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More isn’t always More

S2 E1 · This or More
70 Plays5 months ago

Have you forgotten how to tend to yourself while building your empire? This short and sweet episode is your quick reminder to figure out where your priorities lie as we welcome This or More back for Season 2.

We chat:

  1. The importance of slowing down to speed up
  2. That thing I've been documenting and chasing since 2017
  3. Why more isn’t always better
  4. Figuring our what “more” means to you
  5. What “more” means to me
  6. What to expect on Season 2 of This or More


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Self-Care and Gardening

Sometimes we forget how important tending to ourselves is. Just like a flower in the garden, you deserve a little water, a little sunshine, and the time to grow. So nurture yourself and see how big you can blossom. You gotta nourish to flourish. That's an excerpt from my old blog, dated on December 12th of 2017.

Podcast Introduction: 'This or More'

Welcome to This or More, a wild entrepreneurial podcast adventure for bold and brave creatives like you. I'm Tiffany Napper, your host, holistic business coach, corporate music industry dropout, a seasoned five-time multi-six figure entrepreneur, yoga instructor, and your go-to gal for heart-to-heart coffee chats.
On this show, we're not just here to share stories. We're here to ignite a fire within you and make you realize that the reality you envision is just the tip of the iceberg. You're wildly capable of achieving that reality and so much more.

Tiffany's Journey to Balance

So my friends, grab your cup of inspiration, settle in, and let's dive into another inspiring episode of This or More.
Welcome to season two of This or More. When I launched this podcast, I was only a few months into my soft CEO era, but I've been on the journey to find more balance as an entrepreneur since 2017. Fun fact, that was the year I went through yoga teacher training.
I started a blog called Whitespace and Wellness, shout out to my OG's, and I used to share smoothie and matcha recipes and gratitude journal practices and mantras and all of the things that I still very much believe in to this day.

Burnout and Wellness Pursuit

But before 2017, I was in a major burnout cycle. I did not know up from down. I don't even think I knew how to define the word burnout, much less how to recover from it. I hadn't quite yet identified what was going on and what was wrong with my life. I just knew I was unhappy and I was tired and I didn't like who I saw in the mirror. So it's not lost on me that here I am, many, many, many, many moons later.
Still finding my way. Still trying my darndest to keep burnout at bay. I think if it was easy to run your own business and keep your health and your relationships and your joy at the forefront of your life, well, none of us would ever suffer from burnout. None of us would ever quit our jobs. None of us would ever have moments where we want to run away to a tropical island where no one knows your name.
And I know I'm not alone on that. I have so many friends who joke with me on a regular basis that we want to run away to Italy or run away to an island and live off the land or, you know, work in a coffee shop, right? Because keeping burnout at bay, finding balance, it takes work. It doesn't just happen for most of us.

Introducing 'This or More' Concept

And the title of this podcast, as you know, you're listening right now, is this or more. It's a phrase that kept cropping up in coaching sessions where I would notice that one of my clients was reaching what I call an upper limit or facing down a fear that everything was about to crumble into a million little pieces. Everything they have built to that date was about to be taken away from them.
And these are normal things that crop up, but they're not necessarily helpful. So every time an upper limit would appear or a fear would crop up, I would say to them, it's this or more. Whatever you have right now, this or more is what's in store. But more doesn't always mean we're chasing more money, more clients, more

'More is Not Always More' Metaphor

accolades. No, no, no. Because more is not always more.
Have you ever over watered a plant? If you have, you know what happens. That dreaded root rot. According to the Missouri Botanical Garden, plants growing in soil that is too wet suffer from a lack of oxygen, which leads to the death of roots and a loss of vigor in the plant. Poor plant, it did not stand a chance. If you're listening and you can't relate because you have a green thumb, first of all, kudos, and second, consider this.
Have you ever overdone it at the gym? Have you ever worked out too hard, too much, too fast, and as a result, you woke up the next day, you made embarrassing noises every time you had to get out of your chair or out of bed, and you skipped the gym for the next week or two weeks while you recovered from your sore muscles and maybe a little bit of a bruised ego?
Or worse, have you ever overdone it at the gym and maybe you've injured yourself? One time I hurt my foot jumping back and forth over this bench at Barry's boot camp. I'll never forget it. We were doing these jumps over the bench and I landed the wrong way and I couldn't walk for weeks and I ended up having to order one of those walking boots on Amazon.
mega embarrassing and that was the last time I've stepped foot inside a Barry's bootcamp. But embarrassing stories and bad puns aside, my point is this, more is not always more.

Defining 'More' in Life Seasons

And sometimes hitting a new revenue goal means you may have to sacrifice your time with friends and family.
So more is not always more. And sometimes hiring a team member means you'll have to do more work in the short term, but you'll do less work in the long term. So more, it's not always more. It can be good and it can be bad, but it's important as we are navigating building and growing businesses and living beautiful lives that we're proud of, it's important that you identify what more is for you.
So here's what more looks like for me in this season of my life. More joy is more to me. More impact through speaking on more stages, that's more to me. More time for hobbies and adventures, that's more to me. And more support, that's more to me. So today I want you to ask yourself, what it is more to you?
I hope you'll stick around for more. We have a really big month planned for you to help you get more out of your life and your business. See what I did there? I know, it's just too fun of a pun. I can't help myself. But here is to your more. Here is to you identifying what more is to you and recognizing that more is not always more and recognizing that there's gonna be some seasons where you have to do more so that you can do less of something and get more of something else, right? And there might be more seasons where you're feeling compelled or you're feeling pressured to do more, but it's going to be at the expense of your more.
So therefore we don't do it.

Podcast Engagement Invitation

Thank you for listening. We have some really inspirational interviews coming up with entrepreneurs who have incredible stories to share. So please stick around for season two. If you like what you've been hearing on this or more, please, please hit the follow button or the subscribe button and leave a review and then share this episode or your favorite episode so far.
with a friend or five so that these lessons and stories can reach and touch more people. Until next time, remember, no matter what it is that you desire more of, you're wildly capable of this or more.