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Monster in the Classroom - Brittany Zamora

TwistedTales: a True Crime Podcast
244 Plays10 months ago

All parents know the struggle of getting their kids to school – especially preteen to teenage boys. The hardest part should be getting your child to school on time and making sure their grades are passing. It should not be when you catch the teacher grooming your 13-year-old child & eventually moving past that to sexual abuse. Unfortunately, the parents of one boy found evidence when trying to figure out the change in their son’s behavior, this is what they found. The Monster in the classroom was no bully, but the teacher – Brittany Zamora.

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A Humorous Start

Well, hello and thanks for tuning in to another episode of Twisted Tales with Faith and Lisa. And just to warn you, it is Lisa's turn to talk, so that's a warning, trigger warning for those who've heard her before. But also, her neck is swollen like she's got goiters hanging off of it or one of those frogs that goes, anyway, she doesn't feel great.

Tiredness and Sarcasm

So if she sounds a little weird, let's all just, you know, pretend to like her like usual.
Pretend to like me like usual. That sounds good to me. You know, A for effort. Yeah. B for, nevermind. Yep. Well, I'm just, I'm not gonna lie to you guys. We have no, we have no witty banter. We have no nothing. We're tired. It's been a long week. It's just me or do you complain a lot? I do. I'm not complaining. I'm stating facts. That's true.
I do complain a lot about being in your presence, but you're usually not there to hear it. So that's true. You're very nice to my face. Thank you for that. You're welcome. Some people don't have that courtesy now. No. I was talking about that at work today. Me and this other, me and one of my coworkers in the personal lines.
I said, you and I are a lot alike. We're both pretty catty, sarcastic, and bitchy. But the difference is, when I bitch and moan, I do it over the top and make it to where you're laughing about it. You think I'm joking, even when I'm talking to your face about how much you suck.
Right. I go so over the top with it that you think I'm joking and you laugh, even though I mean every word that comes out of my mouth. Whereas she looks at you like she wants to light you on fire. We say the same thing. Pretty much. We think the same thing. I just do it in a manner where he is funny. Oh, it's just it's just faith. Yeah, I saw a meme once that said.
People think I'm sarcastic, but really, I'm just mean and they think it's funny. Right. Right. Anyway, well, what you got for us tonight? I got an interesting little story for you.

Bizarre Stories and Dark Humor

It better not be like last time where I smashed the victim the whole time verbally. First of all, that was like hands down.
my favorite episode that we've ever recorded. It is my favorite. That was a good night. I have been morbidly curious for two weeks now since we recorded that episode. And I'm like, they cut it. She cut the dick all the way off and they reattached it and he was a porn star. Tell me that there's not a mechanism in there. I don't know. I'm not curious enough to look it up. If you have been curious enough to look it up, send me a DM. I need to know some information.
I got questions. Yeah, I've got all the questions. Yeah, I don't, you know, I mean, they call.
like the head of a penis head. So is it like decapitation? Was it? Well, there was that one episode in the summer road trip where I had the girl that they never found her head. So people leave pennies and you got that that Craigslist circumcision guy. Yeah. And you were like, so both of our people lost their head. I was horrible. Yours was an idiot. I mean,
You know, you gotta live that dream, man. You know, you know, whatever it takes. I watched an episode of House the other night and the guy was trying to circumcise himself. Why? Why? You know, where the sensitive isn't the male.
Yeah, you barely tap them like if they're walking by and you flick and he's like, I'm just going to like do this myself, you know, with the box cutter. Oh, no, again, it was house, you know, could be real, could not be. You can't tell me. Sorry. Can somebody? No, I can't talk. I got to put it back in. Oh, God. All right.
Anyways, so tell me a story entertain me like my senses. Oh I'm so glad you know nothing about this story tonight. I haven't even given you a week anything We do not prep each other ahead of time now at all the most will do is
Mock the other one and taunt them with oh my gosh. I have the greatest story Yes We will taunt the other one as soon as we know what we're gonna do But we do not share ahead of time like I can't even title the episode so finding these episodes after since we're for once ahead Yeah is an act of Congress because number one we all know Lisa likes to put trust in every single episode So yeah, it's literally labeled today's day and Lisa sucks. I like it. Mm-hmm
You know, I like to be known for the things I'm good at. I wouldn't go that far, but in silence. OK. All right. So I'm just going to start the story with a name. OK.

Introducing Brittany Zamora

And then I'm going to start telling you all about this story and generally how we do this. I'm going to I'm going to do my best. Let me guess. You're going to talk. I'm going to do my best tonight.
Oh, buckle up ladies and gentlemen. We both know how my best works out. Her best is subpar at best. At best. All right, I don't know if you've ever heard this name before, but this young lady that we'll be talking about tonight, her name is Brittany Zamora. Name ring a bell. Zamora sounds slightly, but I don't know, I listen to a crap ton of podcasts.
Yep. And I'm sure you've probably stumbled upon this gem. I'd heard Lorena Bobbitt before and obviously didn't know that story. But I was dead wrong about that. Right. All right. So Brittany Zamora graduated in 2015 from Arizona state with a 4.0 GPA. That's recent. Yep. And a bachelor's degree in elementary education. When she decided she was going to go back for her master's, she got that.
Honestly, this this chick seemed to have everything going for her. According to some, she was beautiful. I mean, she wasn't like a bridge troll. Yeah. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder. She ain't no tent. All right. I just throw that out there.
This coming from a solid 1.0. I was going to do below. I'm actually kind of impressed. You gave me point something. I said 1.0. I was going to say 0.1, but then you threw out the 1 so quick. I got, I got, yeah.
Shanghai as long as I'm not in the negative, I guess that's not bad. You know, I still have positive positive. I'm still I got all my teeth, which is a positive in the south, right? It's a bonus. Yeah, it's a bonus. All right. So 2016, she received her license to teach. She was engaged that year to the man of her dreams, all that lovey dovey crap.
Her life is going so well before it fell apart. Yeah. She literally had the world like by the horns. Right. Yeah. Anything was hers for the day. How old was she?

The Inappropriate Relationship

I believe 20 to say like two. I was going to say early 20s. Yeah. OK. Something like that. After her first year of teaching, she decided to rethink her life choices. No kidding. Right. Fifth grade. Oh, hell no. They're getting a little attitude at an elementary school. She received teacher of the year.
Of course she did. In 2016 and then in 2017, Teacher of the Month Award. Do you know what award I'd get if I was a teacher? None. I think you get a pink slip. I think I would get a pink slip, too. Pink's your favorite color. Take this paper. Go home for the day. Don't come back. We will call the police, yeah. So anyways, she got engaged.
And her and her fiance tied the knot, started their new adventure together. And apparently like they were like those kind of, you know, people that like to go outside and do things. Not like us. Hashtag stay inside, stay alive. Hashtag. Okay. It's my hashtag.
I like your hashtag, it's beautiful. I don't like outside. So we're sitting outside right now. Yeah, but we're in like a deck with furniture. It's true. I would still rather it be screened in or walled in, but what ifs? You can only ask for a few things at a time. So everything was just perfect, right? Until it wasn't. It was great. Until it wasn't. So the assistant principal of the elementary school where Brittany was working got a job offer to actually be the head principal at a middle school. Okay.
And he, you know, as well as Brittany was doing was like, why don't you come with me to this middle school? Because middle schoolers are barbarians. They're little, little angry people that are just rage hormone field unkindness prepping for the the battle of high school.
Can I check? Can I say something? Yes. I love you. Why? So it's a true statement. Elementary kids cute up until the end when they're getting ready for their, their, their war training and middle school. And then they're awful. Yeah. Middle score is hormone, defiance, hate. Remember, you remember what I used to say when I worked at the daycare.
Toddlers are like, what, Faith? Little drunk people. Little drunk people. They are. You never know what they're going to do. Are say. Or say. Are say. Oh, God. Anyways. So. Did she go with them to the middle school? She did. Shit. Your life was going good. She did. She took off and she went with him to the. Does this story. Does this story take place in a bathroom at some point? Okay. Now what I was thinking.
do you like bathrooms you want to talk about no there was like there's this true crime story this it's obviously true it's it's more recent than that though now that I think about it and you see this teacher she's a cute little teacher and like upper middle school low high school I don't remember and she walks to the bathroom and you see this kid like walk out go to the bathroom like a little while later
You can see it all on the CVT at the school. He leaves the bathroom, goes back to his class, comes back later in like a hoodie with his hood pulled. He had a hat on previously or something where you couldn't really see his face. So you sure this wasn't an episode of SVU? No, 100%. And then he comes back after school, like when there's sports playing and he brings like one of those huge roll out trash bins at your house.
And he brings it into the bathroom and he takes it out and you can see he assaulted and killed his teacher in the girl's bathroom at the school. Put her in a trash can. I mean, they caught it all on camera besides the actual murder. Wow. I'd never heard of that. I thought apparently this is not that. Yeah, no. OK, I'm good to continue. There's a little mini story for you. Hope you loved all those details. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah. So with Brittany's career taken off, she agreed to go with him.
And that's pretty much when everything went to hell. Yep, you wanted too much too quickly. I'm gonna stop right now and I'm gonna give a trigger warning. I'm about to start talking about something that triggers me. So if you don't want to hear my rants... That means she's the perpetrator. This might not be the episode. We are going to dive in. Yeah. And Faith, I... I already know the crime because I know it triggers you.
During her first year as a sixth grade teacher, why would you do this when your kids about to go to middle school? Brittany was out for a day. She messaged her class on a class app that they had and said, hey, you know, I'm going to be out. I'm going to get really bored. So if you guys want to message me because you're bored, go ahead and just, you know, you can message me through our class app. Right. If she's no harm, no foul. Right. But why? Why? OK, if you're not going to be at school and you've got a sub, why are you asking your students to text you basically?
Speaking of pause the story. So I will do some research before we drop this story and I will post a link to the TikTok that showed this but it was right when school started and there's this new app this new class app that you can get for middle school and high school some elementary schools use it

Legal Consequences and Arrest

where you sign up for your classes and all that stuff, you sign up for your classes, your electives, your homework, everything's posted in this thing, right? Okay. So this dad wasn't like, you know, quote unquote, helicopter dad, I say, involved caring parent, tomato, tomato. Right, yeah.
God forbid you check up on your kid. So he downloaded the app because he heard his daughter like she was explaining what it is. So he downloads the app to his phone and he showed all this. He took his information, edited it to where it showed that he was within age to be in the school, used a Gmail email account that had nothing to do with the school. Okay. And picked. You could choose whatever high school you wanted to.
in the area or whatever middle school, depending on what age profile you filled out. And it downloaded class schedules, attendance rosters for each class,
It was a pedi, like he said. No, it's like stocking made easy. He was like, this is a pedophile's dream. I can see how many girls, I can see what girls have to stay over volleyball practice, basketball practice. Like it showed everything when they're transferring, when they have a free period, like when they're going to have lunch, when they're going to go to the locker rooms. Like it showed everything. And he said it never, like it asks you questions, but who's honest on filling those out? No.
Like it is literally if you are a pedophile, that is the way to get into a school to get all the information. Like if you if there's a kid that you like, you saw a picture online. It's like a dating app. Yeah. Yeah. Let your body type on fit. Yeah. Five hundred pounds fit, guys. Yeah. So yeah, I forgot to tell you about that. I believe that's and I know I'm not surprised. I saved it on my thing. But he showed like he went through and he registered like three profiles in a TikTok video, which is three minutes tops. Wow.
Showing you how you could jump around schools like even though he'd already registered for one he jumped to another one Yeah, so I mean and they didn't even make you verify like you didn't have to verify you into that school or anything
Like you would think the school would give like a code. They all do. They all have student IDs. Yeah. So enter your ID number or something. At least make it difficult. Sorry. That doesn't shock me at all. Yeah. Rant over. I just thought that was, I forgot to tell you about that when I watched

Justice System Critique

it and I was like, that's insane. You should have shown that to me. So I'll send it to you when I find it. Like I said, she sent out this mass message to her class and was like, you know, message me if you get bored, I'll be bored.
One of the 13 year old male students in her class saw the message and sent her a message back that just said, you know, Hey, Ms. Zamora. And this literally just opened the door for her. So this brilliant, beautiful, intelligent woman started grooming a 13 year old boy. It went from just chatting to flirting.
from flirting to Brittany telling this 13 year old that she wanted to do stuff with him. And I'll pause here for a second. So there's actually stuff that you can pull up on YouTube. If you want me to send you the links, I can, I can do that. So you can post them on our feed or whatever. Yeah. Send me the links and I'll, I'll put them in the show notes and put some on the Facebook and Instagram. Because there were some things during the interview with the young boy and I,
And during this entire episode, he will be known as the boy, the young boy, the 13 year old, because I could, there's no name. He's a victim. He's a minor. And we don't need to publish that. It doesn't matter. His name insert whatever fricking male name you want to. She's a predator. So there isn't a, uh, there's no name to this at all. It's always going to be that anyways. Um, anyway, so during the statement that he was making, um, in an interview,
He was kind of breaking it down by like what he meant by that where.
She was, you know, kind of asking these, you know, prodding questions and then the little flirty emojis and the. But again, I'm OK. This is we all know how I feel about people who prey on children. So remember that as I open my mouth for these next few words. She's a young younger adult. She's in her early 20s. She's attractive. He's a 13 year old boy that has just found out how to use the lotion in the tissue box for sad tissues.
Pretty much upset issues. Sorry, I watched, I watched forgetting Sarah Marshall. Are those happy tissues or sad tissues? Oh my God. I was like, that's the same thing. Cause it's sad when you're by yourself half an hour, you know? Yeah. You know what they say about masturbation? No. Just like procrastination. Better done alone.
No, procrastination is like masturbation, Faith. I don't know the rest to say! Come on! I'm waiting! It's great while you're in the middle of it, until you realize you just fucked yourself. Don't say the F-word! Um... Sorry. I am the world's worst procrastinator. Y'all can, you guys can keep that. You can keep that, you can use that. Hashtag Lisa's funny.
No one's gonna, that's not gonna happen. I don't care. Anyway, so back to, so in his mind, like this is great. He's got an older woman who's not like, you know, the crypt keeper after his, well, yeah, show them attention like that. Very flirty. Even in the midst of like a physical affair, which I'm assuming that's what this is going to get to.
Like in his mind, this is great. He's not a victim. I don't know what teens think. I just think that in the I mean, he might have gotten to that point, but at the beginning, a 13 year old kid, that is not my personal opinion on that. But anyway, so continue. According to him in that same statement that he was given to the police. That he went to her one day and was going to say bye to her, gave her a hug.
And she began to kiss him. And so he kissed her back and those were literally her words or his words. And so the part of the interview that it kind of jumped around so much and you could tell he was nervous talking about it. Yeah.
So I don't know if he was being tutored or leaving late after class. I don't know where this took place with the, with their first encounter. Well, you think you would hope she wouldn't start making out with it in front of a class full of students, but then again, she's not mentally sound. I don't think so. Well, then this one kind of came back into play where she sent him a text message and asked him where he was one night. He was like, Oh man, my grandparents. And she asked him again, this was still in his statement. She was like,
Oh, can I come over and see you? And he did that like, oh, haha, that's funny. Laugh out loud. Why would she think that would be okay? I don't know. And she texts them back and she's like, no, I'm being serious. And so she actually went to the grandparents house, parked up the street and he snuck out of his grandparents house to go meet her. Stuff happened in the car. I don't think there was ever any like penetration, but sexual acts occurred. Okay. Yes.
Next part of the interview was even more confusing. The boy said that he was leaving from a talent show with his friend at school. He grabbed his backpack and his friend was on the computer just messing around when Brittany started kissing him and said, do you want to go in? That's how she phrased it. I saw she phrased it. He claimed that
He never pulled his pants down or anything. I assume just whatever she was wearing a dress. So, you know, just gave him. Yeah, gave him access, right?
This friend right there. Wow. Yeah, that's what I'm. I don't I don't understand. Did the rubber bands and her brain snap? Apparently, hamster stock. Do you remember that episode of SBU where the teacher was like, I knew it was getting molesting and she had like a brain tumor. Yeah. Yeah. You're like, what like what else could explain somebody can acting like that? Honestly. Yeah. Honest to God. Like what is wrong with you? You're an adult. You're an adult.
And here's the thing. Here's what gets me going about this whole thing. Okay. We sit and we talk about men all the time doing this kind of stuff and how disgusting and perverted it is, right? But like, we know this goes on with women and we know women do this, but the outrage is so much totally
Different. Yeah, because all all his friends are like, yeah, bro, you got an older woman. As long as she's mildly attractive, he's the man. So again, that happened. He said it only lasted for like a second or two before he was like, OK, I'm leaving. Right. Another boy witnessed that witness during didn't interview and said that
He saw them touching each other and he was uncomfortable. But the second time he witnessed, he just got up and left the classroom. This boy. This boy also stated. Left the classroom. This is just going on at school where anybody can walk in. Apparently. She's got to have like freaking mental issues. Something or what's going on in this like after school program to where she's left alone with these kids for however long.
Because clearly this is not happening during class, right? I mean She doesn't care so much that she's gonna let him put it in with someone else right there and do this stuff in a classroom Multiple times to where what the same person has seen it twice and was like the second time I was just like well I'm gonna go they're going to add it again. Yeah. How wait what? Yeah, I know. I know ma'am
So people suck. Yeah, kid gets uncomfortable. The boys, the boy also said he was basically a victim, not in the same sense as this other kid that I mean, we clearly know at that point he was a victim. He had said that Brittany had asked him a statement once when they were alone, if he was uncircumcised or circumcised. And he told Brittany he didn't know what that meant.
And so she how many boys did she go after? She pulled up her phone and showed him dick pics and showed him pictures of uncircumcised and circa circumcised penises. Are you cracking which one that he was? Why does she even know? Yeah, I know. I know. Right. You these are all things when I was sitting here typing this out. I just kept getting more and more.
Like you are a waste of freaking human breath. Give me five minutes with her. Five. You are a waste of freaking blood and flesh woman. Because here's the problem. I will always hold a woman in a higher standard when it comes to raising your kid. Yeah. And being a mother means so much more. You are the nurse.
I don't care that she didn't have kids. You are the freaking, you are everything to children. You're supposed to be protecting and they like a lot of times they'll feel safer with a woman than a man because men are harsher. Exactly. And she is preying on how many young boys at this point. And I cannot sit here and lie to you and say that this story didn't annoy me to the point where the only person that I could think about was my son.
because I'm like, this is happening in school, where you have no choice but to send that child every single. I wanna know how she got the teacher of the award and the teacher of the month award back in fifth grade, and who voted on that? I don't know, maybe her age limit was 13. Who even knows? Oh my gosh, okay. So the other boy claimed that she never touched him. But again, you cross the line that can never be uncrossed.
Yeah. So as time went on.
The affair that she was having with the 13 year old boy was getting more and more intense. It's not an affair. It's called She was praying upon. That's a better word. I didn't think about that. I don't like a fair affair I didn't want to say relationship either because it's not a relationship like you're you're a pedo. No hurt the grooming and Praying upon the young gentleman not gentlemen kid the young kid child. Yes continue So as time went on
Things were getting more and more like aggressive between the two and other kids started noticing like, like we're talking not like just the two that had already witnessed something that was going on. We're talking about like the classroom. So if two kids have witnessed this individually and the classroom is noticing, middle school kids don't keep anything quiet. You're telling me no teacher overheard gossip? Finally, in 2018, three kids
went to the principal and reported what was going on. Good for you three. And the school investigation began. So let's think back just a little bit, maybe, you know, a paragraph or two. To the principal that brought her there. That brought her there. That thought she was amazing. He's going to cover his ass.
And that principle is one and the same. As soon as Brittany caught wind of what was going on in the rumors, like you had just said that we're going around about her and this kid. It's not rumors until her CD deeds became known. So she catches wind of everything that's going on. She knows, you know, her ass is on the slab if if she doesn't do something right. Right. So she runs the principal's office. And she's
crying on his shoulder and saying, I can't believe, you know, this is happening. The only two loves in my life are my career and my husband. Yeah, you love your career because it gives you a plethora of young victims. Right. I was a old man. Yeah. I love it when we're in in in sync. We're in. I'm so angry. I hate you so much. So after this, you know, sob story that she gives to the principal. Yeah. Was said and done.
A week later, after that meeting, she went right back to texting the 13 year old boy. Do they report this to the police? So anyway. Hmm. She starts messaging the kid again. Of course she did. But you know what? This principal is not like, oh, she's my buddy and I'm the one that brought her here. Oh, so he takes responsibility for the kids in his care. I'm not going to sweep this under the rug. Good for you, principal so and so.
Uh, the principal still did his due diligence and continued investigating, even bringing the child's of, uh, the one that said that there's his parents to the school for an interview. Then this interview was actually recorded. So again.
This is another one of those links I can send you at some point. You guys can just kind of watch. So here's my question. Schools are mandatory reporters, so did he not report this yet? I think based on... Because he doesn't need to be... The cops need to be interviewing people. I don't know like policy when it comes to stuff like that, but if he's doing an interview himself and he finds any kind of, you know what I mean? Like we all know how middle schoolers are. Right. Everybody's going to talk a lot of talk or you know, Timmy's getting better grades. I bet he's like sleeping with his team. You know what I mean?
Same would go, I would say, in high school, especially nowadays. But you got three kids sitting down and saying- Same, hey man, this is messed up. Yeah. Yeah.
So again, like I said, they, um, I don't know if he's finding like, uh, reasonable cause to call the cops to say anything. You want to know reasonable cause three kids sat down saying your teachers diddle on the student. There's your reasonable cause to call the cops. I would say, yeah, but again, I don't know. Continue. Sorry. So like I said, uh, he pulled the parents in for an interview. The parents said, uh, during that interview,
that they had a family safe app on the kid's phone. It would trigger when certain words were used. And so during their conversations, the only thing that ever kept popping up that the app was triggering every time was the use of the word baby. So they've taken this whole classroom app thing abroad. They're not on that anymore. They're on social media. She's got a little bit of brain power on Instagram, Instagram messenger. OK.
And so they would look into, you know, they would see the app. Maybe he's got a girlfriend. Yeah. Right. You know, just kind of, you know, you're looking and you're peeping, but at the same time, you're not paying attention. You don't think it's it's your kid's teacher. You think also that he's dating somebody. Yeah. Or, you know, he's not going to come to me and tell me about it because
He's 13 years old. He doesn't want me to know he's dating somebody. Well, you would tell me that phone would be gone. I'll tell you that right now. So the key words that kept popping up in the conversation were like I, like I had said, you know, baby and all that. And apparently the kid was starting to close his door at night and the parents had a rule, you know, if you're going to be on your phone or on the internet or doing whatever door stays open. Yeah.
The kid would always go in, try to close his door at night. His parents wouldn't let him. And so finally, the parents got so suspicious of what was going on that they went to look in his phone to see who he had been talking to. Yeah. And the name that popped up was Brittany Miss Zamora. Because that was her. That was her Instagram. Right. So they already the parents already knew this before the teacher, the principal called him in. I guess I'm not.
No, see that that's where I'm not like this whole. You're right. Everything is after the fact. Yeah. Everything that I was like looking up, I couldn't find a whole lot. Like I said before, I can no names given, no nothing given. It was just, you know, me, I like instead of reading everything, I like to do things based off of interviews or court cases, things that I can watch and suck in. Yeah. I don't like to read. I love reading. I hate reading.
So anyway, um, the mom was actually the one that went through and decided to do this. So mom went to her husband and they had a conversation and they approached the kid and they already knew based on what they read through the Instagram.
account, right, the chatting, they knew what was going on. Oh, I would have I would have been at school the next morning, eight o'clock, sitting in the front row waiting for that bitch to walk in the classroom. Did you ever see the movie? Oh, man. Hold on. Help me.
Mark Wahlberg was in it and they end up adopting kids into their house. I know what you're talking about. No, I did not. Okay. You need to watch it. It's a good movie. But at one point the girl was like getting dick pics from a kid that they thought was a kid in school. It was actually the 22 year old janitor.
And Mark Wahlberg goes up and just beats the shiznit out of it. You gotta watch it, dude. 100%. It was a good movie. I would be sitting in the classroom front row the next morning waiting on her to walk in and be like, hey, you like to make friends on Instagram? Let's talk. Could you imagine? Just think for a second. No. It's a bad place. Think for a second. No. That I just found this out about my kid. And you're the teacher. And you've met me a couple of times.
You're not like most moms. His mom's probably nice and, you know. But yeah, would you like not just shit your pants? And think, I would never prey upon a child. I'm not saying you. I'm saying like, in general,
Like, if it was me sitting across from Miss Zamora... She must be clutching her rosaries and making peace with whatever god she believes in. Because she about to meet him. I'm telling you, dude. It's worth it. I would go to prison with a badge of honor is all I'm gonna say. Yes, I would. Yes, I would. And I'd walk in with my hands up and be like, ladies, I beat up a pedo. If you're a pedo, I'll beat you up too.
Yeah, I wouldn't even, I wouldn't even report it to the police. I would take it within my own hands, not trusting the justice system, and I would beat the life out of her body for months on end in my basement until she finally slowly bled out due to all the paper cuts given upon her. I think it was a movie reference from Casino.
And it was the shorter guy, what is his name? Joe Pesci. Joe Pesci. I thought the line was hilarious. And I'm gonna butcher the line, but basically he was like, I'm gonna beat you so bad that I'm gonna put you into a coma. And right around the time you wake up from your coma, I'll be getting out of prison. And I'll be doing it again. Yes, Joe Pesci. Pretty much exactly how I feel about that. That is exactly what is gonna happen.
Like I said, probably totally butchered that line, but y'all bear with me. You get the gist. We would name her multiple times over generations.
So again, both parents know what's going on. Until the kid is of age to consent in a sexual relationship, that's how long she should be beaten. I don't disagree with that. For all the years of his childhood, she stole by being a predator. She should be beaten. I should every pedophile. A little pair of despair heading her way, right? They should be tortured until the child becomes 18, then put to death. That is my new stance on child pedophilia. Continue. Yeah, no, I just want them to be skinned alive.
Yeah, I get really morbid and twisted about stuff like this because it really it affects me deeply deeply. Right. So anyway, parents already knew what was going on, but they took it to the kid anyway. And they were like, we need you to be honest. Yeah, you're not in trouble. Please just tell me what is going on. And the kid was honest. He told the truth. And dad was like, OK, cool. Here's what I want you to do.
and this is his words, you're gonna contact this bitch. You're gonna trap her. You will make her say everything through these messages because he wanted proof beyond proof that this is what was going on. After he got his proof, dad was so mad that he actually called this woman himself. And again, guys, for your own
amusement, just you're going to have to go look it up. They have the phone call like recorded. I bet that's it. Send me that link. I need to listen to that. He called her a child molester. She is a pedophile. She is asked if her husband knew what was going on. He will. She was like, he's standing right here. He knows that I made a mistake.
You know, blah, blah, blah. I mean, typical like crazy white bitch shit, right? Her husband did not know she was sleeping with a child. He was standing right there, I guess. And she told him the guy even got on the phone. Apparently, apparently she was like.
who's in gold out of her vagogo to magical magical vagu that she's got going on. So her husband knew she slept with a child and was OK and labeled it a mistake as well. It's not a mistake, my dear. It's called a crime. Yeah, I had one of the stories fell and landed on his dick. Is that Eminem? Was that? Yeah. Oh, I hate people. Yeah. So
Can you imagine if you were in a committed relationship and or marriage for like, you know, two, three years and your spouse is like, I'm so sorry. I was unfaithful. I made a mistake and had sex with a 13 year old. Yeah.
I would beat your brother to death and gladly go to prison. Yeah, I'd be I would just look at him straight up and be like, you got three seconds. Everybody goes to sleep. Oh, yeah. You're sleep tonight's going to love right now. Yes. Sorry. Definitely take matters into my own hands if you know what I mean. Hell, yes. Oh, my God. But the guy literally was like, just forgive her.
I just spit everywhere. Forgive her? She raped a child. And there should be no lesser penalty or lesser stigma because she's a woman and the victim was a boy. Yeah. OMG, you stupid idiot. Continue. Make a mistake. Forgive her, my ass. Yeah. So she gets on the phone with him again, the dad, and she's begging him.
Is there any way that we can settle this, you know, outside? Oh, yeah. Come meet me. All right. I assume she meant outside of court. Right. Oh, yeah. No, we'll come. Come on. She's like, I swear, you know, I'll never do it again. Blah, blah, blah. Dad was having none of it. Yeah, because he hung up the phone. Right. So then he called back later.
And this time detectives were in the room with them on. She was on speaker phone. Yeah. Good dad. And basically saying the same hoo-ha hippity, blah, blah. Because she's not smart enough not to censor herself. Yeah. You know, she's like begging, you know, I'm just a, you know, I'm just this petite, tiny woman. I made a mistake. I'm the same size as him. Right. Oh, you fricking. So have Brittany, Brittany, whatever. I'll keep it. Brittany works for me.
was arrested and sentenced to 20 years in 2019. Good molestation. Now, we're going to pause here for just a second. This woman was convicted of one sexual assault on a 13 year old boy minor and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. If she's out, I will punch you in the throat. No, I'm just sitting here wondering why you can molest an eight year old little girl.
and get less when you're a guy. Valid question. I just wanted to throw that out there. I don't have all the statistics on. Now, I'm not going to sit here and say, oh, they should have had mercy on Fudge. No, no, I don't know to be allowed out in society, polite society. You like to touch little kids? I'm going to take your hands. You can't touch anything anymore. I feel like 20 years is enough for the prison system to do their thing with the with the child offender.
Yeah, I don't know, man. I hope so. Yeah, there's no I don't have forgiveness in my heart for people that do stuff like this. Nope. Um, honestly, if you if you rotted in a cell for the rest of your life and then rotted in hell, I would not bat an eyelash. Like eternity probably wouldn't feel like enough. Prisons is just awful. There's a reason Lisa's not God. And it's because she's not forgiving is him. No. Among other things. So.
As it sits currently, she won't be released until she's in her late 40s.
Still young enough to prey on people. She cannot be released on good behavior. Good. And they shouldn't be. Again, again. Her victim pool is not age range to be in prison. The people she prays upon are children. Again, I'm going to say it. That's not even applicable. The other case that I had just done, he got out on what? Good behavior and slaughtered all of those girls at a freaking party or a slumber party. Yeah.
By the way, that died out. I got nothing anymore. No. You're talking about that one guy with the... I'll have to go back and remember his name. I can't think straight right now, but I'm just, I'm telling you, dude. You shouldn't get to get out. What is this world doing? Hey, guess what? When you're in a padded room, in a cell room where they lock you up at night, lets you out to eat, shower, sleep, and you have monitors the whole time, most of the time you're going to be on good behavior because if not, you're going into the hole.
Right. You know, but then you have guys like the guy that I literally was just talking about who still found a way to get a cell phone and manipulate children via sorry, via that cell phone. I'm going to I'm going to repeat. People suck. I hate people. Our justice system is a joke. It's laughable. Yeah.
So anyways, she cannot be let out on good behavior. Which should always be a stipulation. That should be a stipulation period for like most criminals. Not the little pot people that are... I'm talking about if you have a violent crime, a sexual crime like you rape, you rob, you murder.
Attempt murder like let me just say this you should not get out on good behavior cuz guess what your behavior is appalling Let me just say this I walk in on a kid being molested. Yeah, I take said adult and Beat the holy piss out of them. Yeah, and I get arrested for salt
OK, I should not be doing more time in prison for an assault charge. Yes. Then the rapist. Yes. OK. So you want to let someone like me out on good behavior. Yeah. Or let me just not go to jail. I think you deserve a good citizen award. I don't think I agree. But in our justice system, assault is assault. Can we not just say citizens arrest and they were resisting every time? That would be amazing. I don't think it works that way.
We should look into that. We should. Can we just go back to our first year of recording? Yeah. And just make a petition. Can we just do that? I've got a lot of petitions I'd like to write up at this point. The more in-depth we get into this crap, the more I'm like, I'd sign that. I'd sign that in a heartbeat. Tell me where to sign. I've got lots of Google accounts. I can sign them multiple times, bro. Oh, my God. Anyway, so.
as if all of that wasn't, oh, I'm sorry, backtrack just a little bit and I lost my place. Good behavior. Yeah, she can't get out on good behavior. Once she is released, she will have to register as a sex offender and spend, listen, and spend the rest of her life on parole. Good. Again, just to think back to any of the stories that we've told about the men.
No, most of the time they're out of prison on good behavior and reoffending. Yeah, they just move states and they don't even have to sign a new registry. Yeah. That was one of the ones that we talked about a little while ago. Yes, Boom Howard is. Anyway, you're such a mean person. Anyways, so as if this entire conversation, this entire story wasn't disturbing enough. Yeah.
I got one more disturbing thing for you. No. Is she pregnant? No. Okay. So when I was looking in toward the end of everything, um, there were posts on social media that I had seen of people saying, and this is honest to God, real life. All right. Mostly men. That's like every boy's dream.
It's really not that big of a deal. Banging your teacher is like a dream come true.
that you would hear a story of a child being sexually assaulted, groomed and sexually assaulted. Guess what? He's too young to make that decision. He is under the age of consent. So he cannot make that decision. So for us to praise that is a problem, a big problem. So why, why are we just okay with, with, with, I don't even, I don't even know how to form my question
Because I'm so appalled that people are celebrating this kid being groomed and sexually assaulted by someone who is supposed to care for him and teach him. So one of the people that were doing like ad libs onto these interviews was a psychiatrist. And he was talking about basically all of that, but stating that it is the same in every victim that
Yeah, you know, you might get your high fives. You might get this. You might get that. But in reality, you've ruined him. Yeah. Because.
Now this teacher, he thought he was in love with this person that took something from him. Yeah. And I know nobody really makes a huge deal out of sex. Yeah. People don't make a huge deal out of sex anymore. No, because it's mainstream. I was watching TV, not HBO, not anything else. I was watching cable TV.
And my child, who is in second grade, who again, I prepare her for the real world, but I shelter her as much as possible. Just sitting there watching, and there's a dick on the TV. Cock and balls and everything. On fricking cable. What? Cock and balls, right there on my big 70 inch screen TV. There's no way.
Hand to God. Ask your brother. Hand to God because I said... What were you watching? They just showed a freaking dick on TV. They didn't edit that crap out at all. What station were you on? I want to say Freeform.
Well, that's probably why. It's a box. I know. It is. It is. But all those ones that you get them off of. It was on cable. I was on cables on YouTube TV. I was not was not watching a movie. I was not streaming. I was on freaking YouTube TV.
And there it is. So it was not like it was not like I'm on Netflix or something. I'm on freaking cable. Yeah. Where you just scroll through the channels and there was a cock and ball right there. Took three different times in like five minutes. I'll tell you the name of it after we're off there because I don't want to be sued. But yeah, no. Mainstream TV right there. Cock and ball.
My child is in the room. Nobody, nobody cares anymore. No, no. And they don't realize how damaging it is to a young kid. Yeah. Especially one that has to experience it. Yeah. Apparently this kid suffers from depression. You think? And has a hard time with any kind of relationship. I wonder why. And like sitting here to myself, like there's a reason there's an age for adulthood. And I don't think 18 is it either. No.
Your brain as a male adult isn't fully developed until it's 25. Yeah. And I'm assuming a woman's probably about the same. They say women are quicker, but I don't know. I don't think that... Not Britney. Her brain is broken. Yeah, her brain's broken. It's not that she is not matured, it's that she's broken.
If you are past the age of 18 and you find a 13 and under child attractive enough to be physically intimate, your brain is broken. Period in Dove. Yeah. So what does she have to say for herself in the trial? Did they interview her or anything? She basically just admitted to it. She got her sentence and that was... No apology, no... Oh, of course she apologized. Did she admit that it was wrong or was she in love with him?
She admitted, everything I did was horrible. I never should have done blah, blah, blah. I don't include stuff like that because everybody says the same crap. Yeah. AKA, I wish I hadn't gotten caught and could still be screwing a child.
in a nutshell. What a frickin monster. I think they said in the 2030 era is when she'll be released. Maybe if we're still around, we revisit this. Oh, I'll be, I'm putting an alarm on my phone tonight on my calendar. It'll be in the cloud. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'll meet her there with my cane. Well, no, it's me. It's probably my wheelchair. I mean, she's older than us. No, younger.
No, because I am older than 20. Yes. Because she was like 24 ish somewhere around there when she was arrested. So we're close in age. We can take her to get close in age faith back and back in 2016. Oh, yeah. She's not twenty two now, dumb dumb. I understand that age doesn't pause because you get in prison. I didn't say it did. So she was twenty two in 2016.
I don't remember how old I was. That's how old I am. I don't know how old I am currently, Lisa. Sometimes I have to get all my calculator and deduct time from it. Nope. I just keep keeping track of it. Oh, well, that is just... You know what? People do better. And I'm not talking about her because she's broken in a whore and I hate her.
It just pisses me off. I'm sorry. That is offensive to ladies of the noche. She is not a whore. She is a piece of scum. Yeah. Pond scum. That has been shat pond. Yeah. By someone with. Yeah. She's like diseases. Rat finkle matter. I don't even know, dude. All I know is like just sitting and like doing this story. I'm like.
It was at a school. It was at a school with people that we're supposed to trust day in and day out. And then you sit and you think about like this crap that goes on at daycares. Did you see the daycare that had the kids like throwing food at them and stuff? No. Oh my gosh. How did this is like within a month? I've been watching a lot of house, not TikTok. There's legit and I've actually laid off the TikTok because I'm sucked into my new book series.
about the prairie land um oh my god i was gonna ask what i was gonna ask what it was called but now i'm kind of like not okay actually okay so side note not that was there a little house i used to read you know the steamy novels yeah all the time and every time lisa'd be like what are you reading i'd make up some land some story about like
back on the prairie with the Indians and she asked me once I could keep a straight face and I was like I'm reading smut and this is how you know I'm reading smut cuz anytime anybody's like we read I'm always like oh it's about colonial error no actually it's not it's not a prairie book
but i'm reading so i'm reading i'm sucked into this book series i'm on like book seven and so i've not been watching tiktok as much but i've been i watched tiktok the other morning because i was just trying to you know wake up and there's this daycare that the daycare workers it was all children in high chairs so we're talking like 12 months to 18 months they're all in high chairs and they're literally like
They have like Jason masks and clown masks, like running and scaring the kids, screaming in their face, throwing food at them. Like their kids are waiting to eat lunch and they're literally throwing food, like spaghetti at them or something. And the kids are sobbing, they're laughing in the kids' faces, and it went viral. Like the daycare obviously is no longer in business, which it shouldn't be. Those people should be brought up on charges. If that was my child, again, I'd beat you to death.
I'm literally just sitting here thinking like if I ever came to pick my kid up early and I saw something like that though I would have to apologize to every single parent in the daycare that their child had to witness bloodshed.
Yes. Because there'd be a lot of it. Oh. I'm talking broken noses, jaws, your orbital bone. Death. Gone. But like you may never see again. Yeah. But I mean, it's something as simple as such. I'm going to air your dirty laundry.
First week of school, Caleb had to go talk to the principal about something. You found out about it later. Yup. Different stories and had to call the school and be like, um, hello. Can somebody tell me what's going on here? Yeah. It was my, Hey, why was my kid in the principal's office? Hey, what did he do? See, why did no one call me? Text me at me something. There are a hundred million lines of communication. It's the same crap while I got busy. Dude, I understand getting busy, but I also know that, uh, you take time for the things that are important. Yeah.
and my kid better be the top of that list. Because I'm going to be real life. I'm going to be real life. You're sitting in a meeting. You're sitting there in a meeting. Yeah. Pick your phone up. You have myself. Text me. If you don't have time, you make the teacher's contacts. Send a note home. They have phones in their classrooms. There's a lot of ways to do this.
Yeah. Like, don't sit here and discipline my kid and not tell me why he's disciplined. Because if he needs to be disciplined, he can get it twice. Absolutely. Once at home. And I have told every single teacher from day one, because I know what my kids like. Yeah. I am not. And I told all of them, I'm not delusional. No. I'm going to have your back. Listen, and that's the thing. So many people, oh, my Johnny couldn't. Oh, my little Timmy is just, oh, not my Susie. And then they like.
Screaming getting the teachers phase for their kid failing or their kid doing whatever Bro, hey, guess what McFly? You're the problem. Not the teacher. Not your kid. You're the problem You need to make the kid have some responsibility and consequences because guess what the world's going to It's like I felt like a horrible like a the biggest piece of crap mom ever last week because we
Sorry. Twisted Tales News, Mr. and Mrs. McQuackworth.
is now only one of those, we don't know their gender still, because Coyote's got one of our duckies. And we found out about it one morning. We were trying not to let my child find out. She found out the duck was gone, so I just told her the duck was out learning to fly. She was very upset because it didn't have a phone or navigation to find its way home to us. It was gonna find a pond. But she's sobbing the whole way to school. She's crying because her pet's gone. That's like her first pet that she remembers. It's hers.
Brought her to school. She cried all the way to school. FYI, your husband better get acclimated to the fact that Auntie's probably going to buy her puppy for her birthday. He will only let her Rottweiler, and that's out of the budget. We don't want, he wants a Rottweiler. I've almost gotten talked about. You don't know that. You don't know what I'm capable of. There are puppies falling off of trucks everywhere. I will give you the money to buy a Rottweiler and surprise her.
But I mean, I walked her up to the door. She is still crying in front of her principal because her principal is amazing and sits out and knows all their names, sits out there, talks to him. She's still crying. And I felt like I cried the whole way back to the house because I was working at home that day. But I cried the whole way home because what kind of piece of crap mom?
But you know what? The real world, just because you have a bad day or something happens doesn't mean they don't care. You can use your PTO if you want to stay home, but you're going to pay for it. You can't just not go to work because you have a bad day. And that's what I told her. I was like, baby, I know it's sad. We'll look for Phil when you get done with school, but you have to go to school because this is your job right now. And so you need to stop thinking about Phil.
No, and it's like the world doesn't pause because you're upset. No. You know what I mean? Like, you're still getting sick and missing a day of work. Guess what? Not only did you miss that day of work, but you have today's work to do. Yeah. I've been working at my desk puking in the trash can all day because I'm not only using my PTO for fun things. I'll be damned if I use it because I'm sick. You're going to make me work while I'm sick. You can get the germs and clean up that trash bag when I leave because that's not my job.
But you've got to prepare your kids. So you need to be the back to the original point of my story. You need to be an advocate for that teacher. If the teacher says your kids act like a shit, guess what? Bet it's true. Oh, America. Oh, man. Tonight's story was it's real. Oh, as soon as you said trigger warning, I knew she was a child predator. Anybody that's ever listened to this podcast knows what my trigger is. Yeah. Knows.
No. I'll say it once. I've said it once. I'll say it again. If you want to donate to stuff, A21 campaign, anytime I have extra money, that's where I'm throwing it. But I got to be honest. I know it's people suck.
There's just no good scenario. You know, no, you always wanted to be a stranger or it doesn't make it any easier. No, it doesn't. You don't want to admit it's a family member. You don't want to admit it's a teacher. You don't want to admit the things that are happening. And that's why I'm so like. I do helicopter mom and I don't feel that Caleb goes on and plays Fortnite and.
I'll just go take the headset off and listen. What? I called you last week. Over the Roblox thing. Because Caleb wasn't me all day on an in-service day and my child was playing her Roblox. Caleb's phone was dead. She gave Caleb her phone and the next day when we dropped him off, she was like, uh, mom, I just want you to know Caleb accepted a bunch of friends at Roblox and I'm not talking to them because we don't know if they're scammers or not, but I didn't do it.
So I what do I do as soon as she gets her happy about car call Lisa. Hey, Lisa. That's a sucky part of all this is we're getting to that age now where he is getting sneaky. Mm hmm. And that just means I'm going to have to come down harder, I guess. Well, quite frankly, it could have been people that he does know, but I don't I don't know that. I want to make sure you do that. This is I am always on the side of the pair. Well, I called you that one night and let told you about the chatting part. Yeah.
and told you that there were some things that I was seeing that didn't make any sense to me. I didn't know what it was and I made him delete it. People are sketchy, trust no one. It is your ultimate job to protect the children. Your child, protect your children and those around you that you're involved with. And guess what, that doesn't mean you're gonna be their best friend, but that does mean you're gonna keep them safe and you can sleep at night soundly knowing that you're a decent human and shouldn't be impaled on a railroad spike using hummus' loop. Agreed.
Yeah, keep smirking whore. Did you ever see that video on TikTok that went viral?
that's not where they were asking northern women yes if they would ever kill for their and all the northerners are like um I don't think so I don't know the guys like and this is why I'm afraid of my southern wife there's no hesitation she'll kill for her kid she'll kill for your kid she'll kill for the neighbor's kid she'll somebody if they messed up my dog she's like he was like shit she don't even have to know the kid if she sees it she'll kill for that kid then that's why southern women be crazy
Wear that title with pride, my friend. I don't even feel bad. No, I feel like I'm doing my civic duty. I am going to scream citizens arrest the whole time, so hopefully that'll...
You're resisting! Bam! With a nine inch blade. Yeah. Citizens' orders! Yeah. Stabbing. Was it necessary to make them fight the concrete curb? Yes. I just wanted them to stop moving. They kept telling me to get off of them. I said stop! They didn't. I just worry about humanity in general. I agree. Just the world. There's just too many things where I look at it now and I'm like,
We're at everyone's okay with this. Really? Exactly. Exactly. All right. Well, Brittany, I hope you are drinking toilet wine while someone just beats the crap out of you daily. When you enter polite society, I hope there's a petition and all the signers waiting for you. I agree. And I wish nothing but horrible things upon you. Yeah.
And I hope Little Boy Blue is able to move past this eventually. So do I. Because he's a young adult now. So he's like 16, 17 now. He's still like in high school. But let's be honest, his parents probably homeschooled him because that's what I do. I'd never trust the school system again. I have no idea. Hmm. Well, anyways, that's our story. That is the story.
Hope you guys hope you guys get on board, enjoy the telling and think about it logically when it comes to situations like this and and start to maybe agree on on the twisted tails side of, you know, I always had a woman that told me. Do the consequences justify the action? And I think we live in a society where no, that's no, that's not. No, there are no consequences.
I would get away with freaking anything. And even if you do get consequences, they're lightened because of good behavior. Guess what? If you're in prison, good behavior should be like the bar. Yeah. You need to like exceed. Yeah. You need to come out of like with a master's because your, your behavior was so far in the dirt. Just rising up to that level is pittance and not like a free pass. Exactly.
Oh, wow. OK, well, y'all have a good night. Sorry I ruined it. I do that a lot. Well, that's all. That's all. Bye. Bye.