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Fright Central
33 Plays8 months ago

Updates on Crystal Lake, Dexter and more


Welcome and Introduction

for real for real all right uh welcome back to fright central uh where we talk all things horror and i know it's been a while since we uh
done anything but it's me and Kek again. How long has it been? Dude, it's been like, I would say it's been about three of the four months. I think it was like the end of March. So maybe it's been at least two months. Yeah. Oh, I could say I like to have more regular discussions. It's just
especially with the summer season coming on now, like, you know, things are active, you're going to Europe in what, like less than a month? Yeah. And, you know, I'm going to be doing some traveling myself. So, you know, we're going to like different parts of the world and, you know, can be difficult sometimes.
to do that but uh anyway we'll try to i'm gonna i mean hey anywhere that has wi-fi and if you have like a decent laptop like you can do a cast but like there's always gonna be like the quality factor in so you know it's just been difficult so anyway but uh we have a lot to talk about

Crystal Lake and Friday the 13th Franchise Updates

So I'm looking forward to a spirited discussion and I know you have news about Crystal Lake and you told me about this weeks ago and it's been nail biting because I wanted to lock it up myself.
but you had told me that the new you said you had news and then you told me you had news on news about crystal lake which made me even more intrigued but like i wanted to save it for the cast so we'd have like a more you know spirited discussion
Yeah, I mean it wasn't just Crystal Lake news. It was Friday the 13th, Jason. Friday the 13th news in general. So there is news about Crystal Lake and there is news about the franchise.
Yes. All right. So without further ado, can you please tell me what the fuck is going on?

Legal Challenges for Friday the 13th Game Mods

Well, like, you know, last cast, which was like, again, almost three months ago, we had talked about the Friday 13th game and how like the mods were like going to do like the resurrect. They were going to like fix and put it online for steam for free and everything. Yes. Like a week after that, they were set a cease and desist order by a heart.
I thought like that maybe there was something going on where they decided that they weren't putting it up for free and that you had them buy because I opened my steam account and I went to
you know, there's a thing that says free to play. And, you know, it just gives you a list of all the games. And I noticed that Friday the 13th wasn't on there. So I was like, well, either A, maybe they're still working on it and like they had to temporarily remove it from the library or B, maybe it got well received with all the mods that they put and they decided to make it like, you know, you had to pay for it like any other game.
but so that's what i was thinking i didn't so they got a see the game's been out for a while
Yeah. Well, yeah, the original game. Yeah. Yeah. This is maybe on misunderstanding. You're talking about a brand new Friday the 13th? No, no, no. It's that same game that's been out for a while. But you know, I got shut down, like they stopped working on it. And then like modders were coming in and they were gonna like, you know, take so much things, add things and they were recently for free. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
or they had to take that one. I think the original game you can still play. Yeah, you can play the game, but I don't know if you can play it online now. Oh no, you can't. They're either shut down last year or the servers are shutting down the end of this year. I forgot which one it was.
Yeah. But now with the steam things with the mothers, it was going to be kind of like a revamped version of the game where you had a lot more things you could do and it wasn't going to be shut down. Like it was going to be on for like, you know, people were pumped. So they got a cease and desist whether you're saying that said that like you have to stop modding the game and probably had something to do with it.
being given away for free. I'm going to say that cost was a factor. Yeah, probably. It had to be taken down from the Steam servers anywhere else it was being posted. Because they were like, yeah, we initially agreed on it, but now that it looks like it's going to be good, we could be making a lot of money here.
Yeah. You know what? I feel like if they had just been like, OK, yeah, if you guys want to go ahead and do that, but like we have to you have to sell and we we make the money off of it, you don't make anything. If they like said that, they probably would have been like, OK, we were just going to put off for free anyway. We're going to make any money. So you know what they you know what they could have done if it came to the point where they were going to do a season to Cisco where they were basically saying, like, if we can't profit for the game,
Like, if I can't have you, no one can. If they were going to come to a point like that, what they could have done is they could have released a demo and then just charged like a small fee, like made a game for like $4.99. And you know, three online with Steam. Yeah, maybe it's because that game was part of like, you know, caught up in that lawsuit as well. And that's probably why.
Yeah, but the game had been out and online for years while the lawsuit was like going on like, yeah, that's why they shut the servers down. They're not working on the game anymore. It was because the rights shifted or whatever. Maybe but I mean, had been going on and that was like the only Friday the 13th thing that was happening. Yeah. And it was online.
You know, I mean, there's achievements for playing as Jason in co-op online mode 1000 times. That's one of the achievements. Wasn't this game was that was the one that Sean Cunningham worked on. Right.
I'm not sure if Sean Cunningham worked on this game or not. I believe Kane Hodder came in and did motion cap for Jason. Yes he did. I believe it was Sean Cunningham and that's why since he lost his suit and Har Inc. owns the rights to
well I don't know if does Cunningham like are you when you say Cunningham was involved in the video game are you saying he was like directly
involved in the creation. Like he understands computer coding and like actually creating. I mean like he was like a producer on it or something. So he was just a money guy. Okay. Yeah. I just wanted to clear that up because it was like a righteous story or something like that. Yeah. I don't know. I like I don't remember all the details from when the game came out. It's basically like one of the reasons why they shut it down was because he lost the rights to it. He was like, well,
Yeah. They own the rights to this game now, so I'm just gonna not...
But, you know, I don't know 100% whether or not maybe next cast we could talk and just update whether or not Cunningham was directly involved with the game story or something like that, because that's sort of like what George RR Martin, you know, the creator of Game of Thrones was to Hideki Marizaki's new game Elden Ring. Like he didn't have anything to do with
He basically wrote half of the story and made the creatures and monsters and stuff like that. He created them from his stories and stuff like that, but didn't actually physically work on the game or anything like that. So that's probably where Cunningham was.
I don't know, for all I know, he could have like computer coding experience, but I just want to design DB and he's listed as a producer on the game. All right. So yeah, he dropped, he dropped some money down for the game. Yeah. Yeah. So and maybe had probably had some influence on the story. But who knows, like, the lawsuits, like as we discussed in the past, have been so complex.
that it might have been a thing where he was like only allowed to put down money and not actually have any influence on the story because you know if you play in single player I guess what you would call career mode the game just consists of I think it's seven or eight like shorts basically where you're Jason in different scenarios and you know you can carry out your mission of killing the campers and
certain order and you get achievements for doing so i mean i'm just uh i'm not sure but yeah we could maybe look into that and give an update the next time uh we have this uh when we do a cast so but uh aside from the video game uh what's going on well um the crystal lake update yeah a24 just has decided to go a different way

Chaos in A24's Crystal Lake Project

So what do you mean? So basically, it's canceled. And now they're starting from scratch. They are starting from scratch, pretty much. But without Brian Fuller anymore, like they've he left on creative differences. So it's fucking chaos.
It's fucking chaos. Oh, mother fuck you. Fuck you, doc. Oh, man. God damn it. Oh, dude. So when you hear stuff like that, you know that like the stuff that they're probably keeping quiet, it's probably twice as bad as we think it is. So there's a good chance that this shit's never even going to come out.
Okay, it said like a like originally like I don't know why I'm surprised. I don't know why I'm surprised. I should have had the lowest expectations like, you know, I had heard that they were doing scouting and that I knew that like there were casting interviews like, you know, obviously, like, you know, they were going to start announcing like people. And yeah, now now I would say there's probably like a 5% chance we ever see this.
What do you think? It got a straight the season order with Peacock. Fuck Peacock. Fuck anybody. Friday there is truly camp blood. It is curse. The article says like originally reports and rumors were spreading about A24 pulling the plug on the series.
but that's not the case. Rather, the project is being retooled behind the scenes. So what's going on here exactly? Brian Fuller is taking to Instagram tonight to provide an update. The bad news? Fuller is no longer involved with the crypto place.
Here's my update. Ye who enters here shall abandon all hope. The good news is A24 isn't giving up hope on the project. It says for reasons beyond our control, A24 is elected to go a different way with the material. We hope the final product will be something Friday 13th fans all over the world will enjoy. So the man's pride. My new showrunner.
Something would be better than nothing see when you had told me that a 24 was involved that kind of gave me a boner because I was just like You know, I really liked their shit, you know, they have like a unique touch like, you know, I mean like Yeah, I mean I was really excited
To find out that they were going to be the studio that was going to be bringing it to life and I actually that gave me more hope that like I was wrong and that it probably would be coming out sooner rather than later even and Yeah, I mean it's cursed. It's it's fucking cursed as far as I'm concerned. It's most likely never gonna happen and
they were gonna announce in a couple months, like, you know, yeah, it was just total chaos, like, you know, people eating babies, fights on the set, like, you know, cast, like showing up drunk or something. It's not coming out. I have, I have almost, fuck, ah! I was really looking forward to this, man.
Although the news doesn't get any better because there's more by 13 minutes. Continue. Might as well all get it at once. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I would rather, like, I swear to God, I'd rather somebody like just show up and be like, yo, I'll let you punch me three times in the testicles as hard as you can. But like, I want.
Three guaranteed seasons of Crystal Lake and I want three new Jason movies. Like a punch in the balls for each season or something like that. Like, I'm only half kidding. Like, fucking, alright, what happens? Just tell me. Well, we won't be seeing a new movie for at least three years. So, yeah, alright.
So yeah, there's going to be generations of kids that don't even know who Jason Voorheaves is. Yeah. But on the good news side now.
Horror Inc announced a new era of Friday the 13th franchise called the Jason universe. I'm sorry. Could you repeat that? Who horror Inc? Yeah. They, the ones that own the rights that are doing the crystal lake series. Yeah. Well, that's a new era for the original owners of the Friday the 13th. Let's see.
The new Friday 13th activations will span a wide range of platforms from entertainment games immersive experiences merchandise and more to be announced throughout 2024 so Yeah So it looks like they're gonna do there might be like you think there's gonna be a new game Yeah, well the first thing coming up is
is a new, well, I think it's already, it might already be out, some new game that Warner Brothers put together called Multiverses. And it's like a free to play game. Jason in the comic universe.
Yeah, it's in more of like, you know, the WB characters where he's fighting like, it's like, you know, a fighting game, like Mortal Kombat and shit, but it's all like WB characters. So he's fighting like Bugs Bunny and shit, you know what I mean? Yeah. And Rick and Morty, there's like a picture of him like about to stomp on Morty. But yeah, it's called multiverses and Jason's gonna be a character in that and they also have a Jason X skin for it too.
Well, that's interesting. I was playing there's a game that I play that's kind of like a sci-fi horror game sort of based on like Starship Troopers. It's called.
deep rock galactic and you're basically like dwarves and you go like you get a pod is sent into all these like planets and it's star ship trippers basically you need to mine minerals and collect like rare artifacts and stuff and it's all online you go deep rock galactic it's awesome i've gotten really into it
And I saw a guy the other day who was on my team and it's all like insects from like Starship Troopers. That's what they look like. There are the spiders and the blobs and there's a whole bunch of creatures. And I saw one guy had was totally dressed as the predator. And another guy was all in adjacent skin. The hockey mask. He had the suspenders. It was I think it was
he had the one with the suspenders and then another one that he had because you can talk on headphones or you could type if you're on pc and he said oh uh come uh to the next game with me and he showed up in uh like the jumpsuit that he was wearing it was the friday the 13th part six jason the one with
which what's his name from Return of the Living Dead where Jason was like in the jumpsuit you know he gets brought back to life when the lightning strikes him and yeah so there's actually not only did they have like Jason on there there was also a Jason baghead so Jason from Friday at 13 part two so it was pretty it's pretty cool um yeah it
If anybody's interested, it is on Game Pass. So if you're a Game Pass subscriber, you can download it. It's only like like about a five gigabyte download. So it's easy and it's also cross platform. So you could play on the Xbox or you could play Game Pass on PC. It's on Steam and it's also on PS5. So, yeah, it's everywhere.
But with Xbox, it's cool because for Microsoft users, you know, you have the ability to play on both console and PC and you can transfer all your save data and stuff. So it's really cool that way. So but yeah.
Yeah, I was surprised to see that because I was thinking like, you know with the lawsuits and everything and what like, you know Just the legal action that is entwined within Friday at 13th universe I was like telling the guy I'm like, I'm surprised that they even allow a Jason skit look, you know, I
like a Jason costume. Yeah, it looks like that's one of the new things that they're allowing now. Yeah, I mean, that's cool at least. And you know, yeah, and it's cool because as season trains, like when there's holidays, like they did a whole Halloween thing.
with pumpkins and scarecrows and witches on broomstick and cackles. It's a really fun game. I highly recommend. At first, I thought it was kind childish, but when you're playing with everybody and all the things, it's really, really, really cool. Anyway, moving on. I think it's a good idea because
It helps bring Jason back to people's mind and then when you really are excited to see it. What's this character about? Let me get more material out there the better. Yeah, I mean that's why every Halloween I'm going to be Jason. Yeah.

Announcement of Dexter Origins Series

Uh, yeah. Then remember the other, uh, news that I, uh, broke with, uh, Dexter coming back. Yeah. Well, it turns out it's going to be a prequel series. So Michael C. Hall's just coming back with that wig as like the younger Dexter. No, I'm just kidding. It's going to be a prequel to like him before he joined like the Miami police department.
Yeah, it's because like they kill them off and they realize, fuck, we just can't make Dexter without Michael C. Hall. So our only option is a prequel or he did not die at the end of New Blood somehow.
I was gonna say where he died and he's now like the, the, uh, yeah. I guess maybe they thought it was corny or maybe he like just didn't want to do that. Maybe he just wasn't feeling it. Was there anything about that? This might've been what they were planning from the beginning. From the beginning. Oh, all right. Because I thought you had said it was going to be a sequel and not a prequel. Well, it was like Harrison and
Yeah, well, that's what me and the guy I talked to that told me about it was we were speculating on because Michael C Hall was back. But I guess he's just back in the producer role unless they are still planning another sequel texture. I don't know. But this is what they've announced recently.
Dexter origins is where they would have a sequel and the prequel going on at the same time. They'd be producing both. I think they would do this and see how it goes. And maybe, yeah, maybe. But now it's called a Dexter original sin. And, uh, Christian Slater is going to be playing, uh, Jeremy Renner's characters is going to be playing the dad and, uh, Patrick Gibson from, uh, shadow and bone.
is playing. So Christian Slater is going to be playing who? Yeah, his dad. Who's Dexter? Dexter's dad. Oh, okay. That was played by what was his name? I always call him I know him best for his role in a drugstore cowboy, where he was the cop that was always harassing
Matt Dillon's character. Yeah. And he was Gentry in there. I always call, I just call him Gentry. Yeah. The original dad and the extra Christian Slayer is going to be playing dad now. And it's, yeah, I guess you said 91.
And it revolves around Dexter as he goes from student to a vengeance serial killer with the guidance of his father, Harry. That's his fucking name. Yeah. Yeah. His name was Harry. And it's cool because Christian Slater actually has
Think four seasons of experience in the kind, the role. Wait, well, is Christian Slater going to be like the voice, like the ghost of his father, or is it going to be his father alive?
I would assume his father's still alive at this point. His father's still alive. I just wasn't clear because I was going to say, in Mr. Robot, Christian Slater was kind of like an alternate personality in the guy's head. So I was going to say, well, shit, he's got four seasons of experience being the voice in someone's head. But if he's still alive, yeah, that would obviously not make sense.
Yeah, because I can't really remember at what point in time Dexter was when his father passed. I can't remember if Dexter had joined the Miami-Dade police force or if his father passed away and then he joined the forensics department. I don't remember, do you? I feel like he, like,
He was already there at the beginning of the season. I'm just not sure. I guess it's not that big of a deal, but this would be before Dexter joined law enforcement. Yeah, and his dad's a cop. Gotcha. Okay.
Yeah, so I'm excited for that. Yeah, I mean, I'll check it out. I feel like I'm more excited for that than I am for another sequel series, where they just, you know, keep butchering Dexter, you know what I mean? Yeah, well, hey, my whole thing is that I just really think that with the success of the last
Dexter they did It was Dexter new blood was what yeah, right now. Um, yeah, it was new blood I just thought they killed them. I would have liked to have seen at least one more season. Oh, yeah It was like right at the in the final episode like his son Harrison's character like just went through like a drastic change of heart like his whole philosophy on the life changed in like 20 minutes
He went from like a guy who wanted to escape with his father and go on and be serial killers of evil people to like, oh, this whole way of life is wrong. You're a sick fuck dad. Like you shouldn't have killed that cop to break out of prison. I think you deserve to die and you know, that's it. You know, so I mean, I thought that like, hey, they could have reached that conclusion.
But I think that it should have had another season or two because it was very well received by both critics and users. And I just really don't understand unless there were some kind of budgetary constraints that we're not aware of where they said that they just didn't have the money to make a second season. But I don't see that happening.
That was, who produced that? Was that Showtime? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, Showtime, I don't see Showtime lacking the resources. I was just disappointed at the, but hey, being disappointed with the way Dexter ends is like pretty much like, you know, integral to the Dexter experience. So, you know. Well, I have some more good news.
I like getting this. I did hear about that. Oh, cool!
Ellie Fannin is set to star in the next Predator movie, Badlands. She was in Neon Demon. Yeah, I know she is. So, let's get casting. This isn't technically hard, it's more of the whodunit, but the Knives Out series, Knives Out and Glass Onion. They just announced a new movie called Wake Up, Den Man.
And, uh, and it's gotta be sort of like a trilogy in the whole thing. Yeah. So far, I don't think you think they're all going to be like, you know, uh, one-offs, you know, like the first one, the best, but I, I just, I really, really wasn't a fan of Daniel Craig's character in the first one. I just thought he was miscast for the role.
Oh, I mean, I thought he was great. The, uh, the cast list for this new one, Jesus Christ, if I get rid of these goddamn popups, uh, Josh Brolin. Well, you're, you're getting popups. Yeah. You don't have ad blockers on your browsers.
that could for something. But Josh Brolin's gonna be in it. Andrew Scott, you know, from Ripley. He's in it. Kerry Washington, Jeremy Renner, Mila Kunis. Like it's got a pretty good cast list so far. And it's supposed to be, you know, like more of a spooky one.
So, and just, uh, I'm just going, just taking a tip back. If anybody is interested, if you simply Google Friday, the 13th new game, the first I'm just looking and the first three results are all videos about the new game. And like, uh, the one is styled Friday, the 13th game is resurrected, but not what you think.
everything we need to know.
And they're fairly short videos about like seven to 10 minutes. So if you're interested in like some more in-depth thing and you're as big of a fan of video games as I am, you might want to just Google and check these out. Obviously I'm not going to watch them during the podcast, but afterwards I'm definitely going to check out. There's a whole bunch of people that post it stuff and it's all from like
two to three weeks ago. So it's fairly, it's fairly current. So just something to think about. I'm sorry, continue on. No worries. Mike Flanagan is clearly fucking decided he's going to keep delaying fucking Dark Tower because he's officially set to write and direct the new Exorcist film for Boom House. Yeah, where the fuck did that come from?
Yeah, I thought the dark tower was his like, I thought that was like his project that he was real pumped about. And he suddenly just like, I guess he's doing other things. Yeah, I don't know. I just I thought that he was like pumped about I thought he was like real pumped about that. And like, because he had been talking about for years.
Yeah. And I'm just surprised that he decided, I mean, there's been so many exorcist reboots that I just feel, for me personally, I would rather see the Dark Tower than another exorcist reboot. And off top of my head, I can think of five exorcist movies. So I mean... The latest one was supposed to be a trilogy by the guy who did the Halloween reboot recently.
And the first... I'm fine with him not getting any more work. Yeah, he turned to the first one. Apparently it was real bad. So like they canceled. It wasn't real bad. Oh, who would have thought? You know, with the genius that he's been producing of light. Yeah, especially that last holiday movie. Yeah, it was just not. Let's not get into that. Let's not go there.
But yeah, this is not going to be a sequel to that. It's going to be a whole new take. So this is going to be like a reboot to the Exorcist franchise if you want to call it that. Or it's just going to be another movie set in the same universe for all I know. You know what I mean?
Yeah, but what I mean is it's not going to be like they're not going to be mentioning like anything from like the original like this is going to be like a new take on like exorcism where somebody gets possessed. I mean, it's just it's been done a lot because not even like the from the exorcist movies but like you have like the exorcism of Emily Rhodes and then there's like a couple other
What's that muscle crows in two different exorcist movies he's the Pope says exorcist and then he's got a new one coming out called the exorcist. Russell crows like really getting into that new one he plays like it looks like he's playing a priest but he's playing a priest on a.
movie set that that so he's acting as a priest in a movie that's making a movie about an exorcism and then he gets that he gets fucking possessed or some shit and then he's like a Pope exorcist to coming out well he's just like all in on fucking exorcisms now I can't see like Russell Crowe really playing a priest he just likes to fight too much
I always think about the, I think it was the spoof that South Park did on him, Russell Crowe and his boat tugger. And he was in a show that was called Russell Crowe, fighting around the world, I think it was called, where he went to like every country and would like pick
Somebody and provoke a street fight when it's just I don't know. I I don't see him being a priest but Well, actually, you know what? I should check my facts on that because if you remember a classic movie that I fucking loved I don't care how much shit people talk about it

Russell Crowe's Priest Roles in Films

Gene Hackman, Sharon Stone, Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, what movie am I talking about? Think back to Caprio early in his career. He was not a household name. The Quick and the Dead. Oh, yeah. I love that. Oh, Lance Hendrickson.
Yeah. And Russell Crowe played, he had been an outlaw, but he can, he converted to a priest and like, you know, he like, yeah. So, all right, Russell Crowe, I just want to remind myself, he's played a priest before.
Yeah, early early Sam Raimi piece. Yeah, yeah, it was. I love that movie. I thought Gene Hackman was fucking phenomenal. I mean, Gene Hackman knew it was supposed to be really ridiculous and he just did a great job. Yeah. Yeah. He even had what's his name from Men at Work, the black guy. It's killing me. I can't think of his name right now. Human life means very little to me at this point in time.
You know, the the superintendent that was riding around with Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen from Men at Work. I'm embarrassed that I don't remember his name because he's like one of my favorite actors and he's been in everything. And Rick and Morty, he voices the president. Oh,
What's his name? I want to say Keith Richards, but that's not it. Fuck it. I'm doing it. Was it Keith David? Maybe. Or is it? Yeah, he's like one of my favorite fucking actors and I can't think of his name. So he was in the he was in the John Carpenter's The Thing.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Keith David. Keith David. I said Keith Richards. Keith Richards is a very different person. Yeah. Anyway. Keith David was the president. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He was in it.
Yeah, he was like a hired he was one of the hired guns and the Lance Hendrix and played a channel and yeah Yeah, all right. So yeah, he has played that before. All right. All right. All right Yeah, I love that I saw not that long ago. So anyway, but so on the news front do you have anything else? Just two more things really
first of all, the new Godzilla minus one, it's available on Netflix. Yeah, I actually saw it about a month ago. Apparently I had it all along and I didn't even realize it. But yeah, so I saw it and we're going to be talking about that in the not too distant future. But it was like literally like the day before it came out on Netflix, they were just like, what?
What was the release date on Netflix? Do you know off the top of your head? It didn't have one, and then it just came out. It just appeared on Netflix one day. They didn't promote it at all. Because usually Netflix will have one of their categories just coming soon. Yeah, and I literally looked it up when I heard it was coming, and it was just like maybe even have the picture up, the poster up for it, but the title was up and that was it.
because it was really I think it was released on May the 2nd or sometime in early May. Yeah, and I believe they had released like an announcement like the day before they were like, hey, we're putting this movie is gonna be out or most countries on Netflix and I had to look up those like, oh, is this including the US? And it was like, yes, including the US. Do you know what that tells me that tells me that Netflix might not have even been aware because of the chaos with
we talked about it in our last podcast so I'm not gonna go back into it but the the whole thing about like the
agreement that they had between Toho and, or Togo, or I'm not sure how you pronounce it, but about like when certain Godzilla movies could be released in a certain time span of proximity to one another. And then it's like in Limba, so we were talking about and I'm thinking that it could have been a thing where like,
Because you know they it was in this like limbo thing and people were like pissed and frustrated and really states weren't clear it could have been like netflix just like got some like they scored something with somebody and they're like yo you know what you can drop this shit in the next three days or something like that and they were just like boom.
Yeah, because that's something Netflix would use as a promotional thing. You know, yeah, it's like got such praise. And I mean, they have an entire on the Netflix menu, they have an entire category where anybody that's familiar with the menu, they have an entire category for coming soon movies. And they usually have like,
If you click on it, it will have trailers for all those movies, and there's usually like hundreds. So Godzilla minus one would have definitely been on there. Yeah, and I always pay attention to when things are coming out. Like, oh, what's coming out next month on Netflix? And I'll see like a huge list of returning movies and new movies coming up.
And you could not even have a Netflix membership, but you can download the app and you can still use that feature because Netflix wants to see potential subscribers.
They want them to be able to see the content that they currently have and the content that they're going to have because that's advertising. People watch trailers through that, right? Yeah, exactly. Even if you have no membership, you can watch trailers through it.
Yeah, so I mean, that's a cool feature. When I had no Netflix access, I used to actively have the app still and I would check out to see what content was coming out so I knew what to watch.
So yeah, for them to not have that until like, what, 24, 48 hours before they dropped it, like that kind of like makes me think that they just scored some deal with somebody where they were like, yo, you could put this on there like tomorrow. And they're like, all right. We don't have time to advertise. We're just going to drop it and then say like brand new, you know, because they'll have like the brand new tag like. Yes. Yeah. So.
Whatever. Hey, I'm just glad it's out. I'm glad it's not in limbo anymore because there were like rumors that we were going to have to wait until January 1st 2025 before we could speak until the minus one again So, you know, I'm glad that that did not

Godzilla Minus One's Surprise Netflix Release

So I mean the Godzilla vs Kong or sorry Godzilla X Kong the newest one new Empire. That one's on VOD now. I don't think it's like streaming on Max yet. But apparently the director who did that and Godzilla vs Kong Adam Wingard is not returning for another one. Yeah. I mean, they both did pretty well in
And theaters. Well, I know I would say that I enjoyed Godzilla minus one more than any Godzilla movie that I've seen in the past 10 years. Maybe ever actually maybe ever. This might have been my favorite.
Despite Mothra not being in the movie, this might have been my favorite Godzilla movie. And we're going to talk about that probably in our next cast. Yeah, yeah. News wise, we have anything else? Give people a little bit of time to watch Godzilla Minus One since it just came out. Well, it's been out for more than a month.
No, it just came out June 1 on Netflix. Oh, it just came out. Oh, and Netflix is the first platform that released it streaming wise. Okay. All right. So it's only been out today. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah. I was a little confused there. Yeah.
But, uh, uh, where was I at? So, um, yes, there is going to be a Monarch season two. I don't know if you've watched Monarch season one yet. I watched the first episode and despite Kurt Russell being in it and you know, Kurt Russell just makes me more likely to watch anything. I simply cannot get into Monarch. Yeah. Cause it's coming back for season two with, uh, King Kong.
I know a lot of other people that have said that they really enjoyed it. I don't know. I guess it was a little too childish for me. I don't mean like that, like adults couldn't enjoy it, but it was just a little too kitty for me.

Mixed Reactions to the Monarch Series

And I definitely like appreciated some of the things that they did. And, you know, I like Kurt Russell. But I simply couldn't get into it. It just wasn't for me.
No, you don't want to give it another episode, maybe, because Keros, it does just- I could barely get through the first episode. It was a real challenge. Yeah, that's just kind of like the introduce of the characters. It picks up from there.
It just isn't for me. All right. You're missing out then. Yeah. You know what? Maybe like one night, like before I go to bed or something, maybe I'll throw something on and hey, if it like gets me into it.
from what I was told by other people who also said that it wasn't for them who had watched several episodes. They were like, if you don't like what you see in the beginning, you're probably not going to like the rest of it. That's just why I was told. So, you know, I could I'll try to maybe get through in that. But the first one was really hard for me to get through. So, but yeah, just for the sake of like, you know,
If you think that it would change my mind that drastically, then yeah, I'll give it another 20, 30 minutes into a second episode. Yeah, I'll do that. I just think you haven't gotten enough Kurt Russell yet. Yeah, well, I mean, I get Kurt Russell all the time, dude. That's probably the first episode, there's not enough Kurt Russell. Yeah, I always could use more Kurt Russell.
You see, that's all I think you should give it to episodes. Well, at any time in future episodes, does he grow a handlebar mustache?
Oh, don't think so. Well, if you can't, if you can't immediately know that, then he doesn't. So anyway, but news wise, are we at its end or do you have anything else to add? That's all I got for news. All right. Yeah, I mean, other than that, I just watched a couple movies recently in theaters.
One is kind of Friday the 13th related, in a violent nature. Is it a slasher? Yeah, and it's from like the perspective of like the killer. Oh, cool. So it's kind of like, I mean, they call him, I think his name's like John in the movie, but it's pretty much Jason. He comes up out of the ground after someone steals like a necklace that's left on his grave or whatever. And he comes up out of the ground and goes hunting for him, just killing people along the way.
And the like, I don't know if to me it wasn't that good. You know, it was like, you're, you're just following the killer around walking through the woods. So it was a lot of boring walking through the woods. Oh, it was like, he was like taking this time getting to his destination. Like he was like stopping his prey, like really slowly. Like they did the stalking in real time. Yeah, exactly. He didn't have the ability to transport like Jason did.
and he just slashes.
No. See, that was his problem. Maybe in the future, yeah, he'll gain that ability or something. Yeah, it's just straight walking, which I mean, another thing about it, I don't even remember there being like, you know, any music or a score or anything that might have been able to help with like tension or fucking, you know, something in the movie.
But it was just like, okay, we're just gonna follow this guy. I mean, it would like cut like, you know, okay, now it's nighttime, but he's still walking through the woods. It's like, God damn, man. And he finally comes across like a, like a house. And then the first guy, you don't even see him like, you know, do the kill, the first guy he kills him.
I thought it was pretty cool how the camera would follow him going through the house as the guy would come around the outside of the house and him looking at it. It had its moments. Yeah, not that many though, but the second kill was pretty good.
And the third kill was fucking great, though. It's definitely one you should check out, but this is a movie, it's gonna come on Shudder, because it was a Shudder original. You're gonna be able to just fast forward to the kills, pretty much, and you'll see, like, oh, oh, oh, he is just walking through the woods. Okay, now you're seeing the campers, you get, like, a little backstory. And then it goes back to, like, Kim, and then he fucking starts murdering people again.
But the second kill was really fucking good. It was like a hook through the head and he like punches through the stomach and then pulls the fucking hook that's hooked on this chain and it pulls her head like through her fucking stomach. Oh, that was pretty good. So it was like individual kills that were cool, like the effects and whatnot. Yeah, yeah, that's the yeah, the effects were cool because they were definitely like practical.
And then there's a couple other good ones but nothing really topped the first two really. And then it's just sort of like the one girl escapes or whatever and she gets in a car and then it's just them two driving along for a while while the driver tells this story about this bear attack and then the movie just sort of ends.
And then it just sort of ends, full penetration, you know, smash and heads, full penetration, smash and heads. And then the movie goes on for about 90 minutes or so and just sort of ends. Yeah. Dr. Dolph Lundgren. Yep. Yep. Dr. Dolph Lundgren. Well, at any rate, I think that's about all we have. The only other thing I wanted to mention in closing is that

Terrifier 3 and Festive Horror

The Terrifier 3 is supposed to be released, I believe, around Christmas time. I know Art the Clown has a very Christmas, he dresses up like Santa Claus in it, and it's supposed to take place on Christmas Eve.
I'm not a hundred percent sure don't like quote me on like the exact release date but
According to IMDB and Screen Rant, it's definitely going to be released this year, and it's going to take place on Christmas Eve. And the cover shows Ark the Clown dressed as Santa Claus with an axe in his hand. Oh, no. I mean, I heard Tom Savaney was going to make an appearance in it.
I knew he was involved, but I didn't know he was actually going to have any screen time. I still don't know that. That's what they said, that he's going to have screen time. He's going to have screen time on the effects. I think he's just going to be an actor in it.
Oh, really? Yeah, maybe he'll get killed by Terrifier. I have trouble thinking that he's not going to have anything to do with the effects. Like, at the very least, he's going to have input into him. There's no way you're not going to have Savani on there where he doesn't make a comment about how they do something, even if he's not in any way involved.
You know who came and he was like, this is how you're going to kill me. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And that's not going to work out, but at any rate. Yeah. Yeah. But recently I've watched a dream scenario. Like I said, we saw Godzilla dream scenarios with Nick Cage, which I thought was a pretty interesting film that I think we're going to be discussing in the very near future.
So, but yeah, that's all I have. Any closing words, Doc? Any words of wisdom? I would also skip, I saw the TV glow. Gotcha.
Abigail was pretty enjoyable. If you like ready or not, it's the same people behind ready or not. I do. I did like ready or not. But if you say skip it, I'm going to have to believe Abigail is the other one. That's Abby. Yeah, it's like this ballerina vampire. These group of people kidnap her in this house, but it's like really her feeding ground or whatever. OK, but you're saying you would see that.
Yeah, that one I thought you say said I would skip it. No, I saw the TV glow is that that that one I would skip. Got it was gonna be the trailers made it out to be like these kids who bond over a TV show years later find out
that like the TV show was real and now they have to battle, battle monsters. That's what I was kind of pitched off in the trailer. And that's not what it was at all. And it wasn't that. Skip that. I was not planning on the check. I would never have even known about it if it wasn't for you. But if it ever comes up, I'll know to pass it by. It was somewhat, I mean, there's some good visuals in it, but it's so much like of an art film almost for the point of art and not really
point of the story as much because it's like basically these two socially awkward teenagers who like kind of bond over this TV show and then the one, you know, goes fucking like disappears for like 10 years or whatever.
and then comes back and then like wants her to like have the guy and he goes on, she goes on like this fucking long fucking speech about what she's been up to and then like he wants her to go with her and then the rest of the movie is just like him like growing up or whatever. There's no reason to make us suffer by explaining a terrible movie. Go over Briefs and Offices of what it was about.
I wasn't going to go deep into it. Gotcha. Well, with that, thanks for joining

Closing Remarks and Future Topics

us. Sorry, it's been so long for the six to 12 people that listen to this. But, you know,
next time I believe we're going to be talking about Godzilla and Dream Scenario and then we're going to be delving deep into some of the great series that we've watched recently. So there's a lot more to come. Thank you for joining us and peace. Peace.