Abigail (2024) & a Belgian Strong Ale image

Abigail (2024) & a Belgian Strong Ale

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
47 Plays2 months ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! Checking out yet ANOTHER new title from this year, Abigail. This was a lot of fun and I wish they'd make more movies like this. Also, we try a beer I can barely pronounce from a brewery I can't. Hope you enjoy, Cheers!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to a Little Hops a Horse podcast. I'm John, your host as always. ah Thank you again for tuning in, really, as always. Appreciate the support. If you have not, go like, subscribe, follow, all that stuff. Recommend to your friends. I'm trying to get that free beer, dude. ah Anyway, if you haven't figured it out yet, we're covering Abigail from 2024, available on Peacock right now. ah Just dropped last week for me. Now, this is going to release probably about a month after um I have seen it. But anyway, ah sitting at 82% on Rotten Tomatoes and 6.6 out of 10 on IMDB. Our rating is pretty much in line with Rotten Tomatoes, 8 out of 10. This was a this was ah fun movie. We'll talk a little bit, you know,
more about that here in in a bit. But this has been a pretty decent year for horror so far. um You know, I haven't seen Immaculate or The First Omen yet, but I have seen, ah I mean, In a Violent Nature, Long Legs, ah both of those movies. I mean, In a Violent Nature was a little bit of a letdown for me, and we reviewed that um yeah a couple months ago now. But, um you know, Long Legs was great. Really enjoyed that one. Stop Motion was a lot of fun. A little bit of ah of a mind-fucking kind of movie. um This was a lot of fun. You know, it's not scary by any means, but it was just a fun movie. And I think we need to have more fun in horror movies, right? Like, maybe don't try to just be scary all the time.
Lean into being you know, silly and goofy and funny and and witty and you know, you know just throw extra blood on it, man You're you know, probably gonna have a good product. Uh, anyway, so I'll talk about the beer we're drinking today And then we'll talk about what we liked and what we didn't like um about this movie So beer we're drinking galden draak. I probably fucked up how to pronounce that but it's a belgian strong ale I'm not even gonna try to pronounce the brewery. This is one of these Um, actually I don't even know if it's a trappist brewery or not. I don't believe it is but this is one of the um One of the heavy hitters in the import game, they've been around for a long time. um This was craft beer for for a while, imports basically because of the laws here in the states. Home brewing was like kind of frowned upon or whatever, or very hard to distribute or whatever.
ah So breweries like, you know, Sierra Nevada and like Sam Adams and New Belgium and you know bells and stuff like, you know, some of the bigger regional breweries now, I mean, Sam Adams is huge. They're, they're big time dogfish had also they they kind of joined forces or whatever. But, you know, ah it again, it was just hard to get your hands on on cool beer. So you you you kind of had imports. that was That was what we did to get started. And um I mean, Belgians are definitely something, especially like this style in particular. um It's very unique. It cuts through. You'll know pretty much right away if you like the style or if you don't like the style because it has kind of like a very unique taste, you know, kind of like a banana, bready kind of. it's It's kind of hard to describe. it's it's I've never been able to describe Belgian beers very well. um
But I mean, when they're done well, they are really good. And this is a good example of that sitting at 10.5% and 3.77 on untapped. Also, hey, we're on untapped. So if you want to follow us, you know, jump on board, man, check out all the cool shit we drink. So let's take a sip.
ah Yeah, so it's definitely ten and a half percent. Oh Man, it's a Monday night and we're ah you know, we're off and running here. So so much for that work I was gonna try to do later Anyway, ah so let's talk about Abigail, right? So this is you know, just a fun little movie I like that that you know when kids kind of get involved and and they can have fun and and I feel like we've seen a renaissance with that and you know as of late over probably the past 10 years or so thanks to like stranger things and and and stuff like that. um But this was good. What we liked about it, that the casting was good. um I liked everybody top to bottom. I think there were there was one that I wasn't a fan of and we'll talk about it. um and I don't want it to be like a source subject or anything like that. but
um The casting was fun, ah pretty pretty strong you know ah cast of characters, no pun intended. ah John Carlos Stanton sent it, Melissa Barrera. um Yeah. but I mean, this was just a fun movie. Uh, Kevin Durand, I was, I liked that dude a lot. And he's, he always plays like these little like minor supporting actor, like minor supporting characters or whatever in movies, but he's just fun. Right. Like he's, he's like a bigger dude. Um, I remember seeing him in mystery Alaska for the first time, like, and that this movie went that came out with like the eight or like the late nineties or whatever.
um So he's been around a long time. He's he's done a lot of stuff, but um i mean he was in Vikings. He was in smoking aces all that stuff. I don't know. I've just I've always kind of liked him in his little bits. I'm sorry. It's kind of funny and he does greatness. He kind of taps into his like inner Drax from ah um Guardians of the Galaxy. He's a very literal ah Canadian muscle man ah is is what he is and and he does it very well, I thought but um ahlicia weir obviously she steals the show as abigail i think she does a great job everybody's talking about um in-grid ah tereli from late night with a devil earlier this year that's another you know movie we we covered And.
I mean, I think Alicia Weir blew her out of the water with this performance because of how she goes back and forth between essentially characters. She plays two characters at once. And we'll talk more about that in the spoiler section so we don't give anything away, um even though you know it's about a little girl who's a vampire. But we'll tell you more about it anyway. um But I think we need more creature features like this. I thought this was fun. you know like i Like I mentioned earlier, have fun with the movie. you know It doesn't always have to be about jump scares and creepy atmospheres and predictable you know blah blah blah like like just have fun i i i really enjoyed this movie i thought it was it was fun it's not you know all-time great territory that's why it's an eight out of ten um but it's just you know it's just mindless violence and fun you know it's it's it's good um what we did in like not not much really uh like i said it's been a pretty good
year for horror, and this is this is another solid entry. ah What I'd like to see more gore, always more deaths, more whatever, ah because some of this stuff does happen off screen pretty early, and you you you just kind of see like the aftermath. um But that's you know that's about it. So if you guys have not seen this, ah we're coming up on, well, we're at the seven minute mark. um But if you know you don't want anything ruined for you, you know now's the time to shut it off and come back around seven and a half minutes or so. ah But for those of you who have seen this or you do want it ruined for you, we'll catch you on the other side.
That's right, it's spoiler time, guys. ah So, yeah, the film opens up just like any other heist movie, right? A gang of, like, ragtag strangers team up for one common goal, and this just so happens to be kidnapping the daughter of someone very wealthy, and, you know, they just they want to get paid. um John Carlos Stanton will always be Gus Fring to me and from Breaking Bad, and he was so good in, you know, in that role. And I haven't seen a lot of movies with him in it since that role, so anytime I see him, I just i just think Gus Fring, because that was such an iconic character ah for TV. But ah he's he's he's good in this, you know even though he does play kind of a minor part as Lambert. um But he's in charge of this operation ah so initially.
And for the low, low price of $50 million, dollars all they have to do is babysit this poor girl that they've kidnapped. And they just have to last 24 hours. Now, I will say that you know after they kind of introduced the characters, the one that stood out to me initially the most, and I do feel bad saying this considering he has passed away ah recently, was Angus Cloud's character, Dean. He is insufferable in this. And and that's probably exactly what they were going for. ah But i just I had a real hard time. like Anytime he was on screen, I'm like, this is fucking hard to watch. It's obnoxious. I i think it's because I went to high school with dudes like that. like deep down
They wanted to be like rappers and they just ended up making like these poor girls that we went to school with like single moms and now they work like part time at a gas station somewhere because they're still trying to get their rap career off the ground. They're just bouncing from house to house knocking up girls. Pardon me, along the way just you know, so they can all be single moms and ah their kids can hate their dads. ah But that's that's the kind of character. He reminded me of that's the kind of person he reminded me of and I just I don't know It was so obnoxious and and thankfully we did not have to wait long For want to be Mac Miller, you know his character to to go, you know He was the first to go in and even though you don't see it, you know, the aftermath is is pretty good um ah again, just pointing to Alicia Weir and in in her
her performance and a little bit of a brain fart there. But I thought she did a really good job at at at portraying this this little innocent girl, right? You didn't feel really bad for her sometimes. And, you know, like I have like a niece her age. So it was, you know, I just kept seeing like my niece being like, you know, not kidnapped, but, you know, just like sad like that and you're and scared. And ah she did a really good job. And then, you know, she knows how to flip the switch and become like an absolute fucking monster. And I thought she did a really good you know job at just being able to go back and forth with that. uh Along the way, the group finds out that that she's the daughter of some major crime boss, and that this is a really bad fucking idea. But they dress Lambert, and they they think that you know high-risk, high-reward kind of deal, and and they're all kind of assigned tasks to get through the night. you know Take watch here, just do this, make sure there's no ways to get in and out, other than what we know of, and blah, blah, blah. And there's some good mystery you know early on, like it we already alluded to you know Dean's death and everything, but you don't really know.
um who or what killed him. You assume it's Abigail, but they talk about this Valdez, I think is his name, you know some some crazy you know psychopath who butchers people and you know the Frank is was a cop and he knew about him a lot. He's talking about all this stuff. um So you're not quite sure what's going on. you know they They do a good job at just you know steering you in ah in a direction. and um until the reveal um which eventually the house goes on lockdown there's no escape they they kind of realize that it's a trap and in order to get the information they want they go and try to rough up abigail um to get that information and they soon find out that that's a very bad idea because her reveal is very good um while these guys are all guys and gals
are fighting amongst one another in Abigail's room right in front of her while she's chained up she just casually like slips out of her you know little handcuffs on the bed and just attacks everybody she takes a bullet to the head uh it does literally nothing she gets up and that's it uh so they realize regular weapons are kind of not gonna fucking work right so now we're gonna go to i like the scene in the foyer where they're talking about um you know What do we know about vampires? like it's like It's a real thing. I have to clear my throat. I'm going to have to pause this for one second. Sorry about that. A little cough and a little beer helped me out, and we should be good to go for the rest of the episode. um But I did like the the the scene in the foyer where they're talking about, what do they know about vampires? and they're talking They're going through the different kinds. you know like The Twilight vampires do this. and the just you know ah that That was funny. But you know they they try to take it seriously, and like that might be what they're dealing with. so
Wooden steaks get some garlic, you know, how cliche right but that's exactly um You know, that's what they do. ah So they go and try to track down Abigail She laughs at their attempt when they walk in they see her just casually, ah you know dancing with Dean's corpse to Tchakovsky's Swan Lake she's a ballerina ah What is it with vampires digging like like classical music right isn't it kind of did that kind of like a trope at this point like I know blade was a little different but you know can we get one that's just kind of into like little Johnny side boys or something like that or maybe like system of it down or maybe death metal like they have to find something other than that appealing you would think that they'd be into kind of death metal right because that's you know it's kind of scary for some people
um but not for everybody. ah But after you know Abigail quickly, and I mean quickly, ah and takes care of the three people trying to fight her at once, I personally would be very discouraged after that scene because I just got my ass whooped by a 12-year-old girl. And um the only remaining bit of comfort I had was that like maybe we could we could get her with the You know the garlic and she just smells it and throws it away after there was a funny scene with onions because the one girl grabbed onions thinking it was That was good. ah She thought it was garlic. I mean it's kind of in the same family. I actually I'm pretty sure it's like the same
You know, like there's different kinds of squash. I think that like garlic is like a different kind of onion. It's, it's, it's a similar, it's a similar like species or whatever the fuck plants are. You know what I mean? There's, there's a word for it and I'm not smart enough to remember it right now. So, um, but you know, she handles them all pretty easily. So we're on to playing B and that's drug her with a sedative. And while, um, you know, they all split up cause that's always a great fucking idea. And. in the middle of doing that and trying to find Abigail uh sammy falls into a literal swimming pool of bodies and it's fucking gross they're all at different points of decay and it's okay i was just checking on my senior dog that i have in the she's in the other room and i can see her and i'm just like making sure that she went to the bathroom outside and not trying to do it while i'm on the air um but
Yeah, I mean, she just lands in this swimming pool of of fucking dead bodies. And and it's it's super gross. And I couldn't imagine having to do all that. and But you know she keeps it together as best she can. And um before long, they have another showdown. The entire crew is fighting Abigail. There's some some WWE w body slam type things. or It's some funny, witty dialogue. it's There's there's you know pretty insane violence. um It's just a fun movie, right? And eventually, they do. Get her nailed down and locked up but not before Sammy gets bitten um and in This is this was a pretty cool scene they they have her locked up in and I thought he said it was an elevator but it looked like a jail cell like something out of silence of the lambs you know when they had him in there
And she goes through everybody's background and essentially just calls them out and like, I know exactly who you are and I'm the one that brought you here. And that was kind of cool. Like he kind of had a feeling that, that you know, she was a part of this obviously the whole time, um but you didn't know to what extent. And so that was a pretty good reveal, I thought. And and again, she does a great job but um at at really selling that she's like, She's mean. She's this tiny, sociopathic, centuries-old, vampiric ballerina. Like, she's just, you know, it's it's hard to go back and forth, I would think, and apparently not, because she did a great fucking job. um There's a pterodactyl outside my window, so if you guys can hear that, I apologize. I don't know what the fuck that bird is, but I'm gonna try to go get it after I'm done recording. um But, you know, ah they try to bargain with her. It's not happening. um
That's it, right? They're trying to figure a way to get out because nothing's really happening until um she tries to strike a deal with Frank. Frank's an idiot. ah get shit whipped across the basement because Abigail is a centuries old vampire. She has superhuman strength and just like throws the fucking you know jail cell across. and and ah But we do find out that there is a weakness. Daylight actually works and it cuts her fucking arm off, um which is pretty gnarly. um and And her screams, I really wonder if that was her doing everything because if so, like this girl needs to be nominated for something. She had some some really, ah
Impressive range here and and I know I keep saying that but but I thought she did a really good job And I don't think she got enough like I said, everybody's worshiping, you know Ingrid Torelli for her her minor role if anything in late night with a devil because she didn't really do much I didn't think she was unsettling and awkward and and everything but I mean, I really think Alicia Weir just kicked the shit out of her in this performance, but So daylight works, right? At least they have one weapon and now it's daylight. ah well No, no shit. ah but It's daylight. So now, you know, if they can just get near a window, they'll be safe because they understand that she can't get there, but they're just kind of biding their time. um But the vampire deaths are good in this. Eventually, Sammy does turn after getting bit in the foyer. And she kind of, this was a cool little concept where she becomes Abigail's puppet, which leads to Peter's demise, which she kind of saw coming from a mile away.
and it takes her about a half hour to fucking actually eat him and kill him, which is, you know, eh, whatever. They kind of drug that a little bit. But, you know, that's about all the fun she has because as she's chasing ah Joey and Frank, she catches a ricochet from the daylight off of like a serving tray and she explodes all over the foyer. all over I don't think that was the foyer. That might've just been like the main room or like the library. I don't know, I'm not rich, so I don't have, I have like five rooms in my house and they none of them look like that. I have a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom. Dining room, that's it, right? So I don't know what the fuck all these other rooms are and what they're called. um I'm just trying to sound fancy by using words like foyer. But then there are two, right? It's just Joey and Frank, that's it. they um They're still trying to figure out how the fuck to deal with Abigail. And in the midst of it, they feel like they can reset the house, you know unplug it, plug it back in kind of deal.
That they can you know unlock everything and get out and escape and in the midst of doing that they do stumble upon Lambert who surprise surprise is also a vampire right so John Carla Stanton a fucking vampire and he convinces Frank to join the ranks so they could rule the empire right they can rule the crime boss because you find out they have a pass together and all this other stuff. ah but that's the plan and you know after puking up approximately 47 gallons of blood ah Frank has a change of heart and stabs Lambert causing him to explode so and like I mentioned earlier that there's just not a lot of gore initially like you see kind of the aftermath but once this like everybody kind of starts changing into vampires there's a lot of fucking blood there's a lot of blood and it and it goes ah everywhere so it's that you know they they more than make up for it on the back end that's for sure
But one thing I do wish, you know, they would stop doing in movies like this, because this we're we're rolling here, right? This movie's fun, it's it's entertaining, it's engaging, you know, it's it's not boring. there's There's enough, there's stuff in here for everybody, right? There's comedy, there's there's gore, there's there's violence, there's, you know, whatever you want. It's it's just a fun movie. I could do without them forcing the sappy storylines into the middle of a, I don't give a shit about Joey's bad parenting, right? And how she was like a junkie and to her, you know, in abandoned her kid. Like I don't care. You do not have to shove this into the storyline. like
unnecessary just just you know you don't have to make the call and and leave the voicemail saying I love you I'm so proud of you ah and like I don't need that I don't need it I don't I don't it would have been cooler if they just like had fucking like no service or something like that and she couldn't make the call and then you know at least it's implied but they don't actually go through it and anyway rant over but I will say that Frank once he becomes this this vampire which it does sound pretty cool I'm not gonna lie because I mean he makes it sound like he's fucking like a superhuman and and they all do but I guess you just can never go outside again which doesn't sound that bad ah because I fucking hate the heat
um So i don't know I don't think I don't think I'd hate it that much. ah but But he leans into the villain thing really, really well. He he does a great job at that. um His voice sounds really familiar um as he was talking. I feel like he was like in like an like an animated film or something along those lines. um maybe maybe I'm just mistaking him for somebody else, but he was a really good character and um Abigail and Joey, you know they decided to team up. She says, I'm not strong enough to take him by myself. You have to help me. And and it's a little drawn out, you know but it's you know it's it's fun and entertaining nonetheless. It's just kind of like going back and forth and just like Frank won't end anybody because he's too cocky and he's you know full of himself and everything.
um But we saved the best for last eventually they do get the better of Frank and um You know if there was one cool one-liner from Abigail that I can't remember what it was And then one final oh fuck moment that sends him to the afterlife um And his blood into every square inch of that fucking room and of course, that's our
Yeah, and I mean, that's that's about it. Just when you think, you know, everything's over, Joey's trying to leave, you know, Abigail sends her her best, I hope you have a good life, blah, blah, blah, and then daddy shows up. And it just confirms that he's also a centuries old vampire and what you knew about earlier because Abigail brought it up and said, this is where he turned me and blah, blah, blah, and you don't want to meet him because he's a bad guy and no, no, no. And he lets her go. That's it. She goes and sits in a car. I do like Melissa Barrera as a final girl. I think she's good for horror. um It's a shame what happened with the with Scream. um I can't exactly remember ah what the reason was. It was something political, but, you know, I mean, you take a stance on anything these days and and you're bound to get burnt. so you know It's kind of best to just not fucking do that stuff.
You're ruining the franchise for everybody, you know, when you you fuck everything up like that. And Jenna Ortega's not in it anymore. and I don't even know if the movie's fucking getting made anymore, but we're not talking about Scream 18 or whatever the fuck number they're on anyway. um But yeah, final thoughts, this was a fun movie. Really enjoyed ah the entire thing. It did kind of take a minute to get like the gore going. um But but it was it was, you're not gonna be disappointed watching this movie. It's not scary by any means. um there's There's decent gore, you know, more on the back end of the movie than anything. but But it's fun, it's engaging, it has that like, if you like heist movies or anything like that, it has that appeal where nobody knows each other's names. They're all mysterious fucking people and the you know they're they all, nobody trusts anybody and you know they're just trying to buy their time until they get their payday, and which obviously never comes.
but yeah i mean it was it was definitely one of the better movies of the year like i said has been a good year for horror in 2024 and this is no different so i do think that um you know if you guys haven't seen this and you just sat through me telling you the entire story um that's on you uh... hopefully you don't watch it enjoyed if you have watched it needed enjoy it uh... leave us a review man come on help me out trying to get their free beer i don't know what else i gotta do here but uh... yet next week uh... i'm aiming to do hell house l l c uh... currently watching that need as long as nothing crazy drops
between when I recorded this and when it drops, like no crazy new thing that on you know is making the rounds on social media or whatever that everybody's losing their mind over. um I think we still have some time before we get into spooky season. So um yeah, I think that's about it. So next week we're gonna aim for Hell House LLC. Thank you again for the the the support and all that stuff. Really appreciate it. And we will catch you next week for ah for the next episode. So yeah, stay safe out there. Cheers.