Dawn of the Dead (2004) & Dead Guy Ale image

Dawn of the Dead (2004) & Dead Guy Ale

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
22 Plays1 month ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! This week we're checking out Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead from 2004. This movie is such a fun ride, unless Ving Rhames is driving. Also, we check out a mainstay in the craft beer scene from Rogue. Hope you enjoy, Cheers!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to Little Hops a Horse Podcast. I'm John, your host as always. ah Thank you again for the continued support. If you haven't, go check out any of our socials, pages, anything like that. We're on Untapped. Go follow all the cool beer we have each and every episode. We're on Instagram, Facebook. Actually, we're not really on Instagram anymore. Fuck Instagram, man. We can't get a following on this. We're not even dealing with it.
um But I still you know post things on the story and everything, and that's where um all the episode links are um pretty much in order. We have season one and season two. um Coming up, ah we're getting close to the end of the ah of the year here, so this is this is cool. Got some good news. Actually, we're going to be joining. ah the regular rotation on Frightmares with our buddy Austin over there. So this is this is, you know, cool. We got some big things happening over here. um Looking forward to to seeing what the future holds with all of this. um But yeah, thank you again, you know, for for for the support and and the feedback and all this other stuff, um helping the podcast grow. Like I said, we're like all over the fucking world now. It is super crazy to think that this ever got fucking anywhere.
You know what I mean? like you just You just start doing stuff, you hope for the best, you hope to get better at it. I'm not saying I'm great at it, not saying I'm awful at it, but you know it's just it's just fun. right I just wanna do this because I'm having fun. um And with that, we're gonna cover Dawn of the Dead, right? 2004, directed by Zack Snyder. um Famously, director, ah or fame famous for, there we go, idiot, for directing ah movies like 300, The Watchmen, all those shitty DC movies.
Um, you know, Justice League, Man of Steel, yada, yada. We don't really care about those. Um, I did like 300 and I did like the Watchmen. Those, those two movies are fun. Uh, this movie sitting at 7.3 out of 10 on, uh, IMDB and it's a 73% on Rotten Tomatoes. R-score 9 out of 10, man. This is an all timer. This is, this is a lot of fun. Um, really, really enjoyed this. We're going to talk about why here in a little bit, but first let's talk about the beer we're drinking that I've already had several sips of and about to have another.
We are having rogue dead guy ale. I don't think in the almost year, yeah, year and a half that I've had this podcast that I have had this beer yet. If I, you know, I don't think I have, um,
Maybe I have, if I have, feel free to go back in the archives and tell me which episode I did, because I don't feel like looking right now. Anyway, it's a Mybok, 6.8%, which I always thought this was some kind of, like a pale ale, right? Like an old school IPA, those West Coast ones that were really malty with a little bit of hops in it. That's what I thought this was for the longest time. Anyway, 6.8%, 3.71 on Untapped. This is one of the OG craft beers.
um in the United States. this is This is one of the ones that people would drink ah before we got better beer. I'm not saying it's bad. I'm not saying it's my favorite though either. um So what do we like about this movie, right? this This was like a lot of fucking fun. um It takes less than six minutes to get going, right? Like this movie wastes no fucking time. It is just like, ah here you go. No, you're in it. And that's it. It's that until the very end, which you know I think is awesome.
um There is a jazz version of ah Disturbs Down With The Sickness that I did not know about until I heard this movie or watched this movie, and it's really fucking awesome. But yeah, this is it's a fun movie. It's um you know good cinematography, good special effects. um The acting is exactly what it needs to be for a movie like this. The you know the characters are are what they need to be um to carry this and everything. And you can tell that this is a movie that has influenced many others since its release right there's a lot of really cool camera angles like I watch this and then I watch zombie land you know with that came out I don't know maybe eight eight years later or something like that a few years later and and if there are a lot of parallels right I felt like I was watching like a ripoff of this movie
um Yeah, but if this this is this is awesome. you know Could it be better? Yeah, i mean it's not like it' not my favorite movie of all time. um But this is this is a legendary movie. mean You could put this on at any time. It's a great remake. um Yeah, this is great. like you'd fucking you know This is one like we that won't disappoint. There we go. I don't know why I can't talk all of a sudden. Maybe because I'm double recording and I'm like struggling for sleep and I've been sick and I've been on fucking like mucus clearing medicine and all this stuff so this one might be um a bumpy ride almost like you know we're riding with ving raims that's what we didn't like about this movie his fucking driving skills this dude cannot handle a fucking bus like he's fucking terrible absolutely terrible and then they give him a second one to drive you fucking dumbasses you saw what he did with the first one oh my god uh seriously um not enough character development uh for me to really give a shit about any of them
um Which is kind of a thing like I want I want to have some kind of attachment a little bit for me to give a shit or I don't You know in this one, you know, I don't know. I didn't really care about them So if they died and whatever at least give them a cold death, which there were plenty um Yeah, that was it. That's about it. So, you know if you guys haven't seen this movie come back around six minutes We'll jump into spoilers here right about now. So we'll catch you on the other side
That's right, it's spoiler time. um Yeah, the setup for these movies always vaguely reminds me of the early days of COVID. I'm sure most of you guys remember that it wasn't too long ago. um Me personally, I was in another state when the lockdown started happening.
um And I was a little panicked, right? Cause like, I'm like, maybe I'm not going to be able to get back home. Like I want to be stuck in fucking West Virginia. Uh, there are worse places to be cause I was in like my favorite place in the world, Seneca rocks. Um, but like people would already purge the grocery store for shelf, stable food and toilet paper. Um, do not run out of toilet paper.
Uh, but there's news coverage and radio coverage and all this crazy shit. And it was kind of scary, right? Cause we didn't know what the hell was going on. Uh, I mean, now like a few years removed, people have different opinions on the whole thing, but we're not here to like talk about that really. Uh, but just, you gotta admit just for a moment when all this was going on, us horror fans had to wonder like, was this it? Was this the one to worry about? Um.
i don't know that's like as close as we got i think um anyway all right so um this movie opens up uh in hospital there are signs all around the main character uh they're just blatantly ignoring on us just like not giving a fuck about anything she's changing the radio uh the station on the radio or the tv she's banging her husband in the shower while you know this virus is spreading nothing you don't worry about at all um i have to pause for a second hold on one second oh sorry about that dude i'm double dipping here right so i just recorded an episode i already drank one beer and now i'm one of my second beer this is the downside of recording while drinking beer right like you burp you burp you get indigestion or whatever that's called i think it's indigestion i just wanted to sound smart and use a word like that all right now this is the scene that got me right they sleep with their fucking door open
What psychopath sleeps with their door open? If you sleep with your door open, man, you got balls. I don't, I keep my door shut. I don't wanna see what's on the other side of that. Said it before, I'll say it again. I don't have anything to do with that shit. But this movie highlights exactly why you shouldn't sleep with your door open, right? Some little zombie girl could be waiting in your fucking hallway, just staring at you, waiting to attack you. You know, maybe maybe zombie doors, or maybe zombie doors, maybe zombies can't open doors like velociraptors, right? Well, they can, but like we don't know We don't know, and I want to take that chance. Maybe they can't fucking get their stupid hands around the door knob or whatever. I don't know. But and like I said, ah in what we liked about this movie, we're six minutes in.
And we're already like balls to the wall, right? You know nothing about these characters aside from Anna being a nurse and Vivian likes to rollerblade backwards. That's all you know so far about these fucking, you know, this movie. All hell breaks loose. Vivian attacks Louise. Anna tosses her out of the fucking room, locks the door. Now she's stuck in this, you know, in the room with this zombie previously known as Louise. Then she gets stuck you know with him. He attacks her. She locks herself in a fucking bathroom. She can't open a goddamn window because she forgets to unlock it because she's an idiot.
um Then, you know, eventually she gets out, right? um She comes to what appears to be literal hell on earth, right? ah It's total fucking chaos. And also, this is a good reminder to always put gas in your car the night before the apocalypse. You don't know when the night before is the night before. ah So make sure you get gas on your way home, just in case tomorrow's the day, you know, that would suck to run out of gas. You'd be fucked.
especially if you live in like new jersey where everything's full service and you have to wait for someone to come pump your gas that's a really funny visual to me you're just waiting the fucking world's falling apart and you're just waiting for somebody to come out and pump your gas for you Oh man, we're loosey goosey now. Anyway, um but I love this scene, right? And and I think this is what Zack Snyder was going for. The navigation of the neighborhood, really awesome camera work of it just kind of being on the tail of the car, things, you know, zombies jumping on them, getting deterred going after something else. But it's like, they you know, this is the suburbs, right? It's a war zone now. Pleasantville is, you know, utter chaos. And it's supposed to be like,
the suburb is supposed to be your escape from the chaos, the the hubbub of the city and everything like that. And and it's just total hell right now, right? Now enter Ving Rhames. Is there a cooler name for a guy to play an action hero? Like besides Benicio del Toro? Because I think that's like the coolest name you could have. um I would like legally change my name to that just because it would be awesome to introduce yourself as that.
But I'm not cool enough to like even look like that would be my name So I'll just stick with what I got anyway, but yeah, no big rings awesome fucking name I wonder what his real name is, ah but it's a typical trope um just like any other movie, but they don't harp on it too long It's like some survivors meeting other survivors and they're skeptical about one another until they've had a chance to tell their story blah blah blah They ah seek shelter in an empty mall. Of course, you know it doesn't take long before they realize there's a few zombies in there. They fight their way to a different level, and that's where they meet CJ and the fucking other douchebags and the kid from Air Bud. He's in here too. All right, let's get some get some beer.
Man, this is a little harsh tonight. um This is like burning my fucking throat. I don't know if it's because it's like an older one. I got this from my local gas station, and it says it was canned. Let's look.
Yeah, like a year ago. Literally you canned a candy year ago. So that's probably not something to... to ah Well, check your candy dates, kids. This dumbass fell for it once more. um Anyway, um so yeah, this is where they they get to the next level.
um all the weapons are confiscated by by CJ, who wants to be an alpha, you know, doesn't really doesn't really end well for him later on. But this is where we get to see Tom Savini, huh? Making his little cameou cameo appearance, Pittsburgh's own. Big fan, really want that guy on the fucking podcast. I don't know what I have to do to get him on here, but... ah I'd fucking kill for it just to like I wouldn't even talk I would just let him fucking talk be like hey Tom Just say stuff for half an hour, and then I'll leave you alone um Yeah, I don't know if you guys want to donate to that cause and we can try to get him on here feel free I'm just kidding, um but seriously like
Yeah, not not much happens after this, right? It's kind of uneventful here for a minute. You know, they're watching the end of the world on TV. CJ tries to be the alpha, which gets sorted out pretty quickly on the roof. This is where you find out you don't fuck with Bing Rains. This motherfucker is here for business. um Their early chance at rescue kind of comes and goes, um literally, in the form of an army army helicopter.
Just kind of flies right over them. They got big signs written on the fucking roof and everything help We know people are alive here and they don't give a shit and this is you know They do later find out that that local Fort whatever has fallen and there's no help coming right there. They're on their fucking own ah So if they want to get out they're gonna have to kill on her own ah We don't get there for quite some time though anyway next day They see that there's a box truck just kind of running over zombies in the parking lot That's just what they're doing and this was the turning point that led um You know led to CJ losing his place as the quote-unquote leader um and they decide to To let them in right once they take over Anna and and Bing Reims and and Michael I don't know Bing Reims fucking character in this and I don't care I'm just gonna call him Bing Reims
um But this is where they let them in. um and in it you know this is like a you know Is it strength in numbers kind of thing? like What would you do in this situation? It would be really hard for me to come to terms with something like this in real time, because I have literally no idea what I would do. I gave myself like an ultimatum. um And I guess it depends on who I was with at the time. Now, just so you know, the question is,
you know it you're in charge of like your six people that are there, right? And you have seemingly a sealed off place, you got food, you got supplies for however long. um Are you willing to let people come into your area and and risk your own safety, your own health, whatever? um How far are you willing to go to help your fellow man?
and I guess it would depend on who I was with. You know, if it were me and my family, fuck no, man, stay away. It is us three, us four, whatever, ah immediate friends and family that are right here, that's it, nobody else, that's it. um But if something had already happened to them, or you know, they weren't here, we were separated, whatever, I'd probably be a little more open to like,
I don't know, helping people or or or joining folks or whatever it was. um I don't know, just kind of an interesting like thought. um you know I guess it would depend on the circumstance. um What would you do? Feel free to leave a comment on the post whenever it goes up and everything. I'll probably throw the question in here. Actually, what will happen is I'll forget that I asked this question in the middle of the podcast and then I'm just gonna get random comments from people and be like, why the fuck are people telling me that I would stick by myself? like Um, anyway, so Michael and Andre are tasked with opening the door to let them in a little bit of chaos. Um, but this is where you realize pretty much right away that the bleeding heart mentality is going to cost them. Um, there's a woman who's clearly been bit and she got a chunk taken out of her fucking arm. There's another one that's been bitten. um
And this is where they find out for sure that the other places you know completely been overrun and and it's done So like I said, it's it's one thing to want to help like healthy folks, but if they're wounded like come on man um Also, what's the time frame for these things turning because it feels like it's a little inconsistent right like Louise turned Instantly after being bitten by his daughter and this lady took like two days to finally turn and um But now that the sick one is turned on him, you know, and they kill her ah You know Anna isn't so privy to help the other she wants Michael to just kind of if you're sick, you're getting shot That's it. You're done. You're out. um So she at least like, you know changes her tone quickly She wants to help and then she's like no man fuck that if you get bit you're dead That's that but this is my favorite part of the movie coming up. I fucking love this the the jazz number on disturbs Down with the sickness um as they go through like the human
like side of all of this right we're like life is over as they know it right so why not enjoy what you have left you know golfing uh working out fucking playing dress up, making drinks, playing chess. You know, it was just like a very, it was that moment in Zombieland where they were like hanging out in Bill Murray's house and, or, oh yeah, there, or like when they're in that like Indian store, Native American store, whatever, and they're like knocking over everything.
Um, you know, it's just like a, like, like a, you know, you, you just forget that the end of the world is happening and you can just like be human for a little bit. Um, unfortunately that doesn't last long for them. You know, the, uh, the power goes out to the mall and they call CJ who has been locked up pretty much the whole time saying, Hey man, you're up. You got to get the power going again.
um Oh, and the baby wants to come now. um But I honestly think CJ has the best character arc because you really hate him at the beginning. He's kind of a fucking cockbag. um But by the end, he kind of like turns it around and um Yeah, like he's actually not a not a bad dude. He's like a contributing fucking, you know, member of this whole thing. But predictably, ah you know, the venture to get the electric on does not go well. Andre's wife dies giving birth. She turns into a zombie. The old lady goes to check on them.
finds out that she's a zombie, puts one in her fucking head, uh, kills Luda. Not to be confused with Luda Chris. Andre does not like it that, uh, that lady just killed his wife, shoots her, and they have themselves a little shootout, right? Fights the old broad, doesn't go down without a fight. She fires off a few, killing Andre before eventually dying herself. Now the group hears, you know, uh, all the gunshots going on. They find out what happened. Uh, they see that there's a zombie baby. Bang! It, you know, killed that thing too.
But now it's time to rally, right? Because what's worse than death? Waiting to die, apparently. Like, if you knew, if you were just waiting for it to happen, like, hey, I guess that would suck, huh? Like, you knew it was gonna, it was inevitable. And you're just like, fuck, I woke up again today. Like, I don't know. Like, if, if the end, there's a bunch of zombies, like, trying to get in where I'm at. Yeah, that would, that would kind of suck. Um, cause you'd, you'd figure one day they would get there and it would probably be a horrific fucking death.
But the plan now is to make some Mad Max, not Mad Max, that's a restaurant near Pittsburgh. Mad Max, there we go. um End of the world vehicle and go to the marina. ah You know, and the dude from Modern Family, it's his boat, he has one, he's a dickhead the entire movie. um And they just want to escape to this nearby island that none of them even know exists, right? Or if it exists for sure, right? It's just like this, the you know, ah that's our go-to. Now,
they're in a mall right they never say whether this island is uh if there's supplies there uh none of they don't pack like camping gear they don't show anything like that so they just like get on whatever we'll get there we'll get there it just doesn't seem like a very thought-out plan it seems kind of uh erratic like let's just fucking do it This is where Ring Raims talks to his buddy Andy with the, uh, the old, you know, um, dry raceboard saying a couple more days and then we'll come get you and we're all getting out of here and getting safe. And Andy's like, uh, yeah, but about that, I'm pretty fucking hungry, dude. This really send chips, which I think is the dog's name on a death mission, uh, through the sea of zombies, um, with some supplies and a walkie talkie.
um but chip the dog apparently is not what the zombies want to eat he gets through unscathed which is always good we don't like to see dogs die in horror movies any movie honestly um but the doggy dork doesn't shut all the way uh and he is bitten and before the group can break the bad news to him nicole crazy motherfucker steals a box truck and goes to save the puppy she just goes plowing through all the zombies gets in there to save the puppy and uh i mean i can commend her for that right and like All of this craziness, you just see the innocence of a dog, you know, it kind of makes you feel better at the end of the day, I guess. um But Andy turns into a zombie, and before the happy Andy can take place, um you know, the group has to get it together to try and go and ah
Well, try to rescue Nicole, but they really just kind of want more ammo and everything. So half the group, you know, decides to go do this. um They go and rescue Nicole. She was actually, you know, still alive with the dog, which is awesome. They stock up on ammunition and try to get back to the mall, um you know, unscathed, which does not happen. They lose Tucker ah in the in the midst of all that because he in the sewers and everything.
they also used pretty much all of their fucking ammunition that they just stocked up on right so i don't even know what the fucking point of all of that was it was like very bad oh also all of the zombies uh have now infiltrated the fucking mall so now it's like fucking go time whether you're ready to or not so into the mad max buses they go um this is a really cool scene really really cool visual um of just these buses right being totally surrounded not being able to move they're rocking the bus back and forth they got the chainsaw guards out trying to cut them down that's not enough so they call on cj to use the propane tank which somehow turns into a nuclear fucking bomb takes out like the entire fucking flood of them ah but does nothing to the shuttle which i thought was kind of funny but uh note to self
never operate a chainsaw on a moving bus in the middle of a zombie apocalypse because that fucks everything up. Ving Rhames cannot drive a fucking bus. He rolls the thing and some poor girl takes a chainsaw to the chest. And, um you know, unfortunately, that's got to be our
Yeah, I mean, like imagine surviving so long in an apocalypse, right? you You've made it through, you know, your friends and family dying, you get you get you know you think you're on your way to this next, you know, you're gonna escape and everything, and some old fucking man can't handle a chainsaw on a bus, and trips and falls into you and cuts you, ah right in your fucking chest killing you. Like, that's a shitty way to go.
So the bus gets rolled. um The kid Steve gets attacked and he gets bit. Ana has no problem whatsoever shooting him in the head and taking his fucking keys. The rest of the group, surviving group members get to the other bus. They all take off ah for some reason. They let Ving Rhames drive this bus also. And he wrecks that in the marina. Also, he cannot drive a bus. Like I said, this is what I didn't like about the movie. This guy can't drive a bus.
um CJ gets trapped on there. He does everything he can before blowing himself up um and everything around him in that big-ass propane tank. um And that's it, right? Buys the group enough time to get on the boat to to sail to the island and everything, but no happy ending. No happy ending. Michael reveals this is Anna's supposed love love interest. I must have missed the part where they fell madly in love, um but I didn't think I missed anything, but I guess I did.
um but they were supposed to be the happily ever after she's broken up and he says I'm just gonna enjoy the sunrise and Takes a gun out of his pocket and that's about it. That's about it You know the movie ends with with the boat heading towards the distant island you hear a gunshot and that was it So this was a very fun movie. um I Mean like the wife even liked it and she's not a horror movie fan, but she was sitting there watching um you know, part of this just like totally engrossed because it's and it's a well done movie, you know, it it's very fun. um But you can see how that' this this heavily and you know influenced other movies that have come out lately. Honestly, ah in the opening scene, I couldn't help but think of Shaun of the Dead when
and i know that it's like basically the same fucking name but the opening scene where you know all of these like alarming signs are going off around Ana and she just doesn't give a shit and it's that same opening sequence of like you know Shawn and all this crazy shit happening around him and he's just you know he's hung over from the night before and there's zombies all around him and he's just going about his usual morning routine grabbing the thing out of the you know what we might we're gonna do that next week we're gonna do Shawn of the Dead so we're doing Dawn of the Dead and Shawn of the Dead Um, that's one of my favorite movies of all time. So that'll be a fun one to record. Uh, we might have a guest for it. I don't know. We'll see. But anyways, um, hope you guys are enjoying everything that's going on. Like I said, always appreciate the following, um, spreading the word, anything like that. Um, like subscribe, go rate, anything like that. It really does help everybody ask you for it, but that's cause there's a lot of us trying to get some free beer sponsorships. Actually, there's only one of us trying to get a free beer sponsorship and that's me. So go help your boy out and we will catch you next week. Cheers.