Episode 19: Libido - A new way to think about it , challenging cultural messaging & more image
S1 E19 · My Kind of Pleasure
Episode 19: Libido - A new way to think about it , challenging cultural messaging & more
24 Plays
8 months ago

This is  Lisette Ostrander, and this is the My Kind of Pleasure Podcast, where we will explore topics of sex, pleasure, desire, mindset, and emotions and use the information learned to live the life we want and have the sex we want.

In this episode

  1. I will present a potentially new way to think about libido
  2. Briefly talk about what our culture says libido should be
  3. Talk about low libido and what message that might be giving us
  4. Touch upon libido and menopause journey…specifically post menopause
  5. And end with some thoughts about ways to explore our libido.

***I am going to start adding transcripts of episodes to my website!! Stay tuned 

Photo Credit: Audra Miller   https://millerstudios.net/

Resources I mentioned: 

🍒  October 19th Perimenopause/Menopause Symposium “Let’s Change the Conversation”.  Register and get access to the replay (no cost to register). Six speakers! Once you register I will email the session schedule & topics the week of October 9th. Register here 👇 https://lisetteostrander.myflodesk.com/menopausesymposium

🍒 Sheri Winston, author of Women’s Anatomy of Arousal


🍒 Keep in touch & follow me on IG: lisette.ostrander
