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Daniel LaPlante's Haunting of Famlies  image

Daniel LaPlante's Haunting of Famlies

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
104 Plays4 months ago

This true story gives credit to take heed when you hear sounds in the house and listen to your intuition. The horrific tale is about a family suffering through trauma and is terrorized by an intruder who has taken over their house, without their knowledge, until he takes them hostage. Unfortunately, this is not the end of his reign of terror, as he is not imprisoned but continues to another family, which ends much worse than the first.

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Introduction and Delays

Faith Pezzulo
Well, hello and thanks for tuning in for another episode of Twisted Tales with Faith. And it's still Lisa. And we're alive. We are. Even though it doesn't probably seem like it. It's 100% my fault that we have not recorded.
Faith Pezzulo
Listen, I just can't. This year has been an abomination. Well, OK. Personally, so professionally. Beginning of October. Was like we got sick the first time. Yeah, he got walking pneumonia, which my kid can't be around. Yep. And then it was fall break and everybody has everything going on. I'll break. And then the Sunday before they go back to school, Caleb woke up Sunday morning. Oh, like, I don't know for haring.
Faith Pezzulo
Mom, I'm gonna puke, which every mom knows. Get up now. like This is not a joke. run run run And he spent all day basically ah sleeping on the bathroom floor, waking up, vomiting, and then going back to sleep. It was a... It's been a lot of sickness for her. A lot. And I have just, yeah, now I've just been busy.
Faith Pezzulo
But even if I wasn't busy, you guys don't want to hear me talk by myself because I'm not that entertaining if I don't have Lisa to make fun of. So now I was just going to say, I don't know what I i digress. We're back bring to this podcast other than <unk> you talk the majority of the time and then I make fun of you for talking. That's not true. We don't know who that guy was talking about. It could have been either of us. The wordy one jerk. and I mean, anyways. Oh, my gosh. So.

Halloween TV Show Experience

Faith Pezzulo
being that it's, uh, you know, the Halloween month, spooky season. Yeah. Things, things are creepy, right? I got, I got sucked into another show. Of course you did always. Um, and I was like, it was the first dang episode I started watching and I was like, are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Like, no, it's just like, just when I think
Faith Pezzulo
Like, you know how you see a scary movie and you go back to your car and you're like, I'm going to check the trunk. Oh, I'm going to check. I do that anyway. I don't put my feet too close to the bottom. OK, someone's underneath the slash my Achilles tendon. Yep. Yeah, exactly. That large noise is Lisa rolling around in her chair. Ignore that. Look, guys, I'm sorry. They called me Fidget when I was a kid for a reason. It's because I can't sit still ever. OK, 39 years old. Not not going to have manual.
Faith Pezzulo
Still younger than you! I'm 39 too, it's okay. Moving on! Yeah. Your your your show you watch. Alright, so let us jump

Andrew Gustafson's Tragic Discovery

Faith Pezzulo
into it. So there is a man named Andrew Gustafson. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and just say this. This family is from Massachusetts, right? So trying to get this guy's last name was You know, is it is it Gustafson? Yeah, Gustafson. I don't even but know. So I'd mispronounce it's a strong possibility that his name is going to change here in this podcast. Could be. Or just be referred to. Andrew. That's what I do. Easiest name. Go with that. There you go. um So they live. He lived in Massachusetts with his wife and two children. And. um I was December 1st, 1987.
Faith Pezzulo
on his way home or I don't even think he was home yet. He called the house to, you know, check on his wife and kids and nobody answered. Started getting worried because again, it's eighty seven. There's no tracking devices. Yeah. Well, how's he going? So people have landlines, honey. but You said he was on his way home. No, that's what I'm saying. He wasn't on his way home. I messed that up. You said he was on his way home. Well, I tried to or that's what I heard. I didn't retract that statement. Anyways,
Faith Pezzulo
So he was just calling to check in. Nobody answered. And he started getting a little worried because stay at home, mom. Right. Where the heck do you have to be? Young kids. It's not like she wants to leave the house to get those mongrels out of her hair. I would say it was kind of later in the evening. I'm in the gang outside hoping a coyote gets one of these crotch goblins is what I'm doing. Crouch goblins.
Faith Pezzulo
Mm hmm. Kind of weird ass. I don't know. You know what? I give up on you. I'm going to keep going. So worried about the kids. He's like, I'm going to take off. I'm going to go home. I'm going to see what's what's going on in the house. Right. He gets home and the house is oddly quiet. Now, anybody that has kids knows it's a bad sign that kids are never quiet ever. Right. ah So he kind of started yelling out for him. He's like, hey,
Faith Pezzulo
you know, kids. Kid A, Kid B. Yep. Anybody there, you know, no, no response. Walked upstairs to his bedroom and he found his wife on their bed with a pillow, a bloody pillow over her head. He called the cops immediately bad sign and waited for him outside. He literally, like when the cops got there, started asking him questions.
Faith Pezzulo
he was like, my wife is upstairs dead. She was several months pregnant. No. And he said, I literally couldn't bring myself to go and search for my kids because they didn't respond to me either. He doesn't want to see that. That's kind of what I was thinking, too. No, I would want to see that. it Well, it was kind of weird to me at first, because it's like, you know,
Faith Pezzulo
Wouldn't that be your first instinct is like mom's gone But if the kids got responding to you, you don't want to find them too. You already have to yeah You have the mental image scarred in your brain from your wife and your pregnant wife. I don't want to find my kids like that But I don't think I'd have a choice either Like, how do you just not know? Yeah. Are they gone? That's kind of what I was thinking, too. Like, are they hiding? Did they take off running? Exactly. Are they hiding? Are they hiding in a closet under the bed? Are they dead? Are they gone? Have they been kidnapped? Like, I've got a lot of questions and I need to know the answers. Yeah. And that's pretty much what he was telling the cops.

Detective Lawless and the Investigation

Faith Pezzulo
Like, I. But it's like we say, you don't know what you're going to do in that situation. The kids are probably dead, too. He was like, I can't do this. Like, I can't go look for them. OK. I know. I don't. I don't blame them for that. And again, like you said, after seeing your wife that way. Yeah.
Faith Pezzulo
No, right. So officers on the scene or officer on the scene, Detective Lawless walked upstairs to find Priscilla Gustafson. Little girl. No, Priscilla's the one. OK.
Faith Pezzulo
um She was dead on her bed, bullet holes in the back of the pillow. She was tied up half naked with a condom wrapper and a half drunk can of beer.
Faith Pezzulo
sitting on their nightstand. She's pregnant. Get some. Oh, so. Yeah. So the entire thing to this lieutenant was like weird.
Faith Pezzulo
Just like nothing about what he's witnessing right now seems normal. Why? and So how long was any of that, you know, gone? When did this murder occur? Well, if he was at work, I was this person that was in there drinking beer while slaughtering this woman. And apparently defiling her body. Yeah. So literally just it was just off and, you know, like kind of in their minds, like all these cops always say, like, there's always that one case that kind of sticks with you. This is it. Yeah. So.
Faith Pezzulo
He sees all this and he starts you know doing their their walkthrough. yeah He walked into the bathroom that was upstairs upstairs and found a small boy about the age of five face down in the tub. no Then he proceeded downstairs to the first floor bathroom and found a young girl that had been drowned in the bathroom. The officer that was recalling the story, that he was devastated. He was like, you know, there are images And, you know, I've seen a lot of things in my life, but looking at these kids. Yeah, that's a different. That's it's a whole new ball game. Yeah. So Andrew was pretty much cleared like right away. Yeah. OK. And now the cops are stuck with. Well, we need to figure out, like, what happened, because now this tiny little community. They have to, you know, they're they're freaking out. Lock your doors. Yeah, you think an iron, your kids, you know, whatever, whatever.
Faith Pezzulo
And so. Yeah, because I mean, a pregnant woman should be off limits. For rape and murder. I'm sorry. Yeah. And social children. But, you know, the kids weren't defiled like that. But did the I know both are murder. You're you just around two children that have literally done nothing to you. Yeah. So Andrew ends up interviewing with the police and he told them that, you know, things were like kind of going missing in the house.

Previous Burglaries at Gustafson Home

Faith Pezzulo
There had been a burglary, a few. Wow. That didn't realize that one was going to be hard to say. A burglary. What you get a few days before the murder at their house. Yeah. OK. And so and it again, it was, you know, reported. It wasn't anything major. He said that it was just weird crap that was going on in their house. He was like we were seeing beer cans that were left out. Cable boxes were going missing.
Faith Pezzulo
And so the cops started thinking, well, maybe the guy just went back for everything else and was interrupted by and they were home. Yeah. They were interrupted by ah Priscilla in the. I don't know. It was like a month ago, someone broke into our house and stole all the batteries out of our stuff.
Faith Pezzulo
That's not a joke, right? No, no. Our air conditioner wouldn't work. and it was like 3 o'clock in the morning and you know how cold I like my house and Frankie like we're both sweating to death can't figure out why it's so hot in our house and he's like outside I mean brand new AC unit trust me we had to give a kidney to get that thing installed yeah he's going outside looking at the AC unit crawling around trying to find it flipping breakers can't find it And so the next day I like decided I was going to try to reset there. just So I pulled the thermostat off the wall. Batteries are gone. What? Yep, batteries are. So those are the only batteries that were in your entire house or were there other batteries missing? I only have like one remote batteries are gone in that too. Are you kidding me? Everything else is chargeable. who Who even uses batteries anymore? I mean, are you sure your kid didn't take it for a doll?
Faith Pezzulo
Yeah, no, because none of her stuff takes batteries. A, B, she knows where we keep the battery. C, she couldn't get ah like that thermostat's not easy to like pop off the wall. Got you a little poltergeist. So just the batteries were gone. Your dog is becoming really distracting under my leg. Sorry. um Actually, I said if Michael knew the code to our door, I would swear up and down it was your brother. Oh, 100 percent. And I told Frankie, I said, if if Michael knew the coach or how batteries, he would have been taking Frankie's clothes. That's that was the thing he can fit in Frankie's clothes anymore. but That's a good point. They're so tall and short and different sizes. Oh, yeah. Anyway, back to you. No, really. Are you sure? OK, cool. All right. So like I said, they thought maybe it was an interrupted robbery. Things went wrong. And, you know, rumors start flying. Everybody else starts hearing about. Oh, yes.
Faith Pezzulo
And a man by the name of Lieutenant Lane heard of the murders and thought to himself. With the robbery and these weird things going missing, yeah the stuff sitting out, you know, this.

Suspicions on Daniel LaPlante

Faith Pezzulo
It kind of sounds like something that a young man that they had arrested would totally be capable of. I do love it when they have a suspect in mind after that, like that. And that was Young man by the name of Daniel, the plant. He was only 17 at the time. Yep. And his past ah had already been arrested for kidnapping. Yes, he had all kinds of burglaries. I mean, his rap sheet was like as long as my arm. Yep. He had a lot of things. Lots of things were going on. So turns out all of these you know burglaries had been happening not long after he was enrolled.
Faith Pezzulo
cops interview him, but didn't exactly buy his alibi, if you will. Yeah. And ah after the interview, it just kind of took off. Yep. Splitsville couldn't do anything because they didn't have any evidence. Correct. There was nothing linking him to any of these. Only they had arrested him then. If only that they didn't know they did not. I know. So we're going to we're going to jump into the time machine. We're going to head back a year. OK.
Faith Pezzulo
time So one year before the murder the murders of the Gustafsons, a man named Frank Bowen, who had lost his wife recently to cancer, was raising two young daughters or two daughters on his own. Yes, he was. Tina was a teenager in high school at the time and a younger sister. No ages were really given.
Faith Pezzulo
I have their ages somewhere. Do you already know this? I freaking do. It's on my list. Yes. Are you kidding me? Yes. That's why I kept. Oh, my God. You're the worst. Did you not notice as soon as you said Daniel the plan, I was like, if only they'd arrested him. Yep. Yes. Yep. He sure did. Yep. This story is insane. I'm good. I know I'm good with it. Could you just stop and let me do something? It's like every story I have now. I know you're talking about us because I do a lot of research.
Faith Pezzulo
Yeah, you know what, buddy? But this is a good one. So keep going. All right. I enjoyed this story. I don't enjoy. OK, I'm going to shut up. So like I said, Tina is the teenager. Yeah. They had a younger sister. And Frank was working crazy hours as a bus driver. Single parent. Yeah. Single parent. Yeah. His wife is gone. And so he literally just worked as much as he could, trying to keep support of his himself and his girls. Yeah.
Faith Pezzulo
And so, consequently, they were left alone a lot. Yep. The teenager was left to raise the younger. Yep. Struggling with mom's death. They would often start holding, like, seances. You know, like the Ouija board thing. Yep. R is Bella Cosum, Juju boards. Juju boards. Oh, yeah. So.
Faith Pezzulo
cops interviewed him. They're like, nah, you're before the murders. Right. We're back to Frank is working all the time. The kids are having to raise themselves. Thank you. We're going to have to edit that out because I could not remember the hell I was. out I got that. Yeah. That's great. So the kids started holding these seances, trying to um contact their mom, like their little gg boards, gg boards, right. And they started hearing all these noises, if you will, knocking,
Faith Pezzulo
You know, in their mind, the spirit of their mother trying to contact them back, if you will. Yep, basically. You know, things were kind of fine for a little bit. And then they started thinking, oh, we're making contact, started asking questions, knocks what happened back. But soon, like, things started getting really weird, super creepy.
Faith Pezzulo
when they would be like out and about walking around the house, lights they knew were off, were on, yeah things were being moved around. um Finally, the kids went to their dad and they were like, dad, this is what's going on. I really think, you know, mom's here. And like most parents, they're going to be like, you know, hon, it's in your head. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. And because to be honest, how many people really
Faith Pezzulo
Okay, okay, just because we're doing stuff like that means we're getting a response every time Yes, I don't want to get into that weird freaky deaky stuff because I don't like it personally But it does make me a does I don't don't care for it, but the deal is is a ah This is a this is an extremely generalized comment Don't at me mister. Yes. I know I'm the talky one No, no, like the deal is, guys, women this is an open space and we talk what we think and we will. You don't like it. You just and don't listen to the next podcast, bro. Yeah. Women tend to fall more into the mystic spiritualism than men. 100 percent. This guy, even if he wanted to, he doesn't have time for that but at all.
Faith Pezzulo
No, not even a little bit. And even even the i mean even people that do believe, I mean a lot of people, it's not it's not a vast majority of the population that's gonna go with, yeah, this is happening. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. I mean, I think we've all had that weird case where it's like, oh, I heard the door creak upstairs, you know.
Faith Pezzulo
like you know when you're younger and you're home alone even i'm sorry even in your like teenagerens yeah if i'm home alone at night right now thirty nine years old i don't like it yeah and i make my mommy's in the night. It's an old house. Yeah, no, I don't know. I don't know. You know, you feel like no one is. There should be no creaking. If my arse is Netflix in and eaten by myself, there shouldn't be a creek. And when there's a creek, that means there's a demon. Are a prowl, a prowler. So like I said, dad, brush it off. Yeah, of course. And didn't take super long for him to be like,
Faith Pezzulo
Okay. Something's not right because he came into the house and started seeing stuff that he wasn't exactly a huge fan of. Uh, the whole family actually came home that night and noticed that someone used their toilet.
Faith Pezzulo
Yeah, no flushing. You need to flush if you use someone else's toilet toilet left there. That's not OK. So they all start looking around the house and Frank went up into his room and when he entered the room, there was a man standing there in an oversized coat wearing war paint holding an axe. He took all of them hostage and then like walked out. Yep. One of the girls got free.
Faith Pezzulo
ran for her life got to a neighbor's house called the cops when they got there they looked everywhere and when i tell you they didn't found they they found no trace like they found nothing yeah no the only thing they found was a hatchet other than that they could find no proof of forced entry right footprints like literally there was nothing it was like the kid vanished or the person whoever just vanished. Yeah. Cops assumed, you know what, lots of woods behind this house probably got out that way. So the family's like, I'm not staying here. Then they went to stay at a hotel. Yeah. Two days later, Frank went back to the house and was walking up to the house and saw a man like at the window, immediately calls 911, gets the cops there and officer by the name of
Faith Pezzulo
best Bessenson showed up and Frank told him. He's like, I just saw the guy. He's in my house. He freaking waved at me through the window. Yeah. And the officers like, um, ah okay. Well, he knew in the back of his mind that when we were done searching the premises of this house, when you called us, we locked the doors. Yeah. Like I know we did. And so he's like, something's not right. Like,
Faith Pezzulo
Something's weird. Yeah. So he decides I'm going to go in by myself quietly and sneak in the front door. As soon as he walks through the door, he sees a picture on like the right side of the wall with a dagger shoved in it and written on the picture. It sells. It says, I'm still here. Come find me.
Faith Pezzulo
As he continues to walk through the house, he saw more pictures with knives that were shoved into him. Yeah. So at that point, he's like, you know what? I'm going to call for backup. um no I'm not I'm not going to. I'm not just I want to not i have proceeded once the first knife and I'm still here. Come find me. I mean, but there I am too old to play hide and seek. I'm not doing it. Not going to happen. Yeah. So he gets his backup and they all just start searching top to bottom.
Faith Pezzulo
Every nook, every cranny of this house. Right. And they find a basement laundry room. Officer... Bez... Bezison?
Faith Pezzulo
Which, if you'll notice, is a different pronunciation than previously. Bezen, I can't, I can't do it. Bezen-sen. Wow. We're going with that. We're all living this together, guys. We're all in this together. It's not even a different language. It's just stupid. You can't even speak American. So the officer, we're going to go with that, looked up. Officer B. Officer B officer looks up because like literally they're searching everything. He sees a set of pipes that are
Faith Pezzulo
like running across the ceiling and down the wall. But he also notices that as it starts getting down through the wall, your dog is dumb. Sorry, we've got the puppy here, guys. As it starts going down the wall, he can tell there's a false wall that's blocking the pipe so that you can't see the pipes as they're going through anymore. Most people would do that just to hide the fact that those pipes are right there, so it's not like unsightly, right? And he just thinks to himself, you know,
Faith Pezzulo
I bet somebody could fit back there. And so he decided to go looking. He heads up behind it. He said, as he walked in, he sees like a four foot pile of clothes and he started moving clothes around. All of a sudden there's just brown hair. Right there. Drew's gone super quick. Stuck it like in the person's head and he's like, get up real slow, bro. Turns out it's a 16 year old boy.
Faith Pezzulo
named Daniel LaPlante. Didn't see that one coming. The boy did not give a rat's ass. No. That he was arrested. OK.
Faith Pezzulo
His life was. Pretty much like we see in almost every other case that we do. Right. Yeah. He was sexually abused by dad or physically emotionally sexually abused by dad is his psychiatrist like.
Faith Pezzulo
did just did not have a great upbringing at all. But as things started coming to light, turns out that he briefly dated Tina. Yeah. And by briefly, I mean, they went on one day. Yep. And she got freaked out. Yep. She got the creeps and cut her off, cut him off.
Faith Pezzulo
And that's shit really like pretty much why he did what he did. OK, like I tell your brother, you can't make sense of crazy. No, you really can't. And they found out that dude had been in and out of that house for six months. Yep. Messing with them. Mm hmm.
Faith Pezzulo
He removed outlets so that he could like peek through the walls. Yeah. Because the dad like the girls kept when I when I heard this story. Yeah, no go. The girls kept getting upset because at first they thought it was like their mom trying to talk back. But then they got scared when things started, you know, escalating. Yeah. And they tell their dad and their dad literally just got no he got mad at him a little because he thought they were just trying to seek attention.
Faith Pezzulo
And number one, he's grieving. Number two, he's doing the best he freaking can. And he can't not work because they need a place to live and eat and clothes and all that. and So he got like frustrated with him a little. Yeah. um Again, this is just one of the because I've listened to this podcast. I've listened to a story on a few. partss I'm sorry that I don't tell the story good enough. for you No, you're fine. But he got like like this was an ongoing thing with this guy. I was going to mention, too. Yeah. they Like he literally.
Faith Pezzulo
was just causing chaos in the house. Yeah. Intentionally. It's like Dennis the Menace. Yeah. So. um He would literally just like watch as they would leave a room and then he would sneak out and move something or hide something. Like a child, like he's literally. Yeah, he knew where they were yeah at all time, what they were doing. I don't care for this. Yeah, it's not like I mean, the whole thing sitting there watching like Yeah, no. Like, OK, you know, yeah did you ever see the Encanto? I, Encanto, whatever the hell it's called. Encanto. Thank you. That one. Yes, I do. We don't talk about Bruno. Yeah, because he's living in the wall. This is the fruit of all. I love. That's my freaking not a favorite movie. No, not anymore, because now I'm like somebody's living in the wall, but he's not nice like Bruno. Yeah, Bruno, Bruno, Bruno just was a good guy. He was trying to patch the house together.
Faith Pezzulo
And then that one that one cousin they could hear the whispers he was there because she heard him and then the other Juanita the mother that's food could heal you the theory the the conspiracy theory on Disney as she knew he was there because every time she made empanadas she'd make two and leave one out by where Bruno like by this little hole in the wall go back and watch it and I think you've seen it one too many times. I love that. And two, I was not trying to start an entire conversation about a Disney movie. I once you bring it up, it's your fault. I know the songs. I know. the I know. Yep. So old Daniel got sent to a psychiatric hospital, which he should not have been let out of and then placed in juvenile detention. Mm hmm.
Faith Pezzulo
pretty much the Lieutenant Wallace who helped with this whole case was like, no, what do they call bail? Yeah. There's a different word for it, but they they did not want him to be able to seek bail at all. No. And they pretty much got their way. So here Daniel is a year later. hu Everyone's assuming sitting in juvenile detention.
Faith Pezzulo
He is not, though. And we return back to the murders of the guests.

Manhunt for Daniel LaPlante

Faith Pezzulo
Turns out Daniel physically, like his his mom's house was only about a mile away from their house. But at the time, everybody was under the impression that Daniel still serving time in June. How do you not just look that up?
Faith Pezzulo
Yeah, like a little girl, sir. Little girl.
Faith Pezzulo
um So apparently at that time the court had decided like the judge yeah took it upon himself There are we're gonna try this kitten as an adult. I should Agreed you drowned two children and raped and murdered and this was this was before oh this was we're back to Frank court we are yeah, we're still on Frank here Well, you said a year later Right. That's where he was a year later. So I'm sorry. That was my fault. yeah You're jumping timeline. I am. We're not a marvel at that time. He was being detained for what happened with Frank and his daughters, his daughters. And they did not take into account any cops or psychiatrists or anybody like he consulted. This judge consulted no one. Yeah. And set his bail at ten thousand dollars, which Daniel's mom was happy to pay.
Faith Pezzulo
Faith Pezzulo
The cops at that point, like we're back in, in the now. Okay. Like the murder has now taken place. They have now been made aware that Daniel in fact was out. He had gotten bail from mom hu and it, we are on.
Faith Pezzulo
December 2nd. Okay. So yeah December 1st murder, December 2nd following day, right? All of the cops that have been involved in this case thus far set out to do like this huge manhunt. Okay. The officer said that the guys that were off duty went back on duty to try and find any evidence OK, that this was happening like that this kid had been there at any point. So like I can only picture like in this tiny little town, you have hundreds of cops just combing an area. Yeah. Right. So one officer found a pillow that was outside of the house. So detective lawlessness, lawlessness. Wow. Lawless called in a canine unit. Right. Dog starts doing his thing and within minutes. Found a wet flannel shirt and gloves.
Faith Pezzulo
considering the weather and the fact that the murder took place a day ago, they're like, why are these items wet? I don't know. Could he have drowned in a couple of kids? Sounds a little likely, right? um So they found these these these clothes and the dog keeps on his path and it literally takes them to the backyard of LaPlante's house. They called for search warrant. It was granted.
Faith Pezzulo
They found bullet cartridges that match it. So bullet cartridges like the shell casing. Yeah, yeah. Spit rounds. Yeah. That matched the wounds that Priscilla had in her head. They found wet socks with blonde hair that could have been from Abigail, which was their daughter. So messed up. And naturally, old Daniel, not there. Okay. Took off. He's running.
Faith Pezzulo
Probably terrorizing another family. Yep. The cops look like plastered his face all over everything newspapers new stations and Anywhere they could drop a line they drop. Oh, yeah all the off-duty cops jump back on For a full-on man. Yeah, you just killed and raped a pregnant woman in her drown her two children. Yeah, I So they set up their roadblocks or whatever, you know, like their path. Oh, come on. Help me out. Their area of where they're going to search because there's there's only so far he could have gone. Yeah, he's on foot. OK, so everybody's riding around. Then Lieutenant Wallace comes across a home with a woman standing up. She's like, I just got home. Something didn't feel right. Can you walk me?
Faith Pezzulo
that's all the plant if I've ever heard it he's like uh yeah ve begin absolutely okay no sooner did they walk through the house it or I'm sorry walk through the front door you just hear this boom like just something just hit the ground yeah So lieutenants, like, do you have an animal in the house? She's like, I have a cat. He's like cats. They got to make that noise. Yeah. Nope. That's a little heavier than the cat, my friend. Running upstairs toward the sound and they find a shotgun at the top of the stairs. No person, no, nothing. Just the shotgun at the top of the stairs. I'm going to find out husband confirmed.
Faith Pezzulo
He not only had the shotgun and that it was his, but he also had a pistol. Yeah. And that pistol. This tells us and we listen to our instinct. Ladies, do you think something's wrong? You shall. mo Oh, I agree with that. Like so 110 percent. Yeah. I'm not even I'm not even kidding. There are so many times my stomach turns when I meet somebody and I'm just like, you know what? Yeah, I don't like that. I don't like you. We're not going to be friends. Anyway. So now Daniel's on.
Faith Pezzulo
there she is why not yeah okay They're looking everywhere. They're doing the best they can do. They finally get a lead that they, they think they, they saw somebody running into a lumber yard. So the cops all heave buddy, we're going, they take off and they arrive at this lumber yard and they start searching different areas. And a cop swears, he heard noise. So all cops like, you know,
Faith Pezzulo
Converge. You can't see her try to make motions of going to a spot. Well, I knew that if I said that, if I did that, you would give me the word that I was looking for. You're welcome that you did not have to say that. Anyway. So they all converge on them, on Daniel. And he gave up. Doesn't sound like him again.
Faith Pezzulo
Did the first time too, just lay there. Sit up. I don't even see it. You got me. It was hide and seek, you won. Yup. And so,
Faith Pezzulo
they take him to court. I have a feeling that this is going to get really bad for me. Why? Because I feel like you're just going to call me out on so many things that I missed.
Faith Pezzulo
No. Okay. There's only one detail and I don't know if I dreamed it or not. So I don't want to say it on air because... Well, you maybe could tell me about it later. In case it's wrong. Yeah, I'll tell you about it later. But there was one like creepy detail he did to Frank and the girls. I was trying to Google it real quick to see if I was remembering it correctly, but I couldn't find it quickly enough. I don't have time to sit here and read the whole like case.
Faith Pezzulo
yeah but no pretty much so they take him to court and all this other stuff starts just kind of coming to light right the evidence now is piling up oh yeah they found um all the crap that he had stolen from the home they found the gun he used to kill Priscilla And he ended up being sentenced to three consecutive life sentences without the chance. If only he had stayed in the mental institution when he first what went to Frank in themself. I was just going to say like the the weird part for that. There's a lot of weird parts. First of all, it's all stories. I get over the fact that he was able to get into these people's houses and live in their wall.
Faith Pezzulo
OK, but here's the thing I was going to tell you when you told the story because, you know, I'm too wordy, but screw you, whatever. So have you ever fallen down a Reddit hole? Oh, not Reddit. No. Oh, my friend. It's like I need to download Reddit. It's a good time. Like, think about the conspiracy holes we fall in. Reddit's just the same. But anyway, I was I fell down this Reddit hole once. I was like, what's the creepiest thing that's ever happened to you?
Faith Pezzulo
And so it's all these people like sharing their stories, right? And so this one guy talked about, I don't remember if it was a guy or a girl, honestly, it was months ago, but they were in college and they had roommates, like everybody had a room in this house, they all rented, right? And someone kept eating all their food. Like they'd bring food home, like leftovers or takeout, and one of the roommates kept eating it. And they were like, number one, I'm a poor college student.
Faith Pezzulo
I quit eating my food. Number two, you're taunting me because you leave the container out. Like you eat the food and then you leave it out. yeah And so they were pissed, no one would admit to it. They asked all the friends that came over, all the boyfriends, like they were trying to watch people. They tried to set little booby traps, like all this stuff, like it's snacks in the cupboard, eaten, left out. Styrofoam containers warmed up, eaten, left out. Like in this one on for months and they just got like, they were done with it.
Faith Pezzulo
they want like they wanted to prove because someone right So they set up a recorder. They had a party like everybody was over all the friends were over one night and they're like the culprits here like I hundred percent know yeah the culprits here. So they set up a recorder in the kitchen to see what was going on.
Faith Pezzulo
yeah What was going on is there was a homeless lady living in their attic. And she had made a hole in the top pantry. So at night, all this person when they watched the video saw was the pantry door slowly opening and someone coming from like... Sorry. Dog ripped the microphone down. You've got to let it go. He's not a smart dog guy. Sorry. He's got it around his neck. All right. Watch out, buddy. Anyway. OK. He's still on it. He's a dumb dog. Sorry. He really likes to eat cords and ribbons and anything that looks like a cord or ribbon he uses. Anyway, so they're watching this video and the pantry door slowly opens and then legs and a body come from like the top of the freaking pantry. No. No.
Faith Pezzulo
and climb down the top. So all they see is this person like el levitating out from the top of the pantry, like their foot's on the doorknob of the outside of the pantry, sneak down onto the cabinet and start rifling through food and eating it, and then climb back up in the pantry. And the door slowly shuts again.
Faith Pezzulo
So that's what they saw, and they freaked out, obviously showed the roommates, called the cops, when they came, they found a nest in the attic of this house that they had written, where this person that looked like the character from the ring lived, and was coming out in the middle of the night and eating their dang food and leaving it out.
Faith Pezzulo
Can you imagine watching that video? No. I would move like post-haste, least broken. I'll pay whatever I have to pay. I'm out because I would yeah never feel safe there again. No. Because that's a culture, guys. I don't care if you think it's a person. Something just came out of the top of my pantry. I'm done. Yeah. Pack my things. I'm out. I'll give you a no forwarding address. Yeah. We're out. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Not even close. I'm telling you Reddit holes are crazy. Okay. So like the worst part for the story for me is the fact that like I would
Faith Pezzulo
Okay, not to that extent, make that clear, but I can see myself doing that just to like mess with one of my brothers.

Creepy Real-Life Stories vs. LaPlante

Faith Pezzulo
Like every time I came to your house, just start taking something and leaving with it. And like, I mean, that before i mean obvious things. I've done it to a guy at work once. I took his clock stapler. You've taken almost all your brother's shirts there at one period. Yeah. Well, we don't invite you over anymore. I don't want to be there. No, I would don't either.
Faith Pezzulo
Hey, all So the next cast is going to be like a therapy session. Obviously need some couples counseling up in this mug. But yeah, oh man. Yeah, that's freaking good. We do. I said there was like this guy's literally living in their walls. Yeah, in there. Yeah. He like got in their house under like their crawl space because that is all those old houses with like the crawl spaces. So that's how he originally like gained access is he went under their freaking porch and like burrowed away inside. Yeah.
Faith Pezzulo
No. And it's like, I don't even want to sit and look at the murders that he did and think to myself, how could anybody do something like that? Like he literally, he is a Halloween's case of pure people. But it could have, my my thing that makes me so angry is it could have been avoided had he been institutionalized after terrorizing Frank. and Yeah. yeah like why was he let out within a 365 day period he didn't turn 18 yet he should have been locked up till he was 18 minimum yeah but back then back in the 80s they didn't i don't think they had laws like that we went all about you have to wonder to yourself like no matter what the facts like of the of what the cops were saying like this guy is crazy he's weird you know yeah you you don't know what a jury's sitting there thinking you know
Faith Pezzulo
Yeah, OK, it was weird. He's just a kid, though. Yeah, it's boys being boys. Thank you. Boys being boys. He was just messing with him. He probably had a crush on her. That's why he pulled her pigtails. Yeah. Listen, if there's an obvious sign, you take it seriously. I would agree. And I'm sorry. But if you take a family hostage with an act, you belong not in polite society. Yeah. I agree. Yeah.
Faith Pezzulo
and know Crazy. No, this is, this is a, I like i i don't like this story. It's a very different story. And I'm just going to go. I'll go ahead and tell you guys. So I got sucked into the real murders on Elm Street.

Horror Movie Discussions

Faith Pezzulo
Of course you did. Disney plus. Well, I just thought it was funny because I didn't really ever put two and two together with the Elm Street thing. Oh, Freddy Krueger, Freddy Krueger. Yeah. You know mia what? You know what movie your your niece is begging us to watch? If you say it scream really wants to see scream so bad. And I'm like, I've I've never even seen it. I don't like those movies.
Faith Pezzulo
was Like I just don't like I don't like I don't like those because people are crazy Yeah, it's almost like you're giving people ideas. Yeah when they come up with shit like that Yeah, but see I don't like the the whole like ah the ring and those kinds of movies that I'm just kind of like meh I know no and then there was that one where like, you know, the trees were killing us Yeah, then that it that I did not care for that one. I am never I Ever that one was dumb did not care for that one But I do not I did not like the ring and I had a really jerk friend That would hide in my closet at my parents old lake house. Yeah said to walk me he was not there i'ma throw that out there was No, it was a boy that I was friends with him and his friend But hide one of my closets and turn my TV on to it was static and then make that creepy noise. She made more than one time and more than one time
Faith Pezzulo

Conclusion and Lighthearted Farewell

Faith Pezzulo
feel like I did I lose my religion so anyways well there's the creepy spooky story Daniel just before we end I just have one more thing that I need to say Bezinson yeah And now we're good. No, couldn't. I can't even get a backup. No. All right. You guys have a good night. All right. Thanks for tuning in. We'll talk to you later. Bye. I said it right that time. You did not. We're still recording and I'm leaving that.