Welcome. For real. All right. Welcome back to Friday Central. I'm back here again with Keck and happy New Year, buddy. Happy New Year, man. How are you doing?
Good. Been a while. Yeah, it has been. I don't know how well I sound because I just got recently over COVID. So it wasn't too bad, but I had a sore throat and I feel like my voice is going in and out. Yeah, it's a rite of passage. When I had it, I felt like a little fucked up for a day or two. But I think because I was very active in that stuff going on, I kind of just sort of forgot about it.
Yeah, I don't know. Hey, the vaccines fucking work. That's the main thing. They only got you for like a few days.
Yeah, I mean, I had to, you know, stay out of work the whole week, but I just sat around and watched TV and played video games all week. So well, hey, that works. And now is this your second time having COVID or is this your first? Oh, yeah, I got I got it back in. Yeah, you got it once back in August. Yeah, yeah. Advantage to take advantage of a certain pay that we didn't get this time around. So I'm glad I did it.
Yeah, yeah. Hey, it worked for me.
Main Topics Introduction and Announcements
I had to use my sick days this time, so. It worked for me. Yeah, exactly. Well, I'm glad that worked out for you. Yes. Today, we're going to talk about our favorite movies from 2022. As well as television. As well as television. We might have to push that to the next episode, depending on how late we go. Because I do have some news first.
Oh, what's going on? What's popping off? This dates back to January 11th. So we have been a little behind. Well, we take January off anyway. Yeah. You know, so but the creators behind Universal's iconic Halloween Horror Nights have announced a new year around horror experience in Las Vegas.
It's going to occupy 110,000 square foot space in the new 20 acre expansion area of Vegas's area 15. I thought you were going to say 110,000 acres.
No, there's an Area 15. I don't know if you're familiar with it. It's pretty new. It's got it's like an interactive like art installation type of thing where there's like an arcade bar and there was like a supermarket that had like hitting passageways into like different areas. And like there's even an extra thing you can pay for like a little key file that has like a whole story that you can go through the thing. And it was real dope. But those were like two things I had a chance to do. But there was like a bunch of other stuff there. And if you're not into like, you know,
Gambling or hooker is like I would check out area
Showtime and Paramount Plus Merger Details
15. It's real though I'm not in the gambling and I've never been with a hooker. So yeah That like that they don't have an announcement of like when it's coming but I just know they've announced it because they still got to build that expansion area to that so it could be a couple years down the line, but Next up I had Showtime
is I don't know if you've heard is merging with Paramount Plus, since Paramount Plus owns Showtime. I thought that already happened. Yeah, well, they haven't, you know, they haven't merged yet. But and my sources at Showtime, it's one of my stops on my route. They they said that it's just going to be a temporary name just so people know where to go. But the temporary name is going to be Paramount Plus with Showtime.
because that's what they're changing the Showtime. Wow, very creative. Yeah, that's also like, I was like, you guys didn't really workshop this, did you? She was like, it's only going to be temporary just so Showtime customers know where to go. Because that's what time placeholder. Yeah, the Showtime. Yeah, yeah, the Showtime apps change in its name. And then the Paramount Plus is changing its name as well. And then they're eventually it's just going to become one app.
That'll probably just be like Paramount Plus or something like that. Well, I mean, it's for the best because I mean, right now, the way things are, it's just such a fucking mess. Like nobody knows. Like, you know, I mean, like Showtime is a major network and like their contents on Paramount Plus, but you don't know that because it's not. I mean, it's extra. You got to pay extra for it. Yeah, I mean, it would just they need to change things around. So I'm glad they're doing that. Yeah. Instead of having a separate app plus that.
Yeah, just play make it all one app. But so like I'd gotten like the like a three months for like six bucks a month or something like that deal back in like December for Showtime. So I got a chance to like catch up on some things like yellow jackets and stuff. So yeah.
But I did not get a chance to watch, let the right one in, which has been canceled after season one. And it actually, they've actually removed it from the network. So you can't even finish it if you started it right now. Wow.
So I don't know if they're going to, like, you know, try to shop it out for a season two or if they're just taking it off the books completely. Are they going to shop it to if they thought it was so bad that they canceled it and removed it from their network to shield their viewers eyes? It's not it's not because it was bad. It's just because one of the things that they have to it's just one of the shows like it can't like the other one was like American Jigolo got canceled after like one season.
on there as well. That's just, you know, one of those things like HBO canceling shows, Showtime's doing the same thing when mergers happen, they cancel them and they just, and sometimes like they took Westworld off. They took Westworld off HBO and now it's on like one of those free channels, like the Roku channel or something. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, because they're going to start their own free service as well. So Showtime is probably doing something similar. I mean, they could, you know, like Netflix could pick it up to like air air it, you know what I mean? Even if they don't pick up a second season, they could just shop it out to make money. I can respect that if you cancel something and you then can tractionally drop all rights and say, you know, guys, it didn't work out between, you know, you and us take your product.
Good luck. I hope you find a home somewhere else.
Friday the 13th Series Updates and Debate
Yeah. I'm cool with that. Like, you know, I mean, at least I can accept that. What I don't like is when they cancel a show or whatever. And then basically say, we're canceled it. We are keeping all the rights. So you can't like go to any of our competitors, your product shut down. You're fucked. Like, you know, enjoy doing nothing.
Yeah, it's the best. It's just to like, you know, I know that's business. I get it. Yeah. Well, I mean, there's a way to do it. You can keep the rights to it and then you just license it out to somebody else who wants to fail. You know, I mean, that way later on, if you want to come back and revisit it, you could. So I don't know what their what their plans are. But right now it's not on there anymore. I mean, according to IMDB, it got seven point five ratings out of 10 outside of like that's for a TV series. Yeah.
And a horror TV series. That's pretty good ratings. That is a very good rate because, you know, we've established that horror is scrutinized to like a very high standard. Yeah. Especially on like the elitist IMDB form. So I mean, so it's definitely not canceled because it was crap. So, yeah, no, I mean, with the Watcher pool, like something like six point seven or something like that. I mean, yeah, I mean, no.
Those are good reviews for a horror television series. Yeah, so who knows what their plans are to do with it, if anything at all. Yeah, the Watcher only got 6.5. Oh, wow. Yeah. It dropped since I last checked. I mean, it's got 64,000 views compared to 4,000 views. So it's a little different.
But, uh, all right, the next piece of news I had was, um, Friday 13th news, uh, no, uh, they've actually, uh, added two people, uh, Kevin Williamson, who's known for, uh, you know, scream. And, uh, Adrian King.
are both involved now. She was like, you know, one of the original Friday final girls. She's gonna have her current role is what it's saying. And Kevin Williamson is at least writing one episode.
Uh, yeah, this was announced out of Friday, the 13th, uh, screening that they had on Friday, 13th in January. Um, yeah. Brian Ford came out and was like talking about updates about the, uh,
Um, series, you know, describe it as expanded prequel and yeah, and all that. So they, and it says, uh, the official writing starting in two weeks. So it should be starting this week, I would say, cause that was like two weeks ago when this was announced. So yeah. And then on top of that.
Sean Cunningham came out and said to be developing a Friday the 13th reboot, a house reboot and the night driver. Yeah, he's working on getting Friday the 13th off the ground and it mentions
Crystal Lake and um the guy who's uh doing a rewrite of the night driver uh with uh the director Jeremy Weiss uh he they they were talking about Friday thirteenth at house so they they pitched a reboot to that with Sean's blessing to keep developing it with him so so the Friday the thirteenth crew it looks like things
So we could be in a TV. I always, I always thought that there was going to be like real, like, you know, bullshit because of court litigation and copyright and all that stuff. But it looks like what I thought would never happen is happening. And things are, people are actually just like working to make, you know, the content come back alive again, and they're doing what's best for the viewers.
and not themselves in their petty bullshit quarrels. And that's kind of rare. Yeah, and we're not getting old.
We're not getting two competing Friday the 13th movies. We're getting two separate, one TV show and one movie, which is good. They won't feel like it's competing against each other. So, but yeah. I just hope that like in whatever they do, that it like isn't where Jason has like an intricate lighting system, takes prisoners.
Um, you know, is that like, does welding and shit? Like, you know what I mean? I want to just be the monstrous killing machine. No more of that. Not ninja people in off a rooftop. Yeah. No, I don't want to like, uh, you know, see Jason be like, oh, wow, Jason, like that's really good electrical work there.
But you know what I mean? I want the fucking non-stop killing machine. Yeah. The undead. Well, I think we can all we can both agree on that. So, well,
Favorite Films of 2022 Discussion
good news. Very good news. Yeah. So that's all I had for the news. That's what I brought it down with. And on a positive note. Yeah. I want to end with a double Friday. All right. So you want to talk about our favorite movies from last year? Because I got a couple. Yeah. Well,
What, well, first off in 2022, do you have a number one, like something that like decisively, like, you know, stands above the rest? Oh, I got two probably pretty close number ones that, uh, you know, kind of dependent on the day of which one I would watch. You know what I mean? But, uh, I want to get some honorable mentions first, if that's cool.
So just jumping straight to number one, you know, it's cool. I was just going to say, like, you know, you could, you could start number five. I don't care. Like I don't really have mine in any particular order. Five. I just like threw in there. Like, yeah, I would say that's kind of how mine is too. But I think there are some that are, that are definitely worth mentioning over others, I would say. And the rewatch.
area but uh yeah some honorable mentions probably uh Phil Tibbetts uh stop motion animation uh film that took him like 20 some years to make uh mad god i think that's definitely worth the luck that was uh yeah we were talking about that a little bit um a little bit before we uh actually started recording but uh i i had missed out on that one and that is definitely um
on my list of next handful of movies I watch, that will definitely be one of them. Yeah, there's not a lot of dialogue and there's like maybe one part that's real short that's like live action, which I didn't think that part was great. Shortness of dialogue is definitely not always a bad thing.
but uh it's definitely one of those that's like when we used to have parties it'd be something we would throw on in the background while we played uh while we played music and everything and people would come in and sit down and be like what the fuck is this like that's the that's the type of movie that is uh i also kind of enjoyed uh bones bones and all even though it's probably more of a romantic uh
love story cannibal movie, but it's more of that side of it than it is the straight horror. So that's why it doesn't quite make my list. I also really enjoyed the remake of Hellraiser.
David Cronenberg's Crimes of the Future. Sorry, I almost got the two Cronenbergs confused for a second, because Brandon, the son of David, has that new movie Infinity Pole that's out now. Yeah. And I kind of enjoyed that movie Fresh with Sebastian Stan, where he eats ass, literally. Oh, God. That's so terrible.
So fucking bad. He cooks it properly. So bad. But yeah, those were like my honorable mentions, I think. And then I don't think I have quite a top 10. Let's see. Oh, you're doing 10. I got five. You got five. I'm rolling five. But I do want to do an honorable mention. And this may be on your list. But I just changed this mentally in my mind.
because one that was just on my top five now moved to an honorable mention and one that I hate it is now on my top five because I have to say it was really fucking well done. And just because I didn't like the movie myself, I have to say it needs to be there because it was really well done. I just fucking
It grossed me the fuck out to no end. Well, what was your honorable mention? My honorable mention is going to be terrified. Terrified. Very, very gory. It is horrifically violent. You know, Art the Clown is, well, especially hard and
seems to primarily like to target women and do like, I mean, just above and beyond fucked up shit to him. But I don't know. I kind of dig art, man. Like, it's just, it came from like, you know, it came from like all house Eve, like the Terrifier came from like, on a shoestring budget.
to like, you know, now they're being picked up. Like the second one was like very successful. They're making a third one. Like, you know, they're going to get more money thrown at it. And I don't know if there's just, it's different. I think it's because he's like a silent mind too. I don't know. It's just so unique to me. A bunch of people who like, I never in a million years would think would have watched the Terrifier.
like actually said hey man have you seen the Terrifier 2 and I'm like you guys like watch Terrifier and they're like yeah yeah so like people that I know that would never usually watch that so I don't know I'm hoping that the Terrifier 3 like maybe comes a little bit more back to reality and like maybe is fucked up but not as fucked up
Like I could do for more like story development, maybe get some better actors in there. And like, I know this is like sacrilegious in like the horror circle, but like, can we turn down the gore a little bit? You know, will I get whipped in the street in front of like your crew for saying something like that?
I think they're going to ramp it up, if anything, and maybe. But I think the whole point of it is kind of, you know, that throwback to like that 80s kind of slasher where it's not it's not supposed to be that great. You know what I mean? The story is wild. So I think people come up to you, be like, hey, have you seen Terrifier? You could be like, well, actually, I have. And here's some recommendations that you'll actually really enjoy if you like that movie.
So I think that's, uh, I think it makes it a good conversation starter in that way for kind of new, uh, to the horror genre to watch that movie. You can be like, dude, there's a ton of great eighties horror movies. Let me start throwing them out. You, especially if you like this, like bam, bam, bam, bam, and started listening to them out. So fair enough. Yeah. Well, without further ado, doc, what do you got? Um, well, since I have 10, I'll just kind of go through a couple five real quick.
uh i would say if one of yours matches mine i'll speak up okay uh i threw barbarian on there even though it made me kind of crack up in the theater especially when justin long shows up the problem is is i found out that i only ended up watching half of the movie oh you watched the part where justin long shows up yeah um you have to admit like it's a mistake that anyone could make
yeah because it does because it kind of shifts focus right after that it seemed like that was the start of the movie anyway i'm not gonna get into what i don't want to sidebar too much but barbarian i thought was um was a decent film i think it would have been better if i saw the whole thing but i like i'm biased because i like just along like he's a funny fucking guy that he can do some serious shit
I love them in Jeepers Creepers. And yeah, that's all we have to say about that. Cool. I would say, bodies, bodies, bodies. Missed it. The rich kids get together and have a house party during a hurricane. And then they start dying off one by one. And it's kind of a who done it in a little bit of way with a nice little twist towards the end. With a twist. With a twist, yeah.
I would throw probably The Cursed, this werewolf movie that came out all the way back in January. It takes place like, boy, I think like early 19th century or late 19th century. I can't remember. I think I want to say like 1890s, maybe
beginning. I can't remember the place but uh, basically like this these gypsies curse these people for taking over and killing all their people in the land. And, and this creature comes and like is like kind of hunting them down and killing them. And it's kind of a werewolf movie with a with a new unique take on it. And I thought the design place. Ah,
Oh, I'd have to look that up. It's been so long. Oh, no, no, not that big of a deal. Yeah. Was it in the United States or England? I think it was England. Okay. Yeah. That's what I thought too. Yeah. It was either England or New England, so. There is a very big difference there, but wait. At that time, you know, it was both kind of the same language.
Yeah. Pretty much the same people. Fair enough. But I think I'm pretty sure it was regular England. Yeah. And then I would have to say the menu was one of my other top. I just found out about this movie about 48 hours ago. I had mentioned it. I'm very upset that I had not seen it. Are you not remembering you mentioned it? Yeah. With Nicholas Hall, Ray Fiennes and Anya Taylor Joy.
And they get exclusive island. That is that is one of two of the next movies I'm watching. OK, that is at the top of my list. I believe it's on Amazon Prime now. Yeah. Yeah, that's definitely worth watching. Yes. So those were like. I don't know how many was that one.
like that was four so i guess i'm down to about about five uh i would say men the uh that is what moved from yeah the terrifier got booted men moved up i think we discussed men on the cast before yeah i believe we had and i said about like you know dude i'm not a fan of fucking birth
And he knew that it was very artsy. There was genuine terror. The soundtrack was amazing. That's right where I was going. The soundtrack was amazing. And I really did not see the end coming.
And I'm not sure exactly what they were going for there. And it really repulsed me, but I have to admit it was very well done. And, uh, yeah, it's one of my top five, even though it grossed me the fuck out. Yeah. It's Alex Garland. He did annihilation and, uh, and, um, Oh, what was the other one?
Oh, he wrote the screenplay for Dread, but he also did Ex Machina, which is really good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Men definitely makes my list because for the reasons you said, because it was beautiful. It was weird, creepy. Rorkeener was fucking great. And then that end was real fucked up. They just had. Oh, yeah. Anyway.
What else you got go on? Well, I was gonna say you just go. Okay. Well, um, I Know this is one of yours too and you kind of like brought it to like my attention Like when I was like sort of debating whether or not it was gonna be there but um The Hellraiser franchise has gone to shit. We've talked about on here. We did a full cast on it
And the Hellraiser reboot, while it's not really the direction I would have gone in personally, it was such a vast improvement from the Hellraisers that we've seen for the last decade that
I'm just glad that the franchise is kind of like, like the production value was a reasonable production value that would stand up to most, um, you know, uh, modern films, like produced by major studio. And that was just the improvement because, Oh God.
I don't want to relive that podcast, but, uh, Hellraiser, they're rebooting the franchise. It's going in positive direction. The writing was solid. Um, you know, they introduced some new elements and stuff like that. And it did, it did work. And you know what? I, I, I liked it enough that I rewatched it. So yeah, that definitely makes one of my top five for 2020 though.
Yeah, that was in my honorable mention didn't quite make my my top 10. Yeah, definitely. Definitely up there. I definitely enjoyed it. Next, I would probably have to say maybe werewolf by night, the Marvel short hour film. I thought that was really great. I skimmed it. And like, you know, you know, I just don't do Marvel. But like, I mean, it looked beautiful.
And you know, it went from, was it all in black and white or did it go back and forth black and white in color? I think only the end was in color from what I remember. Color.
Well, it looked beautiful. I mean, I saw the action sequences, like a few of them at least. And I mean, it looked beautiful. It was good. I just don't do Marvel. So anyway. Well, speaking of Marvel DC, James Mangold's in the running to do a Swamp Thing live action for DC. So that could be good. And I thought he did a really good job with Logan. So I'm definitely interested to see his take on Swamp Thing.
I haven't really heard anything about Swamp Thing in a long time. Yeah, they just announced it since they canceled the TV series. Yeah, but then. Yeah, oh, yeah. Werewolf by Night. Oh, yeah. Then I have I've Glorious on my on my list. I had to do it. You know, it wasn't like, you know, it wasn't like a
I don't know. I guess I'd consider that more. It was more sci-fi or obviously. Um, but, um, I, we discussed this, we did a cast on it and, um, you know, it was a low budget movie. What that just took place. What a, uh, uh, parks and recreation. Yeah, it was the restroom and the park.
Yeah, like a highway. Yeah. Yeah. And it basically, you know, the whole thing just took place there and you don't see Gene Simmons, but you really feel. What? JK. Oh, Jake. Who the fuck? Oh, yeah. They have different careers, but you don't see them, but you feel them.
And you know, he's present. You know his voice. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was a glory. That was a very, very, very unique script. I would have loved to have been there when they pitched that script to whoever. I would have just loved to fly on the wall for that meeting that. Yeah, it was great. I loved it. So, yeah, definitely. I'm right with you there. Yeah. I really like the.
JK is the glory hole God and what's his name? Jason Stackhouse from True Blood. It was. Yeah, I mean, if you still haven't seen that, like go back. Go back. Get on there. Yeah. Then I've got I got to go with Prey as my number three. The Predator prequel, I thought was real dope and I got to see it.
and theaters and then I watched the Comanche version on Hulu. It was real dope and a good return to form for the Predator franchise. I'm glad that it's back. That would have been a massive honorable mention for me. Yeah, I liked it very much, but I didn't have it. I didn't have it in my top five, but
If I was doing a top 10, it would have definitely made that cut. So. Well, before I do my top two, uh, what do you got else? My top two. That's what I got left. It's. Boom. Great minds think alike. How could, how could that not be your top two?
for 2022. Yeah, and I feel like they're almost interchangeable. Fucking amazing. Yeah, they're both different, but they're both like, oh, which one do I like better, X or Pearl? You know what? And the story you told me, because I would have not read into it as much as you, when you told me about how during the filming of acts,
that the director, who is the director of X, do you know off top of your head? The director of X went to approach me and basically didn't they hash it out in like an afternoon that I'm on board. It was while they were in quarantine before they started filming.
Yeah. So it was like they had that much confidence. Like the two weeks, the two weeks. Yeah. She was just like, you know, hey, after we do this, let's do a fucking prequel. She's like, I'm down. Yeah. And then they asked out the story and then like, yeah, they hash it like boom. So they basically went right into filming Pearl. Like what? Like right immediately after. Yeah. Like immediately after. Right. Yeah.
They used like mostly the same crew and everything. Yeah. And it was it was on the same location. Am I correct on that? I know. I'm pretty sure the house was the same that they used. Yeah. Obviously there was like another location. They didn't even move. Like basically, you know, the ex crew moved off.
Pearl crew moved on bang just knew that that's awesome. I mean a gator comes back Yeah, we we didn't yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm thinking there wasn't like a baby gator like obvious I don't know how long Gators last but um, like if a gator was 100 Yeah, but um, you know, uh, we did a cast on X and
We did a cast on Pearl, so if you're wondering what we thought of those, you can go back and listen to those casts. But if you have not seen either of those, those are the two 2022s that you really should catch over everything else. It was just amazing.
Upcoming Films and Recent Watches Critique
And then prepare yourself for Maxine, the third one in the series, supposed to come out this year.
So that's going to be her in like her like middle age, right? No, I think that was supposed to be a sequel to X. So I think I guess I understand that. But that's going to be.
No, because Pearl is the prequel to X. So she it's the old lady is also Mia Golf and she plays the younger version. Yes. No, she's also a super character in X as well. So I was I confused myself because it was Mia Goth the whole time. I was thinking that it was going to be a sequel to Pearl and a prequel to X, like where she goes from there, like as she's aging, because
I really would love to see like what her and Harold's life is like after Harold gets back from the war and see that, you know, she basically just murdered her entire family. Well, doesn't he walk in at the end of Pearl? Yeah. And like basically sees like, oh, you're completely psychotic and you've killed your entire family. But you're smoking hot. So all right.
Yeah, I mean you're also like, you know me and go and you know the same me a good this still me a good so yeah There's nothing they're up to do Yeah, you're better off being on her side so yeah Yeah, it would be adapt or die because like you see that like if you're not going to say hey baby and give her a hug and a kiss like she's coming at you with that pitch for
You just got back from fucking surviving hell on earth in World War One. And you don't want to get murdered by your fiance. You know, the first hour you get home. So it's like, it's cool, baby. I've seen worse. Yeah, exactly. Like, oh, you're really fucking insane. All right. Whatever. No big deal. Ain't war hell. You know, so there is a there's a trailer for a movie I saw just called Bunker.
I believe it's a World War One film where like these soldiers get trapped in this bunker and like I don't know if they like start to go insane and start like murdering each other or like there's a ghost in there or something like I don't know the trailer looks really interesting uh supposed to come out this year just called bunker uh just talking about the World War One dude uh and speaking of Mia Goth she's it or Goth or I'm not sure how to pronounce it. Goth.
Oh, I say gross, but I don't know. But she's in Infinity Pool, the new Brandon Cronenberg movie, and I thought her performance was really good in that movie. So it was kind of a weird fucked up movie.
When did that air? That just came out last week, I believe. So most likely a year from now, that's going to be on your best of 2023 West. I mean, so far, I've only seen two movies this year. And the first one I saw, I walked out after 20 minutes. Skin of a rink.
It was like, if you see the trailer, it's mostly like a static overlay, and then it's odd shots of like the corners and walls and the floor. And it's supposed to be like a POV of the kid but there's like, you can't hear what anyone's saying is the audio is so blown out.
And I was just like, oh, this is the whole movie. And I was like, I can't handle this. And I walked out 20 minutes, and I looked up to see if they're out, because I was waiting for the movie to get started. And it was like 20 minutes of odd shots of corners and fucking ceiling, and then this static overlay. So it was even harder to see what you were looking at anyway. And I was like, I left the theater. I went and googled up, and people were like, yeah, this is what the movie is. And it's weird, because if you go on IMDB and look up the 10
these stars and the one stars it's almost the exact same rating because it's people who loved it because of the way it was shot and everything and people hated it for that same reason like it was such a divisive film and like some people fucking love it i couldn't fucking stand it but people were like oh it's like david lynch's weird stuff and i was like well david lynch is really weird stuff he made those short films for a fucking reason
like it's two-hour movies have somewhat of a narrative and and you know dialogue that you can hear and you can see what's going on you know what i mean even if you might not understand because it's a lot of metaphorical fucking shit and he'll never explain it because it leaves it up to you but at least you can see like shit that's happening with this you couldn't tell what you were looking at half the fucking time
But yeah, I walked out 20 minutes. If, uh, if you thought it was bad, then I got to think that it would be like the beginning of the apocalypse for
Episode Wrap-up and Next Preview
me. But you know, our friend, mine are listening to those noise albums where it's just noise. Yeah. That's what I imagine. Like the movie equivalent of a noise album would be, which has been in a marine. But yeah, then I saw maybe pull and I enjoyed that. So.
Anyway, that was our best. Well, I was about to say best and worst. We kind of did cover some of the worst, but this year for the best of 2022. Sorry, it's been so long, Doc. It was great to see you. Are you seeing it? Our next cast, we're going to be doing 2022, but best horror sci-fi series. So thank you guys for joining us and
See you soon. See you very soon, buddy. All right, yeah, definitely. Peace.