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To Quit or To Persist image

To Quit or To Persist

S1 E24 · This or More
108 Plays11 months ago

From sitting there listening to a podcast on “How to take a sabbatical” to being fully empowered and alive knowing that I am in my calling, this episode is how I went from one extreme to the other in less than 24 hours. If you’ve ever felt exhausted or wondered if you’re on the right track, this episode is for you.

We chat:

  1. What to do when you want to quit
  2. The positive reframe to go from feeling like a failure to feeling successful
  3. 4 things to ask yourself when you're on the cusp of making a big decision
  4. Transformations from the women on the 2024 JoyUS Retreat
  5. What happens to your dreams when you are supported in community of like-minded, high-achieving women




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Transformation in 24 Hours

From sitting there listening to a podcast episode on how to take a sabbatical to being fully empowered, alive, and knowing that I am in my calling, this episode is how I went from one extreme to the other in less than 24 hours. So if you have ever wondered if you're doing the right thing, if you have ever felt exhausted and just fully discouraged, this episode is for you. Let's dive in.

Podcast Introduction

Welcome to This or More, a wild entrepreneurial podcast adventure for bold and brave creatives like you. I'm Tiffany Napper, your host, holistic business coach, corporate music industry dropout, a seasoned five-time multi-six figure entrepreneur, yoga instructor, and your go-to gal for heart-to-heart coffee chats. On this show, we're not just here to share stories. We're here to ignite a fire within you and make you realize that the reality you envision is just the tip of the iceberg.
You're wildly capable of achieving that reality and so much more. So my friends, grab your cup of inspiration, settle in, and let's dive into another inspiring episode of This or More.

Facing Exhaustion and Doubt

I was on a call with my business coach and I was fighting back the tears. Nothing felt right. I was exhausted. And I had spent the morning listening to a podcast episode about how to take a sabbatical.
I truly wanted to run away from it all. And I remember saying to her, I'm so burnt out and I don't know how I got here because I know better. I know better. You see that conversation didn't happen years ago or even months ago. It happened last week.
And I wanna be really honest with you. So I had just returned from hosting my annual Joyous Retreat in Sayulita, Mexico. This is my third year running. And I had been home for less than 34 hours. So as exhilarating as the retreat was, more on some of the incredible transformations that happened in just a bit, it left me feeling energetically depleted.

Finding Empowerment

And in that moment, I felt like a failure.
I thought, maybe I'm not really cut out for this. Maybe I'm not cut out to host retreats. Maybe this isn't my calling after all. I love it. I know I'm good at it. But maybe, energetically, this just isn't for me. Now here's the funny part. Less than 24 hours after that conversation with my business coach,
I was fine. I was actually reinvigorated and ready to go and do all of the things. So what changed? Well, for starters, I slept. Don't ever make big decisions when you're exhausted, when you're tired. We know that, right? So I slept.
I also allowed myself time to really decompress. I didn't force myself to dive right back in and create content or write emails. I literally did the bare minimum. I coached my clients and I fed myself. That was it.

Affirmation of Purpose

And it was around this time. So now we're at about 24 plus 34 hours later that I got a phone call from one of the retreat attendees and she called and she was like, I just had to pick up the phone. I couldn't text us to you. I had to pick up the phone and tell you.
how much of an impact you've had on my life. And I have to tell you everything that has unfolded since my return from the retreat. And she went on to share all of these incredible doors that were opening and big asks that she was suddenly able to make that led to these doors opening. And I sat on the floor as she was talking.
Well, I don't know what it is about when things feel like good, overwhelming, in a good way or a bad way, but like when we start to feel big emotions for me, I find I go down to the ground, right? Like I go down to sit down and ground myself. So I got down on the floor in my bedroom and I let her words wash over me and I received them. I received them. I received them.
I didn't try to deflect. I didn't try to downplay my involvement. I literally received them and I came to tears and I, and I told her how much I valued her calling me and giving me this information. And I'll tell you more on that in just a minute, but that phone conversation was followed up by another one. This time it went to voicemail because I was doing something else at the time and she left me a long voicemail about all of the things that were happening upon her return. And then.
The private group chat for these retreat attendees started blowing up, woman after woman, sharing her excitement, her expansion, her transformations, her change, her thrill of returning, feeling like a more confident and capable human. And just like that, my cup was full again.

Self-Care and Calling

And I knew that this was indeed my calling and I would indeed do it again next year and the year after that. And I had learned something about how to take better care of myself on the
events these times when I'm really pouring myself out for four or five days in a row, right? So that's what I learned. I call these my grows and glows after I do an event. What's my glows? What's my grows? What went really well? What can I do differently? And well, I learned what I could do differently on the other end of this retreat. So our mental and physical energy is not something that I believe we should take for granted. It is a renewable resource, but that also means it can run out.
end of these big epic
It's like a gas tank. So when you're stranded on the side of the road, it's up to you to fill your gas tank so that you can keep going. If you've ever found yourself in a scenario that was like mine just one week ago where you feel like you were utterly depleted and you're considering giving up, maybe you're listening to that podcast episode on how to take a sabbatical, there are four things I want you to ask yourself before you make any big decisions.

Key Decision-Making Questions

So let's dive in. Question number one.
If you never did, fill in a blank, the thing that you're so good at, the thing that you love doing, but that maybe has left you feeling exhausted and depleted. If you never did it again, would you be happy? It's a real simple question, but I actually asked this to a client of mine recently and it brought her to tears. Because if we're honest with ourselves, if you really love the thing that you're doing and it's left you feeling depleted, you'll know. In your gut, you'll know. When I ask you that question, you'll be like,
No, Tiffany, that wouldn't make me happy. Of course I have to do this. You'll know. So if you never did it again, would you be happy?
That's question number one. Question number two, if you're feeling like you're running out of gas, I want you to ask yourself, when was the last time you fully unplugged for 24 hours? I'm talking no social media, no Instagram, none of it. When was the last time you fully unplugged? If the answer is longer than yesterday, you're not in a good headspace to make any big decisions.
I want you to fully unplug for 24 hours. It can be on the weekend, okay? It could be a Saturday or a Sunday. Put your phone in D&D. Put it in another room. Do not crack open your laptop. Give yourself time to fill your own cup before you make a big decision. Question number three. What have you accomplished lately?
Make a list, grab your notebook, grab your pencil, make a list. What have you accomplished lately? Oftentimes, as high achievers, I'm one year one, you're listening right now, right? We think we're failing. When in reality, we're accomplishing something every single day. We keep hitting our goal post and moving the goal post. And we never stop to celebrate or look at how far the goal post has moved.
So it feels like the goal post is always just beyond our reach, but that's only because we keep moving it. So stop, look behind you and appreciate how far you've come. When I did that, I was able to realize that this year's retreat was the easiest one for me to host. Every day I remember thinking, oh, I feel rested. Oh, I'm not in a hurry. Oh, I feel prepared. Oh, I'm going to lay out by the pool for an hour with the gals.
When I realized how easy this retreat was for me to host because I had given myself and put an incredible support team in place with me. So I had an event planner for the first time ever and I had someone teaching and leading the yoga and the breath work for the first time ever.
And it was fabulous for me. As a result, I was not exhausted during the retreat and I was able to really show up fully for the women. So I was feeling exhausted and depleted, not because I was a failure, but because I had done so much. Talk about a perspective shift, right? Who? So ask yourself, what have you accomplished lately?

Joy in Pursuing Your Calling

Now, the fourth question is going to be one that you might not see coming. But the fourth question I want you to ask yourself is, who have you impacted lately? And what would they say to you if you called them up and you told them you're walking away? Or in my case, you want to run away and take a sabbatical. Like, what would they say? Maybe even test it out. Do it. Now, don't get me wrong. Your thoughts and your feelings matter more than anyone else's.
However, sometimes we need to hear from others that what we're doing matters, so that we feel compelled to keep doing it. I know there are stories of people Vincent van Gogh comes to my mind of someone who never sold a painting until after his death. So he kept grinding, he kept painting every single day.
But we also know that his life was riddled with strife. He was not a happy human. And I want you to be a happy human. I do not believe that you have to suffer in vain for, you know, your calling. I don't believe you have to suffer in order to do the thing you're meant to do every single day. I think you can answer your calling and
feel joy and feel replenished and live a happy, harmonious life. I want you to be a happy human. I want you to feel lit up and alive so that you can keep bringing your gifts to this world. And sometimes I believe it is easier when you have a little cheerleading squad in your corner, when you get those random phone calls that tell you how much you matter, when you ask the person that you've impacted and say,
I'm thinking about walking away and see what they say. So I'm still blown away. Speaking of cheerleading squads, I'm still blown away by how quickly some of this year's retreat attendees are making major moves.

Retreat Highlights

If you're unfamiliar, let me catch you up really quickly. I host a business and wellness retreat once a year for women who are growing their own businesses. And the purpose of this year's retreat was to reconnect to things that bring us joy and to gain even more clarity around their big, big vision for their business.
So we practice yoga and breath work and we dive deep into business coaching by the pool. And then we show each other how capable we are, all are, and doing hard things when we go cold plunged together and we eat till we can't fathom taking another bite and we dance and we sing. And perhaps most importantly, though, it's hard for me to say that because I think everything I just listed is very important, but most importantly, we dream.
And we dream bigger and bigger and bigger. And as we do that, we cheer each other on. We support one another. And we do it openly, right? Because I believe that when you say out loud what you want and someone receives it and cheers you on, that's when you fling doors open and step through them with a new attitude.
An author I really enjoy following on Instagram whose name is Corey Allen has said, quote, spending time with people that see the possibilities in everything is how to start believing that everything is possible. End quote.

Introducing "Make That Money Honey"

Now is the perfect time to hydrate or take a quick sip of your latte while I tell you about a tool that can help you on your journey. Studies show 88% of women-owned businesses never reach six figures in revenue. I'm on a mission to change that.
Often, service-based business owners struggle to make predictable income. You're on what I call the revenue roller coaster, and it leaves you feeling really overwhelmed and frustrated. You've thought about quitting multiple times, your Instagram efforts are not paying off, and you're drowning in unfinished courses.
It's time to swap the faux magic pill for a plan that actually works. At UpLoveOtherSociety, we believe in empowering entrepreneurs with practical, actionable solutions. That's why I created Make That Money Honey, my accelerator program designed to help you boost sales and gain confidence in just 30 days. If you have a service-based business and you've made at least three sales at some time,
This program is designed for you. Rather than posting more on Instagram or making more lead magnets, Make That Money Honey gives you actionable steps and support so you can experience tangible monetary results once and for all. It's time to go from stressed out to sold out. Go to forward slash M T M H to enroll today. That's forward slash
M-T-M-H. Gain more confidence, more leads, and more money with my resources, support, and 30-day action plan. Let's make that money, honey. Welcome

Post-Retreat Achievements

back. I'm so glad you're still here with us. It's your host and coach Tiffany. Let's continue.
Here's a quick rundown of just a few of the things that were unfolding less than one week upon everyone's return from this year's Joyous Retreat. Two attendees signed leases on bigger, dreamier workspaces, one an artist, one a salon owner.
One attendee decided to launch a new premium membership and she sent out market research forms to finalize details of those offerings and get that in motion. One started searching for a new assistant so that she can scale her photography business. One started friends and family funding rounds for a brand new bigger business venture. One found a partner for a wellness empire. She's been dreaming about four years.
One launched a brand new consulting offering and leaned into her existing network to source her first client. One empowered her team by showing them that they can indeed get work done without knocking on her door every five minutes or sending her a slack message every five minutes. And then she also empowered herself in the process to show that she could be a better leader by really teaching them how to fend for themselves.
One had a huge client deal land in her inbox that if closed would meet her year-end revenue goals and it's only March. One said she felt more relaxed and less anxious. One said she was so on fire that she's getting more support from those closest to her because her vibe is so electric. One said impossible doesn't exist for her anymore. All she can hear instead is I'm
possible. One said be her now is her new forever mantra. This was something that was revealed during one of our personal development workshops by the pool. One said she's more ready than ever to show up as who she has become. No fear, only trust. These are just a few of the revelations and transformations that have been happening just one week post retreat.

Importance of Downtime

So in case you're wondering,
The concern that this is not my calling has been washed away. Instead, I now know that in order for me to keep doing what I'm doing, what I love doing, what I feel called to do, what I clearly think I'm really good at, I have to fill my cup after pouring out for so many days in a row.
So, I hope that this is a lesson for you as well, that if you find yourself in your calling and you feel depleted at the end of something, know that it doesn't mean you're not meant to do it, but instead it means it's time for you to prioritize yourself for just a little bit so that you can do more of it.
That means for me that a new line item is going on the retreat expenses spreadsheet, an extra day of downtime and spot time for me. It's a non-negotiable. If I don't do that, I can't make the impact that I was there to make.

Invitation to Next Retreat

So if you're ready to experience a quiet revolution, one where your dreams are held in a safe container, one where you're cheered on relentlessly and your joy is celebrated just as equally as your monetary wins, I invite you to apply for the Momentus Mastermind.
The waitlist link is in the show notes and the doors will open on April 2nd. This is my next retreat experience. This is an intimate container. It's a hybrid mastermind experience. So you're going to get one-on-one coaching with me, peer-led discussions to learn and grow from one another, group coaching, and yes, there is a summer retreat. Don't worry. I've already booked my post retreat spa day. I know how to take care of myself on the other side of it so that I can serve you to my greatest potential.
Dan Sullivan, author of 10x is easier than 2x, explains that your bigger commitments are going to require courage. And while you're going through a stage that requires courage, you'll want to be in relationship with people who are also committed and in a courage stage. People who are always growing. And that is what you'll find inside Momentus Mastermind.
It's six months of dedicated growth and courage. We'll be diving deep to discover how your soft CEO era can bring you more joy and more wins. But only apply if you're ready to walk away six months later.
fully changed, fully ready to do what you once thought was merely a dream. Thank you so much for listening. As always, please share this episode with a friend. If you found it powerful and inspiring, please tag me on Instagram at Tiffany Napper and please stay tuned for the next episode where we will once again talk about how everything you want and everything you desire is yours for the taking because this or more is what's in store. I'll see you next time.