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Ep 123: Waterworld (season 3 premiere) image

Ep 123: Waterworld (season 3 premiere)

S3 E1 ยท Bad Movies Worse People
86 Plays2 months ago

We kick off DROWNuary with a favorite of all members of this podcast, Kevin Costner's post-apocalyptic epic WATERWORLD! The polar ice caps have melted due to global warming and humanity survives on scattered floating settlements and boats. Of course, not only good people make it, Dennis Hopper and his Smokers roam to open seas, pillaging and murdering for survival. This one is long and you can just feel Kevin Costner smelling his own farts, but it's still a damn good time.

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Introduction and Sound Quality Apology

Hey guys I'll make this quick cuz I don't wanna lengthen the episode too much but ah we had a little software issue we were recording a bunch of episodes in a small batch of time and there was some kind of software issue I didn't hear when setting the levels so sometimes people peak out a little bit uh the sound gets a little distorted it's really messed up but it kind of sucks and i did as much as i could to fix it but it would only be for a few episodes thank you for sticking with us and for you know toughing it out with us here i mean it's all you know we're just a little independent thing i'm doing this all in my living room on a laptop so
thank you for understanding and hopefully it still sounds good for you enjoy the episode welcome back to another movie where people are chasing kevin costner's seed yep they're always after his seed always after his see i'm derek come whitney i'm jack this is bad movies worse
So I need to interject something.

Humor and Health Issues

I do have a sore throat and I do have a cough drop in my throat or my mouth. Oh, God. OK, we found the worst way to take a cough drop. Well, it's pository. Might be the worst. Oh, God. It's like, is he any good? if you hear If you hear like extra sounds, I'm so sorry. Just don't click it, clack it on your porcelains. I try not to, but I do have molars. Oh, weird legs. Unless you look right at the back of my mouth when she said that.
Some of us have mallers, Jack. I only have half of mine, it's fine. I'm all by cuspids.

Introduction to 'Drown-u-ary' and 'Waterworld'

So this month, I guess, is drown-u-ary. I think we should call it drown-u-ary. I'm taking drown-u-ary. I mean, people drown here. Yeah, they could. I know a couple of movies we're going to do later that people drown. People definitely drown. Because all month, we're talking about water-based cinema, which sounds like something Trump would be into, but... Different kind of water. He might be into this beginning scene.

Directorial Dynamics: Kevin Reynolds and Kevin Costner

So this week we're discussing 1995's Waterworld, directed mostly by Kevin Reynolds. Mostly? Why you say that? Because Kevin Costner, star of this film, The Mariner, he So he signed on to do this and one of his things, one of his caveats was I want Kevin Reynolds to direct the movie because Kevin Reynolds had already directed Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Kevin Reynolds didn't want to direct this movie because he fought with Kevin Costner on Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, which is why Kevin Costner wanted him. He's like, I can get him to do what I want. yeah He's going to fucking listen. And there was a producer, Gordon something, like whose name I didn't write down. No, not Gordon Lightfoot. That is the first thing I thought, though. Rad. um Who Kevin Costner also insisted beyond. And basically he sat them all down in a room, like locked them in a hotel room and was like, hash out your shit. Yeah. We're going to make this movie. Wait, Kevin Costner sat them down? No, no, no. The producer did. Gordon, whoever. Like swallow your fucking pride and just get on a boat and make a fucking movie.

Script Iterations and Joss Whedon's Involvement

But Kevin Reynolds still walked out most of the way through production, leaving Kevin Costner to direct the rest of the movie. So kind of directed by Kevin Reynolds, Kevin Reynolds, who directed by the Kevin's, directed Prince of Thieves, Count of Monte Cristo.
Who cares? He also wrote Red Dawn. Ooh. The original. That's dope. I figured. not that He didn't write the they didn't write like cover of it. The fucking redo? The cover. Couldn't think of a redo. Is that the movie that Chris Hemsworth covered? That's they the new version of Red Dawn is Chris Hemsworth, the remake. But I'm going to start calling it

Budget Overruns and Financial Success

covered now. I like that. It's like Johnny Depp covered that Willy Wonka movie. Yeah.
um It was written by indeed a lot of people. ah they They went through like 30 some odd iterations of the script. But the original was written by a guy named Peter Rader who had written Escape to Witch Mountain, the TV movie.
I remember that. And he also directed a movie that we'll probably talk about one day. Slock and load. Definitely. If we do go on called Hired to Kill, which stars Brian Thompson, the big weird guy. And George Kennedy, thompson George Kennedy, the bald guy. Yeah. George Kennedy is a naked gun.

Potential 'Waterworld' Sequel Speculation

Yes. Naked Gun Savage Dawn. What do we have a nightmare at noon? That's it. Yeah.
And then the last writer credited for this is a guy named David. I'm going to say Tui. Sure. ah T-W-O-H-Y. Tui's all right. bull And that guy has written more stuff. ah He wrote Warlock, but don't hold that against him. He wrote The Fugitive, Terminal Velocity, ah Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick, Riddick. The Arrival, the one with Charlie Sheen, not the good one. Not Arrivals. Not Arrival, just The Arrival.
OK, yeah, that one. I just watched that like this year. What a stinker. Yeah. And you know who else did you think he's writing that new Riddick they're making? He's written everything so far. He's credited for the original movie, like I said, all that Riddick from whatever a couple of years ago and all the like cartoons and shit. Because they're I mean, they're working on one right now. Are they? Yeah.
Is it going

Negative Press and Production Challenges

to cross over with Fast and Furious? Oh, yeah, absolutely, dude. Fast and Ridiculous. They get their cars back to space. Fast and Ridiculous. it Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. ri But you know who else did some punch ups on this? He's famous for punch ups. Castan? Close. Not really.
My machines. Joss Whedon. Oh, OK. He is famous for pun jobs, especially emotional ones. African-American actors and females and females. Actually, watch Buffy. It's a shame that he's a fucking turd. Yeah, the movie, not the series. Was Whedon in the movie?
Isn't that his creation? I think he still wrote the movie. Yeah, he wrote the movie, but they changed a bunch of shit. So then when he got the show, he's like, well, I'm going to do it the way I wanted to do it. OK, really long.
But he's in a movie when he got out there to to help do

Filming Challenges on Water

the rewrites. And I say out there because this was actually filmed on the water mostly. Oh, yeah. um Basically, they didn't have a third act. All the stuff with the Exxon Valdez, all that, they didn't they were like, we don't know where we're going. Then she gets kidnapped. Faded black. Freeze frame on Dennis Hopper. So he punched up a bunch of that stuff. Basically, he said that he spent seven weeks in hell.
because it was just Kevin Costner telling him what to write and him writing what Kevin Costner said, but he said he he got to write some jokes and stuff. All right, then for no reason, all the people on the XL Valdez want my seed too. You write this down? Okay, so once I find dry land, it's full of beautiful women and they only want one thing. Can you guess? Rhymes with sh Schmied.
and He did write one of my favorite lines of the movie though. It was never you too young to start smoking. Never too young to start. I love that shit. He can come collect what's rescue you in a goddamn jar. Oh that was, he was fucking repeated that three times. Oh yeah, I love that one too. that's That's my go-to line for this movie.
That's another Joss Whedon. You ichthy demon. years ago That stuff has to be Joss Whedon because he's like, look, I'm using smart reference. I had to look up what ichthy was years and years ago. It's just like pertaining to fish, like fish-like. I'm like, then you could just say that, Joss. You wanted to sound smart. Yeah, I get it.
And I often try and use an extensive vocabulary and ah loquaciousness to sound ah above and beyond ah intelligence. Hereforth and to four over and paradactals

Set Construction and Plot Necessities

filibuster. and what I want to mention the director of photography, too, because we've seen him here before and we'll probably see him here again. But it's Dean Semmler, who was the DP on Super Mario Brothers.
As well as a bunch of good stuff. Okay, well whoa, whoa. But you know what I mean. Yeah. It did look good though, right? Your tone just sounded like you were about to bash on Mario Brothers, and I know you better than that. I own the big ol' stupid box. I know! You showed me your flipbook. You showed me your hand-drawn sketches of you and Mario hanging out. You and Bob Hoskins having tea. oh Dude, that'd be great. Oh, fucking awesome, because you know he's spiking that tea.
Oh, yeah, I'm not drinking tea with Bob Hoskins. Well, you are. you You are drinking tea. It's just full of fucking absinthe or something. It's like it's the it's the same. It's like the coffee that ah the guy from Super Troopers was drinking in the faculty. Oh, yeah. Or what we posed they were drinking in the what was it? George went and made of the house. You ain't you ain't drinking coffee at nighttime. That's just no fucking your rum.
But yeah, Dean Semler shot Super Mario Brothers, last action hero, dances with wolves. So there's this Kevin Costner connection. Young Guns, Razorback, and Mad Max 2 and 3, which goes right into what I was going to say about this. When when ah Peter Rader started writing this, basically ah Roger Corman told him, hey, I've got some people from South Africa who want to invest in a movie.
You give me a Mad Max knockoff, you've got a movie. So that's what he did because he wanted to direct. He was writing this movie to direct it. But then it went when he was like, oh, it's all set on water. Roger Corman was like, so it's going to be more than five million dollars. I'm out. I i can't do it. so why That's out of my wheelhouse. And it was, it did cost a little bit more than $5 million. dollars Yeah. Uh, the original budget was 60 million. Uh, it cost 175 million. You're just never going to recruit that. They did. Um, ish. So the estimate is that it costs about 225 with promotions and all that type of stuff. And it made 264.2.
But then it's made a good amount of money on home video and you get that universal ride or did. I don't know if they still do. Oh, they they the the show. Yeah, they definitely still have it. They actually moved it. It's not just at one place. It's at five different theme parks. nice It's still going. It's basically think about this, the scene where there the smokers take over the atoll. Oh, you are kind of watching that.
like you have an airplane flying over, you have ski jumpers. Yeah, it's like the water ski guys, jet skis all over. It's pretty much just a lower, low five version of that, but it's pretty fucking cool. I mean, boats are flying, people are jumping, lords are leaping.
it a bunch ah and it And it's funny because it's high smoking I watched a documentary called Maelstrom. I watched a documentary called Maelstrom and one of the producers is like, well, it's funny how ah they were giving us a bunch of shit, but now they've got this live show that's been going for like 30 years yeah and it's one of the biggest attractions they have. Well, this begs the question that I was wondering when I was watching it. Obviously, they weren't going to make a sequel because nobody wanted to put that much money back into this.
Well, yeah, and what are you going to do? It's now dry land. Yeah, dry land fighting off more adventures on the water. Kevin Costner. Kevin Costner on the water. He's coming back. He has to come back to dry land because some people found dry land and they're trying to take it over, you know. Well, he just ka he's got their back trying to cut down trees and make paper.
Well, you said if there's a Dennis Hopper said if there's a river we're gonna damn it if there's a tree we're gonna ram it Yeah, I'm talking about progress here such a good off um and He's not even doing that voice in this movie. Yeah, he's no he's not but ah so what I was saying those like Stargate spun off how many fucking shows? Like I could name three. Yeah, and i it might be four. I know I've watched three of them a Waterworld show wouldn't have been Well, I mean, it could have been. It would have been terrible. It would have been. I'm going to stop myself there. That would have been terrible. I mean, it would have been on Siffy. Yeah. It wouldn't have had the budget. Well, because he would have to be like, God, I mean, like, you can't go to dry land, you piece of shit. You can go. Oh, he wouldn't be in the show. The show would 100% be about either another group trying to find dry land.
or you have an ambassador who left dry land to go tell people about it or defending dry land. Yeah. If anybody wants me to write a script for Waterworld, dude, three bucks a month. It would just be, what's Tina Majorino or whatever, the girl that plays Enola. Oh, yeah. She's not doing it much anymore. No, she would just be her. No, she was just bully and dynamite. It was the last thing I saw her in. That's what I said, but he mentioned Grey's Anatomy and I was like, oh, yeah. Never.
Yeah, she did Grey's Anatomy for a while. She did Veronica Mars for a whole bunch. Yeah, that's stuff when he watched. That's why I wrote it down. because i stab I believe you. I'm not going to fact check. But she I remember she was a great child actor. Oh, I actually thought that watching this growing up, I thought she was going to blow up. I thought she was a big, big star at this point in life because she did so well with this, but that doesn't always translate. I want to say she kind of did what Wendy from ah the wonder years did like she did became a genius.
Well, she went to school and has a degree and all of that fun stuff, but I don't know. I mean, your life kind of peaks. Once you do a movie where you get smacked in the head by Kevin Costner and Dennis Hopper, you're like, life is good. Kevin fucking hit her hard. What are you thinking about?
It throws that kid in the water. It's great. I thought of Derek every time this kid gets abused or yelled at. I'm just like, Derek just over there, Mr. Burns his fingers together. And that lady deserved it. Oh, I agree. They are so annoying. Oh, I agree. They could have. I understand the whole not necessarily language barrier, but Kevin's character has probably never really been around people much. No, not probably definitely not. Just doesn't know how to communicate. These are mine, mine, mine, machine. And then she's just like, don't you fucking understand a kid? It was like our first month.
i was like and He's also been mistreated by pretty much any human that's seen his little webbies. Yeah, and his gills. Yeah, so he's like fuck dude I don't know one's been nice to me. Why would I be nice to you right? I'm on my own. i have I have nowhere to belong There's nobody else like me and the people that are closest to me hate me. Well. He had to have come from somewhere now but Oh, of course, but well, his parents probably fucking threw him in the ocean. They're like, well, he's got gills and web feet. The mom gave birth to a giant fish egg and was like, well, keeping that. We're not telling anybody about this. They didn't drop it off at a church. The church is doing well. You know what a church would exist. Holy shit. That's like the first part of society that would come back as a floating church.
I mean, at the Atoll, the Atoll, they totally had one. The elders, it was a church. I guess it is. God, what a pile of goop that is. Speaking of the Atoll. Sorry. No, it's good transition. Speaking of the Atoll, that part is part of the reason this movie went so high over budget. So just a million tons of steel to build this thing.
it was think I think they said it was eight, maybe it was five floating platforms because they can't all be attached. Otherwise it'll break apart. Right. Yeah. So it's all floating platforms. They really built this thing. It was on like a rotating doodad so that what universal. Uh, no, no, they blew that shit right up. But it's a.
is on like a rotating thing so that way you could anytime they had a shot they could be shooting open ocean even though the beach was not that far away and then parts of it needed it to be open water they had to take that whole thing out two miles out to sea which is but large undertakings you're not just taking that giant million tons set that you build or whatever it was you're also taking your camera boat, your makeup boat, like 30. There's a flotilla of boats following all the interior boats. Yeah. Flotilla is a great word, too, by the way. Well, I think they just had people in the there was obviously a bunch of buildings, well, not buildings, but they've made rooms on. me Well, they got you've got to have stuff. You've got to have proper places for all of this stuff to happen. Basically, they had a floating production. They had a bunch of boats floating around. It gets expensive. if You drive a camera. It's gone. Yeah, it is.
Like that thing I think I read cost like or maybe it was in the documentary cost like twenty two million dollars just to make that. And I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, but that's a huge part of the movie. This shit's gone in 20 minutes. It's a scene. It's a great scene. Yeah. But it's one scene. um Also part of the so they actually injected about thirty five million dollars into the Hawaiian economy because they hired all local people to build all this stuff.
They actually used up all the steel in Hawaii. So they had to start flying steel in from California. And to do that, they had to pay a bunch of money to extend the Kona Airport's runway a quarter mile because the planes were too big to land on the runway that existed. Wow. um I mean, that's good. One of the producers said that he thinks the part of the reason the movie didn't do as well as they could have. He said that the press probably cost them about 50 million dollars because there was so much negative press around this movie.
because they were like, oh, it hasn't even started shooting yet. And they're like, oh, it's over budget and it's just going to be a big turn and it ah nobody wanted to say anything positive. I've defended this movie for a long time. And there's there's still people to this day that are like, what, that movie? I think mostly the people I talk to are like, I love Waterworld. Yeah. So I don't know. I never got the hate for it. I mean, I looking back on it now, watching it and fucking ultra high def. Any CG flame looks like shit. Yeah, but at the time that wasn't the problem. Exactly. At the time I didn't give it, what did you say, 95? 95, yeah. I couldn't give a shit about CG flames. I was watching Kevin Costner with a little fucking half pony swing across on his dope ass boat. Dude, that boat is dope. It's my favorite boat. Yes. Hands down dopest boat that's ever boat.
Yes, these producers were talking about how basically like the press was trying to find negative shit. So like there was there was something that happened one day. Two cameramen were up on a thing. There was some bad weather. They were in danger. So they had to cancel the shoot, pulled them down. That's it. The next day, Kevin Reynolds was saying that he was getting calls from reporters. They're like, don't try to deny this. We already have confirmation. This happened. What about those two guys that died yesterday?
but And he's like, I think I'd know if two guys died yesterday. They're like, quit fucking lying. I think the world would find out. Yeah. It's not easy to hide that. So that was the press throughout this whole thing, which is a big reason the movie did not do well. Also, just thought about this. I want to mention it because we just talked about Street Fighter not too long ago. The first teaser trailer for this movie premiered before it was attached to Street Fighter. Oh, yeah. Don't forget to mention that.
Thank you. I told her to remind me. Good job, Wendy. Bang up. What was what was a big movie in 95? Like, what's this going against? I don't know. What is ninety five? Keep vamping. ah But I do want to mention one last thing before we start. Alternate people that could have played the Deacon. Oh, I like this game. So Gary, first one up, Gary Oldman. He told GQ magazine that he declined to play the Deacon for one reason alone. He was also offered the scarlet letter and he flipped a coin.
Wow. Now I love Dennis Hopper and I think Dennis Hopper kills this. I can't see anybody who besides Dennis Hopper, but I can see Gary Oldman. Yeah, Gary Oldman. He would be a different type of terrifying.
You wanna know some other people who turned it down? Gary Busey. Yep. Shut up! Gary Busey and Laurence Fishburne. Hey, come collect with the rest of you in a goddamn jar. You damn icky demon. It would've been great, right? It would've been great. Not as terrifying. And who? Laurence Fishburne. Laurence Fishburne. That's some fucking gravitas. I love me some Dennis Hopper, but Laurence Fishburne is... He changes your movie. He's also a bald, terrifying man with gravitas. Dennis Hopper's bald, terrifying man that's angry. yeah you know So that's a whole other thing. Top movies of 95, by the way. I mean, it didn't have a lot of stiff competition for what I'm going from going through here. Rob Roy, that Scottish movie with Liam's Neesons. First Night, where Sean Connery plays King Arthur and Richard Gere plays Lancelot. Cutthroat Island with Matthew Modine and Gina Davis.
Showgirls. That could have done it. And that's a about it. That's where Batman Forever. Oh, Braveheart. Okay. Batman Forever. what when When did Braveheart come out? Was it summer movie? I'm just going with year. Okay. I don't know if you just knew because you love that movie. No, I do love that movie. I mean, it's one of those things like I tolerate Uh, what's his name? Mel Gibson. I'm like, God, you're a fucking crazy ass. What'd you say right before Braveheart? Uh, Batman Forever. Batman Forever. That would have been the big competition because this was July. Major Payne, Judge Dredd. So there is some that are coming out. Nothing in super direct competition except maybe Braveheart because it's, you know, action and long hair guys. Wasn't it also three hours long? Yeah. This is only two hours and 15 minutes. This version. No retort.
Hmm. We were going to watch for you people out there, the Ulysses cut, which is one hundred and seventy three minutes. People are the listeners. Do you know why they call the Ulysses cut? Oh, he just asked me and I walked away.
I know why. You do know why? Yeah. That's the name that homegirl, Enola, that's the name she gives the mariner. Oh. She names him Ulysses. Because Helen tells him a story, or she tells him a story about Ulysses and Helen of Troy and all this stuff. And so she's like, so you should be Ulysses. That makes sense. I could have swore I thought he had a name. Because this entire time he's a mariner because he was never given a name. Yeah. He was hatched in a floating church.
I don't name those things. They try to drown him and he survived. And basically the Ulysses cut is almost Kevin Reynolds director's cut version. It was his preferred cut through almost three hours. And then Kevin Costner in the studio cut it down to 215. But the TV version.
Yeah, so I think we could we could just have a filler episode at one point, make it like 20, 30 minutes just discussing the differences. Yeah, we do. We're always trying to find content for when we're, you know, we're on Patreon when we're in our offseason and we're still releasing new episodes and throw it on Patreon. All right, we can do that because I want to watch it. Yeah, i'm I'm down to watch it. But it was basically the TV version of the movie that added back in a bunch of stuff because that's what TV movies did.
and then some fans took it and took out, or re-added back in the violence and the gore that was taken out of the TV version. And and then the studio actually, in a move that I don't think has ever happened other than this, but took that fan edit and was like, we like this. So they actually did it with the original footage, not the stuff recorded off TV, and then released it on disc.
So it's a fan edit re-released by the studio of the original cut by the director who quit. a don Inside of a donut, with another donut inside the hole. With some jelly inside the hat. Sorry, I just, I have the urge to watch knives out. Anytime you got Daniel Craig with a Southern accent, I'm having a good time.
Knives out, that's the onion, not the onion. Glass onion is the sequel. Glass onion is the sequel to that. yeah okay not i love Not nearly as good. we saw No, it's fun yeah because it does have Daniel Craig in a Southern accent, but that first one was a legitimate like, oh, I'm not 100% sure I know what's going on here. It's also directed by the guy who directed one of the best Star Wars movies. Yeah, it's not that, but it is Ryan Johnson. It is Ryan Johnson. He directed The Last Jedi, which is the one that I love and he hates. On Han Took shots first, when we finally get to episode eight, prepare for like a three hour debate on what is good Star Wars and what is not. And there's no wrong answer because it's all relative to your fucking opinion.
Which is mine is correct. And so is mine. so We kicked the movie off with some logo fuckery right out of the gate. You have the universal logo with the planet, which never made a lot of sense, but I get it. I was legitimately worried about this growing up.
Like I was I should have been more worried, apparently. Yeah, because we're fucked. We are. It is actually. So there there's been some stuff that said if the polar ice caps melted, which is what they're positing in this movie. Yeah. The water level would raise a couple hundred feet. Yeah. Not enough to submerge the entire planet underwater. 90 percent of the Earth is water. I mean, the coastline would be fucked. But in this case, Louisiana has no chance. Arizona would be a beach. We'd be. Yeah, we'd we'd be probably underwater now. We'd be OK.
Maybe I think we'd be OK, but we'd have we'd have trees and that'd be cool. Trees that we didn't have to put there and then feed a bunch of water that we should be drinking. And get desert plants into the desert, guys. Mesquite, Palo Verde. But the the writer said that kills me. Got it. Yeah. The writer said he knew that. But he's like much like George Lucas because always he's like, yeah, but this is cooler. I'm fine with that. So I don't need the science to be precise. It's like, no, no, the ice caps melted and it's covered the earth in water. Fuck off.
But yeah, you have the universal logo and the you see the water rising and covered in the whole planet. It goes right into whatever. We have this narrator for some reason at the beginning. We don't need. Although the original teaser trailer had James Earl Jones doing it. They should just take that. god Yes. Yes. I would have listened to that. I think it's just that they thought the audience was like dumb. Like, whoa, whoa, why is the logo changing? So they're like, well, we need someone to say it's changing because of plot. I feel like they tell us all this stuff. Like both times we've watched this movie recently,
the narrator starts and I'm like, I don't remember that. Like I block it out because they say throughout the movie, the Asian people did something. The water levels rose. We see fucking Denver underwater like. It's it's only been a couple hundred years, they say. I don't think we would forget that fast. Yeah. I mean, there is almost 200 years ago now, the Civil War. Yeah, but they didn't have paper. Yeah. So let's say there is no paper, but there's word of mouth. Yeah. Yeah. But there's nothing to show. OK.
Now I'm going to get to it in a second, but most people are dead. Yeah, I guess. I mean, I just still think it would be something passed along, like, hey, kids, you know that when I was growing up, we had trees, rocks, cars, money, paper, you know, all this shit. And now you have water, fish, water and some monster, monsters, whale fin, the whale fin. That's not real. That's what they called it. I mean, this is what I do think that would happen. The world would like the water.
The Waterworld would take itself back. I hate myself right now for saying that. and Kevin Costner says it and I get so mad. It's the dumbest part of this movie. when he says Waterworld. Yeah, because nothing's free in Waterworld. You would just say nothing's free in this world. You wouldn't be like, it's a Waterworld. But then you're like, said it. OK, so if you call it Waterworld, that means that you do know of the world before. I mean, he does. He does. He does. All right. It's a flawless movie. again Right at the beginning of the movie, we get the thing that everybody says as soon as you say Waterworld.
Kevin Costner drinking his green piss. Do you remember? Why is his piss green algae? Yeah. No, it's I don't think it's green piss. He's just he's pissing in that jug and it's green. He's hydrated. I've never been dehydrated in my P turn because you haven't been to the bottom of the ocean and gotten a circle full of Mountain Dew and survived off nothing but Mountain Dew for a fucking five years. He's just drinking Mountain Dew syrup. I mean, think about that. He could flood this fucking economy by going down there and just grabbing you know, dirt and drying it out. Yeah. But he could also just start grabbing all kinds of like sodas and sealed things. Twinkies. Twinkies. Twinkies are never going to go out of fashion. They have packages. They're safe. Do you, did you ever, either of you see the Dana Carvey stand up a long time ago HBO special? I think that's part of it. But he does an impersonation of Ross Perot and is making fun of this movie. I won't do the Forrest Gump one because he uses a hard R, but he's like, it's all five bucks to Kevin Costin drink his own urine. Sign me up. Where do I pay five bucks to watch Kevin Costin drink his own urine? Like that's his whole, and then anytime I see this, I just think of Ross Perot getting mad about Kevin Costin drinking his own urine. Donald Trump's excited. The best urine ever. You think a bunch of green urine. I've never had that before. It's the rarest urine. What's with the triangular water bottles? Was that like a thing?
No, I mean, are they just kind of doing a futuristic thing? It looks cool. Yeah, the studio gave them notes about doing something more steampunk-y. Yeah. So they have all these gears and crazy shit. This to me is a good DLC for a Fallout game. You know, Fallout 4, Waterworld. Oh, yeah. I'd play the fuck out of that, because all these guns are all kit-bashed up. All the ships are just, you know, kind of used and pieced together. Dude, I'll wait till we get there. Okay.
ah But so he goes he goes diving for shit. Someone comes onto his ship and steals his limes. He has a lime tree. Yeah, it's the dude from Seinfeld that pimps out ah prostitutes in the car park. OK, her drives a pink Cadillac and he has a Technicolor dreamcoat in the hat. Every ah there's a lot of character actors in this, and I think all of them were on Seinfeld. My machine. My guy is here. Kim Coates never in Seinfeld.
Kim Coates also uncredited, right? No, I think he was credited here. He was uncredited in Drifter. He's uncredited in Michael Bay movies. Bad Boys. And he's the fucking like first one of the first lines spoken. Yeah. Not by the titular Bad Boys. We've also talked about Kim Coates before. We'll get there shortly. There's a bunch of welcome backs. Oh, so many. So many. It's almost like it's almost like these people do bad, like get stuck in a certain genre of movie and we just keep seeing them.
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Kevin Koster comes up, sees this other guy, and he's like, get away from my boat, basically. And the guy's like, get off my lawn. I didn't get on your boat, dude. Why would I do that? If that's your first line. You were down there a long time. I didn't board your boat. I'm starting to feel like you boarded my boat. Yeah. First thing I would have done is look at my little lime tree. I wasn't looking. I wasn't watching you undress. Oh, I would have too. Because that's. Yeah. This guy doesn't even know how to eat a lime. Fuck him. Oh, no, you would eat it this way. It's food. You haven't had fucking food. You've had like algae paste and dead people goo.
that goo that goo it's gonna haunt my dreams but we we get a sense of like some rules in this world all those kind of dropped after this because he's like but when true when two drifters meet an exchange has to be made and that's when the other guy is like no no we don't have to worry about it you get this one for free and that's when if you didn't already suspect him you're like all right what'd you steal dude yeah yeah and Kim Coates does mention it a little bit because he's like ringing the bell, you know, why didn't you follow the rules? Once they once he did boards like very few people actually abide by the rules anymore So it is it's a dying rule. cause She's the one who says like his flags up. Don't you have to go over there? Oh, yeah
Which, fuck you. Yeah. I'm absolutely not doing that, because all a smoker's got to do is get a fucking boat with a sail, raise that flag up, and then poo-pew, you're dead. But they hate sails, according to Dennis Hopper. Yeah. That's why they buy everything full price? Yeah.
I didn't think about that. He does yell, I hate sales. Yeah, because he wants full price. He's tired of just giving out spam and cigarettes. Smeet. Smeet. Oh, one of the liquor bottles. I didn't get a chance to look, but it looked like it said liquid death. There was a yeah there was a vodka. It was something death. It wasn't that. I didn't write it down. It wasn't liquid though. No, I don't think it was. It might've been. That's just was like, man, wouldn't it be cool if the company got their name from like a little obscure label in Waterworld? It might've been actually, now that you're saying that.
The cigarettes made me think of Dennis Leary's stand-up, the no cure for cancer. Yeah. Because like, oh, they're making the Surgeon General warning bigger on the package. He's like, you could put a black pack with a skull and crossbones and call them tumors, and he's gonna be lining up around the block. This is a black pack with skull and crossbones called death sticks or death something. Yeah. Like, well, he's not far.
But these, these smokers show up, the smokers are basically pirates. They're also basically like this movie obviously has like an ecological message and they're like the, the, of the standard for yeah. Consumerists, American, whatever you want to say, because they use gas, they smoke cigarettes, they eat meat.
And not only do they use gas, it's just an ugly burning type of apparatus they're using. It's not just a jet ski, it's a fucking smoking ass black smoke jet ski. And I was just wondering while watching it this time, I'm like, I always thought they were smokers because the jet skis and stuff put out smoke. Yeah. But also these guys are constantly smoking cigarettes. Where did they get all of these cigarettes? Off of the Exxon Valdez. It should be gone by now. Okay, so I thought about that. Because it says clearly, no smoking on the Valdez. Yeah, well, I don't know if you know a lot about the Exxon Valdez, but they didn't follow all the rules. Yeah. I just kind of wonder, I know we're jumping way ahead, but we do that on this podcast. It's okay.
Did they just find this, like is maybe Dennis Hopper and his group the first to find this? Because you could not live on it long. There is a very finite amount of cigarettes, shmeet, and oil, or sorry, go juice. Like there is a very finite amount. And I was watching them as they're throwing all these cigarettes out. And as Derek pointed out, everybody has a cigarette in their mouth all the time. When they're raiding, it's a toll here soon. Cigarettes and everybody's fucking, all the raiders have cigarettes. yeah So I just thought, I was like, maybe Dennis Hopper and a very small group found this and we're like, well, this is ours. And we're going to get people aboard by, you know, cigarettes and guns and yada, yada.
Real quick, America, speaking of consumerism, I forgot to tell people where they could watch this. Oh shit. My house. Come on over. Yeah. Arrow video has Blu-ray and 4k. If you want that, it's awesome and it's worth it. But if you don't want that, it is available on stars and it's $4 to rent on Apple and $15 to buy on Apple and Amazon.
Uh, although, and $4 to rent on Amazon. When I went to Amazon today, I already own this, but I lent out my copy to a good friend. I bought this for six bucks, UHD. Oh, really? Yeah. So it's just a sale right now. Okay. So as of, as of recording this, I know that we're going to release this later, but as of recording this, it was like six bucks to buy and I had a $3 credit. I was like, dude, three bucks and I have to get up and put a DVD in. Yeah, I am that fucking way. I own this cool Blu-ray, but I don't want to stand up, stand on my shelf and look dope as shit.
But yeah, so the smokers do arrive and they're chasing them down. And yeah Kevin Costner, brutal leaf. I mean, this guy deserves it. Oh, yeah. But he he gets his ah it's it's what's it called? Tamarind this boat. OK. They're real racing boats. And by the way, they had to buy two of them and they cost a million dollars each.
Fucking hell. I'm going to drop in the bucket for this movie. Yeah. But he gets this thing going and just fucking takes this dude's sails out and leaves him behind for the smokers. And they know they are ravaging that gap. I'm surprised we didn't see chunks flying in the air like a zombie movie. And like you said, they set it up because he's like, I don't need anything. He's like, all right. Well, got your limes. Oh, yeah. And he is just and i know you would just bite in the line. But this is not even biting the line. He's scraped because it's sour. He's scraping off the zest first.
He's zesting it into his mouth. He's zesting it with his fucking crooked ass teeth. Which is making him salivate, which is not really hydrating him. But it feels like it. Yeah. My mouth's not dry. Exactly. For once. There's got to be a way to like get a desalinator on this fucking water world. Well, Whitney was saying, doesn't it fucking rain? Yeah. That's how they get their fresh water.
I mean, that's where most of it comes from. Or it's like when he's going and trading at the atoll, it's not just everybody's piss. Exactly. Or there's a fucking pseudoscience to this movie that like rain doesn't happen as often without land. just You could make that up. It happened while they were shooting this because they had to stop shooting three times for hurricane warnings. Oh, God. And the other thing, I know there has to be a way that you can clean out the salt from. That's what he was saying. Desalinate. Oh, yeah. yeah there's there's There's a way to do it in small doses. Like you can get one, excuse me, like a personal one, not much bigger than a flashlight for personal use where it's like a. Did you say flashlight? I meant to say flashlight.
I was like, everybody has a fleshplate, right? Well, you saw how big this is. That's not a fleshlight. I gotta go much bigger, not for me. You don't need to base it. You're gonna stick out the other side. I'm gonna hit the fucking cervix of that thing. Exactly. Hitting the back walls of my fleshlight. My fleshlight's not talking to me more. I went a little too rough. All right, bacon. That's the nicest way I've ever been called bacon. I've been called bacon before. This is the nicest way. It's got that big bacon energy. But yeah, I mean, it would be just terror. I would probably off myself. We talk about this in movies all the time, like, dude, fucking just all these chapped lips. And yeah, I don't know if anybody listening knows this. Ginger's sunburned easy. What? I'm fucked. I am. I'm going to be one big fucking freckle. I saw a thing that said everybody had to have like spray tan applied every day because they're supposed to look like they've always been out in the sun. Kevin Costner was out there for 157 days shooting. I don't think he had spray tan after the first 20. Oh, right. 20 minutes.
Well, you're skinned in you can also tell like in some scenes people are darker. Yeah, that's probably when they were doing this. I want to give them props on like the chap lips and the dry skin like all like some people have it just on it really weird. It just it made me so thirsty. Like I was sitting there holding my water bottle. I wish you guys could do this. I mean, and the ex used to watch survivor shows and just fucking eat trash food blankets wrapped around us as they're like fucking trying to boil pine needles in a jar. Like, I just need something. I'm like, oh, well I don't think I needed the second Twinkie, but it ask me the red vines. I'm using like chopsticks. You put Twinkies on my nachos. Thank you.
ah But so he goes to the atoll to go through some trading. They won't let him in at first, but he's got a jar full of dirt and they're like, oh, fuck. oh Oh, this has no this is fucking diamonds. It has no value. I mean, it has value, but it has no use because there's no way this dirt. Well, I guess you could plant in it. That's what that's the goal is that that's what they use the dead bodies for.
Yeah, but they want like they're like, oh, shit, real dirt. We can grow better stuff. But also, i'm like, does this dirt have any nutritional value? Yeah, I do think it's much more like got jar dirt. This is just dust. Don't you want to have sex with me once you saw my jar of dirt? Don't you want to stand on it? Rub it between your toes. Oh, man, that would be like what you do like. Come over. I'll put the dirt down. Let you step barefoot in it. wish Yeah, then put it back in the jar. I want you to fuck it all up. But then we see that we made my dirt sink.
And we see the first character. Stink. Sorry. I just want to complain. Great. Now my dirt is dirty and stinky. We see the first character actor that I noticed. I didn't recognize Seinfeld guy. Yeah, not many people would. But Jack Keeler, who is the he's the the guy he's trading with, his guy weighing the dirt and whatnot. Yeah. He is he's the landlord in fucking Big Lebowski. Yes. Yeah. God damn right. He is also ah like a thug, a goon and a last boy scout.
Hey, dude, it's already the 10th. Just look at the rest of my door. Yeah. And this guy was just like in that version, he is just brutal. He's an asshole. Yeah. So it's a totally it's just a weird thing to see. But it is 100 percent pure dirt. Mm hmm. And so he offers you like your hydro. And Kevin knows he's like, I want double what you just fucking said. Yep. Also, is that guy behind you is jacking off to this jar of dirt that I just got. Also, a jar that big, a hydro, that's way more than 62 Chits, whatever it is. you know they mean I know they mean water, but that's not what I'm thinking. No. No Chits is their money. No, no, when they say hydro, oh they mean pure water, but I'm like a big old jar of hydro. Can I get that ah tallied up like Dro, some of that fucking loud? Oh, man. This is Snoop Dogg brandy. Marijuana would be just a fucking treat in this world, like just any sort of drug to take your mind off of things.
There's another guy that I recognize. I wish you could get shrooms. Shrooms can grow in this fucking goopy body water. They're probably, they can probably grow. Yeah. If I'm on water world, I'll definitely eat goopy body water shrooms. They can probably grow down in yeah Kevin Costner's hole there too. It's dark and wet. His hole? Hole. Oh, thank God. I need his butt shrooms too. But there's like, there's holes in the hole and stuff. So moisture is getting in. Obviously you don't want, the ocean water is not going to grow it, but you get it down in there. It's damp. It's wise peas green, dude. Do you do you think that dwarves have mushrooms growing on them?
Dwarves like in the land of the land Lord of the Rings Oh, no usually land of the rainbow at first I said land of the noble mushrooms are an important part of the cold not those types of mushrooms But like food mushrooms are big for the hobbits hobbits is hobbits is But there's another character actor that you guys won't recognize, but I'm gonna mention him for the idiots like me. He's the drunk, the hydraulic, as he's credited. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Who's talking to the Nord, I think, is this guy's name? Nord. The big guy. Mm-hmm. But this guy's name is... That's weird ginger with long hair. Yeah. I hate him. And I didn't recognize him. This is like Gerard Murphy or something, but I didn't recognize him. I mean, I recognized him, but it's probably... Oh, he's a Murphy, you see. Yeah. I didn't fucking show at all. You should've bought me that drink.
But this other guy is a guy named Robert A. Silverman, who we will see one day. The one that gets shoved? No. The the one that's telling him about the little girl in the tattoo. He's got the DTs, but it's from not drinking water. Yeah. um Come on, man. Just give me a hint.
We'll see him one day when the bag deems it fit because he's in Jason X. Okay. Oh, that's like his biggest credit. That's the one. I think zip was also defending that as much as you are not defending, but praising exactly. It's not good, but it's fun. Yeah, but he's also in a bunch of k Cronenberg stuff. ah Naked lunch, the brood scanners. Okay. I know I'm jumping ahead, but one of these elders is a welcome back. Welcome. back The Asian one who's like, yeah i recognized him Trace buster buster. Is that him? Yeah Well, we just saw cuz you that's how you you were like, he's the Trace buster buster guy i don't know I say that you know exactly what i'm talking about Yeah ah Golden
It was golden showers, wasn't it? Something about golden rain, but we've started. Golden mist, golden something. Feel the golden spray. I think but it was. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we didn't say from from big hit. from big hit yeah just you know from that everyone's just So you guys started watching like fucking sex movies from your podcast. ah So subscribe to our OnlyFans. It's different than our Patreon. We talk about sex movies. We watch porn. And you're just looking at our genitalia. Oh, God. I'll pay three bucks to not be on that. Camera's under the table. You watch me play with my people. How James Brown of you.
um But this we also meet gene triple horn who's playing Helen. Oh, I know that she's been in a bunch of stuff, but I'm specifically after asking wife now. Did you recognize this chick from anything? Yeah, I couldn't name it off hand, but I love her mouth. ah Yeah. How much do you remember a new girl?
Was she a new girl? She plays Uli when ah fucking ah Jess is dating the fancy man played by, I can't think of his name right now, Durrant Maroney. Oh. The one that Nick Miller's in love with him and he's really rich. she She's the ex-wife. That's right. They get in a fight. It's like the, it's Barcelona. Oh, okay. I do remember that. She's Uli. I didn't remember that. She's in basic instinct. We stopped watching. Yeah, I knew she was in stuff. but That's what happened. What? We stopped rewatching it. Oh, okay.
Oh yeah, she's, I don't know, season three maybe? Yeah, I think we're still on one. Yeah, she's in basic instinct and the firm and she plays like, uh, I think she plays Chris Pratt's boss, maybe be in the terminal list. Okay. So he just did on Amazon a couple of years ago. Oh yeah. Yeah, for sure. I didn't hate that. Um, and then Tina Majorino, who we mentioned, who's playing Enola, which is alone spelled backwards guys. If you didn't get that, ah the the trivia one to point that out. Well, instead of one of the writers, lie down one of the writers was also like, oh it's a alone backwards. I was like, cool, dude. Cool. Oh, we saw that guy in shadow. The Asian dude, Trace Buster. That's right. Because he's at the beginning. Sorry, it was going to bug me if I did. I knew it was something because you said the exact same thing. You're like, don't you recognize him? Trace Buster Buster.
But so he trades his stuff in for a tomato plant and some water. And she's like, but he's like, can I get some more stuff? And she's like, but you have everything. He's like, I want your shelves. Give me your shelves. Yeah. I'll take them too. And this guy's got money too. And then I love when he's leaving because the second time we've seen this, the elders come up to him with a girl and they're like, he's like, I'm not staying, guys. like We don't want you to stay.
Can you just give her your seat? But you do have to stay because they're like, once you get her pregnant, you can leave. Like, so you have to stay for a while. It's not overnight that you know someone's pregnant. It takes a couple of weeks. It takes a couple of weeks. So you're staying. He would be like, trust me. um Is she walking funny? Yeah, it took. It's like I put it in the correct hole. It's like the end of Planet Terror. It's like at the end of Planet Terror when Freddy Rodriguez touches, uh, what's her name? Marilyn Manson's girlfriend. Rose McGowan. Rose McGowan. It's not, but you know what I mean. Yeah. And he's like, trust me, I never miss. I just watched that the other night. so Yeah. And elders want his seed because they are starting to get a little shallow in that gene pool.
Yep, because it turns into not so pleasant trees. Yeah, but he's like a.k.a. Y'all inbred. It's funny because he buys all the shit they possibly have. They pitched that to him and he's like, we'll give you a bunch of supplies and send you on your way. And he's like, you don't have any supplies. You guys trust me, I know you guys are fucking dying. Yeah, and this place does not look like they're doing well. They do have a bunch of green stuff. I mean, you see plants and stuff. Yeah, but that's about it. Yeah, I just wonder how someone save seeds. Yeah.
I was like, well, birds put, whoa, no. He doesn't want to have sex with this girl, not only because she's a young girl, but also because he knows she's 12. Yeah. And I think that would be and i not morally okay now for our society. But I think at that point, it's like, look, we need someone young and virile because the older you get in our society, the tougher it is to have a child. yeah I'm sure in a water world, it's even tougher.
you said it in a post apocalypse apocalypse like dude we got to get this girl while she can survive this pregnancy yeah that's probably the big thing yeah you know but but we see it twice from him in this because it's here he's not interested because she's clearly not interested she well i i think this is more of like he's like i'll get found out i'll have to take my shoes off they'll see my web feet she's gonna see my gills we don't know what other Do you really have to take your shoes off to have sex with somebody? He does not wear shoes once in this entire thing, except for when he's wearing those ski boots. Because he's in town now. I guess that's right here, yeah. Because he's in town. He knows if someone looks down and see his webs, he's fucked. I think these guys would be worshipped. Right? You know? This is what you need. It's not a fluke. Every atoll should have a fucking like water world mariner guardian.
This thing makes sense to me because it's just people being afraid of something different and valid points. Like, you're right. I'm just saying, like, I don't know. I'm open minded. I'm like, do you guys live in a water? It's fucking dope. You can breathe in a water? Fuck yeah. Take me with you. Kiss me. Kiss me. Help me breathe in a water. That's what makes them suspicious because he's like, no. And they're like, no guy spends that long on the water and doesn't and says no to a woman. Yeah. He must be a spy. So they grab him and then they see his gills and they're like, we even worse, he's a freak. He's a muto.
They, they, it goes back and forth. They act like it's a common kind of a common thing where they're like, he's a mutation, yada, yada, yada. And then later there's like, I don't know where he came from. There's gotta be more of them somewhere. So I'm not really sure if it's something they've seen or they just know they've heard about from other traders and.
But he gets imprisoned and then we meet Gregor, who's played by a guy named Michael Jeter, another character actor who I didn't know until today when I was reading this, he passed away in 2003. Oh, some pictures. Wow. Pictures indeed. Green Miles, is the the big one for me ah here is. I mean, everybody's hair is kind of dirty. So you can't really see, but he's he's redhead. He's ginger. Yeah. He's got the big red mustache all the time. Yeah. Uh, he's also in fear and loathing in Las Vegas. yeah He's given the drug speech and you'll know he's a drug addict by the semen stains on his pants. Yeah. He's the one at the police convention. Yeah. And he's in Jurassic Park three and he's in drop zone. So we'll be seeing him again. Yeah. Don't go anywhere on that. That's what sky timber he is in. No one else besides me and bleep have probably watched this in a long time. But the Burt Reynolds TV show evening shade never even heard of it. It's a really good after the bar wind down.
okay yeah kind of like water world or uh renegade i was like what no renegade is what you watch when you are ramped up no it's the same thing he's he's with uh helen and enola he's trying to figure out her tattoo but i am not a smart man i'm not a smart man but i know what dry land is i mean i think i do well he also says other very ostentatious words and like what do you mean you're not a smart man He's the smartest person there, but he's still a dummy. He found a couple of pages of a dictionary. He's like, ostentatious.
Is that an A or no? That's an O. I read that in thesaurus.
No, it's an A. It's A-U-S-T-I-N, ostentatious. It's when you're from Austin and you're pretentious. Well, there you go. We've all met that person. We all have. I've seen the Slacker. ah But so he's questioning, he goes up and questions Kevin Costner about his gills and stuff, and he's like, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just very interested in you. I'd like to study you because you're a sample freak. He says he's excited. I swear to God. He's like, I'm just an excite. I'm laughing at you. I am an excite.
But in the morning, he gets chased away. And in the morning, Kevin Costner is sentenced to be recycled. We see a dead body getting dumped in there. Like this is their compost into this fucking pig shit from Rambo to big shit. You say you're saying that this is a basically recession proof. What I'm doing is a lot of world. You still need pig shit.
take shit People shit. Oh kind of was it was it Rambo too? Maybe it's two and four to definitely where he's in that shit fucking thing Oh, oh yeah, it's definitely two he gets dumped in a pile of pig shit Yeah, isn't he like tied to a post?
uh crucified style yeah but before they can dunk him here comes smokers smokers out of the sun we're gonna get two times of this very visual gag where a telescope is panning panning sees the smokers and pans back to where they were like you know what i mean like i yeah it's hard to like a cartoon yeah i'm trying to say it to people that can't see me but yeah he passes over and visually is like Yeah, they are because this guy looks like he's just always looking around. So he's just used to just spin in a circle and looking. Look at that. Still blue water out there.
oh Shit there's a fucking flotilla Yeah, get out of the Sun is that just mean like get to a spot He says he says he says dead out of the Sun because they're coming from the sunrise there Oh i thought it's a get out of the Sun I had subtitles on yeah, no good. Yeah matter have i Usually do subtitles, but when something like this I've seen so many times. I'm like I know it Turned out I don't. Honestly on things like this I do subtitles so I can catch the names of characters that it was so when they because they talk off screen it'll say the name. That's right, that's right. Because almost no one, Helen and Enola, we hear their names. and That's about it. And then the Deacon and Gregor. Yeah, Nord is only, I only know because of IMDB. Yeah. I don't think they say it. His face pisses me off.
Why? Because he looks like if if Beast from Beauty and the Beast didn't fully transform back to a human. Yeah. But that's that's just what it looks like to me. It looks like he was halfway through. He's like, you know what? This is good. I'll hold here. Yep. It's like if Mel Gibson in Braveheart got taller. And there's one part he's like yelling and he squints half of his face when he's never fuck you. I think I like him because he's a bad guy. If I was supposed to like him, it wouldn't work. Oh, yeah. But Gerard Murphy. And then we get to see Dennis Hopper finally. I love Dennis Hopper. We've talked about him before, so, you know, but he's, you know, Dennis Hopper, Speed, Blue Velvet, Super Mario Brothers, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Space Truckers. Yeah, I'm glad you're into it, Space Truckers. That guy's rolling over in his fucking plane right now. I always have to bring up Space Truckers, and I don't know why.
I love Dennis Hopper and I still want to like be belittle him for some reason. I said speed. Yeah, he no he started with like the good ones. And then he was like, also, space truckers. He's just such a good villain. That Dawn of the Dead one where he's in a mall. Land of oh no that's daughter of the but land of the Dead he's also in. who The one where the zombies start getting smart. Oh, that's the one. It's not a mall. He's on a fucking island. Yeah, they have like their they have like the rich people little area. yeah That's got Johnny Legs. Yeah.
Super random, not random, going back like an hour. Who's the guy from Chopsticks and the movie that we just watched where he's like terrifying? The movie is Chopsticks? Like big? Oh, Robert Loja? Yeah, him is the deacon. He would have been too old at this point, but he would have been terrified. We got 40 things of go juice.
go gioney coka he can see what's left to you in a jar that iy demon what the fuck is iy i can't smoke anymore cigarettes doctor said i chew um i mix him up with my schmmee i just think that i needed to hear that thank you yeah but one of these guys has a big ass gun And this is not a big ass gun. This is an anti-aircraft. This is at least two barrels. I think I saw four barrels. I think it was four. Four barrels of 50 cal. We saw a Rambo did with a barrel of 50 cal. Dude, Dennis Hopper says, like, give me an entrance or something and they just obliterate this. Give me the key to see. This is the machine gun thingy that I'm like, but this is what I wanted to ask. Yeah.
Yeah, it's I mean, it's it's literally an anti-aircraft thing. It's you would put this on a fucking pod like facing. It looks like star it belongs on Star Wars. Absolutely. yeah Definitely. Yeah. But this is this is a fucking machine of devastation. Yeah, that's all it's for. I love the guy that's shooting it. He's got the the gleam gas mask. Yes. Yeah. He reminds me of Casey from Chuck. Maybe he doesn't answer to Chuck. Charles! Chuck Charles! Hey, what's that brother's name? Chuck. Hey, Chuck. Cousin. Cousin, sorry. But I like his mask, it's like a gas mask, but he cut off the important part to make a pig face thing. And they they have the, what do you call it? Non-diegetic? Yeah. Like pig sounds, like he's squealing. Oh, it might be the but it might supposed to be the guns, but it's 100% on purpose. He's like licking his disgusting teeth and it's like doing that right.
And there's so much smoke coming off these guns. His goggles are fogging up or getting covered in soot, which is important. Yeah. yeah But I just love this. It's the full on assault on this place that they spent twenty two million dollars to build. Say goodbye to your precious atoll. because Dude, when these holes start getting blasted on the side of this thing, I mean, these holes are big enough to fit like a medium-sized person. It's a practical effect, right? I mean, almost everything in this movie is practical, which is another reason I got so much money. And when it's not, you can tell. Yeah. Those CG flames. And I'm not trying to be a dickhead about it, but it's just I watched it in Ultra HD, so it was very standout.
The only time we really get the CG flames is is toward the end with the Exxon Valdez. And that's because that didn't actually exist. So that's it, dude. It was well, the Exxon Valdez existed. But that that part was a bunch of different. They built a set like ah they built a whole thing at like an airplane, like an abandoned ah airfield yeah for the top of it. And then on the outside parts, they built like the outsides of the boat in like a

Action Scenes and Special Effects

water tank. But would they never actually had like a tanker. So when they're having it sink, it's like a big model. Makes sense. do and they should in miniatures yeah i mean i think they kind of did with that but then then when they blew it up they they did rising it and i get it or deep rising
Yeah. Oh yeah. That's what it looks like when it starts blowing up the deep rising flames. But yeah, they've got like this trebuchet that's shooting up fucking like flaming stuff and they've got Molotov cocktails and they've got ramps they brought with them so they can do the Waterworld stunt show and jump over the walls into the thing. And especially after we see one of the jet skis do a little fucking submarine dive and pop up. So why didn't all of you do that? Yeah. You didn't need to bring boat ramps. because I mean it's cool. The water skiers are using the ramps because we have that one guy that just splatters on the side of the building. Oh, I wanted to go home and scream out of that guy. Yes! Or a Yahoo! Oh, how did you talk this guy into suicide boating by the way? Because he's like Kamikaze, you know, he's doing a little flag things. This guy just drives it. Yeah.
you Can't stop meth. Waterworld's got plenty of meth. They saved a little bit of meth and they only give it to the guys they want to crash into shit. Oh, they're making me meth on the Exxon Valdez. Are you kidding me? I mean, that one guy that's like stuck in the oil. Oh, God, that poor guy. Oh, thank you, God. Oh, God. That's one of the other better parts of this movie. That's like one of my other favorite parts.
It for sure. yeah Thank God. That's how I'm going to greet my end. But Gregor accidentally triggers this device. They've been building this hot air balloon. And so it starts going up. And I just love the plan was let's let's me, you and this little girl figure out that back tattoo and get the fuck out of here. Yeah. yeah Fuck these people. Yeah. Because fuck them. They're dying. They're all to embrace. You look at it and not after my seed the world. And then there's an arrow like pointing reverse. So like it's upside down.
Yeah, but I mean, we're talking about lost science. So like I mean, no one can read these fucking magazines, but like a magazine of the polls. Well, they're just there isn't magazines. im Yeah, sorry. Like, yeah, he could read them, but there's just so few paper that it's it would be a science lost. I don't know about reversing a polls now. And I have fucking Google.
ah So I don't blame him for not knowing. I do hate the the the the realization moment, but we'll get there. But yeah, he's floating away. Helen sees him. She comes running in. He's like, I'm sorry, it was an accident. I can't remember his exact like accent now. Everybody's doing an Irish thing in this, but.
It's like, hold on, Gregor, it's like this. It's a little bit disgusting. No, you're the Theo Theopian, the Theo Theopian. Like, it's it's almost a mad scientist. And it kind of rolls his arms. But I love that he's, they're trying to chase him and he's just, he can't stop this thing and he's like, well, I'm not going to knock it on it. Yeah. like Yeah. He's out there. He's like, sorry, I tried. Not that hard though. I mean, he was pulling on the rope, but this fucking 80 pound old man is not going to stop this thing. I don't know why it's not stopping. I put all my weight into it.
You should maybe get a squirrel to fucking help you. And meanwhile, Kevin Costner fell into the people goo and Helen goes to help him because Enola from the beginning has been like, that guy knows something. He can help us. Yeah. So Helen is a great a good laugh for me. Yeah, a good delivery. She pulls him up from the muckety muck. I throw up just thinking about all that people in your mouth. She pulls them up and she's like, if I get you out of here, you're taking us with you.

Comedic Elements and Character Dynamics

He could've been nice. He was. He said, sure. I mean, she could've been nicer. She could've been nicer, but he's like, he's like, sure. Sure. But I don't have a fucking choice, bitch. And so they're getting out on the boat. He's just fucking...
heroing this whole thing. So this whole boat, by the way, it's they designed it to make it look like he could run it by himself, which is not possible with these things. They have like teams, right? He's actually remotely controlled from there's people that are inside the thing, controlling the boat, doing everything blind. Oh, wow. So they're just going by like what people are telling you. You better trust a person like, hey, ah three degrees to your right. Yeah, the Navy does it. Yeah. Yeah. And also, also the very first shot of the movie was him pulling in like the first shot they did was pulling in.
It was him pulling into the atoll ah ah and they have it on like a pulley system so that he's not actually trying to sail in, right? And literally the very first thing they did was that and then the cable broke and they're like, well, this might be a bad sign. Uh-huh. Should we keep making this movie? We have to reset everything. Well, we've already spent 30 million dollars. All right. That kind of cost too much more.
But yeah, he gets out, there's a whole thing there, and on their way out, Dennis Hopper's like, hey, did I say anybody could fucking leave? Battle's not over. This is when he yells, I hate sales! Yeah, and fucking Kevin Costner, ah he poons Chuck's chip yeah and starts just pulling him in. That's when we get what we were talking about, which we won't do again. But it's just funny, like, Oh, and you got so many of these smokers are like a fucking ah Mad Max Wayne static from static. I was like, everybody's hair is just like, let me just it go straight up with. Well, imagine especially the smokers living on like the Exxon Valdez, which I guess we should say they don't say that till the very we don't know it till the very end. They just keep saying the D's. Yeah. Deacon of the D's. Yeah. But I mean, they're de covered they're covered in grease. Yeah. When I was watching the documentary and it was like shooting the D's, I was like the
These nuts that joke wasn't out in 94 95 but like these nuts was in 94 95 aren't you saying that in high school? No, I wasn't in high school 94 95 I was in eighth grade. Yeah, I wasn't in high school. but But they're surrounded by grease and oil and shit, and they're just touching themselves. So their hair would just be. just I mean, it'd be greasy. You would have to pull it straight up like fucking Tommy boy. I want to jerk the wheel to a goddamn virgin bank. But yeah, he turns the gunboat and fucking blast Dennis Hopper's boat and he's like, I know his cousins. It's like you could also be like, everyone jump. You don't have to just be the last guy.
But they do blow this fucking boat, a lot of boom and big, but a boom, because it was a fueler. Oh, it is a fuelers, the fueler. Yeah. And Dennis Hopper's back at the toll. He's missing an eye. And that's what he first says. We've got to keep an eye out for that icky freak. Yeah. I was like this time. I think he says icky. Oh, OK. It's the demon later. But either way, I like the we got to keep an eye out.
And he's got a blood hole in his face. He does the funny thing, too. There's two guys chained up. He's like, whichever one of you talks gets to live. And the guy talks, he shoots the other guy and then he tells him the shit, and you know, and he's like, all right. And he starts to point his guns like, no, you said you wouldn't kill me. Did I? I might. Somebody gives the gun to Nord. Yeah, witnesses gives the gun to Nord. Nord shoots. I'm like, oh, I didn't kill you. You said you'd kill me last. Yeah, I lied. Oh, where are you putting Arnold in this movie?
Nord. Yeah, yeah, Nord would be great, yeah actually. I mean, if you could, if you want to make this a $300 million dollars movie. At this point, Arnold's not doing anything that's not the lead

Cultural References and Character Roles

though. But Steve Buscemi is the guy that has the oxygen tank the whole time. Oh. Yeah. He reminds me, the magician, Elliot. Okay. Yeah, I didn't like him. Oh, I love Elliot. Elliot was the main guy with the long hair that was always like pushing it. No. Oh, that's the guy I hated. Elliot's the pansexual.
Oh yes, yes, I do like Elliot. Okay. Elliot is Vern. A much shorter Vern. Elliot's really tall too. Much shorter Vern.
But so they're, they're talking on the boat and she's like, Hey, so you're going to take us to dry land, right? You know where it is. And he's like, yeah, sure. Why not? Whatever you say, bitch. It's like, Hey, well you and me can go to dry land, but I'm hucking that kid over the side. Yeah. I'm going to string her along and use her as bait. Like she's going to weigh us down, dude. wait we You know what? It's better for her just to die right now than die of starvation and dehydration. exactly because yeah Actually starvation isn't a problem for him.
Yeah. We see how big these fucking fish are. Yeah. So, I mean, that's not a problem. I mean, that means only gonna last so long. Yeah. But you can just get more. Like, there's no shortage of fish. Yeah. In water world. Yeah. But I do like, she's trying to bribe him and she's like, is there something I can give you? And so she strips down naked. And you see that's not her. Yeah, nice to see. Oh, it's not her butt? Nope. Oh, that's a shame. She refused to do nudity for this movie, although she had done it before and she would do it again. Yeah. I think she just didn't want to be naked around Kevin Costner. yeah I don't get that.
But there was a funny story. She knows if you're naked around him, you could just get pregnant. She got to choose her own body double because she wanted someone who looked like her, although I feel like someone else should be choosing since it's from the back. No, that's what my butt looks like. That's it. That's the one. But I guess they had like a certain number of people, three or four people, and they each came to her trailer. It sounds creepier. Dude, it sounds really creepy. They each came to her trailer and just like derobed for her. They walked him backwards and naked.
But she said that it was like, she's like, it was so weird and like awkward that everybody was like, her and the people were all just laughing every time. They're just like, okay, this is my butt. Which is going to make you feel so good about being naked in front of people is laughter. Take your clothes off. I'm not laughing at you. I'm just curious. I'm just excited. I'm just excited. I'm not laughing at you. I'm just horny.
At least it was her and not, you know, a guy. She does like offer herself to him to pay for it. And I mean, of course he's interested. But when he touches her, she flinches and you can see like he's like this. That's not going to work for me. I mean, i honestly, though, it's it's fine. But dude I don't think this guy would care. He's like, yeah it's mostly consensual.
i I want to say he would care. The other paper obviously. Oh, no, he does. Not only does he not care, he's gross. Kevin Costner's character is very like. um Antisocial gruff, whatever, but I don't think he's supposed he's not obviously he's not supposed to be a bad guy, so he's like fucking fish. No, God, no, just getting blowjobs.
from an octopus like a blowfish. ah He's he's like the deep from the boys. Exactly. ah But i Kevin Reynolds said that like ah Kevin Costner was very had a lot of input and wanted the character to be. He wanted to decide how the character was.
Like, so this this version of the Mariner character is what Kevin Costner wanted. And Kevin Reynolds also said it may have had something to do with the very brutal divorce he was going through at the

Kevin Costner's Portrayal and Personal Insights

time. Another one, because he was just in 95. This might be the first one. That's why he's yeah. That's why the whole thing with Yellowstone is happening is with fucking nasty divorce. Is it? Yeah. And he's supposed to have some fucking claws that protects him because of this of divorce. Oh, that poor guy. See, everyone is after his seed.
And it might not just be his semen, it could be his money. It's his seed money. Oh, see, there you go. But yeah, so he's he to play off the fact that he's not going to have sex with her because she doesn't clearly doesn't want it. He's like, how about I just throw both of you off the boat? Go fuck yourself. Yeah. Pick up a spear gun. It's like, dude, you're going to hold that on me the whole time. So I'm like, yeah, I'm going to drop a sale on your head in a fucking habit. Or so this whole thing, it just annoyed me because I'm like, if there was just even the slightest bit of communication, she didn't have to be so country. Yeah. And he could have like said, hey, I have a plan. Just chill the fuck out.
But he didn't have a plan. Oh, yeah. When he went down to get the gun and... Oh, well, that's not yet. Oh, that that's later. Yes. i yeah That part I know. I thought you meant right here. my He has no plan. He knew if he told her, I'll get you to dry land, he gets out. That's the only plan he had was survive.
No, I'm just saying, like, if anything was just communicated in any site. Uh-huh. There's another fun behind the scenes story about this. Not so fun. So this is the part where he goes up the mast and he's staying there in sunset. It's a real nice shot. Yeah. heroic Well, he's like, fuck you guys. I'm up here.
Well, he went up there and then get the seas kicked up really hard and he was on like he was obviously on like a harness, but they couldn't safely bring him down. So they had to sail the boat all the way around the other side of the island to get to safe enough water to get him down. So he was up there for like hours. Just doing his lieutenant, Dan.

Production Challenges and Actor Experiences

And and I think it was Kevin Reynolds that said he was not happy about it.
I'm sure. Get me the fuck off of this metal rod in a lightning storm. And actually, the lightning's after my shame. And actually, one of the producers was like the biggest problem they had through all this, even though we've talked about multiple water based problems already, was everybody getting seasick and they tried pills and they tried this, they tried that. Should try getting high. ah Ginger snaps, which is what they found helped most people the most. He's like, I haven't had that strained. The guy, hiating i have the producer was like, so we ate so many cookies. I was like, well, that's why you all have diabetes. Yeah. Diabetes world. I have a regular that has like pure Wilford Brimley saving people. Sorry. Pure ginger. It's almost like a cough drop. Pure ginger candy that I'm going to take. I'll tell you what, man, go tsunami, make a water world stand up and smack Acosna.
Are we doing Water January because we're going on a cruise in February? I just had a bunch of movies I wanted to talk about. Derek just kind of pitched it one day. He's like, I want to watch this, this, this, and this. I was like, I like the three movies out of that that I've seen. um'm I just think it's funny that we're going to be on a cruise soon.
Yeah. It was just because some of these things also recently came out on disc. There is this funny little bit with Dennis Hopper getting a new eye. They just take a ball bearing and paint it. Oh, they're all like, it looks great. I like it better than your other eye. Somebody says that in the background and that one little kid is like, looks like shit. That's why I like kids. No guile. Oh, my God, it does look like shit. And then it pops out. It rolls across the floor. And you know what's way cooler than a big fake eye? Taking these goggles and turning them into a makeshift eye patch.

Set Design and Symbolism

Uh huh. Yeah.
which evolves throughout the movie. Yeah, because at one point it's like a football helmet chin. ah Yeah, is that what I was like? is That's what I saw of a jockstrap. Like, yeah, I thought yeah I thought he just took the goggle and like finished doing what he was doing with it. But the chin strap makes more sense. Yeah. I mean, and that's what you would do what's in a situation like that. Oh, I wouldn't know. I haven't lost an eye and yet.
And my whole note about this scene where we're on the we're on the D's with the smokers is just guns, cars, and cigarettes. um Yeah. You got my attention. What were you going to say? That's my note. Oh, I love it. Because Dennis Hopper is literally just driving a car around on a boat. Little kids are fucking loading revolvers while I got fucking darts hanging out of their mouth. Oh, man. It was in my childhood.
I swear to God, I watched one kid just like pour the bullets and like whatever landed under, he patted it and closed it. Yeah. How do you load a gun? And then he'd just say, oh, the car's running much nicer now. It's like kids are pushing it. Did you catch the bumper sticker? Yeah. Nuke the whales. Nuke the whales. I did appreciate that when cousin Chuck or Charles, depending, when he was shooting all them .50 cals, they had a shovel and were sweeping up the shells. They're repacking ammo. You have to. Oh yeah. You have to. Which means they're probably taking parts of this boat to melt down for the ammunition. Well, all of the little holes on them. Yeah, exactly. They're just like, well, take it from there. Take it from there. Take it from there. Because they're going to find dry land. This is when we find out. Oh, they went to row for a month. This is when we find out they're almost out of oil because we have that little saddled man. Yeah. Uh, your lordship. Good day. Good night. Whatever the fuck it is. I don't know. It's black in here and you guys keep this lid on me. Yeah. They keep an old man in

Plot Intricacies and Character Secrets

the like actual tanker part. He was the last guy that tried to throw a coup. I'm going to keep you alive as a reminder. All these fuckers don't fuck with the deacon of the deez nuts. And he basically has like a yardstick he's holding into this. And like, he's like, Oh, you have four feet of black stuff left. Yeah. No one knows it's oil, but they know how to refine it.
And I think that's the thing, they kind of know how to refine it. That's why all this shit runs so rough. That makes sense. It's not like a pure good fuel. Yeah. Meanwhile, back on the boat, the other boat. Meanwhile, back on the boat, the mariner's boat. ah ah That's when he's talking to Enola and she's like, she's just yammering and yammering. and He's like, dude, you talk so much. This is the part. scared of you This is the part. That's like it's Derek's fucking dream. Yeah, it is. You talk too much. Well, that's because you don't talk enough. You know what? It might not be right here, but it's in this era where he's like, have you ever tried just shutting the fuck up? That's when they're eating the fish. OK. Right here. He's like, you talk too much. And you know what? We go around. It's like a fucking storm. And that's when he just tosses her in the fucking water. He's like like, that's exactly what you fucking do.
Yep. And and then the biggest. What the fuck is wrong with you? She doesn't know how to swim. Biggest question mark in the movie. I know she's from dry land. That's what Whitney said. This bitch has been on in Waterworld for for at least she was found in like a baby basket before she could remember. Yeah, she was found much like ahbel Oswald Cobblepot.
in a basket but i bet you i bet you that wow no how does she remember all of these things then subconscious yeah there are things that she saw she doesn't know what they are because gregor asks her what's that she's like oh and she hums the music box to him but has no idea where it's from she's like i just like to hum dude yeah because she's drawing horses and trees and shit and they don't even know what they are and monkeys which that's another thing that bothers me that nobody knows what a tree is. Kevin Costner later on sees the tree and has to like look at National Geographic to compare it. They know they grow plants. They know what trees are in their fucking jumping the the body goop water thing happening. They have a.
Not a prayer, but like a fucking saying, a mantra, if you will. And it's like, it talks about like bones to dust and berries and trees. So they do know what trees are. It seems like no one recognizes what she's drawing. Yeah. And even you said Kevin Costner later having to like bust out National Geographic to be like, tree, tree. a Homegirl talks about it where she's like, we weren't meant for the water. We have hands, we have feet, yada, yada.
There's also plants that are not meant to grow in the water. Like, how would you expect to think like this is tomatoes are supposed to grow in dirt. We don't have dirt. Well, fuck. ah Like they just never put that together. Yeah. it's Like this is just life. That's a big question, Mark. Maybe that's in the one hundred and seventy three minute. Yeah. We'll let you know. There's a lot more background. on What I read was there's a lot more background, basically. Yeah. So no characters more. ah But then we get the smoker plane that comes and finds them. And this is what we did earlier. Jack Black.
who played Bowser in that new Super Mario Brothers cartoon movie. So in this movie, we have two people bower who played Bowser slash King Koopa. Nice. Yeah. Nice.
But yeah, it's Jack Black. I told Whitney, she's like, is it? And then as he was talking, I'm like, you can hear it now. Right now that you know. Yeah, I mean, he can't tell it first. he Later on, goggles, dirt face. Yeah. Later on, he's got the goggles off and stuff. a Quick shot. But here when he first leaves out and I only knew because I saw him in the credits. So I was it's one of the people I was keeping an eye out for. And as soon as he was like, there they are. Whatever. I was like, that's Jack Black. Yep.
That's funny. You never knew that before. I just I don't think I ever noticed. Yeah, I don't remember noticing. It's a fairly small role. What's funny is the I think it's the girl that's playing. and might It's one of the two girls, either a little girl or Jean Triple Horn. I can't remember. But one of them was credited as being in like an episode, like a skit on Mr. Show with Bob and David. uhu And that's where Jack Black got started, too. Oh, yeah. That's a fun little. I mean, that whole reason he did the Tenacious D show. Yeah, exactly. Is Mr. Show. Which you guys should go and watch that. Both of them. Both of them. Yes.
Uh, Helen, this is where Whitney was talking about communication because Kevin Costner goes under the, down into the hole. Without saying a word. To get his, his harpoon gun. And she calls him a coward because they're shooting at him.
And then she uses the mounted gun, which don't be an idiot. This is obviously tied to your boat. Yeah, it's a harpoon. Yeah, you say don't be an idiot, but she's just like, I'm going to save my daughter. I'm panicking. I don't know what else to fucking do. Yeah, but it is stupid. It is. You're right. Also, let's talk about this. A terrific shot. Great shot right through that fucking gunner. We can call her an idiot, but a fucking Hawkeye.
Oh, a lot of people in this are good shots, which you don't see in movies too often. Uh-huh. Dennis Hopper is a fucking eagle eye. Oh, yeah. Everybody else in that smoker group was terrible. And he's like, let me just get one bullet. I mean, he does it with a pistol at the end of the movie, too. He's like Lance Hendrickson.
Oh, I love that. Oh, Lance Henriksen is the fucking deacon of the Ds. Oh, man. Would have been almost the same level of terrifying as Dennis Hopper. Like the same just like, I mean. I'll skin you with a fish bone covered in shit. Yeah. I'm gonna drown you in that people muck water.
But Jack Black does end up shooting the rope loose because it's tying around a good shot. Yeah. I mean, it takes him like four. But yeah, you're shooting a rope with a fucking looks like a musket. It is a steel rope. Uh huh. Okay. This is for poon and big game. Yeah. You might want to rephrase that. This is for Poon and Big Game. This is Pooning. I know what you said. Pooning. It's a fucking verb. Look it up. Don't. But, yeah, the boats put it on. You don't mode before you look up Pooning. The mast of the ship has been all tied up in the cable, so it's all fucked up. I like this shot. Oh, the whole thing's tilted up. Well, then Kevin Costner gets fucking tossed off that crows nest. Oh, yeah. He flies out that thing. I love it.
And he doesn't kill her, which I think he would have had been like a day earlier. Yeah. He's starting. They're starting to grow on him. Yeah. Well, he just gets mad at a good guy. I think he just has to act like I'm going to kill you even though he's like in my mind, like I'm not going to kill you. So he just gives her a bad haircut instead. It it might be nice and spunky, though.
if she had a backwards hat. Oh, my God. I do. She does put that little weird wrap around her head. I like that. It's a it's a stupid gag that comes right after, but it did get a little chuckle out of me the most. Most of the times I've watched the movie. Yeah, because the little girl is like, you didn't have to do that. She said, sorry. You're supposed to say something nice. And then all of a sudden you look hard cut to.
She also doesn't. Well I think it's also because earlier she was like she says that you're just mean and ugly because if you're long hair. Yeah if you cut your hair you wouldn't be so ugly. Oh and running things she keeps taking crayons and just drawing on his boat and he's just not about that. like myma cheek He almost sounds Canadian when he's like don't touch anything on my boat.
Yes. What? What? I think he's trying to do a thing where like maybe he doesn't necessarily talk or because he knows multiple languages. You know, Portugal. We hear him speak. Don't say that like that's real. At the beginning, he speaks Hindi according to the IMDB trivia. Oh, that's Hindi. OK. When he's talking to the guy on the boat, I think, or he's talking to some. Yeah, it'd be that traitor right away because they start in non-English. Yeah. I didn't recognize what it was. I thought it was Portuguese.
And then later on, Portuguese. So, hey, it makes sense. I i like how he's like, what is that? Portuguese, their own language. Not really. It's kind of a combination of two existing languages. But I guess you wouldn't know that back then, like Portugal and Greek or Greece are done. Yeah. So you're like, ah, Portuguese.
I've heard that language before. Because those places, those places definitely stopped existing pretty early. Yeah. As far as I know, they're very close to the water. Yeah. They were some of the first to go. And then we meet the best character actor of the movie, Kim Coates. Yeah.
I. you tell He is so fucking insane. His whole performance. He's putting on a clinic of how to be a fucking crazy person. i've been I love, love, love. Losing people for a very long time. There's going to be a reason. There's going to be a reason to find all this stuff. You know, that's not reason. He's talking to the math.
Yeah, he just runs around and talks to the boat. I can't believe this guy. He's asking for fucking raisin. And I mean, it's resin, not raisin. Raisin. But he's saying raisin. I know. We have we have seen him before. Like we said, he was on Bad Boys, uncredited. Officer Down. But also the star of Officer Down, Jack's favorite movie, which it's not. Oh, I feel like the further we get away from it, the more I'm like, it wasn't that bad. I would watch that again over Empire of Ants. Oh, me too. Yeah. And I didn't mind Empire of Ants. I would watch that with you guys in place of Wild Angels.
wild and You didn't get to watch Officer Down. So Derek, Wild Angels or Officer Down? Officer Down. Yeah. More blood. Yeah. He also plays Tigger on SOA. True. Yeah. He's done a lot of stuff. He's great, but I like here. I do love Kim Coats. This is where I got introduced to Kim Coats. And I was just like, oh my God, this guy's going places. Sadly, never really, really did. Yeah. he's a He's played a lot of, I mean, oh.
Uh, the island also. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. So he's been on the show a few times, but, um, when he first meets Kevin Costner and he's like, turn around, talking to himself, talking to the boat, whatever the fuck he's doing. And it's just Kevin Costner's delivery of like, you've been out water a long time, huh? yeah and Only for you. So like do you have any food? And he's like, let's see that again real quick. Oh, food would be nice. I haven't eaten any, you know, like forever.
Poor fucking guy. That's a nice rod, like that rod. It's a good rod there. and apparently it's a nice rod like ah Apparently him and Kevin Costner became good friends on this. That's why he showed up in out of range or open range. Open range. Yeah. As I said, give him more roles, dude. I mean, I'll be friends with Kevin Costner if that means I can be on something. I'll just be friends with Kevin Costner. Just the fucking thought of his seed. But he does try to trade for the women.
We won back there. I've been saving this for a special tree. They're not for sale not for sale not for sale sale I mean not for sale and I hate sales. He gives them offers him two pages of paper Even though there's more I'm just gonna say there's more in there. Yeah, I think that's just his that his lines and the fucking set department didn't get in touch. No, they didn't. I don't know if he had lines. I think he just showed up. I mean, like we we're going to gush on it and then move on. But his performance is so goddamn fun. And even though we know he's disgusting, because he's like um because Kevin's like ah half an hour and he's only talking about the adults. Yeah. But then he's like, how about 25 moments with the wee one like a good talking to if you know what I mean? I don't know what you mean. And no. um And he even says like, yeah, we hear him going here. Yeah. A harem.
That girl is fucking ten. Ten? Yeah. God. But he's supposed to be disgusting. I know, I know. But like I know you're out in the sea for a long time, but i if this is me as that crazy Irishman and I have paper, I'm like, how much to have sex with the adult?
Look, i'm borrowing I'm bartering for sex with someone. Okay, look, there's two pages in here that I wanna have sex with your wife, I'm assuming. The other two pages is so I can throw the little girl off the boat like you did. That looks really fun. Ever since I saw you, I've been following you for a while, I saw you throw the little girl off the boat and thought, wow.
That's fucking great. But Kevin Costner has a change of heart and he goes down to stop it and they get into a knife fight barely because he pulls out a little like fucking that's not a noise dagger hearing knife. Yeah, his is a little paring knife. And then do you know the name of the knife that? ah It's not a machete. No, it's like almost like a boomerang. Those ones that curve forward like a Soka's lightsaber. Oh, hold on. Wait. No, it's begin of the k god category close it Close. it's close. Kintsume. Kukuri. Yes. Kukuri. I was close. Yeah, it's a Kukuri.
I got the last letter. We are talking about a five times knife, different size. I hate this board. I mean, and we know Kevin Costner is not going to die, not only because this he stars in this movie, but he's also Kevin Costner. But ki Kim Coates comes out from under with blood on the knife. Where's my boy? Yeah. And they're like, oh, fuck. She's like trying to shoot him because she doesn't know what's going on.
Because no communication. But when he comes out. I stabbed him in the back. Don't worry about it. Don't shoot him. Don't waste the bullets. He's he's dying. I skinned his spine. Just blood running down his back. He collapses and then they just they just loot the boat, toss him overboard and move on. Well, no, he he does use him as bait because he's like, we need fucking food. He's like, yeah, I have a fucking plan. No, he didn't use him as bait. He blooded the water. no He uses them. they They're way away from there. Yeah. coster uses them Oh, yeah. OK. Because i thought he was still like blooding, like chumming the waters.
Yeah, maybe. But I think it's it's specifically this little water ballet he does, because that's what we're getting to right now. Yeah. He throws the pole. He's like, this is fucking useless. I'm going to show you why. And he starts dragging himself behind the boat, making like an injured fish motion, I guess, you know, and then this giant fucking guppy looking thing just comes up and they said it's like it was supposed to be a cross between like a whale and a shark thing. I mean, they call it a whale shark. Yeah, which is not a shark at all. People. I know it's a whale.
Um, but it's Bailin and everything what about Megatron or whatever his name is. Not Megatron. Megalodon. Megalodon. Um, actually, and speaking of just the giant shark, there's another reference to Jaws later in this, but, uh, the, I think it was the director, maybe it's the writers, one of them called Steven Spielberg. It was the director, Kevin Reynolds. He called Steven Spielberg. He's like, Hey, no, it's pronounced, uh, Costner. It was still when Reynolds was directed. Gotcha. I'll wait till that one. I'll get that joke back.
But he called Steven Spielberg and he's like, hey, you've got experience shooting on water. You made Jaws. Do you have any pointers for me? Don't. Yeah. Is that really? Don't shoot on water. I was just guessing. You have any suggestions? Get the fuck off the water.
But yeah, he uses himself as bait. This giant thing eats him and he has this like double sided harpoon that burst out. we It's all kind of muddy in the because the CG looked terrible, according to everybody on the documentary. I mean, it's fine. i You can you can tell. Don't show. Yeah, I don't need to see. I get killed the idea. I get it. Yeah. His spirit. You know what? If I want to see somebody burst out of a weird space creature, I'll just watch Guardians of the Galaxy 2 again. Yeah. Yeah.
All day. What did we see that monster in? We just saw it on something else. And I was like, oh, my God, that's the Guardians of the Galaxy. well Oh, it's a faculty. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The queen. But so they're eating this fish that does not look too good. But hey, beggars can't be choosers. It's food. Yeah. Yeah, it's like he's just grilling the fat. And then is he just putting it on coal? Yeah, which is just doable. You just knock off the ash and shit like that. It's not recommended, but it's fine. Yeah, it'll work. You could even cut the ash part right off. He's slurping eyeballs. Yeah, which would be delicious water. Yeah. Like that is fluids. Yeah. Like you'd be all about that. Yeah. Thousand percent. I know it looked disgusting, but I was like, oh, it's going to help this chap live. He kind of brings up the problem I had with the you don't swim thing, because he's like, never met someone who couldn't swim. Yeah. Well, you met me. I mean, I was going to say it earlier, but like all the people told would be weirded out if they saw her trying to swim like you didn't just swim from birth.
Yeah, so maybe that's why she never taught her because you're supposed to just teach kids right away Yeah, and she doesn't want anyone know that they found her a bastard in a basket I mean in in this atoll there's really no space to just go swimming entire ah middle park People are in and out all the time sure okay, so I guess what you would do is take a boat out just outside of the atoll swim there and then take your boat back in and But then, like, the monsters will get you. Not during the day. Even though he's fishing during the day. Yeah, but at the time when they're in the water, he's like, they're asleep right now. Yeah. Even though it's the same exact time of the day that he was fishing. it it it was It was a little earlier. Yeah, I don't know. But I do like it makes me nervous. I'm like, ah are you sure? Like, how sure are you they're sleeping? I'm not doing the fancy water but ballet dance. He's trying to teach her how to swim. That's the stress.
He's like, just let the water move your legs. That's not how that works. That's how swimming works at all. I do like how swimming. I do like his little shit talk thing to the kid, though, because she's like, well, I can't swim. People said I was weird. He's like, you know, maybe they were right. Maybe they read about you. Yeah. And this is the you don't listen to what the world. Yeah. And she's like, I don't have anything. It's like, you just you'd shut up for three seconds. You're chewing really loudly, too. So yeah, she's just there.
I mean her mouth is closed but it's just like... they're it Her cheeks are full like a chipmunk. She is full chipmunk. I don't know the next time I'm gonna be able to eat. How do you poop on this boat? Do you just like sit on the net? You see him later when he's trying to make the boat tilt to get away from the net. Just hang like that. Two things. One, it's called a poop deck for a reason.
to those chairs are made of mesh for a reason. Yeah. And the whole and all the nets in the middle, that's all net. So he just say you just sit on the net and just like waffle it. Yeah. OK. Yeah. right You try to line your butthole up with one of the things. If it doesn't work, it's fine. It'll get washed off. I mean, I would hold on to like the mass and just poop, like hang my butt off and poop into the water.
You know how fun that would be? Yeah. I was just talking today about pooping in the wilderness is like one of the best things ever. He hated it. When that wind hit her. Well, it's just people. There's people around. Oh, yeah. No. Also, did you get a good pooping log? You got to find a good pooping log. I had a little fold up toilet stools. Pooping logs better along with the world. So do you just kind of like put it against your knees and kind of hang off of it? Yeah. Or if it's standing upright, you hold on to it much like I was talking about with the mass and just lean your butt towards the hole.
And are your pants completely off? Or what leg? Man is the only animal who poops with his pants on. You take them off and hang them over a branch. I want to make sure the pleats stay in them.
ah But so they find this little barter outpost. There was a kind of a fun thing about this because it's so small, like the base is small and the top is large. This thing sank. Oh, really? And it just toppled right the fuck. oh Yeah. ah But the the girl, who the woman who was talking about it, who's one of the producers was like, those guys dove down there, got it back up. No problem. Like it it sank. I think they said more than once because it was just it's not practical. It's a little tiny base with a big it's a tree house that's in a pot. Uh huh.
I didn't think about it. The design is not good. But it's supposed to be where they can go and just do trading in the middle of nowhere. And I love this fucking Kevin McAllister gag that Dennis Hopper and the Smoker go around. like Because they just got dead bodies with like ropes on their arms that are just waving. yeah Is that Michael Jordan? But even though the very bottom had a bunch of people all like fucking strung up and laid out almost. Yeah. They figured by the time you get that close, it's too late. Don't pay attention to them. Just look at the waving guy. Pay attention to the waving guy. From far away, all you see is the guy at the top waving at you. And then this is where he goes down to his down periscope. uh-huh which is dope but we also get the second gag of let me fan over this way there they are there they are yep and these dudes are all just so how long have they been hiding underwater they have hoses oh did they okay i didn't see that because i was like i get how they're being held they have like a rope system as long as these jet skis aren't on they should be fine
I mean breathing, but they i no I'm talking about the jet skis like because you don't want water in your intake Yeah, I know it's meant for water, but not under water. They go under water all the time though. They did it the earlier thing Yeah, but that's just I guess that's just flowing through way off the gas. Yeah, but no they definitely had hoses in their mouths I did it on wave race 64. Oh, yeah, I should put in the code where I turned in my jet ski into a dolphin
Exactly that. Just like that. But yes, it's a trap by the smokers. I talking about um knew I was going to do it. And they've got these cool maneuver. These Jeskies coming at them with the they've got a net between them. And at first I was like, please, he's on a boat. How am I going to pull you? But the sides of these things, the sides, the two sides of his boat have like little sharp things hanging down. So that would catch into the net, I guess.
Yeah. The idea is at least they'd slow him down or be attached to him. Yep. You can you can eventually board it. Yeah. But he's got these two running back and forth trying to tilt the boat. So it goes over the net. It's a pretty iconic shot for this yeah movie when he does the I don't think this would work in po play or whatever.
I don't think this would work at all because the net, it's not like it came to one side of the boat and then came to the other side of the boat, but it's, it looks cool. And I enjoyed the seat. It would have to be them coming from two different timings. Yeah. Well, it was fine. Don't care. And then it missed cause it didn't have the second grip and then they tried again. And then that's why it was a second one.
Yeah, but I like him just fully extended out on this thing. Yeah, that's probably a little help of wires I love Kevin Costner. He's not the most physical being I mean 95 he'd already done Some but just just straight out on that pole that that makes it that he can fucking stand straight out like that. Yep. He can do handsome He was in Wyatt Earp, so I don't know. What does that have to do with anything? Nothing. Well, it has something to do with something. That's the reason they took away Kevin Reynolds three hour cut, because Wyatt Earp was three hours and bombed. Yeah. So they were like, let's make this not three hours. Yeah. The Wyatt Earp movie is pretty good until you watch Tombstone. How many times did Kevin Reynolds and Kevin Costner work together? Well, three now.
There was Wyatt Earp, no, four. There was Wyatt Earp, Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves, this. And then they didn't work together for a very long time because Kevin Reynolds walked out and was like, fuck this guy. And then when there was the Hatfields of McCoy's miniseries. Oh, I just found out about this. Like I was going through and I was like, is that motherfucking Kevin Costner in a cowboy hat in a movie I didn't know? It's not a movie, it's a miniseries. Yeah. A docu-series or something. Kevin Reynolds directed that or at least some of that. It's on my watch list. I will be checking that out. They get away. Dennis Hopper's like, you know, you want to do something done, right? You got to do it yourself. Grabs the gun and fucking he a winged winged him. So was it like a ah through and through on his side? I'd hope so, because how the fuck is he getting that bullet out? It must have been well he's not leading from both sides. Yeah, OK. The front part of it.
Well, that's just how I hold my fucking side after chili. I fell for him. I was like, oh, I get it. I heard his popping. This is my other problem. So they just get away from the smokers, right? And so why is he now? i'm I'm assuming at least an hour has passed where he's like, you want to know where dry land is? Get in the fucking bubble.
Yeah, right before that we get the line dry land is a myth. Yeah, which I was reading the trivia And it's like that's in the trailer and it's very iconic, but it's not in the movie and i'm bowl I just saw it in the head Yeah, so fuck you. Maybe they were watching on TV or doesn't it's like a cut that doesn't have it, but I fucking I saw it Yeah, don't tell me it didn't happen. and I saw it. um But I think they do this way too soon. I agree being attacked by smokers. I agree. and There's just it's like a lot of the movies we've talked about where it's not a good sense of time passing. It's not like, look, the sun is somewhere in this water. Yeah. Like, yeah, maybe it was hours on upon hours. Question, though, because he says him being fucking deacon of the D's nuts. Give me the trackers.
Right. Yeah, because he's bleeding. And then we see shark fins, shark fins. And that's it. Do they have pet sharks or are there people that dress up as sharks? I was I couldn't remember what was happening. So when I saw the fins, I was waiting for some dudes to jump out with shark fins on. Yeah. But I'm pretty sure they have sharks that because they're like, OK, they're following the blood. I think they have do sharks. Yeah, the crazy. yeah Wouldn't you? I would have liked to have seen more of that. Why not? Fucking hate sharks.
I mean, you're just a fucking murder machine. That's all they are. No, they're not. That's a myth. Like dry land. Get in the water with them. No, I will. And you'll be dead. I saw Jaws. I'll make sure I'm not. I saw Jaws 3. I saw Jaws 3D. I saw Jaws 4. I saw Jaws Revenge. I saw Dan and Jaws. I saw Jaws and James Bond.
Did you? Yeah. The jaw's getting. Oh, that jaw's. I was like, wait, wait, am I missing something? Yeah. A reason to live. I saw sharks. I saw sharks with lasers. Sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their freaking heads. But so. Are they ill tempered? She tells, he tells her dry lands on myth and she's like, the way you getting all this fucking crazy shit no one's ever seen. Yeah, there's shit on your boat that no one's ever seen. I'll show you. So he's got this diving bell for some reason. Just in case he has a friend. Yeah.
and also maybe he no I was gonna try and make up like make a reason but no there's no reason yeah maybe for this thing maybe he built it like right there in there he's like all right you want to see dry land give me 10 hours and an Allen wrench I got this shift from my Kia, but he takes her down in one of the worst looking segments of the show of the movie. But yeah, it's all composite photography was not CG. It's composite. They built. They built a miniature of that. They based on Denver, but it's just very clearly was superimposed. Yeah, it's them because it's it's the two of them swimming in a tank. I didn't understand why you had to use so many flares. I don't either. It's not like they're going to stay in light. I don't know. It looks cool.
like There it is. That's the answer. It looks cool. but yeah they built like And also there's definitely enough air for Enola to be in there. No, but when they get for the further to get further down the air, the water is up to like the top of her chest. So she's got a foot of air above her head. It's probably not enough air for her, honestly. Can we go up really quick now? Can we go like really fast? That's how you get the bends. huh huh But yeah they there they go down there and yes, they did. They built they built a Denver like a miniature of Denver, basically. Yeah. Like there are buildings, slopes and there's there's certain buildings like there's this one. I can't remember what it's called, but it kind of looks like a big cash register. That's like a well-known building in Denver. And there were some donut place. That's like a famous place that they put in there, but they named it Mike's Donuts. And Mike was the guy who's like the head visual effects guy or something. Also, did you guys see the orca? Not a whale. Oh, the submarine, the boat submarine. No, the boat.
the boat or of from jaw from jaws is down there i was just looking at the some submarine on the That's kind of where my eyes went too. It's just a little thing. It's in the background. They don't even like focus on it because like that submarine was probably still active during the, like the giant collapse, you know? Like that's yeah otherwise how the fuck did it get to Denver? And they ran into a building like, there's not supposed to be, we don't have a topographical map for this. We don't have the ship mapped out. Or they were all dead by that point. Yeah. Could be. Yeah. But yeah, he gets down there. Just imagine if the smokers or anybody got a hold of that submarine. We are talking domination. Yeah.
He gets down there and shows her like this is where I got the dirt and shit. He gets it and he dries it and he trades it. Yeah. Which means that which is why I said earlier, there's no way this dirt has any nutritional value for plants left because it's like it's all salinated. Yeah. Filled with salt. That's going to kill anything you try to plant in it. Uh huh.
Oh, I didn't think about that. And that's what I was saying, he could flood the economy. Like, look at all this dirt. But when they get back up, smokers are there. And they but they didn't find Enola because she saw them coming. She saw the sharks. Yeah. So she's hiding in one of the giant holes in the side of this hole where the mushrooms grow. the muho Yeah, exactly. She comes out tripping balls. Whoa, I think I saw sharks, man. Dennis Hopper's like, me too, man. Fucking sharks are everywhere in the water world. I went in there and there was a shark that was talking like that drifter we just killed. Oh, blood. I've never smelled blood before. I mean, like forever. I do like one of Dennis Hopper's lines because he's saying, like, you love him all. One of you tell me I love one of his lines. He's a great. you love He's great. But he's phenomenal.
He's like, you guys, whichever one of you tells me where the girl is gets to live. I'm going to kill the other one. We've seen how this goes. Yeah. And and Helen knows it. But he's like, look, he goes to her and he's like, I'd rather shoot the devil's sperm because he doesn't like mutants. Yeah. And he's jealous. He's jealous. No, I don't think he is. I think that's what it is. People are scared because they're jealous. No, people are just scared. It's new.
They're like, I want. I mean, I would definitely be jealous. I said it right up top. I was like, this would be the only way I get in the water. Well, swim away like that. And if people knew what he was able to do, like the fact that he's able to go under for so long and go so deep, like, yeah, they'd be jealous. You know how much more supplies you could have? Yeah. Cases of Mountain Dew. Yeah. They don't even realize that their city is under them.
No, no. Yeah, they don't because then nobody knows exactly what later, much later coming up is when they theyd say like dry lands under us. There's someone's like, that's blasphemy. So it's been posed before. Yeah. And there's like heretic. Helen's like, I was just assumed it's coming up right now. I always just assumed that land floated around us. Uh huh.
Which, I mean, makes sense because all she knows is things that float, right? Yeah. That's why we couldn't find it, because it's floating around. yeah Yeah. It's just always shifting. It's in the wind. But the smokers take Enola. Kevin Costner and Helen have to jump in the water to hide. I'll breathe for both of us. Yeah. So they make out underwater. Lucky. I've done it. It's weird. Yeah. yeah But was that person could that person breathe oxygen into you?
That would change it. That would change it. That's another question I had. You're on refeed, motherfucker. He's using these gills to breathe in oxygen himself, but he's still just breathing out CO2. It's not all CO2. All right. It's enough to keep you alive for a minute. Because you could do this to somebody as we are now, like if you went up and got oxygen, it's not super sustainable, but it'll buy you time.
ah My note, by the way, is kissy gills. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. he could But they get back up. She gets really romantic, too. It's like, I know you're just breathing oxygen. I know, but she's like... she start She starts reaching up to touch, and I was like, careful, you're going to close that gill. You're both going to die. She just starts choking. Sorry, I got a really bad gill gag reflex. I don't like things in there.
oh oh Well, the deep doesn't like it when people. I know that's what made me go. I wouldn't like it either. But they get back up and the boat's been torched and it's just a shell at this point. But luckily for them. I love that boat.
Looking for them, that's how they get found. Uh-huh, because here comes Gregor. It's a smart idea to set your boat aflame. I don't know why they wouldn't have found you. What a good idea. Burn your boat. I know that you needed to, like, you know, get around, but good idea burning that boat. Because right before that, she's like, we're going to die, right? We're going to die, right? And then they have sex. He's like, well, you are. I'll just swim somewhere. I'm going to wait till you're dead. You're going to suck your eyes a little bit, and then I'm going to swim out of here.
And also in there we do see, um, Enola back at the, the D's and that's where we get this never too young to start smoking, which is fun. Oh, and he says something about like, who's going to come for you, your mommy or your pet fish. Yeah. And it's like the demon. If I ever, if I ever see him again, he took out my eye. If I ever see him again, I'll cook him alive.
He's coming for me. We can come collect what's rescued a goddamn jar. Dude, what a good line. He tries to, dude, it's a Hendrickson line almost. Yes. He tries to bribe her with highlighters. I'm like, come on, dude, she had crayons. Come on, highlighters. Come on, you got two colors. You can't even draw on metal with those. You can't see it. I can. Look at this boat, this giant giant boat's a canvas to me. I want my crayons.
Oh, right before they get rescued, they do fuck on the shell of this boat. That's what I said. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We know Winnie definitely mentioned the fucking. You think Winnie was going to mention the fucking, you weirdo? who the A room of two men and a woman. Who's the pervert? All three of us. You are top pervert. But don't sell us short. Am I the icing on the cake? Yeah. Am I the candle on top?
Um, and also Greg or he starts to figure out, cause he sees, uh, Kevin Costner has like national geographics and shit. And he, and other pieces of paper, the paper he took the paper, but he's like, oh shit, those characters written on her are numbers. And it must be some ancient thing, like latitude and longitude. No, no.
But he's like, why are the numbers backwards? Kevin Costner is one that's like, they're upside down, idiot. Yeah, backwards upside down, you tool. I've been remapping everything. Everything's upside down. So it said here upside down. Yeah. And then it's later when he's rescuing and he's pulling a Nola up and she's kind of like upside down. He's like, of course the polls are reversed. Yeah. He just fucking said that. Like once he sees a tattoo upside down, it's like,
I get it. I fucking get it. You should have gotten it already. Yeah. but Well, he's not a smart man. No, he's dumb. He just built a fucking flying hot air balloon and a scrap. Is he ours?
Yeah, I like that guy like where's that land you promised us. Hey fuck you buddy. Yeah, this is not a politician This is a guy that will throw you in a pit of oil. Yeah. Yeah calm me down you know Throw him down there and the old man's like your job now dives in one my mouth to feed And why didn't you just jump? I guess it's just a terrible way to go suffocating on oil. Yeah. Yeah. Although I imagine living in a tank of oil and only breathing oil fumes. Probably not going to. Probably not going to make it to the age this guy did. I mean, i so I do. I don't sleep well, so I'm rolling right off that boat. i just well There you go. Jack's dead. I'm dead now.
yeah I died the way I lived, breathing in oil. Oh, thank God. It took me a minute to understand because my phone auto corrected. What you got? Costner hits dude with Jessica. Wait, what do we get introduced to Jessica? And why is he using her as a wet dad? Because he comes onto this boat. This dummy is awesome. he Yeah, he fucking jumps this boat, this jet ski on in Plano. Oh yeah.
Can you, before that, he climbs up the side of this. Can you imagine climbing that rusty ass metal? That was my first thought. Barefoot, hands, just... I'm sure he's got some calluses from walking on the ropes all day. Yeah. But... Ow. Yeah. Where are those ski boots I had earlier? They're all Nord. This is where we get a momentary glimpse of another character actor who's also been on the show before.
Also, hold on, ski boots, that's what they wear. I was like, how does he have like? It's Denver. I know, but I was thinking that they were astronaut boots. Oh, yeah. At first, I thought they were roller blades. And then I saw the bottoms. I was like, oh, that's for latching into skis or snowboard. OK, that makes sense now.
95 snowboard just got invented. Yeah, but it was Denver. Yeah. That's where it got invented. It wasn't Aspen. It was Denver. So it was a snowboard. If it was Aspen, it would have been skis. They're like, we're fucking snowboarding. That's not classy. ah But ah yeah, Lee Ehrenberg is this guy. ah Most people would know him from Pirates of the Caribbean. But on this show, he was previously on um Brain Dead.
with ah Bill Paxton and Bill Coleman. ho it He's also from The Wizard. Oh, that's right. He was in The Wizard. He's a very small role when they're signing up. He's like, right this way. And for people like me and Jack, he's the guy from Scrubs. My machines. My machines. One episode, like four, maybe four scenes, but they're each like two seconds. He has more episodes in Seinfeld and I still will call him the guy from Scrubs. Because it's such a fucking scene. It's an iconic scene. Whose machine is it? My machine. How's that helping?
and And I was keeping an eye out for him because I saw that he was in this. He's a little thinner here. You see him from the back and he turns his head and that's how I knew it. But he's got like the horseshoe hair that he's had forever. But it's like bozoed out. Yeah. Bozoed out. Thank you. Bozoed out. It won't smooth down.
And this is what Dennis Hopper's giving the speech, and he's got the thing I said earlier about if there's a river, we'll dammit. If there's a tree, we'll ram it. Because I'm talking progress, people. That's all people want is the promise of a future. And she's also giving her speech to Nord, her being Nola. He's as fast as the wind. He's as silent as a fart. And he doesn't care who he stinks up and kills. I love it, though. Oh, I love it, too. He doesn't have a name, so death can't find him. That's a good fucking lie. Yeah, but not from her. You were too young to be thinking that way. Awesome. Have you met my daughter? Yeah, well, your daughter's not 10. What the shit she said to him when she was 10? Well, that's just because she was threatening Derek. I do like that he's not even afraid to kill women or children and the Nord's like, who isn't? You don't think I like killing girls? Love killing girls. I would've killed you already. But you could tell he's nervous. Oh, he is. Even though he'll look at you and say, I don't get nervous.
It looks like you are. I heard it. I heard the waiver. The way you're smoking your cigarettes and drinking that whiskey. That you shouldn't be drinking because you're going to get in trouble. Because it's Dennis Hopper's stash. Is that what it is? Yeah. And he's replacing it with water. What an asshole. Kids out there, if we have any kids listening to the podcast, turn it off. Don't ever. Don't steal your parents' booze, wink, wink. But if you do, don't put fucking water back in it because if you do that,
You deserve to be given away. Well, because now we're throwing that at two things. You know, you stole my whiskey and you watered down my whiskey. Yeah. You fucked up twice. Yeah. I'm throwing you off a boat. Yep. Yep.

Humorous Threats and 90s References

Shaving your hair first. I'm going to slingshot you. I'm going to start carrying around a fucking set of kookery scissors. I'm using you as a bee. Just cutting people's hair as they piss me off.
I'm gonna start giving everybody the Keith Flint. just You don't just like scratch with them? No. Weirdo. and Kevin Costner confronts Dennis Hopper. I think it's only the second time, no, third, because, well, they probably weren't even in the same scene. like I think it's the second time they've met, but it was, there was face-to-face put on the boat, yeah but i on yeah wound also on the ah the outpost thing, but they were on land and... Probably not the same sand, but, you know. Yeah, yeah. They were in the treehouse of water.
And we do we do get a 90s throwback line from Dennis Hopper. It is delivered really well. He does throw a hard R. Yeah, because he's like well Kevin Costner's like, I want the girl. He's like, I thought you were stupid, but you're not. You're a God or you're a total freaking R word. And I like the R word in here because he's the bad guy. Yeah, exactly. It's like when we had ah under siege, Gary Butsi dropped a hard F.
because he's, and I think he dropped a hard R too, and he's supposed to because he's the bad guy. It lets you know that like, hey, he's calling everybody F's and R's, we don't like him. yeah If Costner would have been like, oh, you're being this, all right, I don't want my hero to say it. I mean, it's a 90s thing, but yeah Dennis Hopper delivering, it's like, yeah, it's a great delivery and he's a bad fucking guy. yeah He's not PC. Yeah. I mean, that's kind of the whole point of his character. So Fabulous and

Character Threats and Seriousness

Rainbows? hu Fabulous and Rainbows, exactly. um I love Kevin Costner's like but it's not a threat. I was going to say his threat here, but he's like he opens the oil thing. He's just like, I'll put this fucking flare in there. Do you know what this is? You know what this is? Oh, I know what this is. And he lights it up and they're like, there's he's not going to drop it in there. Then we'll all die. Yeah. And he's like, you drop this and you burn. We all burn. He's like, you're bluffing. There's no way. Drop.
he He doesn't bluff. He might drop this fucking flare in mid sentence. And I loved it. And that's the old man down there when the flare drops in. and Oh, thank God. And we didn't mention that like the fucking smokers all started taking out these giant oars and getting the boat moving. And everyone's like, what's the plan? He's like the plan. They're just going to row for a month. We have time to figure this fucking thing out. And they have been talking about like like the one doctor guy is like, oh, I can't read it because it's not flat. We got a Skinner that is flat. it Well, even if it wasn't, that's not helpful. Yeah. that Her back isn't hunched. It's maybe arched. She bent over. I think he just wanted to hurt her. Exactly. Well, he just doesn't know what he's doing. He's like, well, step one is skin a little girl. Yeah. And we'll go from there. Is he a flat earther? Ooh. The map needs to be flat, otherwise it doesn't make sense. I mean, we could definitely be flat earthing at this point.
yeah I'm thinking, don't sail too far, you will fall off. I think this is how Flat Earthers became, yeah is because of the scene. It'd be better if it was flat. I was like, yeah. Oh, I just, the right before he drops the flare, that last line is that's when Dennis Hopper's like, you're not crazy. And Kevin Costner just smiles. Yeah. I had to mention that because he just smiles. He's like, If I'm not, you don't know me. I'm a fish man. You called me the semen earlier. Why did you even come back? She's my friend. She's my friend. Reminded me of like a doc holiday. I got plenty of friends. I don't. And I love her thing. Everything starts exploding. And Enola's like, hey, was this your big vision? Dude, amazing. Smack. That's my daughter right there. Smack. Yeah, right.

Stunt Performances and Safety

daughter. it's So big shootout, ah Kevin Costner makes a zipline, which is pretty cool. Oh, yeah. Oh, and apparently he really did. So he did most of his own stunts and the producer was like, there's no fucking way Kevin Costner is doing the zipline thing. It's not going to happen. So Kevin Reynolds, who was still directing when they shot this, it doesn't mean they shot it now, like in this order. Right. But Kevin Reynolds basically was like, OK, guys, just wait here. I'll be right back.
And he goes and they started hearing a bunch of noise and they look over and it's Kevin Reynolds doing the zip line. He's like, look, that was safe. so Nice. Before that. And I have to say, it because we've been talking about Nord, Kevin's like running around looking for them and he's up on the birdcage or whatever it's called. What's that called?

Humorous Malfunctions and References

Crows nest. Crows nest. He's on the crows nest looking down and then Nord comes out and he's like, ha ha. Got you, bitch. Should've stayed under the water and then click.
Click. You should have checked your fucking gun. And then Kevin laughs and goes bang. Blammo. Yeah. Good times. I made sure. No, no, you're good. I had, I had that. Kevin made sure that gun was loaded, nor did not. yeah like Oh, fuck that clicking noise means I'm dead.
Like Kevin Costner like hooks the landing gear on this plane and pulls it down. It looks like Dennis Hopper is dead and all is fine. Yeah, surprisingly. I guess you put on your seat belt. There was no it was only her in there. Dennis. No, Dennis Hopper's body was still there. He was like he was faced down with the steering like the whatever it's called. Not steering wheel. Yoke. His face was in the yoke. You got egg in your face. Oh, yeah. Well, what's that yoke doing there?
Okay. and I just didn't see him at all. Yeah. And then Gregor and company, because now it's Gregor, Helen, and the big guard dude we didn't really mention. for Yeah. i mean he his He has no profile picture, but I know two movies he's in. Young Guns 2 and Last Man Standing with Bruce Willis. Oh, okay. He's like a district attorney, because Billy the Kid gives himself up, because the mayor's like, I'll pardon you. Well, then the mayor couldn't do that, and this guy comes up there, and I just remember his line. He's like, I won't bluff ya. I'll break ya. I'll bury ya, but I'll never bluff ya.
He's one of the Irish fucks that works for Murphy for Murphy. All right. See that. Well, they dropped down a lifeline to save these two. Dennis Hopper jumps on. He's trying to grab Enola and fucking Helen just hucks a hunk of metal at his. Yeah. I love it. I mean, they should have had some fucking like bombs on this thing, dude, and just like dropping Molotovs down. It almost looks like a mason jar.
Full of urine. I was about to say it's a jar of piss. Oh, no, it broke up my fucking eye socket. Ew. What happens if you put ocean water into a glass jar and you leave it out? The water will evaporate, right? And will you get just salt? Yeah, things that make sea salt. There you go.
What does that help? You don't need any more salt. Yeah, I want it in salt. You just boil everything in seawater. Well, you know, you can salt your fish at least. At least. Boiled seawater. Gross, nobody wants boiled fish. British people like it. The British do. They love boiled meats. It's a piece of boiled meat you got there with almost next to no seasoning. Oh, it's right up my alley. Put some fucking beans on that and I'll have it. You put that in a pie. Oh, a boiled fish pie.
That sounds right proper. I do like that, just like me mum used to make. All right, Michael. But the the the boat is sinking the ship, whatever it is, the big

Real-life References and Climactic Scenes

one. exile The Exxon Valdez. And that's when we see Exxon Valdez on the back. And they were talking about in the documentary about how they didn't know if they were going to be allowed to do that, because it was a fresh thing. And Exxon's got money. yeah So they were like, they might not let us show this, because it's implicating. you know There was a point, too, where they had the picture of the captain. Joe, St. Joe. Yeah, and Dennis Hopper kept calling him St. Joe.
ah But Dennis Hopper shoots a NOLA with a pistol from like, I don't know, 400 yards right out of this fucking fucking air balloon shot. Yeah. And oh, yeah, he hits the string or not the you know wire holding the thing. Oh, is it? I thought he shot her. No, she's fine. OK. And he shoots it and it knocks the basket. Yeah. Oh, OK. I don't know what you'd call that part of the. Yeah. Basket sounds right. Yeah, the tub. It's a tub. The sled.
And then Kevin Koster bungee jumps to save her. He's like with a regular rope. Yeah, you die. I I wondered, too. I was like, why do you have bungee rope? That's how you get Gwen Stacy, dude. Uh huh. So you get that thump. You snap that fuck. That's not a bad CG because when he gets here, there's the just a exploding fire under him. And yeah, but the three the three smokers, Dennis Hopper and two others, they're all driving toward her and static and Wayne static. Yeah, they crash into each other and explode. You push it. Yeah, you crash it.

Character's Journey and Sequel Possibilities

And then so they journey to dry land. And I mean, it's pretty much the end of the movie. Kevin Costner is like, I don't belong here. It doesn't move, right? Yeah, it does. it And honestly, it's just land sickness. I spent me being the belief we spent like a month in Texas where a friend of ours lives right off the lake. So we were on the boats every day. Uh, but like we stayed on this house both like two days straight and do when I got off and like onto the docks and into the house, couldn't sleep, wouldn't walk. I just like the the earth was still this like waviness. So I can only, that's two days. And they do set it up earlier because when Kevin Costner first gets off his boat at the atoll and he like steps on the thing, he's like, Oh shit.
Even though it's still be, it's still multiple platforms that are moving, but not the same as a boat. I thought that was because of his boots. Oh, that could have been it too. I still think it's, I think it's Derek setting up. Maybe it's a little bit both. I think it's a Chekhov's gun situation. Could be. Chernobyl's chainsaw. Chernobyl's chainsaw.
That's an old episode. People might not have heard it. I know. And that's because to check it out. So then our backlog, though, you got to pay three bucks a month. Oh, no, no. We re-released it last December. Oh, OK. Yeah, sure. What did I say it on? I don't know. It was a a voyage of the rocket. Cessna pool. Cessna pools from Lionheart. It was voyage of the rock aliens because dudes run around with a chainsaw. Yeah, that's right. That's right. I always think it's from um high spirits because of how gross that pool is. But you're right. It is.
because they're fighting in that Cessna pool. The Cessna pool. So Kevin Costner is like, it's time to leave off to adventure. And he goes off to have more adventures for the sequel. Dude. What a world to waterier. I'm telling you that he's going to find on this fucking island to take back to trading. He's going to be a rich man. That's what I'm saying. So he goes on here and then he leaves and does this thing and he comes back and then there's, oh, my God, a baby because he impregnated. Absolutely. He never met. And this baby also has girls.
Well, and part of the reason he left, too, like they show, but they don't say is like he's sitting there. just the It's the bugs. It's the animals. It's all the stuff. It's too much. He's used to the sereneness of the ocean. He's a fluke of evolution. Like he needs to be on the water. He's evolved to having gills and web feet. He's not supposed to be here. And apparently, and I haven't watched it yet, but apparently that's some of the stuff in the Ulysses cut is here at the end where he explains more why he's going out. Yeah. Why does she run the opposite way? She's bad with goodbyes. She's just yeah, she's having a kid hissy fit.
Oh, there's no danger. They could name the daughter that they're going to have the the muto after a famous kind of famous actress. They'll call her Kelly Gillis. i i Got little gills, not pretty gills. Kelly Gillis. But yeah, apparently one of the things is he goes off to like try to find more mutants and show them that there's people like him or something. OK, well, we'll see. We'll get there. Yeah, he just that was just one thing I remember to make people like him. Exactly. I'm going to fucking populate this earth.
But then they're going to all be special. Yeah. And that's the end of the episode. Yeah. Happy January. Oh, we I don't think we said. Do you know where dry land is? Like where in the in the world? I was thinking it was Antarctica. It's Mount Everest.
Okay, yeah, the the la that people have done the latitude and longitude in its mouth The high-rise it's no longer snow-capped. Uh-huh. That's the part that doesn't make sense to me as Well, the high neuroscience though now the waters that high up there's yeah more humidity We just changed the entire ecosystem of what's left. Global warming is now. That's also a thing in the Ulysses Cut. the Helen and Ola find the plaque that was put up there for- Somebody climbed it. I had their names and I forgot it, but the guys who, the first guys who climbed Mount Everest. Yeah.
Oh, OK, sir. Sorry. Well, it's a rally. Reginald Walter. Reginald. Well, it's not reg it's not Reginald, but Sir, Sir Edmund Haley. There we go. And and then his guide, Sachimo Ville Johnson. Close. I think I'm close. So we'll go around the horn for recommendations, wife.
um Honestly, I do not hate this movie.

Critique and Praise of 'Waterworld'

I've always thought it was a pretty movie. Yeah, there's some shit that you're like, ugh, that's gross. A pretty movie or a pretty good movie? I think it's a I keep it both too, by the way. I know, but she said pretty movie, so I was just checking. I think it's a pretty good movie. i you can I can see the difference between Kevin Reynolds and Costner, between the Reynolds and Costner. And a little Joss Whedon punch up. Yeah. Like you can see, you can pick up and be like, ah, this is where, can yeah. You hear those, you hear those Buffy the vampire vampire Slayer jokes. And yeah, but well that happened. But no, I, I, this is what, the second time we watched it this year or no, we did watch it. I were recording before January shocker.
I fully recommend this. I think when we did our questionnaire, this is the movie that I like more than anybody else. Yeah. But yeah, I recommend it all around. I don't need Jack's caveats. I like this movie since the first time I saw it. Yeah. I will continue to fucking watch this movie probably close to once a year. The three of us didn't start drinking until halfway through recording. Yeah. I saw Derek have a fucking glass of whiskey in my mouth. That looks good. And I was like, well, what about me?
You and me in the bottle makes three. And obviously I recommend this movie. I bought the Aero Blu-ray and then almost immediately they were like, now we're putting it on 4K. And I was like, well. ah I was like, I'm not, I'm not, I told myself not going to buy it, not going to buy it. They kept pushing it at me and I was like, okay, final buy it. Fine. So then I gave Jack my Blu-ray and I kept the 4k. Yep. He's like my little brother. That's older than me. Your little brother. Older, taller, little brother. I was going to say he's taller than me. So just the first in Drownuary. Yes. Nice. Happy New Year, everybody. Happy New Year.
Go watch Waterworld, even though you heard us talk about it, watch it anyway. Yeah. And it does look good. I mentioned Dean Simler. He is a good cinematographer. The movie looks good. And I mean, yeah if you look into all this stuff, I don't know if the Maelstrom documentary is streaming. I imagine it is because it's feature length. It's on the disk, but it's worth watching, too, because it's like, good God, dude. These guys went through some shit. You get a dummy shot when um he's ski, he's on a jet ski into the boat. Ski jets are a whole different thing. Yeah, that's a James Bond thing. Yeah, definitely is. Get the ski jet shot. But it's it's a good movie. I like this movie. So we continue Drown New Wary next week with 1998's Sphere.
Well, starring Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, Samuel Jackson. There's a we got Liv, Liv Schreiber in there. Do you want to tease the Patreon for this for Drownuary? Oh, yeah. Oh, by the way, I want to mention Huey Lewis is in that movie, too. Oh, shit. Not the news. Is this is this is this is this is this is main feed. And then I was feeling you of that.
Oh, no, I'm not mad because it's a bad movie by most people's standards. I'm not that people. I'm sitting with two people that aren't those people. But there are a lot of people that you go out there like what you like Waterworld. Our Patreon episode this month, by the way, go to Patreon dot com slash worst people three dollars a month. And I haven't said it in a minute, but I'm going to say it again because they kicked us in in November. Don't sign up. Not Patreon, but Apple is making people pay for Patreon subscription through their Apple service.
which means you have to pay an extra 30% or something like that. So just sign up on any other operating system and then you can listen on Apple all you want. Sign up anywhere else. Yeah. Go on a computer, go on your friend's phone. Go to the library, buy some drugs from the guy in the back, go on the computer, research those drugs.

Promotion and Closing Remarks

That's where I get my drugs from. Fuck yeah, why wouldn't you? But yeah, slash worst people.
You get at least one extra episode a month, plus you get early access to Han Shook shots first. But let want be this month, this month's episode, you ready for this, Whitney? Also will be considered a bad movie, I think, by traditional standards. But fuck everybody. We're going to do The Abyss by James Cameron. Not a bad movie, which we saw. We just saw it about a year. It was a year ago. almost Yeah, it was their anniversary, right?
yeah Yeah, we saw it when they were getting ready to release or to release the 4k I watched it like two or three months ago at the bleeps. I watched it with you couldn't and Oh, yeah, and could not be happy to watch it again. No, it's such a beautiful movie yeah So that will be our patreon for this month So tune in for that one And of course, we have to thank evasion for our opening and closing music because they provide it for us for free yeah, and if you guys want to know more about evasion kind of Go back and listen to our Street Fighter episode from November because you had Patch from Evasion as a guest on the episode. It was a wild ride. I was happy to be on it. That was a fantastic ride. I wish we had cameras. Yeah, no shit. Well, thank you guys for tuning in. I've been Derek. I'm still married to him. On paper. Paper. Don't just stand there. Kill something.
This is really delicious, by the way. I know the cough drops are good. You know, tell me the cough drops are good. When I get the cough drops, I get the good gourmet cough drops. When Kendra gets the cough drops, she gets the store brand shit. Did you bring a dead COVID patient over here? Is my graduate a dead COVID patient? Sorry. Kind of. What's your favorite shoe in a movie? Does Rose McGowan's leg in Planet Terror count as a shoe? Yes. OK, then that's my favorite. What caliber shoe does she wear?