Introduction and Importance of Promotions
Good morning, everybody. Welcome to the Beyond Aesthetic podcast. We are your hosts. My name is Jessica Peterson, and this is my bestie. My name is Tiffany Orr, and we are so happy you're here and grateful that you're tuning in. And today's podcast episode is about all about promotions and event planning, and we have lots to cover today.
We do have lots to cover and we realized that a lot of this is probably past due and this could have been recorded like a month ago and put out there even before that, but it's definitely an episode that I think we will be referencing for a long time to come.
Event Planning Experience and Holiday Focus
And just in light of the holiday season, the amounts of promotion, the amounts of events that everybody's doing, and then seeing, I think it's a really important topic that we wanted to cover.
It's something that we talk a lot about, um even just me and Tiffany and in our business relationship and our spa partnership. We've been working on events together for a really long time. And now it's something that we talk about in our mastermind group for a long time. so We're excited to get into this and just have a very thorough, fun episode talking about events and promotions. And of course, this will be basically holiday focused. um At the same time, it's not. yeah And it will be ah really relevant um
Mastermind Group and Work-Life Balance
throughout the entire year. But of course, we're recording this in November. And er oh my gosh, it's the same.
actually in December, which is the wild. i' So that's something that we're going to be referencing a lot. ah So yeah, the first thing we actually, you know, want to talk about as always is just a reminder that our mastermind is getting ready to start I think we're about six weeks away. I can't even believe that. I'm so excited though. I can't believe that just came out of my mouth because I just started our last group.
I know and then it makes me sad to like, be on the tail end of our current group. Also, I'm really excited though for them as well and to just put everything that we have covered into practice and to watch them grow and flourish.
and then get started with our next group of, um, yeah, best reminder um master So just as a reminder, the first call is actually starting January 20th. So we are taking signups. Now you're also welcome to just get on a list and we have all of the information put together. Now we have the dates are all set so that you can Preset those on your calendar too and just make sure that you are available for all of that. The calls are biweekly from 9 to 11 Mountain Standard Time. So if that's something that you feel like you're interested in, and we did record an episode about that just two episodes back, I believe two or three episodes back.
Just giving you all the details and an insider look into what the mastermind is all about and kind of what to anticipate with that. yeah And I truly believe that going into the new year starting oh my gosh starting off a new year in a mastermind group who would definitely be the way to go if you're a beauty professional just looking to grow.
ah But almost in a fast track, you know, put yourself on a fast track to your professional goals and your personal goals. Joining a group like this would be one of the absolute best ways to do it. So again, if you're interested in that, just go ahead and get into our DMs and let us know and we'll send you that information so that you can have all those details and then we'll just kind of go from there.
And I did have somebody ask yesterday who's interested in joining our next mastermind. There was one of the dates that she wasn't going to be available and she wanted to know how that worked. We record all of our group calls and then they're sent to you. and you have lifetime access to those as well. And um to, so if you miss a call, you have that information and then if and when you need to reference back to something we covered previously, you have that as well. So just wanted to know that out there. Yeah, we always encourage you to try not to miss more than one call, and but things happen, emergencies happen, or you do have things on your, you know, calendar that are preset. So that's totally fine.
don't let that hold you back. Yeah, exactly. Okay, awesome. Well, the first thing that we actually wanted to talk about just being December 2nd now, all of a sudden, we had a really good conversation and our mastermind about just knowing how to be present during the holidays and being more in harmony versus I think a lot of us maybe let's just take, you know, Thursday was Thanksgiving, for example,
if you felt guilty for not working or if the thoughts of work were there, right? Or you know vice versa or whatever that is, we just really encourage everybody to do whatever you need to do so that you can be really present on your favorite days of the holiday, whatever that looks like for you. um So one thing that Tiffany and I both do, I believe, we talked about this a little bit last time, or maybe it was on our mastermind call bed,
If we want to be really, really present, let's say for Thanksgiving and maybe even the day before or after or all three of those days, then we usually hustle pretty hard prior to that. I know myself personally, Monday and Tuesday last week, I worked back to back 16 hour days so that I could have Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
too. And then it honestly ended up all three most of Saturday and parts of Sunday that I just got to relax and I had absolutely zero guilt. And I also felt like I was really on top of everything and so it was no big deal.
So that's just kind of how that looks for like, that's what it looks like for me to be able to enjoy it. And that's going to look very different for everybody. But hustle as hard as you need to, to make sure that everything is taken care of so that when those days do come up, you do feel like you can kind of step away from it and step away from your phone and do what you need to do to be fully present.
Time Management and Boundaries
It's super important. And it's a practice for me that's taken several years to get there. And um I'm the same way. So for me, the week before I knew that the week of Thanksgiving, I wanted it to be kind of a chiller a week because we had family coming, I was hosting, you know, my kids were out of school for the whole week. And so the previous week, I went hard and hustled hard. And um a lot of it reverts back to time management as well. And really having um some great time management practices in your daily routine and having you know a day or a running list of things that you know you need to get done and ah you know to be pretty aware of your schedule leading in to when you're wanting to have those days off so that you can get as much done as possible when you are hustling and and when you are going hard and then so you can really be present.
with your family or for whatever you want to do and not have to think about work and having really great boundaries in place for when you do want those days off to just know that, you know, your business isn't going to fizzle just because you've stepped away for the weekend or because you've stepped away for several days. It will be there and you can pick it back up when you come back. And so really it's up a ah lot about boundary practicing, time management, and then putting the work in when you want to and when you can so that you can enjoy those days off. There was a really good comment also when we were having this conversation in the group from our friend who said, you also don't need to apologize for loving what you do either. And I think that most of us are, I think if you're listening to this podcast, you're probably obsessed with what you do like we are. Yes. I love it. It doesn't feel like you know work. it's just
what we do and and it's something that we really enjoy and so we also don't need to apologize for that either. So let's say, you know, when you are around family and they're just giving you crap for the amount of attention or time that you're putting into your work and your business, you don't need to apologize for that because the truth is that we are the lucky ones.
We are the truly blessed ones that just truly love what we're doing. And so to us, it doesn't even, you know, really feel like work. it's It's not a stressful thing to do. It's kind of just what we do. And a lot of people don't have that. And so they do kind of tend to make those comments. And so if that ever comes up for you, and accept it, embrace it and just know we're the lucky ones that love working 16 hour days sometimes or or hustling as hard as we do, but it's because we really love and believe in what we do. And that's a beautiful thing too, that you never need to apologize for. No, and and not everybody has to understand, they're not going to and understand your stance on how you approach work or your life or what you choose to do. And so that's also practice and being okay with what other people think or say about what you choose to do. Yeah.
Yep. But the holidays are so important. And just remember, nothing is an emergency. Everything will still be there. Your business is not going to fizzle out. Like Tiffany said, that's just not the way that it works. And something that Tiffany has talked about a lot that I totally agree with and I'm so in alignment with is that your business needs to rest just like you need to rest. And the holidays can be that way, you know, for you if you need them to be, especially on those special days. So Um, just a
Do's and Don'ts of Promotions and Events
reminder. but Yeah. Yeah, it's important. And, um, I think I shared about this in our last mastermind call as well. I really feel like my business has a soul and has soul energy as well. And of course we're, I, you know, try our best to feed that energy and to nourish that soul. But just like just, just said.
your soul needs to rest, just like your personal soul needs to rest. And so sometimes you need to step away. Sometimes you need to park her to bed. Sometimes you need to just let her be so that she can come back, she or he or whoever can come back nourished and energized and revitalized, just like you. So good. I feel like that needs a whole episode. Probably, but but there's layers to that one. There's a lot of layers.
Okay, amazing. So we're excited to get into this episode today about our events and promotions. And what we want to share with you guys today is our top four events and promotion do's and don'ts. Over the years, we've kind of compiled, you know, what and those top priorities really should be, some of them might surprise you. In fact, I think Number one, don't um is such a good one. And because it's Tiffany's philosophy, I will let her start. Number one, don't don't ever chase after
what you want. You really want to go into it with the right mindset and you want to have an attractive, abundant mindset, not a chase scarcity mindset. So as you're planning your holiday promotions or whatever promotion it is and events and sales and specials, you really want to just start and focus on having that right mindset going into it and just realize that yes, I'm going to put in the work and yes, I'm going to build what I want um out of these promotions. so And what it meant for me is going to come to me and I'm going to have that right energy to attract exactly what I want for me and my business and my team and
what the outcome I want it to be instead of, cause it's really easy, especially like last week by by Black Friday. I don't know about you guys, but when Black Friday hit, I was so overwhelmed. I was getting texts and emails and promotions from businesses that I didn't even know I was subscribed to. And then, you know, social media was a whole nother thing. It was just like left, right, left, right. And so much noise. And I know that's like the,
the whole but idea behind Black Friday and at the same time it felt very like grabby and like Desperate is really how I felt. And so for me as a consumer, I couldn't even, I was so overwhelmed. I couldn't even look at any of the stuff. And even if some of my favorite companies were having really great sales, I wasn't even into it. I didn't shop at all because it felt so desperate and everybody was trying to get a piece of the pie. And um so back to our number one, don't as you're planning, as you're building your promotions, really going into it with the right mindset, you want to,
you want to attract, you don't want to chase. I would have to add to that to watch your verbiage. So whenever somebody that I work with is having a conversation with me about certain promotions and events, they'll stay push.
We really want to push this. We really want to push this package. We really want to push this product. push push Okay, let's think about that for a second. I immediately am turned off when I hear that. And I will just gently say, we don't really want to push anything on anybody. We really want to have the mindset of creating something extremely valuable that is you know, really going to attract people into us. And it's just going to be so good and so valuable to that person in such a win-win situation that we're just going to, you know, attract a lot of success with that particular promotion because the energy of pushing is like pushing something onto somebody, which means you're kind of pushing them away. It's just not a real energy and mindset going into it.
No, I love that. I'm so glad you brought that up because instantly when you explain that, I felt that restriction through the screen while we're talking, right? And it's just like, huh, okay, that makes so much sense. But yeah, exactly. You really want to watch your verbiage on what you're saying on how you want to build your promotion and in your marketing material and on how you're explaining your sales and promotions as well.
Yes. Yes. I love that. So that is our number one. Don't. Don't chase. Don't push anything. We want to attract, create very valuable win-win situations that it just attract a lot of success to us.
The second one is don't wait until the last minute to market and promote. So I cannot tell you the amount of people that I've worked with who just the week before Thanksgiving wanted to have these conversations.
And I don't think I need to even explain that or go into too much detail. Very often my answer when conversations like this come up is, you know what, at this point, maybe just don't worry about it. You know, because it's, people start shopping around Halloween, especially the day after Halloween. So that is when people really start to get into that mindset and that energy of their Christmas shopping.
And they also need to plan. So if you haven't done anything about, let's say, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, if those thoughts haven't even crossed your mind the week before they're supposed to happen, they're not always going to be super successful. You could, at the very last minute, send out a text. You could probably make it work. But at that point, people are not planning on this. They're not aware of it. You haven't said anything about it. And so I just don't know how the turnout is going to be. So don't wait until the last minute to mark it and come up with all of these different promotions or to even try to do
some sort of a last minute event. One thing that I told a few people, I said, if you wanted to send out a text message and an email and post on social media, you know, a lot until next, let's say Friday, Saturday, Sundays after Thanksgiving, and you wanted to let people know that you were gonna be in your shop from this time to this time, and these were the deals that you're going to be doing, ah that would be the only thing that I would suggest at this point.
And then, and who knows how that's going to turn out because you didn't plan for that. Yeah, it doesn't, it's not intentional and your clients and your customers and the consumers are going to know that they're, even if they don't know it, they're going to feel that because there isn't.
your, or there isn't the right, or I don't know, maybe there is the right intention behind it, but it's not, um, focused intention. And it again, it feels like you're grabbing a thin air, trying to make something work or throw it together. And like you said, it's not probably going to be the very successful because for one, you really need some time ahead of your event or your promotion. to properly market and to put out some teasers and to not overwhelm your customers and your consumers. And at the same time, you yourself going into it last minute, you're not going to have the right energy aligned with the right outcome. Absolutely. And I think that is mostly what that comes down to because there's probably a part of you that doesn't want to do it anyways.
Exactly. either Otherwise, which is that but it is um otherwise you would have been working on this a couple, you know, two to three months ago, having everything ready to start promoting at the very beginning of November, not just having these thoughts and questions the week before.
And what I see a lot of people do, I think, is they see other people or other spas or other estheticians running promotions and they get those ideas. And then they think, Oh, I need to do that too, because she or he is doing that. And again, that kind of reverts back to our number one, don't chase the trapped. So you really want to be intentional with your own and you want to be original with your own stuff. And then you want to, um,
Yeah, just like have the right mindset and just because somebody else is doing it and it looks like it's going to be a successful thing. That's like the last reason you also need to do something.
Strategic Timing and Value Retention
Yeah, couldn't agree more. There's no pressure. You do not have to do an event or any sales or any promotions to be successful.
I have to say, if I opened up my own thing, I would hardly ever do any promotions. um And I might not even ever do any events. I mean, if I did, I would do two. Just like you pretty much do your main two, right? You do holidays and end Mother's Day. others day yeah And that would really be it for me. I wouldn't do anything outside of that. Anyway, so trust me, there is no pressure.
to be doing these types of things. You do not need to. In fact, sometimes, and we'll get to this later, people just do it a little bit too much. so We'll get actually we'll just move that up to the next one. So that's the thing. Don't. So the third one is don't do too many events and promotions throughout the year. Yeah. This is a big one. And because you don't want to train your customers and your clients the wrong way. And by offering over discounting and giving things away for free, having too many sales and specials, you're really training them to only want to shop when you have a sailor special. And then they're going to wait for you to have those sales and specials. And that's really only when they're going to purchase from you. And so I see this a lot and it's, um, you know, it's kind of like, Oh man,
Because, you know, our customers are smart and of course they're going to, they're going to pick up what we laid down. And so we're always laying down a sale or a special. If we're always having events and giving things away at a discount, then of course they're just going to wait for that. And then, you know, it's going to be no wonder why our sales are down in between running a sale or a special. Yep. It really devalues you too. Yeah.
All of that wrapped up means that you have been devalued, that you know you've kind of gotten your business to a point where people don't even anticipate paying full price anymore. And that's the other reason why I personally wouldn't do a lot of events and promotions in my business because it just devalues you really quickly.
And so I never want to go down that road. So don't have too many events throughout the year. Don't do too many promotions. um I really do believe in doing holiday promotions because holiday shopping is amazing and it's such a great time for, you know, customer appreciation and we'll talk about that in just a second. And then I do think Mother's Day is another really good one. And then just maybe minor like and maybe gift card things for Valentine's Day. is kind of another minor one that I would throw in there. But you really want to be more strategic and make sure that you're not devaluing yourself. And in addition to that, events can be a lot of times they can be chill, don't get me wrong, but they're usually not. So like Tiffany's events are anything but chill, like their big actual
events. And so you're not going to have the energy to do that all the time. You really want to kind of pick pick and choose when you're doing that. And I just think that those would be the two most important times to do that.
And just to add to that, you don't want to devalue yourself and your business. You also don't want to devalue your product and your services. And that's they those go hand in hand, of course. um But whatever products that you retail and whichever services that you you know you offer, you really want to keep that value up there as high as possible.
you know most of the year. And again, when we do, and we'll talk, but we'll get to this in a second, but when we do offer maybe like certain specials for events on your services and stuff, you really just want to add value to them instead of decrease the value and say, when you retail your products and stuff like that as well. And again, this, everything kind of points back to our number one, don't it's easy when you run a promotion and you feels like you sell a lot during that promotion and you probably do. And then it's,
really easy to get into that, oh, I need to sell more because I made so much money. And then we're gonna, again, you kind of can fall really easily back into that chase mindset. And you kind of have to like retrain your brain, like, okay, we're gonna we're gonna dial in and bring some intention with what we do in the in-between of our promotions. Hopefully this is making sense. I'm explaining it.
It makes sense to me. but i I think that was really clear which really leads us to our number four which is don't over discount or give things away for free.
um And that's a big one that I just watch a lot of people again really shoot themselves in the foot because they are over discounting most of what they do, um even at their events, you know, like you don't need to go too crazy. I think if you were like, I will say that there's a caveat to this for me.
If I was trying to get people in the door, I would not give things away for free, but I would just make things so incredibly valuable that it would be very hard to say no to. And that doesn't always mean over discounting, though. Sometimes it just means ah having so much added value into what you're offering that people are like, well, that's just a no brainer. Of course, I'm going to do that, you know,
Um, and that's something that Tiffany and I really learned this alongside each other, just, um, you know, as her rep working with her and her business, when we're planning promotions and stuff, I really got to a point where I was like, your promotions should actually probably cost more. I always tell people, I'm like, don't, um, don't discount them, just add value to them and either charge the same as kind of your like base price facial or consider toying around with adding 10 to $20 and just making it something really amazing. And when you're doing your promotions to actually market them more as limited time, seasonal, um ah like platinum type promotions, premium, premium services,
in instead of coming up with these you know super discounted whatever. So don't over discount things because you don't need to. You can actually just add some fun value into it and probably even increase the price. And it's crazy how successful that is once you start trying it.
Avoiding Freebies and Using Raffles Strategically
yeah And then you realize your worth, you're like, oh I could be charging this all the time. and Yes, you can. That's also another really great way to toy around with, should I raise my prices? You just put out this offer for this you know premium like exclusive facial and see how people respond to it. And then you're like, oh my goodness, of course I can raise my prices. This should be actually my base price for my facial. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. No, so but I like how you said you put it, you put for your seasonal promotions.
You put like an expiration date on that too, so that it's not just like this endless deal. And um so we really want to be intentional and focused about that too. When you are running a sale or when you are running a promotion that you want, you don't want to have this open-ended forever because that's not going to work as well either. ah So yeah, be really intentional with that as well.
And if this is a promotion that you're doing at your event, it actually should be this is the promotion if you buy a book now. Yes, we learned that the hard way a couple of events ago, we have this really great I think it was like a facial package or something. And we have a lot of bookies.
Um, for like January and February, but we did not require payment. We just had them book it to get the deal. And then we had a lot of cancellations come January and February. And so, you know, we, we did learn that the hard way. So yeah, if you pre-book and you pay for it now, then you can get the deal. And so of course they're going to come in and redeem that facial or whatever the service is, because they've already paid for it and they already got the deal.
exactly Exactly, so especially if you're discounting packages, which is a great idea to sell packages, ah but they need to be paying for that upfront and then having most of those appointments on the books, for sure, in order to get such a great deal on that, because that should be the point. And I will add, there also needs to be an expiration date on it too, even if they've prepaid and pre-booked, because you will have some clients who will like want to push it out and then like, can't make it. And then, you know, before you know it, we're at the next season and the next event. And you're like, you have this and you really want them to redeem that. So you want to put an expiration date on it as well. And probably six months is a great expiration, or maybe if it's like a seasonal during, throughout the winter, like end of, end of March, early spring would be a great one, something like that. Yeah.
Absolutely. So do not get caught up in that trap and also don't get things away for free. So people don't value anything that you just give away for free. They have no investment. There's no value. You literally just took all the value away from it. So we kind of learned this with a girl that we're coaching. I mean, we we knew this already, but she works in a space with many other professionals who do mostly lashes and lash classes and she, we were talking about how to network with them better. And she had been basically offering all the other girls and their facials for free. And what do you know, like nobody took her up on that. And I said, well, they're not going to I mean, I would be surprised that they did because there's no value there. And
I watch people do that at at events too. They're like, oh, I you know gave away this treatment for free. i'm Let's say in like a drawing or whatever, like nobody comes back to redeem it. So don't give things away for free. Don't give services away for free as any sort of a price or promotion. Don't give product away for free, like nothing like that. There always needs to be some sort of investment, some sort of, I did this to get this, right? So let's say it's even a raffle. You know, I don't mind when people are like, oh, if you come, you get a raffle ticket. Like, yes, you should, but you should get raffle tickets for, you know, for every product you purchase, for every service you book, you get a raffle ticket because you want them to invest more and more and more so that they actually value that reward.
And when there's and a physical transaction, there is an emotional investment. And therefore there's like an energy that's exchanged and that's like held on to it instead of just like, Oh, I entered and Oh, I don't care. So therefore if I win, I'm not going to care about the products. It's just, yeah, again, it comes back to being intentional with what you're doing and why you're doing
Advanced Planning and Success Tracking
it. Like, what is your goal behind raffling off a basket of product? You need to have a goal behind that. Right. And so, ah yeah.
not just like, oh, this is just what we do and everybody does it. And it's so fun. Yes, it is. But what if that can translate into something else that can further help your business? Yeah. Why, why are you doing it? Are you trying to get more people in the door? Are you trying to get more bookings? Are you trying to sell more product? Are you trying to get your name out there and you know, brand awareness? Like what is the why behind what you're doing? And same thing with your promotions, your service promotions and your event planning. Like what is your why behind it? Um, hopefully there's a bigger why.
of that's the why behind your business, but also like what is the goal with having a promotion in itself? Yes. I love that. Which basically takes us into our dues now. Yeah. So do have your intention and goal set for the event before you begin planning.
go ahead. We talked about this, we've been already touched on this, but this is a really big one. So you really want to set your intention and have some goals. And it's okay to have like set some monetary goals for your events, you definitely should. um But again, like kind of like I just touched on, you really want to have some clear intention with The specials and promotions, you are offering and why and what your goal is with those transactions. So say you have your truck. You're hosting an event and you have some service specials like a package special um at that event that you're offering that a little bit of a discount and you if they
pre-book and pre-pay, they get that discount on the package special. Again, what's your goal? Your goal is probably going to be to help fill your books. And so say if you did like an event this time of year, your goal would be to help fill your books in the new year and in your slower months, like January and February. And again, you would want to like set some sort of expiration on that deal or special so that it's not open-ended. And then You know, the goal behind it is to bring people in during those slower months.
I have a mascot here. Yes, you do. Hello. Yeah, baby. He's not feeling very good. So yeah, I love that. I think that that's really the number one thing is that you just go into it very intentionally having some some goals actually for doing this, ah which goes back to not doing it just because you think you should. Yes. And not doing it because somebody else is doing it or because
Okay. Even if maybe you've been doing it for the last several years and, um, you know, you're not in alignment with it anymore, or maybe you never were, or it's just not quite right for you and your business. So really like ask yourself, do I love doing this event? Do I love, you know,
Do I have some goals and intentions behind it? Has it been successful in the past? What was unsuccessful if it wasn't? I mean, I think sometimes it's just having a hard conversation with yourself.
and um that can be the start of it. So maybe, you know, ask yourself those questions as well. And say if it isn't in alignment anymore, say if you have always done like a Black Friday event, some sort, and it just hasn't ever really been successful, and you don't love doing it. And so we switch it up. Just because you've done something forever doesn't mean you have to continue doing it. Yep. So true.
amazing. So the next one, the next do is to start promoting one month in advance. So it kind of goes back to you know, don't wait until the last minute. So what you do want to do is have everything ready to go so that one month in advance, you can start promoting it and I love teasers too. We've had a couple of girls say that they've sent out some teasers and that worked really well. um But you, again, want people to be able to plan on the promotions that you're going to do, plan on attending the event, plan on the purchases, all of that. So and more than one month is probably too much. People will kind of forget or they're not as excited anymore.
So I would give it about three to four weeks in advance that you start to market and promote. Yeah. And I will add to that. I do think about a month in advance is like perfect because you don't want to do it too soon. People will forget or it'll get lost in the masses. And you want to be intentional too about, I really love teasers and I think getting it away too soon.
can affect your sales leading up to it too. So i'm I'm pretty strategic when we have events and intentional about that. So I really don't offer our exact deals and promotions until about ah maybe a week and have two weeks ahead. Because it like you said, your customers do need to plan and they want to budget for it and they want to know what And what you're going to be offering not everybody is not all of your customer base is going to maybe attend the event and shop those promotions and so we don't want to drive sales away either so
If there is some strategy in place that you can play around with when it comes to that. So yeah, teasers are great. You can share the dates and who's going to be there and what you're going to be doing and maybe things like that. But as far as like the exact discounts that you're offering, maybe don't give those away right in the beginning. Yeah, absolutely.
So number three for our do, our number three do is to track what worked well and what didn't so you can plan for future events. Yeah.
I really love this. I think at least for me, sometimes I get in my head that I'm like, well, we already did that. So we have to do something different. And we're in year 12 of our business and you know, sometimes it's really hard to like reinvent the wheel.
every time and you really don't have to. And so, you know, visit your history and see what has worked in the past and you can put a new spin on it for sure. um But sometimes just those tried and true practices are really where it's at.
Yeah, so have just, I don't know, some sort of a document or a note in your phone that after you have done your event, to just make some notes. What worked for you? What didn't work for you? And it's just going to make planning in the future so so much easier for you too.
because you really don't want to just keep throwing spaghetti at a wall and seeing what sticks. You really want to nail down what's working so that you can continue to repeat and grow on that and then let go of the things that don't. so It's a really simple thing to do, but a lot of people don't actually do that. They don't have that detail somewhere that, you know, what worked really well and what didn't. And so just make it a point after your event, ah maybe the next day or something, after you've gone through your numbers and you have time to really resonate on it, just make sure that you have that information somewhere so that then when you sit down to do your promotions later, you just have access to that.
Absolutely. Do you have a certain way that you do that? Do you have it in a document? Do you save that information anywhere? I should. It's in my head. Actually, I should. And that's a really great prompt because, you know, i Like for us personally in this business and how it's growing, like I'm definitely not in the driver's seat of all the roles anymore. And so that would be something really great. And we do, I do share with the team, like where our, how we did and where our numbers were and, um, stuff like that. And then as we plan for the next events, we revisit the previous events and stuff like that. So we really have a lot of conversations around that, but it really should be down in a document somewhere on paper.
Cool. Yeah. On paper, note in your file. In a file. In a file somewhere. Somewhere. Yeah. So number four for our due is to utilize promotions, especially during your holiday promotions to set yourself up for success.
for your slower months, which are usually January through March as people start to recover from the holidays. ah They're just not spending as much money. And you know what's so crazy is that we do this to ourselves. okay You know, I kind of sit back and watch my spa partners.
do this to themselves. I'm like, well, you had like all of these amazing promotions, you could have tied something to that to help carry you a little bit and pick you up a little bit through, you know, those sore months, but people don't, they literally don't even consider it. And you should, right? Because you're going to be hurting come January and you're like, nobody's booking, nobody's buying. Well, why would they? Because you just went crazy for the holidays. So it's not that you don't need to go crazy. It's just that you want to have something set up to again, just sort of carry you through. There's so many different ways to do this. And so let me actually, I have some right in front of me.
Well, and while you while you get that out, I just want to add to that really for your business, you should be working a quarter ahead of time. So right now we're in Q4 and What we're doing now is going to affect our Q1. And when we get to Q1, what we do it in those winter months is going to affect our Q2. And so really we need to be at least a quarter ahead, I should say. I mean, if it were up to Jessica, I would have all of my promotional planning done for the year for 2025 already.
but I'm working on it. But really, like what you're doing right now is going to affect your next three to four months ahead and your or your next season, however you want to or however that works for you and your business.
Strategic Promotions and Business Value
um you know A lot of people talking quarters, a lot of people talking seasons, whatever that is for you, but really be intentional about that and kind of become aware of that. like what you know Yes, it's helping us right now, but really it's propelling us for that next quarter.
Yeah, you're either making things better or worse for yourself. Like whatever you're promoting, especially during the holidays, just because again, like January through March, I think everybody can agree straight across the board. We always take a really good hit, um especially in January. So it so there's a lot of opportunity here though, to sort of turn those tables. So The first thing that I would recommend is to add a retail voucher to any gift set or service package promotion that must be redeemed by March, or you can get more specific like you must redeem this in January or whatever you want to do. So if you're working with a company that offered any holiday sets, which most skincare companies do, and you brought those into the business, or you created your own or whatever that is, or
you have had like a you promoted ah an an actual like package with your services, attach a retail voucher that has a specific expiration date. This is redeemable in January. This is redeemable through the end of March, whatever that is, to help you pick up some retail sales during that time. So simply adding to any promotion that you have for the holidays, a retail voucher redeemable by such and such date.
is going to help just keep your sales a little bit more steady. Will they probably still drop a little bit? Yes, they will, but they don't need to drop as much as we allow them to. So that's one thing that you can do. um Another thing that I have thought a lot about is offering, so right here I said free, but this could also just be, so I'll get to that in a second. Okay, offer free, highly requested enhancement.
If booking during these specific months, so let's say January through March, you want to run a promotion for a free dermal plane with every facial or a 10 to $20 dermal plane with any facial or whatever that looks like for you. So you basically know your top, you know, one to two enhancements that people really, really love. Well, if they book with you through those times, you're going to add that in for free. Or if it's something that does cost you money, then you're doing $10 whatever added onto any facial during those months.
Okay, so that's another idea. Another one is any facials booked January through February or March receive a $25 voucher toward two or more skincare products with a consultation included. This is also a great promotion to do for new clients only to get them started on your skincare products and the voucher could have a near term expiry date. um And this is also a good idea to attach to a specific facial promotion such as a winter rescue treatment or moving into Valentine's Day.
So you'll notice like a theme here is retail vouchers for people to redeem them when they need them, even if it is almost like immediate. um And then the the next thing is like looking at January, there's going to be all sorts of um new year, new use, skincare sort of things. And I would use that to your advantage. Yes, it is cliche. It's, you know, everybody does it. But we all have that energy at the beginning of the year.
where we're just looking ahead, we're setting goals, the vibes are there that we're just excited about a new year. So what you can do is have some different like skincare challenge ideas. So you could offer even just paid consultation, and then put that money toward a new skincare routine of two or more products.
um And then potentially even say that, you know, again, when you do purchase two or more products, it's 10% off. But this is just January only, let's say, right? So it's like a really good deal. It's a really good incentive. We're really drawing on those New Year vibes. And we're having like a really good win-win valuable promotion at the same time.
Another one could be just bundling express facial with consultation and a $25 voucher towards two or more products with limited availability. That's another thing when you're offering your promotions, you can say, Hey, you know what, there's only 10 of these available. So first, first come, first served.
So that could be another way that you would approach, you know create something that is so good that it's impossible for somebody to say no to, but there's only a certain amount of those that are available. um Another fun one is to bring in any drugstore product and receive a consultation and 10% off new product or 20% off the new product. and So those are just some ideas that I have for like those slower seasons. Do you have any ideas as far as that goes?
i think that's really great um Other time what we've done something up in the past that's worked really well. We had like, we will do a certain challenge. Like I think we did the skin or yeah, the skin games a couple of winters ago, which was really fun. And we had little like challenges. I think it was throughout the month of January and we created like this calendar and then they could like exit off.
throughout the month. So like every time they face mask, they would exit off. And then every time they, if they got like one facial throughout the month, they'd exit off. And so like, if they got their calendar filled or mostly filled and they could like submit that for a voucher towards product or something like that. Other times we've done specific bundles that really catered more towards this colder winter months. So we picked out like products like in bundles of three or four,
that were really for remedy and dry skin and rebuilding the barrier and stuff like that. And then if they bundled that, or if they purchased that bundle, then they got like a 10% discount. It wasn't a big discount or something like that. And because it was in the bundle, then they, you know, we weren't losing money on that sailor promotion. So that's been really, um you know, helpful in the past. um And it's everything else, adding on a really great enhancement. I will say if you like,
add an enhancement for free. So like you said, like a derma plane or something like that, you want to be intentional and not give away your enhancements that are already being booked. So say like you already, like the majority of your facial clients already get a derma plane with their facial. You don't want to get that away for free because they're already coming in to pay for it. if You already have that on your books. So maybe something like LED light therapy is an enhancement that isn't booked a lot. So that's something that you can add.
that because the goal with adding an enhancement on and giving it away for free, the goal there is to get them to rebook that the next time they come in, right? So whenever we do a promotion like that and we add something in that we give away, the goal is for them when they rebook, they're going to want to add that where they haven't ever booked that before.
Yeah, and i but I think that that's also one intention, right? Is that you're like, I want people to book more of this and so I'm going to give that away for free. But if the intention is that your numbers or like your service bookings are really bad, or yeah yeah exactly then your intention would be like,
I have to create a promotion that is impossible to say no to. And so I'm going to do $20 derma planes added on to their facials because I need people in the door, but that is very, very limited and available. So I think it just comes down to whatever's happening in the business, whatever the you know intention is.
both of those are incredible ideas with different intentions. Yeah, I literally like I just have to say though, I keep coming back to if I were to open my own thing, I don't know that I would do any of this. Like I'm not sure about that. But I think I would just set up my business in a way where I just had so much value built into it that I would never feel like necessarily a need to have to do these things, right? So if you're like, I just have to say, if you're somebody who is just setting up your business, be sure you do it in a way where you people just want to spend that money with you and they know that it's valuable and you have that reputation already, if that makes sense.
It does. And that's exactly how my business model is and always has been. And, you know, we'll, we'll get comments here and there about our prices. And I just, you know, I say it in my head, like I've never been out to be the cheapest or even middle of the road. Like, you know, our, our prices and stuff are intentional and the way we market and our treatments and you know they're built intentionally to be kind of more of a luxury service and to get so much value and when whenever you come in and no matter what service you're getting whether it's a brow box or a facial or anywhere in between and so I can't I have to agree with you like however you're building your business or however you're shaping your business and your brand just be very intentional with it
and it has to align with like where you feel your value is and it has to align. Well, and you know what's interesting too is that like if you build your brand and your business around always having to do these promotions and stuff, it creates so much more work for you too.
Intentional Branding and Client Attraction
A lot of work. like So much planning, so much work, so much thought where really you could have just kept a lot of that off the table to begin with.
And there are so many other things that you can do that really not only adds value to your services and your products, but also just like kind of makes your your services work for you. So this is something we talked about in our mastermind. It just came to me of having like an enhancement menu.
in your treatment room or really clearly when they're booking their appointment. But I like that idea of having an enhancement menu printed and then having it in your treatment room and then say you have a facial book and that's all they have on their book for their treatment. And they come in, you're doing your consultation, you're explaining how they need to dress down.
Then you can hand them that enhancement menu and say, by the way, if there's anything you'd like to add on to your treatment today, here is what you can with the price right there. And then you can kind of just like, there's ways that you can, there's ways you can like upsell and I don't even really love the word upsell because you're not like upselling it. You're just adding value to what they're already there to get.
So there's lots and lots of ways that you can fill your books. You can create revenue, especially during the slower months without giving your services and your products away. Yeah, absolutely. It's so important. and If you guys ever have questions about that, feel free to you know let us know. We'd love to have that conversation. um So is there anything else that you want to ask before we wrap this up?
I think so. I think that was great. I think that we will create at some point, i like a guide, like a PDF with all of the sales and promotion ideas that we talked about in the mastermind that, you know, I've done in my business and that Jesse you've helped me with, and that maybe some of your other small partners, we have a really big list. And so um Maybe stay tuned for that. We don't really know how we're going to execute that yet, but we do have that. We have talked about that and we'd love to get that out for you guys. Yeah, we have so much of it that we were talking this morning about how to just compile it. So we would love to do that. and
So that we have a resource for you to just always visit, right? When it does come to some slower times or when it comes to your promotional planning, that you have something to work with and you can kind of see what other people have done that works. There's nothing in and our documentation that are things that we would not agree with and do ourselves as for sure.
I love it. Yes. Absolutely. But just remember and to be intentional. It's interesting. I think that as I, you know, we're having this conversation, that's where we keep coming back to is just being really intentional with what you do.
And always thinking bigger picture. Always think bigger picture. Always be really intentional about what your offers are and why you're doing what you're doing. Down to yes, events and promotions, but everything else that you're doing as a beauty professional, make sure that you're just always living in intention and bigger picture.
and really look ahead with what you're doing now is really going to matter in the next three to four months. And so be intentional about that as well. And just, um you know, really work on your mindset and have an, ah you know, don't chase attract type of approach. And that really does matter. And it is a practice, and but even just saying it out loud and even just thinking about it in a different way than maybe you have in the past,
really can make a huge difference. So one thing that just came to me too is when we're saying, think bigger picture and being really intentional is like, let's say with these promotions, your actual intention is to attract your best clients ever. And that's something that Tiffany and I talk about all the time when we're coaching people one-on-one especially is we're like, Hey, you have to nail down your dream client, right? Like who is that person? What do they, anyways, we've got this whole list of things to like list and think about.
But when you're doing your events and promotions, the end goal should be the type of client that we're trying trying to attract, right? So that's, you have to really watch out for that. Because if you're putting out these promotions to just like bring in a whole bunch of money, or yeah and service bookings, like is this somebody that you are going to have on your books for you know time to come and people who are going to return to you to repurchase. so We also want to be very, very intentional about who it is that we're attracting and bringing into the business with the events and promotions that we do. so when i mean so This just gets into so many layers, but intentionally,
That's a much, much bigger picture when, when you really are able to think that way and then work backwards from that. Yeah, I love that. That's going to set a completely different trajectory for your business. Cause if you're just putting out these promotions for some quick sales, some quick services, again, it's just not very big picture thinking. No. And you might, you'll probably get some quick money, but then is that money going to return to you in some form?
as in bookings or repurchases or a really great client who values your business and what you have to offer. You really have to ask yourself that. So really that's the intention behind all of this. Anything that you do in your business is how, are what are we doing in offering to attract our ideal client and then nourish those relationships with those ideal clients and just, you know, strengthen them as you grow.
Wrap Up and Contact Information
Absolutely. So important. That was such a fun episode. Thanks for having that conversation with me. Of course, that was really fun. I could talk about this all day. I mean know. oh you could wrong there There are so many layers. I didn't really anticipate that when we went into this conversation. i think there It does open up many doors for many other conversations. I think a really fun conversation to have would be like, if we could go back to the beginning,
Ah, we should do that. What? Yes. What would I do, right? I've never had my own skincare business. I've been in the industry for 21 years and I work with the business owners. And then you like starting over, that would be a really interesting episode. And it would probably be hours long. I was just thinking that, like, holy gosh. But and yeah, that would be another really good one to do. So there are a lot of layers when it comes to events and promotions and to really consider. So that was so much more valuable than I even anticipated it was going to be. Such a good episode. Such a good conversation, as always. Love it.
Hey, thank you guys for being here today. Again, we really appreciate you and you can find us. You can find me, again, my name is Tiffany Orr. You can find me on Instagram or Facebook at Sweet Cheeks University, or you can visit for all of my offerings and um online classes. And I am at the underscore SD with an E underscore coach on Instagram.
And I always forget, you can find our podcast on Instagram at Beyond Aesthetics podcast as well. And if you are you know ever interested in um connecting with us, we do one-on-one coaching and consulting. Slide into our DMs that any of the handles just mentioned. And or if you're interested in joining our 2025 Mastermind group,
shoot us a DM as well and we can send you over the exact call dates and pricing. We also have a pricing fund available um for the group if needed and we'd love to we'd love to help support you in any way. yeah Absolutely. We love and appreciate you guys. We're so grateful to have you here. So have pretty dreams and we'll see you in the next episode. See you.