The Void (2016) & a Pastry Stout image

The Void (2016) & a Pastry Stout

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
25 Plays1 month ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! Thanks again for tuning in! This week we dive into The Void from 2016 and try to figure out what the hell we just watched. I'm not quite sure it made sense but holy hell was it fun. Also, we check out a pastry stout collaboration we snagged on our recent trip to Georgia. Enjoy!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to Little Hops a Horse podcast. I'm John, your host as always. As always, thank you again for tuning in from wherever you are, wherever you're checking us out. Really do appreciate the continued support. I'm going to lead off with a little bit of bad news for you guys. so we looked into the youtube we looked into tiktok and everything and just given the current situation of you know parenting and everything like that ah we've decided against doing those two particular outlets um partly because youtube you have to like get verified and all this like two-step verification stuff and it it just seems like a lot more trouble than it's worth
um There are far more successful podcasts than I will ever be. They're actually getting away from that because they they said that it's ah it benefited them in the pandemic, but not so much now. So they're moving away from it and just going strictly to audio platforms.
So instead of getting involved with all of that and trying to build this little studio and everything We're just gonna we're just gonna stay with with you know what we're doing here. So hopefully that's not a disappointment It's better off that way. So you guys do not have to see me That was actually like a thing to like I was wondering like because I do this whenever I get time right like I'm a parent I got a full-time job. My wife has a full-time job. So trying to sneak in and You know an hour and a half two hours to to watch a movie and then do my notes and go over everything and get ready to do this And then try to sneak in a recording, you know that it's you kind of take it when you can get it so what I'm getting at is that I'm not always the prettiest to look at sometimes it's straight from I you know, I get home from work and I'm all sweaty and dirty and everything from my job and you know that you guys don't want to see that, you know, Do I have a costume? Do I have an outfit?
you know There are a lot of things that that I thought about um when considering on how to do that and we just ultimately decided not to. So ah does that take away from my cool little you know studio that I built? All my little scary things on my desk and my scary pictures behind me and all that stuff? No, not at all. This is cool. It helps get me in the mood to talk about this stuff.
Speaking of stuff we're going to talk about, we're going to talk about The Voyage from 2016. This is one hell of a hidden gem of a movie, and if you have not seen it, I highly fucking recommend it. This was such a fun film to watch. ah Directed by Stephen Kostansky, who also did more recently Psycho Goreman,
I tried to watch this movie, Psycho Gorman, because it was making the rounds a couple of years ago. It's fun. You should check it out. It's definitely great for kids and everything. and It's about this like psycho alien that like lands on planet Earth and whatever.
And he can be controlled by children. It immediately took me out of it. The little girl was so obnoxious, it was very hard to watch and just get into. So we'll probably revisit that down the line, but just right now, didn't didn't get into it. But if it's anything like this movie, then it's definitely gonna be worth checking out. um IMDb has this at 5.9 out of 10. Rotten Tomatoes has it at 78. We give it eight and a half out of 10.
This was a really fun fucking movie. um And before we go any further into you know what we liked about it, what we didn't like about it, spoilers, our usual fucking transcript that we do here, ah what are we drinking tonight? Well, recently we were down in Savannah, when I guess not when this episode releases, but when I recorded it. Within the past few weeks, we were down in Savannah, Georgia, and there was a brewery down there highly recommended to us called Two Tides.
And if anybody's down there, lives in the area, I highly recommend it. This place is really cool. um Upstairs is kind of like a, set of i mean it's an old house. So they gutted the house and everything and they turned each room into like their its own little you know private room basically. There's pinball machines and high tops and and bars and picnic tables and like all this kind of cool shit so you can go hang out there with you know your friends and not like it's not super loud. It's really like kind of cozy. and um It was neat. Their beer was fucking killer too. ah The one we brought home was, we didn't try it on draft, so this would be the second time I've had it. i did i I couldn't wait when I first got it home. um It's an imperial style called Nothing But Noise. ah It's 12%, and it's actually a collab with Finback.
ah They're out of Queens, New York and a bottle logic brewing on Anaheim, California. I have been to bottle logic That place is legit. They make some of the best barrel aged stouts in the country In their shelf stable. they're They're just growing right? They're probably I can't wait till their beers like over here and I can just walk in To any beer distributor and just grab fundamental observation off the fucking shelf and take it home and drink it myself Like I can't wait for those days um Saturation isn't always a bad thing But um this this was killer. The first time I had it, I was kind of under underwhelmed a little bit. I got a lot of like, umami flavor. um But always like retry a beer, right? Always retry a food, give a restaurant, a movie, whatever it is, give something a second chance because you don't know. Sometimes you just had you know, maybe I don't know, maybe it was something he ate that day.
you know when it changed your palette or whatever but this was really good the second time around um it's an imperial stoutt with vanilla coconut um marshmallow so it's really sweet it's got like a pastry stout really well done though nice and balanced twelve percent um so not a lot of carbonation but it is really solid soistic is that Yeah, I mean it's a lot different than that barley wine we had um Was it last week or or the week before? ah from three Floyd's but That beer actually got like after I was done recording that beer was so fucking good. It's just like mellowed out um It was it once it warmed up like dude, you just got everything. I didn't get a lot of salt um As it like warmed up and everything, but I definitely got everything else That was just a wonderful beer and I think it cost me like six bucks So like there's like some really cool stuff you can have out there
For you know for cheap, so always be able to look out the try new shit anyway fucking rant over Let's talk about the void right. What did we like about this movie? It was fun. This was just a fun fucking movie the concept felt like original right there was some really really awesome visuals here uh... i got some like last shift vibes which we recorded earlier uh... i guess last year almost a ah year ago now jesus christ uh... time flies man no doubt uh... the thing like uh... kronenberg uh... just like all these like really awesome like famous movies for like uh... practical effects and and cool creature feature shit like
They were fantastic, they were top notch, fantastic gore, fantastic creature designs, like all of that stuff is absolutely fucking top notch. It was a very fun and well executed film in my opinion. Now what we didn't like I'm not entirely sure what the point of the fucking movie was. It was like kind of messy ah in more ways than one, um but it was kind of like all over the place in that ah you know i the the plot was just kind of didn't make sense. They never thoroughly explained it. they just kind of like
Here's a bunch of cool shit um We're gonna try to squeeze in a tiny little bit that doesn't really make sense and we're not going to Fully explain it or anything like that or tie up the loose ends at the end of the movie But here's cool monsters and gore and neat kills. So Have fun and honestly that I don't give a shit like I didn't care You know, I actually had to watch this movie again I tried to recording the other night and my notes were just so erratic because I was having such a good time and Um like right towards the end of the movie probably like the last 40 minutes or 35 minutes whatever it was um shit gets real and it's really cool and it's fun to watch and there's like a lot to dissect of what's happening and like hard to put into words or in notes because you're just
kind of overwhelmed with what's going on we'll talk about that obviously when we get a little further down the line but um yeah this is definitely worth checking out if you have not I highly recommend it it's not scary I don't think at all there was you know definitely someone settling scenes things that you know if if you're not into gore you're probably not gonna like this because it wasn't gory it was just the way the monsters are um Because there's like there's monsters in here And they're kind of gross to look at at times, but they're really fucking cool and creative and ah Really well executed. There was just this was a ah very cool movie. um I enjoyed it. This is worth the hype Definitely worth checking out um Unfortunately, you can't get it on blu-ray. I did look as I thought this was like blu-ray worthy is like worth a Getting just because it's a fun mindless movie like I said um But they didn't have a US release So I guess you can only buy the international ones and if you guys know anything about international films or international releases ah That aren't in the US our DVD players aren't always compatible with those films or those discs or whatever So it's kind of a pain in the ass to like get those and make sure they work And they go for a lot of money this this movie in particular brand new goes for like a hundred bucks on eBay So just watch it on to be for free Thank me later
ah but solid movie but yeah if you haven't watched it come back around the 10-minute mark we will will cover the spoilers here from here on out and yeah man you don't want the movie ruined for you fucking come back if if you want it ruined for you ah we'll see you on the other side
Yeah, that's right. It's spoiler time. Sorry. I tried to sneak in. I like got kind of like in my head. I'm like, should I get a sip of beer? Do I have an extra second here? And then I like half committed and I fucked it up anyway. All right. So this movie starts out with a fucking bang, literally. There's two guys and and I'm going to, I'm going to try and to like abide by their names, but you know, you don't get any real backstory on any of them. There's a lot of characters throughout the entire movie.
um the names get kind of mixed up they're all just like basic white dude names um so I'm not gonna like always address them by their actual name ah because I think I had like look it up like look up the cast and like line up the pictures to see who's who because they don't even address them as Their character names in the fucking movie like they just you know ah You motherfucker or you son of a bitch like they use like ah terms like terms of endearment like that, ah but it starts out with a bang um You don't really know what the hell's going on is before the title scene even comes out There's two kids younger adults running out of a house and some with a shotgun most one of them down the guy escapes the girl dies and He instructs his buddy, light her on fire, and kill it. And that's what happens. That's how the movie starts. So you're like, what the fuck is going on? And I like that. I really do enjoy that in a movie where you know they do some kind of shocking thing to pull you in before the title scene. So you know it kind of and intrigues you. You have something to look forward to. Like, I want this explained to me. And they don't they don't take the 10 minutes or half hour or whatever to explain. And then something happens. They kind of flip it on you. And that's always fun.
um Also nice to see Rolled from Letterkenny, right? Evan Stern is in this. Did not know he did anything else aside from Letterkenny because that's what kind of made him famous, which is a fantastic show if you've not seen that. That is top notch comedy there, especially like the first four or five fucking uh seasons that they i mean they they're their their time has kind of come and gone um i feel like they had their their time it was fun um and if you weren't a part of that there's still time you can go watch it on hulu it is very funny uh they they're very good at what they do they take a joke and they beat it to death and the funniest way possible so
um But it was cool to see him in that and but it's hard for me to get his character because he's very dramatic and flamboyant Later Kenny, it's hard to see him in something else, but he did a good job here He was he was he was very good and he's picked up by Daniel the police officer who's kind of the main character um Drives them to the hospital and they they allude to this hospital being like not the place to go Even though it's the closest one and you know rolled like dying on the son his name things named James in this and He's like dying on the side of the road, but we got to get him to a hospital. Whatever So they get to the hospital and Small town trope has entered the fucking chat. ah I I kind of hate this right? It's it's annoying um you know, it's not a small town if you don't clearly show that everyone knows everybody by their first names and or if there's not some shade thrown your way in the form of you're never gonna be the officer your father was or something along those lines that's, you know, kind of referenced or later in the movie by Dickhead Mitchell or whatever the hell his name was, Officer Mitchell.
um and and they kind of talk about this a little bit about what's happening there was there was some uh like some kids died in this hospital they don't go into a lot of detail aside from mentioning like a fire um but really not you know Doesn't take long to to get going ah even after that initial thing and they they they shove in their small-town trope that Everybody knows everybody. It's a small town blah blah blah um One of the nurses starts stabbing the fuck out of somebody else right in the eyes in one of the rooms That's just that just happens
um And so Daniel has to go and handle that She tries to attack him. He he yeah has to do what he he does shoots her and that's when Mitchell comes in He's kind of a dick. He's like your dad would have had this town under control. You're nothing like the man He was it's just like can you shut the fuck up?
but he gets his later and it's fucking great. Like he gets eaten by some, actually I think it's Beverly, um but I definitely got some like last shift vibes here in this part in particular. It felt kind of like, you're not sure what's going on. There's some supernatural shit. Like why did she just start stabbing this motherfucker? What what caused this? You don't know. Why was that dude sprinting out of the fucking house? I don't know. Why did they burn that body?
are they the bad guys like what is going on here and that's kind of what i thought initially but that's not obviously what happens because you do find out um in a little bit uh daniel feels really guilty about having to kill beverly he insists on calling this in uh and of course there's no service and shortly after that power is cut to the hospital uh daniel is attacked by these weird cult cult members and white hoods with symbols not those dickheads not the ones you're thinking of not the ones that are unfortunately you know well known in the states uh those guys fucking suck um but i did like the character costumes or the cult costumes they were pretty cool they look like some kind of like something out of star wars uh or something like that that was that was pretty neat and i kind of thought that this was going to be an alien movie and honestly it might have been i don't i still don't fucking know
what I watched but um you know it's revealed that Daniel is stabbed in the attack ah he is able to escape but in the midst of all this chaos you know it cuts to the guy that got stabbed earlier in the room and there's some like tentacles trying to you know like come out of his body so I don't know if it was Beverly that that turns into the monster or if it was ah this cliff guy or whatever um but the movie definitely just gets more chaotic from here um
rolled is is chained you know they they handcuff him to that bed and he just starts screaming right like what the fuck is going on and you see these tentacles right mean and they don't do the reveal right away which i like they kind of built some mystery here you're still just like what is happening and this is all within the first 20 minutes of the movie so you know it's it's it's you know they do a good job at keeping you engaged and keeping you interested and like just wondering where the fuck is this going um eventually they get him free it's a nice like suspense and tension builder and all that stuff and they barely get out of this situation um and they can't even conjure up like a new fucking plan
ah because the two fucking dudes from the beginning show up. The guy that shot, I think his name is Vincent. He's the guy that had the shotgun. And I don't i don't remember the other guy's name. I think it's Simon or Simone or something along those lines. Oh, hell's breaking loose. They got this weird fucking monster locked in a room. ah These two dickheads show up. They want to kill James. ah He feels like his best move is probably to just stab the only doctor that they have in the hospital right in the fucking neck.
um but you know luckily that doesn't affect him long-term because we all know he's the bad guy right he's the bad guy and and just impregnating people all these fucking weird alien tentacle octopus people it's this this reminded me of like stranger things right but this came out in 2016 but we see where stranger things eventually goes and I wonder if this was like if this kind of inspired um You know stranger things in the in the latter seasons like when we start getting to Vecna and like because there's some like there's some parallels There's definitely some similarities but with with the tentacles and the spreading of the things that you know Part of it looks like it's that like upside down except it's in real life And you know the way his character just looks at the very end like there's definitely some similarities here um I just wonder if they didn't pull like a little bit of inspiration for this or something and But anyway like we mentioned Mitchell gets his the beast breaks out of that fucking room ah They take him and kill him good fuck him. He sucked anyway We don't really give a shit ah But Daniel and the dudes from outside decide to like chase this fucking thing down because they don't have any weapons I guess aside from an axe a fire axe and they just
act this thing to death uh really cool you know practical effects there's oozes and squirts and all kinds of shit going on um great music through like you know kind of like an like a horror action kind of vibe going on so it was a lot of fun um and eventually they do kill it but the pacing is good too again we're we're all within a half hour, right? We've covered more action in a half hour of this movie than we did in, I don't know, like that Thanatomorphous movie we did a couple weeks ago where literally nothing happened except that chick getting fucking naked the entire movie. like There's a lot of shit here. So like I said, even if it's not the scariest thing or you know the the storyline doesn't entirely pull together, there's plenty of shit on the screen to keep you occupied and engaged, because this was a lot of fun.
But what they do talk about, or we didn't talk about yet, is the fact that there's a pregnant woman in labor in this hospital while all this shit's going on, right? It's like not a good fucking time. So the the group has to put aside their differences. um They decide the best course of action is to go get the gun, right, from outside. That's conveniently Surrounded by the cult members and everything. So hey have to go out for you know Cover and get this weapon and all this shit, you know, they barely get away. They end up killing one I think they get it, you know beat up a little bit, but they get through pretty unscathed Nurse Allie is instructed
daniel says just stay here and wait till we get back she doesn't want to listen she's like i'm gonna go get medicine for this pregnant lady and apparently she goes to the only part of the hospital where you know the lights don't work or they're flickering and everything like that just the creepy parts right everywhere else is fine but just these parts that she has to get the special medicine from Those are the parts that the the lights aren't entirely working So, you know Daniel comes back with his shotgun. He's feeling fucking like super cool and everything finds out she didn't listen He's like I'm gonna go try and find her um Instead he gets a phone call um filled with cryptic messages from the doctor that they thought was dead and um vinson is in there with him you know didn't want him to go by himself um he finds some pictures of you know the doctor and and these cult members and the symbols and all this other shit um and you know again they just kind of talk about like you're going to see my plan you're going to see everything and and they just don't go
in the other house that we are at so you know they're like well let's go check out the basement of the hospital because that sounds like a great fucking idea right what what could possibly go wrong down here and this part got a little trippy for me um you know again there's more of these symbols and they lead right to this door there's like an upside down triangle and
Daniel's like, we have to go through there. And nobody else wants to go, but he says we have to go. ah Meanwhile, we find that Ally is indeed okay, but not really. um And we find out the true intentions of Richard. um Side note, ah how did Dick become short for Richard? Does anyone know? Like we have Rick, we have Ricky, Richie,
Who was just like, nah man, call me dick. I don't know, there's too many fucking, ah just too many like low hanging fruit jokes there to just, I don't know. So I might call him Dr. Dick the rest of the fucking movie. Because he is kind of a dick the rest of this movie also. But you know he's already transforming into whatever the fuck he's planning on transforming. They don't explain how like why he survived. He's just like cutting his skin off.
um Um, it's weird. He's like shaving literally like his skin off so he can be Skinless and he's already impregnated her with Whatever the fuck happened like whatever's in her, right? There's already something in her stomach It's like you know moving around looks like like the worst case of bubble cuts you've ever fucking had in your life Um, there's definitely some like, you know, I get some like alien vibes, some thing vibes, you know, this is definitely like a nod to some older movies here. And then like, um, like the fly, right? Like from the eighties, which have gold bloom. Like I got some vibes with that, um, this whole time. So you'd like any, I mean, if you, if you haven't watched this movie and you're still listening to me rant about how much I like this movie and you like those movies, well, stop listening to me now, go watch this movie and then come back and finish it. Uh, I promise you it's for the best.
um but you know ah dr. Dick decides that Ali is gonna make a good vessel for his daughter or his next big whatever fucking creature he's bringing through now the guys are still in the basement they're um you know trying to figure out what the fuck is going on they're exploring this labyrinth Apparently the the hospital layout isn't exactly what they thought it was because you know They're radioing back to the lady upstairs and she's like impossible. You guys should be down, you know all the way whatever and ah This is a really cool fucking scene this whole part here and it's hard to put into words exactly what you you see
um vincent just says like this is we're in hell um And this is what I wanted, to like, Baskin to be. this I got some, like, kind of Baskin vibes here. um I keep saying vibes a lot in this movie, or in this review, and I'm very sorry about that. I still don't have another word that I can think of right now to describe ah vibes, like like a fucking synonym. I can't think of one right now. I need to sip a beer, though. Give me a second.
Awesome. Now, I love when these beers warm up because just like more and more flavors come through. now They did a really good job because everything kind of comes through um right away. But man, the second time around this beer is like so much fucking better. um Like this first time it was kind of like umami, like kind of like a soy saucy teriyaki. And I know that sounds gross, but you do get that sometimes with like barrel aged stouts or just like pastry stouts. Like sometimes it's just it just tastes that way. Not that it's bad. It's just like you see marshmallow and vanilla and coconut on a can. You're kind of expecting that.
and then when you don't get that you get a little bum but this second can i don't know maybe i just i don't know man it just takes way better at this time so uh definitely if you're in savannah go check out two tides their beer is fucking killer or if you're in california bottle logic or new york finback all breweries all of them kick fucking ass uh anyway so This is where like the super cool part of the movie comes in um There's this guy right and he's he he doesn't have a face. He just has like a hole in his head where his face would be and it goes all the way through and he's just like repeatedly like stabbing his own head on this like
rod that's just sticking out of the wall and he's just going back and forth back and forth and then he stops and he pulls his head off and he looks like off of the rod and he looks at them and the camera's like through the hole in his head like you can see which I thought was super cool and then they just like pan out and you see all these like deformed rejected abortions of these like whatever the they don't explain it they don't explain it it doesn't matter because it's fucking awesome all the creature designs they're all different they're all elaborate right it's not just like like lazy zombie makeup right there's like really intricate looking fucking things down here and they're awesome they're all really awesome
um major major fucking props to you know the creature design and the execution because like they're they're really well done the same with the special effects and the makeup in this movie it's like literally as good as it gets um And and i i we don't see this side of movies as much anymore. ah People always opt for the CGI. Not always, but like I'm a romantic for like this kind of shit. I want to see the art of practical effects. i want to so like It just feels so easy to do it like on a computer, especially now with like AI and everything. They're taking the art out of art.
Right? With like, like short cutting everything. and And like I have fun with AI too, but just doing little dumb projects like I, you know, I have instead of like paying out the ass for something that's like, probably never going to take off, right? But like doing alternate logos for this podcast is cool on AI. Um, cause whatever I can do it. Uh, but anyway, all right. Um, but yeah, I, like I said, I love practical effects and, and, you know, it feels more real. Um,
And they do it so well in this movie. They're also really creepy, right? There's some like creepy shit in this. ah The way that they they they run, or attack, or the noises they make, or just the and like the atmosphere that they kind of put together. um you know this This whole thing was was a lot of fun. And then there's this like there's another creature down here. it's like on all fours upside down like spider walking like what's her face does in uh down down the stairs in the exorcist you guys know what i'm talking about except this head can like rotate all the way around it's really weird and hard to describe but all these monsters in here are hard to describe that's probably why my notes were like all over the place because i was just like sucked into watching this thing and i have no idea how to describe it just imagine like faces melting off and like tentacles popping out of places that shouldn't exist and they have like ah and i don't even know i don't even know it looks like
George Lucas was like trying to put together like Star Wars characters by like mating one alien with another alien and then it was like the ugliest worst fucking thing that he could ever imagine and then they just threw it in the basement and then they tried that a bunch of times and then that's all of these creatures right that's like the only analogy i can kind of come up with ah for like what these things look like but they're so awesome and one of them does kill james uh and he gets he's gone he gets like ripped around the corner and he's done
um but again they don't go into a lot of the backstory of what's going on here um and like I said i I had to actually come back and rewatch all of this because there's just there's a lot to dissect in this particular area so much in fact that we're gonna cover something here very soon but they do find out um that Dr. Dick has implanted an alien in the pregnant chick. She's carrying one of these things and before um they can, you know, give birth, before she can do anything, she kind of loses her fucking mind in the lobby, kills her fucking grandfather, right, stabs her right through the neck ah in front of that poor nurse that's trying to, you know, she's like and a student, ah and then she leaves with cold people, and that's it. now
They go back to the basement, right? the the The movie kind of jumps around here from like there to there to like Ali and all this stuff. um We're back in the basement and now everybody just starts tripping balls. This is the part that I didn't understand. um So like Vincent like is is spaced out. It looks like he's in like a living room now and he like attacks his son Simon like the the other guy that's with him.
um daniel and ally are together now all of a sudden and they're like pretending to have the baby that they actually lost which is revealed um you know that they they were supposed to have a baby and you know dr dick comments like i saw the look on your face the relief on your face once you saw that the kid was dead and blah blah blah um you know and and he snaps out of it and and he's just like sitting like I don't even know, he's like, she's like half ash and also half fucking tentacle lady. Everything's just like out of her guts and it's just strung all across the fucking room. um Super cool, super gnarly. um Really fucking, like I said, love the effects in this fucking movie. Super cool. um And you know, what does he do? He chops off her head just like any other gentleman would.
um But we're still not quite to the kill of the week. um There's not a lot of kills that you see. We are getting closer to it. And and I thought that this was like the coldest thing.
dr dick has finished his transformation right into whatever this like i said he looks a lot like vegna uh if you guys have seen uh that most recent season of stranger things like four years ago and now we still have to wait like three more years to get the final season what the fuck is up with that by the way why is it taking so long to put out seasons of tv shows i don't understand like we used to get like next year you're gonna get one next year you're gonna get another one and like it just goes on that way now we're waiting like three years for new seasons of things and it's like well why can't we just get it i don't know i don't know what the fuck happened why things change like the pandemic's over uh maybe it's because all these strikes that are still going on or we're going on or whatever i don't know i need to sip beer though
but anyway yeah it's kind of annoying that like we have to wait this long as fans uh and then you forget what the fuck happened right like you have to go back and re-watch a bunch of shit um we forgot all about House of the Dragon we just finished that somewhat recently and um when that season started over or or started we had to like go back and re-watch you know they need to put like an episode of all the shit you missed or forgot about before they even do like episode one not like a three minute fucking catch you up i'm talking like a full half hour for my dumb ass i need all the dots connected before i start on a new season and um anyway so dr dick has finished his transformation sorry about that little tangent there
um And the pregnant and lady as ah you know, Daniel's trying to figure out how to end this thing So he follows dr. Dick into checking out the big glowing triangle Pregnant lady comes up behind him stabs him In the back and so now he he just drops and just kind of like hangs out and watches all of this unfold which I don't know if I'd blame him because like this is super fucking weird what's happening right now and like There's probably like a sense of hopelessness. um Also like, I don't know, I don't wanna see what's gonna happen. There's a bunch of cold people outside. I just got stabbed in the back. Probably not gonna, you know, it's probably not gonna end well for me. So I might as well just ride it out and watch what's happening, right? So, the pregnant lady he finally is about ready to give birth to Dr. Dick's, you know, daughter. And this scene was,
she it look whatever the fuck this was right and and again i don't know who the fuck drew this they're just like hey man come up with a daughter and he's like gotcha here's like uh here's an octopus rhinoceros horse covered in blood uh that's the best i can do also we're gonna make it pop out of this lady's stomach like she's a stripper popping out of a birthday cake uh but with way more blood and of course that's our
Yeah, and like I said, the creature is super fucking cool too. He's got like hooks that come out of them and like tentacles and fucking needles and just all this crazy shit. um it's It's just cool, right? Like, there's still no explanation as to what exactly, you know, Dr. Dick is trying to do, how he's doing it, where these people are going, what this triangle is for.
you know it's just It's just weird. It's kind of just out there, but you don't really care because everything's just fun. It's just fun. It's just a good time, right? And that's what you're here for. Vincent does his best to lure Dr. Dick's new baby a baby girl away from him, um gets a you know gets killed, but also gets um gets to kill it because he talks Simon into throwing his fucking flare and catching the thing on fire.
um Yeah, so you know we're almost at the end of the movie here. Daniel tries to kill Dr. Dick with the axe. Obviously, that doesn't work. You've seen everything happen today, and you're like, I could probably just probably just get him with an axe. He takes it, and ah that was it. you know He just turns around. He's like, that's that's all you got, bitch. um So he tackles him through the triangle, and the portal seemingly closes. right um you don't really know ah where they are what happened after that um but the final two people are like the most like undeserving like final folks of any movie like the the nurse uh student and and the fucking the vincent's kid like those two are the ones that survive and and it's just like well they barely did anything in this movie i don't understand why they don't explain what happened with dr dick they don't explain what happened with the cult members
They just showed Danny and, or Dan and Ally, um, alive with like a fucking pyramid in the sky and everything's grayscale and it's like windy, but they're together.
um and that's it right that's that's it uh so like i said final thoughts ending aside um it was just a fun movie really great effects reminds me of something from the 80s like the good old days of of you know practical effects when when those reign supreme and it wasn't reliant on cgi and all this other shit but it you know it's definitely worthy of a re-watch in my opinion Uh, and I did have to rewatch it because I had to go back and get notes and I found myself drawn back in immediately because like the music is is awesome. Uh, the effects are great. The lighting that everything is just awesome about this movie. There's, it's good. It's probably, you know,
It should stand the test of time. This could get bumped up to like a nine here and be labeled under all-time great. Or it it might stay at eight and a half because the story doesn't make any fucking sense and they don't talk enough about it. But yeah, that's about it. Hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Next week, again, not sure what's going on. I do know that we're getting one week closer to spooky season. um We're probably gonna cover that McKamey manner.
um if you guys don't know what that is that is that real haunted house you can sign up for in the states at least you could I don't know if you still can I know that there's a lot of lawsuits that came that these way but basically they would you would sign a waiver and they would real-life kidnap you and torture you um and if you got through the entire thing you like won money or something like that so it's basically a way for psychopaths to really get away with like fucking up people and zero consequences because you signed a waiver um and it's part yeah we'll probably do that when we get closer to um haunted health season just because it's it's interesting it's not a horror movie but um it deserves to be talked about a little bit um
Yeah, I don't know, probably gonna do haunt. um We got Terrifier 3 coming out here in a couple weeks. So we got some cool stuff, but ah we'll throw up a poll up on the the old Instagram, the old Facebook. um Definitely check out the, fate we're not getting traction on Instagram, so I might just shut that down altogether.
Um, but definitely the Facebook's doing well, you know, thank you guys for for jumping in. They were getting a lot of engagement on there recently, um, between that and our other page, uh, Kings of hell archive of horrors. I didn't fuck it up that time. I didn't fuck it up that time. I did it. Uh, okay. I've, this episode's a little longer than it needs to be. Um, we got to get out of here. Uh, we will talk to you guys next week. Thank you again for everything and we will catch you on the flip side. See ya.