instead of Harry talking to Dexter, Dexter is going to talk to, uh, what was his son's name? Harrison Harrison. Yeah. So they're just gonna, you know, the father is going to be talking to the son as, you know, apparently Harrison, like, you know, uh, was like, Hey dad, you know, I don't want to be a psych sociopathic psychopathic killer.
But I guess like he is going to change his mind and be like, oh, you know, I murdered my father and now I have decided that my dad was right and we really should have been psycho killers on the run. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a whole lot of sense. I think it's going to be him definitely still struggling with like, you know,
the dark path, the dark passenger and everything. It's gonna be him struggling with that and then probably by the end of the second or third episode, he's gonna be like, you know what, this person's too evil for me to let them live. My dad was right the whole time, let me start murdering people.
I feel like they did not anticipate the amount of success they were going to get with the reboot of Dexter, given that Dexter was rated as having one of the worst endings.
out of any show not just like the horror genre like Dexter was like rated up there with like the Sopranos as having like one of the worst or most disappointing endings by both users and critics alike.
And, you know, hey, I was glad that they gave us that season. Like I thought it was I was shocked by how much I enjoyed that season because I went in with really low expectations. And I'm thinking like maybe they just wrote it to be one season, obviously, because, you know, they killed off the main character at the end. And I think that maybe they were like, wow, you know, this like actually brought in like a lot more praise and a lot more money.
then we were anticipating and you know now there's a desire for more Dexter content and we're kind of fucked because we killed off Dexter I mean unless like he was definitely like do you think that there's any way they could have pulled it off where he like actually survived like did they show that he was definitely dead like he had definitely like bled out like I can't remember the very ending like did they put him in a body bag
I don't remember the memory because I was thinking he was like, dad, dad. I think I think so, too. But I was just wondering, like, was there any like ambiguity there? Like, is there any way he could have it would have been nice.
I thought they should, I mean, we discussed this that he shouldn't have, they shouldn't have killed them off. They should have just moved them to LA and it should have just been him and his son murdering people. Yeah, I do not. Yeah, I do not get the logic there. I think it was a really big missed opportunity. I think they should have at least waited for like the reception to the first season before they decided to
Well, they had to film it ahead of time, so they had to make a decision. I mean, I don't know. I still think they should have maybe left it open for a second season where Michael Cial was still alive.
whatever. Hey, maybe it'll, maybe this will surprise us. Maybe it will turn out to be really dope. And I mean, you're the only person that really knows about this. Like there is no information about this. So, you know, and the person that told you, uh, obviously you don't want to say who that is.
They told me the last time when Dexter was returning before it was announced and also when Twin Peaks was coming back as well. Actually, I've heard that from a different person the same. I heard that our podcast had something to do with Dexter getting rebooted and stuff like that, like somebody. I think that's something that we made up, but they're definitely the people I know are very reliable sources.
Well, I don't know. It's going to either way. I think it's going to be a while before we see this again, because I mean, they're not in like production yet. That would have been announced if they were in production. So I'm guessing that this is like they're in the early stages of writing right now. Would you say? I couldn't tell you. Yeah.
Honestly, I mean just leading in I mean speaking of things I guess that like we're probably not going to be seen for a while unless you have more say on the Dexter topic It's gonna be it's gonna be at least a year. Maybe maybe two before we see it I mean, yeah this person had accidentally kind of let it slip and then they were like you didn't hear that from me And I was like, well I didn't sign an NDA so yeah
Well, I just mean like, you know, in terms of things that like, we're not going to be seeing for a while is apparently Godzilla minus one is in like some kind of weird limbo. And this relates to some kind of unusual or I don't know, maybe it is usual. I'm just not familiar with it. But some kind of contractual obligation between
Toho, who is the Japanese company that I believe has the right to the Godzilla character. And then I think it's legendary entertainment.
Which is a subsidiary of Lorna Brothers, or somehow in the League... I'm not exactly... I don't want to get too complex into this because I don't know all the really hardcore specifics, but apparently they had some kind of agreement set up that said that if a Godzilla movie is made
It needs to be like another year before a second Godzilla movie is made. Help me out here. Do you understand this any better? I think they couldn't be released within a certain amount of months in theaters at the same time.
Well, I saw from IndieWire is my source material on this, but they basically said that it was within like a calendar year. Looking to see if I could
Fine, it says, Toho retains the ability to make its own Godzilla movies, but with the reported limitation of not releasing them in the same year as legendary production.
So under that arrangement Godzilla minus one opened in Japan last November and then domestically as well as multiple European countries in December. So according to this arrangement it looks like it's not going to be able to come out on streaming until 2025 if
they don't like sit down at the table and just say like you know this is kind of a silly thing like let's just make an exception here because we're sort of you know losing a lot of revenue because people want to see this movie and it's just it's nowhere to be seen it's not coming back to theaters it is not being released to any streaming platform i know of at least not in uh north america
Well, listen, here's my understanding. I mean, technically it was came out November, December, right? It was still playing in theaters this year. And this year was also Godzilla Kong. So technically, they were both in theaters at the same time, even though one was released last year, I think there was like, it couldn't be really still in theaters at the same time as a new one. Also, it is being released in Japan on May 1 on Blu-ray. Now, if we go by
the way they did the last Toho Godzilla, Shin Godzilla, that was released in Japan first and then it took 132 days from the Japanese Blu-ray before it was released in North America. So last time it was 2017 when Shin Godzilla came out and it was on stores March 22nd and didn't come to the US till August 1st.
So if we go by that, it'll probably come to American Blu-ray around September 10th. Well, if it's going to be, you see, they announced officially as of May 1st, it will be released in Japan. In Japan, yeah. Then it's going to find its way across the world. All right. So, yeah. So eventually it'll be in the U.S. on Blu-ray September
ish, that's just a guess of going by last time. But also like, that means we're still gonna have to wait at least another month or so before streaming services picking up. So probably be HBO also because
Yes, like you said, it is, or sorry, Max, because it is a, the legendary is a subsidiary of Warner Brothers. So I would say look for it probably coming around like November, December. So I don't know, I guess Toho can probably sell the streaming rights to anybody. Yeah, if they want to, they could probably create like a bidding war or something like that if they wanted to.
but I mean, I don't know if that would be in their interest or if they had, I mean, I've never even heard of the company before until I, like, yeah. I don't know anything about that. They were the company that did the original Godzilla, so yeah, they've been out forever. I don't really pay attention to, like, company names and, like, the only time I, like, really, like, get involved and, like, look into shit like this is when I'm like, you know, why is this happening?
then like all I can but like I don't I don't know like company names behind who creates these monsters and stuff like that. I thought I honestly thought that it was all like Warner Brothers that had their I thought Warner Brothers was like the holder of like
most of like the uh well yeah I guess because Godzilla came from Japan Warner Brothers holds the right to like the classic American monsters like the Wolfman and I think Frankenstein like the 1950s you know the yeah was that oh that's universal uh gotcha all right I'm confusing the two my bad I misspoke
Well, I mean, when you really get down to it, I mean, this is just a few years ago, like, pre pandemic, I mean, this is pretty much the pattern that most movies followed, they would go to the others, then they would have like a limbo period for like a few months.
Yeah, and then it was usually like something like three or four months and that was released on to well some it depended really some would be out of the others and then like a month later they would be on DVD blu-ray or Some would even be in limbo for like five or six months
So, you know, this used to be how things went, but like the pandemic and like all these streaming services, like the formula has just been totally like switched around so much that now people like assume like you're not in theaters anymore. All right. You're going to be in streaming within a calendar or within a business week. You know what I mean? Yeah. Well, by the end of the week, like I expect you to be on Max or I expect you to be on Apple or, you know, something like that.
I fully expect the Godzilla Kong New Empire. I expect that to be on streaming before Godzilla minus one will be available in the US. Almost guaranteed. But that's going straight to streaming or is that going to open in theaters first? It's in theaters now. It came out. Oh, it's in theaters right now. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, yeah. So I assume like that one will probably be like, you know, 30 days after it's
last day in theaters for 60 days, it'll probably be on the streaming by July. I think it would be really buck wild if for some reason it's not released to North American audiences until 2025 because of this
silly fucking contract that they have like drawn up like i i think that would be really interesting and if that happens i'm definitely going to be talking shit but you know we'll see if it's going to be but like when you break it down just to press tax if it's going to be released in uh may in japan then it's going to find its way everywhere so i mean yeah it's going

Critique of 'True Detective' Season 4

yeah yeah so anyway but uh you know moving on like I don't know like what you've been like watching that recently I've actually seen like a pretty decent amount of content I guess what I saw like not the most recently I'm trying to go back to like what I saw like last like horror related I started checking out the latest season of True Detective which was like a shorter
What was called night country? Like it had, I think that this is the first true detective that had like a subtitle afterwards. Like I think true detective was just true detective and then season two, season three, and then true detective season four, night country.
which was a shortened instead of eight episodes which I believe the first three seasons all had eight episodes this was dulled down to six episodes and I had also read I don't have the source material here so I'm not gonna like speculate too hard on it without
having like any uh... source material but uh... which mccall i heard that there was like a little bit of like i wanna say confusion but apparently like at the last minute like certain actors that were supposed to appear in this were not and it's not like they had their what i heard is they didn't have to like rewrite parts but like there were some last minute
And I'm not sure how last minute. I'm not sure what you would consider a last minute, but there were some late casting changes into who was put in there. And I don't know whether or not that had a significant impact on the show. I'm going to say I think that would, if that is true, I think that would have a significant impact into how your final product came out. But
I did not full disclosure get through the whole thing. I only was able to get through the first three episodes and I had to force myself to get through the third episode. I really, really, really disliked it.
I did not think the acting was very good. I did not think that the story was compelling. Although I really loved the venue in rural Alaska. I mean, that is like night country of Alaska. That's fucking a horror country. You know what I mean? That's where you're going to want. And initially I got like the eerie vibe of like
you know, John Carpenter's, like, the thing, and, you know, even the original, the thing from another world, like, you know what I mean? And like the Arctic region, like, I was like, I got, like, real stoked up when
They unveiled like the opening scene where it was like, uh, Alaskan research. I was like, oh shit. Like I was like real fucking stoked up. But, um, yeah, it just immediately, uh, it didn't tease me at all. It just fell dead flat on its face. Like right away.
I disliked it immensely. Like I said, I did not think the acting was good either. I thought the writing was bad. I wasn't, I'm not going to talk shit on Charity Forrester because like I said, I thought the writing was really bad and like actors like, you know, if they don't have any
good material to act on. Like it's very hard for them to act well. So it's just, I don't know.
I don't have much more to say on it. What is your take? First of all, it's Jodie Foster. Yeah, that's what I said. Jodie, if for some reason you hear this, I am so sorry. I loved you and Taxi Driver baby.
But, uh, no, I liked the first two episodes, and like you said, it did give off a very thing vibe, but then, like, once you realize, like, you're like, oh, it's, well, it's True Detective. They're not really gonna get into the supernatural aspect of it. It's just gonna really end up being something grounded. I did like this more than the last two seasons. What? I liked it better than season two, that's for sure.
I thought that season two looked like brilliance compared to this season. I thought Vince Vaughn looked like he should have won the Academy Award for that. Even though the Academy Award doesn't go to television, I think they should have made an exception because Vince Vaughn just acted his ass off in season two.
Uh, I do think that episodes three and four did, uh, you know, take a little bit of dip, but I thought five and six were pretty good. There were connections in the first couple episodes. Well, actually, I mean the whole thing, there were connections to the first season, but then I feel like the connections kind of end up falling flat and didn't really make any sense because they didn't end up really connecting in the end, at least, at least from what I.
remember i felt that way at the end of season three as well like i saw there they were trying to formulate like a connection to like uh the first season from season three and i thought the end of season three was like extremely disappointing not only with the connection i thought like like i can't remember exactly what happened but i remember thinking like
that's all that happened like that was the big fucking mystery what the fuck i mean i thought the acting in season three was great i loved the i loved
the build up to like, but the end was very anticlimactic. Are you saying that you felt the same with season four? The end was just anticlimactic like the end. I mean, I, but the connections I thought were disappointing. Yeah. Well, it was, did you, did you agree that the writing was pretty lacking?
Yeah, because it because it did take a dip kind of in the middle. But like I said, overall, I kind of I really I kind of liked it. Yeah.
There were some story elements that I liked, but then like I said, I definitely dragged a bit in the middle and I was just like, okay, can we get back to investigating this murder instead of just the family drama aspect of it. How did you feel about the act? Did you think the acting was solid for the most part or did you also feel that there were
certain, maybe certain characters more than others that just didn't seem to be very good at their job. I don't know. I mean, I liked Jodie Foster kind of playing this fucking asshole that nobody liked. I'm not talking about Jodie Foster.
Uh, the other chick, I think she was pretty new. Wasn't she like a wrestler before or something like that? I think she, yeah, I mean, she, yeah, she looks like the type of, yeah, she looked, uh, very strong. That's for sure. She looks very strong.
I don't know. I wasn't necessarily talking... Well, I didn't really like her acting that much, but I was more talking about the children and stuff like that.
Well, I don't want to call them child actors because they were adults. I mean, I'm guessing that they were in their late teens, early twenties. But, um, the one daughter, I remember thinking like, Jesus fucking Christ, like you did not pull this off. Like, you know, I just, I don't know. And there were other characters too.
I think like some of the, I think one of the better performances was
by Foster's one deputy like the guy who was like he was like sort of like a rookie to the force and he was like trying to like he seemed to you know I don't know I guess like in terms of like characters I just didn't really give a shit about anybody else
Except for him so like he I don't believe I had seen him in anything else before So I don't know if he is also a relatively new actor But I'm trying to think I'm trying to give like I'm trying to give it like some credit like I'm trying to give it like some like glimmer of like something that I liked in it, but uh
There really was nothing. I was just completely disappointed by it and I don't plan to go back and watch the second half of the season. I just don't think it's worth my time and that's all I have about it. Is there anything other that you want to mention?
I mean, it got a favorable, you know, got good reviews by critics when it first came out. And then I know the original creator who wasn't involved in this, because this was Iza Lopez, who did Tigers Not Afraid. She ended up being the showrunner for all six. And when you say good reviews, are you talking about like critic or user reviews?
It critic reviews, I guess a metacritic average score was 81 out of 100 based on 45 critics. Because on IMDB this had like the worst reviews I've ever seen out of any of the true detective things like it was I mean, they they
They trashed it as being like abysmal nonsense. Like, you know, most of the user reviews, I think there were several hundred. They were just like, just don't watch it. No, I mean, like. Season approval rate, it was 92% based on 201 reviews. I mean, I guess that was when it first came out. I don't know what the final score was. But where are you getting this material from tomatoes?
Yeah, I I'm mainly only I don't know like I am maybe is like my source. I feel like yeah like I feel like they have well, we've talked about this many times before on the cast but um What's my call? Yeah, I mean they really should have it. I mean they really should have it by season and
You know like that's how they should group shows by season because if you go on IMDB and you woke up through detective like right now I have the screen open it says eight point nine but most of those reviews are because the first season was
so popular. But if you jump to season four, like I am attempting to do, but for some reason, it's 7.1. So 7.1, 6.8, 6.3, 6.1, 6.9, 5.4. If you go episode by episode. Yeah, I'm for some reason not able to do that.
So you can see where it started out strong, and then it kind of dips in the middle, then the fifth episode was good, and then it looks like people hated the last episode. I don't think it started out strong at all based on the reviews that they listed. I mean, 7.1. 7.1's, look at season two, the one you called the worst season. Almost all of those are over that.
The contrast is like, you know, shock. That's why I went into this. I didn't look at the reviews. I didn't want to see anything. I didn't want any spoilers. I want a fresh experience. But if you look at the thing, there's only one episode on IMDB that breaks seven. Every other one is, I think, if you go back to season two,
There's not a single episode that is not under seven. So I mean, that's just, you know, based on user reviews, you know, people hated this and I, uh, yeah, I'm sad. I wanted to succeed. It's like, I don't know. The tree detective series is like one of my favorite series.
I mean, True Detective season one is probably in my top five best series I've ever seen. Oh, absolutely. You know, I've binged watched it.
like I would say like every other year I've probably gone back and like binged watched it like I'll say like yo I'm just gonna watch like the first episode or something like that and then I'll end up watching the entire season like you know I mean like not maybe not like binge watching it that very day because I won't have time but like you know I'll go back and I'll watch it I've probably seen it like from episode one to episode eight
I think it's fair to say I've probably seen it about 15, 16 times. I've probably watched it. Yeah, I really enjoyed it. When our friend Michael and his wife Jessica, when I introduced them to it, we watched the first episode
I think it was on a Wednesday night and they called me the next day, Thursday. They had sent their son to school and then they called out of work to binge watch the entire season until they had the picture on up from school the next day. You know what I mean? So yeah, I mean, it was very, very, very addictive. And, you know, but hey, that's all I have to say about that.
Well, if you don't like season four, then you're probably going to be disappointed to hear that they've renewed it for a fifth season with the same showrunner. So that's not what no. Hey, look.
Like I said, there were rumors that there was some chaos going on. Maybe behind the scenes things were really dark and they knew they had to produce something. And what they produced was just very, very imperfect and very flawed. But due to external circumstances, for all I know, maybe it's not their fault. I don't know.
I'm gonna go into season 5 and I'm gonna go in with an open mind.
maybe it will be totally different maybe you know they'll get their act together they'll get a more inspired cast and you know have a better script but again i don't know for certain that these rumors of chaos are true i'd like to think that they're true because that like you know would give me like some explanation as to why it fell so flat but you know
Well I know the original creator originally had an idea for it and then decided not to do it and then signed some deal with some other companies so Warner Brothers was kind of up in the air so they decided to go with a different show.
There's at least in the early stages of it. I don't know about the actual like production wise if there is also trouble along those lines. So you're saying there are issues in the early stages and then there may have also been issues in the later stages. And I mean, when you're running into problems like that, like obviously you're going to have a product that's lacking. So
Hell, I don't know. I wasn't on set, I don't know what went on, but I just know that the final product was nothing. I think we've talked about it well over what it deserves.
moving on the other thing i watched under your recommendation that you had mentioned uh and i had looked at the cast and i was like oh the check from um whatchamacall girl with the dragon tattoo and prometheus and naio what's her naomi how do you pronounce her last name

Sci-Fi Show Overview

Rapace, I think, or Rapace? I'm not sure. I'm not sure how you say her last name, but she's one of my favorite actors out there. I mean, since Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, everything that she's been in, even films that weren't really my cup of tea, I thought that she always did a great job. I love her style.
you know she she's a very very dynamic actress though I've seen her act in comedy roles I've seen her act in erotica I've seen her act in like really fucking like grim like
like irreversible like well not as bad as like the irreversible subway scene but i mean i've seen her act in like very very like psychologically challenging roles like she is just a very versatile very dynamic actress and i really love her so i think although i didn't think constellation was the greatest show i had ever seen like
I was really craving sci-fi and it certainly gave me sci-fi and the fact that she was the lead and it had Mike Ehrman Trout, the actor that played him and Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul and I loved that guy.
and yeah he was very invested i thought his performance was great and here's a fucking tidbit that we uh both didn't realize that i had just told you the other day i think you're surprised by this but um they used uh the daughter who played naomi's daughter in the show i thought
just real quick into the plot. There's two different realities, two different dimensions. But explain the plot first. I just wanted to, I'm already on it, but her daughter is a girl named Alice and she plays
herself in two different realities and I thought it was the same actress. It just would make sense but then I realized that she has an identical twin and they assigned one Alice to one reality and one Alice to another reality and I had absolutely no idea. I thought it was actually
mistake on the IMDB page when I went to make notes on like casting and stuff like that and I was just like holy fucking shit I mean because yeah identical twins identical twins yeah it's I guess it's not that much of a spoiler to say that it's
multiple universe thing because they kind of episode. Yeah, it's kind of like counterpoint. That's why I recommend it to you. And Apple's been doing such a great job with sci fi shows as well. You had said you're like Apple's really been killing it recently on the sci fi genre.
Yeah, so this is, it's about Naomi Rapace, who I think, however you pronounce her name, she plays this character called Jo, who's an astronaut. She returns to Earth after a disaster in space, discovers there are missing pieces in her life. So she sets out to expose the truth about the hidden secrets of space travel and recover what she lost.
Basically, she ends up in a different universe than the one she left when the accident happened. They are very, very similar. Like, for example, to be clear, we're making comparisons to counterpart. In counterpart, the two realities are very, very different because in one reality, there was like,
an extinction level event that like wiped out 7% of the entire human population. One reality has like, you know, a deadly disease that has been spreading where they don't even shake hands or, you know, have much human contact. So things are like vastly different. In this reality, the two dimensions of Earth are nearly identical. It's mainly just like
the choices that people have made in the realities like having an affair becoming an alcoholic you know stuff like that so like you know you might go to your reality and like people are like you know yo like why do you seem like you have your shit sewed together like you're usually a bumbling drunk and he's like
What? You know what I mean? Or, you know, like Magnus who plays Naomi's husband.
he's just like, you know, it was brutal for me before you left for space. Like, I know you were having an affair. And she's like, I wasn't having an affair. And by the way, our car is a different color. Like, you know, I mean, so you kind of Swedish like, yeah, yeah, that that was like, that's something I probably would have like flipped
out on a little bit more because like what we're trying to convey here is that like you don't have to be like like you don't have to have like a fucking incredible intellect to quickly decipher that there's like some kind of dimensional thing going on.
Yeah, they kind of early on very early, but like to the characters, they don't know. Yeah, it's kind of all their journey of discovery and like, and kind of also dealing with like, death in their own certain way and different things like that. And I thought it was pretty good. I really enjoyed the show. I believe they're getting the second season as well.
And it right there with one season, it would have been great. But then they had to have that one thing happen at the very end that I don't want to say to anything, but they were just like, well, now we have to do the second season. And I mean, there was a really, really great homage to the Shining.
just, I'm not gonna, you know, anybody that is familiar with The Shining and, you know, thinks it's a great movie or anybody it's just seen it or I mean, I think even the music is identical. You'll, you'll know, you'll know it when you say it. That was great.
About I think at the end of season two and then like in the season three, I started to get like a little bit. Episode two, episode three, episode four, like maybe the end of episode two and then episode three and four.
I started getting a little bit confused because it seemed like they were switching dimensions with no mention of anything, no real event. There was a scene where the character that played Ehrman Trout in Breaking Bad, what's his name?
is the actor. Jonathan Max is the actor. Yeah. Well, I'm just gonna call him Ehrmantraut. Anyway, fucking, um, he, like, is, you know, doing his thing with the, uh, well, they're doing like CERN types. Oh, wait, no, shit. I'm getting into, uh, he, I was just wondering, he created like the device that was supposed to, you know,
Pinpoint like some two things happening at one time. It kind of tells you that like okay, there's like a dark matter device Yeah, it had something to do with dark matter and the only way they were able to activate it properly was in a zero gravity
environment so it had to be used in space in order for it to work properly but something happened where you know they took it into space and then brought it back to the earth and
you know, his character realizes that there's something really weird going on because after being in space, I guess, for its prolonged period of time, I believe they said they were up there for one year, she says, because every astronaut that was on the station had like a different task. They weren't all up there doing the same thing.
one of the characters was working on Ehrmantraut's project and you know he was responsible for that and the other crew members they were like aware that it was going on but they were they had different assignments and Naomi's character she or Zhao
I guess I should call her rather than her actual name. Jo's character was to study the stress, the psychological stress of prolonged periods in space, which is actually something that we are studying right now. People might be familiar with the
space station where someone took a power drill and actually drilled a hole so that the space station was slowly hemorrhaging oxygen and they found out that it was someone that was suffering
Psychologically from being in space too long. It just brought me back to that thing I don't know if you were aware of that but yeah, so one of the astronauts on the space station actually took a drill and Because I think they wanted to go home and they wanted to create like some kind of situation where they'd be like it's unsafe and so what her character was tasked with is
was basically you know doing that and when she comes back she is of course debriefed and ridiculed because we should also mention there's a catastrophic event where someone dies and
everyone on the space station is able to get in an escape pod except for one. And in one reality, Jo stays behind, and she is able to successfully navigate herself back to Earth. In the other reality, Jo dies. And the other character that died in Jo's reality
he successfully navigates himself back to Earth. Now, this gentleman, the guy who navigates himself back to Earth, in the reality where Joe's dead, he really has a hard trouble reacclimating to what happens. There was one scene where I laughed where he called his daughter an asshole. At that he's like, don't be an asshole.
She's your best friend. He really falls apart. He also had to leave her in space, where in the other reality, she was able to bring his family back. He starts telling the other Alice, he's like, you don't understand. Your mom, her head crashed against the window, and her eye got sucked out into space.
And like he starts telling her little like 10 year, I think she's 10 and he's telling it and like Magnus like picks her up and he's like, what the fuck is right? You know, he goes crazy. But like that was me. And that was like in the very beginning before he re started realizing like, yo,
things are really screwed up here. They're not even aware of the project that I was working on. Because in his reality, the cow never even existed, which is the dark matter particle that we were trying to describe. And so, granted, he has a harder time of things when he realizes that his project doesn't exist, no one knows what he's talking about.
His commanding officer is drunk instead of a very successful physicist. He has a tough time of it.
Dude, when he started saying, like, your mom's body was so disfigured and mangled, that that's why I decided to leave her up there, because her body was so horrifically torn apart by the suction of space on her face, like, I was just like, what the fuck?
But you're saying at the part where like he was on the convention, like Cruz thing with the other side. Yes, I talked to you on the phone. Yeah, I was confused by it. Were you confused by that?
First for a second because I was like, why is he on this cruise? But when they started having that conversation and how they were talking about like he had lost his or he had saved his friends in the one reality, but he had lost them in the other one because he was an astronaut and he had a base accident as well. Yeah, things got all like messed up. So like,
Yeah, so when he's on the curse and they're talking he was like I never did that thing I was like, okay We're in the other reality now because they were calling him bud and this really to which they weren't calling them in the other one I think his name was like Henry or something like that in the other one. I was like, oh I was confused I feel like they were bouncing around too much like I I didn't like I wanted like more of like a segue into that like I was confused by that that that fucking me up a little because I
He was suddenly at the Comic Con and he's arguing with some guy and I'm like, why the fuck is he at the Comic Con and not at the in his laboratory like doing this shit? Why is he wearing like this fucking like?
I don't know what he had, like, you know, all his metal pins. I can't his medals of valor and whatnot. And I'm like, why the fuck is he at the Comic Con where there's like a dozen people in the whole audience like the auditorium is like empty and he's arguing with that guy and he tells him he should throw him into the sea.
and then he ends up throwing that fucking guy to the sea and then like he goes back to the other reality and he's all like nonchalant about everything and I'm like wait what the fuck is going on?
the the the
I'm not sure it might have been the same episode, maybe the next episode, when they had showed what had happened from the other perspective. I thought that was really cool. Yeah, no, I did too. They decided to go back and show you where we were leading up to that point from the other side and stuff like that. Because there are some legitimately, besides the space accidents, there are some legitimately creepy things with
the blending of the two universes where the little girl starts seeing herself from the other universe.
or whatever, like there's moments like that that I thought were really well done and really creepy and stuff like that. And that's probably why we're talking because like, otherwise, this is like a straight more like sci fi horror. But I would say almost even sci fi ish. And I just recommend to you because I thought it was a good sci fi showing you were like, yeah, yeah, there's a lot of horror elements of this we can talk about in the castle is like, yeah, you're right.
that we definitely got so yeah no i mean there was a lot of jumps in the stairs like i watched it with a friend and she was jumping especially with the dead astro the dead russian astronaut woman but i thought it fell a little bit flat in the middle but then i thought it regained its strength and i thought it had a strong ending
You know, like I was thinking it was just going to continue to kind of drift. And then I thought it had a very strong finish. And I think that season once I realized that they had already like signed like an agreement where, you know, they were going to get a second season, I think the second season is going to fill in a lot of the blanks that like maybe were a little confusing. I'll probably go back and watch the first season beforehand.
but i like it i recommend it and i'm looking forward to the second season yeah i would say there's probably only one episode where i thought it started to like i was like okay where is this going now and then but then by the next episode it was like oh okay we're gonna shift the perspectives and it's gonna lead up to here then we're gonna go from there i'm like okay now i see where it where it's going so
that was right back on board. But yeah, I would say it was only that it was that episode where it was like he was on the the ship and throws the guy off. I'm like, Okay, where are we going with this? Like, how does this tie into the rest of the show where it was like mostly from like her point of view and stuff like that and not really didn't really dive into much of the other characters besides them being like,
you know, the person that created something or whatever. But yeah, I think they're, especially at the ending, which again, I don't want to go into, but there was like, two scenes, the one where she's like, she's in the hospital in that very last scene that I was like, okay, well, like, we're gonna have to have a second season now.

Future Episode Plans

Because of what they've shown, it was like, it was almost like, all right, now you can't end it. Now there's so much more we can talk about in the next in the next season. So
I thought the best, my one takeaway too is I thought that other than Naomi Repiercer, excuse me if I'm pronouncing her name wrong, I thought that the two Alice's. Like I said, I thought that it was all one actress just playing two roles.
You know, because that would just make sense. You wouldn't think that they're identical twins, but I'm not sure which Alice was better, but they I thought they were great child actresses.
the two of them. I thought, I'm not sure how old she is, but that was a very, very strong performance for girls that young. I thought that they did a great job. A lot of emotion, a lot of emotion. I really felt for their characters, you know what I mean? Because they displayed
Terror, dread, confusion. And at the same time, they also like, you know, were able to sense like, you know, my mom is not my mom. There's something very wrong here. These people are crazy. Like I, you know, just very, yeah, I thought that for actresses that young, I thought they did a great job. So I'm looking forward to season two. And yeah, I definitely recommend checking this out.
Yeah, that's all I got for for today. I mean, eventually, we'll actually talk about we'll get Manny on and we'll talk about Godzilla minus one. Yeah, we're gonna have we're gonna have a guest. We're gonna talk about Godzilla. And I believe we're also going to
I just saw a film recently with Nick Cage. It's weird because I actually saw a Nick Cage film before you did called Dream Scenario. I just recently saw it. I think that that's definitely going to be something that we're going to discuss a little bit. I know that you plan to check it out, but yeah, that's all I have for tonight.
Thank you for tuning in and we will talk to you next time. Take care of yourself, bud. All right, you too. Peace.