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Shattering Spiritual Entrepreneur Stereotypes with Sound Healer Kayce Laine image

Shattering Spiritual Entrepreneur Stereotypes with Sound Healer Kayce Laine

S2 E3 · This or More
93 Plays5 months ago

Want to know what it looks like when you following your soul’s calling? Tune into this episode with Kayce Laine who shares all about her journey of becoming a successful sound healer, how she landed impressive clients like TikTok and Soho House, and how you can follow in her footsteps and turn your spiritual dream into an abundant career.

We chat:

  1. How Kayce’s background in music was the foundation to becoming a renowned Sound Healer
  2. What is sound healing and why is it great for your stress relief?
  3. How Kacye landed clients like TikTok and Soho House
  4. What to do if you’re struggling to charge your worth in the spiritual industry
  5. The business lessons Kayce has learned the hard way
  6. What your soft CEO era looks like and how to embody it

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Follow Tiffany on Instagram @tiffanynapper

Connect with Kayce:

Follow Kayce on Instagram @kaycelaine

Check out her website

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The next live round begins Oct. 9, 2024


Introduction and Purpose

Welcome to This or More, a wild entrepreneurial podcast adventure for bold and brave creatives like you. I'm Tiffany Napper, your host, holistic business coach, corporate music industry dropout, a seasoned five-time multi-six figure entrepreneur, yoga instructor, and your go-to gal for heart-to-heart coffee chats.
On this show, we're not just here to share stories. We're here to ignite a fire within you and make you realize that the reality you envision is just the tip of the iceberg. You're wildly capable of achieving that reality and so much more. So my friends, grab your cup of inspiration, settle in, and let's dive into another inspiring episode of This or More.

Casey's Unique Path

Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Casey Lane is a certified sound, crystal, and Reiki practitioner. And with a bachelor's in music and a lifelong passion for music, she ultimately discovered the transformative power of vibrational healing, and she now teaches and trains practitioners worldwide. She's shattered stereotypes and created a very lucrative career out of being what I like to call a spiritual entrepreneur. And her impressive client list includes TikTok, Soho House, Lululemon, the Recording Academies, Music Cares, and more.
I cannot wait to share some of her lessons with you. Welcome to the show,

Exploring Breathwork

Kasey Lane. Thank you so much for having me. Great to be here. I'm so glad you're here and we get to dive deeper into this conversation. You and I have chatted in the DMs and at events and things of that of that nature, but today I'm just excited to go a little deeper with you and talk about what it's like to be a full-time sound healer and to be making the impact you're making and and feel so aligned with your obvious talents and passions. But before we get started, I would like to ask you a little favor. yeah Can you just like give us a little, ah a cue for our breath? Just like for our moment. Okay, amazing. If you are able to close your eyes, I would suggest doing that. And if you want to place a hand on your belly and a hand on your heart, just to kind of check in and notice where your breath is expanding your body,
And then start to slowly bring more and more expansion into that belly space. We'll do three breaths together, exhaling all of the air out, roll gently through the mouth. And then inhale in through the nose, filling up that belly space, and exhaling out through the mouth. Do two more just like that, inhaling belly, rib cage, and exhale.
Last one all together, biggest breath yet, filling the belly, the rib cage, the chest. And then exhale, let everything go.

The Power of Breath and Humming

Needed that. So good. I needed that too. I needed that too. I just think it's so beautiful and I, you know, I'm such a big proponent of our breath and the power of our breath. And it's something I think I didn't fully understand. Well, I know I didn't fully understand.
until I went through yoga teacher training back in 2018, I think 2018. And really got to understand how powerful our breath is and how and how much, i you know, ever since then I've noticed how much I use it. And I i tell a a funny little story, but when I started getting Botox around that same time, my injector Elizabeth was like,
you do yoga, don't you? Because she was she was like just and intuitively, you just started to slow your breath down and take bigger inhales and bigger exhales. And I do it all the time when I know I'm in a situation where I might get stressed and yes, needles kind of stress me out. yeah So um I just think it's so beautiful and I'm so glad we can start with that with you because um I think it's a great foundation. Yeah. And if you want to level it up even more, you can hum on the exhale.

Music as a Foundation

Why? Because humming has tons of amazing effects on our body and it, you know, it's creating a vibration in your body and relaxes you even more. So let that be your next exercise. Okay. Trying that next. I'm like the one humming on the plane whenever there's turbulence. I'm like, name I love it.
It really helps. It probably helps the people around you too. subco like They're like hearing it. and ah I love it. I love it. I love it. Okay. You've been a lifelong musician and I also happen to know that you come from a musical family. um So before you discovered sound healing, obviously music was important to you. Tell me a little bit about the foundation that music had in your life at an early age and how that translated into obviously where we are now.
Yeah so I grew up in a family of I'm one of four girls and my dad was and still is a full-time musician so you know I grew up with him teaching private guitar lessons at the house all day then going to the gigs at night and you know eventually they could kind of hear that I had some pitch and I when I was about six years old I started singing with my dad And so I would go to the gigs and they would bribe me with ice cream to like get up and sing a song. And so I would do it and it kind of progressed. You know, as an early teed, I was doing a couple more. I would like sing my Dixie chicks and my Shania Twain with him. And meanwhile, I was also really drawn to the piano. That was always my instrument I was most into. So I was taking piano lessons, doing classical music and then singing with him. And then eventually as a teenager, I started like
getting into like you know the Vanessa Carlton, Tori, Miss Sarah McLaughlin world, Ben Folds, huge. um So playing piano and singing and doing a bunch of songs and eventually started playing my own gigs once I could drive, going to the bars and setting up my... Stuff and I've played all through college as well and ended up moving to New York straight out of college to Be a musician there and that was a whole journey And so then at what point in time in that whole situation Well, first of all before you before we move on to the next stage was i I mean, I I'm sure I know the answer but I'd love to you for you to tell us like I
Was music healing for you? Was it therapeutic for you? Was there always something where you thought there might be something bigger than just this is entertainment?

Understanding Sound Healing

Yeah, I mean, I think to be honest, I knew that I loved doing it and I knew that I touched people with my voice who would come to the gigs and cry and you know, I would cry maybe but I didn't I don't think I really put it together of how much it was healing me until I couple chapters later, moved to Nashville and stopped doing it when I got my my first and last day job and realized how much of my emotion and how much of my, you know, just processing of all the things in life I was getting out through just singing. And when I put the lid on that for, you know, a year or more, I
It was like all of this energy was like bottled up and I realized like I have to sing for my own mental health It's like required. So even if I'm not doing it As a living it has to be plugged into my thing Even if it's like, you know the thing I did this weekend where it was very laid back I did three songs but like healed me. I felt so happy It was so good to like hear my voice you can probably hear a little bit of raspiness in my voice. I lost it earlier this month and slowly coming back. But yeah, it's, um it's one of those things I think, when I now in the spiritual world talking about like our throat chakra, and I encourage people so much, I mean, there's so much, so many layers to that throat chakra energy. And it's very powerful. And people who have, you know, not spoken, I mean, you use your voice in such a way like, can you imagine not
doing that, it would totally throw you off in more ways than you could probably imagine. So yeah yeah, it took me some time to really understand the full scale of that connection there. But yeah, I knew there was something there. Yeah.

Sound Healing in Practice

Yeah. So then fast forward and obviously you, you started to understand sound healing and vibrational therapy and other things. So for someone listening who's like, I have no idea what that means. yeah what What is sound healing?
Yeah. So one of the my favorite ways to explain like, well, what a sound bath or sound healing is, is to think about the way our bodies just naturally respond to sound. We have such a primal relationship between our nervous system and our sense of hearing. Our sense of hearing is what like shows us a threat is coming or like, you know, we hear our alarm go off in the morning and we immediately get into like,
you know, fight or flight, you know, it triggers all that cortisol. And so we have all these triggers throughout the day that like, get our body into that fight or flight state in various degrees, even if it's like, you know, like your email sound, or your phone going off or whatever, like there's a reaction in your body. And what we do in a sound bath or with sound healing is we're working with instruments that are kind of designed to relax the body and work with that relationship in the opposite way, bring a little balance to that. So it's something I think is really important for

Monetizing Spiritual Services

people to do. And then there's, you know, there's tons of science behind it as far as like,
you know, entrainment and, you know, laws of resonance where we're actually able to shift our body's own vibrations, you know, as beings, everything is vibration, right? And so you're actually able to manipulate the vibrations of your body with sounds that are in resonance with it. So there's so there's so much to it that it's honestly, that's,
That's what I do in my two day workshops where I pretty much talk about it the whole days because yeah' it's a lot to go into. yeah um But at the end of the day, the biggest thing is like, it's just a good stress relief. Who doesn't need some stress relief? Literally everyone. So honestly, it's part of why I think there's you know so much room for it here right now.
Yeah. And I have a good friend who for her baby shower, that's what we did. We had a sound bath together and it was so beautiful. And I think for some people when they have been in that fight or flight mode for so long, the concept of lying down, closing your eyes and just listening.
can feel almost triggering, right? So I've seen lots of sound bath experiences where people have tears on their eyes and there's emotions that come up. It's a lot like Yan Yoga in that way as well. I would love to know if you just have a powerful transformational story that you've experienced leading a sound bath where someone really shared with you afterwards what it brought up for them or how it healed them.
Yeah, there's there's been a lot of those. And one that has really

Transition to Full-Time Sound Healing

stuck out to me, it was very interesting. So I've worked with a ah mental health facility and detox center here in town where I do like bi weekly sound bows for their clients. And this one day at this detox house, I heard that detox, actually, it is a house. But I'm thinking about my friend's place, it's called Detox House, yeah at this detox facility. I had this man come in, and most of the time with those situations, no one's ever experienced this before. And this guy came in and he laid down, and I hadn't even started playing my bowls yet, and he just started crying. And he was like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was like, no, like let it come out, like this is good.
And then I eventually did start playing my bowls and he ended up having to leave after about 15 minutes of it because he couldn't stop. I mean, it was hard crying. And come to find out he had not cried in 10 years. It was like, it was over a decade. I know.
And it was like all of the the pieces were in place for that because, you know, he was detoxing from whatever substances he was numbing himself with. And just being in that simple state of laying and receiving, and like you were saying, slowing down and being with the body, it was like,
all of that just came right to the surface. I don't have chills. Yeah. And he was able to get that emotion out and have a really big powerful release. And i I think about him all the time because I didn't really get to talk to him after and

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

I wish that I had like, yeah, had an exchange with him. But yeah, that sticks out to me. Yes. And then there's lots of other really cool stories along the way too. but Yeah.
It's a really fulfilling line of work that you found yourself in. And I know, and you and I have chatted about this, and I hear it a lot, you know and I've coached women in the spiritual, what I call like spiritual entrepreneurship realm, where they're like, I can't charge much much for that, or I'm never gonna make much in this industry. like you know i'm I'm here to help people, and i can't you know the and the struggle, the the power play dynamic between doing good and you know making an impact on others, and receiving monetary value for that exchange, right?
So I wanna chat with you a little bit about that because I'm curious, A, if if you had those doubts going into this. Like, did you think to yourself, I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna have to make some sacrifices in my life? Or did you think I'm gonna do this and?
Well it's funny because I started getting into it while I had my first day job and I was working in PR and it was very cushy it was like and at that point you know I kind of being a broke as a joke musician in New York it was like you can either be broke as a joke and a musician and following your thing or you can have a day job and be you know, in that machine. And so when I finally went through the process of getting certified and went through all my training and was like feeling so out of alignment with that job, it was like, everything just was like, it built up to the point where I was like, I have to go. Like there's no, like the universe is like pushing me off the ledge right now. And so I just, I leaned into knowing that I could like hustle
and also learning so many tools from that PR job of like how to pitch myself and how to just like it was a really great career for me to to be able to put some pieces in because I've always had a ah really big drive and you know very um motivated and then to add the the skill set that I learned from the PR as far as just like reaching out to people. like Some of those things that feel so difficult to do, I was forced to do it for five years for all these other health and wellness people. And then I was like, oh, I could just punch myself. like I could just do that for me. yeah um So i I felt like, at least at first, I was like, you know i I definitely didn't think I would be able to get where I am now.
at all. There was no vision of all the things that have happened. There's no way I could have like planned it. But I did have this underlying faith of like, you know what, like if I'm not making a ton of money and at least I'm doing what I want to be doing, and that to me is More important than making the money and feeling like I'm out of alignment. Yeah, so I did struggle with charging for a bitch and I Still struggle with that. I think in certain ways, um you know, I always I do feel like I always want to like hook people up with discounts and like especially with the crystal bowls that I sell they're very expensive and I'm like
I am going to give this person 10% because I'm allowed to do 10%. That's the most they'll let me. If they would let me do more, I probably would because I want to make all of this stuff accessible. yeah But um at the end of the day, yeah, at a certain point, I started being like, okay, I'm people are coming to me more so with just supply and demand I could like start to raise my prices and I did eventually i I am a lot more comfortable talking money and asking for it and if they can't then I can work with their budget sometimes sometimes I can't and I refer to students of mine mentees or whatever so yeah it's been a journey for sure
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Corporate Client Strategy

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And you've managed to go from kind of like where I see a lot of people get stuck is like the one to one limited, you know, even small group experiences, and then you've managed to kind of get in the, ah you know, um playing field with all these larger corporations as well that hire you to come and be part, you know, lead experiences and whatnot. I'm thinking in particular, like Soho House. And yeah I know you mentioned you've done some stuff with Lululemon. And so,
Did you specifically say, I'm going to create, I'm going to make myself, I'm going to call it corporate palpable? Like, did you say, I'm going to create some offers that I think are going to like speak to the corporate world and try to get my foot in there? Or how did that evolve? Did it just kind of happen? actual soho hotel ah That one as soon as I found out there was a Soho House opening in Nashville. This is in 2022.
I immediately was research trying to figure out how I could find someone who works there to pitch this to them. And that was like, I remember it was like February. And I don't think I heard from anyone. I mean, it took so much.
follow all up and just persistence and like toeing the line of like, am I being annoying right now? Like I know you guys are like in the middle of opening and the last thing you're thinking about is like, let's have a sound. But like you have bigger fish to fry right now. But and that one took so much effort and it ended up paying off so well. Like that's been one of my my biggest um Just as far as like clout, I think, you know, it's a really cool place to be able to host them. They do really well. They're sold out every time. It's sold out every time. Yeah, which is like incredible. I don't know what we're doing, but it's working. And, you know, it opens the door for me to meet so many people. And that's actually how I got the TikTok gig was a woman who was coming to my soundbars at Soho House was like, Hey, love your soundbars at Soho House. I want to do some stuff with TikTok this year. Like, let's schedule out a whole thing. And so.
I mean corporate's always like the goal for people because that's where people have more budget to to be able to play with so there definitely is um You know, there's a hustle but a hustle with that as well um just because there's no You know, there's DNC's. I always want to say DMC, but it's DNC's. There's also a place like Book with Eva. There's different places that you can kind of like connect with that can connect you. Like Rosa, you know, Rosa, she's had me come on do some corporate stuff with her. So just having those relationships and knowing that it takes time. It's not like you can just be like, oh, I'm going to create a corporate offer. And then, right. put it out there and then just everyone's gonna come flocking to you, you know?

Teaching and Overcoming Fear

I think so much of it really is the outreach and the connecting and being persistent. And the follow up and the persistence. Yes, and it's such a good point. I mean, I lead a program called Make That Money Honey, but a lot of it is
When you are enrolled, you get to see that so much of it is based on the authentic relationships that are required if you want to make your life as an entrepreneur easier. yeah Because otherwise, you're back having to like go fishing every single day right into a brand new pond. It's like, no, no, no. let's just nurture the relationships we have and I think with what you're saying it's it's similar right like totally so important um so I love that I love that and you know every door can kind of lead to the next and the next opportunity and is right and that's what I was saying like I never could have predicted the path it just kind of right has kept opening the doors have kept opening and I've just walked through them every time okay here we go let's do this yeah yeah And I don't say no to much. Yeah, which does require that like open mindset, right? Not to get so fixated that like my work has to look like this or else. Yeah. I think that's really important too. Absolutely. Speaking of, you've also now started teaching others in the healing space how to make it their business and make it their primary income, yeah um which is really cool. Tell me a little bit more about that.
Yeah, I, after I graduated from the Sound Healing Academy with my diploma in 2021 and left my day job, I basically pitched myself to the the Academy. I was like, Hey, so I'm gonna be doing this full time now. Like, I would love to if you guys ever have any available positions I would love to do that and they were like actually yeah we would love to interview you for a tutor role and so I started as a tutor with them which really just means they have a whole online and this is what the International Sound Healing Academy they're based in the UK and so they have people from all over the world who sign up and just do their online trainings and part of that is you get connected with an online tutor so I did that for a while and then
the next year, they wanted me to be a teacher, which meant leading the workshops and person in teaching. And that terrified the crap out of me because I was like, I mean, I've taught piano lessons to like one person, like the idea of being in a room full of people looking at me, me teaching something like it was so overwhelming and so terrifying. And I didn't want to do it. And I remember like I just had all of these like, um,
It was so much fear coming up and I kept being like, oh my gosh, how do I tell them? like I didn't ask for this. like I didn't sign up for it. like They just yeah told me that's what I was going to start doing and like don't I'm not ready. and Anyway, I ended up teaching my first workshop. I was so nervous and it ended up being the most fun weekend hanging out with these people. we all like you know it's you get to be creating a you know a situation where people with this shared interest are coming together. Some of them are like, I don't know why I'm here. I'm like a stay at home mom. And like, I just went to a sound bath and like, here I am. And then you have the people who are like, I have a yoga business and like, I'm adding this in. And somehow, like,
It all just turns into this group of people and we all become besties. And like, it's really fun. And so yeah, that was in 2022. I started doing that. And through that, I teach about 10 workshops a

Business Setup Challenges

year. Two of them are online via Zoom. And then there's like eight in person. I feel like that would be more challenging with what you do. Oh my gosh. Zoom is not my favorite. It's a little tricky. You got to have the right audio equipment to make it sound right. But yeah, I've been doing it now for two years, the teaching, and that's been really incredible. And then people have wanted to work with me after their training is done to help them kind of build their business, because there's so much, as you know, with building a business.
People, I think, have a tendency, especially in like the spiritual world, of like racking up certifications and thinking that like it's all just going to fall into place if they just get enough certifications. And I fell into that a little bit with like, OK, Reiki and the Crystal, and like you know yeah wanting to feel that confidence and that structure there. yeah but there's so much more to just the annoying business stuff of the LLC and the business license and the sales tax that I have to pay because I sell things and just all of the backend stuff and just even just the flow. It took me time because I actually didn't work with a mentor until this year.
too. And at this point, it's less about building the business from the ground floor and more about, you know, really elevating to the next level, which has been really yeah great for me. um But yeah, just all of those back end stuff being able to help people get some of that organized yeah is really helpful. Yeah, every yeah, and as I learned all the lessons she the like all stay Same same same and that's why I'm so passionate about what I do and I'm grateful for people like you because I don't really like to teach the beginning part anymore Like that was so long ago for me to be honest that it's hard for me to even remember all of the granular components and now I can just like
whip up a new business tomorrow and not really think about it.

Work-Life Balance and Well-being

all of it So, you know, I'm on my fifth business. So look, I know how to do it, but I don't like to teach it. I like to get to the point where like you already have the business off the ground and we need to like make it sustainable and you know, marketing and money and operations and team and growth and all that. That's where I thrive. Yeah. Well, that's what I need. So that's why I'm here. Yeah. Cause I love that stuff. I love that stuff. Well, speaking of, if you had to look back at,
because I always always think people ask me this and I'm like, gosh, I don't know. But if you had to look back and think about those earlier days or maybe not even earlier days, maybe it could be recent days, but just like one particular part that felt really challenging or was like a lesson that you felt like you had to learn the hard way. Does anything come to mind? um I mean,
business flow wise, I wish that I had set up a Stripe account and started charging people in advance instead of thinking that that was going to be a barrier for them to book me. Cause I had no shows after cleaning my entire house and like getting my space ready for a one-to-one session and they just don't come. And some of those things that I just, in my scarcity mindset was like, you know, if I have to make them pay first, then they're going to see that and then they're going to scared. And then, you know, then there was always the awkward, like after we just had this like amazing, I'm like, um okay, so do you want to Venmo me here? Like, can you pay me now after we just did this? yeah So definitely wish I had done that before. yeah And I think another challenge, um you know, being in the teaching world is, you know, I'm saturating my own markets that I do this in and just always
never doubting the the fact that there is going to be a support, you know, that it's okay if I'm teaching people how to do what I do and telling them all the secrets, you know, like, because there's part of you as someone who does this, I'm sure that like wants to gatekeep certain things. Sure. no yeah that's my thing But like yeah really trusting that like if I just lead from the heart and I'm open and helpful and sharing as much as I can, then it's going to pay off in the end. yeah And that's always something that I have to remind myself you know still, yeah um is not getting caught up in the stuff. you know I just taught a level two
Workshop at the beginning of this month and there's 14 new people that are going through who are like already like how do I make this my business? and like Yeah, but also like yeah, I got to always trust that like there's there's yeah plenty of um Demand for this work and opportunity for everyone. Yeah. Yeah i think i mean that I think anyone listening can relate to that in any industry and I think it's such important and our work to do to get to the point where you can truly, truly trust that no one is you. Yeah, exactly. Even if you taught them everything from A to Z, no one is you.
Absolutely. And especially in this work. And, and you know, there's the woo woo side of it of like, your vibe will attract your tribe kind of thing where it's like, people are going to be drawn to the way that you do it. Because, you know, I had all these students who, you know, they were like, What exactly do you say at the beginning? Like, what is your script? Like, share your script? And like, what's the first notes and like, basically wanting to just carbon carbon copy what I do because that is what works for me and it's like I can tell you all day what I do but at the end of the day like you got to do you like this is your medicine that you're offering this is your um your magic that you're bringing into the room that I can't tell you how to
be you, you know, you got to do it. So and and, you know, it's funny because I hear myself telling them those things that I tell myself to, you know, yep, always. The teacher is always the student, always, always. Absolutely. I have a good friend who says the best, you know, and I i think this has been validated by lots of people, but he always reminds me that the best way to learn is to teach yeah um my gosh absolutely true yeah so true around here we use this phrase soft ceo era that i'm in my soft ceo era
and this is born from years i think it was in two thousand and seventeen when i first started tracking my overcoming burnout journey, girl boss too hard, and um and wanted to slow down. And that's when I enrolled in my own yoga teacher training and really changed a lot of things in my life and my business. But you know for the last year or so, we've started calling it our soft CEO era. And for us, that really means continuing to move forward in alignment of our dreams and our purpose and our vision, but not at the expense of our health and our wellbeing and our relationships, right? So really balancing things out and before we started recording.
You and I were chatting about what you did over the weekend, so I would love to know. As a fellow high achiever, I see you, I get it, and I did a little work this weekend too, so I'm not judging. But it's so, so important that we're mindful about our output of energy and our pouring back into ourselves in ways not related to the bottom line of the business.
So how do you feel like you embody your soft CEO or do you what you know? Do you want to say like I'm gonna do it more? and what i tend to do ah yeah weekness yeah um it It is hard for me to do that, you know, I think there's some programming honestly from childhood like I'm very much my dad's daughter and my dad was like the hustle king. Like he, all he did was work. And then I saw that and like, you know, one of the things if my sisters listened to this, they will laugh and also like a tear will roll down their eye of like in the morning, but like the summers, the weekends, time to get up, it's time to be productive. If you don't have a list of things you need to get done, I'll make one for you. It was like that kind of thing. And like my dad is like the
He's not like the most chill, but we're very good friends. He's like my best friend. But you know, that was the mindset. And that's what I saw with him was like always working and like always doing and what did you do to be productive today? You know, and so I i know that that is a um place for improvement for me.
And I've gotten a little better with it just even just this year. And one of my good friends Joanna Barbera, who's also a spiritual entrepreneur, I did a program with her a few years ago. And one of the things she said that I thought was they was just stuck with me was she was talking about how when she goes out in nature, that's where she feels the most inspiration. That's where she gets all these downloads. Like that's you know vital for her and so she started framing that as like no part of my job is to go to the waterfall this week like yeah yeah part of my job is to do this thing to fill my cup yeah and
that, for better or for worse, framing it as it's work i do the same thing yeah makes me be able to do it. Like even but getting massages, like I get them fairly regularly, that's my thing to fill up. um That to me is part of my job, yeah you know? And I could definitely improve still because again,
Like, you asked me what I did this weekend. I was like, actually I actually had the weekend off. And I'm like, well, I did have a gig. And then she rattled um all of the great things she did. And I worked on my course. But I did have dinner with friends. Yeah, which is good. I know it's hard to unplug. And I do the same thing. ah you know And I'll tell my clients, like we're goingnna we're going to create CEO Fridays. And a CEO Friday means, what does the CEO of this business need to do in order to be the best leader? And if that means you need to go get a massage today,
That's what you do as the CEO of this business today. And if it means you need to go sit and like reflect on the next quarter and the upcoming game plan, that can be your CEO Friday. And if it means you just check out and you're with your little one or your partner or whomever, that's your CEO Friday. But giving ourselves permission to reframe what it means to be quote unquote productive and to be the boss and to be the leader and to be, you know, making moves in the right direction is is really at the heart of what the soft COA is all about. For me, like when I you know started using that phrase over a year ago, was it wasn't about like softening and not doing anything. It was about only doing what mattered and leaving the rest.
Yeah. Well, I think there's also this, because even like when I hear soft C or there's like part of me that like contracts a little, cause I'm like, no, like it's hard. Like it has to be hard if you're doing it right. You know, like, and that was, you know, part of a mentality of like, I have to work really hard in order to do this. Cause again, until I saw my dad do. like Yeah.
he he didn't have income streams other than he had to show up and be at the gig and be it with the students. and like you know So I've been really trying to like set myself up to have more, like I am working on a course now and hoping that will kind of like give me a little more space for passive income, yeah because so much of what I do, it does require me to be, it requires me to show up. And as much as I love doing that, it also, you know,
I'm trying to like start a family before too long and yeah need to set myself up to be able to do all of that. So the way that I've set it up, up until more recently, it's like, there's no, there's no space for that. yeah So I gotta figure it out. Oh, this isn't actually sustainable. So what can I do about it? Yeah. Yeah. And I've had to do that

Celebrating Achievements and Joy

to you. And I had someone, Mike Zeller, if you're listening, call me out on that one time over coffee. He was like,
I keep hearing the word hard. I was like, oh darn it. You're right. like it's I've always been like, let it be easy. It can be easy. We can be successful and abundant and filled with joy and you know the at the top of our game and it can be easy and that is a complete like reframe that I'm still working on to this day when I catch myself thinking or saying, oh, this is so hard. It's like, nope, actually, nope, nope. How do I make it easy, you know? Yeah. Well, and I think, too, there's like, if it's not hard, like, do we deserve it? And I think that's part that's a yeah a part that comes to me, right? Like, do I even deserve it? Like, this month has been my highest income month. And a lot of that's from the level two I did, which honestly, that was really hard because I was extremely feeling awful and lost my voice. It was kind of a nightmare. ah Very hard. But it's given me, you know, I went on vacation right after I've, I've been a lot more spacious this month. But then I'm like, it's been interesting because like, you would think if I had this big month that I would feel this like, ah, the angels are singing with the bird, you know, whatever, like I'm floating on cloud nine. And instead I'm like, huh,
Is that it? like I guess that was easier, but like also I should be working harder and I could be making even more still. um So yeah, it's it's been interesting. yeah I was talking to my friend Joanna about it the other day, just that part of it. She was like, well, it's interesting because like, you know, that's also showing you like money isn't everything. Like it doesn't buy that feeling of euphoria that you think it might. No, it definitely doesn't. And I think ah so over the weekend i um I did less work than you.
And ah good I did yoga and I made cookies and I watched this old Marilyn Monroe documentary about what really happened, the truth behind, I forget what it's called, it's on Netflix. And um you know any story like that that you watch will really give the you that perspective shift. So after I watched it, I thought about what you just said, like it doesn't matter.
how much success you have. You could be at the height of your life. She was at the height of her career and miserable, right? And also in kind of a precarious situation. um And you know whatever you choose to believe about the death behind her, it's like no matter what was happening, it was a sad time in her life. yeah and And it's just a reminder. Like if you're ever feeling like, oh, I just need just one more, just one more sale, just one more launch, just just get me to this level, this 10K, 20K, whatever, and then I'll be happy. it's like look around at all the really, really wealthy people who are very unhappy and ask yourself, hmm, maybe I need to look a little deeper. Yeah, it's that's been really interesting because yeah, that was something that just came up like this weekend for me. Yeah, I'm like, wow, I never thought I always like having a month like this that I would, it would just feel so different than it does. And it's like, oh, no there's still the same part of me that's like,
Well, how do I get it to 30k? How do I get to 40k? You just keep moving the marker. Yeah, exactly. The goal just keeps moving further and further out. And I think there's so much to be said for celebrating it. So that's what I'm trying to do this morning. So that's what you're going to do this weekend. Yes. Actually I do have another, I will say part, and this is like my own excuse, is like so much of the work that I do is at night and on weekends. So like I don't usually have weekends off. That's usually when I have the most sound bath bookings because that's when people are like, oh, for the retreat or like, you know, all those things. So
My, my weekdays are actually my, that's, well, that's what I'm doing. Things like working on my course and creating the content and like taking the calls and all of that stuff. Um, but what was I even saying about all of that? when youre the nice you're gonna celebrate was the excuse but yeah're going to celebrate That I actually have this weekend unless I'm a book something this weekend, then I'm going to take some, some time to actually like celebrate. And yeah you know, I did just go on a vacation, but it was.
very busy with my family, like, I was visiting family. It's so important that you celebrate the milestones, because otherwise... What's the point? What's the point? What's the point? And you're just gonna run out of steam eventually, you know? I've seen it happen a lot.

Closing Reflections and Resources

I've been there. Oh my gosh, I'm sure. Yeah.
Tell everybody where they can find you. So you can obviously find me on the internet. You can find me at caseylane You can find out about my trainings that I'm doing, any upcoming ones at Nashville. Got um other ones in different areas of the US that I do. And also I have one more Zoom, one before the end of the year. So if you're not nearby and want to learn about sound healing, hit me up. That's also where you can learn more about buying crystal bowls, because that's actually the biggest part of what I do is selling bowls, which is really fun. It's a whole, it's a whole thing. It's a whole process. um But I show you how to shop smarter for that kind of thing. And then I have my course that I'm
I'm really excited about putting out this fall called Music Theory for Sound Healers where it really brings in my music background and sound healing and you can dive into some of those things that I um you know don't have time to get into in a weekend training because sure it's a lot.
So finding all that out there, also Instagram, I'm very active there. So those are kind of the two main spots. At Casey Lane. We'll put all that in the show notes as well. Perfect. I love it. Well, thank you for being so honest and open and vulnerable with me about this conversation and sharing a little bit of light on the journey for everyone listening. And it's really important for us to always know that you know where you are is exactly where you're supposed to be and that it's this or more, right? Like you're gonna continue to have experiences and evolve and grow and it's really cool to see it all.
You embody all of that. Oh, well, it's funny on the way here. I was thinking about just the title of the podcast and I was like, that's like such a perfect way to kind of like put it in a box. It's like, yeah, this or more. And thinking about where I started and not not knowing that it could be as much more as it has been, you know, and and just trusting that. So very cool. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you for being here. You made it easy to be vulnerable. So there we go. Thank you.
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