The Horrific Gang Torture &  Murder of Brandy DuVall image

The Horrific Gang Torture & Murder of Brandy DuVall

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
74 Plays7 days ago

May 1997 two college friends are traveling through Colorado when they came across a body that would end up giving horrific details of the torture & murder of 14-year-old Brandy DuVall. Her last moments of life with the Duce-Seven, a faction of Crenshaw Mafia Gangster Blood Gang. As the gang is rounded up due to an informant, several members turned on the other gang members, and give the details of this horrific night.

TRIGGER WARNING: This episode is especially brutal with the description of what occurred, and involves a minor.

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Well, good day to you fine people. Hello. Thanks for tuning in to Twisted Tales with Faith and Lisa. And we're here. We are here. It's been the dumbest week. yeah It's I think it's Wednesday, right? I feel like the week's getting dumber. Yes, it's only Wednesday. Well, we got a lot going on right now. I'll tell you what the best part of my entire ah day was. What was that? um Waking up to a text message from you that you sent at 2 in the morning because you're free.
No, I have a new puppy. Uh-huh. And he doesn't like he's whining as we speak. Yeah. If you hear puppies, sorry. He's a baby. He can't. He has to stay with his mummy. Yeah. And if you just hear me yelling randomly, it's because my puppy wants at the puppy. So sorry about that. Correct. It's not Tourette's. It's just me getting out of my dog. Yep. Yeah. But yeah, the P Diddy. Yeah. He don't eat. Uh-huh.
It was a highlight of my week. I was like good. I know I know when I saw that I was like, oh gee, thank you like the last question that like the dude asked When you sent me that that particular tick-tock? Well, yeah, are you concerned for his safety? Like, you know what happened to Epstein and everything? Yeah We're concerned about everybody's safety Like, ah ah, not like this. Yeah. like Who's safety, though? Because how many what what video footage does he have? Because he abstained it up and has collateral. Yeah. And what names does he know? Yep. Because he's like, oh, we we we we always take care of the safety of our inmates, whatever, whatever. I'm sitting here thinking, I want to know whose safety, whose best interest do you have at heart? Oh, yeah. Who's going to pay you the most for their safety? I guess correct how you should phrase that. Yeah.
It's going to be interesting. and But I guarantee to you, though, unless you physically search that out yourself, that is not going to be any major. No, I just follow enough conspiracy theories that it pops up. That somebody said something finally, right? Yep. Oh, man. But yeah, that was a good start to the morning. It was an interesting. ah You're welcome. Yeah, I sat here.
cracked open my Red Bull and started watching. I was like, well, it's about frigging time. and I know, it like everything hit and then it was dead silence on the matter forever. I can't even remember either just because, you know, life just kind of flashes before my eyes most of the time. Yeah. I don't even remember how long it was when he got invaded and how many places. It's been a while. I feel like it's been a minute. It's been a while because honestly, I've forgotten about it. Yeah. Until that hit again. And I was like, oh, snap, I did forget about that. Yeah. Sorry, guys. Yeah, puppy. Yeah. And if you start hearing some really weird noises, my dog is a husky, so.
just special needs. Yeah. Own it. Own it. Because he I don't know. He's getting into that habit now where he's just making odd. My dog's a butthole. Yeah. Like mother like. Doggers.
Doggers, I don't know for friends. Yeah, yeah, whatever. I got one for you. I got a story for you. Okay. Before you get started. All right. Go ahead. So dazzle me. I a couple weeks ago bought a ring cam. Okay. I fell into the hole of ring cams. I'm going to be honest with you. I advocate. I like it. ah I like it a lot. I don't like when I'm standing in my front yard that I hear you are being recorded from all my neighbor's yard. Yeah, that is mine doesn't say that. I will say though that I think it was like the last weekend, the weekend before. We haven't talked in a minute and I totally forgot about it. but ah So my brother and my sister-in-law came over for a visit and we were all out on the back porch just hanging out talking and just doing whatever. And all the boys took off out front to go play. And so Heather was like, I'm gonna go chill out front with the kids. So I get a notification on my phone.
people movement record, you know, seeing things, right? So I'm sitting there watching live, right? And you can hit the button, you can speak out of the ring. Yeah. Yeah. So I sat there, I waited and she, her chair is dead center right in front of the ring cam. And so just as creepily as I could, I was like,
Well, hello there. She came unglued, unglued. The only thing I got was a giant middle finger. like Yeah. I would have killed you. It was a good time. Still not as funny as the snake from the attic, but it's definitely. it Yeah. Thank you. I'll take that finger, too. That's fine. Well, I was. But it was it was close. It was close. like I felt bad about what I'm about to do to you. But you reminded me of that. Now I don't.
And no one's gonna be like that, man. you You don't have to be so ruthless. Yeah, and vindictive. Oh, that's, yeah. And cruel. Well, you ready for it? I sure wanna. Let's get into it. On Sunday, May 31st, 1997. Oh my god, you mean we're not in the 1820s this time? I know, we we're in the 90s. Wow, girl. Yeah. um Lance Butler was on a break from college and had one of his friends from college come visit him in his hometown of Colorado.
Now, I've done a lot of Googling. I did a lot of searching, I did a lot of reading, and I can't find his friend's name ever referenced besides friend's name. But I, as I was typing this out and like practicing it, calling him Lance's friend the other time the whole time got incredibly redundant and I didn't like it. So if anything ever happened to you, I would try to wipe it clean as well. That's not it. Yeah, I would just be face sister. Yeah, I would never have a name. Yeah, I was just going to go ahead and throw that out. Aesthetically very unpleasing to my ears to hear Lance's friend. So we are going to name him Buddy for the duration of this podcast while he's in the story.
So Lance and Buddy are driving down Highway 6 near Golden, Colorado on their way to Central City. They are going it up there to do it up big. Two guys from college, they're going gambling, they're going drinking, probably get some ladies into the mix. You know, you know how they do. um So they're not in a rush. They're just, I mean, literally, they're just kind of cruising down this highway. It's Colorado, so I'm sure it's beautiful if you like nature. I don't, but you know.
there's some of those that do if you like nature yeah yeah um so they're they're not in a rush they're cruising and Lance really wants to show Buddy around as they drive like you know the sights the scenes the things you know about your town it's uh i mean they're taking the scenic route through the mountains it's a beautiful scenery again if you like that kind of thing there is rushing water into this stream called Clear Creek. Mountains everywhere, sunny day, and Clear Creek is a big recreational spot. It is referred to by locals as the Heart of heart of Golden and visited year-round by fishermen, kayakers, runners, bicyclists, in general, outdoor enthusiasts.
Again, crazy people. um So as they're as they're approaching this, he Buddy asks Lance, hey, can we go ahead and pull over and dip our feet in the creek for a minute? You've been cooped up in the car, stretched out, beautiful creek. I don't know. Maybe he's from a town. it Seems weird to me, but whatevs. And Lance is like, yeah, sure. But that water's going to be cold, like cold, cold.
But he says I'm not I don't care. I just I just want to break Personally if I was in Colorado, I would be more worried about bears eating me than the cold water Yeah, but you know again, sorry dog So Lance pulls off the highway at mile marker two ninety six point five and he goes on to this gravel drive It's like just a little gravel inlet to the ah area. Yeah, just old school back parts the car. Yeah. Yeah So they walk over this narrow stretch of grass, which right after narrows into a 30 foot drop down into the stream below. So boys being boys, are they going to stay as far away from this 30 foot drop as possible or go right up to the edge?
right up to the edge. So boys they go over there to look over and they see all these big huge steep boulders sprinkled throughout and they're going to try to take this path down to the stream because that's their goal. But they immediately realize that this path is way too steep and it is way too rough to try to climb down at where they're at.
So where they've parked is a bus to try to get down to the cliff. They can't they can't get there. So at this point Buddy starts to walk around the edge to try to find a smoother place for he and Lance to make it down to the water, which again is our end destination for this pit stop at least.
um But as he's walking, he just kind of stops and freezes. My mind immediately goes to, there's a bear. Wild animal. Wolf. There's all kinds of crap that wants to eat you in Colorado. I confused it with Alaska. Yeah, Alaska in my head at first. I was thinking polar bears. I was going to ask, like, so Faith, what kind of wildlife is in Colorado? But then I was like, you know, it might not be the sides of that. I was literally confused. My assistant. Your friend at work might have been happy with me if I started bringing that up. Yeah, my assistant is from Alaska. So we always talk about everything.
I'm sure there's wildlife in the mountains of Colorado. Shut it. But anyway, there's no pop quiz tonight. Don't worry about it. ah He points down to the cliff telling Lance, hey, there's a body down here. Lance, oh, that's obviously things, but he's pulling his life and just glances in the general direction. Buddy is pointing to him, but his eyes involuntarily snag immediately on this pair of blue jeans on the small man.
Laying down at the bottom of the ravine. Small man. Small man. OK, so real quick, because you said small man, like are we talking like um under four feet? Small man or just he just small man. So I can see it's a 30 foot drop, 30 foot drop. They're still up on the ledge. So the body is sitting at the ledge right where the water begins, wedged between some boulders and the two friends obviously head down to get a better look. Why not?
and when they get to the area located ah above the body the two start to discuss what they should do like is this guy hurt what's going on I mean they can't tell from up there but while talking they notice there's this pool of congealed blood that's a couple feet in diameter right where um right where they're standing they're standing in a in a pool of dried blood okay so it's been there for a minute yes and buddy decides at this point their plan needs to be called to to call 911 which duh so the friends as they're as they're getting back to their car they're trying to wave people down on the highway it's a bit it's i mean again this is the gold the heart of golden very big tourist area highway is full
So they're trying to wave down anyone that can assist because they can't get close enough to the body to even tell if this person's alive or not. They just know this person's injured or dead. There's a body. That's all they've got. um People pass by and eventually someone stops. Unfortunately, they had no cell service because we're in the mountains and we're talking early cell phone days. Yeah, there is no plans. They had a phone the size of a brick that flipped or they had 5G, which is about as useful.
yeah ah Moving on. So more people, once one person stops, then it's like everybody's stopping because everyone wants to see what's going on, right? and We want to gawk. Rubber knickers. Exactly. And nobody's cell phone is working. can like Nobody can get a call out. Nobody can call the police. Nobody i can get a signal. So everybody decides, you know, we've we've got to leave. We've got to do something. So Lance tells everybody, keep trying to call the police whatever direction you go. Somebody's got to get the police on on the hold.
So shortly after this, Jefferson County Dispatch starts to receive multiple calls to report a body along Highway 6. Because everybody's calling, all these people that stopped to gawk. Right. So Deputy Diane Oberheim was the first person on the scene um with any kind of authority, right? um She spots the body immediately.
She carefully makes her way down to where the body's resting and she continues past the point where Lance and Buddy stop to where she's right at this body. Like she can touch the body if she wants to. Oh, OK. And from this vantage point, she notices that this is a body of a young girl oh who is way beyond medical assistance at this point. OK, so she's she's still alive, though?
No, but that's nobody knew something. There's a body. There's someone hurt. There's someone dead. They don't know what's going. They have no idea what they're rolling into. I understand. Because nobody could get close enough. It's a steep like this woman risked a lot to go down this 30 foot embankment of rock and clay. I was just going to say, like, you would have to be like rock climbing skills. OK. Yeah. So the girl.
um Sorry, back up, I skipped. So, um Deputy Diane Obermann glances up the hill. What if we go for Oberheim to Obermann to Obermann? I'm gonna let you in on it. I'm just gonna throw that out there. I'm gonna let you in on a little tip.
Sometimes when they have weird last names or last names that I have a hard time pronouncing, I listen to the pronunciation and then I type them yeah how I phonetically can pronounce. okay But then as I'm looking at it, how I typed it phonetically, I think that's not the way it should be said. And then I start guessing at the last name sometimes.
yeah I'm just I'm just so we're going to call her one detective. No, it's just this is Deputy Diane. OK, go with that, Diane. It's Deputy Diane from now on. You got this. That's what I just said. We're going to skip over time. Overman, over, over, over. Deputy Diane. Anyway, the louder is not going to drown this out, sweetheart. The sound boards by me, I can unplug your mic. That's a really solid point. OK, so.
continue Deputy Diane glances up the hill and notices the path of blood actually starts partially down the slope and continues down to the body and said the sheer amount of blood covering the area was just shocking like it's more than you expect. She also, oh yeah, she also noticed that the girl had not died at where because there's a 30 foot drop, right? The blood doesn't stop at the start at the top of the the hill. It starts like somewhat down. There's a big pile of blood and the blood just continues down to where she is now.
so it's not like she fell yeah and less like she fell and that was the impact and then correct and as she's looking where she the impact where the blood first hold in one okay sorry with the blood first starts is not where she died but at the final spot where her body lay because you could see apparently multiple attempts from where the body was to up the hill of an attempt at escaping and falling, escaping and falling until this girl finally just bled out there where she was found at the end. So she was alive when she went down this ravine.
okay um The deputy makes her way back up to the squad call car where she calls in the body and waits until crime scene investigation and actual detective, the detective Alan Simmons, who will leave the cingation on this murder case. They show up first. The what? Murder case. Before that. Investigation. There you go. Okay. Okay.
Together, the crime scene investigators, Detective Alan Simmons and Deputy Diane watch as this young girl's body is put into a body bag, hauled up the hill and finally taken from the scene to go to the medical examiner's office where it'll be autopsied. Okay. Detective Simmons was present for the autopsy. And if I had to take just a wild guess, I bet he wished to God he hadn't gone to work that day and he had not stayed for that autopsy.
Well, so like just to stop for like two seconds, yeah then you said you could find Lance's name, but not his friend. Yeah. So I'm wondering, like, if he was just so traumatized, he wanted nothing to do with this. I wouldn't want anything to do with this. Yeah. I'm just telling you right now. I wouldn't I wouldn't blame that unless you turn around and say that they're the ones that did it. But I don't I don't I don't see that coming yet. Yeah. So we're at the autopsy. The girl is very small. She's about five feet in height. She weighs about 100 pounds.
And she appears in physical appearance to look like a young teenager. She has a large bruise on the side of her face, more than likely made by someone punching her. There's another large bruise on her chest, multiple smaller bruises covering her legs and arms, which leads us to believe that she put up a fight. um Or stampeded. Yep. She had been stabbed 28 times by a single edge knife to her chest, neck, and back.
Her carotid artery and her jugular vein had been pierced, which is part which is how she ended up dying. Her cause of death was exsanguination, which is ble she bled to death. Moreover, the medical examiner, Detective Simmons, would know by viewing the body alone that the last day on earth for this girl was absolute hell.
So we already know about the stabbing. She's obviously been beaten. um The following were found in the autopsy. I don't want to know. You don't. There is a bite marked to her left breast, hard enough and deep enough for them to tell. Her anus and rectum were badly bruised and both had been purposely sliced open by a sharp blade. I'm sorry, hold on. You said her anus and her rectum.
um Yeah, this just different they went all the way up. Okay. Gotcha. like Okay. Yeah, I should not have asked that question. Nope. Nope. You shouldn't have. um Didn't need to know that. Yep. So all they know is that this girl has been brutally tortured and killed and that's it. It's not until the next day, about 24 hours later,
um that they find out who the scroll is. But her name is Brandeline Rose Duvall and she goes by Brandi. And she is a 14 year old middle school student where she was on the honor roll and participated in sports and activities.
who So you already know I'm triggered. Just telling me the age. Yeah. Brandi had last been seen on the night of May 30th around 6 PM by her mother, Angela. Her mother met her on a street corner to give her some spending money for the weekend as Brandi was going to go stay with her grandmother.
Brandi and her mom, Angela, are described by everybody, even Angela, as they were more like best friends than a typical parent child relationship. OK. Brandi was said to be very street smart, very independent. She had the bus system down in the Denver City, knew how to take care of herself like she went by herself everywhere pretty much. So not like as super naive as you would figure a 14 year old to be. Correct. She was a very worldly 14 year old, yes.
um Right before Angela drove away, Brandy reached in the car and gave her mom a hug. Neither knowing this would be the last soft touch Brandy would receive and or the two would share together. They said they loved one another. And with that, Angela left not knowing she'd never see her daughter alive. And the next time she viewed her daughter would be when she was there to identify her body. Oh, man. Come on. So that's like the biggest fear. Oh, as a parent. Yeah.
No parent, no parent. I got to say, I have a lot of thoughts about it, but the idea of ah chipping your child like you chip an animal is not so far fetched anymore. In my mind, after this podcast, just also sorry hot yeah chipping an animal the way you would chip a child, if your child, the way you would chip a dog, like why people advocate against microchipping your. Oh, OK. I'm so sorry. yeah My mind went to like like a chipper.
No, like a chip. No, like a location. I was I was in my mind thinking, yeah, whoever did this should absolutely. You were still on that. You were so violent. A chipper. Anyways, so. OK. When Brandi didn't show up at her grandmother's house that night, May 30th and never called to update her mother or her grandmother on a change of plans, because if she had called them and said, hey, I've decided I want to go stay at so and so's house, neither would a care.
Again, she was always always in communication always. And she was very she was given a lot of independence because she was very responsible and communicative. So Angela was worried about her daughter when she never showed up when her mom called and said, hey, Brandi, never showed up. What's going on? And then as she's worried about her daughter, she saw an article describing the girl who'd been found in Clear Creek in c Clear Creek.
And she immediately called Jefferson County Corner wanting to see if this is her child. Which, you know, i um like when you think about it, that is so rare because usually parents want to believe the best that it's not my kid, not mine. She heard the description and just had, she knew almost. Yeah. um ah Well, I mean i don't really think it's just that, but I think that even as a parent, like you always want to have your hopes up, right? Yeah. But then any anything that you hear in relative to any kind of person's
around your kid's age, you're going to you're going to inquire. Yeah. Like you got to know, even if you don't want to know as a parent, you got to know. You got to know. So when Angela got there before upon just arriving at the coroner's office, she's shown a small clear plastic bag.
And in that bag was a ring with the letter B on it. And Angela knew immediately that's her daughter's ring. She never took it off for anything. okay So she knows the body she's about to look at is going to be her daughter's.
So the fear and despair in Angela starts to grow at this point, but starts giving way to anxiety as she's led into this. Yeah, like I'm about to like just vomit all over myself. I can't do this. Yeah. And I don't know how like I don't know what kind of bravery it would take. And she's by herself as a parent. And I'm saying as a parent, not oh yeah just as a mom, but even as a dad, like to your core that has to rip you apart. Oh, yeah.
So she is walking into this room to watch through a window. And I'm sure at this point, like on the one point you want to vomit, scream, cry. But on the other point, you're numb. Yeah. And just thinking, God, no. Yeah. Just anybody, anybody else. Yeah. And she stands and watches through this window as the body bag is slowly unzipped. And I'm sure it took forever in her mind. Oh, yeah. Until finally she sees the face of her daughter and best friend is there underneath that bag.
Angela said inside her head she's just screaming as loud as possible, baby wake up, baby wake up, hoping she's in a nightmare, but unfortunately she's awake and Brandi's never going to open her eyes again. So what happened the night Brandi was killed? Well after meeting with her mother to get money,
Brandi spent the next few hours hanging out with her best friend Patrice. The two girls smoked some weed together and split a six pack of beer, which they had purchased for them by a nice man at the bus stop. They paid him by giving him a beer. Brandi finally left Patrice's a little after 1130 at night and made her way to the bus stop at South Federal Boulevard to head to her grandmother's as planned.
Again, this girl's she's not sneaking out. She's not nothing like this is this is a normal weekend type of thing for her. And technically, she didn't even have to ride the bus. She could have called any family member for a ride. And Angela stated Brandi could have called herself or her stepdad at any point, and they would have given her to the ride to her grandmother. No questions asked. She's independent, though. But again, as previously said, she's independent and being slightly high drunk. I'm going to pause for like a half a second.
Just basically, sorry, based on the things that you're saying right now, like it's triggering probably a lot of ah young parents. Yeah. In our generation who are helicopter mothers. Like, like you, like myself. Yeah. We are tracking our children on their cell phones. It was not the same back then. Yeah. But that's not even what I'm saying. Like there are parenting goes in a giant 360 you have. Oh yeah.
every aspect of that circle no yeah parents and better and i'm not goingnna they good bad points for i was just well no i was goingnna say like i want exclude like the parents that are like you know on meth and yeah obvious i'm not talking about stuff like that they're they're not real pair ah yeah so every It wasn't abnormal. Like me and my friends would walk to the movie store. Yeah. I would go spend the night at my friend's house. Like parents would drop you off for the day at the mall, movies, whatever you want. And I hate to say it, but temptation has always been temptation. While I never smoked weed at 14, I can tell you that I had my first six pack at 15. Yeah. You know what I mean?
so it's not it's brandy is not a bad kid your parents are honor roll all parents are delusional oh yeah all parents are delusional but again i don't even know if that's the most responsible human being in the world but if peer pressure gets them they're doing it but again her and her mom are classified as best friends it was not a mother daughter disciplinary relationship for the most part yeah when you're saying like she got home she's tipsy and her mom might mom i'm feeling a little Her mom might have just said, you know, sleep it off. Yeah. Be careful be safe. Right. So. And I'm not advocating for either way, allowing your 15 year old to drink. That's not what I'm saying. We're just saying, but but did you get out of your corner? Yeah. There are no Karen's here. ah yeah Correct. Thank you.
So, she goes to the bus. She's last seen wearing a redship Cago Bulls jersey because she was obsessed with Michael Jordan. 1997. Who wasn't? ye Black shorts, red, black and white tennis shoes. And these are not the clothes that she was found in in death as she was wearing blue jeans and looked like a small man. Remember? Yeah.
um These details were given to the police by Patrice. this is Patrice tells them this is what we did, this is what happened, who were trying to set up events prior to the death to see what happened, but there are still several hours unaccounted for. They can only count up to 1130. The police hoped someone at this bus stop would remember something about her.
And even though it was late, it was 1130 at night, the bus stop at South Federal Boulevard was a busy bus stop. There are teens and adults everywhere, all times and days and nights. Moreover, there's a heavy population of homeless covering this area in the adjoining streets and parking lots and Saturday nights like the night Brandy went missing it was a Saturday night gang members and pool and people are cruising in their low riders because again the 90s and Would go up and down the street all all night just you know um but even with all this street traffic and
At this stop, police aren't able to find anyone who remembers seeing Brandi that night, nothing. And this left the police with no leads, no directions, and a growing fear that the case for this little girl would grow cold and then eventually unsolved. Two weeks later on June 10th, however, everything changed as Detective Simmons received a phone call that would blow this case wide open.
and give all the horrors Brandi suffered the last few hours of her life. So Detective Simmons receives this phone call from a man named Jose Martinez. And he tells the detective that Brandi had been at his home the night of May 30th and she had been raped by members of the Crenshaw Mafia Gangster Blood Gang, also known as the Bloods for short. So Detective Simmons and his partner Ralph Gallico. where i'm sorry just
We're in Denver, Colorado. OK. Bloods are everywhere, I guess. Yeah, apparently. um So Detective Simmons and his partner, Ralph Gallico, go to Jose's house. And um this the house he rented, it's a small ranch home around 1000 square feet. It's got a small yard surrounded by a chain link fence that's only protecting the weeds, the trash and the car parts littered throughout the yard. And this is where they would learn of So basically they pull up and here's the biggest suspect they've ever seen. Yeah. OK, red flag. During the conversation, Jose confessed that he had been an unwilling witness to Brandi's rape and torture. Brandi had been OK. Now, before I get into this next part, we're we're in gang territory and we're talking about a gang, right? They're gang names. Just be prepared.
Yes, they all go by the names. So Brandi had been brought to his house that night by a member of the Bloods who goes by Baby G. Baby G is a 22 year old man whose real name is David Warren and with him four other people are brought to this house that night and Jose didn't know any of those guys. He tells the detectives when Baby G and these people arrived at the house the parties already in full swing. His nephew 27-year-old gang member Daniel Martinez, who goes by the name Bang, was already there with the following people. 25-year-old Francisco Poncho Martinez, not related. 16-year-old Frank Little Bang Virgil Jr. and Bang's first cousin Samuel Zigzag Quintana. Bang's older brother, Boom, had already left. Wow. Okay. Yeah.
Yeah, I told you to be prepared. I'm prepared. Yeah. The boom had already left. He was out. Bang, bang, boom. Yeah. This group of and you know what? They range from age 20. I'm sorry. They ain't they rate. at the Let me try again. I don't know. You didn't range from age 16 to 27. So I had a hard time like dot com boys to call them men to come. Guys, gentlemen. Hell no. So this group of people. So. OK. Right. Just.
all belong to a Latino offshoot of the Bloods gang, which went by the name of the deuce seven. OK, but I didn't. OK, just go. Yeah, the deuce seven. And basically the deuce seven just calls ruckus and mayhem. Hey, Emma, I am struggling. You're doing great. I'm actually really thoroughly enjoying myself right now.
um They cause ruckus and mayhem all over Denver. They were known for selling ruckus ruckus ruckus Yeah, that's what I said with it with a ck not a G. Just listen with your no ears not your mouth I can't do it. It's amazing. I love it. They're known for selling drugs drive-by shootings Intimidating witnesses and people just you know, lovely lovely things. They're a great group of guys is what I'm saying, right? Yeah So the leaders of the do seven were bang and his brother boom real name Antonio Poncho is near the top of the gang, but he's he's underneath Bang and Boo. Lil' Bang and Zigzag were lower ranking members of the gang, but Lil' Bang was very close with Bang, or Big Bang, as his name indicated. He was a favored, even though low that's that's the hierarchy we're looking at, right? okay um They identified themselves by wearing the color red and took it as the highest insult for a non-gang member to wear that color.
they This gang would patrol Federal Boulevard on the lookout for anyone foolish enough to be disrespecting them by wearing their gang colors. And on May 30th, they noticed Brandi wearing the Chicago Bulls jersey, which was red and black, and red, black, and white tennis shoes, and pulled over to have a word with this insolent girl. Nobody knows, and it was never said, like it was never came out what was said between the the four men in the car and this girl.
Okay. But at the end of it, Brandy got in their car, whether that was her own volition, whether she was forced or coerced, we're not sure. But we do know that she eventually was got in that car and that she was taken to Jose's house.
Jose goes on to tell the detective that the gang members had the devil in them that night and he was unable to dissuade them from their course of action against this girl. But she was alive when she left his house. I find this so ironic that I mentioned Diddy and you're telling this story. I know, right? That's amazing. um But she was alive when she left his house and he begged them to take her to the hospital.
Jose identified the following gang members from a photo lineup, which allowed police to arrest them. Poncho, Little Bang, Baby G, Zigzag, and Bang. Jose also agreed to testify against the aforementioned gang members at their trial, which inevitably would come up under the agreement that he would not be charged for his crimes, which is when he cleaned up evidence and not reporting it for two weeks.
um Two other gang members, Maurice, Trapp, Warren, which is Baby G's brother, and 19-year-old Jacob Smiley Cassato, were also added to the list of suspects on June 15th when they were given another tip on the case. They were all in the car, Trapp and Smiley were in the car with Baby G when Brandi was picked up at the bus stop. All these men would eventually be charged with various offenses up to murder at some point.
However, at this point, the police have all these suspects arrested, right? They were there the night Brandi was murdered, but they still don't have any details on what actually happened and who actually did what, including who actually murdered Brandi, especially since she was alive when she left Jose. She was just murdered. Yeah, oh yeah. i said I said multiple charges up too.
So all these people are arrested. They're all waiting. Where's Officer Oppenheimer? ah She was just a deputy first on scene. She totally went with it. That's incredible. I knew what she meant. That's amazing. Anyway.
So all these gang members are arrested, waiting charges. And it always happens when their small little brain cells start to fire in these situations. The reality of the situation they're in starts to kind of sink in, right? Right. So Zigzag was the first to crack and start talking to the police. yeah He faced first degree murder charges on Brandi's death currently, but also an unrelated murder from 1996, where a 19 year old girl was murdered. So he's got two murder charges.
So he pleads those two first degree murder charges down to two second degree murder charges, which come with 48 year prison sentence each, but death penalties off the table. And he said he'll take if if given this deal, he'll take it and testify against the gang members. All right.
And even though Zigzag was the first to talk, he was not the only one. So, Baby G and Trap, the two brothers, took plea deals and were both charged with first-degree sexual assault.
Smiley also took a. So wait wait a minute. OK, OK. I'm sitting here and I'm listening to all of these names. Yeah. And that's like that's real life like they they're cool with being called that. Yep. And they like it. I warned you ahead of time so you could keep it in and they like it. Yep. Apparently you don't get to pick your game name. I don't think I think it's given to you. I've never been in a gang. So I don't know. I just couldn't imagine being like taken down by Smiley. Right.
I don't know. Y'all do. Do you do you do you keep me out of it? I don't I'm not criticizing. Yeah. Don't listen to this podcast. So zigzag baby Jean Trapp. I'll take plead deals. Well, as ah along with Smiley and they'll testify against Pancho Bang and Little Bang in exchange for the deals they've been presented.
So it's through the testimony of these these four individuals that the police are able to put together what happened along with Jose. And I've kept what happened because they got some of it from Jose earlier. Then they get it from these three to kind of put together as a cohesive. This is what happened. So this is this is the events of May 30th into May ah 31st or June 1st, whatever. um So the night of May 30th,
once they arrived at Joe's house, baby G enters with a box of booze telling everyone they brought a girl of them that was quote unquote, down to have sex with everyone here in exchange for some cocaine.
And after he walks into the house with a statement, following him is Brandi, who is basically led into the house by Trapp, who has his arm around her shoulder, kind of leading her. Brandi's not spoken to by anyone as she walks in, really. She's not offered a drink, not offered to hang out. It's weird. I don't know. It's almost like a lamb to slaughter, so it came to my mind. Right. They all knew it was about to happen. Yeah. And she's not offered drinks. She's not offered drugs. She just walks in with her head down.
At this point, Jose had already gone to bed in his son's room, his son's 10, and his granddaughter is in there asleep as well. She's five years old, roundabout. Oh, yeah when when I tell you what happened, remember, this is a thousand square foot house, and there's a five-year-old. the The case is bad enough as it is, but when you remember that, it's even worse. So Jose- Can we just stop now? Nope. You suck. We're in it now. You suck.
So after getting, you know, having some drinks and probably recreational drugs with the gang members, Jose is tired and his bed is filled with all his clean clothes, nicely folded, clean. He doesn't want to deal with it. He's just going to go sleep in a son's room and put everything away in the morning, which is why he wasn't in his own room is what he tells detectives, right? Um, so Jose is not there right now. He's not out there.
After Brandi's walked in with her head down, she's immediately taken to the bathroom by zigzag and given cocaine. At what point Pancho removes all her clothes and picks her up and carries her to the bedroom. Once there, Pancho is joined by Baby G and they rape her with a beer bottle. Afterwards, bang, hang on. Baby cannot be up here. Okay.
So after being raped by this beer bottle by Baby G and Poncho, Bang takes her into the bathroom again, and he then slices her anus open with a knife. So it is, in his words, easier for him to have anal sex with her. I don't want to keep going. I know. And again, this is probably the thing is, is this is not all the details. This is just what the people who were in there at that time can see and testify against. Right.
Bang, then, after cutting her open, takes her into the bedroom, and at this point, Pacho decides that he wants to humiliate her, hurt her some more. He's just a dick, and he finds Jose's broom and very forcefully anally rapes her with it, as Bang holds her down and watches. The two are laughing, and— How is that, like, amusing to any human? And remember, this— They're like, I'm sorry, I'm getting irate. She's 14.
Kid I forgot how old she was halfway through this story and then it hit me and I was like a mother I'm like No human no no human. No Like how how could any individual think to themselves? who This is a great time Because I'm sure she's not Quietly just laying there. No So they, Poncho forces this broom inside her so violently and so full, so far into her body, it causes Brandy to lose control of her bowels, which results in some fecal matter landing on Bang's shoes. To this Poncho states, direct quote, you shit on my boy's shoes, bitch, and kicks her in the chest as hard as he could.
was described like a football player punk kicking, like yeah that bad. yeah And when Brandy tries to reply, Poncho kicks her again in the head, yelling, shut up, bitch. Then led her into the shower to wash her off and brought her back into the bedroom where he again rapes her. At this point, Jose, who's again sleeping in the sunrooms, here's a commotion in the house, so to speak. So he peeks out the door to see what's going on.
Again, this is a hangout for the gang. He knows that it it's going to get loud. from yeahy yeah So when he peeks out, Pancho sees him and says, hey, Uncle Joe, you want some head? And Jose's like, no, I don't. I want to go to sleep. um But he glances at his bedroom doors and sees that it's dark. And he wants to know what's going on. Because honestly, he knows tonight's going to be wild because this is this is this night they're initiating Smiley into the gang.
So he just, he wants to see, make sure, you know, this is his house. So he goes in bedrooms, turn on the lights, and what he sees when he looks in there is Brandy giving oral sex to Zig-Zag, laying on her back on the bed while Bang is on top of her having sex. Poncho is standing at this point to the side of the bed watching. Now, before we right with Jose,
He saw Brandi walk into the house at first. She didn't put up a fuss. She wasn't protesting. i'm I don't want to be here. Let me go. None of that. She walks in with her head down and it's initiation night. So he knows it's going to get wild. He saw her walk in, but but she's still a 14 year old kid. No, it's not even just that. This this girl's bleeding has shit all over herself. Yeah. Well, he doesn't see that right now. He's literally just sees her giving oral sex and bang on top of her because she's laying on her back.
which the cut is to her bottom, so he can't see anything. He literally just sees this and is like, what the heck? um However, when he takes a second to look around the room, he's immediately furious because he notices his clean clothes that were on the bed are all over the floor and that the throuple on the bed are also laying on his clean clothes. And then he notices there's blood splattered on his clothes, his sheet, his mattress. But at first he said he assumed the girl might be on her period. And again, she was there to get cocaine to have sex with people. So he's just pissed for the inconsideration at this point.
um However, Poncho stated, my turn and changed his positions with Zigzag and Brandy starts to give him oral sex. And at this point, Bang gets off the girl. And at that point, Jose saw that Bang is covered in blood. Jose said that Bang's entire front of his body is covered in blood. And he realizes at this point, this girl's not here willingly. This is not an initiation. And he says, get the hell out.
all of you leave now, they literally all ignore him, so he tucks tail and goes back to his son's room.
um And I'll go ahead and tell you now, he is terrified of these kids. He's boys. He's probably seen what they've done before. He's one person against a whole room of people. There's other people in the living room. He doesn't... Tight spot, call 911. Tight spot, I guess. Sorry again for the dog, guys.
So, back to the bet back in the bedroom, Poncho um picks, as he's he's forcing her to give him oral sex, right? Picks up Brandi's body all of a sudden and body slams her into the mattress as hard as he physically can.
Bang is there and forced Brandy up on her hands and knees while Baby G went in front and is getting Brandy, forcing Brandy to give him oral sex. and Another gang member moves in behind her to to rape her and says, direct quote, someone fucked her up.
At this point, Brandy's anus is bleeding, swollen to the size of a grapefruit from testimony, and just because of the trauma. um And this isn't a dissuasion from Bang at all. He got behind her and starts to rape her again.
So Bang begins to rape her again. um Nobody could tell. None of the people that are there, they're testifying, giving all this information to the police, could tell if he raped her anally or vaginally at this point. Does that really matter? No.
So Bang eventually goes to shower the carnage, I'm sure, off his body. Then he and Poncho took Brandy back to the bathroom where Bang sat on the toilet and Brandy was forced again to give him oral sex as Poncho watched with a plunger in his hands. What? None of the individuals there at this point. I don't know if the door was shut. I don't know if they left the bedroom, but nobody could say Um, if that plunger was used to violate Brandy's body, but with everything else that we... More likely. ah Yeah. I would conclude. Sick feeling that that was also done. When they were through, Bang took a nude-embattered Brandy into the living room and put her metal handcuffs that he had found in the house. And as Brandy is sitting there naked, Poncho, Bang, and Little Bang are discussing, well, what do we do with her now? We're done.
She is begging them to take her to a hospital, but these three monsters knew they couldn't do that. She'd seen their faces. So Bang shoved her to the ground while she's begging them still, please take me to the hospital. And Poncho is really just sick of hearing her whine, so he kicks her as hard as he can in the back of the head to shut her up. Little Bang decides to be a little bit more clever and asks Brandy, you know where you're at? You know where we are?
um And it was used as a ploy to see could Brandy identify the house does she know where they're at? But remember she's independent. She uses the bus system. She walks she knows the area so as only a 14 year old girl who's gullible and Doesn't know what's about to happen. Yeah, and is trying to be truthful so she can get out Tells her tormentors were at 60th and Federal and which was their exact location and sealed her fate. So after this little bang looks at everybody and says, we gotta kill her now, Brandy's standing right there and can hear, she is forced to put on a pair of Jose's jeans and Danny Poncho's sweatshirt, which they put on her backwards so they could cover her face with the hood, and the entire time she's struggling and begging them to let her go, which only results in a little bang punching her in the side of the face and saying, shut up, bitch.
Zigzag grabs a knife from the kitchen and some wire from an old gaming system that was in the house and follows as he, Poncho, Little Bang, Baby G, all drag Brandy from the house and force her into the back of the car. Jose said at this point he had heard her crying, he heard them in the living room. I'm sure he was just laying, he didn't go back to sleep. I'm sure he's laying there thinking, what do what do you do?
So he he just feel like any person that's stuck in that situation, you never know what you're going to do. No, because at that point, you already know it's it's them or me. Yeah, exactly. And no, no, no. And he's got his five year old granddaughter and 10 year old son in the bedroom. He's got to protect. Yeah. You got to keep that in your mind. And remember, all this was done with a five year old little girl sleeping in the same house.
and a little 10 year old boy. Yeah. What's that teaching him to grow up? So he does. Jose does try to stop them. And he doesn't call the police. Because Bang is his nephew. But more than that, like I've said, he's afraid of the be ah he's afraid of the gang.
Just to give further credence to his fear, he was actually putting in witness protection until after he was able to be after he was able to testify in trial because they thought he could be killed.
Because remember, this is an offshoot from a bigger gang. He testified. Yeah, this is an offshoot from a bigger gang. So the bigger gang can come against him, too, because I'm going to be like 100 percent honest with you when you started saying those names and all that crap. I was like, this guy's schizophrenic. Like, yeah, these are all his personalities. Like, OK, all right. No, we're good. I'm OK. I'm not saying.
Schizophrenics are violent. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying from my history in watching really stupid movies. ye Right. Gang movies. Yeah. um But you know, he's literally putting in witness protection because while the deuce seven are all rounded up, they're an offshoot of the bloods. And we're talking Denver, Colorado. It's not a small city. So you don't know who's going to go after him to silence him.
because the gangs all protect each other yeah themselves. hundred ah But as the gang are leaving the house, Jose tells Bang in front of everyone, you either take that girl to the hospital or you drop her off home, don't hurt her anymore. Like he, while it's not a lot, he he tried. And in my mind, like the first time I heard this story, I really hated him. The more I heard this story and he you take into consideration his five year old granddaughter sleeping there and stuff, like what?
It's a no-win for this guy. So in the car, Brandy is in the back seat, face covered, arm handcuffs behind her back as they drive into the mountains. She can't see where they're driving, obviously, but continues to beg for a life promising. I won't say anything to the police. I won't say anything to the hospital people. Please just drop me off. I won't ever tell anybody I saw you. I won't ever tell anybody where we are. We are normal human beings response to being in that kind of. But again, she's already begged twice.
And once got kicked in the back of the head, once got punched in the side of the head. So you'd think at this point she'd get they have no humanity and soul. No, because I mean, she's already dealt with the worst of the worst. Like what? i Like I really hate to say it literally. What else could they do? Right. Yeah. I mean, I think i feel like a death at this point would be just as. At least she's out of the pain. Yeah.
So that depends. How long did she lay there? Yeah. Again, her whining pisses Pancho off. He's sick of hearing her bag. So he takes the knife that Zigzag brought and stabs her. mot Starts just stabbing her in the stomach. Yeah. But Zigzag tells him to stop, not for any humanitarian issue, but says, I don't want any blood in my car. So he stops, but proceeds to choke and strangle Brandi with his bare hands with all his strength.
The car finally stops and Poncho drags a bleeding and broken band brandy from the back seat of the car and zigzag holds her down while Poncho starts to stab her again in the chest and the neck. And then they just fling her body over the side of the canyon into the creek below. But as we know from the beginning, she was a life steal. She wasn't dead. Whether they knew that or not or cared, she was stabbed, handcuffed,
body just hours of torture and tries again and again to get up the wall of this cliff to get back to the street and ask for help. So she was trying to get herself up. She was trying to get back up that to ask for help and she just kept falling down. Her hands are handcuffed by her back. 30 foot canyon. She just keeps falling down until her body can't anymore. Yeah. After dumping Brandy, the Do 7 members went back to Jose's house to clean up their mess.
Pancho took the bloodstain mattress out of the house and disposed of it and the gang went whole nine yards to clean up all the evidence of the crime however Unbeknownst to them Jose had kept a little something a brandy's hidden for himself Oh and he gave it to the detectives on no like he was done done like he knew he was done done Yeah, like he's okay. So he knew all this like random BS was going on to begin with right? Yeah when he realize saw something he saw something. Yes, and he was like, you know Let my my humanity kick in here cuz I'm not okay with this and I may not be directly able to help right this second But I will be helped at some point. Yeah So that I hate that so much cuz she still had to lose her life. Yeah, you don't give me a good ending Yeah, I'm gonna tell you right now yeah i'm I'm not gonna record for like a minute. Okay, I will I
yeah Yeah, this is going to become a podcast talking about like swans. Yeah. So what he had kept of Brandi's was a prayer card, which had her name written on it. And on the prayer card, it stated, see, I will not forget you. I have carved you from the palm of my hand. And Jose said he kept it for two reasons. See, I. It's from Jesus. Jesus saying, see, I will not forget you. I carved you from the palm of my hands.
He said he thought it was pretty, and if he needed to prove that Brandi really was there to the police at some time, he had this to prove. So the gang members now head over to Poncho's girlfriend's house to clean themselves up um because they can't go to his wife's house. They have to go to the side piece because, you know, secrecy. Right. And they go to the kitchen sink. They clean all the blood off themselves. And Poncho goes to take a nap. He's tired. He's had a long night.
Which is when his girlfriend sees blood on his clothes and decides she's not gonna wash them. She's gonna just pack them aside. Bang. Bang you might have noticed is absent from the past little few minutes of the story. He wasn't in the car. but Yeah, big, big bunk. Yeah, um that's because he got the hell out of Dodge and ran to where he had relatives. It's an area called Trinidad. It's about three hours from Denver. And that's where he hit out from. And he actually hit out there for a good six months. Wow. On December 30th, 1997, a detective was driving through a grocery store parking lot when he saw a car matching the description of one of Bang's relatives cars and thought he saw someone in the backseat who looked similar to Bang.
And so he goes back to the station, he reports it, and wants back up. And he and backup come back, and they're gone. The car's empty. The car's still there, but nobody's there. So they wait. They see the suspect out in the parking lot a couple times, but they can't decide if it's bang or not.
They don't know if they should arrest him. What they're trying to get a view of is Bang's neck because on Bang's neck, there's a tattoo of the name Teresa, his baby mama, and that will identify if it is truly Bang and they should arrest him. But they never can see this tattoo. They don't know what to do. But when the suspect gets into the car with a woman and they know he's going to leave after that, they decide they're going to shoot the shot and get to the car and identify themselves as cop and say, get out of the car, hands up, whole nine.
both occupants of the car start arguing.
They don't know what's going on. They're protesting. They haven't done anything wrong. And the cop sees the situation and in like, it's gotta be like, you know, in the movies when like they show you seeing a situation and you play out all the things in your head. yeah Like that's how I view this okay because the cop sees it and knows we can't lose them. We we don't know if it's bang or not. We don't really have probable cause for arrest. right We gotta get them to come. We don't want them to run with a high speed chase.
right What do we do? And so as the cops, as the two occupants are throwing this fit, the cop says, you know, I really don't know why you guys are making such a fuss. It's just a shoplifting charge. And he said you could visibly see the male occupant relax some and say, OK. OK. And I'll come with you now to shoplifting quick in and out. Yeah. Mm hmm. Um.
So once at the police station, they're able to get a good look at this man's neck and there scrolled across it is the word Teresa. So they officially have a bank. So at this point, all seven gang members are in jail and up for trial.
The state of Colorado, at the point where they're about to go on trial, is taking a hard stance against anyone committing a violent crime. and o Can you think of maybe why Colorado would take this hard stance in 1997? I'm sure there was something significant that I can't... Columbine?
okay and mean yep yep that was right before brandy so there's no they actually um they they colorado hadn't executed anyone with a death sentence and forever they had just executed someone death sentence like two years prior after columbine And Colorado also changed it where death case penalties, if they were given the death sentence, jurors couldn't give that that penalty out. It had to be decided by a panel of three judges, not 12 jurors. So the 12 jurors decide if you're guilty or not, but when it comes to sentencing death, three jurors. So this Bang and Pancho will face the death penalty for their crimes.
And the defense went hardcore push for both of them to get the death penalty. Little Bang is only 16 years old. He's too young to face execution in the state of Colorado. And he was given a life. But he's just, I was gonna say he's just old enough to get life though. Life would without the possibility of parole. Smiley um pled guilty to sexual assault in exchange for dropping the murder charges. And he was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Remember, that was his initiation night. He was in the gang for mere hours before 20 years in prison. Now, in all the testimony given, Smiley never partook in injuring or hurting this girl. He was guilty by association. Yeah, it's irrelevant. It is, 100%. Guilty by association. And if that, if nothing else, that right there, not even a full 24 hours in the gang. He was initiated that night, bam, next day. I really think like that's what bothers me the most out of cases like this.
Everybody always feels trapped. Everybody always feels like they don't have an option. Everybody always feels like I don't know what to do. I thought they'd kill me. I it's hard because like like perfect example, Shannon Christensen, our very, very first episode.
Yeah. All of them said I was just scared of him. I was scared of what he would do. None of these guys said they were scared. None of them used that defense. Oh, okay. And now I'm talking about Smiley. Yeah. And Smiley never said he was scared. He just didn't participate in the rape of the girl. Right. Of Brandi. Again, but he had enough common sense to say to himself,
Well, I don't really want to do this, but right. Right. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. And I'm like, OK, so we all know you have a vehicle. Leave. Go get the police. Do something. That's I know. I know. I know. And I know that's hard to say, too, when you're in a very easy to say that as an arm. I was just going to say when you're on that, when you're on the outside, it's 100 percent. But again, like Jose, you don't know what the bloods are going to do to your family for you snitching on an offshoot of their gang.
but he did anyway. He did. um Baby G and Trap, the brothers also, again, made plea deals. They were both given print prison sentences from 10 to 15 years on sexual assault, murder charges dropped.
Which pisses me off because Trap is the one that led her in. into the And Baby G was there the whole, he was the one that picked her up, brought her to the house and was in the car in her final moment.
yeah All three, Smiley G, Trap, and Baby G are free men as of today walking our streets. Zigzag had already agreed to testify against Pancho and Bang He received second degree murder charges on both both Brandy and the girl, the 19 year old he had killed before instead of first degree murder charges. And he got a total of 96 years consecutive prison sentence, no death penalty. He still resides in prison today and he goes by the name Sonny Tafoya. I don't know why I changed his name, but snitches get stitches and I'm assuming that applies. Yeah. Yeah.
Bang and Pancho face trial and both are faced with a death penalty. This was in the 90s, right? Yep. Poncho's trial. So it was still, like, on fucking death row? No. Poncho's trial began August 1998. And though throughout the trial was classified as cocky, arrogant, and rude, showed zero remorse for his actions. What a shocker. um Further given credence by mouthing fuck you to Brandy's family, who was there grieving in attendance as he laughed at them.
On his very first day of trial, while on the very first break, the judge and the jury were let out and he smirked and nodded his head to each of Brandy's family members individually. The prosecutor saw this and said something to the bailiff about just the disrespect, the blatant just disrespect and arrogance upon which Pancho said, fuck you, you pussy, and then turned to the female member of the prosecution team and said, and fuck you too, bitch. When the judge returned, he was informed about everything that happened and said that he would no longer leave the court until after Pancho had been escorted out for any breaks or recesses. And if anything like that were to happen again within his sight or he heard about it, Pancho would no longer be allowed to attend his own trial.
So it stopped the blatant like right riling of her family, but he never showed an ounce of remorse, guilt, nothing, just cocky. They said he was smug the whole time, smirking at everybody. His defense attempted to shift all the blame to bang and bang alone. And at the end of it, the jury took less than three hours to find him guilty of first degree murder, first degree sexual assault, sexual assault of a child, along with a slew of other charges.
right Angela was there and when asked about his sentencing before he was sentenced She said she didn't care if he was sentenced to death He just want she just wanted him to be unable to hurt anyone else and no one to have to go through what they had gone through That's how I know that I am just a bitter hateful
bitch Well, in my mind, he's going to he did it to a kid. She's 14. So he's going to wear some prison, let him rot in there and get his own every day. You don't know that, though, because he's a giant member of a gang. So probably not so much because they all have each other's backs or whatnot. Yeah, I don't know. So Pancho, I think we still need to go back to the grand idea that we had about putting certain prisons in place and yes based on the crime. Agreed. Yeah.
um Go to Alaska and just fucking freeze your ass off forever Or tornado alley I want to go so I want them to go like to a desert where it's hot and dry and give them like a thimble of water a day a hundred percent Just sit like look if My taxpayer dollars are gonna go to something beneficial. Yeah, I would love to pay for the bear Essentials yes that it would take to keep them alive Mm-hmm miserable. Yep, but alive so Pontius fate was left in the hands of that three panel jury and they noted the three judges noted for a gang member and
Poncho went above the level of any barbarity that any of them had seen in their combined careers and on May 27th 1999 Poncho was sentenced to death by lethal injection due to Brandi's murder. That's too quick. That same day, brandy was sorry that same day Bang was sentenced as well. He was found guilty as well and he narrowly escaped the death penalty by a single vote and sentenced and said to a life in prison for the death of Brandy Duvall. Now, I think if you want my, this is again, this is my personal opinion, take it for what you will. But there's an article from Judge Leland Anderson who tried this, who tried Banks case and who was on a three panel judge.
And he says, and I'll post a thing because it it's from Syracuse Journal of Law and Civil Engagement. Syracuse Journal of Law and Civil Civic Engagement. And the title is Think Like a Lawyer, Kill Like a Judge. um He said the article starts with the defendant, Danny Bank Martinez, on trial for capital murder, appeared confused, off balance and panicky.
He looked quickly at his mother sitting in the front row of the courtroom gallery, then looked back at me warily, but but inquiringly, seeking reassurance in my eyes, my voice, my gestures. I'll never forget that moment. I was the presiding judge in the pretrial hearing on a death penalty murder case.
Looking at defendant Martinez, I looked into the eyes of a frightened man, and he stared at me intently as if searching for a clue to a riddle. I sensed his uncertainty, his distress, his fear, and I wonder if at some level he actually trusted me in a matter in a matter of days I would vote to kill him.
But he wasn't arrogant. He wasn't cocky. He was scared. He was repetitive. So I think that's why one of the judges I think that was the deciding factor. I don't know how anybody could listen because he's the one that cut her open. Yeah, yeah I don't know how you can listen because the defense went full full press. There were pictures, the medical examiner pictures. Yeah.
The medical examiner, what he found about her body, the testimonies, how you could hear that and listen, I think he deserves a rotten prison. I don't understand, but he did. So um mean I'm just going to say, you go ahead. Just for my personal opinion, like, it's got to be hard to disassociate yourself. Yeah. When you're listening to something like that and make. A judgment call. Yeah.
And based solely on what you've heard, what's been done, pictures, the whole line, every every just nasty display,
if you will. Yeah. And have to try to make a judgment call on on what the value of that person's life is, has got to be hell. And then you have in one scenario, a guy who's just like,
fuck you, fuck your mom, fuck your dad, that's basically- Taunting her parents. Legitimately, like what he said, right? Yeah. And so you don't have sympathy for somebody like that. No. Your humanity doesn't kick in. Your human mind, that's what I'm saying. In your mind, you're like, well fuck you too. You deserve, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So when you see a guy,
It's not even not even saying that he was like remorseful. He could have been. I know he was timid. He was right wrong. Here's the deal. Here's the deal. It's like for me, it's like looking at a kid being punished. Yeah. For doing something stupid. You raise your voice first. Yeah. They immediately know they're in trouble. Yeah.
okay so then they're scared because they don't know what's about to follow right what is my consequence gonna be so okay yeah I did wrong but if I cry enough yeah if I am sympathetic enough yeah if I show enough empathy maybe um I'll get some leniency. Yeah. And so for me personally, especially that the these three people, three people, yeah, judges who look at this shit day in day out. OK. Uh huh. To have to make a decision. Yeah. On whether or not this guy can live or die. Yeah.
is an epic moment in society, okay? Because you have two choices. One, you make an example of a guy yeah who should have known better. He was old enough to know better. He knew what he was doing was wrong. yep He did it anyway, mutilated this girl himself, himself, ye participated in her ah ah disappearance, if you will, right? To get rid of the body. yeah But he's scared. um I'm scared. Yeah. What do you mean? My actions have consequences. matt Like that's how I feel about it. Well, and I think that's because we've had so many cases where people are legitimately getting killed for being innocent. Yeah.
So like it's like we've said it a thousand times. If there's definitive proof. Yeah. At this point. And you're willing to give this life. This guy a life. Mm hmm. Because you know one hundred percent not. I don't know how they they say it. um But yeah to convince a jury or whatever.
But there it wasn't like that. It wasn't like they came with minimal evidence no um against this guy. But you also have to remember Bang was not there when she was murdered. He'd already hightailed it out. Correct. So he just slit her open and he by vicious all viciously raped her. But he did not kill her. So maybe they took that into consideration as well. And I don't understand how we can get off by saying Well, he just caught, cut her open. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no. 100 percent agree. 100 percent. But I'm saying that that could have been taken into consideration as well. Right. He didn't, care you know, he didn't actually commit the murder. Yeah. He just made her bleed out slowly, to which had nobody done anything about it, should have died anyway. Right. So I'm sorry, but that's still attempted murder in my my manslaughter at the most. I got worse news for you. OK. We're not done. I hate you.
So everybody's been sentenced. Everybody's in jail.
um Unfortunately, in 2003, February, Pancho's death sentence was commuted to life without parole. Well, yeah, because, you know, because it was decided by a federal court that a three panel jury was unconstitutional. Yeah. Well, I hate to break it to you, honey, but any any state that's a cluster of people have some kind of weird conscious that tells you just because you take a life, does it mean you should take their life? Yeah. For Brandy's mom, Angela. Sorry, I guess I'm a redneck. I don't know. This opened up all her wounds all over again. Yeah. And she gave this this statement in an interview while crying. They let me down and they let Brandy down. It makes it like it was a waste of time. It makes it like he got away with it.
Because again, at sentencing huh at sentencing, she said, I don't care if he if he's put to death or not. She didn't care at that point, but you gave him that penalty for brutally murder her daughter. Yeah, you're an Indian giver. Am I allowed to say that still? Yeah, now, no, no. Probably not. That's not what you see. But that was 90s, right? If we're talking 90s, you're allowed to. Right, yeah. But then they took it back. Like, he deserved a lot. Like, Brandi's life didn't matter as much anymore. Yeah, his life felt more important because he's a life. Right. OK. Yep. But Angela was determined that her daughter's name was not going to be
not going to disappear. Right. It was not going to just be some case in a law textbook. Right. She wanted her to be remembered. And so she talked about her daughter as much as possible to literally anyone that would listen. She said the only good that came from her testifying at the murder trials because she had to testify at all three murder trials. Yeah. Was that she got to talk about her daughter's life before it was cut short. Jeez.
Angela ended up dying five years after Pancho's sentence was overturned from cancer, so she's with Brandi now. Antonio Boom Martinez, Bang's older brother, was a part of the Deuce 7, but left before Brandi showed up. Remember? yeah I gave that little tidbit. Boom. He lives in California. He's a tattoo artist. And if you ask him today, he still feels so much guilt and remorse for leaving early, because he said he could have stopped it. He was the oldest member. is the old Bang was 27. Boom was older than him, so he's probably early 30s, or very late 20s at the max.
And he said they were all just there to get wasted and he just wasn't about it anymore. Yeah. He was on that verge of this is stupid and I don't have a career. I want to be a career man. I want to move on with my life. Yeah. So he left that night because he just didn't want to sit there and get wasted. But said had he stayed, he could have prevented Brandi's murder. And he still to this day. Really beats himself up for leaving. Yeah.
um The only other thing I've got is ah Little Bang was 16 and in February,
it was his his verdict was reviewed as well because they came out at some point and said that a life sentence without the possibility of parole can't be given to a minor because it's cruel and unusual punishment.
Wow. Because they're a They can't make decisions. So they can't um do that. So he was recent. He he at his resentencing offers of a new angle on his the treatment of his his being a teen killer. ah The 2012 US Supreme Court found that life without parole for juvenile homicide offenders was unconstitutional a ruling that prompted the state legislators to tweak the statute and make such individuals parole eligible after serving 40 years. And a lot of people got off on this. And um this is what Little Bang's lawyers or he tried to do. In the case of Little Bang, however, First Judicial District DA a Alexis King feels that his sentence for kidnapping and first degree assault
should have been allowed consecutively. As a result, his time behind bars would have been lengthened by 15 to 48 years, again, minus time earn beyond what he was expected to serve after he sentencing. So not just 40 years. he He deserved more.
And it says, we believe the court, this was a direct, direct, ah direct statement from first judicial district DA. We believe the court sentence does not reflect the horrific and unspeakable nature of the assault, torture, and kidnapping of 14 year old Brandy Duvall suffered before she was brutally murdered. This was not the outcome that we are those we love to requested because he did get out on parole. So only two of these seven people ended up serving the entire time. um there was yeah There was several things came out of this. um There was a staff writer, Steven Jackson, explored this event in its fallout, which ran under the name of dealing with the devil and was issued for publication um up until 1999. And sequels came out of it, some like crime TV stuff.
He eventually turned all these short stories into a book called No Angel, the short life and brutal death of Brandalene Rose Duvall in 2020, and it was printed. ah The summary of this book says, a little before midnight on May 30th, 1997, 14-year-old Brandi Duvall waited at a bus stop in Denver area for ride back to her grandparents' home after spending the evening in a friend's home. She was wearing a bright red Chicago Bulls jersey, bearing the number of her favorite player, Michael Jordan.
It was the shirt, a favorite of the bloods gang that attracted five young gang members in a car that circled the block and came back to where she stood. Why Brandy got in the car that night would remain an unanswered question. But as a writer who has seen worn and famine and terrible things human due to one another, and has sat through more than a dozen death penalty cases, this affected me more than all others. In fact, I gave up writing about true crime for several years. I just didn't want to hear any more mothers or siblings spouses, our friends of victims, our children crying, our relieving their are nightmares on a witness stand, our see the psychological damage done to prosecutors and detectives, social workers and witnesses are here over and over the horrific retelling of a young teen's last hours. Eventually I recovered and went on to write other true crime stories and books. But the rape, torture and murder of 14 year old Brandeline Rose Duvall and the fallout from that will haunt me forever.
which I think is pretty accurate for anybody that had to live through this, this, this, that's this. Like the the thing that pisses me off about the judicial system, right? I know that some people get sent to prison and they're innocent. Right. I get that. It's not every effing person. Right. And so when you look at a crime like this and it's brutal. Horrific.
You know it's them. Depraved. You know it's them. Like every single aspect. And nowadays even with like DNA. Yeah. Okay. Like ah you you lost a pubic hair. Oh right. And we know that it was you. Right. But we have to go through and then you're found guilty. And the parents or the kids or whoever the victim's family is who is also victims. Oh yeah. 100%.
have to sit through this lengthy trial because it's not like a day, guys. Oh, no. This is not like a week's worth of of evidence. These people. Yeah. And her mother had to testify in all three. Little bang, big bang. And mean here's the deal. That's what I'm saying. So like definitively, we know these little assholes did what they wanted to do. Yeah.
and you know some of them cared some of them didn't some showed remorse some of them didn't some of whatever irrelevant I'm sorry I'm a douchebag but I don't care okay because in my mind I'm sitting here and I'm not thinking to myself well yeah he was a young dumb kid I get that no some things you can't mom
This mom, just like every other mom or dad that could possibly be out there that went through anything similar or lesser or worse, whatever, you go through your one trial that takes forever.
yeah They're found guilty. ye And then the judicial system tells you, well, yeah, we said they were guilty, but he can appeal it. Okay. Now.
Our judicial system also says that if you're found innocent, you can't be charged for it again, even if you are fucking guilty. Yeah, that makes no sense to me. None. So I'm sitting here thinking like these parents are literally physically enough. OK, mentally being tortured. Yeah. And maybe even physically because you don't know what.
what it's doing to their stress levels, their diets, their hearts, their brains. She had to do three trials seeing pictures of her daughter's brutalized body and hearing the torture that her 14-year-old little girl suffered. To this day, it's 2024. What happened with Shannon Christensen was forever ago. They've already had, I think,
two parole hearings for one of the other and and her dad goes to every every one of them and has to relive the same shit every single how is that okay They did. So like, OJ Simpson gets off on a technicality and if they ever want to revisit that, they can't because it's double jeopardy. Correct. But the dip bag in prison right now, who 100% did it, 100% can attest and attest and go back and and retried. Yeah. are What? What? What? Or they have good behavior in prison. Right. And then they get let out. Don't forget that. Yeah. Now, if you go to the spot,
that Lance and Buddy found at the beginning of the story. Are you about to like mind blow me right now? Because I don't think I can take it out her family. There is a there's a memorial for Brandy. It is a very large still cross erected at the place where her body laid. Yeah. And it is covered with flowers and necklaces and stuffed animals that her family put up and that people bring.
So even though her mom is passed on, people still remember and talk about her. And you know, there's some times, there's some cases i I will find. And I'm like, this is a good one. and But the family has come out at some point and basically said, we don't want to hear about it. We don't talk about it. We're not doing interviews. And no matter how quote unquote good this case is, I'm never going to say it because the family's basically said no.
Her mom, Brandi's mom- I can't sit here and say, oh, it's a good podcast, it's a bad podcast, it's a good story, it's a good, I know what you mean. I'm just intensifying that. People can't see my quotes, yeah. But Brandi's mom wanted Brandi to be remembered. She talked about her every point she gets. And I feel like, in all honesty, and this just could be my personal opinion, trying to just,
To make myself feel better. I was just I think it's a rationalize something so evil but I think I think Angela would want every freaking podcast Ever that is any kind of true crime to tell Brandi's story. Yeah, and To a talk about these men that are walking the streets today, but be talk about what happened to her daughter and remember her daughter. Yeah So she said she talked about her every chance she got like whoever I'm i'm go just gonna I'm gonna throw another only because you always release that morbid side of me but if these guys were outside and we're done by now so if you want to go you can go yeah you can go but those of you that don't like our banter this is hundred percent like that one guy that gave us bad review saying we give pointless information at the end this is just for us
You can leave. Yeah. Nobody asked you to stay guy. Yeah. Go on with your business. All right. I'm saying back to discussion. ah if If it were me personally and I heard the story and I'm seeing these guys like walking around and they're walking around free. I feel like it would be so much cooler if they didn't have like skin on their left arm yeah or ah maybe like could not physically grow fingernails anymore because somebody has ripped them from their loins. Yeah.
I know that's mean, but like, yeah, to actually see somebody have a consequence. And I'm sorry, jail for me doesn't feel like a consequence. If you're giving up, you get a high and a cop. Yeah, you get you get play time. You get recreational time short of what the education. It's literally a game of who's a bigger dick in prison. So like if you're the biggest dick, like you're not, you know, it's going to mess with you. Right. Right. If you're the littlest dick, even though you're in there for smoking weed,
Your shit's getting kicked. Yeah. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Yeah. Petitions, I think. I would have written one up for that guy. But all of them. Given to me for like just 10 minutes. Yeah. I still believe that parents that have to suffer through something like this. She was 14. Okay, so we'll do minutes by age. Nope. Nope. Because people do things to like freaking eight month olds. Yeah. Eight minutes wouldn't be long enough.
You know, every minute you tortured them. It depends on what they get a minute. Like you should get like heavier equipment. Yeah. I can't man. This case stuck with me. I heard it forever ago. Like forever ago. And it's just stuck with me. Somebody really said we had too much banter at the end. ah I believe what he said is and he wouldn't name what he wouldn't name which one of us it was.
Oh, so it's just automatically Lisa, right? No, no, I'm pretty sure it's me because he i said one of the hosts fills the need to insert her opinion all the time and at the end has to go on and on. And I was like, yeah, that's that's me. But then again, as I'm talking, you kept interjection to give your opinion. I was like, I think he needs to say both the hosts.
Because we both do it well, I mean honestly like by the time we get done with we're talking about the depravity Yeah, she's got a decompress. I'm gonna say if you want to hear these be able to vent and say you don't want to hear us You can leave you can leave hey guess what you don't have to listen to this podcast at all we're glad to do and we're glad that our followers are picking up and guys I'm sorry we love you but we would seriously sit here between the two of us talking to a microphone whether people were listening or not we would tell each other these stories without the microphones are recording and publishing we don't make any money off this although I do value your opinion because Faith really does talk too much I said it could be I'm just kidding he didn't say he said one of the hosts it couldn't there's two hosts it's a 50-50 I just when I read it I was like oh that's me I'm gonna need you to specify next time guy cuz if it's me just get off the podcast cuz you know
I really don't know. Don't don't make us argue for the next month over who's the one that interjects more. It's you. It's you. It could be. You interjected a lot here, Madam. Today. So today you always interject. I know we both interject, but you ramble. It's because I feel like their mental health is crumbling at the end of these bad stories. And so I'm like, we got to talk. I know. We got to we got to leave them on. You know what? In your defense, how many times have we literally said Hey, guys, the story is actually over, but Faith and I are going to continue. So if you want to stop now. So if you need some emotional support to talk about how we would torture these people, stay tuned. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. If you don't want to, poo on you and move on. Yeah. No one asks you to listen. Poo on you. All right. Anyways, wow, that was a duo there. It was. All right. We synced up in mind and spirit. So Officer Oppenheimer was only mentioning deputy diane dang it i even okay so we're past we're past people have logged off now so i'll tell you this oh 100 go so you remember how i told you i spell things phonetically yeah
I know how to spell Jose. J-O-H-E. When I was reading in the notes after the Deputy Diane situation, I spelled Jose H-O-S-E. My notes the first time! And I looked at it and I was like, that is not right. But I'm just going to move on because I know his name.
You're an idiot like But that's what if I if I think i'm gonna mess up the name I try to spell it to where you can sound it out and it makes sense. Yeah, I actually I practice it I do too, but then I forget when I get here because I have so many words Yeah, well, yeah, you're like a friggin word salad. Yeah, so but yeah, no, I spelled jose in my name my notes h o s e at first I was like you idiot that's well videos who by Anyways, that is the horrific
last few hours and brutal murder of Brandi. Oh, like, oh, man. OK, I have to tell you, I'm going to say it once and then anybody else that wants to go like look at it, go for it. But it was Discovery Plus. And I was got sucked into a show that was where she did was like medieval torture. I can't go. Oh, I can't remember the name of it right now. But they go through like, you know how we we thought that the electric chair was like inhumane. Yeah.
No, you got to see some of this stuff. Oh, it's awesome. And then like the decapitation when they were doing the cute. Yeah. the ah Help me. Somebody help me. I want to call it a scaffold. Guillotine. Guillotine. Yes, scaffold. I knew it was wrong. It's a scaffold. I knew it was wrong. I just thought it was whats popped in my head. It's like a raffle, but it's scaffold. Shut up. I said, I know it's not right. I remember guillotine, so shut up. Yeah, but there was a lot of information on that that I thought, wow, I thought that was quick and painless. Not really. No, it's back then. It was like getting your head chopped off with a butter knife getting rammed down your neck.
ah Anyways, you should check it out. It's it's on Discovery Plus. Uh, definitely gives me weird thoughts because I'm like, wow. And just more the more I think like I kind of wish that people would be tortured like that. And then I watch something like that. And I'm like, oh, that was bad. Oh, but look at what they did to Brandy. Yeah. Well, I mean, they would do that to like people that didn't pay taxes. So yeah, like that's kind of that's maybe a little bit different. It was a bit.
Ross, it was a bit it was used liberally, if you will. Yeah. um Maybe hone in someone who deserves what? A little bit. Some hummus lubricant is what I was. I guys, those of you who've been here from the beginning that know the hummus, I do my child's birthday party. I do show Lisa what my real hummus was. Was amazing for the first time in her. And I thought to myself, you know, if you're really going to ram something into somebody's anus and you are going to give them not so much lubricant.
100% would use hummus like and you you said he used lubricant like hummus. Yeah. Well, I'm done the impaler. Listen to yeah Lisa's dumb. Yeah. We can continue about what languages people speak around the world. Yeah. Go back and listen to some episodes, guys. We're so dumb. Love you guys. I hope you guys have a great day, night, evening, morning, whatever time you're listening. And we will talk to you again soon. We're off. i e Bye. Bye.