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Mellifluous Tonsil Honkey

That's Our Q
22 Plays10 months ago

How do you initiate a make out session? What food is overrated? What kind stories would trees tell if they could talk? Atom and Danny answer these questions and more on today's episode! Get ready, ya tonsil honkeys!

Alternate episode title: Mellifluous Hours Devours
Also, would you want an extrovert to make calls and have talks for you? Let us know!

All Things Funinstallers

If you like the ending music, look for "Random Atom" anywhere you get music! Albums: "Emotional Smoothie", and "I knew It!"


Introduction to the Podcast

Yeah, you know, I've been thinking about one for a hot second and I think I got one based off a movie I just watched today. So we're going to give it a go. OK, so here we go. So good morning, good afternoon and good evening to all of our wonderful listeners out there. This is that's our cue or T.O.Q. for short, where we take your cues to your favorite cues and we blow them up to epic proportions on the silver screen and we make them slap big meat together for your enjoyment until it makes the movie companies lots of A's.
And what that means, if you don't understand what the fuck I'm talking about, is we take questions from the internet and we answer them as if anybody asked our opinion in the first place.

Movie Experiences: Godzilla vs. Dune

My name is Adam, of course, and joining me, as always, is my good buddy Danny Guarantee. Greetings, my friend. How are you? Good, my friend. I'm flying high and feeling fine. But I do have to ask, you said just before we started recording that your Q&A was based off of a movie you watched today. Yeah. What the hell movie was you watching today?
I watched Godzilla X Kong The New Empire and it was a fucking blast. Really? Is it just like a stupid good time?
It was a stupid good time there's like an anti gravity fight at some point in the middle of the earth and it was amazing. Absolutely it was it's a two hour long movie but it never felt like it was the two hour long movie like there was always something going on that kept the intrigue or that there was like way more fights in a kaiju movie than you'd ever see before there's no like big build up i mean there is but like
There's shit going on all the time. It was such an interesting story. The humans had the right kind of focus. The Kaiju's had the right kind of focus. Kong, especially Kong, especially was so expressive. His facial expressions were really good. He came kind of more humanized, even more so in this movie. It was really good. It was a lot of fun. I had a blast watching it was so much fun. Looking at the the previous for it, I'm like, it's going to go one of two directions. It's either going to be
Just a stupid turn your brain off good time movie. Or they're going to try way too hard and it's it's not going to go well. Yeah, I think they learn kind of went with the just shut your brain off and enjoy some stupid action. It really was like I felt good about it. I felt like like I said, I was like, oh, it's a two hour long movie. I made a snap decision because I was like kind of in a funk this morning. So I was like, I'm just going to go.
And just going to go watch it. I've been looking forward to seeing it. I'm not going to wait for someone to go see it with me. I'm just going to go. It's like 10 o'clock in the morning. It's going to fucking go. And yeah, it was very much just, you know what? This was fun. It even sparked a couple of little emotions in me because they have a really good spotlight on the Gia, who is like the last of her her people. And like she's also has a very you know, she's the only deaf character in the in the movie. And they tell a really cool story with her.
I was like, you know what, they did a good job of showcasing the people and the monsters without feeling too much one way or the other. It was still it was good. I would highly recommend it. Well, I saw the exact opposite of movies just the other day. What was it? Dune part two. And it took I had to listen to a video recapping the first part on the way there. And then it took every brain cell I had to like follow everything.
I haven't seen or read any version of Dune in my life, so I don't know what it is. I thought it was like a Mad Max kind of show, but I guess it's more of a Star Wars kind of thing from what someone told me. Yes, I would say it's like it's almost like the prequels if they were done a little bit better. It's like because it is space and all that stuff, but it's very Game of Thrones. It's Game of Thrones in space is what it is.
There's, are there dunes? There are dunes. But there's also great houses, you know, all families vying for power and screwing each other over very Game of Thrones-like. So, and it's all sword fights, which is hilarious to me because they're like, oh, we have shields now. So normal bullets don't work. You need to actually like,
I think it's something to do with like the higher the velocity, the better the shield works. So

Millennial Myths: Homeownership and College

they're like, oh, bullets don't actually do anything anymore. And I might be totally off. I don't know Dune either. I only saw part one a year ago and I saw part two now. So or maybe you had to listen to a recap. I had to listen to a recap on the way there because I was like, I don't remember anything.
Excellent. Well, hopefully you have some brain cells left to answer some questions, Danny. I always do. For you, I save a couple. I always appreciate that because I know that I often wear down what few brain cells people keep throughout their day. So I don't want to do that to you. You would never. Excellent. All right. Well, I got a question. If you want to answer it, I would love to.
All right, so this one is from someone called Secret A's from Reddit and they ask, but it's A-Z-E, not like A's, like Q and A's. Yeah, close enough. Unless it's like Secretaze and I'm just reading it wrong. But they ask, what is the biggest lie sold to your generation? So you and I, I think, are both millennials, right? Yep.
So Danny, what is the biggest lie that you think has been sold to millennials? All right, my first thought is homeownership, but I thought of that too, actually. I'll admit it would be a little hypocritical. I do own a home, but I do not at all take it for granted. A thousand different things had to go perfectly right for us to get this home.
Uh, otherwise there is no way in hell, uh, my wife and I would ever be able to afford one. Um, so yeah, like when I say everything had to go, right. I mean, you know, um, the home was paid off. It was an older woman who had passed and the kids were like, well, we don't really need a huge amount of money. They didn't even put the house on the market. They just, they were like, Oh, we want to keep it quote unquote in the family. So.
You're a family friend if you guys know anyone that wants to buy a house. And my wife and I were like, yeah, sure, we'll take it. So we got it for a normal value. But yeah, I mean, they almost brought in a realtor at one point who wanted to add a huge bump in the price. And we were like, well, if you do that, we can't buy it. It was literally at the limit of what we could afford to spend.
Mm hmm. So, yeah, I mean it when I say everything like 100 different things had to go perfectly right for us to get this home. But I also don't want to be like, oh, I think the biggest lie is homeownership from inside of my home. Yeah. I would say, though, a college probably. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I do regret.
That's one of the few regrets I have in my life is I was originally focusing on sciences and, uh, I got intimidated by the chemistry aspect. So I switched over to criminal, um, criminal law or not law, uh, policing, uh, God, you know what I mean? Criminal acts. Yes. I, I just, he's a mob boss criminal. Um, right.
And yeah, I don't use it. I work in accounting for a clothing company. That's the furthest thing from. And I remember back in the day, I was like, oh, I want to be a cop because I want to help people. And when I interned at a police academy and I saw the prospective cadets, they were all like alpha dude bros. Yeah.
And I was like, I don't know if I could have a job where I'm surrounded by these kinds of people. Um, and then when I graduated in my area, there was like a five year waiting period. So I was like, I can't do that, right? Obviously I can't, um, wait five years to get a job. So I just started grabbing whatever I could. And then, and then in that time I met my wife and we got serious. So I was like, well, do I really want a job where I run into danger?
Um, and yeah, I just never really used it. Like I used to do secure overnight security guard, but that's about it. Um, yeah. Yeah. And I just, I don't think it, you know, I was growing up on the premise of get a degree. It doesn't even really matter what just having a degree will help. And maybe it does a little bit, but it's not like the generation before us where.
you would get hired almost on the spot just because you had a degree. Uh, now it's like, you know, we want a five year degree and 10 years experience for a $10 an hour job. So yeah, yeah, actually that's kind of where I'm at with the, with, with this question is home ownership definitely popped up in my head as well. But that is not something that I really related to, but it is something that I worry about. Like, do I want to do that? Like,
Some people want roots, but there's a part of it. It's like, I like having a routine. I like knowing I can return to this place, but like right now I'm renting out, you know, I'm helping a guy who owns a house pay for his house by also living in the house. So like, it's not my house, but it is my home. And that makes me feel like, well, you know, as long as he's willing to have me here, I'm happy to be here because I enjoy his company and him as a friend, but like,
I can leave or I'm not stuck here. Like I don't have to sell this place to go somewhere else. So there's a part of me that's like, I do have that. I think you described it as wanderlust before. And there's a part of me that's just like, do I want that because I don't know.
I don't know where I want to be yet. I haven't explored enough of this earth, this country, this state to know if this is where I want to stay forever. And so, honestly, if you told me, hey, Adam, we found out that there is a job out here that's perfect for you. They'll hire you if you relocate to Jersey right now. I would highly consider it just because that's kind of where I'm at in my life. Well, that's because that is something I've actually talked to.
Mel about a few times. I was like, we need to find a way to get Adam to move over here. Honestly, Christ, if there was a job that like I knew that if I moved out there, they would hire me and I could be good at it. I would honestly consider it and, you know, just live with your parakeet for a few weeks until I got a place of my own. Could you could you imagine living near us? We would be hanging out every day. We would have some you guys would be annoyed with me because I would want to hang out all the time.
All of my other friends would be in another state and I'd be like, hey, hey, guess what? You're my only friend now. Where are we going? Yeah, it would be cool. I get what you're saying. I think it helps a lot.
that you said in passing pretty quick there that you live with your landlord, right? It's like your roommate. Essentially, yeah. He was like, hey, my husband and I went through a divorce and I can't afford I bought this house on the premise that two people would be paying for it. And now we're divorced and I can't afford it on my own. It'd be nice to have someone here. And so I moved in. See that I feel like
I feel like part of the reason you're like, oh, yeah, you know, a little bit more flippant about it is because you live with your quote unquote landlord, like your friends and everything. Right. I lived before this in an apartment complex. Mm hmm. I don't know who owns it. You know, I'm just paying some other person's mortgage for no reason. Right.
I've done that too. This is one of the two times in my life I've been in a similar situation where before I was renting out a room in someone's home, but before that it was just complexes, landlords, companies, whatever. I get that when you have a home, there's equity there. But for me, it's not about the equity, it's about I don't even know where I want to be yet. The moment I buy this house, I've seen how hard it can be to sell your home
When you know my sister is paying rent on three different places right now because she moved in. I think she's finally selling to the houses. But like she's been like renting out the homes until someone would buy them because it's been so hard to sell their homes.
I'm like, that sounds like a whole fucking headache that I don't want to deal with right now. But I would just to get back to the question, no, I think for I want to piggyback off of your answer, which is about education, because I was pushed so hard in high school, like by every teacher that I would call someone I looked up to an idol, a confidant, every single person said in my little town of eight hundred and eighty some people,
Adam, you're not going to get out of here if you don't go to school. You're smart. You're not going to be successful if you don't go to college. I went to a fucking art school out of high school and no one stopped me. There was nothing artistic about me at the time. I mean, I was creative. I wrote a little bit.
But that school was so desperate to get my money that they said if I could fold a paper football, which I could do up to the point where you have to tuck the last piece in. I still don't know how to do that part of making a paper football. They said, if you can fold a paper football, you can come to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Adam. And I went there because that's where my girlfriend was going. And we were kind of moving in together at the time. There's a whole fucking stupid story. And
Like I wasted thousands upon thousands of dollars that I didn't have. I still have debt from there and I forced myself to go to school somewhere else because they said, Adam, you have to get an education. And now I have thousands of dollars of debt that I'm paying back to the government. That's compounding interest that and I have no degree to show for it because college was not for me and it still isn't.
And as much as I love learning, I'm definitely more of a trade or an experience kind of learner. I don't do well learning by books anymore, by classes. It's hard for me. And like, I'm just like, you know, I just wish I wasn't raised to believe, you know, if you don't want to end up like your parents working like a dead end job at some pizza shop, you need to get a degree. Otherwise, you know, there's no other avenue for success for you. And while that is an avenue for success to many people, it wasn't the one that I should have been on.
And, you know, I think about that. There's a lot of people out there that have school debt that have no degree because they found that college was not for them. And they probably were told the same things I was told was go to school. And now we have a student debt crisis, a student loan crisis in our country, you know, because of predatory companies that just keep getting bought and resold and repackaged as something else. Why wouldn't they?
Woof, it's disgusting. Anyway, not to bring down the vibe, not to harsh the vibes, but I agree with you wholeheartedly. It's just that is such a hard hurdle once you get in it. Yeah. I could bring the vibes up with a quick, funny story if you want. Tell me a fucking dude. I got you. I got you. Hey, hey, hey, bad vibes. Check this. Yeah, check this shit. Oh, Justin removed my record scratch. Where's my record scratch, Justin?
Where is it? All right. That's the best you're going to get. I have this. I'm sure I'm still there. Oh, it's fine. I'm swinging for the fences. Here we go. There we go. So you reminded me of this when you said you had to fold a paper football. I got really good at making origami cranes during school.
And to challenge myself, because when I get good at something, I like to give myself like challenges in it. So to challenge myself, I started making them smaller and smaller. So I know that the smallest origami, whatever, is like microscopic, but they had to use tools to do it. So I actually sent in a request to Guinness
for the smallest origami crane made freehand without any tools or anything. And it was quarter inch by quarter inch. It was smaller than a nickel.
Whoa. It was it was rough. It took me like an hour to make. Jesus Christ. With no tools. Just my like just my fingers. Oh, my God. I mean, I would just I think I would eat it just so I didn't I had an excuse not to finish it. They sent me a thing back saying like, you know, this isn't one we're interested in. Thanks, though. I was like, Oh, my. You know, but I tried. I shot my shot. You know, that's that's the lesson here, folks. Don't try.
Okay, by the way, don't just don't even try by the way I had to re-upload it
Yeah, that was nice. So, yeah, there we go. I think we answered that question. I think we can all agree. Hey, listeners, what is the biggest lie told to your generation? Are you a boomer? If you're a boomer that listens, hey, thanks. Are you a Gen Xer? Are you a Zoomer? An Alpha? Why are you Gen Alpha listening to this? Go back to bed. Go to school. But, you know, regular school. Don't go to college unless you want to.
Who the fuck else is there? Who am I missing? Gen X. Gen YZ. The Greatest Generation.

Teasing and Emotional Openness

Also, how small can you make an origami crane? Do you think you could do better than me? I'll fight you. Let's go. Yes. Send us a picture of yours. Tag us on Instagram at Fun and Cellars Network and I'll show Danny. How about another question, Danny? Yes, please. All right. This one is from someone named Kind Baseball 4641.
And they say, I think I sexually harassed my friend. And I found this one interesting. So it's got a few sentences to kind of describe the situation here. And they say, I am an 18-year-old female who enjoys when men are embarrassed or shy because I find it cute and attractive. I used to sometimes say minor things like playful teasing that was a bit emasculating to my male friend that I think would make him a bit uncomfortable and I would enjoy it.
Does this count as sexual harassment since I got enjoyment from doing it? It didn't turn me on or anything, but I did find it cute and I liked his shy reaction because I kind of have a crush on him. So that's the full of it. What do you make of that, Danny? Hmm. I can see the argument that it is.
Yeah, I will say, first of all, just so you have a base point, I don't think it's sexually harassing, but it's definitely harassed. It's definitely like light bullying for sure. Or maybe not even like it's bullying is bullying. I can see if if the things you were talking to him to kind of emasculate him were sexual in nature. Yeah, I could see that as verbal sexual harassment. Absolutely.
I don't think it's anything you would go to jail over, but it is something I would absolutely go to him and apologize for. And this is probably the wrong way to treat somebody you kind of have a crush on.
It's a good way to make sure he probably does not have a crush on you. And, uh, I would honestly, I would just go apologize, explain exactly what you just said and be like, I think it's very cute when you get flustered and I did it and I'm sorry. Um, but you know, I kind of like you and, and I showed it poorly and see where it goes from there. Uh, you know, shoot your shot like I did.
with that little crane shot. You gotta fold that little crane and ask him, give it to him, and when he unfolds it, do you like me, yes or no? Yeah, I definitely don't. I do recognize that sometimes the whole, oh, I think you're cute, so I'm gonna pick on you thing because I don't wanna be vulnerable. I get how that's still,
kind of a thing like if it's just like a quick like oh you're stupid or whatever like sure but if this is a thing that this person is doing consistently especially the emasculating part like it is so men already have
We are far more complex than people think we are, but there are things that bring us pleasure that are quite simple. But a lot of the time we live on those little surface things because we don't want to be vulnerable because of, you know, kind of like the general vibe of, you know, society has given us. I think it is getting better, but it is far from perfect. And so you may have no idea, even if it's just a playful thing because you find it cute. If he...
It's worth talking to him just be like, hey, I again, I don't know what you're saying to him, but anything emasculating could be having this guy develop a terrible complex. Oh, and you know, you cut off for a while there.
I did. Yeah. Oh, well, sorry, guys. Sorry, just repeat that that last statement. Yeah. So, guys, we've been having some connectivity issues to our recording software. Don't even worry about it. We're going to keep going. We're going to keep plugging along. But essentially what I was just saying was I'm worried about the guy being emasculated because you don't know.
You don't know what that's building in him. And that can break, that damn can break in a lot of different ways. That could turn him violent. That could make him inflict harm upon himself. That could really kill his self-esteem. That could make him find the wrong kind of relationships later if you don't end up...
shooting your shot and being like, Hey, I like you. You know, he may, he may find that like, if you do think that kind of shit is cute, who's to say that if you do end up dating the guy, because he's in like this weird codependent thing with you, that you still don't keep treating them like shit because you think that's what's cute. You know what I mean? Like it's good that you're asking that question. Cause that means you probably recognize that it's a bad thing that you're doing.
But yeah, definitely you just need to be like, just like Danny said, you need to just spill it. Show him this post if you're too afraid to say it, but show him this like, Hey, this is what I've been doing to you. And I think I'm doing a bad thing. You know, forget even shooting the shot thing. Just be like, Hey, how has that been affecting you? Because I've been doing it because I think you're cute. And he'll be like, either be like, Hey, that's okay. Walk all over me because it's what I'm used to. And then you have a whole other therapy problem you need, you have to solve.
Yeah, definitely steer clear of doing that any further because you don't know what you're doing to this guy. Yeah, it's not good. Just to kind of add off of that, for a lot of, for any female listeners, I'll give you a little insight into being a guy. And this is one of the unseen kind of hard parts of being a guy. And I'm not saying
one gender has it easier or harder than the other. I am not. Uh, this is just me kind of saying like as a guy, here's one of the things that a lot of people probably don't even notice. Um, women have a lot of kind of corporatized body image issues, right? Very physical things.
men have a very similar experience on the emotional side. You know, a lot of men are brought up to say you never show your feelings, you never cry, you want to be a manly man, you know, you need to be like all these action heroes, these Western heroes or whatever. And
It's a part of the reason why a lot of guys lash out and a lot of guys are so hard to open up and to make vulnerable because they were taught that you don't do that. And if you do, you are a little sissy man or, um, you know, uh, just like, well, they'll say like, Oh, you're such a girl, which, uh, which is a whole other thing. Um,
So yeah, it's just something to keep in mind, right? Like that is, it may not seem as big a deal to you that you're doing that, but for a guy to play with insecurities and emasculation and stuff like that can really, really mess a guy up, especially in those teen years where he's still finding himself and all of these influences really matter. Oh yeah. That's what I was saying. He will definitely,
I guess I can't say definitely, but he will more than likely develop some sort of, you know, like you base any future relationships off of the ones that you experienced when you were younger, you know, either you avoid them, you know, like I know ones I don't want to go near anymore. I'm motivated to stay away from them. But there's also people who develop like this is what I'm used to. So I'm getting rid of this bad relationship and they might just step into another bad one, not recognizing that they have a pattern.
So you have to be really careful with that kind of thing. And men, per your point, oftentimes we tend to lash out. We embrace that more carnal side of us where it's just like, oh, I'm going to get angry about this. So either, like I said, if he's a kind person, doesn't want to take his anger out on anyone else, he may inflict it upon himself because he is hurt, because he feels damaged and seen in a way that maybe he already has these insecurities.
Yeah, definitely. There's a whole other man. There's probably tons of subreddits about this shit and just Instagram posts and social media about. I'm sure there is. Ask a guy how he's doing several times in a row and just when you have a chance to sit down with him and just talk to him, how are you actually doing?
What's going on? I guarantee if you if you press enough buttons, that damn will break. And you will realize that this person that you thought was a fucking rock like is turning into a puddle right before your eyes because no one asks that fucking question. Yeah, I did that to a friend of mine who has had it rough for a while. And one day I just asked him, hey, man, how are you doing? Oh, yeah, I'm fine.
No, dude, like really like I knew he was going through some shit. And by the end of that, we sat in his car for like an hour and a half and he was crying the entire time telling me all of this shit that happened. And he felt he told me the next day he was like, I feel so much better just getting it all off my chest. And I don't think any less of him for it. I love that most of the men I know in my life are more
open to their emotions and stuff. I tell my friends all the time, I love them, and I mean it. I'm not just like, you're a little of your bro, but I'm like, no, I genuinely love you. Frigging last recording, Adam almost made me cry on the recording. I think we're getting there, but it is still something that men as a whole need to work on not running away from feeling.
Oh yeah, absolutely. If you're a man or if you identify as such listening to this, or even if you're not like, even if you're somebody who just feels like the safest thing is to keep the walls up, like, you know, there's gotta be someone out there that will talk to you about it. It'll help you have having walls will help you not feel the pain of loss, but it'll also not let you feel the pleasure of company. Yeah. Well say that again for the people in the back.
I said, if you have your walls up, it'll help you from feeling the pain of loss, but you'll never feel the pleasure of company. I don't know why I went kind of Southern when I did that at first. I'm just a simple country lawyer. I'm just a simple country chicken. Oh man. We're still pinching the crap out of that show.
Oh, yeah. But yeah, not to beat it too much more. But like, yeah, it to kind of get back to the question, though. Yeah. I mean, honestly, if you feel that this is hard for you to talk about, just show them the post like, hey, look, I sent this to Reddit because I didn't know or something else that will happen that a lot of people know they have resources or I should say they have access to as a resource is ask the people who are closest to you who see you guys interact most of the time.
If they're really your friend, they're going to be honest with you and say, well, yeah, I've been dying to talk to you about that. Thank you for asking. You got to stop that, you know, like or ask his friends, you know, or maybe acquaintances you might have together because I guarantee you. Oh, sorry, go ahead. Yeah, same thing. It's just like I the more honest ones will likely say something or they'll kind of avoid the subject because they don't want to be confrontational. But because I guarantee you, unless they're joining you,
in picking on this poor guy, they are just as uncomfortable as he is whenever. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Definitely read the room if you're doing it. Yeah. Read the fucking room. Like, oh, my God. Like, I would hate to be around that. I would say something because I am. Really? What are you doing?
Yeah. I would very much as like, Hey, we all cool with this. Nobody else cool with this. It takes one person to disrupt that flow that I'm negative energy. Everybody was like, Oh, thank God. Someone said something. I love, uh, ribbing on people, right? I like making fun of people. Uh, and I tell people all the time, like if I'm not making fun of you in some way, it means I don't feel comfortable around you. Um,
Also, Adam, you're a silly poop ahead. I know it. But I've whenever it seems like somebody's not taking it the way I want, I will sit down with them and be like, hey, look, I just want to make sure you're OK. I want you to know I am just joking. I you know, I don't mean anything. This is just how I play with people. And if you do not like it, just tell me to shut up and I will never do it again.
Mm hmm. Definitely no problem. I don't think less of you. If you don't like it, I get it. Or if there's like a topic I bring up that you don't like, you know. Yeah, because it's all in good fun and I fully expect it back. Right. Yeah. But that's definitely a later to me than anybody else I know.
Yeah, and that's definitely an established like, there is like a flow there. But I think you also know, like, you could talk to them if you needed to talk to them about something and know that that's what it is. But there's no like, you know, they can come to me. Right. So yeah, like, there's nothing wrong with us. So don't take our words like, Oh, you can't pick on your friends or whatever. But like, in this case, if it's like, you literally expressed
Oh, I like how it feels when someone's emasculated and embarrassed. Like, that's a kink you might have and not one that he might be consenting to if you actually ask him. But at the same time, like, be honest, because some people will just say, oh, no, it's fine. I get it because they don't want to be confrontational. But maybe just don't do that and start saying nice things to him instead, because if you like that whole embarrassed look like, oh, it's cute when he's embarrassed. Just be nice to him because most guys aren't used to that either.
Yeah, we talked about this before. People can't take compliments. He'll get them back from that. Right. So if that makes you feel like, oh, he's so cute when he's like blushing, do it with nice things, not emasculating mean things. I promise you, you'll get the same result. But in this case, everyone will feel good, not just you. Well, you know, again, read the room. If he really doesn't like getting all these compliments, stop. If you're not sure, just stop.
Right, and make sure they're sincere. Don't just be like, oh, you're so hot. You know, like, it has to be sincere. Like, why do you like him? Focus on those things. Why do you have a crush on him? What about him do you like? You know, maybe bring those things up once in a while. Like, oh, hey, I really like it when you smile. I think it's cute when you do this. You know, you're like, be sincere. And I promise you,
The tide will turn in the right kind of way and you won't have to feel this guilt anymore. And he won't have to feel that insecurity anymore. What you do is you just you walk up to him with a purpose looking right in the eye the entire time you're walking up to him and do it from like far enough away that it takes a good like five seconds or so to reach him. And then you're just going to grab the back of his head, go in for that kiss, pull him away, throw him off to the side and keep going and yell. I'll call you later.
Yeah. Make sure you film it. Yeah. Film it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I think we answered that one, huh? Oh yeah. I think we covered all the bases. I got another question for us and then if you want, we can slide into the word of the day. I got it all set up for you.
All right. But before I do that, hey, listeners, just once again, I'm trying to be more on top of this kind of stuff. Thanks for being here. I know I'm going to thank you again at the end of the show. And so is Danny. But thanks for being here. Thanks for listening. And please, if you do like the show, if you like the subject matter that we talk about, or if you think it's a good conversation and
Maybe we keep you company in your car ride to work or maybe where you're at work and you're sneaking your little earbud in while you got your beanie cap covering up your earphones. Whatever it is that you do that allows you to enjoy the show while you're doing other stuff, please let us know that. As we're talking about saying nice things, if you do like what you hear or if you want to tell us something that you want to hear,
You know how to review. I'm not going to tell you how to do that. You know how to do it on your listening app of choice. But if you want to tell us directly, you can also go to a website called Podchaser. We have a link over there. Just look for That's Our Q. We're the only podcast called that. And leave us a little review like, hey, I really like when you do this. I love that they do this.
And you can actually review individual episodes as well. So if there's a subject that you really like, you can do that. And of course, fund slash contact us. Let us know how we're doing. And, you know, chat us up. Oh, fuck. Dixon actually wrote us in, but I got to go find it. Oh, penis. Damn it. Well, while you do that, I promise you all I get very bashful when I get complimented and it's very cute. So you want that.
And also apparently he almost cried. I thought you were just pretending I thought you were acting on me that that day No, I left tearing up. Oh Wow, I didn't know that yeah, I mean the one that Dixon wrote us is about questions from From Kimmy's episode and he didn't write what the question was. He just wrote his responses to the questions I think that's fine read it. No context. I
Well, he talked about in the episode with Kimmy, when you said an educational movie instead of saying the word documentary, he proposed the word he proposed the word edutainment for educational movie. Oh, yeah. I don't know if it's already a word. Yeah, I've heard of edutainment before. Veggie Tales would be an edutainment. Oh, really? Yeah, something that's like it's educational, but also like fun. Oh, OK. I've heard of that.
He also he wrote a ton of stuff about each question, but I'm just going to cover the outro. He said, I don't know what we were talking about at the end of that episode. It's been so long. But he said for the outro, Danny, we are all incredibly proud of you for taking what must have been such a scary and difficult step. Well done, sir. Well done. And I think it probably has to do with your voice with voice acting and such like that. I believe we were talking about that.
And just your own confidence as a person and stepping out of your comfort zone and talking to people and taking more initiative. I think we were speaking on. Yeah, it must have been that. So thank you, Dixon. That's really very kind. Yeah. He also said something to me about I used to have a manager at E.B. Games GameStop during the period where we were being changed over from the buyout, who I would ask.
who I would ask, how are you doing to end this? His answer was always terrible. Thank you for asking. I don't know what the fuck we're talking about. Really? Hey, Dixon, next time you write a SIM, buddy, first of all, thank you for writing. Could you remind me of what we were talking about? Because I don't remember what we were talking about. Dixon, I'm very sorry that your spiral staircase in Valheim is going well.
Yeah. He also said Kimmy, Booyah, Adrian is no longer the most frequent guest. High five. So Kimmy, if you're listening, you're on here more times, I guess. You're number one. You're number one in our hearts. She was the first guest ever, too, right before I was. Yeah, she was the first one with me. Yeah. And finally,
Uh, oh, the one guy asked, uh, one of our questions was, did I waste my good years in my twenties? Uh, Dixon said, yes, dude wasted his twenties. Luckily he's now in great shape to not waste his thirties. What a great position to be in. So it starts off a little pessimistic. Now he's up in the positive swing. So he agrees with us. Don't waste your, don't waste your thirties. Uh, now that you're in the shape that you wanted to be in your twenties, thirties are not as bad as you think.
Nah, dude, I fucking love my theories. They're great. I've explored so much of my life. But thank you, Dixon, for all of the stuff writing in. If you do want to write in for questions to us, just give us some context, because sometimes these come in a lot later than when the episodes get recorded. I don't always remember what we were talking about. And I'll be honest. And I know I've been on the server for this already. All these episodes bleed together.
I'm so sorry. Yeah, sometimes we batch record and my brain just congeals so many questions together. I'm like, please keep writing in. Let us know what the question was. I could go back and look it up, but I'm not going to because it's a lot. It's been a long day. But Dixon, thank you so much for writing in. We sincerely appreciate it. Yes, and I promise when I'm more organized, I'll get back and answer your prompts more succinctly because you probably sent me that way earlier than what I'm reading.

Food Fads and Personal Preferences

Anyway, next question. What food? This one is from someone called UJ and a bunch of our JC and a bunch of numbers. And they ask, what is one food that is hyped? But in reality, it's just meh. Or as the kids would say, mid. Right. Overhyped food that's mid. I already have one in my brain that's been locked and loaded for my whole life. Ever since I discovered the internet.
And y'all bacon is not that fucking good. Like you guys are I don't understand you. I don't understand why you guys just like whatever the Internet tells you to like. You just think you should like bacon is not that good. You do not eat it as much as you think you do. And you don't need ice cream, bacon flavored ice cream. You don't need bacon scented candles. You don't need it's just not it's just not that good. You like the grease that it
it bathes in. That's what you like when you do eat it. But it's not good. I mean, it's fine. But if I had to pick between the two, sausage is far superior and way more versatile than bacon will ever be. You can make bits and you can make bacon and that's it. That's all you can do. There's not a whole lot you can do with it. It's bacon. You can't fill it with anything. Sure, you could wrap it on something else, but you're just supplementing a different food.
You know, like pigs in a blanket, like that can be done a ton of different ways.
Anyway, the point is, bacon's not that good. The internet told you that you should like it. And now you guys have tricked yourselves into thinking that it's better than it actually is. It's like hating on Nickelback. You don't actually hate Nickelback. You just jumped on the hate bandwagon because the internet told you to. And also, you're just mad because Chad got to be with Avril Lavigne for a little bit. And so you're kind of cheesed about that because everybody wanted Avril Lavigne at some point.
Right. And she's great. Leave her alone. She's wonderful. She's happy now, I think. You know, she's not with Chad anymore, but that's OK. Chad's moving on doing his own thing. We love you, Chad. Love you, Nickelback. You know what? Never made it as a wise man. I dare you to not sing that song. I dare you to not sing that song when it comes on. I still I have that on a playlist.
It's me, too. And Someday is a great song from the Spider-Man soundtrack. Hero is so good. Oh, my God. Anyway, love make love Nickelback. Bacon is just fine. It's OK. All the wrong reasons. That's my favorite. Oh, yeah. Oh, dude, I could go on and on about Nickelback. Yeah, sorry. I fucking love the love it. But anyway, that's the one for me. I could. It just makes me so angry about how many people just jerk off to bacon when they don't even really like it that much.
It's fine, it's average, it's okay. Anyway, sorry, I'm done. You're good. It was very hard to come up with my own. Do you have one? I do, but I need you to know, I was trying, instead of coming up with what my food would be, I had to reevaluate my friendship with you.
Oh, my God, you are not one of those people that just like it depends. It depends. Oh, God. Bacon crispy or wrong? I eat no bacon at all because it is just so terrible for you. First of all, I know it is. That's the good part. It's it's it's like eating greasy, crispy, greasy band-aids like that. Good. I'm the person that if like we're at a hotel or something and there's a buffet,
I'll get like, oh, you know, here's here's like some fruit, you know, maybe like a muffin and then one big scoop of bacon, two big scoops of bacon. I just don't get it. I don't understand. I love bacon. Why, though? What is it that like like real? What is it about it that you really for me, it really needs to be. I like crispy bacon.
I like bacon to be like a potato chip. I love, I just.
But you can have potato chips on sides. It's not the same though. They don't. You need bacon. Don't get me wrong. I don't want bacon flavored ice cream. I don't want, you know, bacon, this, that, and the other thing. I just like bacon. I just really like bacon. Um, I will eat a bacon sandwich. I will just grab a piece of bread, throw some bacon on that bad boy, slam another piece of bread on it and I'm good to go. Oh my God. It's so awesome.
You know, I mean, I'm happy that you like it. That's fine. I don't think that you're one of those bacon bros. It's just like, no, I don't know. But I'm not upset with bacon. I don't eat it that often. And maybe that's part of it is like, you know, it's a treat. It's a treat food. Right. So when I do have the opportunity to have it, I will go big because when's the next opportunity going to come? It's the mystique of it that makes it so good.
I'm sorry. I'm salivating from the bacon. I love bacon. I got to get your new computer all wet. You got to be careful. Yeah, I'm good. This. But now that I've yelled at you, here's my turn to go up on the chopping block. All right. Go ahead. Pizza. Oh, interesting. I would have thought that I am 100 percent Italian or close enough to it. I think I'm like barely around other things.
Um, like I'm literally, I think what my grandparents came from Italy, uh, or great grandparents, one of them. Anyway. Um, I don't get me wrong. I love pizza. I will, you know, if we're out and, uh, you know, we're like, Hey, do you guys want to just stop at this pizza place? I'll say sure. I'll get my pizza. But like.
No, man, it's, I hear people be like, Oh man, I could eat pizza all day, every day. I'm like, I got to be in the mood for pizza. Um, when most of the time, if Mel and I were to buy food from like a pizza place, I would get something other than pizza. I just got to be in the mood for it. And I'm not much, I don't eat pizza all that often.
Mm hmm. I mean, I could see that. Like, I don't I don't know. There's maybe one. I'd say it's too greasy, but I'd feel like a hypocrite after. Yeah. Yeah. I need I need to be greasy, but crispy. I mean, greasy, but like there's no squish. I can't have any squish to my grass. Nothing will turn me off to a piece of pizza more than if I tip it over and it just like
It's not even dripping grease, but it's like a solid stream of grease comes out of it. No, I agree with you. I I do find that I prefer certain companies that make the pizza like you can pick it up and then put it down and maybe have some crumbs on your hand. But like it's not your hand isn't wet. You're like, yeah, like the cheese can't just be sliding off the pizza. Like it has to be made a certain way. I definitely don't like it if it's just like, oh, half the flavor is because it's wet with grease. Like that's not
That's not flavor. That's just a byproduct of cooking the fucking thing. When I was younger, we used to get pepperoni pizza, which I don't know in Pittsburgh or if you guys say this, but here we call pizza pie. Some Facebook called that. Yeah. So when we used to call for a pizza, we would say we want a large pie with pepperoni. And I've noticed that places outside of New Jersey don't really do that.
Um, so there you go. A little New Jersey fact for everyone. But when I was young, we used to get a large pie of a pepperoni, large pizza with pepperoni, and I would peel off all the pieces of pepperoni and eat them on their own. Take the cheese off. I would commit the cardinal sin of taking the cheese off and giving it to my mom.
And I would eat just like the dough. Just like sauce and dough. I've had to do that only because when you bite into certain pizzas, like I've had like my fucking I swear I like second degree burn my neck a few times because you take one bite and the whole thing of cheese just comes off and just slaps to your fucking neck like a magnet on a fridge. I just hated the cheese for whatever reason. Like I know I'm not like that now.
if the cheese falls off my slice it won't bother me but like yeah i'll pick it up sometimes too if it's good as a kid no but i wouldn't eat it i didn't like the cheese at all right yeah yeah you were just like my mom and she was more than happy to to take all the extra cheese yeah but yeah as a kid i just i didn't like the cheese i used to get picked on so much for that do you want to hear some of the answers i actually saved the thread on this one oh yeah please
So one that popped up more than I thought, like, I don't really think about this snack at all, but it popped up a lot in this thread is cake pops.
Like it looks it's like a fat ass lollipop. It's like on a stick, but it's just cake like you just like us like a sphere of cake off of a stick and It sounds like a great idea But I can see why people would think it's overrated because like it mostly falls apart after like one or two bites It just falls off the fucking stick like
It's not that good. And like the texture of biting the icing, like it kind of gives me that weird kind of chalkboard on my teeth. Kind of, you know what I mean? Like, well, yeah, if your teeth hit something a weird way, just like your nerves start to get weird. Too much sugar. Yeah. Like, so that one comes up a lot in this is a lot of people just like just shitting on gang bobs. Another one that came up was the McRib.
Um, a lot of people are saying, you know, that like, like, as a lot of these people are from out of country too, like someone said, Oh, the McRib finally came to Canada and I tried it. I hadn't had it since junior high. And I was like, I don't understand why this is good. And then somebody responded saying, here's the thing about the McRib. They can't always have it on the menu because people actually think it is disgusting. So they make it seasonal and people forget. And then they go, Oh, Hey, it's McRib time. Then they eat one. Remember that it's disgusting and then forget about it until it comes back around again.
I've never so I've never had a McRib. I don't know how people even ever thought this was a good idea to begin with. McDonald's is the last place I would consider buying ribs for ribs. Yeah, it's it's OK. Like when I get one and I haven't gotten one in a really long time, but when I get one, it just tastes like.
Like the sauce does a lot of heavy lifting, to be honest. But like it just tastes like something that you would like unwrap out of a gas station. Like you would just buy it at the counter. Like it's it's it's OK. Like it it's food. Like if you want to eat something. But it's definitely not filling and it's it it really isn't. It's it's not. It's fine. It's OK. I actually have a second answer that might get me more trouble than ice than than pizza did steak ice cream.
I'm not a huge fan of ice cream. I agree with you. I do like it, but it is definitely it has to be a certain kind and usually I'm more of like a gelato or like a frozen yogurt than a fucking ice cream kind of guy. Like it's OK. I'll eat it. But yeah, yeah, I agree with you. There's an ice cream shop near us, so I will get chocolate shakes, you know, because I can just drink that. Right. I've never really had ice cream all that much. I always had very sensitive teeth.
And maybe that's part of it. But Mel and I, right before we moved to here, we went to the ice cream shop. And for whatever reason, I got a chocolate cone this time. And I don't use a cone. If I do get ice cream, it's in a cup with a spoon.
I've only ever used a cone like one other time in my life and Mel eats out of a cone all the time So I've seen her do it and she like she knows how to lick the ice cream so that doesn't get It doesn't start dripping all over
By the time we got back to our apartment, it was walking distance, so we just walked with our ice cream. By the time we got back to the apartment, my entire forearm was covered in sticky chocolate. And I think it's one of the moments where she fell so deeply in love with me because she was like, it was just so cute to see this grown ass adult with chocolate all over his arm going like, how do you do this to ice cream?
I have my own reservations about cones in general, and I just, yeah, that's a big part of it. It becomes work. You have to stay on top of a cone. You can't let it sit. You can't put it down. If you get it in the car, you're committing to only getting to use your hand one hand the whole time until you finish that fucking thing. Especially kids, I do not understand how any parent, and I'm sorry, parents, I'm not a parent,
No, I
But I don't understand how any of y'all can buy your kids an ice cream cone and then watch the mess that almost immediately ensues with their hand and their arm and their everything is covered. I'm like, oh, my God, like it gets me. That's another one. When I was a kid, I used to like I'd make a bowl of ice cream or get a cup of ice cream and I would stab it with the spoon and mush it up until it melted and became. And then I drink it violent.
Yeah, I ate very like weirdly as a kid. I would do a lot of weird things with food. A lot of weird things with food. Never anything sexual, don't worry. Okay. I know that's immediately where you were going. Did American Pie come out before or after this stuff? I just want to make sure. I saw it long after.
Yeah, I have one more I want to tell you before we get to the question, the word of the day. Okay. Is this person said expensive steak or chicken at any restaurant? $30 for a piece of chicken breast with some sauce on it is never worth it. I can do a better job at my house. That's fair. Yeah. And I gotta tell you, I
If I'm going to get steak, especially, I want it to be ground. Like I found that I really like ground steak. Like there are places that you can get it just like really so finely ground up that like it just falls apart when you eat it. If I'm going to get a steak, I want it to be ground almost like a hamburger, but in like a steak form. So meatloaf. Yeah, essentially meatloaf. I honestly, goodness, I don't understand. I don't understand why. I guess I can get how steak is like.
you know, how like, like an expensive restaurant can get away from selling you to like $100 steak, but I would never just my wallet would hate me. Even if I had the extra money, I don't think that's something that I would want to do. Like there's a part of me that just doesn't get like, you have all this hard earned money you want to celebrate I get that maybe like the
the rich person feel of getting an expensive steak maybe helps you feel like you're celebrating. But I frankly think that steak is like, okay, it's fine. If it's present, I'll probably eat it if it's available, but it has to be cooked a certain way. Like, I don't know, everybody has their preferences before I get a steak. Dude, same. Absolutely. Give me chicken tenders and some sweet and sour or some barbecue sauce and I'm set.
Now, my problem isn't really with steak or chicken either, but with fancy as a whole. I am not a highbrow person at all. I'm not super fancy. I hate dressing up. I hate fancy atmosphere. And I hate portions at fancy places. I hate the food. Oh, my God. Yeah. I hate like the sides that they give you.
Because it's not like french fries. It's like, you know Zucchini with a little bit of oregano on it or something like just some crap and I hate that stuff like my go-to is like an Applebee's it's Good food. It's good portions. It's a fun atmosphere as opposed to a fancy atmosphere And that brings me to my work we have a cafeteria and they like to do fake fancy and
where they try and make everything super fancy with weird ingredients, but they don't have high quality versions of those ingredients. And I remember getting an Italian sub from them once and it was disgusting because it had like all this really weird, fancy sounding stuff on it that was just awful. What was it? I couldn't even tell you. This was a while ago. Um,
Like, I'd never heard of these things before, so I couldn't even tell you what they were. I don't remember, but like... What are these whores-dervers you guys keep trying to feed us? These... Oh my god, dude. I went way too long in my life calling them our devourers. Our devourers is way funnier. That's a great restaurant name where you literally just serve hors d'oeuvres. That's like your fucking menu. Our devou... Oh my god, dude. Wait, let's do that like right now.
Thank you. I went much further in my life not knowing they were called orders. Hour devours is so much better. Listen, to all of our French listeners, I'm sorry. Hours devours is worse than years. Hours devours is... Hours devours. That is, ironically, chef's kiss.
I, dude, don't even call it anything else. I need to remember to say it. So I call it the right shit of our friendship. You can have it. If you can, dude, let's like, oh, okay. So I got a business idea that I'll tell you off screen because I don't want to be taking my idea, but as part of the business, we can have like our own little, like campy little shop inside of the place. That's just like only sells or derves. It's just like, it's charcuterie boards, but cooked, you know, so we call them out.
We just put the whole fucking board in the oven for like five minutes. Throw it on a table and be like, you have one hour to eat all of this. You have one hour to eat all this shit or it's getting thrown out. How do you feel about that? It's hour devour. You get one hour to devour. There you go. One hour to devour. If you can eat the whole thing in an hour, you get it for free.
I don't know about that one. No one's going to eat it. I like money. It depends how big we make it. They're not going to do it. We're going to put a lot of meat in there. That way they get full, a lot of cheese. Yeah, they're not going to finish it. They're going to want to die afterwards. I would just kill them and then they can't get, you know, and we have their money. As long as they pay up front, though.
Oh yeah, they have to pay it from. We're not going to serve them if they, you know, they have to, you know, they have to have paid for it and then we'll give you your money back. Perfect. You know, we'll come

Word of the Day and Playful Banter

up with it. But anyway, hours and hours is so much funnier. We'll, we'll, we'll stream that one or yeah. We'll drawing board that one. Yeah. Hey, do you want to give us a word of the day? I would love to give you a word of the day. Hang on. Let's see.
Here's your here's. You know what? I don't use any of these songs enough. So this is just going to be the intro to the word of the day while you get it ready. All right. Here we go. We're the daytime. Oh, oh, oh. We're the daytime with Danny. Here it comes. Here it comes. Here it comes now. All right. Go ahead. Is that a word for you? Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. Did you want to sing along? I can turn it back on. No, no, you're good. OK.
Today's word of the day and this is my bad news. I have a new computer and I don't have my old words. That was the news you were telling me earlier? I do still have the old computer.
So I'm going to try and get them over. But I wonder if I can check the old chats on Zencaster and see if the words are in there. You did always type it in. I'll check when we're done. Actually, here, I'll type it in for you, because I know you always like to do that. What is the word of the day from Danny guarantee? He is typing it in the chat. Today's word of the day is mellifluous. Mellifluous. Ooh, that sounds like.
That sounds like a disease that you have something. It is not that. Does fluids mean it can go viral? No. Oh, all right. What's that mean? It's an adjective. OK, I see. And it is something that it's a sweetly. Oh, I should also say this is brought to you by dictionary dot com.
Speaker I feel like we should probably shut them out because that's where I get my words of the day. They give us money., thank you for the words of the day. Malifluous, sweetly or soothely flowing, something sweet sounding. Now, the best way I could think to say it is you have
flow or you're smooth. Uh, the example sentences are the Malefluis melody of the song filled the room captivating everyone who listens. So when that song just kind of hits just right, is there a synonym next to it? Malefluis synonym, which I say in that sentence fast. Oof. Don't actually try your tongue will break and you'll choke on it. Don't do it. No, there is not.
Oh, synonym synonym. Malefluis synonym. See you on dictionary dot com. There's got to be. The other one is the poets Malefluis versus painted a vivid and enchanting picture in the reader's mind. So it's like it's when your words flow really well. Dulcet is a synonym I found. Dulcet.
Okay, there you go, like dulcet tones. Or like, yeah, it's like very pleasantly sounding. But it's not necessarily the sound itself. It could be the words, the cadence of the words or just like the way it rhymes, you know, it's just smooth. It's it's pleasant to the way that you malefluously explain our words every week. If you say so.
I mean, I find that about as smooth as a speed bump, but thank you. I appreciate it. Hey, some speed bumps are very smooth because they make it out of different material than just that rough stuff. You ever touch a speed bump? New Jersey, they don't. Kids, go touch a speed bump. Like, not on a busy road. Every time I... Maybe a parking lot. Every time I hit a speed bump in New Jersey, I'm afraid my axle's going to fall off. You're afraid your ass is going to fall off? Axle.
I'm just, yeah, I'm so worried. I'm just going to hit in my ass. It's just going to go right out the door. Oh man. That's going to be the opposite of Malefluis. Absolutely. So Malefluis. M-E-L-L-I-F-L-U-O-U-S. M-E-L-L-I-F-luis. Malefluis.
That's a fun word. It's one that you really have to think about to say like Malefluis, because there's like that. Oh, dude, do you have any idea how hard it was to say all of this? Yeah, I mean, because it's got that kind of that quick L followed by like it's like a it's like an up and down word that has like two L's that are close enough together. Malefluid like Malefluis would probably be a lot easier than Malefluis. I had to consciously say this word every time because I wanted to say Malefluis.
Maleficent. Which just kind of sounds like somebody's last name. It's like Maleficent. I'm Marty Maleficent. Yeah, I'm Marty Maleficent.

Make-Out Tips and Humor

My name's Marty Maleficent. I'm here to sniff your Maleficent flowers. Would you like another question, Danny? I would love anything to leave that.
So I I should say this next question they marked is not safe for work. I don't necessarily think it's completely unsafe for work, but I guess it depends on where the conversation leads. So if you're playing this out loud at your office, I don't know his conversation. Holy. Yes. Are you the only one working today?
All right, so this one is from legoman2204. And they say, how do I initiate a make out session? And they go on to say, I'm just looking for some ways to go from sitting close next to each other to making out. We've kissed before, but like saying bye and hello, never actually made out. I'm kind of shy until I do something once. So I just need to get this first time with her out of the way.
This is going to go different directions, so we've got to tread a little lightly. Because of the last part in particular, I'm kind of shy until I do something once. And I think I know where they're coming from. We're just like, oh, once I know that I'm allowed to cross that gate, then we can make out all the time. So, Danny, how did you instigate your first make-out session with your wife? Is that too personal?
No, no, it's fine. Hi, Beluga. You don't listen. You know, she doesn't listen to this, but she's listening to my side through the wall. Right. She only hears you talking. So this is oh, God. All right. I am not a make out person. I don't like making out. It's just never something that I don't know. I love kissing. I like kissing Mel.
Um, you know, hogging and all that stuff. I do not like making out, though. And, um. Hi, mom and dad. Oh, yeah. Right. What are their names again? Uh, Denise? No. No. Uh, shit. Lewis. No. Emmanuel. No. Damn it. Uh, Barb.
I was so bad with names, but I remember saying hello to them. What are their names again? Gabe and Terry. Gabe, I was I don't know why I thought Gabe was Lewis. I don't either. Terry. Hi, Gabe. Hi, Terry. You're not Barbara Lewis. No. And I totally understand if you don't want to hear about my first time making out with somebody, although it is funny. So first of all, I am the worst person to ask for this question. Sorry, comment Lego man.
Um, but the first time I ever made out, I was, I want to say either end of freshmen or sophomore year of high school. And a whole group of us were hanging out at a friend's house. And I was going out with this girl at the time and a friend of hers pulled me aside and was like.
Just so you know, your girlfriend wants to make out with you. Oh, would it be a good wing woman? Yeah, which props to her for that, right? I.
I'm still a very awkward person when it comes to romance and stuff like that. Like, I'm so bad at it. You both seem like you are. I can't be sexy without laughing. Like, I can't do any of that stuff. Right. So it doesn't surprise me at all if she was dropping hints and I just never noticed.
But the friend came over and was like, OK, she wants to make out with you. I'm like, oh, OK, sure. So we sit down, movies on, nobody's paying attention to us. And I have my arm over her and we just kind of look at each other and we kiss like we always do. And then I could feel her initiate. Oh, what did she do?
I could feel her lips starting to part and her tongue starting to move forward. Gabe, Terry, I've hurt your ears. Ear muffs. Fast forward about two minutes. I reciprocate and we made out. It was the first time I had ever made out.
Um, and after that, I excused myself and I went to the bathroom because I felt sick and it's nothing against the girl. It is not her at all. Right. I am just not, I don't know. There's something about it. Like I don't mind mouths. Like I'm not like disgusted by a mouth. I'm not disgusted by tongues or spit.
Oh, actually, no, maybe it's spit. I really don't love spit. I think that actually might be it. Now that I'm thinking about it, I just, I don't know. I don't like spit. I don't like it. So Lego man, you can't go to Danny for help on this. I'm sorry, but I have to, um, I have to, I have to advocate this one to you. I have to pass it over.
That's all right. I can explain this with a mellifluous tone. Did I do that right? Or abdicate? I don't remember. Abdicate to renounce or relinquish a throne. Close enough. It's all you. So how do you initiate a make out, Sesh? Honestly, with the people that I've met in my life and comments I've read and other discussions I've had just in my life about similar subjects,
The best thing that I have learned from my compatriots and something that I actually agree with is in some way get consent, right? Like.
And it doesn't have to be anything like it doesn't have to be like this big formal request unless you're that kind of person that that would be totally on brand to do, you know, like hire somebody to wear like a powdered wig to come in and read a scroll like this person demands to kiss you. You know, like if that's like your your vibe, then do that. But but if you're not and you can't afford if you don't have any friends that will be willing to do that for you, which I will do it for you. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.
If you want to hire me, go to slash fun and sellers and let me know and maybe I'll come to your house and they want to make out with you. I'll put it on Fiverr. Just check there. Yeah, dude, don't underestimate. If that will get me traveling, if somebody will pay for me to come out and ask somebody out for them, and it means I have an excuse to drive to fucking, I don't know, Idaho, that's a long ways. I will stand behind you and be like,
Perfect. We got a business. We got a business, boys. We'll do that, and then we can go to our side gig at Hour Devourers. Yeah, Hour Devourers afterwards to celebrate. We're our only patrons. The money we make goes right into our restaurant. We're investing in our own store that way. See? That's smart. Hire us to ask people to make out with you so we can fund our dream of having Hours Devourers.
And I'm only like, and I'm like 60% serious. If enough people write in that they want it, I might do it. Um, but anyway, um, at consent, like, Hey, I really want to kiss you right now. Or you know what? We've been kissing a bunch lately, but I just want to full on make out with you right now.
Would that be okay? Like, it may sound like you were acquiescing in some way or like weak, but I can tell you almost every woman I've ever talked to about this, whether I was with them or it's just a conversation of another couple, they will tell you these exact words, consent is sexy, right? Telling somebody that you crave them, like I just really want to just make out with you right now.
Like, if you're already in a relationship anyway, it's not like you're asking a stranger. You've been kissing, saying hello and goodbye anyway. So you're already in that relationship. So if you want to take that next step, and I should just reiterate, this is advice for people who are already kind of in this relationship. You've already been kissing a few times, not like just go up the person. Actually, you know what? It might work for you, but maybe just don't do what I'm about to say. Just say, hey, I just really want to make out with you right now. Can I kiss you a bunch? You know, like feeling desired, feeling wanted.
is super hot. And it doesn't matter what your gender is. Like, if you tell somebody, hey, look, man, your fucking lips look goddamn delicious right now, I just kind of want to just go to town on your face. Oh, my God. You ever hear of tonsil honky? Honky. Hey, honky. You ever hear of tonsil? That's when you go in for the kiss and like, where it is, you reach your face, you go... You ever hear of tonsil honky?
Tonsil honky. You know what? I thought that I had the title of this episode as Malefluis Speedbumps, but now Malefluis Tonsil Honky. My pen won't work. You're failing me when I need you most. So happy I was able to help you there.
How do you spell honky? Is it H-O-N-K-E-Y or just K-Y? I would say E-Y. It looks more official. Looks like we can afford the extra letter like we're fancy. I'm putting it in there. It's like rich people can put the U in color. If you want to play tonsil honky, just tell them. Look, I, so as a female, you said her. So just look at her and say, be like, look, you just,
I am famished and I got a fever and the only prescription is
Dim lips on my lips and your tongue on mine, baby. And just, you know, just whatever's in brand for you. But feeling desired is sexy. Feeling wanted is hot, you know, and consent is hot. Just like or or you just either or just ask, look, you know what, you look really good tonight. I love kissing you. Can we just step this up? I just want to kiss you a bunch. So that's actually I was going to go off your answer and say exactly that.
It's not a bad idea. It's not cringy or weird to just straight up ask and say, hey, what are your views on making out? Because, you know, we've kissed a few times and I want to step it up a bit, you know, take it a little bit more seriously, because this is the kind of conversations you're going to be having for.
Uh, the next whole bit of your relationship, right? Every next step is probably going to be there with that or sex. Like, how do you feel about sex? What's your favorite position? What, you know, what are your turn ons and turn offs of a healthy relationship? We'll talk about this stuff. And I again realize I'm being hypocritical because I can't talk about this shit without laughing.
I'm so bad. I know I can't do anything. But I mean, like, but what you're saying is valid. And so, like, and, you know, and I must admit that two things. One, I found out that a lot of people don't count it as making out if there ain't no tongue involved. I think that's bullshit because I can Mac for a long time without having any sort of tongue to tongue. It's a preference. You know, you can do your tongue stuff. That's for special occasions. But.
But for me, it's hard for me to just Mac for a while without doing something else. So you need to cover that rule. Like, hey, if we start doing that, how far can my hands roam? I'll let you know where you can roam yours because you need to cover that ground.
Um, you know, like the, my most previous relationship, we talked about that was there was like, look, you know what? Here's kind of where I'm at right now. So we can do a lot of over and under the shirt if you want, but it can't go any further than that. And that way you know where your boundaries are. Cause just like the user said, once I know what I can do for the first time, then like, I can do that. So if you, if you talk to her and she says, Hey man, you can go to boob town. Well now, you know, boob town's usually probably fine. You know, if she says, Hey man, just a little bit of tongue action is cool, but like keep it above the shirt.
you know, that now you know, because the mood can get ruined really quickly. If, you know, once you start kissing, and then you both get really riled up and you start to roam your hands and then like, Whoa, bro, what the fuck? You guys didn't establish rules. That's boundaries. Yeah. And that's how you just like you turn a really great evening into a really awkward one. And I'm going to give you some really solid life advice and relationship advice.
No means no. If she says no, I don't want to make out with you. No, I don't want you groping me. No, I don't want to look at you. It means no. You say, OK, thank you for your time and you walk away. Or you say, OK, no problem. We will keep kissing as we were until you feel comfortable. Yep.
I do want to add one more thing before we move on to our final question. Most recently I went out with somebody turned out to be more of like, uh, you know what? We just kind of have a friend vibe, but we had a really great conversation and somehow a text that we had the previous night.
I forget what the original type of words were supposed to be, but she accidentally typed, I think, oh, we were talking about hot jello, like weird things that our grandmas used to make for us. And my grandma used to like heat up like hot water and just like heat, well, heat up water and then just put it in jello. And then like, I would just drink flavored water from jello. And it was awesome. It was like, it was my favorite things we go over. It's not like my parents couldn't also make it for us, but my grandma only made it for us when we were sick. And it was just hot jello, just hot water and jello mix. And it was awesome.
Anyway, highly recommend. It's fantastic. But but anyway, so but she typed hot hello by accident. And so I thought the term hot hello was like really funny. And so we started discussing like, well, what would a hot hello be, you know, versus like a steamy hello or like a cutesy hello, you know? And so we kind of started going into this like spectrum of like what different kind of hollows one could greet someone with.
So like you know if you talk about it like hey I'm gonna give you how about a nice hot hello and maybe a hot hello to you is like not just like a kiss on the cheek and a grab on the ass but it's straight up just like I'm gonna touch your tonsils with my tongue sorry Terry sorry Gabe and you know but anyway I just like the term hot hello so you know write a sin but Gabe write the show what is a hot hello
No, sorry. I can't commit to that. No, no, no. Also, I'm pretty sure my mom is the only one that listens to it. I don't know if my dad. Terry Terry. No, no, no, no, no. I mean, I'm not going to ask you to tell me stories about your dad. I just want her to tell us what she thinks a hot hello is. No, no. Actually, that's fine because I don't read the answers. Just don't tell me.
OK, do you want to do? Yeah, go ahead. I want to say, you know, I'm sorry, mom, and I'm sorry. Whoever house you happen to be passing by when you listen to this walking and suddenly start laughing. Yeah, I'm sorry for them to ask the neighbors as you're walking on. Hey, hey, neighbor neighbor also named Terry because there's there's other Terry's in the world. Other neighbor, Terry.
You know, what it would, you know, just random question, but what do you think a hot hello is? You know, I'm going to like, so I'm going to visit my parents for Mother's Day. Right. I'm going to just go there and I'll just go to my mom and be like, you listen to the hot hello one yet. You listen to the hot hello episode yet. It's got the word mellifluous in it. Something about tonsil honkies. You'll find it if you haven't gotten there yet.
Also, let us know, do you spell honky with an E Y or a Y? I don't know yet. You want one more question, Danny, before we wrap this sucker up?
All right. So this one is from someone called Delicious Nothing 365. What a spectacular screen name. First of all, we should start really rating people's screen names on a scale of like one to 10 because some of these are just like Lego man. People are so good. Dude, Lego man is so good. I would give that like a solid. Well, the two to zero four kind of like brings it down a little bit. But Lego man. Oh, such a good. I saw such a solid seven probably to me.
i saw a picture of a lego set that was like the new wednesday show yeah on that and the thing.
The hand that follows her around was just a little Lego hand with nothing there. That's awesome. Oh my god, it was so funny. Probably expensive as fuck, but so cool. No, it wasn't like a real hand. It was just one of the little Lego. No, I mean, any set that has an IP on it, like that Lego is now fucking. Yeah, now it's like a 50% increase in price because it's branded on top of Lego. On the low end, yeah. Yeah, it's fucking stupid.
Remember when we went to the LEGO store at King of Prussia? They had like Mjolnir and all this other shit up there, and the sets were like $800. Like, no thank you. I will lose half of that set when I open the box. No thank you. That's two of my car payments. I don't care to build Mjolnir that badly. No. I can't even use it. Yes. So delicious nothing 365. I would rate that probably a solid.
Uh, probably, I mean, that's a solid seven to you. I'd say Lego man's probably a six delicious, nothing three, six, five, very good screen name, very solid flows off the tongue perfectly. Very Malefluis.

Imaginative Conversations: Nature and History

If I must say, I would rate it, um, a Coke zero. Okay. I would rate it. I would rate it a barks root beer out of 10 Coke zero. Cause it's delicious and there's no carbs. Yeah.
Barks root beer because it's fucking good. OK. So if trees could talk, what tales would they share? This was under the random thoughts section of it. So, Danny, what kind of stories do you think a tree would share? Like if you were walking in the forest, I'm kind of embellishing this question a bit, but I say you're walking in the forest or maybe you're not in the forest, maybe like.
I don't know, maybe you're like a tree planted in someone's yard and you're just like, hey, tree. And the tree is like, what's up, Danny? Like, what the fuck? And then it's like, hey, man, I got a story to tell you. Like, what kind of stories do you think a tree would tell? Or multiple trees? Maybe they're telling it a group. My cynical brain is like it would just tell tales of how it used to be in a forest and now it's in like a suburban neighborhood.
Um, I'm the only one in my family that left the forest. I would love actually to hear tales of like animals that have lived there, like birds that had made nests or like raccoons or mice or whatever that had like used, um,
knots or holes in the tree to build nests. Just kind of like tell me what they've been up to. One of the things I want to do with the house at some point is set up a
A birdhouse with a see through wall or no wall at all in the back against the window so we can look in. And watch them play eggs, watch the babies grow up. You might make you might make you might make Link jealous. He'll always be my number one, even if he's not green anymore, he turned yellow somehow. Oh, man, you left you mixed colors. You washed him with another bird, didn't you?
That must be it. But yeah, I would love to hear like tales of all the animals that had lived in there. I love nature stuff like that. So I think that's what I'd want to hear at least.
Yeah. Yeah, that's that's a fun thought. I mean, like, just to kind of know, like, you know, like they're surveilling everything, you know, while, you know, you're away. You know, they say if a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, does it make a sound? Or you can be like, hey, trees, I saw that. First of all, did any of you guys fall down recently? And then they're like, oh, yeah, Trila got knocked over by a terrible storm. Like, oh, shit. Did Trila make a lot of noise once you fell?
No, you guys struck by lightning. Yeah, she got struck by lightning. But boy, that fucking explosion was crazy. Or like, oh, yeah, it fell and made a loud crash because how would it fall and not make a noise? You know, that we could use them to answer that riddle like, guys, look, fucking humans have been arguing about this shit for years. Like, can you just settle this shit for us? Well, actually, here here's the big question I really would ask a tree that I really need to know.
Is it true or not? Do bears actually shit in the woods? Somebody asked me that one time and I get the feeling they meant yes, but I just don't know. I mean, you wouldn't know unless a tree tells you. I asked him some, he goes, well, does a bear shit in the woods? I don't know. I'm not a bear.
I feel like if if a tree would actually tell a tale because the question isn't what questions would you ask? It'd be what tales would they share? I bet you I have a strong feeling that it would be very I guess first of all, it would be circumstantial. Like what trees are you talking to? Where are they located? But for sake of argument, let's just say it's like in a dense forest somewhere.
you know, or one that got transplanted from a forest. And it's like, oh, I'm the only one that ever traveled. They said I can never get out of tree town. But now who's laughing? I'm in a big city providing shade for tree. You know, Jersey. Yeah. Yeah. For Trent, New Jersey. You know,
But I think it would probably be very dry. It would just be like, I saw a bird, it was cold, the wind blew and some of my leaves fell. I died and came back. You know? Yeah. Trila has a lot of knots. She's very stressed out. There's a lot of knots in her. So I noticed another knot today. I would love to go to a place where the trees are like thousands of years old, like the giant redwoods and your tales of like, what was it like when man first settled America?
Yeah, like, you know, like you have been around for some of this shit. Like, tell me tales of like the colonial era and stuff like that. That'd be kind of cool. Yeah, that'd be pretty sweet. Like, what did you see, you know, like, you know, the cowboy times, you know, remember, do you remember when guys were like big hats that look like this? What kind of shit did you see? Is that cool?
Oh, let me call up my friend tumbleweed. He probably knows a thing or two around that time. You know, you know, I'm like John Marston. Yeah. Yeah. John Marston. And, you know, he can round up the gang. We can tell you some stories. That would be interesting. Listeners, what kind of tales do you think trees would tell? We've asked you a lot of questions. So, you know, let us know. I bet you're happy.
Very sappy stories. Yeah. You know, they're probably just they would probably just want to leave. Yeah. Well, maybe if they branched out a bit more. Yeah, we might they might just be, you know, we might just be barking up the wrong stories. You know what I'm saying? Well, they're all rooted in in fiction, in fact, anyway. Yeah. And they probably think humans plant an evil seed anyway. They don't. Yeah. Well, that's pretty grounded, you know. Yeah. Yeah. You got to be really down to earth to talk to these guys.
Anyway, I'd say that's probably it for all of our

Closing and Listener Engagement

questions. So, guys, thanks for hanging out. Thanks for listening. If you made it this far, as always, we sincerely appreciate it.
Um, and, uh, you know, we already talked about the places to go see us, but it's always not If you got to, if you got some extra scratch or if you want to do any commissions for us on Kofi, please go and do that. The links will be in the show notes. Uh, and of course you can find Danny's, um, uh, show, the role players guild, the whole thing with him and Mel and all the good people. That's also on fun and solids It's all right. Fucking there. Everything you can possibly want. This is right there. All the cool things that we do. Go see. Yeah.
But if you don't want to go there, which you do, you do want to go there. But if you don't, for whatever reason, you can also find us at YouTube dot com at role players guild or say hi to us on Twitter. X. Sorry. It's Twitter. Fuck. Elon Musk at the R.P. Guild one. And that's role spelled like rolling a dice. R.O.L.L. Players were spelled like role players. You know, the show that you know and love me from. Yeah.
Well, because we just have the fort in your backyard. It's true. It's always been there. Yeah. Do you have any further words you'd like to say about you, about life to me, to you, to the world? The floor is yours, my friend. What would you like to say there? Thanks so much.
Like Adam has been saying, we are very thankful for everyone that gives us a listen. I have an absolute blast doing this all the time. Every time we record with or without a guest, I have an absolute phenomenal time doing this. It's a dream come true for me. And it's great to hear that people listen to it. I have had people.
that I've suggested the show to come back and say that they listened to it. And it was great. So I just want to say to everyone, whether I know you or not, that I really do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. We would just be two bros bullshitting all day if it weren't for you guys listening to it. You're the ones that make it a show. And we love you for it.
It's a good excuse to get together just like any tabletop role-playing game or something. Like when you have that regular thing that you look forward to doing.
You know, sometimes it might not always work out just to call up your friend and say, Hey, let's talk. It might, but this gives us a ways. Not only can we talk to each other and spend some bro time together, but we also have a chance to meet other people. We have a chance to do it for an audience. And, uh, you know, we also have this as a memory that we can go back and listen to and recall like fun shit that we talked about.
Yeah, it's also a great pick me up. I know more than one of us have had a really rough week and doing this and just BSing with each other. And, you know, knowing that, you know, it's helped people. We've had people come up to us and say it helped them get through things or could actually help them. Yeah. Yeah. Really pick you up after a rough week. And it's an amazing feeling. And. Yeah, I want to just give a shout out to everybody listening because
We see you. Well, absolutely. We see you. We appreciate you. And yeah, thank you.
Yeah, and keep an eye out for hours devours out there coming to you soon. Also, you know, reach out if you want me to ask somebody out for you or to ask you any awkward questions, reach out to me on fun and sellers network dot com. If you go to fun and sellers network on Instagram, if you're more of an Instagram social person, go there. Fun and sellers network. You can go to random Adam R. A. N. D. O. M. A. T. O. M. It's my first and last name as a fucking anagram and it's perfect. So go find me on there.
and say, hey, bro, I heard that you don't like bacon and that you'll ask people out for me. So there's got to be money in that. There's got to be. There's got to be people will pay to avoid discomfort. There's got to be a way for me to use my extra version to make money. There's got to be. I wish everybody luck with their tonsil honky.
Yes, Tonso Honky's out there. We love you. Thank you so much. And with that, I will give you our quote of the day. This one is from the incomparable Mitch Hedberg. May he rest in peace. And he says this. I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with them later. It's hard to be good. So hard to be good, baby. But it's going to be good. It's so hard to be good.
It's hard to be good, so hard to be good, baby I've seen facts, it's great to be good There's nothing harder in this life, yeah
Staving off the hunger, giving in to anger There's nothing better in this life, yeah Than doing your best, ever Doing your best, happy in your best, yeah Be good to yourself, be good to your friends, baby
Love it all on yourself Love it all on yourself Be good to yourself Be good to your friends, yeah Be good from the beginning And be good to the end Be good as you can Be good as you should, baby Cause it's hard to be good So hard to be good Be good as you can Be good as you should, baby
This is gonna be good. This is gonna be good. Shout! There's nothing harder in this life, yeah. From the beginning, it's leaving out the hunger, giving in to anger. There's nothing better in this life, yeah. Great to the end. Doing your best. Have fun. Doing your best.
There's nothing better in this life Yeah, from the beginning Staving off the hunger, giving in to anger There's nothing better in this life Yeah, break to the end And doing your best, ever Doing your best, and being your best, yeah
It's hard to be good. It's so good to be good. Yeah, you get it. It's hard to be good, but it's good to be good. Be nice, okay?