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The Big Decision

S1 E27 · This or More
180 Plays8 months ago

Here it is, the big decision. I’ve teased you enough on Instagram, so in this episode I spill the tea on what’s actually going on in my life and the recent decisions I’ve made as a business owner. I unpack why this was a hard decision, how it impacts my business, and what to ask yourself next time you are navigating challenging decisions. Let's dive in.

We chat:

  1. The biggest decision I had to make this year in my business
  2. Why I am changing my plans
  3. What NOT to expect from me over the coming months
  4. What the onset of burnout can look like
  5. The downside of rigidity in a business plan
  6. 6 questions to ask yourself when you are faced with a big decision


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Tiffany's Internal Debate on Change

I really didn't see this coming. I wasn't even considering this. Heck, not just 30 days ago. I wasn't even considering this two weeks ago. I started to consider what it would look like if I didn't follow through with that plan after all. The sales page was done. The emails were done. The IG content for the month was done. My mind was a ping pong ball, okay? Back and forth. I went from feeling like,
it would make me look like a complete failure to feeling like it would be the most supportive thing I could do for myself and everyone to feeling like no one would understand and to worrying that it would be letting people down to feeling like it would make me look like I'm untrustworthy to feeling like I was just giving up too early. Maybe I just needed a long nap to feeling like no, this is me walking the walk and following my intuition to
Looking at the amount of work I had already done and being like, oh my god, all the hours and all the resources wasted. Then to saying, wait, you tell your clients this all the time. We can't make future decisions based on sunk costs in the past. Let them sink. Lighten the load. Go where the light is. Immediately after making this decision, I felt lighter. Without further ado, what is this big news, Tiffany? Keep listening and I will explain everything.

Introducing the Podcast and Mission

Welcome to This or More, a wild entrepreneurial podcast adventure for bold and brave creatives like you. I'm Tiffany Napper, your host, holistic business coach, corporate music industry dropout, a seasoned five-time multi-six figure entrepreneur, yoga instructor, and your go-to gal for heart-to-heart coffee chats.
On this show, we're not just here to share stories. We're here to ignite a fire within you and make you realize that the reality you envision is just the tip of the iceberg. You're wildly capable of achieving that reality and so much more. So my friends, grab your cup of inspiration, settle in, and let's dive into another inspiring episode of This or More.
Some of the guesses I've received since I mentioned on social media last week that I was going to have this big announcement to make on the podcast have really cracked me up. A couple of them have been that I'm moving or that I'm not going to be hosting any future retreats or that I'm not going to be coaching anymore. And spoiler alert, it's none of those. And though I am opening myself up to the possibility of being a bit more nomadic again at some point in the very near future,
It just feels like it's time to shake things up. And this might only be the start of some more shaking to come. So clients, if you're listening, it just means you might see some different zoom backgrounds throughout the year, but I'm not walking away from coaching far from it. This is my calling and I mean that I am here for the long haul. Okay.
Now, nothing quite prepares you for the sheer number of decisions you have to make as an entrepreneur. And when you're running a lean service-based business like I am, I don't have a committee or a board to check in with or even a CMO or COO to chime in on anything with their wise suggestions.
It's all me. And you might relate if you're listening and you also are a solopreneur, small business owner, you know, and you're making all of the decisions. The buck stops with you, right? And while I pride myself on making decisions, it's actually one of my natural born skill sets. I know what I want. I don't hem and haw very often. And yet there are still some times when I find myself challenged.
So if you had asked me 30 days ago, if this is where I would be, I would have said, no way.

Complexity of Changing Plans

I really didn't see this coming. I wasn't even considering this. Heck, not just 30 days ago. I wasn't even considering this two weeks ago. And this idea of changing my mind while might sound so simple felt so complex, but
That's what happened, I changed my mind. And I'll share what I changed my mind about in just a minute. And then I'm gonna pull back the curtain and explain why this was such a hard decision, how it impacts me in the business, how you too can navigate tough decisions with more grace and more ease. And I hope as you listen to this story, you realize that you are not alone and that it's okay for this journey to have ups and downs and twists and turns, no matter if you're in month three or year 13 like me.
So I will say this, immediately after making this decision, I felt lighter. I literally felt like the clouds had parted and I had a skip in my step again. I was so excited to dive into this new direction and I had clarity. I crunched the new numbers and I set the new goals in front of me and I was like, oh, I can do that. Let's go. And that's how I knew this was the right next step. So without further ado, what is this big news, Tiffany?

Pausing the Mastermind Program

Last year, I launched a six-month hybrid mastermind experience with one-on-one coaching and group coaching and a peer-led space and a retreat. It was everything I ever wanted in a mastermind. It was awesome. And the women who joined were amazing and the stories and the transformations bring tears to my eyes. So I knew immediately that I would do it all again in 2024, May through October, round two, let's go. Until last week.
when I made the decision to hit pause and not launch round two of momentous mastermind after all, at least not right now.
If you're listening in real time, you know that this launch was already in motion. And I'm assuming you're listening because you're also a business owner and you know how complicated launches are. You know what amount of sweat equity goes into a launch. So the sales page was done. The emails were done. The IG content for the month was done. The doors were open. We were accepting applications. We had already taken some deposits. We already had some women committed that were excited to start on May 1st. But on April 8th,
Just one week into that launch, as I got really honest with myself and the emotional and mental state I was in, I started to consider what it would look like if I didn't follow through with that plan after all. The horror. As soon as I allowed myself
to even consider the notion of going back on my word and not following through with this launch, my mind was a ping pong ball. Back and forth, I went from feeling like it would make me look like a complete failure to feeling like it would be the most supportive thing I could do for myself and everyone to feeling like no one would understand and
to worrying that it would be letting people down, to feeling like it would make me look like I'm untrustworthy, to feeling like I was just giving up too early. Maybe I just needed a long nap, to feeling like, no, this is me walking the walk and following my intuition, to looking at the amount of work I had already done and being like, oh my God, all the hours and all the resources wasted. Then to saying, wait, you tell your clients this all the time. We can't make future decisions based on some costs in the past. Let them sink. Lighten the load.
go where the light is. So when you're deep in decision mode and you're weighing all of your options and it feels like there's no clarity, it feels confusing, trust me, I get it. And sometimes it's hard to know the difference between running away from something that you really just need to double down on and running towards something that is actually better for you.
And I'm a firm believer that if it's better for you, it's better for everybody, right? The business doesn't run without you. We have to take care of you first.

Decisive Questioning and Lack of Excitement

So I asked myself this one singular question to decide what I needed to do. This is the one, this was the light bulb moment. So I want to share it with you. And then I'm going to share with you some more questions you can ask yourself, but this was the one light bulb, the question that, that had the light bulb moment for me. And it would, it was this.
Would I be jazzed? Would I be excited? Would I be stoked if the program filled up today with five more incredible women? And the answer was no. Look, I had to be so honest when I answered that question because it was easy to be like, oh, well, I mean, of course it would be, you know, of course. No, the answer was no in my heart. The answer was no, not because.
I wouldn't be excited that they saw value in the offer. Clearly, that's always the goal when we create something of service, right? And not because I don't want to serve five more incredible women. That's what I'm here to do. No, it was just because I'm tired.
If you listened to episode 24 to quit or to persist, you heard how tired I was just a few weeks ago after coming home from leading the joyous retreat in Mexico. That was my third time running the retreat and I came home and I was just really tired.
And I rested for maybe a day or two long enough to get over the notion that retreats weren't for me. I'm going to be doing more retreats in the future. I really do love them. And oh my God, the things that happen on the tail end of those retreats are undeniable. Like I will be doing that more in the future. But the truth is I didn't really have time to rest. I remember telling my business coach, my mom, anybody listening, I was like,
I don't really get to catch a break right now. I've got deadlines staring me in the face. I jumped right back into preparing for my next keynote presentation in South Carolina. I jumped right into launching for the mastermind. I jumped right back into serving all the clients that I had to put pause on client calls for that week while I was in Mexico. So I jumped right back into serving all of my clients and churning out podcast episodes and writing my weekly newsletter to you.
creating Instagram content and guiding my team and, you know, stocking my fridge and eating and like taking care of myself. Like I jumped right back into all the things that it requires to do life. So is it really any wonder that I'm not fully recovered yet?

Exhaustion and Emotional Energy

But there's more to my tiredness than that. It's not just that I'm tired from the retreat. It's not just that I'm retired from quarter one, which was hot and heavy and I'm grateful, but also tired. And it's not just that I'm tired from the weeks of work that followed the retreat. If I'm being honest, it's bigger than that.
Recently I've really noticed how much energy I spend just being a single woman with a mortgage to pay and a business to run while trying to eat enough protein every day and support her clients and be a good role model and rest and water her plants and keep the fridge stocked and the oil changed and go to the doctor and get new tires and and and. Oh and somewhere in there I'm also trying to spend time with friends and be a good friend
and go on dates because the truth is I don't want to be single for the rest of my life. I'm still very hopeful that I'll find a great love, but I know I'm not going to find him glued to my laptop or my couch. So it can feel like a lot. Heck, it is a lot.
And I know there are people out there juggling even more. I am not a single mother. I am not someone who's struggling to really pay my bills. I have reserves, right? I get that.
But my therapist, many of my therapists over the years have told me and taught me not to compare my struggles with someone else's, not to downplay my struggles just because someone else out there might be having a harder time than me. Because that does a disservice to my feelings, right? And it doesn't allow me to feel the things I need to feel so we can move through that.
So I'm not sharing this because I'm having a pity party. I'm definitely not sharing this, looking for you to slide into my DMs and, you know, offer me condolences. Please know that is not what I'm doing. I am just trying my darndest to share my truth.
and to peel back the curtain as I promised you I would do with this podcast. So, on top of all of that that I just explained, because of what I do, I help business owners make more money with more ease. I help them put the joy back into running a business.
So when I feel like I'm drowning rather than thriving, I start to feel like a giant fraud. Try spending all day helping everyone around you thrive while you temporarily are not. It's a hard pill to swallow. And again, I'm not complaining. The business is great. The numbers are great.
We're at six figures in quarter one. I can't freaking believe it, right? That's not money in the bank, by the way. If you're listening, please understand this as a podcast for entrepreneurs, revenue and profit margins and all of that jazz are different discussion. Okay. But again, even now I'm worried about how much to share with you. Even now I'm like, is this safe? Can I tell you all of this? And you still respect me, but.
You know, I want to be honest with you. I want you to know that at times I still struggle with overworking. I still struggle with keeping the B word at bay, right? Burnout. And my keynote presentation is called Hustle to Harmony. And it reflects on my epic recovery from burnout in 2016 when I hit burnout rock bottom. And I do believe that we are the best at teaching what we know and sometimes what we are still trying to embody.
Okay, I didn't hit burnout by a fluke. I hit burnout in 2016 because I'm a go-getter, because I'm a high achiever, because I'm an overachiever, which I found out is another synonym for burnout. That's why it's not really that surprising that here I am, right?
And what I'd like to honor is the fact that here I am noticing it way sooner than I ever would have noticed it in the past. And here I am doing something about it as hard as it is.
That's what I'm doing. And so this is where it gets really twisted, right? To some people, they would look at my business and they would look at my life and they'd be like, man, she's still runner up at the pageant, you know? She might not feel like she's in first place right now, but she's still taking home a trophy. Like here I am, I've built yet another multi six figure business with low overhead and a lean team. This is what I do, okay? But the way things have been of late is not what I want.
I'm still figuring some things out with this new business model. You know, this is 13 years of me being an entrepreneur, but only three years of me being a full-time business coach. And it is a different business model than my PR and branding agency. So I'm still polishing up the systems that took me 10 years to flush out with the agency. I'm still staying curious to find out what feels good to me and what gives my clients the best results possible without depleting me.
I'm still figuring this out and I want you to be a part of this journey with me. I want you to know what it looks like. So I know this will take work and I know that I have to pace myself. I also know rest is essential. I preach it all the time. I know what happens when I burn the candle at both ends. I know nobody wins in that scenario. And I always say, when you know better, do better. Well, I know better.
So making the decision to pause the mastermind right now is my way of doing better. Because lately I've been treading water when I want to be twirling down the lazy river on a giant pink unicorn float. You know, I am the hardest on myself. I have big, big dreams, but sometimes I worry that I'm going to work my life away.
And that old adage of like, on your deathbed, what's the one thing you'll wish you had done more of question pops into my head quite a lot lately. And I know spend more time working won't be the answer. So I know that I have to pull back for just a minute. I preach it all the time. I preach it from the stage. I got to pull back.
Just a little bit. I got to put it in cruise control for just a minute so that I can go forward with more momentum, with more gusto, with more joy, with more, you know, uh, gas in my tank so that I don't run out and get stranded on the side of the highway.
So here I sit, I made the decision to pull the plug on a very lucrative offering that brings me a lot of joy. You can do the math, okay? My mastermind is just over $13,000 for six months. And yes, it includes a retreat and six months of coaching. So remember, that's not profit, okay? But it's still a great way for me to serve more women at once. And I believe in the power of community and coaching. I believe in the power of a mastermind. Please hear me when I say that.
This is not gone forever. This is just paused for right now. Okay. My whole business is based off of the power of coaching and community. So I knew I was in a season where I couldn't hold that sacred space and also do the things I need to do for myself and for my business. So.
Sometimes surrendering is the only way through, so I surrendered.

Prioritizing Self-Care for Success

I slept on it, and when I woke up, I felt so much lighter. My body and my mind were telling me, thank you for putting us first. We will reward you. Your time is coming, but right now, thank you for releasing the pressure. You've just got to trust.
So as business owners, we map out our year, typically 12 years in advance, right? I mean, 12 months in advance. Oh my gosh, we do not map it out 12 years in advance. Please don't do that. We map out our year 12 months in advance. I had mapped out my road to 2024 and 2023, and that's great. We should absolutely do that.
Please, but please, please, please remember this. You don't know how you're going to be feeling on that designated launch day or during that designated launch month, six months from now.
And we don't know what the world is gonna look like six months from now. So to be so rigid in your business plan, if you're a service-based business owner and the business still revolves around you and you have to put energetic output into what you do, right? To be so rigid that you can't look up and tune in and make sure that that plan still feels in alignment, well, I feel like that's kind of suicide.
If you're so hyper-focused on the path you carved out six or 12 months ago, you could miss out on a brand new exit that appeared that will take you on a shortcut to your next goal or milestone. You could miss out on some really low-hanging fruit because you're just like, nope, can't do that. Gotta go over here. I was planning on going over here. And I know that changing plans can feel like you're failing.
which is the problem, if I'm being really honest. Because in reality, if you've done your research and you've considered all angles, changing course or changing direction is not failing at all, it's leading. You're a business owner, therefore, you're a leader. And yes, perseverance is an essential skill for success. You have to know when to persevere, but so is agility.
One of a business owner's greatest challenges is knowing when to make the right adjustment at the right time while not compromising on your convictions or your purpose or your goals. So I promised you, I would share with you some questions you can ask yourself if you too are facing a challenging decision. I've got six for you. Let's dive in. Number one.
If you chose the other option, the thing that you haven't chosen yet, if you chose that, what would that look like? Just start writing. What would it look like? What would it free up in your life? What would you be able to do differently? And then, as you're writing about those things, check in. How do you feel? In your body, how do you feel? Question number two.
If this insert the offer, so I'll use my example. If the momentous mastermind were to be filled up to the brim in the next 24 hours, would you be happy? Would you be excited? Would you feel invigorated? Or what a part of you feel like, oh shit. You know, like, okay, great. Now I get to do this thing. But you know what I mean?
Really, you're kind of saying, now I have to do this thing. That's the tone in my inflection, right? So ask yourself that question. Question number three. Is this decision permanent or temporary? So sometimes just realizing that you can do that thing that you thought you were going to do.
You know, in two months or two years, like it's not forever. Sometimes just that releases that feeling of, Oh my God, I'm failing. Right. And when we release that pressure that you feel like a failure, we're able to see and make decisions with more clarity. Question number four.
Do I feel more fear or more intuition around this decision? So this can also be blurry. So I find the best way for you to do this is to talk it out loud with someone else so that you really don't filter your thoughts. Okay, it's easy to stew inside your mind and it's easy to kind of like
Uh, formulate logical decisions in your mind, but I want you to just have someone ask you the question and then spit it out what comes out. Okay. So have someone ask you a question about this decision and then just spit it out. Whatever comes to your mind, do not filter yourself and notice when you're sharing your thoughts with your heart, notice.
if you're making a case for one direction or the other. It'll probably be pretty obvious. And the other person will be able to say, well, it seems pretty clear to me where you're leaning, right? Because they're coming at it from a neutral perspective, from an outsider's perspective. So part of owning a business, like I mentioned, is knowing when to take risks, when to sit back and stick to the plan that's already in motion. And sometimes you have to pay attention to how you're feeling because it's gonna tell you more than what you're thinking.
And at the end of the day, you matter more than anything else. The business doesn't run without you. So don't abandon yourself and definitely do not ignore your intuition. Question number five to ask yourself if you are facing a challenging decision, if nobody knew
would I make the same decision? So if nobody knew, I'll use again my example, if nobody knew that the mastermind had launched already and now was going to be closing before it took off, would I make the same decision?
This is a really good one because with social media and with so much of our lives and our businesses being online, you can start to feel obligated to do something even when it no longer feels aligned or in your best interest, right? It's like this imaginary social pressure. We assume everyone's watching. We assume everyone's gonna have a negative opinion if we make that hard decision. But let me be the first to tell you, since I've shared this news with a few people behind the scenes, I have got nothing.
but like the equivalent of a warm hug like oh my gosh i'm so proud of you that's so brave of you good for you nobody at least not to my face nobody has been like oh man you're an idiot nobody i mean they might be thinking you're walking away from a lot of money but you know they trust me right so just
The people that matter will get it. The people that don't matter, we didn't really give a damn about them, right? So if nobody knew, and I did this to myself, I said, if I knew immediately that I would pause the mastermind, if I had not launched it already and nobody knew that it was, you know, kind of happening, I was like, Oh, easy. I would definitely hit pause.
And so then again, my answer was validated. What I knew I needed to do was validated. It's so easy to make the mistake of letting like the pressure of society impact our businesses and our wellbeing. And it's up to you to rise above that and to do what's best for you. And then question number six, the last question I'm going to share with you today is will this help me accomplish my big goal? My big goal. So what is your big goal? What's your mission?
And if you make this new decision, whatever it is, if you change, if you pivot, will it help you accomplish your big goal? So my big goal is to help more women make six figures with their businesses and then to also help those who are already making six figures find more joy in the journey, right? I can do that in other ways while I put this mastermind on pause. In fact, pausing this mastermind is going to allow me to do
two things. These are the two things that I got really excited about when I realized what this was going to free up for me. In addition to, of course, I'm going to take some downtime to not to not misunderstand. I'm resting. I spent the whole day today. It's a Sunday while I'm recording this. And I have played in my garden. I have taken one of those epic showers where you do all the things, shave and body scrub and body oil and
nails and toes and face masks, three to be exact. I mean, I've done all the things, okay? I'm gonna take good care of myself. And here are the other two things that I get to do now that this Mastermind is

New Focus and Leadership through Well-being

on pause. Number one, I am going all in on the next round of Make That Money, Honey, which will launch again in July. This is my accelerator program that teaches you authentic sales skills that stand the test of time and will put money in your bank account forever and ever, amen.
They don't rely on social media. They don't rely on email marketing. Okay. In fact, make that money, honey, is going to have a new DIY version. And then we're going to live launch the program again in July. So I'm going all in. I want to enroll 50 women. I'm calling you in right now. If you want a step-by-step proven sales strategy that you can deploy anytime, hop on the wait list. Link is in the show notes below, or you can go to slash make hyphen that
hyphen money hyphen honey make that money honey with hyphens in between sign up for the waitlist so you'll be the first to know when the doors open I'm giving my all to that program more to come on that I know this is part of my legacy and it needs my undivided attention okay
Other thing I'm going to be able to do with the mastermind currently on pause is I'm going to give my House Little Harmony keynote speech on more stages. As I've stepped onto more stages in the last year, I've fallen deeply in love with the art of speaking. And again, I know this is part of my calling. I'm ready to take this message to as many audiences as possible. And I need a little time in my schedule to allow myself to enter those rooms
and make those connections. So if you're listening and you have a conference or anything coming up and you need an incredible keynote speaker to motivate the heck out of your audience, maybe take them to church for a minute. Again, link in the show notes to apply a quick little application that tells me more about your event. And then we can hop on a call and talk about bringing hustle to harmony to your audience. Okay. So here's what I know to be true. Growth is uncomfortable and your greatness is inevitable.
So don't let something that feels less than great in the moment keep you from being great. Was I scared to pause this mastermind? Hell yes. Was I scared to tell these women? I'm so sorry. I know you've already said yes to this, but I have to retract my invitation. 100%. 100%.
But I also knew that I wasn't doing this with my tail tucked between my legs. I was doing this as a way to showcase to them, this is what it looks like to walk the walk. This is what it looks like to say, you know what? You matter first, your joy matters first. And then embody it and be like, hey, here I am over here. I lost myself for a minute, but I'm back. And this is what I've got to do for the time being.
And I trust that you're going to understand. And I also trust that if I can serve you in another capacity right now, we can figure that out. And if it's just not the right time and you really wanted a mastermind experience, great. I'll circle back around when the doors open again. And if it's right, it'll be right. I trust that, right? I trust that.
But was I scared? Yes, I was scared. Absolutely, I was scared. And I read once that fear, the word fear, can have two meanings. It either means forget everything and run or face everything and rise. And we're rising, friend. I'm facing that fear and I'm telling you right here and right now,
The mastermind will happen again. It's just not going to happen right now. And I deeply believe that this will all make sense sooner rather than later. It's much like when I entered my soft CEO era last summer and I had no idea what was going to happen, but I just was trusting that it would all make sense. And it, oh my gosh, did it make sense when everything came to light, it made so much sense. So here I am.
you know, being a steward of faith and putting myself in, you know, walking the walk and putting myself in my own shoes and really just surrendering and saying, I trust. I deeply, deeply believe that whomever wanted to be a part of this experience will still be a part of it when the time is right, or I can serve you in another capacity. And I believe there's nothing lost and everything gained.
And I hope that I can be a mirror for you and show you that it's okay to pivot. It's okay to review the data in front of you and take your feelings and your energetic capacity into consideration and change your mind. It's okay.
Thank you so much for listening. As always, please subscribe, follow, leave a review. It helps me tremendously continue to show up on this microphone and pour my heart out. So please thank you for that. And share this episode with a friend who you know is debating something really big right now and isn't sure what direction to go in. Until next time, no matter what decision you're facing today, please know that this or more is what's in store for you. I'll see you soon.