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STALKED - Sherry Meinberg's 50 Years of Trauma

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
141 Plays6 months ago

Sherry Meinberg met the love of her life as a young woman & she and Chuck started their lives together. However, when planning for the future, Chuck revealed his true colors to Sherry, which was the start of decades long stalking. In this episode, Lisa tells her story.

Sherry’s Book: The Bogeyman: Stalking & Its Aftermath can be purchased on Amazon


If you are someone you love is dealing with a stalking situation, there is help out there. One of these resources are located at SPARC (Stalking Prevention, Awareness and Resource Center)

Victim Connect: 1-855-4VICTIM (1-855-484-2846)

The Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center | SPARC (

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Introduction and Social Media Popularity

Well, hello and welcome to another episode of twisted tales with faith and Lisa and we're here We are here. We are here. You know, I'm actually impressed with us. We've actually recorded like Twice in a month. Yeah, I know boom. How are we mad? That's not bad at all No, and you guys are really blowing up the ah Facebook and whatnot. So yeah well kudos to you guys loving it.
But I don't really feel like there's anything new in true crime world. um My head's been buried in work. i'll just say something get on happen yeah going on Well, everything's so filled with a freaking election right now. oh i know it so we're not a political podcast So we're not going to go there.
Sorry, you guys couldn't see that, but Faith and I literally like rolled our eyes at the exact same time, like yes. Yeah, politics. Anyways, but Hacky McCackerson here, my co-host. No joke. Has a great story for us, I'm sure. I mean, you think it's great? I haven't heard it. I'm giving you the benefit of a doubt. I appreciate that. We never know with me. I don't hold a lot of hope here. Could be anything. It sounds nicer to our viewers. Yeah. Oh, by the way, my friends at work bought me a stuffed maggot.

Humor and True Crime Triggers

to keep in my cubicle. That's amazing. It was actually the GM of my company after she found out what happened. Couldn't stop laughing at me. That's the worst. Not only could you not stop laughing, but she was literally dry, even when I was telling the story. Yeah, I've told everybody. I appreciate that. You're welcome. I think you'll get about my life. Well, I always start it with, hey, we can't go eat it, blah, blah, blah, blah anymore, because it's everyone's favorite. They're like, why? And I'm like, oh, let me tell you what, Lisa ate there, maggots. So.
I did not eat a maggot. That's not the way I'm telling the story. I didn't eat a maggot. The way I'm telling the story is you basically ate a bowl of maggots. Oh yeah, of course that's how you're telling the story. That is how I'm telling the story, so. Maybe they're cleaning my liver.
It needs it in my lungs. It needs it to my brain, but not there. not Nothing. Nothing to clean, buddy. Maybe it's the cobwebs and that empty bowl up there. Empty bowl. Really? OK, I'm trying to think a circle like a head, but yeah I'm tired. You're doing good. It's fine. Shut up and talk. I will do that. OK, we'll see if Faith can actually talk tonight. We know we know what I mean.
yeah We do know what you mean, but you say that like I don't talk enough and then you complain that I talk too much So really you're very you your whole family is very unpleasable maybe If it's all of us Then you're the but no um well I know I know I'm not as long as I don't get you know mosquitoes killed on my face I'll call this a successful night. There you go all right, so I fell in a little rabbit hole on a TV show I was watching. I love rabbit holes. Which is where we end up in this in this little episode here that we got. i So after sitting there thinking about it for a little bit.
I realized everybody always has that thing that triggers them when it comes to like crime. right yeah For you and I, 100% anything that happens to a kid. yeah It's just an immediate like visceral reaction. Yes. I could care less what happens to you as a human. Yep, yeah pretty much. If you got like ran over seven times and then burnt with acid,
I'm 100% OK with it. I really probably wouldn't feel bad. You know what I mean? You deserve it. That's why it's hard to do trigger warnings in these shows, because everyone is so different. Exactly. Because you don't know what's going to hit. God forbid. And I say this very tongue in cheek, so don't at me. An animal is hurt or injured. We don't care about the people, but if an animal is hurt or injured by God, people might stand up. It affects me when people do like mean shit to animals. I don't like it either. It gets me going, but it's not like a kid.
Yeah, like don't don't sit here and say we should let pedophiles run free and then tell me that um You know a skinny dog on the street that guy deserves to go to prison because Like I'm sorry, but animals don't mean more than human life. That's my opinion.

Statistics and Legalities of Stalking

You cannot like my opinion I don't like her personally, but this one I do agree. um I don't care so Anyways, I found another one that really like after some of these episodes that I've watched, I've decided it's also 100% a trigger for me. Okay. So what am I talking about? I don't know. You have lots of triggers. I'm talking about stalking. Oh, so little data for a one in three women and one in six men fall victim to stalking every year. Okay. Do you think?
good Just off that, one one in three women, one in six men, do you think that the men are probably higher, they just don't report? It's a strong possibility, honestly. And how much do you think that people don't even really realize it, because you can stop digitally now as well?
Yeah, ah all the fans just stopped working, so I'm thinking... Oh, I kicked it with my foot. Oh, no, I just wanted to make sure that the... No, we're good. Because sometimes the little thing over here triggers. All right, you're good. Sorry, didn't mean to go completely off topic. It's okay. um Anyway, that was just my food for thought. Yeah, I 100% agree that that could be the case, because like when you talk about like stalking and what it actually means, it's like a driven obsession. Yeah. Okay, and I feel like, and I'm sorry ladies, but...
Or a lot of ladies that do that, okay? Let's keep it real. A, we're just not as physically intimidating. Correct. B, we're a little bit more low-key about it. Yeah, and it's probably not to the same degree of stalking like you would think of when a man is stalking a woman. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? It can be bad, but yeah.
yeah so um Anyways, um let me see where. OK, so according to Psychology Today website, one in one third onethir of all stalking cases eventually turn either violent, whether it's sexually or physically. Yeah. So eventually it's the longer this progresses, it's it's going to get bad. Yeah. So what constitutes stalking? And so I just went with the state of Tennessee, yeah the state of Tennessee. So finally, for you to say, huh? Yeah, if I could read it right. No crap.
All right, so in the state of Tennessee, it's a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable person. And I like how they like highlighted that a reasonable person. But then, OK, define a reasonable person. I don't know any. it's what I'm just saying. So it causes a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed or molested. OK.
So yeah that being said, I got a story for you. Good. All right.

Sherry and Chuck's Troubled Relationship

Let's jump right in. Hey, you want to guess what it's about? I'm going to go with stalking. I So i Sherry Mainberg was born in 1940. She grew up in Long Beach, California. She grew up like most kids did back in the day, like super strict parents. So, you know, that's older. She got her teen years. She was pretty popular, pretty smart.
Started kinda getting into the scene with boys a little bit. Gotcha. You know, when you're secluded like that for eons. You tend to act out when you get to your older years. It's like a 50-50. You either remain a goody-goody because you are sheltered and you don't want to step out, or you go buck. Frickin' wild. Yeah.
Yeah, like there's never a I don't think there's a gray area typically. Yeah. I mean, you just don't hear about that. Maybe, but maybe neither of us had that gray area to even think about. So we're just like, there's no gray area. There is no gray area. Nope. Anyways, so 1957 rolls around. She's 17 years old but and Sherry was wrapping up her senior year in high school when she met a boy. Oh, she described him as tall, handsome, just like a smooth dude. Yeah. OK. And um 24-year-old Charles Francis Gray introduced himself as Chuck and pretty much from that moment on was totally submitting with him. Love at first sight. Love at first sight. Super cool car. Looked like he had like a nice future ahead of him. yeah He was just all around. Had that earning potential. Had a good personality. Attractive. Let's. Yeah. MRS degree. Let's go. Yep. So they started dating. She finished up high school.
Well, okay. Pause. Uh-huh. Yeah. Hard pause. Hard stop. yeah Okay. Remember the year. 1957. She's 17. 17. And he's 24. 24. So when they met, technically. And everyone's okay. Yeah. I was not okay with this, but from what I gathered, she was gonna be 18 rather soon. Still doesn't make it different to me. She wasn't. She was in high school. I personally don't think. And he was out of college. Yeah.
So I don't personally like everyone's like, oh, she's 18. She'll be 18 in a couple of months. I just still don't think an 18 year old or 18 has any business dating anyone that's like no 25 or older because I mean, because you are still so nice. When you're 28 and 34, it's not that bad because you both have life experiences and the age gap doesn't matter as much. I had it like I was listening to a podcast this week, actually, and they were talking about age gaps.
And she was like, I don't understand why if it's, if you're older in age, the age gap doesn't matter. But the same age gap when you're younger is such a huge deal. So I literally thought about it for like two days. Like why does that bother me? Like 28 and a 34 year old fine. 17 year old and a 24 year old. Absolutely not. Same age difference, but it's life experiences.
And again, like I said, they're just maturity levels. Yes. And they don't know they're being taken advantage of. And it's so easy to take advantage of young, dumb kids. Yeah. But that's why and even when you're looking and they say, too, that I think that the mind is not fully developed until they're 25. Yeah. Most men. Right. But I don't know. what I don't know if this just is it across the board. I think it that there's a portion of your brain I want to say that's not fully developed. Yeah. So like you're you're you're just looking at.
I don't know. I think it's skeevy. And to be honest, one hundred percent I think a lot of people are like, oh, well, you know, the age gap doesn't really matter. But truth be told, if you there's more than like a 10 year difference between you and who you're dating, you like, because it does get creepy. Like, you know what I mean? When you look at dude with the what's his face, the bunny guy, the bunny guy, you know, the bunny guy, the porn dude.
Hugh Hefner yes, yeah, sorry yes okay, just so we don't see completely beat stupid the brain is considered to be full fully developed finished developing and maturing in the mid to late 20s and Some say that most people don't reach full maturity until age 25 the prefrontal cortex the part of the brain behind the forehead is the last part to mature it's responsible for skill planning prioritizing and making good decisions It also helps us process pros and cons before decision making. So that's why the age gap matters. like yeah the you Especially when you're talking about impulse control. oh goshcha I mean, impulse control of a teenager is like non-existent. And quite frankly, I feel like back in the time period you're talking and now is worse than like current days.
Because if you got a 17-year-old girl now that was dating a 24-year-old, yeah quite frankly, they're more mature in the world at 17 now than they were in the 1958. I still think it's gross. But back then, I feel like it's even worse, because they were so sheltered. In my mind, they're still juvenile. All they all they were trying to do was get married and have babies. like Now, at least, girls are given like a little bit more free to reign, if you will. and like But no, 100% is still disgusting. She's a minor.
no matter when but anyway when they talked about it like back in the day when they used to You know girls at 13 14 years old would get married off. to Yeah, no, it's disgusting Yeah, soon as it's absolutely disgusting. It's part in the phrase, but once the menstrual cycle once they believe you can breed Yep, that was yeah, and that was the saying I'd fuck yeah I would punch someone but anyway you know it's so Something and I'll have to like Google it to see if it's true and I don't remember where I read it but they were talking about Middle East again that they lowered it and Yes, I saw that too you see that I think it's it went from like 15 now about down to 13 or something I want to say it went from 16 to 14 16 to 4. Okay, cuz I remember thinking good gosh You're almost like out of the teens at this point like going down so far. I'm sorry. I can't agree with that. Nope That's a hill. I'll die. Oh, yeah. Yeah by mind you won't know you there's no way I
No way. As a matter of fact, I probably wouldn't be able to have that conversation with you without looking at you in utter disgust and possibly may accidentally throw punching you a couple of times. Maybe. yeah Probably. ah Yeah, 100 percent. Anyways, I'm sorry. Back on top really good at getting off topic here. I are. So they started dating. She finished yeah finished up high school, started a degree in in teaching before long. um He proposed to her and she thought they had these the same ideas for the future and how they don't. in that they were going to go places and she was just she'd never been happier. OK, so what'd she say? Yup, sure will. 1963, they were married. They got their first home and everything was awesome. OK, so after a little while, because we went from. You know, they dated for I mean, we went from they met in 57, so 63 now. So it's been a few years. Yeah. um After they were married, she started talking about
you know, kids, right? Because that's what you do. Especially again, in those days, once you're married. I mean, even today, if you're single, it's when you get married, as soon as you're married, when are you going to have a baby like bam bam? I'm going to start asking you as soon as you both have rings on your fingers. Right. Yeah. And as a matter of fact, I might even knock on the door while you guys are boning. Like I don't I don't know. I don't know how that works. I do not want to be a part of that situation. I don't either. As a matter of fact, now that I've said it, I'm a little bit horrified with my own brain. So anyways,
Moving along, moving along. She's like, you know, we're both hacking. All right. So she's like, you know, what about kids, babe? Like, you know, like when when are we going to have that conversation? And so she starts like literally talking to him about it. Everything seems totally normal. Yeah. But as soon as she was done talking, he responds to her and was like, oh, ah by the way, oh if you ever have a baby, I'll drown it in the bathtub.
Oh, that's a kind of a weird response. Weird response. Morbid. Disgusting. That's a hard state. That's a that's a line in the sand. You don't. but That's a harsh. Yeah. I feel like I'd wait for a second or two to see if you laugh. Yeah. Like. And then if you didn't, I'd be kind of like, um, I'm going to go sleep with my mom. Yeah. Like, I just forgot I left something in Antarctica. Be back. Never. I just left something

Escalating Abuse and Escape

in Antarctica.
but See you in the next one, buddy. Like every other woman on the face of the planet, she just friggin got choked up and froze like that no words. And this was literally her depiction. OK. So like at this point, she is recounting everything that happened. Right. OK. She was just frozen. She was like a part of me wanted to cry, a part of me wanted to like just vomit. Like I mean, why do how do you respond to that? Well, again, this is why you get to know someone and have all these conversations before you get married.
sorry that was a wrong time to take a stepp anyway but again you're looking at they started dating in fifty seven she was seventeen naive Yeah.
OK, now they're married in 63. And I'm assuming in her mind, everyone just wants to have kids and have a family like that's where how I was back then. Now she's legal, right? They've been together for a couple of years. Yeah. But what I'm saying is like, you know, in today's society, a lot of people choose not to have kids or even can't have kids. Right. So that's a conversation you have before you get married. Well, not even just that, but even if you're having that conversation, like any kind of response, I don't know that I want kids. We're going to talk about that. Not. Yeah.
I'll drown it in the bathtub. Yeah, that's a bit different. His response. Yeah. But like you were saying that you didnt need to get to know somebody like they they did. I mean, 57 to 63, they had a few years. Yeah. So again. He went from this. Generous, amazing guy to a baby. round this Yeah, like that's a hard term. Very monstrous human. Yeah. She something went awry for. Yeah.
So she couldn't bring herself to talk to anybody about it or really do anything about it. The only thought that was really running through her mind at that time were that in those days, like cause she honestly first coherent thought after everything happened was um um I want to leave him. So she was literally thinking divorce. But back in those days, like, it oh, no. And um let me see what she said. I did a direct quote. Right. So she basically was like,
If I file for divorce at this much, it pretty much made you like a whore. And I believe she called it a, um, the, uh, the letter, the scarlet letter gets put on your chest. That like you're basically damaged. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So she stayed longer. She stayed worse became, um, it wasn't just emotional abuse anymore. It was physical. She recalled.
that nighttime was the worst. So, OK, pause. So sorry. um No, you're fine. We just made a huge jump there. So she asked, you know, has the conversation and when do we have kids? but You have a kid. I'm drowning it. Is he verbally abusive this whole time or did that situation start the verbal abuse? OK, that was. yeah And so he was that started. He started verbally and everything there started in. OK, there we go. Getting worse. Gotcha. So the the the actual Verbal abuse continued um And again, like I said, it was it was emotional abuse at first and then it turned physical So I don't know how much time transpired between But you know if you're gonna yell at him might as well smack him around a bit too, right? were well but that one straight first But quite frankly if you think about the time period we're in I
I'm not being like remotely funny. Spanking your wife was okay. Think about I love Lucy. on this time frame, we'll see. And he put her over his knee and spank her. Continue with your your frame ah of mind here. I was never a woman. Yeah. no So again, she said she recalled that nighttime was like her biggest fear. That was the worst. star that's He had these twisted desires that he made her do. So excellent. She could only bring herself to say in the interview that he would use implements and bottles.
OK, basically to insert. Yep. No, I got it. You don't need to explain. You would put cigarettes out on her thighs. She's but that's literally all she would say. And I don't blame her. Like, I wouldn't want to go like recount that. No, you don't rip off your freaking scar for everybody to see. No, especially after everything she goes through. Yeah. So finally, she got up enough courage and she went to the police.
Again, here's the best part at that time, right? So she tells the cops everything that's going on, um to which they replied, you made your bed, now lie in it. Yeah, because you couldn't even rape your spouse back then. this is a yep This is a family affair and it's not our problem. So. Yay, America. She keeps going on with her life. One day she was just done and she's like, I want a divorce. And he basically was like, if you leave me,
I'll kill your family. OK, so cool, right? Excellent. Not long after that, they were out one evening just out driving and out of nowhere. Good old Chuck is like pick a family member you want to die. Why? Who knows? This doesn't sound like a fun game. I will not be participating. Thank you so much. Bye bye. So. She refused. And every time she said, I know he punched her in the face.
OK, yep, she can deal with it anymore. Faith, she couldn't take it anymore because every single time that she would deny him, yeah, he would hit her in the head. All right. Pause it for a second, please. I'm about to lose. off So, you know, after being beaten about the head a few times, she didn't want to take it anymore. She literally opened the door to a moving vehicle and jumped out. OK, well, i you know, what do you remember rolling a few times?
And then just kind of passed out for a couple of seconds. I don't know how fast they were going. I don't have that information. Also taken blows to the head. So one more big blow probably gave her like a serious concussion. Yep. But, you know, ah she was kind of coming to the only thing she could hear is the sound of his car riding in reverse toward her. Nope. Duck and roll, baby. Duck and roll. She literally thought.
That's it. I'm going to die, right? Somehow gets up enough strength, gets her ass up and just takes off running. Made her way ah to a strip of homes and banged on doors just to anybody until somebody opened the door, trying to get somebody to help. Yeah. Good luck. So somebody did help her. She was rushed to the ER. mr She sustained like multiple injuries. Family, her family rushed to her side. Her brother recounted how bad she looked.
that she was covered from head to toe, bruises, cuts, and he was just left speechless. After three years of marriage to Chuck, Sherry finally told her family everything that was going on and everything that was happening to her. And her her family was like, I swear on my life, we will help you divorce him. Yeah. Okay. So they all together jumped into a car, took off to Vegas, where apparently at that time,
They would do these speedy divorces things that only took like six weeks. Nice. Never heard of anything like that. But apparently it's true. but Back in the design. Back in the design. So 1965, she was officially divorced and she thought she was free.

Chuck's Arrest and Sherry's New Beginning

She got a job as a high school teacher, began reshaping her life without Chuck. And before long. He would just start showing up. Never said anything to her.
didn't didn't threaten her in any way, just started kind of showing up everywhere she was. Okay. So now she goes to the police again. She's like, I'm divorced from this guy. He's literally just following me everywhere. Right. Right. To which the cop replies, well, what can I say? You're a pretty girl. I mean, most people would be happy to have this much attention.
Oh, thank you. Yeah. One night, Chuck does appear when she's out and about trying to leave work. And I'm sorry, when she was about to leave work, he grabs her, pulls her out of her car or attempts to pull her out of her car. And she's cooling on to the steering wheel for like dear life. OK. He gets her out, like, ungrips her hands, takes her, throws her into his car. And it didn't take long before she realized like he he was piss ass drunk.
OK, he started saying all this stuff like we're going to go to Mexico and we're just going to start a new life together. I know you didn't mean anything. I know you didn't want the divorce. Like I know all of these things. Everything's fine. We're going to start over. We're going to Mexico. Sherry is sitting there thinking to herself. I'm dead. Yeah, he's going to kill me. He's taking you out of the country. That's exactly so as they're driving, he stops at a red light.
Again, she just flings the door open, runs like hell. She's lucky he didn't disable that door. Right. Well, you would have thought he'd learned. Maybe some common sense isn't really his style, you know. Anyway, so he left the car in the middle of the road running and start chasing after drunk shit. Good. He ended up tripping and falling because, you know, obviously he's hammered. Right. So Sherry got away.
ah after that night chuck went silent sherry didn't hear from him for like four months but one day again out of the blue she gets a phone call it was the district district attorney of her area at that time which i can't i think i said long long beach it was california i remember california Anyways, it is district attorney asking her if she would appear in court. Apparently, old Chuck got arrested for the rape and attempted murder of five women. Oh, OK. Sherry said the worst one they described to her was that he beat the crap out of her, broke a beer bottle and used it to gouge out her stomach, then raped her. Wow. So apparently all of the women survived. It was just heinous attacks. OK.
okay yeah that is an escalation that's quite the escalation it's shy it's like i mean he's there's no like slow burn it's it's just fine to psycho psychopath like real 100 jumps but you know hurry you have to know that that has been these are the things we know that he's done you don't know what he was doing to keep all these urges in check beforehand right that's what i'm saying like this this isn't a monster that just comes out of nowhere And I'd like to say this is the man that was preying on a high school kid. Is anyone surprised? yeah Yeah, I wanted to throw that in there. Continue. So even though she's, you know, still terrified of the guy, she agreed to testify. Well, yeah, keep them behind bars. He ended up being sentenced to 16 years in prison for the mentally insane. But with good behavior, how long did he stay? So because I'm assuming this story and Sherry can breathe after long.
She doesn't have to wonder if this waste of human flesh would appear again out of nowhere. She should actually just go somewhere and not look over her shoulder and everything was just going to be fine. Don't relax, Sherry. It's a trick. So that's what she did. She just started to live her life. A year later, she met her now husband, Wayne. um They are still married. and um like any other person who had been through what she went through it was extremely difficult uh to even think yeah to even think about dating somebody so they were literally friends for a while a while because how do you trust anyone ever again yeah i mean seriously you're like mentally and that's okay so here's here's the this is where i started like the triggering moments of actually being stalked it's not the simple fact that the that these people are just showing up
wherever it's the things that they're doing to imply to you they could whenever they want to oh yeah hurt you stalking is a that's a psychological warfare in in a whole new and i think that's what triggers me the most it's just like oh my god like they can literally do whatever they yeah want fuck with you however they want right it's it's psychological warfare because unless they're unless they're causing like yes that they're stalking you how you prove that malicious intent yeah how do you prove that I don't know about you Easier tape record easier today with the ring doorbells on everybody's frickin house. No joke um now. You just can't everybody's Frickin recordings and I mean I was unloading my car the other day in my neighbor's house all of a sudden You are being recorded and I was like what the oh you guys got a ring doorbell fantastic. Thank you so much nicely done nice Yeah, so eventually um After her and Wayne really started her Sherry and Wayne started really getting to know each other She let it out
And she told him about everything, basically, clean slate. Like, this is what happened. This is why I i feel how I feel. Yeah. And guy was just hands down super supportive. Because not every guy's a douchebag. Correct. So after about four years, they dated. They got married.
Um, 1971, uh, redemption art for Sherry. Right. Until douchebag gets out of prison. So they started a new life together. And out of nowhere after this is after four years. Okay. Sherry starts receiving disturbing letters, which is only one fourth of his prison sentence. People tell telling her that like, I still love you. Um,
I know you didn't like mean anything that you did. What reporting? Yeah. Yeah. No, I know. just I know. I know everybody just forced you to do it. I love you so much. I went to the police of my own volition, psycho. So I knew I knew you didn't really want this divorce. Oh, he doesn't know she's married yet. He was writing her from prison. OK.
OK, so here's my how in the blaming frack does the prison? Yeah, yeah. Let the alleged stalker write to said victim. I don't they go through their mail. So how they let these people mail things to their victim and their victim's family, because this isn't a single incident. No, boggles my mind. Yeah, 100 percent. Like if you go to prison for physical abuse, murder, rape, anything like that. It should be an automatic restraining order for that whole person's family against you. You're not allowed to contact people in general, outside public. No one wants to talk to you. If you're a murderer, you shouldn't be receiving fan mail. Yes, that is true correct. Like, that's dumb. And nobody wants to buy your paintings with your pubes taped onto it. Ew.
Done with that conversation. I'm going to get it now. All right. That's OK. Anyway. Letters aren't bad enough. He found a way to call her. Good. And this goes on for. But it's a collect call, so she has to accept it. I don't know how. I don't know how he was calling her. It's a collect call. And it wouldn't be a calling car that had to have been how he was doing it because he was leaving it call from prison.
unless he wasn't, I mean, honey, I don't know how things work back then, but I doubt they have the messages they have now or do you accept this phone call from blah, blah, blah. Anyway, so found a way to call her and this goes on for years. Take your number, aren't you? She did. He always managed to find her. He's got help. He really, she wanted to pick up and just leave.
and just go somewhere. And she was like, but then it's like, okay, I have to leave everything and everybody I love behind because this guy won't leave me alone. And then in her mind, she's like, it doesn't really matter because he's in jail anyway. No, ma'am. No, ma'am. So he always tells her I'm coming back for you. I'm coming back. Nope. That's all it would take. Audio. He ended up with more time in prison for reasons that Sherry never knew.
OK, even when she tried to research it, no idea why. She'll house. nineteen ninety four Yeah. We're all in the 90s now.

Post-Imprisonment Harassment

We are in the 90s, 1994, 23 years later. Oh, my gosh. So he did say in prison the whole time. Yep. Huzzah. Huzzah. Even got more time for apparently being a dude. Huzzah. Huzzah. So. 23 years of letters, 23 years of phone calls. Chuck's released from prison.
He wrote to her saying, I'm out, I'm coming for you, and I have a gun. Nope, I'm out. I am, I am, nope. One day, neighbor calls up Sherry's like, I hate to tell you this, um but I just saw his car at the end of the road. The red, convertible, pretty looking thing, pretty positive it was him. I'd have a panic room and I'd be in it. Fed up. With lots of guns. Fed up and furious again.
Sherry took off to the cops, but this time she went like bananas. and she's like, he's been in jail for 23 years. This is it. These are all the letters that he sent to me, all the threats, all the things. The last letter with, I have a gun, I'm coming for you. But you know what's not fair? This whole situation, I got it. 100%. Yeah. But here's my thing. She's the victim. He's the one continually disrupting her life, stalking her.
For 23, 24 years, she's got all this evidence, right? ye She can't even burn the evidence just to be done with him because she has to keep the proof. 24 years of proof that he continues. I mean, like you can't move on because you're having to document everything to prove he's talking. Yes.
That's that's some shit Oh just you know keep a journal of what he's doing because that was a Something that I saw on another what not this particular episode is again. This this was on so many years ago Yeah that it was and then do so again. She was just told a hundred times like that's your spouse Yeah, you know died died by the by the sword, right? Yeah, so um She goes into the ah the precinct and she's like, I'm not leaving. I will not leave this spot until. Good for you, Sherry. Somebody until somebody hears me out. Yeah. Until somebody reviews all the evidence that someone does something. Yes, ma'am. So here's me out. You do something. So they were like, fine. Here's Robbie Morrison, who I know the name Robbie. It was a female. Right. OK. So naturally. Right. The lady's like, well, let me see it.
Yeah. And she's like, holy shit. Like, that's a lot of information. So at this point, Faith, it's been 30 years. Of being ignored by the police. So from the first report. Yeah. Of abuse through the stalking through all of this 30 years. Yeah. That this woman has literally been a prisoner in her home, her head and her life. Yeah. And The detective is like. Sherry had, I think, you know, guys, her thing was she had like multiple bags, not just like Walmart bags, bags of evidence of against this guy letters, um diaries, my journals, everything. So Detective Morrison was like, all right, I can help you file for a restraining order. That's going to be the first step. But literally straight up told Sherry,
We can get a restraining order because that's like the first thing that we have to do. But yeah, don't let your guard down because guys like Chuck. Oh, you're dead. Do not care about her. Have we warned her? Have we warned her family who he was going to kill previously? Oh, I'm sure her family knew. OK. Sure her family knew. And I know I know her family knew about this whole thing. But again, what can you do? That's when you're when you're on the playing field, you're honest.
quasi normal. Yeah. It's not normal for a human being to say, well, if I just take this guy's life, he'll leave my sister alone. Right. Yeah. So even if that were your your thought, I could just put a cap on this guy and be done with it. yeah Now your life's over instead of somebody just doing something about what's happening. yeah Right. So that's what they do. Yeah. Morrison, you know,
gives her the heads up like just don't let your guard down he's he's still gonna do every once so sherry's still a prisoner goes home and she started like she's she was talking about becoming almost like OCD like she was just obsessively checking well how could you not every single thing so like her nightly routine was circling her home five times, yeah checking every door, every window, everything five times. Can you imagine having to live like that? OK, at least five times. She changed her patterns like her daily routines every single day.
Which is exhausting. Yeah. Because how many things do you do on autopilot? 100 percent. ah and All 100 percent. Oh, everybody does. I'm not even fully awake till afternoon. I'm just my body's just doing what it knows it's supposed to do. She had to take different. Is she still married? Yeah. OK. Wayne is still in the picture helping her deal with all of this. Good, good man, Wayne. But again, his hands are tight. What can you do?
I tell you what I do. You know, not to mention the fact that he's like they've not even seen it. True. They've they've they physically have not seen. They've just been told. They've just been told he's been around. They've had citing reports, but they've not cited. All right. So she was taking new patterns or new trips, new ways to work every day.
Could you imagine having to go to one school every day to go teach your class, but taking like 17,000 and there's no ways app then. So you just got to figure that crap out. Oh, yeah. No. Yep, no Google maps then maps then. So one day, Sherry saw a strange car coming down her street and she just knew, you know, you've got to be paranoid all the time. You're not getting in good sleep or bright red.
Classic car that she fell in love with Chuck standing next to Same glasses same everything She didn't even hesitate Immediately calls 911. Yep, but again by the kind of time a cop get there because he's breaking restraining order Yeah, so by the time the cops get there He's gone and you don't have cell phones with video cameras that you can just record proof that he was there type of deal so
A witness said, I guess a witness probably, I just assumed called. They didn't really give that whole backstory. Yeah. But they were like, I just saw him driving and gave the location and the the cops kind of just went that direction. Right. Oh, good cops.
and apparently since this guy's like super genius so we've already figured out anyway he drove down a one-way street but ah to a dead-end road and it got stuck where the police caught up with him good cause his car's real inconspicuous too super inconspicuous yeah um place him under arrest for violating his restraining order bye-bye chuck when they when they searched his vehicle They found almost like a kit. Like, yeah. OK. And a loaded nine millimeter. Excellent. And it's like you got the trash bag, the duct tape, the rope, the gag and the gun. But, you know, I'm sure he wasn't going to kill her or anything. No, no. Is there a list of steps? First, acquire the sherry. Yeah. Second, bash the sherry in the head. Yeah, that's that. You know what I mean? Right. It didn't even. Yeah. 100 percent. So.
Good old Chuck was finally arrested for the very first time under the charge of aggravated stalking. She was ecstatic. Yeah, until she found out the sentence is like a week. Finally. I'm done with this, dude. Yeah. But good old Chucky took a plea deal and was sentenced to four years. What did he plea for? No idea.
I OK, so I get like you like a perfect example. what You're saying like, I'm sure men were stalked back then, too, but it's different for men. Yeah. You know, they probably smacked her in the face. or so yeah I don't know. Who knows? You're a man. Take care of it. Like stalking at that point is really just a fresh idea. of Yeah. Like the lunacy of other people. Yeah. So my guess is they were like, dude, if you just plead guilty, we'll get you out. All right. OK. And so then they were like, fine. He's like, yeah, do I've already been in there for 23 years for more. I can kill me. Right.
So Sherry hearing the news was really, really excited about that. Well, she finally got somewhat of justice. Yeah. And then it was like ripped from her. Yeah. Right. So she was furious. Two more decades went by.
Chuck was in and out of jail this entire time for the next 20 years. Two more decades. That's 20 years. Yes, I'm. Thank you. Oh, my God. I was thinking something else. OK. Yeah, I know. Yeah, whatever. She said for 20 more years in and out of jail, various crimes the whole time, the whole time he's sending her

Restraining Orders and Systemic Flaws

letters. So we're talking 50 years total now, sending her letters. How is he still alive? Calls.
I'm coming back for you, Sherry. I am coming back for you. Can't we just send him obituary like a fake one thousand and eleven? Are you shatting me? We are in 2011, guys. All the letters just stopped. Oh, fingers crossed he's dead. As did all of the calls.
And she's, again, this has happened once before, where he just loses contact for however long, so she there's no rest in her mind. no He just stopped. We've done this 15 times now. Now you've got to be more vigilant, because is he around, like, in body now? Yeah, the best part of it is now you have a computer. That's true. We're in 2011. Yeah, we're in 2000 now, all right? How old is she? Sixties? Seventies, I think. Seventies? Yeah.
Good god, so no Yeah, so no 60s. I think you're right because she told her story way later anyway um All the calls were gone Finally feeling just a little bit of relief by spring 2012 She started to like kind of let her guard down, right? Hello was born, huh? Our kids were alive our kids were alive. Well, no, okay was 13. Oh Bella wasn't born 2015. Yeah. Let's 2000. She was born on the 11th. Correct. There we go. Yeah. I'm back now. Words. Anyway. Math. Math. Nobody Maths anymore. um It had been a whole year since Chuck contacted her.
Yeah. Old Chuckies. And she was like. Otherwise detained. She wasn't even like feeling a lot of peace. She was just confused. Waiting for the next you to drive. Right. So she finally gets a laptop, opens it up, starts doing some research. And discovers that he died in June 2011. Huzzah! After all the times Sherry thought it was over, this time it was really, really over. It was really dope.
her and her husband Wayne celebrated, he said it's like we went out and celebrated like we were teens again. And they are i they aren in their like sixties, dude. Yeah, but they finally don't have to like be afraid to leave their house. You know, every time she went to the store, she was like a basket of yuck. How could you not be? You can't live in normal. Do they have kids, her and Wayne? No, man. They did not? No, I believe it's probably likely because they they Met and got married so much later in life. Maybe, I don't know. They didn't, ah they actually didn't say whether or not they had kids. So I couldn't tell you. I mean, she'd have been below 30s when she got married because she met later him at 17, 18, three years later.
And then another four of Dayton Wayne. That's like 26 ish point. I did the math in my head a minute ago now. I don't remember it. That's right. I don't know. They could have. But they, you know, again, 25, 25 in a story like this.
you know Well, they're kids involved. I don't know. She didn't mention kids. And you know what? i would If I had kids, I wouldn't let it out. Not my business, just her story. I just wanted her to be able to have kids, because that's what you know she wanted. She wanted. and And you know, very well, like um with the trauma that she was going through, she probably didn't freaking want to. I was going to say, if you're living through this, do you want to bring a kid in this mess? No. And expose them to this life of always being afraid? Nope.
Watching your back at every angle and not to mention giving him something else. to Holy ball. to That just hit me right in the face. Oh, yeah. Because like if if she did have a kid immediately, the moment he found out about it. Drowning in a bathtub. Drowning in a bathtub. Wow. And he would have been enraged. Yeah, I can't believe he let her get married and not. There wasn't anything he could do about it. Technically, he was in jail that time. So yeah.
So they finally could have this like life together. After end with one of them having a heart attack on them, they are both alive and well. Well, I was going to say I'm from when I I don't know when the episode actually aired, but they were still happy. Yeah. She was stalked faith for a half a century. Yeah. The FBI named her. Now, when I when I heard this, I was like, thanks, like,
the The FBI named her the longest stock victim in the nation. Why would you want a medal of honor to the police that just ignore her for half a second? My thing is he was in prison for most of that and they still let him continue to stop. Now, I don't know what the difference is between jail time and mental institution. OK.
because there's prison and then there's mental institutions, and I don't know what the difference is between being able to have contact with the outside world in a prison versus being in a mental institution. I want to go back to my previous statement. If you are locked up, are incarcerated, are put behind a padded wall, because of physical abuse to a person, it should be an automatic restraining order from you contacting that person. Yeah, because they do that with the rapists anyway. They put rapists in insane asylums. They're not insane, they're just assholes. Pretty much, yeah.
But I just felt like, well, man, where'd it go FBI? That's something to be proud of. Yeah. Does that not as I named her the most stocked human ever and the most ignored woman by police in history? Well, probably not. Probably not. But yeah, true. But you know what I mean? Yeah. But she she didn't die. She did not die. She finally got to live whatever years she had left free.
I don't I don't know if I feel good about that but yeah 50 years of unrest I couldn't imagine I can't I couldn't if I go like two or three days I'm in a mood I'm always in a mood. Shut up, Brian. um But 50 years, I would be a shrew not knowing what's around the corner, not knowing why at that point, like, hey, mental, I get like you don't want to leave the people you love in your life and what life like at that point, but even still, Faith, like, truth be told, if somebody is that obsessed with you, they're going to find you, they're going to find you.
Not to mention the fact that like, okay, so I up and go to save myself. And this guy's already threatened to kill my family. And my family doesn't up and come with me. Then what? I get to have this responsibility in my head for the rest of my life that yeah this this lunatic went after my family and they killed my brother and my parents. Like, come on. I guess so. Again, it just doesn't feel, and I think that's why it triggers me so much. It just feels like a lose-lose situation for the victim.
because but there's just no way. Right. yeah So you could just friggin run the guy over with your truck, lose the rest of your life because of of of murder. Right. Yeah. Or you just sit and live in this mental torture. Yeah. It's like being waterboarded every single day of your life for like an hour.
only it was multiple, multiple hours. Well, that and you don't you don't know when the waterboarding is going to happen that day. So you're always just waiting for someone to jump out with a sack of water. You know when it's going to happen. You know, it you know, it's coming. yeah You know, it's coming. You just don't know when and from where. That's no way to live. That's no life. No, that's freaking horrible. no And one third.
Of every single stock case and in some kind of violence and I do not I was gonna say I do not mean to downplay this story at all. Yeah, no God, but Hers is a hers is a good story of stalking Like I do not mean to downplay what she lived through because her life is miserable There was another story that I had um but she did I just got infatuated with this woman.
She literally married the man of her dreams. They were having an

Another Stalking Case

amazing life. they They ended up doing this karaoke thing together where they were traveling around. This was actually in Nashville. and They have played. They started their own business doing these karaoke things. This one guy just started showing up that appeared out of nowhere and was basically obsessing over her. And she finally lost her shit on him and was like, leave me alone. Leave me alone. Get away from me. She had the cops trying to escort him out place or the cop the security guards escorting him out. He showed up one night and shot her husband in the face. And it's like, oh, my God, um man. You've never actually had a conversation with this person. No, no, they did. They they were like he he basically manipulated his way into their lives to be friends. But then was like crazy town banana pants yeah trying to get with her. She rejected him. He didn't like it.
People be crazy though. There are so many stories. I picked this one. There were quite a few that I wanted to do. I picked this one just for the sheer insanity. Of how long? Let's just look at this from the opposite end of the spectrum. Yes, she dealt with this crazy town dude for 50 years. 50 years. He held on to an obsession for 50. I can't even hang on to a pair of underwear for a week if it's yeah like ripped, old, whatever. And I changed my favorite food every other day. 50 years. This guy obsessed over a woman just because she left him, maybe. She got away. I honestly don't know.
That is insane. It's like we've said it before, Faith. We'll say it again. There is no limitation to the amount of evil in someone's brain. No. That is crazy. Oh, yeah. I don't even know, man. She's crazy, though, right? Yeah. Fifty years. Nope. I have a lot more grace than I would have.
Well, that is ah something right it is but it could have been worse Oh 100% wasn't great and it's not even like it it doesn't Crime doesn't mean that it needs to be horrific. Yeah That's her life though. Her life is gone her her life. Literally. She spent 50 years of her life in sheer terror. Yeah, I and he's dead and now she has the last few years to live in peace. You know how they talk about but people going insane when they get put in solitation ah so solitary Just watch that episode of SVU yesterday. her That was her brain for 50 years. Yeah.
Because I mean, you can't really make friends. You don't know who he knows and who he's putting in your life. You don't know who you're putting in danger. You can't stay out of your house. Yeah. There were so many stories that were like that, too, where they were calling their loved ones. They were calling people at work and saying, where is she? but I'm going to kill you just for looking at it like. Yeah. it And people most most normal people are not going to be like, I feel really bad for you. They're like, I need you to leave. Yeah.
I need to I need to not have this be a part of my life. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, man. Wow. That sucks for poor Sherry.
I am glad, though. It is a happy ending because at least it was over and he finally fucking died. And she and she has a few years left in her to where she can be free for once.
Yeah, that's what I say. It's not like I'm not downplaying what she went through at all. No, no, no, no. Like it sucks. Again, it's like I said, you know, it was one third of all the stalking cases and in some kind of violence. Yep. I just don't understand how the human mind could possibly obsess over someone for that long. Yeah, that's insane. Yeah. Like my my baby,
My nai-nai. Yes. My dog, sorry, passed away July 4th. Yes. It's been a couple months. It has. We don't talk about it. I was devastated. Yeah. Like that was my girl. Thick, thin, sick.

Resources and Emotional Toll

Yes. Well, that was my girl. Yep. I mourned her and I cried like a friend baby. Okay. Yep. But it's been a few months and it's like, okay, you know, i I'm over it, right? Like I'm healing. Everything's okay.
This guy's just like, there was never a healing process. She left me. I'm in jail. I brutally raped five women. I'm still going to witness this? Like, how does that? like I don't I don't get it. I can't. I don't want to. I don't want to understand. You can't. You can't make sense of crazy. Well. No, I feel bad for Sherry. I do. I hope that she had some amazing golden years. I do, too. I hope they went on like cruises and stuff. Right.
Oh, that sucks. Well, I'd like to say like, you know, you know, the thing that sucks about this is if we have perfect example, we have a domestic violence case, right, that we discuss.
and I can always say at the end if you're in this situation in the show notes I'm gonna put lines for people that are being stopped, but they can't do much for it. No ah But they basically can kind of guide you through. All right. Well, I will look up some ah so i'll stop you one of the one that i that I found because I'll put it out there is a hotline that you call and you talk and they can help you Yeah, that's what I was gonna say like there's this is what you need if you're if you're suicidal There's hotlines to help if you're in domestic violence. There's ways to help I didn't think there was for stalking and so that's all you say it sucks that but if you were in a situation where you're being stopped we will put the The yeah I'll try to find that one but again in the show look in it like it You have to start simple and a lot of times And I think I said this to you once before but I actually knew a girl that was yeah stop
um I'll have to talk to her again, but I'm pretty sure she said she didn't mind coming on the show and just kind of giving us her. Yeah. The breakdown. She never knew who her stalker was. That would have to be. And how do you trust anybody? And that is probably like one of the worst cases, because I can say like this guy is sending me notes. Well, who is he? I don't know. And then it's anybody. Yep. You don't even have a face to put to your. Yep. Yeah, yeah.
So I don't know man, but yeah, well, I'll try to find the the website that one that I was looking at because it was really it was pretty good Well, I'll find I'll find something a helpline tip line something to help with if you're if you're going through this because no matter I mean I I know I said several times it could have been worse. I don't want to downplay her It's emotional Terrorism and it is mental terrorism agreed like that's a hundred percent what you're going through so I don't downplay it and It's no more psychological terrorism is no more. Better or worse I don't feel like they get beat it's almost worse because you second-guess yourself yeah like it makes you it has to make you feel crazy you never feel safe no and I know you're like your mind is gonna break like and you know how do you like we talk about sleeping patterns like okay you watch a scary movie most people don't go right sleep.
No, I have to see that I have to see the murderer dying God forbid they don't die. I'm never sleeping yeah again But would that's what I'm saying. Like your mind is always gonna have that little yeah Okay. Yeah, so, you know, your sleep is now affected. Yep when you lose sleep your life is affected for 50 years 50 years So the goal right now would to be like never have another Sherry ever. Yeah, that is just not acceptable. No, I The fact that he stopped her while incarcerated really bothers me.
I'm not surprised, though. I'm not either, but it still bothers me. All these things that we've ever talked about, like when we get in our way back machine, right? and We travel places. Yeah. It was never really benefiting women. Oh, heck no. Let's be honest. OK, that's been a pretty recent development. Now we we have as a country and our laws and regulations and rules have gotten a lot better in stalking cases, I feel like, than when she first started. Yeah.
But on the flip side of that in our society, it's so much easier to stalk people than it was back then as well. Absolutely. So you don't even know when you've caught someone's eye for a while. I'm serious. Yeah. Until they like start to touch of a button. face Yeah. Because we put everything. We put what we're eating. We put pictures of where we're at. We put everything and like they can digitally stalk you for forever and learn all your habits, all your stuff. and you never know until it's too late i think that's what the worst part of it was for me is realizing like
i could have somebody right now surging into everything about twisted tails
listening to my voice repeatedly obsessing, listening to your voice repeatedly obsessing. I'm gonna tell you right now, all they have to do is meet you once and be like, nevermind. That's

Awareness and Conclusion

a solid point. No, that's until 100% the truth. 100% the it's truth. We were too making late fun of my- What happened to your face? At my assistant's life yesterday at work because the owner of my company just looked there and he was like, someone ever kidnapped you. They'd be in for a world of hurt. I'd feel bad for them.
like dang that's cruel but true she was like i'm so nice and i was like uh madam no i beg to differ i i have i have written and and proof yes you act like you're just a barrel of delight i am your i am a delight i am not i'm a rais i brighten a room when i walk in as the saying goes like at your funeral there will be no she lit up the room no she didn't no she didn't i'm pretty sure one of your brothers would call the only reason she lit up the room as so many people left the light was one see really the place up she knew how to clear a room simply by walking to do it
yeah wow Anyways, sorry. So, yeah, um I did find out January, I think, is stocking awareness month off the double check. I'm pretty sure they said January, but that was on based on a different case that it happened. They change every year, too, sometimes. Yeah, there's a lot of awareness months and I never I never knew that.
And there's a lot of awareness dates, but they, they're squirrely little buggers and you can't pin them down. I think I've got it. And then I, like the next year I'm like, wait a minute. That happened two months ago, but it was this time last year. Yeah. Yeah. Oh well. Live and learn. Get loves. Well.
I hope that you all stay safe yep as we are trying so hard to get back on track. Please keep listening Please keep liking. All right, share some posts get out there If you hey, we've got we've gotten some we've got a lot a lot new Facebook. We have I'm impressed if you could tell one person about us I told you that even if it's to say hey, if this is the worst podcast you've ever listened to give it a listen They're still listening. They're not liking it because they like it. They're liking it because we've been gone for so long Yeah. And they're like, just stay away. Are they are they? Listen, we like that we haven't heard from either of you. um We're going to we're going to agree to disagree. And I think that they love us. That's why they're there. Yep. Don't prove me wrong, guys. Yeah. Oh, by the way, share with one person, if you want to get like crazy about it, the show that I was watching was literally called Stocked.
And it was on Discovery Plus. I'll put one episode and stuff in the show notes. Yep, yep. Alright guys, well thanks for tuning in. Absolutely. Y'all have a great night. And we will talk to you later. Bye. Bye.