Episode 17: (Updated) Birthday Reflections!  image
S1 E17 · My Kind of Pleasure
Episode 17: (Updated) Birthday Reflections!
22 Plays
9 months ago

August is my birthday month and one of my favorites for that reason! I wanted to make sure I recorded my first episode back in August. Also, on August 15, I completed a year-long life coaching certification program.   I always take August to reset and reflect, and in this episode, I wanted to share some of my reflections from this year and a few things I am looking forward to this year.

Three takeaways:

  1. How important it is to do something that feels a bit out of reach and go for it anyway.
  2. Willingness to experience any emotion
  3. Always have your back!

I am very excited to continue this momentum into my new year and continue to practice and embody each of these takeaways and learnings. I am also going to dive further into the sexuality and intimacy space and join a Sex, Love & Relationship certification program…with a specialty in perimenopause/menopause.

Photo Credit: Audra Miller   https://millerstudios.net/

Follow me & connect:

IG: lisette.ostrander
