Oktoberfest & Shaun of the Dead (2004) image

Oktoberfest & Shaun of the Dead (2004)

S2 ยท Little Hops of Horrors
23 Plays26 days ago

Welcome back to LHOHP! It's fall which means it's oktoberfest season! Alongside a great import from Germany, we're checking out one of my all time favorite movies, Shaun of the Dead from 2004. Hope you enjoy, Cheers!

Thanks, Jack. Welcome back to Little Helps with Horse Podcast. I'm John, your host as always. Thank you again for tuning in. As always, i definitely appreciate the support ah from wherever you are in the world. If you haven't, go ahead and check out the socials. Check us out and on Untapped. Check out the cool beer we're drinking each and every week.
ah Throw us a rating, throw us a subscription, throw us a fucking recommendation. Toss us out there. I want my free beer, dude. And that hinges on you. ah No pressure. Anyways, today we're doing Shaun of the Dead. It's one of my all-time favorite fucking movies, horror or otherwise. It's just a fun, ah just a fun movie, man. I wish they'd make more like this. Directed by Edgar Wright, ah who also had a hand in. ah Hot Fuzz and World Zen, Baby Driver, Last Night in Soho. That one I have not seen. um That's the only one that I haven't seen on this list. I've heard good things, I just haven't um um gotten around to it really.
ah Sitting at 92% on Rotten Tomatoes 7.9 out of 10 on IMDB ah We're giving this a 10 out of fucking 10 because it's a perfect movie straight through and we'll talk more about that here in a second next so I tried recording this episode a few days ago um and I was just tired right like I tried to record in like 10 o'clock at fucking night and And it was just not gonna happen, right? Like this, you know, dad life catches up to you the work week. I had a rough, rough week at work, you know, a little more hours than normal out in the sun, just getting my ass kicked, whatever it was. So, um, wasn't happy with it. We're going to give it another go to today. Uh, but I did waste that beer that I was going to, you know, that I had saved for this episode. It was Boddington's, uh, Pabello, which is a session bitter.
um wasn't that great. ah I usually like ESPs. That one was not like the better example for for that style. so But those beers are definitely worth trying out. This one's a little more fitting for the time of year that we're doing anyway, the one I chose today.
um We're doing palainer Oktoberfest right sitting that it's a 5.8% Mardsen beer so like Oktoberfest style right little multi little bitter just just fall just like a good fall beer right and well really any time but like This is like I mean we're already in fall now right it's time um Yeah, this beer is just perfect for this time of year anyway ah sitting at 3.68 on untapped which again is I don't know why Untapped hates on these fucking beers, but they're always so, so good. They've been doing it for a long, long time. And um yeah, man, check them out if you haven't. We're gonna take a sip.
Yeah, good as always, always, always, always awesome. All right, anyway, a quick shout out to my buddy Andrew. It is his birthday ah this week. Can't wait to share some ah some beers with you this weekend, buddy. Looking forward to that. And hope you have a wonderful birthday. So I just wanted to get that you know ah out of the way before we jump into what we liked about this movie. So I really wish that we would um do some more fun movies. right like I feel like horror movies take themselves too seriously most of the time. um you know, like, we try to be, you know, so scary, you're so gore, you're so next level or whatever. But things are just becoming so predictable now, right? Like, there's only so many times, you know, you you can, I don't know, originate like a ah cool jump scare. But most of the time, like, you know, any of us horror fan veterans ah that have been around a while that have watched a lot of movies, you can kind of fucking tell, you know, as soon as they drop
You know that all the sound of the movie kind of draw you in that's when something's gonna happen or they're you know Creeping around a corner something's going to happen when it gets really quiet something's going to happen whatever it is um You know so yeah, but I just wish that they would make you know just have fun Right, like not every horror movie has to be fucking terrifying, the scariest thing, the most gory thing. You can just have fun with them, right? And that's what this movie is. it it in It's a great representation of ah horror comedy, probably the best represent representation. I can't fucking talk today. ah You're gonna have to excuse me. I've been tripping over my words all goddamn day. ah But you know, whatever, that's ah that's nothing new. You guys are used to that.
What we liked about this movie everything everything it's proper British humor There are too many fine details for me to like really go over ah Because I love everything about it You know and I mean like I would be here all day telling you Every little thing that that I've loved and every time I watch that I pick up something new you know Which is what I love about Movies like this, um but i I mean I just love this movie the the subtle nod to the horror greats You know before it um the quick-witted humor. There's enough gore to make it fun ah But it's not enough to like turn off like a massive audience like it's got a pretty broad reach um to make it you know you can watch this with your kids or you know they're just getting into horror and they
They'll be okay with it. You know what I mean? It's not gonna you know traumatize them like Friday the 13th or you know a nightmare on Elm Street or something like that would so In Simon Pegg and Nick Frost obviously, you know, they're fantastic and and all the stuff that they do together is really really fun to watch What I didn't like they should have fucking killed daft faster and
I fucking hated that guy. Like, he reminded me of a shittier, more depressed version of Ross ah from Friends. um He was just insufferable. but I mean, luckily he only plays like a smaller part. So, you know, you don't have to deal with him too, too much, but he's just like such a fucking drag in this movie. ah But aside from that, really nothing. It's just a fun movie. I i do really... ah I mean, I enjoy it it. This was a hard movie for me to cover because normally, you know when I go into the spoilers and everything like that and we start talking about the synopsis of the movie and and things like that, like you know you talk about cool things that jump out and scare you, but like I loved so much about this movie, the the little one-liners, but like I can't dissect it like that because I'm trying to keep the episodes
You know under a half an hour for everybody, you know, and and so it was it was hard to really trim out things I didn't like or or things I love um You know to kind of keep it under a half hour, but we're gonna give it a go So if you haven't seen this movie, that's your fault by now. I mean, this has been out for 20 years I think they're actually doing some like cool nationwide releases here in celebration of that So if you get a chance to go check it out on the big screen fucking do it If not, we will catch you on the other side of spoilers
that's right it's spoiler time i fucking love these drops man like they're super cool uh... audio jungle just a neat little thing if you're if you're working on little side projects if it's uh... if it's a short movie it's a short film if it's uh... you know you're you're doing like horror stories and you want to add a little like atmosphere to your you know like your background or your story that you're telling her or whatever there's some really cool creative artists out there doing neat things for really cheap you know i mean i think i made those those drops this one in the outro for like three dollars combined right it's like stupid um all right anyway uh so about this movie right the opening is just so much fun it shows the redundancy of the everyday life of an unambitious man named shawn right and we're also introduced ed who's equally if not more unambitious uh than shawn which is later pointed out by their
Overly ambitious maybe or just right on track a friend Pete who's also their roommate um Now we did do a horror bracket a few months ago now with Austin from Frightmares And it was final folks, right? We didn't want to just limit it to final girls because there are some cool dudes that also make it through some horror movies when you know wanted to give them their shout to um versus horror icons, right? Like Freddy Krueger, you know, who would win between him and Ash from Evil Dead, you know? So, just a fun little, you know, one-off, like little NCAA kind of tournament bracket style type. And I actually had these two surviving against, ah they won, right? They won the entire fucking thing. Just because I think they're too dumb, like not to survive, right? um So like, I don't know, ah they they just have my vote. ah Because they have the best idea to go hang out at your favorite pub and wait out the yeah
you know, I guess, oncoming apocalypse or whatever. But this movie, um again, just shows us like we're never really, ah you know, you never really know when the day before is the day before. So again, always get your gas filled up the night before, right, like on your way home, instead of passing that gas station, it's me like, I'll get it tomorrow.
Just get it tonight. Just in case. And I'm guilty of that too. Like I fucking hate getting gas. If they had a service, which I think they do, um but that would come and like fill up your gas um for you like every night, like that would be fine. I would pay for that because I fucking hate stopping and getting gas. It's just so annoying. It's like my biggest fucking pet peeve of being an adult. That and taxes. Fuck taxes. Anyway, um so we show, it shows Sean going through, you know, the basic motions of his life as the manager. Well, I guess fill in manager.
of an appliance slash electronic store, right? Like the the circuit cities of our time, the best buys, things like that. um Yeah, and he's filling in because some other folks are sick and because he's the oldest, right? As as pointed out by his buddy, Noel. noel I'm not sure how they how they pronounce in that movie, but I love that dude. He's actually in Green Street Holy against Stu, which is one of my all time favorite fucking movies.
um and he was in the ritual also. So ah he's he's been around doing some cool stuff, but it's nice to see him as like a young kind of prick in this movie with that really hard English accent that he has going on there. It's fucking great. i love I love that accent for whatever reason. I don't think I could be married to something like that. Like if a girl had that kind of accent, I don't think I could deal with that. I think I'll just stick with my Pennsylvanian wife. um But yeah, I mean, that's just something about that accent, man. Is it Cockney? Is that the name of it? is that how they Is that like the dialect or whatever it's called? I don't know. There's actually a fucking movie called Cockney versus Zombies, which is supposed to be like a more British version of this movie, basically, which we haven't watched yet, and we will probably check it out in the future. But I've i've heard it's pretty good. If you guys have checked it out, let me know what you think. Anyway, ah so this movie moves pretty quickly. um You know, and we see his life kind of fall apart pretty early after he's dumped by his girlfriend Liz because he like doesn't get his shit together. He doesn't make the phone call he's supposed to make for the reservations for the anniversary. And then he tries to kind of like half-ass it by giving her flowers that were clearly addressed to his mom ah because he's a good son. You know, maybe not a good boyfriend, but he's a good son.
And she can you know kind of calls him out on his bullshit immediately, and that's it right so now He's all bummed and depressed and everything, but this is where Ed steps up right we all need a friend like Ed right where he takes you out You know for a night at their favorite pub get you a little drunk talk shit about your ex-girlfriend ex-wife Whatever you know forget her there'll be another one just go do whatever even if that song comes on the jukebox that reminds you of your ex-girlfriend and Ed's there to pick you up and be like, fuck that. Turn this off. Give me a different song. Here's a quarter. you know Change it. Whatever it is. um And those nights are fun, right? like We've all been there. I think we've all been through like kind of a shitty breakup before. um The next morning, not so much. But that night is is is always a good time. It kind of like exercises that demon, so to speak. It kind of gets it out of there. It gets you starting on the track to you know wellness, I guess, getting getting in a better spot. Let me get a sip of beer here.
But this is when the, um man, that beer is so solid. these These beers are great. If you haven't had a man, um you're missing out. So I would always always recommend checking out these these ah beers from the yeah the old country, right? The other side of the the fucking world here that have been making it for 200 years or longer. um I mean, if you're doing, if you're in business for that long, you're doing something, right? You know what I mean? So, um and it's always a treat to have this. I wish they would just make it like year round. I don't think they do. I think they just ship it here. um This is best before April of next year. Well, that's not going to be a problem today. I talked myself in another set there. Did you guys hear that? But this is where the end of the world really starts like kind of happening, right? ah They're on their way out of the pub and
drunkenly walking home and you know there's the ah chicken the guy uh... looks like they're making out that's not what's happening at all uh... she like ate his fucking neck and his head falls off like after they turn around and they're doing their little sing-along with the zombie who's making his noises in the alleyway and everything and then they get home and they listen to their electronic music uh... Pete's not happy about it he reveals he got bit slash mugged uh... in the middle of the you know on his way home or whatever There's a bunch of people out sick. So like the signs are there, you know, and there were even signs in the store earlier in signs um all around, you know, his, his, you know, to and from from work, that that something was going on, you know, the the little broadcast on the TV, you know, the the hazmat suits and things like that, the quarantines that were going on.
And he's flipping through just talking about the different, you know, this, I know that they're tube TVs, but you know, this has HDMI and it gets satellite and it does this and it does that, you know, so he's just talking about all the features and like not even paying attention to the end of the world happening. But I like the um I like the introduction where they're talking, you know, they kind of show basically, you know, that we're kind of like a zombified society already, you know, where they have everybody just kind of going through the same motions every fucking day.
for the man, unless you're one of the people that's fortunate enough to make, you know, more than enough money than you need without the man. um But you know, we're just going through the same motions every fucking day. We're already a zombie. You know, we're already doing it. We're, you know, now we're attached to our phones and all this other bullshit, so... um it's just a funny little you know kind of jab at you know society and and where we've come uh but you know shawn wakes up the next morning he's hung over he's not having a uh he's not having a good time uh we've all been there again uh used to be you know like a like uh what the fuck were those called power no vitamin water vitamin water the one that 50 cent endorsed those were the like the fucking cure all once upon a time when i was like 21 you just have one of those
You're good to go. Now I need a few days and like, like maybe, I don't know, like a, like a fucking water drip from the fucking, you know, hospital to, you know, kind of hydrate me and everything. I need like morphine to take my headache away. It's just, you know, hangovers in your mid thirties, pushing 40, not, not.
Not advisable don't do it avoid at all cost if you can But um you know for Sean he just goes and gets us You know his diet coke or his coke or whatever it was and a little ice cream cone Slap some coins down on the on the counter says I owe you a couple bucks whatever and I'll get you tomorrow um all the while just passing you know the end of the world it's already happening um the zombie apocalypse Armageddon is all upon them already I'm actually pretty sure he slips in some blood ah in the middle of the aisle but he's too fucking out of it to even realize
um i too But my buddy another one time we got fucking so drunk the one night Like I think we each killed like a fifth of alcohol each plus we're doing extra shots and all that stuff This is we're like 22. We're just like just so dumb. So young so drunk Uh, he ended up crashing in my house. We get up the next morning and I use that term like loosely because it was probably more like early afternoon. Uh, by the time we finally got moving and we went to McDonald's in our, in our town and we got however many cheeseburgers and whatever, just to try to like.
you know revive us and and it didn't it didn't work all that well i just remember ah passing out in the ah in the front seat of the car with the air conditioning on full blast for for a little bit and i'm fairly certain i would have gotten the dui um had i been questioned but luckily cops aren't knocking on windows at like two o'clock and the afternoon on a sunday or whatever um right let's get some So um this is when Sean kind of realizes, you know, things, you know, are are are starting to go wrong. They're flipping through the stations. And I love that they're, um you know, kind of cutting the programs together to, you know, kind of send a message. I thought that was really clever. um But in the midst of all of that, they realized that there's, um you know, there's there's a girl that had wandered into their backyard, some young woman.
And you know they kind of try to get her out of there. She doesn't want to listen. And Shawn shoves her. She gets you know kind of put onto a stake. And ah she gets back up. And that's when the boys realize, shit, something something is not right. And I love the camera scene. I love the winding of him like you know taking pictures of you know the evidence of everything. I thought that was very funny. um Also, kids, you do not know how well you had it or how good you have it now. ah We, once upon a time, had one shot.
right? I'm not trying to dip into my inner M&M here, but you know, the whole, you'd stand in front of, you know, you're in front of the Grand Canyon, right? You might never get back to the Grand Canyon and um you got like your mom taking one picture of you and you better hope your eyes are open and your smile is good um because otherwise that's the one that's getting shown to your family and you're like, your eyes might be half open. You might look like you're fucking, you know, getting drugged or something like that. I don't know.
ah But now you can edit it and fluff it up with filters and make yourself look even better than you know You do in real life, so you kids have a good now But yeah, so anyways, Ed and Sean realize that this is kind of happening everywhere. They're, you know, they're looking at the news, they find out about the head and brain, but now there's like a second zombie that has entered their backyard. um So they take out a laundry basket with ah random household items. um And you know, they try their best to take out the zombies. I love the fun sound effects that they add in to kind of, you know, make it a little quirky and a little more fun, a little more enjoyable, playful.
But the record scene is great, right? When they're just going through sorting, you know, well, Liz gave me this one. Ah, fuck her. She dumped you. And he whips it at the head. Just that whole scene is very, you know, they're biding their time and and the zombies are moving just slow enough for them to get these records off. and um But obviously, that's not enough. They have to resort to the shed and realize that, um you know, they have to beat these fucking zombies to death ah in their head to kill them.
So that's ah what they do. Wow, I can't fucking talk today. Keep tripping over my goddamn words. I'm sorry guys. All right, you know what I need? More beer. Yeah, anyway, so they devise a plan. They sit around, they figure it out. And after a few attempts of coming up with a plan, they finally settle on stealing Pete's car, killing Phillip, rescuing Barbara and Liz, then heading to the Winchester and waiting for this all to blow over.
because he does get a phone call Sean gets a phone call from his mom saying that Phillips not feeling well and everything so this is the scene where They find out that their roommate Pete is also a zombie, ah but he doesn't meet his fate until a little bit later um but You know, so it's time to steal Pete's car, get out of there. That's what they do. They get all the way over to Sean's parents house. And this is where Ed becomes enamored with the Jaguar, which is very funny ah upon arrival at Sean's parents house. ah So Sean goes in to get everybody, you know, get out of here, whatever.
And Ed goes to ridiculous lengths to ensure that he will be able to get to drive the car ah By wrecking Pete's car, you know, because it's just one step ahead, which is very funny but on the way out this is when Philip gets attacked um and um Eventually he turns but not quite yet. They have to go rescue Liz and and her friends first um And the one part that I didn't like about this movie was the forced heart the heart in the backseat of the car right before um right before Philip turns full zombie, you know, dies or whatever. I kind of, you know, could have done without that. The rest of this movie is perfect. That's like the one thing, but it's not enough for me to like take it down a half point or anything like that, just because it's so much fun and very watchable. You can just watch this anytime of year really. It's just fun. And if, you know, I don't know, scratches that itch, as we always say.
But they you know he convinces everybody, let's go to the Winchester, wait for this all to blow over, that's what they do. On the way, as we mentioned earlier, Philip dies, Ed almost wrecks the car in the in the process, but everybody gets out safely, and they have to continue on foot through backyards, back alleys, back whatever. And while they're doing this, they run into another group that's essentially mirror images of each other, and they're led by Yvonne and a very young Bilbo Baggins.
Um, I think that dude's name's Martin Freeman. I always want to say Morgan Freeman, but it's Martin Freeman. it Um, but yeah, so, uh-oh. I got a phone call. I didn't get a phone call. Um, we're all good. Uh, disregard that, that, God damn it, it threw me off my game. Let me get a sip of beer.
beer always helps. all right um yeah so you know they get As far as they can to the ah to the Winchester, and they realize that there's a group of zombies outside, they're not going to be able to get past that, right? So they're going to have to come up with ah their best zombie impressions, and that's exactly what they do. um And by the time they get there, they realize the door is locked, and they have to find another way in. Now, this is where dumbass, daft, fucking bitch-ass wannabe Ross Geller ah kind of fucks it up for everybody.
breaks the window. um Ed, for some reason, is still taking calls for drug deals in the middle of his zombie apocalypse. Life is hectic right now, right? Everything's kind of closing in around him. Sean steps up and saves the day, and lives Liz loves him for this. ah He leads the zombies away so the others can... Oh my god, dude, I'm sorry. I keep tripping over my fucking words. I don't know what's going on. All right, anyway.
This is fucking annoying. um and He leads the zombies away so the others can get in safely. He comes back just in time for snack time because they're divvying out the little bar snacks and everything that's going around, still with no plan besides just waiting it out. But Sean decides to go and turn the power, see if there's any updates going on. And um in the midst of that, they kind of reveal that the zombies are very much on their doorstep, trying to actively get in um through the basement and pretty much any noise that's happening is gonna trigger that. So they turn on the news and there's no updates, nothing. And that idea is always, even in a movie like this, as playful and fun as it is, ah just the idea that like you're looking to the news, the government, something like that for some kind of help. You know you always just kind of, you have this like false sense of security through them. And this is not a political rant by any and he means. But you always just think that, ah, Big Brother's got it figured out if something like this happens. And they don't.
they don't there's no updates there's nobody coming to save you they're not telling it you know so there's kind of like fuck we're on our own and the idea of that is really scary um every time every time i see it uh definitely always just makes me think anyway uh we're getting towards the end uh and this is where bar owner john re-emerges and of course he's a zombie um owner of the winchester uh and this queen song um in this scene is forever synonymous with uh this particular movie um Just this poor guy getting his ass beat by some pole sticks rhythmically to don't stop me now And that is until he gets thrown headfirst into the jukebox
um ah The commotion that a little incident triggered every zombie and you know alerted every zombie in the immediate area that it's uh hey there's some shit going on over here we should we should go check it out and that's exactly what they do now in the midst of this chaos and finding out that the Winchester actually works uh but also that everybody's also you know a pretty shit shot nobody can actually hit a goddamn zombie to save their life um we find out that Barbara uh she was bitten back uh on their way in Def wants to kill her, but instead is kind of told to fuck off and um he elects to, you know, well, whatever. I don't want to be a part of this anymore. And he stands a little too close to a window and gets literally ripped to shreds. And of course that's going to be our.
Yeah, fuck that guy. He sucks so much. I fucking he was the the worst part of this movie. But Diane, his girlfriend, follows him mindlessly as she did seemingly her entire life and probably to her and also. But things are growing more chaotic. The group uses what's left of the remaining shells to hold off the horde until Ed can get the cocktails together. Right. And kind of it's kind of sad to waste the the remaining booze.
you know, and on something like that, right, that's kind of a bummer, like, it it'd be nice to have a shot, there's probably some nice whiskey back there, instead you gotta waste it on burdens of zombies. um But, you know, if that doesn't happen right away, Pete and some other, you know, hooligan fucking zombies, ah bite him and drag him down, stopping him from being able to accomplish his goal. Leaving Sean and Liz behind the ball, behind the ball, ah behind the wall of fire, behind the bar,
um And things are looking looking pretty bleak right they're not quite sure what to do zombies are coming in all the shells are on the bar You know things aren't they're not great. They don't have any really you know defense Against any of this there's fucking 100 zombies in the goddamn bar trying to eat them, ah but ed jumps back just in time um Helps me get into the basement, ah but he has been bitten unfortunately, and it's a it's a matter of time and Before he dies, but he has one last fart joke in him before before that happens now you don't see it Obviously because but he does die as they reveal later in the movie, but it's just enough time for Sean and Liz to escape um Through the street saved by an army led by Yvonne right the same girl from earlier with with Bilbo Baggins and her crew and Yeah, they were it. And that's it, right? That's the movie. ah The World of Saves. Apparently this was just a one day thing, which I thought was really cool that like the world goes back to normal. A lot of these zombie movies kind of leave everything open ended. You know, they're not quite sure what happened. Like we just reviewed Dawn of the Dead last week. And, you know, they got to that island or they were on their way to the island. and You don't know if they made it and they were okay. You just know that everything was shit where they were. And they're hoping for better where they're going, you know.
um but you know I like they're just like ah that was just a day that they call it Z day and they have all these interviews and the zombies are cor crowded and being like basically slaves for like low skilled jobs and you know they're brought on as contestants for game shows for people's entertainment um But Sean and Liz didn't let that happen to Ed. um They get there happily ever after. And Sean gets his his video game buddy in the shed. um and He is a full-blown zombie. So you know perfect ending, perfect fucking movie. It's very fun. Like I said, I could have talked about this for hours. And I tried talking about it longer, but I kept tripping over my goddamn words. So thank you again, guys, for tuning in and in tolerating me. Next week, we have The Dark and the Wicked with Austin from Frightmares.
the weekend after that we have Terrifier 3 with Austin from Bright Mares. We're still trying to work out the exact scheduling of ah how we're going to make that happen. um But yeah, and then we're going to try to sneak in um I'd like to go see, I know we haven't reviewed Smile yet, but Smile 2 drops and I should be able to sneak away to go see that and get it reviewed so that'll be another new movie ah to talk about. And then we're rounding out um October, I think I have an extra week, but i we're rounding, I know we're doing Sinister at the end of the week, so if you guys like that movie, um definitely tune in to check that out at the end of the month. Thank you guys again for tuning in. Hope you enjoyed the episode. I know it's a little hectic, but fucking every episode is, but you know it's it's never gonna get better. um it this is This is as good as it's gonna get. This is it, man. ah This is what happens when you drink drink beer on a podcast and you and you can't talk regularly um with or without beer. You know what I mean? It it it is what it is this is. This is it. All right, we will see you guys next week for Dark and the Wicked. Until then, have a good weekend. Cheers.