Haunt (2019) & a Pumpkin Ale image

Haunt (2019) & a Pumpkin Ale

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
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Welcome back to LHOHP! Spooky season is finally here! We're checking out Haunt from 2019 this week along with one of the better pumpkin beers available. Hope you enjoy, cheers!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to Little Hops a Horse podcast. I'm John, your host as always. ah Thank you again for tuning in. They continued support, new followers, ratings, subscriptions, all that stuff. It always matters and we do always appreciate it. We are now finally here.
We did it. Put your fucking shorts away unless you're a husky fella or a lady that likes to wear shorts all year long ah like myself. It's spooky season, dude. We fucking made it. This is awesome. Here we go. We're doing a haunt from 2019 directed by Scott Beck. Also did some work on A Quiet Place and The Boogeyman from last year.
Haven't seen that yet, but I heard it was pretty decent um This is sitting at 70% on rotten tomatoes and six point three out of ten on IMDB our score Seven and a half out of ten. Yeah, we'll talk a little bit about that here in a minute, ah but we're we're in spooky season, right? We're we're in haunted house season if you and any of you guys are doing anything like that I don't know if we're gonna get to any this year, um but they're always fun, right? So we figured we'd do ah Well, a haunted house movie. We're also drinking a pumpkin beer today, and this one's pretty local to Pittsburgh. I know it makes its way around like the tri-state area, but it's called ah Pumpkin Ale. That's it. It's called Pumpkin Ale from Blockhouse Brewing, which if you did not know is actually Iron City Brewing. um It's like their little subcontract thing that they do. it's ah
I don't know. Anyway, but this beer is insane. Like it literally tastes exactly like a pumpkin pie. It's liquid pumpkin pie. um And I know at Vintage Estates every year, it's at Bottle Shop over in Boardman, Ohio. Jeff always does awesome little events and everything throughout the year.
um He does a blind taste test with pumpkin beers. Anything he can get his hands on, you know, the highest rated ones in the area or just, you know, around the country. And he always brings them in and do a blind taste test. And this one has won, um I think, like the last two years in a row. So it's it's very good. It's very flavorful, but you can, I mean, it's very sweet. You might make it through one, you might not. um it's But, but all the flavors there and it tastes just like a fucking pumpkin beer. Anyway, this is sitting at 7% and on untapped. It's ah sitting at a 3.81 globally. So it's not, you know, it's not a bad beer by any means. Um, it's just a little rich. So I don't know how many of these you can slam back in a night unless pumpkin spice is your fucking personality. Then like, dude, by all means, this might be exactly what you're looking for. So, um, definitely give it a try. And we're going to do that right now.
Yeah, I mean, it's great. It tastes like it tastes like pumpkin pie. um You're getting the cinnamon, you're getting the nutmeg. It feels like you're probably fucking drinking whipped cream. like It tastes just like like, you can taste the crust, you can taste the pump. You taste everything. they this is a It's a good beer for what it is. um it's just ah It's just a little on the sweet side. But you know if you can get past that, or if that's the thing you're looking for in a beer, then you know um I definitely suggest trying it. it's It's pretty available throughout the Pittsburgh area and like the Tri-State area. You can probably grab it pretty much wherever um Iron City is. Now, let's talk about a little bit about this movie, um Haunt 2019. So, what do we like about this? Well, this was a pretty cool concept, right? I like the idea of a um an extreme haunted house um you know and and what could possibly go wrong. We'll actually talk a little bit about the McKinney Manor documentary
Here before we get into spoilers because we did watch that recently and there's there's just some things I would like to bring out in case you don't know what that is. We'll we'll talk about it briefly. Not too long, I promise. um But this this was this was a cool concept. I like the idea of this a lot. um Pretty unsettling and creepy scenes that tap into like many fears that people have, right? Tiny dark spaces if you're claustrophobic. There's bugs. There's chainsaws. There's getting lost. like there's There's a lot of different things that they do in a haunted house. There's jump scenes. there's There's all kinds of stuff.
something in here to be afraid of, you know, unless you're like the Tommy tough nuts of fucking, you know, that guy that's literally not afraid of everything or anything. Everybody's afraid of something, right? They just don't want to say it because they want to sound cool and tough. um I'm afraid of horses. there There's a thing you probably didn't fucking know and the ocean. I don't want to go too deep because that shit's terrifying.
um dark water no thanks don't want anything to do with that stuff I'll just stay right here where I am I got two legs for a reason um and it's not to be fucking swimming out in the ocean with the with the sharks anyway um let's not get off topic here But anyway, yeah, this this was a cool movie. It was fun, decent kills, um you know some some cool jump scares and everything, really cool scenes, cool visuals. um it's It's just a fun movie. It's good for this time of year, right? If you haven't seen this, this is definitely worth checking out. um You won't be disappointed. You won't be mad that you watched it. What we didn't like, that it is a tad underwhelming. like
There is a lot of potential here to do some really cool things, better kills, more gore, ah better scarier experience, less annoying characters, ones that I actually give a shit about. I don't and I know that's like kind of the point of slasher movies is for you to like almost root for the fucking villains because You know the the the teenagers or the whoever's that are getting slaughtered you know you're not supposed to miss them You know um but yeah, they I don't know um I mean I'm not looking for like saw level creativity in the kills or or the traps or anything like that or or even Terrifier level gore, but you know just a little more you know in in both of those departments and you know, if they were just kind of like up the ante a little bit, you know, what would probably would have helped this movie a lot ah a lot. But it's not a bad movie by any means. It's just like i I enjoyed this a lot more the first time I watched it years ago, and I held it in a higher regard. So I remember coming into watching this again, I was like, cool, can't wait to review this for a podcast. You know, and I watch it and I'm like, all right, it's, it's okay. It's probably closer to a seven out of 10 for me than a seven.
0.5 right now, but um either way, you know, this is definitely worth watching. So Like I said, we're gonna talk about this here um Before we jump into spoilers. So, you know Imagine imagine a haunted house, right? And we're gonna talk about the McKamey Manor thing if you're following along um that That's run by people with malicious intent, right? Like they They, they want to hurt you. They want to torture you. They want to inflict pain upon you. And they think they can get away with it just because you sign a waiver. And we're not talking about like, you know, they're literally breaking bones, right? Basically that, that waiver you sign um from what we were reading, you know, watching on the documentary was like, they could kill you. And you sign a waiver saying that it was okay that they pushed you to that limit and that you died and you didn't give up.
um and that that they should be able to wash their hands of of any consequences because of that. um But I mean, they're they're ripping your teeth out, they're shaving your fucking head, they're making you eat throw up, and they're making you throw up, they're fucking waterboarding you. um There was some real serious shit here, and all for the you know chance to win 20 grand if you make it out, and I don't think there is a way to like actually make it out. I think this Russ McCamey is a fucking sick fuck of a human being,
um There are ah plenty of other, not plenty of other, but there are other notable um extreme haunted houses. um think like BDSM for for horror fans right like extrude like not your casual like just watches scary stuff um through you know for six weeks of the year four weeks of the year we're talking about the us the guys gals and you know whoever um that are watching this shit once a week a couple times a week uh every week of the year you know it doesn't matter if it's christmas or easter or fucking whatever other holiday
middle the summer middle the winter doesn't matter we're watching this shit you know and if we could go to a haunted house then we would you know this is this is like a lifestyle almost um this is for those people and you know they they will push you they will they won't they won't torture you in these um but they'll give you what you can handle and they ah they constantly ask you, you know, are you still okay? There is a safe for it. So it's very, very similar to like BDSM. But there is a safe for it that you can utter if you're ever uncomfortable and you can get out into McKamey's credit, they will tell you, you know, you can quit whenever you want there. um And they'll let you out, but they like
get off on torturing people and pushing you to that next that next level. And um there are a few people that they interview throughout the process that say, you know you're you're they're like live streaming your torture. um And so you feel like you have to put on a show. So it gives you like a little extra you know edge knowing that there are people watching you and and enjoying watching you. And it's it's a weird mental thing that they that they try to put you through here.
um But, you know, this, this McCamie motherfucker, like practically nuts every time, you know, some girl's crying and and and just can't wait to go and, um you know, and that's what one of the girls said. She's like, I'm having like the worst experience of my life that I have ever been through. And he's just got this big smile on his face. He's just laughing and having the time of his life. um Like, this is what he looks for. He looks forward to torturing people. and um You know, there's a lawsuit out against him now or I think he's suing Hulu. There's probably multiple lawsuits. I'm not exactly sure I just know that um He is trying to sue Hulu for like defamation or something like that He's not a fan of how they portrayed him and well motherfucker you did this to people. What did what did you expect?
Um, but rumor has it, he's got like almost 30,000 people on his wait list. People that want to go suffer. And they'll watch these interviews and they'll see these people covered in vomit and God knows what and sweat and teeth missing and blood. You know, they got bruises on them, whatever it is. And they'll watch this and be like,
the pushing you and he'll just keep adding hours and more, you know, tortures, more things for you to have to endure and go through before he would ever pay up to 20 grand. Now to his credit, he doesn't take any money. He just takes like dog food as donations, right? and And that's it. The rest of it comes out of his pocket. and He just has other psychopaths that come and want to torture you too. um But it's just, I don't know, man. um i don't I don't get what the allure is. I don't understand why people would want to do this to themselves.
you know there's other ways to get therapy if you like think this is something you'd want to do and you look forward to that like um I don't know we're not sponsored by better help or anything but I mean I don't give them a call see what the fuck you need to do ah but we're pretty dumb as a species the more you tell us not to do something the more we want to do it um and I'm saying all this as I'm literally looking forward to Terrifier 3 in theaters even though like the main actor who played art almost puked because of how graphic ah Some of these scenes are and with that we're gonna jump into spoilers So if you haven't seen the movie ah come back a little after 12 minutes, and yeah, we'll be right here talking about spoilers That's right it's spoiler time so um Yeah, like this movie does not take long. I need toip a sip of beer after talking about that McKinney douchebag
This movie does not take long um to get to get moving. There's a rather generic introduction to a horror movie and its characters. um But at the forefront is Harper. That's who we're introduced to. That's our our main character, so to speak. She's a college girl with an abusive boyfriend whose name is Sam, and he has a drinking problem. But he actually has a rather interesting contribution to this film that we'll talk about later. But I i like how they used him in this movie. He does play a minor part, but um When they call upon him in the second half of the movie or like introduce him, um it's it's just it's kind of cool what what it does to the to the story and everything and what it does to the viewer. But what better way to forget about the boyfriend, the the abusive boyfriend that she just dumped via text than to go out drinking on Halloween. I'm sorry, I just thought I got a text from my wife. I did not.
um Go out drinking on Halloween night, right? Like that's a fun night. I've never actually gone out and done anything on Halloween I've always done stuff around then because Halloween was such a big part of my growing up at our house so I can imagine that would be a fun night to go out but Of course while she's out. She meets a boy named Nathan who's a baseball player um And he's clearly interested in her but they also make it very apparent that she's carrying some emotional baggage But we don't have time to deal with any of that shit right now because we're going to an extreme haunted house and And on the way, Harper gets paranoid, um you know, while they're in the car on the way there, that her now ex-boyfriend is stalking them. And so she encourages the group to take a detour, which they do, but it conveniently, conveniently, I can talk today, I promise.
Conveniently leads them, leads them, Jesus, maybe I can't, maybe I can't, maybe I yeah maybe i need more beer, let's see.
conveniently leads to a haunted house. There we go. ah So basically this whole movie is all her fault and I'm not even sure that this is the one that they were planning on going to, right? I think they just like ended up on this side road and they pulled into a parking lot. The light flashes on that says haunted house and they're like fuck it we have to go. This is a sign we must go um and now we have red flag number one. It's Halloween night. There's literally zero other cars or people in line for this haunted house Now I know that Halloween nights busy, you got trick or treat depending on where you are in the world. or
um Halloween parties, whatever it is. It's our last night to really like lean into this fucking holiday before Christmas takes over. um And I know that like November 1st, everything's done, right? Like they're they're closing up shop at Spirit Halloween. You know, you can't get anything on discount anymore. and All the haunted houses are closed, all that shit. Like it kind of sucks. um But yeah, there's nobody in line for this, right? So you would think that they'd probably be full right now. No, they don't care. No, they don't give a shit about the red flag.
ah Red flag number two. There's a liability waiver. I've never been to a haunted house where they've made me sign a waiver um Getting hidden in hand over my cell phone and my keys and all this other shit like nah, man That's not that's not okay. But the group hears some girl scream from inside the ah Inside the haunted house and instead of questioning and maybe leaving, you know leaving and second guessing and reconsidering and whatever um They get more excited. They sign the waivers and they enter um And they they go through a couple little rooms for quick little easy jump-scare there um but they come into a room where there's ah a scene of sorts and a woman is brought out in a body bag and burned with the fire poker right in front of them and Everybody kind of gets off on it. You're like, whoa, this is pretty cool That that was a hell of an act there and and honestly at this point of the movie, you know the movie you're you're not exactly sure and
um if this is real or part of the act now obviously this is a horror movie if you haven't i don't know the preview show i try not to watch trailers you guys know this um but you know i i don't know what's going on at this point maybe it is part of the show um but you do find out later that it's not exactly so after they pass a few more red flag rooms right there's a there's a cobweb lined hallway there's real spiders in those rooms there's one girl who's terrified of spiders she mentions that and then They go through this other corridor where there's bags of bloody remains dripping on everyone. They say it's oil. I don't believe that it's oil. um Then again, I'm colorblind. I didn't see what it actually you know was. But you have to know after you know how this movie ends and everything that they could just be bloody remains. Or they're oil soaked bags for when they have to light the place up and leave in a hurry like they do later. um So i'm I'm not sure what that with the theory is on that, but ah I think it's probably body parts.
Anyway, this is where the group gets split up. Half of them have to overcome this claustrophobia where they have to go between, ah they have to pick trap door number one, two or three in the ah in the coffin room. And the other one gets, the other half of the group gets into, yeah they have to guess what's in the hole, right? They have to stick their arm into a random hole and guess like the body part and everything, which was a new take on ah on a classic game we all played as kids, right? Remember having like spaghetti in one bag and like wet grapes in another and those were the eyeballs, ooh.
um Except this version has much higher stakes um And it they did a good you know a good job at like keeping the tension um in this scene because I definitely had anxiety which is like waiting and just that thought of having to like stick your hand in something like that and just I Don't know man. No. Thanks. I wouldn't fucking die. I guess I guess that makes me a bitch then again I want to go on into this fucking haunted house in this in the first place so um but along the way um Evan and Harper lose their friend Mallory. She's the one that's afraid of spiders. Um, and they are reunited with the rest of the group. I think I passed over an entire spot. Yes, I did. Uh, cause they had to crawl through this, uh, they lose her in the, in a ventilation system type maze, uh, that's like made out of crates. I don't know. it It was kind of weird. There's like a trap door in there and all kinds of shit, but it's like the same size as the, the whatever Bruce Willis crawls through and, and die hard. Uh, but they lose her in there. Um, and.
This scene actually creeped me out a little bit. um Evan and Harper are encouraged to just leave their friend behind and keep going and they they come across this dark a hole. It's just big enough for them to fit in and it's a slide and at the bottom of the slide they hear a chainsaw and if I had to go down there um Not knowing what was down there, aside from a stranger with a chainsaw, um I'd be pretty fucking apprehensive. That's not something I'd be looking forward to. um But again, this is a lackluster scene. Not much happens here. Evan loses his coal because the dude gets too close to him and he pushes them. And, you know, it says you're not supposed to push the actors, but they can push you, blah, blah, blah. blah Which I think is a shitty double standard. um I think if you dish it, you should be able to take it too. Now, I'm not saying you should be swinging on these motherfuckers, but like, you know, if they get a little too close to you and you tell them back off, they should, they should listen.
um Anyway, but this is where the movie actually kind of starts like ramping up a little bit. um Earlier in the movie, you're showing the girl that's burnt with the fire poker and this is where it comes to light that this is very, very real. um Same guy, same setup behind the the cage and everything, they bring up Mallory.
in a similar fashion she's in the body bag she's unconscious um and they take ah a pitchfork or no not a pitchfork the fire poker again um and poker right through the fucking head like right through the temple that you know just dead like one shot dead and they drop the curtain as like immediately after that right so you don't quite see the aftermath and you know the group starts freaking the fuck out they're like we need to get out of here they start paying again um they all start trying to figure out the best course of action here right Evan opts to reach for the fire poker that killed Mallory Nathan starts searching you know different rooms that they're in and this was actually a really cool concept and and I don't know if there's any
um like haunted houses around that have this particular room. It's the one where they had all the cloaked figures. um Some of them were real, some of them weren't, and there's like a strobe light, right? So you're not sure, but man, just imagine walking through ah like a hallway, a corridor or something, and it's just lined with people in in cloaks or like bedsheets.
um and you can see if you know if they're a dummy if they're a prop or if they're real people like that are gonna jump out and scare you um that was that was a cool room I really I really like that well one of them does come out and um you know says yeah I'll i'll come help you Um, this is where Harper reveals that she was also, um, she grew up in a, in a haunted house. Um, not, not like a paranormal type haunted house, but, uh, but the abusive kind of haunted house. So, um, what this adds to the story, I don't know. I don't understand, um, why any of this even matters. I think it was just kind of a ah pointless part of the storyline. They try to put some meaning into her mom's ring that she has. Um, and they keep flashing back to this stuff and and it just,
It doesn't do anything for me. I don't know um Maybe maybe I missed something but it just it really didn't do anything for me. Alright, we need some beer
So Nathan's helper, his name is Mitch. um He downplays ah what they saw with Mallory, right? Like he says, no, you guys are just about done. You know, you got to do you got a couple more rooms and you know, Mallory's outside waiting for you guys. Like he's he plays it off really well, almost to the point where like I was convinced as the viewer. um It has been a few years since I've seen this. I wasn't quite sure how it ended. I just remembered enjoying it. So that's why we're reviewing it.
But the group is skeptical, right? They don't believe this guy, he won't take off his mask, blah, blah, blah. But he's guiding them, you know, and he says, all right, just let's go this way. And he's like, I'll unlock a door for you all this stuff. And, um you know, while they they start putting some trust in him, they, they find out quickly that they probably shouldn't, because he ends up separating the group even more. And it makes them a little easier to handle, right? So Evans off on his own, he's getting very close to the to the exit, well, the entrance, I guess. um Nathan gets stuck ah trying to follow him ah because Mitch nails the fucking the the the door shut to the maze. So he's stuck in there with Bailey. Harper watches because she hasn't made her way through yet. Watches is one of the workers stabs Angela through the head with a pitchfork, which is the second time they've killed. So they're really into like the same kind of kills in this movie. Right. And that's like one of my gripes with this, like Mallory dies that way. Angela dies that way.
um somebody else gets stabbed later but this is where like you could have done something else right like you got all kinds of toys and you got all these like this crazy setup for this haunted house and everything and you just keep using a pitchfork and ship to kill people like i don't know get a little more creative that was like one of the gripes of this movie it could have had um it could have been a lot more fun um but this is where the begging begins right harbor thinks that sam is behind all of this that because he um alludes to him being in a costume and everything and she thinks that that he is stalking her here and doing all this stuff so he can get to her and all this stuff and the dude takes off his mask and he's got some gnarly fucking piercings and all this other stuff he looks like a devil
And he says, who's Sam? um So that was kind of a cool little reveal there. ah I need a sip of beer, because I'm losing my train of thought. i need Hold on, give me a second. and
Okay, there we go. We're good. We're good. We're good. but So this is where we reintroduce Sam. That was a good that was a close one. I almost lost it there. ah This is where we reintroduce Sam. and This is what we talked about earlier in the moot um earlier in the episode, um that he's he's made out to be this stalking, abusive piece of shit. you know he He hits her and all this other stuff.
But with everything going on in this in this haunted house right now, right? Like they're obviously in danger of getting killed or or whatever You don't know what the intent is entirely ah if they want to torture these people whatever they want to do There's a part of you now rooting for this sack of shit to be the savior right like maybe sam can get there in time and maybe you know because he's a violent douchebag like come in and fuck these guys up and save everybody you know there's there's that small part of that that creeped into my head i'm like i wonder if this motherfucker is gonna do this and like be the hero which would be like a weird fucking turn in a movie because yeah it's just yeah i don't know that was like a little thing that was just sitting in the back of my head this whole time
um But before the devil guy can do anything to Harper Nathan the hero magically shows up with a nail gun and And shoots him through whatever and so that's that now the movie starts jumping around a little bit right Evan is outside looking for people we can't find his keys can't find his you know cell phone that that little lockbox that they put everything in and is now gone um but Mitch is outside with them and you don't see it happen which is a little bit of a bummer but Mitch takes Evan out with his hammer in that scene with the claw the hammer in the mouth on the teeth and everything a little unsettling not gonna lie I'm not a big fan of dentistry and I can't imagine I'd like a hammer in my mouth either hu but Nathan now finds himself behind the scenes they don't show how anybody gets
to these rooms like they just kind of appear so um and they don't show the layout or anything like that not that I'm asking for like full transparency here but like I don't know it just seems random that he just happened to be behind the scenes like where was this door how did he get here um but he finds a cell phone this is where he messages sam so now sam knows harper's location and he is on his way and finds harper's ring which again lost earlier in the movie don't really understand the significance or why they kept harping on it no pun intended
um But, you know, Harper on the other hand, while Sam's like calling people and hanging out and and hiding and all this other stuff and and fighting off Mitch and, you know, just doing whatever. um You know, Harper, she's not having as much fun, right? She's being toyed with by the staff. um There's like a bucket with nasty shit in it and a flashlight then they cut the lights on her. She's got to try to find out where the fuck she's going.
she ends up stepping on a nail she trips and falls and she's crawling through this tunnel and she gets stuck to the floor and she has to like rip her fucking skin off of her hand um all just to end up in like in like a haunted doll escape room right and this is where she's she has to search for clues to find out and this is where they i guess this they reveal what her childhood actually was and she has an abusive father who used to beat and throw her mother around apparently and it'd be like well you know it all so you know mess up sometimes like you don't hit a woman like you don't do that you don't abuse people um ah because I know it goes both ways ah you you don't abuse people you're a piece of shit if if you do that um and if you're in a situation like that I hope you get out of it soon um but I need some beer
I didn't want to drink this early in the day, but this beer is going down pretty easily. um But you find out about her traumatic childhood, her haunted house, so to speak, that she grew up in. And apparently, according to this movie, trauma builds character and resilience. So I guess that's that's the message in this particular instance. um She fights back as the devil enters the room um and stabs him in the eye with what I didn't see. I thought it was the key initially, but maybe it wasn't because that's what she uses to open the door.
where there's a shotgun on a timer to pop goes the weasel right behind it. um Like something right out of the saw playbook here, but she's no dummy. She was standing off to the side. um but she She takes a little bit to the shoulder. And this is the scene that like I didn't get. ah So I don't understand what happened here. um They show a little wound on her shoulder. She, in the prior scene before the devil came in, she's ripping apart everything all throughout the room, right? She had just had her hands ripped off of her, near the skin ripped off of her hands. She just stepped on a nail, right?
She's getting around just fine. Everything's fine while she's looking and crawling and hiding and and and and getting out. um She takes one little shot to the shoulder. Now all of a sudden she's barely able to move. She's crawling so slowly you're ready to get ah to try to get out wherever the fuck she's trying to go. And it's just enough time for the devil.
to get up he's very mad about his eye at this point um tries to choke her and and kill her Harper pushes him into the path of the shotgun right because it's on a timer to pop goes the weasel as we know um and it kills him shoots him right in the fucking head and of course that's gonna be our
It's the kill of the week. Uh, I mean, that was probably like my favorite one. Uh, this next one was, was maybe it was contender for kill of the week. Um, just cause I liked a little curve ball they throw, but first we have to get to Sam, right? Sam's he's getting closer, right? Um, the clown guy, he's, he's taken the next step and to wrap all this up, he's already microwaved all the phones and, and, um,
you know just just doing everything he's got to do he's like breaking breaking up the fucking car and in everything so nobody can get away and and all this shit so they're stuck there essentially in this barbed wire you know hell house prison haunted house prison um the next step is to unleash somebody to chase down harper right so they they have this this person masked up and and you think there's some kind of psychopath um and they chase her down and except they don't get the chance to because harper just stabs the fuck out of them with a pitchfork only to realize that it's bailey her best friend she killed her best friend um which was a clever little switcheroo which i had a feeling right before she stabbed her that i was like she probably should have done that that that's probably somebody that didn't deserve to die and it was so she killed her friend um so now harper's body count is at two currently um
And it just gets worse from here. She gets very good at killing people all of a sudden. um Also, she's mobile again, right? Remember like moments ago, she couldn't do anything. Now she's fighting people with pitchforks and stabbing them and everything. um So I just didn't make sense why that whole scene was there. I guess it's the only way it fit in the movie was with her crawling on the ground to get away.
um But Sam's here, right? We finally get to see what what he's going to contribute to the movie. ah The abusive boyfriend, he's finally arrived to save the day, ah except that does not last very long because he hits the trip wire, which sends a screw through the back of his neck. um And then the clown guy finishes him off with a cinder block to the hand first, which would suck really fucking bad. um And then a sledgehammer to the head, which would suck equally bad, except he'd be dead and probably wouldn't realize how much it actually hurt.
um but We're getting to the end here ah Nathan hammers his way through a door to try to save Harper ah She gets attacked by the chainsaw guy, but she's able to you know Conveniently kill him with the shotgun because there just happened to be extra shotgun shells nearby takes care of him and then she has to go save ah Nathan because he's getting beat up by Mitch um and she just takes one swing of something and hits him in the head and that's it. If I had been this far in the movie, right, we're not in the movie, but in this haunted house where people are literally trying to kill me, um I'd be taking a page out of the old Zombieland, a you know, playbook here
and and double tap it. You're getting another fucking hit to the head motherfucker. I ain't trying to see you again later in the movie. Same with that that shotgun guy. I'm pretty sure that's the same one at the end of the movie with, or the chainsaw guy. I'm pretty sure it's the same guy at the end of the movie with the gun, you know, that goes after Nathan, which we'll see about here in a minute, but... um yeah like i said they they get very good at killing people uh there's that person who tries to drag him you know through the trap door nathan pulls him down and they just smash her fucking head or his head in the fucking trap door you know they're dead uh nathan takes a shot to the gut after he's getting chased by the chainsaw guy uh i think that's who that was because they had all these crazy piercings and like their their tattoos and their faces were all deformed and uh a little explanation into what they were
would have been cool were they just deformed outcast were they a part of some kind of cult um what these people were and who they were and why they were doing this just a little bit um would have been cool because there was plenty of filler in this movie right they're trying to showcase and show off the the haunted house the attraction itself um but not enough happened to really take away from anything if they were to add a little backstory to it but anyway Nathan gets shot but it does absolutely nothing to him he's totally fine ah because he just walks up and cracks that dude in the face with the baseball bat and then scales the barbed wire fence on his way to to get to Harper he's totally fine right no big deal
ah but they find Sam's truck, clown guy says I'm out of here burning the fucking haunted house down so he's seemingly never caught and potentially setting this up for a sequel is what I thought was gonna happen but obviously we know that that doesn't end like that um Harper wakes up in the hospital she finds out Nathan is fine right um and this is before she's triggered by the two words release form and it flashes back to all the information that she wrote down on these release forms if somebody wanted to know where my parents lived at a haunted house um I'm not telling you I'm not going in like oh we just need your social security card and then you can enter also like what's your estimated yearly income just wondering so we we have to take out a loan in your name after you die
um just like I don't know man so many red flags in this fucking movie and I know that that's what these movies are but like Jesus Christ um But it pisses her off enough that that that she's out. There's no timeline on this either. They don't explain how quickly this clown dude got from burning the house down to looking up, you know, did he go to the other houses first before he got to Harper's to do what he tried to do to Harper's mom? You know, try to kill her.
ah But it doesn't matter because Harper was able to get home, ah set up her mom's house like Kevin McCallister in Home Alone with, you know, the sticky shit on the floor and the nails on the floor sticking up and all that. Do people not look down when they walk into a house?
right like you know the scene and i think it's home alone too where marv opens up the door and just looks like he looks up doesn't see the massive like 12 by 12 hole in the floor before he falls into the basement do people not do you guys look down when you open up a door just to like see i don't know maybe it's because i'm lower to the ground than most people that uh then i just see this stuff but like i feel like i would notice if there was like a bunch of nails sticking up and like hmm this doesn't seem right I'll probably leave but whatever um she has popped the weasel cute up on her JBL speaker uh ready to go and uh he can't do anything and she says let's see let's get the mask off your face or something like that and then bang shoots him
um a lot of there's a lot of planning and convenient timing that went into this ending just for it to end that way so it's kind of messy right like they I don't know it felt like they just kind of forced that ending in there and all that stuff um but like I said ah final thoughts here that the concept was cool um the characters were annoying which you like I said you tend to get in these kind of movies ah more creative kills would have been nice ah but it was either it felt like most of the movie was either death by pitchfork or some kind of stabbing um or a gun you know and that was like half the kills there there could have been more gore things like that they really toned it down um considering what they could have done and like I said I'm not always looking for Terrifier level gore here but
I don't know there could have been there could have been more I think I think they had a real missed opportunity here but anyways like it's a decent movie and and especially something cool to watch this time of year and maybe you know you watch something like this and you think a little you know you think twice about them yeah which eat what you hear in a haunted house if you guys are out there this this time of year anyways next week when is this releasing I think let me look at the old ah Why did my brightness, does your guys' phone like ever just do shit randomly? Like I go to open up my app here to see my calendar app to see when I would drop this. This would be...
Shit, okay, yeah, next week will be Terrifier 3. Wow, no, two weeks, two weeks, okay, yeah, because it's I'll see it next week. So two weeks from now will be Terrifier 3. I don't know what the hell's going on next week. We'll find out, maybe the Dark and the Wicked, maybe maybe something else if we haven't done Dark and the Wicked yet. um We'll see what's going on. I don't know, but anyways, hope you guys are enjoying everything going on. I'm really trying to tidy up the shows here. I know this was a tad longer because we did a little touch on that documentary, but it would didn't warrant a whole episode, right? That wasn't like something I wanted to talk about for 30 minutes.
So um yeah, hope you guys are having a good spooky season. Hope everything's going well for you. ah Get lots of candy, hopefully no cavities, and we will catch you guys next week. Cheers.