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Messy Love Story - Bill Bergen, Louis Bergen & Edyth Klumpp image

Messy Love Story - Bill Bergen, Louis Bergen & Edyth Klumpp

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
124 Plays1 year ago

With Valentines Day, we wanted to bring you an episode about love. In this episode, there may be a little too much love being shared; as we end up in a love triangle between Bill & Louise Bergen and Edythe Klumpp. It’s a story with love, betrayal, murder, mystery, and ultimately shows that love may not conquer all.

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Podcast Returns After Unexpected Breaks

of Twisted Tales with Faith and Lisa. And we're back. We're back. We survived Snowmageddon. Snowmageddon, the plague. The plague. And then I went out of the country. So. Yes. Bam, bam, bam. Yeah. And we didn't tell like it because we really thought we were going to record. And then I had to leave. Yeah. A lot happened. Literally everything happened all at once. Yeah.
But we're back. But I mean, we're fresh.

Surprising Growth in Followers

We when this episode drops, we will actually know that people cared enough to see if we. Yeah, because we got new followers, even though we weren't posting social media and or podcasts. You don't think that maybe it was their way of saying like, I'm going to follow you because you're watching. I think we weren't talking for a month. And oh, my God, it was great. They're going to start a like Twisted Tales stop.
stop petition. Don't do that. It's not it's rude. Just go to the just give us five stars. You don't have to actually like us. I mean, I kind of wish they'd like me a little bit.

Debating Social Media's Importance

Not you. That's that's that's beyond. That's not gonna happen. You're not alike.
somebody that needs to be liked who does nothing on social media, apparently. Yeah, exactly. Apparently, it really doesn't mean that much to me. I don't know.

Choosing a Lighter Crime Story

Oh, but you know, anyways, we're here and I have a story for you and I and Faith. So Lisa's going to listen and she's going to listen carefully because so I had a I had I did actually I did do a pretty good deep dive of a horrific made me want to puke multiple times and or murderous rage. Horrific story. Okay.
So I've got that one on the back burner, but next week is Valentine's Day, which people will be celebrating this weekend. I don't want to do that kind of story on Valentine's Day. I want to do story of love, love, love. So I decided I'm going to switch it up and I was, I found a really good couple.

Introducing the True Crime Story

that were twisted and demented and did god-awful things, but I'm just gonna be honest with you. I'd already gone down that path, and my brain needed a break from just the dark depravity. I found a different story. Really? I mean, it's still a true crime story. Don't worry, there's all the things, but, you know. There's no children in this story. Not as vile. Yes, yes. Okay, well, I like that. You know that. There's no children, I don't get violently. Yeah, so this is, it's still a true crime story.
But you know, it's it's different twists up you ready? Sure.

Discovery of a Burnt Body

All right, let's go We are starting tonight November 1st 1958 When three friends Cecil Albert and Dean we're out duck hunting
They did what any group of friends slash hunters do. They got up in the, you know, dark of night slash morning, got all their hunting gear, got on their boat before the sun has even peaked and went out on the water to hunt some ducks. But as the day went on, it's cold, it's rainy. It's just a crappy day and there's, they've got nothing to show.
So the group decided, let's, let's go to it. There's no ducks here. Dog don't hunt. Let's go. Yeah. So they drove, they drive off on their boat to another location, which apparently sucked as well because they returned back to the original spot a little bit later or maybe a few beers in who knows. Um, and early in the morning though, that's, that's a question. I mean, what else are you going to do? Hunt it and seems very boring.
Yes, so at about four o'clock on this rainy, dreary day, they've seen and got nothing. So the friends say, you know what, we're done.

Identifying Louise Bergen

It's cold, it's wet, let's go. So they drive the back up to the land.
Dean hops out of the boat and goes to get the truck, leaving Cecil and Albert there to wait with the boat. While waiting, Cecil's, he's bored, he's been stuck in a boat all day. He just starts kicking around the beach area, looking around. And he sees in the distance a little old bonfire area that's recently been used, maybe party.
And it's in a weird place. It's like, it's kind of duney, I guess, because there's like the really tall grass cattails. So there's all that around it, which you usually don't do a bonfire because they can catch, you know, that little wispy cattail stuff. But as they get closer, Cecil notices there's a pair of legs sticking out of the grass. Okay. Which for me, I'm out.
Right. My thing's time to go. Right. But he's not really that worried because it's like the day after Halloween.

Louise's Last Movements

Oh, yeah. There you go. So it's like probably it's fake legs. It's a prank. A bunch of stupid kids the night before had some beers, whatever.
But as he gets closer, he does get a little concerned because there's some jewelry and some miscellaneous items lying around. And when Cecil and Albert get close, they notice the legs are covered in blister, which fake legs don't do that.
and there's like real toes there's real feet like it's a real leg connected to a real burnt body so at this point um the two they walk to the closest farmhouse and call the police because what else are you gonna do and one of the guys when he was talking to the police he said you could tell there was a head but you if you had to recognize it as an actual head you wouldn't have known it was a head it was already burnt so bad so
The police come, collect the evidence. Again, this is all on Friday or Saturday. I forget what day we're on. It was. You keep telling me how really close. So you will. It's not yet. We're fixing to start. You'll see. You'll know when I get there.
So the following Monday morning, this was over the weekend, the following Monday morning, the police receive a missing persons report that matches the body that was found that week. The body was a woman by the name of Louise Bergen. She is a 32 year old woman who had been missing since October 30th.
She was supposed to go home for dinner after work. She was supposed to go to work, go home, eat a quick dinner, and then she was going to downtown Cincinnati with a friend to see a show. But the last time she was seen was at work.
She worked for a transportation company. She'd worked there for three years as a bookkeeper. She was described as like a great worker, but that was really it. Like no one had anything good to say, no one had any bad to say. Yeah, normal person. The last person who saw Louise alive was her superintendent, Mel Abrams. He saw her at

Troubled Marriage with William

5 p.m. Thursday, October 30th, leaving the parking lot.
Robert Dunbar was the detective for the case, and he went to visit Louisa's family, obviously, taking with him a necklace, a set of keys that had a key chain with a little pocket knife attached to it that were found on the bottom. Is that just for confirmation? Basically, yeah. Okay. See if anybody notices it, just see, you know. Remember, this is the 50s, so a little bit different, but... And they could have said, well, if that was all that was on her, she could have had A, B, and C too. Correct. Okay.
So Detective Dunbar meets with Louise's mother and sister and her husband, Bill. And the detective shows them the items and Bill recognizes them all and says, that pocket knife's my best friend's. It's Mel, because he bought Mel's car off Mel, so he knew Mel's key chain. So.
That's his wife's stuff. Um, so since we always look at the husband first, Tony de novo, let's discuss her husband, William, Bill, Bergen and Louise. Um, they had a few issues. Uh, they were currently separated at the time that she was found deceased. Uh, and they were working towards a divorce. Bill had already moved on and was living with his girlfriend named Edith.

William's Infidelity and Separation

Bill and Louise's marital trouble was nothing really new though. The couple lived in Norfolk, Virginia until 1949. That's where they raised their daughter, Linda. And Bill was a social butterfly.
He enjoyed going out on the town while he lived in Virginia. He'd go bowling, he'd go bars, he'd go out with friends, just whatever. But he didn't really want Louise to tag along onto these jaunts he would out on the prowl, mainly because
It's awkward to have your wife tag along when you're going on dates with other women. Yeah. So that's what he was. He was a serial cheater. Like he was out with different women all the time.

Living with Edith

But this all kind of changed when Bill found out Luis has a side piece of her own. Oh, isn't that always the way. And he didn't like that. Of course not. Bill didn't like that at all. He was so. When you're a narcissist. Yeah. He was so upset about Luis's
quote unquote illicit affair that he had his office, his job transfer him to Cincinnati and made them move out because she's having one affair while he's out on the town with different women every night. Right. So after their move, surprise, surprise, her marriage doesn't really recover because there were a few underlying root issues I'd say. So the relationship, yeah, the relationship is strained. They're starting in a new place. They're stressed out.
which stresses Bill out even more. So not long after moving, he starts, you know, going out on the prowl again. And on one of these little jaunts, he meets a waitress that just catches his eye. And her name is Edith Klumpf, who he's currently living in. Right. He didn't pick up that. Yeah.
So May 1989, Bergen's marriage is officially beyond repair. Bill says, I can't do it, I'm moving out.

Reconciling or Moving On?

So he moves out and gets an apartment. But before, this is where we start to jump around. So in May, he moves out, he gets an apartment. He's living with Edith. Before the summer's even done, Bill starts to question if he should have left his wife. Now they say it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind. They've never met Bill. And you will see.
So Bill says that he could tell Edith was uneasy about his decision to maybe get back together with his wife, Louise, his girlfriend. Didn't like that decision. Gee. Yeah. And so one night Edith just looks at Bill with this little cocky grin and was like, you know, Louis and I have this mutual friend and you're aware she's dating someone, right? Like she's moved on.
You need to quit second-guessing this. Like, she's moved on. You've moved on. Let it lie. Yeah. However, Labor Day...
Still 1990 is still 1990, still 1958. So literally a few days later, September. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. The summer may he moves out summer. He's questioning September labor day. Louise and her daughter, Linda returned from a vacation that they took in Pennsylvania. And Louise says, you know what? It's past spring cleaning, but I'm just had a great time with my daughter. Bill wasn't there. I don't need him. Yeah. So I'm gonna start the divorce. Okay.
So she contacts her lawyer and the lawyer sends a letter to Bill basically saying, pony up. Let's split the dead dogs lie. Well, when Bill gets this letter from the divorce attorney.
It's at the point in his life. He's already at the point where he doesn't know if he's made the right decision. It could have been a mistake. Was it hasty? So instead of, you know.
Calling Louis are moving forward with the divorce, like, hey, Louis, can we sit down and talk? Maybe go to some counseling. Let's get the divorce on the road. You got me the letter. Yeah. He chooses the mature path. Ignore it. Stalking her. Oh, OK. And just every day when she gets off work, he's driving up and down the street. Cool. Until the day he finally spots her. Right. He picks the right time and Bill's able to catch her and he rolls down his window and he's like, hey, you know,
Lou, whatever his nickname for was, can we just have a talk? And she says, sure, gets in the car and he's like, you know what, maybe I was rash. We should rethink this divorce thing, you know? Let's just think it over. Let's take a few months to really ponder. While I live with my girlfriend Edith, let's just put the divorce on pause. And Louise is like, you know what?
Okay. Because I'm gonna move on, right? But I don't want you to move on yet. Yeah. I have 110% like data up my mind that I want to be with. So I just really need you to be waiting in the room. And she agrees. Wow. She says okay. Awesome. Okay. It must have been so crappy to be a woman back then. I was gonna say but I'm gonna be I'm gonna be 100% right now.
100%. Never would have moved with him in the first place when I found out he was a cheat. Oh, well, no. I'd have been like, um, you had your fun. Yeah. Yeah. We're done. Uh, I'd like.

Louise Goes Missing

Right. But we're in the 50s. I was just going to say, this is, this is more of like the 2020s kind of. Oh yeah. So, um, I don't have to put up with that shit. So Louise says, you know what? Fine. We'll give it a few months. We'll think about it. We'll pause the divorce. So, um,
Back to current chain of events, Louise's body. She had plans to go out that night with a friend of hers named Anne. We're still in the same like month period. Oh no, this is, we're back to, I was giving you a little backstory on Louise and Bill and then the divorce and all that. Now we're back to the body. So the night that Louise went missing, the day before Halloween, October 30th, Thursday. This was the same year though. Yes. So all this was going down to September. October is the following month.
Mm-hmm. So really not There's not a whole lot of timeline. No, there's no there's no much timeline No, I just jump back to tell you about the marriage. Here's what happened Backstory. Mm-hmm. Now we're back to the versions now. We're fast-forwarding like eight months here So eight because all this started in May. Oh Not eight months. Sorry Spoiler alert. He met Edith in March. So this whole story is eight months long. Okay, the whole shebang
that we're in right now. So back to October when Louise's body's found, Louise had plans to go out October 30th, Thursday night with her friend, Ann. Ann was a friend. She actually met through her boss named Chick. Chick, which was, I know this is all convoluted. So I said, you really got to listen carefully, Lisa. No, I just can't get over the name. That's fine, though.
We're in the 50s. So Chick was Luis's boss. And as a business owner, he goes and visits other businesses. And there's a lady at another business name, Anne. And you know what? He just thinks the two ladies could be really good friends.
Like he knows Luis is going through a rough time right now. He knows about the divorce and everything. And he just thinks they'd be good for each other. They'd be a good fit. Kind of weird, but good boss, I guess. So they actually, the two women talk and become like best friends. Like they're really good friends. They have a little girl squad with another lady that works with Luis. Worked out great.
So Louise was supposed to, remember, work, go home and eat, call Anne, go downtown. So Louise was supposed to call Anne around 5.30 that night when she got home. She told Anne, I've got a quick appointment after work and I'll call you around 5.30. However, Anne never hears from Louise.
So eventually, she gets kind of sick of it. She's ready to go downtown. They were gonna go to the theater. So she calls Louisa's house, but Louisa's sister answers and said Anne hasn't made it home yet, or Louisa hasn't made it home yet, which Anne just thinks it's a few minutes late, whatever.

Desperate Search for Louise

Around 6.30, we're an hour late, and Anne calls Louisa's again, and Louisa's mom answers this time.
and says, no, no, and she's not here. Do you think maybe she thought you guys were gonna meet downtown? And just maybe, maybe you guys are miscommunication. And Anne thought, you know what, maybe, maybe it's a little crazy, planning for Halloween, whatever. So Anne goes downtown, Cincinnati to look for Louise where they were gonna go that night. However, this woman, I mean, kudos, great friend, two hours waits for Anne, waits for Louise and is looking for her.
After two hours, Ann finally calls it a night. It's Thursday, she's gotta work the next morning. But she just doesn't, something's wrong. So the next morning, Ann, again, great friend, gets up and calls Louisa's job to try to catch her. Hey, just wanna make sure everything's okay, but she's told Louisa hasn't made it in yet. So later that day, Louisa's mom calls Ann
and says, hey, did Ann end up spending the night at your house last night? And Ann says, nope. Can't find her, still trying to find her. I've called business, this is what happened. So now both women are a little panicked, right? And so Luis gets off the phone with, Luis' mom gets off the phone and calls Bill just to see, do you know anything? They're on again, off again, who knows who's on, who's off, what's going on, right? So this is still in the timeline where Bill thinks he might want to get back together with Luis.
And he is full-on panicked with the ladies. He calls every local hospital. He calls every ER. He calls her office and wants to talk to her boss, Chick, who apparently is the only one with any brains in the story and is like, bro, she didn't show up. Call the police.
Bill is the only one with trains. Right? So Bill calls Anne, Louisa's friend. Yeah. Anne's like laying into her and he's like, I don't care. There's no girl code. I need to know who she's dating. I've already been told member Edith. Right. Right at the mouth. I know she's dating someone. I need you to tell me who she's been with so I can find her. Like it doesn't matter at this point. We've got to find her. Just tell me. I'll go to the guy's house and I'll find her. Like just tell me who.
And Anne's like, I don't know what you're talking about. She hasn't been seeing anyone. Like, we had plans for the theater. Slow your roll. So at this point, he'll get tough fun with her and he calls Edith, his girlfriend, and he wants to know, I want you to tell me the name of the guy. I want you to tell me who Louise is dating. You told me she was dating someone. I need the name. She's missing. I'm freaking out. I need to know where my wife is.
Which is something every girlfriend wants to hear. Right. Right. Not. Hey, quick question. Why has no one called the cops still? Yeah. Right. So Edith said you're the one that mentioned Louise was dating her boss, Chick half. Oh. Well, before Edith said that there was a mutual friend of her and Louise that said now Bill told her.
But that's not the case. Chick was literally like a father figure. He's setting her up with her best friend, Gal Pals, like, there's no romantic anything there. So, and plus, Bill's already talked to Chick and Chick's already said, hey, moron, call the cops. Right. So, this... Yeah, so at this point, at some point during Bill's frantic try to find Louise, the police are called.
but they tell Bill, she's not even been gone 24 hours. We can't do anything. So Bill goes to Louisa's apartment that they once shared and he stays all night. Like he literally just sits by the door, stays at her house waiting to see if she'll show up. Her mom's living there, her sister's living there, but he literally just stayed. So the next day is Saturday, November 1st. And Bill is driving around town with his daughter, Linda,
Maybe looking for Luis, maybe running errands. It wasn't really said, but decided he had to go home to his apartment. He needed to go back to his apartment to change clothes because he spent the night up at Luis's apartment all

Edith's Complex Relationship with Bill

needs to go to his apartment to change clothes and then head over to Edith's because he lives with Edith at her house. Right. But he still has this apartment that he moved out to when he left Louis. You need it. You need whatever home they were living in. You need like you need like a police map with strings to show where this guy is at. Like he's got three homes at this point. I'm just wondering what he does for a living that he can have so many homes. Yeah.
Yeah. Because even in like, well, unless she moved in with her family, I would have three, I don't know. So financially sound. Yeah. Uh-huh. So he goes home to his apartment changes, then go to Edith's house. And he questions her again about Louise. Do you know who she was with? Do you know where she was? I want to know. You said she was seeing someone I need to know and Edith is like, fine.
Because he knows the stories don't match up. First you told me you and Edith have a mutual, you and Louise have a mutual friend that says she's dating. Now you said, I told you chicks, she's dating chick. Like that, none of that makes sense. I need to know. And Louise is like, fine. Or Edith, sorry. I keep changing the names. There's a lot of names. Edith is like, you know what? I'm going to tell you the truth. Two weeks ago, behind your back, Louise and I sat down and had a talk. Like I met up with your wife.
which again is what every husband wants to hear that your wife and girlfriend are having meetings, right? Yeah. Cause there's nothing better than that. Oh yeah. So what happened? Edith finally tells him, um, Luis called her that morning two weeks ago and wants to talk about this on again, off again marriage. She's into with Edith's boyfriend again. Weird. But so the one guess she's not going to tell her best friend, best friend about any of it.
Mm hmm. She's going to tell her husband's mistress. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Totally makes sense. Yeah. So the two women. This bitch sounds guilty. Now, on the on the other hand, if Edith, if if if Bill is living with Edith and they have joint custody of their daughter, Edith is going to be around this daughter. So the mature approach is let's be friends.
you're going to be around my daughter, I want a copacetic relationship. And I've got friends that have gotten divorced and they go out, like them and their new husband, him and his new wife, they all go out, like they do holidays together, like no animosity whatsoever. They're friends, they're adults.
mature adults. Yeah. Well, in my opinion, it kind of depends on how. Oh, one of them, he cheated, one of them, he cheated on his wife, divorced her, married his side piece. The wife took the high road cause they had a son and was like, let's be, they literally all sit at church together. The wife, the ex-husband and the new side piece with the kid in between them all. Like it's the oddest thing, but kudos because there's a kid involved. So you don't want to be a fricking adult. Yeah.
Yeah, OK, I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but I don't think I think Anne is and I'm sorry. Yeah, Edith Edith. Yeah, I think she's a lunatic. Oh, well, we're going to get into it. So Edith said that Louise told her I need, which is possible. Louise said I need you.
to help me get Bill to go through this divorce. I've sent the letter. He's dragging his feet. He's asked for time. I want the divorce. Like you and him are living together. You've got four kids that you're raising with him now. I've got my daughter. She's over there. The kids all get along. Just help me get him to sign the papers. Which if she wants out, perfect sense.
And so Edith said that Louise then kind of went into some details about her marriage with Bill. Like, this is why it's over. This is everything that happened before we moved here.
Louise, not Edith. Yeah, Louise. Louise told Edith and said, here's all the affairs that he had. Here's all the affairs. I'm actually involved with a man right now. He doesn't live here. He wants me to move away with him. He doesn't want me to take Linda with me. So I've told him no, but I'm trying to talk him into like, let me take my daughter. I just need you to help me get Bill signed up. So that's really sketchy kind of too, though, because they're
In most relationships, that would be a red flag to me anyways. But in the 50s, you don't want to raise someone else's kid. I understand that, but still kind of a red flag because most men don't think they get it. Like you were already married before. Oh, you tell me that you'll take me, but not my kid. Bye bye. Bye bye.
So back to the, so let's talk about Edith. You wanted to know about Edith, here's about Edith. Edith is a waitress. She's just sitting there waiting tables when Bill walks in, stars in the eyes, love. They met in March, same year, everything else is happening. Edith was coming out of her second marriage. It was a very rocky marriage. She'd just gotten divorced when Bill met her and she's the single mom of four kids like I already said.
Now, when you talk to people about Edith, there are two very different opinions of Edith.
One, she is a very hard worker, she's very frugal, which a single mom of four, I would say she'd have to be. And the women make horrible wage compared to men today, back in the 50s, you're supposed to be barefoot and pregnant, yeah. So that was one opinion. The other opinion is she was very calculating, like manipulative, and she just wanted money, money, money, money, so she could go out and have a good time, which who doesn't? So while the relationship was quote unquote new,
Everyone knew about this relationship and everyone had opinions about like, for instance, Bill's best friend Mel, that was a superintendent. Yeah, superintendent, last one to see Louise alive, said the whole relationship was bollocks. Bill needed to grow up. Louise needed to grow up and for the sake of their marriage, the sake of the family, they needed to do the nice 1950s thing and just tough it out and fake a smile.
Like he would tell Bill that all the time. Like you just, this is ridiculous. Just, and you know, Luis's sister said Luis didn't really go out and date men. She just went out with friends. And as she put it, like to window shop, that's the car before you drive it. Yeah. Yeah. Luis. Okay. I just wanted to work. Yeah. We're a hundred percent on that name. Yeah. Luis. So.
Well, rule of three, though, real quick. I'm just going to say yours, mine and the truth. No, no. Well, yeah, there's that. But I'm talking like rule of three. Like if somebody's already been married and divorced three times, you start to think maybe it's that person. Maybe they're the one with the problem. Like I'm just saying, I don't know if that's true. I don't know. I'm saying nobody knows anybody's circumstances, but you know. So this relationship obviously is very new.
been eight months at this point since he met her yeah eight months and they live together hey listen a lot can happen eight months like babies yeah apparently yeah that's not even a full term pregnancy bro yeah you can start a garden all right miss plenty you could uh abstract thing both things you do eight months but yeah their relationship was out in the open like Edith's own children thought that her and Bill were already married you lived there that's their new daddy but
Be that as it may, it's well known so that means the police want to have a chat with you. When the guy or living with his wife comes up dead and half burnt, let's talk to the lady, the other lady.

Edith's Bizarre Narrative

That was sarcasm for anybody who's first time listening.
And you know, I'm just going to say she met this guy and moved him in with her four children four months after knowing him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But no, no. So she so Edith meets Bill at a restaurant four months later, they're living together. And then three months after that, his wife, his legal wife is found dead, burnt up and you know,
The police figure it's worth having a conversation with her. Yeah, so. I told you, man. They. Chick sounds like she a little bit cray. Yeah. So they, they have an interview with Edith, little interrogation Wednesday, the Wednesday after Luis's body's found. So it was found Monday, Wednesday, they got her sitting in the station in a taped interview and Edith unloads everything onto the police.
She takes them through the whole messy eight months of up and down in the relationship between herself and Bill. She tells the police, Bill told her that he was getting a divorce from Luis and they, um, they were getting a divorce. Like that's a hundred percent, they're getting a divorce. But for financial reasons, he still had to live in the apartment with Luis for now, but it's okay.
Edith didn't need to worry about it because Louise's mother lived with them as a chaperone, but I'm just gonna throw out there, two married adults don't need a chaperone, even if they're getting a divorce, but that's fine, anyway. This is her story to the police. And Edith tells the police, I was fine with it, it was okay. He'd already introduced me to Louise. We knew each other, we talked several times on the phone. Bill and I are getting married as soon as this divorce is finalized. Louise knows it, she's fine with it.
And she tells them, you know, we haven't met in person yet, but Luis is really, really excited for us to sit down and be friends. Like we're going to be friends. We talk all the time on the phone. But here's the thing.
Louise calls me up the other day and tells me that she changed her mind about the entire thing and she's no longer okay with the divorce and Bill getting married to her because Louise heard Bill tell their daughter Linda goodbye this morning and it just hit her that this decision is too hasty and Edith just needs to understand. So Edith told Louise to- Edith is batshit.
Yeah, so Edith tells Louise, you need to go out and find yourself a new man. You can't have mine that you're married to. Go find yourself a new man. But, you know, Louise just didn't listen to her and she said she wanted to talk to Bill. So apparently, Louise then calls Bill and they talk for several hours. The next day, Bill calls Edith and says, we need to go sit down and have lunch.
So Bill told her, I'm having a hard time with all these choices. I've made a bunch of choices. I don't know if the right or wrong. Now I got more choices to make. I don't know what's right and wrong. I just need some time alone to think about everything. This, this is what she's telling the cops. So Bill takes off on a weak vacation by himself, which sounds amazing. Might I add, but still cause he's just going to think over his relationships.
more than likely to find a new girlfriend. But Edith says he called her every night and they talked on the phone. And every night he told her how much he missed her. And when he got back in town, he drove straight to the restaurant where she was on duty and hugged her so hard. She told the detectives, he hugged me in a way that let me know he was never leaving town or me again. That's what that hug told her to her to her core.
So that night, literally, it's like a match made in hell right now. He is a complete narcissist. He could absolutely care less about how anybody else feels, right? Yeah. And then you have a woman who is clearly delusional. Okay. I'm sorry. I had to interject that just because I was in here trying to be quiet a little bit. Oh, you interjected one sentence too early.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I had to. You do it to me all the time. I don't even feel good. I don't. She is loony toot. Yes. She ain't right. So Bill hugs her like he's never leaving again. Yeah. That night, that night she gets off work and Bill asks Edith to marry him. They went and they bought a ring and then they drove straight to the park where the two in front of God, the stars and the tree said vows to each other and became man and wife, not taking into account the fact that he was already married.
Right. So the tree, though, I guess was the priest then. Yep. Yeah. Or they're married now. We don't know. They're married. Cool. Cool. Then they took off to an amazing honeymoon in Indiana. And it was just a beautiful summer of love. Because when I think romance, I was wondering if you just go up that slide. I think. Shit. Going to Indiana. I'm going to Indiana. Isn't that where Peyton Manning plays that football? So.
They, after they get back from the, uh, after they get back from their, their amazing destination, Indiana honeymoon, um, they have a summer of love.

Unconvincing Alibis and Testimonies

They go look at houses together. They're having fun family days with four kids, you know, just living in newly wedded fake bliss. Cause again, he's Mary. Yeah. There was no one to officiate besides the shrubs.
stars, so Unfortunately delusional this summer of loving and newly married bliss Ended as we know on Labor Day when his wife came back from her vacation Which is apparently the time it took the fake marriage to happen and then Bill starts acting weird again. So That's amazing how that works. Yep. So after Labor Day when his wife came back his other wife. He just starts being weird and
So this is the time when Louise sends that divorce letter and Bill starts working late, which frustrated Edith because she's pregnant. Oh, there's a twist. So. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Is she, like, pregnant? Or then I'm gonna put him in air quotes, but you guys can't see it. Or is she pregnant? That probably shouldn't be funny, but it's kind of real life, so yeah. So, this is not real life. This is a frickin' daytime soap opera break. When the insane asylum turns. Yes. Yes.
So Edith finally works up the courage to ask Bill if he is seeing Louise again, which he's still married to her, so I don't know how it's again. But are you seeing Louise again or do you have somebody else that you're seeing? And you know what Bill said? I can't keep my dick on pants. He said, maybe I should move out. Oh, OK, cool. To that apartment that I have that's still sitting there. Yeah. You know, yeah. So his wife.
Now you see why I was confusing names here So his his his tree wife who's pregnant they're newly married fakely she's pregnant and he just wants to move out and Then bill has the audacity to say I have to consider Linda
You'll make it out okay. So she's already got four kids. What's the fourth? What's the fifth? Yeah, just have fifth counting. So mid-October is at the time when Louise had called up Edith to talk and told her she had thought about it and she's okay with Edith and Bill getting married now. She doesn't want them anymore.
She doesn't want him. She wants the divorce. You take him. He's yours. But Edith says, you know what? I might just start. I think he might just be in somebody else besides the two of us. So Edith has been very stressed and ends up having a miscarriage. Do all this. Um, yeah. Um, yeah. So like, did she have a miscarriage or I'm going to put back in quotes for those of you that can't see. I'm going to assume it's the second one. Okay.
Since they're already fake married, Edith and Bill decided they're going to try to work it out, even though she told Louise, I don't want them either. Right.
her and Bill sit down and talk and you know they're gonna try to work it out and stay together at least through Christmas for his fake kids that you know the four that she had with two other men but the police say you know we still want our original question answered where were you the night Luis went missing because this is all the stuff she's been spouting to the police the whole time everything I told you this is all her crazy this is what she's telling in a recorded interview that was not backstory that is her verbal diarrhea
All right. So the police are like, that's all well and good, but where were you the night she went missing? October 30th. Where were you?
And so, Edith says, well. She was playing with some fairies somewhere. I forgot. I forgot. That night. Jason Gnomes. No, she wasn't. She actually has a. Maybe like hung out with Swift for a little while. No. Anybody, David the Gnome? Yeah, buddy. No. None of that. I've never seen David the Gnome, so I don't know. That day, the day that she went missing, the 30th, Edith took her mother to run some airings. They went shopping for toys, bedroom furniture, and then that night, the night,
the 30th, she actually had a sewing class that she taught. She was running a little late. Most nights, her daughter Jill would drop her off to class and then Bill would pick her up from class. But she had to drive herself that night because she'd been shopping all day with her mom. So she was running a little bit late, but that's where she was at. The next day, Friday, Edith babysat the two little voice she babysits, the two and four. And she picked them up from their house, babysat them all day and then brings them back home.
When she brought him back home, the little, the two year old's snow suit was a little wet and Edith told the dad, don't worry about that. I've been cleaning my car seats out today. And I'm really sorry if they smell a little bit like smoke, but we were burning leaves outside while they were playing. Again, you tell me right now that she burned that woman with the kids. Oh my. I'm going to tell you right now, that is her statement to the police. She tells the police this.
This isn't this is what happened. This is her still talking to the police. Whatever happened to have the right to remain. She has the right. She doesn't take it upon her. She is don't. OK, so. So she's sorry if they if their clothes or hair smell a little bit like smoke, they burned leaves in the backyard while the kids were playing. So after this whole verbal diarrhea, the police asked Edith.
Okay, we get all that. Who do you think could commit this kind of crime? And I am going to- Did she say me? No. Because I feel like that's where we're going with this. It was me! It was me! No, no, this is what- I'm gonna read you her statement to the police. Alright, go. This is her statement.
The only thing I could figure out is that she met someone and they went out, you know, just met him on a date. And if I was making an opinion with, you know, I don't even really want to talk about this. But if if I had to say something like I had to say something, then I would say it would be this fellow that she met that she said comes around sometimes.
he comes in like on a Thursday night because he comes in town so on Thursday night he comes and maybe there was an argument. She did mention that when she talked to him about everything he wanted her like you know everything with her and Bill the the whole the divorce not divorce divorce when when she told him about all this he said that he said that she should just go away with him but he wouldn't take Linda and that's
Why when Bill said that she was gone I said is Linda gone because I mean it seems something funny that she would just go away like that It just seems pretty suspicious. That's who the kind of person is she thinks to commit this kind of crime her head
Her head. That's her direct quote. I cut it off. So at this point, there was just a lot of word vomit there. Didn't answer the question. I'm sitting here and I'm trying to like kind of pick and choose maybe what I just heard. Basically, none of it was relevant. Like nothing. If you boil it down, she's dating someone from out of town. Yeah. It comes in on Thursday nights. Maybe. Yeah.
He came in on a Thursday night. She went missing on a Thursday night. Maybe they thought about the whole Linda thing. Right. Yeah. Maybe. And then disappeared. She doesn't want to talk about it. But now he's out of town. If she had to make one statement, that would be her statement. That would be the guy. Yeah. So at this point, the police are just like, you know that whatever detective has had to listen to all of this.
everything I've said, because all of this, since I said they questioned her. I feel like they would be looking at her. I feel like how I'm looking at you. I feel like their hair is like standing up like Ricky Ricardo dealing with Lucy. Yeah. And just like, please say, you know what? Do you remember that thing called oversharing? She's never met a word she didn't like. I just asked you how your day was.
Edith has a war on silence and she is women. Did you have a good day? Yes, no. That was a yes or no question. So at this point, the police say, you know what? Let's polygraph them. It's the 50s. That's the sure way to tell. And after multiple hours worth of interviews, it was determined, the polygraph determined that Bill's telling the truth on what he said happened that night. And Edith is, as I said earlier,
And he went on, he explained everything. He told the cops about the marriage under the stars to Edith. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm sorry. Back up. He admitted. Yeah. He tells him. About the marriage under the stars. To Edith. But he only married her, fake married her, because she was pregnant. But when she had that miscarriage,
is when he thought he should get back with Louise, but then they moved back into his apartment. I'm not done yet. Let me finish because you're going to have questions. But then, so he decided he should get back to the Louise, but then moved back into his apartment because he wasn't sure if he wanted to stay with Louise at their old apartment. But then he found out Louise was pregnant again. Miracle America, that one. Yes, your wife, your wife is pregnant again after the miscarriage. Cool.
So Bill, I'm not cool, like in the sense of, but yeah, you're back on track. Yeah. So Bill and Edith pregnant. See, number two, go to the bank, take out a $9,000 loan, which in today would be $80,000.
And they are gonna pay off their mortgage. They're gonna buy out Edith's ex-husband for his part of the house that they've been living in together. And Bill even tells the cops he owns two guns. He owns a rifle. He owns a pistol. They're both sent out. They're gonna be sent out for testing. All this is determined. The polygraph says all this is true. He hasn't lied. He's being very honest with them.
Now it's Edith's turn for the polygraph. Hang on. Hang on for like, I'm sitting here thinking that we're living in like fairy land. No, no, no. I'm like everything that you said about Edith's little testimony thing that happened. I'm sitting there thinking like she was on acid. No, no, she's on lerve. Okay. She is high.
With the they actually got married under the stars. Yes. No, that was a true story. They took their bells together in front of the trees. And then you said that's why they got married. That's why they'll marry. I made an assumption, if you will, that she may not have been in quote pregnant pregnant. Right. We got to say it the right way. You have to because there's a difference between she's pregnant and she's pregnant.
Get it? I'm still going to go with I'm she's pregnant. Not she's pregnant. She's because she miscarried and all of a sudden she's pregnant again. It's a miracle. It is miracle, a miracle. Halloween. Oh, yeah. So, no, that was all before Halloween. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is all in eight months, my friend. Oh, yeah. So I got nothing left. It's Edith's turn for the polygraph. I'm confused, angry, sad. There's a lot. Fucking I'm looking at Faith right now like.
I don't think it's real because it's not like this cartoon or one of those late night sitcoms or something. We're not even halfway done. We're not even halfway done. I'm literally I have bound myself with my microphone. I'm like cuddling myself right now because I can't believe that people live this way.
It's like there's it's a soap opera. That's why I love this. There's so much drama sitting here thinking to myself. You thought she was making up the wedding in the in the park, everything. She's like, oh, we had a wedding of stores. No, no vows to the earth. That's true. She's story happened. Yep. Yeah. Give me a minute. Just take a moment of silence. I'm going to take a deep breath here. And I'm just going to say that I told you I went a different direction with the story. Yeah.
But normally like I have words and right now words are escaping. Oh, there. Yeah, you haven't even gotten to the bad parts yet. No, I'm confusing myself because. Well, because now I can't 100% trust myself with the whole pregnancy. I thought she was. Well, I wouldn't put her firmly.
on the plane of reality right right still probably delusional because she did have a tree wedding with a man who's made and they don't live in a polygamous state they're not part of sister wives correct very very what uh all right you ready to hear about edith's polygraph comes with another direct quote from edith we do like those she's she's an interesting you know how i wear all my facial expressions like i
we really need to start recording some of these i say my i say it better with my face yeah it then i say it with it's perplexing this this case is a psychological phenomena perplexing is a great word perplexing yeah i'm gonna say yeah sure i'm ready well i'm not like i'm actually ready that's up the air the police were ready for edith's polygraph it was scheduled
But like, I can imagine, like at this point they're sitting here like, guys, you gotta listen to this recording. How many times has that been played in the past 24 hours? This chick is nuts. And then they're like, hey guys, do you got a polygraph scheduled for like seven o'clock tomorrow? If you guys want to watch, like.

Polygraph and Arrest

There's a two way mirror. I was just saying like, there had to have been a group. Oh gosh. I would have been like, I want to watch this. I'm bringing some popcorn, some jelly bellies.
Oh yeah. I don't need that dang machine. I can tell you. Did her lips move? It's a lie! Well the police were all ready for the polygraph but Edith calls the police and says I don't have a babysitter so I'm not gonna do it today. True story. They had it scheduled and she said nah. So real life
Detectives go to her house to babysit her four children while cops escort her back to the precinct so she can do the polygraph. Okay. What? I'm literally thinking in my head right now. The next time I get pulled over for speeding. I am late. I don't have- I'm late, officer. No, thank you. Okay. I'm supposed to be getting married in the woods? Yeah. Under the stars? Yeah. Okay. I'm pregnant, maybe. Well, and you have to think, this is 1950s. I still do my- Polygraphs are like,
the Bible then. It's not like now. 100%. This is your taking a polygraph and she just says, I don't know. Yeah, not today. Gotta wash my hair. Gotta wash my hair. So, yeah, so the police, two detectives, or however many detectives it takes to watch her brood of four children stay and the other cops escort her to the police and decide we're going to search her car while she's in there. We don't want to hear this lady babble. We're going to look at the car. Her car? Her car. Because they followed her.
Um, so while observing the car, they saw that, um, that front passenger seat is sparkling clean. Nothing else is. That front passenger seat is noticeably clean. And there's a bunny. It's like throwing up the condom wrapper and leaving the condom on the bed.
We're not going to clean the whole car. I'm just going to clean this one seat. There's some broken glass in the back. And even though she cleaned that front seat so well, she missed the blood spatter on the ceiling. The stars left it for her fate. It was commemorative dammit. Yeah. So the polygraph results say that her denials were of knowing about what happened to Louise were weak.
And she seemed to be stalling. No! So the police say, you know what Edith? This should have asked her, hey, do we have a pregnant? It just should have. I'm sorry, I kind of want to know that information now. So the police say, you know what Edith? You're lying. We know you're lying. You know you're lying. You sit upon a throne of lies. You sit upon a throne of lies. And Edith says, you know what?
I don't have to take this. I'm taking my ball and I'm going home. She holds firm, but she's going to explain what happened. She tells the police what happened is Luis got a nosebleed in my car when they were having their heart to heart. It's not funny, the poor woman, but it is.
It's just Edith. So she says, here's what happened. She dropped her purse and when she didn't get it, she bumped her head on the steering wheel and it made her nose bleed. And she was driving Edith's car. She was in, she was sitting in Edith's car while they were having their heart to heart, but it was those big bucket seats. It was those big buckets. It was those big bench seats. Sorry.
Thank you. And so, I couldn't possibly have murdered Louise because I couldn't have taught my sewing class that night. If I just murdered someone, I'd have been distracted and upset and it's just not possible. And the police decide, you know what, we're just going to point out the areas of your story that are not right or weak. So here's the deal. That blood spatter on the ceiling is the same blood type as Louise.
It's blood typing. It's the 50s. They don't have DNA. She blew her nose into the air. And Edith goes into the blood, the nosebleed story again. Hours of this. The cops' hours of this. The cops keep pointing out, here's what you said that's wrong. And Edith holds firms and then finally she cracks. She tells the police, you know what?
I know what happened to Louise Bergen and I will tell you about it, but only if I get to talk to Bill first. I want to talk to Bill. So they bring Bill in and he says, Edith, just tell them what you know about Louise. I'm going to stand by you. I'm not going to leave you. Tell them the truth so we can be done. So Edith finally tells them the truth. Louise called her around 5.50 PM for help.
because she accidentally shot herself and needed help. So Edith is put under arrest for the murder. And before booking her into custody, they allow her to go home and say goodbye to her children. She was a hero. After all this, all Louise needed was help. And instead of calling an ambulance or just
any any person literally somebody that's like I'm gonna call my husband's mistress yeah because I shot myself I live with my mom and my sister and she is not his mister she's his tree wife yeah
Yeah, and police are like, you know what? You're under arrest. Thousand million people. She could have called. Yep. That is me exceeding exaggeration at the pretty sure I'd have called a dog. Yeah. Before I called, you know, like, Hey, Lassie fell into a wet. Timmy fell in the well.
Yeah, I can't anymore I don't even want to go so They let her go home to say goodbye to her kids before they book her into the end of the prison While they're there police decide to go and search her house
Um, Bill, yeah, since we're here, Bill does not stand by his woman, woman, and immediately, um, he tells the press he's just relieved the whole ordeal

Confession and Trial

is over. He would never actually marry that woman. He was trying to reconcile with his wife, which I guess at one point in time was true, but which wife, tree wife or legal wife? I don't know, but that's what he tells the press.
Back to Edith at home saying goodbye to her kids. Police are searching her house and they find a gas can in her basement. And they hold it up and they're like, hey, Edith. She's like, yep, that's the one we use to pour the gas over Luis's dead body. We. Oh, I like that word. Let's underline that. Highlight that real quick. So detectives.
book Louise and they continue to question her, putting more pressure for the truth. But Edith is firm. Louise accidentally shot herself in the head. And um, so detectives continue to question Edith, putting more pressure for the truth. We, we, we. But Edith is firm. Louise accidentally shot herself in the head. Um, medical examinations. The medical examiner proves this to be a lie as Louise was hit in the back of the head with something metal, but there were no bullet wounds in the back of her head.
Let me get this straight. Mm hmm. This woman shot herself in the head. Mm hmm. When I managed to. We're in the fifties. Uh huh. There's no cell phone sitting here poking holes in your shorts. Well, you got to pay for all the payphone, maybe payphone, house phone. I don't know where she was when she accidentally shot herself in the face. Yeah, no. And instead of calling medical. Yeah. She's like, you know, who would come save me?
Bill would be okay with it. Because we're friends. We're all sister wives. We all sit on a campfire. To the trees. To the trees. They were there the day they got married. A hundred stars. Yeah. Nope. Nope. It was actually, it was like an earthly healing. She just knew. I don't get that. I want to say you're being ridiculous, but with this story, I don't feel like you're that far off the mark. So I'm going to predict how the rest of the story is going to be.
Tree wife, Edith Wood, good soul.
Okay. So, Edith gets this phone call. She's devastated. What do I do? Get to her. I gotta get to her. I gotta save her life. They're friends. I have to. They're friends. Yeah. And so I'm gonna get into my car and miraculously in my car. There she says she's in my car with her head. The nosebleed is in the car. You forgot to add the nosebleed in there. Yeah, but we're still explaining the blood on the sea. That's the nosebleed, remember?
Right, so where was she when she accidentally got herself? Nobody knows. We're not there yet. You haven't let us get to that part of the story. Yeah, because I like where my story's going. No, let's get back to my story now. It's going somewhere. I did research. It's going somewhere good. We're going back to my search. It's going to be fun. It's going to be fun. Well, the places you go are never fun. I could be here. Just for one day. Just for one day. And so she's like, wow.
I've got this entire canister of gasoline. I bet I can get the bleeding to stop. Yeah, go with your story. This is not gonna end well.
You know, the day after Edith is arrest, she confirms to the police. She did use Bill's gun. When Edith is told she was arrested, by the way. Just I had to throw it out there. Yes, I said that she was charged. Remember, they let her go home and say goodbye. She was arrested. Oh, the day. Oh, yes. The day after she's arrested. I love you. I was just picking on you. OK, Edith is.
told she's being charged for first-degree murder, and she is bam- Why would you get charged for first-degree murder for being a hero? Here's the thing, the police told her if she told the truth,
It would just be manslaughter and she told the truth one of those times. So first degree murder? So this is the day after she's arrested. Her brother at this point has called her an attorney because never once did she ask for one in all this verbal diarrhea. She gave the police.
Literally just rambles and he just story to the detective says hi, and she's like, let me tell ya. So her attorney gets there and he's up shit's creek without a battle bro. He gets there. Not only is Edith already told the police everything in a, in a recorded. Just sitting there like talking to him like at any point in time, did you ever think to yourself? Oh no.
Edith doesn't just talk to them on a recorded testimony. She took a polygraph and gave a written statement all before the attorney gets there and he's like, well damn, I shouldn't have said yes to this one. Can we just, guys, like, seriously?
Can you imagine? Can you imagine being that attorney? You're not even court appointed. You signed up for this. No, I'm serious. I'm serious right now. I literally, I am this attorney, right? I am taking full force. Yeah. Yeah.
We have two options. All right, one. Just not. Just just nothing. All right. Well, pretty much she'll tell you what she wants. She already did. He's got no bargaining chip.
i'm gonna i'm just gonna go ahead and just throw it out there she ain't right like can you imagine being that attorney you get you you sign up and say yes to this case and get there you're like oh you've already talked to her recorded you say you got a polygraph she signed a statement did she
Higher he's not court appointed her brother calls 1-800 lawyers. This guy's like I'll take the case and shows up and he's like shit Did I pick the wrong one to answer? Can I call is it too late to call him sick? Hey, I forgot to tell you there's a retainer So
Edith, I told you Edith has a written statement. And I'm gonna tell you, I'm now gonna give you that written statement. I am so excited. That's not even a joke. I am so stoked. Okay, go. I felt crazy trying to write Edith's statement. Can I tell you? There's going to more than likely be me interjecting in some of this at some point. I will tell you, human race, whoever's listening to this, I'm gonna do my best to keep my mouth shut.
I am I am literally so amused by this. I know that the person died. I.
It's horrible because a woman was murdered and burnt, but a hundred percent. This is this is a car. This is a side of the road carnival. The wrong part. OK, never mind. This is not even again. This isn't even a soap opera soap operas are too high class. This is a traveling carnival that's held together with duct tape. Is this not forgetting about it? OK, no. Say it's like she had to have been like.
a ghost or in heaven looking at this just like I want you to hear my God. That's the yeah. They're going to get him. Oh, yeah, she's done. Yep. Yep. Oh, he's an idiot. Yeah. I would have stopped talking. I would have stopped talking. I'm the one that's dead. You know, she's you know, she's like, just shut up, Brady. Save some suspense. No. All right. So written statement. This is this is Edith's written statement.
On Thursday, Louise called me 10 minutes to five while I was teaching some Girl Scouts how to sew. Louise said she was ready to leave for work and wants to talk to me. Could I meet her? It's kind of back and forth for me because I got the sewing class now, then I got the sewing class later. But she was expecting in the midst of of the face bleed where she shot herself. That might be in there. Let's listen.
So Louis says, you know, I'm leaving work. Can you just meet me? I'm expecting a call at six 30. You know, I could possibly, I, and I could pause, I could make that. I suppose I could come. So I go down there. Well, I put the phone down after I talked to Louise and I call Bill and see if he's going to be home for dinner as he's usually at the office working late.
But once in a while he'd come home. Once in a while he'd come home. He says, no, I'll call you in a little while. And I was like, Oh, I'll see you. And we hung up. The Girl Scouts left at about five and on my way to meet Louisa opened the glove department in my car.
and to get a Kleenex. And I saw the pistol wrapped up. I had forgotten to put the pistol back. And I thought better put that back when I get back because Bill's very particular about his pistol. So I laid the pistol in the seat next to me, but I didn't unwrap it. I just laid it on the seat next to me. And I met Louise about 25 minutes after five outside the Hermes jewelry store. And she whistled when she saw me and I stopped the car and she got in the front seat. But Louise did.
Luis didn't see the gun because my purse was on top of it and it was still wrapped. I picked Luis up in all the lane and there's no place to park. So we started up the road and I was going to find a place to park, but there was so much traffic. So I went to Caldwell Park and we talked about kids. We talked about Halloween, stuff like that. And she wanted to know if Bill had made up his mind about what he was going to do. And I, I told her, I asked him just to wait till after Christmas because, you know, the kids
Any of this? I don't think so, no. But wait till after Christmas because of the kids. She made up her mind to get a divorce and she was not going to take him back. It was just about dusk when we drove into Caldwell Circle and she told me, she said to Bill, that girl, she loves you. Don't make her as miserable as you made me. She said definitely wasn't going to go back to him. She just wanted to know that we were getting along. And when we got there, I wanted to push the seat back.
When we parked, I wanted to push my seat back so I could sit sideways and talk to her like face to face. Wait a minute. The seat's stuck. Probably something under it. I got to get out and get in the back seat because there was a Coke bottle under it. I don't think I hit her with a Coke bottle because I don't think I had it.
probably took it out when I cleaned the car the next day when I sat up I was behind her and she had the gun in her hand and it was pointed at me and she was smiling first I kind of laughed I thought it was a joke I don't really remember I started to laugh then and I grabbed it and her head hit the steering wheel oh by the way Edith has blackout sometimes and she doesn't remember that's why she said that you know just to let you know so she came to so
Yes. She doesn't remember what happens. Did she ever get sick of herself talking? No. She just passes out? No. So she grabbed, she grabbed, she was starting to laugh because she does jokes. She grabbed her, she grabbed, she grabbed at the gun and Louise hit her head on the steering wheel. When I came back to Louise was just lying there.
And I felt for her pulse and her heartbeat, but nothing. There was nothing. And I thought about calling Bill, but I don't think he'll believe me. So I went back to the car and I was going to pull her out and leave her there, but I thought you would connect it to me. And I was scared to death. I felt for her pulse again. I shook her. There's just blood everywhere. I got blood on my face. So I took her feet and I dragged her to the trunk. She was quite bigger than me. She weighs about 150 pounds. I only weigh 125 to 130 pounds.
This is her written statement so far. So this is her confession. This is her confession so far. So there are a few noticeable missing parts to it. Like where did Louise die? How did she die? Why was she burnt? Her official cause of death was skull and brain injuries due to a multiple of impacts to the head.
Oh, wait, did I did I did I miss that part of her testimony or is it later? Hold on. Yeah, there we go. OK, no, 125. She goes on to tell the cops about how like she drug her to the back of the car and she tried to put her in the trunk, but it was awful. She had such a hard time. Louisa's head hit the side of the car to hit the side of the trunk. And when she'd get part of Louisa's body and the other part would pop out and then she'd get that part in and the other part would pop out, it was just awful. It was an awful time. So.
At this point, she's in jail. Bill is still visiting her three times a week, even after the whole press conference that he was done with her, never planned. He's still visiting her three times a week. And then after a week, two, three weeks, however long his attention span lasts, he just stops coming to see her.
And that's when Edith's lawyer informs Edith that Bill had moved to Washington DC with a much younger woman. So this upset Edith and she stopped talking to everyone, wouldn't answer any questions, even to her own lawyer, wouldn't help on her own defense at all. So, um, yeah, so the trial gets here.
And witness is called up after witness, after witness, and basically everyone's condemning Edith. She's toast. Her lawyer 100% believes in Edith. Her lawyer thinks that she is lying to cover up Bill. Or she's at least leaving Bill out, but Edith won't talk to him, won't help.
So, all these witnesses come up in her trial until the final witness is called up. And it is William Bill, whatever their last name is, because I can't remember now, because all I can think of is Edith and Bergen. There you go. Yeah, I did too. I kept saying it like Bergen. So, Bill testifies at the end and says that Edith has anger behind her eyes. And he did sign a bank loan with her, but
He knew she wasn't gonna pay it back. He just did it because she lied and said she was pregnant.
And the whole time, Bill is testifying against Edith. Edith is just, she looks visibly upset. She's sitting at her table, shaking her head. And she finally leans over to her lawyer secretary and says, I don't know how he can lie like that when he knows I can tell on him. And at the end of the day, Edith is found guilty of murder in the first degree with no recommendation for mercy. So it's an automatic death penalty. So Edith Klompf, Edith Klompf is sent to prison. And as a very religious lady,
starts going to the chapel immediately. And after being there for a little while, the prison chapel wants to have a sit down with Edith's lawyer and says, here's the deal. Edith's been coming to the chapel for a while now, we've talked, I know her pretty well. And I've looked into her case, her case was sensationalized and I'll tell you why at the end. But everyone knew about this lady. You can still find this lady, it's ridiculous.
But he said, here's the deal. She's told me about what happened and the chain of events she's telling me is very different than what was presented in court.

Revelations and Lies

And the lawyer, again, has believed the whole time Edith is covering for Bill. Because Edith, remember how she was saying she was having a hard time getting Louisa's body in the trunk and she kept dropping her and hitting her head?
It's yeah, I feel like that probably would have left some marks. Well, the deal is Edith's arms. She had something I never could find the diagnosis, but she was a waitress. She couldn't even carry trays of food. Her arms couldn't support it. She couldn't hold weight. So how did she wrangle 150 pound woman into a trunk by herself? Oh.
She physically couldn't, she couldn't carry a 25 pound tray of food. And the lawyers known this the whole time, but Louise, or Edith, would not help in her own defense because she was so upset. So the lawyer has known Edith is lying for Bill, knew this was, tried his damnedest. So he, he, here's the chain of events that the chaplain tells the lawyer. When the police first started to quit, this is Edith's story to the chaplain. So it's in Edith's language.
When police first started question, Bill is when the story I gave the police was made up. I made up an alibi for him. It was an accident. He didn't mean to kill her. He said that they would never believe him though. He said, I shouldn't tell them we were married. I shouldn't tell them I was pregnant. I just needed to tell one little lie.
Then it was just one more little lie and another little lie another and another and he said i just had to stick to my story and everything would be alright everyone would know it was an accident. I couldn't have possibly done it it wouldn't be possible for me to do it so.
After I gave the story, he told me to say down at headquarters, Bill was brought down there and I told him, I couldn't go through with this. Remember, she said she'd tell the truth if she talked to Bill. She told him, I just couldn't go through with it because of the kids, like think of my children. And he said, I'm thinking of your children and you better think of your children. If you value your own kids, you'll go along with what you've said. So Louise.
began to call me on October 30th, 10 to five. That detail never changed. And she said she wanted to see me and it was important. She wanted to see me right away. I called Bill to see if he was coming home. Sometimes he stayed late at the office. Sometimes he came right to school to pick me up after work. So we were talking on the phone and I told him about going to meet up with Luis and he said he thought
And I said, I thought he ought to meet too. And that way we could all get everything out on the table at one time. Basically Bill can't keep changes. He suggests he pick her up.
and I was to go meet them behind Mount Washington Theater. I stopped to get gas, I ran to the grocery store, and I guess I got there about 545. They got out of his car and got into mine and they were arguing. Louise sat in the front seat with me and Bill sat in the back. The argument got so bad at one point, Bill slapped her. And that's when she started telling me all the other things he'd done to her and how he cheated on her when they'd only been married for two weeks.
They were arguing over money. She said she wanted $100 more. I started driving. They're arguing and I felt sick. I had to go to the bathroom. I told Bill I needed to look for a gas station, but he was in a foul mood and said, just pull over in that subdivision and you can go there. So I stopped and I got out of the car and I stopped and I jumped out real quick. And she says to me, are you all right? Do you want me to go with you? But I says, no, I'll be all right. And I ran across the road to the bushes and I was ill.

Cover-Up and Aftermath

She was only away for about
Uh, excuse me, Edith was only away for about five minutes. She said, um, she was really upset about everything. Her stomach's hurting. She's sick. And they're just arguing and going at it. Luis had been crying and asked Bill for a hanky and he told her there's a Kleenex in the glove bar, a glove in the glove box.
And a week before that, Bill had put his gun in the glove department. Bill was looking out the window watching me when she leaned over and opened the glove box. Bill turned to look at her and she had turned around in the seat and had the gun in her hand and was holding it. He didn't even think about it. He just reached over and grabbed her wrist and she was sitting a little off balance. So when he grabbed her, she fell over and fell. When she fell over, the gun wound up being under her chin and went off. He couldn't have hit her in the back of the head.
He was down. I couldn't fit her in the back of the head. Her head was down on the seat when I came to and Bill was in the backseat leaning over her. I saw blood. He was all bloody and I just don't know what he was doing. I couldn't see anything in his hand and I didn't see the gun and I just started screaming.
So she says she passed out. And then when she came to, Bill's like, let's burn the body. And she says she just starts running down the road. Like she's freaking out. And Bill screams, where do you think you're going? And Edith said, I'm going to get help. I'm going to get help. She's bleeding, you know.
And Bill says, if you know what's good for you, you're going to come back here. So Bill opened the trunk and forced her to help get Louise's body into the trunk. Then drove, Bill drove, had Louise drive him back to the other car. And he said, he's going to go clean himself up and go to Mel Abram's house, his alibi. And that she was going to go to school and teach her class. And she did not want to. She's very upset. And he says, if you don't go back and teach your class, it's going to look suspicious because she went missing tonight. Everyone's going to know it was you.
You have to go teach your class and then we'll talk. So that's what she did. She drove with Luis's body in the back of the car, taught the class. Then they go and sit down and talk and they stay up talking, trying to figure out what do they do now. She made coffee and they're trying to decide what to do with Luis's body. Bill wants to throw it in the river. There's boat docks everywhere and someone could see them. So they couldn't do that. So then Bill thinks the woods will go dumper in the woods. But I told him they're Rangers out there. Someone can still see us.
So that's when they decided to drive to Lake Cohen two hours away. They got in the car that night. Bill got the gas can and they drove out, dumped her body and burned it. As they're driving back, Bill tells her, listen, tomorrow you've got to go back out there by yourself with another can of gas and light the body again to make sure it's burnt all the way through. And I've got to go to work.
So the next day, she goes and picks up the two-year-old and the four-year-old, she's babysitting, packs them in the car, has the gas in the back, and starts to drive the body.
And she's following those instructions, but right before she gets there, she's like, you know what? I can't do this. I'm not doing this. And she turns around and goes home. Bill calls her and says, did you take care of the situation? She's like, yep, sure did. She said, I just lied to him. I'm not going to tell him I didn't do it. I saw him hit her. I just watched him kill her. Burn her by I just said, yep, I did it. And I, but I couldn't do it. And that's why her body was only partially buried. She didn't rely on fire by herself.
After that, I understand what the she said that the kids clothes could have smelled like smoke because it's just they were there at like there was smoke. There was there was smoke around at her house. She did burn leaves because she had to get rid of the gas. She goes home and cleans out the car and her lawyer did a full court press. She's on

Case Reopened and Legal Maneuvers

death row. He files appeal after appeal after appeal. Every every appeal is turned back with the same guilty verdict. You're going to the electric chair, right?
The lawyer out of his own pocket paid to have her given truth serum, which was sodium amitrol. And it's not, it doesn't make you tell the truth, but it like lowers your inhibitions, basically you're high and you don't care to tell, yeah. So under the influence of sodium amitrol, she says she remembers coming out of the thicket and saw Bill standing over Louisa's body. Same story she told to the chaplain. All right, so under the truth serum,
Edith gives the same exact story that she gave the chaplain, um, which again, lawyer paid for out of his own pocket. So eventually the cases reopened with the help of the Ohio state governor, because he became invested in the case. Okay. Why?
Just because, I mean, if, when you look at the facts, yeah, like it's, we've been entertained the whole time. How can you not hear this case and not be like, I want to, I got to see how this plays out. Yeah. Like it's ever like hurts. I'm so stupid. Yeah. To be the truth. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Her stuff was so stupid. Yeah. I hate myself right now. Yeah. So that's the, it was, and I knew the whole time that
You'd feel kind of bad, but the deal is, is she loved Bill. Bill said it was an accident. They're never going to believe me. I just need you to lie. So that's why her stories were so crazy. She couldn't keep track of her lies. And every time they'd point out a flaw, she'd just make up another lie. And not to mention the fact that she wasn't really even there for her.
Yeah, and he's already told her, if you care about your kids, you're going to keep it up. So she's literally just trying to lie her way out of it and she's not a good liar. Okay, let's just be honest. So the case is reopened and Edith was found guilty of perjury, burning a body, collusion in the death of Louise Bergen, but not guilty of murder. So her death penalty verdict is overturned and she's sentenced to 10 years in prison, which she's already served three at this point.
And she spent her 10 years in prison becoming a mother, figured all the other inmates. When she got out of prison, she remarried, had a happy life, lived with her children. She was released in prison in May 12th, 1971. And she lived with her new husband and her children until 1999 when she died of cancer on Christmas Eve. Lived a good life after that. But Bill, what about Bill? That's what you're wondering, aren't you? What happened to that cocksucker, Bill?
Well, the night of the murder, Bill claimed he was with a prostitute while Luis was being murdered. And the prostitute, when they questioned her, she said, that's a lie. I wasn't with him then. You're a big old bag of crap if you can't even get a prostitute to life for you. I was just saying.
December 28th, 1962, the Ohio Attorney General, okay. On December 28th, let's just start that one over. On December 28th, 1962, the Ohio Attorney General, under the direction of the Ohio governor himself, who's invested, requests a subpoena from the Maryland court for Bill to appear under oath for a special commission because he had moved to Washington DC.
wants to have a special commission, which the Ohio governor himself planned to be there and lead the questioning of Bill, of what happened. And I'll tell you what, you want to talk about crazy mofos, politician questions. Nobody wants to be involved in politician questions. Under subpoena for the same inquisition was also Mel Abrams.
his best friend who was his alibi, who alibied him for the night, but he actually did go to his house. And the prostitute, and also Ann Anderson, Louise's friend from the night, but unfortunately the prostitute died of a heart attack on May 15th, suddenly, randomly, right after giving her statement to the police about she never, she wasn't with Bill that night and she just dropped set of a heart attack. The day before he's scheduled to appear for this commission,
The subpoena. His attorney files a motion to squash the subpoena. And it is granted. Commissions off. Let me guess. He is a politician to the day. No, the city, the circuit court appeals this and files another request to have Bill Burgens brought forth and questioned.
But it was ruled that he did not have to answer this commission. He did not have to follow this subpoena. Bill didn't, unless it was in the state of Ohio, which he wasn't a resident of, so they couldn't bring him back. The Pardon and Parole Commission met to vote on this, and they voted five to zero to let Bill basically off free and clear and just let Edith's conviction stand for Louise's murder.
So Bill was not brought in, he was not questioned. There's actually, now I told you, I didn't want you to discount this because it's amazing and we didn't like Edith there for a long time, right? There's a book written on this case. You can get it on Amazon. It's called Cincinnati's Savage Seamstress.

The 'Savage Seamstress' Trial

And this is why she was, remember I said her court case was sensationalized? So apparently she was a whiz with a needle.
And while she's in prison, all her court cases, she would sit up at night and make herself these so from scratch, these custom outfits.
which were apparently like banging. And she wore a different outfit every day for two weeks at her court cases that she stayed up at night and hand-sewed. So the press went banana sandwiches over her, loved her. She was everywhere, because her outfits were so amazing that she sewed. Everyone loved her clothes, so she was deemed the savage seamstress.
But because her clothes were so outlandish and so on point, all the media was there. She was in every newspaper, like everyone knew. You can literally, if you Google this case, all you see is pictures of her. The savage seamstress. But because she tried to protect her boyfriend, flash fake tree husband, she went to jail for 10 years and he got off scot-free for something she didn't do. Thank you, have that pulled up, Freddie?
That's my case. What an absolute catastrophe. Yeah. Of just quit doing the cricket. That's my case. You're a little upset, aren't you? And I have so many, I have so many thoughts right now. I'm sitting here thinking to myself, Hey, um, there was a gun in the car. You just watched the man that you're in love with.
Kill this woman. Uh. And then you're like, oh, well. Well, he said it was an accident. I'm going to need you. I'm going to need you to go burn this body. He said it was an accident and she believed it was an accident. Is this like a 2000 frame of mind where you're like accident manslaughter? Not that she thought. I think she thought. I think at first she thought it was an accident.
And when he said, I need you to lie for me, because no one will believe it's an accident if they know it was me, they'll think it's an accident for you. So I think she went along with it until she got too deep. I cannot honestly think to myself that I have to be.
I think she was afraid of him. You cheated on your wife. Like, yeah, you got you got a little blowy one night. That's one thing. Yeah. OK, but hey, accidentally killed this chick. Your wife. Yeah. But I think I think at first she thought it was an accident. And when he said he'd do life for me, she was like, sure.
And then I think by the time she figured it out, she was probably afraid of him. He's out of prison with her four kids. So he's got her four kids. He's already threatened. She's literally watched him murder and burn his wife. So would you want to cross him?
because the lawyer knew about her arm. She physically couldn't carry a 20 pound tray. She never defended herself on the, she carried 150 pound woman. She even said that she did it knowing that it was a physical impossibility. And the lawyer knew it, but she wouldn't, she wouldn't give access. She wouldn't do anything in her defense. She literally just sat there. And the only thing she did is when he, when Bill got on the stand, look at the lawyer's secretary and said, I can't believe he'd lie like that. He knows I could tell on him.
But she knew she was afraid. And I think she's a little cuckoo. Well, yeah, I do think she's a bit. I still I don't think I think that light the wattage on her light bulb is more ambiance than a functional light. Correct. The hamster quit moving. But I still think like just in my.
weird little mind. We're taking care of our own when it came to Bill. I don't know what that means, per se, but like, whether it's manpower, like, hey. I don't know. I don't know why, because even the Ohio governor wanted him, like, he wanted to question him. He was invested. And so was her attorney. It was this parole
little, this little parole committee that was like, eh, she's already served time. Why make him serve time? Basically attitude. I see that's the sucky part is like, even if you have somebody in that kind of power, what is this? That's the only thing that leads me to believe. I'm sorry. That's me. That's real life. Agreed. But how can a five to five people met in a room and all five of them are like, yeah, he did it. But. Let's just let her sit in prison for 10 years. Yeah, because they don't care.
She was no relevance to that case whatsoever. That's what I'm saying. They just couldn't be bothered. They didn't pursue him. They didn't do anything with him. Even after the facts

Gender Bias and Case Comparisons

came out. You know they were in that room smoking cigars and like, I bet she got a little mouthy. That's why after.
Rod didn't know her place. And back then, that's probably perfectly acceptable. Yeah. Damn, Faith. I know. What were you thinking? The other case was so dark and twisted and I spent so much time researching it. I had, like I said, I found a couple that did horrific things to a lot of people and I was going to start on it and I literally started reading and I was like, I can't do this. And I remember this case.
And I love Edith. Edith's mind fascinated me. Can I tell you something? I don't know how you do it. How do I do what? But like, I would say like 80, strong 85% of the cases that you tell. Uh-huh. I wind up looking like the biggest dick. Listen, you did that to me on What's Her Name. You, on Lorena Bobbin. I sat there and smack talk Lorena saying, I would never do this to a victim and at the end she was a victim. So, ha ha.
Plus, Eden was hilarious. Yeah, but you set me up hard for that, and you know it. Somebody said I was watching a show the other day, and they brought up Lorena Bobbitt, and I was like, she was justified. Yeah, but you screwed me on that one, and I just loved Edith.
I can just imagine her sitting there and just be like, I mean, she just. It's like, OK, I feel like a little repertoire between the two of us is like you get me so emotionally damaged in your cases where I just look like. Well, it's like the huge I can't tell. I can't make you look like something that's not there. Shut up. But then when I tell my cases, I like I call it your heartstrings. Yeah, you get on these soap boxes and you're like,
That is my love triangle story for Valentine's Day, guys. Hope you all have a great weekend. Not as much as Bill. That was a good case. Come on.
That was a good case. You can't tell me you don't love Edith and her just random babbling nonsense trying to keep a lie straight. Oh, her trying to lie is the best thing ever. She's like, she reminds me. She reminds me of my aunt and uncle adopt. I've talked about before they adopted the little boy with fetal alcohol syndrome.
who had some mental disabilities, and when he was little, my dad used to love, I think they're actually called no-bake cookies. My dad always called them do-do cookies. It's the chocolate cookies with like the oats in it, you know? So my aunt always made them for my dad when we come in town. She made them, she gets up the next morning, the cookies are gone. And she looks at my, we'll call him Bill, my cousin. She looks at Bill and she's like, Bill?
Did you eat Uncle Chris's doo-doo cookies? And he goes, I need Uncle Chris's doo-doo cookies. Meanwhile, there's chocolate all over his face. It's down the front of his pajamas. It's in his hair. Like he's covered in chocolate and oats. And he's, I need those doo-doo cookies and Chris's doo-doo cookies. I need them doo-doo cookies.
I feel like that wasn't you trying to lie like she's he's covered in obviously you ate the doo-doo cookies bill obviously but he's lying and I just feel like like that was her I like I'm just gonna use that excuse on like everything from this point forward like to get pulled over speeding kind of nosebleed there's no blood it's gone now
I just loved it. I loved it. She was supposed to give a lie detector She's like yeah, I'm gonna cancel that today. I'm not gonna make it. Can I tell you what though? What 100%? Pisses me off the most this narcissistic. Yeah Yeah, gets away with murder. Okay, not only not only no bigotry I was just gonna say like he was killing her soul. I
Yeah! All eight months! All eight months! Oh, oh yeah. She's about her two weeks in, yeah. She just wanted a divorce, bro. Sign the papers, but you're too big of a narcissist to just say, okay, it didn't work. Until he killed her.
There was no justice for her at all. No, he got away scot-freakin-free. Scot-freakin-free. Because, damn. That's what pissed me off, is that he didn't, not even a slap on the wrist. Nothing. I can only hope, which for a little bit, that he spent the rest of his life itchy as a butthole. Like, I'm talking. Yeah, something. Just reprehensible. Yeah. Pain and itchiness. Mm-hmm.
Like you deserve something. Something. He's going to get it at the end. Everybody gets it. You can't even figure out. Everybody gets it. You can't even figure out anything about him, because literally, if you look up any of their names, all you find is the savage seamstress. Yeah, it's ridiculous. I'll post pictures and stuff. But yeah, it's my case.
Well, guys, that was a nice welcome backstory. Right. Sorry, I went a little off rail. OK. Would derail a little bit. That's fine. There was some humor involved that I feel maybe minorly guilty about. I'll sleep and forget about it by tomorrow. More likely. But just just remember. Something really, really, really important that if you don't like
go out hunting, or fishing, just like hike or jog. The chances of you coming across a corpse, kinda slumping up. So while everyone says that I'm just a shut-in. We don't find body parts. I don't find body parts. But I kinda wanna, so. That's weird. That's, we're gonna cut this short. Me and Faith are gonna have an intervention. Alright. You guys are great. I hope you have a good night. Bye!