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Omaima Nelson - Revenge is a Dish Best Served...... image

Omaima Nelson - Revenge is a Dish Best Served......

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
112 Plays11 months ago

In this episode, Lisa is telling the story of a former model with a tragic past who lashes out at men she is in relationships with. This is a story you cannot just cook up, even though the details are out of our understanding!

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Introduction and Podcast Retake

Well, hello and welcome to another episode of Twisted Tales in Wow. That was awesome. Well, hello and welcome to another episode of Twisted Tales in your ear holes. This is Faith. This is Lisa. And we had to retake that.
I mean, you're probably going to edit it. Oh, no, I'm editing that first roll that I did. Yeah. Sound like a. I know exactly what you say. Yeah. Nope,

Work Frustrations and Podcast Listening

nope, nope. I've got no updates and no nothing today. I have been going absolutely batty crazy. Why at work?
Oh, gosh, yeah. And so literally I basically like I put my work. I put my my headset in now. Yeah. I just listen to true crime. That's what I do. And used to. I'd like to, you know, slightly complain about my work day here some. Yeah. But my assistant started listening when I go on vacation. She listens to have me in her head. And then she tells people at work about it. And I'm like, you know, now I can't do not hear all the times of bad mouth doober make fun of doober.
And he said, you say my name. And I said, no, I call you Dewbert. He was like, oh, wow. Real

Challenges in Story Research

coded there. Yeah. So.
Yeah, that was a hard time coming up with an episode because I heard so many stories that I was just like dude It's like 88 HD kicks. It's so bad Because every day I'm like this I got to research this one that I'll start with it I'll hear another one. I'm like wow this one's better So I have a spreadsheet like this for like and then I think I took maybe one whole day writing this one because I changed it again, so I
This is the one we're stuck with tonight actually kind of worked out. I got a notification on

Choosing a Women's History Story

my iPhone that apparently March 1st is women's history month. Oh, I didn't even know that was a thing. I didn't either. Yeah. Congratulations to the vagina owners. Women's history month. I just wanted to stay quiet because that was.
Don't make it awkward. It is. It was. Don't make it awkward. OK, making it awkward. So moving right along. I figure women's history month. Let's do episode about a lady. Is she the victim or the victor? Not Victor. That's the wrong way to say that. Oh, Victor, somebody who like wins. I know.
Perpetrator! Wait, I need to go to bed. We can't edit the whole thing. Do you want to just stop this and start all the way back over? I'm the one that has to edit it. I'll just leave my stupidity in. Out? No, in. I'm not going to edit it out. Oh, good girl. Besides that first one where I couldn't even pronounce our own podcast name. No, you know. They know about my pronunciation difficulties.
Most of the time, like I would say probably both of us, our mouth moves quite as fast as we're trying to say. Yeah. And then it just comes out. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. About it. Yeah. All right. Women's History Month. So Women's

Ohmaima Nelson's Early Life and Marriage

History Month. I am going to discuss a lady named Ohmaima Nelson took me a while to. Oh, you know the story. You were going to you were going to do this story. Yes, I was.
Was she an athlete? No. Oh, God, it's not mine. I thought you're mispronouncing her name. Continue. No, this is actually how you I had to actually look up how to pronounce her name. That's not how I pronounce mine. So it's a different one. If it's the same one, I'm going to be pissed, but I don't think it is now. I mean, if mine's not an athlete.
Then we're not. Don't look at an athlete similar to that name. The difference. I think I think I will. No, it's a Christmas episode. It's kind of like the train clearly prepped way further in this than I do. I. Yeah, I got enough. Did you get a parrot square notification to get a pair? I just saw it. I'm sitting here like, oh, please don't let that be bad news. Kids out of school tomorrow. Leave me alone. Tell me about her bad behavior later. Yeah. Well, two peas in a pod. Anyways, so Obama was born.
In a poor town in Egypt her dad and you know how I roll right i'm going to give you a little little taste of what things were like, but I am not going to go super into detail about everything because.
could be pages of information. And I don't have the attention span for that. So I thought you were going to say time for that. And I was going to correct you to attention span. It is. Oh, it's a hundred percent attention span. Yeah, I'm done. I'm done listening to this. I have revisited this seven times. And if I'm missing something fine, fill it in yourself. Right. I am just going to talk. I'm a born in town, Egypt. When was she born? Huh? When was she born? When? Yeah. Late August.
What year dumb dumb didn't give one. OK. Yeah. Didn't research that. OK. Because the more I got into the story, the more I was like, oh, oh, that happened. Yeah. And so it turned out being more more details than than than earlier. OK. Story. So continue on. Not that this wasn't weird and disgusting either, but that it is what it is. Right.
Her dad was a violent man. What is price, right? Boom power. Because, you know, we don't we don't normally have like kind people on this podcast. Yeah. They never have fluffy child. I'm not sure. Right. So that's not the greatest.
Parents ended up divorcing. My mother moved to the only place that mom could afford at the time. It was called the City of the Dead. This place was pretty much the slums. Not only was it the slums, they called it the City of Dead because it was literally surrounded by grapes. It's a great place to hate. Right, to grow up.
Hey, when I was in middle school, my church was located near a graveyard and we had

Struggles in America and New Relationships

some good times out there. Right. These are like poverty stricken people. So being surrounded by like, I don't know, probably plus each activity. Egypt has a lot of cultural things with the dead, too. Oh, absolutely. So for a kid, that's probably scary. I 100 percent agree. So city of the dead. Yeah, they were they were there. Started by corpses all the time. Slums check, check, check.
So not only was dad abusive and would torment her and her mom, her abuse would continue.
Um, when her mother had her circumcised, which is perfectly normal for young girls in their. Culture, right? So I'm going to get into this for a second because I just need everybody to understand how it's like when I says when a man or a boy or whatever gets circumcised, you're looking at pulling off some foreskin. Yeah. And it doesn't even need stitches, dude. Yeah, dude. Doesn't you got the ring? It still functions. Yeah. It actually functions better.
But you know, most men can later on in life have issues with overgrowth, whatever. Yeah, it's actually healthier. Yes. More hygienically sound. So female circumcision is not the same means that she had some or all of

Marriage to Bill Nelson and Growing Tensions

her sexual outer organs removed.
Not only is this horrendous thing to do to a little girl, but because that's a lot more traumatic to have your. Oh, no, no, no, no. Everything that I was reading off about it. Oh, yeah. It's all it wasn't just that it was they would sew you shut. They would. Yeah, bro. It was, you know, that still happens in places. Oh, yeah. Oh, I know it does. Sorry. Continue.
So for those of you, again, like I said, are no, no, no, I'm so sorry. Not only did she had to have this done and their poverty stricken land there pretty much was like not done by a professional. Never. And there was no medication. She had to just take.
OK, so for those of you that don't understand and they're older when they do this, that when she becomes sexually active, she feels no pleasure. No, never. Not only that, but depending on how it's done can be an excruciating, painful experience.
I mean, honestly, it doesn't matter how they they wait till later in life. It's not like they're infants like boys. They wait till they're older. And even if they numb or put you under when they perform the original, they have to stitch that up because they're removing a lot of tissue. Yeah. So it is painful. Oh, yeah. I mean, think about I had an episiotomy when I had my child. Yeah. Oh, which is a slight cut. And I thought I was going to die. Yeah.
And that is a slight little cut into the perineum. Yeah, that is nowhere near as horrible. Not even close. Every time you pee, it is like. So the and you know what, I'm going to call it what it is because I was tired of saying like, I'm sorry, female circumcision, female genitalia mutilation. Yes, that's 100 percent what it is. A common practice in Egypt, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Yep.
I just wanted to throw that out there to you guys only because in America, we don't really hear about stuff like this. I know women's rights and all that kind of stuff. We've come a long way. Us not being able to vote, I would take not being able to vote than not having parts of me because
somebody else didn't want me to, right? I know that was kind of a mean thing to say, but be blessed if you're in America, okay? And I'm not, okay, I am not gonna sit here and say this goes on in every country of Egypt, Africa, Asia, Middle East, whatever. Does anybody else across the county or country is listening? I know that it's different in every place. I understand that. I'm saying simply, this kind of crap still goes on. That's all I'm saying. And it's disgusting. And I just feel horrible for,
Any woman that has to deal with rant over by the time she was 18, she met an American man who swept her off her feet. Her mom, knowing that she was no longer a virgin, convinced the two that they needed to get married because no Muslim man would ever have a maima if she

Accusation and Arrest for Bill's Murder

wasn't a virgin. Again, just it's the culture.
So the couple married, he took her back to Texas when his work in Egypt was I can honestly tell you, I don't know what the time span there was. I know it was not very long. OK, this is your case, isn't it? Yes, it is. I'm pretty sure either that or they are two people with very similar names with a very similar background. Yes. Because you just pronounced her name differently than you said. Oh, my. OK, just continue.
I'm trying to piece it all together. There is no way that our two stories can be related because mine has nothing to do with sports. I think I just confused that detail. The more I'm thinking about it. Of course you did. Well, I feel horrible that I stole your case, but I don't. So I'm going to continue. OK, my case is next. And guess what? I'm taken. If you do Holmes, I'm going to like. I don't care. There is nothing that you can surprise me. There is nothing you can surprise me. Half ass job on it just so you can.
I'm not saying that I'm saying I will do a half-assed job just so you can't have that story
I'm insulted. That's what you do with your story. That's fine. You do whatever you do, whatever you want to do. I will. I'll figure out eventually how to get onto our stuff. Incognito, when this conversation is over, randomly sends you text messages a year from now. Hey, what was our password? Is Ncaster again? Then I'll get on my own. Do my own podcast. With our logins and our information, because that would still be our podcast.
Yeah, but I would just be me speaking okay, and it would be a jh Holmes part two the version that doesn't suck I'm like I've confused it. She does nothing to do the sports. This is my darn case I hate your breath you hate my breath, so it keeps you alive, isn't it?
Damn, that's messed up. My kid told me like 30 minutes ago that I was driving her to my mom's house that she wanted to eat my soul. And then she laughed like the wicked witch of the west, so.

Trial and Bizarre Revelations

Like I just did? No, no, she went.
Like oh my god, what is it? What am I? I've ruined you is what I've done Anyway, continue move to Texas. Okay, they moved to Texas. They did a couple married Everything's great. It is not great because it wasn't every time they have sex. Yeah, so there were whirlwind They're
Do you know, if someone just like picked up our podcast, like just a random episode, they're like, Oh look, they'll be like, what are they talking? They're dumb. They're, they're talking about hummus and ready.
Oh, why is it always got to be the stuff that flies out of my mouth? Because I'm not going to make fun of myself, obviously. Yeah. Anybody that really wants to understand faith, just go back. There's a couple of great. I try to edit that out. Right. Of course you do.
trash bag comment that time. That was amazing. I don't know for it. Let us say it. I'm not going to say it. That male jaculant changes colors. That's it's a miracle. Oh, I quit. All right. All right. All right. Horrible marriage. All right. I'm trying to say what I wrote. I'm just going to say they had a great romance, but that didn't last long.
And they divorced when she was still in her teens. Having escaped the slums of Egypt to a better life in America, she now found herself alone and taking on jobs, cleaning, babysitting and modeling when she could. Hey, that's probably why don't you take some breaths between words?
I'm not going to make it through this podcast, am I? It was just all very fast. I understand you, but the average Joe's going to have to speed it down. Well, with as much as you have done this in the entire podcast, I got to get through some of it so people can actually hear what I'm talking about. You want me to go back and read it? No, it's like two sentences. Wasn't that the deal? But you started talking really fast to say for the next few years. Gosh, I'll just.
Obama would meet men in bars and went through multiple relationships Have sound effects on the board Can't be better than my crickets. That was awesome My crickets it was amazing. All right. Anyway for the next few years Obama would meet men in bars went through multiple relationships and one of those relationships Actually took her to Orange County. So now we're not in Texas anymore. We're in California that relationship
Didn't work out. In October, 1991, she met a 56 year old man named Bill Nelson. And how old was she? I think she was 22.
21 22. Yeah, that's like yep double her age Mm-hmm continue. Hey listen, dude. I Just wanted to point out you said he was like pushing 60 and she's I'm just saying early 20 She is she's in a country by herself. No means of income. No real Like tricks of the trade if you will although her defense is not pleasurable to her So get you a guy that you know has already sold his wild oats if you will
Little blue pills probably went that popular back then. Well, I'm gonna be a hundred percent honest with you. Like, when does that actually happen? I don't know. When does what actually happen? When men lose interest in sex. I'm just curious. But when they're older, they can't get it up as much. Why are you looking at me? Because we've got to count down. We're waiting for you to calm down. We just want to get some sleep. No, I'm just making... Okay, I'm joking. Alright, anyway, so this young buck...
56 year old Bill was said to be larger than life. Good old boy from Texas. Right. Red Corvette, red cowboy boots, a hat, just loud and obnoxious. Oh, yeah. Texas, Texas through it through doing big baby. Yeah. Doing a big making us making his presence. No. Oh, yeah. Also kind of gave off the appearance that he was like, you know, well to do. Mm hmm.
Well, Bill, being 56, kind of already been through life. Yeah. So he had five kids and 17 grandkids. Whoa. So a lot of that's a that's a lot of birth. That's a big that's a lot of giving dinner. It's a big thing. That's that's that one would say too many people at holidays. Yeah, like that's it. That's a family reunion that I don't want to go to. Oh, no. And that's just your immediate. Like that's not even aunts and uncles and cousins.
Oh God. 17 grandkids. I can barely handle. There are three of us. Five on our side. Yeah. If Frankie was here, I'd be uncomfortable. Yeah. Like I'm done. Anytime there's more than me in a room, I'm I'm already overstimulated. I'm already overstimulated. Get out. I can't talk to you and read this at the same time. Sorry. All right. Anyway, so.
Just to recap, oh, mama, twenty two. Oh, Bill, fifty six. She's trying to find her place. Just give her a minute, people. You had five kids, 17 grandkids, grandkids. You're interrupting me. Now I sound stupid. You did that all on your own. All of it. Yeah. 100 percent. So Bill and a mama, you know, had a had a speedy relationship, if you will. Within four weeks, they got hitched. Oh, Bill was like, I'm going to be too wetty. Yeah. Wow. Hitched.
like is that too old? Is that like I think it's the word they got. They got I think it's appropriate for his age class. They got married. OK, I was just saying four weeks from sorry that I just showed my age. Yeah, four weeks. That's quick. Four weeks. You don't know anybody in four weeks. You know what I know about somebody in four weeks.
Did I don't want to spend any more time with them? Yeah. Less than four minutes. Do you ever stop talking? All right. So they got married. Bill's like, gosh, girl, you know, I'm going to take you to meet my kids.
Well, yeah, it's 30. Baba, do you imagine how is old stuff? Can I imagine now that conversation? There's like great kids that she's as old as here comes Bill and Obama. And he's like, hey, kids.
I know that she's younger than most of you cuz she was It's not funny, but it is oh my god men do better Just do better. This is gross. It is like 56. Could you like she wasn't even a thought in her dad's cock?
you when you got your license like guys i cannot control things that come out of her mouth and at this point her words out is giving me carpal tunnel so just be offended with me and move on you're offended you can't tell me that's not true i'm not
Oh, my God. Kelly, she's lost her spot. No, I'm just sitting like his his his kids were coming in socks when she wasn't even born yet. Yeah, for real. Oh, all right. Disgusting. OK. Not this. I'm sorry, guys. I'm sorry. All right. Let me get back on track here. All right. OK. So meet your new mama. Needless to say, kids, that's an enthusiastic right.
by their father's newfound happiness with this young woman who was for all intents and purposes attractive. She seemed like a really sweet girl. You know, really does seem like they kind of went around like they were kids. Yeah. Yeah. They joked around whatever.
She was trying to start relationships with the kids. There's not going to be enough time in in life. No, at this point, because she doesn't even have the same cultural references as they do. It'd be like me trying to explain to a teenager now about AOL dial up. Yeah. What do you mean you used to have to like hang up the phone? All right. Anyways, so. Let's get back at it. After a few weeks driving around Texas and Arkansas meeting family, friends, the pair moved to Orange County.
It did, but they were driving to meet his family in Texas. OK, so and apparently like friends and stuff to like in the Arkansas area. Look at my new young thing. Yeah, they spent a couple of weeks doing so like a nice honeymoon.
I don't know that it was like, per se, the honeymoon, but who knows? I don't care. You don't have to comment on all my commentary. You can ignore it. You could just shut up. I could, but I'm not going to. So anyway, let's see again. Thanksgiving, 1991. The couple had a nice sit down dinner, just two of them. Bill had a conversation with one of his daughters telling her that he and Omar had a nice day.
at Turkey and whatever sides. And it was it was nice. It was a nice. But just a few days later, on December 1st, things for Bill and Alma would take a turn for the worst. And their lives would never be the same. They would not. It's the story. It's the story. Continue. OK, fine. Just because you know about this story. I'm being quiet, aren't I? No, we have so much to discuss. I might even wrap it up just a little bit quicker.
just so that we can rant a little bit about this because it's a second one. Yeah. All right. Spoiler alert. All right. So things are going to be the same, guys, at around two o'clock, clerk around two o'clock. Son of a biscuit. All right. Around two o'clock in the afternoon. I did it again because I'm trying to go way too fast around two o'clock in the afternoon on December 1st. Oh, Maima drove to her ex-boyfriend's house named named Jose Escabel. She beat on his door until they answered and let her in.
She began spewing words at him about Bill tied her up and raped her and abused her. And this would be going on for days. OK. And so she's just like war vomiting all over Jose. Yeah. So Jose is like I'm sure at this point shock.
This is probably a woman he hadn't seen in a minute, right? Because they were they were ex lovers. Plus, quite frankly, in 1991, get married in four weeks. So, yeah, true. You don't know. It could have been two months ago. It could have been the previous month. I guess I don't know that I don't have that. But in 1991, this is a legitimate question. In 1991, could you rape your spouse? I don't think so. Because I don't think you could yet. I think it was considered like you couldn't say that your spouse raped you because that was your spouse.
OK, so like either way, applied to whatever whatever she was saying at the time. To Jose, between two people, she would probably use the word rape, right? Because that's what it was, if it was in in the sense of a courtroom. Yeah, probably not. No.
She would probably, you know, if she was like, well, he beat me about the face. OK, that spousal abuse, but raping it of itself is not not. It probably wasn't a thing. We'll have to look that up because I have to look it up on it because there was a time when in America you couldn't say that your husband raped you. My boyfriend's a dick.

Conviction and Cultural Discussions

he puts up with you so the fact that he's still functioning not drooling on himself is amazing But I think but there was a hundred percent of time in America where you couldn't say your spouse raped you if you're a woman because You gave implied consent when you married them. Yeah, it's not like today where you can no means no no matter if you're married or not, right? That's and quite quite frankly. I
His name is Jose. I'm gonna go on a wild limb and say he's Hispanic descent. Possibly. He's in Texas. Yep. So more than likely Mexican and in Texas where women are subservient. Oh yeah. Your wife is your you know your maid and
the bearer of children and are skeptical for your. But I also think, though, in the 90s, especially things started to shift. Yeah, a little bit were not the same. Like I know that, you know, the 2000s, 100 percent totally different ball game. But in the 90s, we were all coming up on different views. But in the in the in the north, 100 percent deep south, it takes a while for those things to change.
Well, I mean, right, right. And that really that's personal belief. And so whether it's a communitive thing or just an individual thing, I got it. I was just sorry. Like I said, serious questions. No, you're fine. You're good. Because whether it was culturally irrelevant or not, it was right. So continue, beat her up, tied her up. Yep. So in the midst of all of this, I'm almost just like spewing all of her stuff. And she said that she somehow
got one of her hands loose. And hit hit Bill with apparently this shot, which he's nearing 60. It could happen. It could definitely happen. But she was like, I didn't know what to do. So I chopped him up, which would definitely do the trick. Yep. Yep. And now I need your help disposing of the body. I'm out, Chica. Well, Jose being
A loyal, kind friend. Mm hmm. Agreed to help her. Now, he was like, listen, my mom, just just sit here, wait at my apartment. I'll go get my truck. Mm hmm. And I'll help you carry the body. So he grabs his stuff. She agrees. And Jose rush out the door to the nearest pay phone and call the cops. Because he's not that loyal. Because he's a good guy. I was like, could you imagine being Jose? And you're listening to this like.
All right. Let me get this straight. You were tied up. Mm hmm. You were right. You escaped. One hand, one hand. With the lamp. Whacked him on the head with it. Pretty sure he was dead. But instead of checking the pulse. Now, hold on. Time out. You hibashi dip. He came off. He's dead. Supposedly. According to her. According to her.
I killed him. Which, how's the 22 got that arm strength in one hand? And you were like, I didn't need your help like after I struck him. I need your help now that I've I've chopped him up. I've dissected him. Yeah. And he's not really in quite the form that he was given at birth. Yeah, per se. Right. So I can only imagine sitting across from this woman. She's got both hands untied now. I'm going along with it. I'll be like.
Bitch, I am here for you. Whatever you need. I'm gonna tell you what, you stay right here. Listen to me. You are incredible. And I would give my life for you. I will do it. So keep that hand to your side. You just wait here.
And I'm going to go get my truck. OK, and then and then we'll we'll figure all this out. What do you think she thought when he drove away? You know, I don't even know that he drove. I think I don't know what to pay for. He I don't like I have no idea. Maybe he was like, I got to go buy some tarps and shovels. No, he literally said I need to go get a truck.
Oh, a truck, not his truck. I don't know. Honestly, I don't know if it was his truck or not, so I had to go borrow a truck. That's a possibility. That's a possibility. Either way, Jose, smart guy, smart guy. Oh, man. What a smart guy. You know, he had to be like so afraid until she was in custody. Oh, dude. Oh, my God. Yeah, because. Oh, that's creepy. What happened to her was terrible at childhood.
What her husband did to her. There are ways to handle it. Right. Shishkabobbing the man. OK, here's here's here's one thing. If you're in a domestic violence and I will never. Mm hmm. Ever condemn a woman. Oh, no. Being put through some. Not only that, I'll never.
Every day, it's dead. I know, but I just saw a cage and it was there was something there. You said my head and I was fixing it was crickets at one point. I was there all in the gecko's belly. My religion. You're fine. You're going to live. What I'm saying is I will never know ever victimize anybody who has been a part of that or what she went through with female genital
genitalia mutilation. But that doesn't what she went through doesn't give her the right to take another life. Wrong. OK, I'm going to tell you why. Why? Because, you know, let's get through the rest of the story and then we'll we'll we'll we'll both have our opinions about everything. OK, so he ditched her crazy ass, called the cops.
Anna, cops show up, Jose's apartment. Omar was just sitting there waiting. According to police, she was visibly distraught, right? She had visible injuries on her face, breasts, arms, like she had been assaulted, right? Yeah. Told officers. She told officers, no, everything is fine. I don't need your help.
I'm good. You're good. We're good. I'm good. Right. So cops are like, well, according to Jose, we're not here to help you, man. We're here to ask you. He said some some crap went down and you you you did some things. Right. And she starts denying everything that she said to Jose. Jose had already reported this to them. So it's kind of like, OK.
So she told officers Bill was fine. Actually, he's away on a business trip. He's totally, completely alive. 100% alive. You don't need to check on him at all. Yeah, nothing. Everything's fine. He's in one spot together. Yeah. In his personage, the way he was born. Everything's fine. So, well,
honestly officers 1991 I don't have a cell phone right I don't know how to contact him nope there's yeah I'm not really 100% sure what um you know what I'm just the lowly wife I don't do none of that is I don't think that that was her accent but
Either way. Texas. Whatever. Shut up. She was a Texas. She was from Egypt. I'm just saying that's the attitude. You don't just lose that over. I'm going to kick you. So she didn't know how to contact him. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't even know what hotel he's staying at. He just said I had a business trip. Right. And I trust him implicitly. Implicitly. I would never ask questions. So look at my look at my arm. Do they look strong enough to dissect the man? Yeah.
right week so the cops not convinced um wonder why we're like they're not convinced and um so they just started like making the rounds you know they're just
Some talking to a mama, some of them are just kind of like, oh, this is the car, the red Corvette that she drove. That was also, you know, bills. They noticed this black trash bag sitting in the front seat. Like you don't carry trash in a Corvette. Oh, of course you do. I mean, if you have trash to dispose of, right?
Yeah. In the front seat, you're not going to at least hide that in the back. Honestly, Lorena Bobbitt was at least smart enough to throw the shit out the window. All right. So that being said, front seat, black trash bag. So the officer's like, you know, let's just take a peek at the look at the look. Right. Cuts the bag open, looks inside, drops the knife like immediately. Pairs Bill.
Um, if I were a betting woman, if I were a betting woman, I would say probably choke back a bit of vomit. Oh, yeah. Um, because there were human organs inside there. Oh, God. OK. So they could. They did. They took.
At this point, they have no idea who what this is, right? There you go. It could have been anything. Look like human remains. Right. Look like human internals. Yep. She's waving to her body torso. Yeah, I did. I did like. Sorry. Either way, whatever. So they took her to the police station and you know, one one.
section. Right. The other sections like, you know what, probably should go check on Bill. Right. So the bills of that trash bag, they go to her bills or apartment. I think it was seen at the crime. They pretty much had to break in. Nobody answered the door with a knock, obviously. Right. He's on a business trip. He's on a business trip. He's not there. Definitely not. They know where she is. Yeah. Nobody. So they break in.
houses, you know, dirty boxes everywhere. Mm hmm. You know, I guess he at that point was like super into like computer crap. So there's just computer boxes strewn everywhere. Yeah. Oh, walking through the apartment. Aside from being a little bit dirty, it didn't really seem like anything was like it doesn't look like a man has been dissected.
Peaced out if you were correct. Yeah, like his entrails are now his extra. Yeah. So while the cops are searching the place, so Maima is being questioned and she continued to deny everything that she had said to him. She said Bill was jealous. It would, of course, hurt the worst. Like, oh, I'm sure, dude. Oh, I'm sure. Do you know I used to date him in the leftist? Sorry, but for my my lovely Bill, who's on a business trip, who was like the greatest guy ever.
Very well. As a matter of fact, he lets me drive this red Corvette. Yeah. With his gizzard inside. Jose had to go borrow someone's truck to help me get rid of the body part. So that's just it's a body part for in the Corvette. Why did she let Jose leave? It was just organs. They could be fine. Yeah. You got the rest of the body. You got to help with. Correct. So heavy.
You OK? Yeah, just tell me. All right. So I don't know the police. Rick, you did it again, Faith. So cops are interviewing a maima. She's being questioned, denying everything, denied, denied, denied. That was that was how I lived in my teenage years. So she's continued to denying everything. And she's like Bill was a bad man. He was, in fact, arrested at one point for smuggling marijuana. Now this was true. He was smuggling marijuana. Apparently he was a pilot.
And he was smuggling marijuana into the United States.
I wonder you can't get in touch with him if he's on a business trip. He could be flying. Yeah, it was illegal. Like Carole Baskin's husband. Sorry. That was awesome. Squirrel. Great. Okay. That was nice. The podcast I'm listening to, it's like right at the beginning of COVID times right now. Like I caught up to COVID times. Okay. So they keep talking about the Tiger King because that's what America did during COVID. And it's brought back some wild memories.
100% how many people like hated, you know, I heard too that they actually did find her husband. He's alive and well. There's so many rumors. Yeah, they did reopen the investigation on him. I did not know that. I don't know what you say. She fed him to those tigers. I was just going to say, dude, it's not you're ever going to find him anymore at this point because he's he's been replenished. Yes. Circle of life. Oh, all right. Let me get back to where I was. He's a pilot. I'm sorry.
It's all right, it's all right, all right, all right, all right. So, again, he's a horrible man. He already did time in the federal provision, which was true, okay? Freakin' marijuana smuggling bastard. Shut up, all of you. Shut up, all of you. All right, so, they literally- they could not- I can't find my place if you guys keep talking! Well, if you quit reading incorrectly, we wouldn't be giggling! You read the program. Yeah...
So the police unable to unable to son of a bitch. Now, no, now I'm like nervous and I can't. Police unable to decipher what she was saying, much like everybody in this garage. They took her to the hospital for a rape. OK, the cops still at the house inside, not seeing much of anything except a bunch of boxes came across.
a black trash bag inside. Maybe a little bit more human rights, right? Because or I'm sorry, we'll call him a human at this point. Could be a duck.
I don't know. It just remains. Organs. Maybe not a duck. It's got to be bigger than a duck. Like a maybe big... A duck can fit a lumbar bag more often than a lumbar bag. You know what else can fit in your lumbar? Your face! Guys, this is what I feel with all the time. It's a long podcast. Oh my god. All right, so... They find more remains in a black bag. They made their way into the kitchen.
where they found parts of probably was like leftover Thanksgiving turkey in a fryer. Also human hands. That's not a joke. So, yeah, probably not a duck. Probably not a duck at this point. Right. Hi, Bill. More than one trash bag was found at this point with remains inside. And as the cops continue to search the home, they made their way to the bedroom. They found rope. They found broken headboards. They found
You know, blood everywhere. More than a little bit. More than a little bit. Was there a broken lamp? You know, I don't know. It's all point. So there's just there's shit a strewn, right? Like there had obviously been a struggle. The cops saw the blood soaked bed in it. Literally, there was so much blood it soaked into the bed frame itself, like the block frame itself. Yeah.
And at this point, they're like, I mean, we've kind of seen old mama and she didn't really. There wasn't like pints of her. Yeah, this is this is not her missing, right? Right. So. Looking bad for our girl, not looking great, right? They start thinking maybe she wasn't really the one that was tied up in the bed, so.
Yeah, probably not. Bill is probably just trying to get a good night's sleep after his early bird dinner. After his early bird dinner. I'm just saying we can't. I'm sorry. We can't assume that Bill wasn't 100 percent like the greatest guy. OK, we can't. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be caught up in putting trash bags, black ones.
So after looking at the fried hands that were the fried in the fryer, the fried hands in the fryer that were in the fryer didn't say that. You just have fried hands. It was a I just assumed people knew where you fried hands. I would the way you were just really fried anything. That was weird. That was a weird. We all know we're. I don't. Faith, I don't know where to just pause this. Maybe I could just go to bed for a little bit.
my head on straight I don't I don't know what's happening but they could actually tell there were bruises around the
This is these handless no bodyless hands His stuff-touchers were All right, so
It's not funny what happened to Bill, I'm sorry. It is not funny what happened to Bill. It's just literally, Faith and I have a really weird sense of humor, and during the midst of what we know is morbid and disgusting, we find humor in each other's stupidity that makes us laugh. So, is what it is, y'all. Shush, okay? At least this is a lot more upsetting and offensive thing, so just act
Yeah, yeah, we're going to get it's going to get real here in a minute. Yes. All right. So they continue to search and they're looking through all this crap, the fridge, the freezer and very dalmer style. They they found a head. It wasn't a duck. No, they didn't know if it was Bill's head because they because it was fried, too. So much so. Couldn't tell. OK. All right. So according to Amana,
She was the one that was tied up and abused. And according to the evidence, Bill was tied up and dismembered. So, we got ourselves a continuity of who to believe here.
I don't know what happened, guys. I just hit it with a fucking lamp. Like what happened after I left? I bet it was Jose when he went to get the truck. Yeah, bastard. It was Jose. Like at this point, you got a game. Oh, honey. Fried his head in hand. So I said earlier that she was sent for a rape hit. Right. Mm hmm. Rape kit actually came back negative.
After the full investigation of the couples, after full investigation of the couple's home based on Bill's height and weight, and that was on his license, there were about 80 pounds of of Bill that were accounted for. Yeah. So a neighbor told police that he actually heard a garbage disposal running for like
Two days and at her trial, things started coming up like into light about what happened to Bill. Could you imagine? It's like that. Two days. Put his wife in it after she said you should go fuck your big fat mama. That one. Yeah. That was going to be really loud for anyone. It is. Yeah. Sorry. Post cursor. I got really loud just a second ago. Turn down your mic. I don't hear books, your bids. So anyway, all kinds of stuff was coming to light about Bill.
about what happened to Bill. Right. And it was it was gross. Not looking good for a moment. Said that ancient Egyptians now were telling her what to do about Bill. She's still maintaining that Bill was abusive. OK. Right. Saying that he. Like forced her to perform oral sex on her nightly, that he was I don't know what the best word to use is sexually vigorous.
No, like demeaning like because she didn't enjoy sex. No, like, well, yeah, obviously. Right. She couldn't enjoy it. And it was her fault. But he was saying that I'm giving he was she was giving him moral sex every night, but that he was verbally abusing her while this was happening in a nutshell. Again, three sides to every story, Faith, right? Here's mine and the truth. So she's she's going on with all this. She's like, well,
The ancient Egyptians were telling me what to do about Bill. And, you know, after everything was said and done, she believed that if you scatter the remains of a person, they can't reach the afterlife. And apparently she did not want Bill. I never want to see him again. Yeah. But before all that, I don't know if she said it to her psychiatrist or accidentally word vomited again on a police officer. But she told and confessed to somebody that she actually
cooked his ribs, put barbecue sauce on them and ate it. That donated. Yes, she did. Yes, she did. Yes, she did. And she said, quote, it was sweet. Just how I like it. And she did say that she did. So again, we're back and forth. Her defense attorney claims she had to perform all her sex on him nightly. He would degrader the whole time. That night was the worst it had ever been. Then the ancient Egyptian told her exactly what to do.
She went to the gypsum, didn't say to eat him. Probably not. No. Yeah, probably not. No. So when she testified the whole story, she was abused. She was raped. Bill threatened to kill her. She had no way out. The injuries found. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The injuries that were found on her.
seemed more like injuries that were inflicted upon her whilst cutting him a body. Yeah. Yeah. Not not being not being beaten by Bill, but like, you know, while trying to make him an adult man and cutting him and cutting him to pieces. So the jury ended up finding her guilty.
but couldn't agree on, like, what type of murder this was. Like, was it first degrees, second degrees,

Life Post-Conviction and Reflections

manslaughter? We don't know. They settled for second degree murder. They heard a story about her childhood to when she met Bill. They brought up Bill's past. Everything.
She was sentenced to 25 to life. Yes, she was. I do not take mutilation, domestic violence, any of that like likely. No. OK. 100 percent. No. But if a man is beating me and I knock him out, let's just say right with with the lamp and then may or may not have blacked out for a second and like shot him. Sure. I would still not then be like, you know what? I'm going to just go ahead and dismember your personage.
And then try to like garbage disposal your ass. And then when the garbage disposal stopped working, I'm going to go to a friend's house and be like, hey, I got a trash bag full of my husband's innards. And I'm going to need your help. Here's my thing. She did have a traumatic childhood. Absolutely. 100 percent did. And he did force her to have sex. I'm sure he probably did. Even if he was rough during sex, even if he did tie her up and rape her.
on board with all that. She strikes back in a fit of rage, or maybe just reliving trauma, and she kills him. Alright, I'm on board with all that. She is a foreigner, she is young, she doesn't have any resources. Freak out, what do you do? Cut him up to dispose of the body. Fine. But to cook his ribs and tell someone sweet, they were sweet just the way I like them,
I can't get on board before that. I can't either, but I'm saying if I were to be able to get on board with everything else, you crossed a line when you ate him. And when you say like cultural, whatever. I don't think it should say each other. But I just read his body parts and I'm not gonna make it to the acorn. Fine, fine. Dude. But you didn't need to eat his ribs like a cannibal. Yeah.
You didn't need to have your own barbecue and then tell someone it was sweet. Just the way I like it. I can't go, I can't even get that far. I'm not on your, I'm not on your team anymore. I could have, I could have tried to justify everything else away. Cause I can fight both sides. I can argue both sides. I can, I can benefit you the doubt so much that I can get on board with everything up until you ate him. Now I've got a backtrack and everything else that I could get on board with is no longer on board. I don't even think I can push myself that far to say.
You you accidentally killed this. You made that clear on your first name. It was an ass. Yeah. And if you're scared and you don't know what to do. Run. Run. I would run. People are stupid. You're highly emotional. No kids. So you're not even emotional and you can't read. So she's emotional. She doesn't know what to do. She's just trying to make the best out of a bad situation. I'm saying is like, OK, standing over dead corpse.
I'm not saying I agree with any of that. I'm saying even if I could, if I could justify everything away, when you ate him, you lost my support. We're going to have to go backtrack and say, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. I 100 percent agree with that statement. Even if everything else was justifiable, even if I could, you lost me at eating him and telling someone. He tasted good. Yeah. You say you don't remember that shit. So just to add like another wound in your heart of hearts.
Yeah. So apparently one of her exes, I told she went through multiple relations. She did. Right. So one of her exes said that he was also not not exactly a spry, if you will. Apparently, she also convinced him to be tied up, which I'm going to be 100 percent honestly. And hindsight, you're like, oh, she is. What could happen to me?
standing in front of you naked or lingerie says, hey, I want to tie you up, especially when she's younger than your grandkids. Yeah. Get me a rope. Everybody's got kinks. Yeah. They're like, yeah, we're not. We're not. I'm kink shaming when you eat him.
For dinner. No, what I'm saying is her ex, her ex boyfriend testified that she got him to get tied up in their sexual escapes. No, no, no, no, no. She pointed a gun in his face, said, give me all your money. Yes, she did. Yep. And he managed to wiggle himself loose, disarm her and probably saved his life. Right. Oh, she'd have killed him for sure. Hundred percent. So wrong. Continue. Think less with your dick men. Yeah.
And then maybe maybe maybe not marry someone after knowing them for weeks. Not that that can't happen like a couple of years down the road. He can happen. There's really no telling when crazy will shine its bright light. Don't look at him like that. If anyone's snapping first, it's my brother. I've known that son of a bitch for forty two years, three years.
I don't know. He's old. Yeah, he's old. He doesn't listen. That's okay. He might be going deaf. It's hereditary. It's selective. Deafism in your family. Anyway, continue story. Story. All right. Tie that back, which also kind of helped put the nail on the coffin, her coffin. I have so many opinions about this story, Faith. I have so many opinions because I do not take domestic abuse lightly.
Either I think if a woman can't get out hundred percent can't get out like and you can't you have no family time Yeah, and she did she had nothing. No family. Nobody to help her. No means of financial Back up. No, that doesn't mean that you can cut him up and eat him. Uh-huh Mm-hmm. I'm just saying are you done with your story? No, I'm just sitting here thinking lie to say I
Like, do you remember in Liar Liar where he, like, beat himself up in the bathroom? I'm kicking my ass! Son of a bitch! Well, he's dead, so I'm gonna go beat the shit out of myself real quick. Yep. Alright, I'm wrapping it up. What else you gotta say to me? Is this the end of your story? Mm-hmm. You didn't read the rest of her story? No. Are you kidding me?
No, seriously. No, I really don't know what happened now. I'm pissed. Oh, and I don't know the story well enough. I watched a bunch of like specials. I'm going to give you a very generic what happened because I don't remember it 100 percent. But I will link the story in the you're going to have to because now I feel like a little bit of a toward in the I'm going to I'm going to link a link it in the show notes. But so she goes to prison and through the pen pal program or something.
ends up getting married again. Wait a minute. Yes. She gets married again. And she had, they did conjugal visits where it wasn't like conjugal visits where they come and they get a room. Like they had little, they had like trailers on the prison guard where they got to go. She had knives available to her. Did she not? And she tried to kill him with a set of knives.
in the prison. I did not hear that part. No, she attacked the new husband at the prison at the conjugal visits with the knives. And I don't remember if she killed him or not. But it was a whole I don't think she did. I mean, that's why I said the second time I wasn't talking about the other guy. I was talking about the second murder. Hold up. We're both going to Google this pause.
Okay, so we both googled and we can't find the exact story, but I've got it on my notes where you're going to have to, you're going to have to cite that too, because everything that every podcast, every, I don't remember if, if he died or she attacked him, but I remember they had the conjugal visits in the trailer and there were knives available. And I want to say she attacked him, but maybe she didn't. I don't know.
I will find it. Definitely look that up because I don't post this story because we're a little head for once. We post it. I'll put it in there and maybe I'll just add on to a part two real quick recap. Yeah, totally. And then post them bam bam.
Well, the one that you were trying to find, you had to pay for it. And I'm not. I remember the story because, like I said, I've got this typed up. It wasn't Christmas. It was a Thanksgiving episode because she killed him with a pair of scissors castrated and boiled his head like not boiled, but right deep right. Yeah. Yeah. Like a Friday, his ribs. Yeah. So but I remember at least thinking if I really, you know, I don't think I ever have to go back and listen to some of that stuff because everything that I heard, I didn't hear about. I knew what the scissor thing.
Mm hmm. But not the castration of parts. No, that was like on half the half the news articles I just looked up. Oh, really? OK. Castration is real big, but maybe that's just a title grabbing because like I said, I had this episode like I listened and researched this episode forever ago for Thanksgiving episode.
You're a whore. I'm sorry. But I will find I will go back in my notes because I have all the documents and everything I had saved. And it like I said, I could be remembering wrong and it could just be that I was like, why, if you knew her history, would you be in your knives with her at all? Yeah, I wouldn't know if I was a man. Like, why would you even trust that? Especially if you're going for a conjugal, we know she doesn't enjoy sex. She's not normal and like normal people.
Accidentally kill somebody like it's manslaughter. Yeah. Okay. Yeah You're like, all right. I call the cops. I whacked him with a lamp. He was being a dick I didn't mean to yeah, I did not mean to do this You can't have hacked him up a little pieces and eaten part of him, right? And then think you're saying yeah, and one of the things I was reading trying to find this Jeff Shins made me do it 130 pounds of bill were never accounted for See everything I said said 80 And then the guy that was that had told them that the garbage disposal ran
for two days straight and then just cut off. Yeah. So you know she was shoving parts. Oh, heck yeah. I'm going to I will find I will find the stuff and we'll do like a quick part to recap and post them. I'm totally because I even if it's just for me to say I was wrong.
Okay. No, I mean. Because that's going to drive me crazy. Yeah. Well, now that you said that's going to drive me crazy. But again, I thought she had something to do with sports, but she was just a model. No, she's a model. Yeah. So it's a good story, though. I know it is a good story. It's crazy. Disgusting that she's so sweet. Well, I really like women's history month. So, yeah, let's pick a pickable woman. Oh, heck yeah. I think we proved that every time we open our mouth. Yes. You don't have to agree. Two of us, one of you.
So lions in a gazelle. Before before we end our podcast, I just want to say because, you know, I'm up up to date on a lot of different stuff. They know, you know, when I was doing the Lake Mead thing, yeah, the pedophile that got busted, that there's still like no information about no bag. No. But Lakeland Riley was murdered for no reason. It's out jogging and Madeline Soto. Mm hmm.
whose mom didn't interview on TV with the boyfriend who suspected of murdering her. And I just kind of want to give a shout out to the people that actually love and care about those two individuals. I'm so sorry. There was another little girl that I wanted to mention that just she was just recently found that her name is completely escaping me. Yeah. There's so many every day here. And I am so annoyed
and frustrated by all this, it's just not even funny. Like I walk Kay up to school every day now. And I literally keep a knife in my pocket just in case. And you can say I'm overprotective or a helicopter mom or whatever, but Lakeland was just out for a run. You know what I'm saying? Madeline thought, it's just my mom's boy, damn. Like I'm just saying, I wanted to give a little shout out for them.
Yeah, we are very sorry. But yeah, I don't know. You know, that stuff bothers a hell lot of me and I just needed it. They've been on my heart like all.
Yeah, well, that's our story for tonight, kind of, because we'll do a little update after I go do some research because I'm not going to sleep tonight till I find out. Oh, my God. Of course you're not. So I mean, send me all that crap about that thing that I sent you last night. I will. I got any things to. Yeah, I got plant stuff to work on tonight. Lisa sent me calls me because she needed me to watch an episode of something on Discovery Plus because they aired an episode that had a very big conspiracy in it.
Actually funny story none of the passwords you gave me worked so I never could watch the episode But I just googled what the episodes about and I saw the three places and I saw the name and I was like son of a bee So that's when I texted you it's this this and this and you were like yes So then I I went and started googling and you to being you know the conspiracy theory saying that I'm not gonna wait we're not gonna we are not going to go full conspiracy theory on you guys because
We we believe in the darkest of dark and I'm not going to say I 100 percent agree with people's theories, but I'm I'm just I'm going to say there's something hinky with that.
Yeah. Oh, you don't auction off used pizza. I'll tell you about later. OK, we'll have to. Anyway, if you know, you know, we get sucked into some depravity. Yeah, but I got stuck into a dark hole only because we just think people are. I don't know why we don't feel like there's hope left in humanity. There's not. There's none. All right. Maybe the three of us in the garage. And that's that's a stretch. Yeah. Looking right at you. I'm looking right back. They'll have a good night. Brian's looking at both of us. All right. Bye. Bye.