Introduction to Beyond Aesthetics Podcast
Okay, I guess we're jumping right into it then. Here we go. Oh my gosh. Well, hello everybody. Welcome to the Beyond Aesthetics podcast, the podcast where we dive deep into the journey of estheticians who aspire to grow not just professionally, but personally and spiritually.
This is a space where the art of aesthetics meets the soul and the power of community fuels transformation. Whether you're looking to elevate your skills, expand your mindset, or align your career with your deeper purpose, you're in the right place.
Join us as we explore stories, strategies, and insights that go beyond the surface because growth happens from the inside
Hosts' Background and Brand Merger
out. This is Beyond Aesthetics. Let's grow together.
So beautiful. Every time. Hi, guys. We are your hosts. so I'm Tiffany Orr with Sweet Cheeks University, i guess. What do you mean? I don't know.
This is what happens when we're non-scripted. we just jump into our recording and see what happens. It's going to be very raw and I'm actually here for it. i am too. Who you? My name is Jessica Peterson and I am ah with Aspire Beauty Collective is my coaching business.
Tiffany and i also have a another coaching business. called Beyond Aesthetics Coaching. We have mastermind programs together for estheticians and beauty professionals. um There's a lot going on right now. We've actually been talking most of the day today. So we decided we might as well also record a podcast because ah the reason why what I was saying sounds like all over the place is because we're getting ready to kind of merge brands in a way. i don't really know how to explain it, but i had my brand, which was Aspire Beauty Collective.
um I do offer a retail sales class and I am adding to that business. And then Tiffany has had Sweet Cheeks University, but we also have joined forces with the mastermind group and um our one-on-one coaching is growing.
And so we've kind of decided to officially just call our mastermind and our one-on-one coaching beyond aesthetics
Vision Casting and Brand Alignment
coaching. So we'll have the podcast and we'll have those coaching businesses ah because it was kind of like confusing for a minute.
Well, I think that's how like all new ventures are is you're, they're confusing. You're trying to figure things out along the way and figure out what works and where pieces fit into, you know, just the system. And so, yeah, I think to be fair, like we've been doing it this whole time and now we're just, we've got like a very clear vision, like Jess and I this morning met and had um a vision casting session, we'll call it. Talked about our branding and got really clear on our goals and our mission and all of the things that we already are within Beyond Aesthetics, including the podcast and including the coaching and mentorship programs we have um with like a very clear vision, combined vision moving forward.
So I'm really excited about it. And um it's just like those necessary stages that come with any new business, new venture. It's how it works. Yeah.
And we also realized today how well we complement each other with kind of our different strengths as we were talking through those things. Tiffany was like, I love tasks. And I'm like, I hate tasks. This is perfect.
That's why we work so good together. why we're good. And we balance each other out and just really like, I don't know, emphasize... each other so much. I don't know really how to put that into words, but I'm compliment. Sorry. That's what I'm looking for. We compliment each other a lot and just have a lot of different perspectives. Tiffany has such a grounded, sweet, kind energy in the way that she works with people and speaks to people.
i can be a little bit more blunt. Tiffany likes it I love it. i I worry about it a lot. and i have to I have to hold myself back a lot. um I'm trying to like let it be a superpower, but not like be mean either.
but not here to I'm not here to hurt people's feelings, but sometimes I just need to say it like it is. And so we complement each other that way as well. I think that we both with our coaching programs just have so much to bring to the table. And I think bringing you into the mastermind was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
And clearly like our mastermind is growing. Our next mastermind is almost full. It doesn't start until September and it's only March 5th. But we have people who are from previous groups that They didn't join our current group and they immediately said that they definitely want to be in the next group. So ah we are already building that group, which is pretty exciting. So I think that clearly we're doing something right with those groups and that our business really is growing. Even with our one-on-one coaching, we've been taking on more and more and we're receiving a lot more questions about it. And so
Coming together and merging that and having it be a really solid brand on its own is really powerful and really necessary at this point. And it was really fun talking about those things. And um I had had a lot of ideas that I just hadn't brought to you yet. So it's so important to be on the same page.
Yeah. And do check-ins with each other and know that we're like working towards the same goals or just be aware of each other's vision so that we can support each other to get to like where we ultimately want to go.
Exploring Triggers in Relationships
Yeah. I love it. It was fun. And today we have a couple of things that we want to talk to you guys about. I'm not sure which one to start with. Yes, I am. and ah So on Monday, we had one of our mastermind group calls. We do them bi-weekly on Mondays. And so we Start the group by going around and having everybody check in. We celebrate wins and then we help with the opportunities for growth as a group. And one thing that seems to be coming up for everybody that everybody's being triggered in relationships and,
I even got on social media later on my story and was talking about it. And everybody was like, yes, I'm going through the same thing. You're so right. Everyone is liking it. And so I told Tiffany after that call, I said, I don't know what's going on with the planets right now, but it seems like we're all being really, really triggered in our relationships.
Totally. And it did hit home too, because, um yeah, I think there's just several different relationships in my own life right now that I am being triggered by and triggering feelings are an interesting emotion because initially when we get triggered,
I don't know about you, but I want to like shut it down quick. And, um, and the older I'm getting, I'm learning that there's a reason it's coming up for me. And there's a reason maybe it's reoccurring in my life or especially with certain relationships that,
you know, for family relationships or stuff like that. And so how is it? why Why is it here? And what is it trying to tell me? And how's it trying to serve me? And that's really the conversation that we had in the mastermind on Monday.
And I really loved your perspective on on this topic. Yeah, coincidentally, i was listening to a podcast, I think it was just Sunday night, maybe. And that was the topic of conversation was essentially that we are here for relationships, like we are here on earth in this life, having this experience.
ah to be in relationship with other people because other people are your best mirrors and opportunity for growth and that being triggered is a really good thing. I think we do often see it as being bad. We're like, I'm being triggered.
Well, you're being triggered because there's an opportunity. And I loved your perspective on that. This is here to serve you. It's not easy in the moment. Mm-hmm. Oh my goodness. Our trauma just wants to show its head.
i immediately either go into apology mode or defense mode. I've noticed with myself recently, and I'm learning a lot about that. You know, I'm looking at all of these situations with a lot of curiosity ah yeah And like you said, I think that's really important is that our initial reaction to it is there to show us something. That's why it recurs. And even when you think that you've healed something and moved on and you've tackled something, trust me, it's going to show up again.
ah the universe is like, are you sure though? It's testing to you to make sure that you really have grown or moved past it or healed from it. Or, you know, all of the things. And yeah I can relate to that defensiveness. That is my go-to when I get triggered is I get defensive and then i get like mad and try to protect. It's a, it's a form of protection, right?
Because inside I'm hurt or embarrassed or some sort of feeling when, when I do get triggered Um, but it's so interesting when we had this conversation in the mastermind, several of our group members had certain specific situations that they were going through at like the time real time.
And then they brought it to the table and then we're like, and here's your chance to learn from it and grow from it. And what is it trying to tell you? And we really trying to put like this positive spin on it because it is a positive thing when you can look, when you can kind of remove yourself from from your, and look from the outside in and, um, take, try to take the emotion out of it and just look at it from an outside perspective and really realize like, okay, this is like you said, this is a mirror.
This relationship is a mirror. It really is triggering things within me that maybe I don't like about myself, or I feel inadequate about myself, or there's jealousy or envy or You know, there can be a million different emotions that come up, but it really is a mirrored feeling or triggering, whatever you want to call it, that is trying to show us.
hu Yeah, it is. Also, one thing that I mentioned when we were having that conversation is I think we do take things. i know I take things very personal that usually don't have anything to do with me.
And a lot of times it helps to take a step back and learn to have compassion for other people and understand that. we show up in life as our wounds often, or you know we're angry about something completely different, but we take it out on somebody else without even knowing it very often. And that's one important step I think is to initially take a step back and just take a deep breath for a second and show whoever this is some compassion and love and forgiveness for this inner child or whatever this anger or
you know, hurt is that's inside of them and remove yourself from it and don't take it personal. And that's not an easy thing to do in the moment. I totally understand that. But it's true. ah Hurt people hurt people, you know, angry people lash out when people are rude, ah stuff like it really doesn't usually have anything to do with you. There's usually something completely different going on. It just so happens that you ended up in the crossfire that.
Yeah, it's usually like the straw that broke the camel's back in those situations when somebody does lash out at you or you youre take the brunt end of whatever they' whatever they're going through. But now that I think about it, isn't that one of the seven spiritual laws of success is to never take anything personal?
yeah don't I don't remember. I haven't, man, it's literally in the closet right next to me. I've read it a couple of times, but I don't remember. I'm pretty sure recording. Actually, it's in my notes. I'm like, I don't know anything now that the microphone's here. Same.
um But yeah, it's so true. Don't take anything personal. It's not. And if you like, if it is, You can only like, you only have so much control over the situation, right? You can have compassion and love, like you said, and a lot of grace, and then you can own your part.
If you did play a part the best that you can and then move forward. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that that's a huge key too is ah where am I, where do I have a responsibility in this situation?
okay you know um taking responsibility is not always an easy thing to do it's definitely a learned thing to set your ego aside yeah and say is this true and if it is true where did that come from you know what part do i play where is my responsibility here here And it's always always so hard in the moment, right? Because we we have our human emotions that flare and then our ego does get in the way.
And it is so hard sometimes to like separate yourself from your ego. um But I think when you can though, and you can just be honest in the situation and take ownership, it's always like so much more beautiful on the other side. And it does serve the relationship well.
when you can, when you can have all those things, the love and the grace and the compassion and the empathy if needed, any ownership on your part. And then always like, look at it as like a win-win situation too. I always love your philosophy on that. Like most relationships and situations, there's always a silver lining there. There's always some sort of win-win situation. And when you look at it from that perspective and that positivity, and you're always going to come out on the other side better, you know,
more fulfilled or something good will come of it. It's true. And I mean, just to be really clear, we're talking about client relationships and, um ah you know, owners that you work with or people that you might share space with.
These are the types of conversations that were coming up. So those, I mean, you're going to be triggered in many different relationships, all different but type of relationships, but for whatever reason, This is a common theme in professional relationships right now. So there's a lot of opportunity there, especially in those professional relationships, because you have to coexist with these people.
Yeah, absolutely. You're going to have to you have to learn how to navigate that and learn to love these people because you do have to work with them. Now, obviously, you can always get to a place with clients where you might want to not work with them anymore. And that's a whole different conversation. But I think if you can approach it this way first, and then if it continues to be bad, or, you know, we're dreading having that person on our schedule, then that's kind of a different thing.
But yeah, just to be clear, that was really what was coming up for everybody, you know, for myself and for Tiffany and for everybody in our group. And then people were responding to my story with all those same situations, they were all professional.
Yeah. And you know what, when I think back to like my early days as an esthetician and I was younger and I, you know, didn't have um as much of a voice or felt like I could, ah or maybe even just like authority and like, you know, where i wanted my boundaries to be.
I would run from those situations and I would just, you know, try and or I would cower down. i would or avoid them altogether. then I would like run into that person in the grocery store and then I would run into that person at the bank and then that person would keep showing up in my life. And then I would be embarrassed because I never addressed it with, say, that client.
um And so in that instance, looking back now, I wish I had like the Oh, just the confidence, I think, to address those hard relationships, hard conversations within those relationships, because they kept popping up in my life until I started to do that.
And I think that's like a key thing. Like, if you're in a space where you're just like, I don't want to deal with it or you know, I'm just going to avoid this situation or this relationship altogether and hope they go away. They're not going to go away either that, that person or a person just like them, or it's going to keep showing up in your life and your business until you really do address it. It's a really good point.
And it's, well, that's hard. It's really, really hard. Uh, but it's, yeah. That's what I really believe is one of the biggest purposes of life is our relationships and when we're triggered and where those opportunities are.
Which like how beautiful is that? So beautiful. I guess we could call it beautiful.
Debate on Drugstore vs. Professional Products
That's your positives.
Okay. What's our second topic of the day? Okay. So one thing that I was talking about on Instagram last was been about a week and a half now was Um, I'm just, i want to say everything in the most loving way possible about this topic.
Um, basically using drugstore products in your back bar and recommending drugstore products as an esthetician. So I'll just give you a little background and how this came up was,
just me on Instagram, you know, hanging out, scrolling around. And there was a post at one point about this She's this gorgeous, like super cute, newer esthetician who had a solo business. And she was very proud of herself for using drugstore products in her back bar. she I truthfully never seen that before. So most of you who are listeners know that I've been in the industry for 21 years. I'm a master esthetician.
And that was news to me. I couldn't imagine it. like I couldn't quite wrap my mind around it, but i tried to be very curious. And so I read through the comments and i do feel like it was pretty fifty fifty There was a good camp of people who felt like she was in the right.
I actually have another situation that just came to mind now, but a good amount of people who felt like she was in the right and that it was a good thing for an esthetician to have some drugstore options in their back pocket for people who maybe weren't ready to invest in professional skincare. But then of course I had a handful of other people who were saying that if you're going use drugstore products, you shouldn't be charging, you know, higher your prices. Her, uh,
you know, her comment, her response to that was that people are paying her for her expertise and her service, not so much the back bar products.
do you think not to interrupt you, but do you think her clients knew? i don't, he was using I have no idea. That's a really good question. So I actually don't know the answer to that.
Okay, so now that I just said that, what actually came to mind is a couple of weeks before that, I was, again, on Instagram. There's a theme. There's a theme here with my scrolling.
And you know how they, these days, have the at-home Micro needling, they're not the rollers, but they're the infusion system. That's basically like nano needling.
And anyways, that as I was going through those comments, there was a comment in there about, you know, an esthetician had actually recommended some sort of micro pen device that people could buy.
okay And i commented on that. I was pretty neutral. i was trying to be neutral. And I just said, why would a trained esthetician do that? Yeah. And the girl's response, I think she took offense to it. And I i understand that.
And she doesn't know who I was because it was from my personal page. But she said something to the effect of because not all of us are in it just to make money. Ooh, okay.
Spicy. I did not reply to that as a business coach for estheticians. I was like, all right, girlfriend. Sounds good. Okay. So then the third situation that came up um that triggered me to talk about it on social media was just another post from somebody who was arguing for medical grade product.
Mm-hmm. And so once again, i got into the comment section just to see what people were thinking about it. And it was about fifty fifty Again, basically it was more so what does medical grade even mean?
You know, it doesn't mean anything. Drugstore products are just as studied and dermatologist recommended was that conversation. So there was a few different scenarios here that finally led me to open up the conversation on Instagram.
I'm really glad that i did. And I had a lot of people in the comments talking about what I had said and What I think everybody's missing here is the much bigger perspective that has nothing to do with drugstore versus medical grade versus are we recommending our clients to buy their own need know to buy us at home.
It just goes so much bigger than that. So that's what we wanted to talk about because apparently this is a thing on social media and a conversation between estheticians. So I'd really love to dive into it. And I did really want to bring Tiffany into the conversation too, because it was just me on Instagram talking about it.
and just um kind of go back and forth and get your thoughts on that and your perspective. I know that we're very aligned on the perspective that we have. And I just want to preface this conversation by saying that I'm coming from a place of a lot of love for this industry and a lot of love for the professionals who've paid so much money, like the amount that school costs now It's a very expensive and it is a very hard work to have a successful practice as a solo esthetician, especially. It's hard to get positions in high-end spas and at really great businesses and skincare businesses because there's so many estheticians out there.
And I want nothing but to see everybody be successful and fulfilled in the longterm. Yeah. And that does include the success of your clients at home too. To me, all of that goes hand in hand. Like when I'm teaching retail sales, I'm,
The difference in my retail sales class is that I'm also really, really big on the success and fulfillment of your clients at home. i've I don't recommend overselling products. I'm not just like sell, sell, sell. I'm like, let's actually make sure that your clients are reaching their goals. They have everything that they need. We're checking in with them.
So I'm not coming from a place of drugstore products are bad. And this is this it's, I come from a very nonjudgmental place with that. And so I don't want anybody to listen to that and think that I'm anti drugstore products or I'm anti, you know, different brands because nothing could be further from the truth. I've been in the industry for 21 years for a reason.
And I love all skincare. I think a lot of people who, work with me or surprised to hear of my knowledge of other skincare brands and so many products that I love that are not Eminence products that I think are amazing out there in the industry.
um' So i've I'm not one to say that there's only one answer or there's one thing that's better than another. I do think that there's good, better, best. And I think there's different philosophies. And I think that there are things and habits that we get into as estheticians that are going to lead to our long-term success or not.
Exactly. Which is really what brings us back to why we're having this conversation is that very last point that you made. And i think it's important to point out too, that Like you said, we're not we're not judging the this conversation at all. And we wouldn't be very good mentors for the aesthetics industry and the estheticians and beauty professionals within this industry we love so much if we didn't have this conversation and bring it to the table. And so it really is coming from our true heart spaces, a place of love. And, um,
And yeah, let's let's deep dive into it. Okay. So I really like to start off by talking about the difference between drugstore professional grade and medical grade and potentially what those terms mean.
Now, from someone who's been around for 21 years... The term medical grade doesn't have one definition. And I just have to start there because I believe it means something different to everybody.
Yes. And I believe that it is a term that gets used often. with again, differing definitions. So some of what those definitions potentially mean is that they are only offered in a clinic who is medically like would have a medical director.
Okay. Or, you something to that degree or a med spa that, you know, there's some skincare companies that can only be sold if you have a medical director, right? So maybe it means that it might also mean that these are medically trained estheticians.
It might mean to some people too, that there is a lot of clinical studies and a lot of that type of data that are being done. Um, I think it could also mean that there's a high, like active ingredients. That's probably what you were just going to say.
Yep. Now let's talk about the term active ingredients for a second. It means exactly what the heck you think it means. It means what is in this product that is going to deliver the results that I'm looking for. And that should be the number one question on your mind,
when it comes to whatever brands you're working with, you know, what percentage of ingredient is in here that is really going to deliver on the goals? who Well, when you're purchasing something at a drugstore, that percentage is as low as possible. In fact, textbook answer and for many years was about one to three percent at best.
It could be a little different now. i don't know, you know, but then um at the same time, you have products that are being sold at like Ulta and Sephora and department stores.
Those are probably going to have higher concentration of active ingredients. Then when you get up into your more professional and medical grade, you're probably looking at another set of percentages, right?
Because what also matters is manufacturing. And that's something that I've learned throughout my career that was, you know, needs to be a top question on the list. How are your products made? Mm-hmm. Are we cooking products?
How fresh are they? like What does that process actually look like? How much water is happening in here? If water is the first ingredient listed, then that means that 50% to 60% of that product is just water.
So those are just the bigger questions. And so, yes, when we're looking at something that would be coined as medical grade, then that means that the level of actives are probably quite high.
Yes. um And, um you know, potentially maybe more concentrated. Again, I think that really varies by company, to be honest. For sure. So that's potentially what we're looking at when somebody uses the term medical grade.
And to like just reiterate though, that could mean one of those key points. It could mean all of those key points. It doesn't necessarily mean that when somebody says medical grade, that it includes everything Jessica just listed, you know, because again, there's really no like regulation on the term medical grade.
So keep that in mind as we move forward with this conversation. Yeah. So it's just, it's different depending on who you're talking to. They're all really valid points. And in my opinion, they hold a ton of weight. Even all of them on their own are very, very important points.
So I tend to stick with the term professional grade. You will hear the term medical grade come out of my mouth, even when I talk about eminence. Mm-hmm. which might surprise some people, but we have a lot of clinical studies. we had a We have a lot because of how our product is manufactured and distributed. We have to have them.
um And it is very corrective. So I like to stick with the term though, most often professional grade, which means some similar things as medical grade, but essentially it just means that we are, again, we're looking at higher percentages of active ingredient,
um You know, this product would probably have a very solid delivery system and is manufactured to higher standards with high quality ingredients. There's often less water and and things like that. It's sold by trained professionals. It's sold in professional settings.
Again, those are all things that hold a massive amount of weight. They are all extremely important, even all on their own. Okay. So then when we're talking about drugstore products, listen, I understand that those ingredients are also well-researched. This is skincare for goodness sake. Like, of course they are.
By huge companies. Yeah. Like there's tons of research that's going on really with all products. So yeah, they are well-researched. They are often recommended by dermatologists. Okay.
it Does that mean that they are sold by a professional? No, that is trained in skin. Well, not until recently, I guess, you know? yeah um And then also um they they may not have had like as high quality ingredients. They might have more water.
Another huge thing too, with the difference between medical professional and drugstore is the actual investment, the upfront investment and how long these products tend to last.
And that's really i' going to kind of segue into the next point here is that when I think most of us understand at this point that ah professional and medical grade products are clearly going to be higher quality, higher concentration, usually a little bit less water, obviously that depends. And so we use less of it.
So we're getting better product for less money in the long run. And it's working better. It's working better. So if you're, you know, purchasing drugstore products, you know, when I was in the treatment room and I was getting more and more comfortable with retail sales, I had regular clients that I was really comfortable with.
And the ones who told me that they were using drugstore products, I was very nonjudgmental about it. But one question that I did ask is how often they were purchasing it. Mm-hmm. Do you know how often? I'm sure I've told you before.
i mean, if I had to guess, one to two months. Yes. The most common answer is that people buy their products once per month if they're buying them at the drugstore. And I only had a couple people who ever said, guys, I have cat hair on my microphone.
I only have a couple people who ever said once every couple of months. And if you look at prices, you know, recently prices have gone up. You're still spending $45 on anti-aging serums and moisturizers, even if you're buying them at Walgreen and and target Target, like our favorite stores. but But those products are really expensive and people are buying them all the time. You know, where you look at something like Eminence, for instance, we have some moisturizers that are about $70, but they're going to last you for about six months or more before you end up running out of them.
Or um I have a serum. I love, love, love the Skin Better Science Alpharet Overnight Intensive. And I only buy that once every nine or 10 months.
You know, it's like 150-ish dollars, let's say. Yeah. And so you break that down per month. That's literally probably less than like your coffee habit per month, right?
Yeah. Well, let's see. Let's do some math. Okay. Okay. I think it is good though, to like break this down into actual numbers, either for yourself or if you're having this conversation for your clients and help them understand that like they're literally saving much more money in the long run and they're getting better results from their skincare products when they like look at it as an investment into their professional grade skincare.
Right. I have always trained people to do, do a little math. Like when I go in for eminence trainings, I just give people the math. I'm like, here's kind of our range per month is anywhere from two to $10 per product because of how long the products last. Of course, there's going to be nuances there. How often is someone using it and how much are they using it? But so what I pay for skin, better science alphabet is about $16 per month.
So way cheaper than your monthly coffee habit. I don't even want to know. I know. I just hit that reload on my app all the time. I'm like, yep, I definitely want to reload for another $25. Yeah. So so and so i think that that's a huge point. Like at the end of the day, we are here to...
help our clients meet their goals to serve them to the best of our ability. And the truth is that professional grade products or medical grade products fit that bill. They are so much more in alignment with that. There's just a shift. And our job is to help educate people on that and just like break that down for them.
Make sure that they have an understanding of that. Like it is very easy to go to the corner drugstore and buy product, but you're using a lot of water and a lot of preservatives and the active ingredient rate is just not as good. And you're actually going to end up spending more money in the long run.
Now, even if you break that down and they don't buy from you immediately, think of the little nugget that you just planted. Mm okay to help them understand. Now we always want to come from a place of nonjudgment. You know how important that is to me that every esthetician does that.
So that's kind of where I struggle with, you know, is it smart then to have in your back pocket, a couple of drugstore recommendations? Yeah. And I'm not going to give you an answer because is I've been there in the treatment room while I used to recommend to people if they weren't ready to purchase a cleanser.
I was like, well, you could go get something that is fragrance free, alcohol free, and that isn't going to strip your skin, I would say. But as far as your serums and your moisturizers, you know.
I don't have any of those that I'm really aware of that I would even recommend to people that are over the counter. But i I did used to recommend that for a cleanser. But here's just the other thing.
Let's talk about long-term success now.
If you are an esthetician working at a spa and they catch wind that you are recommending over-the-counter products to your clients, you're going to get fired. Yes. Yes.
I can't tell you the amount of times because I've worked with spa owners for 12 years in like seven different states at this point. The amount of owners who will write you up and the amount of people who have been fired for recommending drugstore products, the owner of that spa is spending an insane amount of money.
to keep that product on your shelf because they believe in it, they're invested in it. Cashflow in a beauty business mostly comes from retail sales. And so if they've just hired and invested in an esthetician that is recommending things from Target or Walmart as opposed to what they have invested in, you're not going to keep that job for very long.
And it's gonna look really bad the next year place that you apply to calls them. That is something that they're going to say because sales as an esthetician is extremely important in your long-term success.
And that is a question that all owners will ask is how were they at sales? Exactly. go ahead. That's scary. Well, yeah. And like it creates ah a huge level of mistrust when you're seeing, when you are an esthetician that works for a spa or skincare business and you're seeing clients and you're recommending drugstore products, when the place that you work at has a full retail line of professional grade or medical grade skincare,
they're going to wonder why you're not recommending those products to begin with. And they're going to I think like there, there's going to be a hole in the relationship that you're creating with your client because, um because as like an outsider, as a consumer, you're going to, I would assume as a client that there's like a problem there, or there's a rift there, or there's a reason why you're not recommending Why my esthetician, the professional is not recommending the professional grade skincare that the business sells.
And so i feel like it's just going to poke a big fat hole in the client relationship that you're trying to build. And that is going to lead to bigger problems down the road. Also, your professional, prop you know, problems that you could potentially get fired or written
Benefits of Retail Sales for Estheticians
And also, let's talk about for a second, just like valuing your license as an esthetician. It's huge. You've invested ton of money, like you said, a ton of your time. ah And you you are the professional. You are, you know,
you need to position yourself as a professional. And so I think when you can look at yourself as a licensed professional, you do have a education. And, um, when you can like believe in that and yourself, it does make it a lot easier to, to like not recommend those drugstore products. Even say you have a client that is asking you for drugs for recommendations, but I really like your approach.
and not even giving like a brand, just giving them some guidelines on like a cleanser or, you know, something like that. And then still recommending the professional grade products that you retail.
Yeah. Like the serum and the moisturizers, the corrective products. And like very gently and lovingly helping them understand the difference between the two. Mm-hmm. But you've got to understand that yourself first. Yeah, it really does start with you.
And let's be honest, if they're coming in for a service and they're budgeting that, they're going to find a way to budget for the skincare if they really want it. You know what I mean? And so um it can be like, especially initially, if you're a new esthetician, it can be a little bit scary. And maybe you're going to assume that they're not going to want to spend $70 on a moisturizer or $100 on a bottle and bottle of serum.
So like your initial go-to would be like, oh, you can get this at Target or you can get this at Ulta. um So never assume that's also in that book. ah like I think it's the seven spiritual loss of success. It's also one never assume.
Yeah. Yeah. And i think that there's potentially clients who have have told estheticians, I appreciate that you don't push product on me. They might say that initially, they might feel that way initially, but in the long run, are those
the clients that we want that are going to help build our future, very successful, thriving business? I mean, yeah. Initially, that could always potentially turn into a client when there's more trust built with the relationship and um stuff like that.
And if and or if that relationship never evolves and into trust and into your client, you know, asking for your professional opinion and your professional recommendations, then no, it's not.
And that's a little bit harsh. And we have a business to run and we have big goals and, you know, we have, um, we really do want clients that are, want to attract clients to our business that do appreciate us and appreciate our professional ability and knowledge and skills and license and expertise and the products that we are investing in.
I'm going to use you as an example. Okay. This is unscripted.
I met Tiffany when she wasn't selling retail. And I was five, almost six years into my business. Yeah. Transparency didn't sell retail for the first five solid years.
How was that going for you? Um, well, not great to be quite honest. Um, because now in hindsight, I can look back and think I was doing my clients such a disservice.
I was giving them this amazing facial and then sending them out the door for them to just free willy figure out what they needed for their skin at home. Never having a conversation about what they were using at home for one, and then never, um,
I was just assuming that their needs, their skincare needs were being taken care of in between, you know, the four to six weeks that I wasn't seeing them inside the treatment room. And I was like not making much money in my business because it was the actual time that i had to put in for the treatments I was giving for that money exchange.
Whereas like once I partnered with Eminence and met Jess and brought retail into my business, my business started to explode. And I don't even say that lightly. It exploded.
No, it really did. at what i mean, it was six figures, just retail sales only. I know, which is crazy. so And just me only. That was back when I was still a solo esthetician, you guys. I was all by myself.
I didn't have help. I didn't have employees. I didn't have a team. That was that was all me Yeah. So that's a really good example because a lot of these, is you know, newer estheticians that are having these conversations about drugstore products that might have a dream of growing this thriving business, thinking that you're going to make all of your money off of your services. You're not.
No. It's hard, but you're just not going to have the cash flow. I mean, one we we've been coaching estheticians now. I mean, I have for 12 years, but now that we have a business around it and are our girls come to us and they're asking us how to create cash flow in their business, we don't say...
Let's be in the treatment room for another day per week when you're already exhausted. Like, no, no, no, We say, here's how to manage your financials of your retail sales so that we can start seeing more cashflow in your business.
And how to have these conversations with your clients about recommending home care products and about valuing the a success of utilizing your retail and how that really is just your cash injection.
into your business. It is your cashflow is the bread and butter of your business. And so if you're recommending drugstore products to your clients, there's so many reasons why that's not serving you or your clients. Like what we just said, they're not going to get the results that they're looking for. They're going to be probably spending maybe more because they're repurchasing every single month versus every, you know,
four to six to eight to 10 months on some products. And then you're not serving your business to the best of its ability. And you're not making, ah you know, the money that you could be because you're just literally letting money walk out the door or walk to target down the street.
And they will. Your clients going to go buy skincare somewhere. I have all the statistics. I have all the data that I have researched. They are going to go buy skincare.
They need to be buying it from you. You are the one who is working on them, giving them their treatments, and they need your recommendations of high quality skincare products that are going to help them with the upkeep of what you're doing in the treatment room that is going to help them meet their goals. And so, you know,
if If you don't make any recommendations at all, they are going to go to Target or they're going go to another professional. Like they're going to go somewhere. Amazon or Yep. They're going to get it. So you definitely want to be the one who is partnered with a really great skincare company that you really believe in, that you really love, that is really supportive and that you're recommending products that you know, you truly believe in and and getting that in your client's, uh, home care routine for sure.
i feel like I just talked in circles. I'm so sorry. I just repeated everything that you said. No, not at all. You had, you had more more, points that added to it, but also let's talk about like the ethics too. If you're using drugstore skincare products in your back bar and giving,
um skincare treatments with drugstore back bar, we'll call it and charging what you would be charging. If you are using a professional grade line, like that is ethically not right because especially if you're not transparent about that with your clients, it's like, if they're come to you for a treatment and you're using say,
you know, CeraVe on their skin and they don't know, they're just assuming that you're using a professional grade product and you're charging $150 for a facial, like that ethically isn't, isn't right.
And so we either need to be, if you are, but don't recommend it. and but if you are, then you definitely need to like ah adjust your pricing and be transparent with your clients.
I agree. And, and then my mind just immediately goes to where is your business going to go? Yeah. You know, cause where's the cashflow? Where's the company that you're partnered with that helps you grow your business? Where's, if you're trying to build a business, um, you know, that is very lucrative that you can live off of.
Yeah. We all want to be making a livable wage. That's the point of this, right? With freedoms and with, you know, feeling fulfilled and all of those things. But we we definitely need like at least a livable wage.
Bare minimum. Could you imagine, like now my mind just goes to different scenarios. Like if you were to go get your hair done from your stylist and she was using hand-to-hand name brand. I know. That's exactly what came to my mind too. Like- How would you feel?
would be pissed. I'm like, wait a second. but So I would know immediately for one, because I've been getting my hair done for 20 years plus, you know, but I would, I would know immediately. And you can't tell me that like your clients who are going to get a professional treatment by a for professional. And if you're using even supplementing some of your back bar,
with drugstore products, they're going to know if they've had a treatment elsewhere, or they're not going to come back to you. They're going to find somebody else, you know, that does offer ah great service with professional grade skincare and recommends home care so that their take their needs are taken care of at home.
So like, I think when we look at it that way, like How do we create a thriving business that creates profit for me to live on? And how do we serve our clients to the best of our ability?
And, um, don't really know where was going with that, but yeah, I guess those are my only two points, probably more, but no, I, I'm, I'm with you there. Like if you're trying to grow a business that supports you or you and your family, and that you want to have like an income from that, you,
can pay your bills with and maybe take a vacation and, you know, buy professional goods. Just joking. But you know what I mean? Like if you're trying to build a good business or create a good income for yourself, then um drugstore products are just not going to be the way to go. Like what if you went, I just can't get off this. What if you went to the doctor and he just recommended, like, let's say Adderall just comes to mind. Cause I just went to the doctor for that. But what if um you went to the doctor for that? And he was like, just go take ginkgo biloba.
Actually, that's a good point. And you know, I'd be like, uh, wait a second. Well, then you'd be like, why am I here? Why am I paying my copay or why am I paying this office visit? If I could just go down, you know, to Walgreens or to wherever and get get that recommendation. Like I'm here for a reason because you're the professional and I need ah guided help.
Yeah, like I need a but an actual prescription. Yes. And you know, most doctors aren't gonna call that prescription in over the phone. So you're gonna make the office visit. And so same thing with your skin, like clients need your help. That's why they're making the appointment with you initially, whether that's for, you know, relaxation, whether they have some very specific skin goals they want to address, whether it's both, you know, there could be several reasons why they're booking with you, but they're there ultimately because they want your help.
Yeah. Yeah. And it doesn't stop with the treatment. Yeah, it's hard. It's it's such a hard one, because I do want to be inclusive. I don't want anyone to feel judged. I mean, like, we're really coming from a place of long term success here.
And If that's a part of your business, I just don't know how that is going to happen. And that's what I want for everybody.
Building Trust and Professional Relationships
So um yeah, it's such an interesting conversation. i mean, 21 years later, I just didn't imagine that I would be seeing this, to be honest with you.
Yeah. And I think I really think like TikTok probably has added to that a little bit. Yeah. All of like the skin fluencers and, um, and stuff like that. And, you know, Ulta and even Sephora, like they've grown so much and carry so many different lines and target as well.
And so, um, You know, I think we can navigate it with, like you said, so much love and understanding and grace and with a lot of kindness.
I think that will always be and should always be the approach is to be so kind and understanding. And, you know, some of us, i've I've had some clients over the years that ah they love their drugstore products. They swear by them and they're not going to be deterred from some specific products that they've used for years and that's okay.
Like we can have that conversation. I can have about that understanding for them. i am still going to have the conversation of recommending, you know, my professional opinion and the professional products that I carry.
And, um, And so that's all I can do. That's all within my control, but I'm not going to not recommend and not give my professional opinion and guided advice just because, you know, I'm going to assume that they're still loving that product. What if that product doesn't mean made anymore? You know what i mean? does that make sense?
Well, and you never know who, like they might be really interested. and at one point they could be ready for it. Mm-hmm. and That actually happens all the time. and And it's such an important point too, that when somebody does tell you that they're using drugstore products already, we do come from a place of non-judgment. Those of you who have worked with me, you've taken my masterclasses, like you know that that is one of the biggest pieces of my masterclass is building trust with people.
And so i actually don't tell people in the moment that like what you're doing is wrong. Don't do that because this I'm very much the opposite. I love to positively reinforce that their skincare, no matter what it is. Like, I love that you are into skincare and that you have a routine at home. That's incredible because That is going to build the trust between you.
um So in no way, shape or form are we saying to shame your clients for using home care. No, we're still going to love and serve them to the best of our ability. So that's absolutely not what we're talking about.
We're very specifically talking about using drugstore products in your back bar products. And having that as a regular like thing that you are recommending to people. So just to make that very clear, yeah that is my ethic and my standard is that even when people tell you that they are, we don't have a reaction to that. We try to fit ourselves into the missing pieces and we treat them just like we would treat anybody else so that we can build that trust with them.
It opens doors. It does open doors. And you talked a lot about that on last week's episode that you did, ah building that foundation of trust and um and just fostering that connection. And when you do that, it does open doors later down the road within that relationship to have those conversations.
So yeah, two completely different things here. We're just like, as your guys' as mentors, we just can't sit, you know, silent on this conversation of using drugstore products in your back bar and, you know, consistently recommending drugstore products to your clientele. You're not serving them in any way, shape or form. You're not serving yourself and you're not serving your business.
To be blonde. I know. to be blonde. I don't ever want a ruffle feathers. No. but also, like, um you know, if we're not having this conversation, who's going to?
Yeah. It's, yeah, it's true. the But such a good one. Yeah. I just think it's an important conversation since social media is what it is. Mm-hmm.
And I can understand where people are coming from. You know, when I read through those comments, I'm like, oh, yeah, I get that. Oh, yeah, I get that on the other side. Oh, yeah, you're not wrong in saying that. But, you know, when I just look at your long term success, I'm like, well.
I don't know if it's in the cards for you. Do you feel like there is any um hesitation with, say, newer estheticians who are going solo and trying to find the right company to partner with, skincare company to partner partner with? Or do you feel like that's a block for some estheticians or no?
Like, do you feel like there's enough education within maybe their aesthetic schooling or just out there in the industry that... of what to do. Cause I feel like this conversation comes up, especially with some of the newer estheticians that I'm working with, you know, um they're like, oh, I don't know about this one and this one, and I don't know how to start. And so we have that conversation a lot, or at least I have the last couple of months.
So it's a very important conversation. And no, I don't think it's a conversation had in school about how do you choose a skincare line? What the heck are you even supposed to look for?
And I didn't even learn it until I was about six years into my career and realized that I wasn't being supported by these companies, you know, and I was the lead esthetician in a big resort spa.
And I started to get very frustrated. And I saw very quickly, like, hey, if I'm not even getting any education and support, I can't sell your product, you know. And, i and so that that's when I really started asking bigger questions and, know,
then we got a new director and we started shopping around for different skincare lines and using the testers and they would have meetings or come in and do a presentation. And that's really when I learned what is important about the company that you partner with. And you know that too, because you've kind of been through a couple. And um so i think one thing, and it's so hard to say, but like,
An expensive buy-in is probably serving you. I mean, I work for a company who has one of the more expensive buy-ins and there is a freaking reason for that because it's the company that's going to support you the most.
Yeah. um You know, and that doesn't mean that you have to choose eminence, but it means that you need to look for a company that's going to support you. You know, what is your education like?
What is your business partnership structure like? Um, am I going to have any support at all? Like there's some skincare companies that don't have any minimums because there's also no support. huh Exactly.
So is there a skincare samples available? Yeah. Is there, how often are trainings, if they are provided, what do they entail? These are things that you need to ask, you know, yourself when you're approaching these companies, um, what are their values? What are their company's core values? How do they source their products and, um, where do they source their ingredients from?
Um, what are some other ones here? What is your active ingredient rate? Like, you know, what is that manufacturing process? Like, tell me a little bit about your delivery systems. Are you going to help me, you know, with other things? Like, do you help me with my menu? Are you going to help me write some protocols so that I have a really good understanding of how all of this works and is implemented?
Do have a rewards program? Yeah. Like, is there any word like really, what is it? What is in it for me? It's a very, very important question that you need to ask yourself is what is in this for me as a business or like as a solo practitioner, because there better be a lot of reward for you.
um You know, I also like to kind of know what the pricing is like and then how long are the products going to last for There's so many different aspects. There's so many things that you want to take into consideration that is truly going to serve you and your business. So please, when you're looking for companies, if one has a higher price tag, you need to understand that there is a reason for that. And that's probably because it's a company that is going to support you the most.
um if so If you are working with a company that has no buy-in or it's a $500 buy-in, I know that that sounds extremely appealing, but you're not going to get very far with them. like Like Eminence and there's some other skincare companies, we're designed to help you grow your business.
It's my job. It is my job and I only make commissions. So if I don't help you grow your business, I can't pay my bills. Yeah, it's really like it starts from the bottom up. It starts from the partner to the rep to the inside sales rep to whoever is above them.
And then the company as a whole, I'm sure there's a bunch of even people in between, you know, it really. So a company that invests in you. Mm hmm. is here to serve you and your clients. They want to see you when they want to see you succeed. You know, you're going to have a rep that comes or at least checks in with you regularly and that you can go to for support and questions like that matters. I actually don't know any other company in the world that doesn't like eminence. And again, not to like plug eminence here, but it really is the highest standard.
And, um, I know that there's other great companies out there that do have a lot of high standards too. And so you really want to be considering that and looking at that, that high buy-in initial buy-in is not to deter you. I think some estheticians get it in their head that they're like, oh, they don't want anybody else. That's why it's, you know, $5,000 minimum. That's really not it.
Okay, but it's not 5,000 in Idaho. And I can't tell you what it is where you're at because there's a lot of variables, but it's no less than 3,500. will say that. Okay. ok um ah but it is a big buy-in and it's not to deter you. And I've even seen in some facebookscript Facebook groups where they're like, why don't they make it affordable for us who are small? And I'm like, I have worked with the smallest of the small who made the investment and now they're the biggest, like they've grown their businesses because of how it's designed. So it's definitely not to deter you. It's so that I can give you all of me. It's so that I can completely invest in you and
help you be your mentor in this partnership to help you grow your business. That's why it's like you're also paying for your rep. And I think um you kind of brought up a good point. I think it's important to meet the rep and to talk to the rep before you, you know, I have to reach out to people. You cannot open an account unless I've met you and made sure that we are a good fit for each other. Because I have, you know, heard of that before where, you know, people don't get along with their rep or, you know, there's just like a little bit of a mismatch. So I do think that's important too when you're looking for a company is what is,
You know, do I vibe with this person? What are they all about? Do I feel good when I'm talking to them? Yeah. And that's going to matter towards your success too. And that buy-in also like provides, it sets you up for your proper back bar products plus retail, you know, all of the things that you're going to need to like hit the ground running instead of just piecing things together on a really small budget and, yeah you know, adding to it along the way, which you can do that, of course, you know, as you grow your retail sales, but so much that goes into this. We could probably have a whole podcast episode on this topic alone. Yeah.
Um, but it really is necessary. So like my best advice when, when, um, estheticians are shopping skincare brands or looking to partner with one is I just tell them, reach out to the company, um, you know, do some digging, like all of the key points that we said,
Try and connect with the rep. If there is one, um ask for some samples. If you've never tried the product, you want to try the product first to make sure that it aligns with you as a professional and you know, what you're, um, trying to build within your business for your clients and the type of clients that you're going to serve and your ideal clients and all those things.
Um, yeah. It's not yeah that hard. It does take a little bit of footwork. It does. tax drive a you I actually think that you should. I think it would be important to get those samples and do some facials with a few different companies and have a few different meetings with people and and then really go from there. But basically, I think what we're both getting at is think big picture.
Yeah. Think really big picture when you're making that choice. Mm-hmm. Yeah, think, you know, five, 10, 15 years down the road, where do you wanna be? or do you still wanna be in the treatment room, you know, working till 8 p.m. at night and Saturdays or weekends and killing your body and, you know, all those things are, you know, just think about that big picture. i love that.
yeah Yeah, that's a really good point.
Conclusion and Listener Engagement
Really, really good point. what to What you're really shopping for when you're shopping around for skincare companies.
It's a big deal. It is a big deal. Hey, such a great conversation. Thank you for bringing this to us. Yeah, absolutely. i loved having it with you instead of by myself live on Instagram, talking to my camera.
That was fun though. I was there. was just in the comments. Right when I started talking about you, I'm like, oh, hello. I really liked doing lines lately, actually. It's nice. I'm loving it.
Yeah, it's nice. Like people can answer or ask some questions and then you can just post the whole thing and you don't have to create a reel over it. Yeah. really like it. Yeah, I do too. Well, I guess you kind of end up creating a reel, but it's like not a time limit.
Yeah, exactly. Why doesn't everybody just do lives then? This is stupid. I know. can have a 15-minute conversation. That's silly. Okay. and Amazing.
What else is going on? Well, let's talk about how our listeners can find us.
We're going to have website soon. We are. It was part of our vision this morning. We're getting legit, you guys. And if you noticed, if you're watching this on Instagram, we're back with our mics and our headphones. We're back to like being official um studio recording. I think we're figuring the sound out a little bit better each and every time. So we're really excited about that too.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, um, again, if you didn't catch in the beginning, I'm Tiffany or sweet cheeks university is where you can find me on all socials at sweet cheeks university. Um, and I have a Brazilian wax masterclass online course. Brazilian waxing is my passion and I've turned it into a virtual, uh, e-course that you can access at sweet cheeks,
Yes. And my name is Jessica Peterson. Again, it's just at the underscore SD underscore coach. And that's for my aspire beauty collective. And i have a retail class that I teach right now. I'm doing it virtually. I do have recorded options. I'd be happy to um look into that option with you if that was more affordable.
and And then we have our mastermind and our one-on-one coaching. And we're working hard on building both of those and building some really cool packages around that.
And yeah. Yeah. Give us a follow at beyond aesthetics podcast on Instagram. You can also find us over on TikTok. um And then, you know, we're always looking for. Are are. we on tiktok we are It's just it takes over our ah AI clips from from our recording platform.
And so I don't do anything from it, but it actually is growing without even doing anything with it. We have several quite a few followers over there. So all right. Thanks, guys. Our younger generation is over on TikTok. We know that. And so look us up. You can always shoot us a message if there is certain topics that you'd like us to discuss on the podcast or, you know, certain things that you're going through in your podcast.
career, your business. Like that's why we're here. We're here to serve you. We're here to have these conversations and support you in the best way we can. and so shoot us a DM anywhere you can find us. And we would love to, um, we would love to bring that to the podcast.
Yes, absolutely. We appreciate you guys so much. we would love it if you would give us a rating and review would literally mean the world to us. Um, we are really working on building those because it really helps the podcast to reach more people. So please, please, please leave us a rating and review when you get a chance and yeah, mean the world to us. Hey, thank you for being here. And, um,
going to let Jess do our sign off, but okay until then we'll see, we'll see you next time. Yeah. Have pretty dreams and we'll see you in the next episode. Bye guys.