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Ep 121: Latchkey Vids #1- Cop Rock Ep 1: The Pilot image

Ep 121: Latchkey Vids #1- Cop Rock Ep 1: The Pilot

S2 E66 ยท Bad Movies Worse People
61 Plays2 months ago

Here's a free episode for all of you listeners of our BRAND SPANKIN' NEW Patreon show starting in 2025, LATCHKEY VIDS! We'll be discussing canceled and forgotten TV shows from the 1990s starting with COP ROCK, the gritty police drama that is also a delightfully lighthearted musical. Subscribe to our Patreon for only $3 a month to get more of these episodes every single month plus a ton of other content such as monthly Mental Health episodes, early access to ad-free versions of Han Took Shots First, a monthly newsletter, listener polls, video content and MORE! All available at


Patreon Appreciation and Announcements

Hi, guys. yeah How are And we want to thank the people who have subscribed to our Patreon. Super thanks. We've got some new ones. We've got some old ones. Well, yeah, that's it. That's the two options. We've got people we've always had on a row. We have our long time, long love, long listener, Chris, that we super appreciate. Thank you. Love you.
Yeah, we have Jamie and Ryan and. Yeah. But I'm just reading off the name of the list, the list of names. She's the breadwinner in that house. Yes, she is. We have W.H. William H. Macy follows us. Oh, my God. William H. Macy is part of my guard. Oh, my God.
We have McBird. Thank you. Thank you, McBird. We have Tanker Tom. Oh, yeah. Thank you, Tanker tanker Tom. Tanker Tom also interacts with us most more than most people. Yeah. He sends messages and stuff. Send messages. I'll read them. Yeah. we I mean, I might read them here. If you don't want me to, tell me. We're going to read it on you. We've got Daniel.
Yes, double D. Double down. And Tyler, who both signed up very close to each other. And our two newest ones, I think we may have said something last time, but we have Hector. Yes. Who also he signed in at doing five dollars. Yes. Versus three. And he inspired another member to do that as well. Thank you very much. Yeah. And then our new trendsetter, not just with his hair.
and our newest member, Cody. Hey, Cody. Hey, Cody. Thanks. Just joined on December 13th. It's like my friends just got a new friend. Write us a letter. Write us an email. Tell us what you want to hear. and So thank you guys for subscribing to our Patreon and making it the success that it is so far. Golf.
And once we get 900 more, we can add more shows. Whoop, whoop. Well, look, we already have, we have a new one coming out, latchkey vids, a new thing you guys are getting, and we're working up other things. Yes, we are. So, yeah, and ah video is now in play. Oh, yes, it is. So, I hope you like seeing some sexy people. And if you don't. It's not us. Watch us.
but thank you guys for joining our patreon and for all the rest of you out there it's only three dollars a month you get two extra episodes every month now and if you don't fucking do it you are dead to me love you mom you also get um han tuk shots first yeah yeah han tuk shots first early with no ads let's just say it you get han tuk shots first first Yeah, first, first, first, first. And I know you wanted before everybody else. And you get a newsletter and you get to help choose episodes because I put polls up sometimes. Yes, we do. And we have other stuff. Just stuff. You get stuff. But I mean, two episodes is worth three dollars a month.
I think so. We put ah at least three dollars worth of work into those. I know we drank more than three dollars worth of beer. Not a selling point, Eric. Not a selling point. But thank you to our patrons yeah and thank you to our future patrons and thank you for maybe considering thinking about it. Yeah. Do it.

Introduction of 'Latch Key Vids' and 'Cop Rock'

Hi, welcome, everybody. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. I don't know what's happening. I'm high and you guys keep saying hi, which is really taking away from what that word means. ah So we were here doing a new segment. Yes, we're doing a new segment. This will be starting in twenty twenty five, a new Patreon segment. This episode of episode.
It's a video. Well, this is not a video. This is definitely recorded on VHS though. Yeah, it was. This episode is for the public. It's so you guys can hear the new idea we have. Like a deep drug dealer. We just want you to have a taste. A little free sample. And then we can sing about how you're hooked. Remember how in the 80s and 90s they talked about getting a free sample of drugs all the time? First one's always free.
Yeah. So this segment is called Latch Key Vids. As in V-I-D. I'm Derek. I'm Winnie. I'm Jack. And this is
So you really hate yourself, right? Why? Because there's more and more episodes. Yeah. Well, I figured, you know, we give the patrons something besides that one episode a month. They get the Han Tuk shots first stuff a little early and without the ad. And then they get the Patreon episode. Yeah. But this is something we've been doing episodes. Yeah. This is something we've been toying with doing anyway.

Deep Dive into 'Cop Rock'

And I think now is the right time. We want to do these eventually be more than one season shows, but these shows that got canceled Maybe at the appropriate time. Maybe before their time. Yeah. Hard to say. Maybe too long. Yeah. It's like forgotten fucking you know seasons. Yeah. Just forgotten TV shows. We're focusing on the 90s. I'm sure there's plenty from the 70s and 80s that we could get to if we go long enough. This one we're doing today is a TV show that I didn't forget about. I never knew of. I never knew this existed. This would have enriched my life. So it also had a movie.
No, I think the ah about it all my shit the YouTube channel is called Cop Rock the movie, but it's just all 11 episodes of Cop Rock. We are discussing, by the way, the television show Cop Rock, cop ra which is a very serious, gritty cop drama. Yeah. That is also a light hearted musical.
Dude, when I first heard about this show, actually, Patreon member Wes is the one that told me about this. okay And I was like, dude, this looks funny as shit. And it is, on accident, funny. I didn't realize the fucking brevity of this, like there the levity of this fucking show where it there's real problems happening. Yeah, there are. Yeah, I mean, it's it's a real, like, 90s street police drama. It's like ah Law and Order meets rock opera. It is...
If, if Miami connection had sex with and NYPD blue. yeah This came out. If Serpico had sex with Sound of Music, that's what we're watching. life who ah so And ah we all only just watched the first episode, right? Nope, I watched all of them. No, I'm just kidding. not star couldn't stop I couldn't stop, man. Once I got that first one, it was free. I was back in, man. I've seen other clips, but I have not ever seen them. There's some major this the people in this. The melody I always sing. the yeah Let's be careful out there. Which I was waiting for in this episode. It's not here. Nope. We'll get there. This is the pilot though. I'm sure the rest of them, like this is the one where they did it and they're like, this is kind of what we're doing. And then they're going to adjust the formula. yeah look Real quick, this is how you know, especially for us types, I do mean us people, how you know you're watching something worth watching. The name Ernie Hudson is going to pop up in the credits and you're going to be real happy.
Yeah, the IMDb trivia spoiled that for me because it said this is the only episode that stars Ernie Hudson. Ernie Hudson is in 10 and a half seconds. Oh, yeah. Of this 48 minute episode. Yeah. So maybe he's in the other ones and he's getting less time than 10 and a half seconds. He just walks by like that's it. Yeah. Waves of the camera. I'm here for my paycheck. Let me get them dollars and cents.
He was just the big name that they wanted to get attention for the series. He's definitely the biggest name in here. There's there's a lot of people that I recognize. Him and Ronnie Cox are the two like yeah movie actors. Yeah, he's Bo Gomile and Bo Gomile in Beverly Hills Cop. He's co-Hagan in Total Recall. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. there are there are Like everybody in here has been in one episode of everything you've watched, right? And it makes it tough to narrow it down except for when they're in Seinfeld. Or Buffy. So we each have our little one that you're like, oh, he was in episode three, season five, he played, but there's one that I didn't recognize last night until this, it's tough to see this, by the way, on a fucking 75 inch. If you're gonna watch this, maybe watch it on your cell phone.
So he did he he cast from his phone to the TV. So we had the the smaller screen. It seemed a little better. Our TV is 82 inches and it seemed a little bit better yeah casting like from the phone to the TV. It was never meant to be in this size. No. But the guy that I wanted to get to has been on our main feed before. He was the crooked cop in Shakedown.
with Peter Weller and Sam Elliott. Yeah. He's the look chief, I guess. He's the one that's trying to bust down the guy that killed the black dude and and framed him. He's like, look, you might be a hero to this guy. You might be a hero to every cop, the chief, right? Yeah. yeah Okay. and not not not the Not the chief, because that's Ronnie Cox, but the captain. Oh, yeah. It would be the captain, correct. Okay. Yeah. like So I'm looking at him like, I fucking know this cat, and he doesn't have a bunch of roles, so it made it easy.
I went to the bottom and I was like, steak out. He's the one that's like, I'll send I'll send you to prison and have that big black dude fucking the butt. And he says it way different than that. I can't say half the things he said. Yes. OK, I didn't even recognize him. Well, he wasn't. He didn't have a mullet in this. Oh, so oh. Oh, he's like. So he's in the room from Stake Out, like the douchebag carpet, the not stake out, shake down, shake down where the person is tied in the chair and then they have like the plastic all around the room. Yeah. He's one of those. Yeah. OK.
Yep. Nope. But so this episode aired September 26th, 1990. The show is this episode is written by the creator. Steve Bochco, who people might

Engagement with Patreon Community

know, he's also the creator of Hill Street Blues, Doogie Howser, L.A. Law, NYPD Blue. Well, actually, I don't think he created Hill Street Blues. I think he wrote on it. But he also wrote the movie Silent Running with Bruce Dern. Oh, is that Bernie? He goes to space and people die. Oh, wow. Crazy. Let's smoke a joint up here and watch everybody die. Yeah. Nice. The other writer is William Finkelstein, that Finkelstein shit kid who also wrote Bad Lieutenant, Port of Call New Orleans. Wait, Finkelstein shit kid? It's a Cheech and Chong thing. You know, that Finkelstein shit kid. I just remember my dad had the CDs when I was a kid and I remember that one.
But he wrote Port of Call New Orleans. He wrote a bunch of NYPD Blue and LA Law. Makes sense. like it that Like, I think that's one of the things your wife had just compared it to. Yeah, exactly. Oh, yeah. Sounds like sense. And then it's directed by Gregory Hoblet. I'm sorry, what? That sounds like a fucking racist term. Get back to your shy, you little hoblet.
We don't let hobbits around here. You must be at least this tall to drink. I'm playing really well, by the way, hobblets is. And I directed some pop shows. He directed some Hill Street Blues and YPD Blue, but he also directed movies. ah Primal Fear. Ooh. Oh. Hearts War and Frequency. Wait, Primal Fear is not. That's Richard. That's Edward Norton. Very early. That's his first role. Yeah, is it now? Yeah. Oh, what a great role. Double role. Yeah. What a twist. That was that was his first. That was his first, like.
starring role. And oh, my God, I felt that's when I fell in love with him when I saw no wonder America fell in love with him. It was before he was a Nazi. Oh, yeah. Yeah, start somewhere pretty Nazi and post gerbil. He was applied to two different actors. We'll let you decide who's. It's got to be like no truth to that Richard here. I think there's no truth at all. yeah it's It's like a fucking family guy joke. We should make up fucking rumors about rich ah famous people. I heard Rob Schneider ah chokes people out of Home Depot. Wow. It's one of those 90s like memes before we had the Internet

Analyzing 'Cop Rock' Production and Failure

where every kid knew it. Yeah. The Marilyn Manson took out got his rib to suck his own dick.
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. You just I guess you just bend further without that one just stabbing his stuff. yeah I can't even tie my shoes without. getting Well, he also is real fan. and We're talking about some people that enjoy some beer and food here. Yeah, yeah that's true. I love food beer. Arizona Beer House. 33 taps. 800 plus cans in bottles. You can do it for here. You can do it to go. You can do whatever you want. Accept that.
That's right, Arizona Beer House at 150 South Cove in Tucson, Arizona. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday and every other day of the week. Open 11 a.m. to midnight. We're going to save the whole camp, but you're only going to need the tip. I need the tip. Hey, guys, I don't want to sound needy here. I'm needy. But we have a Patreon at Patreon slash people And it only costs three dollars a month. Three dollars a month is nothing. And I know times are hard right now. Real hard for me. Inflation's up. You can't afford your groceries. Can't eat. But you can't afford three dollars a month if you love us. Give us three dollars. Super love us. Please love us. We're not we're not begging. I'm begging. We're not pleading. I'm pleading. We're not down on our knees. Oh, boy. I mean, my knees hurt. They've been on the habit on so long. But we do kind of need the money. I need the money bad. We need new equipment.
We need to do equipment. We need to do remote podcasts for all of you. I wouldn't mind eating. We need to have video. I wouldn't mind eating. ah We need more drinks. Food sounds good. So please check out patreon slash worst people. Please check us out. You get a bonus episode every month and we're going to have more content coming for you. I'll send you pictures. ah Thank you guys. Thank you so much. Please give me patreon I'm being held hostage here. Slash worst people don't pe allll out of here. They're going to kill me.
I mean, there's a bunch of people, like we'll kind of go through them when as we go through the episode. They've been in stuff, like you said. Yeah, it's it's it's kind of torture for people like us where we're like, hold on, pause it, because I know that girl. Well, the main... What does he know her from? What movie was she in? I'm gonna figure it out while I pour another gin. Ow!
The main detective, LaRusso, Vince LaRusso, that guy's played by Peter Anorati. And I saw like he was on like This Is Us, which I know she watches up, but he was in Goodfellas. Yeah, real that's not what I knew him from. i' Like I said, he's one of those ones with one episode of so many shows. And I did recognize him from something specifically. but There was something else you said.
I don't remember now. I don't either. I knew I recognized him from the good fellas. Just look at his face and you'll be tortured as we are. And then the other bigger one that I, I don't know, I've seen his name before, which made it easier, is the guy, his officer Andy Campo, who's barely in this, but he's Vicky's partner. The one that's in love with the real cop. Yeah. Yeah. His name is David Gianopoulos and he's in Under Siege 2 and Air Force One. All right. So he likes movies with numbers in them. that Peter, Peter, whatever you said, his name was, he is either a cop or mobster. Yeah. Every fucking thing. I mean, he's always sometimes both. Yeah. He's a cop cop mobster, cop mobster, cop mobster. I was going to say copster, but it just sounds like you just make a lot of cop salad. My father was a copster.
But so we're we're not going to go like we usually do and go like beat by beat per se. We'll we'll talk about the story. Jack will sing some songs. I'll try. And I have some clips yeah of songs and maybe a couple of clips from the show that I'll interspersed in here for you. Oh, I remember what I knew him from specifically. What is that? ah It's Rocket Man. Rocket Man. With Harlan Williams. Oh, really? No. No. Oh, Harlan. It's really dumb. And I love it.
Oh, you're gonna have him coming up soon enough. He's in Firebirds. Oh, okay. Nicholas Cage helicopter movie. Yeah. That Tom Cruise did pretty well with airplanes. Let's see what I can do with a helicopter.
It's even better, maybe not. It's not. It's got no Val Kilmer. It's got no Anthony Edwards. But it does have Nick Cage. And it doesn't have Meg Ryan. and And it doesn't have Tom Cruise. Forget. All right. You're making a valid argument for Firebirds now. Meg Ryan's not in. Oh, yeah, she is. She's a Goose's wife. Yeah. Take you to bed or lose me forever. I forgot all about that. Bye. I think I'm going to stay here. Can I get another round? Wait for Meg Ryan to leave?
So it starts with a police raid ah We have all of our our cops the two I mentioned Vicki Quinn who's played by someone not my cop Someone named Ann Bobby who is in night breed and that's all I recognize. Yeah, sure and then the this other cop Franklin Rose played by a guy named James McDaniel ah the the big the very tall ah Angular looking like black cops. So when in one of these early scenes, I kind of thought it was Ernie Hudson when he bad was tire Yeah, it's in the pitch it's in the pitch black this whole opening sequence you can barely see and we were looking for Ernie Hudson Yes hard. Is that him? Is that his bicep that might be his bicep? I felt like Zoe watching Friday the 13th. Is that Jason?
that jason is j But so there's a police raid that go in. They arrest all these people, including a mommy with her baby. And which I know this person. I know her. I could tell you what I know her from. What's that? Just watched his fire in the sky. Oh, the wife of either DB Sweeney or T2. OK, Robert Patrick. I did notice. So we watched. We tried to watch this last night. yeah We were very drunk. We watched it. Yes.
We also talked through most of it. Yeah, we did. So there was a line I didn't catch last night while they were arresting these people, and it's LaRusso, who's the asshole cop. Yeah. ah He's yelling at this chick. LaRusso's the bad guy in Karate Kids, so I mean, this is... They're just they're related. This is in LA still, so... Yeah. But the girl is talking about, don't take away my baby, whatever, and he's like, you know, maybe you shouldn't be doing drugs, and then his line, you weren't fit to live among among humans, let alone raise a child. wo I was like, oh, fuck it. That hurt my feelings when he told me that I kind of wish she called me fat. But he insulted me and my baby. Now I'm going to go do drugs. Yes, she is. She just does not like to give up drugs. I don't have coping mechanisms that are healthy, you might say.
yeah ah We do go straight into a song after this. Yeah. The cops drag or drag all these guys out. And one of the cops says to this other one, he's like, hey, son, you do this. We get he called you son. He's not your dad. He's just a dumb white cop. He made you mad. You're doing it a disservice. Yeah, you are. Don't worry. I'm going to play the clip right now. Because it is that, like, Grandmaster Flash. like yeah yeah We got the power on these streets. We got the power and the beats. We got it the power. We'll show you now. We got the power. Don't ask how. Oh, no. That cop is still beating me. Oh, no. I don't have the power, you see. Like, I'm laughing at it because he's like, we got the power. He's like, that dude is hitting your head on this cop car. Yeah, he is. He looks like he has the power right now. Yeah. So let's go to the song real quick. OK.
He calls you son. He's not your dad. He's just a dumb white cop and take it away, he's a
It's fucking right. It's the best. I was so pleased watching this last night drunk that I was nervous that today's sober. I was like, this is going to be a chore. Same. I was like, oh, my God, this is going to be so bad. I had a big old smile on my face. But we were all feeling joy listening to this ridiculous song. And then the show goes right into its opening title sequence. Oh, my God. With the song and performance.
Randy Newman here, and I got a piano playing. I don't know what they're paying me, but I know what I'm saying. I'm saying, boop-a-dop-a-doop-a-dee, cop rock. So this opening scene, or no, again, I don't know. Title sequence. Yeah, it's the title sequence. It's like all the cops are watching this. It's the actors. It's the actors, like, watching it thinking, God, we are in a fucking terrific show. They're trying to fool the audience. Like, look how much fun they're having. They all want to be here. One of the guys has a shirt with two raccoons on it. What a weird thing to spot. What a weird thing to spot. Hi, have you met me? I love trash fans. She's got like a dozen shirts with raccoons on them. For my birthday. So these are your people. Yeah. So for my birthday, I got like four different raccoon shirts. Nice. It's a good birthday. For my friends. I haven't seen friends. Like not for one person. Not for multiple people. You got people that know you. I don't think anybody's going to sue me, so I might just be using that song as our opening thing for this first one.
Yeah, yeah, I don't think I mean we'll get a letter if we're gonna get sued right yeah Don't worry the rest of this will be behind a paywall. No one will know Hey, I was going to say, if we're getting sued for this, it means someone's listening. hey It's 30 years old. So all these they go to court and all these all these people are there and basically they're like, we have to let everybody out because the prisons are too full. So they're letting out people. And also there's like no conviction. You got less than an ounce of coke. You didn't identify yourselves early enough. And this lawyer, the ah the black female lawyer here at the beginning, played by a woman named Sharon Brown. I was like, I recognize her and I don't know why. So I had IMDB it sharing. Brown is like a threesome in the butt. Go on. She plays ah the talking joint in half baked. Oh, that is awesome. The variance. Come on, smoke me one more time. Light me up. Awesome. So she's had a stellar career. Yeah. If I look at her profile picture, is it her dressed up as a joint still? No. That's a shame.
But that picture was easily found. no Oh, yeah. You just Google talking joint and it comes up talking joint half baked. Perfect. And then so, yeah, we have captain this Captain John Hollander. I got his name here. Larry Joshua is the guy you were talking about. He's the welcome back. And basically Vicky, who's our I guess supposed to be our main character. That's not an asshole because LaRusso seems to be the main one. That's what I was going to say. I don't know if there is a main character because I thought it was LaRusso until he did the does the dirt at the end. Yeah, they keep coming back to her like so like she's supposed to be our simpltic sympathetic sympathetic character. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, you probably think I'm a sucker. Yeah. That was worst things to be in this life in a sucker. I mean, could be a swallower. ah He gets put on the stand later. LaRusso being him. And he gives a speech. I was like, oh, I'm on his side right now. Oh, I've got that queued up for a sound bite. later he So he's a good cop, but he's doing it the wrong way. He's been a cop too long. Yeah. You don't know what I've seen. Sorry, hold on. You don't know what I've seen. These streets can make you mean. I go home and I drink alone. Well, the LaRusso, there's a thing later with LaRusso and the captain. I think it's the captain. It's very hard to tell who these people are sometimes. Yeah. But what you're talking about when he and he says something, the captain says something along the lines of you may be a great cop and a hero to the force, but when it's all said and done, you disrespect the badge. Exactly. Don't you disrespect the badge, Cookie?
I'm a captain that calls everybody cookie. But yeah, so they're they they decide to let this girl Patricia out so she doesn't lose her baby because ah she gave them a bunch of information, even though none of it was useful and it's all stuff they already knew. Yeah, they already knew it. He's like, yeah, but she's trying to help us and I don't want to lose her baby.
And that becomes the B story for this whole thing. Because Vicky tries to get a rehab, and this chick's like, fuck no. And this is kind of a true thing, where she's like, I'll never get my baby back. Yeah. There's no one. I want my baby back, police officer.
But then yeah, she doesn't want to give it to any of her friends because they won't give the baby back. They'll sell it. Yeah. They'll sell that baby. A couple of episodes from now, we'll know a lot more about that. Yeah. I think it might be the next episode. I think it's like the fourth. Oh, it's setting up like it's about to be the next. so that's That's going to be the storyline throughout the whole scene. Can't wait to see how they stretch that out. Right? Oh my God. And the 90s were... notorious for stretching something out for 23 episodes. I think this is only 11. It didn't make it to the 23. They wanted that 2-3. We have got a storm for each episode. 23 and I'm ready to go. Don't get paid yet.
and So we cut two of these cops out on patrol. They see a van, so they start chasing it because van equals criminal. Well, also well they cut him off the way you're driving this van. You are not a first, right? team Well, they come like shit whipping out of an alley. Oh, do they? Yeah, they come out hot and then it gets hotter in pursuit. I feel bad for this van. I know this poor van just bouncing all over the place. Maybe he's having a good time. He could be the goodest boy that just wants to go for a rump.
Well, and we have this cop the Franklin Rose I was talking about with his partner Who we don't need to worry about his name is Braden. Let's just forget that right on ride on Yeah, this guy this guy is so excited like they're chasing these guys and he pulls out a shotgun He's like wish I had more 30 odd say he got any 30 odd six on you Yeah a lot cooler if you did it's just it'll be just like hunting with my daddy right um The way that you say that makes you sound like you shouldn't have a black partner. Also, it a turns out that, I mean, I guess if his dad was ah former Vice President Dick Cheney, it might be because he was his daddy. It's like, hunt with my daddy. Don't turn your back. What? Is that Daddy Lance Hendrickson? Well, because they these cops i'm like push you, I'm going to eat you, then I'm going to fuck you.
yeah Well, no, the movie with? Hard Target. I'm helping. i Thank you. Yeah. No, I know. In Hard Target, he says the line, I'm going to eat you then I'm going to fuck you or something like that. Yeah. Fuck you and then eat you. I'm going to kill you then fuck you or something along those lines like, Lance, you're doing it all backwards.
um But so these cops basically, the cops basically forced this van. It was a pretty cool chase for a no budget show. I mean, it's a cool through the streets, you know, but they basically forced this van to drive into a children's playground yeah up full of children ye to stop it, which is not, I don't think I used to do that. That fence was there. It's not ideal. I think these, a van of this size would take this fence out and then also take out all these children. Oh yeah, I can take out all kinds of kids in my van. not Careful. Careful.
I could I could have mowed this whole school down, I think. But then as soon as they all get out of the car, ah Braden, who was very excited to shoot criminals with a shotgun, gets taken out immediately. It is like home with my daddy. He don't shot me, too. And then some of the cops are like, don't shoot. Hold your fire. There's kids.
And i I have another clip to play for this, but this cop, Franklin Rose, crying over his dead partner. This is a Miami Connection moment. A thousand times better than Miami Connection. How dare you? You have everybody here being pretty okay at their job acting wise. And then this guy is shaking this body. Don't you die! No! Somebody help me! Somebody fucking help me! Somebody help me, my friend is dead.
Alright, let's throw it to a clip real quick.
don't do die no whats so
ah they yeah Yeah, so they they get the other guy, the one who was driving the van, a guy named Cece. That's what they call him. And they're interrogating him. And Russo, this is where you see he's not a great cop. No, no. And he knows he's pushing. He's there. Shoving hot coffee down his mouth while he has to pee really bad. Yeah. Well, first when he says I have to go to the bathroom, I'm like, is it because of the coffee? Does he have to shit?
Excuse me. You have fed me nothing but coffee and bran for last hour. I am going to explode. And that might be legal under the Geneva Convention. I got diarrhea coming up my shorts. I got diarrhea and it really squirts. I think they make him piss himself though. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. He said, I wet my pants. And then he cries. But LaRusso even says, he's like, we can't use your testimony. This is completely illegal. Yeah, because this guy's like, if I testify, they're all going to kill me. You might as well kill me. Now he's like, no, no, no. You're misunderstanding. I am stepping all over your constitutional rights. And I don't care. Well, and he's got a great thing. He's like, every cop outside this room wants five minutes alone with you. Also, give me his name or I'll sell tickets to your execution. And I believe it. I've seen L.A. confidential. Yeah.
But they're like, he's he's telling him he doesn't know who this guy is that shot the cop. And he's like, he was a hitchhiker. I picked him up and they're like, he was hitchhiking with an Uzi. Yeah, man, he's fucking crazy. Yeah, that's why I picked him up. I was afraid he's going to do a reverse drive by. I drive by. He shoots. And so we find out that he's Tyrone Weeks is the guy's name. name Sounds familiar. Does it?
Yeah, because we heard it in the beginning. Oh, OK. I don't remember. That was minutes ago. I looked up both. No, in the episode, not us saying it. I'm just saying in the in the episode. I looked up both these actors and this guy, ah the one that got away, I didn't recognize as much. The other guy is in Warriors. ty Oh, is he plays Cochise?
Oh, shit. OK, I just watched that with you. Yeah, I haven't just seen him forever. But why we was I was like, yeah there's something familiar. He did look familiar. there's That's the thing. There's so many people that look familiar. I didn't look everybody up. The ones who were like really stuck out, I was like, OK, maybe this is somebody I only did because it was our second time we were celebrating last night. And I love Derek said one of my favorite things ever, where we were leaving the bar and he's like, all right, we'll go home. I'll make some coffee and then we'll watch. And I said, well, I was going to buy you a shot. OK, I'll go home, make strong coffee.
he He didn't say no. We didn't record. And no that shot didn't stop the rest of the drinking. No, it did not. That coffee never got made, folks. Tyrone. It got made today. We see Tyrone later in the episode and I thought he was familiar, but he's not. He wasn't. I had a i saw, I noticed a couple of things. His biggest known for role.
was Detective Foster in Beverly Hills Cop. Mm hmm. And I was like, I looked it up, can't even find a picture. So he's just like another cop probably in the Detroit. Very big game in Detroit when he's walking through the bullpen. I wouldn't recognize him from this, but he plays Lamia or Lamia or whatever in Drag Me to Hell. We were just talking about that. Yeah. Yeah. OK, he's he's the body actor for that. Yeah. Go ahead thing, which I mean, that means he did a good job because that thing was fucking creepy. Yeah. So.
And that's it might be why I thought I recognize him, because he's when they see him later, he is terrifying. Oh, that did this to smile. and that We've never had a black joker in the Batman universe. This guy's got the smile for it. Yeah. Yeah. set it up So there's the thing about um who's the that other cop whose name I forgot, his partner died. He's very sad about it.
Yeah, he's kind of out of the episode. They're basically telling him, like, oh, you still have to come to work, but you don't have to go on patrol or anything. You're going to stay at a desk. Once somebody says these words to you, give them a day off. He's like, I can't close my eyes. If I close my eyes, I'm afraid I'm going to watch it happen over and over.
Don't be working. That's a guy that doesn't need to be working. Well, also what he the captain says, he's like, don't worry, we'll keep you inside the fort. Yeah. yeah Oh, go and call your girlfriend. She'll help you feel better. yeah She'll she'll pick you up. I mean, this is the 90s, like directly 90. Yeah. So it's just there's probably it's still the 80s. Nowadays, this would definitely be an automatic time off or see a shrink. Yeah. We're still not using shrinks in the 90s. Yeah. No cops were allowed to have still the 80s in 1990.
Cops were allowed to have feelings about people getting killed, but it was just like, I'm sad. I got to go home for a minute. Or I'm happy I killed that guy. I want to say you still had to talk like go see a psychologist, possibly. yeah Well, we saw that in ah Lethal Weapon. oh Well, that bodybuilding movie that we did with Dice and the Dragon.
Yeah. Remember because bodybuilding. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Where there cops and there's the steroids. What the fuck was the name of that movie? Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes, yeah. We saw it in there because they both had to talk to psychiatrists. Yeah. But much like Lethal Weapon I was referencing, it's always like, I'm going to talk to the fucking shrink. Yeah, exactly. Just fucking broad. Exactly. Hey, if I want to talk to somebody, I'd go get married. Hey.
There's a thing I just want to mention even though it doesn't come up. There's this fat cop, and I think it might be the husband. It is the husband. Because we see him later. We see him later as like a CSI guy or something. Yeah, but for for internal affairs. But he's he's a he's in the bathroom. They're taking a piss with the captain. And he's just like talking about how he's like, you ever had proselytitis? We're getting old, man. It's like I have to pee, but I can't. this And I'm like, dude you're getting old. That guy's in his 20s. Yeah, you are old. He's he's up and coming. Damn.
You gotta go to the urologist again. You ever get the prostatitis? I don't think so. You feel like you gotta to go all the time, only nothing happens.
We're getting old. This was a wild thread. I was like, OK, so we're dealing with like baby selling bad cop cop killer in interrogation. Whatever Ernie Hudson is doing, this guy can't piss. like We have so many fucking threads to follow. And then we we haven't even gotten to it yet because we have we know Vicki and Andy. Great. Yeah, his name. Yeah. And they have love for each other because he's dropping her off right now. Yeah, that's right now. Yeah. Yeah. And he's like, you know, I sit next to you all the time. I have feelings for you. and She's like, there's nothing there.
Uh-huh. Well, he even says, I go home at night and I stare at the ceiling thinking about you. And she's like, I think about you too. When I'm home at night, I masturbate to you. Is that something that I shouldn't say to you? And then she walks in. Yeah, girls don't like that. I've tried that before. I'm like, do I jerk off to you all the time? It never works out. I think it's flattering. Thank you. There's one out there for everybody. So she walks into this house and it's like under construction. They're remodeling, I guess. And then she goes and I'm like, oh, that's her dad. Puts her arms around him. She's like, I love you. I remember last night when we were watching this part, Derek's like, one of you was like, God, what the fuck is he doing? What is she doing with him? He looks awful. And we're all commenting on it and his song starts out and he's like, I understand how I look. Like, oh, oh shit. He's listening. But she loves me. It is such a terrible song about this guy just like, basically like, my dick is tiny and I have no charisma. I barely have a good job that I can keep steady.
And like he's talking about how she's the most beautiful girl in the world, but she chose me. Yeah, I got a little 13. I play a little clip from this one, but it's long and slow. Yeah, it's definitely not as exciting as some of these other ones, especially one coming up.
But yeah, we we see that Vicky's ah this guy is punching above his weight. I want to know. i' I really hope they delve into it. Like there's got to be some reason why she's with him. Like an ulterior motive. She didn't know no better. Or as Zipp says, and did I saw Zipp today? And he's like an arterial motive.
I came from the heart. So then we go to the scene with the two best actors in the show. We have Ernie Hudson, who's apparently playing Commander Warren Osborne. Yeah, we hear him called Oz. So you know what we probably get later? Him on an intercom, like just his voice. Like he's just like, look, dude, you didn't pay me enough to be in all these episodes. It's like he was just hanging out with Ronnie Cox and they were like, we're going to film the scene. He's like, I mean, I'm here.
Yeah, I'll take a paycheck. I'll be on your little TV show, your little TV show podcast game. So it's yeah, it's Ernie Hudson and Ronnie Cox. Ronnie Cox is the chief with these guns. I don't know.
Subtext they're trying to show you that he's a fucking cowboy. Yeah, he is a wild law man cowboy I know what they're doing a hip But what they aren't explaining is why this guy has a Disney level animatronic cowboy? In his fucking closet where he's like he puts on these really nice with a colts This is 51 cult navies cult navies Oh, by the way, they belong to Wild Bill Hickok. Try to watch this with subtitles if you watch oh because it's YouTube. So they are generated by A.I. and it is wild. Yeah, when he when he tells when he tells Ernie Hudson, he's like, these were Bill Hickok's Oz. the the The subtitles don't know that it's Bill Hickok's comma, comma, Oz. So it's like these were Bill Kakazi. But yeah, dude, this fucking guy puts on these beautiful guns and he's like, all right, dude, we got to go to this press conference and then push the button on his desk. And this guy comes out like, oh, your old shot wind up or spit you with a good, so much so that jump like that. You lily livered sauce buster.
little You lily-livered sauce buster! I wasn't ready for that to be sausage. You fucking lily-livered sauce buster. What does that mean? I was like trying to make a sauce and it wouldn't emulsify? You kept breaking the emotion? Why would you do that? Don't make my emotion!
But he shoots the thing and it's like, oh, you got me, Sidewinder. What? You got me, Slim. They really, really got me. And as the robot is going back into the closet, it's like, tell my ma, I love her. Tell my ma, I love her cooking. So they go to this press conference about the shooting and the mayor is there, Mayor Plank. Oh, God. Which that's a good name because she's basically a piece of wood. She's terrified. No, she looks like I'm expecting. Sure. I'm expecting the Crip Keeper to fucking jump out of her. It is just fucking something. Paint her green and she's the Wicked Witch of the West. Yeah, that mole's not doing favors, but this hair. And that arched nose. This whole thing is she wants to build this new jail and the city has been blocking it. So she goes into her office and there's these guys that come in. There's a guy, Frank, who I was going to write down the actor, but then I realized this was the only thing he's ever done. And he's the best one in this scene. I wonder if he's just a musician or like maybe something like that, a stage performer that can sing.
Also, let's not talk about the Tom Selleck trio behind him. If anybody watched TPB, the Trailer Park Boys, it's not the actor that played Lahey, but he's totally not Lahey. And he's the only one without a mustache, I should say, in the Celicas. And I don't understand this, so this guy comes in, and she's like, oh, you're going to help me get this jail built. I need it built next week or whatever. And he's like, cool, got you.
Breaks into song with a straight up rope off of space cowboy. Oh, yeah is that what the song is called? I don't know. Yeah. You call me a space cowboy. Yes. did you Call me a gangster. I love you. You know it. But like he's giving her a briefcase, a Tarantino briefcase, as we find out, full of money. It's kryptonite. This is a glowing green. Yeah. Superman. But like what is he bribing her for? Yeah. um she He wanted the the jail built. He probably is going to make money off building this jail. The city was blocking it. She unblocked it. Okay. That's my guess. She tells him I want this jail built and he gives her money and I'm like, I don't understand. That's the whole thing I didn't understand. He's buying the contract? Yeah. That's my guess. and But then again, we could be doing a lot more thinking on this than anybody else. Yeah. But you mean I didn't plan it out. yeah These people sing and shout. He's going to interrupt you one more time. OK, I'm done. He's doing a phenomenal thing, singing her. But he's also like, I fucking her. ah Then he gets behind her. Yeah. And he sings something like so sexy and she gives the worst look back ever where I was like, oh, she's going to kill. She has a few moments, does she?
To focus on everything else I was too focused on her performance cuz like through this song she's trying to be so cool Yeah, but she is the least cool person that's ever been on TV fucking Tim Burton Beetlejuice character like ah Frank is across the room singing and his goons are behind her and she likes everybody to go to the other room No, I think they're his no They came in with him. Either way, i don know't she's telling everybody let's go to the other side of the room. We'll find out next episode. She like snaps and points and like does this like cool guy walk across the room. What are we doing? shoot up And then when she gets up for her part of the song, she stands on the desk and starts singing. I ah i was born in Delaware. She was a pretty little thing. She came to the city very young and they show a picture of a child and they say she was a pretty little thing while
Not Leahy does like this hourglass thing. Yeah. I'm like, everybody needs to just calm down. This is easy fix. Have a seat right here. Have a seat. You have a picture of a little girl. No, that's how you change it. Have it be a young 19, 20 year old that you're allowed to do the va va voom curves, too. Yeah. Not a nine year old. Yeah, it was about 10 years early. And also she was born in like the 20s. She came over andt to L.A. in a covered wagon. They had to go through the and the Native American territories. I do have a clip from this song that's going to play right now.
We have Patricia. We have Patricia come back ah to offer offer to give them information at the police station about Tyrone. We'll give you 50 bucks now and 50 bucks when it checks out. Yeah. And she's like, 50 bucks isn't enough money. I could barely get crack with that. We don't have anywhere to sleep or food. And then she comes back for her other 50. She's like, we still don't have anywhere to sleep or food. I'm like, where'd that 50 go? We know. We know where that 50 went.
ah We have Murski, who's this lawyer at this other trial that has nothing to do with anything. And he's played by Armin Shimmerman. Die Hard Seinfeld and fans would know him from maybe two episodes. He's Stan the Caddy. Okay. That's it. I mean, he's a caddy that tells Kramer what to do in life. I actually know that episode. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's the one with Terry Hatcher, or not Terry Hatcher, sorry. It's the one with Sue Ellen Mischke, where she's wearing a bra instead of a shirt. Yes.
In Buffy season two or three, he's the principal and he's like the asshole principal that he's like a real hard ass the whole time because he looks like a little fucking goober. Yeah. And he ends up getting eaten by a snake demon, I think. Well, I don't know. I think that's that principle. A lot of principles die on that show. Yeah. I thought you were going to say a lot of snake demons eat people. Well, that too. I recognize him like when we saw him on Buffy, I immediately recognized him from Star Trek, The Voyagers, Deep Space Nine, maybe. yeah Yeah, he's Quark. Yeah, Quark. He's the actual Quark, like the Ferengi we've referenced multiple times. Maybe not on bad movies, worse people. Maybe it's on Star Wars, which makes no sense. took shot But yeah, he's actual Quark, yeah not just a Ferengi. And I was like, no, he's just one of the random ones. No, he's the. And it makes sense. you Very little ear makeup.
I mean, you need a big ear frame to hold up that fucking headpiece. They're like, look, let's take off the toupee, put in some fake little sharp teeth. We're done is rocking and cut a fucking rug on his head right now. This thing looks like a dead cat.
like William Shatner is like he always has a little golf hat on and yeah he's got the halo hair William Shatner saw this and went I guess mine's not that bad not that bad although he's not on that Star Trek but you know what I mean yeah he's in every Star Trek in my mind But so there's they're at this trial. It's some other drug trial. This is the best part of the episode. Well, when they get the verdict song um first, LaRusso has this rant about crime and how like you don't live in L.A. You live in Vietnam. He fakes having a clipped arm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I did save a clip of this little speech he gives because the ending is the best part. And we'll just play that real quick. Don't you think I know what went down in that room?
I think you went into that room only two ready to use your gun and Harold Bivens knew it. I went into that room just hoping I'd come out alive. Aren't you being just a little overdramatic, Detective? Over-dramatic? Over-dramatic? You see this? Three days ago, I left my unit headed for a coffee shop to have lunch. I get hit with sniper fire from a rooftop. Detective, day before yesterday, a judge let a drug dealer go because the jails were too crowded. That same drug dealer eight hours later murdered a 27-year-old cop. i want this man You don't live in Los Angeles, folks. You live in Vietnam, and it's guys like him that are making it happen. Are you finished? Drive the custom Mercedes that he paid for with glass pipes and guns. I want this! Stop! He paid for it with dead cops and dead kids. Those lawyers don't want you to think about that. But I do. I want you to send him to jail because he's a bad guy, and it'll be one less bad guy on the street, and that is all the reason anybody who lives in this city ever needs.
Now I'm done. Now I'm done. Mic drop. I'm going to unscrew the mic off the fucking, hold on. i get this is it The righty toddy lefty. Is it my right or your right? Hold on. Mic drop. Wait, are we in Australia or America? Which way does it screw? That's not how that works. It's it's not a toilet.
Get off my stand. I should think of the Simpsons where Bart calls Australia. Yeah. That's the episode you should think of. But so we find out back at the precinct real quick that the tip didn't pan out. Tyrone wasn't there. So she's not getting her money. Well, he just stepped out for a minute.
None of you care when you go home tonight, when you go home to bed, I won't have one. Where do I rest my head? I don't know that. I'm going to sell my baby so I can get um a motel eight for one night. It might be great. ah Well, then I'll start working out of it. Well, it's 1990. She got a motel eight for like a week. Yeah. And I'm going to give a hand job because a hand job is still a job.
I'm just getting knocked up again. I'm getting knocked up. We go back to the trial and this judge, by the way, Walter Flynn is the judge's name, but the actor Carl Anderson. So he is a great singer. Yeah. lot Most of these people are. Yeah. I think that's why they got the job. Yeah. take But this guy was actually in like real musical things. So he's in Jesus Christ Superstar. He plays Judas Iscariot. Whatever. Who cares? Judas. And he's in the color purple as Reverend Samuel.
OK, so he's in like a real musical. Yeah, that's good. It shows right here. So, yeah, they get it's time for the verdict. ah You know what? ah Let's just listen to it real quick. Has the jury reached a verdict? We have, Your Honor. Hit it.
The jury is dismissed with the thanks of the court we are adjourned Did the piano busting out of nowhere? And then all of a sudden, the jury box gets up in full choir outfits. you like It is great. Well, my favorite part is when he's like, I want to thank God and my wife. And then he looks at the jury foreman. What say you? move I like the guy that's actually on trial. He's like, I never knew right from wrong. No, that's the lawyer. Oh, that's the lawyer? That's the lawyer saying he never knew white right from wrong. The guy bivens. He's sitting there looking.
baffled why people are singing. He's the one guy that doesn't know he's in a musical, or that is aware. The fuck are they all doing singing, dude? This is my life that's on the line. It's not funny. Husband's favorite part is that the a defense lawyer starts singing along with it like, you're guilty. He's like, ooh, that is catchy. Damn, he did do it. All right, you got me. He's guilty. That's why they don't allow music in court, dude. Everybody would just be like, Pete said it better.
You know what? Go to our TikTok page, just BMW podcast because I'm posting the video of this song. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's worthy. Maybe if you could post it on the reels for Insta. Yeah. I'm not sure how that works. They always say I see reels that are long. Yeah. But whenever I try to post them, it's always like it has to be 30 seconds. Weird. I'm like, what? So I'll try to figure it out. I've been trying to figure out how that works. Just take the best 30 seconds out of it. Yeah. The piano up through the robes. Uh-huh. Yeah.
But yeah, so that's that case which has nothing to do with anything. I think it was just a cool song. Yeah, like we we got this judge here. I guess we're seeing that LaRusso really is like, man, fuck this city. Yeah, I don't know. ah So we go to this other house. Tyrone was there. He tried to escape and these cops nailed him. Yeah. Or did they fuck it up? Yeah, because he ran out. They saw him. So he ran back inside. They chased him. Well, they he made them. That's what happened because he they went when he went back inside and they chased him inside. Now they're in violation because they don't have a warrant to be inside the house. But if you're chasing somebody that
Like, did they not have a warrant? They had a warrant for Tyrone's arrest, didn't they? I don't know. They didn't have a warrant for this house. That's what they're saying. I don't know how I don't know. I am not a law. Yeah, the procedure didn't make sense. Also, this show, I don't think is too concerned with how the law actually works. Besides like the screwing up by chasing him back in. Also, one of the other cops comes out, he's like,
Hey, I found this gun in the toilet tank. Just hold it. with And LaRusso's like, mother, just give me the fucking gun. Look, your fingerprints are all over the gun. You fucked up. You shouldn't be here. Tyrone is in there. And that's what he says. He's like, you guys fucked up. And he's got that smile. And i you know why he had that smile? Because he knows more with the fucking law than you do, you idiot. Yeah. You know what? Most criminals do.
And especially this guy, he's a career criminal. Yeah. He's like, I know every way to get out of this. But he Larusso is just like, oh, well, you know what? I've got a solution for this. And he just fucking takes this dude out. Oh, he shots to the heart, man, caps this dude and his partner standing there like, uh, what? And he's like, you weren't here. And he's like, no, I was. No, I was. Unfortunately, you you want to play catch the gun? because I'll throw a gun at you and shoot you. That's how we do it. Play catch the gun.
This is where we find out Vicki's husband is CSI or internal affairs or something for CSI for I.A. I don't think he's I.A. He probably isn't. But the reason I brought it up, though, is because ah he goes out. He's the captain's the captain. Yeah. He's talking to fat fat boy McShame body. Yep. And he's like, well, what what's it look like? And he's like, yeah it looks like a fucking everything he said. Those handcuffed marks aren't fresh. I get what he does say to someone else is like.
I.A. cleared it or whatever. So after this conversation is when the captain goes out and talks to LaRusso and gives a speech that you had said, like, hey, look, you're here, this guy, you're here, that guy, but you're pooping on the badge cookie. Yeah. And he says like it might have cleared with I.A. So that's why either this but I'm going to get you. he did He gave him the report, I guess. And I do want to mention this. Whitney started saying it. We were talking about, but the handcuffs, he's got the cuff marks because he was handcuffed when he got shot. Oh, yeah.
And they're like the captain's like, those look fresh. He's like, no, those are like three days old, like three days old. Yeah, we arrested him the other day. And that's what kind has just handcuffed scars. Yeah. OK, like calluses. And yeah, so he gives a little speech. And then that's when Lewis was like, you think you can bust me? And the captain says, count on it. And we fade out to the last his blue block blockers. Yeah, I don't know what those sunglasses were.
And we have this last song, which I'm not going to play for you guys, because it's long and boring. Yeah. Patricia is singing a sad song to her baby. It's a cruel world. The Sandman's coming. Yada, yada. Sandman's coming soon. ah This guy, Glenn, shows up, played by Dennis Cockrum. Uh-huh. Cockrum. Mickey Milkovich's dad is shameless, the Nazi neighbors. But he totally does look like a he could have been smoothie. he looks Yeah, the guy's smoothie from ah ah Happy. Yeah.
looks like him but I mean it doesn't match up and this guy's just I think it's again it shouldn't be stretched this big it's not the most clear thing but he's much older than smoothie yeah he is but he's got the it's the nose and the face like the all that stuff let's just say the flatness is he a Mormon like what like does it work for a church or well we're gonna have to find out on the next episodes because we know there's a song sung by him sang by him called baby merchant And then he pays her 200 bucks for Crystal the Pistol. the baby And I do like the thing where he's like, look, these people are going to take good care of the baby. They even gave me a car seat to put the baby in. I'm not gonna. And then he hands the baby to the woman in the front seat. And they just drive. Yeah, I have it, but I'm not going to use it. I said they're going to be good parents. I'm a baby merchant. I buy babies and I sell babies. Did you think I was a good person? And that's the end of the episode.
ah Yeah, the show is over now. You can go on home. I don't want to because I live all alone. I play my piano and I sing my heart out. One day I'm gonna blow my brains out.
Somebody want to check on Randy Newman? Why did people love Randy Newman? Short people got no reason to live. That's one of his songs. Short people have no reason to live. it's what it's I'm not making that part up. I know Randy Newman because of Toy Story. Toy Story, yeah. ah Major League.
Randy Newman, he is the- He's terrible. He planted a gun on me. So we've got John Williams is like the fucking maker's mark of whiskey. Randy Newman is 10 high. Oh God, I used to drink a lot of time. He gets the job done, but it's no Johnny Dubs. Randy Newman is like,
the Walmart brand of Tenai. Uh-huh. It's like great value whiskey and it comes in a mostly plastic part paper bottle. Well, there's a reason it's plastic, dude. Two reasons. When you fall asleep drunk with it, you can hug it. And also, you can squeeze it to get it out faster and into the cup. I'm gonna make it a fucking drink. Hurry up! I'm fucking right in the new bin. I sound like this, but I'm not singing.
That's the end of of this episode for this, you know, cop rock. We ah this is going to be a new Patreon a thing, as I told you guys, and we're going to end these episodes just kind of with final thoughts um as we go on. How do these episodes stack up against other episodes, et etct cetera, et cetera?
So, Jack, what are your final thoughts here? I fucking loved it. Couldn't get enough of it. No, I really was intrigued. I didn't expect it to be this good. um I have heavy renegade vibes on this, but how much I laugh at what I'm not supposed to. Yeah. And the songs are banging. So yeah, I'm umm excited to keep going.
Yeah, i same. last night Last night, we were very drunk when we watched it, so going in this morning. Fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed. Yes, I was like, oh my God, this is going to be hard because I'm not drinking. and And then I was very pleasantly surprised. So I'm very much intrigued, so I can't wait to the next episode. I'm with you. yeah i'm I was surprisingly into it because I was like, OK, it's a silly thing with music. I've seen some of the clips of the music. I didn't know this was going to be like a real like cop drama, like hardcore, like street crime, cop drama.
that is also a lighthearted musical. there's a it It works out in a surprising way, but like the tone is so all over the place that, I mean, I can see why this didn't work. oh yeah But like, I mean, in 1990, I can't see people sitting down to watch this. In 2024, 2025.
People, this is a Netflix original. 2025 is a fucking perfect. This is a 2B original, but this is a 3B. But it's got everything, dude. It's got the police brutality. It's got racial tension. It's got romance inside the police force. It's got a guy that can't pee. We have everything we need for real drama. There's so many threads. This is a great pilot. I will spit coffee into the microphone.
You have a spitting problem. yeah So next week's episode will be another Q and&A like we did last year during our season break. We'll have our friend bleep back to ask us some more questions that we'll have ridiculous answers to. um So if you don't know what I'm talking about, check out last December, we did a little Q and&A about movies and stuff. We had borrowed the questions from ah films, be buried with film suit yes films to be buried with. So thank you to.
but rory you know It's Rory. What's his name? Roy Kent is the roy character name. What's his real name? Brett Goldstein. Brett Goldstein. Thank you, Rory. It's been a year since I watched that. i don't Rory, Roy. Yeah, but he's a writer on shrinking. I know, but he's not in it. Yeah, he is. Is he? I haven't seen any new episodes of you. No. No.
But that'll be our episode next week. And don't forget to subscribe to our Patreon. You'll get more episodes of this. We'll have one every month. Plus we have and plus we have a mental health episode every month. This month's episode is on Violet Night from 2022, where Santa Claus is a Viking and has to die hard. John Leguizamo. So they just go to patreon slash worst people. It's three dollars a month and it's not a multi tier thing at this point. You're going to get both these shows at the three dollar a month.
play But if you're feeling loving, you can also um donate more than

Future Plans and Humor Segment

$3 a month. Yeah. And in the future, if we get to the point where we can do yet another show, because I just hate myself. Yeah, you do. We will have to probably add tears. And if you're already at five or something, then you'll automatically be a new tear. Derek adds tears every night. He drinks them. he hates himself So that's it for this week.
And this installment of Latch Key Vids. Wait for the new intro song. I've been Derek. I'm still married to him. I'm a shod-winding saucebuster. He's guilty, Judge. He's guilty.
Cop Rock will continue in a moment. Latch Key Vids. to LASHKEEVES!
nashke that ah drank egg nog yeah I'll threw up again i'm never going to keep it down i drink I threw up again! I'm never keep down! it down! Don't pour me that next-door neighbour! Hurdle nog!
Why is it chunky? I drink an egg, I drink another nog. I have another nog, I drink an egg nog. I drink the nogs that remind me of the good times. I drink the nogs that remind me of the best times. Oh, Derek boy. He's my lover. You would be terrible in a fucking bartender musical. because he's not playing along.
Sing, sing. I'm singing. It's called Yes, Anding. I'm singing. Yes, and. Singing.