I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) & a Double IPA I can't drink image

I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) & a Double IPA I can't drink

S1 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
25 Plays2 months ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! All aboard the nostalgia train as we check out this blast from the past, I Know What You Did Last Summer. It was a lot more fun than I remember. Also, I crack a beer that even I couldn't drink. Hope you enjoy, Cheers!

Thanks Jack. Welcome back to the Little Hops A Horse Podcast. I'm John, your host as always. Thank you again for tuning in. If you have not jumped on any of our socials, give us a like, follow, subscribe, suggestion, anything. Movies you want to watch, or you want us to watch any movies, you want us to review, stuff like that. um Anything like that, any little bit of interaction helps. We've been trying to be a little more active on the pages these days. um still building that uh... kings of whores uh... i can never i came up with this page and i can never fucking remember it the name of it kings of hell archive of whores there we go oh my fucking god someday i will get my shit together i promise anyway today we are doing uh... you guys voted on it so we're we're gonna do it i know what you did last summer from nineteen ninety seven sitting at a rotten
45% of Rotten Tomatoes, 5.8 out of 10 on IMDB. Our rating, kind of right in the middle there, 5.5 out of 10, directed by Jim Gillespie, who has literally done pretty much nothing since this movie. um Beer we're drinking tonight. Oh shit, I forget to write it down. Like I said, someday I will forget, I will get my shit together. We're doing double Raja from The Brew Kettle. It's 8.5%. It's a double West Coast IPA. And sitting at 4.03 on untapped there. See, I recovered pretty nicely on that one, huh? um So this one was like, you know, one of the formative years ah horror movies that that I remember watching as a kid. So like, i you know, No Stranger, you guys know this. um
I like modern horror movies right and I remember watching uh Friday the 13th not Friday uh Nightmare on Elm Street Friday the 13th I just saw recently um but Nightmare on Elm Street um Child's Play those those kind of movies early on and it was enough to like peak my interest right and then i got into you know obviously i was already in goosebumps and are you afraid of the dark and and things like that so when screen came out you know in 96 like that was something that pretty much everybody in my school watched because it was you know with scary enough but you know it it's not bad like these kind of movies are are good for a younger audience to gauge on
whether or not you're going to be a horror fan if this is something you can take if you're absolutely terrified by movies like this and you still want more then you know awesome but some people get shut off and movies like this they don't want to go any further they're done they're just not a fan of them um But I remember watching this, you know, back in 97. I mean, fuck, I was nine years old. ah Actually, I might have watched this a little. I vividly remember my grandma having like a few DVDs right when DVDs were brand new. So it might have been like 98, 99 when I finally got a hold of it.
but when I would come stay the weekend here you know they had a computer in the room I would stay in and I would just watch this ah and you know I don't know it's just something I did because I didn't have a lot of options to watch it was like this and like ah two other movies that are grumpy or old man I fucking love grumpy or old man on a different in a different universe like i covered movies like that on a podcast but anyway um so this this may be like the most 90s movie like ever fucking mate look at this cast that that that this is like the shitty slasher version of the breakfast club you have freddy prince junior sarah michelle geller jennifer love huett ryan phileep and haish johnny galicki like there's a big fucking names all in one movie um and and you know this
I know I cut up like Jeepers Creepers ah few a few weeks ago and I got absolutely destroyed for doing so. um So I took it a little easy on this one, right? Like I could have just you know absolutely fucking obliterated this movie, but I said no, just try to enjoy it. And and I did enjoy this one a lot more than I did Jeepers Creepers. I genuinely just did not like that movie. um Maybe I was a little harsh on my rating, maybe it was closer to like this, like five and a half. but whatever, got got the people talking, got the people hating me and laughing laugh emojying my fucking every post and I had to block people because look man, I'm not trying to get harassed, I'm just trying to like have some fun here, you know what I mean? And people on the internet just take it too far sometimes. So um anyway, what do we like about this movie?
and like the premise right so like you could tell like this this was inspired you know by the like movies like screen right so you know it it adds like a little bit of mystery to to the horror genre um urban legend was another one that kind of came to mind and i really thought that that that the bad guy in this movie was the bad guy from urban legend so i really have to go back and watch that one too um i thought it was like a dude with a hook unless it is and i'm i'm just misremembering, i'm I'm not sure, but you know, i I think they should make more movies like this.
where you're not sure who the killer is or what's going on and everything. I think that's fun. now I mean, the screen franchise is kind of like, you know, exhausted at this point. I thought they had a good ah good thing going with ah the the last two movies that they did. I thought they were a lot of fun and and they did a good job, but they fucked that up and now none of the actresses and actors or anybody that was associated with the movie, they don't want to do it anymore. So it's just like in, you know, limbo right now. um I thought it had a you know a good soundtrack, really takes you back to being like in the 90s, decent suspenseful moments, um and pretty good cast for for the kind of movie it was. like they you know all All of them are decent decent enough actors, especially for a movie like this. right like You don't have to go over the top, but i mean I thought everybody did a pretty good job. They were pretty convincing. um
and everything that they were asked to do in this. And like I said, this is this is ah ah a good movie for like a younger audience. or it's not It's not overly violent. um There's no nudity or anything like that. There's there's definitely some swearing though, um but I'm sure they've heard worse from like their their fucking classmates at school. What we didn't like about this movie, before we jump into spoilers,
I had a really hard time. what I have not seen this movie in probably 20 years. right And I had a really hard time um taking this movie seriously because of how well Scary Movie parodied the fuck out of this. There's so many scenes that they did that I'm like, this isn't Scary Movie. And it was I just kept flashing back to to to Scary Movie, like that version. and And it kind of took me out of the movie, but I tried my best to like stay engaged in everything. but they You know, those first two scary movies are fucking brilliant. Wayne's Brothers are fucking, they're comedic geniuses, man. They're very, very funny. And we will cover those movies at some point um in the future on this podcast. ah More gore, obviously, would always be good. ah Didn't see a lot of the kills. um and And, you know, just a few more jump scares would have been good. A few more scares overall, anything like that.
um It was more just you know a lot of teenagers swearing than anything. But if you guys haven't seen this, I mean, again, this is on you. This movie's like 30 years old. But we're going to jump into spoilers here. So ah yeah, we'll see you on the other side.
that's right it's a spoiler time so uh... yeah i mean i have a fucking you know a note here early on i said that i'm i'm so ready to bail i'm only ten minutes in and scary movie just absolutely ruined this fucking movie for me and i was i was trying so hard to take it seriously uh... but immediately the casting is you know makes makes its presence known uh... ryan felipe does a great job is that that pompous asshole the casting is really well done like all of these characters um that they play or are very relatable you know there there's something i mean yeah i guess ah they're kind of stereotypical but you know there's a reason behind there's just you know a stereotype is because they there's there's some truth to it right um so they're all you know pretty relatable characters to somebody we've probably met
um along our journey through through life and everything and they were also cast Relatively young like the girls were teenagers and the guys were in their early 20s So it's not like you know in Greece where Rizzo was like 45 and trying to play a high schooler um But I do remember the days, you know, this movie starts pretty early, just a couple of kids get away, they go to the beach, um and and they're looking for like a spot to bang, spot to hang out and party and drink and do, you know, delinquent bullshit, you know. And we all did it, man, we all did it.
and our kids are gonna do it and that scares the shit out of me knowing what I tried to do and what I tried to get away with it now like 20 years from now probably 16 years from now I'm gonna have to fucking deal with it with him oh my god anyway um but you know those those like make out spots right like everybody had one um i know that that oh i didn't add it i'm an idiot i should i have i have my my joke drum drop but i'm gonna i'm gonna fuck it up if i try to do it on the fly here anyway i was privy to the dugout near our high school but i never made it past first base but get it uh
That was a bad one. Anyway, the movie doesn't take long to get going, though. Again, you know, probably, you know, maybe 15 minutes in before shit hits the fan, or rather, somebody hits somebody with a car. um And after they bang each other at the beach, Barry gets a little carried away, causing Ray to, you know, strike a pedestrian who just happened to be standing in the middle of the road. um And so yeah for high school kids accidentally kill someone um And you know in all honesty I have no idea how I would have acted ah Had this happened to me like the temptation to do exactly what they did would have been there, right? Where they're just like no one's gonna know he's probably some drunk dude Let's just throw him on you know out into the fucking water and and and that's it We'll just clean up the car and everything's good
um We actually, so we didn't kill anybody, but we did almost, I don't know how the fuck we didn't die. We had a half day at um at at school the one day and was riding with our friend. We went up to the mall to do some bullshit, you know and then we're on our way back home. And for some reason, we're doing like 80, nothing nothing you know smart. I don't think any of us had seat belts on or anything like that. um somebody grabbed the wheel and like pretended to jerk it back and forth causing the driver to actually overcompensate and he yanked the car and we start fishtailing it like 80 miles an hour on this highway and then we we we veer off into like ah a green median right like a like a grass median that that divided the highways um
and we just spin and spin in the dirt until you know uh we eventually come to a stop we took out a bunch of these little like reflecting things that tell you like the the lanes you know ending or whatever and we fucked up at my buddy's car pretty good with uh that shit like chipping the paint smack in the hood but like We hurried up and like got the fuck out of there because we'd want to get in trouble. and And you know, when you're young and dumb, you're just like, I just hope nobody finds out about this. And that's kind of, you know, that's what they did here. So the kids make a pact to never speak of this again. It's a little dramatic. I don't understand.
how through all this time nobody fucking saw what was going on here right like besides creepy fucking Johnny Galecki playing Max who had some like big time stalker vibes he was a weird motherfucker in this movie but it it literally takes forever for them to like like they like loaded the body and and then drove it all the way down to this dock they're screaming and yelling and bitching and whatever doing the shit and they throw it in the fucking you know into this lake and then that's it we fast forward to a year later after they're packed and a cryptic letter is what kicks it all off it's delivered to julie and it says i know what you did last summer could have been anything right could have been fucking anything but of course
At one thing that they're guilty about, you know, it's just looming over their fucking head. So obviously she goes and tracks down all the friends. And this is like, it's crazy to watch this in 2024. Like we are literally attached to our phones at all times. Like it's always within reach. You can get ahold of anybody whenever you want at any time. um all around the world and you know in 1997 it's on you know they like barely had internet like they did but it was like dial-up and shit and you know so it's wild to see like people that graduated together that were like very friendly with one another they I mean they were best friends you know so they made it seem but they didn't keep in contact at all for an entire year
Like I mean, I don't really remember when AOL messenger like first came out. I think it was after this I would say it was like early 2000s Do you guys remember your screen name from that? and I know what mine is
mine was big pimp bobo 134 why why i chose that i don't know what 14 year old johnny was thinking uh when he did that but i didn't even know what the hell the pimp was i could have been called on that at any time and i i genuinely did not know i think i heard it in a rap song once i thought it was cool and uh i just threw it on there so all right let's get a sip of beer here
whoa man oh my god okay so that's um admittedly my first sip of that beer i have another beer sitting in front of me that's way better so i am not gonna drink that one oh wow is that aggressive that's tough holy shit so you really have to like west coast ipas to drink that one my god it just I've said it before and I'll say it again, man, and you kids don't know how good you have it. Now with AZIPs and the shit we had to drink like this, people like this, somehow I don't know. ah Anyway, let me get a sip of the other beer.
Jeez, yeah, because I'm double recording tonight, so that's why there's another beer here. I cannot drink that double Raja. Oof, that's rough. Not to say it's a bad beer, it's just definitely not for me. Wow, that's aggressive. I feel like I just sprayed like like fucking furniture polish in my mouth, you know, like like lemon pledge or something like that. Not that I've ever done that, but i'm if i if I did, I'm assuming that's what this would taste like. So the band reunites they start talking about the letter which sends Barry immediately on a fucking warpath Right to suspect number one max because that's the one that everybody saw but this movie does a pretty good job it Throwing you, you know a little bit of a curveball because they kill him immediately right after that with a fucking fish hook to the face and that's gonna be our
Yeah man, that's our kill of the week. ah Kind of hard to pass that up, because you don't really see too many more after that. There are other kills, but you don't see many of them. Anyway, I could do, because right after this, this is where Barry gets chased down by his own car, and I could do without the anti-climactic car chase scenes, where the engine is revving, making it seem like the car's doing 60 miles an hour, and the dude's like just running in front of them, so obviously you're doing like you know maybe eight miles an hour or if you're lucky but it's just dumb it's you know it's i don't know i just fucking hate it it's not fast and furious stop but the killer does eventually hit barry with the car sending him through a wall doesn't kill him lets him go but now everybody's super paranoid so like what would you do at this point
You know, like we talked about it earlier, well I talked about it earlier, um I don't know, I probably would have done the same thing they did, but now I know somebody knows, and I know somebody's fucking with me, right? And they don't know Max is dead, they have no idea. But like, somebody knows that that some shit's going on here, right? you're They're getting fucked with, you know, they're getting messages and all this other shit. would you turn yourself in or would you write it out and take the chance that that you know you're gonna you're gonna make it through unscathed and well they decide to split up the girls take their you know they play their hand a plane detective and they go down to the victim's house they track down
the surviving sister played by Anne Haysh. She's actually ah very good at this as like the good whacked out lonely sister. But i I mean, I would be suspicious as fuck if I were her because they they have this like really bad excuse like, oh, our car broke down. Can we use your phone? And then there's asking very specific questions when they get in there about shit. And then, you know, Jolie gets overwhelmed and she's like, I have to go. And then, you know, they leave and magically the cars fixed already and all that shit. um But I like this next scene coming up. So after Helen gets home from that night, um you know, dad is just in the recliner doing dad things, drinking.
he's drinking beer if he's drinking like a mixed drink i can't remember he's he's sipping on some watching football doesn't give a fuck that this kid is home uh... she's i think camera she says anything to him and he just did totally ignores her and uh... you know a bit of foreshadowing she goes in pours herself a quarter of a glass of diet coke or something like that like who pours just a little bit of coke in a glass i don't fucking like poor old fucking thing if you're gonna drink it no she wasted that that's my dad coming out and me that's my fucking parents coming out and me i can't believe she wasted three quarters of a collect can of pop just to have a little bit anyway the killer sneaks in right behind her and uh
walks upstairs and I love this scene where it's like a dual you know kind of like line of sight where you can see her kind of coming around the corner and as she's about to head upstairs you see him just kind of duck around the bend like he just made it into her bedroom and you know knowing that she's she's going you know towards that room you know definitely drives up the anxiety and and and you know i I like that that in a movie and you're just waiting for something to happen and waiting and waiting and all she gets is a bad haircut and that's it That's it. That's all that fucking happens is she gets a fucking bad haircut. So she calls, she's freaking out, calls Barry, Jolie heads over right away. But of course, on her way over, she randomly gets the urge to look in the trunk of her car. And that's when we discover Max, and he has a pretty bad case of the crabs. And again, that's where my joke drum thing is supposed to drop, but I'm an idiot. I didn't upload it.
in time to do it. And I can't do a post production on this program. So there's my bad joke. ah But seriously, though, there's Max, Max's dead body in the trunk. And um yeah, causing Julie to almost get hit by a car. And yeah, that's it, right? She goes and gets Barry and Ellen and Helen with weird fucking names for kids in 90s. I remember anybody named Barry or Helen. I remember Julie, like we had Julie's, Brittany's, but we didn't have a Helen. It feels like, it's like 1960. I don't know. It just seemed like a weird name for a teenager in the 90s. But, you know, what the fuck do I know? Anyway, so she goes up to get help and she's like, there's somebody in the back of my fucking car, it's Max. They get back down and everything's cleared out.
right now that's a lot of fucking effort in the middle of fucking suburbia right in broad daylight nonetheless who loads the trunk of a car with a dead body in a bunch of crabs live crabs then has the time to get all of that out in the time it takes from a girl to run upstairs get her friends and run back down You're not fucking doing it. Sorry. That's like the thing that stunk out to me the most. Like how close were you to be able to do that? How much help did you have? But you know, they get back down and she looks like a fucking, you know, like she's losing her fucking mind. And then Ray pops up right after that. And now Ray
is accused of being the killer, right? And you you kind of think about it because he's never really around, right? Freddie Prinze Jr., he's just kind of like popping up at the last second like, hey, guys, was sorry, I'm late. And oh, did I miss something? Like, it's kind of sus. Oh, God, I can't believe I just said that. It's kind of suspicious. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said that. I tried to sound cool. And I just instantly fucking pained me. um I can feel my dad's hand smacking me in the back of the head right now. Sorry, dad, that didn't mean at this point you like that.
anyway So they try to hatch this half-brain plan, you know, like to to to get the killer. And, you know, there's there's kind of like this inner battle for the viewer, right? Because you're you're kind of... kind of wondering if it's Ray at this point you're kind of you know well maybe it is him because like I said he's not there for a lot of the movie and he always pops up after some crazy shit happens but um this is where like they kind of go their separate ways like let's split up gang inherent oh my god this is gonna fucking kill me Helen and Barry continue their plan to try to bait them they do that like you know they're supposed to be
you know enjoying their their five minutes of fame uh reliving their high school you know glory and it turns into tragedy um eventually but you know they're on edge they're on guard they're thinking that they're gonna get killed in the middle of the parade like Dude, it's not going to happen. um Of course, when it does happen and is is when Barry's up on the fucking balcony all by himself and um he gets slaughtered. Helen freaks the fuck out, goes up there with you know the cop. of Obviously, there's nothing there. But after having seen Scream, I'm kind of wondering if maybe it's Ray and Barry. Maybe it's Barry trying to like tie up loose ends.
You just don't know. Anyway, I do like, well, I guess that wouldn't have made sense because, oh yeah, they would have both had to be in on it like Scream did. But, you know, I i do like the suspense and the mystery up until this point. Like, you know, it definitely kept me guessing. I had no fucking idea who the killer was and probably because I haven't seen it in like 30 years or whatever. But anyway. um Yeah, the cop escorts Helen from the pageant after she has a meltdown watching Barry gets slaughtered um and then he gets killed immediately and she's stuck in the back of a cop car and ah But she magically breaks out and makes it to her fucking her, you know sister store who forgets to lock the back door causing her to fucking die and
You know, all this chaos is happening, right? This has all taken place over the ah span of like a few hours. And where's Julie? Where's Jennifer Love Hewitt this entire time? Oh, she's just like hanging out, researching some shit online while her friends are getting slaughtered on the other side of town. I can see why this movie got parodied though, because it takes, it is a little you know outlandish and like, there's there's a lot of things that you can make fun of um for it, including fucking Helen taking forever to die. um but they do a good job of setting up Raze the bad guy you're kind of assuming they they they throw you know the name on there and and and Jolie fresh from the library comes to see him and makes about 40 fucking different conclusions uh in like eight seconds and you know tries to run from him and walks right into the killer strap the real killer strap and it's a pretty good oh shit moment when she finally gets into the boat and sees all the trophies and everything like that
and she realized she's cornered by the real killer and that's that whole fuck moment now they do drag this part on um she runs deeper and deeper into the boat and like it's a boat and she just locks herself in the boat and um trying to get away from somebody like it's real It's real dumb. But thank god Ray and his dinghy are able to come and distract the killer with one of the worst fight scenes I've ever seen in a horror movie. Nobody knows. This guy doesn't know how to use a fucking hook. He knows how to use a hook the entire movie and all he does is keep punching Freddie Prinze Jr. in the fucking head with it this time from the rest of this movie. Now, we're not gonna cover the rest of this movie.
It's just a really drawn out cat and mouse game. I did like when Jennifer Love Hewitt gets to like the ice um Like box part of the boat and she comes across like the little graveyard and all the dead bodies are already there um That was kind of cool. I did like that reveal um you know he's preserving all his victims um on ice on a fishing boat you know that was that was kind of neat but I think they definitely dropped the ball on a really cool ending. Rey there's a scene where he's literally ready to throw a hook at the bad guy right and it smacks him in the head and then Rey gets punched by a hook about 30 seconds later.
here's my note saying does the director understand how a hook works what should have happened was oh I had to cough give me one second I gotta take a break man this cough is lingering I'm sorry about that anyway what should have happened was Freddie Prinze jr. he gets a close-up a cool one-liner and he sends the hook down and then it just like catches the bad dude like right in the jaw, right, killing him instantly and like throwing him off the boat or something like that. I don't know, but it doesn't happen. He just gets knocked off the boat. And um and that's it. You just assume everything's done. um Julie's back at school. She gets a note or something like that, except it's just an invite to a party. And when she comes back in, she's showering in this enormous shower by herself.
um There's a little note for her on on the glass saying I still know what you did last summer And that was I guess it would be two summers ago, or I still know what you did I don't remember exactly what it said, but it's something along those lines um And then I love that that jump scene You know dude coming through the glass at the very last second just to just to end the movie So but it was it was fun um five and a half out of ten nothing nothing all time great status no we're even near it um but it's it's a fun movie like i said this is this is a good thing for a younger generation um a younger horror fan this will see if they're they're into this kind of stuff um without totally like scoring them for life you know by watching like the exorcist or fucking
you know the conjuring or something like that like this is a good like you know dip your toes in the water see if you like it kind of movie but um yeah so the beer was a big miss tonight um not to say not to go check those guys out i know they're in i believe columbus ohio uh or somewhere over there there's somewhere in ohio But that double Raja, I just, I cannot do it and tonight. It's like past my bedtime already and trying to c chug a double West Coast IPA right now is the last fucking thing I want to do. But it is my turn to go let the dogs out so we can all get some sleep. ah Thank you again for tuning in wherever you are. Do appreciate the continued support if you haven't.
ah Like, review, subscribe, share, anything, anything like that really does help. We're trying to keep this thing going here ah for at least another year or so. And, um you know, I want that free beer sponsorship, man. You guys, you guys are the only way that that can happen. And ah that would be awesome. So all right, until next week, not sure what's coming out next week, um but something cool. I'll probably throw a pull up. So go check out the Instagram page or the Facebook page, a little Hops on Horse podcast. That's us. And yeah, we'll catch you guys next week. Cheers. you