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ATTENTION: Summer Horrors for Parents image

ATTENTION: Summer Horrors for Parents

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
172 Plays8 months ago

In this episode, Lisa tells us true stories of the horrors that parents can face during the summer months of fun. This shows how we can never be too vigilant in protecting our kids, even when they are having fun.  Unfortunately, there are multiple examples of this depravity in our nation.

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Introduction and Banter

Well, good morning, afternoon, evening, good day. Good day is what I was going for.
Thanks for tuning in to another episode of Twisted Tales with Faith. And Lisa. And quit giving me a disgruntled look because I messed up my salutations. It was not that at all, but it's not. I just like to look at you like that. Do you have on crackle nail polish from 1990? I do. I totally got called out by the girl from Firehouse too. Do they even make that anymore? They do. I don't even feel bad. It's so cool. I didn't notice that before. I'm going to whip out my puka shells next. Oh my gosh.
Yeah. That's not just crap you've had in a caboodle since then. No, no. I found it at the Dollar General Mart and was like, I'm doing this. That makes more sense. That's where they're selling the stock from 1990.

TikTok and Fashion Trends

The girl at Firehouse when I was up there earlier this week.
She was like, oh, that is some 90s nail polish girl. Now you just need to get the nail polish that had the perfume smell. There you go. Calvin Klein. You know, I'm talking about lip gloss. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think it was Smuckers. I don't remember what it was. I don't know. Yeah. But I straight up was like, I'm 38 years old. I'll do what I want. I've earned the right day. I saw a thing on TikTok the other day. You go on with your 20 year old self. I don't need your shit.
I saw a thing on TikTok the other day and this girl's like getting ready and she's like a little high school teeny popper and she put on two ribbed like wife feeders that were different colors. And she was like, this looks amazing. Like why have we not done this? That's like 2000s early. It snaps over to like a late 30s and she was like, are you effing kidding me? People wear bell bottoms again. All the same crap. I'm saying.
So anyway, your crackle nail polish die. I said crackle. Yeah, I know. I was repeating you. You said cracker. Well, I'm that too. OK, well, her ability to pay attention and talk bodes well for tonight as she is presenting.

Summer Break Challenges

So great. What you got for us, Lisa? Nothing. I just figured we could talk for a while. No, I don't like you enough for that. I'm leaving.
All right. So, you know, I told you guys last week there was just not last week, but the last time that I did this story that I had a story that I didn't want to do, blah, blah, blah. Still there. Still can't bring myself to do it. But you told us about that story. That's what. Yeah, I did. Yeah. So you told us who it was and what it was about. Right. OK. I was going to say, Lisa, you've already told him to dig into it. Luckily, I didn't post that episode yet. I don't know. They can go ahead and post or dig into it all they want. I still can't bring myself to do it. OK. So I was looking around trying to find something again. I'm going through the archives here.
watching all kinds of stupid crap. And where did I get my motivation from? Ticked up. Ticked up. And it came out of the blue. Came out of nowhere. All right. So summer is upon us. It is. Summer is upon us. I don't know about anybody else in the United States, but Tennessee, well, in our in our county, is going to be letting out here in the next few weeks. Right. It is going to be summer break.
Yeah. Yeah. Looking forward to it, right? I'm excited. Some are like the worst time for me. All my big clients are new, so it's the most amount of work I have to do all year. Yeah. With a with a child poking me in the next thing. Can we go play? Can we do something? Can we do something? Yep. And so naturally, a lot of parents were like, it's vacation time. We need to do something. We need to go to the beach or I mean, this is typical of mine yesterday. It's typical.
just what people do, right? A lot of people are like, oh, subdivision pool, public pool, YMCA. We need to just get the kids out of the house. Flipping slides and sprinklers are coming out. Gotcha. It's your typical summertime fun, right? Correct. So I'm flipping through. If you like outside things,

Mystery Movie Clip on TikTok

I do not. The bugs.
And I saw this soon to be movie. Maybe it's already a movie. I'm not sure. I tried to find it. And I don't know. I feel like TikTok makes up a lot of stuff. So I feel like people put movies from like 1990 on TikTok. And people are like, oh, this is awesome. Like that came out when I was in high school, bro. So let's see how how. Oh, no, I went a totally different path. OK, I got the idea from TikTok and then I did the research myself. Right. And so instead of like just trying to type out
a hundred different things. I decided I'm going to read you guys the news articles of what I found. Oh, good. OK. And you're too excited about this. It ruined it ruined my summer a little bit. I'm not going to lie. Just because of how, like, what's the word I'm looking for when something's like everywhere? It's just it's in your face. Yeah, it's just it's happening. OK. And it doesn't matter if it was happening three years ago, five years ago or today. OK.
This is something that apparently is it's pretty common because if you've literally googled some of the stuff and I'll tell you what I googled when we're done with this Hey so much right now and you're gonna be like I'm already paranoid. Yes. Yeah But I will say during some of these stories like there's got to be a lot of banter back and forth about a couple of topics that I myself and I'm starting to
Really start thinking about needing to have that conversation with my ten-year-old just because a lot of things are like right in their face right now Anyways, I'm gonna get going and these are in no no particular order. Okay, I'm just gonna give you guys like the fancy way of saying there was no preparation We're just gonna go for this. No, I have all the cases any any your horse
A bull person. Well, I saw a big using a Red Bull down the wrong pipe. So I thought it was a booger. I've been listening to you stop. I'm stopping. All right. Continue. By continue, I mean start. I would. Well, yeah, you'd have to actually let me, wouldn't you? All right. So this one is tinsel in your hair, too. How old are you with your crackle nails and tinsel? At least eight. Do I need to go get you a makeup kit? Would you? I will. You might have to teach me how to use it. No, I love Bella.
That'd be great. That'd be really great. Turns into a full facial. I might be able to like hit Magnolia after. Oh no. You got some hooker boots I can borrow? Unless you got somebody with a clown fixation, a noob. A noob. You never know, man. You never know.

Disturbing Incidents and Vigilance

Alright, so this this instance occurred
in Green Bay. So this man was accused of inappropriately touching a young girl at Oshkosh Pool. The movie that you saw on TikTok, that guy that was in the pool and everybody freaked out. Yeah, I've seen it like 100 times. And I but I was looking like what like what is this? I was looking for like a part two or somebody to describe something in a comment. And maybe it was it was a I looked it up because I saw this like a month ago and I was like, is this a reenactment? Is this a movie? Is this it was part of a TV show?
But I don't remember which one it was at this point. It wasn't one that I like it ever watched. But yeah, yeah, I didn't realize apparently how popular doing this was. Continue. So let's see. Before I jump back into that, let me find the best part here. So he was initially initially charged with first degree sexual assault of a younger child, younger than 13, stemming from what happened in June 24 incident at Pollock Pollock Community Water Park.
According to the criminal complaint, uh, France is with a Z twice pulled on the front of an eight year old girl's bikini bottom and looked down at her private area. I would beat the piss out of him. When offenders or officers searched, uh, Francis, Francis is Francis, Francis is a vehicle. They found an iPhone, a battery for a GoPro camera,
Condom a face mask a pair of white gloves and a metal object with black electrical tape wrap according to some documents a detective found several video clips on a camera including footage that focused on The buttocks and genital area of multiple girls in a pool like in the pool They were actually he had gotten so close that some of the girls actually kicked the camera
Like you could see their foot whack. Yeah, this is why we only swim at my parents house. Right. So there's a 14 minute video also shown the man exposed himself in the water and getting close to the girls on the video. Was it just flopping out like that? Yeah. Frankie would kill. Oh, dude. He'd rip it off. Oh, my gosh. Halfway through the video, the guy walks around the pool to one of the victims who first reported the behavior and he
touch the little girl's genital with his finger and swim away. A few minutes later, the video shows the man taking the camera out of his pocket, looking into the, uh, looking into the camera, uh, the, the compliance stated the officer. So again, I'm not going into court how much time this guy spent, because a lot of the times we just get pissed off. Um, a lot of it, a lot of it, like especially with some of this stuff, a lot of it is not caught on camera. So it's all allegations. Yeah. Right.
And he can only prove so much of an allegation. That's fine. I don't have to prove anything. But that guy actually did get a lot of time because he recorded himself. The billboard sign that I'd wear on my front and back as I followed behind him ringing a bell saying, shame, shame, like Game of Thrones style. Let everyone know. And then I would giggle and hand out lollipops to people that hurt him. And this one actually, this one was on TikTok as well at one point. I think this is the same one, but this was a guy who was in
I believe it was Australia. And the lifeguards that were on scene at the time were getting complaints from a lot of women that were in the ocean saying that this man was like riding waves intentionally into them and okay. Finally, and you can see it on whatever, if you look it up on TikTok, you'll find it. It's in Australia, you probably have. They actually caught him in the act. And luckily there were two officers that were walking by just as they were hopping off their, I don't know what they call those,
the little beach hut that they sit in and hang out and watch what's going on. I don't know either. Beach hut sounds good. Yeah, we'll just say beach hut, yeah. Power one. There you go. Tower one. We'll go work. They watch reference. Well done. I didn't even. Yeah, it did. That went over my head completely. Sorry.
That's why I followed it out with the information. I've got a lot of fog in my head, lack of sleep. Anyways, officers were already there. They're like, man, we just watched this guy do it. Like, we watched him do it. It's disgusting. We need to pull him out. He needs to be... There was nothing followed up on it. I looked through... It's Australia. There's everything there that can kill you. Get a knife or get a little needle or something. Inject it. They'll think something in the ocean killed him. Problem solved.
I would agree. I probably should not give all my murderous plots. Oh, I already confessed to you mine, but we can't share that over the Internet. Continue. Mine's a really good one. It's well thought out. I like to just I like to wing it. You like to wing it. That's how you get caught. Wing it. No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. All right. So I'm just going to stop pause for a second because you made a comment and you were like, Frankie would absolutely go.
Oh, he would kill him. Thank you. There's no question. I want to just like bring up this in public doing that to Bella. He would be I would have to pull him off him to keep him from killing him. Yeah. So he doesn't go to jail. There's a saw another this was.
but there was a father that walked in on some guy molesting his kid. Did you see the kid's face? Yeah. Dude was like messed up. Did you see that? So this is kind of like what we're talking about, but different, but I saw a thing on TikTok this week and it's a picture of a dad and like, uh, she's probably 12, 13 year old daughter. It looks like a newspaper article and it said, uh,
Um a pedophile followed the girl into the bathroom saying he identified as the man And the dad when he walked out said that's funny. I identify as the tooth fairy and beat all his d-thousand eyes Honestly, like brian my boyfriend He was at a gas station working there and this man with a beard in a dress long hair like, you know Not so ladylike ladylike, right?
was walking, getting ready to walk into the women's restroom and he stopped from going in there because a mother and her little daughter had just gone in. And the guy was like giving him shit. Was like, let me through, let me through. If you wanna be a woman, shave your beard. No. You don't wanna be a woman. No.
If you want to be a woman, be born one. Yeah. But I can't, I cannot. Don't, don't half ass. I have no. I quote unquote identify as a woman. So I had to go follow these little girls in the bathroom. You can't half ass it with your beard and stuff still there. You gotta at least pretend like you believe you're a woman. Like if you want to be a woman, be all out woman.
Because every woman on the face of the planet that's normal is gonna look at you and say I feel uncomfortable changing in front of a man I feel uncomfortable what I don't care how you know I don't know I don't care about your political views me now on on my thing if a man ever followed Bella into a restroom I'd lose my shit if you have an Audi don't follow my child how about that yeah but um anyway so like what like I was saying you're stating facts yeah Frankie would lose it right oh yeah
And I'm sitting here and I'm kind of like wondering to myself, like, how did these parents react to any of this? But there was not a whole lot. Like it was just said that it was reported the police showed up, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. I feel like I would have been in panic mode.
Like not not like just rage, like just anger. I know. I think it's easy to speculate that like, OK, if Frankie and I were both there, I can tell you exactly what would happen because I know I would go take care of my child and Frankie would kill him if it was just me.
I'm going to go take care of my child. If it is just Frankie, it is a 50 50 on what he would do first, kill him or take care of our child first. And I honestly don't know because he would be so like just the thought of like, even if a little kid says something to her inappropriate or that hurts her feelings like he's murder's rage. So there's no, there's no trigger there. Well, the apple didn't fall far from the tree on that one. Faith, that's why we were at splash country out in Dollywood.
You didn't tell me until after we left the little pool area that that woman like pushed Bella off the little seahorse anyways. I don't have no money. I know, but it gets to you.
And basically guys, like I'm not bringing this up as a, uh, I do want to make you think actually, yeah. 100%. Even in, I'm going to say it like outright, even if you're not a parent, if you're just, you know, a younger generation listening to this podcast, male, female, doesn't matter. If you see something that's not right, like do something about it.
Well, it's just I'm not saying go out, beat the hell out of the guy. I'm saying like say something to somebody and make sure. Well, it's just a part of being present. Perfect example. I went to the Nellie and Ashanti concert last weekend and my cousin Kat Bella for me.
because my mom was out of town. And they went to a birthday party and I was talking to Dunk last night at my parents' house and she was like, yeah, I didn't know any of the people there besides like the kid whose party it was for. And she was like, and they had like two balance houses set up and all the parents just went inside and shut the door. And I was like, nope. She said, I just set up a chair between the two balance houses because I was going to be able to see what was said to Bella, what her Bella was and who was around Bella at all times.
And see, I don't think that's being a helicopter. I think you can't trust kids. No, not to that. I always like refer to kids, like especially younger kids. They're like a bunch of little drunk people. Yeah. You don't know what they're going to do. And they're older kids. They're younger. They're kids of different backgrounds, different experiences. And no, and I thought she was like, and I said, I appreciated it. But there I go to Dollywood or splash country, which is like a little water park.
and they've got like two or three pools there that's like the big huge pools with the weight in for little kids and it is astonishing to me the amount of kids who are running around and their parents are either asleep laying out reading a book with their head completely away back to the kid and I'm like I could literally snatch your kid and be gone and you'd never know. Do you remember seeing the thing that came out I don't know if it was national news but I know it made it to Tennessee but they were talking about that couple in Georgia
that passed out drunk on the beach and their kids were just like gone. Yeah. I'm like, how do you do that? The parents got in trouble for endangering the welfare of a minor, which they should. Yeah. But you can't. But then you're sitting here and I'm reading you stuff like this. And you're not aware of anything that's going on. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, you can't. I won't say something.
And even if it's not your kid, watch out for them. I like that social experiment they're doing on TikTok right now. Um, I don't know if you've seen it, but it'll have like, they, they will find a park bench or just a bench outside where someone is sitting on it and a little kid will walk up and they've got two of them.
The first one is the kid will sit down and just be like reading a book or playing with some action figures or something. And somebody comes and tries to take the kid. The kid obviously doesn't know. Right. Just to see how that bystander. Yeah. And they do like a there's always some kind of like pre-screen script that they use and they're like, hey, you know, your mom said blah, blah, blah.
And she's like, no, no, but but that there's that one. And the other one is the people sitting on the bench and the child walks up to him and says, I'm lost. Can I use your phone just to see how like if they're like, oh, yeah, sure. And don't pay attention, then just leave quickly or if they like stay hound and make sure the kids and make sure.
Which would be like a normal interesting yeah a decent human being yes I said on the other hand like I'm thinking about watching these and I'm thinking about it And I'm like you know what if I was by myself 100% would help if I was alone with Bella 100% pack my kid up and leave because people use kids as lures yeah, so you wouldn't leave I wouldn't leave I wouldn't let the kid leave with him either
Yeah, but if if it's a kid saying something like, you know, I need help or whatever and you're paying attention to them and someone grabs the kid, that's the roof. So if Bella's hanging around, I would say, you know, all right, well, let me call the police and I'll bring them here. And you can just sit here with me and wait. Yeah.
There's always a way. There is, but all right. So this guy, this happened in Georgia, 68 year old man at the Whittitt County Aquatic Center was caught allegedly. They always say allegedly, but it's it's pretty pretty much. It's a shoe in that guy probably probably did it right. I hate that right. Allegedly. He was on camera. He did it. There's no alleging anything anyway.
the right
said that both her her 15 year old daughter and her were groped by this guy when he was arrested. He literally just was like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I am. I, you know, that makes it made you super uncomfortable and made you kind of hate your life. Right. OK. And I know you're not you're not happy with me. You know, I'm just going to any time wants to go somewhere and be like, no, and you can go. Thank you, Lisa. So this was 2022.
Police in Delaware at the time. I don't I don't know if the guy was caught I didn't read all the way through because I was too busy looking up a bunch of cases, you know He inappropriately inappropriately touched two girls under the water at the beach police were called in reported saying Hispanic male swim he's repeatedly swimming beneath at least two 11 year old girls and Grabbing at them and touching their genitalia is multiple things
OK, so dude is just like in the water and I don't know how clear the water is in in Delaware for them to see what. Yeah, I've never been there. Just I mean, I don't get it now because it's because it's like how often does this probably happen? And especially young kids shrug it off like, oh, he just ran into me. Right. You know what I mean? And it's just now I'm at the point where I'm like, dude, I can't enjoy anything anymore.
No, you can't. Like, just go into the beach and hang out and let me play in the waves. That's not fun anyway. Like, I like to snorkel and I also like to fish.
And I have a delightful picture of her in last year's snorkel gear. Anybody that comments on our Facebook, I would love to post that if we get over. I don't want people to see my fat face. Let's say five requests. I will post it. There's a swimsuit. There's goggles. Brian, you've not seen it. Obviously, I will look it up before I leave. You'll be seeing it in a couple of months anyway. I don't feel bad. I enjoy myself.
It's a it's a sight. Yeah, you just wait you wait I will find a humiliating picture and I will I will make the same request another time not like that one You won't the next time I throw the snake out from the I'm gonna have to record it I was about to lose it No, I'm talking about the one I threw out of the attic. No. No, I know I broke my shin. I got it. That was a great day. I
Gosh, I hate you so much. All right. Sorry, guys. We're doing we're doing real good getting off topic today. So now this one. A man was accused of inappropriately touching girls at a Florida beach confronted by angry parents. Yeah, you should be minutes before the arrest. Hold on. Deputies responded to a disturbance over along the water in New Samaria Beach around 220.
learned that some guy was making unwanted physical contact with several beach goers, including two girls. So I'm assuming that he was non-discriminatory on who he was groping at that point. Yeah. Just anything with any instead of an audio. Yeah. So victims, witnesses revealed that this guy approached a nine year old
on the shoreline where her mother was in the ocean and was rubbing his hands all over her body. Yeah, right. I her mother was able to get to shore and confront him separately. An eight year old girl told deputies that he pretty much did the same thing. Where are your parents? The 56 year old. No, also grabbed to be like more than if I can't do that, I'm too far away. It was an example, Lisa. You can't get back. That was a really good example.
I'm definitely going to have an example for you later. It's going to hurt. I'm going to tell you that right now. You're so mean. I love that you tell me how violent I am and you just think I'm going to take your abuse. Yes, I do. Yeah, I know you do. You're lucky. I love my brother.
You don't. You like me better than him. Sometimes. Let's be honest. Let's be real. Now I lost you, now you whacked me and I lost my spot. This is your fault. It is not my fault. It is your fault. It's going to be a bruise on my freaking arm. Oh my gosh. Such a whiner. So he apparently also grabbed a bunch of other people on the beach. Witnesses reported, but details were not released. They confronted the guy. He appeared to be intoxicated, told deputies he was just a friendly guy. No, he's not. He's just a friendly guy, Faith.
Come on, man. That's not how that isn't it, though. It is not how that works. That's how soon you're an asshole. You are such an asshole. Sorry, guys. I had to I had to show Brian that that was my favorite picture, too. You post it. Post it, baby. Yeah. All right. Fine. If we get if we get like 15 likes, you know, I said five people requested them. Oh, you're you're the worst. Let's be honest. This is going up the same time. The episode is here for tune in, guys.
let's just say nobody's gonna be inappropriately touching me oh man you don't know there could be a it could be
I think that if I was scoping out a victim, even if you were my type, I think the general aura of I'll slit your neck and spit down it that you have coming off you would keep them away. You know, you never know. I don't know.
I'm pretty, I'm pretty feisty. You know, I was looking pretty good in the whole world. We'll see it soon. There's no way that, uh, right. God gave me this. Okay. Two, two.
And as well, you should be thinking shit could do. Let's move on. No, one of my other ones is missing. So give me two seconds. Just banter for a minute. There is supposed to banter by myself. Yeah. All right. So this dude basically having podcast like it like started in one state. I think it was Charlotte. Same guy. No, this is a different guy. OK. I'm giving you like a pre-cursor to what I'm wearing, but went from one place. Then he ended up in like Texas somehow. OK. Or no. He started in Florida.
Then to Texas. I don't know. Guy was like everywhere. Apparently already had been arrested in like 1998 for actually physically molesting a kid to time. And why were they out? Did you see Tennessee's past that higher? Yes. Go Tennessee! All a bunch of states are passing it all of a sudden on child predators. Like one state brought back the death penalty specifically for child predators. Yeah. I support. I mean, the only thing that I can think of, honestly, is because there's too many people that are trying to push that it's OK.
You got to combat it somehow. Yeah, that it's just like. Guys, then we're just going to have to do them. Yeah, you can't tell people that this is OK. You know, so no, you cannot. Anyway, sorry, continue. No, you're totally fine. So this guy, Timothy Rice. Had apparently, I think it was in 1998.
Use all these little tactics. He was a lifeguard in a pool and perfect predator. Right. Oh, yeah. Always around the kids, always playing like squirt guns, the whole nine. Just being his little room. Right. An active participant lifeguard with the children. That's what he's paid to do. Right. Until he molested. Yeah. A couple of the boys ended up getting caught. Good. And did his time got released and he was in Florida, I believe, when the original. Original case happened.
Good. Let's release him back out to harm more children and make more monsters when they grow up angry. Yeah. So he I'm trying to find it. I don't know how this one got. Have you ever heard that saying that if you do the same thing over and over, but expect different results? Yes. The definition of psychotic. Yeah. Who said that? Einstein.
I don't know, I wasn't going to say it was Einstein because people are going to fact check this. But how does the government, the government does the same thing over and over and over, expecting different results? Yeah, it's always the definition of insanity is what I always heard. Yeah, it's the definition of insanity. Thank you. You said psychotic. I did. That's what I was trying to think. But yeah, so the government keeps trying to, quote unquote, rehabilitate these people.
And it doesn't work. You're not doing anything to rehabilitate them. The only rehabilitation that somewhat happens in prisons to child molesters is they're raped by bigger men and it shows them you don't like it. But besides that, there's no rehabilitation. And then you let them out and you're shocked when they do it again. This time though, they're going to kill the kid. That way there's no witness.
That's like the thing of it, too, is like all the all the it's not just kids. It's just rape in general. It's just any anything like that. And I actually I saw a documentary. This was before we even started a podcast. I was probably in like. My late early late 20s. Oh, so we're talking. It was it was a while ago and they were interviewing rapists at a prison and they were literally just giving out their detail and saying that this is what we look for.
You know, women that don't make eye contact, women who don't seem to have good self-esteem, always alone.
And we never do it with any kind of knife or a gun because it carries more charges. If I just rape her, I'll be out in like three days. I was like, are you kidding me? I don't know if that holds true today, guys. Again, like this was a decade. Like not even joking. No, I'm pretty sure it does. Because if you commit the assault with a weapon, you carry more charges. Because at that point, it's it's a higher. It's a higher. Yeah. All right. So I feel like it's pretty intent when you stick it in someone and they don't ask for like, right. You don't sneeze, cough, follow. Oh, there. I really honestly feel like
And they they look at it as OK, fine. Well, I mean, there really wasn't much harm. Yeah, there was. I mean, yeah, there was. No, but that's what I'm that's what I think that they think these laws were passed way before our time. Well, they need to where women were submissive. Now that we've got, you know, psychological evidence of what happens to the victims. Anyway, continue. Sorry. So anyway. He was arrested in Texas after authorities investigated several incidences.
at the Ann Denver Regional Park. This was, oh wait, I'm so sorry. Rice was declared a sex offender after police in Hillsborough County arrested him in 1998 and a jury convicted him of molesting five children.
Okay. He was released. Why? He's already ruined five lives. Why? He was 44 years old. He was found guilty in March of lewd and lascivious molestation and two counts of lewd or lascivious. Am I saying that right? Yes. Lascivious conduct following the trial. Rice went to a public school in 2019 and touched two children. Okay.
After that, which this is I had, that's probably why I lost it. I had to go to like several different articles to get to like the now. Is this the lifeguard guy? Yeah, this was like our guy. I'm trying to keep up here. And then the last article in between. No, it's all right. It's fine.
Here we go. This was in twenty twenty two. The registered second phone. What? Rejected phone. That is not what you said. That is not. What did I say? The registered sex to phone. The registered sex offender. Sex sex to phone. You do. I hate my life with you.
Make your life more if I was gone. Let's be honest. So after he was found guilty, they tacked on other charges that he had been facing in the other counties where he had gotten, I think again in Texas, same tactic. He earned himself a sex offender title more than 20 years ago.
And then he did the exact same ruse playing with all the kids. Oh, I'm shocked. The whole mind. And it seems to me that on this day he was found guilty and given life probably because he was a multiple time offender. So I don't. But we just kept releasing it. So those were like the major cases that I I just.
I don't, if a dog bites a kid, it's put down. So explain to me why a human can insert themselves in a child hurting a kid and they're allowed three hots and a cot, three to five years of, quote unquote, rehabilitation, and then allowed to go out and offend again. I mean, it's not like even just that. It's again, like I said earlier, like how often is this really going on? And the kids don't tell their parents that. Yeah, a lot, I'm sure. That's sick to even think about.
Yeah, and this is what I have. At what age? Yeah, at what age is it appropriate to start telling your kid? There are some nasty people out there. Unfortunately, I mean, there's not, I don't think there's really a quote unquote appropriate age. I feel like it is very determinate on your surroundings and your county and what your child, your children are exposed to.
But Bella's in public school, so there are older kids there that are going to tell her things that I don't want her to know yet. Luckily, she is very open and honest. So, you know, perfect example this morning, I'm driving her to school. Bill Day's canceled because it's raining. So my mom was going to pick her up early and they were going to go out of town. They were possibly going to go to Dollywood with my sister-in-law and her kids.
And that means there's three extra kids, which I'm not a fan of. And so there'll be more adults, but still, so I'm giving Bella the talk. All right. What do we do? Mom's not going to be there. What do we do? I stay right beside Mimi. Do you walk off from Mimi for many reasons? No. What if JL does? No.
So we have to discuss all this and then go over. If someone grabs you, you scream, what's my name? I don't know. You put me down. What's my name? Someone help. I don't know you. What's my name? Because if you're just screaming, you just look like a bratty kid that wants to play a game. Yeah. And, um, so we're talking about all and she's like, I know, I know. And so we're talking about, cause she, her question is, why is it more dangerous with multiple kids? And so I'm explaining like,
There's one adult and multiple kids like you can only protect one at a time really like if someone grabs one and you go after that you're leaving the others exposed. And she was like this is why i have nightmares sometimes and i said yes this is mom has nightmares about it too nice but would you rather be prepared and know what to do.
or not know what to do and not be able to defend yourself. Obviously, she said prepared, but I don't like having those conversations with her. There are even things said to her by kids that maybe they would never follow through. Maybe they would, but then we have to sit there and have whole big talks about it that she's not necessarily ready for. Because a lot of times, if she asks the question,
that I don't want to know, I just say, that content is too mature for you right now. And she'll say, but I need to know. No, that content is too mature for you. And she'll say, well, when am I going to be mature enough? I don't know, Bella. I can't tell you the answer to that. But right now, that content is too mature for you. You don't need to worry about it. Mom's got it covered. Like, where are the babies coming from? I'm not having that conversation right now with an eight-year-old.
although the way the world's going probably have to soon. But I mean, it depends like what I have to explain to my child, where babies come from, sex, people touching you in the public, all these things, all these like tick box, you have to explain to your child, what I in East Tennessee have to explain to my child and prepare my child for is much different than a parent of the same age in New York City or in Harlem or in California.
Well, I can honestly say, I can honestly say though, there are nasty people everywhere and you don't know where you're going to run into them. Correct. And the preparation is preparation. No matter how many conversations that I have with my son, who's 10, he still has a mentality that he can do it by himself. Yeah. You know, and I've always told somebody is messing with you need to come get.
Yeah, if somebody touches you, you need to come get me like I can take care of it. I will take care of it. Yeah. You don't need to be doing anything. I would just gouge his eyes out. I would do this, you know, just typical outfit. Yeah, you're a kid. You don't, you know, but again, it's like it's like around your parents. My brother's saying what we're going to do. And then we don't. It happens. And, you know, you're it's fight flight or freeze.
But I think, I mean, when it comes, I mean, it really depends. There are some like, honestly, I was kind of hoping that Bella was here tonight. It would have been interesting to get their point of view, like to just ask them that question. You know, what would you do if and just see how they responded to it?
Well, I'm not posting this one until next week. So we can pull K out and ask him. Well, next time we record, because I'm going to post one of my episodes and then this one will be next. So my episodes next week, the following week will be this episode. So we can just do a part two and merge them into one. Like next week, when I tell my story, have them both give their sound bite. That could work. But I mean.
because honestly all opinions matter in that aspect. And it's something that every parent, but you can't tell me every part of the world is the same. Some parts are, yes, there are dangerous people everywhere, but the concentration of creeps, I guess you would say.
Are higher in certain certain certain places and if you're there you gotta prepare earlier some people like the conversation that I have the conversations I have to have with my child. Are going to be have to be quicker than my niece who's homeschooled she's not gonna have to learn about anything till a much later date yeah but no I'm not after talking about stuff like this.
your niece that might be homeschooled is still gonna be out in a public beach or a public pool or a public park or public stuff. Were these people? Were these people were literally... I didn't even watch a video when I was like researching all this of a guy at a, it was a freaking fast food restaurant. And he was just creepy as shit. And this girl is just standing at the counter couldn't be more than like 16, 17 years old.
OK, and that's girls. Girls are aging more maturely. She could have been. Oh, yeah. I don't even know. Yeah. Right. But when I tell you his his little his little hokey tool. Was damn near close to her butt. I'm not kidding. And no. Yeah. Like I'm pretty sure that if I had felt him that close to me, I would have I would have turned it off and given him like a nice little.
Here's my bubble and here's your bubble speech, you know, but I'm sure the and that's like that's the suck. But that's the thing. Kids freeze. They do. And you have to be respectful to adults, like at least in the south. I understand that, but I'm going to tell you what. And again, you're in a situation where somebody's taking a video of this. Yeah.
can you put your freaking video down and look at the guy and be like, bro, back up. But again, a young kid, depending on how they're raised, is not going to do that. A, they're going to freeze. B, they're uncomfortable. They're scared. And when you're in those mind frames, a lot of times you revert back to just what you've been taught with respect to adults. So you just kind of walk away. You don't say anything. You don't cause a fuss.
I was without K1 day. I was down in the gas station and it was right after like school dismissal. And so this parent, this mom had like, I think she had two or three of her kids with her and there was a guy there and he had already asked me the question. He was like, Hey, you know, I'm just trying to get up the street. Could you just give me a ride up here and drop, drop me off? And I'm like, no, no, I cannot. And uh,
Thank you very much. Try again. He starts getting on to this lady. It's just up the street. Walk, bro. That's what I'm saying. Right. But she was. Take the two foot express. Trying to be kind. Yeah. Guy clearly uncomfortable. Clearly. Clearly uncomfortable. Yeah. OK. There's like six or seven men standing in line watching this woman be like harassed by this guy for a ride. Yeah. OK. With her. Like one was like basically toddler age. The others were school age, but not higher than elementary.
No, OK. Trying to be nice, trying to be polite. I turned around. I opened my mouth and I was like, buddy, there are six guys standing here. Ask one of them. Yeah. And at that point he stopped looking at her. She mouthed. Thank you to me. He left. Clearly the ride wasn't that important. No. And I'm sitting here like men. Where are you at? Don't do it. And not one of them, even after I said it, not one of those guys made eye contact.
No, they're not going to. I'm like, wow, because nobody wants to get involved. You fucking suck. The bystander effect. Nobody wants to get involved. Somebody else is going to do it. Just get my little hole and hide and pretend like everything's OK. Yeah, that happened years, a couple of years ago. And I'm just like, nobody, nobody said anything. Nobody does. I got confronted at a food city with Caleb, with the guy trying to get a ride from me. And I was like, buddy, you need to remember that. Remember that? I ended up having to go back into the store and tell the manager that this guy was like harassing women.
door, whether they did something or not. I don't know. I did my due diligence. Yeah, you can only do what you can do, but it was like, what, two, three at the time, Max? And I know I'm almost to the point, honestly, I especially don't go to TC with Bella by myself, a specific part of our town. Oh, yeah.
I don't want to say the name But I don't I I am to the point now where I pretty much do not go alone with Bella to the mall to the store to anywhere Unless it's like a quick in and out at you know, the local food city or whatnot But I literally like I will wait till Frankie can come meet us our Frankie can keep her or she goes to my mom's when I go grocery shopping because it's just There's too many snatch and grabs here. There's a lot of snacks
because almost all the TC is the worst for it. But while you're merging, you're right there at the interstate where you've got three splits to every major interstate. It takes two minutes and you are gone. And I can't I can't stand that. It's just yeah. No, no, no, no, no. The Walker Springs one you were just talking about. They just they some of the people that are in there are just too homely for me, if you will. They are not nice people.
And I get triggered way too easily. That's what Brian yells at me all the time for having a road rage.
He's like, you're going to get shot in the face. Thank you, Brian. That's what I tell her and her stinking brother, like he'll, he'll try. Oh, and the best part is Brian weighing on this. Like they get mad if someone's like riding two clothes or cuts them off, but then they'll do it to other people. And when people honk, then they get mad. And I'm like, you were just hanging out the window swearing. I do not, I do not, I do not ride people's rear ends unless they're in the frigging passing lane doing 12.
Unless that's a trigger or okay, and I will blow my freaking horn if I'm sitting at a light and it's green and you're playing on your phone
She won't just blow her horn, ladies and gentlemen. She's gonna be halfway outside of her window, screaming as that horn goes on. And if you- No, no, no, no. I do not hang outside the window anymore. It's been a long time. I'm too fat for that. I can't get my stomach in the right position to do it. I just hold the horn so long. I've heard you. I've been on the phone with you in the mornings and you're screaming at people. The school line is 100% different. The school line is 100% different.
Screaming at people. My window is closed. A. B. It's fun. C. People stupid.
I'm just saying, you and your brother have road rage, but I've watched you both do the things you rage about, and it's hypocrisy is what it is. It's a lie. It is not. You're the people we scream at. It's you. No, why? Because I drive the speed limit safely. No. And I put on a blinker when I need to change lanes. Because you clip mailboxes and scare everyone in the car. I haven't done that in over 10 years, Brock.
And you're like, it has been since the lake house, since the bravado, please. Hey, who's been in a wreck more recently? You or I? It was me. But we've all proved that that wreck was in fact not my fault. If you'd been defensive driving, maybe you could have avoided it. Should have defensively beat. Never mind.
Anyways, so we've gotten off chat. We did way off. All I'm saying for everybody out there, kids are no kids. If you're just hanging out on the beach and you're seeing some weirdo. OK, and I had even ran across one that it was it was a woman. It could be any it could be anybody. Listen, if you don't know them, don't let them hear your child. Well, it's not even just that I'm saying.
Like, take responsibility. If you're in the ocean and you're seeing kids playing and you guys are out, teenagers, adults, young adults, whatever, you see somebody that's being a little bit sketchy with these kids, just be like, hey, bud, why don't you like move away from them? You know what I'm saying? Like, most of these people are not going to confront you in a negative way. They're going to get their freaking shit out of dodge because they don't want anybody to speculate what they're doing because they already know what they're doing.
But here's the deal. Number one, there's no parent that's just going to be filling up their child's genitals. That doesn't happen. So even if it was their own parent and quite frankly, you should intervene there, too. But quite frankly, even if you think someone's acting hinky with a child.
And you interfere and they're like, this is my kid or this is my niece or nephew or whatever. Like I would like to know what, what parent is going to get mad at you for trying to protect their child? Not one. Cause you know what? If I think a situation is a little sketchy, like maybe the kids screaming or something, I'm like, Hey, are you okay? Do you know them? And they're like, yeah, it's my mom. She's being mean. Okay, fine. I'm a mean mom. I get it.
If it's me, hey, thanks for checking. Yeah. The only people that get offended are the people that don't want the police. And Karen's. Yeah, there's that. They got some Kyle's in there too. Was it Kyle's? Kevin. Kevin's. Kevin's and Karen's. Kevin's and Karen's. Sounds good together, doesn't it? Kevin's and Karen's. All right, well.
I'm sorry, but I have to share because thank you all the paths that I was going down and I was just sitting here and I was like, man, this just ruined my summer. I want to ruin everybody else's quite frankly company. I don't like the beach because they're sharp.
Yeah, not the only predators on the beach, apparently. I don't like public pools because I don't want other people to see me in a swimsuit. I just don't like the fact that there could be shit in there and piss. Yeah, I just like I like private pools at my parents' house or people I know's house. And I don't like strangers or people, so I mean, I mean, my three no mo. I understand. I'm good with that. I'm good. All right. Well.
If you do like the outdoors, public pools or beaches, I'm sorry. Just be aware. Just be aware of your surroundings. Lisa's a jerk. We all knew this. Well, yeah, I don't. I'm not going to disagree with you. But have a good summer anyway and pay attention. I have been called way worse by much better. All right. Well, we're going to go send each other some more. Yeah. You guys have a great night and we will talk to you later. See you. Bye.