An Arctic Ale & Oddity (2024) image

An Arctic Ale & Oddity (2024)

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
20 Plays1 month ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! This week we're checking out another new movie called Oddity. I really enjoyed this one and it's definitely one of the better movies of the year. Also, we have a beer from Iceland! Hope you enjoy, Cheers!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to Little Hops a Horse podcast. I'm John, your host as always. Thank you again for the continued support. Really do appreciate it. If you haven't yet, jump on any of the socials or our streaming platforms, check out our Untapped. You can follow along with a cool beer we're drinking here ah each and every episode. um Today, we're doing Audity from 2024. This is one that's been making the rounds um Pretty pretty quickly after long legs got released into theaters. Everybody started seeing this um and kind of comparing the two saying that this was like the the superior film and We'll talk about that. But um um'm I'm not sure it was but anyway, this is directed by Damien McCarthy ah who also did caveat caveat I'm not sure how to fucking say that and he dies at the end. This is it at 96% and On Rotten Tomatoes and 6.7 out of 10 on IMDB, our score is 8.5 out of 10. This was a very good movie. We really, really enjoyed it. and We'll talk about why ah here in a minute. If you guys are wondering what the fuck has been going on with the intros the past few weeks, I have one explanation for you. I'm a fucking dumbass.
So ah I've been wondering why are like my drops and my intros all different volumes on here? like They get uploaded the same you know and all this other stuff. And I guess ah I must have hit ah the button. mean Because on this like this app, right you have like a layout. right and There's all these little like hot buttons. right and And so I hit it, and I guess I must have like dropped the volume.
Once, and ah when you go go to post-production, it sends things to like a like a normalized volume, right? So like if somebody comes in too loud, they'll drop them down, they'll bring me up, whatever it is. um And I guess it just like didn't auto-correct the intros or anything like that.
So I think we have it figured out. We tried a couple of different things last week. um They've totally changed the formatting on Zengaster all together. So like, that's why we had like the last two weeks with like kind of weird intros and everything. But I think we got it figured out now, hopefully. If not, I don't fucking know what to tell you. I'm literally never going to get my shit together. And if you believe that I'm going to, you need to grow up. Okay. Anyway, ah so we're doing oddity today, guys. um And like I said, this was a very fun movie. Beer we're drinking today.
Einstock, right? This is a ah Viking fucking logger is what it is. It's an Arctic logger. Now, where is this from? ah I can't see because it's too dark where I'm trying to record and it's a weird font and a weird color. um But anyway, this is an Arctic logger. It's 4.7% and it's rated 3.53 on Untapped. It's a Citra.
dry hop lager so it's just like a crispy boy it took some hops through it in there and they're like you know here you go so let's see where the fuck this is even from this is from Iceland yes we're drinking you know we're drinking an odd beer of for an odd movie so I think it's fitting let's take a sip
And um this is actually not the first time I've had this brewery. um We were, I was with my dad down in Florida and he lives in like the middle of fucking nowhere, Florida, right? Like he does not live near any major city. I think the closest one is like Gainesville and it's like an hour and a half away.
I'm a big craft beer guy he knows this ah but like the best that like this local gas station or whatever had to offer was like I don't know Miller Highlife or something like that so we end up driving to this like cool little town they got wiped out by a hurricane a couple years ago but there was this place and it was called like the black dog right no it's just just like like beat up old saloon tavern kind of thing right on the gulf of mexico super cool um and this dude just had all these like weird beers and he had einstock like i never fucking heard of that before sure i'll try it and he had all these like odd imports and everything like that so like you never know where you're going to find somewhere you know cool or someone doing something cool right like someone out there is just trying to make it wherever they're at so like always be open to like new cool experiences
and This movie had some really great visuals. it's It's an intelligent film. You do have to pay attention. um I loved the fucking house, like the set. um That house is so fucking sexy. I really liked it. But, you know, you you have to kind of be into slow burns, even though you know there's there's enough to keep you occupied. It's not like, you know, totally like dragging out, you know, or dragging on or anything like that.
um But there's some clever reveals and the movie ties together in the end really well ah But you do have to pay then ah attention to like a lot of the details because you know everything in this movie matters little things you don't think You know you think they might just be filler. They're actually very key points, and we'll play later in the movie I actually um I had just like watch this movie over again like I finished it and ah we'll talk about that in a minute. What I didn't like about it is it's kind of put together in a way that it's it's hard to follow at times. um I had to rewatch part of this in the beginning like I just said um and you know to understand what fully happened in the end now.
I also have a toddler running around my house wreaking havoc at any minute of the fucking day um He is feral right now and it's just gonna get worse. So um Please send help we do we do need it ah No, I'm just kidding. Love you, buddy. He doesn't listen. I don't know why I said that worse ah more scares would have been good ah because this is labeled as a horror movie but it's really not it's not gonna I wouldn't consider this ah very scary so like adding a couple more jump scares or more you know the atmosphere at times is very creepy and and you know would draw you in and everything but
uh some of them were kind of predictable you just didn't know exactly when you knew a jump scare was coming you're just not sure that like trigger i think directors are getting better at that like i think i wonder if there's a science behind that um i might have to look into that sometime um anyway but yeah uh just a few more scares would have been nice um But that's about it. You know this this movie was really solid definitely enjoyed it I would recommend it if you guys haven't seen it we're gonna jump into spoilers here, um but if you haven't seen it come back about seven and a half minutes and um Yeah, I won't ruin more of the movie for you. So yeah, we'll see you on the other side
That's right, it's spoiler time. So um this movie opens up with Danny and Ted, a seemingly happy couple, and they're discussing the idea of checking in on Danny's sister by inviting her over for dinner. ah You have no idea who she is yet, you just know that she has a sister. And it led to believe that you know she has some kind of mental health issue or something along those lines, and um it's revealed that Ted works overnight at a psychiatric hospital.
um And this is happening while Danny is in the midst of fixing up this beautiful fucking house that that I guess they just bought or whatever um I love old architecture like that. Like we don't have shit like that over here, right like We have these cookie-cutter bullshit neighborhoods, you know, and everything looks the same and you know It's different but the same, you know what I mean? Like it's kind of fucking boring over there They fucking castles that they rehab and make into fucking super cool things there's like World War 2 fucking like fortresses and shit that they use as soccer fields and apartments and like it's insane what they do over there we have we're so boring over here like i don't know man um but bring back castles like can we do that can we make that a thing again we just have like a neighborhood of just castles and like turrets and moats and all that fucking shit imagine not liking your neighbor and just like i don't know what the castle that'd be more fun um
Anyway, but so Danny's at the house by herself and when she hears this frantic knocking at the door now this this happens pretty early in the movie So it definitely draws you in um And this is a great scene because at this point you're really not sure whether Olin who you learned his name later ah Is sincere or not and when he tells Danny ah that somebody's in the house now he's acting like erratic it's revealed that like he was a patient of his of her husband's and um you know you're you're wondering like is this dude just trying to get in to fuck her up or what's going on here uh and they don't tell you right away because we jump right to the title scene and then they wait make you wait even longer right you have no idea what the fuck happened in that beginning scene and i really do like that so after the title scene it cuts through a guy like frantically kind of drawing in his room he hears something absolutely terrifying outside goes to see what's going on scares the living shit out of him to the point that he goes and hides under his bed
Now you do find out that this is this is the halfway house that Olin refers to later in the movie and this is where he dies um but they don't reveal exactly what this guy saw and but it was it was enough for him to you know like I said freak the fuck out hide you know close his eyes close his ears and everything like that and and hide under his bed until whatever this thing was was gone um and when he comes out to investigate this is where you see Where Olin skull was it's just a pile of blood at this point and I love that reveal where he kind of you know You don't know what's going on at first and you pick something up and his hands all bloody and he kind of like wipes it off On his shirt and you see the eye, right? So there's that immediate connection that this guy's dead and he was in the beginning of the movie now You still have no fucking idea what the timeline is here in this movie, right? Like you don't know what the hell's going on.
ah and And so it keeps you guessing, right? So there's there's a lot of cool little mystery here. um And we go right from there to meeting Darcy, who is Danny's blind twin sister who owns a shop of cursed antiquities. um And you find that out later that it was it was given to her by her mother. um And Ted stops by to see her.
And this is where you find out that Danny did indeed die that night. It's not exactly disclosed by you know how or by who or whatever, but you assume that something didn't end well with, hold on, my wife just texted me. Okay, I don't, she's texting me something about her friends. I don't have time to take, I'm recording. Anyway, um so where the hell was I? God damn it, I need to i need any beer, that's what I need, I need beer.
beer always helps. Okay, um yeah so they're coming up on the one year anniversary of her death um and and Ted invites Darcy over for some dinner. We should get together soon. Darcy says, yes, that would be great. It's coming up on the one year. I would love to come over and get together and just talk about her and all this stuff. And that's where Darcy finds out that Ted's already moved on, already moved on from ah from her sister.
and she's not too happy about that and honestly I'm not gonna lie if my wife's sister was into cursed and occult shit I don't think I would be like casually floating out there that like I was already dating somebody else somebody that I knew before my wife died you know I mean like that's it looks kind of suspicious so like I could get why she was so fucking mad um But yeah, like this this does not you know sit well with Darcy. um She goes home, listens to a voicemail, starts doing a little say-on shit. She gets a vision, um and it it it it speaks to her. um It fires her up. She gets very mad. See, I'm trying my hardest not to burp. Actually, I'm just gonna do it, but I'm gonna pause it.
oh god bless the pause button I've been waiting for that like I've been holding that in since like the intro that's the downside of drinking beer while you do a podcast you just have to burp immediately sucks but um yeah so like you know she sees whatever in her vision they don't reveal it right away right but she gets super fucking mad about something goes back to her occult museum goes right to this one particular room where there's this chest and you don't know what's in there and I wonder if there's I think they call that a herring right i'm too dumb to look it up and know what the hell like little like uh easter eggs or whatever like i don't know the differences but uh i believe there's a nod to his previous movie caveat in the occult museum that little bunny rabbit um it looked familiar i don't know if it was the same exact one but that's when i got out of it so we go to the next morning right uh yana reveals that that is her uh that's ted's new new boo pharmaceutical rep go her um doing well for herself
She reveals that she's found Danny's camera and he doesn't want it around. She said it'd be weird if you got rid of it. You know, let's just hold on to it. And he's like, okay, cool, whatever. So she's looking through, you know, pictures and finds, you know, old pictures of them. And, you know, she starts taking pictures with it, which is kind of weird, I would think. um But she starts capturing pictures of Danny in the camera I would be out of there immediately after I saw that and he's just like I believe in science and logic and I don't think that any of this is real and so you know he's kind of a douchebag when it comes to all of that but he you know it ends well for him ultimately um but before they can really talk about this anymore Darcy shows up with a gift and it is the chest from the back of the shop um you don't know what's in it you you're not sure quite yet
Um, neither Ted or Yana are keen on her being there. She insists that she's not going to leave. Um, she can't take a hint either. Like they're really insinuating. No, I have to do this. I have to do that. We can't, you know, you can't be here.
And, uh, I hope you guys didn't hear that. Um, she said, I'm here for a reason, basically. Um, I'm here to just kind of feel, you know, she wants to know the truth of what happened with her sister. So Ted being the gentleman that he is leaves his new girlfriend with his ex-wife ah ex uh, ex dead wife's ex wife, dead wife's sister. There we go. Um, we got there. I need to sip a beer.
leaves her stranded there with Darcy and um can't find her keys, right? Yana's trying to leave. She wants to go hang out downtown. Doesn't want to be anywhere near this fucking weird occult psychopath. ah But Darcy kind of just like, you know, she's one step ahead. She knows that she's going to want to leave. She wants to investigate her as well. um So there's some generic back and forth between the two, tossing slights at one another before we get to a pretty creepy scene. I really like this reveal, how they go into the events that took place on the night of Danny's murder, right? Um, Olin was right. Um, there was somebody that snuck into the house. Um, really good suspenseful scene here with the tent reveal and everything. Tents are fucking like kind of creepy, right? Like I, I love camping more than like most things in life. I really do enjoy camping and and the experience and all that stuff, but there are some times, uh, I'm out there and I'm like,
There's like a fucking eighth of an inch of nylon protecting me from anything coming through this ten. That's it Hey, you hear some shit out in the woods, right? You hear something, you know, a fucking squirrel sounds like a bear sometimes um But yeah, so there's a great jump scare here nice kill um You don't see it. You just kind of see the aftermath But ah this is where you're introduced to Ivan right the super creepy weird dude um and Darcy says that she believes that this is who killed her sister um and he definitely gives off some weird vibes like you see him briefly earlier in the movie but this is where you really start to see the character um but honestly what's more intriguing is that they haven't addressed this like this doll right there's this wooden doll just sitting at the table um and they don't really focus on it it's just kind of in the background until this scene in particular where Darcy just like passes out for whatever reason I don't know if she's meditating or doing whatever the fuck she's doing
Um, but there's this file of blood and these pictures and stuff and everything. And like, they don't really explain what that is or what goes into it. You just kind of have to go with it. Um, Darcy's very protective of it. You know, put that back, all that other stuff, more, more of a background story on that.
would've been cool. um But, you know, all of that has to wait because, you know, Yana's like, I'm done with this shit. I'm going to fucking bed. Except she can't. This is a really cool jumpscare. She's watching more videos of Danny and um and Ted um in the tent and everything when they're putting the house together. And the same video kind of like replays, right? Like over and over again, except when it gets to like the last one,
um It's Danny and she's talking to her through the fucking camera like get out and basically chases her out of the fucking house um and it And it looks like Danny, but just like a dead version. So that was that was pretty cool Also, she just totally fucking bails on Darcy. She doesn't know what's going on Darcy She's just like passed out on the fucking table like her catatonic not fucking moving and she's like, see ya fucking out of here but um Let me get a sip of beer and we're gonna wrap this up here in a couple minutes
this is a nice easy drink of beer honestly it's just um i mean it tastes like beer we have over here i don't know why it has such a low rating like considering what it is it's just an it's a hoppy lager right it's just easy to drink um yeah man this is um it's got ah it looks like a viking so if you see it at a store try it i don't know it was like two or three bucks not even it was like 250 so definitely worth trying for for that kind of price and you could say you had something from iceland right how many other fucking people can say that you can if you try hard enough um anyway So it's time for old Teddy boy to come home. He arrives home to see that there's no power in the house. So he breaks out his trusty old lantern to guide him around the house like it's 1800 again. um And he finds Dorsey crouched down upstairs. And this is where the movie really kind of just all comes together. This is where
i ah I really enjoyed um everything that I had watched so far, and I love how it came together. She has her epiphany, right? She finds out that Olin did not do it. It was Ivan. She confronts Ted about this, and they cleverly reveal that that Ted was behind this the whole time. Like, maybe if I watch it again, I can pick up on signs, but, you know, they were pretty good at kind of hiding, um you know,
like his intentions I guess like he he's not a big factor in this movie for for a while um I don't know the I thought they just hid his like real character uh in this part uh really well um but yeah so Olin confirms it because he listens through the vent in the wall exactly that's why he tried to warn Danny that night um to no avail. She still died. But Darcy didn't know it was Ivan until she held the eye and she murdered ah Olin by mistake and she even says something along the lines of like she's gonna have to pay for that and I wish they would kind of they like maybe said or showed what happened to her after that um like what she was
you know gonna have to do but honestly even like I just mentioned like they they hit his character very well and like even up until now like this point of the movie I'm still not exactly expecting you know it to be Ted right I'm kind of expecting like another curveball or another reveal or something like that and you don't really get that until the very end it kind of plays out exactly they just like no no yeah this is exactly what's gonna happen um until the very end head insist on proving her wrong here's this phone this is the only place in the house to get signal call the cops he'll answer he'll walk you through he'll tell you everything tell you that I'm wrong or you know that that you're wrong that I'm right and all this other stuff blah blah blah opens up the trapdoor obviously Darcy's blind um sets her up to take a plunge to her death by ah answering the phone so he leaves calls the phone um and she does she walks right in in there's a moment where she has like this this like
she's not going to go through with it like the phones ring the phones ring and and then she like commits to doing it and I wonder if she knew that the trap door is there I'm assuming she did because she got up there by herself but I'm not sure if that was all part of the plan if she if she knew that she was going to do this to die um I'm not sure but she said she wanted to expose Ted for the psychopath that he was um how she did that exactly i'm not quite sure in the end and we'll talk about that in a little bit um but he sends his little dog Ivan to go check on her confirms that she fell she took the bait she's pretty much going to die soon um but on his way out he here's the camera taking pictures he goes to investigate it's Danny um and now finally it's the wooden man's fucking time to shine and this creepy bastard that's been sitting at the table for the entirety of the second half of the movie
um Finally gets up and starts chasing Ivan into well, he doesn't really Chase him. He kind of just walks slowly And this I am group motherfucker walks towards him and he you know jumps off the balcony and breaks his leg But before he can finish him off Darcy dies at least that's what you think and I'm pretty sure that's what happened ah therefore it stopped right so that um Yeah, so he's he's he's spared or is he I No, not exactly and we'll finish this after I get one last sip of beer.
Man, these are delicious. Um, so Ted wakes Ivan up in the hospital. After that tells him that he's there per his recommendation, which is a little shady. You know, he's kind of, uh, you know, Ivan suspicious immediately. And he said, why don't you tell everybody what happened? And he's like, I got chased by a wooden man. And he's like, Oh yeah, I guess that does kind of make me sound crazy. But talk about tying up loose ends, right? Like, you know, you have a buddy, uh, to do all these terrible fucking things for you. And then.
you commit him to a psych ward and you can start drugging him up and he can start talking about all this other crazy shit and He's a doctor, right? you know ah No, actually, Ted is a fucking sociopath. um But Ivan confirms everything Ted says.
um you know He burned the wooden man. There was no consequences. You got your fucking mind. It was just wood. It wasn't anything crazy. I don't know what you're talking about. Ivan says, I want to confess to a priest. I won't tell anything about me. you know Or I'll say that I just wanted to kill your wife just because I wanted to do it. I won't bring you into it. And he's like, nah, man.
um I'm not gonna let that happen and that's where with a reveal Finally the the creepy motherfucker in there with the leather mask the mankind looking bastard. um That's where they finally bring him in He takes a bite of Ivan's foot and you just assume that he's dead um And now we're we're just about to the end of the movie, right? Ted returns home to his castle of death. Jana's done with him, right? she's He's calling her on the voicemail and all this other stuff. She's like, leave me the fuck alone. I don't have anything to do with you, blah, blah, blah, I'm done. And he receives a package and it's the bell from earlier in the movie. Now, this is the part that I had to go back and rewatch. And for the first time in the entire movie, Ted is apprehensive about doing something, right? um He's actually a little,
you can tell he doesn't want to do it and she she tells this story about this bell boy right um that worked at this hotel and someone killed him um and then somebody believed something about the last two I can't remember the story I shouldn't even fucking started saying it but basically the last two people to ring this bell ended up dead and she said we're not you know don't ring it we're not fucking with this I don't want to deal with it because she heavily believes in all this stuff so she planned ahead I guess she knew she was gonna die because she had this thing mailed to him
ted being a dickckhead um rings the fucking bell and wait and here's some music going on and i don't know if that was like in the movie you know like like like towards the credits if it was uh it was in the house and he kind of chuckles and that's when they reveal the bell boy and uh so the bell boy's gonna get him so he's gonna die um she got him she got the last laugh even after she died so that was oddity um really liked it i thought it was a very fun movie very clever um original it felt like a movie you could watch immediately after you watched it the first time and pick up on everything you missed and you'd probably enjoy it even more
the second time around i know some people have been kind of shitting on um the horror movies this year saying they're not scary they're not this or not that and honestly uh 2024 has been a pretty solid year for horror i would say has there any been like has there been anything great uh probably not you know nothing that's like like next level like last year we had when evil lurks that's going to go down as one of the best horror movies of all time Um, or at least like of this decade or whatever, because it was just so different and, and so aggressive and in your face and everything like that. You don't get movies like that very often. Um, but you know, this has been a good year overall for horror. Uh, you know, long legs was good.
um I don't know which one I like better, honestly. I i think, I don't know. I'd have to watch like one after the other and see which one I liked more now that I i have seen them both and have like moderate expectations and everything like that. Or at least I know what to expect, right? Maybe ah I'd like one ah more than the other at this point. Who fucking knows?
um Yeah, but I mean it's been a pretty decent year for where we had like stop motion ah Late night with the devil. I actually just got Hulu and immaculate in the first omens on there And I wondered am about trying to sneak them in before the end of the year just so we can get two more Movies, I probably won't do immaculate, but I've heard first omen is very scary So I might try to get that in to see if we can get some scares for our award show at the end of the year But we'll see what goes on with that um Anyways, ah next week, guys, we are doing ah Dawn of the Dead, right? So this is from 2004,
two thousand and four I think, ah by Zack Snyder. So we are doing that next week. um Hope you guys enjoyed, if you can, like I said, always throw us just a subscribe, a like, a rating, a fucking comment, a fucking anything, a recommendation, tell your buddy, I want my free beer, motherfuckers. All right, until next week, we will see you guys later, cheers.