Longlegs (2024) & a Fruited Sour image

Longlegs (2024) & a Fruited Sour

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
96 Plays3 months ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! We hopped on the hype train and checked out Longlegs that just dropped this past weekend. This was a wild ride! Also, I check out a fruited smoothie sour that's quite wonderful. Hope you enjoy, Cheers!

thanks jack welcome back to little house of horse podcast on john your hostess always think you can for tuning in uh... always appreciate the support you guys from uh... well you know wherever you're at in the globe uh... if you haven't yet go ahead give us a rating follow us like subscribe all that stuff uh... you know helps us out with everything and i keep you in the loop on what's coming up next uh... so this one you know kind of jump the line here ah we do have some cool stuff coming in the next couple weeks and everything um But I had to do it, right? Everybody's talking about this fucking movie. We went to see it over the weekend. We're doing long legs, 2024, sitting in 87% on Rotten Tomatoes, 7.4 out of 10 on IMDB. Our rating's pretty much right in the middle of that, 8.5 out of 10.
um We'll talk a little bit about the movie here in a minute. Beer we're drinking tonight. ah Coastal Sunset from Humble Forager at set at 4.06 on untapped. Now this is a frigid pastry sour. ah Mango, coconut, vanilla beans, cinnamon, brown sugar, so like all kinds of goodies and I've already taken a couple sips and I can assure you that it is very delicious. Anything these guys do is Usually pretty lights out and it's ah like shelf-stable stuff. So it like, you know ah It'll hold up pretty well. Like if you if you see it anywhere at like a local bottle shop is definitely worth checking out. So Yes, so this movie's been getting like a lot of hate a lot of mixed reviews um Some people love it. Some people hate it. I'm not seeing anybody just kind of like right down the middle. It's it's it's just like another polarizing new release and that that seems to be like a thing right it's like nobody can just like be okay with the movie like you either have to love it or you have to hate it or nobody gives a shit right so like it's it's all about being extreme I guess anyway so uh what do we like about this movie well it was
beautifully shot. Great score, the atmosphere is really creepy and unsettling. um I loved like the ah like didn Tarantino kind of influence there with the art house kind of theme. um I thought that that was really fun. And you don't see that in like horror movies very often. right That's kind of like reserved for you know Tarantino kind of films, like crime movies, you know things like that. So it was kind of neat to to see it introduced in a or Not introduced but used in a movie like this um Definitely got some like like which vibes also like like Robert Eggers like some weird um Like some of the shots some of the sounds that they use um During the movie. So, you know, it was cool to just like see where like, you know They pulled some influences from to put this all together i really thought Oz Perkins did
ah great job all around on this um nicholas cage was i mean he's a gift right and he continues to be so this renaissance that he's had over the past decade or whatever especially in like horror you know movies and everything he's just been so much fun you know mandy um he was good and like pig and then that um What's the one to do with Pedro Pascal, the the unrecognized or something talent. I don't know. That that was like a great movie ah to a lot of fun. Mom and dad, he was in that one. That was that was cool with Selma Blair. But he's just been like just kind of on ah on a hot streak. and And I was curious to see how that would carry over into this movie because it was a little more serious. Right. So like all those other movies we did were kind of mentioned were like a little more on the fun side. Right.
He's allowed to be, you know, crazy and elaborate and everything. And and he's exactly that here. um But you know, like I got some like liminal space vibes too, like in just some of the shots and in some of the things they were doing, like there's some really unsettling just environment. ah I don't know vibes going on here. i don't I don't really know. I'm fucking stroking out over here. It's later in the day that I normally do this. So if my energy levels down, you know, I do apologize. I think the only way I can get out of that is if I drink some more beer.
But this is definitely like a heavy movie, right? It just kind of weighs on you. There's just like this sense of dread that, you know, the entire time you're just kind of waiting for it to get better. Not like it's a bad movie, but you're waiting for things to get better and and they just kind of don't, right? It's just like, oof like the whole way through it just gets kind of like darker and darker um but it was fun i really enjoyed this i know a lot of people hated it and they said it there's plot holes and there's this and that i mean it's not an all-time great movie right like i i really liked the ending it was like you know crazy chaos and and and you know a lot of things happening a lot of stuff happened in the ending we'll talk about that in spoilers but
you know this was like um i don't know i just really enjoyed it this was uh one of the one of the newer movies this year um that that didn't let me down like i like this a lot more than i did uh in a violent nature um and then you know that's kind of like what i i can gauge on for a newer movie because that's really the only other one Besides the coffee table that I've seen this year. I haven't seen um Immaculate I might get around to that i'm I'm not entirely sure or the first omen I might get there but I might say that for like spooky season We'll see what's going on when we get there. Obviously we have Terrifier coming up speaking of Terrifier next week. We have something super cool. We actually ah
We're interviewing an actress from Terrifier 2. She came on the podcast. she She's going to give us um some insight as to what it's you know what it's like to be on set, what it's like to to be a part of this like awesome fucking amazing franchise. So guys, definitely ah you know stay tuned for that. Like I said, that'll be next week. And we'll be posting in advance so you know what's coming up all right anyway what do we didn't like about this movie what's not a it's not a horror movie right this is this is not what you would consider a horror movie this is very much in the realm of like seven um or uh a lot of people are comparing this to prisoners with with uh Hugh Jackman from um a few years ago uh silence of the lambs a lot of people are tossing these these names around
and and it's in that realm right it's like a crime thriller there there are some like shocking scenes um but i do not consider this uh like a horror movie and for them to say that this is the scariest movie of the year obviously if you guys fall for that shit still like come on being an adult it's not it's a marketing ploy it's a buzzword to get you out in the fucking you know, asses in the seats. That's all that is. um it's It's hard to be the scariest movie of all time because, yeah, I don't know. Anyway, it's just it's just a marketing ploy. But, you know, this this was this was fun. i I really did like it. um
I think the only thing that that I didn't I didn't like so there were people talking about some plot holes and Initially, I love this movie walk into the theater and I think I wanted to like it So like I kind of like overlook some things initially, but then I was reading through my notes and stuff and I'm like, there's some things here that I just you know, I I got I got to address. OK, so there are definitely some plot holes and they didn't explain everything that that was kind of going on and that took place. and And I don't want everything explained to me all the time. But there was a lot to take in in this movie in all honesty. And, you know, for you to not explain every everything or at least give us some, you know, some background to what's happening, um you know, just just a little bit. I don't need it to like, you know really be dumbed down for me But just give me a little bit more information like where did this come from? How did this happen? Like well, how did he get here? You know things like that and like and we'll talk about it here in spoilers Which we're about to jump into so if you guys have not seen this and you don't want this fucking ruin for you Come back around nine minutes eight and a half minutes. Whatever it is. We're just about there now So let me take another sip of beer and we're jumping in a spoiler. So we'll catch you guys on the other side
That's right guys. It's spoiler time. Um, yeah, so again This movie's fucking cool. I'm excited to talk about it. Uh, we were supposed to have a guest tonight Um to talk about it, but that that kind of fell through at the last minute So I do have to solo this I had to kind of change my notes and hopefully I I went over everything and I didn't fuck anything up but um First things first, what is a mother's love worth? Right that fucking ending that fairy tale story like once upon a time this and this happened and and I I took the plunge for you daughter like holy shit what a fucking crazy I love that part I loved it and we'll talk about it in depth more but um I didn't see what gear this was supposed to take place right was this supposed to be in the mid 90s if you guys do know um you know obviously chime in in the comments or whatever I could look it up and I'm just trying to get you guys to engage on the page that's all
but um but I Also, I don't know how long IKEA has been around right because I was noticing some of those like those those like paper lamps that you would get for like $10 that like every fucking college student had and they were all over the set like they're all over different scenes and like really modern lighting and Everything and that's not what we had. That's not what I remember in the 90s I remember like regular ass lampshades that were just caked in decades of fucking cigarette smoke And that's how you got your incandescent lighting yeah um But you know this movie doesn't take long to get going and you know, we always love when you know something like that, you know takes place You know Harker's partner is immediately shot in the fucking head when they're trying to look for long legs You know, this is after you're kind of introduced to him
Um, through a pretty cool opening. I really liked that with like part one, part two, this and that. Um, I like that kind of stuff in a movie, maybe not every one, but when it's warranted, it you know, it, it works. And I thought they did a good job here, but for, for that to take place that early in the movie with that. That guy getting shot in the face like my god It reminds me a little bit of the lodge in terms of like early shock value in a movie like I kind of wasn't expecting that at all But it also pulls you in quickly, you know when something like that happens, you're like, okay fucking let's go hundred miles an hour. Let's do this um There's some good examples of body or that take place whether they're tracking down more of his his victims long legs victims and everything and
that scene where they had to peel back the fucking you know blanket because they had been there like a month or whatever it was and I mean it's just like maggots and they're like stuck to the bit like I I couldn't fucking imagine trying to do that job like professionally. ah like It would be fun to do like like the puzzle solving things, right? like A plus B finally gets us to C and D. Yay, we figured it out. like That part would be very satisfying and fulfilling. um But having to see that shit in real life and having to like get rid of that stuff, like touch it, and oh my god, like I couldn't, no.
Fucking way people that do that are just a different fucking breed. It is not me I'm i'm all for watching this shit on the screen because I know it's fake, but that's it I know it's fake that stuff is 100% not fake. I wonder if um We should talk to like a special effects person and I wonder if they study scenes like that to get better at wounds and blood spatter and stuff like that. I never really thought of that until just now. um That's fucking, that'd be wild if they did, man. You gotta be ah a sick son of a bitch to wanna like, to look at that stuff and be like, I think I could do that. And then put it to fucking.
it put it to use All right. Um, so one of the things that kind of stuck out to me in this movie though, is, you know, early on, she's kind of tasked, right? She's like a newbie on the fours. She doesn't, you know, they don't really go into her background at all. She's just kind of there. She's a newbie and they just throw her on this case, right? They give her all this stuff and she figures out his code immediately. And even agent Carter, who's like her, uh, I don't even know the fuck I meant to work. There we go. I had a little bit of brain fart there But you know, that means we need some beer
Um, you know, even, even he calls out to it, like, this has been a cold case for years. Now you come along and you just start figuring everything out. And she's like, well, I just looked hard enough. And it was like kind of, you know, cocky and everything. But like, also there's no explanation how, you know, she's given this code. She just looks in a Bible and there's that scene in the cabin where. you know she gets a letter uh well she sees something out in the woods and so she goes investigate and you see in the background that long legs or somebody but you're pretty sure it's long legs is in there he leaves her a letter and that letter has like some kind of code you know coded message or whatever and she just like hops the random page of the bible like 92 and um just decodes it super quick not only that she's like also able to figure out
all of the letters immediately and then memorize it so she can just the next day oh a this this means this letter and this symbol means this letter and this is this word and you know i I didn't really like how they didn't explain that a little more or at least show me like give me that satisfaction of her like she's like in a library late at night and there's someone being like hey we gotta get out of here we gotta go home and you know they're like already asleep on like a pile of books like let me just see that or something along those lines I gotta see how you get there and they don't really
and don't show that they're just like ah yeah she just did it but you know about that cabin scene there there are some you know that's one of the many shots that I enjoyed in this movie because um you focus a lot on the background right you're drawn to the background of this film and not to say that there isn't anything going on you know right in front of you but you're almost expecting something to happen in the background just because of the way they they kind of like angle the shot and everything and sometimes stuff does happen like like the scene in the cabin you see fucking long legs walking around and so for the rest of the movie you're just constantly looking and trying to catch something
um You know in in sometimes it happens sometimes it catches you off guard with a good jump scare which happens You know later in the movie also, but you know they they do a good job at foreshadowing also. There's there's a couple things that I definitely missed ah one being the little girl's birthday party and You know because of that awkward interaction with with agent harker. She's so weird in this movie, right? Like she's like something out of the fucking lobster or killing a sacred deer Like she's like one of those characters and forgive me for that. I cannot I can never remember that ah fucking Director's name. It's like your goes something something but he has like such a like weird interaction with with his cast and and their characters and everything and how they like You know talk to each other
but she's very weird she's cold she's standoffish you know it she's she's i don't know she's just like an oddball and and i don't know if that has something to do with her doll or she's like heavily fucking medicated or she's carrying trauma or what or if it's just like a little bit of fucking everything But that whole scene when like the little girl invites her to the birthday party like I totally forgot And so when that you know pops up in the end I'm like oh my fucking god That's the birthday that they couldn't figure out and even when they're talking you know and they're going over everything and she figures this code out and everything's in a triangle and everything and I Mean, I don't understand what that means or how you even get there or what that has to do with predicting the next murder or whatever but
um you know even agent carter isn't like it isn't wise to it he doesn't be like oh that's my daughter's birthday like maybe i should just have an extra cop at the house like it just in case uh no nothing like that happens but um and a lot of people were saying that this was kind of like amateur hour and and everything and it was predictable um i didn't think so like i said there was a lot of things i didn't see coming and maybe it's just because i like you know if you just can like show your brain off for a little bit and just immerse yourself into the movie and just like really take it in and and enjoy it i've been trying to do that more and more often uh mainly after my huge backlash on my jeepers creepers review uh from a couple weeks ago i got absolutely obliterated i have to clear my throat so you guys have to give me a second
And I'm back. I don't know what the fuck is going on. I had some like weird random allergy spike in the past week or whatever. And now I have like a cough and that happens so randomly every like four hours, but it like won't go away. um But yeah, I mean, after that Cheever's Creepers review, you know, I got I got destroyed for that one. Pretty good. A lot of people fucking love that movie. and and i just did not like it and uh yeah i i felt that one so i guess i'm in the minority there but you know since then i really try to like not be as critical and edgy and whatever just try to take it at face value um and maybe that's why i've enjoyed more of my movies as of late
ah but you know things transpire in this movie you know they go from one to the other things start moving quickly and they decide to go to the farm where the initial like killing took place or whatever and there's like a little girl who's not a little girl anymore she's now in like a mental institution um and they pick that's where they find the first doll right there's no explanation as to doll or anything like this and they dig it up and they do the autopsy on the doll which is kind of weird and Initially I thought that it had, that it was like human skin over top of it, um but it was just human hair. But they cut it, you know, open and they found it that little little ball, a little dome or whatever it was, and that was supposedly the brain. And this is the part that I kind of had an issue with, was that they don't explain what that is.
Is there some kind of incantation that he put in there? well like what what What was that? you know what what the fuck you know either the the The autopsy guy, whatever the fuck he you know he was, I don't know, that the guy the guy at the lab. um He said that he heard like his ex-wife's name when he was like listening to it with his little fucking, you know Sonogram thing or whatever but you know, they just don't explain what that is or how it controls people or Anything like that and that's that's ultimately what happens is because you know long legs He just leaves this, you know his mo is like this like cryptic letter that nobody knows how to decipher until Harker gets along and he doesn't kill anybody and But he has people kill ah Their families and then themselves and everything and so it's always this brutal scene and they they can't figure out how he does it um Which is which is cool, right? That's like kind of a cool thing It's like and and I was thinking my head like oh that sounds like Manson and then they even have a Manson reference in the movie um Did you guys know he did fucking he has music Charles Charles Manson I almost said Marilyn Manson because obviously he does but Charles Manson I he has music like he's made music and it's not terrible i'm not gonna lie like if i ever get my shit together and i like finish my book and it ever turns into like a movie or something um i will have his music if i can in like the end credits or something like that just because
It's weird. It's just weird. I don't know why uh, but I don't know it's on spotify, which is the craziest fucking thing You could literally just look it up. He's got a song called look at your game girl And uh, it sounds very much of that 60s era sounds like you know Not like the kinks or you know, but but but just that that kind of sound and it doesn't sound terrible, which is It's not what I was expecting. I'll say that um Let's get some beer
these beers are so easy to drink because they're not really sour it's just like a like a naked juice with like crust in it basically that sounds gross the flavor of crust like pie crust um but you know they they they pursue their you know investigation they go and talk to the one girl that that did survive um one of his killings or whatever you want to call it and i really love that reenactment scene i thought that was really cool yeah it's all told from the point of view of the doll and um you know the girl speaking over it and uh i love when you know the dad finally snaps and he acts as the the the priest and then he acts as mom right in front of the camera like it's pretty fucking awesome that that whole kind of the way everything unf you know unfolded or whatever
and carries the girl's name. That's okay. I do have it written down here. But this this is something I didn't quite understand. so um he says i she mentions that that she would happily kill her uh... kill agent harker if if long legs wanted her to and like i don't understand how he has that kind of power over her and they tried like linking it together saying well when you found the doll she came out of her catatonic state and all this stuff and now she jumped out the window and died and you know it's just after or that was after um... We'll get there. We'll get there. But it's it it just gets, you know, I don't know, it gets kind of messy. And if, you know, when you take a step back and you really start like re-examining this movie, I can see why people are like a little disappointed or they didn't love it as much as I did. um I just thought it was fun. I just, you know, I was like, yeah, man, this just makes sense, you know, in the moment, or I think I was expecting it to like lead somewhere. And because so much shit happens, I just kind of forgot until the end.
And it's they just that constant like, hey, look over here. No, no, no. Now look over here. No, no, no. Now look over here. And all of it was awesome. And you forget about you know A, B, and C after you just watched D happen or whatever. but um So Harker is finally like called out on her bullshit from Carter. you know And like why do you know so much about this? This doesn't make any sense. You know this. You've figured this out. and he's really pushing about talking to her mom so he like dug up her file and all this stuff and so she has to go back and you find out you know moms she's a hoarder now and she's she's fucking weird both of them are weird they're very very weird individuals
and you find out why I'm guessing it has to do with long legs in the doll and you know this pact that that she ended up taking or making with him ah to save her daughter but she goes up to her room and tries to find some clues finds that box and that box has ah a picture of long legs in it there's great jump scene there also that definitely got me in the theater but but ah they They launched the manhunt off of one picture looking for this guy and it's the least exciting manhunt I have ever seen it's just Nicholas Cage um Looking you get a real good look at him here You you get ah a good look at him earlier in the movie too, and he's being real creepy and like that Hardware store or whatever and he's singing and he's screaming in the car mommy
dad ed i will tell you that whenever he was doing that everybody in the theater was laughing because he's just so fucking good in this and so creepy and he's the perfect role but this part coming up is where um you know you really see how dark his character is um i will say that uh his the makeup was crazy right that was like not it didn't look anything like him it looked a lot like mickey rourke does now but in in the way he was talking the entire movie I don't know how they kept like a straight face at times because of how animated and weird his character was like there's the birthday girl like all that weird high-pitched like Dramatic like it's it's it's weird. It's funny because you know, it's Nic Cage under there, right? Because you know, it's it's just and and I love Nic Cage and how crazy and animated he can be at times and But after he gets into the interrogation room and is one-on-one with Harker, this is where things get really, really dark, right? And and it makes you wonder, um you know, where he had to go to dig to get to this place, because this is where, you know, you see behind the mask. You know, it's not quite like Heath Ledger Joker, but it's in that, like, kind of same realm of of madness, of darkness. Like, he had to have done some shit to get to this place when, you know,
right before he goes, you know, hail Satan and starts bashing his fucking face off the table to kill himself. Like, dude, he broke his fucking nose off. Like, that was awesome. um And yeah, you know what? Fuck it. That's going to be hard.
I really thought about the cop in the car but that one was cooler like the one the cop in the car was cool but you didn't get to see it you just saw the aftermath you know just some just some catch up on the windshield you know what I mean um but you know after and they don't actually ever say if he dies you just kind of assume he dies But Harker's blamed for this by Carter by provoking him shortly after they're given the news that Carrie dies and ah He's the Carter's just like Go see your mom. So that's that's what she does. And this is where the movie really ramps up in this last like final act as the the cinema geeks call it is insane so
So much stuff to process here. She's there. She's trying to find her mom. She can't. There's like a a radio or TV or something un real loud in the background. And the FBI agent that is no I didn't write her name down because she's not in the movie for very long. She's waiting in the car for it moms in the background blaster fucking head off with a shotgun. and then, you know, Parker comes running over with gun drawn, all this stuff, expecting to see long legs or something like that, and it's mom, and she double taps, she goes to the other side of the car and blasts her fucking face again.
moments later you discover that you know long legs car is there it's it's under like a tarp in in their garage carport kind of thing and and everything she's kind of like falling apart around harker like there's so much stuff for her to process and um she she comes across her mom getting ready to to shoot the child version of her doll saying she's free And then, you know, she kind of like blacks out and and passes out and that's that and I don't understand that That's like one of the things I didn't get like what what that had to do with anything. How did they get free? What exactly took place there? You know too many open-ended things in this but it does kind of come um You know full circle overall I liked this part that you know coming up and everything um Where mom sat down and and she you know, she kind of told it like a fairy tale right like
Um, she was the accomplice. She they did meet her or they did meet him Uh, and he begged she begged and plated long legs to spare her daughter and she would do whatever You know, he needed her to do to do that. So He lived in the basement and he made these dolls for little girls on their on their birthday and her job was to dress up as the nun and drop them off and say that they won some kind of prize from the church nobody's going to turn that down it's an easy way to like sneak in especially back whenever this took place which I assume is like the 80s or 90s and
then madness would ensue. you know The parents would lose their fucking mind because of whatever was in this doll, kill the whole fucking family, and that was it. On to the next one. um And as she's like realizing all this, you know or hearing all this, because you know she gets a phone call or something like that, it this it got a little messy here, and I was like kind of balls deep in watching, so my notes are a little erratic here. You're going to have to excuse me. but this is when it clicked for me like oh shit she's going to little girl's house she's going to carter's daughter's birthday party and there's nobody there that was the weirdest thing it was like oh cool it's her birthday party but literally nobody's there it's just her parents and her mom's there already with the doll and the daughter and this is where it gets a little kind of like outlandish and everything um i didn't like the interaction between um
you know Carter and and like I thought this was supposed to take days right I thought this was supposed to be like it wasn't supposed to happen immediately now maybe I maybe I misread that or miss misremember but I thought that they said that whatever and can whatever curse or whatever he put in these dolls it didn't happen immediately it was like a couple day thing but I guess not because this happened immediately and it took out fucking you know carter he said hey let's go cut the cake and mom said i'll go with you and he's like you're not leaving the kitchen and you can tell he's just like holding back from being like super weird um that part was kind of dumb i'm not gonna lie i didn't really like that too much and predictable like you could kind of see where it was going carter came out could show up mom gets you know takes one to the head too because she didn't like uh
the way that everything was unfolding and and she tried saying that we're gonna we're gonna die if we don't do this and again they didn't explain it you know they just kind of left it open-ended uh all the way until the end you know when when you think this is done the course you know this thing is run its course um arkher puts the daughter behind her and she goes to leave She goes, pull the trigger on the doll, and she doesn't. She just hears, happy birthday, like that whole you know thing you were hearing the entire movie from long legs. And then that's that's it. That's the final screen. That's the final credits. And um so like I said, it's it's
but It gets a little messy. I i still really enjoyed it. right This was a lot of fun. It's one of the better movies I've seen this year, just because the style of it. right I loved it. I thought that that part of it was really cool, very unique, very well done also. um I love that arthouse kind of stuff. I like the the really dark things. I love Seven. I love Silence of the Lambs. like those two Those two movies are great. um but this yeah, I mean I think they just they they could have used like another 15 or 20 minutes just to like Maybe explain some things a little more ah But they didn't I think this is still like 94 minutes or something It's like they definitely had some room to to add to this too and they they just did it
But ah overall this was this was a fun movie um and if you listen through all that and you still didn't fucking see it That's your fault, but I would suggest going to see it I can't wait to watch it when it hits a streaming service here in a couple weeks Whenever the fuck that's gonna be you know ah Or maybe even maybe it's blu-ray worthy. I don't know I think I'm gonna watch it again first to see how much I like it again and Or if I'm just gonna pick it apart, so we'll see but as of right now eight and a half out of ten It's in a in contender for movie of the year so far we brand new movie of the year Yes, that's about it for this episode. Hope you guys enjoyed ah like I said next week tune in we have a special episode It's an interview ah with the actress. um I'll keep her name private You'll see next week anyway, but yeah, she'll be on next week. and it's It's a fun little half-hour episode nice and quick um Actually, I don't even know if it's that long but um that was a lot of fun Looking forward to doing more stuff like that in the future. ah But until next week guys, we will catch you later. Cheers