(Bonus Episode) Avalon Comic Book interview w/Brandon Starocci image

(Bonus Episode) Avalon Comic Book interview w/Brandon Starocci

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
23 Plays1 month ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! A different kind of episode this week (you know we like to be different) as we interview the creator of the comic book series Avalon. A book about family in dysfunction coping with a zombie apocalypse. Also, I check out a pretty good seltzer. Hope you enjoy, cheers!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to the Little Hops of Horace podcast. I'm John. Your host as always. Thank you again for tuning in. i Really appreciate the support. As always, numbers are looking awesome. I mean, we're all over the fucking globe now. This is super cool. it Just checked again. We're in 17 different countries, which is fucking gnarly for doing this in like my shitty little office here. We have a little different episode for you today. We're not doing a review, ah per se, of a movie or anything like that. ah But if we actually had a local artist and author reach out to us about doing, ah I guess, just a little promotion thing about about his book that he's trying to get out here and everything. So before we get into that, I'm going to talk to you guys about what I'm drinking. So we're doing these, ah since we're not doing like a movie, right? We're doing a Simply Spiked. It's a seltzer, right? And so like simply juice, you know, you guys see these things all over the place. It's orange juice, mango juice, peach juice, whatever fucking juice.
exists. um Now they make them ah with alcohol in them, and they are so fucking good. I can't say they're good for you. They're sitting at like 170 calories, but these things are fucking lethal.
And without further ado, that is going to be our cue to bring our guest on. Brandon Starrocki, what are you drinking over there, bud?
Brandon _ Avalon
Yep, yep.
What's going on?
Brandon _ Avalon
Right now it's just water. um Usually if I'm picking something, it's a nice whiskey on the rocks. You know, I usually go with makers. That's probably my go-to, but right now it's just water for me.
Fuck yeah, no problem with that at all. It's a weeknight after all. Anyway, um so you reached out to me. You wanted to do a little promo work, it sounds like, for your upcoming ah release or it's already released.
Brandon _ Avalon
um Explain to the people exactly what you're what you're trying to do here.
Brandon _ Avalon
Yeah, of course. um So we're going to be releasing issue six of our zombie comic that, you know, Again, we you know it's not out just yet. it'll be out we'll We'll be doing a campaign for it. And it's basically a zombie comic that focuses on a dysfunctional family. you know A lot of people deal with dysfunctionality in their family, so a lot of people in just that way alone can relate to it. But it's like I said, it's a zombie story, but it's more centered around this family. Zombies are almost secondary in this thing. We really want to focus on mental health and physical health issues and how they kind of
Brandon _ Avalon
ah You you or that they kind of affect you in surviving a zombie apocalypse So that's really where the message is and the story is in the spine of the story as well But we have a lot going on for us again Like we have five issues out currently that you know, you said you've read a few of them there as well We've been chopping those out in the last couple years here going as fast as we can ah But we're pushing along for the season finale.
Mm hmm. Mm hmm.
Brandon _ Avalon
I guess I'll call it at issue six for the first season of our kind of our first arc I'll say
Hell yeah. So like you said, I did get to you know dive in and and I read the first four. So I'm saving the fifth one for probably after this episode because I got to see how things get closer to wrapping up because I know you still got another one coming. um So what what got you into wanting to do something like this? like Comic books are kind of a niche thing. um you know Are you a horror fan? Do you do you like you know do you gravitate towards movies or books? or you know What is it that even pulled you into this room in the first place?
Brandon _ Avalon
So the funny thing is, is that growing up I was never really a comic fan. you know I liked your traditional comics, you know like your your big superhero comics overall. i you know I was really a movie guy. My dad was a big movie guy. He loved the horror genre, you know just movies in general. um He's kind of enforced horror into my life since I was young. I remember my first horror movie I've ever watched was the 78 Halloween and it scarred me for many, many years after that.
Brandon _ Avalon
But that that was my first kind of introduction to it all.
Brandon _ Avalon
um But overall, just being a huge fan of creative, you know having a creative mind, loving movies, loving the process of movies, the directing, the writing, the you know the acting, all the little behind the scenes stuff as well, the camera works and all that cool stuff.
Brandon _ Avalon
in ah I've had I had this idea for since I was in high school didn't know what to do with it I was a nobody and then slowly over time I met Alan and we kind of Collaborated ideas and finally put the idea to work and we have Avalon what it is today
Yeah, and and I mean, kudos to you guys for I mean, you had an idea you're going for it. I mean, it's, it's fun to make it a reality, right? Like I listened to podcasts for years when I did ah a certain job. but And, you know, I kept looking for like a horror podcast. And I'm like, I keep listening to these ones. And I don i don't feel like it's given me what I want.
So I figure, fuck it, I'll just start doing one myself. And whether it's for everybody, I don't care. I'm doing what I want to do. um it's you know where It's fun.
Brandon _ Avalon
That's part of the art, right? You just you do what you want to do. ah The right people are going to like it, and they're going to find it, and they're going to promote it, and they're going to help you along. so
Brandon _ Avalon
i think I think that's just it, too.
Brandon _ Avalon
you know ah Sorry, I missed out on another half of your question there, too. It's just you know how I got into the comic part. is's just like ah you know being a huge fan of the whole creative mindset and all that stuff, a zombie genre especially. um you know And again, it's still like how you kind of brought it up, like you're going to do it how you want to. It's basically same kind of ordeal with me. I've always asked myself, well how would I survive a zombie apocalypse? So I would watch these movies and then I would always kind of do you know a thing in my head. I'd go, how okay, they did that. I wouldn't do it that way. I'd do it this way. I'd do that. and you know And so on, you kind of do your own
Brandon _ Avalon
interpretation of how you'd survive and then this whole idea kind of sprung up and then movies and all that stuff are expensive that not to say comics are cheap making it but it was the cheapest and not the cheapest option but the cheapest option I was willing to take uh and what I mean by that is that because I don't like reading huge novels I'm not a big book guy like that I'd rather see things play out you know so so comics is what we kind of generated towards it because we were going to do a novel
Brandon _ Avalon
but again like I don't like reading the whole big books I'd rather see things play out and all that stuff as well so that's really you know to answer that other part of that question that kind of skimmed over I guess is that's how we got into the comic part of it
Gotcha. Yeah, and honestly, just ah you reaching out and everything and and me looking at your book, and it it kind of inspired me to look into this because I write my own short stories and everything. I'm in the middle of one right now, um but I have a few others that are published.
They're done, um but they're just short stories. That's what they are. I don't have the time or the the focus to to draw out a 200 page, 400 page, 500 page novel.
Brandon _ Avalon
Brandon _ Avalon
Like I just, I don't have, that's not me. I can give you a short story. And to bring the visuals along with that, I mean, that's going to give you, like you said, I mean, you'll have a six series, ah you know, chapter one, so to speak, because it sounds like this series isn't going anywhere, at least from what I've read so far.
Brandon _ Avalon
You ain't tying this up in the last two books. There's still a lot that has to happen.
Brandon _ Avalon
No. Yeah, yeah there's there's there's quite a bit planned out for us in the near future here too. um And just like you said, like I would much rather see it all kind of come out in art form, you know especially you know having Demetrius do the art style and and how he's evolved over the kind of issue to issue and kind of done a lot more things with panel to panel. So it just makes the ideas in my head that much better on paper, you know coming from him and how I couldn't even fathom some of the ideas that i was you know we were kind of writing in the script.
Brandon _ Avalon
that he comes up with. There's a lot of stuff that he just comes up with just being, you know, an artist himself. And it's just, it's just amazing to see it all come to life in a different way than I originally thought in my head.
Yeah, that dude is super talented ah for sure because I mean, I love some of the visuals he was putting on there and And I liked it like an entire page can just be some shit going down, right?
Brandon _ Avalon
Oh yeah.
Like you don't need a dialogue.
Brandon _ Avalon
You don't need words. You're just like, Oh, it's the whole moment right there in front of you taking up the entire page and all of your attention and all the detail and attention to detail that he has is insane.
So kudos to him and and and all that stuff. And you guys for like putting this all together and like the storyline, like, um, I can definitely appreciate what you guys are doing. So we talked a little bit about, yeah, we talked a little bit about like, uh, you know, what kind of inspired you and, and, uh, you know, how the concept kind of came, but like, how long does, like you said, you thought about this in, in high school.
Brandon _ Avalon
Hell yeah, thank you.
Um, I don't know how old you are. I didn't ask, but like, how long does this take to like, once you get your idea, like start to finish best case scenario, how long does something like this even take to get like to where you are now?
Brandon _ Avalon
Yeah, I think it's different for everyone. That's an easy cop-out answer for me to do. I think everybody does everything a little bit different.
Brandon _ Avalon
i can I guess I could specifically speak on myself and the reason being is because when we started this whole deal, I didn't know what I was doing. Alan didn't really know what he was doing in the comic spectrum of things.
Brandon _ Avalon
He's been in some sort of, you know, entertainment business. He was in a band and all that stuff. So he understood the entertaining aspect of things and he wrote his own music and all that stuff going forward. So if he understand a little bit about ah a little bit of a writing process and just obviously knowing a good story when he sees it in general, and applying that to what we have.
Brandon _ Avalon
ah But
Mm hmm.
Brandon _ Avalon
Neither of us really knew the whole dynamic of writing an issue to issue kind of concept. You know, we kind of grabbed a bunch of issues. We read them, you know, really started to get in the format down. We watched a bunch of, you know, self-taught and kind of watching a bunch of different YouTube videos of people and how they kind of structure their stuff out. But so when we kind of originally got together and trying to figure out that whole process and start to finish, because again, we were very new to this, it took us probably almost four years to get issue one out.
Brandon _ Avalon
um It took us a and many years to kind of learn the process to exactly how we wanted it.
Brandon _ Avalon
We thought we had a project ready to go you know halfway through that. We almost sent it out. and Actually, I could speak of this too. is ah You read issues one through four. You said, so issues one through three that you see now, our original issue one script was issues one through three condensed into one 24-page issue.
Brandon _ Avalon
so You can imagine all the stuff that happened in those three issues.
Oh wow.
Brandon _ Avalon
24 pages it I feel like it just would not work.
Brandon _ Avalon
It was crazy. It was nonsense. So when we retracted that it it it it It kind of delayed the process a little bit too and and it allowed a lot of those scenes that you read in those first three issues there to breathe and ah really feel that for these characters really feel for the world and understand what's going on and Allow again not feel rushed not feel forced and all that stuff as well So it it was a bit of a process again, you know trial and error for many years and as soon as it got out It was just kind of just
No, I... Yeah.
Brandon _ Avalon
steamrolling from there.
Yeah I was actually going to comment on one of the characters the things that I guess he's the grandfather in the diner. um He just seems it is that who he is. ah
Brandon _ Avalon
Which one? Dad with the up flannel shirt?
Yeah not the cop yeah the guy with the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah see like a grandfather okay so like I I liked him uh and you barely you know and something I don't know how you guys do it right there's not like a half hour of you know character development here focusing on a backstory or anything like that you're just in the moment
Brandon _ Avalon
Big mustache? Yeah. Yeah. Dad.
And you know they're drawings. These are drawings and illustrations and everything.
Brandon _ Avalon
And somehow, these characters feel relatable. right So I'm looking at this dad figure, and I'm like, oh, cool. And then like I don't want to say anything, but like you just get kind of attached and you know to to like the characters.
Brandon _ Avalon
yeah. yeah
and you're you know So however things happen with whoever characters, you know because there's a bunch of them, um you know You're kind of like, oh shit, I kind of didn't see that coming and and I hope everything's okay. ah But like how you guys were able to like kind of pull that out of just drawings is is pretty remarkable.
Brandon _ Avalon
Yeah, 100%. And it's one of the fun things to again, is really trying to make the all characters relatable in different fashions to different people, you know, and we have one of the big approaches that we take with our comic and in particular is not really having
Brandon _ Avalon
one main protagonist. We wanted to have the whole family feel like you know ah the main protagonist itself. you know Each character has so much depth behind them and each character can be relatable or likable to any given person reading it.
Brandon _ Avalon
you know You might like one person over another person and then you know somebody else might like the opposite person compared to your person. you what i mean so' just We want to just add a lot of depth to these characters and again not tell the story from one person's perspective.
Mm hmm.
Brandon _ Avalon
It's from the family you know the the family's perspective.
Brandon _ Avalon
So it's really taking that whole thing and all the backstory that they carry, all the baggage they carry from before the apocalypse that we have yet to learn and having that all kind of come come to life.
Yeah, and yeah, I mean, you guys, like I said, if I can kill it, this was this was fun to read and and just to to your point earlier about having those first three books condensed down into one book i don't know if i would have like appreciated some of the characters i feel like it would have been too busy and yeah that's what's kind of cool about ah about you know i i genuinely don't read comic books i i don't so this was kind of new to me that's why i was like fuck yeah let's do this let's check it out um and i was i was thoroughly impressed um i might actually start looking into them now uh and i definitely want to finish this one to see how it gets you know how whatever happens after um
Brandon _ Avalon
Brandon _ Avalon
After the sixth book, but you know It's cool that you can go you can do a whole page of dialogue and I know that I already kind of talked about this but you can do a whole page of just dialogue and just like really hammer your point home and there is some like dialogue going between a couple of the characters and everything like that and in the very next page is just like Shit going down And it's cool that you can just do that at your own tempo I feel like you can't do that in a movie like I feel like you can't just like stop and just like hold a picture in front of the screen and Like look at this and then we go back to the movie, you know So it's kind of you know, you have a little different freedom than ah than like movie makers do or whatever
Brandon _ Avalon
Brandon _ Avalon
Yeah, 100%. And again, that was part of an adjustment process as well as, you know, understanding that. And that's, you know, that's what takes a lot of that stress off of us in the writing room because Demetrius does so well, where he's able to again, because I write it.
Brandon _ Avalon
every Every time I'm thinking about it, I'm thinking about it in like a movie setting. like got Because again, I love movies, I love cinema, so I like it like that.
Brandon _ Avalon
I like thinking about it and picturing it in my head as like a movie or a show or whatever you want to say. um so and That's where a lot of you know weight goes on Demetrius with his art you know and what he's able to bring to the table.
Brandon _ Avalon
and ah i always kind of I told him from the beginning, and he always does this anyways, and it's such a great you know thing that we that he brings to the table for Avalon and for us. as He reads it as a fan first.
Brandon _ Avalon
um understands the characters really relates the characters loves the characters and then he reads it as an Artist next, you know, so the second rate is reading it as an artist and like, okay What can I do with this now? You know now he's reading it as a job rather than okay as a fan and and really feeling for the characters So now we can really articulate all I like this because this character I feel for this character this way it would be cool if this happened because you this character's this way or whatever. to you know i mean So he brings a lot to the table in that category. He reaches out to me all the time and he's like, you know this page should actually have this, this, and this because of that. And I'm like, yeah, let's let's fucking do it. you know So he comes up with a lot of ideas and 99.9% of the time we're rolling with his idea because it just
Brandon _ Avalon
he just thinks of it in a different category than i do and as long as it doesn't take away from the main story itself of what we're trying to give like i said he's it's basically gonna be green linton for that so he bring he takes a lot of that weight off my shoulders
and And like you said, kind of gives you a new way to look at things with without straying too far from what you want. Um, you guys seem like you got a good plan, you know, together over there, everybody working out really well. And, um, you know, it's cool that like, I mean, like, how do you even like, how long does it take for him to like draw a frame?
Like you're like, I have, I have, I can write down 10 pages in a day, let's just say, and then that would take him, I would assume longer to like do all 10 pages.
Brandon _ Avalon
Uh, how long does it take to even draw something like that?
Brandon _ Avalon
You know, that would be more of a question for him depending. ah So like, obviously, he's, you know, he's got a day job. He's got other work as well. You know, so it's just it's really like if you were to ask him a simple like, this is all you're doing, how long will it take you?
Brandon _ Avalon
I think it would be a page a day. like If he had no other things going on with the sink he'd get pencil ink color done in one day I think the issue is is really just you know, ah you know, we all have day jobs.
Brandon _ Avalon
We all have you know stuff going on in life We had you know, he he has the other art project, you know covers and all that stuff. He's doing commissions as well um So it's just it's if he just simply had this going on for might say a day a page
Brandon _ Avalon
he's pretty easy damn good with it too and like i said like he he comes up with such cool things like i have the script written written down panel to panel but he reads it as a fan like i said and then he kind of reads it as an artist and he's like this would be cool if this happened or if we did some blood here like how you saw in some of the panels as well and issue three there how he used
Mm hmm.
Brandon _ Avalon
a lot of the, no sorry, it's issue four, where you use a lot of the spider web kind of looking blood when you got to a specific scene. Like there's like, I guess there's a car accident that you kind of see and you see like the blood and some of the panels inside that in between the lines of the blood and it was pretty cool.
Brandon _ Avalon
That was all him.
Yeah, it's not, nothing's like stationary or not stationary. It's not like um same on every page. Like you're not like following the same formula. So you have a lot of creative, like kind of leeway to do, you know, he can set it up however he wants and you can kind of help him out, you know, dictate that with your dialogue and everything, which is super cool.
um So in a market like this, like when you get to, let's just say, you know, you get this all hammered out next week. You got your first six issues. What's the next step? How do you, like, is this like an Uber competitive market? Cause I mean, I know that like they have them at Barnes and Nobles and things like that, but like what happens next? What's the goal?
Brandon _ Avalon
So the the whole direction we're moving for is a Kickstarter for our last issue. So, you know, we have a pre-launch ready up right now for our Kickstarter of issue three coming or issue six coming out. So we usually kickstart each issue right now. We've been successfully funded on all the Kickstarters we've done in the past as well. Like I said, this will be the finale of season one coming up.
Brandon _ Avalon
and how competitive it is. I would say it's a pretty competitive market right now. and I don't use this word as and in a negative term, but I can't think of another one. for So for the lack of a better one, the market's very flooded.
Brandon _ Avalon
um It's a very flooded market.
So is podcasting
Brandon _ Avalon
So it's it's really just trying to find Yeah, yeah so right so there's a lot of stuff out there. and There's a lot of things to pick from. there' you knows there's so many There's so much good art out there. There's so much good story, too. So it's really trying to find the specific people that you know that we're looking for, you know people who are into zombies, number one. I guarantee, if you like zombies at all, you're going to like this story. If you like family drama, you're going to like this story. you know we And again, if you like realism inside of you know any kind of fictional world, you know that being zombies in this sense,
Brandon _ Avalon
You're going to really like the story. you know We bring a lot of relatable characters to the show. you know um or to to To show, him yeah again, I'm talking like it's all... you know you know yeah to the book we you know To show you, is what I guess I meant to say, you know a lot of relatable characters, a lot of you know story elements that are definitely relatable, a lot of questions for everybody to ask themselves too. we we That's why we're going to be so diverse with our characters and how physical health issues are going on and mental health issues are going on.
Brandon _ Avalon
and Really, again, allow anybody to ask the question, how would I survive in the zombie apocalypse? you know Because people deal with heart problems, diabetes, cancers, ah depression, anxiety, stuff like that.
Brandon _ Avalon
So it's just, how would they simply survive? And and we're giving that and we're answering that question in our own kind of aspect but and our own story element. So it allows all that.
Yeah. and And I think when you watch like a, you know, I don't know, Walking Dead or whatever these, these other zombie shows, zombie movies, they show like the sexy side of the apocalypse, right? Like the fun stuff, like grabbing ammunitions and this and that, but like, bro, I'm a like overweight dude with fucking asthma.
Brandon _ Avalon
Brandon _ Avalon
Like I need an inhaler in the apocalypse or else I'm not getting very far.
Brandon _ Avalon
So like what happens when I can't get my albuterol? Like, so it, good.
Brandon _ Avalon
and and god sorry No, i no, I was just going to kind of attack to that a little bit too.
No, you're,
Brandon _ Avalon
And I was like you said, like, you know, the inhaler thing, you know, that's a big thing, too. I have family, you know, I have a brother that you know, these inhaler, but you know, family members that need inhalers. But one of the characters that needs an inhaler in this story.
Brandon _ Avalon
So and you've saw that an issue for there, too, is just like, and and And one of the main things too that I like to kind of tell people who are listening and kind of hearing out the story is, so Mason uses inhaler. This is a specific thing that readers know right now. So I can articulate this as that inhaler isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Things I've watched in the past, shows I've watched, movies I've watched in the past.
Brandon _ Avalon
They will show a disability or or a medical issue that they have to kind of attack or or have and it slowly goes into the back burner and then you kind of it disappears you like oh this person doesn't have as many more now not with our story that's just good that's gonna be a story element that's gonna be a story on that character.
Brandon _ Avalon
you know and all that stuff, it's going to be a thing forever because that asthma doesn't go away. you know There's illnesses that don't go away.
Brandon _ Avalon
There's things that people deal with that just don't go away. So all that stuff is going to be there. It's going to be part of the story.
Yeah. And, and, and I respect that because like you said, a lot of other things, they just like, Oh, this person has this disability. This person has this issue. And then they just dangle a bunch of other flashy shit in front of you. And then you just, Oh shit, this happened.
Brandon _ Avalon
yeah You forget about it.
and You totally forget about it.
Brandon _ Avalon
You know? Um, but yeah, it's, it's, it's crazy, but I definitely like what you guys are doing.
Brandon _ Avalon
I think it's really cool. Um, so let's, you know, Avalon's done, right? You guys finished this. What's next? Do you have other stuff? Cause I know like creative people, there's, you know, 20,000 things working at the same time.
Uh, they're not all getting the same attention.
Brandon _ Avalon
yeah yeah yep
But like, you know, do you have another idea for another series or are you just like honed in on this until you get to wherever you want to go?
Brandon _ Avalon
uh... so uh... currently honed in on it but i always am working on little different things on the set you know i i am working on a short film script inside this universe i'll say i'll do the whole marvel thing uh...
Brandon _ Avalon
inside this universe more than a short film that would have you know we have a pretty cool idea here in the writing you know our writing team and we're we're ready to kind of slowly kind of make that a background project and then when it's there, it's there, we're going to put some attention into it. I have other series that um ah you know that that I have in mind as well that I'm kind of writing down bullet points for and kind of getting the you know understanding of what this story is going to be overall. you know So I'm always working on something but really the main focus is on Avalon obviously because that's really the thing to kind of ah kind of get the you know wheels turning and moving and that 1282
Brandon _ Avalon
They saw on the cover of Avalon is also our brand our production that we're working on kind of uplifting with it So with that we're gonna be kind of putting all those titles underneath that brand and so once Avalon hopefully get some traction here, you know, we we you know, that's the goal
Brandon _ Avalon
ah Other projects will be there with it, too. You'll be able to see other things that we're working on. If you're a fan of you know our whole writing room, because we have different writers kind of a part of this, helping out and making sure this project is the best it could be. ah We'll have all them underneath the same kind of you know production and publishing and trying to get all their writing out and projects out and titles out and et cetera.
hell yeah well dude honestly like ah keep going whatever you're doing it seems to be working uh always keep writing like you said it takes it takes one person or one set of eyes or whatever to be like this is legit this is awesome i hear my kids screaming next door so hopefully mommy can take care of him here in a minute i guess he's awake um he's been sick the past couple days so it's just like you know i don't know he's he's Medicine didn't wore off or something.
Brandon _ Avalon
Brandon _ Avalon
Okay, yeah, no I get that 100% Hell
So it sucks What can you do? It's the life of a parent and ah life of a podcaster doesn't fucking matter man real life happens um But dude, yeah, just keep going doing whatever you're doing it, you know, it it looks awesome.
The story looks you know, great I'm very excited to actually finish this so like whenever you get number six like send it on over so I can see what's going on um anything else you want to say before we get out of here and I tell the folks what's going on next week and
Brandon _ Avalon
Brandon _ Avalon
Um, just basically, like I said, in September, we're going to be doing our Kickstarter for issue six, kind of the finale of season one here, kind of understanding, you know, wrapping all the issues up here. You know, we're answering a lot of questions and also making more questions for the next season coming up here.
Brandon _ Avalon
are A lot of cool stuff. I'm seeing some of the art that Dimitris is doing for it. Again, each issue he does is just somehow finds a way to be better than than the last. Um,
Brandon _ Avalon
And we're very excited for the story. you know If you guys loved issues 1 through 5, you're definitely going to love this story. um We have that going for us. And then you know really, like again, just find us on AvalonComic dot.com. we We're always selling copies there. we We're going to be selling other stuff there as well. Find us on all socials. And yeah again, most importantly, that Kickstarter helps us get funded, helps us get the comic done, helps us get it out there for other people to read as well.
Hell yeah. Well, thank you for coming on. I do appreciate it. Thanks for reaching out. We're going to share the shit out of the the Kickstarter that, that you you know, whenever you send over that link and everything, we'll share it to our socials and all the horror groups that we're a part of and everything and try to get you a couple bucks, if nothing else.
Brandon _ Avalon
Hell yeah.
Brandon _ Avalon
Hell yeah.
ah But yeah, dude, seriously, thanks for coming on.
Brandon _ Avalon
I really appreciate that.
And once this thing gets up and running, feel free to like, I don't know, come back on and talk about your, your success and everything. That would be cool to see, you know, come full circle and see what happens on the back end.
Brandon _ Avalon
Yeah. That'll be awesome.
Brandon _ Avalon
I really appreciate that too.
No problem. what yeah ah So yeah, go check a shit out. Like I said, I read the first four. I haven't gotten the five yet. But it's legit, man. I'm not a comic book guy. ah And this is this is fucking solid work. like the The story's cool. there's There's two storylines kind of happening at the same time, like you said. There's you know very relatable characters, not generic characters. There is a difference. And I do think that your stuff is relatable, not generic. So and intriguing. You kind of want to know, like you said, what's going on with this family dysfunction and how We got to where we are, but they had to deal with a little thing called a zombie apocalypse first.
Brandon _ Avalon
next week guys we're gonna try to do auditity this one's been making the rounds here and they're saying it's the best horror movie twenty twenty four it just hit ah video on demand or whatever the hell they call it these days i'm guessing it's on prime by now
I don't know why I said it like that on it he fucking you know related horror movie he's probably gonna do haunt um And I want to cover that McCamey Manor documentary that was on Hulu last year about that guy that was like actually torturing people ah and getting away with it. But I don't think he's getting away with it anymore. So that'll be a fun little deep dive. But until next week, we will catch you guys later. Cheers.