Hell House LLC (2015) & a BA Barleywine image

Hell House LLC (2015) & a BA Barleywine

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
29 Plays1 month ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! One week closer to spooky season, and we're checking out one of the greatest found footage movies in existence, Hell House LLC. Also, we try a bourbon barrel aged salted caramel barleywine from 3 Floyd's. Hope you enjoy, cheers!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to the Little Hops and Hores podcast. I'm John, your host as always. ah Thank you again for tuning in. Always appreciate the support, the likes, the feedbacks. ah Got the pages growing a little bit right now. This is cool. We got some new followers that are that are jumping in every week, yeah getting more and more listeners. This is this is cool, seeing that seeing the numbers heading the right direction, which is always reassuring and you know keeps keeps the fire alive, keeps me going. It gets me one step closer to that free beer sponsorship. ah If you haven't, jump on any of those socials, any of the streaming platforms, any of that bullshit. Like, subscribe, rate, any of that stuff. It really does help. And I know everybody asks you to do it. So, you know, if you can help a guy out, cool. If you've already helped a guy out, even cooler. ah If not, whatever, man. I'm still gonna do it anyway. Don't just keep buying my damn beer since you won't help me get
free beer Anyway, guys, if you haven't figured it out already, we are doing Hell House LLC from 2015. This is a fucking great movie. ah Our score is 9 out of 10. We're going to do Rotten Tomatoes. Obviously, they did 73% for them and 6.4 out of 10 on IMDB. So we rated it higher than both of them. And maybe that's because I do like found footage movies when they're done well and this is definitely one of those movies. and We'll talk a little bit more about that in a minute. Now, the beer we're drinking tonight, we are doing a little bit of a big boy here. We're getting closer to you know to to spooky season. it's It's only a few weeks away now, which I can't fucking wait. Pretty soon, we're going to be going and checking houses out like this. right You guys like haunted houses and everything. Well, how terrifying would it be you know to to be in an actual haunted house?
while shit is happening, right? and And it's fun for us on this side because we know it's all fake. We know they're actors, that's fake blood, that's fake this, but what if it wasn't, right? What if all those screams you're hearing and these these these loud bangs and all that stuff, what if that was something legitimately sinister? And that's and You know that that's what this movie is that it happens in real time and and it kind of sucks you in immediately um But anyway, so the beer we're having today, like I said, we're getting closer to spooky season. We're gonna do a big boy We were doing pillar of beasts. It's from three Floyds um This is not for the week. ah It is a bourbon barrel aged salted caramel barley wine Yes, we brought out a big gun this week
13.7% and it's 4.21% ununtapped. With these beers, I always recommend like kind of letting it warm up before you you finish it or plow through it. But it is also cool to see how these beers evolve as the temperature changes. We always keep our stuff cold and kind of let it warm up um naturally as best we can. ah Yeah, so anyways, take a sip. you know
I don't know what the fuck i just said there woo um what what's nice about when it's cold is is the heat doesn't hit you immediately right like on it obviously it's it's ah it's a highgra beer right that's that's very evident um but not all the flavors come through the barrel comes through right now ah which is cool, but you know that the rest of it is is kind of muted and that's why I like when these things warm up a little bit um You'll definitely pull more of these like vanilla coffee or not coffee, but I like caramel flavors out of this beer Alright, so we're talking about hell else LLC. This is this is I mean it might as well be on the route Mount Rushmore I can't talk today like I can't fucking talk today is might as well be on the Mount Rushmore
ah Found footage films. I do believe this is one of the greatest examples of this style of of horror film And I know a lot of people are turned off by this because there's a lot of bad ones out there ah But this one is is fantastic and I haven't seen the prequel that just released Like last year the year before hell hell Hell House LLC Origins, Carmichael Manor or something like that. I haven't seen that yet, but I've heard really good things. um I have seen the second one. It's not nearly as good as the first one. I didn't think and I didn't even bother watching the third one yet, but well, you know, we'll probably get there. It might just do like a, you know, finish out the series in one episode. I don't know um what we like about this movie.
I honestly have never been more intrigued by the opening scene of a horror movie. This will suck you in immediately. youre If you're curious by nature, you're wondering what the fuck happened, and because they do such a really like a really good job and and it and it feels authentic. I mean, it's truly captivating. Like you're you're wondering like, that so is this a documentary? Am I watching like a, is this like from from a news channel or something like that? um You know, it's it's really well done. They they did a great job.
um I thought it was cleverly done with with all the tie-ins they do because this is ultimately kind of in the style of like a Documentary, right? it's like a film crew that's trying to put this stuff together and then they find the footage of what happened in the house and ah As the movie goes on they have you know, quote-unquote experts kind of intervene and talk about ah Certain events or certain characters or people or whatever, but you know, they they do a really good job. It's very convincing Um, everybody in this movie, uh, plays their part perfectly. You know, the casting was done really well. Um, not a lot, you know, that we, we didn't like about this movie in all honesty. I can go on and I'm going to go on for another probably 17 minutes or, or longer telling you about what I didn't like about this movie. Um, but what we didn't like, I mean, honestly, not much. Um, it's, it's a pretty solid movie with the pacing. Um, I think.
So there's a lot of mystery around this movie. like they They keep talking about, well, what happened in that house? What happened in that house? And when shit hits the fan, you know it's not as clear. You don't get to see as much as you would hope in the end. um you know Maybe like a little bit of a better payoff would have been cool. But I appreciate the style that they did it in. you know The camera's malfunctioning and all this other crazy shit. like The way they did it was pretty cool. But just seeing ultimately what happened um I mean, i that's probably my only gripe with it, honestly. But i ah outside of that, there really isn't much. All right, so if you haven't seen this, we're coming up on the seven minute mark. um Stop it now, come back and see me around seven minutes. ah If not, you want the movie ruined for you, that's on you, and we will catch you on the other side.
That's right. It's spoiler time. So, um like I said, immediately, ah this this has a very real feel to it. I mean, it's it. It is a haunted house. And like I said, we're coming up on that time of year right now. And ah I mean,
You're going to hear people scream in these, right? And and you're not going to think twice about it. And you know it's it's usually too late by the time you realize something is wrong. um And like I said, the opening scene is as good as it gets in a horror movie. It's truly unsettling. It gauges you immediately. They do an incredible job at portraying like real panic. Real chaos and like I believe this is how something like this would unfold if it actually happened And and if the first 10 minutes don't do anything for you, you're not gonna like the rest of the movie But like I don't know what more you could want out of a horror movie. I think they set it up very well. The pacing is good There's nothing, you know, it it doesn't drag on anything like there's a you know, every movie's nothing's perfect You know that some of the characters are you know, kind of annoying at times or whatever but you know, they're they're meant to be
like caricatures of real people, right? They're they're they're meant to be, that's the the like the charm of found footage, right? Like the acting doesn't have to be top tier because there's they're supposed to be portraying just like actual people. And actual people aren't dramatic actors or comedic actors or whatever. um But you know there's there's so much you know intriguing content to to dissect here. you know They threw up YouTube videos, there's the 911 call, there's pictures from the photographer who broke in, and they just set up like this huge like mystery, like what the fuck happened in this house? And you kind of already know that something very bad happens, but you don't know how they get there. And that's where Sarah comes into play, right? She's the only survivor from the Hell House crew
and she approaches ah and like a documentary crew with a bunch of tapes that they were taping while they were setting everything up to kind of um just document everything. is that you know that This isn't the first one they've done. they've didn They've done one in the city before in New York and and all this stuff. So their experience, this is just for marketing and just kind of like seeing how they evolve, I guess, as artists. I guess you can consider it in art form, right? But early on, you know you're kind of shown that this is the definition of a fixer-upper. It has potential, but it's going to take some work. um But that part's pretty cool, right? like Just seeing seeing the potential of something. I would love to to be able to run something like that. I think it would be a lot of fun.
um but it's ah it sucks that like your whole like you probably have like two months of solid business right and then it's just gone because Halloween ends on the last weekend of October and then it's Christmas because fuck Christmas and like I like that Halloween shit's coming out earlier though like I saw stuff out in July where I live um so we're we're you know we're not going right up against Christmas we're heading the other way so hopefully you know some of the other holidays can kind of cut into Christmas is bullshit
You know, we got the right idea here, but um yeah, so it's cool what they do Initially back to the back to the movie and everything actually I need some beer here. Let's see
These are great zippers. i mean you can just You need like one of these and um you know you you don't need much more after this. These are these are great beers. um The flavor's already starting to change a little bit more right now. like That caramel's starting to come through a little bit. I don't get a lot of the salt. um maybe that's I don't know if they do that well before they put it in the barrel or if it's something they add in after. ah to like and to you know give it a little more flavor Anyway, um, but I love the walkthrough that they do, um, of what guests are going to see. Like, you know, they, they kind of start doing the setup of like, they're going to go through here, they're going to go through here and do this and do that. And early on, you know, you know that this, there's something wrong with this house, right? And there's reveals in the Oak of like.
ah Ghost adventures, right? So they'll they'll just have like the camera kind of filming and doing whatever and then There'll be something in the corner of the room or something and you're like, oh shit Did you see that and they'll do like a freeze frame and you can see it and everything? um and And it just reminds me of one of those shows those ghost hunting shows or whatever um And for a while you're just kind of shown some select scenes of them putting the house together and And you know the more they spend time there ah the more they even begin to notice things ah You know that's wrong with this place and eventually they become ah they start living there and that's when things really start like you know progressing once you know whatever entity or whatever thing is going on in this house has like the victims there now it starts showing itself and there's a video scene um like a video diary scene of paul who's like the main camera guy um and he's just documenting like you know i'm having a hard time sleeping and keep hearing shit and this psychopath sleeps with his door open do you guys sleep with your door open or closed because i sleep with my door closed i don't want to know what's on the other side of my fucking
ah Bedroom door while I'm sleeping. I'm hoping it's nothing but you never you never really know And I'm hoping it's gone by the time I have to get up and go check on my kid Or make coffee in the morning before I go to work um But you know, there's something that's kind of like wonders in the frame um You know and and you see it and he doesn't he calls out to it. Nothing really answers back um Sarah does some weird shit later in the movie where she's like talking to the wall and speaking in reverse and you know it's weird. and And I wonder if that's her, but they never really confirm. um But as the movie progresses, they start introducing more actors, right, more characters for their house. And you know, it also, you know, you kind of get sucked into this, like, I'm just watching like home videos, basically, and it'll stop right there. And it takes you right back into reminding you that you're, you're, you're watching a documentary, right? They talk to these experts and everything they talk about.
What happened to this person in particular? And it's very sad when that you know, they're talking about Joey or whatever who is like the big bodyguard clown person There's supposed to be down there with the girl and i I tried looking up her name and I i didn't write it down when I was Taking my notes and I couldn't find it in the casting Because there's not a lot of information on the cast for whatever reason. um But he's like the bodyguard is supposed to be down there to make sure nobody gets hands you with her and everything like that. But after everything goes down you find out that he like killed himself like in his room a couple days later or whatever like self inflicted wounds or whatever.
And, um, but it's cool that they, you know, they, they show this like happy moment of everybody, you know, you know, getting ready to embark on this journey together and and scare people and do all this stuff. And then they just like bring you back to earth and they're like, yeah, they're gonna die like a horrific death or something bad's just gonna happen to this whole area. So like, enjoy watching this while you can. And they say, Ultimately, these experts, they talk about this guy, Andrew Tolley, and he was like a man with sinister intentions and the people that were staying with him or whatever, you know, they're being interviewed and, you know, it kind of hurt his business.
to the point it made him take his own life and I kind of wonder because shortly after this story they talk about you you finally see the clown right this this creepy clown motherfucker and I wonder if this is the entity because I can't remember if they talk they say the time that Tully was um like the the time in between when Tully was running this place and when like Alex and the crew got the fucking uh like the place or whatever I can't remember if they if they if they said that or not anyway I wonder if if this is the entity that got a hold of Tully and was kind of telling him to kill himself or whatever um or if that's Tully himself right so
um just Just food for thought, right? Like, I'm i'm not and i'm not entirely sure of one way or the other, just speculating here. But, you know, Paul's video diaries, I like these, they're they're creepy entries, because shit that happens in the middle of the night, man, just dorks me out every time, especially found footage shit, because it feels so real, you're just like laying in bed, and you just hear some shit going on in the living room, and you're like, I don't wanna go find out what that is. I just wanna stay in my bed, and and that's it. But they hear some shit going on, they hear, um Everybody gets up, and there's the creepy clown motherfucker. And he's down at, oh fuck, did I get my notes twisted up? I might have. Let's see. Oh no, they heard a scream or something like that. That's it, sorry, i jumped I jumped way ahead. But they talk about running the cameras all the time to see if they can catch everything else.
um But this is where you know more and more shit starts happening. Paul takes every you know puts on like the the like the GoPro kind of thing, and he starts giving a tour of the haunted house, just to kind of show off their hard work that they've done um until he's spooked by one of the dummies moving. And again, it's um it's the clown guy, and the crew isn't falling forward. they think that Paul thinks it's another actor, but it's not. And they keep talking that they you know or pointing out that they can't move this clown's head, this dummy's head. and it's clearly moving around you can see it in different frames and everything but you know Paul continues to be the guinea pig for more scares they do the strobe light in the hallway and a strobe lights in the dark space that always fucks with me because like anything can be moving that that just if I can't see where I'm going I get I get a little uneasy right that's something that definitely gets me there was a ah haunted house near um where I grew up
and the end of it is total darkness right it's just like this maze and there's this big like rubber mats and shit that like hang down so you get you get really disoriented of like where you are and everything and they have like doors and everything for the actors to come in and out of as they please or whatever there's a motherfucker that snuck in there and fired up a chainsaw and scared the living piss out of me when i was in high school and of course i'm trying to look cool in front of girls and everything and this motherfucker called my fucking bluff because I didn't scare, or I didn't scream, but I might as well have because I was, I tried to act fucking, not scared, but I definitely was, man. Chainsaws are uneasy. I love ah running a chainsaw at Halloween. It is so much fun. People, it's just a different, that noise is just unsettling for whatever reason. Anyway, so, you know, we got more more creepy things happening as as Paul's testing out the strobe in the hallway. There's, you know, there's not supposed to be, I think they say creeps, and there's only supposed to be X amount, and there's like,
three or four more than you're supposed to be there and he's freaking the fuck out and he gets out of there I think he like throws up in the middle of the fucking hallway which was really weird um but then this is the scene that I was talking to or talking about earlier ah the creepy clown motherfuckers staring at them from the bottom of the steps they go to move them and this is where they find Sarah she's talking and you know blah blah blah They get her out of her trance and the clowns gone and that would be fucking kind of scary, right? Like this this thing that you think is a dummy. You don't hear it move You don't hear it do anything. He's just disappeared. I'd be fucking gone after that. That would be it for me. No mas, right? ah There's no way I fucking ride this out any longer and then there's like the weird dinner scene after this right like they see the fucking like
There's like a ah person and they have like all the candles lit in the fucking dining room and everything. It's just it's weird. It's weird ah but you know that the movie just keeps kind of like jumping and doing these little like Like dialogues whether they're talking and about like, you know what their next plan is and with the more work that needs done and blah blah blah and then like the real scares start with like like Paul's diaries, they kind of kick everything off, Paul's video diaries. And this is where um the one that that gets me, ah he wakes up and he finds out that there's somebody in his room with him. And I think it's the girl from the first night, but I'm not entirely sure. And it's like your worst fear as a kid, like coming to light, hiding under your covers is supposed to protect you, right? That's what he does. There's some girl in there and he's like, oh, fuck no. And he hides under there and he has the camera and everything.
and it's supposed to protect you and then there's something right outside of Paul's covers waiting to attack him and he looks and that's exactly what happens and then Paul disappears. ah Nobody knows where he's at. They think he bailed. um They try calling his phone. They get some weird feedback and and and that's about it. more and more shit's going on. The piano's starting to be played, you know, in the middle of the night after they were fucking around with it, like provoking. It's it's like they brought this on themselves, right? Like, you're setting up a haunted. Now, I don't know, you know, I think they do talk about that they they knew that this might have been haunted or something like that ahead of time. They're supposed to add to the intrigue and help with sales and all that stuff, but um like Tony has his meltdown and I think they talk about that. Even though they don't actually tell you, they like cut away.
um But you know it's it's just a lot of shit's happening at the same time. um Tony has like a falling out with the crew. that They're all kind of getting mad at each other. They're only a few days away from opening night now. And they're supposed to like settle everything down. you know like let's Let's just rally. Let's get through this. um But nothing happens. They don't tell you what this big secret is or what what Alex knew ahead of time. And that kind of bugged me a little bit. um It's kind of an eye roll scene like this whole like heart to heart where they're having like this talk like, i'll I'll do it because you're here, buddy. It's like, I don't need this in the movie. We talk about you know ah forcing sappy moments um last week with Abigail, and I just don't need it. right I don't need that. just You guys have been human enough for me the entire movie. I don't need this added bullshit. um What I do need is a sip of beer.
yeah about about as good as the the last sipp there're still not um not that much warmer but you know the flavors again are starting to come um man this it gonna fuck me up tonight do thing have to wake up for everything that's going on. um Paul is rediscovered, but he's like kind of catatonic. He's just like sleeping all the time after they find him in the basement. He's not like doing anything, right? And it kind of pisses off some of the crew, but they're just like, whatever. We just got to do it. The show must go on. and And it finally feels like we're about to so find out exactly what happened at the beginning of the movie. And they bring you right back to the beginning of the movie, where except now you're from like the cruise point of view.
right And then they tie in the YouTube videos and the stuff that you saw in the beginning, so you see the the back and forth, which I thought was really clever. And it's a great mixture of real-time events. um And shit goes wrong pretty early on. ah it's a it's a It's a really good mixture of like real panic and like shit actually going wrong. Um, there's sound effects being pumped through the haunted house. Like, like I talked about in the beginning, like you're in, you're in this haunted house and and you're not going to, you're hearing screams. You're hearing like bangs and like all this crazy shit, all these crazy noises and everything. And you're like, wow, those people must be really scared. Uh, or there's like something really cool in the next room. Like I hope I'm also scared. Like that's why you go right to get some kind of like response. Um,
And so like until you you realize that, oh, fuck, something something's wrong here. And people are like stampeding past you because something is is so, so seriously wrong. and And the reveal is great, right? When they finally get to this basement, they're supposed to like go in through one side and go out the other side. But this is anxiety like they personified. like They figured it out, right? there're just There's so much noise and chaos. and screaming and you're curious, you're like, well, what the fuck is going on to make big badass Joey like run off the other way instead of helping this poor girl who's half naked, tied up in the fucking basement, right? She's screaming in terror. She's like, this isn't part of the show. Please help me. This isn't part of the show. And you still don't know exactly what happened, right? And that's kind of the part that that that bums me out because when they start getting close to something,
it'll like glitch out. and And so there's a lot of mystery and like it's kind of left open for its interpretation or whatever. Like they found like a Bible and shit down there in the beginning of the movie and it doesn't really have anything to add so it's not worth talking about. um But like how much effort would it be to undo her handcuffs and be a gentleman? Don't be a fucking Joey, guys. Okay, like help the lady out, undo the handcuffs, and maybe you get to use them later. I don't know if we're doing the right thing. um anyway um but i honestly could not imagine that that that poor girl which she had to go through like you're just there to scare people make a job and instead you're trapped and some real shit is happening you know you're in like real danger and you're asking for people to help you and they're just like
nope deuces and they fucking head up out of there towards the fucking uh the exit and they just leave you like in the basement to you know at the mercy of whatever the fuck is down there full panic is set in by this point by both crew and the guests everybody's losing their fucking mind the cameras are glitching it's chaos they're screaming there's fucking you know and all the noises are still going off right like like the soundtrack of like the creaky doors the fucking the bangs the screams the malt like all these weird growls all this shit's all happening at the same time while everything is going on and um You know, so the crews like fuck something's going on here We don't exactly know what but like let's get everybody out of here. There's definitely something weird going on um And and i I mean again this it just feels very authentic like the way they did this and the way it it executed I don't know if it was the camera work or just everybody they just did a great job It feels like you're watching like oh shit
This actually happened. It has a very real feel to it. Now, we get towards the end here. It gets a little, you know, over the top like this next scene. They try to get down to the basement. I think it's Mac and Sarah. They try to get there. The door slams in their face. They're running around the house trying to figure out another way to fucking get out of the house. They end up in the attic for some reason. I can't remember why they went up. um And they find Alex hanging from the ceiling. He apparently killed himself. And before they can do anything to get out, a bunch of like cloaked figures and everything just take out the camera guy. And that's it. that That's all the tape that you're shown before the documentary crew gets back to Sarah. And she's like, I'm tired. I have to go. If you want to talk to me more, I'll be in this room that doesn't exist. And so, you know.
they do the whole thing and this this part was kinda lame that's why it's not like a little higher this movie's great don't get me wrong but like some of the parts of the movie you're like it they're very like okay like I know you don't you don't have to do this part like I kinda already know you know they asked the lady at the front desk like oh is this so-and-so here first of all I doubt they would fucking give out your information um and the lady's like we don't even have those kind of rooms here so I don't know what that you know you must have misheard or something like that so they're all you know confused but Sarah was the one that said you guys should go check out the house you're not worried about a little beanie fucking stopping you right go check it out it's gonna be great um she convinces whoever's in charge of the documentary crew she convinces her camera guy to go with her and you know
Fuck it, let's go. One guy stays back, his name's Mitchell. He decides to watch the remaining footage. Now why you guys wouldn't watch that before you went to the creepy fucking house of death, I don't know. So you literally brought on your end upon yourself. right So through the footage they find out that Sarah, on her way out, was roughed up um and likely killed by Paul. he gets He takes the camera off of her and just beats the shit out of her and kicks her and all kinds of stuff gets splattered with blood. Then he's just standing there and you hear some kind of growling, some kind of monster just like pull her away and she disappears.
This part was cool. I love the way that they just kind of showed his feet, right? They didn't really, you know, it's just him standing there. Like he's he's like totally unaware that the camera's there. I really liked that scene. It's like they weren't playing it up exactly. This motherfucker grabs like a piece of glass or something. slits his own throat and then just slowly dies right in front of you on the camera blood pouring out he's coughing and gagging it again really selling it like it sound i mean it sounded legit i don't know what that sounds like i don't ever want to know what that sounds like but i thought they did a pretty good job and you know even though it's self-inflicted uh that's definitely our
Yes, definitely the kill of the week that was like the coolest one. um But the camera dies. And, you know, it sounds like the police are trying to force their way inside as that happened. and We're getting to the end of the movie here. Documentary crew shows up of course, the house hell house is open like that's not a fucking red flag. And Mitchell tried warning them but they're just like a straight the voicemail and this girl she's like, Oh, look, there's blood everywhere. Let's go investigate. Like I work with a black man at work and he says, why do white people always run towards shit? Like, I don't know. But like this movie here just goes to prove that we're fucking idiots. And like, if I saw a bunch of blood and like fingernail marks in the fucking floor and all this stuff, I would not be following that. No, thank you. But this is what she does. And, um you know, especially where it's like
It's creepy enough to go into an abandoned house, right especially at night or something like that. you know It smells weird. It's just it's like it it's different. right it's not something It's not a place you want to be. um But going through an abandoned haunted house, right there's all kinds of old creepy decorations, confirmed deaths that happened here, you know weird paranormal activities like supposed to be taking place here. ah No, I'm not fucking going in there. and Not at all. and in like what What did our grandparents used to say to us? ah Curiosity killed the cat. ah that's That's what happens. you know They just keep going deeper and deeper in this fucking house and they see Sarah sitting on the bed in the made up room that she said she was in and the other hotel and blah blah blah.
Kind of predictable ending. um They walk in, it's a trap, she's all like deformed and shit, and that's that's endgame. um The movie ends with the still frame, nobody in the fucking room that they were just in, and that piano song that they played. Now, final thoughts. um Again, I think this is a really great found footage film. ah There's a lot of thought that went into how they put this together. And again, it feels very real. And I think that's the goal with found footage films, right? Like you if you want to feel like you're you're there. You're a part of it. I think this is better than movies like ah this. this is This is up there with like the fourth kind for me. And I fucking love that movie. That's one of the best.
documentary style found footage kind of films that that have ever been fucking made it is truly terrifying also this isn't as scary it's just a really well done movie um and it's you know it's just it just piques your interest and you want to fucking know what the hell happened um You know, the acting and the camera work isn't always the greatest, but neither is real life. And so yeah, I mean, I love this movie. If you guys sat through all that and, you know, I just ruined the movie for you, that's your fault. um But I do love this movie. This is like a Blu-ray worthy movie. This is something like I would buy for myself. And I'm still building my collection of just like favorite movies that I want to have on hand because, you know, some of the stuff that you like on the streaming services just disappear and you don't know when the fuck the next time
um You're gonna get them in so like buy the movie while you can you know keep physical media live keep physical media a real thing There's a lot of big-time directors that are that are out, and you know they're behind this movement. You know Christopher Nolan's one of them um I mean because ultimately I have a few digital you know copies of movies and and yeah I own them until Amazon goes out of business or something which they probably never will be you never know you know and or the app stops working or I don't have internet or I don't have this if I have the physical copy and I have the means to play it I can own it and watch it whenever I want so there's my little rant and this you guys have a good weekend we will catch you next week have no fucking idea what we're doing but we're getting one step closer to spooky season baby so you guys take care and we will see you later cheers